Zankov training system. School guide

28.12.2016 12:00

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov (1901–1977) is one of the most famous scientists in the field of pedagogy, psychology and defectology. His method of developmental education is at the heart of one of the recognized state systems of education in elementary school. According to the data given by the methodologists, on average, every 4th Russian elementary school student studies according to the system of L.V. Zankov. This is from 15% to 40% of all schoolchildren in the Russian Federation, depending on the region. So what is the methodology of developmental education L.V. Zankov different from the traditional education system?

The essence and goals of the methodology

Methods of developing education L.V. Zankova covers the education of children from the age of 6 until their transition to high school. The scientist did not consciously create a teaching methodology in high school - he believed that all the best can be developed only in. For example, the poor memory of a sixth grader is a consequence of ignoring its development at an earlier age. She probably won't get better.

The purpose of training according to the Zankov method is the overall development of the child. It should not be directed to individual components (memory, imagination, attention, etc.), but to the entire psyche as a whole. Under the general development it is necessary to understand the development of several areas:

    Mind (logic, observation, memory, imagination, abstract thinking, etc.);

    Communication skills (methods of communication, the ability to find a solution in a problem situation);

    Will (consists in the development of the child's ability not only to set a goal, but also to motivate himself to achieve it);

    Feelings (aesthetic, ethical);


However, one should not think that training according to Zankov diminishes the value of factual knowledge. It simply shifts the emphasis on the development of the child's personality, because all of the listed areas of a person's life are necessary precisely to achieve success in the modern world.

Another goal of education is to educate the child in the desire for, and not simply obtaining the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities from the teacher.

The basis of the technique

In a narrow sense, the methodology of developing education L.V. Zankov is based on three pillars: the leading role of education, consistent with a reverent attitude to the inner world of the child and providing a field for the manifestation of his individuality.

    Training, education, development are united, as if merged into one process.

    Individual, person-oriented approach. Each child must be accepted as he is. There is no need to “pull up” a “weak” student to a “strong” one, you need to work on the development of any child and believe in his success, in his strength.

    Between teacher and student should be established good, trusting relationship. Only such relationships can become fertile ground for the development of the child's cognitive activity. Otherwise, he will never wake up interest and thirst for knowledge. L.V. Zankov argued: "A child is the same person, only a small one." Adults should not forget about this - in relation to the child, in no case should physical punishment, rudeness, humiliation be used.

    When students answer any mistakes are allowed. “A mistake is a godsend for a teacher,” Zankov believed. The point is that a student’s mistake gives the teacher the opportunity to find his “weak spot”, understand the child’s train of thought and, if necessary, direct him in the right direction.

    Of course, both good relations between the teacher and the student, and the assumption of possible mistakes exclude the evaluative attitude towards the child. An outstanding teacher-innovator V.V. Sukhomlinsky once compared the assessment with "a stick in the hands of a teacher." Perhaps this comparison is also relevant for the Zankov system. The child can speak, assume, make mistakes - he knows that he will not receive, for which he will definitely be punished.

    As you know, one of the directions of modern education is the implementation of a system-activity approach. We can say that in the last century it was Leonid Vladimirovich who took it as the basis for his methodology. After all, according to the scientist, the child should be able to acquire knowledge and overcome the difficulties encountered along the way, on their own. The teacher can only interest and direct him. The lesson itself takes the form of a discussion - students may not agree with the teacher, start a dispute in which they will express their arguments and try to defend their own point of view.

2 rules for parents, arising from the methodology of L.V. Zankov:

    Parents should not cook with their children or, even worse, do homework instead of children. Otherwise, the teacher simply will not be able to notice in time that the child did not understand something.

    Parents should not punish a child for failure, which is to blame for his individual characteristics, and not, say, laziness.

Didactic principles

    The level of training and didactic material (tasks) is higher than that accepted in the traditional system of education.

    As a consequence of the first point, there is no division of material "for strong" and "for weak" students. We work on the development of each student.

    High speed of learning the material.

    The priority role of theoretical knowledge.

    Formation of students' motivation to learn through their emotions. The main "push" to the awakening of the desire to know is to surprise. It is surprise that gives the creative and moral principles of the child.

    The importance of repetition.

