Severe inflammation of the gums treatment. Causes and treatment of gum disease

Most of you already know what go to school child, what kind of teacher will lay the educational foundations and knowledge of your children.

But what will be in reality the result of the primary education of our children, now it is rather difficult to assume. Therefore, first things first:

Primary School.

First, let's look at the importance of elementary school in further education our children? The answer is simple:

The elementary school is of decisive importance for all subsequent educational process which includes your children!

Therefore, ideally, elementary school should be neither unnecessarily complex nor unnecessarily weak. It must be strong, and the teacher must be a true professional. And most importantly: it should be equally strong for all children. Distribution by ability in primary school not permissible (except in cases of innate giftedness, which are extremely rare).

It is on the basis of the results of elementary school that you will evaluate the level of abilities and intellectual orientation of your child at the stage of secondary school and senior. And behind them for the rest of their lives. But this is ideal, but how is it in reality?

What does it mean for the elementary school, more precisely: the curriculum in the elementary school, to be neither too difficult nor too weak?

Once, a wonderful mathematics teacher, whose primary school textbook is still unsurpassed from my point of view, said to me: What is important in elementary school? - Russian, math and reading! Everything else is completely superfluous and interferes with the development of an educational skill in a child. Can you see what is being done now?(B.P. Heidman).

At that time (early 2000s), elementary school programs were really full of subject diversity to the detriment of the main subjects. Children who completed such programs by the end of high school lost their motivation to study, the process of education at school became a burden for them. And the forced participation of parents in the preparation of essays not for age, presentations and other things, disoriented the child within the boundaries of independence in the implementation of his own educational process.

Now about what a weak elementary school is (it "took over" with the program of the Ministry of Education and Science "School 2000"). Throwing ourselves into extremes is our favorite national pastime. But back to the topic: We are talking about the primitiveness of the programs of the main subjects of elementary school under the guise of a slogan "children should have a childhood". "Childhood" in such children, as a rule, comes down to a tablet, computer and TV in "non-stop". The consequences are realized at the stage of transitional age, when the authority of parents ceases to be dominant.

The primitiveness of the training programs is reduced to a simplified program in mathematics, very small homework in the Russian language. Well, and, accordingly, reading at the level of speed and skill, which does not provide for checking the comprehension of what was read, i.e. artificial underestimation of the intellectual abilities of the child.

But how should it be, if all this is formed “by mind”?

Russian language: the Russian language program is designed to ensure that the child acquires the skill of automatic literacy. This is facilitated by the speech therapy health of the child, which parents should monitor for preschool stage, and the basic theory of the Russian language in elementary school, reinforced by large homework, the volume of which involves establishing a spelling skill that turns into automatism.

I can safely say that the foundations of the Russian language, the bulk of literate writing, are laid in elementary school. The omission of this stage is very difficult to compensate: Calculation for repeaters in Russian in high school may not be justified at all. Therefore, Russian parents should be especially attentive.

Maths: First of all, let me remind you the basics of what mathematics is. Mathematics is the language of any science. That phenomenon of life, which in ordinary language is explained by a large amount of text, in the language of mathematics can be represented by one formula. Therefore, without mathematics there is no science, no matter what they say different kind"humanities".

It is this property of mathematics that our children learn by bending their fingers in mental counting, solving problems for the speed of a steamboat along the river and against the current, etc. Compliance Understanding Skill mathematical notation the real phenomenon of life should be mastered by our children in elementary school, and then in high school there will be no problems with natural science subjects.

Separately, I would like to point out do girls need math?- Simply necessary. And not in order to “dry the brains” later, as people who are not well versed in matters of organizing education like to say. And then, to learn the art of "intellectual multi-moves." It is this skill that is the primary task of mathematics. Here is the essence of the danger of primitive programs in mathematics in elementary school, in which there is no “task with a trick”, there is no “ambiguity” of the solution path and the possible final answer.

A child, solving examples and problems in mathematics, must learn to notice the “details” hidden in the condition of the problem or example, which is solved by two actions, equations, and so on. Mastering such tasks, the student gets great pleasure from the process of cognition, which strengthens the motivation for learning and a sense of horizons. human knowledge for the rest of my life.

Reading: Now about reading - perhaps the most main skill, which your child must master during elementary school. The successful development of both mathematics and the native language depends on it. It is necessary not just to teach a child to read - it is necessary to teach a child to read meaningfully, i.e. in the process of reading, the student must comprehend the maximum content of the written. It's not as easy as it seems. For this, the teacher gives tasks for retelling the text and memorizing verses. Also in elementary school, presentations and small home compositions are practiced.

