Gardnerellosis in women treatment. Gardnerella in women - symptoms and treatment


Gardnerella (bacterial vaginosis) is a very common infection these days. According to statistics, more than 20% of sexually active women suffer from this disease.

The thing is that gardnerella is always present in the microflora of the female genital organ.

But with a sharp increase in the number of these bacteria, the vaginal microflora is disturbed, which leads to the development of infection.

The question of whether this type of vaginosis is precisely the disease that, like many, is sexually transmitted, still does not have a clear answer from physicians. However, bacterial vaginosis requires immediate treatment and it's not even discussed.

Gardnerella itself is not pathogenic, but it leads to the emergence of other pathogens that are more dangerous to women's health. Gardnerella performs the function of preparing the soil for harmful microorganisms. When these microorganisms begin to multiply at an accelerated pace, the products of their metabolism adversely affect not only the vagina, but also penetrate the urethra.

The disturbed microflora for gardnerella is the cause of occurrence No. 1. Bacteria that have grown in such a “favorable” environment cause inflammation.

Is bacterial vaginosis contagious?

Certainly. It is patients who are very actively sexually active who most often encounter this disease. You can avoid the transmission of vaginosis by using contraceptives, especially if you are starting a relationship with a new partner. This statement does not mean at all that a man is “contagious”. It is possible that the microflora of a man will be alien to your body. This will lead to dysbacteriosis, and then to gardnerellosis.

Treatment this disease is no different from other sexually transmitted infections. Regardless of the confirmation of the disease, both partners must undergo full course treatment with drugs prescribed by the doctor, one of them.

It is possible to get sick with gardnerellosis, even if there was no fact of infection as such. The disease can develop due to the use of antibiotics or contraceptives. local application. Many cases of gardnerella development have been recorded after taking the following drugs: Terzhinan, Betadin, Polygynax.

It is possible to disrupt the microflora of the vagina with prolonged stress, diets, and intense physical and emotional stress.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

Every woman should know the first signs of the onset of the disease, for starting treatment and taking special preparations needed as soon as possible.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women are much more noticeable than in the representatives of the stronger sex. Vaginal discharge may be yellow, green, white, clear, or white-gray. They have a uniform consistency, creamy or watery, often foamy.

The labia swell, redden, itching and burning appear during urination or during sexual intercourse. main feature diseases - the smell of spoiled fish.

In addition to secretions, gardnerella in women cause an internal inflammatory process, which also entails itching, pain and burning in the vagina.

In men (in 90%), gardnerella does not cause any discomfort. IN rare cases the presence of the disease can be judged by painful urination. Even less often there are abundant discharge from the penis, burning and itching.

If any minor symptoms of gardnerellosis appear in women, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Experts say that it is possible to cure the disease from the first time only on early stage development.

Complications and consequences of the disease are varied.

Urethritis, prostatitis, infertility threatens men. And women often develop inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. The vulva, the vagina, the cervix - everything is at risk. The result is endometritis and adnexitis, which will bother you all your life.

If we talk about the consequences that appear immediately, then this a sharp decline immunity and high risk diseases of the genitourinary system.

Gardnerellosis is often found in pregnant women. Often a woman becomes infected even before the conception of a child, and during pregnancy, pathogenic microbes exacerbate. The reasons are as follows: during pregnancy, the body's immune defenses drop sharply and hormonal changes. These factors affect the microflora female vagina, and if the girl has minimal risk get sick with gardnerellosis, the body does not act in favor of the hostess.

Diagnosis of the disease

Nowadays, gardnerella in women can be detected on early stages, fortunately, for each specialist it is possible. Women at the first suspicion should immediately contact a gynecologist, and men - a venereologist or urologist.

First, the patient is examined, the symptoms are evaluated. Most frequent complaint- selection with a sharp bad smell. If the symptoms of gardnerella are not so well expressed, then it is carried out laboratory analysis to identify the pathogen.

