Magnesium b6 for children under three years of age. Magnesium B6 for children: when is it needed

All women know that magnesium is essential during pregnancy. But few mothers understand how important this macronutrient is for the body of an already born child. In this article we will tell you in what situations children especially need it, how to determine the state of deficiency of this element in a child, what foods to look for magnesium in and what medications exist for children.

Benefits for children and teenagers

Magnesium is a macronutrient that takes Active participation in a variety of metabolic processes in the human body. It is extremely important for correct operation nervous system, both in an adult and in a newborn. Without this element, it is difficult to imagine the uninterrupted functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

It is necessary for digestion, needed for metabolic processes, for the formation of bone tissue, as it improves the absorption of calcium. How energetic the child will be depends on the amount of magnesium in the body, since the macroelement takes part in the production of energy during the breakdown of glucose.

If you translate the name of the substance from Latin, you get the word “great.” It is this concept that perfectly characterizes the importance of magnesium both for infants and one year old child, and for preschoolers, and especially for adolescents who have entered the age of active puberty.

Any adaptive period (getting used to the environment after birth, starting to attend kindergarten or school, puberty) is closely related to stress, which significantly increases the child’s body’s need for magnesium.

It improves the transfer process nerve impulses from the brain to muscle tissue and vice versa, reduces blood pressure and strengthens vascular walls. Heart rhythm returns to normal. Nervous processes are regulated and become more balanced, due to which hyperactive children become calmer, and inhibited children become more active. IN adolescence the macroelement allows the child to maintain a stable emotional background.

Indications for use

It should be noted that additional intake of magnesium with food or medications is necessary for children and adolescents if they have a deficiency of this macroelement. In addition, it is recommended to take it in the following situations:

  • postoperative period;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • ailments of the digestive system;
  • recovery after treatment with long-term use of diuretics and laxatives;
  • the child has a strong chronic stress, during the period of recovery from a stressful situation, as well as during sudden mood swings, deterioration of memory and academic performance;
  • osteoporosis;
  • baldness, hair loss, brittle nails;
  • state chronic fatigue, for example, when preparing for competitions or exams;
  • severe form premenstrual syndrome in teenage girls, painful menstruation;
  • arrhythmia, angina pectoris and other heart ailments;
  • muscle pain, spasms, cramps;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • taking anticancer drugs.

In addition, magnesium can be prescribed by a doctor for conditions of general vitamin deficiency in children.

Deficiency Symptoms

Parents can easily guess that a child has a lack of magnesium in the body on their own, but it will help to accurately answer this question biochemical analysis blood, which can be done in any children's clinic. The content of the substance in the blood will be determined in the laboratory, which will enable the doctor to accurately determine whether there is a deficiency condition and how serious it is.

The signs by which one can judge a possible macronutrient deficiency are as follows:

  • The child is sleeping normal amount time, but does not get enough sleep, feels “broken”, tired, falls asleep in class, in public transport on the way to school or kindergarten;
  • The child’s skin becomes dry, nails break easily, hair falls out, breaks when combed and just like that. Children with magnesium deficiency often experience caries and gum disease;
  • the child often has a headache;
  • violations heart rate- arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia both at rest and after physical activity;
  • In children, thermoregulation is disturbed - the baby complains of cold when warm, or of heat. His feet and palms are cool and slightly damp;
  • the baby becomes very sensitive to change weather conditions. Before rain or snowfall, he may complain of pain in his legs, arms, and muscles;
  • the child shows signs of increased excitability, he often cries, suffers from sudden mood swings, becomes depressed for no reason, demonstrates phobias that were not previously observed - he is afraid of the dark, loud sounds, heights and loneliness, etc.;
  • the child sleeps poorly - cannot fall asleep, sleeps anxiously, has nightmares, wakes up sweating;
  • school performance falls, the child remembers worse curriculum, loses interest in the learning process.

The reasons why magnesium deficiency develops in a child’s body can be varied. First of all, the shortage threatens children whose diet contains few foods containing this macronutrient. If a child eats too much protein foods, foods with high content calcium, phosphorus, then the absorption of magnesium worsens. In a state of stress, more energy is consumed, therefore, more substance is required to replace the body's energy reserves.

Children leading sedentary lifestyle life, more often suffer from magnesium deficiency than active and mobile children. And young professional athletes may experience a lack of substances during periods intensive training and excitement before the upcoming important competitions.

If a child often visits the sauna and bathhouse, if he has just returned from a resort where he was in a hot climate, or lives in a region with a hot climate, he definitely needs additional magnesium intake, since in such children in 95% of cases it is not enough.

Daily dose for children

The daily need for a chemical element directly depends on the age of the child. The norm for a newborn and toddler up to six months is only 40 mg per day. Children from six months to a year need more energy, they become more active and emotional, and therefore they need a dosage of at least 60 mg per day. For children from 1 to 3 years of age, the daily intake increases to 80 mg. A preschooler aged 3-6 years already needs 120 mg per day. Schoolchildren from 7 to 10 years old - 170 mg per day. At the beginning puberty(10-14 years old) a child needs at least 270 mg of magnesium per day. At this age, the need for the element is increased. Adolescents from 14 to 18 years old require at least 400 mg per day, but after that the need decreases. Adults need magnesium to a lesser extent, with the exception of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In this case (as with most other minerals and vitamins), more is not better. An overdose of magnesium is very dangerous, its consequences can be very negative. It will help to recognize excess, as well as deficiency. laboratory analysis blood. In everyday life, the symptoms of excess are as follows:

  • vomit;
  • apathy, depression, depression;
  • lethargy;
  • diarrhea;
  • labored breathing;
  • irregular heartbeat, slow heart rate.

