Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine: description, services, specialists and reviews

Moscow. Why did he deserve such popularity among patients?

A bit of history

The founder and president of the Boston Institute, Konstantin Ronkin, received his first dental education in St. Petersburg back in 1980, then continued his activities in the United States, continued to study, and then opened his clinic and institute, where Russian dentists came to study. Later, the idea came to open an institute in Russia, where dentists not only improved their qualifications, but also consulted patients. Soon there were so many of them that the founders of the institute decided to open a clinic similar to their American DreamSmileDental, which occupies a leading position in Boston.

The clinic is unique in its approach to the patient, caring not only for his teeth, but also for his health in general. The environment is so relaxing that the patient, coming here, forgets about the upcoming medical procedures with the teeth. But the main pride of the clinic is highly qualified specialists who are ready to perform even the most difficult work at the highest level. The Institute offers comprehensive dental treatment, which includes all methods available today.

Dental prosthetics

The list of basic dental services that aesthetic dentistry can boast of includes prosthetics of teeth in all modern ways. These are removable dentures:

  • Acrylic - the most common type of prosthesis among the elderly, as well as the most affordable.
  • Nylon - more expensive, but made from a more advanced material, flexible, but strong, looks natural.
  • Clasp - prostheses with a metal base, the clinic uses only those made of modern materials and durable construction.

  • - provide an aesthetic appearance.
  • Crowns from are striking in their naturalness due to high-quality material.
  • Metal ceramics - combines durability and beauty.
  • Bridges - replace one to four missing teeth in a row.
  • Implantation is a reliable way to replace lost teeth.
  • Inlays are a worthy alternative to fillings.


The Boston Institute (Michurinsky Prospekt in Moscow) and its specialists believe that any self-respecting clinic should provide services. What is the importance of the work of a hygienist? After all, every day a person himself monitors the cleanliness of his teeth with a brush and paste. It has been proven that this is not enough for complete cleaning, 40% of bacteria and plaque remain in the oral cavity and provoke the development of caries, plaque and other associated diseases. Therefore, today many patients of dental clinics undergo a hygienic cleaning procedure, which is cheaper than caries treatment. In addition, it gives an excellent aesthetic effect, the teeth look noticeably whiter and more well-groomed, and their natural appearance even makes many people refuse to whiten.

Children's dentistry

The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry does not leave children unattended. The main task in working with young patients is bite correction. If there is such a need, parents should bring their child to the clinic until the age of five, until the permanent teeth have erupted. Why do children develop malocclusion? This may be due to genetic predisposition, as well as the choice of nipples and feeding bottles (it is better to choose orthodontic) and the duration of their use (it is better to refuse them up to a year).

For treatment in the clinic, a variety of removable plates are used, which are used strictly according to individual indications (with a flap for the tongue, solving speech therapy problems, expanding the dentition, and others). Functional orthodontic appliances are used that correct the work of the jaw muscles and eliminate the pressure of the cheeks, tongue, lips on the developing teeth. It is possible to use modern soft structures of trainers and LM-activators. For older children (10-12 years old), braces are provided.

Dental implants

Implantation is carried out in the complete absence of a tooth by introducing a metal implant into the gum and jawbone and attaching an artificial crown to it. The implant subsequently takes root in the bone, the teeth become like native ones. This method is also used with the complete loss of the entire row of teeth. Unlike removable dentures, they do not cause any discomfort in wearing, do not require special care and can last a lifetime. The only factor that frightens the patient is a long and painful operation to insert an implant into each tooth socket.

Fortunately, a new method of installing this kind of prosthesis has appeared - all-on-4. It requires the installation of only four implants, on which the entire structure with artificial teeth is attached. Dental implants are usually performed under local anesthesia. The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry suggests the use of general anesthesia for special cases. This applies to people who are allergic to anesthesia, have a strong gag reflex, nervous system disorder and mental illness, and if major surgery (bone block grafting) is required. Plastic surgery is performed with a lack of bone tissue and the need to build it up. To restore it in the lateral sections, a sinus lift procedure is used.

Correction of bite

For adult patients of the Boston Institute (Michurinskiy Prospekt) who want to correct their bite, the fastest and most effective way is orthognathic surgery. It allows you to carry out the necessary manipulations - correction of the length of the jaw, setting it in the desired position, changing the size of the chin. The result is a correction of the bite and symmetry of the face, which means that the patient's appearance improves.