The analysis is a general smear with microscopy. Examining the cells of a sick person under a microscope, you can see a thick layer of microbes, which indicates the fact of the disease. Another analysis to confirm the disease is the measurement of the pH of the vaginal environment. You can finally make a diagnosis after a reaction to isontril (exactly the substance that emits a terribly unpleasant odor).

If the diagnosis is confirmed, ask the doctor to conduct an examination for the presence of inflammatory processes in the vagina (sowing of vaginal discharge, analysis for dysbiosis, PCR).

Gardnerellosis in women during pregnancy is the most common disease, but do not despair, the main thing is to cope with the disease in a timely manner. Drugs for treatment must be prescribed by a doctor, since many drugs are prohibited, including antibiotics.

Doctors usually prescribe the following drugs for treatment: Metronidazole, Clindamycin. Both one and the other drug is available both in the form of a gel for external use, and in the form of tablets. Treatment and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician. It should be remembered that these drugs are incompatible with alcohol. After completing the course of treatment, take the tests again, and then monitor your health and prevent relapses.

Prevention of the disease is quite simple:

  • Take good care of your health.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Lead healthy lifestyle life (do not overwork, eat right).
  • Avoid casual sex.
  • Use condoms.
  • Within 2 hours after the "suspicious" sexual intercourse, use antiseptics.
  • Avoid douching and drugs containing 9-nonoxynol (contraceptives).

Constantly monitor your genitals, keep them perfectly clean. At the first appearance of any symptoms, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate!

Bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis in women is quite common. This is an infection that in women is caused by a special bacterium - gardnerella vaginalis. A small amount of these microorganisms is completely harmless to the body, but as soon as their number begins to increase due to a decrease in lactobacilli, the first signs of the development of gardnerellosis appear. You should not be ashamed of this female disease, because it does not belong to a sexually transmitted disease, does not depend on compliance with the rules intimate hygiene, and can develop at any time in women different ages. Even small girls who do not have a single sexual contact are able to have quite an adult female disease- gardnerellosis.

It is impossible to find a female person who would have an absolutely sterile vagina. Only newborn girls do not have any microorganisms in their genitals at all, but already about a week after birth, the composition of their microflora begins to change. Before puberty, for about everyone, it normally has an acidity of pH 5.0.

Everything is different in the body of adult females. They are constantly in the vagina various organisms, therefore, the acidity of the medium decreases (pH 4.0-4.5). Some of the bacteria are completely harmless and must be present in the microflora (lactobacilli), others, like gardnerella vaginalization in women in the photo, under favorable conditions become a real threat and lead to changes in the microflora.

Every healthy woman has a certain amount of lactobacilli in her vagina. These are her protective bodies. They regulate the level of acidity, determine the composition of microflora, fight microorganisms that can harm health. When once lactobacilli lose their activity, it is immediately noticed harmful microorganisms who had previously been oppressed. This is where the time comes to come to the fore gardnerelle. Her norm healthy woman is about 103 -105 CFU / ml, as soon as this figure increases, there is a threat of developing gardnerellosis in the woman shown in the photo. They can develop very quickly, but they do not show any resistance. In this case, the female disease manifests itself, then subsides a little. This condition is called chronic gardnerellosis in women. During chronic gardnerellosis bacteria go deep into genitourinary system and travel to the urethra or cervix. It can last for several years, until one day, during a random examination, the doctor diagnoses the disease.

Causes of gardnerella in women

An excessive increase in the number of vaginalis bacteria in women is the cause of gardnerellosis. Its quantity increases significantly due to a sharp decrease in the number of lactobacilli. This disproportionate ratio in the vagina between the two groups of bacteria can occur as a result of antibiotic treatment, menopause, or diabetes. It leads to dysbiosis. This is nothing but gardnerellosis. The number of lactobacilli can decrease when using intimate hygiene products, causing dryness skin. Excessive care of the female genital organs also does not bring anything good, but can cause a large number gardnerella vaginalis in women.

Sexual contact without a condom with a man who had previously had an affair with an infected partner and was infected also causes gardnerellosis in a perfectly healthy woman.

