Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in women. Vegetative vascular dystonia symptoms treatment

At the present stage, scientists studying this problem propose the term to denote this pathological condition autonomic dysfunction(VD), which most accurately reflects the essence of the emerging pathological changes in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a department of the nervous system that controls and regulates the work of all internal organs, helping to maintain homeostasis - the relative balance of the internal environment of the body. Another name for the ANS is the autonomic nervous system, since its activity is not subject to the will and control of human consciousness. The ANS is involved in the regulation of many biochemical and physiological processes, for example, it maintains normal body temperature, an optimal level of blood pressure, is responsible for the processes of digestion, urination, the activity of the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune systems, etc. The main sections of the ANS include: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The activity of these departments most often has the opposite effect: the sympathetic department of the ANS is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract, bladder, bronchi, increasing heart rate and increasing heart contractions, narrowing most arteries and veins of the body; The parasympathetic section of the ANS is responsible for contracting the muscles of the digestive tract, which leads to increased motility and increased secretion of the digestive glands. Also, the activity of other glands of the body (salivary, lacrimal) is activated, heart contraction slows down and weakens, arteries and veins dilate. In addition, a number of organs (intestines, bladder) have their own nervous regulation system (usually represented by nerve plexuses), which is classified as the metasympathetic division of the ANS. Normally, there should be a “relative balance” between the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments, i.e. when the effects of the work of one of the departments predominate, the effects of the work of the other are reduced. Violation of the “equilibrium” between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS leads to the development of autonomic dysfunction.

In many medical publications you can find synonyms for autonomic dysfunction: neurocirculatory dystonia, cardiac neurosis, functional cardiopathy, psychovegetative syndrome, panic attack, angioneurosis, psychovegetative neurosis, vasomotor dystonia, etc. Currently autonomic dysfunction is considered not an independent disease, but a syndrome - a set of signs - symptoms that can occur in any pathology.

Manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia (autonomic dysfunction)

Manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia very diverse. Depending on the disturbances in the functioning of one or another organ system, they are divided into several groups, although these symptoms can manifest themselves either separately or together:

  • cardiac (heart) manifestations - pain in the heart area, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), a feeling of cardiac arrest, interruptions in heart function;
  • respiratory (breathing) manifestations - rapid breathing (tachypnea), inability to take a deep breath or, conversely, unexpected deep breaths; feeling of lack of air, feeling of heaviness, congestion in the chest; sudden attacks of shortness of breath, similar to attacks of bronchial asthma, but provoked by other situations: anxiety, fear, awakening, falling asleep;
  • dysdynamic manifestations - fluctuations in arterial and venous pressure; disturbances of blood circulation in tissues;
  • thermoregulatory manifestations - unpredictable fluctuations in body temperature: it can rise to 37-38 degrees C or drop to 35 degrees C and below. Fluctuations can be constant, long-term or short-term;
  • dyspeptic manifestations - disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation or diarrhea);
  • sexual disorders, for example, anorgasmia - lack of orgasm with persistent sexual desire; various dysfunctions of the urinary system - frequent, painful urination in the absence of any real pathology, etc.;
  • psycho-neurological manifestations - weakness, lethargy, decreased performance and increased fatigue with light exertion, tearfulness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, increased sensitivity to weather changes, disturbances in the sleep-wake cycle, anxiety, shuddering during sleep, which is most often can be superficial and short-lived.

Causes VSD

The main factors causing the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia include:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. endocrine changes in the body. VD often manifests itself most clearly during periods of active hormonal changes, for example, during puberty;
  3. diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, gonads);
  4. stress, neuroses, psycho-emotional tension;
  5. organic brain damage (trauma, tumors, cerebrovascular accidents - strokes);

Classification vegetative-vascular dystonia

Unified classification vegetative-vascular dystonia still doesn't exist. Depending on changes in the cardiovascular system and changes in blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia divided into types:

  • normotensive or cardiac (heart) type, manifested by pain in the heart or associated with various heart rhythm disturbances;
  • hypertensive type, characterized by increased blood pressure in a state of stress or rest;
  • hypotensive type, characterized by low blood pressure, accompanied by weakness, fatigue, and a tendency to faint.

Depending on the predominance of activity of the sympathetic or parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, sympathicotonic, parasympathicotonic and mixed types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished. According to the nature of the flow vegetative-vascular dystonia can be permanent (with constantly present signs of the disease; develops more often with the hereditary nature of the disease), paroxysmal (occur in the form of so-called vegetative attacks) or latent (occur hidden). Autonomic attacks (vegetative-vascular crises, panic attacks) usually begin at the age of 20-40 years - this characteristic course of autonomic dysfunction for adults is more common in women. If the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system predominates in the work of the autonomic system, then a so-called sympathoadrenal attack (crisis) occurs. It usually begins with a headache or pain in the heart area, palpitations, and a flushed or pale face. Blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, body temperature rises, and chills appear. Sometimes there is unreasonable fear. If the activity of the parasympathetic department predominates in the work of the autonomic nervous system, then a so-called vagoinsular attack (crisis) develops, characterized by general weakness and darkening of the eyes. Sweating, nausea, dizziness appear, blood pressure and body temperature decrease, and the pulse slows down. Overwork, anxiety, and psycho-emotional stress cause more frequent attacks. After a crisis, a feeling of weakness, general malaise, and weakness may remain for several days. Most often, the manifestations of attacks are mixed, so the indicated division into different types (sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular) is arbitrary, but the approach to treatment is the same.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child: where does it all begin?