Learning Features

    The forms of education are very diverse: it can be classes in the classroom, in the library, in nature, excursions to museums, theaters, enterprises, trips to concerts.

    As mentioned above, the lesson takes the form of a discussion, a kind of polylogue.

    Students look for answers to emerging questions on their own, without the prompts of the teacher. However, he can ask leading questions, preliminarily give appropriate homework, somehow guide. Thus, a kind of cooperation is established between the students and the teacher.

    The main types of tasks are observation, comparison, grouping, classification, elucidation of patterns, drawing conclusions and analyzing conclusions.

    Tasks are aimed at the search activity of the child. They should be unexpected and surprising, able to arouse the student's curiosity and encourage him to knowledge. For example, it could be creating a problem situation.

    The formation of a general picture of the world in children based on areas with rich content. These are science, natural science, geography, history, philosophy, literature and other arts, foreign languages. There is also a lot of attention in the lessons according to the method of L.V. Zankov should be given to fine arts, music, reading fiction, work.

system flaw

In addition to all the advantages, the system has an important and obvious drawback, which even the followers of L.V. Zankov. Since the scientist's methodology covers exclusively the elementary school, it is very difficult for children who have been brought up for several years on its principles to adapt later to the senior school, which nevertheless sets somewhat different goals at the head.

Julia Levasheva

From the end of the 50s. of the last century, a research team led by L. V. Zankov began a large-scale experimental study to study the objective laws of the learning process. It was undertaken with the aim of developing the ideas and provisions of L. S. Vygotsky on the relationship between education and the general development of schoolchildren.
The efforts of the team of L.V. Zankov were aimed at developing a system for teaching younger schoolchildren, which aims at their overall mental development, which is understood as the development of the mind, will, and feelings. The latter acts as the main criterion for the effectiveness of training.
Development is not reduced to assimilation, it is expressed in the appearance of mental formations that are not directly given by training. Such neoplasms, as it were, "run ahead", beyond what the child was taught. For example, students have the beginnings of a scientific definition of concepts that were not given in the learning process; there is an ability for subtle detailed observation, for multidimensional comprehension of phenomena, for generalization of received private impressions, and this manifests itself in solving new problems that were not previously taught. Another aspect is also important: neoplasms arising as a result of internal integrative processes may appear later than the corresponding pedagogical influences.
L.V. Zankov names three main lines of development: 1) the development of abstract thinking; 2) development of analyzing perception (observation); 3) development of practical skills. These three sides of the psyche reflect the three general lines of a person's relationship to reality: obtaining data about reality with the help of their own senses - with the help of observations; abstraction, distraction from direct data, their generalization; material impact on the world with the aim of changing it, which is achieved by practical actions.
L.V. Zankov set the task of building such a system of primary education, which would achieve a much higher development of younger schoolchildren than when teaching according to the canons of traditional methods. This system was supposed to be created by organizing pilot studies, the conduct of which would change the existing practice, demonstrating the effectiveness of the use of special programs and methods. The results of the impact of training were constantly compared with the level of development of children in regular classes.
This training was complex. This was expressed in the fact that the content of the experiment was not individual objects, methods and techniques, but “checking the legitimacy and
effectiveness of the very principles of the didactic system.
L.V. Zankov, setting the task of intensive development of schoolchildren, critically assesses the illegal, from his point of view, facilitation of educational material, the unjustifiably slow pace of its study and monotonous repetitions. At the same time, the educational material itself often suffers from the scarcity of theoretical knowledge, its superficial nature, and subordination to the instillation of skills. Developing education is aimed, first of all, at overcoming these shortcomings of education.
The experimental system of developmental education developed by L. V. Zankov contains the following principles:
- the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty. Its implementation involves compliance with the measure of difficulty, overcoming obstacles, understanding the relationship and systematization of the phenomena being studied (the content of this principle can be correlated with problems in learning);
