How is the diagnosis deciphered. Vegetative-vascular dystonia - classification, causes, symptoms, principles of treatment

Not all people have an idea of ​​what the diagnosis of VVD means, namely, vegetative-vascular dystonia. This frightens many people, to the point that they inspire themselves that they can die. Of course, this is not so, but the diagnosis itself can become concomitant feature many diseases. So what is VSD? Vegetovascular dystonia is a violation of the autonomic nervous system, the main regulator of internal balance in the body.

As you know, the vegetative syndrome vascular dystonia is a collection of symptoms. The development of VVD occurs due to the low stability of the vessels and muscles of the heart, which manifests itself in humans in the following cases:

  • Hormonal failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • Diseases internal organs;
  • Due to physical overwork;
  • Harmful impact on production: both chemical and physical;
  • Abuse of various bad habits: smoking, alcohol;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hereditary factors.


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There are many other signs of the development of VVD, which are mainly associated with insufficient blood supply to the organs of other systems, including the brain. The doctor treats this disease. Do not self-medicate.

I would like to consider one more, no less important reason VVD: unfavorable situation in the family, at work, study, stressful situations, constant mental and emotional stress- all this only aggravates health, and can also become a favorable environment for the development of VVD, and then cause illness.

How to recognize the disease? On the part of the cardiovascular system, the syndrome causes the following symptoms: pain in the heart, a sharp change in blood pressure, cold extremities.

Violations in the respiratory system manifests itself in the form of increased breathing, and also manifests itself in various types of shortness of breath.

With regards to the central nervous system, the symptoms of VVD of the following plan appear here: as a result of alkalization of the blood, such a complication occurs as depression of the respiratory center. This is expressed in the patient's poor health: dizziness, muscle spasms, numbness or tingling in the area of ​​​​the feet and hands, a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the digestive and genitourinary systems may suffer. The digestive system is characterized by the appearance of the following ailments: bloating, constipation and diarrhea, cutting pains in the abdomen. With this disease, a person has a decrease in appetite, heartburn, nausea, impaired fasting. For genitourinary system typical: frequent urination, pain when urinating, pain and itching in the perineum.

With VVD, signs of thermoregulation may appear. It's a chill, a fever without any infection high fever or cold.

The psycho-emotional sphere suffers no less: panic attacks, irritability, anxiety, mood swings. During the illness, the patient is worried about fatigue, decreased performance and sleep disturbance. A neurologist treats an ailment associated with this area.

You should not listen to the stupid advice of your friends, and even more so of acquaintances like "VVD is not a disease at all, and it can go away without treatment." This disease is treated by a doctor, so it is best to contact him. If this is not done, the syndrome can become more complicated up to panic attacks and other serious disorders.

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

characteristic feature this syndrome is the difficulty of its diagnosis. Patients are capable of making many complaints, but the doctor, even after complete examination may not find any problem in the body.


Many of our readers VSD treatment actively apply the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We definitely recommend checking it out.

Through the diagnosis of VVD, the doctor can find out:

  • The state of your nervous system;
  • The state of the vessels of your nervous system;
  • Grounds for violations of the vegetative-vascular system.

After the diagnosis itself, the doctor makes individual program treatment. Treatment of this disease allows you to eliminate the disease of unhealthy organs and systems, as well as normalize the energy balance of a person. Further, the state of the entire neurovascular system improves.

Which doctor treats VSD? Treatment methods are selected depending on the shape and strength clinical manifestations. VVD is treated by a general practitioner, a neuropathologist, a cardiologist. If symptoms occur in any other body systems, then additional consultations of doctors of the profile you need are prescribed.

To assess the position of our nervous system, neurologists use special techniques and tests to detect autonomic tone, autonomic reactivity, as well as to study autonomic activity.

Vegetative tone - allows you to assess the state of vegetative indicators during the dormant period. Tone vegetative system can be defined in several ways:

  • Kerdo index - determines the influence of the autonomic nervous system on the work of the heart. Counted up this indicator as follows: Kerdo index \u003d (1 - the value of diastolic pressure / heart rate) * 100. If the coefficient is positive as a result, then the sympathetic effect on the heart prevails, if it is negative, the parasympathetic effect, and if the result is 0, then it is described as normotonus.
  • Questionnaire to determine the presence of VVD. The essence of this task is as follows: the patient must be given answers to the questions of a special table. The questions are not difficult at all. You must rate each answer on a ten-point scale. After that, the data is all summed up and interpreted into a total indicator. If the amount exceeds a certain number of points, then this already means that the person is sick with VVD.

Autonomic reactivity is the ability of the autonomic nervous system to respond to the actions of stimuli. To analyze it, do the following:

  • Cold and heat test method. For a patient who is in the supine position, the doctor measures blood pressure, as well as heart rate, then the patient's hands are dipped in cold or warm water for a while and blood pressure and heart rate are recorded again. Compare the results and draw conclusions.
  • Eye reflex. The patient is required to be motionless and relaxed for at least 15 minutes. The doctor then counts the heart rate. After that, the patient is lightly pressed with the pads of his fingers on his closed eyes to a slight pain. Next, the heart rate is calculated and compared with previous data. According to the slowdown, conclusions are drawn about the disease of the VVD.

Treatment of the disease should begin with the optimal organization of the day and with a complex of various restorative activities. This will cause a good healing and healing effect.

Diagnosis of VVD by hypertensive type

Depending on disorders of the cardiovascular system:

  • VVD hypertonic type;
  • IRR hypotonic type;
  • cardiac type;
  • Mixed type.

What is characteristic of the VSD of the hypertensive type? Increased blood pressure of the systolic type, that is elevated level blood pressure at the moment of maximum contraction of the heart. This type of dystonia is characteristic of sedentary people.

What is the characteristic of the syndrome in case of stress? With the wrong response human body in case of stress, vascular tone increases. Gradually rising, an epicenter appears in the brain that causes excitation, which is always active in the mechanisms that are responsible for vascular tone and heart function, and causes such a phenomenon as an increase in pressure. As a result, hypertonic VSD occurs. The pressure can return to normal without medication, you just need to rest a little for this.

The symptoms of VVD of the hypertensive type do not actually differ from the symptoms of the initial stage of hypertension. In the event of a violation of the autonomic system, the tone of the arterial muscles increases, and this causes the onset of hypertension.

To correctly determine the diagnosis of this disease, it is recommended to pay attention, first of all, to such points:

  • Normalization of pressure can be carried out without taking medicines, on one's own;
  • During your examination, no other problems were found, except for jumps in blood pressure;
  • The diastolic pressure remains normal.

Not only a doctor treats vegetative-vascular dystonia. You can do home treatment with the help of folk remedies.

Contrast and circular showers also treat and improve the condition of the body.

A person with a disease of vegetative-vascular dystonia should be examined in a clinic at least once every six months.

And some secrets...

  • Do you often experience discomfort in the head area (squeezing, pressing or throbbing pain)?
  • You are haunted by a feeling of fatigue, depression, apathy, loss of strength ...
  • Pain in the joints and muscles, spasms in the internal organs ...
  • There is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion ...
  • And you have been taking a lot of medications for a long time ...

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What is vegetative-vascular dystonia and why does most of our environment suffer from this disease? The mysterious abbreviation, the presence of which is used to explain many consequences of poor health, is not so unique and is not a ticket to the world of life-long invalids. The diagnosis of VVD is just a designation of a set of symptoms that indicate malfunctions in the work of the human autonomic nervous system.

Is there a diagnosis of VSD?

In order to understand the nature of the violation, it is necessary first of all to define the terminology. VVD is not a disease, it is not contagious and does not occur spontaneously, it is not treated with a hard course chemicals and is independent in its manifestation from the rest of the organism.

Dystonia is a consequence of a complex of dysfunctions of the nervous system, which means disturbances in its work and coordination with other systems of human organs.

How does the VNS work?

Due to violation autonomic functions problems appear with the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal systems. Affects general well-being, sleep patterns, rhythm of life, mental health person.

This is due to the fact that the autonomic nervous system coordinates everything in the body that is not controlled by the conscious somatic. For example, we cannot, by force of will, stop or start the heart, force the stomach to stop the digestive process, or force the lungs to take in oxygen from the bloodstream. It is the ANS that directs all the unconscious processes of vital systems, makes the smooth muscle walls of the internal organs contract, the heart beat, the vessels narrow and expand, etc. When the signals it sends become “wrong”, i.e. do not correspond to the actual stimulus, dysfunction appears - in other words, the organ does not function as it should.

AT international classification there is no such diagnosis - VVD. Rather, it is just a way to indicate the presence of problems in the body, provoked by other factors.

