Inner world - what is it? The essence of the concept. What is the inner world of man? The rich inner world of the individual

The inner world of a person is a set of life views, values ​​through which his system of perception is formed. To put it more scientifically, the inner world of a person is an energy-information matrix, which is formed by electrochemical processes of interaction of brain neurons.


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The inner and outer world of man

The external world of a person is his social life, his interaction with other people, his life in society. As you know, we control our reality only to some extent, it is controlled by various external forces, but we can control our own by directing these external forces to our advantage or to our detriment. From this it becomes obvious that the one who has the most developed ability to control the inner world will be able to exert the greatest influence on the world around him. A person who is able to take control of himself will gradually be able to take control of a part of the surrounding reality. Why this is so, we will analyze further.

The inner spiritual world of man

Understanding is achieved through the development of your inner world, and every time you reach a new level of awareness, you will experience real satisfaction, as these processes cause an influx of vital energy and increase . The harmony that has appeared inside is constantly increasing, and is projected onto the outside world, thanks to which a person begins to get more pleasure from interacting with others, this gives new strength and this continues again and again. The development of the inner world of a person directly leads to the strengthening of his interactions with the spirit. A person's ability to feel the power of the spirit and interact with it increases, and therefore the inner world is often called the spiritual world of a person.

The development of the inner world of man

The development of the inner world of a person is a meaningful practical process, and the goal of this development should be to increase awareness and increase inner strength. Raising awareness is achieved through self-knowledge. Mindfulness without inner strength will only lead to the fact that a person will be treated like an excellent student in school, whom no one takes seriously, therefore it is necessary to develop inner strength. Inner strength is developed through real actions.

The inner world of man development plan

In fact, the development of the inner world is self-development, but with a bias towards yourself, so you can use the plan below. I note that this plan is conditional, and is made only for the convenience of perceiving the material.

  • (understanding yourself)
  • (understanding situations)
  • (inner freedom)
  • , creating the necessary life habits (your way)
  • by moving along the intended path (action)

Self-analysis helps to understand where to move and from where. Getting rid of harmful programs allows you to have enough energy and time for deeper analysis and reflection, this allows you to improve the quality of thinking, as it eliminates distracting external programs and thoughts. Prioritization will give a clear plan of actions that you need to bring into your life in accordance with your life values. The development of inner qualities through real actions allows you to take control of your life and live in harmony with the spirit. This is a direct way to increase internal strength, this is an increase in such qualities as self-control, discipline and willpower. This item essentially creates the result, creates the way of life of a person, his wholeness.

Books that form the inner world of a person

I recommend a very ancient oriental book Tao De Zing, if you can understand it, it will turn your life around once and for all. Well, if you can’t understand it, then nothing terrible will happen, it will just seem contradictory or not interesting to you, so you still don’t lose anything. You can also get acquainted with one of the psychology. Good luck.

The inner world of a person, or subjective reality, is all that inner content of psychological activity, which is characteristic only for this particular person. Therefore, the inner world is always individual and always unique. Each person, through the knowledge of the external world, is trying to penetrate into his inner world, to understand it, in order to use such understanding to build his life, his unique life path. It is very difficult to explore the inner world with objective methods; we can only see its “reflections” that appear in the outer world. Nevertheless, attempts to objectively penetrate into the inner world will probably never stop - its nature is so interesting and attractive. In psychology, there are quite interesting experiments in describing and analyzing the inner world, its structure, its "work". It has been established, for example, that the inner world does not arise by itself, it is a reflection in a specific form of the outer world and has its own spatial and temporal characteristics, its own content.

The inner world as a reflection in a specific form of the outer world. According to some religious and philosophical concepts, the inner world is given to man from the very beginning, and in the course of life he only discovers and cognizes it. According to other ideas, which have a more materialistic basis, the inner world arises and develops to the extent that it is active in reflecting and mastering the surrounding reality.