Among other reasons involved in the appearance of a gardnerella infection in women, one can distinguish:

Symptoms and signs of gardnerellosis in women in life and in the photo

Not all even adult ladies know how gardnerella manifests itself in women, and therefore they do not even find obvious signs in themselves in time. When visiting a gynecologist, patients sometimes complain of an unpleasant smell from the vagina, which is somewhat reminiscent of the stench emanating from rotten fish. At this time, they do not even realize that these are the first signs of gardnerella in women, and such a bad smell appeared as a result of the active breakdown of amines under the influence of anaerobic bacteria on them.

In addition to an unpleasant odor, other symptoms of gardnerellosis in women are also known. Quite often, a sign of the disease is previously uncharacteristic discharge. Not all of them are the same color. It happens that the discharge is grayish-green or yellowish. Very rarely, the discharge can be white, then they are called white, or transparent. Their consistency is like a cream. They stick to the walls of the vagina and hold tightly to them. The number of bacteria in vaginosis is rapidly increasing, so the discharge becomes more and more abundant. Doctors consider such vaginal discharge to be pathological, so they will have to be dealt with immediately, reducing the amount of gardnerella in the body.

Often, vaginosis occurs against the background of inflammation of the genitourinary system. Then, to the mentioned signs of a female disease, other symptoms of gardnerella in women are added. The inflammatory process is accompanied strong burning sensation or itching, which becomes especially noticeable during intercourse or immediately after it.

A sign of gardnerella vaginalis can also be causeless violations of the menstruation cycle, the appearance in spotting mucous impurities resembling flakes of pus or pieces of cottage cheese.

Approximately 25 - 30% of women who had gardnerellosis had absolutely no symptoms in the photo. This is a common occurrence in the disease, but it cannot be said that the absence of symptoms is a safer course of the disease. On the contrary, when a woman notices symptoms of gardnerellosis or at least feels discomfort in the genital area, she goes to the clinic and tries to start treatment as soon as possible. If the disease is asymptomatic, this often happens, you can expect various complications, which will be much more difficult to cope with than with a disease identified in early period development.

According to the symptoms, gardnerellosis resembles other sexual infections, therefore, it is possible to correctly establish the diagnosis only after taking a smear.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women with drugs

Before starting the treatment of gardnerellosis in women, each doctor suggests that his patient undergo a diagnosis in order to exclude the presence of other microorganisms that may also be involved in the disease. The most common and accessible is the study of vaginal discharge, if any, or a smear for cultural inoculation from the mucous membranes of the vagina, the results of which determine the amount of gardnerella and lactobacilli in the microflora. Based on this ratio, the doctor decides how to cure gardnerellosis in a woman using topical preparations and auxiliary procedures such as baths, douching and others.

The treatment regimen for gardnerella in a woman is built taking into account the form of the course of the disease, the reaction of her body to medications, the condition of the patient, and even the cause of the disease. by the most effective drug in the treatment of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman, metronidazole is considered. Let not scare patients who have already treated trichomoniasis with this medicine, such a doctor's decision in choosing pills, because this drug is ideal for combating many sexual infections. And when the question is how to effectively treat gardnerella in women, feel free to use the drugs according to the scheme indicated by the doctor.

Beware side effects metronidazole, patients will learn how to cure gardnerella in women with other drugs. You can use klion or efloran, but in their composition active substance is also metronidazole. Alternatively, choose drugs with clindamycin: clindamycin, dalacin.

When deciding how to treat gardnerellosis in women, doctors prescribe suppositories for the treatment. Suppositories with metronidazole are considered very effective. They create a high concentration medicinal substance, fighting the virus in the vagina, and thereby contribute to speedy recovery reducing the amount of virus. In addition to the treatment of gardnerella in women, suppositories are also effective for candidiasis, which is often found in pairs.