- the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge, according to which the development of concepts, relationships, connections within the subject and between subjects is no less important than the development of skills (the content of this principle can be correlated with the importance of understanding the general principle of action);
- the principle of students' awareness of their own teachings. It is aimed at developing reflection, at understanding oneself as a subject of learning (the content of this principle can be correlated with the development of personal reflection, self-regulation);
- the principle of working on the development of all students. According to him, individual characteristics should be taken into account, but training should develop everyone, because “development is a consequence of training” (the content of this principle can be correlated with the humanization of the educational process).
Thus, the distinctive features of the L.V. Zankov system are:
- high level of difficulty at which training is conducted;
- fast pace of learning material;
- a sharp increase in the proportion of theoretical knowledge;
- students' awareness of the learning process;
- focus on the high overall development of all schoolchildren (this is the core characteristic of the system).
The principle of teaching at a high level of difficulty means, according to L. V. Zankov, not so much that teaching exceeds the “average norm” of difficulty, but rather that it reveals the spiritual powers of the child, gives them space and direction. The teacher had in mind the difficulty associated with understanding the essence of the phenomena being studied, the dependencies between them, with introducing schoolchildren to the true values ​​of science and culture. The most significant here
It lies in the fact that the assimilation of certain knowledge becomes both the property of the student and a means of ensuring the transition to a higher stage of development. Learning at a high level of difficulty involves compliance with a measure of difficulty, which is relative.
Another principle is organically connected with the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty: when studying program material, you need to move forward at a fast pace, refusing to repeat what you have already learned. At the same time, the most important thing is the continuous enrichment of schoolchildren with more and more new knowledge. However, one should not confuse the fast pace of learning with haste in academic work, nor should one strive for a large number of tasks performed by schoolchildren. More important is the enrichment of the student's mind with versatile subject content and the creation of favorable conditions for a deep understanding of the information received.
An effective tool that allows both strong and weak students to go at a fast pace is the use of a differentiated methodology, the specificity of which lies in the fact that the same questions of the program can be studied with different depths.
The next principle of L. V. Zankov's system is the leading role of theoretical knowledge already in the initial period of training. This principle was put forward as a counterweight to the traditional ideas about the concreteness of the thinking of younger students. However, the statement of L. V. Zankov does not at all mean a denial of the role of figurative representations of students. It only says that concrete thinking cannot be considered the leading indicator of the level of mental development of younger schoolchildren.
So, younger students are capable of mastering a scientific term, which is based on the correct generalization. Studies have shown that in elementary school students, distraction and generalization, clothed in verbal form, are observed in the process of forming new concepts, in the course of generalized recognition of unfamiliar objects, and in understanding the moral qualities of characters when reading fiction. The concept, according to which the development of the thinking of the younger schoolchild is presented as a gradual increase in the abstraction and generalization of thinking, is outdated. Even L. S. Vygotsky, on the basis of a study of the formation of concepts at school age, noted that it is carried out in different ways, including from the abstract to the concrete in the learning process. Therefore, limiting ourselves to the formation of only concrete thinking in younger schoolchildren means hindering their development.
Along with the assimilation of terms and definitions, a large place in the education of younger students is occupied by the study of dependencies, laws (for example, the commutative law of addition,
learning in the course of mathematics, patterns of seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals in natural science, etc.).
On the basis of a full-fledged general development, on the basis of a deep understanding of the relevant concepts, relationships, dependencies, the formation of practical skills and abilities takes place.
L.V. Zankov attached great importance to the principle of awareness of the learning process by schoolchildren. He emphasized the importance of understanding the educational material, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, mastering mental operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization), and also recognized the need for a positive attitude of schoolchildren to educational work. All this, according to L.V. Zankov, is necessary, but not enough for successful learning. The process of mastering knowledge and skills should become the object of the student's awareness.