Opponents of such a radical method can use braces, which are offered here in a large assortment, depending on individual indications:

  • non-ligature,
  • ceramic,
  • lingual,
  • metal,
  • plastic,
  • sapphire.

Mouthguards and aligners are used as needed.


Proper diagnosis of the disease is the key to successful treatment. In dentistry, one cannot do without modern hardware studies that allow you to see the full picture of the disease. The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry (Moscow) uses the following research methods:

  • X-ray. Allows you to look into areas inaccessible to the eye. Without it, no operation is possible. Contrary to popular belief, X-rays are harmless to humans, the proportion of radiation received is negligible and does not affect the body.
  • Panoramic shot. Allows you to assess the entire scale of the disease, in some cases it is the only way to make a correct diagnosis.
  • Image of a tooth in 3D. The most modern method - computed tomography, gives a complete picture of the state of the jaws.
  • Teleroentgenogram.

gum treatment

The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry performs gum surgeries with great professionalism. These include:

  • Vestibuloplasty. Detachment of the mucous membrane of one part of the oral cavity and its fixation in a new place. It is used to treat gum repression (reduction of soft tissues due to their excessive tension between the teeth and the inner surface of the cheeks). This pathology can lead to tooth loss.
  • Gingivectomy. It is used for pathological growth of gingival papillae, formation of gingival pockets, their deformation, to improve oral hygiene, aesthetic appearance, treatment of advanced periodontitis, gingivitis. It is carried out by excision of the gingival wall of the periodontal pocket.
  • Splinting. Connecting teeth with a splint in order to eliminate their mobility (due to periodontitis or other diseases) and to fix orthodontic operations.

Dental treatment

The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry will help in the treatment of caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, reviews of which speak for themselves. The clinic provides teeth remineralization services - strengthening the enamel with mineral components, which increases strength and resistance to diseases. Acts as a preventive measure. Before the start of treatment, a thorough diagnosis of the disease is carried out, a study of analyzes, an individual approach is selected. If necessary, the treatment is carried out under anesthesia or under sedation (a state of half-asleep, which preserves the patient's ability to answer the doctor's questions, is used together with local anesthesia).


Despite the use of modern technologies in dentistry and painless procedures, many people are afraid to go to the clinic, ignoring the development of the disease. As a result, the tooth is destroyed to such an extent that the only possible way out is to remove it. Another indication for surgery is a cyst. Modern methods allow to carry out its removal, while maintaining the tooth. Surgical operations at the Boston Institute are performed by highly qualified surgeons, as well as with the participation and under the supervision of specialists such as a dentist, therapist, orthodontist, so the result is impeccable.

Aesthetic dentistry

The main pride of the Boston clinic is the aesthetic transformation of teeth. This is the dentistry of the future, based on the latest trends and research. Popular today veneers are represented by several types:

  • Hollywood veneers. These are very thin porcelain plates that require minimal tooth preparation. They are attached to the front of the tooth with a special adhesive.
  • Ceramic. Ceramic plates half a millimeter thick help to correct uneven teeth, unaesthetic color and other defects.
  • Composite. They are used in simple cases, such as chipping. When used on the entire surface of the tooth, they do not give a natural effect.

In addition, the clinic successfully uses the long-known laser whitening, chemical and modern endo-whitening (intracanal).

The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry has prices corresponding to its status (premium), the cost of services is calculated individually for each patient, taking into account the complex of procedures necessary for a particular person. A consultation with an American dentist in the clinic costs from 10,000 rubles, an appointment with a Russian specialist - from 4,500 rubles. After a doctor's examination, the necessary services for the patient are determined.

At first I was "treated" by Ronkin, and then by a psychotherapist for a nervous breakdown after a nightmare and bullying by dentist-therapist Konstantin Ronkin! Dr. Ronkin juggles several patients at the same time, puts veneers crookedly on them, mocks them, makes them writhe in hellish pain without anesthesia, when all the teeth of the lower jaw are ground, for hours! It is very painful and very scary! At first, he promises a complete restoration of health, but he absolutely does not care how he received the money for the results of treatment! They do not check anything, they just make the patient sign blindly the certificates of acceptance of the service right in the chair after a 4-hour procedure. Ronkin and his entire BIEM clinic ignore, expel and poison the patient! Moreover, they threaten with an international court for the fact that the patient demands to correct the crooked veneers and put the correct bite! True reviews are not allowed to be printed. So BIEM is the Pain and Bullying of aesthetic medicine. On one of the women's sites, Konstantin Ronkin was given the correct description - he does not care about the health of patients and time, just to tear off the money and be sure to go ahead. Do not believe the beautiful empty words-promises of Konstantin Ronkin! He does not write them in the contract! You will lose not only money, but also teeth, and time, and nerves. And there is no way to restore them!