When choosing how to treat gardnerella in women, many opt for creams. That's enough too effective means which are inserted into the vagina twice a day. Your doctor may recommend creams or gels that contain metronidazole. It is flagyl or metrogil. The course of such therapy usually lasts from 5 days and can reach 10 days if a woman has chronic gardnerellosis.

As an alternative group of creams are preparations with clindamycin. Just once a day for a week, it is enough to inject dalacin into the vagina to reduce the concentration of the virus.

Although the amount of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman's body has decreased due to antibiotic treatment or the use of suppositories, about full recovery it is too early to speak until the required amount of lactobacilli in the microflora is restored. For this, the doctor prescribes drugs that contain lactobacilli.

Treatment of gardnerella in women with traditional medicine

Since it does not apply to venereal infections, herbal preparations are quite effective in treatment. For baths, both tinctures bought at a pharmacy and herbal decoctions prepared at home are suitable. Effective in this fight are calendula and chamomile, thyme and oak bark, wormwood and yarrow, celandine and eucalyptus, birch leaves and mint. These same herbs can also be taken as a tea to strengthen the immune system.

At home, you can make tampons soaked in carrot juice And apple cider vinegar. For 1 tampon, a tablespoon of carrot juice and half the same spoon of vinegar are taken. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes after taking hygiene procedures and douching.

Doctors recommend during illness in the presence of copious discharge take baths with salt and potassium permanganate. This solution kills bacteria and helps to significantly reduce their number. If it is impossible to do such baths daily, you can use the same solution for tampons that are inserted into the vagina in the morning and evening. Medical workers are very wary of douching and do not recommend their frequent use in the treatment of gardnerellosis in women, because such a procedure contributes to washing out of the vagina beneficial microflora, which is already in short supply.

For prevention bacterial vaginosis ethnoscience It is recommended to drink tea made from sage more often.

Some consider gardnerellosis a non-serious female disease and wait until it goes away on its own without the use of drugs for treatment. The imbalance can recover on its own over time if the causes that caused it disappear (for example, the use of the IUD or condoms with lubricants is stopped), but this self recovery microflora can take a very long time. Think about whether you want to endure such fetid odors, reminiscent of illness, and communicate with your spouse, having unpleasant discharge?

Gardnerella vaginalis (gardnerella vaginalis) are opportunistic bacteria that are part of the normal microflora of the urogenital tract. They freely live in a small number and multiply in the vagina of a healthy woman, without harmful effects for a long time and without requiring treatment. Under the influence of adverse external and internal factors gardnerella begin to multiply actively and show their pathogenic properties. The body develops a nonspecific inflammatory disease. The activity of microorganisms leads to a change in the acidity in the vagina, intensive growth and reproduction of other pathogenic agents. Defeat gardnerella vaginalis often associated with others infectious diseases. Causes inflammatory process at the same time, several varieties of pathogenic bacteria become immediately.

- bacterial vaginosis in women, resulting from an imbalance in the vaginal microflora.
Developing given state in cases where lactobacilli, which protect the vagina from pathogenic microbes, are suppressed by anaerobes present in healthy body in a small amount. Gardnerellosis is infectious pathology reproductive system and does not apply to venereal diseases. Gardnerella vaginalis is transmitted sexually from woman to man and does not have a painful effect on the male body.


Gardnerella vaginalis - small anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria, which is the only representative this kind. The microbe was first isolated in the last century from a woman and named after its discoverers.

Gardnerella have a thin cell wall and a microcapsule. They are motionless, polymorphic, non-nuclear. Under the influence of provoking factors, the bacterium becomes extremely aggressive, multiplies intensively, first causes vaginal dysbiosis, and then development nonspecific inflammation. Gardnerella vaginalis produces proteolytic enzymes and acids. Gardnerella destroy the epithelial cells of the vaginal mucosa and phagocytes, which cleanse the body of foreign bodies and maintain the body's resistance to pathogenic biological agents.

Gardnerella vaginalis forms spores and remains viable in this state for up to a year. In secretions from patients, the microbe does not die within 6 hours. Therefore, there is a risk of infection with garnerellosis in public toilets, stagnant reservoirs, baths, saunas, pools.