To begin with, the texts should be simple and capacious in meaning: "mom washed the frame". The child instantly imagines the process; this provides him with meaningful capacity and brevity of the sentence. Therefore, the texts that are given to children for reading at first should be especially monitored. It’s not bad if your kid came to school as a reader, and he has the opportunity to deepen the skill of meaningful reading easy retelling and memorizing short verses.

If your child is having a hard time learning by heart, try retelling the rhyme he is learning with your child. The description of a poetic image is very important for meaningful memorization and training of conscious memory. Help the child by showing him poetic images in real life. To do this, it is very good to read the "landscape classics", which Russian poets and writers have plenty of. Now all this is sold in poetry collections for children in the series "Seasons". Moreover, all these poems and stories will be in the elementary school reading program for all four years and then they will move to the fifth grade in the literature program. ...

As for all other subjects taken in elementary school: fine arts, music, the world around, physical education - all of them are necessary and teach the child to perceive the world through the language of classical creativity and the joy of movement. What school program streamlines these processes with “tasks” with specific content - this is correct, because streamlining the process of assimilating the perception of the surrounding world with the language of cognition with the inclusion of all its types (visual, tactile, auditory, kinetic (body movement)) is the main methodological task of education in relation to the rising generation.

With regard to recent innovations in school programs for elementary schools type of computer science, history and foreign language: Informatics- this is the reality of our time, there is no getting away from it, and there is no need to. But does the child need it at the first stages of education? - My opinion is NO. Why?

First, children at the level of a primitive user already learn new social skills with early childhood quite easily, and the deep essence of computer science, which then lays down in the foundations of professional programming, is mathematics. And today, mathematics programs for elementary school are being formed that take this factor into account. That's why separate subject in elementary school - this is cunning, flirting with ignorant parents. As for logic, singled out as a separate subject, another forerunner of computer science: good program in mathematics it includes it, but singled out as a separate subject, it will not be superfluous. The main thing is not to the detriment of the main subjects.

Now about a foreign language: our age means English. There is no escape from this. Therefore, competent schools introduce it from the second grade. And there are some nuances here: the first-graders of the early 90s found themselves in an extremely difficult situation when, by the time they entered the university, it suddenly became clear that they write and read English more competently than Russian. Their "advanced" mothers rushed to hire Russian tutors, who were to not only teach the teenager how to write correctly, but also the art of composing. Naturally, everything ended with bribes upon admission - then it was not a problem. How did it happen?

“Post-Soviet mothers”, hungry for Western goods and having survived their inaccessibility in their youth, rushed to compensate their children for this by intensively teaching a foreign language to the detriment of Russian. And the schools that were dependent on the "will of the mother" happily responded to the request. This was a big mistake.

A foreign language is certainly needed, but the emphasis in elementary school should have been on grammar, not vocabulary. And even if the child is ready to learn both, the dominant of the native language and the language of national communication should be higher in primary school than the volume of a foreign language, unless, of course, you are going to change citizenship and country of residence. Or you no longer live in several countries.

Where the teacher managed to correctly place emphasis in favor of the grammar of a foreign language and the frequent repetition of the same fundamental rule of perception foreign speech, students in high school did not have to “hang” rich vocabulary on this. Those children who have the basics of the process of balancing efforts to master Russian and English were violated, got problems.

As for everything else: history and more. In elementary school, these areas are taken into account by the Native Speech program, and are multiplied by extracurricular reading programs for the summer. Therefore, the overload of various scientific directions in elementary school is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous. After all, any science is built according to its own logic, both objective and theoretical - children under 10 do not need it. Then they will master it easily if the previous stages of their training were compiled correctly.

What else I want to note: When planning the education of our children, we very often focus on own experience, and thus, we limit the variety of roads that our child is able to master. For example, “nobody does math here,” or “I didn’t go to school, and nothing! - went to art school”, etc. Most often, the children of such parents repeat their paths. But it is not worth emphasizing this in front of a child, his future is not predictable, it is not fair to limit him to his own abilities. Give time to your child, and watch - you can make a discovery. Or simply, do as you feel, but do not express your position in front of the child.

At one time, I sent my child to a music school, without having the slightest inclination for this myself - the process was difficult, but the child received a musical education, although he did not become a professional musician. This allowed my daughter to gain musical taste, a sense of musical literacy and greatly expanded her horizons. It turned out that she has both hearing and a voice and everything that is needed to play the piano. I'm not talking about the effect of playing music, which lies in the fact that the process of making music includes all the tools for mastering reality: thinking, motor skills of the fingers, foot rhythm for the pedal, vision and hearing.

By the way, if you are not very lucky with the school and the contingent in the class, or your child is too smart for his age, but you do not have the opportunity to realize this traditional process education - classes in any kind of art, especially music - this is salvation!

