Segmental massage in bronchial asthma. Therapeutic massage for bronchial asthma

Respiratory diseases not only undermine a person's health, but also prevent him from living a normal life. Indeed, without even, calm breathing, it is difficult to even actively move. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor your health, stopping all attempts of pathogens to precipitate the lungs.

Bronchial asthma and emphysema- two interrelated diseases of the respiratory tract and respiratory organs. Emphysema often develops on the background of asthma, and neglected asthma, in turn, can cause emphysema.

Asthma symptoms

You can recognize bronchial asthma by the following signs:

    paroxysmal shortness of breath, which manifests itself especially often at night and in the morning;

    wheezing wheezing that can be heard even without a stethoscope;

    heaviness in the chest, feeling of congestion, inability to cough;

    dry painful cough, which only aggravates the patient's situation.

People suffering from bronchial asthma report the appearance of attacks when active physical activity, inhalation of cold air and just with nervous disorders. Weakened bronchi cannot freely “drive” air due to the large amount of mucus. She, in turn, cannot normally depart due to mucosal edema that occurs in the lungs with asthma.

Symptoms of emphysema

Emphysema is a pathology of the lung tissue that could arise due to various factors. More often there are several of them, and among the prerequisites for damage to the elasticity of lung tissue (or lung) there is also bronchial asthma. After all, any disease is a weakening of the immune system, which means that it is fertile ground for the development of other diseases of this direction.

Emphysema can affect both lungs or just one. The doctor makes the final diagnosis after an x-ray, and a person can understand that something is wrong with his body by the following symptoms:

    An agonizing cough, accompanied by reddening of the face and swelling of the veins in the neck;

    Difficulty breathing, which prompts a person to use auxiliary muscles (muscles of the face, neck);

    Changing the shape of the chest, increasing it in size;

    Weakness, fatigue.

In case of detection of both asthma and emphysema, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Usually this is a certain regimen of the day and taking medications. But sometimes, in parallel with this, additional means of treatment are prescribed, among which there may be therapeutic or hygienic (preventive) massage.

Massage for asthma and emphysema

Physiotherapy methods are not uncommon for treatment of diseases respiratory organs. Massage is one of the means that are absolutely harmless to the body. The main thing is to strictly follow technique, do not neglect the rules and contraindications, adhere to hygienic requirements, stop the session if you feel uncomfortable and do not resume the massage if the patient feels worse.

Massage for bronchial asthma and emphysema is useful in that there is a development of the muscles of the chest, metabolic processes in the tissues of the respiratory organs are stimulated, local immunity improves. The masseur, performing various kinds of massage manipulations and mechanical effects, facilitates the breathing process for the person being massaged, extracting air from the lung tissue (where it should not be). In addition, the vibrations that are transmitted to the bronchi contribute to the extraction of mucus from them, which also helps to "breathe deeply."

Technique and technique of massage

Since both asthma and emphysema have the same nature of occurrence and development, then technique and technique of massage about the same. Massage is carried out in the position in which the patient is comfortable to breathe. Usually this is a reclining position, when a person lies on a couch, placing a pillow or cushion under the upper body. A similar technique is described in the article "Massage for bronchitis".

Back massage

The massaged position is lying on the stomach, the roller is placed under the ankle, the arms are parallel to the body. The intensity of all movements is selected based on the sensations of the patient. If he painfully perceives strong pressure or claps, then, of course, they should be abandoned. With emphysema, the opposite is more often the case: the patient feels more comfortable with chest compressions.

During the massage, all the techniques of classical massage are used, and their combination in various variations (see video)

  • 1) To begin with, a lubricant is applied to the massaged surface using stroking and squeezing techniques;

  • 2) Next, the massaged tissues are heated using rubbing techniques (we use all known rubbing techniques);

  • 3) After intensive rubbing, they proceed to kneading the vertebral (paravertebral) muscles, the latissimus dorsi, trapezius and shoulder girdle areas.

  • 4) Now you can carry out a slight vibration, namely: light tapping, chopping, percussion (with fingertips), pinching all over the back;

Total back massage time: 15-20 minutes.

Front chest massage

After the back massage, we move on to the massage of the front of the chest. The position of the patient is lying on his back, the roller is placed in the region of the popliteal fossa, arms along the body.

  • 1) Similar to a back massage, a chest massage from the front begins with techniques

Massage for bronchial asthma is a technique that is approved by both doctors and adherents of traditional medicine. Patients like this method of treatment more than breathing exercises or special physical education.

It is not possible to completely cure asthma, but, despite this, it is possible to alleviate its course with the help of medical procedures. Massage has a general strengthening effect, it is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The best results can be achieved if it is used in combination with drug therapy, herbal remedies and exercise therapy.