Irina, here is the leading dentist Konstantin Ronkin, who glues the veneers crookedly. Although he said that he had been putting them on for 30 years. Crooked smile! for 4 million, and after that he does not apologize, does not correct, does not compensate in any way. About the TMJ, he is well brainwashed with beautiful promises before he receives the money. And then he doesn’t even show normal occlusion! Treats the patient according to the principle - "Get out!"

I had an ugly smile, I was embarrassed to smile. I got the result, and it even exceeded my expectations. I liked the promise that headaches would disappear along the way, that nothing hurt at all after the procedures, the gums were always in perfect condition. I liked the muscle relaxation procedure - in a comfortable massage chair, with a cup of tea and your favorite movie. I recommend the clinic to everyone! Now I have the smile of my dreams and I am very happy about it. I feel more confident and beautiful than ever.

My husband brought me to the clinic. I wanted to whiten my teeth. As a result, I got a full-fledged restoration of my teeth, which I am extremely pleased with. Now I have a whiter smile. Wonderful, attentive doctor Yvetta Schwartzman, who gave her professionalism to me and our whole family!

Special thanks to Dr. Sherman I. and his team for their patience, professionalism and great work, which subsequently allowed me to smile and enjoy life. A low bow to the entire staff of the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. Sincerely, Nigina

The reason for contacting the clinic of the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine was malocclusion and the general condition of the teeth. I applied to different places, but did not find the expected response. Your clinic was recommended by my old friend, who is very satisfied with the treatment and I saw a tangible result after the treatment. Now she has an absolutely Hollywood smile. And I knew what significant changes she had not only externally, but also internally. The result was on the face, and I understood what I would have to pay money for. I am 100% satisfied with my result!!! I was not deceived in my expectations, although I have a rather capricious character)). At the consultation, Dr. Yvette Schwartzman offered me two detailed and detailed treatment plans to choose from. I had something to think about and choose. I liked both, but I chose the maximum range of services and have no regrets. I am very pleased. The result is amazing!!!

I went to the clinic because of the wrong bite. Very satisfied with the result. I am grateful to Konstantin and Evgenia for the provided method of treatment.

I had a serious problem with my jaw. The EMC dentistry recommendation brought me here. I was willing to do anything to make the pain go away. The problem was solved, but it entailed a rework of the entire mouth, which I do not regret at all. The dream of a lifetime - a beautiful smile came true. I was already a non-sad person, and now I laugh with or without reason!

I wanted straight teeth and a beautiful smile. Got the desired result! Used the Invisalign system. I liked the fact that the plates are invisible and the treatment process for others went unnoticed. I recommend your clinic to everyone. Satisfied with my smile. The photos turn out wonderful. The only thing is that I have not yet got used to the new position of the teeth. But I hope this is temporary.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the children's dentist Verabova Inna Ivanovna! Thanks to this doctor, my daughter has not only healthy teeth, but also a complete lack of fear of treating teeth and visiting the dentist! Thanks to all the staff of the BIEM clinic for the warm atmosphere, service and health of my daughter!



7 495 988-00-96

Good afternoon! Thanks for the kind words! Always happy to help you!


Many thanks to Ekaterina Zuboreva for her professional approach and friendly attitude. It was the first time and I was satisfied with the consultation and treatment of caries. You can feel the caring attitude and high competence of the doctor. For me, these are the decisive factors to visit this clinic and this dentist again. St. Petersburg.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

I try to treat my health carefully, so the place, the atmosphere, and the staff of the clinic are important to me. It’s not always easy to find “your own”, but in the case of this clinic, I am very glad that I found a place where I really like it. Anna Vilesova turned out to be my specialist for the first time, and at all other times too) there should be no self-activity). And in general, it is felt when a person is pleasant and disposes not only as a specialist, but simply as a person as a whole. But the most important thing in all this is the quality and the result, with Anna I know what I am paying money for and that I will continue to contact her. And a few words about the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine clinic - this place is very modern both aesthetically and in terms of equipment. Therefore, I am very satisfied)!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