Normally, the number of gardnerella in the vagina of a healthy woman should not exceed 10 to 4 degrees CFU / ml. When there are a lot of microbes, there is acute inflammation. As soon as the body begins to resist infection, the female disease subsides a little. This change of exacerbation and remission is called chronic gardnerellosis. Gradually, the bacteria rise into the urethra or cervix, which leads to the development of serious ailments.


The source of infection is a sick person or a carrier. Incubation period lasts for years. The infected do not notice for a long time obvious signs diseases, but sooner or later they will appear.

Ways to spread gardnerella vaginalis:

  1. Sexual way - during unprotected intercourse: vaginal, oral or anal.
  2. household way- when using purely personal items: hygiene products, cosmetic accessories, towels, bed linen.
  3. The vertical path is from a sick mother to her daughter during pregnancy and childbirth. The development of gardnerellosis in this case does not occur.

Thus, It is impossible to call gardnerellosis a disease that is transmitted exclusively sexually.

Factors contributing to the active reproduction of gardnerella vaginalis and the development of gardnerellosis:

  • decline general resistance organism,
  • Immunodeficiency,
  • intestinal dysbiosis,
  • Long-term antibiotic therapy and hormone therapy,
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • STI,
  • The use of antidepressants,
  • Radiation therapy,
  • Frequent douching
  • The use of vaginal ointments and suppositories for the treatment of gynecological pathologies,
  • Messy sex life without condom,
  • Wearing synthetic and tight-fitting underwear,
  • Intrauterine device,
  • Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene,
  • Constant wearing of panty liners and their irregular replacement,
  • Improper nutrition - deficiency in the diet of products containing live lactobacilli and bifidobacteria,
  • The use of intimate hygiene products that cause dry skin,
  • Poisoning,
  • surgical interventions,
  • Menopause,
  • Diseases endocrine system- diabetes.


Normally, gardnerella does not harm a woman and is not clinically manifested. When microbes reach high concentration in the vagina, appear characteristic symptoms: transparent, foamy or white thick discharge With putrid smell, itching, discomfort at rest, pain and discomfort during intercourse.

Gardnerella vaginalis causes unreasonable disorders menstrual cycle, the appearance of mucus, flakes of pus or cheesy formations in the blood. During the examination, gynecologists note signs of inflammatory processes in the vagina - irritation, swelling and redness of the vaginal mucosa.

In advanced cases, the infection spreads through the lymphatic and by hematogenous route, which leads to the development of sepsis, endotoxic shock.

gardnerellosis, like independent disease, in men, does not occur. They are passive carriers of infection. In severe cases, with a decrease immune protection at male gardnerella vaginalis causes chronic inflammation urethra, prostate, penis. Its head is covered with a sticky or slippery coating that smells unpleasant. When the immune system is weakened, it passes into, the symptoms of which are scanty mucous secretions, dysuric disorders, hyperemia and swelling of the external opening urethra. In extremely rare cases, a significant increase in the number of gardnerella vaginalis can trigger the onset of prostatitis or epididymitis.

In pregnant women, gardnerella is activated quite quickly and leads to premature birth, uterine bleeding, early rupture amniotic fluid, postpartum endometritis and others inflammatory diseases urinary system. When planning a pregnancy, specialists always prescribe an analysis for gardnerella vaginalis. If the infection is not detected in time and the disease is treated after conception, the child may develop various abnormalities. With absence proper treatment violated normal process gestation, children are born with a lack of body weight, they develop pneumonia immediately after birth.


Bacterial vaginosis associated with gardnerella vaginalis is diagnosed by characteristic features:

  1. Specific "fishy" smell of secretions,
  2. Alkaline pH of the vaginal environment,
  3. Adhesion of gardnerella on the epithelium of the vagina.