The physiotherapy procedure has a good effect on the body of an asthmatic and helps to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

Massage of the chest, as well as other parts of the body for adults and children with bronchial asthma, is prescribed to normalize the respiratory process. This is very important, because during the disease, the patient's airways narrow, and the flow of oxygen into the body decreases.

In addition, treatment and prevention through massage strengthens the body's defenses, improves blood circulation and muscle condition.

Indications and contraindications

Carrying out massage procedures is indicated for patients with intermittent and persistent course of the disease. This type of therapy is also indicated for patients with complications of asthma.

Asthma and any massage are incompatible during an exacerbation of the disease. When asthma attacks occur frequently and are very difficult, then emergency assistance is required, while massage actions can only aggravate the patient's condition.

With a mild stage of asthma, the procedure is carried out in case of the appearance of precursors of an attack in order to improve the condition or eliminate the risk of developing suffocation.

Contraindications are also:

  • tuberculosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Relative contraindications are pustular skin diseases, heart and lung failure, circulatory disorders.

Types of massage

Massages for bronchial asthma are divided into several types. One or another option is selected depending on the nature of the course of the disease.

The following massage techniques are applicable for asthma:

  • segmental;
  • classical;
  • point;
  • intensive;
  • periosteal;
  • percussion.

Most techniques are based on the use of such techniques:

  • stroking;
  • easy kneading;
  • grinding;
  • vibration actions;
  • blows.

classic look

Massage for asthma involves massaging the patient lying on his back. First, the muscles are warmed up by stroking actions, while the direction should be from the abdomen and sides to the armpits.

After the warm-up activities, they proceed to the kneading process. Such actions should be carried out carefully, bypassing the mammary glands. Next, the pectoral muscles, subclavian cavities are kneaded with the second phalanges of the fingers, while the movements should be circular. Intercostal spaces are developed with fingers, moving in a straight line or zigzag.

Then they begin to knead the collar zone and the trapezius muscle. A person needs to roll over on his stomach. The principle is the same: first warm up the muscles, then actively massage.

The large muscles of the back are kneaded with pinching movements. Particular attention is paid to intervertebral, intercostal spaces. They should be kneaded with fingertips, moving in a straight line.

After that, the person returns to the starting position, after which the chest is developed. The final step is stroking it.


This type of massage for people with bronchial asthma is significantly different from the previous one. The technique is based on the theory of the reflex relationship of the skin with organs, which states that when performing segmental techniques, a general strengthening effect is provided.

Massage is performed with the patient sitting or standing. It is important that the back is straight. Before starting the procedure, the doctor must determine which segments will be warmed up.

The principle of movement is from the lower back and chest. When using segmental technique, the following actions are applied:

  • planar stroking;
  • sliding the index and middle fingers along the spine from the lower back to the vertebrae of the cervical region;
  • the specialist rolls a fold of skin along the spine with thumbs and forefingers, imitating the movements of a saw;
  • rubbing of the skin and muscles. One palm is placed on the shoulder blade, while the other is on the opposite side, on the lower back. Oncoming movements are performed with a small application of force.

When performing this procedure, you need to actively knead the shoulder area and intercostal spaces.


This type of massage for manifestations of bronchial asthma is preferred if there are contraindications to other similar procedures. To do this, a person needs to lie on his back.

Kneading starts from the bottom of the chest. You need to massage each side separately. Next, move on to kneading the upper chest. Then the patient needs to roll over on his stomach to knead the lumbar region and shoulder blades.


This type of massage for asthma requires special skills from the massage therapist. The patient can sit or lie down. Before carrying out the procedure, you should warm up the muscles with rubbing movements, paying more attention to the chest.

The principle of percussion technique: the specialist acts on the surface of the back by tapping his fist through the second hand. The result of such actions is the contraction of the muscles of the chest.

The masseur makes strokes from the ribs to the spinal column when a person inhales, while exhaling, the manipulation is carried out in the opposite direction.

Thanks to such actions, the intercostal muscles contract better, fatigue is relieved, blood flow is normalized and sputum is easily discharged.


This massage, used in bronchial asthma, has an effect due to the activation of the points of the periosteum (periosteum) of the clavicles associated with the respiratory system.

The patient assumes a supine position. First, the specialist probes the clavicles to find the right points.

During the application of this technique, fingers make circular movements in place. Several active points are activated in one session.

This procedure is carried out every two days with a gradual increase in the number of points. If unbearable pain occurs when exposed, the pressing force should be reduced and the fingers slightly moved.


Such a manipulation is carried out if there is a feeling that an asthma attack begins. When exposed to points, the bronchi expand, breathing improves.

