Bubble virus in children. Features of various forms of pemphigus in children and methods of their treatment

After contact with various household items, microorganisms retain their vital activity, therefore only personal hygiene is able to prevent this disease.

There are many diseases that are more pronounced in children. preschool age. An example is viral pemphigus. According to the results of the studies, it also occurs in people over the age of 10 years, but the symptoms are not very pronounced. This is due to the fact that the developed immunity almost completely suppresses the disease, after which it goes unnoticed or with minor symptoms. clinical manifestations. As a rule, with proper care for the child, the disease practically does not lead to complications. However, if treatment is not carried out, then the disease can proceed for quite a long time, delivering quite a lot to the child. discomfort. Consider how to treat viral pemphigus in adolescents and children in more detail.

In order to assign effective treatment it is necessary to understand the causes of the disease. Pemphigus develops due to the entry of the Coxsackie virus into the body of a child or adult. In doing so, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. The pathogen is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one.
  2. The cells of the virus are in saliva, a secret produced in wounds at the time of suppuration.

As practice shows, in most cases, a child becomes infected when an infected person sneezes or coughs. However, it should be borne in mind that microorganisms remain active for a long time after contact with various objects, that is, infection can occur and household way. Only personal hygiene can reduce the likelihood that viral pemphigus will appear in children. However, at preschool age it is quite difficult to teach a child to observe personal hygiene. Therefore, most often the disease occurs in preschool institutions, for example, in kindergartens.

Incubation period in adults, it can reach several days or even one week. However, in children, especially those with a weakened immune system, the onset of symptoms can occur as early as the first day after infection.

Main symptoms

You can consult a doctor in time to start treating this viral disease only if you know what symptoms indicate the disease in question. The main symptoms include:

Considering the symptom of this disease associated with the appearance of ulcers, we note that it is from him that many learn about the development of the disease in question. After all, fever and general malaise are symptoms that may indicate other diseases. Bubbles on the body can also appear with the development of other diseases. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The diameter of the resulting blisters, as a rule, does not exceed 3 millimeters.
  2. If they were opened, then inside stands out white dot. This point is circled in red.

The rash is quite often the cause of itchy skin, which is a symptom of skin irritation. During treatment, the disease disappears within 10 days, how long the sores will heal and whether they will leave small scars depends on the characteristics of the form of its manifestation.

Features of treatment in children

An experienced pediatrician can almost immediately deliver correct diagnosis when examining a child. It should be noted that the treatment is carried out in most cases according to the same scheme, since special preparations to fight this infection. Symptomatic treatment disease is presented as follows:

If ulcers appear in oral cavity, then you can use the gel that is used when the first teeth erupt, this will alleviate the condition of the child

As previously noted, the treatment in this case is only a reduction in the manifestation of symptoms. Pemphigus clears up on its own within a few days. However, it is worth remembering that the disease is very contagious, it can be transmitted by airborne droplets and the household way. Therefore, all children who are in contact with a sick child are at risk.

In conclusion, we note that this disease in adults practically does not cause symptoms due to the formation of immunity. However, children may suffer from the manifestation of the symptoms of this infectious disease. Therefore, all parents should pay Special attention the child at the time of the course of the disease and take all possible measures to reduce the feeling of pain, which occurs due to the appearance of a large number of bubbles that turn into small sores.

Children are often exposed to many diseases, as the immune strength of their body is not enough to resist various infections. Sometimes on skin or mucous membranes of the child, you can notice the presence of bubbles. It is this main symptomatic manifestation called pemphigus.

This disease belongs to childhood pathologies that are localized on the skin epithelium and mucous membranes of the body. The formation of such bubbles is based on the exfoliation of the epithelium. Pemphigus can spread very quickly throughout the child's body. Therefore, it demands special attention and promptly contact a dermatologist.

What is a blister?

A chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, which manifests itself through the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, is called pemphigus. This pathology has several stages of flow.

The child's body is fragile and prone to many diseases. A disease in which not water, but purulent blisters form on the body of a child is called streptoderma. You can read more about this disease in an article on the topic of streptoderma in children, photo.

Symptomatic manifestations of the disease:

  • blisters in the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or genitals;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in places of the affected skin;
  • the formation of colorless content inside the bubbles;
  • after the rupture of the bubbles, ulcers appear.

Most often, the signs of the disease are localized on the mucous membranes in the area:

  • inguinal zones;
  • nasal cavity;

Psoriasis can be cured by anyone at home. You will forget about the disease, stable remission for long years! There is a cream that can regenerate the skin and heal it from psoriasis .... » Causes of the development of pemphigus

Possible root causes of pemphigus formation are disorders in the immune system. child's body. As a result, the immune response to its own cellular structures is manifested. But the violation of the integrity of the skin occurs under the influence of retroviruses or aggressive environmental conditions. Bubbles are formed due to disturbances in the metabolic processes between cells.

The main factors provoking the disease are:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • violation metabolic processes organism;
  • diseases of the endocrine organs;
  • change in the structure of enzymes;
  • the impact of harmful factors.

