Symptoms of the disease - unstable stool. Kal (chair)

Talking about everything to do with the gut can confuse anyone. But everyone goes to the toilet.

What is normal feces?

As he says Sophie Balzora, MD, gastroenterologist at New York University Medical Center,

The frequency, texture and smell of a person's bowel movements are normal for him, provided that he does not complain of discomfort.

Going to the toilet every day is not considered a necessary indicator of good health, says Dr. Balzora.

For some, three times a day is the norm, others go to the toilet three to four times a week. All this is normal, in the absence of any problems with digestion, of course.

Diet plays a very large role not only in frequency, but also in texture, size, shape and smell. In addition to diet, gut health is affected lifestyle, sleep, water intake, hormonal fluctuations, menopause, and some medications.

Physicians use to classify defecation Bristol scale. In the table, we have indicated seven categories or types of feces.

  • 1 and 2 indicate ,
  • 3 and 4 are the most "healthy" types of feces,
  • 5, 6 and 7 are considered diarrhea.

As a rule, most healthy people have types 3 or 4. Soft formed stools, without effort during bowel movements, is considered the norm.

Doctors say that if you have too hard stools or loose pieces of stool, this may be a sign of constipation.

This is because the colon tries to remove water from the stool as it passes through the intestines. Decreased mobility, due to problems with the muscles lining the intestines or a low-fiber diet, holds up stools, making bowel movements more difficult.

A fiber-rich diet helps improve bowel function because fiber is like a sponge to retain moisture.

The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends nine servings a day of high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes to ensure the smooth functioning of the intestines. Using additional sources of fiber such as psyllium, also contributes to the formation of soft stools that do not cause discomfort during bowel movements.

It may also play a role in constipation. The intestines need moisture, which softens the stool, improving its patency.

Carefully! Hypersensitivity to certain foods, bacterial or yeast growth in the small intestine, and excessive consumption of red meat or alcohol can also be factors in constipation.

In people with loose stools, at least 75% of the time, chronic diarrhea is found. The consistency may be too soft with loose edges or completely watery. As with constipation, fiber plays an important role here as well.

Carefully! Potential causes of chronic diarrhea include an overgrowth of bacteria and yeast in the colon, food sensitivities, excess intake of fat or fatty foods, an inability to absorb certain nutrients, and chronic stress or anxiety.

What does the color of stool mean?

Massarat Zutshi, Cleveland Clinic colorectal surgeon, says that the color of your stool is usually related to the color of the foods you have recently eaten.

Leafy greens, red fruits and vegetables, artificial food coloring, and some medications and supplements can change the color of stool.

In some cases, color changes may indicate something more serious. That's what the color of feces can say.

Almost black

If you are not taking any coating, antacid, or absorbent drugs (which often turn black stools), too dark stools may indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. The feces can also be stained as a result stomach ulcers or high levels of iron in the body.


Some medicines such as Kaopectat, can sometimes cause pale and clayey stools. White stools can also be caused by problems getting bile into your gastrointestinal tract, or if your liver isn't producing enough bile. When the bile duct is blocked due to a stone or tumor and bile cannot reach the intestines, the stool also becomes white. This is common in liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.


Let's assume your Don't Panic! First, think about what you ate the day before. Dark Red Beetroot Salad (thanks to betacyanin) can stain both your urine and your stool for up to two days after consumption. In addition to beets, the culprits can be tomatoes, food coloring or even cranberries. If you are sure that the red tint is not related to food, feces can stain the blood from the intestines. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. Bright red blood in the stool may indicate polyp, inflammation, diverticulitis, or even colon cancer.


Yellow stools may indicate problems with fat digestion. This may be the result of gallbladder removal, weight loss medication, or certain surgeries. Yellow, oily stools may indicate chronic pancreatitis or celiac disease.


If your stool is slightly green, remember if you have eaten greens in the last 24 hours, because this may be the cause. If your stool is constantly green and it's not related to food, see your doctor.

Regardless of color, stools are usually foul-smelling due to bacteria in the colon that digest food. If the usual smell of your stool changes to an abnormal one, it could be due to an infection. Another cause may be inflammation of the colon or diseases that cause malabsorption such as celiac disease, chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, or lactose intolerance.