This is how, dear parents, it looks in the very general view the process of teaching your child in elementary school. The last thing I would like to pay attention to in this topic: Do not allow experiments on your children like: “Why do we need a mental calculation if we have a calculator?” Or: "Why do we need a letter when there is a keyboard?" - This is a terrible and irreparable stupidity. Entering the learning process, the child masters all stages of the formation of human knowledge about the world around him. Among them are the stage of formation of speech, the stage of formation of writing, the stage of formation of the mathematical formalization of life, and as a result of the formation of science.

Remember how an embryo develops in the womb: it goes through all the main stages of evolution before turning into a person. Similarly, the education of your child goes through all the stages of the formation of the cultural and historical experience of the nation. There is nothing superfluous here and cannot be. And if our brain evolves in the sense cognitive processes, then very slowly. And when children will be born "with a certain skill in reading and speech," no one can predict. Time biological evolution is estimated in millions, billions of years. Therefore, everything is in order - there is no point in “running through the steps”.

Primary school, especially the first year of education, becomes a kind of turning point in a child's life. often experiencing stress, and the task of parents is to help him, if not completely cope with stress, then at least reduce it to a minimum.

When , . Daily study in combination with additional activities (circles, sections) is not a carefree game for preschoolers. In addition, changing social status child, he has to learn to establish contacts with teachers and peers, to be more responsible. As a result, the child in elementary school is under considerable pressure.

It does not go away in one day or even in one week. Even children, level intellectual development which is quite high, often with difficulty endure the school load. From the first day of school, increased demands are placed on the child's body., the reaction to which can be expressed in fatigue, irritability, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, headaches.

BUT learning problems can lead to psychological difficulties, for example, a negative attitude towards learning and teachers, a misconception about their capabilities and abilities (problems with self-esteem), even a feeling of fear of school.

In this way, a child in elementary school experiences the so-called "school stress"(scientists also call it "school shock" or "adaptation disease"). The situation is aggravated by the fact that the beginning of schooling usually coincides with the so-called "": a turning point in the development of the child, which is accompanied by significant physiological and psychological changes.

How to help your child cope with stress and adapt to schooling? Try to smooth out the transition from preschool to school age. For example, if a child wants to take his favorite toy with him to school, he does not need to forbid it. A familiar object, a kind of "piece of the house", will help the child quickly adapt to the new environment. Usually the habit of taking a toy to school disappears by itself by the second or third grade.

Also important form in a child right attitude for school. Some parents use school as a means of intimidation “for educational purposes” and then wonder why the child has a negative attitude towards school and teachers and cannot adapt to learning at school.

During the first weeks of training no need to overload the child with additional activities(tutors, circles, sections), give him time to get used to learning. The comprehensive development of the child can be dealt with later, when you are sure that he can withstand it. Remember study and creative pursuits- that's not all, the child should have time to communicate with peers and his own interests, not imposed on him by his parents.

Don't be too hard on your child. Let him know that you will love him, even if he does not study for one five. Recognize the child's right to make mistakes. However, one should not rush to the other extreme, not being at all interested in his successes. Important to find golden mean and show it to the child: no one can be perfect, but this does not mean that one should not strive for the ideal.

It's hard to balance on this edge.. On the one hand, the child must learn to overcome difficulties and learn from own mistakes. On the other hand, in no case should you deprive him of your support in difficult situations. This applies not only to studies, but also, say, conflicts with peers: you don’t need to solve all conflicts for the child, acting as his shield, but you shouldn’t let them take their course either.

The first weeks, months, and sometimes even years of schooling are quite difficult. Your task as a parent is to become support and support for your child., but at the same time, do not turn into a mother hen and teach the child to be independent.

- What are the typical problems of younger students?

- If we are talking about urban schoolchildren, then the first and main problem is the learned lack of independence, the unformed planning block. Briefly, this is called "learning lack of independence, spoiling relationships."

– Where does it come from?

- There are several reasons that lead to the fact that the child cannot do homework by himself, and in connection with this, parents have to sit with him during the lessons, which greatly spoils the relationship between the parent and the child. Now nothing sets up either the parent or the child to form independence. It does not arise by itself.

Firstly, the school curriculum makes a significant contribution to this - it is often oversaturated and adjusted not to the age of the children and their abilities, but to the ambitions of the educational institution.

When you and I studied, it never occurred to anyone to sit with the child for lessons, except in cases of transfer to another stronger school or to enter somewhere. Everything was arranged so that the program could be handled. And now everything is arranged in such a way that the program can be dealt with only if everyone is on their ears. And I'm talking about ordinary children without educational abilities, without dysgraphia, without impaired attention, without autonomic disorders.

