Can pregnant women use Oscillococcinum? Oscillococcinum at different stages of pregnancy

For every woman, colds during pregnancy are real problem, because most medicines are contraindicated for them. But thanks modern medicine a drug appeared in pharmacies that does not pose a certain danger to the baby. Such a medicine got a rather complicated name - Oscillococcinum. Women in interesting position can take it both in the 1st and 2nd and 3rd trimesters of gestation. How to take Oscillococcinum: instructions for use during pregnancy, and other information about the drug in the article.

In contact with

Oscillococcinum is medication used to treat mild to moderate influenza medium degree severity, acute respiratory infections and SARS. french drug with worldwide recognition has been used for over 70 years in many countries around the world. Homeopath is produced in the form of capsules with granules.

The composition of one capsule of Oscillococcinum includes:

  • Muscovy duck liver and heart extract -200K - 0.01 ml - the main substance;
  • milk sugar (lactose) and sucrose are additional substances.

Can Oscillococcinum be taken during pregnancy?

Scientific studies confirming the safety of a homeopath when taken during fetal gestation of a baby have not been conducted. Therefore, it is not necessary to state unequivocally that the remedy will not negative impact on pregnancy and child development.

But, due to the fact that Oscillococcinum does not contain synthetic additives and chemical elements, and its components are natural substances that supposedly cannot harm either the mother or the child, taking a homeopath to treat a cold during fetal gestation is acceptable, and with timely treatment gives good results.

During pregnancy female body most often subject to colds due to weakened immune system. Especially, the tendency to them is increased in autumn or winter period. But, despite the "lightness" of the disease, you should not self-medicate, and take Oscillococcinum on your own during this period. dosage and necessary recommendations only a doctor can give on its use, and only in this case the drug will be safe.

Viral infections are most dangerous for early term, namely the 1st trimester, because at this stage the internal organs of the child are formed. Infection can lead to various pathologies, as well as to congenital or chronic diseases fetus. Therefore, it is important to be treated during this period, but only under the supervision of a doctor, and drugs acceptable during this period, Oscillococcinum is one of the acceptable drugs for the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Oscillococcinum is also allowed in the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy. Any infections are dangerous at this stage and can provoke premature birth or abortion, so timely treatment just necessary.

Method of use and dosage:

The drug is prescribed after an hour after a meal, or fifteen minutes before a meal.

  • Cold prevention:

One capsule of the drug is taken once a week.

  • The onset of the disease:

At the first signs of malaise, take one capsule, after which the dose is repeated 2-3 times every 6 hours.

  • Advanced cold stage:

If the viral infection is still cleared up, the medicine is taken in the morning and evening, 1 capsule for three days. If the patient's condition does not improve, it is worth visiting a doctor as soon as possible to further establish treatment.

This drug is very popular among patients in an interesting position. The medicine is prescribed not only to relieve the symptoms of flu and colds, but also as preventive therapy during an influenza epidemic or acute respiratory viral infections.

Contraindications of the drug

All components that make up the drug are safe and are not capable of causing side effects. The use of Oscillococcinum is impossible only in one case, namely, with individual intolerance its components, in order to avoid allergic reactions in patients. Otherwise, the homeopathic remedy is allowed, and is also compatible with other drugs.

Will it help to cope with varicose veins, and is it possible to take the drug during this period?

In what cases can pregnant women take Loratadine, and how to replace the drug, read this.


Oscillococcinum ® is a time-tested drug for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu, for the whole family:

Helps reduce symptoms of colds and flu 1 ;
Speeds up recovery 2 , 3 ;
Reduces the risk of complications 3 ;
For the whole family.

Oscillococcinum ® is a globally recognized drug that has been successfully used to fight influenza and SARS for 70 years in more than 30 countries (including Russia, the USA and Europe). Oscillococcinum ® promotes quick withdrawal the main symptoms (already after 48 hours 1) and accelerates recovery (the duration of the disease is reduced by 3 times).

Wide evidence base Oscillococcinum is recognized by independent experts of the Cochrane Society - the most respected among supporters evidence-based medicine. The researchers noted clinically beneficial effect Oscillococcinum in influenza and ARVI, which confirms the high interest in the drug at the international level 4 .