Abnormal esophageal motility may also indicate certain health conditions

Some digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, can show up in your stool when certain problems occur along with other symptoms. For example, bouts of diarrhea or constipation (or alternation between the two), as well as abdominal pain and excess gas, are the primary signs of IBS, a common disorder of the colon.

A chronic illness characterized by inflammation of the intestines includes chronic diarrhea as well as weight loss, fever, and lower abdominal pain. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease similar to Crohn's disease that begins in the rectum and spreads to other parts of the colon. Chronic diarrhea, sometimes with blood, is a key indicator of ulcerative colitis.

What else can feces reveal about gut health?

Stool color, stool regularity, and bowel motility are not the only characteristics that can tell you what's going on in your body. The general analysis of feces consists of macroscopic, chemical and microscopic studies.

When a thin feces appears in an adult, the search for the cause of such a change begins. In a child and an adult, the appearance of thin feces can be the first symptom of the disease and cannot be ignored.

Is thin stool a pathology?

Usually, in adults, the stool is thick with a sausage, it can normally be large feces in pieces, or it can come out in small portions. The most important thing is that the stool should be regular, plasticine-like in consistency and not cause discomfort to a person during the act of defecation.

If the poop is thin, resembles a pencil, or comes out in stripes, then this is not quite normal for an adult. If a thin line of feces comes out of the rectum, then this is a sign of the development of the disease, or changes in the functional activity of the intestine.

Ribbon-like feces can appear due to malnutrition, when a person's diet is not balanced and lacks plant foods. A sedentary lifestyle in addition to such a diet can lead to the exit of feces from the intestines in the form of a pencil.

A photo

Ribbon-shaped feces can be the result of drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages. The large intestine ceases to function normally under the influence of alcohol, and there are violations of the form and frequency of the stool. First, hard, then loose stools, difficult exit of feces, changes in the diameter, color and consistency of feces - all these are the consequences of alcohol abuse and should be discarded, otherwise ribbon-like feces will not be the only symptom of a bad habit.

If the feces come out in thin sausages for these reasons, then you should not worry too much. Indeed, on the one hand, this is not so bad, you can adjust the diet and everything will return to normal. But if threadlike or serpentine feces continue to bother a person even after the harmless causes have been eliminated, then this is a reason for undergoing a diagnosis and establishing the factors that cause the appearance of irregularly shaped feces.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various drugs. To improve bowel function after taking the drugs, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

Why does thin stool appear?

A decrease in stool diameter and a change in the frequency of bowel movements can be cause for concern if none of the above factors are appropriate for a person. In an adult, a calentiform form can be the first sign of an illness.

Thready feces in an adult can be caused by:

  1. Hemorrhoids are the most common cause of thin stools. The disease occurs in adult men and women equally.
  2. In the fair sex, feces of small diameter may appear during pregnancy.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) often affects the fact that fecal masses of a normal type are not formed, but only ribbon-like.
  4. Benign or malignant neoplasms in the intestines do not make themselves felt for a long time, and the first symptom is often flat feces with a ribbon.
  5. Helminthic damage often leads to big problems with the intestines in an adult. And if a tape came out with feces, and the feces themselves are flat, then we can safely assume this disease.
  6. Prostatitis in adult men is not an uncommon problem, resulting in the passage of stool in small pieces or in a thin line.

In addition to these reasons, narrow feces can be observed for a certain time after intestinal surgery, which is not a pathology, but requires control, because the flattened feces should return to normal, which means that the treatment process is in full swing.


With hemorrhoids, nodes appear inside the rectum or outside. These nodules are small at first, but grow rapidly over time. If the hemorrhoid is located inside the intestine, then all the feces will come out of the rectum in a ribbon. This is due to the fact that the knot narrows the intestinal lumen and when the feces reach this place they have to seep through a small and narrow passage, which automatically leads to the fact that the feces become flattened.

With hemorrhoids, ribbon feces are difficult to leave the intestines. A person experiences pain or discomfort during defecation, and after that there is a feeling of incompleteness of the process.

If such a symptom of hemorrhoids as flat feces has already appeared in an adult, then you should immediately consult a doctor, because the disease has already gone far enough in its development.


During pregnancy, many women notice “pencil” feces in their bodies - it is long, thin, smooth, there are practically no difficulties with defecation, the only thing that happens is short-term constipation.

