"integration of children with autism in the pedagogical environment". Sensory integration of children from races in the educational process

A child with autism should not be approached with the standards of ordinary people, says defectologist Natalya Kerre, author of the book Special Children: How to Give a Child with Developmental Disabilities a Happy Life. Any child screams and cries for a reason - but the sensations from the outside world are often simply unbearable.

In autism, changes in sensory sensitivity are always observed, although they can be expressed in varying degrees. This is one of the main diagnostic features. If there are no sensory features, it makes sense to doubt the correct diagnosis. And this means that smells, sounds, tactile and temperature sensations, which do not cause any concern to people without special needs, will be very strong and unpleasant for a child with autism.

Sometimes parents cannot understand why the child begins to behave restlessly, act up, it would seem, without the slightest reason. And this is due to the fact that sometimes the sound of medium volume is perceived by the child as an explosion near the ear itself, every thread is felt on a woolen sweater, the label on the side unbearably tears the skin, and the slight smell of deodorant seems to be an unbearable stench. All this can completely disorientate the child.

At the same time, the pain threshold can be significantly overestimated: the child may not feel serious discomfort, even when he falls and hits hard. These are features that must be taken into account when diagnosing autism and further work with an autistic child.

Along with the correction of speech, thinking, attention, sensory integration classes are definitely necessary, which will slightly reduce sensitivity and "saturate" the child with those sensations that he lacks.

This is absolutely necessary also because if the child's sensitivity is not normalized, especially if it is greatly increased, it is unlikely that significant results will be achieved in improving the child's behavior. It is hardly worth expecting good and socially approved behavior from a little man, when it seems that the whole world around him causes discomfort: a child cannot be in a supermarket, because fluorescent lamps unbearably hurt his eyes; in the dairy department of the store, an unbearable smell; dogs bark so loudly that one wants to immediately fall through the ground, etc.

With the help of targeted work, the sensitivity can be slightly weakened, but some areas will be too strong to feel for a person all his life: this may be due to clothing made from certain fabrics (for example, a person cannot wear coarse knit sweaters); food (does not like raw vegetables, crackers, chips because they crunch too loudly inside the head, etc.), but this will not interfere so much with being in society. But when the work has just begun and all the feelings of the child are sharpened, it is not worth traumatizing him once again, demanding that he overcome himself, because it is unlikely that a neurotypical person can imagine the degree of intensity of sensations experienced by an autistic child.

Find out what makes your child especially uncomfortable: the smell of some kind of perfume? Give them up! (And by the way, for the professionals who will be reading this book, if you work with children on the autism spectrum, then, as sad as it is, you will have to stop using strong-smelling perfume during work hours.)

Is the child worried about labels on clothes, does he resolutely refuse slippers at home? Cut off the tags, let you walk around the house in your socks! Choose clothes from those fabrics that are pleasant for your child.

Is the sound in the cinema too loud? Postpone your visit to the cinema for a later time, when you slightly correct its hypersensitivity or provide earplugs for the child!

Are fresh vegetables and fruits unbearably crunchy? No need to force the child to eat them, stew or boil them, etc.

The most important thing to understand in this situation is: sometimes a child behaves "unbearably" not out of nothing, he is really very uncomfortable.

Often, when describing the sensory features of people with autism, they only talk about hypersensitivity (increased sensitivity) to touch or sounds. But sensory issues in autism can also include:

  • hyposensitivity (reduced sensitivity), when stimuli are not perceived unless they are very loud or painful. This creates many problems in everyday life: the child calmly puts his hand on a hot stove or does not feel that boiling water is flowing from the tap;
  • synesthesia, when one feeling is perceived as another;
  • and sometimes extreme changes in sensitivity.

These problems can apply to absolutely any sense, including proprioception (the sense of body position in space) and the vestibular apparatus (the sense of movement).

But all these features tell us only one thing: it is impossible to evaluate a child with autism from the standpoint of our ideas about what sensations are pleasant and what are terrible, and in this area we need to let him decide for himself what is acceptable for him and what is not, follow the child, and not force him to adapt to our standards and criteria.

Unusual fears are often associated with hypersensitivity: a child may be afraid of fur toys, leather clothes, animals and birds that behave unpredictably and make harsh sounds (a huge variety can be observed here: pigeons, small dogs, cats, etc.), household sounds (hair dryer, washing machine, etc.).

It is possible and necessary to work with fears, but, again, having previously found out what exactly causes discomfort and get rid of them gradually, do not throw the child into a traumatic situation for him to overcome fear: in the case of autism, this can lead to that the child will go even deeper into himself.

Do animals cure autism?

Sometimes, in order to overcome fears, it is advised to have a pet at home. But this advice is very ambiguous, because, firstly, you cannot be completely sure that a child, faced with the need to be near an animal around the clock, will overcome fear, and will not become more afraid.

Secondly, you yourself should like this idea: if you are afraid or do not like animals, you will get an additional source of stress associated with the need to also take care of this source.

I recommend starting with a zoo, regular or contact, trying canis or hippotherapy (therapy using dogs or horses), looking at the reaction of the child and only after that decide whether it is really necessary to have an animal in the house or is it enough to communicate "on the side".