A person can become a person only thanks to the human brain, which is ready for a special reflection of the external world and in which consciousness arose and developed. In psychology, experiments are known when a chimpanzee cub was brought up in the same way as a child, but the chimpanzee never became a person due to the fact that his brain was not originally adapted for mastering speech, consciousness in general. Thus, the presence of a human brain is the most important prerequisite for appropriate development. But suppose for a moment a situation where a born child, having a human brain, from birth does not see, does not hear, does not touch, does not feel. For some time, he may live as an organism, but he will never become a person, a person, especially a person with an inner world. In another case, when a person was born with all functioning sense organs, but was not brought up among people (and such cases are known), he also will not become a person with his own unique inner world.

From this it becomes clear that the inner world of a person is not set initially, it arises as a result of the reflection of the outer world. As a result of such a reflection, the Image of the World arises (as the well-known Russian psychologist A.N. wrote). But such an image is not a simple cast of the external world, it is initially individual and subjective, since each person constructs the reflected reality in his own way, creates his own unique system of images, he has his own unique experiences, his own vision of reality and himself. All this is carried out thanks to one's own activity in reflecting the external world, adapting to it and transforming it, asserting one's existence as a person.

Thus, the outer world and the inner world are interconnected, have points of intersection, depend on each other.

Spatial-temporal structure of the inner world. If the inner world exists, then it is logical to assume that, like the outer world, it has its own. inner space and its inner subjective time. Special studies conducted by psychologists fully prove this fact. For example, let us turn to the results obtained by the domestic psychologist T. N. Berezina, who conducted a series of curious experiments to study the inner world of a person.

In her opinion, internal space in a broad sense is a form of psychological existence in general, and in a narrower sense it is a form of existence of internal images. It does not exist outside of these images, just as the images themselves cannot exist outside of space. Images are subjective forms of objects and are generated by the inner world, acquiring a unique uniqueness as a result of the influence of attitudes on them. They themselves perform an informational, emotional, regulatory role in the human psyche. As a result of experiments, it was shown that these images can be located in the internal space and localized differently in different people: on the left, on the right, behind, above, below, panoramic, can be taken out, as it were, outside the person, can be close, distant, differ in form, color, located on the time axis: in the past, present and future.

Example. Do a little experiment on yourself: imagine yourself going to school for the first time. What image emerged? What is its shape, color? Where was it located: above, below, left, right, etc.? Where are you, inside the image or outside it? If you have done all this and answered the questions posed, then it will be clear to you what an image is and where it is located in the inner space.

No less interesting data were obtained regarding subjective time. First, it has been proven that such time does exist. Secondly, the facts of acceleration or deceleration of internal time, its reversibility, the possibility of obtaining information from the future or the past, the existence of parallel time, etc.

Example. Let's consider the facts of acceleration-deceleration of subjective time (each of us knows about it from personal experience). If we are busy with something interesting and exciting, then time passes very quickly and imperceptibly, but for us subjectively it seems to stop. On the contrary, if we are inactive for a long time, do nothing, wait, for example, for a train for several hours, then time flows very slowly - it also seems to stop, but the nature of such a stop is different than when we do not notice it. After a few weeks or months, the period that passed very quickly seems to us longer, since it was full of interesting events, and the period where we did nothing is perceived as one moment.

Age-related changes in the flow of subjective time are also known. One person internally lives faster, because of this he feels older than he really is, the other is slower, so even in adulthood it seems to him that everything is still ahead, that he is just starting to live and will have time to do a lot.

We can also encounter some paradoxes of time, when, for example, when we get to a certain place or meet certain people, it seems to us that it has already happened, or, conversely, when we get to a well-known place, it seems to us that we see it for the first time and with interest we begin to study it.

content of the inner world. So, the inner world has its own inner space, subjective inner time. Who "lives" in this space and time? And each of us lives there, our personality, our Self, which, thanks to reflection, has unity and plurality at the same time. Thus, the content of our world is the psyche as a whole, consciousness and the unconscious. Structuring this content is extremely difficult, each of us learns it independently: consciously and intuitively. At the same time, attempts are being made in psychology to single out some of the leading structural elements in this content. Let us refer again to the theoretical and experimental studies of T.N. Berezina. The author notes: on the one hand, the inner world is subjective and includes our thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, dreams and much more; on the other hand, it is social, since it includes images of other people, their actions and deeds. The inner world of a person, that is, his reflections, fantasies, dreams, exists either in a sensual-figurative form, or in the form of a thought clothed in the form of inner speech, or, most often, in a combination of both. The mode of existence is a monologue or dialogue: with oneself, with others, telling another about the events happening to you, a complex dialogue - one's own Self is presented through the eyes of another.