Let's pay attention to the points that help alleviate the symptoms in the diagnosis of "asthma":

  • between the sternum and collarbone;
  • on the sternum below the collarbone;
  • between the spine and shoulder blades;
  • under the thumb on the crook of the hand;
  • between thumb and palm.

The principle of acupressure is the performance of kneading, pressing, stroking, rubbing, pushing and vibration movements. A similar procedure can be done independently, so there are no contraindications and the risk of harm.

Features of massage for children with asthma

Massage of any type for bronchial asthma in children is carried out taking into account the well-being and age of the baby. Babies can be put in any position, it is also allowed to sit him on his knees. It is better for students to bend over or get on all fours.

The massage technique for bronchial asthma is selected individually, but it is important to act in stages:

  • Stroking should be done with palms on the back, starting from the hips.
  • Rubbing is done with palms along the back sharply, in opposite movements.
  • To warm up the shoulder blades, circular motions are used. After that, stroking the hands in the direction from below to the armpits is performed.
  • Grabbing the child with your hands, you need to connect your fingers on your stomach. Palms should slide along the stomach up to the spine. The reverse is also done.
  • Stroke the shoulders, shoulder blades and neck area, reaching the head, then in the opposite direction.
  • To do cross rubbing, you should cover the right shoulder blade with your right hand, put the other hand on the right side of the lower back. Circular movements should be done quickly, with little pressure.
  • Movements reminiscent of kneading dough. Folding your palms like a boat, you should perform pats on the chest.
  • The edges of the brushes make quick chopping movements.
  • With half-open fists, the chest is beaten, evenly passing over its entire surface.
  • To carry out the vibration procedure, the massage therapist stands behind the child, puts his fingers between the ribs, presses and makes vibrating movements with his hands.
  • The thumbs are at the spine, while the rest are on the lower back. Fingers move in the direction of the neck with finger movements.
  • Twisting actions are performed between the shoulder blades. The skin fold is grasped with two fingers and pulled to the sides, trying to connect.

How to do self-massage

Ideally, the patient should be massaged by a qualified specialist, but there are situations when it becomes necessary to help oneself.

Doctors say that an asthmatic should be aware of how to do self-massage for bronchial asthma in order to alleviate their condition.

You can reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks if you massage the neck and shoulders. Such a massage with bronchial asthma has a general strengthening effect. It also normalizes the work of the respiratory muscles and improves the mobility of the ribs.

Due to self-massage, you can relax and get rid of feelings of anxiety. For best results, listening to soothing music during the session is recommended.

The sequence of self-massage looks like this:

  • rub the chest, intercostal spaces and the sternum area;
  • massage the collar zone;
  • knead the trapezius dorsal and cervical muscles;
  • massage the anterior surface of the neck and chest muscles.

The last stage of self-massage is simple therapeutic exercises or breathing exercises.

Important nuances

  1. During a massage session, an infant or a young child is required to be laid on their knees, older children are placed on a chair.
  2. The duration of the first massage treatments is a maximum of 15 minutes.
  3. We must not forget that young patients have fragile bones. It is important to calculate the strength in advance.
  4. If the child resists at the time of the massage for asthma, then it is worth suspending or rescheduling the procedure.
  5. The doctor recommends performing some massage techniques on your own at home, subject to individual prescriptions.
  6. Parents of sick children can learn how to perform medical procedures at home. In order to prevent massage, it is enough to do it several times a month.


Massage is not a separate method of treatment, but only auxiliary. Control of its effectiveness is carried out by the attending physician.

At an early stage of the development of the disease, it is enough to carry out up to six sessions. If a severe form of the disease is diagnosed, then approximately 20 massages will be required.

In each case, the doctor prescribes a certain type of procedures, their number and frequency. Usually, for the correct massage, the help of a highly qualified specialist is required.

Massage for bronchial asthma is one of the most effective ways to perform prevention in patients with bronchopulmonary diseases, preventing relapses and pre-asthmatic conditions.

It is impossible to cure asthma completely, but with the help of massage therapy (if there are no contraindications for it), the likelihood of improving the general condition of the patient and preventing complications is significantly increased. Therapeutic massage promotes the activation of respiratory activity, increasing blood circulation and saturating tissues and organs with oxygen.

Classification of types of massage

Among the many varieties of massage, the most prominent are the following techniques:

  • hygienic;
  • segmental reflex;
  • medical;
  • cosmetic;
  • hardware technique;
  • sports;
  • self-massage.

In addition to the classic look, there are other techniques (point, using cans, Indian, etc.).

For the treatment of bronchial symptoms, THERAPEUTIC AND POINT MASSAGE OF THE CHEST are most often used. Before starting its use, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required, taking into account contraindications and the need for the procedure.