The thinning of the feces occurs due to the fact that the growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the intestines and its lumen in a certain place decreases. If the overlap occurs closer to the rectum, then the feces will come out intermittent and flattened.

It's not worth worrying about this. It is only important to prevent the development of chronic constipation and hemorrhoids, which often bother women in position. If such a symptom is rarely observed, and after childbirth it completely disappeared, then there is no need to worry. The problem was resolved independently and now it remains only to take care of your health and the well-being of the baby.

With IBS, the first symptom of the disease, adults note constant pain in the abdomen. The next sign of the progression of the pathology is scanty feces, which is not replaced by diarrhea, and so on in a circle. After a while, relief comes - the pain becomes a little weaker, and the feces come out in the form of a ribbon. The appearance of flat feces suggests that the intestines are not functioning properly, and pain is just another confirmation of this.

The difficulty with this disease is that it is not known exactly what causes the functional disorder. The reason may be malnutrition, stress, taking various drugs, but not everyone has IBS. Therefore, it is important to always adhere to the right lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of developing pathology.

Dealing with IBS is not so easy, treatment is only symptomatic. Doctors usually prescribe a diet for adults and some drugs that reduce inflammation and restore the usual rhythm of the intestines.

The occurrence of neoplasms in the intestines

A neoplasm is not necessarily cancer, so you should not worry in advance and be afraid of going to the doctor. Polyps become frequent neoplasms in the intestines, especially in the rectum. These are benign tumors that, with timely treatment, are easily and quickly eliminated.

These polyps can be of various sizes and occupy from ¼ to ½ of the intestinal lumen, and in the most advanced stages completely block it. It is for this reason that an adult may note that the feces have become thinner. Its quantity may also decrease, because the tumor contributes to constipation, and the feces will come out less and less. If the diameter of the feces has decreased by two or three times, and the act of defecation itself is a rather rare occurrence - once every 3-4 days, and it lasts for a long time due to pain in the intestines, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

In addition to polyps, uneven, twisted, thin feces can also be caused by malignant neoplasms - tumors.

For their treatment with a favorable outcome, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time. At an early stage, there are no other symptoms except for a change in the shape of feces and its quantity, rare constipation and slight pain in the abdomen, so you should always pay attention to such changes and go for a consultation with a specialist. If the disease is diagnosed at stage 3 or 4, then the treatment may no longer give results.


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which is located in men in the rectum. Inflamed walls often swell, which narrows the intestinal lumen.

The symptoms of this disease are:

  • Thin cal.
  • Soreness in the anus.
  • The act of defecation is accompanied by pain.
  • Constipation may occur.

For men, this disease has serious consequences, and therefore it is very important to diagnose the disease in time. If this is not done, then not only the intestines and its activity will suffer, but also the reproductive function of a man, which many do not want even at a very old age.

How to establish the cause?

To understand why a thin feces appeared in an adult, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. It includes:

  • Digital examination of the rectum to detect hemorrhoids.
  • Analysis of feces for coprogram, tank seeding and worms.
  • X-ray examination of the intestine.
  • Probe examination of the intestine (a biopsy may be needed if neoplasms are suspected).

If a thin feces appeared in a pregnant woman, then additional examinations and tests may not be needed here. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist and only if there are other symptoms, he can decide to diagnose.


Absolutely all adults should first of all think about their diet and lifestyle. You need to add more plant foods and proteins to your diet and exclude all harmful food items - chips, soda, pizza, etc. It is also advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol.

Most people get rid of thin stools by adjusting the diet, and only in a small percentage of adults the reason for the change in the shape of the stool lies in the pathology.

If a disease is detected during the diagnosis, then all recommendations of the doctor should be followed. This will help eliminate the cause of the disease and its symptom - thin feces, as well as other signs. If you seek help at an early stage, then almost any ailment can be cured completely and even avoid consequences.

Mushy stool causes

Many have repeatedly encountered problems associated with sudden diarrhea and the need to quickly eliminate it. The condition is far from being the most pleasant, and in order to be able to competently deal with it, one should understand the reasons that cause it.

It is important to know that diarrhea can cause almost any disease. Thus, the body signals an impending danger. In view of this, if after taking several tablets of activated charcoal the problem has not gone away, you should consult a doctor.