Diagnosis and treatment of gardnelleresis in women is carried out by a gynecologist, and in men - by a urologist or venereologist. After examining the patient and listening to complaints, specialists take a smear from the vagina, cervical canal, urethra. He is sent to a microbiological laboratory for bacteriological examination.

  • Gynecological microscopy in order to identify "key cells" - the most informative method. Under a microscope, the presence of Gardnerella vaginalis and its quantity, the absence of lactic acid bacteria in the smear, the predominance of anaerobes over aerobes are determined.
  • Cultural examination of the vaginal discharge - on culture media followed by identification of the isolated microbe, determination of its quantity and sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • - Diagnosis allows for a more in-depth examination of patients. The material for the study is a scraping from the vagina in women and a morning portion of urine in men. Purpose of polymerase chain reaction- determination of the amount of gardnerella vaginalis DNA in the test sample. This method allows you to accurately determine the etiological role of the detected microorganism. The result is considered positive if DNA is found in the sample of gardnerella vaginalis (semicol.), specific DNA fragments were detected at a concentration of more than 10^4 copies in the sample.

Persons with STDs are subject to examination for gardnerella; often changing sexual partners; practicing unprotected sex; having symptoms of bacterial vaginosis; in contact with patients or carriers of infection; long-term hormones; children born to sick mothers.


Treatment of an infection caused by gardnerella vaginalis is etiotropic, consisting in the appointment antimicrobials. Since microbes are resistant to a number of antibiotics, metronidazole is used to eliminate them - "Trichopol" orally or vaginally - "Flagil", "Metrogil". "Clindamycin" and "Ampicillin" are antibacterial drugs that inhibit the activity of bacteria. They should be taken within 10 days.

Recovery normal flora in the vagina - the second stage of treatment of gardnerellosis. The microflora must be "populated" with beneficial bacteria - lactobacilli. Usually use « Atsilakt", "Laktonorm", "Lactobacterin". During treatment, patients should monitor their diet: give up sweet, starchy foods, fried foods as well as alcoholic beverages. To restore the microflora in various loci of the body, it is necessary to take probiotics - Linex, Hilak Forte, Acipol.

Correction of immune protection - "Polyoxidonium", "Pyrogenal", "Immunal", "Immunomax", "Cycloferon", suppositories "Viferon", "Genferon".

When planning a pregnancy, both sexual partners should be treated. Treatment of pregnant women is carried out under the strict supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Traditional medicine:

  • Sitz baths with decoction medicinal herbs: marigold, thyme, chamomile or oak bark to kill bacteria,
  • Tampons soaked in fresh kefir to normalize the vaginal microflora,
  • Tampons soaked in carrot or apple juice
  • Tea for ingestion from wormwood, yarrow, celandine, eucalyptus, birch leaves and mint,
  • Douching with weak solution potassium permanganate,
  • Sage infusion for the prevention of vaginosis.

During the treatment of gardnerellosis, you should refrain from sexual activity without a condom. When the first symptoms of pathology appear, it is necessary to abandon the daily use of pads that mask the pathology clinic and prevent the access of oxygen. After the therapeutic measures should be re-analyzed for microflora from the vagina and observed in the future preventive measures to avoid relapse: eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, practice safe sex.

Video: gardnerella vaginalis

In women, it is a fairly common disease. At one time it was believed that infection occurs through intimacy. But in modern world on women Health influenced by many factors. And although the appearance of many female diseases, most people for some reason are more associated with intimacy with a new man, at the same time, the problem may be related to exposure to aggressive external factors for bacteria female microflora. For example, weakening of the immune system, taking antibiotics, dysbacteriosis in gastrointestinal tract, changes in hormonal background etc. In this article, we will deal with this disease in more detail, find out where it comes from and tell you how gardnerellosis is treated in women.

Causes: where does the infection come from?