Oscillococcinum ® is a drug with worldwide recognition, which is confirmed by a long international experience applications, as well as clinical research and observations (involving >7000 patients) conducted both in Russia and abroad (Germany, France, Italy). Currently, the history of the drug continues: Oscillococcinum ® passes Scientific research And clinical observations in leading European medical centers.

How to take Oscillococcinum ®: put the contents of the tube under the tongue and hold until completely dissolved. For children: dissolve the contents of the tube in a small amount of water and give with a spoon or with a bottle with a nipple. The dosage depends on the stage of the disease and does not depend on the age of the patient. If within 24 hours the condition worsens, be sure to consult a doctor!

IMPORTANT! Oscillococcinum ® should be taken strictly 15 minutes before meals or an hour later.

The initial stage of the disease: take 1 dose as early as possible, then, if necessary, repeat the dose 2-3 times with an interval of 6 hours. In order not to miss the onset of a cold, learn to recognize its first manifestations: weakness, “tickling” in the nose, chills, body aches, headache. Pronounced stage of the disease: Take 1 dose in the morning and evening for 1-3 days.

The use of the drug Oscillococcinum ® for prevention: 1 dose 1 time per week during the spread of SARS. An important advantage of the drug Oscillococcinum ® is ease of administration and economy: one package of Oscillococcinum ® No. 6 is enough for a course of treatment or 6 weeks of prevention.

Tube Advantage:
- dosing accuracy
- convenience of reception (at work or transport)
- counterfeit protection

Unlike most medicines for flu and colds, Oscillococcinum ® is suitable for adults and children. In this case, the dosage of the drug does not depend on age, but on the stage of the disease. When using Oscillococcinum ® for the treatment of colds or flu in children, it is recommended to dissolve the contents of the tube in a small amount of water and give with a spoon or with a bottle with a nipple.

With more detailed information about the drug Oscillococcinum ® can be found on the official website of the drug.

Remember that Boiron medicines, like any other, should be taken after carefully reading the instructions or consulting a doctor! Self-medication is dangerous, and the information provided on the site is not a full replacement for a visit to the doctor.

ATTENTION: there are contraindications! Before use, read the instructions.

1 Geppe N. A., Krylova N. A., Tyurina E. N., Yablokova E. A. The direction of improving the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children // Doktor.Ru. 2016. No. 6 (123). pp. 47–51. 2 Papp R., Schuback G., Beck E. Oscillococcinum in patients with influenza-like syndromes. British Homeoopathic Journal, 1998; Vol.87:pp.69-76. 3 Samsygina G.A., Kazyukova T.V., Dudina T.A. et al. New technologies in the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza in children younger age. Pediatrics. G.N. Speransky.2008; Volume 87(5) 4 MATHIE, Robert T, FRYE, Joyce, FISHER, Peter. Homeopathic Oscillococcinum ® for preventing and treating influenza and influenza-like illness. IN Cochrane Library. Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group, January 28, 2015. (link)


Registration number П N014236/01

Trade name of the drug


Dosage form

Homeopathic granules

Ingredients (per dose):

Active ingredients:

Anas barbariaelium, hepatic et cordis extractum (anas barbarium, hepatic et cordis extractum) 200 K - 0.01 ml

Auxiliary components:

Sucrose - 850 mg
Lactose - 150 mg


Almost white granules spherical shape, odorless, easily soluble in water.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

homeopathic remedy

Indications for use

Influenza of mild and moderate severity, acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).


Increased individual sensitivity to individual components drug.
Lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding
The drug is used according to the doctor's prescription.

Dosage and administration

Put the contents of the tube under the tongue and hold until completely dissolved.
For children: dissolve the contents of the tube in a small amount of water and give with a spoon or with a bottle with a pacifier.

Take the drug 15 minutes before a meal or an hour later.
The dosage depends on the stage of the disease and does not depend on the age of the patient.

For prevention: take 1 dose 1 time per week during the spread of SARS.
The initial stage of the disease: take 1 dose as early as possible, then, if necessary, repeat the dose 2-3 times with an interval of 6 hours.

Advanced stage of the disease: take 1 dose in the morning and evening for 1-3 days.