With the help of a special study, seven of the most common states of ours were identified, characterizing our inner life.
1. "Self-expressions I" - a person's thoughts about himself, related to the present time; features of the state - monologue thinking (monologue) and the predominance of the pronoun I in inner speech.
2. "Thinking about something else" - characterized by dialogue, the predominance of the pronoun "You". This state is characterized by self-approval, but mental self-criticism is possible.
3. "Non-objectivization of mental images" - the other or Others are imagined in an abstract form and exist, as it were, in the head. The subject is focused on himself, his merits, shortcomings are rejected.
4. "Planning the future" - a state in which a person comprehends his prospects, plans the future, sets certain goals, reflects on the problems of their implementation.
5. “Fixation on an obstacle” - is characterized by the fact that a person, fixing on obstacles, difficulties, feels (“no one needs anyone”), rejects the possibility of interaction in resolution.
6. "Sensual perception of the world" - all images are presented very brightly, in contrast, thoughts are voiced (thoughts in the form of voices).
7. "Fantasy" - the most creative state, where any goals seem achievable, while obstacles are considered insignificant ("There is no such hopeless situation from which it is impossible to find a way out"). A person presents himself as strong and active, capable of reaching any heights.

So, we tried to show that the inner world of a person, or subjective reality, is closely connected with the outside world and is its reflection in a specific individualized form with the introduction of its “vision” and its “partiality” through its own activity. It has a spatio-temporal structure and exists in a sensory-figurative and mental form, enlivened by a monologue and dialogue that a person leads with himself, with real or imaginary people, plans his future, praises or scolds himself and others, fantasizes and much more.

The inner world of a person is a set of life views, values ​​through which his system of perception is formed. To put it more scientifically, the inner world of a person is an energy-information matrix, which is formed by electrochemical processes of interaction of brain neurons.

How is each of us different from others? It would seem that we all have the same number of chromosomes, each of us experiences both positive and negative emotions. So what is the difference and why misunderstandings so often arise between us so identical, this is the main question of our article.

The inner world of a personality is the psychic reality of a person, the organized content of his psyche, which contains all aspects of the conscious spiritual life of the individual and his spiritual energy. The inner spiritual world is the initial creation of cultural values ​​and their long-term preservation and distribution. This concept is a kind of verbal metaphor that defines virtual reality, which is modeled by the interaction of brain neurons.

Psychology of the inner world of man

In the modern world, the soul is synonymous with the inner world, although this is not entirely true. The expansion and development of the spiritual world can take place very rapidly, while the soul can remain unchanged.

The structure of the soul world

The rich inner world of the personality is formed with the help of the components of the spiritual structure of the world.

  1. Cognition- the need to know something about yourself and the meaning of your life, your role in this society and what is happening around us. It is this property of our thinking that forms our intellectual platform for further development, trains the ability to receive new information based on what was already known before.
  2. Emotions- personal experiences about everything that happens to us, some phenomena or events.
  3. Feelings- emotional states that differ from emotions in greater persistence and duration in time. Also, feelings have a clearly expressed objective character, in other words, a special focus on something or someone.
  4. outlook - a key aspect in the study of the inner world of man. This is a set of views on life, value orientations and moral principles of both your own and the people around you.

Worldview plays a significant role in the fate of a person, because it is thanks to him that we have life guidelines and goals for practical activities. It also allows each woman to identify for herself the main life and cultural values. The development of the inner world occurs through the improvement of all of its above components. Do not forget that the development of a worldview depends on the life path that you have already passed, while the spiritual aspects of knowledge can be formed and expanded from the moment you understand yourself as a person.