Products containing the element

Magnesium is not synthesized in the human body at all. Therefore, it must be present in food and drinks that are included in the diet. If there are few such products, then magnesium deficiency is inevitable. Where to look for magnesium? First of all, in products plant origin. But you should know that when pickling vegetables and herbs, during canning and pasteurization, the magnesium content even in a product rich in this element is reduced by almost 75%.

To create a correct diet rich in magnesium for your child, you need to include bran in it, preferably rice bran, which contains the maximum macronutrient content. Also on the menu for a child and a teenager should be present:

  • wheat germ;
  • buckwheat;
  • oat groats;
  • beans.

Seeds and nuts can also provide sufficient quantity element, especially pumpkin seeds, Brazilian nut And hazelnuts. The least amount of magnesium, oddly enough, is in walnuts. When choosing vegetables and fruits, you need to know that where chlorophyll is present, there is always much more magnesium. Therefore, it is imperative to add a large amount of fresh greens to your child’s diet. The leader in the amount of element is watermelon. It is followed by parsley, spinach, and dill. A large amount of the substance is contained in dried apricots and raisins. But apples and bananas, contrary to popular belief, contain the least amount of this macronutrient.

The following products will satisfy the body's needs for magnesium:

  • crab meat;
  • seaweed;
  • squid;
  • iwasi herring;

There is little magnesium in milk and dairy products, so there is no point in increasing their consumption in the hope of replenishing magnesium deficiency. But an enriched one will be an excellent assistant in this situation. mineral water with a note on the label indicating an increased concentration of magnesium.


Depending on the dosage and purpose, magnesium on pharmacy shelves can be presented in various forms:

  • Magnesium citrate and malate help in solving problems at the cellular level, with metabolic disorders, to improve and replenish the body’s energy reserves;
  • Magnesium oxide is used in solving sensitive issues with constipation and intestinal symptoms;
  • Magnesium aspartate is necessary to improve nitrogen metabolism in the body;
  • Magnesium orotate is needed for cell growth;
  • Magnesium lactate and sulfate are necessary in situations where it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the heart and intestines.

Preparations are produced in ampoules for injections, in tablets, in the form of powders for the preparation of so-called liquid magnesium - a solution for oral administration. If the child is shown long-term use, then tablets are usually prescribed. If you need to quickly normalize emergency condition, then the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. To treat problems digestive system Powders are preferred. But the specific drug, its form (sulfate, citrate or other), dosage and frequency of administration must be prescribed by a doctor.

Spontaneous treatment with magnesium preparations is strictly prohibited.

As for magnesium preparations, the following are considered the best today.

  • "Magwit"– are capsules whose active component is magnesium citrate. Substance content - 350 mg. This means that this form is not suitable for children, but for teenagers it will be quite acceptable (see the daily requirement for ages above).
  • "Doppelhertz Active"- this is a whole line German drugs type of dietary supplements that contain magnesium. There is a drug with potassium and calcium, with Omega-3, with vitamin B6. Substance content - 400 mg.
  • "Panangin Forte"– a potassium and magnesium preparation produced in tablets. The magnesium content in this “duet” is 280 mg (form - asparaginate). There is also a solution for injections "Panangin" and tablets with the same name. The substance content in them is 140 mg.
  • "Magnelis B6-forte"– drug in tablets with high content macroelement - 470 mg. The form of the substance is lactate. The product is recommended for children over 6 years of age.
"is a combination product containing magnesium and potassium. The drug is used even for infants if the doctor believes that the child has a clear magnesium or potassium deficiency. Form active substance- asparaginate. Magnesium content - 175 mg.
  • "Magnesium B6"- This is one of the most popular and known drugs. Available in both liquid and solid form. The solution is added to the drink in the dosage recommended by the doctor. Older children can take the drug in tablets. Also wide application has the product in the form of a sweet and tasty gel, which children eat with pleasure.
  • "Magnerot"– magnesium orotate. Available in the form of 500 mg tablets. The drug is usually recommended for adolescents during puberty.
  • In addition to this, there are many less well-known, but no less effective means, which include a macroelement, for example, “Magnesium Plus”, “Magnesium Diasporal”, “Solgar Calcium”, “Arnebia Magnesium”, etc. The substance is also contained in all children’s vitamins, milk adapted formulas for baby food. To find out if this content is appropriate daily requirement child of a certain age, you need to study the composition of the product.

    Instructions for use for each specified product contain comprehensive information about the composition, dosage, form of the active substance and age restrictions.


    Magnesium should not be considered harmless. It is only “ascorbic acid” that can be given to a child “in passing,” just like that. All drugs containing this macroelement have a fairly large list of contraindications, and this is another argument in favor of mandatory consultation with your doctor before your appointment.