Side effect

On currently Information about side effects the drug is missing. If you experience side effects, you should consult a doctor. Allergic reactions are possible.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking homeopathic medicines does not exclude treatment with other medicines.

special instructions

If within 24 hours the symptoms of the disease increase, you should consult a doctor.
The drug acts the faster and more efficiently, the earlier treatment is started - from the very first symptoms of the disease.

The use of the drug does not affect the management vehicles and fulfillment potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Acute respiratory viral diseases are of particular danger to pregnant women. The risk of joining the underlying disease secondary bacterial infection and the subsequent development of the inflammatory process during childbearing increases significantly. The situation is also unpleasant because the treatment of pathologies of this kind requires the use of potent antibiotics that can harm the unborn baby. The use of safe homeopathic remedies partly solves this problem. One of these drugs is Oscillococcinum, which is used during pregnancy both for therapy and for the prevention of seasonal viral diseases.

Efficacy and safety of Oscillococcinum during pregnancy

The principle of homeopathy is “treat like with minimal doses of like”. In the case of Oscillococcinum, this principle is implemented in the following way: each dose of the medicine contains a very small amount of the liver and heart extract of the Barbary duck infected with the influenza virus. For future mother, extremely concerned about not harming the fetus, it sounds, frankly, scary. However, there is nothing to be afraid of in this case: there is so little biological material in the preparation that the probability of it getting into the bloodstream of the crumbs is practically zero. You can use Oscillococcinum during pregnancy at any time.

Despite the fact that the drug has been known for a long time, to date, cases of its overdose or negative impact health is unknown. However, the possibility of developing an allergy to Oscillococcinum cannot be ruled out. The drug should be taken with caution in patients suffering from:

  • Pathological reactions to egg white;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Diabetes mellitus (the dose of the drug contains about 1000 mg of sugars).

As for the effectiveness of the remedy in the fight against viral infections, everything is ambiguous here. Oscillococcinum during pregnancy, according to some of the patients, has proven itself perfectly, has become a real salvation for them in the flu season. Other women say that taking the drug did not reduce the risk of infection and did not affect the course colds. Expert opinion is also divided. Many doctors who are supporters traditional methods treatment, believe that positive results taking Oscillococcinum due to the placebo effect. Homeopathic doctors, on the contrary, claim that the remedy is very effective and actually protects against seasonal viral infection; cases of ineffectiveness of the drug, they explain violations of the mode of its reception.

Be that as it may, the following is obvious: the use of Oscillococcinum during pregnancy does not harm either the woman or the fetus.

Rules for the use of the drug

The medicine is produced in the form of homeopathic balls enclosed in transparent tubes (one tube contains single dose). The regimen for taking Oscillococcinum depends on the purpose of its use (prevention or treatment of acute respiratory viral infections), as well as on the phase of the development of the disease:

  • When the first symptoms of a viral infection appear, one dose of the drug should be taken (the sooner this is done, the more complete it will be). therapeutic effect). In the next day, it is necessary to repeat the reception 2-3 times with an interval of at least 6 hours;
  • For the treatment of disease in active phase Oscillococcinum should be taken for 1-3 days, one dose in the morning and evening;
  • For the prevention of influenza and SARS, the medicine should be used throughout the entire "dangerous" period, one dose once a week.

According to the instructions, Oscillococcinum during pregnancy is taken 15 minutes before or one hour after meals. A portion of homeopathic balls is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Oscillococcinum is compatible with all drugs traditional medicine. Given the harmlessness of the drug, a woman can decide for herself whether to use it to protect against viral infections. It is only necessary to remember that the treatment of infectious diseases cannot be postponed for a long time, and if the symptoms of malaise do not recede, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

When carrying a baby, the mother's body is most vulnerable to virus attacks: natural mechanisms for reducing immunity are launched. Therefore, pregnant women often catch colds. However, any diseases during this period are undesirable. ARVI is especially dangerous at the beginning of the term, when organs are just being formed and crumb systems are being laid. Most drugs in the "interesting" position are prohibited, but there are also harmless ones. Oscillococcinum is considered safe during pregnancy, 1 trimester, 2 or 3 - there is an opinion that the drug can be drunk at any period of gestation. But is it? Is not it popular remedy harmless?

