What do facial expressions and facial features say about a person? Variations of human facial expressions. Characteristics of various forms of facial expressions

It often happens that trust in people disappears when they are suspected of insincerity. When the interlocutor in the course of communication begins to “dodge” the truth, only people who have some knowledge about the features of information transfer can see it. After all, facial expressions communicate their true state to another person by a non-verbal method.

The psychology of human behavior is limitless. It will take more than one year to fully study the secrets of facial expressions as one of its sections. Meanwhile, you can learn to understand your interlocutor by a look or a hidden smirk if you know about some of the nuances.

Firstly, the key to a correct understanding of what a person would like to say is an objective assessment of everything reproduced by him, taking into account the relationship between speech and facial expressions. Secondly, the emotions that arise in the soul, people are able to express in two ways:

  • conventionally;
  • spontaneously.

This means that if the partner does not want to give out the true attitude to the information being reported, he can limit himself to the simplest hint. But more often this method is more disorienting than effective.

How to determine the truth of information by facial expressions?

Before saying something, in most cases a person thinks over his words and tries to keep facial expressions under control as much as possible. At the same time, it can be extremely difficult for an interlocutor to keep track of several reactions at once. Psychology will come to the rescue, which will teach you how to properly develop the ability of mimic "language" or to reveal a sincere attitude to something by facial expressions.

Reactions that appeared in the interlocutor spontaneously or involuntarily can be correctly read only if there is a long-term relationship with a partner. If this point is not taken into account, there will always be a possibility of critical self-deception in the process of deep recognition of a partner.

It is not difficult to determine the degree of personal expression by the facial expression of a human face, but it is extremely important to take into account many related factors. It turns out that women are much more difficult to cope with their emotions than men. It is difficult for the fair sex to hide their existing experiences, so their face more clearly betrays its owner in a given situation. In addition to gender, other factors also play a role in the success of withholding information:

  • temperament (it is easier for a phlegmatic person to protect their feelings from prying eyes than, for example, a choleric person);
  • additional related circumstances;
  • experience of the recipient.

How to learn to understand facial gestures?

Facial expression, as psychology says, is predetermined by the impact of the feelings experienced, which provoke controlled contractions and relaxation of the muscles. Many wish to master the ability to control their emotions by performing special facial exercises. However, all the measures taken to teach the subtleties of facial expressions will not be successful if you do not know about other important points.

For example, the symmetry of the face in displaying feelings helps to recognize a lie much faster. In addition, lips can betray a person's desire to disguise.

For example, increased facial expressions around the mouth allow us to conclude that the speaker is worried about something. Lips twisted to one side indicate a skeptical or mocking attitude towards what is happening.

Facial expressions in acting

Correct and beautiful facial expressions are especially important for an actor. A professional in this field, before going on stage, must perform the usual exercises for him, aimed at warming up the facial muscles. The simplest and most common training scheme takes no more than 5 minutes, however, the results of its influence on a person's facial abilities are colossal. To do a warm-up, you must follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • In front of the mirror, concentrate your attention to the maximum on all moving facial elements.
  • Alternately (with eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, lips), do simple exercises with each part of the face, lowering and lifting up.
  • A few minutes after the completion of a simple set of exercises, pay attention to the mobility of all facial muscles.

Human psychology confirms that the viewer during the performance will be able to delve into what is happening and become interested in the plot of even the most uninteresting performance only if he finds a clear expression of emotions on the face of the actor. Clearly read facial expressions serve as a means of an additional effective message to the audience. Thanks to her, the essence of what is happening on the stage comes to the audience.

Training to improve facial expressions

An experienced actor often does not have any problems with the possession of his own facial expressions. The psychology of mimic communication learned and mastered by him makes it possible not to follow the work of the muscles. His face in moments of anger, sadness or joy clearly conveys internal simulated experiences and emotional mood. But in order to correctly perceive the acting on stage, you must first study in detail the gestures of your face.

  • Group exercises on the control and management of facial expressions are especially relevant in creative circles. The exercises that are performed by the participants of such trainings are coordinated by the leader. He occupies a central place in the circle of students. Thus, the teacher manages to track the quality and compliance with the rules of each exercise performed.
  • In the course of building a mimic “picture” by the students of the group, the facilitator should orient each of them in time if corrections are needed: to complete the image, someone needs to squint their eyes more, and someone needs to relax the corners of the mouth and not frown. The psychology of facial expressions is much faster to master with a group discussion of each exercise.