Viral pemphigus in children

Viral pemphigus rather quickly spreads, grows and merges. Very often, with a disease, one can observe a change acute phase to remission and vice versa.

This pathology is especially dangerous for newborns. Since it is possible fatal outcome so help qualified specialist needed at first symptomatic manifestations diseases.

Another viral disease that is more common in children is molluscum contagiosum. A photo molluscum contagiosum you can see here.

The most common symptom viral form pemphigus:

  • the appearance of watery blisters that increase in size;
  • rash on mucous membranes;
  • malaise;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • soreness when eating.

Over time, complications are possible.

AT sharp shape the course of the disease can affect:

  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • heart muscle.



Pemphigus is an infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of blisters filled with clear liquid Yu. Such blisters appear on the feet, hands, buttocks or mucous membranes. Viral pemphigus is more common in children than in adults. Exacerbations occur mainly in the spring-autumn period.

  • with a weakened immune system after an illness;
  • if personal hygiene is not observed;
  • when eating from common dishes;
  • with an exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • when communicating with a carrier of this infection;
  • with poor heredity.

Being in the same conditions, the child's body reacts differently to viral pemphigus. Doctors explain that the reason for this is the formation of autoaggressive bodies, which, at the slightest disruption in the body, appear as watery blisters on the skin or mucous membranes (as in enteroviral vesicular stomatitis).


Photo of viral pemphigus in the mouth in a child

The first symptoms of viral pemphigus in children begin to appear 3-6 days after infection. Usually parents do not attach importance to these symptoms because they are nonspecific. The first symptoms include:

  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor appetite;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • heat.

AT rare cases the child may have:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea (other causes of diarrhea in yearlings here).

All of the above symptoms manifest themselves in the region of 12-36 hours. Then symptoms specific to viral pemphigus become apparent. These are watery blisters that may appear on the palms, feet (soles), in the mouth, or on the genitals.

The blisters themselves have the following characteristics:

  • elongated or oval shape;
  • itching and pain;
  • clear or whitish liquid inside;
  • redness around;
  • erosion after the bubble bursts;

If the disease affects the oral cavity, then blisters appear in the mouth yellow color with a red rim around it and the heat will rise. Along with blisters, bad breath appears. The bubbles hurt even if they are not touched, while the pain increases when swallowing, as well as when eating food. In order not to irritate the oral mucosa once again, doctors advise avoiding cold, hot, sour or spicy foods during this period.

Viral pemphigus of the oral cavity is easily confused with a sore throat, since the symptoms are identical in appearance. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is best to immediately contact medical institution for help. A timely diagnosis will help avoid prescribing antibiotics, which can cause an additional rash on the body.

In severe disease, blisters appear on the knees, elbows, buttocks, and perineum, and lymph nodes in the neck may swell.
If blisters have formed on the feet or palms, then the consequence may be peeling of the nail plate. The peeling process itself is painless, and the nails begin to grow back after 2 weeks.
With viral pemphigus, the high temperature lasts no more than 5 days. After this time, the temperature returns to normal, and the child begins to feel better. From the onset of the disease to complete recovery takes about 10 days. But it should be noted that after recovery for another 3 months, the Kosaki ecterovirus will come out with the feces.


The diagnosis of viral pemphigus can only be made by an infectious disease specialist, and it is he who will prescribe proper treatment. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms. Therefore, for the treatment of viral pemphigus, external agents are used that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. This method promotes the regeneration of the skin, due to which wound healing occurs faster. At this time, the child should be given drugs that strengthen the immune system.
Accept antiviral tablets doctors do not advise, because after 10 days the disease goes away on its own.

Dr. Komarovsky warns that in rare cases, viral pemphigus in children appears in the eye area. This can lead to blindness in the child. To prevent this from happening, you should contact specialists in time and start treatment.


Pemphigus in children is a disease viral etiology. The disease is accompanied by the formation of characteristic blisters on the skin, rapidly spreading through the epithelium.

At risk are children of primary and preschool age. At improper treatment blistering can cause serious complications and impair the child's quality of life. Therapy should be carried out comprehensively and in stages.

Concept and characteristics

Pemphigus in a child - photo:

Pemphigus is an infectious disease that causes painful blisters to form on the skin. Visually, they resemble bubbles filled with liquid.

Progression viral disease leads to draining blisters and a rapid increase in their numbers. The pathological process is accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by severe pain.

Pemphigus is considered seasonal disease. The greatest activity of the virus is observed in autumn and spring.

The causative agent of pemphigus is the Coxsackie virus. The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets or upon contact with contaminated items. Symptoms of the disease do not occur in all children.

The main condition for the development of pemphigus is considered to be a weak immune system.

If the protective functions of the child's body are not violated, then contact with the carrier of the virus can do without negative consequences.

Increase the risk of infection child, the following factors:

  • weakening of the immune system under the influence of uncontrolled intake of potent drugs;
  • congenital autoimmune pathologies;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • negative impact environment on the body of the child;
  • pathologies associated with the central nervous system;
  • contact with objects common use without any security measures.

