Halazion forecast. Features of the chalazion of the upper eyelid: effective methods of treatment

Barley, blepharitis and this phenomenon are all inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, which quite often affect small children and younger children. school age. Definitely about eye barley You know much more than about this disease. And this is quite justified, since this disease is much less common. What is this disease? How does this disease manifest itself? What are the causes of its occurrence and how to deal with it? Most likely, all of the above questions are of interest only to those parents whose children have become "hostages" this disease. However, it should be noted that this is not entirely correct. Every parent should be aware of this disease.

it inflammatory disease eye, characterized small tumor, which is formed in the thickness of the century. Typically, this disease occurs as a result of blockage of the meibomian gland. Those people who have had this disease know that it requires special treatment. There are many methods of treating this disease. Quite often, they try to get rid of it with the help of folk recipes. We all know that ethnoscience has absorbed all the knowledge regarding diseases, methods and means of treatment that are transmitted among ordinary people from generation to generation. Thanks to centuries of use, traditional medicine has already earned recognition huge amount of people.

Treatment this phenomenon possibly conservative at the onset of the disease. It consists of injections. special preparations in the region of the chalazion. But the most common treatment is surgical methods. The operation is very short - only a quarter of an hour. Local anesthesia is performed, and after surgery, a tight bandage is made on the operated eye for twelve hours. After the operation, the patient should drip the eye with the prescribed means for several days.

However, more recently, trials of the drug have been conducted in America. kenalog for resorption of the chalazion. Almost one hundred and fifty people took part in the experiment. The number of injections in each was assigned individually. But already after the first injection, in two-thirds of the patients, the chalazion decreased by eighty percent, and in another twenty percent, the size decreased after the second injection.

At the same time, during the experiment, no cases of complications were recorded. If three injections do not give any results, then it is advisable for the patient to undergo surgery.
Since one of the main causes of this phenomenon was diseases gastrointestinal tract, carry out prophylaxis with the help of biologically active additives. Corporation On average, its value is 5 - 6 mm, but it is able to grow further, which, by putting pressure on the eyeball, leads to astigmatism.
This disease is usually benign chronic course and formed at any age; often recurs after healing.

The reason for education this disease is a blockage of the excretory duct, due to inflammation sebaceous gland century, which causes the progression of the characteristic tumor.
A chalazion can also form on indoor barley soil.
In the case where the disease often recurs, mainly in adults, a biopsy is required to prevent cancer. sebaceous glands.

The reasons for the formation of a chalazion can be very different. This and the reduction protective functions organism, colds- especially hypothermia, violation of personal hygiene rules, use of contact lenses, constant touching of the organs of vision.
It can also be caused by the fact that a person, in principle, has enough oily skin: increased production of this gland. Increased secretion can cause blockage of the lacrimal outflow. This disease is not inherited - it is acquired.

Chalazion (from Greek - knot) is a pathological formation on the eyelid, developing from specific sebaceous glands (meibomian glands), which are located at the edge of the eyelid. A chalazion on the eye is formed as a result of blockage of the duct of the gland, accumulation of secretions and inflammation in it.

The only cause of this disease is blockage of the meibomian gland duct. As a result, the fat secreted by the gland cannot go outside, accumulates in the gland itself, causing it pathological increase. The accession of infection leads to an inflammatory process, which is manifested by an even greater increase in the gland.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of chalazion upper eyelid or lower eyelid:

  • chronic;
  • seborrhea;
  • oily skin.

Diseases of other organs can also provoke the appearance of a chalazion due to a change quality composition secretion of fatty glands.

Such diseases include

  • rosacea,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( chronic pancreatitis, enterocolitis, and ),
  • seborrhea.

Against the background of insufficient hygiene of the skin of the face and eyelids, chalazion is able to recur.

Symptoms of a chalazion

The disease manifests itself in the form of the formation of a small dense formation on the lower or upper eyelid. The chalazion is located in the thickness of the cartilage of the eyelid, with its palpation (feeling) there is no pain and a fairly pronounced mobility is determined. With absence medical measures the chalazion slowly grows, increasing to 4-6 mm.

On the late stages development of the chalazion becomes noticeable from the side in the form of swelling of the skin of the eyelid. When viewed from the side of the eye, a reddish area with a grayish spot in the center is noted on the eyelid. Several chalazions may appear simultaneously on the same or on different eyes.

For especially large formations characterized by the presence of a number of symptoms:

  • eye discomfort;
  • itching and lacrimation;
  • increased sensitivity of the eye to touch;
  • visual disturbances.