Contraindications to the procedure

Massaging actively affects almost all systems and organs, so there are contraindications for its implementation.

  • with an active acute systemic infectious process, accompanied by a febrile state;
  • chest injuries;
  • tuberculosis diseases;
  • bronchiectasis with tissue decay;
  • pneumonia and pleurisy;
  • open wound surfaces, furunculosis, hemangiomas and birthmarks at the site of the procedure;
  • malignant neoplasms of the chest.

In no case should contraindications be ignored, especially when performing massage in children, because, despite all the advantages of the procedure, sometimes it can cause significant harm to the patient. Before massaging, the patient is recommended to undergo a diagnostic examination and consult with the attending physician.

The tactics of massage procedures

Massage in bronchial asthma is necessary to activate bronchial dilatation (reflex dilatation) with subsequent improvement in breathing. The procedure must be performed in the period between attacks, which can reduce the severity and frequency of asthma. The massage technique provides for the prevention of complications while strengthening the immune system.

When carrying out manipulations in children, it is important to take into account the behavior of the child and not use force when performing the procedure. In this case, a gradual approach with elements of the game is needed.

If during the procedure the patient felt a deterioration in the condition, accompanied by nausea, dizziness and a feeling of heat, you should immediately stop the procedure and seek medical help.

Breathing exercises should be repeated at least 4 times. It is recommended to finish the massage with light stroking movements in the chest area (5-6 minutes).

It is important to bear in mind that when performing chest manipulations, it is necessary to control the patient's respiratory activity, not allowing him to hold air.

Execution Method

Massage for bronchial asthma should be carried out every day, in courses of 15 procedures. The most comfortable time is from 9 am to 1 pm. A break after eating and physical activity should be at least 1.5-2 hours. The duration of the massage is 10-15 minutes.

  1. The patient should be seated, standing behind his back and for the first 3 minutes massage only the back area with a gradual transition to the lateral surfaces of the chest and the back of the neck with light, stroking and rubbing movements.
  2. At the next stage, the patient must be laid on his stomach, additionally massaging the spinal muscles, the spaces between the ribs and the suprascapular region. Kneading, rubbing and stroking techniques are used.

  1. In the region of the spine, upwards, towards the neck, and then in a circular motion, massaging from the spine towards the shoulder blade, rubbing (spiral or rectilinear) is used. After that, stroking and kneading the spinal muscles is performed.
  2. The patient must be laid on a hard, flat surface and begin kneading and stroking the supraclavicular region and the pectoralis major muscle. In this case, the specialist should cover with his palms part of the ribs located below the diaphragmatic region and, when exhaling, lightly press on them. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times in different intercostal areas.

In children, an additional vibrational nasal massage can be performed, the technique of which consists in pronouncing a long hissing sound during an extended exhalation, for example, “uhhh,” etc. This type of massage is performed to ensure respiratory activity during an acute attack. In addition, it allows you to relax the shoulder girdle and eliminate the stiffness of the chest.

In the practice of treating bronchial diseases, a special massage technique (IMAZ) is provided, which intensively affects asymmetric zones. It can be performed in two versions:

1. Carrying out a massage of the right lung (lower part) and the left lung (upper lobe):

  • kneading should take at least 80% of the total time allotted for massage;
  • the rest of the time is devoted to rubbing with intermittent vibration;
  • first, a massage is performed on the left anterior part of the chest;
  • lumbar region;
  • back to the bottom of the right shoulder blade;
  • superficial part of the left shoulder blade.

2. Performing a massage of the right lung (upper lobe) and the left lung (lower lobe):

  • the course is no more than 5 sessions, which are held at intervals of 3 days. The duration of the session is half an hour;
  • during the procedure, in both cases, two main zones are determined in the chest area and two more from the back, which should be massaged alternately, starting from the bottom and gradually moving upwards;
  • intensive loads should not be carried out on asymmetric zones in case of acute cardiovascular insufficiency, hypertension and acute bronchial attacks.

In addition to IMAZ, a positive effect is observed in the treatment of bronchial diseases (especially in children), using acupressure.

Massage for asthma relief

Massage during an asthma attack is performed to normalize respiratory activity and improve diaphragm function. The following methods are most commonly used:

FACE MASSAGE. During suffocation, it is recommended to massage the wings of the nose. To do this, it is necessary to bend the thumbs and make oscillatory movements with the back side (at least 100-120 movements in 1 minute). In this case, the patient should take a deep breath through the mouth, and the massage movement should be performed only during a deep exhalation through the nose. You need to repeat this exercise at least 5 times.

Having tightly clamped the patient's nostrils with bent thumbs, the patient's nasal exhalation should be regulated (inhalation should be done through the mouth) and while exhaling, massage the wings of the nose with frequent oscillatory movements, repeating this exercise at least 3 times.