Walking on fresh air have a great effect on well-being

Oscillococcinum - known medicine homeopathic action. This tool is intended not only for the treatment of influenza / colds, but also for the prevention of these diseases. It is used in the treatment of the most vulnerable groups - children, pregnant women.

The tool is produced in a large French laboratory, but it was not invented by modern pharmacists. The creator of the drug is Joseph Roy. Back in 1919, at the height of the Spanish flu epidemic, a French physician saw specific bacteria in the blood fluid of influenza patients - they fluctuated. The homeopath gave them the name Oscillococcus. The scientist came to the conclusion that it is in them that the cause of the disease lies. He began looking for similar bacteria in the blood of animals and birds and found it in the liver of the Barbary duck. The insides of birds became the main component of the medicine. Rua concluded that such an extract in minimum concentration gives a pronounced antiviral effect.

Today, extracts of the main ingredient are obtained in laboratory conditions. Supplement is sucrose, lactose. The drug is produced in the form of granules. They are sweet in taste. One dose dragee is in a minitube (capsule).

When to apply

Oscillococcinum, although it is homeopathic remedy, but it is better to use it after a medical consultation. The medicine may be prescribed:

  • for the treatment of influenza (except for the severe form, in this case the most effective drugs are required);
  • for the treatment of SARS;
  • to relieve a cold;
  • after contact with the sick;
  • after hypothermia, to reduce the likelihood of a cold;
  • during the season of epidemics (for preventive purposes).

Oscillococcinum enhances protective properties organism. Thanks to this, there is a resource to fight viruses. The drug stops inflammatory processes. The medicine reduces the severity of flu / SARS symptoms: eliminates muscle and headaches, relieves body aches, and reduces temperature. The active substance contributes to the overall improvement of well-being. The medicine accelerates the course of the disease, brings the moment of recovery closer, and prevents the development of complications.

The drug and the "interesting" position

Oscillococcinum is considered a completely safe drug. It is allowed for pregnant women. However, is it possible to turn to a homeopathic medicine without first consulting a doctor? The future mother should remember: taking even the most harmless means should always be discussed with a personal doctor.

Fresh greens must be present in the menu of the future mom

Colds can cause serious consequences: complications in the mother, failure in the development of the fetus and the appearance of anomalies. You can avoid danger if the treatment is timely and effective. Taking Oscillococcinum arbitrarily and hoping for its effect, future mommy may miss the moment when the treatment of the disease requires much more serious drugs. Therapy should be selected by a doctor. He chooses the most safe drugs. Often the list also includes Oscillococcinum, which has proven itself to be effective and maximally effective. safe remedy. It is used for the treatment of viral diseases and is prescribed for prevention during epidemics.

Beginning of gestation

In the 1st trimester pregnancy is coming the laying of the organs of the future person, the mechanisms of work of vital important systems. For the first 12 weeks, the expectant mother should especially take care of herself. Viral diseases that have arisen on initial stage gestation, can lead to various anomalies. Often, if a mother suffers the flu in the first trimester, the fetus develops heart pathologies, nervous system.

During this period, effective and timely treatment is especially important. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that most medicines aimed at the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and the relief of cold symptoms, at the beginning of gestation - a taboo. Pharmacological agents render negative impact on the cells of the developing fetus, due to which the baby may develop defects.

Alternative synthetic drugshomeopathic remedies. They are safe: they do not contain any chemical components. Given the risks that other medications can provoke, doctors often prescribe Oscillococcinum for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections at the initial stage of gestation. This tool does not give complications, which is important at a time when the fetus is most vulnerable.

However, experts do not advise taking the drug uncontrollably. In an “interesting” position, the body is able to react unpredictably even to natural ingredients. The doctor can assess the possibility of such a reaction, so the first step is a consultation.


After the 13th week, the "golden" time of pregnancy begins. Mommy feels better, there is less risk of harming the baby. However, the baby continues to form, therefore, to the reception antiviral drugs must be treated with caution. Oscillococcinum during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is often prescribed for the prevention of SARS. But it is better not to take it on your own: the doctor must first assess the condition of the mother.

During gestation, a woman gets tired faster

The tool is especially effective in the treatment of viral ailments on initial stage. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He oversees the work homeopathic medicine. If it does not save, the specialist will quickly find a replacement, which will help to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the least risk to the fetus.