    You should not take magnesium if:

    • phenylketonuria;
    • individual intolerance;
    • renal failure;
    • conditions associated with dehydration (for example, prolonged diarrhea or after repeated vomiting);
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • the appearance of blood in the stool, the development of intestinal bleeding;
    • increased sweating;
    • rare pulse.

    The best combination A combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 is considered. It provides maximum effect, because this way the macronutrient is better absorbed. If a child takes iron supplements (for anemia, for example), as well as calcium supplements separately, then magnesium will be absorbed much worse. Therefore, you need to take magnesium only 3 hours after taking products with calcium or iron. You should not take medications for empty stomach, and also drink it with something other than regular drinking water.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky warns parents against uncontrolled use of magnesium preparations. He considers such remedies useful primarily in cases of macronutrient deficiency in children's body. If the deficiency is not revealed by examining the child and taking his blood for biochemical research, then no drug will make a child’s sleep sounder or his behavior more calm. The cause of anxiety, insomnia, and constipation must be sought elsewhere and treated with other means and medications.

    Preventive intake of magnesium also does not seem logical and reasonable to Komarovsky.

    If a child receives enough of this substance from food, there is no reason to load his liver and stomach with tablets or solutions, and an overabundance may occur.

    Every child needs many vitamins and microelements. Most useful substances he gets it from food. Sometimes additional intake of one or another element is necessary in the form medical product. In what cases and at what age should Magnesium B6 be used for children? Let's try to figure it out.

    1. Importance of Magnesium for Health

    Importance of Magnesium for Health

    Magnesium is a vital substance for humans. He is one of the seven most necessary for the body minerals along with calcium and phosphorus. Contained in the blood and all cells, and the maximum concentration is observed in the teeth and bone tissue. Magnesium is involved in a huge number metabolic processes.

    It is very important to maintain a sufficient level of this element in children. Magnesium deficiency is associated with the occurrence of large quantity diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    Main functions of magnesium:

    • conduction of nerve impulses
    • contractions of the muscles of the heart and intestines
    • normalizes the state of the nervous system
    • decrease in intracranial pressure
    • stimulation of insulin production
    • acceleration of metabolism
    • bone formation
    • regulation of enzyme activity

    In children, the lack of this mineral is due to its low intake from food and frequent stressful situations. Stress in children can have many reasons: adaptation to new conditions, starting kindergarten or school, family discord, moving, age-related changes, hormonal changes. All this does not pass without a trace and results in repeated hysterics, tearfulness, anxiety attacks and restless sleep.

    Magnesium B6 for children is often used necessary drug. Its peculiarity is that it contains organic magnesium salts. They are absorbed much better (35-50%), while the digestibility of inorganic salts is only from 5 to 20%. Additionally, the drug is enriched with vitamin B6, which promotes more efficient absorption of the mineral by the intestines and penetration into the body’s cells.

    By replenishing a child’s magnesium deficiency, parents notice better academic performance and normalization of sleep. Children's behavior becomes calmer and their attention increases.

    The main thing is to observe moderation and not give medications without reason and agreement with the pediatrician.

    Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in children

    According to research, in modern world about 33% of people suffer from magnesium deficiency. Even from food, only 30-50% is absorbed. The absorption of the element is impaired by the consumption of large quantities of animal fats, diuretic products, calcium, soda, and sausages. Children also experience decreased absorption of magnesium due to prolonged loose stool or prolonged bouts of vomiting.

    Magnesium deficiency affects general health, the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, symptoms in children look like in the following way:

    • lethargy, fatigue
    • headaches, in the heart and abdomen
    • nervous tics (eyelid twitching), shuddering
    • deterioration of skin, nails and hair
    • arrhythmia, tachycardia
    • high or low blood pressure
    • weather sensitivity
    • decreased hemoglobin level
    • leg muscle cramps
    • irritability, withdrawal, panic attacks, increased excitability
    • restless sleep, frequent waking up at night
    • memory impairment

    Magnesium B6 is especially recommended for children during stressful situations, such as adaptation to kindergarten or new class, moving. The product will help increase the stability of the nervous system when needed. After all, it is not always possible to obtain the required amount of an element from food.

    According to the theory of V.A. Tutelyan, a nutrition scientist, the daily need for magnesium in children is as follows:

    • up to one year – 30-70 mg
    • 1 -3 years – 60-150 mg
    • 4-6 years – 200 mg
    • 7-10 years – 250 mg
    • from 10 years – 300 mg

    Parents may immediately notice some symptoms of magnesium deficiency in their child. More details about what a magnesium deficiency threatens the body can be seen in the video:

    However, you should not rush to conclusions and panic. A qualified specialist will help dispel doubts and prescribe treatment.

    How and in what dosage to give Manium B6 to children

    Naturally, if parents have a question: at what age can Magnesium B6 be used for children? The annotation for the drug states that the drug in the form of a solution can be given from the age of one year, and in tablets – from the age of 6 years. This age limit is due to a lack of clinical trials.

    In practice, neurologists often prescribe this drug to young patients in the first year of life and note positive results treatment. For such children, medication should be prescribed only according to indications.