Massage circular movements should be performed with all fingers on both hands, sliding from the nasal back to the corners of the mouth. This action is done at least 10 times until the patient begins to feel a slight warmth.

A positive effect is noted when performing massage in the frontal region. The skin on the forehead is massaged with fingertips, starting from the middle part of the forehead towards the temporal region with circular movements at least 10 times. In addition, you can rub the skin on the forehead with a rotational movement of the palm, which should be placed in the region of the superciliary arches. The palms should move towards each other.

With the back surface of both hands, you can rub the chin area with sliding movements in the direction from the middle of the chin to the corner of the lower jaw until a slight feeling of warmth appears.

BACK MASSAGE. The masseur should stand on the side of the patient's back and feel the intercostal recesses with his fingers. While maintaining pressure, it is necessary to make vibrating movements with the hands, without changing their position. Quite often, when performing such a manipulation, the patient is tickled, but this should not stop the massage, as it normalizes breathing.

In addition, in the back area, along the scapular lines, the skin is captured with 2 fingers, pulled to the side for 1-2 seconds and connected inside by turning the brush, and then released. Such movements are repeated in the median region and in the corners of the shoulder blades no more than 4 times with periodic stroking after relaxation.

With the right technique, the patient will feel severe pain, due to which active bronchospasm is removed.

PERFORMING BREAST MASSAGE. To perform the manipulation, the patient must lie on his side (back). It is important to relax as much as possible. Initially, preparation is performed in the form of surface and planar stroking, circular warm-up, vibrations and selective massaging.

It is better to start the massage from the lower thigh with a slow arcuate rise up to the chest muscle. This technique is determined by the location of the lymphatic vessels.

Massage is performed with fingertips, from the chest to the spine. In the diaphragmatic area, warm-up is performed using continuous vibration. In conclusion, the intercostal region should be stroked rhythmically.

After that, the patient is advised to lie on his side in order to massage the anterior part of the serratus muscle with alternate stroking, kneading and rubbing. It is important to remember that it is impossible to massage the mammary gland without special preparation. In addition, attention should be paid to the intensity of exposure so as not to harm the patient.

POINT MASSAGE. It provides for the impact on the acupuncture point, which is closely interconnected with the internal system of the patient. It is desirable to perform acupressure for all age categories of patients, including children, since after its implementation, memory activation and increased efficiency are noted, which affects the assimilation of educational material. It is important to consider that acupressure relieves headaches, improves vascular tone, as well as the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and prevents the development of joint diseases. Such methods of treatment are recommended for bronchial-pulmonary symptoms and gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, they prevent the formation of gastritis and ulcers.

In order to carry out acupressure, it is necessary to press firmly on the end phalanges of the thumbs at the root of the nail. It is recommended to press downwards with your fingers on the inside of the sternum, where the jugular fossa is located, until mild pain occurs. The patient's respiratory activity should be observed after 2-4 minutes. If during this time the respiratory activity returns to normal, the pressure must be reduced. The procedure takes 5 minutes.

Another method of regulating breathing is to press strongly with any object on a point located at the base of the nose, between the nostrils. This contributes to the occurrence of cough with the release of bronchial secretions and the normalization of breathing and a gradual decrease in shortness of breath.

The basis of acupressure is characterized by three principles that provide for an individual approach to the patient, careful adherence to the recommended measures and a comprehensive solution to the problem. When performing the procedure, a person can take any position, but it is advisable to lay small children on a flat plane. Acupressure involves tapping in the back area with a gradual advance towards the chest area.

PERFORMANCE OF CANNING MASSAGE. Cupping massage is another way of emergency help during an asthmatic attack. It can be done by anyone who is close to the patient.

For this, the patient must be seated on a chair and take a medical jar. You can use silicone jars, but if they are not available, you can use the usual one - made of glass. The back of the patient is smeared with any greasy cream. A cotton turunda is wound on the forceps (tweezers, scissors, etc.), which is moistened with alcohol and set on fire. Then the burning turunda is quickly introduced into the jar, creating a vacuum, after which the jar is quickly applied to the lung area. The massage itself is performed with slow movements on the patient's back, avoiding the region of the spinal column for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Important! Before setting fire to a cotton turunda, it is necessary to carefully wring it out of excess alcohol so that the burning drops do not burn the patient.

SELF-MASSAGE. Every patient suffering from asthma should know the rules for performing self-massage during an attack.

Feeling the approach of an attack, the patient should lean forward and massage the jugular fossa in a circular motion (first to the right and then to the left). It is very important to breathe evenly, raising and lowering your shoulders.