A special place in this system is occupied by the principle of purposeful and systematic work on the development of all students, including the weakest ones.
With the traditional method of teaching, weak students are bombarded with training exercises necessary to overcome their underachievement. The experience of L.V. Zankov showed the opposite: overloading the unsuccessful with training tasks does not contribute to their development, but only increases the backlog. The underachieving students, no less, but more than other students, need systematic training. Experiments have shown that such work leads to shifts in the development of weak students and to better results in the assimilation of knowledge and skills.
The considered principles were concretized in the programs and methods of teaching grammar, reading, mathematics, history, natural history and other subjects.
A comparative study of the general mental development of younger schoolchildren in the experimental and regular classes was carried out by way of an individual examination. The features of observation (perception), thinking, practical actions for the manufacture of a given object were studied. Special features of the development of some children were traced throughout the entire primary education (longitudinal study). In particular, the ratio of thinking and emotions, observation and thinking was analyzed, the state of general mental, and not just mental development was examined.
The system of L. V. Zankov is rich in content. It sets the task - to give a general picture of the world on the basis of sciences, literature, art. There are no major or minor items here. The content of training should create a harmony of colors, sounds, human relationships.
The methods are characterized by versatility, appeal to the awakening of the mind, feelings, positive emotional experiences.
vany. The didactic core of the lesson is the activity of the students themselves. Students do not just decide, discuss, but observe, compare, classify, find out patterns, draw conclusions. "Development - in cooperation" is the most important idea that permeates the methods and forms of educational activity of schoolchildren. In a joint search, the child strains his mind, and even with minimal participation in joint activities, he feels like a co-author, which significantly restructures the motivational sphere.
Flexibility, dynamism of the structure of the lesson due to the fact that the learning process is organized "from the student". The lesson is built taking into account the logic of the children's collective thought and at the same time maintains integrity, organicity, logical and psychological completeness.
Particular attention is paid to the selection and formulation of tasks and questions. They should awaken the independent thought of students, stimulate a collective search, and activate the mechanisms of creativity.
The construction of textbooks for elementary grades is such that a certain idea of ​​the formation of a system of knowledge among schoolchildren is associated with it.
L. V. Zankov considers it fair that when assimilating a concept (in any class), the term is communicated to schoolchildren not as a result of studying the corresponding phenomena, but during study, since it serves as a means of generalization. The process of assimilation of the term goes through a number of steps, which the SCHOOLCHILD passes through and which lead him to the desired result. They are. At first, the term is used by the teacher; children are not required to operate the term. Further, exercises are practiced in the selection of particular cases to the general concept. Then such exercises are carried out when students identify and distinguish the phenomena denoted by this term from a number of others. This is followed by exercises that, in their logical and psychological structure, represent the selection of a general concept for a particular case. As a result of such work, the term is translated from the passive vocabulary of schoolchildren into an active one.
Educational material is built and assimilated by schoolchildren in the logic of increasing differentiation of knowledge, from the whole to the part. Pupils get acquainted with the concept, which at first remains as an "unformed generalization". This concept is increasingly differentiated, clarified, concretized in the study of other, new sections of the topic. The material is arranged in such a way that each of the proposed tasks finds its natural continuation in subsequent sections. Returning to the past is not limited to the formal reproduction of the material in the form in which it was studied. In the system of L. V. Zankov, a return to the past is at the same time a significant step forward.
The didactic system proposed by L. V. Zankov turned out to be effective for all stages of the learning process. However, despite its productivity, so far it remains insufficiently demanded in school practice. In the 60-70s. attempts to implement it in mass school practice did not give the expected results, since teachers were unable to provide new programs with appropriate teaching technologies.
The orientation of the school in the late 80's - early 90's. on personality-developing education led to the revival of this didactic system. But, as practice shows, the didactic principles proposed by L.V. Zankov are not fully used.