Most often, the disease begins in childhood. According to various sources, from 12 to 29% of children and adolescents suffer from autonomic dysfunction. This is facilitated by hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries, other pathologies of the central nervous system, and diseases of infancy. As a result, inferiority in the functioning of the ANS occurs, disorders appear on the part of various organs and systems, for example, the gastrointestinal tract (frequent regurgitation, bloating, unstable stool, decreased appetite) and the central nervous system (shallow, intermittent and short sleep with frequent awakenings) . Such children are prone to frequent colds with “temperature tails” - maintaining an elevated temperature after recovery. They do not tolerate stuffiness, heat, changes in weather, complain of headaches, difficulty breathing (most often, the so-called “unsatisfied breath”), and feel a “lump in the throat.” During puberty, autonomic dysfunction is aggravated by a mismatch between the rapid development of internal organs, the growth of the entire organism, and the lag in the formation and maturation of nervous and endocrine regulation. At this time, complaints usually arise of pain in the heart area, interruptions in heart function, palpitations, and an increase or decrease in blood pressure is recorded. Psychoneurological disorders often occur: increased fatigue, memory loss, emotional instability (tearfulness, irritability, short temper), high anxiety. In adults, symptoms appear vegetative-vascular dystonia provoked and aggravated by the presence of various chronic diseases, stress, personal characteristics, hormonal changes associated, for example, with pregnancy.

Diagnostics vegetative-vascular dystonia

How to recognize vegetative-vascular dystonia? If you turn pale or blush easily, you often feel dizzy, your vision becomes dark, especially after sudden movements or standing up, you experience a paroxysmal headache, increased sweating, a rapid or slow heartbeat, a feeling of interruptions in the heart function, a feeling of difficulty breathing, you feel cold or your arms and legs go numb, you get tired quickly, your performance is reduced, you often feel weak, tired - most likely you have vegetative-vascular dystonia and you need to see a doctor.

Due to the variety of symptoms, making a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is difficult and requires a specialist, this could be a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, to exclude or diagnose various diseases accompanied by similar symptoms. In this case, such diagnostic methods are used as electrocardiography (ECG), daily recording of an electrocardiogram, rheovasography - a method of graphically recording pulse fluctuations in the blood supply of blood vessels in organs and tissues. The gastrointestinal tract is examined using gastroscopy, which allows one to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa using an endoscope (a tubular optical instrument with a lighting device). To study the nervous system, electroencephalography is performed - a method of graphically recording bioelectrical impulses of the brain; computed tomography is a research method in which images of a certain layer (section) of the human body (for example, the head) are obtained using X-rays.

With the help of CT, it is possible to record the smallest changes in the absorption of rays, which in turn allows you to see what is not visible on a regular X-ray; the radiation dose with CT is significantly lower than with a conventional X-ray. It is worth mentioning nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a diagnostic method (not associated with x-rays), which allows one to obtain a layer-by-layer image of organs on a computer in various planes and to construct a three-dimensional reconstruction of a certain area of ​​the body. For NMR, various pulse sequences have been developed for imaging the structures under study, which make it possible to obtain optimal contrast between normal and altered tissues. Based on the examination data and the totality of external manifestations of the disease, a final diagnosis is made and treatment tactics are selected.

Treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia

Prevention and treatment of autonomic dysfunction should begin in childhood and adolescence. It is a mistaken belief that autonomic dysfunction is a condition that reflects the characteristics of a growing organism, which goes away on its own over time. It has already been proven that arising in childhood or adolescence autonomic dysfunction, is an unfavorable background and a harbinger of many diseases. In adults, the presence of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia requires, first of all, the exclusion of various diseases, the course of which is accompanied by dysfunction of the ANS. Among them are various diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, reproductive system disorders); many mental disorders (from neurosis, neurasthenia to diseases caused by significant changes in brain structures). In addition, almost all chronic diseases are accompanied by symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is why timely contact with a specialist is so necessary. With timely correction of autonomic disorders, sleep and appetite are normalized in 80-90% of women, many complaints disappear or are significantly reduced, and the body’s adaptive capabilities are restored. During treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia non-drug methods are widely used: normalization of lifestyle, physical therapy, country walks, tourism, spa treatment, hardening procedures, psychophysical training, outdoor recreation. The complex use of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures is carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Daily regime. You definitely need to get enough sleep. The duration of sleep can be varied individually, but on average it should be at least 8-9 hours a day. Chronic lack of sleep itself causes various disorders in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems or can cause the appearance and aggravation of symptoms of existing VD. The bedroom should not be hot or stuffy. Do not rest on too soft or hard mattresses and pillows. It is better to sleep on orthopedic mattresses and pillows that promote the most physiological position of the body and head.
  2. Optimization of work and rest. You should alternate mental and physical stress, use various methods of psychological relaxation, and auto-training. If possible, reduce the time spent watching TV shows and working on the computer. If this is not possible, preventive breaks when working with a computer, eye exercises, etc. are required. Quitting smoking is mandatory.
  3. Physical education classes. Optimal for VD are swimming, water aerobics, walking, skiing, country walks, and hiking. With these types of loads, the heart muscle and blood vessels are trained, and blood pressure is stabilized. A woman becomes less dependent on weather changes, tolerates physical activity better, and the body’s adaptation to the environment and external stimuli increases. Game sports are good if they are carried out in the fresh air, not for the result, but for the sake of pleasure. They promote psycho-emotional relaxation and have a general strengthening effect on the body. Among the exercise machines, it is best to use a bicycle ergometer, a treadmill, a stepper, and a rowing machine. Exercises on simulators where the head is below chest level and exercises are performed upside down are contraindicated due to the risk of fainting and deterioration of well-being. Martial arts, strength gymnastics, bodybuilding, aerobics with high jumps, and somersaults put a significant strain on the cardiovascular system. Exercises with a large amplitude of movement of the head and torso, sharp and quickly performed movements, and exercises with prolonged static effort should be avoided. If you do engage in these sports with vegetative disorders, reduce the intensity of the load as much as possible, refuse sparring, control your breathing and heart rate when performing exercises. It is not recommended to participate in any serious competitions. In addition, during exercise you should not experience discomfort, excessive fatigue, or irritability. The main criterion for control is your well-being. Physical education should give you only positive emotions and pleasure from physical movement.
  4. Nutrition correction. The intake of potassium and magnesium salts into the body should be increased. These substances participate in the conduction of nerve impulses, improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, and help restore the disturbed balance between the parts of the ANS. Potassium and magnesium are found in buckwheat, oatmeal, soybeans, beans, peas, apricots, rose hips, dried apricots, raisins, carrots, eggplants, onions, lettuce, parsley, and nuts. For the hypotonic type of VD, products that increase vascular tone are recommended: milk, kefir, tea, coffee. For the hypertensive type of VD, it is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt, tea, coffee, marinades and pickles and include in your diet foods that reduce vascular tone: barley porridge, beans, carrots, lettuce, spinach, cottage cheese. For the normotonic type of VD, the diet should include foods that improve blood flow and reduce vascular spasm: vegetable oils, citrus fruits, a moderate amount of spices.
  5. Physiotherapy. The range of physiotherapeutic procedures is different: electrophoresis on the cervical spine with medicinal solutions; sinusoidal modulated currents, applications of paraffin and ozokerite to the cervical-occipital region. These procedures are also aimed at restoring the balance in the activity of the main parts of the ANS, normalizing the functioning of blood vessels and nerve conduction, and improving metabolism and blood circulation in organs and tissues. Recently, red and infrared laser radiation in combination with magnetotherapy (on the liver, paravertebral, and subscapular areas) have been used to treat patients with VD. This improves metabolism in cells, blood flow, and reduces pain in the heart area, however, it is better not to use this type of influence in case of hypotonic type of VD, as it can provoke the development of fainting and dizziness. Water procedures have a general strengthening effect on the body, therefore, for all types of VD, contrast baths, fan and circular showers, hydromassage, and swimming are recommended. In addition, for the parasympathicotonic type of VD, salt-coniferous and radon baths are used, and for the sympathicotonic type, carbon dioxide, chloride and sulfide baths are used.
  6. Acupuncture and various types of massage: for the parasympathicotonic type of VD - superficial massage at a fast pace, rubbing, vibration massage. For the sympathicotonic type - a soothing massage at a slow pace, kneading the collar area. For mixed types of autonomic disorders - a combination of these massage techniques.
  7. Herbal medicine. For disorders of the parasympathicotonic type, herbal stimulants are used: eleutherococcus, ginseng, zamanikha, aralia, leuzea, various diuretic herbs and herbs (bearberry, juniper, lingonberry). For disorders of the sympathicotonic and mixed types - sedative (calming) herbs and herbs: valerian, motherwort, sage, mint, lemon balm, hops, peony root. Herbal medicine treatment regimens are prescribed by the attending physician.
  8. Psychological correction. The personal factor plays a major role in the development and course of VD. A sanguine person, for example, is the most resistant to the occurrence of VD. He is less susceptible to stress, tolerates illness more easily, and recovers faster. Melancholic and choleric people are most vulnerable to the development of autonomic disorders. Such patients should, if possible, avoid excessive emotional stress and respond correctly to stressful situations. They will be helped by calming herbs, auto-training, relaxation methods, psychotraining, and resolving psychological problems. Sometimes family psychotherapy is required, the purpose of which is to normalize a person’s relationships with others and relieve psychological stress.
  9. Sanatorium-resort treatment gives good results.
  10. Drug treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. It includes: potassium and calcium supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes, vascular drugs, nootropics (drugs that improve nutrition, metabolism and the functioning of brain cells), antidepressants, etc.

In order not to find yourself helpless in a difficult situation, it is best to learn how to cope with vegetative-vascular attacks (crises) on your own.

  • Take 20 drops of Valocordin or CORVALOL.
  • For palpitations and increased blood pressure, take one tablet (40 mg) of PROPRANOLOL (another name for the drug ANAPRILIN, OBZIDAN).
  • To relieve nervous excitement, you need to take 1-2 tablets of DIAZEPAM (RELANIUM) under the tongue (for quick and complete absorption).
  • If you are breathing rapidly, it is best to take a paper bag into which you will exhale and from there inhale air enriched with carbon dioxide, which will normalize your breathing.

A patient who has learned to cope with an attack on her own reduces the anxiety of anticipating new attacks. One of the forms of vegetative attacks is fainting - a sudden short-term loss of consciousness, accompanied by severe pallor, a significant weakening of breathing and blood circulation. It is caused by a temporary disturbance of vascular tone, blood outflow from the brain and a drop in blood pressure. Usually, fainting occurs during severe emotional disturbance, in a stuffy room, etc. Precursors of fainting are pale skin, difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, ringing and noise in the ears, nausea. Then a loss of consciousness and a fall occurs (some women can anticipate the onset of fainting and manage to prevent the fall, i.e., sit up in time with support on their back, unfasten constricting clothing, etc.). Cold sweat appears on the forehead, breathing becomes shallow and slow, the pulse is rapid and weak, the hands and feet are cold. Most often, fainting does not last long. After a few minutes consciousness is restored.

