5 animals and how long they live. Lifespan of different animals: features and interesting facts

The life expectancy of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding animals. Typically, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than strays of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their "free" relatives, due to the fact that specialists closely monitor their nutrition and the conditions of their maintenance. However, it also happens that animals in captivity live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules for caring for them.

The average life expectancy of cats is 10 - 15 years. For various reasons, stray cats live much less: 3-5 years. There are also long-lived cats. So, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest known domestic cats, 34 years old, lived the spotted cat Ma from the UK and the cat Granpa Rex Alen from the USA.

Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly by breed. The smallest life expectancy in those breeds of dogs that are large, and the largest - in "small" breeds. The following data clearly confirms this:

The average lifespan of American Staffordshire Terriers is about 13 years;

English Bulldogs - 8 - 10 years;
English spaniels - 10 - 14 years;
Dogo Argentino - 13 - 15 years;
Basset - 9 - 11 years old;
Boxers - 10 - 12 years old;
Bolonok - 18 - 20 years old;
Large poodles - 15 - 17 years;
Doges of Bordeaux - 7 - 8 years;
West Siberian Laikas - 10 - 14 years old;
Yorkshire Terriers - 12 - 15 years old;
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9 - 11 years old;
Pugs - 13 - 15 years;
Great Danes - 7 - 8 years;
German Shepherds - 10 - 14 years;
Rottweilers - 9 - 12 years;
Tax - 12 - 14 years;
Toy Terriers - 12 - 13 years old;
Chihuahua - 15 - 17 years old;
Airedale Terriers - 10 - 13 years old.

The life of rodents is usually not as long as that of cats and dogs.

Mice live on average 1 - 2 years, although some individuals reach 5 - 6 years;
Rats live 2 - 3 years, there are long-lived rats, whose age reaches 6 years or more, however, many rats die young.
Hamsters live 1.5 - 3 years;
Guinea pigs live 6 - 8 years;
Chinchillas live 15 years;
Chipmunks live 10 years or more;
Rabbits live on average up to 12 years.

The average life expectancy of horses is 20 - 25 years. The maximum reliably known life expectancy of a horse was 62 years. In ponies, this figure is less. The oldest pony was 54 years old.

According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15 - 20 years.

The total life expectancy of elephants is 60 - 70 years.

The life expectancy of bears is 30 - 45 years.

The life expectancy of foxes is on average 6-8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer.

The life expectancy of beavers is usually 10 - 12 years, although in favorable zoo conditions they live up to 20 years.

The life expectancy of macaques is from 15 to 20 years, in captivity, however, they can live up to 30 years.

The life expectancy of orangutans in nature is about 35 - 40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age.

Chimpanzees are about 50 years old.

Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information indicating that their life expectancy is slightly more than 50 years relates to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. Age of the Carolina box turtle ( Terrapene carolina), found in Rhode Island, was almost certainly 130 years old. The maximum period is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the real life expectancy of individual individuals is much longer.

The life span of red-eared turtles, popular with animal lovers, is 30 (40 - 45) years, European marsh turtles are the same, some of them even reached 80 years.

The total life expectancy for small lizards does not exceed 3-4 years, while for the largest ones (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50-70 years, but again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live even a year.

There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live for more than a hundred years. Actually it is not.

Birds usually live several times longer in captivity than in the wild, but even in zoos, only a few species of parrots have an average lifespan approaching 40 years.

Unlike dogs, parrots of larger body size also have a higher average life expectancy.

Budgerigars and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum lifespan up to 20 years).

Gray parrots: 14 - 16 years (maximum 49).

Macaws can live up to 40 - 45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure.

Record holders are cockatoo parrots, living for about 30 - 40 years. There is reliable information about the cockatoo 60 - 70 years of age.

Crows also live long. The maximum lifespan in captivity for ravens is 75 years. Whereas in freedom, crows live an average of 10-15 years.

The average life expectancy for passerine birds is 20 years, for owls 15 years, for diurnal birds of prey 21-24 years, for copepods 20 years, for ducks 21 years, for herons 19 years, for waders 10 years, for gulls 17 years, for ratites 15 years, pigeons 12 years, chicken 13 years. For domestic chickens, a maximum life expectancy of 30 years has been noted (of course, this is the exception rather than the rule).