    The dosage of the medicine is determined based on the extent of magnesium deficiency in the body. Yes, children over a year old and those who have gained 10 kg of weight or more are prescribed Magnesium B6 in the form of a solution from 1 to 4 ampoules per day. Each ampoule contains 100 mg of the mineral. The tablets are recommended for children over 6 years of age and who have gained 20 kg of weight. The dosage is from 4 to 6 tablets daily.

    The course of treatment usually takes 1 month. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 3-6 months.

    • the daily dose should be evenly distributed over 2-3 doses
    • Magnesium B6 should be given in the morning and lunchtime, no later than 4 pm
    • Do not take the medicine with milk
    • should not be given simultaneously with calcium and phosphate supplements

    Every mother wants the best for her baby. But do not forget that you cannot prescribe medications yourself. This is especially true for children younger age.

    If a nursing mother takes Magnesium B6, you should inform your doctor about this, since the drug passes into the milk.

    Contraindications and caution

    Magnesium B6 has some contraindications:

    • serious renal failure
    • fructose intolerance and sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (tablets contain sucrose)
    • individual intolerance to components
    • glucose-galactose malabsorption (impaired absorption of carbohydrates)
    • taking levodopa
    • phenylketonuria (disorder of amino acid metabolism)

    In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by children. Mostly Negative consequences occur in cases of overdose, especially if the child has problems with kidney function.

    Symptoms of overdose may be the following:

    • low pressure
    • diarrhea and vomiting
    • confusion
    • breathing disorder
    • decreased urinary output
    • slowness, decreased activity

    With anyone pharmacological agent an inexperienced person needs to be careful. The most frequent cases Overdoses of magnesium are observed precisely when it is independently prescribed by parents. Therefore, experts strongly do not recommend taking any medications “just in case.” Diagnose magnesium deficiency and prescribe required dose should the doctor.

    The role of magnesium in the body cannot be underestimated. Due to the lack of this substance, many pathological conditions which will require serious treatment. Many experts agree that magnesium is one of the most important chemical elements in the human body, ranking second after oxygen. Therefore, drugs with this substance are prescribed not only for prevention, but also in complex treatment many diseases.

    In this article we will talk about such a drug as “Magnesium B6”. It is used quite often for children. Which release form is better to give preference to, how to take it, do you have of this medication side effects and contraindications - these numerous questions arise immediately as soon as there is a need to give this medicine to a child.

    It should be noted here that it is impossible to use the drug “Magnesium B6” for children without a doctor’s prescription. Self-medication can lead to an overabundance of this substance in the body and to other problems associated with this condition. Therefore, if there is a suspicion that the child’s body lacks exactly this chemical element, then you should not go to the pharmacy, but to an appointment with a pediatrician, who will conduct an examination, prescribe tests and make appointments.

    general description

    The drug "Magnesium B6" (for children it is used no less often than for adults) can be classified as vitamin preparations. Therefore, it is prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of deficiency of this chemical element in tissues and organs. The combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 is not just a whim of pharmacists. It’s just that when these two substances are taken simultaneously, the medicine becomes more effective:

    • the body's overall resistance to infections increases;
    • improves absorption and assimilation of magnesium;
    • vascular tone is normalized;
    • has a calming effect on the nervous system, promotes good sleep and reducing overall stress.

    The main indications for taking the drug “Magnesium B6” for children are various neuroses and a lack of magnesium, proven by laboratory tests.

    For ease of use pharmaceutical companies developed various shapes release of this medicine, which allows you to choose the most appropriate option depending on the age of the baby and his condition.

    The course of therapy usually lasts a month, but the doctor may change this time or divide it into intermittent sessions.

    The drug is in the form of a solution

    Liquid Magnesium B6 for children is available in ampoules that are easy to open without a special nail file. As a rule, it is prescribed to children starting from one year old, provided that the child’s body weight has already reached 10 kg. The calculation is based on the recommended dose: 10-30 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight, depending on the severity of the condition and well-being little patient. To take the medicine “Magnesium B6”, ampoules (this form of the drug is very convenient to use for children) are opened by lightly pressing the tip of the glass, wrapped in a napkin, and the contents are dissolved in a glass of water, which the child should drink throughout the day. It is advisable not to reduce this volume of liquid.

    Quite often, ampoules are mistakenly called “Magnesium B6, syrup for children,” although there is no significant difference here, because after dilution, a sweetish solution with a pleasant aftertaste is obtained, which is usually liked by children. The drug is prescribed intravenously and intramuscularly in extreme cases when the patient's condition reaches critical.

    The drug is in the form of a gel

    Another one convenient form release of the drug "Magnesium B6" - gel. It is also convenient to use for children. As a rule, all kids happily take this sweet medicine. The dosage in most cases is selected individually by the pediatrician. The recommended treatment regimen for this form of medication is as follows:

    • for children from three to five years old, 5 g of medicine (one scoop) once a day;
    • from 5 to 12 years - 10 g of gel, divided into two doses;
    • adolescents are recommended 5 g three times a day.

