Analysis of the smear for histology. Histological analysis: what is it? Histology - analysis: transcript

Malignant neoplasms are a group of diseases that includes several thousand types of tumors of different types and different degrees of malignancy. They are divided into large groups depending on what tissues they develop from: if from epithelial (barrier) tissues, then these are cancers, if from connective tissues (soft tissues and bones) - sarcomas, if from lymphoid (immune) - lymphomas / leukemias. The correctness and effectiveness of treatment depends on how correctly the tumor is verified (its type, degree of malignancy and other characteristics are determined). Histological studies play an important role in this.

The head of the pathoanatomical department with the prosectura of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. N.N. Petrova, Ph.D. Anna Sergeevna Artemyeva.

What is the material for pathomorphological (histological) studies?

A piece of patient tissue: skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bones, brain and spinal cord, etc., the so-called biopsy.

The process of obtaining a tissue fragment (biopsy) - a biopsy - these are several different ways of taking material for histological examination.

Types of biopsy:

  • Puncture biopsy - "poke", a thin or thick needle. Needle biopsies rarely have a diameter greater than 1-2 mm.
  • Knife biopsy - open or endoscopic (minimally invasive), including laparothoraco-mediastinoscopy.

A biopsy of the internal organs is done under ultrasound navigation, or with the help of surgical intervention.

Surgical material is everything that is removed during the operation, as a rule, an organ or part of it, or several organs and / or parts of them with or without a formation (tumor).

How are these materials processed for histological examination?

Stage 1. Fixation - "preservation" of the biopsy in formalin - a special chemical solution that prevents decay, allows you to save tissue structures.

Fixing a biopsy can take from 6 to 24 hours, depending on its type and size.

The surgical material is fixed longer, in several stages. First, pre-fixation, which takes approximately 12 hours. Then cutting out the necessary fragments and re-fixation for another 24 hours.

The ratio of the volume of material to the volume of formalin should be 1:20.

Fixing time cannot be shortened!

Stage 2. Processing is the process of dehydration, degreasing and impregnation of the material with paraffin. The machine moves a piece of material from solution to solution.

The following are used as solutions: absolute isopropyl alcohol (6-8 shifts), xylene (2 shifts), molten paraffin (2 shifts).

The program differs for "fat" material (which includes, for example, breast tissue) and "non-fat" - 36 and 24 hours, respectively.

The process of obtaining paraffin blocks.

Stage 3. Making a paraffin block. A piece of material is placed in a mold with molten paraffin (already different than during processing - with a higher melting point) and cooled. It is done manually, it is difficult to speed up.


Stage 4. Slicing. The thickness of the sample - a piece of tissue embedded in paraffin - 1-3 mm. The thickness of each slice is 4-5 microns (0.004-0.005 mm). Performed by a laboratory assistant using a special tool - a microtome.

Sections are mounted on glass and must dry.

Despite the fact that part of the material is lost during alignment in a microtome, with due professionalism, it is possible to make about 100 slides (micropreparations) from one sample - material from one biopsy, surgical material from one tumor.

What are the cuts for?

Sections are made for routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemistry, and other types of studies.

The sections for all studies are the same, the color is different, the glasses on which they are mounted may differ, so special adhesive glasses or charged glasses are needed for IHC and FISH.


Blocks and slides can be stored for many years and used for additional histological studies, revisions, as well as for scientific purposes.


The archive of histological materials is collected at the N.N. N.N. Petrov since 1927 and contains more than 10 million items (micropreparations - glasses, paraffin blocks, archival cards, wet archive).

What types of histological studies are the most informative?

  • Histological examination
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
  • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), can be chromophobic (same principle, different label type)

What allow you to determine the different types of histological studies

Histological examination - what is it?

Allows you to verify the tumor - that is, to determine what cells it consists of (from what tissue it develops), the degree of its differentiation (maturity).

Routine staining, performed during histological examination, allows you to identify the pathological process in the analyzed material (biopsy, surgical material):

  • inflammation,
  • specific inflammation,
  • developmental anomaly,
  • tumor.

Also, in most cases, due to routine staining, it is possible to determine the degree of malignancy of the tumor and, if it is mature enough, then what is its nature.

Stained sections under a microscope

Invasive ductal carcinoma er 100%.

Carcinoma of the sigmoid colon.

Large cell neuroendocrine tumor.

MTS large cell neuroendocrine tumor.

Nonspecific breast cancer. Site of in situ carcinoma within the duct, cribriform type.

Poorly differentiated esophageal cancer.

Histological examination of the biopsy and surgical material can assess the prevalence: the size of the tumor and germination in the surrounding tissues, how affected the lymph nodes are, and whether there are metastases to distant organs (if all these structures were sent for histological examination). When consulting ready-made micropreparations - glasses, this is usually not possible if the tumor is larger than the size of the histological cassette or dissected by a previous researcher and macroscopic examination data are not provided.

During the histological examination, all glasses from one sample are studied - material obtained from one intervention - one operation or one biopsy, regardless of their number, this is considered one consultation.