Our beloved doctor Ekaterina Zubareva works at the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. I've been going to her for checkups and dental treatments since I was 2 years old. The child loves the doctor, attends appointments with pleasure, opens his mouth without any problems, allows all manipulations to be done, because Ekaterina is a professional with a capital letter! Sensitive approach to the child, friendly and kind, very patient. immediately puts the child to him, he is comfortable and not afraid. Caries treatment takes place without anesthesia in just a few minutes! This is a very, very big plus. I'm glad we have such a doctor! The service in the clinic is at a very high level. It's nice and calm there. Smiling, responsive and attentive administrators. I recommend!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

In 2017, I had a comprehensive dental treatment by Dr. Konstantin Ronkin with the installation of veneers on all teeth. He put a crooked veneer on the front tooth. He pretended not to notice, but to my question he said that "in nature, crooked teeth." In response to my written official complaint, the chief physician, Nelli Volchek, made me feel guilty: "Why didn't you tell the doctor right away." After the demand to explain the reason, Dr. Konstantin Ronkin simply did not come to install veneers on my lower jaw. Dr. Yuliya Staennaya, who had to do this instead of him, was unable to provide sufficient anesthesia for the entire process, and for the last 5-6 teeth I writhed from hellish sensitivity when my teeth were treated with acid and even simply blown with air. And "a little" to grind teeth for veneers, in fact, turned out to be a strong turning of 40-50% percent. By the way, the patient is not shown the sharpened teeth ... VIP clinic, treatment at the cost of a Mercedes GLE class. The lead doctor makes mistakes that he does not admit, and the patient is to blame. There is no question of any compensation, as a result, the VIP clinic suddenly turns out to be the dentistry of the USSR under a beautiful sign. Draw your own conclusions. Understand all the details before paying millions up front for a pig in a poke.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

Probably the best clinic I've been to! Professionals in their field. All at the highest level. I especially want to mention Dr. Igor Martynov and Dr. Ekaterina Zubareva. I did not plan for such an amount, but now I want to be treated only at the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. Really recommend to your friends and family!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

2 years ago

Over the past two years, I have had trouble sleeping, waking up frequently, sleep was superficial, it seemed like I was not sleeping at all. After the examination, the somnologist diagnosed: Obstructive sleep apnea - severe hypopnea. I tried CPAP - therapy, but this device seemed barbaric to me. He learned about a new method of treating apnea at the clinic of the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine by correcting the bite. With a slight skepticism, I went there, thinking that if they did not help here, I would have to get used to the device. The first thing that struck me was the cleanliness, friendly and well-trained staff. Everything was done quickly and professionally, and when I met Dr. Ronkin, my faith in success grew stronger. After a thorough examination, an intraoral mouth guard was made for me, with which I had to sleep every night. To be honest, at first I had to get used to foreign objects in my mouth, but then I stopped noticing them. Sleep became deeper, woke up less often, in general, my nightlife began to improve. After a six week course, I had a follow-up polysomnography and all my apneas disappeared. I was overjoyed! Many thanks to Dr. Ronkin, Yulia Stoennaya and all the staff for their qualified help, knowledge and desire to help! Further success, happiness and prosperity to you!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

2 years ago

Many thanks to Dr. Levon Snegirev and his sensitive assistant Madina for the most comfortable and painless dental treatment! Dr. Snegirev is a true professional in his field and a doctor from God! I will definitely recommend the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine to my family and friends, because healthy and beautiful teeth are the key to the well-being of the body as a whole and a great mood!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

2 years ago

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Levon Snegirev and his sensitive assistant Madina for the most comfortable and painless dental treatment. Dr. Snegirev is a true professional in his field, a doctor from God! I will definitely recommend the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine to my relatives, because healthy and beautiful teeth are the key to the well-being of the body as a whole, and a great mood!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

3 years ago

The reason for contacting the clinic of the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine was malocclusion and the general condition of the teeth. I applied to different places, but did not find the expected response. Your clinic was recommended by my old friend, who is very satisfied with the treatment and I saw a tangible result after the treatment. Now she has an absolutely Hollywood smile. And I knew what significant changes she had not only externally, but also internally. The result was on the face, and I understood what I would have to pay money for. I am 100% satisfied with my result!!! I was not deceived in my expectations, although I have a rather capricious character)). At the consultation, Dr. Yvette Schwartzman offered me two detailed and detailed treatment plans to choose from. I had something to think about and choose. I liked both, but I chose the maximum range of services and have no regrets. I am very pleased. The result is amazing!!!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