Unfortunately, neither horses, nor dolphins, nor dogs cure autism. However, communication with animals as part of targeted therapy can improve the child's condition due to positive impressions, sensory sensations, new and unusual interaction experiences, and physical activity. So if neither you nor your child mind this experience, it's worth a try.

Comment on the article "Unbearable sensations: why does a child with autism need sensory integration"

Children with special needs, disability, care, rehabilitation, doctor, hospital, medicines. Good afternoon! I beg you to respond to those who are in the subject of diagnosing autism. In the family of relatives, it became necessary to clarify the situation with the child.


I would only advise I.V. Makarov, he is a well-known child psychiatrist, he takes Bekhterev, this is in St. Petersburg, he has his own department. People come to him from all over the country, especially those with autism. There is an opinion that Moscow psychiatrists are more fond of stating autism and schizophrenia, while the St. Petersburg school is not. Let them go to him - he is a wonderful person! In addition, the chief physician in the North-West.

02/20/2016 21:11:22, Sun80

What is Sensory Integration? Why does it play such an important role in the development of the child? What can be learned from the results of professional diagnostics of sensory integration disorders? How sensations from our body are connected with the development of intelligence and ...

What is the difference: sensory alalia and autism? For me, it's the same thing. Up to 6 months, a child with alalia develops in accordance with ontogenesis, then Wernicke's disturbances begin, he proved that this very bundle (Wernicke's area) in case of injury in ADULTS causes sensory ...


Well, my son has sensory alalia diagnosed as early as 1 g 10 m and confirmed more than once by neurologists and speech therapists and a psychiatrist
and a certificate from a psychiatrist is that the child does not have autism
sens allallia in severe degree with complete (FULL) incomprehension of speech up to 3 l 6 m and impaired phonemic hearing in both ears to rough
he is very different from autistics, although autistic features were visible at a younger age
I'll be honest - there are few sensory ones - count on fingers

Girls, everything is clear. But everyone I saw, it's not SA, it's RAS. But it seems that parents are so calm chtoli. It's very clear to me. He also hid in the house, like an ostrich. It’s worse that, like Grushenka from the Karamazovs, they themselves eventually believe that they were crazy and there is no MAIN AVA.

sensory integration disorder. Upbringing. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, education of adoptive parents Violation of sensory integration. Moms, do you work with such children at home or take them to specialists?


Literally yesterday from psychologists. We have the same problem, sensory suffers, as psychologists say "body". The head is developed better than many, but with sensations - a hole. W. Kisling and another book with specific exercises by Sarah Newman "Games and activities with a special child" were also advised, including sensory development. I'm not a big specialist in downloading, I bought it in a store (Moscow), the price is tolerable - 240 rubles.

There is a book by Ulla Kisling "Sensory Integration in Dialogue", they worked with Ayres together and there are many references to Ayres' research. You can easily find it on the Internet.
We went to the experts. But since it is far/expensive/difficult to get to, my opinion is that 90% work at home and only for clarifying questions and adjustments you need to go to specialists.
How old are you? What are the results? We are 8, at home from 1.5. I have known about this topic since I was 4 years old. I see how it works in the course of the lesson, but in order for the result to be transferred to real life ... Alas. Experts say you have no idea what it would be without classes. HZ.
Good luck!

23.08.2013 09:42:54, Julia_failed to login 07/26/2012 13:42:50, others

Child-2.3. I got a child at the age of 5 - vocabulary 0-16. Of these - 4 verbs. Complete incomprehension of speech. Tantrums, angry fits, beating on the floor with all parts of the body. Walking down the street, I looked only at my feet. In order for her to look at something, I had to take her by the head, turn her in the right direction and wait for her to at least look in the right direction. She ate only certain foods and did not recognize any changes in it. She just stopped eating. Complete non-contact with people of any age (children, adults, men, women, grandmothers). The diagnosis was - RDA, UO with organic brain damage, ZRR, ZPPR. Disability was set right away. At the moment - 10 years. Registered with a psychiatrist. Takes medications from time to time. Studying at a school for children with mental retardation. But otherwise - she reads, sews, plays, she learned to communicate and play with children, she counts well - there are no problems with examples, it is much more difficult with a task., I started to retell what I read by the 3rd grade. Although at the age of 7 she could not tell a fairy tale about Ryaba the chicken. Moderately obedient, moderately mischievous. She likes to do something in the kitchen, she learned how to use kitchen scales, although the measures of weight and length, etc. very difficult and not quite consciously given. So don't despair. Just move on. Yes, you will spend time on mastering something a little more, but the result will be. The school loves her. Read the book at the link and rummage on this site in the library. Children - autists - are complex, but very beautiful and the more valuable then the return from them. I wish you success. If anything - write, I will send you more links on autism.

26.07.2012 12:41:34, LenaPPP

Autism - there are certain signs. Is your child afraid of loud noises? On autism, of course, it makes sense to read, but I would advise BEFORE this to read more about hospitalism and the behavior and development of babies living without a mother in an institution from 7 months.


Autism - there are certain signs. Is your child afraid of loud noises? Is your child repetitive? Is the child following the rituals? Is the child selective in food? Does the child hit hard objects?