    Drug in tablets

    The tablet form of the drug can be taken by children from the age of six, since, firstly, the tablets contain a different dosage, designed for patients weighing more than 20 kg, and secondly, children will not be able to swallow the tablet. The treatment regimen, as a rule, is established individually after a thorough examination of the patient. The dosage can be from 4 to 6 tablets per day, depending on the age of the child and his well-being.

    What do the instructions say about the rules for taking the medication “Magnesium B6”? It is very important for children to take the medicine correctly in order to extract full benefit from the course of treatment. But you should not neglect the rules, since tests have shown that only under such conditions of administration is the maximum concentration of active substances in the body achieved. Therefore, you need to swallow the medicine in this form of release whole, without chewing in any case, and wash it down not with several sips, as is customary for many patients, but with a glass of water. The tablets should be taken with meals.


    Drinking the drug “Magnesium B6” (the solution for children is most preferable) without a doctor’s prescription is dangerous not only because of the possible excess of the active substance in the body, but also because this medicine contraindicated in a number of cases related to certain diseases and features. So, for example, taking it will be dangerous if the following conditions are observed:

    • fructose intolerance;
    • impaired absorption of glucose and galactose;
    • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
    • severe renal failure with CK indicator< 30 мл/мин;
    • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

    It should be noted here that it is strictly forbidden to use the medicine, ignoring age restrictions.

    Side effects from taking

    Any intervention in the body using chemical substances, which are medicines, may have certain negative impacts on the body. The drug "Magnesium B6" is no exception. The following symptoms may occur while taking this medication:

    • constipation;
    • nausea and abdominal pain;
    • flatulence;
    • skin rashes.

    If such manifestations occur, you should postpone taking the medication and consult your doctor for advice regarding further actions and course of treatment.

    “Magne B6” is a fairly popular drug that helps eliminate the deficiency of two substances important for the human body at once. It is often used not only in adults, but also in young patients. It is most convenient for children to give this medicine in the form of a solution.

    Release form

    Liquid form the drug is brown clear liquid, smelling like caramel. It comes in brown glass ampoules with both ends sharp and marked with rings where they should be broken off.

    One cardboard pack of Magne B6 contains 10 such ampoules.


    The solution contains two active ingredients. The first of these is magnesium, which is represented by two compounds at once - pidolate and lactate dihydrate. Their quantity in one ampoule is exactly such that it allows the patient to receive magnesium in a dose of 100 mg from 10 ml of solution.

    Second active ingredient The medicine, as the name suggests, is vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine hydrochloride. Its dosage in one ampoule is 10 mg. Additionally, the solution contains saccharinate and sodium disulfite. So that the drug has nice smell, cherry and caramel flavoring is added to these ingredients, and the remainder of the contents of the ampoule is purified water.

    Operating principle

    Magnesium is important for normal life the body of adults and children. This element takes part in various metabolic reactions and provides the functions of many cells. It is necessary for muscle contraction and the activation of many enzymes, and is also needed to nerve cells nerve impulses were carried out normally.

    A person must receive magnesium from food, and its deficiency is provoked either by insufficient intake (for example, if the child is poorly nourished) or by an increased need (for example, if the patient has significant stress, stress, treatment with laxatives, diuretics, and so on).

    Adding pyridoxine to the solution helps magnesium to be better absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and penetrate into those cells where this element acts. This vitamin is also important for metabolic processes, including metabolism in the tissues of the nervous system.


    The reason to prescribe Magne B6 to a child is a magnesium deficiency detected in a blood test, which manifests itself as sleep disturbances, severe irritability, spasms in the intestines or muscles, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, tingling sensation in the muscles and other symptoms. The drug is also used for high risk lack of magnesium, for example, if the child has been prescribed diuretics, is malnourished or is under stress.

    Many neurologists prescribe Magne B6 to children without a preliminary blood test, since this drug has shown its positive influence on the nervous system of babies. Taking this solution improves sleep, reduces moodiness and nervousness, and also helps to cope with many neurological pathologies, for example, with a nervous tic.

    At what age is it prescribed?

    Magne B6 in liquid form is allowed to be given to children over one year old if their weight is more than 10 kilograms. This drug is not prescribed for infants, but for a child 1-6 years old it must be prescribed by a doctor.

    The use of such a solution in children under six years of age without consulting a neurologist, pediatrician or other specialist is not recommended.


    The drug should not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to magnesium or any other component of the solution.

    If a child has developed severe renal failure, Magne B6 is not prescribed, and in case of moderate renal impairment, the medicine should be used under the supervision of a doctor, since such children have a risk of increasing the level of magnesium in the blood.

    Side effects

    During treatment with Magne B6, itching, bronchospasm, urticaria and other allergic reactions may occur. varying degrees gravity. In such cases, the medicine is immediately discontinued and, if the allergy is severe, consult a doctor.

    Some children's digestive systems react to the solution with diarrhea or abdominal pain. If these symptoms appear, you should also stop taking the drug.

    Instructions for use

    "Magne B6" in the form of a solution should be taken orally during meals. The dosage for each child is determined individually. It is calculated taking into account the patient’s age and body weight, prescribing from 10 to 30 mg of magnesium per kilogram. Daily dose The drug is divided into 2-3 doses.