Types of intelligence

The human intellect is perhaps the most flexible part of the whole human being, which everyone makes the way he wants. The concept of intelligence has a structure and types, each of which is recommended to be developed in order to be a harmonious personality.

  1. verbal intelligence. This intelligence is responsible for such important processes as writing, reading, speaking, and even interpersonal communication. It is quite simple to develop it: it is enough to study a foreign language, read books of literary value (and not detective novels and dime novels), discuss important topics, etc.
  2. Logical intelligence. This includes computational skills, reasoning, the ability to think logically, and so on. You can develop it by solving various problems and puzzles.
  3. Spatial intelligence. This type of intelligence includes visual perception in general, as well as the ability to create and manipulate visual images. This can be developed through painting, modeling, solving maze-type problems and developing observational skills.
  4. physical intelligence. These are dexterity, coordination of movements, motor skills of hands, etc. You can develop this through sports, dancing, yoga, any physical activity.
  5. musical intelligence. This is the understanding of music, writing and performing, a sense of rhythm, dance, etc. You can develop this by listening to various compositions, dancing and singing, playing musical instruments.
  6. Social intelligence. This is the ability to adequately perceive the behavior of other people, adapt in society and build relationships. It develops through group games, discussions, projects and role-playing games.
  7. Emotional intellect. This kind of intelligence includes understanding and the ability to express emotions and thoughts. To do this, you need to analyze your feelings, needs, identify strengths and weaknesses, learn to understand and characterize yourself.
  8. Spiritual intelligence. This intelligence includes such an important phenomenon as self-improvement, the ability to motivate oneself. This can be developed through reflection and meditation. Prayer is also suitable for believers.
  9. Creative intelligence. This type of intelligence is responsible for the ability to create something new, to create, to generate ideas. He develops dance, acting, singing, writing poetry, etc.

All kinds of intelligence can be trained and developed at any period of life, and not just in youth. People with a developed intellect retain their efficiency and vitality longer.

The inner and outer world of man
The external world of a person is his social life, his interaction with other people, his life in society. As you know, we control our reality only to some extent, it is controlled by various external forces, but we can control our own energy, directing these external forces to our advantage or to our detriment. From this it becomes obvious that the one who has the most developed ability to control the inner world will be able to exert the greatest influence on the world around him. A person who is able to take control of himself will gradually be able to take control of a part of the surrounding reality. Why this is so, we will analyze further.

The inner spiritual world of man
Understanding is achieved through the development of your inner world, and every time you reach a new level of awareness, you will experience real satisfaction, as these processes cause an influx of vital energy and increase inner strength. The harmony that has appeared inside is constantly increasing, and is projected onto the outside world, thanks to which a person begins to get more pleasure from interacting with others, this gives new strength and this continues again and again. The development of the inner world of a person directly leads to the strengthening of his interactions with the spirit. A person's ability to feel the power of the spirit and interact with it increases, and therefore the inner world is often called the spiritual world of a person.

The development of the inner world of man
The development of the inner world of a person is a meaningful practical process, and the goal of this development should be to increase awareness and increase inner strength. Raising awareness is achieved through self-knowledge. Mindfulness without inner strength will only lead to the fact that a person will be treated like an excellent student in school, whom no one takes seriously, therefore it is necessary to develop inner strength. Inner strength is developed through real actions.

The inner world of man development plan
In fact, the development of the inner world is self-development, but with a bias towards yourself, so you can use the plan below. I note that this plan is conditional, and is made only for the convenience of perceiving the material.

  • Introspection, identifying what we consider our problems (understanding ourselves)
  • Prioritization, lifestyle adjustments (understanding situations)
  • Getting rid of harmful programs, mental cleansing (inner freedom)
  • Self-programming, creating the necessary life habits (your way)
  • Development of internal qualities by moving along the intended path (action)

Self-analysis helps to understand where to move and from where. Getting rid of harmful programs allows you to have enough energy and time for deeper analysis and reflection, this allows you to improve the quality of thinking, as it eliminates distracting external programs and thoughts. Prioritization will give a clear plan of actions that you need to bring into your life in accordance with your life values. The development of inner qualities through real actions allows you to take control of your life and live in harmony with the spirit. This is a direct way to increase internal strength, this is an increase in such qualities as self-control, discipline and willpower. This item essentially creates the result, creates the way of life of a person, his wholeness.