Years of creativity and painstaking work on oneself allow the actor to have no doubts about how his face looks at a particular moment. Without resorting to the help of a mirror, a person who has undergone lengthy training to control personal facial expressions will be able to portray this or that sensual mood.

Mimic manifestations in accordance with feelings

The psychology of facial expressions is comprehended in stages. To begin with, it is important to learn about how the appearance person experiencing different emotions

  • with joyful inspiring feelings, the lips bend, their corners gravitate back, and fine wrinkles appear around the line of the eyes;
  • surprise or interest is shown on the face by raised eyebrows and slightly widened eyes, the mouth may be rounded and slightly open;
  • disgust and contempt are reflected in the appearance of a person in different ways: in the first case, one can observe a wrinkled nose and lowered eyebrows, the lower lip is slightly protruded, it seems that the person is choking on something; in the second case, the face of the interlocutor will be elongated, eyebrows raised, a look “down” is characteristic;
  • it is easy to determine whether a person is scared or not by his widened eyes and eyebrows shifted inward; in addition, a slightly open mouth and pulled back corners indicate internal tension and stiffness;
  • anger and anger are manifested in the same way: the forehead is frowning, the expression of the eyes is menacing, the nostrils are dilated, the lips are clenched, the skin may turn red;
  • feelings of shame are reflected in appearance by averted gaze, directed downward or shifting eyes, slightly covered by eyelids.

It is important to perform exercises for the development of facial expressions regularly - only then the psychology of communication and facial expressions will become a faithful assistant. The duration of training is individual, but most often they are performed from 10 to 15 minutes a day. You can divide the complex of classes into morning and evening sessions. In addition, there is no urgent need to conduct gymnastics strictly according to the schedule.

Any exercise aimed at mastering facial expressions should be performed in front of a mirror. It is extremely important to take the correct position of the body. It is most convenient to train the facial muscles while sitting, keeping your back and neck straight. It is worth considering that exercises are a considerable load for the muscles and can negatively affect the elasticity of the skin in the future. Proper care and moisturizing of the face will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Exercises for beautiful and controlled facial expressions

The development of facial expressions is happening rapidly: after a couple of weeks of classes, with a diligent and persistent approach to learning, changes will become noticeable and tangible not only to the student, but also to members of his social circle. Simple exercises look like this:

  • Lips should be closed, but not compressed. The entire muscular apparatus of the face should be as relaxed as possible. Attach the middle fingers to the corners of the mouth and press a little. The main task of this exercise is to stretch the lips "into a tube" with an attempt to kiss the air. In tension, the nasolabial triangle should be at least 10 seconds, then relax the muscles and repeat 5-6 times.
  • With your mouth wide open, you need to raise your eyes up and blink constantly for 30-40 seconds. Such an exercise will not only bring the muscles of the face into tone, but also give rest to the eyes.
  • Cheeks should be clasped with hands so that the little fingers are in the corners of the lips. You need to make a wide smile without opening your mouth, and keep it for some time (10-15 seconds). Gradually, returning to the starting position, relax for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Mastering a perfect level of control over facial expression is much easier than it might seem at first glance. The psychology of facial expressions will teach you how to manage your emotions and determine the degree of their truthfulness with the interlocutor.

Facial expressions are a classic field of study for the physiognomist. Not knowing its data means being subject to serious physiognomic mistakes. Often we happened to change, using the data of facial expressions, the diagnosis made by the study of forms.

Facial expressions are the main indicator of the speaker's feelings.

Facial expressions help to better understand the person with whom communication takes place. Facial expressions are also very important in relationships, as it allows you to figure out what feelings people experience in relation to each other. For example, raised eyebrows, wide eyes, downturned lips are signs of surprise; lowered eyebrows, curved forehead wrinkles, narrowed eyes, closed lips and clenched teeth indicate anger.

Drawn eyebrows, dull eyes, slightly lowered corners of the lips speak of sadness, calm eyes and raised outer corners of the lips - about happiness, contentment.

For any participant in communication, the ability to decipher the facial expressions of the interlocutor is very important. But at the same time, no less important is the ability to own facial expressions yourself, to make it more expressive, so that the interlocutor better understands intentions and motives. This skill is especially necessary in the practice of business interaction.