Chalazion in a child as a result prolonged pressure on the cornea can lead to a noticeable distortion of vision.

Dangerous suppuration of the chalazion, in which there is redness of the eyelid and eye, pulsation in the eyelid, often accompanied by pain, softening of the node. Chalazion can lead to blepharitis. If left untreated, a chalazion may spontaneously open during suppuration, most often it opens from the side of the eye, resulting in suppuration from the eye, in the morning there is a sticking of the eyelids as a result of pus discharge.

Diagnosis of this disease is not difficult - just examine and feel the eyelid. Of course, an ophthalmologist should do this, but the patient himself may assume a diagnosis of chalazion.

A doctor's examination is needed to distinguish a chalazion from a more dangerous disease flowing from similar symptoms, from meibomian gland adenocarcinoma. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a biopsy followed by a histological examination.

AT initial stage diseases are quite effective conservative methods of treatment. good effect give instillations (instillations) eye drops with disinfectant action. In the treatment of chalazion, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are actively used:

  • UHF therapy;
  • massage of the eyelid with a clogged gland;
  • dry heat compresses.

You should know that warming up with a chalazion is contraindicated when signs of inflammation appear. This is due to the fact that the effect of heat on purulent process leads to its spread to the surrounding tissues - there is a high probability of phlegmon or abscess of the eyelid. Conservative treatment chalazion in a child is most often used, as it has a minimum of complications and almost does not give him any discomfort.

To invasive methods Treatments include injections of glucocorticosteroids. In this case, an injection is made into the chalazion with a thin needle and a small amount of the drug (diprospan) is injected. The consequence of this is the gradual resorption of the nodule on the eyelid.

Operation for chalazion refers to surgical methods treatment of this pathology. The intervention is carried out in the clinic under local anesthesia. The doctor injects a small amount of local anesthetic into the eyelid, then makes a small incision (2-4 mm), through which the chalazion is husked along with its dense capsule.

The incision can be made with outer side century - in this case, a small scar remains on it. Another option is an incision from the side of the conjunctiva, in which the scar is not visible, but in postoperative period may be celebrated discomfort when blinking because of a scar.

After the chalazion operation, a suture is applied to the incision, and a tight bandage covering the eye is applied to the eyelid. You need to wear a bandage for one to two days. Within a week after the operation, anti-inflammatory drops and eye ointments should be applied.

A little harder operation with spontaneously opened chalazion. In this case, the fistulous passage is excised so that there is no recurrence of the disease. In this case, the scar may be slightly larger - up to 1 cm, and the postoperative period is slightly lengthened.

Laser chalazion removal is a modern alternative to conventional surgical operation. In this case, the skin of the eyelid is cut with a laser, and the contents of the meibomian gland evaporate with the help of laser radiation. This method has several advantages:

  1. Less traumatic for the eye.
  2. No need for stitches.
  3. There is absolutely no risk of recurrence.
  4. Cosmetically preferred.

To reduce the risk of injury to the cornea postoperative scar for recovery period It is recommended to wear soft contact lenses(possible without diopters).


Measures to prevent chalazion include compliance with hygiene measures A: washing, do not abuse cosmetics. Timely treatment any eye pathology(blepharitis, meibomitis) significantly reduces the likelihood of catching a chalazion. General strengthening measures, such as hardening, taking vitamins, will increase the body's reactivity and almost completely prevent the development of chalazion.

Gudkov Roman, anesthesiologist

The main cause of the chalazion is considered to be a blockage of the meibolic gland, as a result of which the secretion secreted does not go out and accumulates in the ducts, forming “plugs”, which in turn provoke inflammation and the formation of nodules on the eyelid itself.

Non-compliance with hygiene, improper use of contact lenses, rubbing the eyelids and eyes with dirty hands, through which the infection penetrates the mucous eyelids, contribute to the development of this condition. Important role weakened immunity also plays a role in the development of the disease, especially in the autumn-winter period. Induces chalazion also constantly recurring "barley", oily skin and shifts in hormonal level as well as diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of a chalazion of the eyelid

Chalazion of the eyelid can occur in anyone, regardless of age and health status. In most cases, the main complaint of the diseased is the appearance of an oval or round neoplasm on the eyelid, which increases in size over time.

Usually, regular form disease does not affect the quality of vision, however, if the “nodule” itself reaches a very large sizes, then it can directly mechanical impact on my own eye.