3 years ago

High professionalism, quality and quantity of services provided, struggle for every tooth distinguishes Dental Spa clinic specialists from other dental clinics. In 2014, on the recommendation of her relatives, she turned to the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry (BIES) for dental care to correct the mistakes of doctors made in one of the well-known departmental clinics in Moscow. The Dental Spa has a calm and friendly atmosphere, pleasant music, and a cozy interior. Smiling and attentive administrators, while waiting for a doctor's appointment, offer delicious coffee, tea or mineral water. My doctor was a very kind and sensitive, patient and attentive Levon Snegirev. After the examination, a treatment plan was drawn up: retreatment of dental canals, extraction of teeth and implantation of teeth, prosthetics. I had my root canals treated by a wonderful endodontist Svetlana Orlova, who reverently and painstakingly saved, retreating my seemingly already hopeless teeth. And she succeeded. He removed my teeth, performed the most complicated operation to raise the bottom of the maxillary sinus and installed implants by a very responsive and friendly maxillofacial surgeon David Nazaryan. Dr. Nazaryan has a unique ability to inspire faith, hope for a successful outcome of the operation and a positive recovery process. All the implants and periosteum he installed took root, the recovery process went without complications, for which I am sincerely grateful and grateful. I would also like to mention Andrey Zaitsev, an anesthesiologist and resuscitator, who, in preparation for the operation, tells funny stories and puts the patient in a positive mood. In addition, I periodically come to the clinic for an appointment with a wonderful, kind and very wise osteopathic doctor Shakhnoza Usmanova, who straightened my spine with her soft hands, relieved pain syndromes caused in the knee, shoulder joints and hands. Until now, I can’t understand the method of treatment only by the laying on of hands, but I no longer feel pain in the joints and hormonal injections into the joints, mud applications that doctors recommend, I don’t need! On the recommendation of Dr. Usmanova, I made an appointment with kinesiotherapist Dr. Albert Davydov, who developed for me a unique set of physical exercises to maintain: muscle tone, musculoskeletal system, active work of internal organs. I do not hide the fact that before classes with Dr. Davydov, I was skeptical about physical exercises and did not really believe in the result, but I decided to try. Thanks to this technique, my posture has changed, the work of internal organs has improved, a wonderful mood has appeared, regardless of the change in weather. It really works! I cannot fail to note the work of the clinic assistants, who are always very smiling, sensitive, ready to help, their work is not very noticeable and appreciated, but they are great! Today I have a whiter smile! Proper gait and straight back! This is the result I was striving for, and the team of Dental Spa clinic professionals helped me in this! The services of this clinic are, of course, a little expensive, but I was very pleased with the result. Additional services were not imposed, recommendations were written, and you decide for yourself whether you should use the additional services of this particular clinic or go to another doctor. I trust the doctors of this clinic, so I will definitely visit the clinic again if the need arises and advise my relatives.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

3 years ago

I applied to this clinic in 2014 on the advice of my friend Yulia Staennaya. She was extremely satisfied. Firstly, I was given a complete diagnosis of the condition of my teeth with a detailed explanation, cured caries. Secondly, they revealed the errors of the work of the previous doctor (it turned out that in the previously treated canal, the doctor left a broken instrument!). Here I was treated with a canal using a microscope without any problems. Thank you for your professionalism.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

3 years ago

I went to the clinic of the Boston Institute to remove the tooth, because it was badly damaged and in another clinic they told me that it would not be possible to restore it ... But at the consultation at the Boston Institute, the doctor assured me that the tooth could be saved. At the same appointment, the tooth was treated, a crown was ordered and a couple of weeks later it was installed! I am very grateful to all the specialists of the clinic for a pleasant atmosphere, polite staff and a saved tooth!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

3 years ago

We had a consultation with a 9-year-old child with Shikova Evgenia to correct the bite in a child. After the consultation, we received a preliminary estimate for the correction of the bite in the amount of 240,000 rubles. When asked why it is so expensive, Evgenia answered that we pay for her "Head", we clarified - Maybe you have some special equipment? or technology?, to which the answer was received - that they use the methods "like everyone else" and the cost of treatment is high due to Evgenia's deepest knowledge in this area. After the consultation, they asked about the education of Evgenia Sh. In 2011 she graduated from the Ryazan Medical School. We have nothing against Ryazan honey, but 4 years of experience with such loud statements caused rejection of treatment in this clinic. Although it may be in vain ...