The correct system of education is based on the acquisition of all these qualities. The child will be able to get communication skills from the beginning, solve problem situations, develop perseverance and a sense of curiosity.

A special Zankov education system has been developed, which in the era of computer development allows a person to quickly master the situation.

The overall goal of teaching schoolchildren is to develop knowledge on the basis of various educational subjects.

This means the development and strengthening of memory, feelings, will without harming the child's psyche.

The Zankov system was developed on the basis of the general education system, setting priorities depending on the situation. The priority is the assimilation of the material by the child, and not the amount of material subtracted. This program involves all students (weak and strong), which in the learning process allows everyone to reach the highest level.

The assimilation and consolidation of the material is aimed at the collective work of the whole class, where each child participates, thereby developing himself as a person whose opinion is important to others.

There is no main or secondary subject in the system: each subject contributes its own skills to the development and education of the student.

Many years of experience have shown that children who started training according to the Zankov system from an early age have very high rates in comparison with their peers. Such students often become winners of various olympiads and competitions, easily enter higher educational institutions.

Advantages of the Zankov technique

  • Suitable for indecisive children (thanks to an individual approach, children quickly join the team and actively take part in conversations);
  • Encourages independence and the development of new knowledge.

What is Zankov's developing system based on?

The training system is built on three criteria:

  1. development of each child.
  2. The study of the characteristics and abilities of the student.
  3. Achieving maximum results.

All training courses are designed to motivate and develop the creative talents of the child, taking into account the age individuality of each. The educational material is designed so that when studying it, the student can be surprised what motivates the child to think about different options, analyze and draw the right conclusions.

The approach to the younger age category is taken into account on the unity of thinking. That is, to consider the facts not separately, but by linking them, which allows the child to perceive them more easily. Children begin to analyze the material read, there is a greater interest in its study.

In addition, the Zankov method is designed in such a way that after passing it, the child can easily transfer to a general education school and easily continue his education.

The main priorities are as follows:

  • Perception of information individually;
  • To work, you need an emotional attitude and motivation.

At first glance, it may seem that the training course is quite complex. However, the richness of the variety of material and the manner of teaching it is very captivating for kids, develops personal qualities in them. The child becomes more diversified and is able to correctly and concisely express his thoughts and assumptions.

How are lessons conducted in classes with the Zankov method of education?

The course of the lesson and its construction differs markedly from the usual classical methodology.

  • Trust and respect.

The beginning of classes consists in building mutual understanding and trust between the teacher and students, as well as between the students themselves. It should not be thought that students can do whatever they want.

The teacher, without losing his authority, reveals in each child his abilities and basic interests. Carefully refers to the personal qualities of the student, monitors his ability to respond to various situations, avoiding rudeness and humiliation.

A child is a person who has his own opinion and character. Here it is very important to approach each child correctly and direct him to achieve maximum results.

  • Self-learning and control.

Education is based on the fact that the student obtains information on his own, and the teacher guides and helps him in every possible way. All information is presented in the form of a discussion with students, and not a simple proofreading of the material.

Thus, children can argue, defend their opinion and vision. This helps not to be afraid to make a mistake, but to teach them to correct them with the help of the information they read and their conclusions.

Already after two months of training, children are not afraid to express this or that position, they see interlocutors in classmates, try to get ahead of their peers, and behave correctly in various situations.

  • Non-conservative teaching methods.

Along with the usual school programs, Zankov believes that constant visits to museums, theaters, excursions, and libraries allow the active development of knowledge and abilities.

Learning is not easy as some people think. However, it is this system that allows you to grow a thinking, responsible and developed person who will easily reach heights in education and career.

Who can teach using the Zankov method?

The current education system allows the teacher to choose teaching methods that will help him raise a strong and intelligent generation. Therefore, the teacher independently chooses the system that he considers the most appropriate for children.

Remembering my childhood and my teachers, I always wanted to learn from a teacher with an extraordinary position. Where it was not scary to express your opinion, not to be afraid that you would be humiliated or shouted at. It is these teachers that can be called Zankovsky. That is, they have always been. However, today they are becoming more and more in demand in the educational industry.

And there are a number of irrefutable explanations for this:

  • The child attends such lessons with pleasure (you can prove yourself, show your skills and talents);
  • An extraordinary approach to teaching motivates them;
  • Such a teacher becomes a true friend for children. In such classes, children are very friendly with each other, there is no aggression and bullying.
  • Such children have a stable psyche, the ability to correctly assess the situation.

Many parents noted that although this technique is considered difficult, it is very interesting for children. The child does not even understand that he is several steps above his peers, he just learns and develops.

Is it only in elementary school or also in high school?

Today, the research team is developing educational materials for grades 5-9, which will allow them to continue their education. Teachers who wish to work on this system undergo appropriate training. Today, textbooks are being tested in the country's schools.

However, many years of practice have shown that students who have completed the junior course according to the Zankov method are much easier to perceive the senior school program and guarantee admission to higher educational institutions.

In conclusion, I would like to note that such a system of education is aimed at developing the abilities and talents of the child, taking into account his inner world. This helps to teach the child to explore the world, not to stop there, to develop, not afraid to express themselves.

Often, such children find a profession very easily, they are active, enterprising. All this will allow the child to adequately overcome difficult situations, to become a successful person.