First aid for fainting

First of all, you need to unfasten the collar, belt and loosen everything that restricts breathing, lay the patient down so that the head is lower than the body, or you can raise the legs (this way the blood flows better to the head). There is no need to fiddle with the victim or try to lift her. You need to open a window, a window, and, if necessary, take it out into the air. You should spray your face with cold water and warm your feet, for example, if possible, apply a heating pad to your feet. You cannot get up quickly after fainting, as you may lose consciousness again. After the return of consciousness, it is useful to give the person strong sweet tea or coffee, valerian drops.

Forecast vegetative-vascular dystonia

The prognosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is favorable; often its manifestations remain forever in childhood. However, without prevention and treatment, vegetative-vascular dystonia can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure, which changes the structure and functions of various internal organs; to disturbances in digestive processes, etc.. When vegetative-vascular dystonia It is necessary to conduct regular (usually seasonal) courses to prevent exacerbations, for which herbal medicine, vitamin therapy, massage, physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and sanatorium treatment are prescribed.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a scourge of the 21st century. Most people faced with such a disorder are unaware of the causes of its occurrence and possible consequences. To be fully armed, you need to know the enemy by sight and be able to stand up for the health of your body.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a pathology, but a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, characterized by unpleasant symptoms and poisoning life. Such an unpleasant illness can haunt a person for a long time, who is characterized by suspiciousness, impulsiveness, touchiness, and anxiety.

Often this disorder goes undetected because it masquerades as many different diseases, and is usually mistakenly treated with unnecessary medications. Such dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can occur after prolonged experiences, stress, serious loss, overexertion, illness, surgery, severe fright, concussion, injury and a number of other reasons.

Most often, young people aged 15 to 45 years suffer from VSD. It is during this period that a person faces overstrain at school, college, at work, becomes a parent and experiences the first strong feelings in a relationship. Many of these “lucky ones” are not even aware of problems with the nervous system, attributing their symptoms to chronic fatigue, and intensively begin to search for the disease in their body, alternating between different doctors. But, usually, such walks do not lead to a positive result, because drug treatment does not give a lasting result for VSD.

Interesting fact!

Today, about 80% of the population suffers from VSD in various manifestations.

Signs of VSD

It is worth mentioning that symptoms occur due to increased production of hormones by the adrenal glands - adrenaline and cortisol. This phenomenon can cause a feeling of lack of air, rapid heartbeat, pressure surges, nausea, vomiting, trembling, cold sweat, lightheadedness, darkening of the eyes, alternating flashes of cold and heat, severe pressing pain in the head and heart, numbness of the limbs. The set of symptoms is called a panic attack, which occurs suddenly and lasts in fits and starts, causing a person to fear death.

Often such people in a panic call an ambulance, but when the doctors arrive, the condition stabilizes without medication; sometimes the patient just needs a paramedic to measure his blood pressure. Having seen a positive result on the tonometer, a person calms down and understands that if the doctor is nearby, then he is safe, but he is afraid of a second attack. Such fear can give rise to new panic attacks, because the patient is in a waiting mode for symptoms, and thanks to a suspicious psyche, he receives a new portion.

Another part of people suffering from VSD may not experience panic attacks, but suffer from a constant headache that goes away during sleep and resumes after waking up. Having become accustomed to this condition, such people begin to abuse painkillers and risk developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A competent doctor will immediately distinguish VSD from other pathologies, since the results of tests and examinations of such a patient will not reveal any abnormalities. The most correct outcome would be to refer the patient to a psychotherapist who, without medication, will help cope with a disorder of the autonomic nervous system.


During an attack of VSD, a person’s blood pressure can reach 220/100, and the pulse can reach 200, but this does not indicate pathologies of the body, but is explained by a sharp release of the hormone - adrenaline.

How to get rid of VSD forever - folk recipes

  • beets applied to the temples will help get rid of headaches. Cut it into two parts and apply it to your head for 5-7 minutes;
  • juice from beets, cucumbers and carrots will successfully cope with the symptoms of VSD. Drink a glass of this fresh juice in the morning;
  • medicinal herbs such as lemon balm, oregano, valerian, chamomile, mint, hawthorn and calendula have proven themselves in the fight against VSD. By using them in different combinations or separately, you can reduce tension in the body, pain in the heart and head. Such infusions are recommended to be taken twice a day, instead of regular tea;
  • Mustard baths can improve blood circulation. Add 5 tablespoons to a hot bath whose water temperature is 40 degrees. Do a five-minute session, and then lie down in bed and wrap yourself in a blanket;
  • A cup of black tea with cognac will help cope with tension in the head, but you should not abuse this drink.

Thanks to such simple folk recipes, you can avoid deterioration of well-being due to VSD, and with their constant use, you can completely forget about the disease


If you are a sensitive person suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, then you should change your lifestyle, and in particular this concerns nutrition.

You should eat foods rich in protein and vitamins. Particular attention should be paid to citrus fruits. They are antioxidants that can remove toxins and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Don't forget about bananas, dried apricots, nuts and greens, which are rich in magnesium and B vitamins, which are necessary for a weakened nervous system.

Any cereal also contains this microelement. Of course, you need to completely avoid drinking alcohol, as it can cause an attack of worsening of the condition; instead, drink more freshly squeezed juices. As for tea, you should make sure what your blood pressure is. If it is high, then focus on green; if pressure is low, focus on black.

Any spicy foods and dishes can cause burning and pain in the chest, which causes anxiety in suspicious people, so adjust your intake of spicy foods. Consider herbs and mild spices to help improve circulation and stabilize your condition. Stay hydrated, remember that drinking 2 liters of water a day will help the body get rid of toxins faster and also keep your skin, nails and hair hydrated.