The program in terms of subjects is formed in such a way that it is impossible to master them without an adult. For example, a first grader or a second grader who starts learning a foreign language receives a textbook in which all tasks are given in English, but he still cannot read in English. Obviously, without the participation of an adult, he will not be able to fulfill them. When we were studying, this was not the case.

Secondly, not only has the program changed in terms of occupancy, but the approach of teachers has also changed. Last year, in one of the strongest Moscow schools, only one first-grade teacher out of four told her parents: “Don’t try to help the children do their homework, they came to study on their own,” all the rest said: “Parents, you entered the first grade. In mathematics, we have such and such a program, in Russian - such and such, in this quarter we are engaged in addition, in the next - subtraction ... ”And this, of course, also forms an educational lack of independence.

Today, the school outweighs part of the responsibility on the parents, and it is believed that there is some plus in this. In addition, teachers are terribly twitchy with the Federal State Educational Standards and other things. They do not have the task of forming this educational independence - they have many other tasks and difficulties: these are large classes, and huge reporting ...

The generation of teachers, tuned to the formation of independence, leaves the working arena.

Another factor contributing to the deterioration of the situation in primary school is that after significant changes in education, the number of students in one class has increased everywhere. It is a huge difference for a teacher to teach 25 children in the first grade, or 32 or even 40. It greatly affects the way a teacher works. Therefore, one of the major problems of elementary school is large classes and the accompanying changes in the way teachers work, and as a result, more frequent burnout of teachers.

Teachers who studied back in the USSR were ready for a lot, approached the profession as a service, now they are leaving the labor arena due to age. There is a huge staff shortage. The profession of a teacher has not been prestigious for a long time, and it is only now that young specialists are being attracted to this profession. This is partly why even best schools today are experiencing a severe educational crisis.

The old generation may have been emotionally burnt out, tired, but very professional. And of the young teachers aged 22-32 who are determined to make the most money with the least effort, very few will stay in school. Therefore, teachers often leave, change.

Ekaterina Burmistrova. Photo: Facebook

- What contribution do parents make to the formation of lack of independence?

- Parents, first of all, have a lot of free time. Today, often, if the family can afford, the mother does not work, she sits with the child for the entire primary school. And, of course, she needs to feel wanted. And doing homework together is partly inspired by the fact that adults now have more free time than before. This is not to say that this is bad - this time can be spent on something beautiful, but it often goes to the lessons, and because of this, relationships do not improve.

- What other reasons are there?

Another is that we raise tadpoles. We place great emphasis on development intellectual abilities. This is facilitated by a large volume of various offers, especially in Moscow, you can choose so many things - just have time to carry. And as a result, we load more children than necessary. This is a general trend, and it does not manifest itself on a conscious level - everyone does it.

What are the symptoms of a child suffering from a learning disability?

- The child does not remember what he was asked. And all the conditions have been created for this: the paper diary is a thing of the past - we now have teacher blogs, parent chats, groups, electronic diaries where it's all laid out.

The child does not remember that it is necessary to sit down for lessons on time. Often the reason is that everything is so tight in his schedule that right after school he goes somewhere, and then somewhere else, and when he gets home, he simply cannot remember anything.

Only very mature children are able to remember about the lessons at 7-8 pm, so parents have to be reminded. And this is a classic sign of school independence. Independent person must take the task, remember that he must do it, and plan the time when it will be done. In the first grade, this skill is only being formed, but by the second or third grade it should already be. But it does not arise by itself, and in modern school nothing and no one shape it.

The child, in principle, is not trained to be responsible for his time. He is not alone - we carry him everywhere. Now no one has a key around his neck - we take him everywhere by the hand, we drive him by car. If he's late for school, it's not him who's late, but his mom is stuck in traffic. He can't plan what time he gets out and how long it takes to do something, because he just doesn't need to learn it.

– How to treat it all?

- It is painful to treat, no one likes these recommendations, and usually they get to psychologists when they have already reached the limit, brought the relationship to such a state that doing homework together turns into many hours of torment. Before that, parents are not ready to listen to any recommendations of specialists. And the recommendations are as follows: you need to survive a downward spiral, a serious decline in academic performance, and teach your child to feel responsible for his time and lessons.

- Roughly speaking, you stop controlling the process of leaving the house, reminding him to do his homework, and sitting with him for lessons, and courageously experience a temporary shaft of twos?

- In short, yes. I have a whole course about learning independence. At the same time, it is advisable to explain to the teacher that you will have this peak down, but not every teacher can agree on this: one teacher out of ten is able to treat this process with understanding, because the general trend of the school is different. Today, teaching a child to learn is not the task of the school.