AT medical practice pemphigus is divided into several varieties. They differ not only place of localization but also the process of its development.

Determining the specific type of disease is necessary for prescribing specific course of treatment. For Therapy individual varieties disease requires the use of special drugs and schemes for their use. Pemphigus can develop in a mild, moderate, severe or chronic form.

Types of bladderwort:

  1. Foliate form (bubbles on the skin of the child begin to burst, and crusts form in their place, the development of the pathological process causes them to layer on top of each other).
  2. Viral form (blisters can occur on any part of the child's body, their appearance is accompanied by deterioration general condition little patient vesicles resemble the symptoms of chickenpox).
  3. Seborrheic form (this type of disease is characterized by damage to the scalp, the general symptoms of the pathological process do not change).
  4. vegetative the form ( pathological process affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, lips, the area around the nose or on the genitals of the child, distinctive feature this type of pemphigus is the formation of purulent crusts with bad smell).

The incubation period for pemphigus is seven days. The first symptom of the disease is the deterioration of the general condition of the child. The appearance of characteristic blisters occurs after two or three days.

In some cases, blistering may be accompanied by a rash. The further development of the disease resembles chickenpox. Blisters can occur singly or immediately cover a significant part of the skin.

A distinctive feature of pemphigus is the fusion of blisters with each other.

The symptoms of pemphigus are as follows signs:

  • formation on the skin of hyperemic foci with flat blisters;
  • runny nose, cough, pain in the throat;
  • weakness and increased fatigue;
  • the presence of characteristic crusts at the site of blisters;
  • deterioration in the general condition of the child;
  • lack of appetite and weight loss;
  • sleep disturbance and moodiness;
  • feverish state;
  • increase in body temperature.

In some cases, pemphigus may acquire chronic nature. Such forms of the disease provoke serious damage internal organs and disrupt their performance.

AT childhood such complications are rare and only as a result of the lack of right approach to treatment. Most often, pemphigus has a favorable prognosis and disappears without a trace in young patients.

Possible complications diseases can have the following consequences:

  • meningitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • heart failure;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis;
  • encephalitis.

In most cases, doctors can determine pemphigus in children with a visual examination.

If the disease has joined additional infection or specialists suspect a complication of the pathological process, then an additional examination is prescribed.

In the diagnosis of the disease, the following can be used procedures:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • cytological examination of the fluid from the blisters;
  • checking blood for the presence of specific antibodies;
  • histological studies;
  • complex analysis of feces;
  • liquor analysis.

When drawing up a treatment plan for pemphigus, doctors consider individual characteristics child's body, the degree of damage to the skin and the presence of additional infections.

With the correct and timely therapy the symptoms of the disease disappear after a week.

If the skin is affected in insignificant degree , then treatment may consist only in the use of medications that eliminate pain.

The need to use strong medicines in the treatment of pemphigus occurs in case of significant damage to the skin or serious condition child.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, antipyretic, hormonal, antiviral agents, as well as drugs of other categories are used.

In the treatment of pemphigus, the following can be prescribed drugs:

  • means for lowering body temperature (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen);
  • glucocorticosteroid drugs (Dexamethasone);
  • hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Betamethasone);
  • combined medicines (pharmacy talkers);
  • antihistamines (Fenistil, Tsetrin);
  • antiviral drugs (Viferon, Cycloferon);
  • means of the cytostatic group (Azathioprine);
  • antimicrobials (Oracept);
  • antiseptics (Miramistin).

Physiotherapy procedures for pemphigus are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

Such a technique becomes mandatory in the presence of complications or damage to large areas of the skin of a small patient.

Preparations for physiotherapy procedures are selected by specialists individually. Doctors take into account not only the general condition of the child, but also his age.

Kinds applied procedures:

  • electrical stimulation Bladder;
  • electrophoresis with prozerin or atropine;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • electrophoresis with calcium chloride;
  • magnetotherapy.

Recipes alternative medicine well help to eliminate pain in pemphigus. You are allowed to use them, but only after consultation with a doctor and holding comprehensive survey child.

Some forms of pemphigus imply the mandatory use of potent medications. Self-medication with folk remedies can complicate therapy and slow down the healing process of a small patient.

Examples folk remedies used for pemphigus in children:

  1. Lotions with nettle juice (fresh leaves nettles must be crushed, the juice squeezed out, a cotton pad is wetted in the resulting liquid, the workpiece must be applied to blisters or crusts several times a day).
  2. Compresses with aloe juice(from the leaves of aloe it is necessary to extract the pulp, soak a cotton pad with juice and apply a lotion several times a day to the affected areas of the child's skin).
  3. Healing infusion to strengthen the general condition of the child (in equal amounts it is necessary to combine yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds and calendula, pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with boiling water, insist and consume during the day in small portions).
  4. Lotions with oils(cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn, sunflower or olive oil, it is necessary to apply to the affected areas of the skin several times a day, the procedure helps to speed up the process of peeling the crusts).

Blisters that occur on the mucous membranes are more difficult to treat, and complications can cause extremely negative consequences.