    To open the ampoule, you do not need to use any sharp objects. It is enough just to break off one end, clasping it with your fingers and making a sharp movement to the side - it should break along the drawn line. To avoid injury when breaking, it is recommended to wrap the end of the ampoule with a piece of cloth and then break the glass.

    Next, the ampoule needs to be directed into a glass with the broken end (to dilute the solution, take about 100 ml of water). At the same time, you need to turn the ampoule in your hands diagonally so that the upper end (not yet broken off) is not above the glass. As soon as you break off the second tip of the ampoule, the solution inside will immediately pour out into the water. After mixing it, you need to give the medicine to the child.

    If the patient is prescribed less than 10 ml of solution per dose, then take away required quantity medication is recommended using a syringe with a needle. Having broken off one end of the ampoule, insert the needle inside and draw out the required amount of liquid Magne B6, after which the solution is poured from the syringe into a glass of water, mixed and given to the baby to drink.

    Too much high dosage magnesium, which a child can get from a large amount of Magne B6 solution, provokes a decrease in blood pressure, nausea, central nervous system depression and other symptoms of poisoning.

    To prevent an overdose, the medicine should be stored in a place where the child cannot get it on his own.

    Drug interactions

    The drug is incompatible with levodopa and should not be combined with medications that contain calcium salts or phosphates.

    If Magne B6 is prescribed along with tetracyclines, then there should be a break of at least 3 hours between taking such drugs, since magnesium will interfere with the absorption of the antibiotic in normal quantities.

    Terms of sale and storage

    The solution is sold without a prescription and costs on average 450-500 rubles for 10 ampoules.

    "Magne B6" is a solution of two easily digestible chemical forms microelement magnesium. It also contains pyridoxine - vitamin B6. Magne B6 should be considered a medicine only if there are diseases caused by a deficiency of at least one of these components. If there are none, we're talking about about a means of prevention. As the instructions for use of Magne B6 indicate, for children age groups there are not only required dosages, but also special release forms of the drug.

    The product is available in several forms:

    • ampoules with caramel suspension inside;
    • tablets;
    • gel.

    Reviews from parents about the use of “children’s” versions of Magne B6, like syrup from ampoules or gel, are often positive. In particular, they speak positively about the degree of convenience in selecting the right dose.

    "Magne B6": benefits for children

    The popularity it gained this drug V Lately raises the question of why children need Magne B6. In fact, this trace element is one of the catalysts for most cellular metabolic reactions. It also regulates the speed of transmission of nerve impulses in all parts of the central nervous system (CNS). In practice, this means that he is responsible for:

    • normal vascular tone;
    • stable functioning of the cerebral cortex;
    • absence of sudden mood swings;
    • stable peristalsis gastrointestinal tract;
    • good contractility all muscles, including the heart.

    As for vitamin B6, it serves as a biochemical partner of magnesium, that is, it improves its absorption and helps to go through the entire cycle of transformations in the body. In addition, it promotes the absorption of glucose by neurons, participates in the synthesis of hormones that regulate their activity, as well as a number of proteins, including hemoglobin in red blood cells.


    Due to the fact that Magne B6 is beneficial for the heart, blood vessels, blood, digestive and metabolic systems, as well as the central nervous system, the indications for the use of this drug are as follows:

    • deficit nutrients - magnesium and/or vitamin B6, confirmed by blood serum analysis;
    • nervous system damage- as caused by a deficiency of magnesium and/or vitamin B6 and manifested nervous tics, and associated with other reasons;
    • muscle spasms - characterized by muscle pain, tingling sensations and spasms in the limbs;
    • cardiovascular failure- she is typically characterized by increased fatigue, shortness of breath, and periods of increased heart rate.

    The benefit of “Magnesium B6” for a child lies in its calming properties of the central nervous system. His technique can nullify without any additional measures and drugs the following manifestations.

    • Hyperactivity. It is typical for many children due to the weak ability of their central nervous system to self-regulate.
    • Hysterics. A tendency towards them in children is also observed due to insufficient developed ability to self-control.
    • Increased excitability. It may also depend on such indicators of the child’s personality as character/temperament. But a significant part of its manifestations is associated with “imbalance” nervous processes as a result of a deficiency of the components that regulate them.
    • Problems with speech development. Very often, children who are normally developed at the time of birth begin to speak later than their peers. And the reason for this is not always a lack of verbal communication (for example, with parents). Often the problem lies in increased emotionality combined with decreased attention, concentration and other characteristics of goal-oriented thinking. Such conditions are typical for magnesium deficiency. And reviews from doctors about Magne B6 for children confirm that the drug allows you to eliminate them without going to a speech therapist.
    • Lack of appetite. It is often accompanied by spasms, which are eliminated by the drug. In addition, the product will be useful for children with poor peristalsis, in which, under conditions of stagnation of intestinal contents, conditions are created for better reproduction of pathogens of intestinal infections.

    In some cases, the drug even helps eliminate bruxism and symptoms of neuroses. But there is a danger that it will simply mask the manifestations of the problem without solving it itself. Thus, reflex teeth grinding during sleep in children is often caused by helminthic infestation. And the cause of neurosis may lie in the action of factors that cannot be eliminated with the help of magnesium, such as situational stress.