As already mentioned, the disease can appear during unprotected sexual intercourse, however, in addition to this, the method of contraception plays an important role. Using contraceptives there is a violation of the normal microflora, which contributes to the penetration of various infections. Douching is also not useful for the female body, as the favorable microflora is washed out. Here are the main causes of women's health problems:

  1. Menstrual irregularities;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, infectious diseases;
  3. Violation of the microflora due to the intake of certain medications;
  4. Prolonged use of intrauterine contraception;
  5. Weakened immunity;
  6. Dysbacteriosis in the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. Tension at work, in the family, constant psycho-emotional overstrain.

It can be said with a high degree of probability that the appearance of gardnerella will be associated with a lack of the required amount of bacteria that provide comfortable microflora in the vagina. However, pathogenic bacteria are also present in a healthy microflora, but not in the amount in which they can cause some discomfort in women.

The presence of gardnerella bacteria in a woman's body is quite common. A healthy microflora prevents these bacteria from multiplying due to the production of required quantity lactic acid, neutralizing harmful microorganisms.

The reason for the appearance of gardnerella is the superiority with the numerical advantage of harmful gardnerella bacteria over bacteria that support healthy microflora vagina. The result of this process is that the microflora becomes alkaline, which in turn contributes to the penetration various infections in the vagina, this provokes the development of inflammatory processes.

Symptoms and treatment of gardnerella

Of course, before proceeding with the treatment of a detected disease, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in this field, who will help to establish the cause of this disease.

Usually, in the first stages, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, which is dangerous. If treatment is not started on time, the consequences can be much more frightening. Therefore, do not neglect annual (f is better more often, for example, once every six months) preventive examinations by a gynecologist. If a woman observes the following symptoms in herself, then most likely she needs to see a specialist in the near future, since the risk of developing a disease such as gardnerellosis is high:

  1. The appearance of non-characteristic secretions of various colors (may be gray, yellow or green, as well as a transparent color) of a homogeneous mass and an unpleasant odor;
  2. The appearance of itching, burning and other uncomfortable sensations in the vagina;
  3. Swelling of the labia, irritation;
  4. Pain during intercourse. Gardnerellosis in women is transmitted to men sexually.

In pregnant women, infection with this disease can manifest itself in the following way:

  1. Uterine bleeding with subsequent inflammatory processes, infection of the baby;
  2. Underweight, pneumonia in a newborn;
  3. Chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  4. Complications in the mother's body after surgery.

If you find yourself in at least one of the above symptoms, then you need to contact as soon as possible for help from a doctor to test for gardnerella. First of all, this applies to girls who have planned a pregnancy. To diagnose the disease, the gynecologist will take a smear, based on the results of which treatment will be prescribed. In some cases, to determine the disease, girls are offered to donate blood for leukocytes. The results of the smear can give information about infection, or not infection of the genitourinary system.

Treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in women

The essence of the treatment of this disease is the destruction of gardnerella bacteria and the subsequent restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina. For treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and other medications. Good results in the fight against the disease show drugs such as:

  1. Ornidazole;
  2. Ampicillin;
  3. Clindamycin;
  4. Metronidazole.

There are also alternative drugs, struggling with gardnerella (including suppositories for gardnerellosis, antibiotic treatment), however, before making a choice in favor of this or that medicine, it is better to consult your gynecologist. The regimen for taking the drugs is indicated in the annotations to them. In addition to the instructions themselves, the doctor will write a scheme that you need to follow for you.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as not all drugs may be suitable.

The compatibility of your body and medicinal product the doctor will establish through the tests you have previously passed.

After the harmful bacteria are destroyed, it is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina in order to prevent the penetration of various infections and the development of the inflammatory process. Preparations aimed at restoring microflora contain beneficial bacteria that get into female body kill weakened gardnerella bacteria, thereby bringing the microflora into normal condition. Treatment of pregnant women from gardnerella is carried out under the full supervision of a leading obstetrician-gynecologist, since many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Particular attention should be paid to your diet during the treatment period. No wonder they say: "We are what we eat." With gardnerella in women, it is recommended to refrain from eating foods that promote the growth of bacteria, normalize their diet and add more fermented milk products.