Symptoms and signs

Sometimes they talk about the presence of VVD from infancy, sometimes they are diagnosed already in adulthood. The tendency to such disorders can be congenital, hereditary, acquired in connection with an illness, traumatic brain injury, unfavorable environmental conditions and an unhealthy lifestyle. Even a tense psychological situation, a prolonged period of stress or mental stress can cause the appearance (or manifestation of latent) VVD in humans.

Most often, dystonia manifests itself in the form of cardiological problems, problems with blood vessels and breathing. Patients complain of regular:

  • shortness of breath
  • lack of oxygen, feeling of a squeezed sternum;
  • weakness;
  • heartache;
  • pressure drops;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • weakness, fainting.

However, cardiology is not the only difficulty. The peculiarities of the work of the autonomic nervous system bind it together with the whole organism, which means that a failure in one place leads to a failure in another. Problems with blood vessels left to chance, written off as “ordinary malaise”, can lead to disastrous consequences and chronic diseases.

Side symptoms of dystonia

In addition to the above, other symptoms associated with various areas of life may also appear. They can become:

  • eating disorders (nausea or vomiting, constipation, loose stools);
  • problems of the genitourinary system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • violations of thermoregulation (patients sweat heavily for no apparent reason);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • insomnia (inability to sleep, lack of strength, sudden awakening in the middle of the night, etc.).

A cycle of depressing psychological states is certainly attached to the above list: anxiety, irritability, sudden emotional swings, depression, chronic fatigue and lethargy, apathy. Children and adolescents begin to have problems with learning and socialization, while adults experience a decrease in working capacity, conflicts in the family and at the workplace.

Obsessive thoughts, fears, suppressed stress often lead to vegetative crises, when latent dystonia suddenly manifests itself brightly and with the maximum number of symptoms. Often signs exacerbation of VVD may be taken as the physiological expression of classical neurosis.


The consequences cover most of the body, its main symptoms are nevertheless associated with the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, its manifestations are conditionally divided into several types depending on the characteristics of the symptoms.

  1. VSD of the hypotonic type.

In such patients, pressure often drops, they complain of darkening in the eyes, semi-consciousness and a feeling of constant fatigue. Anemia, depressive states, pallor and weakness are also characteristic of the hypotonic type.

  1. VSD of hypertonic type.

In this case, the pressure, on the contrary, often rises, the heart rate accelerates at the slightest physical exertion or emotional experiences, shortness of breath and a feeling of suffocation occur. Hypertensive crises cause an increased tendency to panic attacks and insomnia.

  1. VSD of the mixed type.

In such a situation, during crises (exacerbations), the pressure can involuntarily both increase and decrease, headaches, dizziness, sleep problems are combined with the symptoms of the previous two classifications.

  1. VSD by cardiac type.

This group of patients may experience regular stabbing pains in the heart, the inability to inhale from the feeling of a “shot through” in the sternum, and suffer from tachycardia.

Difficulties diagnostics

Respiratory disorders and psychological problems accompany any of the types, are mixed and sometimes difficult to diagnose. A person can begin to treat insomnia or asthma, depriving other signs of attention, and not succeed, or even worsen the situation. The peculiarity of dystonia is that it is not necessary to treat the consequence (disturbances in the work of a particular organ), but the cause that caused the failure of the autonomic system as a whole.

Due to the similarity of symptoms, VSD can often be mistaken for another disease, so in each case it is necessary to be examined by a number of specialists, including a neurologist, cardiologist, and psychotherapist.

Insufficient attention to the psychological component of the disease has an extremely negative effect on the subsequent rehabilitation course.

Diagnostics and treatment

In order for the doctor to make a diagnosis of VVD (which, as we found out, is not so much a diagnosis as a designation of the problem area), he obliges the patient to undergo an examination in several similar areas. For example, pain in the region of the heart can be caused not only by cardiological, but also respiratory problems or neuralgic problems, when pinching of the vertebrae thoracic calls out "wandering" pains in this area when inhaling or a certain position of the body.

It is impossible to start treatment of VVD without understanding complete picture the patient's health status. Sometimes dystonia is caused by a neglected disease of a particular organ - in this case, treatment will begin with the most urgent problem.

With an exacerbation of dystonia, the appearance of symptoms that can be mistaken for serious pathological diseases is characteristic. A cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, therapist must make sure that none of the organs is a source of dysfunction.

VSD and psychology

Treatment of VVD is always associated with psychotherapy. repressed stressful condition causes maximum stress and exhaustion of the body, and it is the psychological problem that can become the root that kills human health. No drugs physiotherapy and procedures will not relieve the aggravation until its source ceases to act.

A neurosis-like state with VVD can develop into various mental disorders, as well as in pathological diseases of internal organs.

Only an integrated approach, including psychological and physical assistance to the body, helps in the fight against autonomic dysfunction and relieves potential danger its aggravation over time.

Even without being a clinical disease, VVD requires careful diagnosis and consistent treatment.

At present, the approach to VVD as a disease has been completely revised. It is recognized as a syndrome, that is, a whole complex of disorders with persistent symptoms that accompanies many diseases. The diagnosis of VVD can be a concomitant symptom of many diseases. He is treated by doctors of various specialties, depending on each specific case.

What is meant by the diagnosis of VSD

Although the causes of VSD are not fully understood, it is believed that it occurs due to poor circulation in the brain. It is assumed that the vascular system or the heart cannot withstand the effects of stress or other adverse factors, which leads to disturbances in the work of the autonomic nervous system. As a result, there various diseases organs and systems of the human body.

VSD can occur as a result of the following conditions:

  1. hereditary predisposition.
  2. Focal infection.
  3. Mitochnodrial diseases.
  4. Osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical region.
  5. Hormonal reorganization.
  6. Physical inactivity.
  7. Allergic diseases.
  8. Disorders or personality traits.
  9. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  10. Nervous diseases.
  11. Adverse effects associated with professional activities.

In addition to the internal reasons contributing to occurrence of VVD, there are factors external influence. Any etiology leads to disruption of the work of the main coordinating structures of the body, the hypothalamic, and disorders of the regulation of the cardiovascular system.

Exogenous causes of VVD:

  • head trauma;
  • Overwork;
  • Viral or other infectious diseases;
  • Abuse of tobacco, caffeine, alcohol;
  • Chemical and physical factors such as radiation, vibration, intoxication, etc.

It is assumed that VSD most often appears due to hereditary disorders regulation of the autonomic nervous system, such as:

  • Excessive reactivity of coordinating structures or their functional insufficiency;
  • Abnormal sensitivity of receptors in the peripheral nervous system;
  • A special course of selective metabolic processes.

Also the most common causes of dystonia:

  1. Hormonal changes.
  2. Organic lesions of the central nervous system.

The modern approach determines that VVD syndrome is a combination of manifestations and symptoms, the main cause of which is damage to the structures of the hypothalamus due to hereditary predisposition.

VSD classification

Normally, the autonomic nervous system functions as a harmonious combination of two systems: parasympathetic and sympathetic. The first has an inhibitory effect on the tone of muscles and blood vessels, the work of the whole organism to successfully overcome stress and other adverse effects. The sympathetic system influences in the opposite way, excitatory.

With an imbalance between them, numerous failures occur that provoke the VVD syndrome. The name of the syndrome primarily reflects violations vascular tone associated with the autonomic nervous system. You can classify the types of dystonia:

  • Hypertensive;
  • hypotensive;
  • mixed;
  • Cardialgic.

With VVD of the hypertensive type, there is a persistent increase in blood pressure above the norm due to vascular hypertonicity. This is manifested by headaches, palpitations, sweating, violations of thermoregulation.

The hypotensive type is characterized by a decrease in blood pressure, less than normal, due to vascular hypotension. Which leads to dizziness, weakness, fatigue, fainting. Sweating is possible at low body temperature.

The mixed type is manifested by the instability of blood pressure and the occurrence of all the above signs.

With dystonia of the cardialgic type, the patient has pains in the heart of a different nature.. They can be burning, sharp, blurry, different localization. There may be sensations of palpitations, with or without arrhythmia. At the same time, there are no pathologies in which such symptoms could be present.

All types of VVD can be asymptomatic or with persistent symptoms. Due to the influence of adverse factors, exacerbations, crises, which are dangerous for the patient, may occur.

Symptoms and manifestations

Patients with VVD make many complaints when contacting a doctor, they have various signs disorders. This is due to the variety of causes and types of this syndrome. Patients have symptoms:

  • Violations of thermoregulation;
  • cardialgia;
  • palpitations;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • Asthenia;
  • Respiratory disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • Cold extremities;
  • sleep disorders;
  • fainting;
  • Trembling in hands;
  • BP is out of normal range;
  • Violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Joint pain and others.