There are a number of diseases in which symptoms similar to autism, the most common is the syndrome of separation from the mother, hospitalism. It manifests itself precisely in the detachment from reality, the slowed down physical development of itida, you can read on the net

There are also food intolerances that put the child into a drug-like trance.

And sometimes children are injected with drugs so that they do not make much noise and interfere.

I adopted an apathetic 2-year-old who was developed at barely 11 months. After a year at home, he was developed for a good 11 months. After a year and a half at home, he began to speak, collect pyramids and was generally developed for a good year and a half. We continue to work.

Highly recommend-
1. go to the child a lot and often. A couple of weeks, several times a week. And watch how the situation develops.
2. without pyramids. Take different cars, soap bubbles, balloons, musical toys and the simplest with you! musical books with buttons, a drum, a whistle from which it is very easy to extract a sound.
3. Call the Parental Bridge in St. Petersburg (there is a website) to the thematic psychologist Tatyana Dorofeeva. Consultations for host families are free. She is very competent and a good specialist and a pleasant person. Can advise you.
4. You can show the child to a neurologist and a psychiatrist, only those who are familiar with thematic children.

Good luck! Children in DR are often deprived and may just not make contact, especially at first. BUT, autism is a serious thing, so see how the situation develops and consult.

Section: Parental experience (autistic child 8 years old). Where do children with autism go after 8-10 years? There is practically no communication, almost no self-service skills. So that's why it's covered. We walk quite a lot, but I don’t see such children at all.


They live on. We are 12 years old, we study in correction, when we went to festivals, city holidays, where there were correctional schools - as many guys as you like with fingers in their ears, slowly buzzing, etc. It is more difficult to go out to the people with a grown child. We go to classes, excursions, to the theater, but Denis's behavior allows it. It should be noted that accustoming to transport, the formation of a stereotype of educational behavior required a lot of effort. Return your son, help him, look for him. These children can bring a lot of joy.

It rarely happens that in appearance you would immediately understand, notice.
It seems that I read a lot, saw children, the child herself is not without problems (it was worse), I come to a friend, communicate with a boy of 14 years old, then she reports that he officially has autism. I was very surprised. He is studying in cor. school, travels by himself, cleans floors at home, carries groceries, etc. I realized that there were problems with intelligence, yes, but my autism did not surface. So they don't disappear, they just don't show up like other special kids.

05/20/2010 03:37:18 PM, LaMure

To mothers of autists and knowledgeable (long). Autism. Other children. Autism is not a disease, it's a developmental disorder. The behavior of children with autism is also characterized by rigid stereotyping (from complex rituals) and often destructiveness (aggression...


In my absence, the discussion developed. I will try again to emphasize some points that I think are misunderstood. That's really really autistic autistic strife. We are very lucky - we have a wonderful mixture - and hyperactivity, and lack of speech, and not an excellent understanding of it (abstract things are beyond our understanding), and neurological problems too. Conducting conversations about good behavior is fruitless, to my great regret. Standing in the corner is a continuation of the game for him.. We have been working with ABA therapists for almost 3 years, yes, they are not certified, but, in my opinion, there are none in Russia. We are trying to translate his aggression into something else. When he gets angry in class that something doesn’t work out for him, you can slip him a ball so that he crushes it. Sometimes it works. BUT the situation there is a little different, he actually does it with pleasure and critical moments do not arise so often. They tried to voice the emotion, maybe he repeats, in principle, repeats, like - I'm angry. Well, he says this phrase, but the word doesn’t mean anything to him: (It doesn’t convey his feeling. As an adult and a person who controls his behavior, I sometimes have a desire to slam the door or bang a plate on the floor if they don’t really understand me. Well, this is a child who cannot convey his feelings and sensations to us in a different way .... He wants to show that he is dissatisfied, but he has no other ways ... I didn’t seem to write anywhere that I’m putting him on antipsychotics from tomorrow and I don’t plan to do anything else ... moreover, I’m NOT going to put him in the hospital. I have the experience of being in a hospital with a mentally healthy, but small child, for one day, while I was collecting tests - it was a depressing sight. I won’t give this child away , the cons for me outweigh all the pros. I'm wondering if someone had an experience of using some drugs that I don't know about yet, which would smooth out the "violence of the manifestation of feelings" a little. After all, I still change some situations I can not..

I have an autistic child, 6 years old, we also issue disability through the 6th hospital. I was there in July-August, in the 2nd department. Honestly, I didn't see anything terrible in the hospital. Very good teachers, they try to talk to children as best they can. Tima began to read poetry after the hospital - before that I had not heard from him, to repeat movements, and, most importantly: he really wants to go to the garden. Everyone asks when he's leaving. The previous attempt to go to the garden was very unsuccessful. In general, this department - I don’t know about others - looks like a very good kindergarten. I have never seen children treated like this.
As for the drug load - I did not notice the difference. Neither for the worse, nor for the better. The effect of the drugs is noticeable after a long time.
I do not regret that I put the child. He noticed the children there, now he is trying to "make contact".
Another positive side, very important for us - he began to sleep there by the clock. It is so convenient when at 9 the child is already sleeping in bed, before he hung around the house until 12.
The only thing is that my child is quite calm, he rarely beats and not strongly, and aggressive ones who cannot with other children are put in the "observer", alone. It's probably not great.