The timing of the histological examination depends on the number of micropreparations and the category of complexity of the process that is found in them, the timing may be extended, especially if it is necessary to use additional research methods and analyze additional information. The timing of the histological examination is affected by the completeness of the clinical information provided by the patient, including the data of already conducted studies.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

A complex multi-stage study is performed after a histological examination on the same material. Tumor sections are stained with antibodies that are able to bind to antigens (proteins) carried by tumor cells. Different tumor cells carry different antigens, to each of which, like a key to a lock, an antibody fits.

One of the IHC stages

IHC research is combinatorics. 100% markers specific and sensitive to a certain tumor do not exist, but there is a set of antigens that should be in a certain type of tumor and a set of those that should not be there, so the IHC panel is built so as to include several antibodies that should be positive and a few that must be negative. These sets of positive/negative markers differ for different tumors.

When conducting prognostic IHC - identifying markers of sensitivity to therapy, a set of such markers for specific tumors, for example, breast cancer, is determined: steroid hormone receptors (estrogen, progesterone), epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2) and index of proliferative activity Ki67 (cell division rate) .

The slides are stained sequentially - sets of markers are stained with different antibodies in several stages, the process of staining slides with one antibody takes 48 hours.

Thus, each antibody is applied to a separate tissue section mounted on a separate glass, usually with appropriate external control, the number of reactions (antibodies used) and staining steps can vary significantly depending on the specific diagnostic situation, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the tumor. Such a number of stains is carried out, which is necessary in order to identify the most characteristic set of positive and negative markers for a particular tumor.

For someone, 5 antibodies will be enough for this, and someone needs to make 20 or more stains. The maximum number of colors that we had to do is 212.

Therefore, the exact timing and cost of this study cannot be determined in advance. Tumors of different course and prognosis can be very similar to each other, only minimal differences in staining, taking into account clinical data and data from other examination methods, can make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis.

There are a number of benign tumors that mimic malignant ones, including highly aggressive ones, and some highly differentiated malignant tumors are difficult to distinguish from inflammatory and reactive processes. In such situations, only the experience and qualifications of the pathologist, analysis of the entire range of available information (CT scans, MRI, x-rays, operation protocol, etc.) allow a diagnosis to be made.

In the competent interpretation of the IHC results, the role of an expert is very important, because the cases that you have to work with are, for the most part, complex. There are practically no antibodies that can act as 100% markers of a particular tumor, the doctor always has to weigh various probabilities.

What is determined by IHC?

  • The presence of receptors for the hormones progesterone and estrogen in breast cancer;
  • Expression of HER-2/neu in cells in breast cancer, stomach cancer;
  • To determine Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas - to establish an accurate diagnosis of lymphoma today is impossible without the use of this type of study.
  • Determine whether it is a primary tumor or metastases, tissue affiliation of metastases.

Immunohistochemistry makes it possible to assess the potential growth rate of the tumor, the response to chemo-, targeted, hormonal therapy.

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH test)

This is a method of molecular genetic diagnostics in tissue.

FISH is carried out in a tissue section and allows you to bind a genetic rearrangement to a specific tumor cell.

This test also uses special dyes that only bind to certain regions of chromosomes. They are called probes, which can be labeled with a fluorescent or chromogenic dye, visualized using a fluorescent or light microscope.

Technical operations for the preparation of histological slides for this study takes 2 working days.

Analysis of the preparation using a multihead microscope.

The resulting micropreparations are very sensitive to the external environment - they can fade over time, in order to avoid loss of information, all FISH slides are scanned, their digital copy is created, which is available for external review. Experts view the fluorescent material in a dark field, at least 2 specialists take part in the analysis of the drug. If necessary, digital analysis is also used.

What is determined by the FISH test?

FISH-test will allow to diagnose some types of tumors, determines the appropriateness of the use of certain chemotherapy drugs.

  • the presence of HER2 amplification is determined in cases of borderline results according to IHC, which is necessary for the appointment of targeted therapy;
  • diagnostics is carried out, that is, the identification of genetic rearrangements specific to a certain type of tumor, when it is impossible to finally establish a diagnosis using simpler methods, most often these are soft tissue sarcomas and brain tumors;
  • genetic abnormalities that cause cancer of a particular organ;
  • in lymphomas, this technique is used for diagnostic purposes and to identify factors of poor prognosis, that is, indications for early intensification of treatment.

Conducting a histological examination, and first of all a FISH test, is an expert work that depends on the qualifications of a specialist. Very many mutations that are detected in tumors are not always tumor markers; they can also be found in benign formations or normal tissues.

For a year, the pathoanatomical department of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrova performs about 20,000 histological studies (patients), of which about 5,000 consultative cases (revisions), more than 30,000 IHC studies, and also participates in the NordIQ IHC external quality control program.

The specialists of the department have vast experience in conducting histological studies and expert competencies.

Remember! Histological studies are the starting point, the accuracy of the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment depend on how well they are performed.

The speed of histological studies and the adequacy of the histological conclusion depend on a number of factors:

  • Quality of glasses and blocks;
  • Completeness of providing glasses (it is necessary to provide all glasses and blocks);
  • Providing the patient with additional information that will help to correctly interpret the data of the histological examination, IHC and FISH test, namely: data on the history of the disease, data on concomitant diseases, primarily infectious (HIV, hepatitis); all the data of all examinations and interventions: X-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound, protocols of operations, extracts.