From the detachment of owls, eagle owls lived to 34, 53 and 68 years. For diurnal predators, the following data are known: the buffoon eagle lived 55 years, the condor 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle 46 years, and according to other, but not very reliable information, more than 80 years, griffon vulture more than 38 years.

Proper feeding and care significantly affect the life of an animal in captivity, which means that pet owners need to pay special attention to the health of their pets!

Not only schoolchildren, but also adults often ask questions about the life expectancy of certain animals. If this question is relatively easy to answer for domestic animals, then for wild animals, the available information on life expectancy is far from complete, sometimes insufficiently accurate and contradictory, with the exception of a few cases of long-term observation of captive wild animals. Therefore, the facts about the lifespan of animals, conscientiously and accurately collected not only by specialists, but also by amateurs, are of undoubted scientific value.

The problem of animal life span is of interest both for theory and practice. Indeed, the question of how long the life expectancy of a particular wild animal (both useful and harmful) and a domestic animal of a particular breed cannot but be of interest to a scientist and practitioner.

The information given in this essay, gleaned from extensive scientific and educational literature, does not claim absolute accuracy for the reasons indicated above, but nevertheless gives a real idea of ​​the diversity of life expectancy and the life cycle in various animals.

In 1737, in the Indian Ocean, on Egmont Island, a specimen of one of the species of giant tortoises was caught, the age of which was determined by scientists to be 100 years old. This turtle was brought to England, where it lived for a long time with one lover, and then was transferred to the London Zoo, where it continued to live in the twenties of this century, and possibly still lives. If the calculation of zoologists about her age at the time of capture was correct, then the animal is now over three hundred years old and the turtle can be considered the oldest animal known to us.

Other cases of life of turtles in captivity up to a hundred years or more have been described., and not only giant ones, but also such ordinary ones as the Greek tortoise that lives in the countries of the Mediterranean coast, and in the USSR in places in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. It would be interesting to obtain data on this issue for the widespread steppe and marsh turtles. It is very likely that they also have a long lifespan.

Crocodiles reach no less respectable age, which, according to some sources, live up to 300 years of age. In some places in Africa, they talk about individual crocodiles that have survived several generations of people. Since the growth of crocodiles, although very slow, continues into old age, the sizes of old crocodiles are very large.

Previously, much was said about the exceptionally long life span of whales and elephants, allegedly reaching 400 years or more, but this turned out to be wrong, and at present the age limit for whales is determined at 50, and for elephants - about 70 years. There have been cases of elephants living in captivity up to 100-120 years, but, apparently, this is rare.

Fish are highly durable. In popular science books about animals and zoology textbooks, it is indicated that in the Moscow region in 1794, when cleaning the Tsaritsyno ponds, a pike was caught with a gold ring threaded through the gill cover, on which was engraved: "I planted Tsar Boris Fedorovich." Since the reign of Boris Godunov took place in the years 1598-1605, then, therefore, pike lived in the pond for about 200 years.

There is also a story about a pike caught in 1497 in Germany with a ring on which the date of its landing was engraved: 1230. Thus this the pike has lived for over 267 years. However, a number of modern experts doubt the reliability of these facts, still believing that pikes can live up to 70-80 years. The data given in the literature on a hundred-year (and more) life expectancy of carp and some other fish also need to be verified.

The literature describes cases life in captivity of catfish up to 60 years, eel up to 55 years, goldfish up to 30 years. Based on the method developed at the beginning of this century for determining the age of fish by bones and annual rings on the scales, it has been indisputably established that the beluga can reach more than 100 years of age.

Regarding amphibians, quite recently, in one of the foreign scientific journals, a message appeared about extraordinary longevity. giant salamander that lived in captivity for up to 130 years. Among birds, the raven is distinguished by longevity. There are cases when this bird in captivity lived up to the age of 70, and according to some sources, even twice as much.

Birds of prey live long. So, for example, by Golden eagles have been living in captivity for 80 years or more. Since 1892, the oldest inhabitant of the Moscow Zoo has been living - the American condor Kuzya. In one of the zoos, a nocturnal predator - an eagle owl - lived for 68 years. Falcons reach a hundred years of age, and from non-predatory birds - parrots. Among the latter, even a 140-year-old specimen has been described.