    Under what conditions should it not be prescribed?

    Contraindications to the use of Magne B6 relate to existing pathologies in the child and compatibility with other medications.

    • Phenylketonuria. With this disease, the body cannot process the amino acid phenylalanine, which is present in Magna B6. As a result, it accumulates in the brain and causes damage to the central nervous system.
    • Diabetes. Firstly, because all forms of its release contain sugar, and secondly, because magnesium and vitamin B6 take part in glucose metabolism. In other words, they can significantly interfere with insulin compensation.
    • Allergy. First of all, any components of the product. But even if it is provoked by other irritants, you also need to be careful with taking Magnesium B6, since it contains salts of sulfurous acid - peculiar provocateurs of allergic reactions.
    • Kidney or liver diseases. Both organs actively filter the blood from metabolic products, including residues taken drug, and the kidneys are also responsible for their excretion. If filtration or excretion is not possible, magnesium begins to quickly accumulate in the body, causing an overdose. The deeper and larger the scope of one or both of these organs, the stricter the contraindication.
    • Dopamine course. That is simultaneous administration"Magnesium B6" with the drug "Levodopa". Vitamin B6 inhibits the activity of dopamine, which makes these two drugs incompatible.
    • Taking calcium or phosphorus supplements. Both elements interfere with the absorption of magnesium.

    It is also necessary to know at what age children are allowed to give the drug in one form or another.

    • Tablet form. It is not intended for use by children under six years of age.
    • Water solution. It is not prescribed to children under one year of age.

    Side effects

    Side effects when doses of Magnesium B6 are observed, they are observed extremely rarely and are reduced mainly to symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Among these manifestations:

    • acute intestinal spasms;
    • abdominal pain;
    • constipation;
    • nausea and repeated vomiting;
    • increased gas formation.

    Exceeding doses or violating the rules of administration

    An overdose of magnesium and vitamin B6 leads to a number of unpleasant symptoms:

    • pressure decreases;
    • nausea and vomiting appear;
    • depression sets in;
    • reactions slow down;
    • the number of heart contractions decreases;
    • breathing slows down.

    This can happen both when the doses indicated for children are exceeded or the rate of elimination of drug residues is reduced, or when Magnesium B6 Forte is prescribed unjustifiably. This drug differs from the children's version in two ways.

    1. Dosage of active ingredients. In Magna B6 Forte it is twice as high.
    2. Percentage of digestibility. Magnesium lactate, included in Magne B6, is absorbed slightly worse than magnesium citrate from Magne B6 Forte.

    Magne B6 Forte is intended to eliminate not mild disorders, but truly acute and protracted deficiencies. AND large dosages Young children simply don't need them. Therefore, the drug is prescribed only from the age of six.

    Methods of application

    Before giving tablet and drinking forms of Magne B6 to children, it is necessary to clarify the dosage of the drug, age appropriate. In addition, it should be remembered that the drug is not indicated for children under one year of age. Firstly, due to the almost zero need of babies for such supplements, and, secondly, due to the lack of evidence of the safety of Magne B6 for infants.

    Giving the drug to older children is quite convenient. Ampoules with syrup do not require filing; their ends can simply be broken off by grabbing them with a towel. To make it easier to persuade a child to drink the product, it is recommended to add it to a base of milk or juice. The smallest or capricious ones should split the portions. For example, give single dose a teaspoon or even a few drops.

    The drug is not intended for storage in diluted form. That’s why you shouldn’t cook it in advance - even for a day. It makes more sense to simply give your child a solution of the contents of one ampoule before each dose. In this case, it is better to dilute the ampoule not with half a glass, but with two tablespoons of the selected liquid.


    Magne B6 itself is quite expensive, especially considering that the course of treatment lasts a month. His high price due to pleasant taste, convenient consistency and can be used by children under six years of age. However active ingredients in its composition are not included in the list of scarce ones and their cost in other medicines is much lower. And if the child is over six years old, and the medication is taken successfully (without whims or wrangling), you can try replacing it with cheaper, although less convenient, analogues:

    • "Magnelis B6";
    • "Magnistad".

    Their biggest drawback is that they are only available in tablet form. Therefore, children who have difficulty swallowing tablets will have to first crush them into dust and then dilute them with their preferred cool drink. But otherwise, they are quite capable of replacing Magne B6 for a child.


    The child's body is growing rapidly. Everyone is actively developing internal systems and baby's organs. This period of life is characterized by the maximum need for vitamins and minerals. The main component in the diet should be magnesium. It is he who is responsible for the harmonious formation of the baby’s body. A deficiency of this microelement can lead to irreparable consequences in adult life.

    What is a microelement needed for?

    This microelement for children is a fundamental element, without which neither protein, nor carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Item supports water and electrolyte balance in the body, affects the course of all physiological processes in organism. Thanks to the microelement, the baby’s immunity is properly formed. Helps you adapt to stressful situations. This microelement is found in all cells of the body.

    Norma Magne B6 for children of all ages

    For correct dosage products, please adhere to the age limits shown in the table below:

    Why does a child experience microelement deficiency?