The problem is that in elementary school the child is still small, and you can practically force him to sit down at the lessons and hold him. Difficulties often begin later, in the 6th or 7th grade, when it is already big man, sometimes above mom and dad, who already has other interests, puberty things begin and it turns out that he does not know how to allocate time at all and is no longer ready to obey you. He wants independence, but is completely incapable of it.

I exaggerate, and it doesn’t always come to a sharp confrontation with my parents, but quite often. As long as the parents can, they hold him, control him, guide him. As they say, the main thing is to bring the child to retirement.

What other problems do elementary school children have?

- The problem associated with lack of independence is the overload of the child, when everything that can be crammed into him is crammed into him. Every year I meet mothers who say: “My child has a harder schedule than mine,” and they say it with pride.

This is a certain part of society where the mother is killed and takes the child everywhere herself, or where there is a driver who takes everywhere and waits for the child in the car. I have a simple marker of exercise abnormality: I ask, “How much time per week does your child walk?” If a we are talking about elementary school, parents often say: “Which one walks? He walks on holidays. This is an indicator of abnormal load. Another good question: "What does your child like to play?" - In Lego. – “When does he play Lego?” - "In holiday's"…

By the way, this overload of the schedule increases the number of non-reading children.

If the child has not yet become a fan of reading, has not had time to read, has not discovered reading for himself, then in conditions of intellectual and organizational overload, when he comes home, he will most of all want to turn off the brain that is working all the time.

There is a direct connection here, and when you unload the children, they begin to read. An overloaded child's brain is constantly in tension. When you and I, as adults, deprive ourselves of full regular sleep, we better not start working from this - we start working in a completely different way, and many have to go through severe insomnia and neuropsychic exhaustion before they stop experimenting with the amount of sleep.

Load is the same. If we systematically overload a fledgling creature that is actively growing, it does not begin to learn better. Therefore, the issue of load is very subtle and individual. There are children who are ready to carry a heavy load, and they are fine, they only get prettier from this, and there are those who take the load, bear it, but gradually become neurotic from this. It is necessary to look at the behavior of the child, at his condition in the evening and by the end of the week.

- What state should make parents think and reconsider the load of the child?

It depends on him psychological type. Melancholics will suffer, cry quietly and get sick, because this is the most vulnerable and exhausted type, they will get tired only from the number of people in the class and from the noise in the recreation. Cholerics will be screaming and throwing tantrums by the end of the week.

The most dangerous type are those children who, without external manifestations overwork bears the load until it brings them to a somatic breakdown, until they are covered with eczema and spots. This endurance is the most dangerous. You have to be especially careful with them. They really can do a lot, they are very productive, positive, but their internal fuses do not always work, and parents often realize when the child is already in bad condition. They need to be taught to feel stress.

These are individual indicators, but there are also general ones: a child in elementary school must walk at least three times a week for an hour. And it is to walk, and not what parents sometimes tell me: “But we walk when we go from one lesson to another.” In general, there are situations when a child and his mother live in a mode of achievement: “I feed him soup from a thermos in the car, because he also has to have a full meal.”

I hear this quite a lot, and it is often positioned as a great achievement. People are driven by the best of intentions and don't feel like they're overscheduled. But childhood is a time when a lot of energy is spent simply on growth and maturation.

- Are there any functional problems in today's primary school students that interfere with their school life?

- Oddly enough, for all modern level awareness and literacy, quite often there is an untracked minimum brain dysfunction, MMD. This is a complex of small disorders that are not diagnosed in any way before they manifest themselves, but at the same time they terribly interfere. It's not quite hyperactivity and it's not quite attention deficit - these are lesser things, but a child with MMD does not teach well in a regular classroom format. Also, there are all sorts of speech disorders that are undiagnosable, which greatly affect the development of writing, reading, a foreign language, all kinds of dyslexia and dysgraphia.

– Where does it come from?

- It may have always been, but before school it didn’t really interfere and didn’t particularly manifest itself. The reason is perhaps induced labor and labor interventions - when looking for where it came from, look at prenatal factors and always find something there.

MMD is a violation of our time, which, along with allergies and oncology, has become more.

Some of them prevent the child from studying in a general education format.

In rare schools there are support systems, speech therapists, psychologists who can help the child adapt, but there are a huge number of children who are squeezed out of regular schools in the middle of the first, second, third grade, because they cannot study there, it is difficult for them. This means that they did not call a speech therapist, a psychologist in time, they did not go to a neuropsychologist, they did not get treated.

- Minimal brain dysfunction is psychophysiological disorders, but there is another social and pedagogical problem, which is more pronounced in Moscow and other big cities: today there are many children who are not used to living in society and are not trained in the rules of interaction. They do not learn well in a large class format, simply because they were never prepared for this.

- That is, they did not walk in the yard, did not go to an ordinary garden, were they with the nanny and mother all the time?