In total, up to 150 described signs of VVD can occur. About 32 separate syndromes have also been identified in VVD. They are characterized by specific symptoms that can be intermittent or permanent.

Clinical syndromes in dystonia are combined into groups according to disorders in the systems:

  1. Cardiac. Cardiac syndromes: cardialgic, bradycardic, tachycardial, hyperkinetic and arrhythmic are the most common in VVD and are characterized by various pains and sensations in the heart.
  2. Vascular. At asthenic syndrome there is weakness, fatigue, meteorological dependence, intolerance to stress. Cerebrovascular is manifested by dizziness, fainting, tinnitus. With Raynaud's syndrome, myalgia, tissue edema appear.
  3. Gastrointestinal. Neurogastric syndrome is manifested by heartburn, constipation, flatulence.
  4. Respiratory. Hyperventilation syndrome is characterized by sensations of squeezing the chest, lack of air, reaching suffocation.
  5. Urogenital. Signs: impotence, decreased libido, frequent urination, etc.
  6. Musculoskeletal. There are pains in the muscles and joints, the appearance of seals is possible.
  7. Neuropsychic. mental syndrome characterized by increased emotional sensitivity, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, anxiety.
  8. Thermoregulatory. There is an increase or decrease in body temperature, sweating, chills.

The most common symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia is pain of varying intensity and localization, characterized by a constant character. Possible pain without a clear place of occurrence, blurry. Making a correct diagnosis is difficult due to the coincidence of signs of dystonia and various pathologies of organs and body systems.

Diagnosis and treatment

Usually initial examination a patient with VVD is seen by a general practitioner. After examining complaints and conducting general analyzes The patient is asked to exclude diseases with similar symptoms. If VVD is suspected, consultations of specialists are required: a cardiologist, a neurologist and others. Which doctor will conduct the main treatment depends on the pathogenesis of the disease.

A group of specialists prescribes a comprehensive examination using the following methods:

  • Various types of ECG;
  • Rheovasography;
  • Gastroscopy;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Computed tomography.

Based on the data obtained, IRR is detected and appropriate therapy is prescribed. It is treated using two main approaches: the elimination of provoking diseases and symptomatic treatment.

A neuropathologist is the main specialist in the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, he treats dystonia most often by prescribing medications and physiotherapy. Sedatives, tranquilizers, nootropics, antidepressants are used.

VSD is treated with massage, acupuncture, water treatments and others. similar methods. The patient must follow a healthy lifestyle. Widely used Spa treatment. Applied adaptive therapy.

Cardiac syndromes are treated by a cardiologist. But all prescriptions for cardiac drugs are useless without the use of drugs that affect the psyche.

Timely access to a doctor for VVD and the correct diagnosis help to identify life-threatening diseases: parkinsonism, diabetes, hypertension, and many others. Dystonia is treated by a doctor who specializes in a system with impaired functioning and, of course, a neuropathologist.

The attitude to VVD as a disease is currently revised, and VVD decoding is vegetovascular dystonia. Pathology is regarded as a syndrome, in other words, a whole symptom complex of dysfunctions with persistence of manifestations in comorbidities. The diagnosis, with the name "vegetovascular dystonia" is often made as concomitant with other diseases.

Who diagnoses vegetovascular dystonia? It is treated by different specialists on an individual basis.

What is a VSD diagnosis? The underlying causes in patients with this syndrome have not been fully established. It is generally accepted that this is due to microcirculatory dysfunction of the cerebral vessels. Presumably, the cardiovascular system cannot cope with stress factors, resulting in a failure in the part of the nervous system that functions vegetatively. The result of this is a different pathology that affects the body.

lead to pathology:

  • dysfunction of the hormonal status;
  • diseases of an infectious nature;
  • physical fatigue;
  • harmful chemical, physical factors;
  • excessive alcohol consumption, smoking;
  • immobility;
  • burdened heredity.

What does vegetovascular dystonia mean? The presence of a VVD diagnosis means that the coordinated interaction between the departments of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems is impaired. When the sympathetic NS dominates, it follows the hypertonic type. If the parasympathetic NS becomes predominant, then the dystonia syndrome will be hypotonic. Sometimes there is a change in the role of the dominance of these departments among themselves, in which case the dystonia proceeds in a mixed manner. That's what it means to have a diagnosis of VSD.

Why do we need a vegetative system

Vegetative NS controls and regulates all organs inside the human body, maintaining its homeostatic state. The system is autonomous, which means it does not obey consciousness, will. Without this system, it is impossible for the body to regulate all human life processes.

The sympathetic division of this system is carried out:

  • pupillary dilatation;
  • increased metabolism;
  • increase in blood pressure type;
  • decreased smooth muscle tone;
  • increase in the frequency response of cardiac contractility;
  • tachypnea.

The parasympathetic division is characterized by effects opposite to the sympathetic:

  • the pupil is constricted;
  • blood pressure is reduced;
  • smooth muscle tone elevated;
  • the frequency parameter of heart contractions is reduced;
  • bradypnea;
  • secretory activity of digestion is increased.

In the normal state, the activity of these departments of the autonomic system occurs in harmony, their reaction to internal and external factors are adequate. When the balance between them is disturbed, then vegetovascular dystonia occurs.

How is it going

In the mild stage, neurasthenic symptoms are mild. A painful condition that occurs in the heart zone occurs with severe physical and emotional overload with a moderate character. The frequency is different, the restless state happens either 1 time per month, or 1 time for 6 months, or once a year.

With moderate severity of the course, acute periods are long. Cardialgia is pronounced with a long clinical course. During the year, the ability to work noticeably decreases on average up to 2 times, its temporary loss is possible.

The severe stage of the course of the pathology is characterized by duration, the symptoms are persistent, pronounced. The state of cardialgia is constant, the heart rhythm is dysfunctional. The patient is terrified of death due to the cessation of cardiac activity, which leads to mental abnormalities. The crisis course is severe, frequent. Hypotonic syndrome is characterized by a stable decrease in blood pressure with respiratory dysfunction. The hypertensive type is manifested by hypertension, the patient is physically temporarily disabled. But this form will not lead to death. Here is such a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How does it manifest

A characteristic feature of dystonic syndromes is pain in the chest and heart zone. Pain intensity is fuzzy, similar to an uncomfortable state. Symptoms are observed during physical, emotional exhaustion. The patient complains of instability of the heart rhythm, which is rapid or rare. The pain is aching, stabbing or pulsating in nature, nitroglycerin relief does not eliminate it.

Blood pressure is also unstable. Depending on the type of dystonia, it can rise or fall more than once in a day, sometimes the pressure is kept within the normal range. In this case, the patient is irritated by light and sound effects, he is worried about pain in the head, dizziness.

Diagnosis of VVD ─ what is it in an adult? Often the syndrome occurs along with a dysfunctional reproductive system. Women do not feel an orgasm, men ─ with a weak erection. Libido will either stay the same or go down.

Pulmonary hyperventilation syndrome is characterized by frequent respiratory act, it seems to the patient that he does not have enough oxygen, breathing is incomplete with difficulty inhaling. This leads to the loss of carbon dioxide in the blood, respiratory center at the same time, it is oppressed due to alkalization of the blood. The result of this is muscle spasm, impaired sensitivity of the mouth, hands, feet, with dizziness.

Sweating is disturbed in the form of hyperhidrosis, often palmar and plantar surfaces.

When the patient urinates, he experiences pain, but no pathology of the kidneys is observed, urine without visible changes.

Thermoregulatory dysfunction consists in persistent slight hyperthermia, chills. This condition is tolerated normally, sometimes observed in the first half of the day, asymmetric hyperthermia is possible in armpit. Often seen in children.

Diagnostic Features

Vegetovascular syndrome is characterized by difficult diagnosis. Patients present multiple complaints, but the doctor does not reveal any specific pathology during the examination.

Diagnosis of VVD in adults and children allows the doctor to determine:

  • NS functionality;
  • functioning of the vascular system;
  • root causes of vegetative-vascular disorders.

As soon as the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is made, the doctor prescribes an individual course of treatment.

To assess the state of the National Assembly, neurologists use testing, methodological programs to detect autonomic tone, reactive with a functional feature.