While the morphological type is created in an investigative way, facial expressions are the result of education. If the Jupiterian in our example had spent his childhood in an environment where he would have been taught to want to express himself, he would not have become a neuropath and his facial expressions would have expressed a strong nature. This statement is a powerful encouragement for those who see signs of moral weakness in themselves. Improving our mental culture, we improve our nature, and this is a worthy goal.

People who are not subject to strong passions have calm facial expressions.

On the faces of eternally trembling people, as well as on the faces of eternally busy people, wrinkles often appear already in youth. The deeper the wrinkles, the more they emphasize the ideas they represent.

“The depth of the fold of any matter speaks of its frequent and everyday use,” Delestre noted.

Of course, one must be able to distinguish mental wrinkles from those that appear from rapid fattening.

The movements of the forehead are closely related to the movements of the eyebrows.

"The forehead of a good man," says Delestre, "carries the clarity of his conscience." If the forehead without wrinkles is the forehead of weak-willed, indecisive people. The forehead rises above their fair arched eyebrows, which are usually thin and emphasize the innocence of their owner and the lack of reactions from their passions.

Neuropaths have horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, which are the result of frequent raising of the eyebrows, the well-known gesture of constant surprise. Because of the smallest work, they wrinkle their forehead.

Balanced natures have on their forehead the smallest number of horizontal wrinkles, because they do not wrinkle in surprise: their forehead is wrinkled vertically in the area where intense, strong-willed attention is expressed, that is, between the eyebrows at the root of the nose. So, vertical wrinkles go hand in hand with horizontal and thick eyebrows. The depth of the vertical wrinkle and wrinkles generally determines the amount of mental control.

If the vertical wrinkle in question is very deep, it means a wayward and even violent will. In this case, it is accompanied by thick and naughty eyebrows. This type of forehead and eyebrows is found in people who are not amenable to any discipline. Delestre saw many such faces in prisons.

The face is not only an aesthetic part of the body that is responsible for our attractiveness. It can accompany our emotions, therefore it can both reveal sincere feelings and give out true intentions. Despite the fact that there are people who can control their facial expressions, it is still worth knowing the basic facial “punctures”.

Joy, good mood, admiration in facial expressions

Joyful emotions can be recognized by the following signs:

  • a smile that involves the eyes and upper cheeks;
  • slightly raised eyebrows;
  • transverse wrinkles on the forehead;
  • shining eyes, direct, lively look.

A joyful state is characterized by active facial expressions with the participation of the entire face and after a while is replaced by calmness. If a smile froze for a long time on an indifferent face, such joy is hardly sincere.

Shame, embarrassment, guilt through facial expressions

The fact that a person is ashamed or embarrassed can be suggested by such mimic "factors":

  • downcast eyes or averted gaze;
  • eyebrows, head lowered;
  • the eyelids are slightly raised or lowered completely;
  • face set aside, flushed.

Take a closer look at other parts of the body - shame raises the shoulders, squeezes a person into a ball, makes you cover your face.

Anxiety, fear, horror in facial expressions

The feeling of anxiety, fright or fear is in many ways "mimic" similar, but have some differences:

  • fright - wide eyes, "running" look, pallor, confusion on the face;
  • anxiety - "wandering", restless facial expressions, "running", inattentive look, fussiness;
  • fear, horror - a frozen face, wide eyes, straight, slightly raised eyebrows, lowered corners of the mouth.

Lies, insincerity in facial expressions

To suspect that the interlocutor is not completely sincere with you, the following facial clues will help:

  • fleeting microtension of the muscles of the face (“a shadow ran through”);
  • “running” or sly look, avoidance of “eye to eye” contact, squinting, frequent blinking;
  • slight insincere, ironic smile;
  • redness and blanching of the skin.

Interest, attention, indifference in facial expressions

If you see that your interlocutor is turned to face you and carefully looks directly at you - most likely he is interested in dialogue (or you). At the same time, his eyes will be opened, the surface of the forehead is flat or expanded, the nose is slightly directed forward. The mouth of the interested interlocutor is closed, the eyebrows are slightly furrowed.

If the interlocutor looks down or past you, his eyes are dull, his eyelids are closed, his mouth is ajar, and his corners are lowered - he is not interested in you and your conversation.