To avoid deterioration of well-being during VSD, you should follow a few simple rules of prevention:

  1. Eat right.
  2. Avoid stressful situations.
  3. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule.
  4. Take a contrast shower
  5. Don't overheat in the sun.
  6. Use herbal infusions.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Eliminate alcohol and cigarettes.
  9. Learn breathing exercises.

By following these simple rules, you can forget about VSD forever.

When faced with an attack of VSD, remember that this is not a fatal disease, and the unpleasant condition will go away in the near future. Try to calm down, do breathing exercises, and distract your thoughts to pleasant moments. If you feel very unwell, take a hot foot bath. Changing temperatures in the extremities will help the blood vessels dilate, which will improve blood flow to the head.

If the condition worsens, it is necessary to consult a doctor to rule out serious pathologies that may masquerade as VSD. Take note of the Kuznetsov applicator. If you lie on it every day for 10 minutes, it will improve blood circulation and serve as a prevention for many diseases in the field of neurology.

It is advisable to take vitamins during the period of remission, and during a panic attack, you can resort to pharmaceutical tinctures or validol, which will quickly relieve discomfort.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia is spreading exponentially, as the environment is suffering increasing losses, so you need to know the rules of prevention and assistance for this disease and pay more attention to your body. We have one life and we need to live it without stress and anxiety.

The treatment of VSD should be treated responsibly, since the consequences of this disease can be very serious. More precisely, vegetative-vascular dystonia is correctly called not a disease, but a symptom complex that occurs when the functioning of various vital systems is disrupted.

The main emphasis is not on medication, but on physiotherapeutic procedures, proper daily routine, good nutrition and sufficient rest. But the use of certain drugs that perform sedative functions is important as an additional therapeutic agent.

However, people are interested in what kind of treatment (treatment) will help them overcome VSD on their own and what medications should be used for this.

VSD should not be underestimated

So, the basics of non-drug treatment of VSD are as follows:

  • Eliminate as much as possible factors that can provoke the disease.
  • Balance the ratio of rest and work (so that sleep lasts 8 hours and no less).
  • Physical activity must be adequate - you cannot engage in professional sports, but amateur exercises will be necessary.
  • Carrying out procedures that harden the body.
  • A rational and healthy diet, where fortified foods with potassium are preferred. It is advisable to replace animal fats with vegetable fats, and forget about marinades, brines and caffeinated products.
  • Massage the head, back area, and collar area.
  • Do not forget about the benefits of aromatherapy, as well as herbal medicine.

When is drug treatment for vegetative-vascular dystonia required? If non-drug therapy does not help and symptoms continue to worsen. The following drugs are usually used:

  • herbal medicines, as well as herbal infusions infused with alcohol;
  • tranquilizers prescribed in cases of severe emotional stress, anxiety or phobia;
  • nootropic agents that activate the cognitive functionality of the brain, stimulate the implementation of energy processes, improve cerebral blood supply;
  • neuroleptics, that is, antipsychotic drugs that control the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • cerebroangiocorrectors that improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • antidepressants.

The doctor must prescribe medications, regimen and dosage - you cannot do this yourself. Often you have to take one course and - after a break - another.

Classification of drugs

Medicines for vegetative-vascular dystonia are usually classified as follows:

  • drugs that correct the functioning of the autonomic system;
  • means that relieve symptoms of the disease (associated with disruption of various body systems).


Among the most popular sedatives it is worth noting:

  • products containing hawthorn and/or valerian, such as Persen or Novo-passit;
  • medicines containing bromide, such as Bromcamphor;
  • preparations containing peony extract and/or Validol;
  • products containing barbiturates, such as Corvalol or Valocordin.

Validol is also used in the treatment of VSD

Improvement of the cardiovascular system

Of the drugs that improve the functioning of cardiovascular organs, it is worth focusing on:

  • antihypertensives, such as beta-blockers and sympatholytics;
  • antiarrhythmics, like Asparkam or Panagin;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain, such as Vinpocetine.

Positive effect on the central nervous system

When treating VSD, drugs that have a positive effect on the central nervous system are also taken. In particular, it makes sense to trust:

  • antipsychotics like Sonopax and Melleril;
  • tranquilizers like Grandaxin and Seduxen;
  • sleeping pills, such as Sonnat and Doxylamine;
  • antidepressants like Amitriptyline and Azafen;
  • nootropics like Piracetam;
  • psychostimulants like caffeine.

In addition, the central nervous system can be treated:

  • adaptogens (ginseng extract is especially good);
  • diuretics (lingonberry, nettle, juniper);
  • products containing calcium (gluconate, as well as calcium hydrogen phosphate);
  • vitamins and antioxidants;
  • products containing garlic.

The drug Glycine is very useful for those who want to learn how to treat VSD. It is he:

  • improves memorization;
  • eliminates excitability;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • relieves astheno-neurotic effects.

Sometimes nootropics are prescribed that have a sedative effect.


Finally, speaking about what drugs to treat dystonia, one cannot help but recall the need for vitamin therapy. Groups A, B and E are especially recommended. General stimulating functions can be performed by kelp, dandelion and nettle.

In the case of tachyarrhythmia, the use of Barboval and Corvaldin helps.

As for homeopathic remedies, there are positive reviews about Pumapne and Neurohel. These medications have an excellent sedative, antispasmodic, and vasodilator effect.

If VSD is accompanied by high blood pressure and tachycardia, the use of beta-blockers and Reserpine will help.

Barboval helps cope with tachyarrhythmia

In cases where the patient suffers from migraines, weakness, dizziness and neurological disorders, the doctor prescribes vascular drugs, including myotropic antispasmodics.