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, pr-kt Michurinsky, d 7 to 1

Most likely, Pavel, the doctor did not convey her answer to you in an understandable form. It is absolutely certain that the Boston Institute uses the latest and most advanced techniques that have just been approved for wide clinical use. Moreover, our main difference from other clinics in Moscow and Russia is to be the first to introduce technologies that have appeared on the American market of dental services, including orthodontics, because, thanks to our managers and leading specialists, we have this opportunity directly. Such new technologies, for example, include those used by us in orthodontic treatment, the Acceledent device, which accelerates orthodontic treatment by 2 times and makes orthodontic treatment more effective, functional devices of the new generation ALF, Somnomed mouth guards, which allow you to simultaneously correct difficult breathing at night, which very often accompanies malocclusion. We jointly create our original devices by the leading laboratories of Canada and Australia, and also have the opportunity to test the effectiveness of our orthodontic treatment at its various stages using the computer system of complex functional diagnostics K7 from Myotronics. Speaking of qualifications, the doctor meant that the main specialist who oversees all orthodontic patients in our clinic (including you, if you were our patient) - Dr. Ronkin K. (DMD, LVIF, ICCMO), is one of the "platinum" doctors, 8 people in the world with the richest and most successful experience in orthodontic treatment of patients using the Invisalign method. Every year he actively participates in the postgraduate courses of the Las Vegas Institute of Stomatology, and organizes the training of his colleagues in the clinic. Dr. Shikova, whom you visited, as well as all our other orthopedic doctors, completed LVI courses in the USA and trained at the Boston Clinic of Dr. Ronkin, and are also members of ICCMO - International Cranio-Mandibular College. Moreover, our Institute annually organizes in Russia, in Moscow and St. organization of internships for Russian dentists abroad, and also has its own training center, where all the advanced techniques, in theory and practice, are shared with domestic colleagues. Chief Physician of BIEM Volchek N.Sh.

I'm not a big fan of medical institutions. Whether it's a clinic or dentistry, the omnipresent smell of medicine immediately cuts into the nose and simply twists the stomach with fear. So when I went to the interview in " BIEM” (“Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine”), my imagination painted terrible pictures: how they put me in a dental chair and drill my teeth with a drill. Imagine my surprise when a pleasant girl met me at the door, and not in a white coat, but in ordinary clothes. And there was absolutely no smell of the hospital! The situation in BIEM» in general, it looks more like a fashionable salon, rather than a clinic. Attention to customers is felt in everything: from a cup of coffee kindly offered by the staff to decorative cosmetics placed in the restroom. So, if your make-up is slightly damaged by the work of the dentist, you can easily put yourself in order "without leaving the cash register." I managed to talk with one of the founders of "", an expert in the field of aesthetic dentistry Konstantin Ronkin. In an exclusive interview with PEOPLETALK, he spoke about the work of the clinic, its benefits, and why you should not save on your health.

I and Dr. Yvette Schwartzman stood at the origins of the Boston Clinic for Aesthetic Dentistry. When we met Ivetta at Tufts University in Boston, she already had extensive medical experience in Riga, Latvia. We met and decided to create our own dental clinic, and this happened in 1993. True, the clinic then opened not in Russia, but in an American city. Boston. We successfully treated patients, conducted thorough staff training, and only then, having established work in Boston, began to gradually move to Moscow. Almost 10 years ago we opened the first Russian center " BIEM and began treating patients at the same level as we did in America. We are also proud of our new clinic department in Petersburg which opened at the beginning of last year.

Yvette Schwartzman and Konstantin Ronkin

It used to be easier to maintain the standards that we held in America. Now, in the conditions of import substitution, there are difficulties with medicines. But all this is solvable. We are still working with those drugs that have already proven themselves. After all, if it comes to the health of the patient, then we will not stand up for the price. All our technologies have been worked out, and the services that we offer in Russia are first tested in Boston, and then it all appears here.