- Yes, and everyone always adjusted to them. Maybe they had great tutors, they have excellent knowledge and learning skills, but they are not used to working in a group format. Usually in schools where there is a competition, such children are monitored and they try not to take them or take them with conditions, but there are many such children in private schools. And they can greatly spoil the work of the class.

- Are there any new problems associated with the fact that children spend a lot of time with tablets, phones and TVs?

– Yes, there is another type of problem – a rather new and little studied in the Russian-speaking space, but for several years now generations have been coming to school who are more used to watching than listening. These are children who heard the main stories not from books read by their parents and not from relatives, but watched, and for them the visual form of presenting information has become the main one. This is a much simpler form, and it takes much less effort to learn something from the video. These kids at school can't listen, they listen for two minutes and then turn off, their attention floats. They dont have organic disorders- they are simply not accustomed to the form of presenting information accepted at school.

This is formed by us, parents - it is often convenient to “turn off” a child by playing cartoons, and in this way we form not a listener, not an actor, but a viewer who passively consumes visual information.

The less screen time there is before school, the more likely it is that this will not happen to your child.

- If we talk about the smallest, first-graders, are there any signs that the child went to school too early?

- If a child goes to school too early, then after one and a half to two months, when it should become easier, it becomes, on the contrary, more difficult. These patients come annually in October-November: the child is tired of school, motivation is gone, at first he wanted to go to school and went with pleasure, but he was exhausted, disappointed, he was not interested in anything, somatic disorders appeared, he did not respond to the teacher's requests.

This is very evident in first graders. By October-November, they should learn to respond correctly to common forms of address when the teacher says: "Children, take the pencils."

Children who are emotionally ready for school pick up pencils when general form appeals. And if they are told even in November: “Everyone took pencils, and Masha also took a pencil,” then such an ability to independent work in the group of the child has not yet matured. This is a sign that he went to school early.

- If the child, on the contrary, spent an extra year at home or in kindergarten, how will it look like?

- He will also be bored, but in a different way: he feels smarter than others. And here you need to think about how to choose a load for the child so that he can stay in the classroom. If those who went to school early can be picked up and returned a year later so that there is a pause, then these children need to select individual tasks in the class format so that they are interested, and not every teacher is ready to do this.

Are there any signs that the child is not doing well in elementary school?

- Of course. Usually it is difficult for a child during the adaptation period, in the first one and a half to two months, when he either just came to the first grade, or went to a new class, to a new school, changed staff, teachers. In theory, it should get easier.

- What a child should not have in a normal educational process?

– Neurosis, total depression, apathy. There are a number of neurotic signs that should not be: nail biting, hair pulling, clothing gnawing, speech disorders, stammering, stuttering, abdominal pain in the morning, headaches, nausea, which occur only in the morning and disappear if the child is left at home , and so on.

After 6-7 weeks of adaptation, there should be no talking in a dream, the nature of sleep should not change. We are talking about junior schoolchildren, because in adolescence it is much more difficult to determine where the reason is the school, and where is some of their personal experiences.

The following material is about what parents of children who study in high school face.

Xenia Knorre Dmitrieva

Not a single academic year recent times parents complain about complex and incomprehensible elementary school programs, the workload of children, the need to do homework with them and other difficulties. Is it the problems of individual children or general situation? An experienced teacher speaks.

Unfortunately, in a situation where a child in elementary school has learning difficulties, many parents take a completely unconstructive position - the child begins to be ashamed, scolded, put pressure on him in every possible way and punished, implying that these measures will somehow help the child start learning better. . It seems to you that the child does not study well because he is lazy and in every possible way delays the moment the preparation starts homework? Because he is distracted and inattentive listening in class? Everything is exactly the opposite: the child does not want to do homework (and sometimes go to school), because he understands that he is not successful. He wasn't prepared enough for school!

It is difficult for him to study, he does not understand much in the explanations of the teacher and homework. But it's not his fault. Programs according to the new educational standards have become very complicated, and many children can hardly cope with them. rare child is so well prepared for school that he learns with ease, and the parents of such a child have truly done a tremendous job in developing a son or daughter.

I want you to understand the situation correctly and take all measures to help your child cope with school difficulties. So I made rules for the parents of an elementary school student.