More difficult case- this is a secondary infection of the chalazion, when an abscess is connected to the process. At the first stage, one can observe hyperemia of the skin around the “pea” and local edema, after which a fistula forms in the focus of inflammation, and the chalazion itself can open spontaneously. At the same time, doctors detect excessive growth of the damaged epithelium, and the skin itself in the area of ​​the chalazion is covered with hard crusts and turns red.


A chalazion can form on both the lower and upper eyelids.

Upper eyelid chalazion

In this case, a dense formation occurs in the thickness of the cartilaginous structure of the upper eyelid, where there are glands and excretory ducts a secret necessary for lubricating the eye itself and moisturizing the eyelid. Almost always, it is visually visible in the form of a bulge on a certain area of ​​​​a small dense nodule.

Chalazion of the lower eyelid

This type of formation is usually presented as a nodule with limited swelling, which is more often directed to the inside of the eye. At the same time, on the outer epithelium of the lower eyelid in the affected area, the skin may remain apparently unchanged. The chalazion of the lower eyelid is more dangerous, since the focus of inflammation is located close to the conjunctiva, and if secondary infection occurs with the formation of a fistula, then a mushroom-like granuloma can rapidly form in a person.

Treatment of chalazion of the upper and lower eyelids

There is a widespread opinion that the chalazion of the century does not need to be treated: it will “break through” on its own and disappear. Of course, a temporary effect will be achieved, but very high probability complications and constant recurrence of the problem will haunt you from year to year.

Ointment treatment

One of conservative methods treatment of this problem is the use of various ointments. Most Popular:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. Classical antiseptic substance consisting of xeroform, castor oil and tar is now used less frequently than in Soviet times, however, it has a positive effect in the treatment of chalazion of the eyelid, accelerating the process of maturation and bursting of the neoplasm, as well as disinfecting infectious focus.
  2. Tetracycline ointment. This ointment based on an antibiotic is used only in cases of the second stage of chalazion infection and allows you to destroy the resulting bacterial infection on the eyelid.
  3. Erythromycin ointment. More advanced than tetracyclines, an antibiotic that effectively copes with any bacterial infection for centuries.
  4. Hydrocortisone ointment. Ointment based on corticosteroids significantly reduces inflammatory processes relieves itching and swelling.


If the formation exceeded 5-6 millimeters in size, continues to grow and become inflamed, then conservative drug treatment usually not effective.

In this case, the best way out would be an operation that is performed under local anesthesia. The chalazion itself is grasped with a clamp, opened with a scalpel, and after removal of the capsular formation with nearby altered tissues, sutures are applied, a bandage is placed on top with antibacterial ointments. The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour, and surgical sutures heal within a week, subject to appropriate preventive measures.

Alternative to the classic operational method, it is considered the removal of a chalazion of the eyelid with a laser - this method is less traumatic and more effective in terms of interruption possible relapses Problems. At the same time, stitches and bandages are not applied, and you can return to full-fledged work activity the next day after the operation.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows dozens of recipes for dealing with the above disease. The most effective of them will be listed below:

  1. Peel the boiled egg, put it in medical gauze (4-5 layers) and apply to the sore eyelid. The warmer the egg, the better. Such a compress must be applied 4-5 times a day for several weeks.
  2. Squeeze aloe juice from several large leaves and lubricate the resulting nodule and the surrounding area three to four times a day throughout the entire period of illness.
  3. Rinse the sore eye with a 2% infusion boric acid. After five minutes, wrap a spoonful of fresh cottage cheese in a napkin and apply to the eyelid for thirty minutes. It is enough to do this twice daily for two weeks.
  4. Take one st. spoon fresh chopped dill, fill it with 400 ml. boiling water and let it brew for an hour, then strain the infusion and apply as a lotion five times a day for a month.

Treatment in children

The process of treating this disease in children in the initial stage can be started with the use of the above ointments, combining them with instillation of the eyes special drops Floksal, Torbeks, Tsipromed. If the baby has severe inflammation century, then it is worth using anti-inflammatory drops Opatanol or Diclofenac. Surgical intervention is undesirable due to the high risk of postoperative complications. If the chalazion constantly recurs and is present on the eyelid constantly for several months, then the only right method can be recognized as less traumatic laser removal nodule with complex restorative therapy.