Hands need to be relaxed and perform crossings and other movements. As you exhale, make long hissing sounds (uhhh, ahhh). This method allows you to free your breath and relax the neck and shoulder muscles, as well as eliminate stiffness in the chest area.

Massage for asthma is a means by which you can significantly improve the patient's condition, but it should be remembered that it is impossible to cure the disease with just one massage. It can only be used as an adjuvant therapy in complex drug therapy.

Bronchial asthma is considered an incurable disease, but with the help of drug therapy and adherence to the regimen, it is possible to control the disease and stop asthma attacks in a timely manner. Another method to alleviate the patient's condition is massage, which improves ventilation of the lungs, helps to eliminate bronchial obstruction and strengthens the body. The massage technique for bronchial asthma has been used for a long time, the procedure can be carried out with the help of a qualified massage therapist or on your own. Massage for asthma is indicated for both adults and children.

Massage to relieve the condition of an asthmatic can be carried out during periods of remission and during an attack. With the help of a simple procedure, you can achieve a positive effect, which, in parallel with drugs, greatly improves the patient's well-being. Massage has the following effect on the body:

  • normalizes breathing;
  • reduces the frequency of attacks of suffocation;
  • liquefies sputum and promotes its discharge;
  • relaxes the muscles of the respiratory system;
  • prevents the development of emphysema;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • strengthens the body.

During the massage, skin receptors are irritated, which transmit impulses to the brain, thus, there is an effect on the entire body as a whole. It improves not only the blood supply to all organs, especially the lungs, but also all metabolic processes.

During the massage, the tone of the muscles that are involved in the breathing process increases. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, and this is very important for self-control during an attack.

In what cases is massage contraindicated?

Any medical procedure has a number of contraindications, this also applies to massage. It cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  1. If the patient has dermatological diseases or skin lesions.
  2. In the presence of inflammatory processes in the body or chronic infections.
  3. During bleeding of any nature (massage will increase bleeding).
  4. With hypertension or at the time of high blood pressure.
  5. During periods of exacerbation of any chronic disease (this also applies to bronchial asthma).
  6. With pain of any etiology, especially cardiac.
  7. In the presence of renal, hepatic and heart failure.
  8. In a state of intoxication.
  9. If the patient has neoplasms, even if they are benign.
  10. With blood diseases.
  11. In the presence of bronchiectasis (purulent inflammation of the lungs, accompanied by irreversible deformation of the bronchi).
  12. If a person is prone to thrombophlebitis or thrombosis.
  13. With vascular pathologies (varicose veins, aneurysm, atherosclerosis).
  14. If the patient has severe mental disorders.
  15. During pregnancy.
  16. At the attack.
  17. In case of chest injury.

If the patient feels unwell during the procedure, the massage must be stopped and the cause found out. In no case should you take contraindications lightly. Massage is carried out in a course, every day, it is better to do this before lunch for 15 minutes for 15-18 days.

Massage for bronchial asthma in children under 12 years of age is carried out by sitting the child on the lap of an adult. At the same time, it is important not to scare the baby, otherwise there will be no effect from the procedure, an overexcited nervous system will not allow to achieve a therapeutic effect. For the treatment of a child, acupressure and therapeutic rubbing are used.

These methods allow you to strengthen the protective functions of the body, expand the bronchi and reduce the volume of the lungs. When massaging, it is necessary to remember about the fragile bones of the child.

Types of chest massage for bronchial asthma

There are several types of massage that are used to treat bronchial asthma:

  • Classic - used to increase overall muscle tone, improve blood circulation and ventilation of the lungs.
  • Segmental - recommended in the intervals between attacks, performed asymmetrically.
  • Intensive - alternate massage of a certain zone, is used more often in cases where other types of massage are contraindicated.
  • Percussion - promotes the removal of sputum, improves the quality of breathing, is carried out by tapping.
  • Periosteal - performed to improve lung function.
  • Pinpoint is the only technique that can be used during an asthma attack.


This type of massage is traditionally performed:

  • massage the chest area in front;
  • perform a neck massage;
  • go to the back area, stroke and knead;
  • return to the chest area;
  • finish with a breathing massage.

The session should take place in a calm environment and help to relax the patient. The hands of a specialist must be warm. The massage therapist's hands should move only in the direction from the bottom up to stimulate the outflow of lymph. If creams or oils are used during massage for asthma, they should not have a strong odor in order to avoid an attack.

The main massage session is carried out in the supine or stomach position, depending on the area being worked out, and the breathing session is performed while sitting or standing. The session usually lasts no more than 20 minutes.


It is aimed at the reflex zones of the skin associated with the work of internal organs, to eliminate pain and improve the body. It is carried out in a sitting or standing position, the back should be straight. Before the session, the doctor must determine the segments that will be affected.