The tonic vegetative parameter shows the assessment of the vegetative system in a calm state. Defined by methods with:

  • Kérdö index, which determines how the autonomic system affects cardiac activity. To calculate it, you need 100 * (1 - diastolic blood pressure / pulse rate). With a positive indicator, sympathetic activity on cardiac performance is manifested. When the parameter is negative, parasympathetic activity predominates. If the result is zero, then this indicates a normal tone;
  • compiled questions to determine the pathology for the diagnosis of existing vegetovascular dystonia. In fact, the patient needs to answer a series of simple questions compiled in tabular form. The answers are evaluated according to the system, where the highest score is 10. Then the scores are added up, summed up to a certain parameter. When certain norms are exceeded in total, this may mean that a person has a manifestation of the diagnosis of VVD, that this should be treated.

With the help of the reactivity of the vegetative system, the reaction to annoying factors this system. To explore such a parameter, you need to run:

  • heat and cold test. For this, the patient, who is in the supine position, is measured arterial type pressure and heart rate response. Then upper limbs the patient must be dipped in warm and cold water for a short time period and the above parameters recorded again. Data are compared, appropriate conclusions are made;
  • measurement of cardiac, eye reflexes. The patient is in a relaxed position for a quarter of an hour. Then the frequency indicator of cardiac contractility is considered by the doctor. Then the patient is given a slight finger pressure on the area covered by the eyes to a slight soreness. Further, the frequency coefficient of contraction of the heart is again calculated, the data are compared, and their analysis is performed. This is how VSD diagnostics is performed.

Answering the question: VVD - what kind of diagnosis is this, a person must understand the state that is happening to him. When he has a strong redness or pallor, a feeling of dizziness of the head, eye blackout, pronounced after a sharp movement, lifting, paroxysmal pain in the head, high sweating, rapid or slow heart sounds with its interruptions in work, sensations difficult breathing, coldness of the extremities, their numbness, high fatigue, decreased work activity, lethargic and broken state ─ then all this indicates vegetovascular dystonia, and a person will need a comprehensive diagnosis of VVD.

For this, a diagnostic electrocardiographic research method with daily recording of the cardiogram is used.

It will not be superfluous to use a rheovasographic method that determines the graphic recording of pulse fluctuations in the vascular filling of various organs and tissues with blood.

Gastroscopic examination allows you to determine the gastric mucosa using a tubal apparatus with optics and lighting.

Thanks to the electroencephalographic examination, the bioelectric impulse activity of the brain is recorded.

Computed tomography type of study allows, thanks to X-ray radiation, to obtain a layered picture different parts body. The method is much more accurate than conventional X-ray due to the low radiation load, the smallest variability of radiation absorption is recorded.

Nuclear magnetic resonance examination will allow you to see the layered structure of the picture of any organ in different projections, to perform a three-dimensional view of the necessary part of the body. This is the most modern method in which the development of many impulse series of images of the studied structural elements, allowing to determine the best contrast between physiological and altered tissues.

How to diagnose differentially

With these diagnostic measures, pathologies similar to vegetodistonic symptoms are excluded:

  • Cardiac complaints that are accompanied by cardiac abnormalities, for example, murmur during systole, rheumatic manifestations with specific signs should be excluded. It also takes into account the frequent compatibility with connective tissue dysplasia disorders, the clinic of which in total is similar to rheumatic heart pathology, cardiac birth defects, non-rheumatic carditis.
  • If a hypertensive state is observed, studies should be performed in order to rule out primary symptomatic hypertension.
  • Respiratory dysfunction that occurs in children with vegetovascular dystonia is differentiated from bronchoasthmatic manifestations.
  • Fever is diagnosed with acute infectious pathology, sepsis, endocarditis infectious nature, oncology.
  • When psycho-vegetative symptoms are strongly expressed, they are differentiated with mental disorders.

What threatens

Vegetovascular dystonia in normal cases will not cause serious complicated conditions, it does not pose a threat to life. But the symptoms that appear interfere with a normal life, cause a feeling of anxiety with fatigue.

Pathology causes chronic pain, fluctuations in blood pressure, dependence on weather conditions, malfunction intestinal tract and various organs of the human body that feel oxygen hunger. Due to vegetative dystonic conditions, any chronic pathology is aggravated.

Ischemic, hypertensive, heart attack and stroke diseases will bring neglected untreated vegetovascular dystonia.

After visiting a neurologist, many people find in medical card disease neurocirculatory dystonia or VVD. Naturally, a person wants to receive information on how to decipher the diagnosis and understand what VSD is in simple language. This is a pathology that occurs according to medical data in more than 40% of patients of various age categories. Deciphering the diagnosis of VVD sounds like vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is desirable for every person to know about the causes of the development of the disease, its manifestations, in order to contact a specialist in time for effective therapy.

What is VVD, causes of development

Knowledge of how VVD is deciphered is not sufficient to obtain information about the nature of the disease. To explain plain language what is VVD, it is necessary to understand the source of the development of the disease. Today, scientists more often resort to other terminology associated with pathology, pointing to autonomic dysfunction. Since this definition conveys the meaning of the violations that arise deeper.

The ANS (vegetative nervous system) regulates and controls the processes of internal organs and is autonomous, not subject to the will of a person. It is necessary to maintain the balance and balance of the whole organism. Under its control is the maintenance of the optimal level of blood pressure, blood circulation, body temperature, immune and endocrine activity. Accordingly, VVD are disorders in the autonomic nervous system, manifested in the failure of its control functions listed above.

An interesting fact about the pathology is that the disease vegetative-vascular dystonia over the past decades does not imply certain disease, since it is not included in the International classification. It is customary to understand the diagnosis as a set of symptoms that occur when exposed to various factors external and internal environment. Therefore, when a person tries to understand what VVD means, he encounters many contradictions and veiled medical phrases, although the etiology of the disease speaks only of a complex of various manifestations associated with a malfunction of the ANS.

Pathology can manifest itself from early childhood or adolescence, but, as a rule, it does not cause much concern. According to statistics, the peak falls on the age period from 20 to 40 years. It has been proven that the female population is more susceptible to the disease than the male population. Every person should know the reasons that can contribute to the development autonomic dysfunction:

  • frequent stressful situations, overwork, depression;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • the presence of acute or chronic infections;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, frequent use alcoholic beverages);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hormonal disorders or changes;
  • individual psychological properties personality.

According to statistics, the most common cause of the development of VVD is the latter factor. It has been proven that the most impressionable people are prone to autonomic dysfunction. Often this manifests itself at a young age in girls or boys who perceive life's difficulties with particular sensitivity.

Also, smoking and alcohol are frequent stimuli that lead to disruption of the optimal activity of the autonomic system. The symptomatology of the disease is clearly manifested in long-term smokers, or in people who have given up a bad habit after many years.

Practice shows that when the causes associated with the development of VVD are eliminated, the disease often recedes. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the state of health from a young age and avoid provoking factors.

Symptoms of VVD

According to patients, in adults, VVD symptoms occur with varying intensity and regularity. Modern medicine classifies various manifestations of pathology, which are commonly called a syndrome.

Cardiovascular Syndrome or cardiovascular. From the name it follows that the symptoms are associated with a violation of cardiac activity. Reviews of patients about VVD of this type are characterized by the following manifestations:

  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • signs of tachycardia;
  • blanching or redness of the skin during an attack;
  • pain in the heart during a panic attack;
  • excessive sweating;
  • feeling of coldness in the extremities.

The nature of sensations can be varied: tingling, pressing, aching or throbbing pain. Patients are often frightened by such manifestations associated with cardiac activity and they turn to a cardiologist. To understand the reason, it is necessary to give the patient nitroglycerin at the next attack. With violations associated with the work of the heart, the pain will subside, with VSD - it will remain the same.

  • Hyperdynamic bowel syndrome. This type of VVD disease manifests itself in painful sensations, which often do not have precise localization. It seems to the patient that the stomach becomes overly active, there is discomfort in the navel. The syndrome is accompanied by problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract: periodic nausea, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, bloating and anorexia.
  • Syndrome of violation of thermoregulation manifests itself quite often in people suffering from autonomic dysfunction. Its essence lies in a change in body temperature, which can be reduced or slightly increased. Studying the symptoms of VVD according to patient reviews, we can conclude that most often the body temperature is kept at around 35-35.8 degrees. Drowsiness and lethargy occur, which interfere with optimal functioning. Along with other syndromes, violation of thermoregulation is one of the most serious and requires emergency medical attention.
  • Hyperexcretion syndrome or in other words, excessive sweating. Patients note that excessive sweating makes significant changes to the normal way of life. Some patients are diagnosed with hyperhidrosis and prescribed therapy to eliminate it. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from a neurologist who can identify the cause of the violations. It is possible that this pathology is a direct sign indicating the existence of VVD. The syndrome most often occurs in overexposure moisture on the surface of the palms, feet and in the armpits.