Our work is aimed at disease prevention, and this concept includes not only teeth, we see the overall picture of human diseases. Our center deals with joint dysfunction, treats headaches and much more. " BIEM” is a dental and medical center. Doctors of various specialties work here: a cardiologist, a neuropathologist, an ENT specialist, and so on, that is, all those people who are involved in the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome, which has become a general medical problem.

We adhere to the high level that we initially stated, and, of course, this requires effort and constant staff training. I, Yvette and our doctors spend about 100 hours a year on training, while the generally accepted norm is 20. For example, about two years ago we took all our staff from both offices to a large dental conference held in the Bahamas, a year ago we attended a conference in Las Vegas, and now we are preparing a trip to Madrid. In general, we travel a lot and study all the time, because you can’t stand still, you need to keep up with the times and technology. Dentistry is developing very rapidly, and it so happened that we always use the newest, most modern. This applies to everything: treatment methods, diagnostics, materials, equipment, and so on.

We were the first to introduce office teeth whitening to the Russian market, and in America we were one of the pioneers in this business. Although many doctors came up and said: “What are you doing? You're ruining your teeth!" They told all sorts of lies. But not much time has passed, and now, probably, there is no clinic where teeth whitening would not be offered. Later, the same thing happened with the concept of using physiology in dental treatment. The so-called neuromuscular dentistry. This is what we brought to the Russian market, what we teach, we hold lectures and conferences on this topic.

By the way, three years ago we started using the NUCALM system, which can significantly reduce stress in patients in general in life, and in the dental office in particular, and also makes any procedure in dentistry more enjoyable. Patients in our clinic listen to special music, and on a physiological level, there is a reduction in stress. You'll see, not much time will pass again, and it will be on every corner.

We use advanced technologies not because we want to be the first, but because it just happens. If technology allows us to heal better, then we use it. Therefore, we are distinguished on the market by high quality, innovative approach and short treatment times.

Which politician would I like to see in my chair? I think the answer is obvious. (Laughs) I can't say that I have any ambitions to treat celebrities. I just want to see patients in the chair who care about their health. Sometimes the treatment that we do is not just getting rid of caries. We treat quite serious illnesses, and our treatment can prolong people's lives. This is the work of not only the doctor, but also the patient, because the treatment sometimes takes six months. And I welcome any patient who comes to us with the idea of ​​helping himself.

Quality care costs money. We use one of the best laboratories in the world, which is located in Canada, and those materials that are necessary for the patient, regardless of their price. Therefore, the cost of the treatment itself is quite high. Our doctors spend a lot of time and money on training, and, of course, we try to maintain a high level of service in this complex process. So, if we talk about pricing, we are somewhere in the middle of the premium class.

We do not plan expansions in other Russian cities. We plan to expand the list of services. For example, we recently opened a center for the treatment of sleep disorders, as this is a very big problem and many patients have obstructive sleep apnea. The role of dentists in the detection and treatment of sleep apnea is very, very large. This is a new area in dentistry, and it requires certain knowledge, training, study. For treatment, we have built a whole center and are now helping our patients. Plastic surgery also has its place, we help each other in creating the perfect aesthetics. Many bite pathologies are associated with respiratory failure - let's say nasal, here otolaryngologists are already helping us.

Someone immediately cuts off clinics where the pricing policy is slightly higher than he expected, and goes to specialists whose prices “do not bite”. But in most cases, this is the wrong choice. Let me give you an example from yesterday. A man in his 40s came to us. For many years he suffered from symptoms of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. He beat many inexpensive specialists, but together he spent much more on them than his budget suggested! In most cases, on average, the treatment of such patients takes us about 3 months and we achieve a positive result. This is what people pay for. You can walk for years and spend 10 times more money on consultations, or you can pay a little more, but get to a person who really understands this. We have our own approach. For our clinic, for me personally, the main thing is to cure the patient, and not just treat.

Even if our services at first glance seem expensive, we advise you to follow the updates on the site. We often have promotions and discounts up to 40-50%. And this treatment is based on advanced and innovative technologies. Is it worth it? I think yes. So come to us for treatment!

Contacts of the branch in BIEM in Moscow

  • Address: Michurinsky avenue, 7, bldg. one
  • Phone: +7 495 988-00-96
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Official site:
  • Working hours: Mon - Fri from 8.00 to 21.00, Sat from 8.00 to 16.00, Sun - day off


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