Anger, resentment, pride through facial expressions

The fact that the situation is unpleasant for a person may be indicated by a crease in the region of the bridge of the nose, a tense area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles above the upper lip, and pursed lips. Dilated nostrils and raised wings of the nose, a direct “drilling” look, and redness of the face should also alert.

A feeling of disdain or disgust can be expressed by raising the head, looking straight down, wrinkled nose, drawn back, often asymmetrical lips. There can often be a smile of superiority.

Facial expressions are one of the components of the equation of true human emotions. To get the full picture, look also at gestures, behavior, intonation.


There are two types of facial expressions: - Reflex household facial expressions;
- Conscious facial expressions. It helps actors consciously get the expressions they want. faces.

Since ancient times, mankind has been familiar with physiognomy. This is the art of reading. faces, which was especially developed in China during the Middle Ages, as well as in Japan. In these, special ones were even created, in which facial expressions faces studied in millimetres. Based on the accumulated experience, physiognomists tried to determine the fate of each bump on the face, each redness or blanching of the skin.

Exercises for the development of facial expressions usually begin with the simplest and end with complex workouts, the effectiveness of which will increase with each lesson. First you need to develop muscle mobility faces. For this, arbitrary movements of the facial muscles. Try to loosen your face while restoring its optimal mobility. After a certain period of time after the start of training, you will notice that your face has become freer and can take on the most expressions. In this case, you will feel absolutely no tension, because the initial exercises consist mainly of relaxing the facial muscles.

Along with the beginning for the development of facial expressions, it is very important to do special exercises for the development of correct speech. Thanks to this, in the future, the development of facial expressions will be much faster, and the development process will become intuitive and simple.

Further, with the help of facial muscles, it is required to depict various emotions in front of a mirror. Try to pronounce different with shades of different emotions. For example, you can say the word "Hello!" with joy, with rudeness, with rage, with malice, and so on. All the will of your imagination. Pretty soon you will see that your face takes on the shades of emotion you need, depending on the coloring of your condition. In addition, all these movements will not be arbitrary. You will have full control and awareness of them.

The final stage in the development of facial expressions of your faces will be the next exercise. Let your partner stand in front of you and begin to imitate various kinds of emotional states. Next, switch roles with him. Remember that by reading the emotions of others, you thus learn to manage emotions.


  • facial expressions exercises

All his life, a person seems to be carving himself out of stone - like a sculptor, hard working on himself. Character cannot be obtained solely by inheritance. A conscious person develops himself according to the well-known principle "sow a habit - reap a character." To get a strong character you need quality seeds, good soil, light, warmth and timely watering. And don't forget to weed.


Find good seeds to sow. Decide what habits you want yourself develop. They can relate to your physical, mental, spiritual and spiritual. Study celebrity biographies. Note in your notes what habits they have developed over the course of their lives.

Take care of good soil. This is your mental attitude, your mission, the meaning of your existence, your goals. Why do you need good seeds? What is this all for? Isn't it better to "eat, drink and be merry, because tomorrow"? To what do you incline your heart?

Provide enough light and heat. Create a cozy environment for the formation of new habits. But don't avoid. Remember how it is tempered. We need to maintain a balance. Some habits will appear in the trials, and some need to be developed in the "hothouse". It’s not worth talking about which fruit is better - natural or greenhouse. Both are needed in life. Otherwise, finding yourself in good conditions after difficult years, you can easily relax and forget about self-education.

Water your crops. Watering is a job not to be missed. Otherwise, the consequences can be catastrophic and you will have to start all over again, but already in the next sowing company. Water every morning, as the grass is watered with dew. So daily prepare your soul for the upcoming one. First, everything is worked out mentally, and then - in fact. Mental study - this is watering, irrigation. Remind yourself incessantly about their plans. Keep records.

Watch out for weeds. The Bible says that bad company corrupts good morals. No matter how lovely you are yourself not brought up, everything can be destroyed. Be mindful and consciously shape your surroundings.


Save your harvest, don't let it go to waste. Do not leave good habits, otherwise you can lose them.

Helpful advice

In nature, sowing and reaping constantly alternate. Benjamin Franklin came up with a 12-week personal growth plan for himself. And he repeated it all his life, working out one quality every week. It makes sense to follow the prompts of nature and the experience of successful people. Take stock and sow every year, throughout your life.