Mushy stools can be caused by the following reasons:

  • various forms of tuberculosis;
  • thyroid disease;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • stages of rectal cancer;
  • kidney disease;
  • vitamin deficiency.

There may be more reasons. It's not worth the risk, and in the event that activated charcoal does not help, you should consult a specialist.

Mushy stool in an adult

Many diseases change the nature and frequency of fecal discharge. Perhaps, during defecation, a burning sensation, pain will begin to arise, devastation will be incomplete and blood will begin to mix. Frequent stools are diagnosed when visiting the toilet more than three times a day. In an adult, at this time, an increase in the mass and volume of feces occurs, their color and consistency change. With this combination of symptoms, there are frequent cases of mushy stools in an adult. The occurrence of diarrhea indicates a malfunction in the intestines. In other words, this means that there are problems with the absorption of fluid in the large intestine, resulting in dehydration of the blood stream. In order to avoid further trouble, a quickened stool is needed. In the case of an adult, the restoration of intestinal microflora and water balance is easier than in a child. If diarrhea persists for more than three days, you should seek medical attention.

Mushy stool in a child

The digestive system of a child is much more sensitive to the effects of adverse circumstances that violate its functionality and create indigestion, manifested in the appearance of diarrhea.

In young children, diarrhea can be life threatening because it causes dehydration. If the child is newborn, the cause of diarrhea may be pathogenic bacteria that are completely safe for an adult, but pose a threat to the baby.

The main cause of mushy stools in a child is malnutrition. Statistics from the Ministry of Health show that formula-fed babies are 6 times more likely to suffer from digestive disorders than breastfed babies. This is due to the fact that mixtures containing artificial substitutes are incompatible with the baby's intestines.

Mushy yellow stool

Yellow diarrhea, like any other, performs the function of cleaning the body of pathogenic microbes, which, by introducing an infection, are forced to fight them. Thus, infection is the main factor causing yellow diarrhea. There are situations when this type of disorder is caused by inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa. Often, mushy yellow stools are due to poor digestibility of food, indicating diseases of the stomach.

Among the main causes of yellow diarrhea is the so-called rotavirus infection. It is easy to recognize, because when it appears, the temperature rises instantly and the emerging stool on the second day becomes a gray mass. This infection does not end with intestinal problems alone. Almost always, the situation is complicated by a runny nose, pain when swallowing and redness of the throat. Very often, this condition is accompanied by a complete breakdown and lack of appetite. This disease has received a different name "intestinal flu" because it is activated during flu epidemics.

Mushy stool with mucus

with mucus is a sign of dangerous internal changes in the digestive system of adults and children.

Such symptoms can appear for very minor reasons: as a result of the use of mucus-like foods in food or with a common cold. If you eat fermented milk mixtures, cereals with mucus, berries and fruits, then you need to be prepared for the appearance of such mucous impurities.

It also happens that a runny nose, leading to changes in the nasopharynx, provokes the release of mucous streaks into the esophagus, from where they enter the intestines directly.

Perhaps a similar phenomenon as a result of penetration into the intestines of an infection (usually of a bacterial nature). With dysentery, an acute form of mucus is possible.

Mushy stools in the morning

Diarrhea in the morning for sure happened to everyone. In itself, such a phenomenon means frequent emptying of the intestine, it happens, depending on the nature of the course, acute and chronic.

If the appearance of a mushy stool in the morning is chronic, then serious problems have accumulated in the body and medical intervention is necessary. If diarrhea in the morning has isolated cases of occurrence, you can try to determine the cause of its occurrence yourself. Most often, the person himself is to blame for the manifestation of such a phenomenon. Diarrhea may occur in the morning due to the intake of drugs that give a laxative effect. The intestines almost do not absorb the active substances of these drugs, but when they are excreted, diarrhea occurs.

Frequent mushy stools

Frequent diarrhea can indicate a wide variety of diseases of the digestive system. It is also possible that diarrhea acts as an independent disease. Frequent mushy stools happen in periods, breaks of up to a month are possible. The disease can have an acute and chronic course. The cause of acute diarrhea may be infection with one of the forms of intestinal infections. Violation of hygiene rules when handling fruits and vegetables, in other words, poor washing, can provoke the penetration of microbes into the digestive organs, which is the beginning of the disease. Excessively frequent stools (several dozen times a day), accompanied by secretions of blood, pus, characterized by bouts of nausea, vomiting and fever, indicate a progressive salmonellosis. In the case of cholera, almost watery stools occur, leading to dehydration.