Oscillococcinum does not affect uterine tone. This is important in the second trimester. Tonus can cause miscarriage, premature birth therefore, drugs that can cause this condition should be avoided. The homeopathic remedy does not affect concentration. In the middle of the term, most mothers are still working: it is especially important for them to maintain “clear mind”.

last trimester

The transition to the 3rd trimester is accompanied by a decrease in immunity. Preparations are underway for the upcoming labor activity, which requires additional resources from the body. Result - protective functions decline, opening the way for various viruses. As in the beginning of gestation, the risks of developing SARS increase significantly. Closer to childbirth, Oscillococcinum is prescribed as prophylactic from colds. It is also used for therapy, but the third trimester opens up more opportunities for the selection of medicines, so homeopathy is rarely limited.

In favor of the use of Oscillococcinum on later dates says it natural composition. Although it is more difficult for chemical components to influence the formed baby, some can affect the course of childbirth. On recent weeks drugs that tone the uterus should be avoided. This may lead to premature tribal activity. Oscillococcinum has no such effect. It can be used at any time. But, of course, it is always advisable to seek expert advice.

Therapy, prevention: application features

It is better to learn the nuances of using Oscillococcinum from a doctor observing a future mother. This will help to avoid risks, because the course of pregnancy is an individual concept. But there is also general instruction on the use of the drug. The remedy should be drunk a quarter of an hour before a meal or sixty minutes after the end of the meal.

Take a bath with extreme caution

How to take the remedy? It's simple: the contents of the capsule should be poured under the tongue and wait until it is completely dissolved. The dosage depends on the purpose of the reception:

  • Prevention. Take one tube capsule once a week. The course usually lasts the entire period heightened danger development of SARS - autumn / winter. Preventive reception begins only with the permission of the gynecologist. The specialist determines the duration of the course.
  • The first signs of the disease. If there is a malaise, a sore throat, shivering, that is, there is a suspicion that the expectant mother has caught a cold, you should immediately start taking the remedy. The speed of recovery depends on this. It is usually recommended to drink a dose of Oscillococcinum, wait six hours - repeat twice / thrice.
  • Acute stage of the disease. At severe symptoms the medicine is taken in a packaged dose-tube in the morning - in the evening. This scheme must be followed for three days. Next, the doctor focuses on the patient's condition.

The treatment plan may change if the state of health worsens, the symptoms increase. The expectant mother is not capable of independently determining when the treatment regimen needs to be changed or supplemented. That is why even homeopathic remedies need to be taken under the strict guidance of a specialist. "Amateur" is always dangerous, even when we are talking about a harmless natural remedy.

Are there side effects

There were no negative consequences after taking Oscillococcinum. The tool is safe for any week, but be sure to follow the dosage recommended by your doctor. The only one by-effect which may occur - allergic reaction. Although it is rare. Caution should be taken with the drug when:

  • having an allergy to poultry meat;
  • any eating disorders;
  • lactose intolerance.

Oscillococcinum can be combined with other drugs allowed in the "interesting" status. However, about "combinations" it is worth consulting with a doctor in order to definitely avoid trouble. If after taking the remedy the condition worsens sharply, it is important to stop treatment and immediately consult a specialist.

Homeopathic analogues and how to replace from a traditional first aid kit

If Oscillococcinum for some reason does not suit the expectant mother, a replacement is selected. Complete analogues(according to the active substance) among the drugs on the market does not exist. Homeopathic remedies Aconite, Baptisia, Bryonia are considered close.

There is a list traditional drugs, which can be used for cold symptoms, without fear of harming the baby. The most famous are Aflubin, Immunal, Viferon. Naturally, the selection of medicines should be done by a doctor. Much depends on the symptomatic picture, general condition mothers. Even those funds that are considered as safe as possible should be taken only with the permission of a specialist. This is a guarantee of the health of the baby, because the mother does not know how this or that substance affects the embryo.