For example, bubbles in the eye area increase the likelihood decrease in vision. Plays a big role proper care for the child. Handle blisters with gloves. Otherwise, the risk of adult infection will increase.

Based on the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, the following can be done conclusions:

  • adherence to a diet (exclusion from the diet of sour, spicy and salty foods);
  • during the period of illness, it is necessary to limit the use of sweets by the child;
  • hot meals and drinks should be excluded from the child's diet;
  • clothes for a child should be chosen from natural materials (the cut should be free to ensure a constant supply of oxygen to the wounds);
  • the room in which the child is located should be regularly ventilated and subjected to wet cleaning;
  • it is not recommended to bathe children in the first week of progression of the disease (the wound healing process will worsen under the influence of moisture).

Favorable forecasts for pemphigus are possible only in the case of adequate and timely therapy.

If the symptoms of the disease have been ignored for a long time or self-medication has been used, then the consequences can endanger the life of the child.

Bladder has the ability recur. With its regular occurrence, the protective functions of the child's body are reduced. The baby becomes vulnerable to infections and viruses, many of which increase the risk of death.

The nuances of forecasting pemphigus:

  • overdose hormonal drugs becomes the cause of complications;
  • the exclusion of the use of corticosteroids slows down the treatment process and leads to relapses;
  • self-medication can provoke the addition of additional infections that are life-threatening for the child.

Prevention of pemphigus is mainly aimed at strengthening protective functions child's body. In most cases, the virus infects weakened children.

If the child has had serious disease or surgery, the strengthening of immunity should be given special attention.

Additionally required control the diet children and their conditions. Children should be taught personal hygiene from an early age.

Prevention measures for pemphigus are as follows: recommendations:

  1. The child must have individual hygiene products (towel, Toothbrush etc.).
  2. Strengthening the child's immune system from the first days of his life (long-term breast-feeding, proper diet nutrition, vitamins according to age).
  3. The clothes of the child must be clean, and the room in which he stays must comply with sanitary requirements.
  4. The child should know that it is impossible to come close to people with signs of a cold (for example, to a person who is sneezing or coughing).
  5. All diseases (regardless of etiology) should be treated promptly and fully.

If a child develops symptoms of pemphigus, it is necessary to as soon as possible see a doctor. The disease is not fatal dangerous infections, but the lack of therapy can cause the attachment of other pathological processes.

The presence of complications is the basis for unfavorable forecasts. Some effects may not respond to treatment and disrupt the quality of life of the baby. Self-medication with pemphigus should be excluded.

About epidemic pemphigus of the newborn you can learn from the video:


  • The reasons
  • Diagnosis and course of treatment

In pediatrics, there severe pathologies, the mechanism of their appearance is not well understood, which does not allow maximum probability identify the root cause and eliminate it. As a result, the prescribed treatment is not very effective, the disease progresses and leads to disability or death. One of these ailments is pemphigus - pemphigus, which is characterized by damage to the mucous membranes and skin.

Despite the danger of the diagnosis, parents should not panic, but do everything to alleviate the condition of the child. Moreover, the prognosis will largely depend on the form of the disease.

The reasons

The exact causes of pemphigus in children have not been elucidated. Scientists have not been able to find out why autoimmune processes are disrupted. Under the influence of unknown factors, the body activates the production of antibodies against its own cells.

Over the years of pathology research, many versions have been put forward based on analyzes biological fluid, blood, study of the nature of lesions. The most reliable, having the right to exist, not devoid of logic, were 4 theories explaining the occurrence of pathology.

  1. Neurogenic theory: CNS disorders.
  2. Endocrine: hormonal imbalance.
  3. Infectious: Viral or bacterial infection by an agent not known to science.
  4. Autoimmune: The body produces antibodies that destroy its own cells.

Most scientists support the autoimmune theory of the origin of pemphigus, because these same antibodies are easily detected in the blood of a sick child. The question is why the body begins to behave so strangely.

Doctors call the following factors that can lead to such a development of events:

  • heredity;
  • infection with endogenous bacteria.

The latter enter the body by contact-household or airborne droplets. It turns out that vesicles - contagious disease but why is it so rare?

Scientists suggest that the pathogen does not always cause the body to destroy its own epithelium. Most likely, he just dozes and makes a person an ordinary carrier. Pathology is often diagnosed in children different ages because they the immune system not yet formed and cannot defend against such attacks.

According to this theory of bacterial infection, an adult can become infected with pemphigus from a child through the most ordinary contact. Therefore, isolation with such a diagnosis - forced necessity. The course of the disease is largely determined by its form, since in pediatrics there are several varieties of pemphigus.


More often than others, viral pemphigus is diagnosed in children - the most common form of this disease and not dangerous. Provided timely and competent treatment occurs full recovery without any consequences or complications. But other types of pathology are much less harmless.

Vulgar / common

The vulgar form of the disease can affect the skin and mucous membranes of even a newborn baby. The body begins to produce antibodies that destroy its own cells due to severe burns, prolonged exposure to the sun, or treatment with drugs such as antihistamines, antibiotics, or hormones.