    • Unbalanced diet;
    • Malabsorption due to disease. For example, diabetes, obesity, impaired metabolism;
    • Overwork;
    • Large physical exercise without changing the diet;
    • Fast growth and weight gain;
    • Colds, at high temperatures;
    • The absorption of magnesium is prevented by hormonal and diuretic drugs, as well as antitumor drugs.

    Sources of magnesium for children

    The baby gets everything essential microelements, including magnesium with food. It is well absorbed from sources such as cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. Vegetables are also a source of this valuable element: green onions, spinach, regular and sea cabbage.

    Regular mineral water will also serve as a valuable source of magnesium. Chocolate and cocoa beans are the most valuable source of this substance. Eggs, meat and dairy products contain minimal amount magnesium

    For babies

    The only source of this microelement for infants is mother’s milk. If a nursing woman’s diet is balanced in micronutrients, then the baby’s needs will be fully satisfied. To prevent deficiency, a nursing mother should take an additional complex of vitamins and minerals.


    Specialized milk formulas, which are presented in a wide range, will help replenish daily need in microelement for artificial


    Lack of absorption of this microelement by the body can provoke:

    • Fatigue;
    • Tearfulness, emotionality;
    • Insomnia;
    • Headache;
    • Absent-mindedness:
    • Apathy;
    • Cramps, muscle pain;
    • Stomach ache;
    • Meteosensitivity.

    Excess micronutrient intake

    Children, with renal impairment, you must approach with caution additional introduction microelement into the diet. Excessive intake of magnesium leaches calcium from the bones, which can lead to the deposition of salts in the walls of blood vessels, which will inhibit kidney function.

    The functioning of the heart is impaired and normal contraction skeletal muscles, with excess magnesium in food. Apathy and drowsiness appear. Vomiting and diarrhea are possible, resulting in dehydration. The skin becomes reddened and hot to the touch.

    Excessive intake of magnesium threatens oxygen starvation, respiratory and cardiac disorders.

    Anuria is possible.

    Microelement accumulates in body tissues, which can aggravate the situation with intoxication.

    In case of overdose, you need to stop the drug and give diuretics. Give something to drink big amount water. Hemodialysis is recommended for children with renal failure syndrome.

    Magne B6 for children in tablets and ampoules

    Young children are very picky about food and refuse almost everything healthy dishes. In addition, accommodation in individual regions countries can disrupt the natural metabolism of the child. All these factors leave an imprint on the growth and development of the baby. And, perhaps, he will lack certain microelements, for example, magnesium. Magne b6 will replenish the missing amount of microelement.


    The use of the drug will have good prevention magnesium deficiency due to malnutrition, stress, increased removal of the microelement from the body.

    Release form

    How to give medicine in tablets and ampoules

    The dosage of the drug depends on the degree of magnesium deficiency in the body. Magnesium b6 should be prescribed for children under the supervision of a specialist, only the doctor will determine daily norm drug consumption.

    Magne b6 for children aged 6-12 years, with a body weight of more than 20 kg, is prescribed in the amount of 2-4 tablets per day, divided into 2-3 doses. The drug should take for 3-4 weeks in the treatment of deficiency. After this period has passed, it is advisable to donate blood to check the magnesium content in the blood and, based on this analysis, take further actions. For preventive purposes, the drug is taken for 2 to 4 weeks.

    Magnesium B6 is given to children in ampoules from the first year with a weight of more than 10 kg. The dosage is calculated as follows: 10-30 mg of solution per 1 kg of body weight, the contents in the ampoule are dissolved in water, and given to the child per day.

    Special instructions when taking microelement

    Does the child have kidney failure? The drug must be taken under the constant supervision of a specialist. Must be kept under control blood microelement level, to exclude high concentration in blood. The trace element is slowly excreted by the kidneys and the concentration of the element in the blood may increase.

    It is also important to keep in mind such a trace element as calcium, which cannot be combined with Magne B6. Therefore, you must first treat magnesium deficiency, and then take calcium.

    Possible allergic reaction, since the drug contains sulfites as auxiliary components.

    Magnesium for children will not be absorbed if taken simultaneously with fatty foods. And should be taken separately from foods high in calcium. Products such as sausages and sweet sodas will also interfere with the absorption of the microelement.

    Interaction with other drugs

    If treatment with tetracycline antibiotics is planned, then an interval between doses of drugs should be at least 3 hours. Microelement reduces antibiotic absorption into the body.

    Contraindicated simultaneous use Magnesium B6 drug for children with levodopa.

    How to store

    For long-term preservation medicinal properties magnesium B6 preparation for children, it is important to create the right conditions. The product must not be exposed to direct sun rays, at air temperature no higher than 25 degrees. After the expiration date, the drug must be disposed of.

    The health of children depends on many factors. Sometimes high-quality and good food cannot compensate for the body's need for microelements and vitamins. Then high-quality and modern drugs rush to help parents.

    At the right approach Treatment and prevention of magnesium deficiency will not be difficult and will not cause discomfort to the baby.

    Do not ignore irritability and apathy in your child; perhaps his body needs magnesium, the drug magnesium b6 for children in tablets or ampoules will help replenish its reserves.



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