The procedure is carried out along an ascending guide from the lower sections of the segments upwards. If the massage therapist performs a competent segmental impact, the massage has an amazing effect and alleviates the patient's condition.


This technique is rarely used, they begin to massage the chest from below, then alternately knead the upper part. First, the procedure is performed in front, then behind. It is used if other types of massage are contraindicated for some reason.


Percussion chest massage for asthma is performed to cleanse the bronchi of mucus. The masseur taps his fist on the pressed palm from the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. As a result of a properly performed procedure, the drainage of the respiratory tract improves, sputum is removed and asthmatic attacks are reduced.


This type of massage affects the bone segments, which are reflexively associated with the respiratory system. The patient lies first on his back, then turns over on his stomach, if the doctor's actions cause pain, the intensity of the procedure or the position of the fingers changes.


This ancient technique came from ancient China, by pressing and rubbing the doctor acts through certain points on the body on the internal organs. Acupressure for bronchial asthma can be carried out at the time of an attack to alleviate the patient's condition.

Knowing certain points allows you to stop an asthma attack, relieve spasm and make breathing easier. The impact on the points associated with the bronchi lasts only 5 minutes, but even this time is enough to improve the patient's well-being. Massage during an attack of bronchial asthma should be carried out by a professional who knows the technique.

Acupressure for asthma is used on the hands and feet, it is convenient because the patient can do it himself. Doctor's prescriptions for drug therapy must be carried out in full, massage is an additional treatment and is used as part of complex therapy.

Massage for children

In order not to scare the child, you can play with him before the massage or offer to massage him as a game, some children are afraid of the procedure and they need time to get used to it. For infants, massage is carried out according to a slightly different scheme:

  • massage begins with a gentle effect on the nasolabial triangle, moving smoothly along the cheeks under the cheekbones;
  • careful rotational movements should gradually move to the shoulders and smoothly return to the chin area;
  • then the baby should be placed on the stomach so that it rests on the elbows;
  • gently, without undue pressure, it is necessary to stretch the chest area on the back with stroking movements;
  • followed by light tingling along the spine from top to bottom;
  • the area of ​​the bronchi is worked out with light chopping blows, this contributes to the expansion of the bronchi and the separation of mucus from them, which can lead to blockage of the airways;
  • then the back should be kneaded so that the skin receptors interact well with the internal organs;
  • complete the massage to the baby with light stroking movements.

Usually the procedure is carried out for 10 minutes, it significantly improves the drainage function of the respiratory system and reduces the severity and number of attacks.

Before massage, especially in children, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is done to exclude complications that may occur with contraindications to massage. The doctor determines the duration and frequency of sessions, segments of the procedure. In severe asthma, when fluid collects in the pleura, it is forbidden to act on the chest.

After the sessions, only a doctor can determine how effective this kind of therapy is for a particular patient. Many patients can do massage on their own, especially during attacks, or parents of a child, remembering the impact points. In any case, it is necessary to periodically see a doctor to assess the dynamics of the disease.

In diseases of the respiratory tract, an effective treatment is massage for bronchial asthma. It helps not only to cope with the symptoms of respiratory failure, but prevents the risk of complications and relapses.

Purpose of therapy

Massage for bronchial asthma is prescribed in the treatment of adults and children as an additional therapy. It is an important procedure, as it allows you to achieve a positive effect.

When massaging:

During massaging of the chest, skin receptors are irritated. The impact occurs not only on the area that is warmed up by the massage therapist, but also on the whole body as a whole. There is an improvement in blood circulation, lymph outflow, the metabolic process in various systems, including the lungs.

Massage for bronchial asthma in adults and children normalizes breathing due to the impact on the departments involved in breathing. It is performed on the chest, upper shoulder girdle, abdomen, diaphragm.

During the procedure, tension is eliminated and the tone of these muscles is relieved.

For adults and children, chest massage is indicated to reduce nervous tension. Normalization of the psychological state is one of the important components of therapy for bronchial asthma.

The main types of massage

For the treatment of bronchial asthma, various chest massaging techniques are used. Depending on the degree of the disease and symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a certain type of massage for each patient.

Classic variant

During the body strengthening procedure, a classic massage is performed according to the scheme:

It is important for the massage therapist to create a relaxing, calm environment. Need hypoallergenic oil, cream.

The effect is achieved through the use of various techniques:






Cupping massage technique for bronchial asthma

The session ends with light strokes from the bottom up. The same direction should be observed during the entire procedure, as it improves lymph flow.

Respiratory therapy is started after the main massage. The patient is allowed to sit or stand. The essence of the procedure is to move the doctor's hands along the chest and back of the patient during inhalation. Upon reaching the end point, up to 6 pressing movements on the chest are made with the bases of the palms.