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The human brain is designed in such a way that the first reaction to events is always based on emotions. Today it is believed that it is emotional intelligence that helps to achieve success in life. However, uncontrolled experiences can also hurt. How to properly develop emotions?


The first step to developing your own emotions is the ability to listen to others. Everyone welcomes the opportunity to speak. However, a rare interlocutor really empathizes with the speaker. Often the matter is limited to formal nods and standard phrases. The ability to hear is the ability to fully engage in the speech of the interlocutor, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts. Ask again, empathize, learn to benefit from communication with any person, because everyone is able to share valuable experience.

Think positive. Personal development in general and the development of emotions in particular are significantly influenced by internal dialogue. It is impossible to track every thought that is in the human head and evaluate it. However, avoid negative judgments. Do not overuse generalizations such as "I always", "I never", trying to replace them with "this time" or "sometimes". Replace value judgments with facts. Instead of mentally scolding yourself last, state "I made a mistake."

Learn body language. To do this, you have to watch others. Often people disguise their emotions words. Behind cold, harsh phrases, uncertainty can be hidden, and anger can be hidden behind flattering speeches. Crossed arms or legs - secrecy or stiffness, and vice versa, a free relaxed posture indicates that the interlocutor feels at home. Colleague covers his mouth? It is likely that he is. Analyze the gestures of others, then pay attention to your own. Try to match your body language with the emotional tone of your words.

Keep it under control! Each has its positive and negative sides. Falling into anger, a person moves away from others, ceases to be critical, but often it is negative experiences that push to activity, stimulate to achieve goals in spite of everyone. Learn to express emotions a simple trick will help constructively. Divide the paper sheet into two columns. In the first, write what they suggest to do emotions, and in the other - what thinking advises. Looking at this list, it is much easier with worries and make a decision.

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Facial expressions accompany all our emotions. Thanks to facial expressions, we can understand whether a person is happy or sad, angry, or, conversely, is in a good mood. facial expressions can and should be developed. Firstly, a person who knows it well is more charming, charismatic. Secondly, this skill will allow you to better deal with your emotions and reflect on your face only those feelings that are necessary.

You will need

  • - Mirror


The first exercise is a warm-up. Required . This exercise will involve all moving faces. You need to alternately move your eyebrows, then your eyes, then your lips. You can do absolutely anything: raise and lower your eyebrows, rotate your eyes, etc. Do this exercise for 3-5 minutes.

The second exercise is aimed at studying your face, so that later you can master it well. Imagine some emotion, such as fear. Remember, at the same time there should be a face, and try to reproduce it. Play around. Try to portray completely different emotions: surprise, joy, sadness, delight, etc.

There are also exercises on individual parts of the face that keep the facial muscles in good shape, which, in turn, tighten the contours of the face, smooth the skin, and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles. Exercise will help restore the skin around the eyes to its former elasticity and tone. Close and relax your eyes. Then, for five seconds, bring your eyes to the bridge of your nose. Open your eyes and look straight ahead. Then close your eyes again. Do five sets.

To smooth out the nasolabial folds, pinch this with your thumb and forefinger for two minutes. With the help of facial exercises, you can give your lips extra volume: squeeze your lips and pinch them from the middle to the corners. You must also do this exercise for two minutes.

You can get rid of the second chin by pronouncing the sound "ks", while the lips must be well stretched so that the muscles of the neck tense. Hold this position for five seconds, and then, pronouncing the sound "o", return to the starting position. Repeat five times.

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In certain life situations, you want to know everything about those around you, and for this you need to learn how to literally “read thoughts”, that is, to understand what emotions and feelings a person is experiencing at a given moment. There is even a science - physiognomy, which allows you to predict actions and desires, focusing only on facial features and facial expressions.

How to make your face beautiful? How is the face formed? What you need to do to look beautiful. Emotions, facial expressions ... About this article ...

Who exercises his face?

Do you think nobody? - You're wrong.

Here is a little girl spinning near the mirror. Mom reproaches her: “You can’t do that! Stop showing off! That's not what decent girls do!" And then the girl does it on the sly. When no one sees.

Or maybe he never does, feeling forbidden.

What determines the beauty of the face? Read about it in the article...

I don’t know what parents are afraid of, forbidding children to study their faces, to train facial expressions. Maybe the parents are afraid that the child will learn to manipulate the parents using their face? That the child will deceive them?