Lifespan of various animals.

For waterfowl, the longevity of the swan has long been noted. In this regard, it is interesting to cite a case of hunting in England in 1887 of a mute swan with a ring dated 1711-1717. If the described case is reliable, then this is a record figure for the life expectancy of birds. Of poultry are especially durable geese living to 40 and possibly more years. Chickens live up to 20 years. A domestic pigeon lives up to 30 years.

Of the invertebrates, the most durable, apparently, should be considered the huge, weighing up to 300 kilograms, mollusk of the Indian Ocean - the giant tridacna, the age limit of which is determined at 80-100 years. Almost the same age, according to some sources, can reach European pearl mussels, molluscs of much smaller size - 12-14 centimeters in length.

It is interesting to note, by contrast, that many woody and shrubby plants live much longer than the most durable animals. Even such small shrubs and shrubs as rose hips, blueberries, lingonberries and blueberries can live up to 300 years. Pear, cherry and sweet cherry reach the same and even more significant age. Juniper, spruce and pine live up to 400 years, linden up to 500 years or more, oak up to 1000 years. The age limit of the American Sequoia, or Mammoth tree, is determined by various authors at 2500-4000 years with a trunk height of over 100 meters and a diameter of over 10 meters. According to some reports, Mexican cypress trees live up to 10 thousand years, and Australian macrosamia from cycads reaches a record age - 12-15 thousand years.

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)

Which animals have the shortest lifespan? Usually, insects of mayflies are given as an example, flying in masses in spring and summer evenings over rivers, lakes and ponds. Indeed, these truly ephemeral creatures live only a few days, and some species of mayflies only a few hours. Apparently, one of the stanzas of the famous poet A. N. Maikov refers to the mayfly, and not to the moth: "But my age is short, it is not longer than a day."

During this period, these insects fertilize and lay their eggs in the water, after which they die, littering the surface of the water with their corpses and thus providing rich food for fish. But the fact is that here only the adult (winged) stage of this insect is brief. The larvae hatching from the testicles develop in the water for several years, not for several days. Thus, the entire life cycle of mayflies lasts not days at all, but years, and here we can talk about the extraordinary short duration of only one of the stages of its life.

Days, days and even hours live microscopic animal organisms - ciliates and amoeba, multiplying, as you know, by division, in which instead of the so-called "maternal individual, two" daughters "are formed. As a separate individual, ciliates and amoeba live only in the interval between two divisions. This interval, and therefore life expectancy, is measured in days and for hours, for example, in ciliates of the shoe and amoeba rhizomes, it is equal to one day. And here the record figure belongs to plant organisms - bacteria. The individual life of many of them is only 15-60 minutes.

Apparently, the transparent goby has the shortest life expectancy among vertebrates.- a small, several centimeters long fish that lives less than a year and dies shortly after the fertilization of eggs. It must be said that all representatives of the goby family are distinguished by the short duration of their life cycle.

Here are some data on the lifespan of other animals.

Dragonflies in adulthood live 1 - 2 months, and in the stage of the larva, which passes in the water, up to 3 years. This period is significantly lengthened in the seventeen-year-old North American cicada. Its larva lives in the ground for 17 years, and the adult form is only 10 - 20 days. Worker bees bred in spring or summer live 6 weeks, and bred in autumn - 6 months. The queen bee is significantly more durable and can live up to 5 years.

It is assumed that frogs and newts live in nature for about 5 years, however, there are cases of life in captivity of a grass frog up to 18 years, a newt up to 28 years, and a bull frog up to 16 years. The toad lived even longer with one lover - 36 years.

Many snakes live for decades. So, anaconda, cobra, common boa constrictor already live up to 25-30 years. Some lizards have lived in captivity for up to 10 years. The legless spindle lizard lived in one zoo for 33 years.

Birds live longer than other vertebrates, but the largest birds do not always live longer. So, for example, the largest bird - African ostrich, lives only up to 30 - 40 years. On the other hand, small songbirds: canaries, starlings, goldfinches - survived in captivity for 20-25 years.