In general, children with autism often have impaired sensory perception. In Israel, they are specially treated for them, it also includes games with Autism - diagnosis and treatment in Israel. Treatment of autism with cranial therapy. Holidays with a child in Israel: prices, sea, excursions...


We went to the sea 3 years ago. Chose the city of Yeysk. We rested at the tourist center "Priboy". Everything went great. True, we did not take pills at that time. And today we are already 14 years old. Like this.

Maybe I’m getting into the topic too late, but we can’t go to the sea either, why? Because we drink psychotropic drugs and we can’t sunbathe, this can be a side effect, our doctor explained to me this way. Maybe you have the same problem. Larisa.


autizm ehto ne prosto zamknutost", vy srazu uvidite autista, ne sputatesh" ni s chem, tak chto ne perezhivajte

depending on how old the baby is? if up to two years, then you don’t have to worry too much - normal psychiatrists will not write this. perhaps the child has recently arrived from a dysfunctional family, or is still under the influence of s-l. stress. in DD they like to make a diagnosis by eye, and in this case, the child’s inability to establish a productive contact, most likely provoked such a conclusion. In short, you need to personally communicate with the baby. if something alerts - you will think. if everything is ok. - it's not worth thinking about.

Yesterday we were at Tsirkin's in Neuromeda. Autism. Other children. A young woman who suffered from schizophrenia told me her feelings about rispolept. Her voice was gone, and her ability to draw logical conclusions was also gone.


I thought for a long time what and how to write. All of the following-
this is just my experience.
psychiatrists don’t like autism, because they don’t understand it much. because this diagnosis is VERY rarely made, and they started to put it quite recently. .schizophrenia. What diagnosis did we successfully get at 6 and sat for almost 1.5 years on heavy antipsychotics (started with etaperazine, finished with galaperidol). for a moment, the child is not aggressive, there is no and never was self-aggression, in principle he is quite light (depending on what, of course, to compare).
these 1.5 years have been completely deleted from rehabilitation. those. if you treat autism as schizophrenia, for which neuroleptics were invented ... personally, we didn’t get anything but harm to health and lost time.
mind you, I'm not saying that schizophrenia does not exist and does not need to be treated, or there is no such condition as autism within the framework of schizophrenia.
BUT! when you come to the doctor, he MUST make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, otherwise why did you come?
now we have classes + a neurologist + a homeopath has recently joined. most importantly, he has progress, and visible not only to me.
in general, in principle, autism has a lot of reasons, and you can look for them VERY LONG AND EXPENSIVE. If you find it, consider yourself lucky.
genetics, diet, psycho-atria-it helps everyone, but no one will say what exactly will help you: (((.
and if someone says yes, just pay and everything will be super-run right away. It doesn’t happen.
it’s worth paying only for good classes that are right for you. Well, what kind of medicine you connect, decide for yourself. But I wouldn’t take antipsychotics at the age of three.
there are still a lot of problems with biomedicine. I didn’t understand, because IMHO, well, I don’t see my own problems with food, etc. - I always ate everything without selectivity and confusion. Here, IMHO, if there is selectivity in food, or you really see that something blows the roof off the child, it’s worth digging there. We don’t have this and didn’t have it, well, I didn’t either.
again, IMHO, it’s worth visiting genetics, we visited.
here are some more good links

11.02.2009 22:55:21, Olga local

About Martens.
We treated him. (Tracheitis and chr. larengit). absolutely no results. It's hard to communicate with him. When the drug doesn't work, you call him (each call was a feat for me), he prescribes the next one, when the next one doesn't work, he starts accusing you that the type of child was incorrectly described, etc. and so on, and then he leaves for Nepal and you can’t get him at all.

but he helped the children of my girlfriend, from the first reception of the balls.

Section: Autism (what autists grow up to be). My child is autistic! A very good sense of rhythm and plasticity (with poor coordination of movements, i.e., for example, climbing somewhere is not a problem, but getting off from there is almost always accompanied by hysteria) Translation of aggression ...


It is necessary to treat the child and concentrate your forces on this.
From your questions it is clear that everything is not so bad with you, so look for ways to deal with this disease, and not how to live with it :-)
Good luck!

1. how to live with it further? What do they grow up to be - autistic? what can we expect from the future?
For everyone, who will tell you ... autists are so different, some will be able to adapt to society, others will not.
2. what professions are suitable for them?
There is such a stereotype that all programmers are autistic. But at the same time, autistic people often have problems with math. In general, do not think about professions at the age of five, solve more pressing problems ..
3. can they coexist in a normal team? (at an ordinary school, for example)
Yes, there are such cases.
4. Can they play sports? What sports are best for them?
5. ADHD and autism - are they mutually exclusive or can they be together in a person?
6. he constantly needs to touch everyone, "poke", hit on occasion - what to do with it? (this is probably the biggest problem at this stage)
Hit - calmly, but decisively stop. Poke - wrap in the game. Touch - turn in your favor, touch in response, make a joke, use it to develop communication, try different reactions.
7. How appropriate is strictness in raising autistic children? In general, how "educated" are they?
Appropriate, but for each child in an individual size. Raised like all other children.
Work towards setting the right boundaries, something is impossible categorically, something is always possible, but something is possible or impossible according to the situation, this is where the most interesting begins, this is material for teaching communication. Teach your son to communicate first with loved ones, and, if possible, with strangers, gradually expanding the circle.