In the case of frequent watery stools, accompanied by pain, bleeding, mucus, a medical examination is necessary. Having found out the cause of frequent diarrhea, you should begin to treat the disease that caused it. You should follow the prescribed diet, avoiding the use of foods that cause frequent mushy stools.

At least once in a lifetime, every person has encountered a mushy stool. A single appearance of such a symptom does not pose a threat. However, if this symptom is repeated every day, then this is a serious reason to think about your health and visit a doctor for a quality diagnosis.

What is mushy stool

In every healthy person, feces are formed in the large intestine under certain conditions. With the normal functioning of the digestive system, the stool is soft, but formed. However, if for some reason a failure occurs, then the feces acquire a characteristic mushy consistency. If such a symptom was the result of an error in the diet, then you should not worry, as this is considered a variant of the norm. However, with daily and frequent bowel movements, in which mushy stools form, one should think about a more serious reason.

The Bristal stool scale shows variants of the norm and pathology.

Varieties: for a long time, frequent, with mucus, in the morning and others

Depending on additional conditions, the following varieties of this symptom can be distinguished:

  1. Mushy stools for a long time and accompanied by flatulence. May appear at any time. Most often accompanied by various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Frequent. In this case, emptying can occur more than 3 times a day.
  3. Appearing in the morning. May be accompanied by nausea and other digestive disorders.
  4. With slime. In the feces, mucous streaks may be present in sufficient quantities.
  5. Thick with particles of undigested food. Mushy stools may be heterogeneous and have a porous structure. Quite often contains some fragments of food.

Causes and provoking factors in adults and children

The main reasons why mushy stools can occur:

  1. Diet errors. When eating a large amount of plant foods, there may be some change in the structure of feces.
  2. Gastroduodenitis. When the duodenum and the pyloric zone of the stomach become inflamed, digestion becomes defective, as a result, a mushy stool can form.
  3. Taking medicines. Changes in the structure of feces can occur during treatment with certain medications. These include Enterol, broad-spectrum antibiotics, glucocorticoids, choleretic drugs.
  4. Pancreatitis. In inflammatory processes in the pancreas, an insufficient amount of enzymes is often released for high-quality digestion of food. As a result, a mushy stool is formed.
  5. Cholecystitis. Inflammation of the gallbladder associated with stagnation of the secret can lead to a similar symptom.
  6. Decreased appetite. Poor intake of food in the body provokes the formation of mushy stools.
  7. Inflammatory processes in the intestines. Pathologies of this nature lead to underformation of feces. As a result, absorption in the small intestine deteriorates, and there are not enough enzymes for digestion.
  8. Dysbacteriosis. An insufficient amount of beneficial microflora gives rise to similar symptoms.

Diagnostic measures

A timely approach to diagnosis is extremely important to determine the cause of the onset and eliminate symptoms. Main research methods:

  1. Interrogation of the patient. It is carried out in order to eliminate errors in the diet. The doctor asks the patient about the medications he is taking that could provoke changes in the stool.
  2. FGDS. Endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum is carried out by probing. In this case, a thin tube with an optical device at the end is inserted into the esophagus and from there it moves to the stomach and duodenum. In this case, areas of inflammation and other changes in the mucous membrane are determined.
  3. Colonoscopy. Similar to the previous method, only in this case the probe is inserted through the rectum. Thus, pathologies of the large and small intestines are diagnosed.
  4. ultrasound. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity can detect diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder.

Medical treatment

If the cause of the mushy stool is gastroduodenitis, then the doctor most often prescribes drugs that regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and drugs that help restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. These medicines include Omez, Nolpaza, Emanera. The drug that affects the motor function, Trimedat is able to influence both too fast and, conversely, slow peristalsis, regulating the progress of the food bolus.

In pancreatitis, drugs are prescribed that can compensate for enzyme deficiency. These include Mezim, Pancreatin and Creon. Thanks to them, food is better digested, and the stool is slightly fixed. If acalculous cholecystitis is present, a diet is indicated. The appointment of choleretic agents during exacerbation of symptoms can only worsen the course of the pathology.