The external symptoms of this type of pemphigus are very reminiscent of blisters after burns. The clinical picture manifests itself as follows:

  • the formation of blisters with transparent contents, which are easily opened even when in contact with clothing;
  • if the shell of the blister ruptures, there is a very painful erosion;
  • it does not heal for a long time, its edges constantly crack, it bleeds heavily at the slightest movement;
  • if the bubble was not opened by a careless movement, its center becomes covered with a crust, and the edges gradually grow and capture new spaces of the skin and mucous membranes.

Moreover, specific localization pemphigus vulgaris does not have. Blisters can appear anywhere.

Along with development external symptoms the child's condition will gradually worsen. He will sleep poorly, refuse to eat, complain of muscle and headaches, become lethargic and irritable.

Pemphigus vulgaris in children is severe and dangerous form illness. Its course is rapidly becoming malignant. Without timely selected adequate treatment, complications in the nervous or endocrine systems. A lethal outcome is also possible due to extensive purulent processes.

Pemphigus vulgaris (above) and vegetative (below) pemphigus


With vegetative pemphigus in children, the lesions do not grow, but are localized islets. However, in the absence of proper treatment given form the disease becomes vulgar. Within this species, two more types are distinguished.

  • Pemphigus Apollo

Diagnosed in children most often after a long course of treatment with corticosteroids. First, purulent blisters form, then they open and expose wound surface that gets wet and smells bad. With this form of the disease, the risk of contracting a secondary bacterial infection is very high.

  • Pemphigus Neumann

Pemphigus Neumann in children is usually localized in armpits, genital area, on the head. Formed voluminous and terrible in their own way appearance growths resembling cauliflower. Erosions heal for a very long time. After they dry, flat warts remain on the skin.

If the treatment of this type of pemphigus was carried out on time, the spread of the lesion does not occur.

Exfoliative / foliate

Pemphigus foliaceus - dangerous chronic illness leading to serious complications. Most often occurs in children of preschool or primary school age.

Manifests itself through the following symptoms:

  • shallow lesions of the epidermis, most often on the scalp;
  • after opening, their surface peels off and begins to emit a repulsive odor;
  • since exfoliated epithelial cells heal for a long time and painfully, new bubbles form under them;
  • so there is a layering of neoplasms on top of each other;
  • with the advanced form of the disease, a high temperature may rise.

It proceeds very hard, often ends with a complete loss of hairline.

Leaf-shaped (left) and seborrheic (right) forms of pemphigus in children

Seborrheic / erythematous

Erythematous pemphigus in its own way clinical picture recalls seborrheic dermatitis. Rarely seen. Usually diagnosed after long-term use unjustified medications (parents often give their children antibiotics for no reason). Leaks in enough mild form. It does not leave any complications behind. It is localized on such parts of the body as the face, chest, back, hairy part heads.

The development of the disease occurs according to the following scheme:

  • strongly hyperemic foci with clear contours appear on the skin of the child;
  • bubbles form in their place;
  • they quickly burst and become covered with gray-yellow crusts;
  • if you pull them off, erosion is exposed.

In a neglected state, in the absence of proper treatment, it can turn into pemphigus vulgaris.

Diseases that affect the skin, most often occur in childhood. Pemphigus is one of these ailments. The disease is characterized by a rapid course and is characterized by the appearance of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. In case of incorrect or untimely treatment it can cause serious complications in the future, so it is important to know its signs and principles of treatment.

What kind of disease is viral pemphigus and how is it infected?

Pemphigus is a disease viral nature, in which blisters form on the skin, filled with a clear liquid. Their number is rapidly increasing, small neoplasms can merge and, together with other blisters, cover large areas of the body. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning of the skin, patients suffer from severe pain.

The disease is considered seasonal, the virus is most active in autumn and spring. Bubbles can appear not only on the skin, but also on the oral mucosa, sometimes they spread to the buttocks and genitals.

You can get the virus anywhere. There are two types of infection:

  • visit public placesKindergarten, school, beach, transportation, etc.;
  • contact with objects that a sick person has touched.

At risk are children with reduced immunity and hereditary predisposition, as well as those babies who do not adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Infection leads to insufficient processing of products and the lack of habit of washing hands after visiting the street.

It is worth remembering that a strong immunity is not developed for the disease. There are many strains of pemphigus, and the baby gets immune defense only from the one who got sick. For this reason, parents of children who have already experienced this disease should remain vigilant.

Differences between true and viral pemphigus

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In medicine, there are several classifications of the disease, but there are two main forms of pemphigus:

Causes of diseases

Viral pemphigus is infectious disease, which develops as a result of infection with the Coxsackie virus. The main condition for the appearance of the disease is a weakened immune system, but the risk of infection increases with the following factors:

  • congenital autoimmune diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • negative impact of the environment;
  • a drop in immunity due to the use of potent drugs;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • contact with common objects.

True pemphigus is an autoimmune disorder characterized by severe course. The disease is chronic, periods of remission are different duration and severity of symptoms.

During the acute phase, large blisters spread over the skin, the person feels very unwell. The causes of the disease are unknown, but there are many theories: toxic, endocrine, etc.