08.10.2003 20:36:59, Goncharova Inna

Faith and Light are communities for mentally retarded people, their parents and friends, the purpose of which is communication, friendship, in a word, building human relationships and social ties between a mentally retarded person and society in a variety of ways, including via the Internet.

Sensory integration is a very necessary, simple and correct therapy. Books about this technique are often complex. My son and I did this on our own. And with the help of experts. This therapy gave us a significant effect and helped to remove many problems.

95% autistic people have sensory processing disorders. They perceive one thing too sharply and do not notice the other. My son had multiple sensory impairments and could not hear or understand speech. I was afraid of musical toys. Did not feel pain (did not notice the first degree burn, ignored bites and injuries). He was afraid of coups, being upside down. He covered his ears and hit himself on the ears, avoided any physical exertion, was awkward and clumsy ...

ESSENCE OF SENSOR THERAPY A: The environment presents us with different sensations. It is these sensations, as well as our reactions to them, that make the brain develop! For autists, something has broken, something has gone wrong, you need to restore these affected ways of input-output of information, and then development will go on a more correct course!

THE GOAL OF SENSORY INTEGRATION reducing or vice versa stimulating the sensitivity of the child and helping him in the correct processing of information. For example, if a child is having difficulty with touch, therapy will involve feeling different things to the touch.

Why there are sensory problems in children with autism.

The sensory signal is not “recorded” by the brain properly, so the child does not pay attention to some things, while reacting to others too sharply and sharply.

- poor modulation of sensory signals, especially vestibular and tactile: because of this, gravitational uncertainty or tactile hypersensitivity develops.

- the area of ​​​​the brain responsible for the impulse to action and MOTIVATION malfunctions: because of this, interest in activities that are usually considered “childish” and useful is suppressed.

In our time, the problem of sensory integration in children is particularly acute. Modern children have sensory overloads of sight-hearing (TV, tablet) and sensory hunger for everything else.

WHAT TO ACTUALLY DO: gradually train what lags behind, is not perceived correctly, causes discomfort!

Stimulation classes according to this technique are carried out 2-3 times a day, the exercises gradually complicate, new types of stimuli are introduced.

Sensory integration can in some cases be more effective than drugs and reward and punishment systems.

REMEMBER. Sensory development is the foundation of the overall mental development of the child, the correct perception is necessary for the child to learn successfully. Our task is to remove sensory problems and provide opportunities for physical development!

Most of the time we develop our son in this way.Anything can be developed. As you wish. Almost everything that surrounds the child and created for the child can be used. Toys and exercises, shells and just movement. Maybe you think it's just a GAME. Entertainment. But that's how kids GROW. By training motor skills, balance, balance, comprehensively developing and tempering and mixing the child, you make him WELL. It is very useful to jump (liqfora), it is very useful to be dexterous. No wonder they believe that fine motor skills are directly related to speech. Gross motor skills are very strongly associated with development in general. The more the child is in the air. Away from the laptop, tablet, phone, looped actions, cabinet doors and beloved Thomas. All the better. The more diverse your sensory and development in general. The more chances!

There are special exercises, activities, tasks and ways to stimulate and develop sensory and physical development. Sensory integration has become the basis of our recovery (along with vitamin-honey therapy) and our primary goal. We still devote a lot of time and attention to sensory development. And we see the result. We learned to ride a bike, jump high and far, we were interested in a lot and a lot began to work out!

The preschool period brings significant changes in the lives of children, including those who suffer from serious and multiple mental disorders (autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc.), who undergo rehabilitation education at the Orfeu Pilot Complex of Curative Pedagogics. Correctional and therapeutic work has shown that the child overcomes various obstacles, including due to the fact that he goes beyond the narrow family framework.

It is known that people at birth are not endowed with the same abilities, they do not have the same conditions for development and manifestation. Each person is born and develops in such a way that he has some relatively common psychophysical features, but also some individual psychophysical, and, in particular, mental features that make up his personality. Psychophysical inequality does not lead to inequality of chances for development, and differentiated and individualized treatment can have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's personality.

The principle of differentiated and individual treatment of children is designed to ensure unity between the particular and the general in education, between the subject and the object, between the strategies of group and individual education. This is especially true for children with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy.

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder. It is characterized by a decrease in the ability of social interaction and communication. Symptoms usually appear before the age of three. According to many scientists, about 75% of autistic people also have mental retardation. Sometimes a baby seems different from the rest since birth: he does not react to people or toys, fixes his eyes on a certain object for a long time.

Another important and constant feature of childhood autism is speech impairment, the baby makes strange sounds, the meaning of which is difficult to understand.

Experts believe that autism manifests itself mainly in the first three years of a child's life. Its cause is neurological disorders that adversely affect the functioning of the brain, as well as communication and the ability to lead a life within society.