Show sadness without being sad.
Show obedience, yet disobey.
Maybe so?

However, parents are just so accustomed themselves. In childhood, they were taught to “grimacing” in front of a mirror. And parents were weaned by their parents ...

- So uncivilized! It's not supposed to be like that! You can not do it this way!

They even came up with a legend about Narcissus, who looked at his reflection for a long time and became a flower.

What determines the beauty of the face?

I am writing this article on my laptop, in a cafe, drinking my favorite coffee with milk ... At the next table, three girls are talking about something.

It was the observation of them that gave the idea for the article.

It seems to be beauties. But no.

Beautiful bodies. Wasp waist, emphasized chest. It can be seen that these girls are engaged in their bodies.

Maybe yoga, dancing, running, gym, I don't know. Plus, probably, diets are different. It can be seen - they work on the bodies, withram.

Wonderful hair, everyone has their own style. Their faces are covered with imperceptible traces of cosmetics, each trying to look good.

But I am sure that none of them is engaged in the development and change of their face.

One or two smiles on duty (for photographs) - that's the whole arsenal of facial expressions.

Each of them could become a beauty. Such a girl with whom I would like to sit in a cafe, over a cup of coffee.

Be enchanted... And fall in love...

And there is everything for this.

It remains to work on the face

Above the expression of the lips, eyes, eyebrows.

And if they worked on their face, not only with the help of cosmetics, they would be beauties.

But... Alas...

How are faces formed?

Those people who are often dissatisfied develop dissatisfied faces.

Sad faces are obtained from those who are most often sad. Closed faces, without emotions - in cautious, distrustful people. And funnyfaces appear in cheerful people.

It is important to constantly monitor your facial expression.

Always. Or as often as possible.

And do not allow discontent, disappointment, sadness. Even in the most ordinary situations.

When we drink tea in a cafe, for example.

And if allowed, then in this case, the face remains beautiful.

(Well, let it be ugly - as you wish!)

It is important to study your face in advance, how we talk, how we rejoice, wonder, admire.

Are we so offended?
Is this how we show dissatisfaction?

How are we offended? How do we express dissatisfaction?

And if we don’t like some emotion, we can change it, develop it, train it.

In this place, I often hear criticism. That, they say, this is dishonest, unnatural, not right. What, they say, to whom it is given, is given to those, and if it is not given, then it is not given! You can't learn it!

Usually, I don't insist or argue.

Yes, some people are more fortunate than others.

I know beauties who secretly spend hours in front of the mirror, studying themselves, their faces.

Experimenting. Trying new emotions. Charming yourself. Talking to yourself, imagining the interlocutors and their faces.

But no one admits it.

Why? Because it's very intimate. Just like having sex with yourself. Doesn't anyone admit this either? Right?

But if you see a wealth of emotions on your face, beautiful expressions of lips and eyes, this is most likely the result of training.

Smart girl!

It is clear that not only the face needs to be dealt with

Moreover, do not go to extremes, doing only facial expressions.

It is important to learn other skills as well.

Including oratory, of which I am a coach.

I personally know such beauties who work on their face.

I heard about it for the first time when I was a student, and I couldn't believe my own ears.

And then he bought himself a large mirror. - Guess what for? - And even skipped a lecture, stayed in the hostel so that no one would see me practicing my smile.

Then there were gestures. The ones I have now.

Actors, artists, fashion models are engaged in the development of facial expressions ...

Have you seen the wonderful film "Artist"? If not, be sure to check it out! I recommend. The film is without words, so everything is based on facial expressions, gestures, emotions.

Time will pass…

I think time will pass, and my article will become completely irrelevant.

The world of girls, and guys, will be engaged in training and developing their faces.

In the meantime, as they say: “Everything is in our hands”

Right now go to the mirror. Explore all your emotions!

All! And anger, and joy, and irritation - too!

And very important: speak in front of a mirror! Learn to be surprised, beautiful. Learn to express gratitude. Interest.

After all, a face in motion happens much more often than a static one.

Smile out of the corners of your eyes. Smile at the corners of your lips.

Learn to change your face and smile during a conversation.

Smile at the corners of your lips.
Smile out of the corners of your eyes.

And practice, practice, practice...

And further. About women's faces. If a woman wants to please men, then what kind of facial expression should she train? A?