(FGOS NOO 2009)

The system of developing education L.V. Zankov (academician, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, years of life 1901-1977) was introduced as a variable state system of primary education from the 1995-1996 academic year (along withtraditional system and system of developing education D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov). Since 2003, scientific director of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center. L.V. Zankova - N.V. Nechaeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Federal Scientific and Medical Center.

UMK systems L.V. Zankov Includes textbooks for all major subjects:
- Teaching literacy and reading.
ABC. The authors: Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S.
- Russian language. Nechaeva N.V.
- Literary reading(2 lines).
Author: Sviridova V.Yu., Churakova N.A.
Lazareva V.A.
- Maths(2 lines).
The authors: Arginskaya I.I., Benenson E.P., Itina L.S. (Grade 1) and Arginskaya I.I., Ivanovskaya E.I., Kormishina S.N. (grades 2-4).
Author: Vantsyan A.G. (1 class).
- The world.The authors: Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N.
- Technology. The authors: Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N.
- Music. Regina G.S.

The educational and methodological package for primary and secondary education has been developed in accordance with the main directions of modernization of Russian education, with the Federal component of the state educational standard for primary and general education, and with the new Basic Curriculum. Textbooks have passed the state examination in the Federal Council for Textbooks and are included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process of educational institutions. Textbooks comply with current sanitary standards.

Primary education in accordance with the views of L.V. Zankov main task puts the general development of students, which is understood as the development of the mind, will, feelings of schoolchildren and as a reliable basis for the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The Zankov system is characterized by a richer content of education, which provides a variety of activities for students.

In the system of L.V. Zankov, one of the main provisions is realized: in primary education there are no main and non-main subjects, each subject is significant for the overall development of the child, which means the development of his cognitive, emotional-volitional, moral and aesthetic capabilities.

Target primary education according to Zankov - to give students a general picture of the world. General, not pieces, details, not individual school subjects. You can not crush what has not yet been created. The fact that in the L.V. Zankov there are no main and secondary subjects, which is also very important from the point of view of raising the status of natural science, fine arts, physical education, labor, that is, subjects that make it possible to develop the sensory base.

Using the possibilities of the content of objects, the natural curiosity of a small schoolchild, his experience and desire to communicate with an intelligent adult and peers, it is necessary to reveal a broad picture of the world to him, creating such conditions for educational activities that lead him to cooperation with fellow students and to co-creation with the teacher.

Important feature L.V. systems Zankov is that the learning process is conceived as the development of the child's personality, that is, learning should be focused not so much on the whole class as a whole, but on each individual student. In other words, learning should be student-centered. At the same time, the goal is not to “pull up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class.

Didactic principles L.V. systems Zankov: learning at a high level of difficulty with compliance with the measure of difficulty; the leading role of theoretical knowledge; awareness of the learning process; fast pace of learning material; purposeful and systematic work on the overall development of all students, including the weak ones.

1. The principle of learning at a high level of difficulty in compliance with the measure of difficulty. This is a search activity in which the child must analyze, compare and contrast, generalize. At the same time, he acts in accordance with the characteristics of the development of his brain. Learning at a high level of difficulty involves tasks that "grope" the upper limit of the students' abilities. This does not mean that the measure of difficulty is not observed, it is provided by reducing the degree of difficulty of tasks, if necessary.
Children do not immediately form clear, precise, grammatically formalized knowledge. It's built into the education system. Then it is quite clear that there should be a categorical ban on the use of marks. What grade can be given for obscure knowledge? They should be unclear at certain stages, but already included in the general sensory field of the universe.
The construction of knowledge begins with right-hemisphere obscure knowledge, then it is transferred to the left hemisphere, a person reflects on it, tries to classify, identify patterns, and give verbal justification. And when knowledge finally became clear, integrated into the general system of the universe, it finds itself again in the right hemisphere and now no longer needs tools, props from rules and formulations - it has grown into an integral system of knowledge of this particular person.
The trouble with many modern teaching systems is that they try to force the first grader to classify meaningless material. Words are alienated from the image. Children, having no sensory basis, are simply trying to memorize mechanically. It is a little easier for girls than for boys, it is easier for left-brainers than for right-brainers. But, exploiting the mechanical memorization of meaningless material, we close the opportunity for children to develop both holistic thinking and logical thinking, replacing it with a set of algorithms and rules.