Among mammals, it is interesting to note the estimated age limit for great apes - gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans: it is 50 - 60 years. Other small monkeys survived in captivity up to 20 years, and baboons - up to 45. Such large predators as bears and tigers live up to 40 - 50 years. Lions live somewhat less: about 30 years; leopards and lynxes 15 - 20 years. Smaller predators - the wolf and the fox, are less durable: the age limit of the first does not exceed 15 years, and the second - 10 - 12 years.

Of the ungulates, deer and elk live for about 20 years, roe deer - 15. Hippos and rhinos in the zoo lived for 40 years. Rodents live much less, especially such small ones as mice and rats, whose age limit does not exceed 2-3 years. Muskrat lives 4 years, guinea pig - 8 years, squirrels and hares - up to 10 years. Only the beaver among rodents stands out for its longevity. Professor S.I. Ognev points out that these animals live almost to. 35 and even 50 years of age.

The most durable of domestic animals - the donkey, lives up to 50 years; a horse and a camel live up to 30, a cow - up to 25, a pig - up to 20, a sheep - up to 15, a dog - up to 15, a cat - up to 10-12 years. The literature contains information about horses that lived to 62-67 years old, as well as about a cat that lived in the same family for 38 years. It should not be forgotten that farm animals are usually used to an age well below the age limit.

When looking at the above figures, it is surprising that the life expectancy of completely different animals is approximately the same, such as an earthworm and a fox, a toad and a horse, a crayfish and a lynx, a tridacna mollusk and a falcon, a raven and an elephant, etc. Thus, there is no direct proportionality between the complexity of the organization of the animal, the size of its body and life expectancy. Life expectancy needs further careful study. At present, it can only be asserted that the lifespan of animals and plants of various species is as strikingly diverse as their sizes.

Literature: Entertaining zoology. Ya.A. Zinger. Moscow, 1959

There are a great many animals in the world - domestic and wild, known or not yet known to science. Every year, scientists discover some new species, and some representatives of the fauna are dying out. In total, according to scientific sources, there are more than one and a half million species of them on the planet. Differs - sometimes at times - the life expectancy of different animals living on land and under water. Let's compare just some data.


The largest was recorded in the environment of mollusks. Indeed, the Ocean Venus, found off the coast of Iceland (2007) at a depth of eighty meters, lived for more than 400 years. Scientists determined his years by the lines on the shell (like rings on a cut tree trunk). An animal that “remembers” ancient times was nicknamed Ming, in honor of the ruling dynasty of emperors that was in power in China when it was born. And the previous record also belonged to one mollusk who lived 374 years.

Sea bass

Despite the commercial importance of this species of fish, some individuals live long enough - up to 200 years. Such specimens have been found in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of up to 500 meters. The thing is that this fish grows very slowly, it becomes sexually mature late. And, as a result: a significant life expectancy (of course, if the ubiquitous fishermen do not have time to catch it).

Sea urchin and others

The life expectancy of different animals, as a rule, is largely determined by their habitat. So among marine and oceanic species there are quite a few centenarians. The red sea urchin, for example, if he succeeds, can live up to 200 years. In general, it lives in the depths of the sea for 450 million years.

Bowhead whales also live for over two hundred years. The oldest known specimen is 245! They are joined by koi, the oldest caught is 226 years old (although the average age of the species does not exceed 50).


The life expectancy of different animals also depends on their lifestyle. So turtles are well known for their advanced years and can rightfully be included in the list of centenarians of the fauna. The oldest known land tortoise reached the age of 250 years.


Sponges, which according to the corresponding classification are also animals, provide their longevity with low mobility and extremely slow growth. The Antarctic sponge, studied by scientists, has lived for more than one and a half thousand years!

And one of them, as it became known recently, has practically no age. Since an animal at a certain period of its development can “turn back time”, returning to the “adolescent” stage of the polyp and begin to develop anew. Thus, these instances are potentially immortal.

wildlife animals

And what about representatives of the wild fauna?