Looking for a formula for success

The rehabilitation educational process of children with manifestations of autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) includes the development and setting of tasks that contain two main therapeutic areas:

Aimed at the problems of pervasive developmental disorders;

The rehabilitation process, which involves earlier therapeutic intervention and the integration of a child with ASD into an adequate educational program.

Therapeutic activity in the case of autistic children involves the development and stimulation of social integration skills, self-service, speech skills, behavior.

Experience has shown that all attempts to integrate a child with autism into a regular institution indicate that the formula for success has not yet been found. One of the options for integration and specialized psychopedagogical and medical care for children with autism of preschool and school age is the Orfeu Complex of Curative Pedagogics.

Psychological, pedagogical, sociological and medical perspectives are among the most important in the process of school integration /kindergarten-school/. The process of integrating children with autism into preschool groups should take place according to a well-designed program that will have a clear structure and which will take into account the behavior of children. As studies conducted by scientists Doru-Vlad Popovich and Raluka-Silvia Matei (2007) have shown, several important problems are raised from the point of view of the methodology of education and rehabilitation of autistic children, among which is contact with autistic children. First of all, you should find a place where the autistic child can avoid direct contact.

Communication with an autistic child should be carried out, taking into account several significant points:

- avoid looking directly into the eyes of the child;

- a psychopedagogue, an educator should speak in low tones and good-naturedly;

- avoid orders.

The two-way relationship between a child and an adult is best maintained under the following conditions:

1. You need to approach the child from the front, and not from the side or behind.

2. Try to approach the child at the level of his eyes.

3. Touching a child should be preceded by explanations using various methods of communication - words, signs, drawings.

4. Tactile exercises should be preceded by gradual touches.

5. The psycho-educator / educator must first illustrate the actions using his own example.

6. The difficulty of the activities should increase gradually to stimulate the child's confidence (as well as tactile stimulation).

7. Hugs should be used to positively reinforce the child's progress.

The main therapeutic methods most often used when working with an autistic child are:

- methods of sensory stimulation (mainly tactile);

– play therapy – ludotherapy;

– art therapy – music, drawing, dramatization;

- techniques for organizing the educational environment.

Along with cognitive and educational activities within the framework of a preschool institution, it is also necessary to carry out activities with the child to form personal autonomy, knowledge of the environment, socialization, speech therapy, kinetotherapy, occupational therapy.

These activities should focus, depending on the range of physical and mental qualities of the child with autism, on:

Ability and willingness to communicate;

Taking actions that promote personal autonomy;

The presence of adequate situational behaviors;

The presence of the ability to correctly relate oneself to the group and correctly communicate the cognitive and psychomotor message;

The ability to analyze, evaluate individual activities and completed work.

Mental age and severity of autism symptoms are the main indicators on the basis of which preschool/school integration predictions can be made.

An important condition for integrating an autistic child into preschool groups is consultation with the family.

The inclusion and rehabilitation of an autistic child in preschool groups is a complex interdisciplinary process and is based on the teaching of various behavioral skills within a comprehensive and individualized curriculum. If a preschool institution fails to carry out the above actions, to create optimal educational and affective conditions for an autistic child, integration often becomes a difficult task and leads to the intensification and emergence of undesirable behaviors.

Thus, teachers and medical staff of the Orfeu Pilot Complex of Curative Pedagogics take into account the mental and physical characteristics of each autistic child, as well as the severity of the handicap. Bilateral relations between an adult and a child are carried out taking into account the indicated features and conditions, in order to increase the effectiveness of a therapeutic and recreational session. Also, it should be noted that the progress of the child is only possible through partnership between professionals, family and community.

A. Dany, teacher, doctor of special psychopedagogy;

I. Terita, Deputy Director of the Pilot Complex of Curative Pedagogics "Orfeu"

O.A. Averina, teacher-defectologist

M.N. Tomilova, teacher-defectologist

Many researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy emphasize the importance of developing sensorimotor skills in preschool children.

As you know, the primary elements of human mental life are sensory images. The term "sensus" in Latin means "sensory perception".

Numerous studies and observations have shown that disruption of the flow of information in early childhood leads to mental retardation. It can be concluded that sensations are both the main source of knowledge and the main condition for its mental development.

The brain and mental activity are extremely intertwined. Our feelings, thoughts and actions can only be manifested through complex brain work, but if this work is difficult, then we can say that the child has a sensory integration processing disorder.

What is integration?

Integrationis a type of organization. To integrate means to bring together or organize different parts into a coherent whole. When something is integrated, its parts work together as one system. The central nervous system, and especially the brain, are designed in such a way that they can organize countless pieces of sensory information into a coherent system.

Sensory integration is the ordering of sensations, which will then be used in some way. Sensations give us information about the physical condition of our body and the environment. They flow into the brain like streams flowing into a lake. Every millisecond, countless bits of sensory information enter our brains - not just from our eyes or ears, but from our entire body. We also have a special sense that captures the effect of gravity and the movement of our body in relation to the earth.