Hyperventilation Syndrome is less common and manifests itself in the form of increased breathing. When a person is stressful or stressful, they experience:

  • lack of air
  • tightness in the chest area,
  • labored breathing,
  • feeling of cardiac arrest or increased heart rate.

Many patients note that a panic attack occurs most often when thinking about possible death, incomprehensible anxiety or fear of the future.

Not every person can find obvious symptoms of one of the syndromes. Most often, the patient feels several manifestations related to the general state of the body and does not attach due importance to them.

The symptoms described below, which occur periodically, may indicate the presence of autonomic dysfunction:

  • violation of the heart rhythm with strong excitement;
  • disturbed breathing;
  • weakness, drowsiness, apathy;
  • insomnia;
  • general trembling;
  • cold extremity syndrome;
  • indigestion;
  • puffiness;
  • increased sweating;
  • tinnitus;
  • excessive feelings of anxiety and suspiciousness.

Signs do not necessarily appear in the complex. You can constantly feel cold hands, feet, fatigue, and only in the event of a stressful situation - disturbances in the work of the heart, or nausea. The mystery of VVD is that each person's disease manifests itself individually. If you find one or more symptoms in yourself, you should contact a neurologist for advice.

VVD treatment, patient reviews

Often there is a situation when patients with VVD do not know what to do. Reviews that can be heard or read online confirm this fact. People suffering from autonomic dysfunction are not only trying to understand what VSD is in simple terms, treatment is the main problem that affects many. Therapy for this pathology is necessary and this is confirmed by many experts. VVD disease involves complex treatment, which is prescribed primarily by a neuropathologist.

The most difficult stage in the therapeutic effect is the elimination of the causes that led to the vegetative disorder. Reviews of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia suggest that a person is often able to independently determine the factors contributing to the manifestation of the syndrome. They indicate stress, overwork, quarrels and conflicts in the family, leading to an attack of VVD.

Such patients, who are aware of the real state of affairs and adequately, without fear, look at the situation, as a rule, recover faster. If a person does not understand where the disease originates from, the first stage of treatment will be the help of a qualified psychotherapist. He will help you understand the causes and teach you how to deal with them on your own to prevent a new attack. Additionally, relaxing classes are assigned, these can be:

  • yoga,
  • autorelaxation,
  • Pilates,
  • swimming,
  • jogging,
  • art therapy.

Since there are social aspects among the factors leading to vegetative-vascular dystonia, the patient is advised to pay attention to the lifestyle and its improvement. You can observe reviews regarding the treatment of VVD in adults who talk about the effectiveness of therapy after giving up bad habits or adjusting activities. If a person spends working time in a sitting position, he must observe occupational hygiene. For example, when working at a computer, it is as follows:

  • every 40 minutes it is worth breaking away from activities and doing simple physical actions(normal walking);
  • control the relaxation of the eyes, looking into the distance out the window;
  • every hour to stretch your arms, lower back, which are actively connected to work.

The complex also implies a medicinal effect. It helps to eliminate the symptoms of VVD in an adult during treatment. Feedback from patients suggests that taking prescribed sedatives and sedatives has a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of therapy. But resort to self-selection drugs are not worth it. The specialist selects the medication, based on the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.

In some cases, the use of antidepressants is required. Today, pharmacology has a wide range of effective means from VVD, reviews of which have a mostly positive trend.

  1. From sedatives plant origin preference is given to Persen. The drug is available without a doctor's prescription, but is not recommended for independent use.
  2. Of the synthetic tranquilizers (sedatives), experts often prefer Phenazepam, Tofizopam, Elenium. Medicines should be taken strictly on the advice of a doctor. Self-treatment may lead to complications or side effects.
  3. Among antidepressants, imipramine and amitriptyline are considered effective. Contribute to increased concentration, performance, relieve anxiety and irritability. Produced by prescription.

It should be borne in mind that drug treatment is effective only in the case of an integrated approach with psychotraining and compliance with the recommendations of a specialist regarding a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to the main stages of therapy, neurologists often prescribe additional procedures:

  • massage,
  • electrophoresis,
  • physiotherapy.

Only strict adherence to all the recommendations of the doctor will help get rid of as soon as possible from the causes and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia through treatment. Patient reviews serve as additional evidence that therapy is not only recommended for VVD, but is also prerequisite in the fight against disease. Only faith in your own recovery and the experience of a doctor will help you get rid of a vegetative disorder as soon as possible. Skeptical people, as practice shows, often return to the initial stage of the development of the disease.

What is VSD in medicine

Conventionally, the human nervous system can be divided into:

  • somatic nervous system;
  • autonomic nervous system.

The somatic nervous system is responsible for the movement of a person and for his connection with the environment, that is, the sense organs and nerve endings are involved here. This system controls skeletal muscle mass, and animals also have it.

The autonomic nervous system is associated with the activity of the internal organs of a person, is responsible for the functioning of the glands of internal and external secretion, for blood and lymphatic vessels and for muscles. The word vegetative means vegetable, that is, it occurs involuntarily, it is practically impossible to regulate it, this system is also called autonomous.

This system, in turn, is divided into:

  • sympathetic section;
  • parasympathetic section.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for increased heart rate, increased pressure, pupil dilation, and so on. That is, it works with the spinal centers.

The parasympathetic nervous system, in turn, is responsible for the functions of the bladder, genitals, rectum, and so on.

VVD appears when a person's balance in the activity of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed. There is a predominance of the influence of the sympathetic or parasympathetic system on human life.

With the predominance of the sympathetic part, the doctors of such a patient are called "sympathotonic". Such patients have dilated pupils, dry mouth, tachycardia, pallor. The character manifests irascibility, changeable mood, skin pale and dry and sensitive to pain.

With a greater influence of the parasympathetic section of the nervous system, patients are called "vagotonics".

VVD diagnosis

Today, a third of the population suffers from vegetovascular dystonia, and it manifests itself not only in adults, but also in children. One of the reasons may be damage to internal organs, but the main occurrence of this disease is associated with the modern rhythm of life, which negatively affects the nervous system.

The cause of VSD can also be:

In fact, neurosis manifests itself by disrupting the functions of organs and various systems organism. This is especially evident during the period of rapid human growth, from 8 to 15 years. teenagers

The following happens: a person grows, and many organs and systems simply do not keep up with the whole organism, they slow down in development. Hence the troubles that are eliminated. If the circulatory system does not keep up with the body, then many teenagers suffer from pale skin, dizziness, and weakness.

Mixed VVD: what is it?

In the reference book on medicine there is no such thing as vegetovascular dystonia of a mixed type. But such a term is used when a person’s blood pressure rises or falls during the day, and this happens abruptly, while the patient suffers from panic attacks.

This occurs in violation of the work of the heart, with neurological and endocrine diseases. That is, the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is simultaneously disrupted. The first is responsible for the mobilization of the forces of the body, and the second for the restoration of these forces.

Therefore, when a person is overworked on the physical and mental level, the protective functions of the body do not cope with their task, and the patient can neither work nor rest properly. This is where blood pressure comes from.

Although the VVD of a mixed type does not threaten human life, its consequences can lead to the following diseases:

Other types of VSD

Vegetovascular dystonia has different manifestation and is therefore divided into four types:

  1. VSD by hypertensive type:
  2. VSD on hypotonic type;
  3. VSD by cardiological type:
  4. VSD of the mixed type.

The first type appears when the patient suffers from high blood pressure due to VSD. It can be difficult to make a correct diagnosis, as the symptoms are confused with hypertension.

In this case, a person suffers from pressure surges that appear for no apparent reason and suddenly spontaneously recover after rest, eight hours of sleep, and so on.

There are also migraine attacks, characterized by severe headache and fear of light. It can also increase body temperature, shortness of breath, palpitations, trembling of hands and feet, poor appetite, insomnia, anxiety attacks, and so on.

It is possible to distinguish VVD according to the hypertensive type from hypertension by the fact that with this disease, the pressure periodically returns to normal and over the years it does not increase, as it happens with hypertension, then it does not affect the eyes, kidneys, human brain and human heart.

Hypotonic type of VVD

IRR of the hypotonic type occurs at reduced pressure, that is, the organs do not receive the necessary nutrients due to disruption of the circulatory system.

Symptoms of this disease are fatigue, irritability, pain throughout the body, fainting, irritability, sleep disturbance, digestion. A person may suffer from diarrhea, heartburn, heart pain, loss of appetite, and so on.