2. The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge. This principle does not at all mean that students should be engaged in the study of theory, memorize scientific terms, formulations of laws, etc. This would be a strain on memory and would increase learning difficulty. This principle assumes that students in the process of exercises conduct observations on the material, while the teacher directs their attention and leads to the disclosure of significant connections and dependencies in the material itself. Students are led to understand certain patterns, draw conclusions. Studies show that working with schoolchildren to learn patterns advances them in development.

3. The principle of the rapid pace of the passage of educational material. The study of the material at a fast pace is opposed to marking time, the same type of exercises when studying one topic. Faster progress in cognition does not contradict, but meets the needs of children: they are more interested in learning new things than repeating already familiar material for a long time. Rapid progress in the Zankov system goes simultaneously with a return to the past and is accompanied by the discovery of new facets. The fast pace of the program does not mean haste in studying the material and haste in the lessons.

4. The principle of awareness of the learning process by the schoolchildren themselves, it is turned, as it were, inward - to the student's own awareness of the process of cognition flowing in him: what he knew before, and what else was revealed to him in the subject, story, phenomenon being studied. Such awareness determines the most correct relationship of a person with the outside world, and subsequently develops self-criticism as a personality trait. The principle of awareness by schoolchildren of the learning process itself is aimed at making children think about why knowledge is needed.

5. The principle of purposeful and systematic work of the teacher on the overall development of all students, including the weak ones. This principle confirms the high humane orientation of the didactic system of L.V. Zankov. All children, if they do not have any pathological disorders, can advance in their development. The very same process of development of the idea is either slow or abrupt. L.V. Zankov believed that weak and strong students should study together, where each student contributes to the common life. He considered any isolation to be harmful, since children are deprived of the opportunity to evaluate themselves against a different background, which hinders the progress of students in their development.

So, the principles of the educational system of L.V. Zankov are consistent with the age characteristics of the younger student, allow you to reveal the individual capabilities of each.

Let's name the important features of the teaching kit, which is based on modern knowledge about the age and individual characteristics of the younger student. The kit provides:
- understanding the interrelations and interdependencies of the studied objects, phenomena due to the integrated nature of the content, which is expressed in the combination of material of different levels of generalization (above-subject, inter- and intra-subject), as well as in the combination of its theoretical and practical orientation, intellectual and emotional richness;
- possession of the concepts necessary for further education;
- relevance, practical significance of educational material for the student;
- conditions for solving educational problems, social-personal, intellectual, aesthetic development of the child, for the formation of educational and universal (general educational) skills;
- active forms of cognition in the course of solving problematic, creative tasks: observation, experiments, discussion, educational dialogue (discussion of different opinions, hypotheses), etc.;
- carrying out research and design work, development of information culture;
- individualization of learning, which is closely related to the formation of motives for activity, extending to children of different types according to the nature of cognitive activity, emotional and communicative characteristics, and gender. Individualization is realized, among other things, through three levels of content: basic, advanced and in-depth.

In the learning process, a wide range of forms of education is used: classroom and extracurricular; frontal, group, individual in accordance with the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the class and individual preferences of students.

To study the effectiveness of mastering curricula and the teaching materials developed on their basis, the teacher is offered materials on the qualitative accounting of the success of schoolchildren, including integrated test work, which corresponds to the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Marks evaluate only the results of written work from the second half of the 2nd grade. The lesson score is not set.

The initial focus of curricula and teaching materials on the development of each student creates conditions for its implementation in all types of educational institutions (general education, gymnasiums, lyceums).

Experts say that at an early age, a child learns certain skills and knowledge much faster and easier than when he gets a little older. That is why today various methods of early development are very popular, aimed at the comprehensive and full development of the baby literally from the first days of his life. One of these methods is the system of Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov, which is very popular in Russian pedagogy.

Experts say that at an early age, a child learns certain skills and knowledge much faster and easier than when he gets a little older. That is why various early development methods aimed at the comprehensive and full development of the baby literally from the first days of his life. One of these methods is the system of Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov, which is very popular in Russian pedagogy.