People suffering from dystonia often experience intracranial hypertension. In this case, diuretics are effective when combined with drugs containing potassium (with the same Panangin). Long-term use of diuretic herbs is recommended.

Improvement of the autonomic system

Antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and, in addition, antidepressants can have a positive effect on the autonomic system. These same drugs successfully cope with panic attacks, which often accompany dystonia.

There is also a lot to be said about the benefits of nootropics that improve blood flow and nervous metabolic processes. When intelligence deteriorates due to illness and memory problems arise, Vinpocetine will help improve microcirculation in the brain.

And neuroleptics have vegetotropic properties, due to which the impact of external stimuli on the body is reduced and they have an antipsychotic effect.

Since the described disease is accompanied by neuroses, taking tranquilizers reduces anxiety, relieves fear, restores proper sleep and helps relieve seizures. Finally, their use helps if cardialgia is diagnosed.

Sleeping pills are taken when sleep is disturbed, but this is only allowed for a short time.

Thanks to antidepressants, it will be possible to relieve asthenia and improve your mood. The functioning of the parasympathetic system is weakened. But increased irritability and excessive temper can be dealt with through a combination of antipsychotics and antidepressants.

As for tablets that help treat vegetative-vascular dystonia, the doctor can prescribe antioxidants, like Mexidol. Taking it will improve memory, enhance mental activity and enhance immune mechanisms. The patient's body becomes less susceptible to harmful agents. In addition, this drug has very low toxicity rates.

Injections for treatment

The list of medications for VSD, as a rule, does not include injections. Of course, it will not be possible to completely cure the disease immediately, but it is possible to achieve certain positive effects on the path to recovery.

Medicines that require injections have high rates of effectiveness and excellent performance. Accordingly, the components are more likely to end up in the blood, after which the desired effect is produced.

The doctor may prescribe Actovegin injections

In particular, it is possible to prescribe Actovegin, especially when it is necessary to strengthen blood vessels, normalize metabolism and saturate tissues with oxygen (since the drug is rich in fatty acids and minerals). It is important that the patient does not have contraindications to the use of this drug, such as pulmonary edema, heart failure and individual intolerance. The product is not addictive.

Treatment of polymorphic disorders

What pills will help get rid of polymorphic disorders of the autonomic system? For this purpose, tranquilizers that have a sedative effect are taken. There are good reviews, in particular, about Phenazepam and Relanium. Antidepressants work no less effectively - for example, Azafen or Amitriptyline.

Finally, do not forget about the drugs that stimulate the reticular formation in the brain stem - the same Diphenin and Finlepsin.

Improved metabolism

Is it possible to cure VSD once and for all? In principle, this is possible if you start a therapeutic course prescribed by a qualified doctor, promptly and strictly follow medical recommendations.

Patients with pronounced sympatho-adrenal reactions are prescribed small dosages of beta-blockers. For example, the use of Inderal and Visken normalizes autonomic tone, improves sleep and reduces excitability.

Nootropics are needed to activate metabolic processes. Products made from vinca alkaloids have a vasodilating effect and a sedative effect.

The doctor prescribes vasoactive tablets such as Papaverine, Trental and Nihexin as angioprotectors and antispasmodics. Thanks to their use, circulation is significantly improved.

Riboxin: what is it useful for?

There are many positive reviews on the Internet about the use of Riboxin for VSD. What exactly does it improve? First of all, metabolic processes, which is important, since metabolism with the described symptom complex seriously deteriorates.

There are many positive reviews about Riboxin in the treatment of VSD

Patients confirm that the drug eliminates vascular spasms, relieves attacks of arrhythmia and strengthens the body.

In cases where the patient does not have enough air, he should take this medicine (according to the instructions) and soon he will feel relief.

Is there a better remedy?

It is difficult to name one best remedy for VSD, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the specific symptoms that torment him. In addition, how to treat and what medications to take is decided by a qualified psychiatrist, cardiologist and/or therapist. In order to treat the described disease, it is sometimes necessary to visit a number of doctors.

Respiratory syndrome is treated with Valocardin, Validol, or a tincture made from valerian. If cardiac syndrome becomes severe (that is, accompanied by tachycardia and severe pain), beta-blockers and calcium antagonists will again help.

No less effective is a glucose-insulin-potassium solution, which is infused through a dropper daily. The approximate course of treatment is a week. Can be combined with other medications.

Don't trust advertising!

If on the Internet or on TV some advertising beautifully talks about tablets for VSD, this does not mean that you need to run as soon as possible to the pharmacy and purchase this new remedy for the disease.

  • Firstly, you should not drink anything without prior permission from your doctor.
  • Secondly, a new medicine means it has not yet been tested. Accordingly, it is impossible to say how it acts in the long term on the body, or whether it has any side effects.

Whatever medicine you would like to purchase and start taking under the influence of advertising - Anthonycin, Riboxin or Panangin - do not do this until your doctor prescribes it.

This is a curable disease!

remember, that VSD is curable - it can and should be fought to not just get rid of symptoms, but to cope with the disease forever. There are remedies for this disease, and the doctor who diagnosed you will prescribe them based on symptoms, the form of dystonia and individual characteristics.

A healthy lifestyle is the best prevention of VSD

Along with the use of medications, we must not forget about the importance of a proper daily routine, healthy eating and regular exercise.

The question of how to treat VSD in order to forget about unpleasant manifestations forever interests all patients with this diagnosis. It is difficult to fight vegetative-vascular dystonia on your own. The disease can only be cured using an integrated approach.