The inner world is a concept that was originally used to refer to a part of the living space that reflects the mental sphere. At the moment, the division into the inner world of the individual and the outer world in the scientific sense is no longer carried out, although the phrase continues to be used synonymously with the concept of the mental. Of all the spectra of the possible manifestation of the psyche, the inner world reflects a state of peace and tranquility, a certain goodness and satisfaction.

The inner world is a representation of a certain reality, formed by the interaction of neurons and at the same time representing mental images about the world, one's personality and the structure of the same inner world. It is different for each individual and is presented in a single unique variant, formed in a combination of heredity factors, developmental characteristics, inherent abilities and acquired interests, the type of nervous system and characterological features. Further, with age, the formation of a specific internal structure is influenced by life experience, accepted social values, ideals, which are a deep reflection of a person, archetypal images.

Each of the presented human sense organs reacts in a specific way and brings its own individual information, respectively, the inner world of different people is able to be painted in different shades even under the same conditions. At the same time, the function of reproducing what is received from the outside does not exist, as happens with dreams, but there is only a process of direct response to what is happening in reality.

What is the inner world of man

The inner world of a person is formed by direct interaction and establishing links with society, and is a part of consciousness. This is the structure of the psyche, occupied with the processing of processes and further exteriorization in the processes of external activity (actions, behavior). It is through the external embodiment of the inner and invisible work that we can judge the diversity, development and semantic content of the spiritual world, the components of which are psychology, values, personality (internal features), behavior. The activity of these components can be manifested with different strengths at different time intervals, while the presence and development of each component also changes when conditions change. When one will be in the shadow of the unconscious, and the other, on the contrary, will be brightly illuminated by conscious attention. From this interaction and fullness flow such characteristics of the inner world as its richness, harmony, depth, complexity, and others.

Usually, a person cannot fully control the inner world, as well as emotional manifestations, because he is not something effective, but only reacts to external changes. From this position it follows that the inner world regulates the social society that surrounds the individual and external conditions. However, for people who are more focused on their condition than on external events, the ability to control the processes of the inner world becomes easier and more accessible.

Using the understanding of your inner world for a more successful and harmonious life is an indisputable truth, but at the moment there are no objective methods of cognition developed. From the work done, phenomenological analyzes are of interest, representing the possibility of considering the individuality of the manifestation of the specifics of parts of the inner world, but this does not give the right to extend these patterns to all people. Each reaction, each reflection of external events by the internal mirror is a characteristic fixed in space and time, which will change when any of the parameters changes.

Being a reflection of the outside, the inner world is not a copy, otherwise it would be the same for everyone. It is initially subjective and refracts the displayed reality through its own filters. A rough metaphor for comparison would be a room of crooked mirrors, where your image changes depending on the mirror, but there is no copy of you. Also, several different people reflect each aspect of reality in completely different ways, adding all the images received into a multidimensional picture that has hundreds of differences from the other.

What does a rich inner world mean

Being formed on the basis of interaction with the outer space, the inner world is saturated with new elements and facets. When people talk about a rich inner world, they invariably mean the totality of human experience and imagination. At the same time, experience includes both the presence of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, this also includes erudition and the ability to reason and understand various subjects and their influence on each other. In addition to the width of perception, this also includes its depth, i.e. it is not enough to have a superficial understanding of all areas, it is necessary to understand at least a few of them in detail.

The life experience that forms the inner world is based on travel and contact with other cultures, whether it is through direct interaction with other people or through art, it does not matter much. The peace of mind is enriched by reading books and watching movies, listening to music and tasting a new dish. Any new experience a person receives invariably expands and enriches his inner world. Depth and richness are also affected when a person does not need others for self-realization or getting rid of boredom. In principle, a spiritually rich person will be able to develop, travel and teach others the wisdom of life, being forever locked in a solitary cell, having only walls and a bed.