It is possible to diagnose the disease with the help of a blood test, MRI, X-ray and other methods. VSD of the hypotonic type occurs with depression, an unhealthy lifestyle, when a person abuses alcohol, smokes, sins by eating fatty and sweet foods.

It should be treated as early as possible, as it can lead to a heart attack, coronary heart disease, gastritis, panic and urinary incontinence.

Cardiological type of VVD

This type of VSD is more common than others. According to statistical studies, 50% of the population has this disease. It is characterized by a violation of the functions of the brain, that is, the vessels do not respond to brain signals and, as a result, the organs do not receive nutrients and oxygen.

Symptoms of the cardiological type of VVD are:

  • heart pain;
  • arrhythmia;
  • attacks of tachycardia;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • lethargy;
  • mental inhibition;
  • migraine;
  • nervousness;
  • increased sweating;
  • trembling in the body;
  • apathy;
  • sleep disturbance.

This disease often occurs when infectious diseases are transferred, with problems in the cervical spine, with a genetic predisposition, hormonal changes and a sedentary lifestyle.

The consequence of it can be a head injury, stressful situations, intensive sports, poisoning, overheating and vice versa, hypothermia, poor living and working conditions.

In order not to be mistaken with the diagnosis, doctors should conduct comprehensive study and also useful to undergo a course of psychotherapy. This disease is treated mainly with antidepressants and drugs that improve blood flow to the brain.

Mixed type VSD

Despite the severity of the disease at first glance, this type of VVD is successfully treated. With this type, the pressure can suddenly rise and fall during the day, and all this happens abruptly. Also, symptoms of VVD of a mixed type can be:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • restless sleep;
  • increased anxiety;
  • pain in the back and joints;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • mood swings;
  • dyspnea;
  • sweating;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • nausea.

In this case, the diagnosis should be made only after thorough examination. Often such patients are prescribed EEG, ECG and other examinations. It is necessary to treat the disease only, taking into account the individual qualities of the patient.

What are the causes and symptoms

The causes of VSD can be the following phenomena:

  • hormonal changes due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, during adolescence;
  • constant stress;
  • death of loved ones;
  • excessive physical and mental stress;
  • alcoholism;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • trauma;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

At the beginning of the disease, all patients complain of an attack of fear. They have strong heartbeat, some feel a lump in the throat or signs of suffocation, dizziness, chills, indigestion and so on.

But the main reason is fear. A person is afraid of his death or afraid of getting a heart attack, going crazy.

As a result, he begins to go to the doctors, he is too attentive to his experiences, he is afraid of a headache and again suffers from fear. And this leads again to an attack of VVD.

Is VVD dangerous, consequences

In fact, VVD is not a dangerous disease if it is prevented in time and get rid of fear and bad habits.

The doctor needs to examine the patient with symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia in order to exclude other diseases. If they are not found, they are treated mainly with sedatives.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Hypnosis is often used for complete recovery. This method allows a positive effect on all human organs and systems. Under the influence of hypnosis, it was found that even the composition of the blood can change.

But hypnosis achieves a greater effect in the treatment of nervous diseases, while the internal reserves of the body are mobilized and prevent the appearance of VVD.

If you combine hypnosis with psychotherapy, then you can achieve that the patient will have anxiety, unreasonable fears, fatigue, internal tension, depression, sleep and appetite will improve.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure this disease on your own. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow all his instructions. And most importantly, try to avoid stress and depression.

For more information on the symptoms of VVD, see the following video.


Of the most common causes leading to VVD, doctors distinguish:

Working on the edge physical abilities, intermittent and inadequate sleep, as well as constant psycho-emotional stress, lead to exhaustion and general weakening of all internal mechanisms of a person.

As a result of "wear and tear", the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases decreases, which significantly undermines health from the inside, leading to various vegetative diseases.

Quite common causes of vegetative dystonia are disorders and problems in the spine, which is due to the relationship between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. In other words, nerve endings and fibers that are damaged when the vertebrae are displaced, entail disruptions in the functioning of the entire nervous system.

Such a chain reaction provokes the appearance of numerous symptoms of the VVD syndrome and makes the patient significantly puzzled by problems with his own health.

The diagnosis of autonomic vascular dystonia is not uncommon among preschool children.

Doctors explain this manifestation of the development of dystonia with injuries during childbirth or intrauterine pathology ( oxygen deficiency during the perinatal period).

Such factors negatively affect the formation of somatic and vegetative development and cause dysfunction of digestive disorders in the form of frequent regurgitation, flatulence, unstable stool and poor appetite. Also for younger age group with a diagnosis of VVD, increased conflict, capriciousness and a tendency to colds are characteristic.

During adolescence, which is characterized by puberty, neuropsychiatric disorders, including increased fatigue, affect up to 30% of children.

It has also been noted that the cause of the syndrome of vegetovascular disease may be a hereditary predisposition to excitability and disorders of the nervous system.

Classification according to typical characteristics

Many years of therapeutic practice with patients who were diagnosed with the disease of vegetovascular dystonia made it possible to classify and distinguish the following types of VVD.

By etiology:

  1. Hereditary.
  2. Dishormonal.
  3. Infectious-toxic.
  4. Post-traumatic.
  5. Psychogenic.
  6. Mixed.

According to the type of hemodynamic reaction:

By severity:

VVD diagnostics

Since the disease vegetative vascular dystonia includes a fairly extensive list of symptoms, it is not easy to diagnose it. In other words, in most cases, the diagnosis of VVD is made if the specific causes of the patient's deteriorating state of health have not yet been identified, or if the diagnosis is proven by multiple symptoms.

In practice, the diagnosis of vegetative dystonia syndrome begins with the identification of patient complaints, since the signs of this disease may also indicate problems in the gallbladder, thyroid gland, liver and other organs. Further, the causes that may affect the deterioration of the vegetovascular regulation of the body are clarified, the state of the patient's nervous system is studied.

Diagnosis of VVD is complicated by the lack of special tests or equipment to detect this disease. Only on the basis of knowledge of the patient's history, as well as taking into account the full clinical picture of the course of the disease, an experienced doctor can diagnose the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia.

The danger of the disease and its consequences

Vegetative vascular dystonia, like any other disease, carries danger and negative consequences. VVD disorders lead to jumps in the work of the cardiovascular system, forcing it to work either in a weakened mode, or, on the contrary, to wear out.

If you do not apply for a long time medical care and not to engage in treatment, even the mildest form of the course of the VVD disease can develop into a disease of complex severity, which in the most advanced cases can provoke a stroke or heart attack.

However, vegetovascular dystonia carries the greatest danger in social, family and personal terms, bringing a person to constant increased arousal (including panic attacks) or complete apathy. An "uncontrolled" disease puts the patient into a state of constant fear death and wild horror, with consequences in the form of severe stress.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of vascular dystonia can and should be done by several specialists at the same time.

A neurologist and a therapist can refer to additional examination to narrow specialists.

This approach allows you to "study" in detail the various functions of the body and make an extended diagnosis by excluding other diseases.

A certain type of treatment is prescribed depending on the following types of autonomic disorders:

  • psychological;
  • neurological;
  • cardiological;
  • vascular.

Treatment is based on the use of special medicines, sedatives and antidepressants.

Attention! The appointment of drugs for VVD syndrome can only be carried out by a doctor.

Do not self-medicate, as drugs can be addictive and significantly worsen the clinical picture.

With the diagnosis of VVD, physiotherapy exercises are additionally prescribed, which not only trains the body, but also increases its performance in case of complete or partial loss. Physical activity is prescribed taking into account the age of the patient and his condition, excluding sudden movements and jumps. Active pastime is recommended.

For the treatment of VSD syndrome, some patients use folk methods, such as the use of tinctures of hawthorn or motherwort. As practice shows, this does not give much improvement, however, this method is not excluded as an auxiliary tool and can have a positive effect on the body.

Doctors agree that the best remedy for vegetative-vascular disorders is good rest. Treatment in medical dispensaries and boarding houses with a complex of physical procedures will help improve the general condition of the body and significantly reduce the signs of VVD.

I would like to note that the prognosis of treatment for the diagnosis of VVD is quite encouraging. Timely detection and timely treatment of vegetovascular dystonia in most cases lead to a significant reduction in its clinical symptoms or full recovery organism.

Therefore, at the first protracted manifestations characteristic of this disease, it is worth seeking help from a doctor, and not starting self-medication, which in the future may adversely affect the quality of life.

Healthy lifestyle, regulation of the daily routine and good nutrition, are an excellent prevention of the occurrence of vegetative dystonia.