What should be done

Your doctor will give you an exact answer to the question of how to get rid of VSD. After discovering specific symptoms, you need to go not to a thematic forum, but to “your” therapist. Depending on how NCD manifests itself, the doctor gives a referral to:

  1. Neurologist.
  2. Psychologist.
  3. To a psychotherapist.
  4. Cardiologist.

A specialized specialist prescribes a set of measures to get rid of VSD forever.

Clarifying the diagnosis

To get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever, you need to clarify the root cause. The patient is prescribed:

  • passing a cardiogram;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Dopplerography of cerebral vessels;
  • blood chemistry.

In the treatment of this condition, only an individual approach is used.

How you can help

The fight against VSD involves normalizing the brain centers that control the functioning of the cardiovascular system. How to defeat VSD? In order to cure vegetative vascular dystonia, the patient is usually prescribed psychotherapy. But if severe symptoms appear with VSD, then at the very beginning of treatment only potent drugs can help.

Undergoing drug therapy

How to deal with VSD with the help of medications should be checked with your doctor. It is important to remember that such a serious condition as vegetative vascular dystonia in adults does not imply uncontrolled use of medications. Otherwise the situation will only get worse.

Usually help to overcome VSD:

  1. Nootropic medications.
  2. Sedatives.
  3. Antidepressants.
  4. Tranquilizers.
  5. Vitamins.

Use of nootropics

Reviews from many patients, which abound in the thematic forum, say that the disease can be successfully treated with nootropics. These medications help improve blood supply to the brain and normalize its activity.

Many people get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the help of Phenibut. This medicine improves attention and strengthens memory.

Use of sedatives

Such unpleasant symptoms of VSD as insomnia and nervous tics are treated with sedatives. If you read the thematic forum, you will find out that some patients manage to cope with these manifestations of the disease with the help of tinctures of Motherwort, Barboval and Validol.

Use of antidepressants

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is often accompanied by depressive symptoms, as well as apathy and hypochondria. To relieve these symptoms, the patient is prescribed the following:

  • Remeron;
  • Valdoxana;
  • Selectra;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Pyrazidol.

Is it possible to get rid of specific symptoms forever? The answer to this question is clear: antidepressants only relieve symptoms, which helps to temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition.

Use of other medications

To normalize the cardiovascular system, drugs such as Mexidol and Tenoten are prescribed.

Mexidol relieves anxiety and has a good effect on the blood vessels of the brain. Dopamine levels increase, and the patient's resistance to shock increases.

Tenoten has a good effect on the cardiovascular system. Anxiety decreases, dizziness goes away.

To normalize the cardiovascular system, drugs such as Phenibut and Phenazepam are also prescribed.

Conducting psychotherapy sessions

How to cure VSD once and for all? The patient will be told about this during psychotherapy sessions. If the illness is characterized by a relatively mild course, then the patient can benefit from the advice of a psychologist.

Having established the exact cause, the specialist will give recommendations on how to cope with VSD. When the psychological state is normalized, dystonia has appeared and will recede.

  • fight against phobias;
  • relief from stress;
  • getting rid of PA.

Some patients are prescribed group training. Here, patients work together to combat dystonia. How many specific psychotherapy sessions are needed depends on the severity of the clinical picture.

Features of home treatment

VSD can be treated at home using herbal medicine. Herbal remedies help a lot.

It is allowed to take Panangin, Asparkam. They can be combined with other magnesium and potassium drugs.

You can get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever by reviewing your daily routine. If the body copes well with stress, it is allowed to play sports. Strength training should be abandoned in favor of swimming and running.

Jogging is contraindicated for people with heart problems. They should be replaced with intense walking. The distances should be small at first. After walking 150-200 steps, you must stop and rest.

A person who has been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia will be able to get rid of it forever at home if he sticks to a diet.

Unconventional treatment

How else can vegetative vascular dystonia be treated? Traditional medicine is often combined with:

  1. Acupuncture.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Massage manipulations.

How to overcome pain? To relieve discomfort, the patient is often prescribed acupuncture. This procedure helps relieve pain, calm and improve microcirculation. Discomfort usually goes away after 1-2 sessions.

If you have been diagnosed with VSD, how to deal with individual unpleasant manifestations of the disease? The patient is prescribed electrophoresis and magnetic therapy.

In order to restore cognitive functions, the patient is prescribed a massage of the collar area. You can do it yourself. How many sessions may be needed depends on the patient's condition.

The use of folk remedies

Answering the question of how to get rid of the hypotonic form of the disease forever, the doctor may recommend taking tinctures:

  1. Lures.
  2. Chinese lemongrass.
  3. Sandy immortelle.

When it comes to dosage, you should not rely on the forum. It is selected individually.

Mesnick technique

Mesnik, who once defeated this disease, has a unique technique. He believes that salvation from VSD lies in the hidden capabilities of the patient himself.

Answering the question of how to get rid of dystonia forever, the doctor advises performing simple breathing training. This helps regulate blood pressure.

Attack assistance

You can remove the symptoms of an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia on your own. The patient must be provided with maximum rest. In order to help him get rid of unpleasant sensations, you need to place him in a dimly lit room.

Valerian tincture works well against PA. It can be replaced with Corvalol, Valocorlin, or peony tincture. If you cannot cope with the symptoms, you should call an ambulance.

The doctor may prescribe a drug that improves blood circulation in the brain or has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.


Vegetative vascular dystonia can be treated at home only under the supervision of a doctor. You cannot get rid of the symptoms of an illness using dubious methods.

Hello dear readers! Do you know what kind of disease vegetative-vascular dystonia is?

This pathology has many more terms: vasomotor dystonia, angioneurosis, panic attack, psychovegetative syndrome, functional cardiopathy, cardiac neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia, autonomic dysfunction, etc.