A person with a rich inner world is able to understand anyone else, since his space contains feelings, actions, situations and information about many life moments. This does not mean that he encourages everyone and joins everyone, rather it reflects a certain and ability to fit into any circle and situation, to understand the experiences of another, but to act in accordance with his convictions.

How to develop your inner world

To develop your inner world means to expand your experience and harmonize your reactions to external events. For this, they are good in which there is an immersion into the depths of one's personality. You can study a particular feeling or your reaction to a particular event, you can look at a trend in many relationships with loved ones, or you can look for your own occupation. The main thing in this meditation practice is regular acquaintance with yourself and your features.

The inner world exists regardless of how much you know it, but you can consciously develop it only after getting acquainted with the contents, perhaps understanding the laws that operate in your reality, the idea of ​​development will disappear by itself.

Take regular walks and journeys into nature - direct contact with the natural part of the outside world awakens to activation and establishment in your inner space. In addition, if you go to new places every time, you automatically enrich your experience and broaden your horizons. In addition to affecting the mental device, regular contact with nature helps to improve well-being, which is also important for the inner world.

The relationship between the physical and the spiritual is very great, therefore, for the development of the inner world, it is necessary to take care and develop your body. Physical exercise, proper nutrition, a large amount of fresh air will help you remove destructive factors in the form of poor health.

Designate the desired paths for your development and follow them, let every day be filled with something new, an increase in some skill. Even if you choose to learn a language and memorize a word a day, this expands your vision. And the regularity of the process triggers important mechanisms of habitual development. Try to develop different sides of your personality, and not focus only on the physical or intellectual. Usually such distortions lead just to the impoverishment of the spiritual world. Train your kindness and responsiveness, help those in need, please people you like, watch good films.

  1. (49 words) In Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana Larina is a girl with a rich inner world. She was brought up on high-quality literature, so she also counts on a fateful meeting with the hero of "her novel." Tatyana is thoughtful and silent, but her soul is decorated with bright colors, which Eugene himself notes, preferring her to the windy and empty Olga.
  2. (53 words) In Fonvizin's comedy The Undergrowth, Prostakova decides to marry her ignorant son Mitrofan to the heiress of Starodum's wealth, Sofya. Unlike Mitrofan, the girl is prudent and virtuous. The character of the heroine clearly speaks of her inner world, saturated with true values. Therefore, in the finale, she finds happiness, and the Prostakov family becomes as poor externally as internally.
  3. (56 words) One can express one's inner world in creativity, as Zhukovsky did when he wrote the elegy "The Sea". The enchanted lyrical hero stands on the shore and admires the elements. It is in it that the soul of the poet is revealed: like everything earthly, the sea reaches for the sky, and the spirit of the true creator soars above the vanity. This is one of the deep mysteries of the elements and man itself.
  4. (65 words) The inner world of a person can be hidden in his experiences. In Karamzin's story "Poor Liza", the main character lives with her feelings. Together with nature, a girl blossoms when she feels happy thanks to her beloved Erast. However, the chosen one leaves Lisa, which she cannot survive, and throws herself into the water. For a girl, love and fidelity are sacred, this is evidence of the wealth of her soul, which her chosen one did not see in a peasant woman.
  5. (54 words) The external world of a person and the impulses of his soul can be completely different. The hero of Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" lives in a monastery, while he himself dreams of freedom and returning to his homeland. His soul is revealed in three days during the escape. The meeting with the Georgian woman, the endless expanses and the battle with the leopard enriched the inner world of the young man, like a whole life in the wild.
  6. (53 words) Sometimes the essence of a person manifests itself in situations where he is able to win something from the circumstances. This is how Khlestakov, the protagonist of Gogol's comedy The Inspector General, acts when, having already got used to the role of an inspector, he begins to take bribes. And the laziness and unwillingness of officials to work fully reveal the inner world of those in power. Actions say more about people than words and promises.
  7. (56 words) Loyalty is the dignity of the inner world. Remembering the cry of Yaroslavna from the work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", we imagine and admire the character of a Russian girl who is waiting for her husband, calling on nature to help him. Even without receiving news, she believes in the favor of fate and does not turn away from the difficulties and trials that she encounters on her life path. The inner world of the heroine is rich and harmonious.
  8. (55 words) The ancient Greeks believed that each Olympian god had its own purpose and spiritual content. For example, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, and Hera is the patroness of marriage. Since a person should have an inner world, then, of course, the gods also have it, so people believed that each “Olympian” had his own quality of character. For example, the god of trade Hermes is cunning and dexterous.
  9. (52 words) The inner world can manifest itself not only in reality, but also in fantasies and dreams. Just like the heroine of Lewis Carroll from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". The girl meets with unusual characters - the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar, the White Rabbit and others. Wonderland is the inner world of a child, which is so important to preserve for an adult.
  10. (46 words) The eccentric confectioner Willy Wonka embodied his cherished dreams in Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Wonka is an adult child, so his factory has become a real reflection of his inner hidden world in reality. Having put his whole soul into the creation of the plant, the confectioner Willy Wonka opened up to people from the most attractive side.