During the course of treatment, it is better to refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse, as there is a high risk of infecting a partner with your illness. As a result, this ailment can return back to you.

Folk remedies for the treatment of gardnerellosis

Since the disease is quite common, it could not be ignored. Consider Treatment for Gardnerella folk remedies. Treatment is aimed at removing the signs discussed above, as well as restoring the natural microflora of the vagina. Home treatment involves the use of natural natural herbs, which are freely available in pharmacies in your city. Below are some folk remedies:

  1. For douching, prepare a decoction of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort.
  2. For oral administration, you can use a decoction of pine buds;
  3. Local application tea tree also helps to remove acute symptoms diseases.

Disease prevention

  1. Observe personal hygiene, especially during menstruation;
  2. give preference underwear from natural fabrics and not restricting movement;
  3. Choose methods of contraception only after consultation with a gynecologist;
  4. Healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, stop snacking, less stress;
  5. At least once every half a year, it is necessary to see a gynecologist to exclude the development of both bacterial and other diseases (this is especially true for those girls who do not have a permanent sexual partner).

So let's sum up all of the above. Gardnerella in women, although it is not serious gynecological diseases, is diagnosed in most women who are able to give birth, however, it is not worth postponing its treatment indefinitely, because. this can trigger the development of other inflammatory processes in the body. Timely detection of the disease can prevent the development of complications and subsequent expensive treatment. Preventive examination a gynecologist is one of the most effective ways prevention and maintenance of their health at the proper level.

Gardnerellosis is a fairly common disease that affects both women and men. Therefore, many are interested in questions about how gardnerella enters the human body, what it is and what problems it can lead to. Is there an effective treatment for the infection?

Gardnerella: what is it?

Gardnerella vaginalis - anaerobic bacterium that lives in man. Until recently, it was believed that the most common cause of nonspecific vaginitis is activity. Causes, of course, can be associated with the growth and reproduction of these microorganisms. But at present, such a bacterium is considered to be opportunistic.

Infection does not always lead to the appearance of inflammatory processes - long months microorganisms can live in the genitourinary system without causing any external signs. By the way, hidden carriage is more typical for men.

Recent studies have shown that the activity of gardnerella in women leads to a change in acidity and disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina. On the background such violations there is an intensive growth and reproduction of others. Therefore, most often gardnerellosis is associated with other infectious diseases - several varieties of pathogenic bacteria can be the cause of the inflammatory process at once.

Gardnerella: what is it and how does it enter the body?

Most often, human infection occurs during unprotected intercourse. And the danger is not only vaginal, but also oral and anal contacts. The household route of transmission is also possible, but only in cases where there is sharing purely personal items, such as underwear, intimate hygiene products, etc. Transmission of infection from mother to fetus or childbirth is possible.

Gardnerella: what is it and what diseases does its activity lead to?

As already mentioned, an infection can exist in the body without manifesting itself. The appearance of an inflammatory process, as a rule, is associated with a weakening of the immune system, hormonal disruptions, hypothermia, stress and any other factors that weaken the immune system.

In women, gardnerella activity often leads to the development of nonspecific vaginosis. Patients complain of the appearance of uncharacteristic with an unpleasant odor, itching of the external genital organs, pain during intercourse or even at rest.

In men, such an infection can lead to inflammation of the walls of the urethra. As you know, urethritis is accompanied severe pain and pain during urination, increased urge to empty Bladder, as well as redness and swelling of the glans penis.

How to treat gardnerella?

Certainly, patients with similar problem needed health care. Indeed, if untreated, the infection can spread up the urinary tract leading to inflammation of other organs.

Therapy primarily includes taking antibacterial drugs. Since gardnerella is resistant to most antibiotics, patients are prescribed metronidazole. In addition, it is appropriate to use some external agents, in particular, vaginal suppositories or gels, for example, "Metrogil" or "Flagin". Of course, it is necessary to take preparations containing live cultures. beneficial bacteria, since it is extremely important to restore normal vaginal microflora. Sometimes immunotherapy is added.



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