  1. Peace, only peace!
  2. More positive - try to treat homework and school in general easier, with optimism, humor, play, and most importantly - with faith in your child. Encourage him and notice the slightest success, be sure to praise every step forward, every effort. Without positive reinforcement, a child will never love learning!
  3. Forget everything that you remember about your school time, stop comparing! How many years have passed? At least twenty? Everything has changed!
  4. Take it for granted: the new state education standards are designed in such a way that parents help their children in their studies, at least in elementary school. Like it or not, without your help, the child will not master the program. Even if the most serious subjects are easily given to him - the Russian language and mathematics, you should definitely listen to how the child reads texts in literary reading, his retellings. Now the schools have a very difficult program for the course “ The world". A child can complete many tasks in this subject only with the help of an adult!
  5. Never, under any circumstances, speak badly about the school, teachers, director, programs, textbooks, level of education, etc. in the presence of a child (even if it seems to you that he does not hear). Firstly, the child will have enough of his own negative emotions associated with the school. He doesn't need to add yours. Secondly, for successful schooling, a child must respect - school rules, teachers, directors, learning programs. And how can you respect what your own mother criticizes?
  6. Never express your doubts about your child's learning ability! You will undermine the child's faith in himself, and if the child hears this often, self-esteem will fall, and there are not far from problems with academic performance.
  7. Whatever difficulties a child may encounter, it is your parental responsibility to help (not scold, shame, or punish). The child did not have enough resources to master all the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for successful learning, he has insufficiently developed mental processes- attention, memory, thinking, but this is not his fault, but a misfortune.
  8. Respect your child! Don't shout, don't call names, don't use physical punishment. Are you mortgaging the future of your son or daughter - do you want it to be violent and rude?
  9. Observe normal mode day. An elementary school student must sleep for at least 9 hours! If you get up for school at 7:00, the student must go to bed at 22:00. Every day, the child needs to walk for at least an hour, and preferably two. Do not be lazy and do not replace a walk with visiting circles and sections. Health is the most important thing!
  10. Limit the time you watch TV and talk to your computer and others electronic devices. 60 minutes a day is the maximum! The child will definitely find more useful activities if you can limit the idle pastime at the computer and TV. Take control of this aspect now: than older child, topics less hope turn the situation around.
  11. Expand your child's horizons! At least twice a month (and if you can, then more often) get out on "cultural trips" - to the museum, to the theater. Use every opportunity to show and tell your child something new, even if at first glance it does not seem so important.
  12. Helping a child do homework does not mean doing it for him or prompting him. This means being close and attentive to the child, to see what he can do on his own, and where he needs your help. With what you are helping him now, the child will certainly begin to cope on his own after a while!

I wish you and your children success in their studies and interest in obtaining new knowledge!

Natalia Bolshakova


I think it is very important to prepare a child for a new life. Here's what the article says. We had the benefit of an elementary school program for the 21st century. There was an adaptation period in the first grade. All the children were able to get used to and without any stress take up their studies. The class we have now is very strong, prepared.

25.08.2018 15:18:35, Poteshkina Marina

I believe that if given enough attention to the child, do homework with him, help and explain to him what he does not understand - there will be no problems with learning in principle!

My daughter in primary school having problems with studies. Couldn't get her to do her homework. And if we succeeded, the daughter each time tried to find a reason to evade the lessons. Although I can’t say that she is weak in my studies or an unintelligent child. When asked what was the matter, she admitted that it was difficult for her to sit at the table for a long time. She had a normal hard chair and as it turned out, it’s really not easy for a child to sit on it. We found a solution for this - we bought the Moll Maximo 15 chair. It is very bright, has beautiful shapes, and is made of high-quality material. All corners are rounded, the mechanisms are safe for the child. The daughter does her homework with pleasure now, she can sit for quite a long time, since shock absorbers are built into the seat of the chair. The chair moves perfectly on both hard and soft surfaces. But its most important advantage is the ability to independently adjust the height of the seat and back, as well as the depth of the chair. The daughter copes with this even on her own. When our daughter grows up, instead of buying a new chair, we can simply adjust this Maximo chair and save money.
I advise every parent, before scolding a child, to find out the reasons why he does not want to do homework. The solution can be so simple and useful!

The most important thing is to be lucky with a class teacher and she found an approach to the child and managed to interest him.

Comment on the article "Primary school: what difficulties await the child?"

The problem is at school. I don't know what's going on and what to do. My daughter is in 2nd grade. How much I didn’t talk with the teacher of the elementary school, and then the secondary one, so that they would not color the texts. If the child is “afraid to go to school”, it seems to me that the problem is not in the school ...


How many times I didn’t talk to an elementary school teacher, and then a secondary one, so that they wouldn’t color the texts of my dysgraphic with solid red and put them on title page notebooks at the top in a row of 20 deuces.

But it's completely useless. As I understand it, this hidden sadism manifests itself in this way. Its dependent position and low wages The teacher takes it out on weak students like this.

I cannot explain this maniacal zeal to exhibit 2/2 in the works of a child who is obviously incapable of writing the norm to others.

Well, the diary is also a subject of special interest - what they write out and expose there.