  • As a rule, the optimal lifespan of different mammalian animals is limited to 100 years or less. Longer - just some whales and elephants. Horses can live over 50 years. The brown bear, on average, lives up to 45 years, and small rodents - only a few years.
  • Some insects live their whole life in a day. These include mayflies or, for example, bag butterflies (here the bill generally goes for minutes). In bees, the uterus lives up to 5 years, and simple worker bees - up to forty days (that's really it: class injustice)! Some beetles live for three years. But female ants, for example, are able to live up to 15 years (males - a few days).
  • Among reptiles, there are species that reptile for a very long time. Everyone knows that these are turtles. Small species of reptiles live, as a rule, no more than three years. Large snakes - up to 25. Iguanas - more than 50.
  • Ravens, among the representatives of many bird species, can live up to 40-50 years in captivity. The average life of passerines is up to 20, gulls - 17, owls - up to 15, pigeons - 12.

Life span of pets

It often depends on the conditions of the animals. Their proper feeding and observance of the daily routine. Roughly speaking, the lifespan of pets depends on how a person takes care of them by taming them.

  • Some domestic chickens can live up to 30 (but who will give them)! The average duration of cows, according to livestock breeders, is up to 30 years. Bulls live less - up to 20. Horses in good living conditions can live up to 50-60! But they usually don't live past 30.
  • From pets: rabbits - 12 years old, hamsters - 3 years old, and mice - 2 years old, rats - up to 5 years old. It depends fundamentally on the breed. On average, from 7 to 15. Some cats live up to 25 (usually up to 15 years).

Life span of animals. Table

As you can see, some animals live long enough. Some, on the contrary, take several days and even hours. Scientists still cannot find the exact criteria according to which there is one or another life span of animals. The table below only states the facts (of course, they are approximate).

It remains to be added that a man, as a representative of the class of mammals, may well live for more than a hundred years if he leads a healthy lifestyle and gets rid of bad habits.

Some people are just curious how long do different animals live. This page will answer all these questions.

Here we present a table that presents a comparative description of the life expectancy of certain animals. It is known that a huge number of different animals greatly exceed humans in life expectancy.

Animal longevity secret depends on the conditions under which lives. Therefore, it is very important to know what conditions are good for your pet. I suggest you learn more how many years do animals live.



(average number of years)


(centenarians, exception to the rule)

decorative rabbits

decorative rats

Djungarian hamsters

domestic turtles

domestic rat

in captivity - up to 16 years

snakes (viper)

dwarf rabbits

castrated cats

2-3 years longer than uncastrated

34 years old (cat Ma from England and cat Granpa Rex Allen from the USA.

red-eared turtles

Guinea pigs

persian cats


Siamese cats

land turtles



How many years do dogs live

(average life expectancy of dogs varies greatly by breed)


afghan hound

American Staffordshire Terrier

English bulldog

English Cocker Spaniel

English Springer Spaniel

English Toy Spaniel

english setter

dogo argentino

basset hound

bearded collie

Bedlington Terrier

Bernese mountain dog

Border Collie

Border Terrier

bull terrier


big poodle

Dogue de Bordeaux

hungarian hound

Weimar Hound

Welsh Springer Spaniel

West Highland White Terrier



doberman pinscher


Jack Russell Terrier

West Siberian Laika

golden retreat

irish setter

Irish wolfhound

Yorkshire Terrier

caucasian shepherd dog

Dwarf Dachshund

dwarf poodle

Cairn Terrier

Cocker Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

labrador retriever

German dog

German Shepherd

German shorthaired hound

norfolk terrier


Rhodesian Ridgeback

standard poodle

scotch terrier

samoyed husky

Gordon setter

Toy Terrier

toy poodle

Tibetan Terrier

Fox terrier



How many years do birds live


Life expectancy (average number of years)

Maximum (centenarians, exception to the rule)




gray crane

How many years do wild animals live


Life expectancy (average number of years)

Maximum (centenarians, exception to the rule)



in captivity up to 20 years




How many years do insects live

How many years do fish live


As you can see, with all the diversity of animals, the difference in life span is very large. In connection with the deterioration of the climate, the set bar began to subside. This suggests that each individual has its own characteristics, which must be carefully monitored and try to avoid health problems.

In this article you will find the answer to a very popular question: what is the average life expectancy of different animal species?

Of course, the life expectancy of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding animals. Typically, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than strays of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their "free" relatives, due to the fact that specialists closely monitor their nutrition and the conditions of their maintenance. However, it also happens that animals in captivity live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules for caring for them.