These two types of pathology are easily confused due to the similarity of symptoms. However, unlike true pemphigus, the viral one is quite easily treated and does not pose a threat to human life.

Symptoms of true pemphigus

There are several varieties of true pemphigus, and depending on the form, the symptoms may vary:

  1. Ordinary (or enteroviral) is most common. Patients develop blisters without signs of inflammation. Without treatment, they can merge, forming large lesions.
  2. Erythematous. Red spots covered with crusts form on the body and face. Under the scalp hairline seborrhea appears. The disease is difficult to treat.
  3. Foliate. The resulting blisters practically do not rise above the skin. Crusts of healing ulcers tend to overlap each other.
  4. Vegetative. Erosions with an unpleasant odor appear on the body. The spots often have purulent contents.
  5. Brazilian. Found exclusively in Brazil, affects people of all ages.

Symptoms of viral pemphigus

Viral pemphigus has a seven-day incubation period. The first sign of illness is malaise. Blisters appear after 2-3 days, and sometimes their formation is accompanied by a rash. Bubbles appear singly or immediately capture large areas of the skin, merging into one large focus, as shown in the photo.

Viral pemphigus in children is accompanied by symptoms:

  • increased body temperature and fever;
  • the appearance of hyperemic foci with blisters containing fluid;
  • cough, rhinitis, sore throat;
  • the formation of blisters and wounds on the mucous membranes;
  • the presence of crusts at the site of bursting blisters;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weight loss.

The first areas with blisters appear on the mucous membranes, and then spread further, however, they can also be observed on the body - the face, limbs. With a complex form of the disease, blisters appear even on the palms.

Age of patients

Viral pemphigus is more susceptible to children under 10 years of age, since an imperfect immune system is not able to cope with all external stimuli. Even a newborn child from the 20th day of life can become infected - until this age, the baby is still protected by maternal immunity. Among the adult population, the disease is very rare, but can occur in people who have recently had a viral infection. True pemphigus, according to statistics, affects people over 40 years of age.

Pemphigus caused by the Coxsackie virus

Course of the disease

Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately - usually it takes from a couple of days to a week. The first symptoms are similar to the common cold:

  • the child complains of fatigue, becomes drowsy and plays little;
  • his appetite and mood are deteriorating;
  • the temperature rises to 38.5 ° C;
  • feel a sore throat.

In some cases, the baby complains about headache, he has a runny nose, cough, diarrhea. This condition lasts up to 36 hours, the temperature can last for several days. After that, the child's condition improves, but other symptoms begin to bother:

  • bubbles oval shape(when joining bacterial infection their color changes from transparent to whitish);
  • blisters have a red rim, hurt and itch;
  • after their opening, erosions up to 3 mm in diameter are formed;
  • ulcers are covered with crusts, which fall off in 2-3 days and leave dark spots(sometimes they are missing).

Blisters form on the hands, feet, rarely on the buttocks, thighs and genitals. Possible enlargement of the neck and submandibular lymph nodes. If the disease affects the limbs, the patient's nails may peel off, but this process is reversible.

If rashes appear in the oral cavity, they quickly burst - painful ulcers form in place of the blisters. Most often they are located on the tongue and inner surface cheeks, sometimes affecting the sky. The child has bad breath, the baby refuses food. The pemphigus that develops in the mouth can resemble a sore throat, so you need to contact an infectious disease specialist to make a correct diagnosis. This is necessary so that the doctor does not prescribe antibiotics containing penicillin - they treat angina, but with entero viral infection cause the formation of small spots (rashes).

According to statistics, all the symptoms of viral pemphigus disappear in 10 days, and the person feels quite healthy.

The infectious agent remains in the body for about 3 months, the virus is excreted in the feces. To prevent infection of other family members, it is worth carefully monitoring the hygiene of the baby.

Differences from herpes infection and gonorrhea

Among the symptoms of pemphigus, the main ones are the occurrence of blisters and painful erosions that affect the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. In this it is similar to herpes, but there are also specific differences.

Formations in pemphigus are oval or pear-shaped, they tend to increase in size and open with a light touch. With herpes, the blisters are small, more often localized in the corners of the mouth and on the border of the lips, on the wings of the nose and in the region of other natural openings. One focus contains 2–10 vesicles, which are located in groups and reach no more than 1.5 cm in diameter.

With gonorrhea, as with pemphigus, the mucous membranes are also affected, but the ulcers are red, and purulent contents are released from the wounds. In addition to the characteristic rash on the genitals, there is a lesion of the mucous membrane inside the vagina, rectum and urinary canal.

Treatment of the disease

With a slight lesion of the skin and mucous membranes, treatment is not prescribed. As a rule, the symptoms go away on their own in 1–1.5 weeks. To relieve pain and reduce fever, the doctor may suggest giving the child Ibuprofen, Nurofen, or Paracetamol. If after 7 days the signs of the disease do not disappear, it is necessary to re-diagnose and consult a doctor to correct the treatment.