This is a tendency to sadism and taking out on the children of their unsettled life. Nothing more.

The problem, most likely, is not in a purposeful underestimation of grades, but in the fact that the girl has not yet formed the learning skills (automatisms) necessary in grade 2 + there is an attention deficit (judging by your descriptions). There are no marks in the 1st grade, so it can be difficult to find out how well the child copes with the program, and in the 2nd grade marks begin, and many questions immediately arise - on what basis does the child not receive the mark that he himself counted on (he still has an objective there is no perception - he did, so well done, then "5", adults used to praise). Grades are set in accordance with the standards, of course, the characteristics of the child are taken into account, but not to such an extent as to overestimate or underestimate the marks. It makes sense to talk with the teacher - how she sees the situation (for her, the child is something new), what weak sides, what problems have you noticed, what should you work on first of all. It is easiest to accuse of bias, then a logical question arises: WHY is this a teacher? Is your girl somehow uncomfortable because of the behavior? - apparently, everything is fine with her behavior ... She copes with some tasks, with some YET - no ... It would be good to consult a neuropsychologist to identify real reasons failure (possibly medical). Recently, the problem has been unnecessarily "psychologised" - pedagogical or medical problems trying to decide by psychological means, so there is no result. At this age, the main thing for a child is to feel skillful, competent, and this is where you need to help, and not play "giveaway". The main thing of age is study, the main task is to learn to learn and learn to think, main mistake- criticism of the teacher ... and we are moving in this direction)) Good luck to you!

24.09.2017 13:59:13, Nina52

Transfer to another school. Psychology. Study, school. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with children adolescence: transitional age, problems at school, vocational guidance, exams. The school is ordinary.


I wonder what city you live in. In Moscow and the Moscow region, there have been cards for paying for the road for a long time.

My son changed 4 schools.) No problem at all.
Studying far from home makes sense only if the school is super and there is no other like it. And if the school is quite ordinary, already in the 5th grade - triples, then why such suffering?

Real elementary school programs. Education, development. Child 7 to 10. Than easier program in the beginning, the better. I am for writing the entire first grade and 4 lessons a day. Otherwise, then these children specially prepared for admission will face problems in their studies.


"School of Russia". If briefly "why", then a sane program, basic. Without looking back at the "talented teacher."
And textbooks were partially given out at school and are still being given out. Save the trees :-)

"School of Russia"! There is and will be. I wish you all the same.

05/23/2013 23:00:32, Akella

Primary school: what difficulties await the child? Like it or not, without your help, the child will not master the program. Secondly, for successful schooling, a child must respect - school rules, teachers, directors, curricula.


Boys, 13.5 years old, 11.5 and 8 years old. Everyone really likes it, they are ready to live in the gymnasium, the little ones moan: "Take us late, late." They all have some kind of stormy life going on there, circles, friends, etc.

01/18/2010 09:48:00, 4 sons

"Do your kids like school?" Learning - not really, but so - yes :)

Problems in first grade. Education, development. Child 7 to 10. Problems in first grade. Girls, hello everyone. Please tell me what to do: the eldest daughter, age 6 years 10 months, went to the first grade this year.


No need to see a psychologist, wait. For the entire first quarter, the teacher said to me: "Why is he on your desk?" "Well, firstly, not from me. Secondly, I'll ask him." The child's answer: "There are a lot of thoughts, my head is heavy, it rests on my hand. And when they ask me, I always get up." Nothing, he lay down for six months (didn’t interfere with anyone), then everything went away, and in new school there was no discussion about it at all. Went to school at 6.5. Now second grade. Wait, it's been a very short time. The daughter should get used to the school, to the teacher, the preparation is completely, completely different, IMHO, there they are preschool children, but here everything is like an adult. Do not drive her and good luck to you!

You really want everything at once. That doesn't happen. There is no need for a child to say something like this: "what is this, then let's go back to the kindergarten and you will go to the kindergarten with the kids." Why offend and upset your own child? Almost all of them are like that to a greater or lesser extent, moreover, not only in class 1. and that's okay. "I asked the teacher here how we study," and what kind of need do you have to ask the teacher when you just started studying, of course, not yet (adaptation period). You just left her no choice. Don't worry, if something goes wrong, the teacher will find you himself, but it turned out that you yourself provoke the teacher to such conversations, and then put pressure on the child. It’s better to ask the child more often “what’s new”, “what’s interesting”, “what I liked most, I remember”, and even if something is wrong, and even if teachers told you about it, you need to understand that this information is exclusively for you , and not with the aim of dumping and forcing to solve all these problems at once, small child. It seems to me that this is always the case, not only in elementary school, therefore, children are not allowed to attend parent meetings, so that they hear what their parents consider necessary.



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