Expecting a baby, you can not miss the signals of the body: the reaction to them must be timely. At the first manifestations of SARS, you should consult your doctor and start treatment with recommended drugs. Oscillococcinum and others antiviral agents quickly stop the symptoms when the disease is at an early stage. Important role plays in recovery bed rest: it is strictly forbidden to carry the disease “on the legs”, especially in an “interesting” position. From the very moment of conception, one should not forget about prevention: a competent diet, daily routine, elimination of stress, moderate activity - all this strengthens the immune system and does not give a chance to viruses.

The development of the baby directly depends on the health of the expectant mother. Any disease becomes a threat to the developing organism of the child. The best way to prevent illness during pregnancy is to strengthen the immune system. If the disease has already begun, you should choose the means that have a minimal effect on the body of the expectant mother and baby. A popular immunomodulatory and therapeutic drug is Oscillococcinum. Is it safe to use this remedy during pregnancy?

The effect of Oscillococcinum during pregnancy

The main active ingredient of the drug Oscillococcinum is an extract of the heart and liver of the Barbary duck, supplemented with sucrose and lactose. Waterfowl are carriers of viral infections. Extracts from internal organs birds in very small concentrations are able to overcome viruses that enter the body. Thanks to the absence chemical elements as part of the medicine has no contraindications. Granules are absolutely safe, even during pregnancy.

According to doctors, in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first 12 weeks), the expectant mother should refrain from taking any medications. At this stage, the formation of the internal organs of the baby and accelerated development placenta. Reception medical preparations during this period can provoke deviations in the development of the child. In the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, Oscillococcinum can be used without fear for the health of the baby.

Homeopathic granules for resorption -

In what cases are they prescribed?

The drug is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • influenza prevention;
  • prevention and treatment of SARS;
  • cold warnings.

It should be taken into account that scientific justification the effectiveness of the drug does not exist. Some doctors are of the opinion that minimum dose remedy can only slightly affect the course of the disease. Others, on the contrary, point out high efficiency the use of Oscillococcinum for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, including in pregnant women.

Before using, be sure to consult your doctor!

Dosage and course of treatment

In order to prevent the drug should be used once a week for 2 months (in the autumn-winter period). The granule is placed under the tongue and held until completely dissolved. In the treatment of flu or colds, the dosage is increased. With the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, 1 granule is taken per day for 6 days. Pronounced forms of the disease can be cured by taking 2 granules of the drug per day: in the morning and in the evening. The drug should be taken 15 minutes before a meal or half an hour after a meal.

Side effects and contraindications

Due to the minimum content of homeopathic active substance Oscillococcinum has no contraindications for use. The only possible side effect is an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug. Information on overdose has not been identified.

Other drugs

Table: analogues

Name Active substance Release form Indications for use Contraindications
Interferon human

Ointment for external use, gel for external use, rectal suppositories

Treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS, viral defeat skin
Antibodies to human interferon gamma Lozenges SARS, influenza, neuroviral and herpetic infections Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
Purple echinacea herb Solution for oral administration Strengthening immunity, prevention of viral and colds Autoimmune diseases, allergy to Asteraceae inflorescences
Lysozyme + pyridoxine Lozenges Treatment infectious diseases oral cavity, herpetic infections Lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to drug components
Antibodies to human interferon gamma,

antibodies to histamine

Lozenges Treatment and prevention of viral infections, treatment of allergies Individual intolerance to the components of the drug

Photo gallery: drugs with a similar effect of Oscillococcinum

Pills to strengthen immunity
Candles for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases Lozenges
Drops to strengthen immunity Gel Viferon

It is possible to replace Oscillococcinum with another drug only with the permission of a doctor!

Helpers to strengthen immunity during pregnancy

To boost immunity and improve general well-being a number of recommendations should be followed:

  • Proper diet selection. The menu of the expectant mother should contain a maximum of vitamins and trace elements that help proper development baby.
  • Strengthening the nervous system. During pregnancy, stress adversely affects the immune system. Mom needs to learn to avoid stressful situations to respond appropriately to them.
  • Complete rest.
  • Compliance with the daily routine. healthy eating by the hour, walks in the fresh air will strengthen immune system pregnant woman and create a wonderful mood.
  • Physical exercise. A specially selected complex will help you stay in shape, maintain the health of the body while waiting for the baby.
  • Reception vitamin complexes. Not all essential vitamins can be obtained from food products. The use of multivitamins prescribed by a doctor will help strengthen the immune system.


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