Sensory Integration:

  • is an unconscious process that takes place in the brain (we do not think about it, just as we do not think about breathing);
  • organizes information received with the help of the senses (taste, sight, sounds, smell, touch, movement, gravity and position in space);
  • gives meaning to the sensations we experience by filtering information and choosing what to focus on (for example, listening to the teacher and not paying attention to street noise);
    • allows us to act meaningfully and respond to the situation in which we find ourselves (adaptive response);
    • forms the basis for theoretical learning and social behavior.

When working with autistic children, the issue of sensory development of such a child is particularly relevant.

Early Childhood Autism or RDA, what is this? Disease or features of mental development? In domestic and foreign psychology and pedagogy, autism is considered as "extreme loneliness". The modern method of studying autism is not limited to any one direction. An integrated approach is of great importance - research by psychologists, speech pathologists and other specialists. Autism is a brain disorder that has always baffled parents and specialists. Autism is characterized by many symptoms of impaired processing of sensory information, which are also observed in other children with sensory integration problems . Interacting with the physical world, such children experience significant difficulties: their ability to interact with the environment is very weak. However, a child with autism faces additional sensorimotor difficulties and problems in other areas.

The diagnosis of "Autism" is made to children who have the following difficulties:

  • Difficulties associated with social interaction;
  • Difficulties associated with social communication;
  • Violations of imagination and symbolic play.

These difficulties are called the "triad of violations." This diagnosis is made in the presence of difficulties in all areas, but at the same time it does not reflect the mental side of development, but describes how the child exhibits autistic behavior.

Along with problems in communication, language development and behavior, children with autism often show signs of severe sensory integration dysfunction.

Year after year, sensory integration therapists note that there is an increasing number of children with autism in their clinical practice. Children with autism find it difficult to localize tactile stimuli and understand where their hands are if they cannot see them. Motor planning also fails. Postural responses (reactions) in a child with autism are not very well developed, but still better than in other children with sensory integration disorders. This means that the brainstem normally processes the proprioceptive and vestibular sensations required for many postural responses. It is also likely that the neural pathways that carry information to the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex are functioning normally. The problem is rooted in something else, the malfunction occurs in some other part of the brain.

There are three types of poor sensory processing that are common in children with autism. First, the sensory signal is not "registered" by the brain properly. Secondly, there is poor modulation of sensory signals, especially vestibular and tactile. Thirdly, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for stimulating actions, especially new ones, or changing actions, malfunctions.

There is an area in the brain (in the limbic system) that "decides" which sensory input to register and bring to our attention. In children with autism, it functions poorly, so they do not capture much of what others notice. The worse this area of ​​the brain works, the more difficult it is to help a child with autism acquire the skills necessary for daily life.

In addition, in autism, the brain usually not only does not register, but in some cases does not modulate sensory signals, especially vestibular and tactile ones. Refusal to move and gravitational uncertainty are far from uncommon here - due to the lack of modulation of vestibular sensations. Some children with autism love to swing, spin, jump or climb, while others are afraid and avoid moving or unstable play equipment.

The inability to capture sensations from the environment does not allow them to be integrated in order to create a clear "image" of the surrounding space and one's relationship with it. The process of combining all sensations into a single one and the formation of a visual image of the environment takes a lot of time, but even if this process goes on, the “image” can still turn out to be blurry. This is why a child with autism refuses to wear a new sweater: the usual “image” of a sweater has not yet developed for him.

With poor-quality "recording" of sound impulses, speech recognition is also limited. Something similar happens with inadequate registration of sensory signals from the skin, muscles, joints and vestibular system: in this case, a fuzzy body map comes out. The lack of reliable neural models of both oneself and the surrounding world hinders the development of relationships with the external environment. Motor planning suffers, as a person does not feel his body and what he is doing. If the violation of sensory integration severely limits physical and social activity, emotional development is also on the wrong track.

One of the areas of the human brain is responsible for the desire to initiate an action, to respond to a sensory stimulus, to take up something new, change the type of activity. In children with autism, their own “want” is as poorly developed as the system that registers sensations. It's not that the child does nothing - he is not able to take on anything meaningful and constructive. The game is reduced to a set of simple, repetitive actions: hold a toy, line up or turn objects in your hands for a long time. It doesn’t occur to him to perform more complex actions, but he doesn’t want to copy others. If there is sufficient motivation, he can “turn on” the “want” system, and then complex actions that require motor planning, for example, overcoming an obstacle course, become available to him. However, this system is almost always inactive, and the brain only occasionally decides to do what it is capable of.

When offering something to a child with autism, one should not forget that although he has the motor ability to take advantage of the offer, his “want” system can block a new one or change the type of activity. Until vestibular signals become comfortable and enjoyable, it is logical to expect that the child will resist any attempt to engage him in games that require changes in body position and active movement.

Unsatisfactory processing of sensory information hinders the development of motor planning in its various aspects. On her “conscience” is the inability to understand the meaning of the object perceived visually, the lack of a reliable internal “map” of the body necessary for planning movements, the inability to determine the possible benefits of the object, resistance to participation in purposeful activities, changing actions, performing unusual tasks, lack of positive emotions from games and occupations. Children whose brains are good at processing sensations and planning actions can do things for pure pleasure, which is not typical for a child with autism.