One session lasts at least 20 minutes. For treatment, 10-15 massage procedures are required.

Segmental massage

With segmental massage, an impact is made on a specific area subject to changes.

In this area, adults and children may experience:

    painful sensations;

    elevated temperature;


    stretch marks.

In the case of bronchial asthma, changes are observed in the area:

In the intervals between attacks, a segmental massage is prescribed. Do it in the morning, daytime (after eating after 2 hours) and a few hours before bedtime.

The impact is usually carried out in the back. The procedure begins with stroking. Segmental massage is distinguished by some special techniques.

    In the Saw exercise, the thumbs are placed along the spine. They make movements similar to the impact of a saw.

    To perform the “Fork” technique, the index and middle fingers of both hands are placed on the spinal column in the region of the sacrum. Movements are carried out up to the 7th cervical vertebra. Movements in the form of strokes and circles can be made.

    Massaging is carried out in the area of ​​the right and left shoulder blades.

    At the end of the session, the chest is stretched. The masseur strokes its surface, and then rubs the areas between the ribs. When inhaling, the hands move to the spine. Exhalation is made when the hands are removed to the sternum. When the air is completely out, the chest is gently compressed by the masseur's hands.

Massaging asymmetric zones

Massage of asymmetric zones on the chest

During this procedure, the effect is made on areas of the chest that are asymmetric. Massaging can be carried out in the region of the lower or upper lobe of the right lung in combination with the opposite lower or upper lobe of the left lung.

During the massage, the chest is divided into 4 zones. In the process, various areas are worked out in turn. First of all, the lower sections are massaged, rising higher. The chest is worked out in front, then behind. The masseur goes to the lower back, back and shoulder blades.

During the massage, kneading is more often used. But sometimes the massage therapist can rub, vibrate. The session is held for half an hour. The course lasts at least 3 procedures 2 times a week.

Percussion massage

In the course of percussion exposure, various effects are achieved.

Among them are:

    elimination of sputum;

    improvement of blood circulation;

    releasing tension from the muscles that are involved in the breathing process.

Percussion massage for bronchial asthma

Massaging is performed in a sitting or lying position. The masseur puts his hand on the chest. The fist of the second hand is tapped on the palm.

Before the procedure, a classic massage session can be performed. Then strikes are made in the area under the collarbones, the lower arch of the ribs, between the shoulder blades. At the end of the procedure, the chest is compressed.

The session lasts no longer than 10 minutes. Therapy is carried out 3 times a day at the initial stage. After that, the number of procedures is reduced to one per day for two weeks.

Additional techniques

Classical and other massage techniques for adults and children, which have been described above, are highly specialized. This suggests that such procedures can only be carried out by a person with a special education. There are methods that relate to additional types of massage therapy. They can be performed by anyone without professional training.


Acupressure for bronchial asthma is distinguished by a selective effect on various areas. During the procedure, the massage therapist marks the points for massaging.

Acupressure for bronchial asthma in children

The areas on which pressure is applied are responsible for the occurrence of seizures and complications. If the sites are chosen correctly, you can reduce the symptoms of the disease and prevent attacks.

There are three groups of points that are responsible for a person's condition with bronchial asthma:

    point K 27;

    point Lu 1;

    point B 13.

Chinese acupressure is performed using:

The impact is carried out for 3-5 minutes. A person must clearly know where the points for impact are located.

Massaging brushes

Massage of the hands with bronchial asthma

Brushes are responsible for the work of all internal organs. They are located areas, when exposed to which you can normalize the functioning of a particular organ.

Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to warm up the palms and hands. For these purposes, massage oil, cream, softening the surface of the skin is used. With light stroking and pressing movements, the brush is massaged for several minutes.

Then, an impact is made on certain points that are responsible for the functioning of the organs of the respiratory system. In bronchial asthma, massage is performed in areas where the middle and ring fingers connect. Also, the impact is on the points between the thumb and forefinger. In this case, you need to strive for the base of the thumb.

The session lasts five to ten minutes. At the end of the pressure, the areas are stroked. Then the brush must be rubbed.

In addition to the brushes, massaging is carried out in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet. In this case, acupressure is carried out on certain areas on the soles of the feet. If a person cannot contact a massage therapist, it is necessary to learn the massage technique using video tutorials.

Cupping massage is especially effective. In this case, banks are attached to certain areas responsible for bronchial asthma.

Massage is an excellent aid in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. However, it should not be used as primary therapy. In addition to medication, the doctor prescribes massage procedures. It is better if they are carried out by a specialist. In the absence of such, acupressure can be found while watching training videos.



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