The complex form of pemphigus with rapid progression and damage to large areas of soft tissues requires complex therapy(sometimes in a hospital). Usually drugs are used to treat children:

  1. Viferon - antiviral agent, which can be used for babies from 1 month. The candle is administered twice a day, the course of treatment is up to 10 days.
  2. Cytostatics, for example, Sandimmun. Funds are needed to block the further spread of rashes. The medication is used twice a day for 5 days. It is allowed from the age of 6.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids, such as Dexamethasone. The duration of therapy is no more than 3 days.

Since blisters and sores cause discomfort to the baby, they must be treated regularly. The most commonly used drugs are:

Depending on the complexity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, electrical stimulation of the bladder. This type of treatment is used for children from the age of 1 month.

Mode and nutrition during illness

Pemphigus in children is treated at home. It is important for parents to adhere to certain recommendations:

During treatment, it is important to adhere to a diet - food should be rich in proteins and vitamins, fats and carbohydrates should be completely excluded from the diet. When feeding newborns, it is better to refuse complementary foods and give only breast milk. The food of older children should be liquid (mashed potatoes, pureed cereals), at room temperature.

It is important to follow drinking regimen child - if he refuses to drink liquids, he can be offered to dissolve cubes of frozen juice or water. Ice will help reduce pain and help maintain fluid-salt balance.

How to avoid infection?

Prevention of the disease is mainly aimed at strengthening the immune system and teaching the child the rules of hygiene. To prevent infection, you must:

  • provide for the baby by individual means hygiene (towel, toothbrush, etc.);
  • maintain the cleanliness of the home and clothes of the child;
  • treat any diseases in a timely manner;
  • provide good nutrition and give pharmacy complexes of vitamins in accordance with age (if they are prescribed by a doctor).

If there was contact with a sick person, you need to start taking Calcium D3, Calcium gluconate or other drugs similar in composition. The baby needs to provide good nutrition, rich in vitamins.

Infectious malaise is seasonal and is more often diagnosed in the spring and summer. Spread by airborne droplets or by contact. Outbreaks of the disease are typical for groups where there is close communication between people.

The reasons

The cause of viral pemphigus in adults is considered to be Coxsackie A16 and EV71 enteroviruses. From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of malaise, 4-6 days pass. All this time and several months after recovery, the person is a carrier of the infection.

Coxsackievirus usually causes damage to the palms and soles. This form of the disease proceeds easily and without consequences. Enterovirus EV71 is much more dangerous - it causes enteroviral tonsillitis, which is often and severely complicated.

In adults, viral pemphigus is rarely diagnosed. Infections are more susceptible to people after 45 years of age with a weakened immune system or with a hereditary tendency to viral pathology. A chance to become infected also appears in those who at this age first went on vacation abroad or to another unfamiliar place, that is, to where bacteria unknown to immunity “live”.

Viral pemphigus should not be confused with true. These rare diseases have similar symptoms but different causes.

Pemphigus vulgaris develops as an autoimmune pathological process and is very difficult, while a viral lesion, although contagious, rarely causes serious complications and passes quickly.


Infectious pemphigus is manifested by a scattering of vesicles (vesicles) filled with a clear liquid. A favorite place of localization is the oropharynx, palms and the area between the fingers, soles.

Common symptoms of a viral infection in adults:

  • temperature rise to 37.2 °C;
  • lethargy, fatigue, loss of working capacity;
  • abdominal discomfort, sometimes diarrhea;
  • joint pain and muscle pain.

If viral pemphigus occurs in the oral cavity, the general symptoms are supplemented by a sore throat, runny nose, increased salivation, problems with chewing and swallowing food. The patient has an unpleasant smell from the mouth and nasal passages.

When the skin is damaged, soreness, itching, swelling of tissues, irritation can be observed. Sometimes the bubbles burst, leaving behind dried crusts or erosion.

Another typical symptom viral pemphigus is an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. Sometimes the skin over them turns red, the patient complains of nausea, heaviness in the head, cough, lacrimation.

Which doctor treats viral pemphigus?

An infectious disease specialist and a dermatologist are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of an unpleasant rash. If there are no such specialists in the local clinic, it is necessary to approach the local therapist.

Sometimes the symptoms of a viral infection prompt the patient to seek the advice of a dentist. After examining the rashes in the oral cavity, the dentist always sends the patient to a specialized specialist.


In most cases, viral pemphigus can be identified already at the first examination. To exclude the addition of a secondary infection or the appearance of complications, the patient is prescribed additional studies:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • test for the presence of antibodies;
  • study of the contents of the vesicles;
  • throat swab;
  • general analysis of feces.

If myocarditis is suspected, echocardiography is performed to help detect abnormalities in the movement of the heart walls.

In the vast majority of cases, viral pemphigus ends with the formation of a strong immunity to the pathogen, so an unpleasant diagnosis is made once in a lifetime and only to those adults who did not have the infection in childhood.


Treatment for viral pemphigus is purely symptomatic and is aimed at improving the patient's well-being. Therapy consists in observing a semi-bed rest, plentiful drink, taking vitamins and boosting immunity. The disease most often ends on its own in 10-14 days.