Real life examples

  1. (63 words) Inner peace can be expressed not only in character, but also in creativity. Admiring the paintings of the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh, we can see the particles of his soul, elegantly painted with strokes. Van Gogh is self-taught, he took criticism too much to heart, although his self-expression met with numerous admirers. Seeing his "Shoe", we understand that the painter expressed fatigue and disappointment, and not just depicted shoes.
  2. (48 words) You can also turn your soul inside out with musical language, as many artists do. It is no coincidence that the British rock band The Beatles made millions of people fall in love with themselves and their songs. Not only the form, but also the content of the tracks served as a great success. The musicians opened their inner world to the audience, which is why they were so warmly received by the public.
  3. (44 words) Walt Disney not only shared his talent in cartoons, but also brought his ideas to life. Disney has delighted billions of children and adults with the realization of their fantasies, giving the world fairy-tale characters that come to life in an amusement park. The inner world of Walt Disney turned the real world of each of us upside down.
  4. (54 words) When I first meet people, for example, I don’t open up to them right away. At first, they see only the appearance, and over time, when I begin to share my impressions, stories, interests, they notice the personality in me. Only by trusting close people, I will reveal my secrets to them and, thereby, invite them to visit my inner world, like an amusement park.
  5. (59 words) Not so long ago I met a girl who told me that when she reads a poem or any other text, periodically she imagines what color each letter has. She sees the letter "A" only in black, and the letter "I", for example, only in red. Having slightly opened the door to her imagination, I realized that this person has a rich inner world.
  6. (50 words) Many children gave names to their toys in childhood. What is this if not our own inner world? Comparing a separate group of toys, we represented them as a family, arranged meetings for them and made their plans for life. Our imagination is the inner world, therefore, from a very early age, any person is interesting with his soul.
  7. (65 words) Dreams are an integral part of a person's inner world. One girl told me that she wanted to learn how to sing and dance. As a child, her room was her stage, her hairbrush was her microphone, and her reflection in the mirror was her audience. Over time, she decided that it was time to seriously do what she loved. Now she is engaged in vocals and dancing and is glad that she did not leave a piece of her world in her room, but tried to realize it.
  8. (65 words) My dad said that from childhood he imagined a certain image of his beloved: the wife should be fond of the same things that he himself is. At the Faculty of History, he met my mother and immediately fell in love. Dad realized that she was the same girl from the world he had presented. Only he was lucky to meet her in real life. So do not be afraid of your inner "I", you need to give it the will to open up.
  9. (44 words) Dreams are the most important element of a person's inner world. I remember dreaming that the far side of the moon was covered with white chocolate, and next to it was a deep lake of light green color. Then, of course, I found out the truth, but my fictional stories about a specific location remained in my inner world as a bright fantastic canvas.
  10. (59 words) One boy told me how much he loved comics. He was seriously interested in many characters: he studied the history, the abilities of each of them, and in childhood he sincerely believed that only they were capable of a miracle. The boy could not imagine his world without superheroes, so he decided to become one in real life - to help people. Sometimes our inner essence develops into a calling, you just need to give it the right to vote.
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