In the case of autism, the purpose of sensory integration-based activities is to improve sensory information processing for more efficient "registration" and modulation of sensations, and to help generate simple adaptive responses as a means of organizing behavior. If these activities are effective, it will greatly improve the life of the child, but to date, no type of activity can "cure" autism. Working with such children, we accumulate knowledge about how they process nerve impulses, and find new ways, ways to “get through” to them.


  1. Kranowitz, K.S. An unbalanced child / K.S. Kranovitz - St. Petersburg: Editor, 2012. - 396 p.
  2. Nishcheva, N.V. Sensorimotor development of preschool children / Comp. N.V. Nischev. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2011. - 128 p.
  3. Iskhanova S.V. The system of diagnostic and correctional work with autistic preschoolers / S.V. Iskhanova - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2011. - 208 p.
  4. Ayres, E.D. The child and sensory integration. Understanding the hidden problems of development. / E.D. Ayres [trans. from English. Julia Dare]. - Moscow: Terevinf, 2009. - 272 p.

The Good Word Center offers assistance in the rehabilitation of children with autistic disorders. One of the methods we use is the sensory integration of children. This is an interdisciplinary direction, which is based on the principle of ordering and interaction of incoming impulses from various spheres that surround the child. If you contact us, specialists, using this technique, will be able to form the basis of a system of correct perception, on which the entire sensory sphere of the child will then be based: speech, sounds, tactile sensations, food, emotions, spatial orientation, the world around him, interaction with society and etc.
The word "integration" means the restoration of the whole from the mosaic parts of the various aspects of perception. "Sensory" - everything that is connected with sensations and feelings. Therefore, the development of sensory integration involves the restoration of sensations and feelings, which, due to autism, began to form with distortions.

Prices for sensory integration in autism

Types of occupations The cost of one lesson / session Duration of one lesson / session Recommended number of classes/sessions
Session of bioacoustic correction 1500 rub. 20 minutes. 5 courses of 10-15 sessions
Logomassage touch 800/1 000 rub. 15 minutes. from 2 times a week
Logomassage classic 800/1000 rub. 45 min. individually
Individual neuropsychological session 1 000 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Individual speech therapy session 800/1000 rub. 45 min. 10-15 sessions
Sensory integration session 1 000 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Individual session of sensorimotor correction 1000/1500 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Individual lesson in adaptive physical education 800 rub. 45 min. from 2 times a week
Individual session of an ABA therapist 800/1000/2000 rub. 45/60 min. from 3 times a week
Diagnostic consultation of a speech therapist 1 000 rub. 30 minutes. 1 lesson
Group session on productive activity and communication 800 rub. 45 minutes from 2 times a week
Offsite intensive hippotherapy classes 100 000 rub. 100 lessons 10 days
Off-site intensive dolphin therapy classes 100 000 rub. 100 lessons 10 days

It becomes difficult and even painful for a child who has difficulties with the sensory sphere to perceive sounds and noises, touches, and interaction with the outside world. He is forced to be in sensory isolation in order to survive in unbearable conditions for him. Learning also becomes impossible. Sensory integration disorder in children leads to a delay in speech development or the absence of speech.
You can solve this problem in the Center "Kind Word". Experienced specialists will examine your child, determine the severity of the problem and offer the most effective rehabilitation methods.
Impaired sensory integration in children is determined by such signs as:
insufficient or, conversely, excessive sensitivity to auditory, visual, tactile stimuli and movement;
disorders of muscle tone;
too low or too high level of physical activity;
poor motor coordination;
fast fatiguability;
difficulty concentrating;
refusal of social contacts;
delayed speech development.

Sensory integration of children: rehabilitation methods of our Center

For children with autism, the Kind Word Center offers the following classes:
bioacoustic correction (hardware-software correction based on sensory stimulation of brain structures with sounds and sound complexes formed on the basis of a child's EEG in real time);
sensorimotor correction and integration (neurocorrection of spatial orientation, interhemispheric interaction, work with analyzers: auditory, visual, tactile);
kinesiotherapy and kinesioyoga (sensory integration based on motor exercises, feeling in space and improving the functioning of the respiratory system);
sensory body massage (health-improving sensory massage with balls, contrast materials);
sensory speech therapy massage (massage to expand the food menu of a child with autism);
ART therapy (classes to improve the system of perception with the use of music, vocal, fairy tale therapy);
dolphin therapy (exit course with dolphins in the dolphinarium at sea with the participation of psychologists);
hippotherapy (field course with horses under the supervision of a professional instructor).

Duration and cost of sensory integration classes for children

Sensory integration in autism in our Center is complex and comprehensive. A long-distance team of the best specialists in Russia works with children. The Center cooperates with organizations that offer such methods that promote the development of children, such as dolphin therapy, hippotherapy, and bioacoustic correction. Our employees regularly undergo additional training to improve their skills. The Center is constantly working to create new areas and types of sensory development for children with autism.

Children who undergo autism rehabilitation at the Kind Word Center constantly go to intensive courses organized especially for them. For parents, we are always ready to answer any questions about sensory integration in children, provide the necessary consultations, including online.



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