In many countries around the world, an increasing number of the population suffers from symptoms of a seemingly “non-existent” disease. However, doctors from all countries have come to the same conclusion - vegetative-vascular dystonia is not some other thing, but a pathological condition of the body, characterized by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Now let’s find out what functions the autonomic nervous system (VNS) performs. First of all, it ensures the regulation and control of the functions of all internal organs, and also helps maintain homeostasis (the physiological balance of the internal systems of the body) and, finally, takes part in the regulation of a large number of processes of a physiological and biochemical nature.

The system is responsible for the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle (HR), the process of urine formation, sweating, and heat transfer; the release of insulin and adrenaline into the blood, the activity of the digestive system, the width of the pupils and bronchi, blood pressure levels and much more.

To summarize, we can confidently note that all systems of our body are under the control of the autonomic nervous system: excretory, circulatory, endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, and so on.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Some experts argue that vegetative-vascular dystonia cannot be an independent disease, but a syndrome of some other disorder in the body: from physical or mental fatigue to diseases that require treatment.

Depending on which signs predominate, VSD is divided into three types: bradycardic, tachycardic and cardiac. Cardiological (heart) type is expressed in the form of stabbing, sharp pain in the heart area, which can occur not only during physical activity, but also in a state of complete rest.

These pains are long-lasting and aching in nature and are repeated with a certain frequency. As a rule, young people of asthenic physique who do not tolerate physical activity well, are physically underdeveloped and untrained are prone to cardiac syndrome.

Tachycardia syndrome mainly affects older patients. They complain of palpitations due to an increase in the number of heart contractions - more than 90 beats per minute.

The bradycardic type of VSD is much less common and is characterized by a decrease in heart rate to 40, or even lower, beats per minute. Such patients experience a pre-fainting state and complain of dizziness, which worsens with physical activity. The syndrome is accompanied by irritability and a frequently changing emotional state.

Other symptoms of VSD: suspiciousness, anxiety, panic attack, sudden emotional swings, drowsiness, tinnitus, fainting, fainting, weakness, dizziness, headaches, etc.

Reasons for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The main cause of VSD is a hereditary predisposition factor. The formation of a child's personality, the development of his brain and central nervous activity can be significantly influenced by frequent stress and increased nervousness of the mother during pregnancy.

In adolescents and children, the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia is provoked by a sedentary lifestyle, endocrine system disorders, chronic diseases, emotional stress, and conflict situations.

As for mature people, the triggering of the VSD mechanism occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. It is for this reason that females suffer from this disease much more often than males.

Diagnosis of VSD

When observing a patient, the attending physician is guided to diagnose the disease by the opinions of other specialists - a psychotherapist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist.

Additional studies are also carried out: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), echography, electrocardiography (ECG).

Conservative treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

After clarifying the diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes treatment for VSD - antidepressants and sedatives: amitriptyline, phenibut, diazepam, carbamazepine. Psychotropic drugs: sonapax, mezapam, nozepam, phenazepam, grandaxin.

Drugs that improve blood circulation: cinnarizine, pentoxifylline, nicotinic acid, vinpocetine. A complex of vitamins, primarily group B.

Currently, doctors recognize the drug as the most effective treatment for VSD. teraligen. It has an effective and gentle effect on the VSD. At the very beginning of the appearance of signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, there is no need to prescribe potent medications.

Along with conservative therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: acupuncture, classical massage, physical therapy (physical therapy) and water procedures.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with folk remedies

1st collection of medicinal plants from VSD

First chop, then mix four parts each of licorice and rosehip roots, three parts each valerian officinalis And St. John's wort, two parts each of angelica and leuzea roots, rhodiola and mistletoe herbs. Now take 2 tbsp from the collection. l., place in a thermos and brew 800 ml of boiling water for 8-9 hours.

You can take half a glass of infusion at any time, regardless of meals, three times a day for a course of two to three months.

2nd collection of medicinal herbs

The collection included: three parts each of the roots of St. John's wort, juniper, licorice and valerian; two parts each of dandelion roots, chicory herb. Don't forget to chop and mix all the ingredients.

Now you will need to leave two tablespoons of the mixture in four glasses of hot water in a thermos for 8-9 hours. Treatment method: half a glass a day three times for 2-3 months.

3rd collection of medicinal plants

This includes six parts of rose hips, four parts each of birch buds and dandelion roots; two parts each of meadowsweet, stinging nettle and horsetail; one part by weight of elecampane roots and peppermint leaves. Prepare and take exactly the same as in the previous recipe.

4th collection for patients with hypertension

You also need to chop and mix fifteen grams of valerian roots, plantain leaves, hawthorn flowers; ten grams of caraway seeds, peppermint leaves and common hop cones. For two glasses of boiling water - a tablespoon of the mixture. Leave for sixty minutes and filter. Drink 100 ml of infusion three times a day before meals and before bed.

5th collection of treatment of VSD with a tendency to hypotension

This collection consists of four parts each of valerian root, three parts each of oregano, trifoliate, and peppermint leaves; two parts each of eleutherococcus roots and fennel fruits. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 5-7 minutes, leave for one hour, then take half a glass of infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

Effective treatment of VSD with plant juices, wine, honey

The mixture included 200 g of red grape wine (Cahors church is best), garlic juice obtained from 15 medium-sized heads; 200 g of flower honey, a glass of lemon, radish, beet and carrot juices. We will be treated by taking a tablespoon three times a day before meals, half an hour before meals. Continue the course until the medicine runs out.

Be healthy, God bless you!
Source medical blog "Recipes of traditional medicine"



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