What is vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD)- a complex of various clinical manifestations that develop as a result of a violation of the functionality of the autonomic nervous system of certain organs (mainly the heart and blood vessels) and body systems.

Other names of VSD - autonomic dysfunction, neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD).

To make it easier to understand this concept, it should be noted that the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is an autonomous part of the nervous system of the body, the center of which is located along the spine. The ANS consists of 2 conditional mechanisms (departments) that control the work of organs - sympathetic and parasympathetic. Both divisions of the ANS, due to the presence of nerve cells in each organ and system, regulate their functionality, for example, cause the urge to defecate or urinate, hunger, nausea, increased or slow heartbeat, increase or decrease in blood pressure, desire to sleep or lack of sleep, respiratory processes, the production of insulin, adrenaline, serotonin, etc.

The sympathetic department is responsible for the activation of all processes, and the parasympathetic department is responsible for the relaxation or rest of certain organs.

How it works?
A person is hungry, a signal goes to the autonomic nervous system, a person eats food, while the receptors report this again to the ANS, which sends a signal to the pancreas, which produces the juice necessary for food processing. After required portion juice, when the food is processed, the stomach reports this to the ANS, and she "speaks" about this to the pancreas, which stops the production of juice, then as the food passes through the gastrointestinal tract, the whole process is regulated, ending with the urge to defecate. Thus, the autonomic nervous system constantly regulates the work of the whole organism as a whole, either activating or deactivating the work of each of the organs, in automatic mode. Thanks to these mechanisms, a person does not need to think - how to breathe, or produce pancreatic juice, or increase body temperature if an infection has got inside, how to raise an arm or bend a leg, expand the pupil in the dark or narrow in bright light, etc.

When in mind different pathological factors there is a malfunction in the work of the autonomic nervous system, the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic division of the ANS is disturbed, the person feels various kinds symptoms, and at the level or organ where the violation occurred. It is important to note that the organ in fact may not get sick, only its connection with the nervous system is lost, and therefore, the normal functioning of the organ / system is disrupted.

Thus, in simple terms, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a collective name for various clinical manifestations (symptoms) that have arisen due to a disruption in the work of the central and / or peripheral parts of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Moreover, you need to understand that, for example, high blood pressure in VVD is not associated with hypertension, but is manifested due to a disruption in the work of the autonomic nervous system at the level of the cardiovascular system, just like heart pain. But, if the VVD is not treated and not given due attention, it can lead to real diseases of certain organs - coronary heart disease (CHD), hypertension and other diseases of certain organs / systems.

Doctors note that vegetative-vascular dystonia is most often observed in children (in 25-80%), most often at the age of 7-8 years or adolescents, and predominantly female, and in an urban environment. This age just falls on transitional periods, possibly stressful, when a child from kindergarten goes to the first grade of school, as well as graduating from school and studying at higher educational institutions. VSD is also increasingly common in adults, which is also driven by modern, often negative news in the media, as well as the often unpredictable “tomorrow”.

VSD. History and modernity

It is impossible not to mention an interesting fact, which perhaps many people do not know, that the diagnosis of VSD, in fact, was made only to residents of the USSR, although today some doctors use it. This is also evidenced by the absence of this disease in the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), because. this kind of disease in Europe and America does not exist.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD)

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse and differ in one direction or another depending on the cause, as well as the organ or system in which this disorder occurred. Thus, according to the same criteria, the following syndromes with their characteristic features were included in the VVD group.

Parasympathicotonia (Vagotonia)

Vagotonia, or the vagus nerve, is characterized by the following symptoms: depression, fatigue, sleep disorders (insomnia or excessive sleepiness), memory impairment, decreased performance, apathy, fearfulness, abdominal pain, appetite disturbances, nausea, feeling unwell in a stuffy room or in the cold, dizziness, pain in the legs, acrocyanosis, excessive sweating, frequent urination, constipation, transient swelling under the eyes and allergic reactions.

From the side of the cardiovascular system, the following symptoms were noted: pain in the region of the heart, low blood pressure (80/50 mm Hg), bradyarrhythmia, muffled heart tone (pulse up to 45-50 beats / min), an increase in heart size.


Sympathicotonia is characterized by the following symptoms: blanching of the skin, chills, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, anxiety (feeling of fear and anxiety), irascibility, inattention, increased sensitivity to pain, mydriasis, polyuria, constipation.

Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD)

Neurocirculatory dystonia is divided into three types: cardiac, vascular and mixed, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

Cardiac NDC type(functional cardiopathy): arrhythmias and conduction disturbances ( sinus bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystole, atrioventricular block I-II degree), some forms of mitral valve prolapse and violations of the processes of ventricular repolarization.

Vascular type of NCD: arterial hypertension (hypertension) and arterial hypotension (hypotension).

Mixed type NDC: a combination of symptoms of cardiac and vascular types.

Other signs of autonomic dysfunction

Cardiovascular syndrome characterized by the following symptoms: cardiac arrhythmias (bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystole), blanching of the skin, constant changes in blood pressure, various kinds of discomfort or pain in the heart area that does not go away when taking nitroglycerin.

Hyperventilation syndrome characterized by the following symptoms: a feeling of suffocation, lack of air, as if it is difficult to take a breath on full chest, muscle spasms, dizziness, sensory disturbances in the extremities and perioral region.

irritable bowel syndrome characterized by: pain in the lower abdomen, flatulence (bloating), frequent urge to defecate, pain or discomfort in the stomach, appetite disturbances, nausea and vomiting, dysphagia.

cystalgia- painful urge to urinate and its act itself, while urine tests do not show the presence of any diseases;

Sweating disorder, especially increased sweating is observed on the soles of the feet and palms;

Sexual disorders which are characterized, in women - by vaginismus and anorgasmia, in men - by erectile dysfunction and ejaculation;

Violation of thermoregulation, which is characterized by daily temperature fluctuations, from normal to slight increase(up to 37.5 ° C), a slight chill.

Vegetative crises

Under the influence of adverse factors - overwork (mental and physical), acute infectious diseases, stress and others, which we will talk about a little later, a person can be attacked by various kinds of vegetative crises - panic attacks, vegetative storms, paroxysms. They can occur both short-term and long-term, up to several days. Consider the most common vegetative crises.

Sympathoadrenal crisis. It is characterized by the following symptoms: headache, increased blood pressure (up to 150/90-180/110 mm Hg), rapid pulse (up to 110-140 beats / min), increased excitability, numbness of the extremities with a feeling of cold in them, pain in the region of the heart, frequent urination, polyuria, dry mouth, sometimes elevated body temperature (up to 38-40°C).

Vagoinsular crisis. It is characterized by the following symptoms: a sharp blanching of the skin, increased sweating, lowering blood pressure and body temperature, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Quincke's edema can sometimes develop. Attacks of suffocation, pain in the heart, syncope, migraine are also possible.

Causes of vegetovascular dystonia a large number of, but they are all divided into 2 main groups - primary, which most often lie in heredity and secondary, which provoke dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which already has any deviations. Consider the main causes of VVD:

Primary causes of the development of VVD

  • Damage to the central nervous system (CNS) of the fetus in the last months of pregnancy, during childbirth and the first days after birth. Most often this is facilitated by the use of a pregnant woman alcoholic beverages, various medications without consulting a doctor, smoking, stress, damage to the hypothalamus during childbirth. These situations lead in the future to an inadequate reaction of the child to a particular stressful situation, neurosis, emotional imbalance, etc.
  • Unfavorable environment for the stay / residence of the child - family quarrels, the presence of people dependent on alcohol in the family, divorces, excessive custody of the child, conflicts at school, mental strain, stress, emotional overload.
  • Heredity, which is most often transmitted to the child from the mother.

Secondary causes, or factors that increase the risk of developing VVD:

  • Various kinds of chronic diseases - somatic, allergic, as well as nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive and other systems, anomalies of the constitution (diathesis);
  • A sharp change in climate or living environment;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions in the living environment
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body (hypovitaminosis), which is most often due to malnutrition;
  • Physical, emotional and mental overstrain, stress;
  • neurosis, hysteria;
  • Depression;
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body - puberty in boys and girls, the onset of menstruation, PMS, menopause;
  • Inability to verbally express their emotional experiences (alexithymia);
  • Bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • Violation of the structure of the spine (trauma, osteochondrosis);
  • Sleep disorder (insomnia or increased sleepiness);
  • Poisoning (intoxication);
  • Metabolic disorders of the brain.

Classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Due to the fact that the diagnosis of VVD was made only by Soviet doctors, an international classification of this condition has not been developed. Therefore, when making a diagnosis of VVD, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Etiology;
  • Localization of autonomic dysfunction - generalized, systemic or local;
  • A variant of disorders - vagotonic, sympathicotonic and mixed;
  • Organs and systems involved in the pathological process;
  • The severity of VVD is mild, moderate and severe;
  • The course is latent, permanent, paroxysmal.

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The following methods are used to diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Anamnesis;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG);
  • Cardiointervalography;
  • Electroencephalography (EEG);
  • Echoencephalography (EchoEG);
  • Rheoencephalography (REG);
  • Reovasography;
  • pharmacological tests.

Additionally, consultations with the following doctors can be scheduled:

  • Neurologist;
  • Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT);
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Optometrist;
  • Psychiatrist.

Differential diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Differential diagnosis is necessary to exclude other diseases similar in signs to VVD. Thus, according to the symptoms, they are similar to vegetovascular dystonia: rheumatism, dysplasia connective tissue, rheumatic carditis, non-rheumatic carditis, heart disease, arterial hypertension (hypertension), bronchial asthma, acute infectious diseases, sepsis, malignant tumors(cancer), mental disorders.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a rather lengthy and painstaking task. A positive prognosis largely depends on the correct diagnosis and accurate determination of the cause of the VSD.

Treatment of VVD is carried out comprehensively and includes the following items:

  • Normalization of the regime of the day, sleep, rest;
  • Elimination of physical inactivity, using dosed physical activity(LFK);
  • Therapeutic massage and water procedures;
  • Balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters);
  • Phototherapy;
  • Limiting the sources of emotional experiences - computer games, TV shows;
  • Counseling and family psychological correction;
  • Normalization of nutrition (regular consumption of food enriched with vitamins);
  • electrophoresis;
  • Medical therapy.

Work / rest mode

The body of each person has its own specific "charge", which depends on many factors. When the forces end, but the person continues to overload his body with physical or mental work, the body begins to weaken, thereby being subjected to various imbalances in the work of certain systems. The same thing happens if a person does not allow the body to rest. enough time. Therefore, in order to maintain health, it is very important that a person observes a work / rest regimen. Work in moderation, rest and be sure to get enough sleep.

Physical inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle leads to a weakening of the muscle tissues of certain organs that are least involved in a person's daily life. In addition, hypodynamia increases the risk of developing various diseases of the cardiovascular system. "Movement is life" is a fair statement. The more a person moves, the more better blood“plays”, thereby improving blood circulation, the organs receive with the blood the nutrition necessary for their normal functioning in the form of oxygen and various substances.

Therapeutic massage and water treatments

Physical effects on the body, in particular massotherapy and water procedures improve blood circulation, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, if necessary, restore the structure of the spine (in case of osteochondrosis), and along with the spine, the nerve channels with the vessels that pass through it are aligned. In addition, massage allows you to relax, relieve stress, improve muscle tone. All these actions have a beneficial effect on the work of not only the central nervous system, but can also improve the overall health of a person.

Sources of emotional experiences

The modern number of mass media, as well as the ways of obtaining this information, is only growing from year to year. Today, few people will be surprised by a smartphone with the ability to draw information from the Internet, a computer, a laptop, a TV. But the whole problem lies in the quality of the information received. If you make a small review of at least posters for certain modern computer games, some cartoons, movies, news, then you can highlight the overall picture - murders, violence, cruelty, lies, wars, occultism, etc. All this has an extremely negative effect on the developing psyche of the child, and on many people as well. bad dreams, selfishness, disrespectful attitude towards other people is just the tip of the iceberg. The basis is emotional instability, imbalance, uncertainty about the future, panic fears. If you are a parent and have not yet studied the flow of information that feeds your child, it's just the right time to start doing it. Protect your child from the negative flow of information from the Internet and other sources. This is a very important point, not only from a therapeutic VSD point of view, but also as preventive measure from others complex diseases that usually appear in adults.

Family psychological correction

This measure is necessary if there are frequent conflicts in your family, difficulties with raising a child. Remember, quarrels and scandals negatively affect mental development child. Do not allow a showdown in front of children. Children should grow up in a loving family where each member respects each other. Thus, a person is nurtured who will follow your family model, and it is better that the family be happy.


For normal operation any human organ or system necessarily needs various vitamins and minerals. Each vitamin is involved not only in the work of the whole organism, but also in the development of all organs, the regulation of their vital activity.

Some of the vitamins are produced in the required amount by the body itself, but in general, we can only get vitamins from the food we eat. If a person gets used to eating fast food, sandwiches, chips, beer and other unhealthy food, he does not get required amount vitamins, because they simply do not exist in such foods. It's delicious, perhaps, but certainly not healthy. Moreover, such junk food is harmful to human health. It is also extremely important to eat at least 3 times a day. Food is a kind of "energy", which is necessary for a person to perform various daily tasks. There is no food, or it is defective, there is no strength for work, and of course, human health.

Give preference to foods rich in vitamins and minerals - vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals. Try not to fry foods, but steam or boil them. The less you heat your food, the more vitamins and minerals they will retain. The beauty and health of a person largely depends on the nutrition of a person.


With vagotonia, electrophoresis with caffeine, calcium, mezaton is prescribed.
With sympathicotonia, electrophoresis with magnesium, papaverine, bromine, aminophylline is prescribed.

Medical therapy

Drug therapy is usually used in the following cases:

  • Not drug therapy did not bring the desired result;
  • To relieve various kinds of symptoms that make it difficult to perform daily tasks;
  • For the treatment of various chronic diseases that may be factors determining the development of VVD.

Medicines for VSD:

Sedatives. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothe. Among the sedatives are widely used: preparations based on valerian, hawthorn, St. John's wort, motherwort - "Novopassit", "Persen", "Stressplant", herbal tea with lemon balm.

Tranquilizers (anxiolytic drugs). Used to relieve attacks of fear, stress, anxiety states. Among the tranquilizers can be noted: Diazepam, Relanium, Tranxen.

Antidepressants. They are used to relieve feelings of depression, depression, apathy, anxiety, irritability, emotional overstrain, as well as to increase mental activity. In addition, antidepressants are used in cases where a patient with VVD constantly feels aches and pains throughout the body (in the heart, gastrointestinal tract, muscles and joints), which are not amenable to symptomatic treatment. Among antidepressants, one can single out: Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Clomipramine, Coaxil, Prozac, Cipramil.

Nootropics. They are used to improve mental activity, brain resistance to various stressful situations, improve the energy state of neurons. Among the nootropics can be identified: "Pyritinol", "Piracetam", "Phenibut".

To normalize peripheral and cerebral circulation, as well as blood microcirculation,: "Cinnarizine", vinpocetine ("Cavinton"), pentoxifylline ("Trental"), nicotinic acid(vitamin B3 or PP).

With sympathicotonia, with pain in the region of the heartß-blockers are used - propranolol ("Anaprilin", "Obzidan"), Atenolol ("Atenol", "Tenormin").

For the relief of heart pain used: Verapamil ("Verapamil", "Isoptin"), "Valocordin", valerian tincture.

With vagotonic reactions. Psychostimulants of plant origin are used - preparations based on lemongrass, eleutherococcus, zamaniha, etc.

With intracranial hypertension (high blood pressure) is used dehydration therapy, which is aimed at removing excess water from the body. For this purpose, diuretics are used.

Favorably in the complex, in the treatment of VVD, glycine, glutamic acid, pantogam, complexes of vitamins and trace elements have proven themselves.

For constipation in the diet you need to add food with a lot of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also allowed to take laxatives: "Duphalac", "Lavacol", "Normaze".

At frequent diarrhea , the amount of fiber consumed in food should be reduced. Additionally, you can take an antidiarrheal agent: loperamide (Imodium, Lopedium), sorbents (Polifepan, Smecta).

At elevated temperature you can take: "Pirroxan", "Fentolamine".

At increased sweating , the skin can be treated with solutions of formalin, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), tannic acid.

When venous insufficiency - if the patient has noise in the head and pain throbbing in it, heaviness in the head, you can take: "Vazoket", "Detralex". Preparations for venous insufficiency take 1-2 months.

For dizziness against the background of high blood pressure, drugs are used that improve cerebral circulation - "Vinpocetine", "Cavinton", "Nicerium", "Oxybral".

For severe headaches and dizziness can be taken - "Betaserc".

Important! During the treatment of VVD, be sure to give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs.


With timely detection, accurate diagnosis and strict adherence to the doctor's prescription for the treatment of VVD, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. It is very important for the VSD to correctly carry out the psychological adjustment of the child, so that after he grows up, formed during the VVD psychical deviations did not accompany him throughout his life.

Important! Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor!



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