The average life expectancy of cats is 10-15 years. For various reasons, stray cats live much less: 3-5 years. There are also long-lived cats. So, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest known domestic cats, 34 years old, lived the spotted cat Ma from the UK and the cat Granpa Rex Alen from the USA.

Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly by breed. The smallest life expectancy in those breeds of dogs that are large, and the largest - in "small" breeds. The following data clearly confirms this:

The average lifespan of American Staffordshire Terriers is about 13 years;
English Bulldogs - 8-10 years;
English spaniels - 10-14 years;
Dogo Argentino - 13-15 years;
Basset - 9-11 years old;
Boxers - 10-12 years;
Bolonok - 18-20 years;
Large poodles - 15-17 years;
Doges of Bordeaux - 7-8 years;
West Siberian Laikas - 10-14 years old;
Yorkshire Terriers - 12-15 years old;
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9-11 years old;
Pugs - 13-15 years;
Great Danes - 7-8 years;
German Shepherds - 10-14 years old;
Rottweilers - 9-12 years;
Taxi - 12-14 years old;
Toy Terriers - 12-13 years old;
Chi-hua-hua - 15-17 years old;
Airedale Terriers - 10-13 years old.

The life of rodents is usually not as long as that of cats and dogs.

Mice live on average - 1-2 years, although some individuals reach 5-6 years;
Rats live 2-3 years, there are long-lived rats whose age reaches 6 years or more, however, many rats die young.
Hamsters live 1.5-3 years;
Guinea pigs live 6-8 years;
Chinchillas live 15 years;
Chipmunks live 10 years or more;
Rabbits live on average up to 12 years.

The average life expectancy of horses is 20-25 years. The maximum reliably known life expectancy of a horse was 62 years. In ponies, this figure is less. The oldest pony was 54 years old.

According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15-20 years.

The total life span of elephants is 60-70 years;

The life expectancy of bears is 30-45 years;

The life expectancy of foxes is on average 6-8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer;

The life expectancy of beavers is usually 10-12 years, although in favorable zoo conditions they live up to 20 years;

The life expectancy of macaques is from 15 to 20 years; however, in captivity they can live up to 30 years;

The life expectancy of orangutans in nature is about 35-40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age;

Chimpanzee - about 50 years old.

Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information indicating that their life expectancy is slightly more than 50 years relates to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. Age of the Carolina box turtle ( Terrapene carolina), found in Rhode Island, almost certainly reached 130 years. The maximum is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the actual life expectancy of individual individuals is much longer.

The life span of red-eared turtles, popular with animal lovers, is 30 (40-45) years, European marsh turtles are the same, some of them even reached 80 years.
The total life expectancy for small lizards does not exceed 3-4 years, while for the largest ones (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50-70 years, but again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live even a year.

There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live for more than a hundred years. Actually it is not.

Birds usually live several times longer in captivity than in the wild, but even in zoos, only a few species of parrots have an average lifespan approaching 40 years.

Unlike dogs, parrots of larger body size also have a higher average life expectancy.

Budgerigars and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum lifespan up to 20 years)

Gray parrots: 14-16 years old (maximum 49)

Macaws can live up to 40-45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure.

Record holders are cockatoo parrots, living for about 30-40 years. There is reliable information about the cockatoo 60-70 years of age.

Crows also live long. The maximum lifespan in captivity for ravens is 75 years. Whereas in freedom, crows live an average of 10-15 years.

The average life expectancy of passerine birds is 20 years. owls 15 years, diurnal birds of prey 21-24 years, copepods 20 years, ducks 21 years, herons 19 years, waders 10 years, gulls 17 years. ratites 15 years, pigeons 12 years, chicken 13 years. For domestic chickens, a maximum life expectancy of 30 years has been noted (of course, this is the exception rather than the rule).

From the detachment of owls, eagle owls lived to 34, 53 and 68 years. For diurnal predators, the following data are known: the buffoon eagle lived 55 years, the condor 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle 46 years, and according to other, but not very reliable information, more than 80 years, griffon vulture more than 38 years.

If you search the Internet, you can find the average lifespan of almost any type of animal, however, even from the data given in this note, it can be seen that proper feeding and care significantly affect the lifespan of an animal in captivity, which means that pet owners need to pay special attention to the health of their pets !

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