Right. Men are attracted to faces that show the desire for sex. Such faces also need to be trained, if this is important.

What faces turn you off?

Fear and fright make faces such that you don’t want to approach them. This is a defensive reaction. Mask. And, it's a pity, it is with such persons that people most often meet.

Fear, fright, discontent disfigure our faces. And, if such a condition is not uncommon for a girl, it makes a reliable imprint on her face. And to make such a face beautiful will be more and more difficult.

Improving the character, we improve the appearance.

Our behavior and emotions are connected with our appearance, our face. The most frequent emotions form the character, and form our face. Therefore, the direct connection of our character with our faces. So be kind! Don't get irritable. By improving our character, we improve our appearance.

For eight years I led the club of practical psychology. We conducted many different classes and trainings, completely different. But there were also such classes aimed at inner and outer beauty, at harmony. And I saw how people “bloomed” and changed faces.

There is a wonderful poem on our theme of human faces.

About the beauty of human faces. Poet, Nikolay Zabolotsky , perfectly revealed the theme of the beauty of human faces. Comparing faces with the facades of houses is a wonderful metaphor, you must agree ...

On the beauty of human faces

Nikolay Zabolotsky

There are faces like magnificent portals
Where everywhere the great is seen in the small.
There are faces - the likeness of miserable shacks,
Where the liver is cooked and the abomasum gets wet.

Other cold, dead faces
Closed with bars, like a dungeon.
Others are like towers in which
Nobody lives and looks out the window.

But I once knew a small hut,
She was unsightly, not rich,
But from her window on me
The breath of a spring day flowed.

Truly the world is both great and wonderful!
There are faces - the likeness of jubilant songs.
From these, like the sun, shining notes
Compiled a song of heavenly heights.

There is another poem. Vladimir Vysotsky. It's the same theme, but presented in a different way. You can scroll through, if not interested, and read the article further.


Vladimir Vysotsky

Laughing sobbing among the crooked mirrors,
I must have been cleverly played:
Hooks of noses and grins to the ears -
Like a Venice carnival

What should I do? Run, hurry up?

Or maybe have fun with them?
I hope I - under the mask of animals
Many have human faces.

All in masks, wigs - all as one.
Who is fabulous, and who is literary.
My neighbor on the right is a sad harlequin,
Another executioner, and every third is a fool.

I enter into a round dance laughing,
But still, I feel uneasy with them, -
And suddenly someone the executioner's mask
Like it, and he won't take it off?

Suddenly the harlequin will forever be sad,
Admiring his own sad face?
What if the fool has his foolish appearance
So it will be forgotten on a normal face?

The ring closes around me
They grab me, they draw me into the dance.
Well, well, my usual face
Everyone else took it for a mask.

Firecrackers, confetti! But it's not like that...
And the masks look at me reproachfully.
They scream that I'm out of time again
That I step on the feet of partners.

Evil masks laugh at me
Merry - they start to get angry,
Hiding behind a mask, as if behind a wall,
Their human real faces.

I'm chasing after the muses,
But I won’t ask anyone to open up:
What if the masks are dropped, and there
All the same half-masks-half-face?

I still penetrated the secret of masks.
I am confident that my analysis is accurate:
And the mask of indifference in others -
Protection against spitting and slaps.

But if he was a scoundrel without a mask,
Wear it. And you? Everything is clear to you.
Why hide under someone else's face
When is yours truly beautiful?

How not to miss a good face
How honest to guess for sure me?
They decided to wear masks
So as not to break your face on the stones.

P.S. Last important addition.

Since you have already read the article up to this point, which I am very pleased with.

This unexpected observation (for myself) I made on the train. And I travel very often, work is like that.
Waking up early, I looked out the compartment window and at the beautiful sleeping girl opposite. It is, of course, indecent to look at girls when they are sleeping. But she was sleeping. She had wonderful breasts, under the T-shirt. Beautiful long hair. Correct facial features ... And a tired, dissatisfied face, and therefore not a beautiful face.

I sat and modeled in my mind, what will she be like when she wakes up?
Frozen discontent has already manifested itself in the wrinkles on his face. I thought that this girl often falls asleep like this. And that she could be much more beautiful than she is now. If only I smiled more. And smile before going to sleep.

Sleep takes up a third of our lives. Falling asleep - remember this article! Smile!



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