We note right away that the Zankov method is somewhat different from most of the early development systems used today (such as the Montessori method, the Waldorf system or the Cecile Lupan method), since the main emphasis in it is not on the development of attention, memory and imagination, but on the general development of the personality - feelings, will and mind of the child. Maybe that is why the attitude of parents to this system is twofold: someone scolds it, and someone considers it one of the best methods of development.

A few words about Zankov

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov is a well-known Soviet psychologist who has achieved significant results in the field of educational psychology, memory, memorization and defectology. In the course of his professional activities, he conducted a number of studies, the results of which formed the basis of the author's didactic system that promotes the mental development of children, the main principle of which is based on the development of a sincere interest in learning and the desire to independently search for answers to the questions posed.

Leonid Vladimirovich devoted almost his entire life to issues related to the psychology of children with mental retardation, and the problems of their education and upbringing. In his numerous works, Zankov convincingly proved that a mentally retarded child is not so much delayed by several years in development compared to normally developing children, but develops differently as he grows up. He also proved that during classes with mentally retarded children, it is necessary to take corrective and educational influences as a basis, taking into account the developmental characteristics of each individual child and relying on his compensatory capabilities.

Features of the Zankov technique

primary goal Zankov's methods is to educate the child's attitude towards himself as a self-sufficient Personality, who has the right to his own opinion, who is able to reasonably defend it and who knows how to reason sensibly. That is why the whole system of classes is built on the independence of the child, when the teacher does not "drive" knowledge into the head of the children, but makes each of them "get to the bottom" of them independently. The didactic principles of the Zankov system are:

  • a high level of learning difficulty (however, with the obligatory observance of the measure of difficulty, that is, without forcing development);
  • rapid mastering of the material, which is achieved, among other things, due to the constant enrichment of the subject by the teacher;
  • the child's awareness of the learning process, where all knowledge is a single whole (therefore, new knowledge, being associated with already studied material, is easily assimilated);
  • the leading role of theoretical knowledge (in other words, questions are put before the child in a general way in order to encourage him to an independent thought process);
  • work on the development of each child, regardless of his level of development.

According to Zankov's didactic system The main motivation for the educational activity of the child should be cognitive interest. Therefore, the methodology involves the involvement of students in discussions, various activities, didactic games, as well as the use of various teaching methods aimed at enriching thinking, imagination, speech and memory.

How are classes according to the Zankov method

The construction of classes according to the Zankov system has a number of distinctive features that are not accepted in modern Russian pedagogy. And, above all, this is manifested in building a trusting relationship between students and the teacher. At the same time, the teacher does not refuse the leading role, and adequately responds to the mistakes and misconduct of the child. The best way to characterize the atmosphere in the Zankov class is the famous expression of Zankov himself: "A child is also a person, only a small one."

The direct learning process is built in such a way that the child seeks to acquire knowledge on his own - for this, the lesson is conducted in the form of a discussion, during which the student can argue not only with his classmates, but also with the teacher. Activity in the lesson is strongly encouraged, even if the child made an erroneous judgment.

In order for the child to develop comprehensively and fully Zankov system provides for a wide variety of forms of education: at the same time as classes in the classroom, excursions to theaters, museums, nature, concerts, various enterprises, etc. are practiced. In other words, this system covers not only the learning process, but also extracurricular work.

Disadvantages of the Zankov Method

The main drawback of Zankov's system is that not every child is capable of learning according to his method (although the author assured that any child can cope with it, regardless of the level of mental development). And it's not so much the complexity of the tasks, but the fast pace of learning the material.

An equally important drawback of this method of early development is the lack of a developed program for teaching in secondary and high schools. As a result, the guys from the Zank classes move to the classes in which the training took place according to traditional programs, and they begin to frankly get bored, since they have already studied most of the material in the lower grades. Zankov's training program.

And most importantly, the effectiveness of teaching according to the Zankov method depends entirely on the teacher and his ability to “depart” from traditional teaching methods and create a friendly and trusting atmosphere in the classroom. Unfortunately, practice convincingly proves that today in our country there are very few teachers who admit that a child may have his own vision of a particular issue, and who allow children to challenge their own judgments.



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