To eliminate the discomfort and symptoms of cystic lesions in adults, use following groups drugs:

  • antiallergic - Diazolin, Fenistil, Citrine, Erius, Suprastin;
  • antipyretic - Aspirin, Paracetamol, Nimesil, Tylenol, Ibuprofen;
  • corticosteroids - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone;
  • cytostatics - Methotrexate, Zeksat, Sandimmun, Cytarabine, Azathioprine.

From antiviral drugs with viral pemphigus, Laferon, Cycloferon and Viferon are most often taken.

Local treatment involves the appointment of antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine) and combined drugs with analgesic and disinfecting action (Oflokain ointment). For the healing of the skin, Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Vishnevsky liniment, Levomekol are used.

Treatment of viral pemphigus in the oral cavity is carried out by rinsing with antimicrobial and anesthetic solutions - Oracept, Forteza. You can use infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs: chamomile, calendula flowers, oak bark, cornflower. Lotions with agave juice or fresh nettle, sea buckthorn oil help well.

Supportive treatment is based on taking vitamin preparations, in particular ergocalciferol, since it is he who is involved in the formation of skin peptides necessary for the production local immunity. You should also consume more trace elements - magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium and zinc.


When vesicles appear in the oral cavity, an adult patient is recommended to exclude hot, sour and spicy dishes limit the use of foods that can provoke allergic reaction. You should quit smoking and alcohol.

Treatment of viral pemphigus will be more effective if you give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, liquid porridge-smear and puree soups. Such a diet will accelerate the recovery of the mucosa and will not cause additional harm.


Viral infection in adults usually occurs without serious consequences, but if it is not treated, it can be complicated by serious diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • myocarditis;
  • encephalitis;
  • aseptic meningitis;
  • the appearance of a generalized rash;
  • myelitis with paralysis.

The occurrence of viral pemphigus during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, can lead to miscarriage or cause fetal malformations, sometimes incompatible with life.


Since viral pemphigus is contagious, all measures to prevent the disease are aimed at avoiding infection. Standard Prevention includes:

  • washing hands after contact with strangers, visiting public places and vehicles;
  • avoiding any meetings with obviously sick people;
  • rinsing the mouth and washing the nasal cavity upon returning home from the street.

If you have to care for an injured relative, you must wear gloves and a mask, wash dishes thoroughly and carry out daily wet cleaning. The patient should be given a separate towel, bed linen and hygiene items. After recovery, you must antiseptic treatment premises, as well as all the things that he touched.

Adults who have had viral pemphigus should be registered with a dermatologist and undergo an annual medical examination, as well as limit the time physical activity avoid stress and overwork.

Within 6 months after the illness, it is recommended to change underwear and bedding as often as possible, treat hands with an antiseptic and rinse your mouth with anti-inflammatory drugs. Such simple measures will help to avoid a recurrence of a viral infection and finally recover.

Useful video about the diagnosis of pemphigus

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Dear parents!

The Education Committee of the Administration of the Municipal District "Vyborgsky District" of the Leningrad Region on the basis of a letter from the Committee of General and professional education Leningrad Region No. 19-3629/12 dated October 12, 2012 informs you that in order to prevent the formation of foci enterovirus infection"Pemphigus".

It is necessary to ensure the implementation of measures to localize the foci of the disease and prevent the further spread of EVI.

Given the autumn - spring seasonality with EVI, a long incubation period (up to a month), high resistance of enteroviruses during external environment, implementation of airborne and fecal-oral transmission routes, an increase in the registration of this infection in St. Petersburg, there is a real threat of new outbreaks of this infection in the Leningrad region. Predominantly children of preschool age are ill. At severe forms diseases enterovirus can cause pulmonary edema, meningitis, encephalitis with complications in the form of paralysis (complications often develop in children under 2 years of age).

Viral bladder.

Viral pemphigus of the mouth and extremities in children is a disease that most often occurs in autumn and summer. Developing this disease under the influence of an enterovirus, which is also called intestinal virus. You can catch such a virus at any time, since it is transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also by direct contact with infected objects. The incubation period is three to six days.

The very first sign this disease it is customary to consider blisters that can occur both on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and on the skin. The size of these bubbles may vary. In some cases, blisters are noted with a pea, but in others their size reaches the size walnut. As for the location this kind bubbles, it can be both the torso and the face, genitals, arms and legs. As soon as the blisters burst, not very well epithelized erosions immediately appear on the child's skin. In the presence of pemphigus, the child is also “pursued” by such symptoms as: fever, decrease total weight, loss of appetite, general weakness. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this disease provides for timely treatment. If his treatment is started, then it is quite possible to develop numerous complications that make themselves felt both from the side of the kidneys, and from the side of the heart, lungs and other vital important organs. It is quite possible with such a pathology and the general depletion of the child's body.

Treatment of this type of disease is based primarily on compliance with special diet and consuming large amounts of fluids. It is desirable that the liquid be cold.

In no case should you forget about the rules of personal hygiene, which all family members must adhere to in order not to get infected from a sick child.

Take care of your children!



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