In inflammatory bowel diseases, remedies are shown that regulate the functioning of this organ. Most often, the doctor prescribes Pepsan-R. This drug relieves inflammation and reduces excessive gas formation, as well as Colofort, which regulates bowel function.

When dysbacteriosis is present, the best treatment is a prebiotic containing beneficial bacteria. These funds include: Linex, Hilak Forte and others. They contribute to the reproduction of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

Medical treatment - photo gallery

Diet food

Diet with mushy stool plays a decisive role. Sometimes, by changing the diet, it is possible to quickly and permanently eliminate the problem. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of vegetable food consumed, which helps to accelerate peristalsis and forms liquid feces. You need to include in your diet:

  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • boiled rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • bananas;
  • cookie;
  • potato;
  • persimmon.

Diet food - photo gallery

Folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment can be used as an auxiliary way to eliminate this symptom. To do this, use herbs that affect the functioning of the intestines. The most effective recipes:

  1. A decoction based on chamomile and oak bark. This remedy not only regulates the intestines, but also fixes the stool. It will take 1 tsp. the listed ingredients, which must be placed in a saucepan and pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Then let stand for another 2 hours and strain. Take a quarter cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a week.
  2. Mint tea. Additionally, St. John's wort is required. It is necessary to mix both herbs and 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 25 minutes and then filter, taking 2-3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals for 10 days.
  3. A decoction of chicory. It will take 2-3 branches, which must be poured with 350 ml of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, drain the liquid and divide it into 3 doses. Take the drug should be 15-20 minutes before meals for 5 days.

Folk remedies - photo gallery

Treatment prognosis and consequences

As a rule, in the presence of mushy stools that are not burdened by additional symptoms, the prognosis is good. With timely diagnosis and treatment, recovery occurs quickly enough. One of the most dangerous consequences is severe pathologies of the pancreas, in which self-digestion of the organ can occur and the production of enzymes will completely stop. In addition, the advanced course of gastroduodenitis and liver diseases is fraught with the appearance of ulcerative lesions.

With persistent mushy stools, a large amount of fluid is lost, which can eventually lead to dehydration. This symptom cannot be ignored.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measure is the early detection of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. To do this, at the first signs of pathology, you must consult a doctor. If blood is accidentally found in the feces, then it is in no case possible to postpone a visit to a specialist.

Additional preventive measures:

  • regular and proper nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • adequate fluid intake;
  • exclusion of products containing trans fats.

Mushy stools, which occur quite often, cause a lot of discomfort. To get rid of such a symptom, it is recommended to approach the treatment in a complex manner. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the diet and the problem disappears without additional methods of therapy.


Diarrhea, or loose stools, is not a disease. This is just a symptom or a sign that something is wrong in the body. In order to determine the cause of diarrhea, you must first think about what it may be due to. Most often, diarrhea occurs due to poor-quality products.

Loose stool in adults

Diarrhea is unsettling. It’s good if it starts at home and you don’t have to go anywhere in the near future. And if a person is at a serious meeting, at the machine or in public transport. What then? There are, of course, special remedies that allow you to quickly stop diarrhea, but they often cannot be used. Therefore, the best treatment is prevention. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating and after going to the toilet. Do not eat foods that cause even the slightest suspicion. Try to be as less nervous as possible, because stress and constant psychological overstrain cause not only diarrhea, but also other more serious health problems.

Loose stools in adults can be a sign of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and malabsorption of nutrients and water in the intestines.

Unformed stool causes

If a person does not understand why he has diarrhea, while he does not feel well, experiences abdominal pain and his temperature rises, it is necessary, without hesitation, to call an ambulance. Perhaps poisoning occurred, which can lead to sad consequences.

The causes of an unformed stool can sometimes be established only by a doctor, and even then, not the first time. Indeed, in order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination, pass a series of tests and only then be treated. What is really going on? A person does not turn to anyone, he just drinks "Activated charcoal" or "Immodium". Sometimes this helps, but often leads to complications that doctors have to deal with.

Unformed stool treatment

You can be treated at home, or you can seek qualified medical help from a doctor. At home, use products purchased at a pharmacy, such as



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