Useful video

Lower eyelid chalazion refers to ophthalmic diseases accompanied by malignant neoplasms. The shape of the tumor is dome-shaped. The inflammatory process is localized exclusively on the lower eyelid, or rather, on the inside. The disease is characterized by blockage of the channels of the meibomian (sebaceous) glands. This leads to the fact that the fluid secreted by the gland (secret) begins to actively accumulate in one place, forming a tumor. Very often, a chalazion resembles barley, but the difference between them is big. Firstly, chalazion occurs against the background of untreated barley, and secondly, barley refers to acute infection, and chalazion to chronic. With barley, inflammatory processes occur directly in the sebaceous glands, and with chalazion in the areas around the gland.

Unlike the pea of ​​the upper eyelid, the chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child or adult is slower, the symptoms are less pronounced. Distinctive feature- the inflamed grain may spontaneously disappear, but only for a while. After the formation of a pea inside the lower eyelid, it may take at least 2 weeks before other symptoms appear. Due to the fact that the pea is formed inside the eyelid, it grows towards the eyeball. And this is fraught with deterioration in visual acuity and sensation foreign body. In addition, an infection may join and develop another ophthalmic pathology. For example, keratitis, conjunctivitis, etc.

Causes of lower eyelid chalazion

Blockage of the sebaceous glands occurs with the following adverse factors:

  1. Wearing contact lenses and incorrect hygiene care behind them.
  2. Failure of the hormonal background.
  3. Unhealed barley and weakened immune system.
  4. Diabetes mellitus and the use of low-quality cosmetics.
  5. Contact with sick people and non-compliance elementary rules hygiene.
  6. Colds and hypothermia.
  7. Nervous strain, stress.
  8. Avitaminosis and deficiency useful substances in the body.
  9. Dysbacteriosis, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Infection around the eye skin.
  11. Eye diseases. In this case, the chalazion of the lower eyelid acts as a symptom.

Symptoms of a chalazion of the lower eyelid

  1. Tumor formation in the inner part of the lower eyelid. It is manifested by a small seal, which may disappear for a while.
  2. Redness of the mucous membranes and slight swelling.
  3. Pain on pressure on the tumor.
  4. Increased lacrimation and foreign body sensation.
  5. Itching and cutting.
  6. Decreased visual acuity.
  7. The formation of purulent fluid.
  8. The inner side of the eyelid is covered with a spot of red or grayish hue.
  9. The division of objects.
  10. Infection of other elements of the visual organ.
  11. Deformity of the lower eyelid.

IMPORTANT! With a chalazion of the lower eyelid, the symptoms appear gradually, for the first weeks there is only a slightly noticeable pea in the form of a slight induration. And only after the expiration of time, other manifestations begin. For this reason, the disease is often diagnosed only in the later stages, which is why drug treatment of the lower eyelid chalazion becomes ineffective.

Chalazion of the lower eyelid - photo:

Rules for diagnosing

After contacting an ophthalmologist, the doctor produces visual inspection affected eyelid and performs biomicroscopy. This will reveal the etiology of origin. Additionally, it may be assigned differential diagnosis, including histological analysis. Then an accurate diagnosis is made.

Medical therapy

Treatment of chalazion of the lower eyelid, if the disease is detected in a timely manner, is carried out using drug therapy which includes a number of activities:

  1. The use of steroid hormonal drugs in the form of eye injections and ointments. This is a drug from the Hydrocortisone or Dexamethasone series. They help relieve symptoms and relieve inflammation.
  2. Mandatory antibiotic therapy because the blockage is caused by bacteria. Antibacterial drops in the eye destroy pathogenic microbes, eliminate symptoms and prevent the spread of infection to other elements of the eye. Among the most known drugs it can be noted "Vitabakt", "Fucitalmik", "Albucid", "Tobrex", "Garazon", "Maxitrol".
  3. It has long been used mercury ointment which speeds up the healing process. The pea is softened and resorbed.
  4. May be appointed antiviral agents, depending on the etiology of the chalazion.
  5. It is also necessary to carry out physiotherapeutic thermal procedures. Thanks to UV, UHF or electrophoresis, they heat up blood vessels, and this leads to their expansion. The consequence of this is an increase in the lumen in the duct of the sebaceous gland. Some procedures are carried out one-part with instillation of eye drops.
  6. During remission, the patient needs to massage the lower eyelid, which allows you to remove the accumulated fluid from the duct in the clogged area. But only a specialist should do these manipulations.
  7. Treatment of a chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child is carried out according to the same scheme. Only in contrast to adult drug therapy, children's drugs are used.

Surgical methods

Since the symptoms of a chalazion of the lower eyelid are often detected only in the later stages, it is most often used surgical intervention. It can be in two ways. First of all, this is the method of cutting the capsule with a scalpel, which is familiar to Soviet-era medicine. As a result, fluid and pus are scraped out of the pea cavity. At the end of the operation, the surgeon applies a suture. You can remove it after 5 days. Second, more modern method, is laser surgery. In this case, the capsule is dissected. No sutures are required. The operation is painless, harmless.

Traditional medicine methods

Treatment of any disease should be complex, and chalazion is no exception. As you know, even doctors recommend using folk remedies, but first you need to get permission from the attending ophthalmologist. Especially since medicinal herbs and others should act as aids but not the main ones. So, the treatment of chalazion of the lower eyelid at home:

  1. As a warming procedure, use an ordinary heating pad or a boiled warm egg.
  2. The pain syndrome is perfectly relieved by a crumb of bread. To prepare a compress, you need to take bread without a crust and pour it with milk. Boil on low heat for 7-10 minutes, then add a little chopped fresh leaves plantain. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, apply to the pea.
  3. Useful and cold lotion. They can be made from finely chopped cabbage, boric acid, decoction of flax seeds.
  4. There are also dill products that are used during the removal process. Medicine strongly recommends not to do this on your own, only in medical institution. Therefore, you should not believe everything that is written on the Internet.

The term "chalazion" comes from the Greek word meaning "small knot, hailstone". Chalazion (chalazion) is a slowly developing tumor-like formation that occurs due to blockage and swelling of the sebaceous gland (meibomian gland) in the eyelid.

The meibomian glands are located inside the eyelid, just behind the eyelashes. Their number is about 50-70 in each century. These glands help keep the eyes moist by preventing the watery layer (tears) from evaporating from their surface. This is achieved due to the production of the outer layer of the tear film - lipid (consisting of fatty acids- lipids).

Often chalazion is confused with, also manifested as swelling on the eyelid. Barley is an infection of the sebaceous gland in the eyelid. It causes redness, swelling, painful swelling at the edge or inner surface century. Styes usually occur closer to the surface of the eyelid than chalazion. Sometimes uncured barley turns into a chalazion.

Chalazion is a widespread eye problem. This disease affects everyone age groups, but more adults than children, and occurs most often at the age of 30-50 years.


At first, chalazion looks and feels the same as barley: swollen eyelid, moderate pain and irritation. However, these symptoms disappear after 1-2 days, but there remains a round, painless swelling on the eyelid, slowly growing during the first week. Rarely, the swelling continues to grow and may press on the eyeball, causing slight blurring of vision. Perhaps the formation of a red or gray spot on the back of the eyelid. If the chalazion grows very large, it can become painful.

The reasons

The causes of most chalazions are not clear, but the glands can become blocked due to infection, as in barley, or due to abnormal growth, as in a tumor (although this is rare). Skin conditions that cause infection or inflammation, such as seborrheic dermatitis or rosacea can also cause blockage of the glands.

In most cases, such blockages resolve on their own, and the contents come out naturally. But if this does not happen, then a chalazion is formed.

Chalazion treatment

About 25 percent of chalazion cases are asymptomatic and resolve without any treatment. For other cases, there are several methods of treatment.

self help. Hot compresses, followed by eye massage, can help clear the blockage and release the contents of the inflammation. For a compress, use napkins soaked in warm, but not scalding hot, water. The compress should be comfortable for the skin. Put it on your eyelid for about 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 4-6 times a day. Massage the eyelid with your finger, in circular motions, directed upwards if the chalazion is on the lower eyelid, or downwards if on the upper one. You must do this within a minute. Massage will help to remove the blockage and release the accumulated contents.

Steroid injections. Steroid injections may be used to treat chalazion. This reduces inflammation within 1-2 weeks after the injection. The doctor injects steroids directly into the center of the chalazion through the integumentary tissues inside century.

Surgery. If the chalazion is very large, brings discomfort or constantly recurs, then it may be necessary surgical removal. It is performed by incision and scraping (curettage).

This procedure is usually carried out in outpatient settings or at day hospital. local anesthetic is used for complete blockade pain sensitivity in the area of ​​the eye. The operation takes about 20 minutes. After the procedure, you will be prescribed an antibiotic. eye ointment. The eyelid may become swollen and bruised during the first week after surgery.

If the chalazion recurs despite treatment, it is necessary to be examined by a therapist. Sometimes a chalazion can be caused by another predisposing pathology, such as skin diseases, or (very rarely) the swelling may be malignant.



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