After performing a histological examination, the patient receives a histological conclusion / protocol for the study of histological material.

Deciphering the histological examination: what to look for?

The histological conclusion includes several headings (fields):

Macroscopic description

It is filled in both for biopsy specimens - not necessarily, and for surgical material, for which it is extremely important in some cases.

Microscopic description

Description of changes at the microscopic level, not mandatory, since all the necessary information can be reflected in the "conclusion" field.

Results of the immunohistochemical study

This field describes what antibodies were used in this case and what the staining result was: presence of staining or not, localization in the cell if necessary, as well as the percentage of positive cells and the intensity of the reaction, when it matters.

Pathological anatomical conclusion

It contains a nosological / classification unit, if it is possible to establish it according to the studied material, that is, it gives answers to the questions:

  • Is it a primary tumor or a metastasis?
  • Where is the primary tumor located?
  • What is the histological type of the tumor (what type of cells does it consist of).

All the necessary prognostic data are also given: the degree of differentiation, parameters affecting the stage, the state of the resection margins, if it is possible to evaluate them, etc.

The field may contain comments regarding the possible direction of further examination, the likelihood of a particular diagnosis, the need to familiarize yourself with certain clinical data, etc.

We do not recommend that patients independently decipher the parameters of histological examination using information obtained from various Internet sites and patient forums, since a large number of factors affect the interpretation of the data, including the patient's age, data from other studies, etc.

Only a specialist can deal with deciphering the study - an oncologist according to the profile of the disease!

What do you need to do

  1. If you want to learn more about the free opportunities of the FBGU National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. N.N. Petrov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, get a full-time or correspondence consultation on diagnosis and treatment, make an appointment, read the information on the official website.
  2. If you want to communicate with us through social networks, pay attention to the accounts in

The most important thing at the beginning is to determine the nature of the disease, how much the tumor affects the organ, the degree of differentiation, and whether there is an invasion. People far from medicine often ask themselves the question: "Histology - what is it in oncology, what is it for and what does it show?". The question is interesting and quite extensive, but we will try to answer it as clearly as possible.


Histology is a branch of science that studies the structure of tissues in the body, both in humans and in animals in veterinary medicine. Histological examination shows pathological abnormalities in the structure of the tissue. The doctor performs a biopsy - this is a procedure when a small piece of soft tissue is taken from an organ or from another surface, suspicious in appearance and behavior, and then sent for examination.

What reveals and shows?

Next, the doctor looks at the structure and position of cells in the tissue under a microscope. Each tissue in the body must have its own order and arrangement of cells. In addition, they must have their own structure, size and structure. If there is any deviation, then this may indicate a disease, inflammation or oncology.

In addition to histology and histological examination, there is the so-called cytology. Many patients confuse these two concepts and do not know what is the difference between cytology and histology.

Cytology is a field of medical science that studies the structure of a single cell, its nucleus, functioning, as well as other organelles. The tissue sampling is the same. Usually the doctor looks and checks the structure of the tissue.

When diagnosing, he observes that the structure is not of the correct shape and there are atypical cells (these are the cells that are very different in structure from healthy ones). For example, they have an enlarged nucleus or they have an irregular shape.

Now we need to determine the degree of malignancy and whether these cells are cancer. The fact is that atypical cells, or those that differ from healthy ones, may not always be cancer. In benign tumors, there are the same tissue abnormalities.

That's just the histology and shows the structure and type of cell. The doctor examines the structure of an atypical cell under a stronger microscope and reveals the degree of its malignancy.

Why is differentiation necessary?

If the cell is cancerous, you need to find out the degree of differentiation - that is, how different it is from healthy cells. Usually there are several types:

  1. Highly differentiated - cells are slightly different from healthy ones. Such a pathology does not develop quickly, and the cancer is not so aggressive.
  2. Moderately differentiated - differs more from healthy tissues. Average rate of growth and aggression.
  3. Poorly differentiated is a very aggressive form of cancer.
  4. Undifferentiated - pathological cancer cells cannot be distinguished from healthy ones.

As is clear from the definition, the doctor must know how dangerous the tumor is and how quickly it develops in order to roughly calculate the treatment strategy and know how much time the patient has.

Also, by the degree of differentiation, it is possible to determine which chemotherapy drug will be most effective. Often the most aggressive types of tumors are more sensitive to potent chemicals and radiation.

Indications for use

In particular, it is almost always prescribed in order to most accurately know the nature of cancer. This is especially decisive in the early stages, when it is impossible to determine whether this neoplasm is benign or malignant. Histological examination helps:

  • Accurately diagnose;
  • Supervise treatment and screening after surgery, radiation and chemo;
  • The speed of the pathological process;
  • Degree of differentiation;
  • The presence of a malignant tumor.


This is a procedure where a doctor takes a piece of suspicious tissue for histology and cytology. To do this, several options can be used. If the neoplasm is in an accessible area, then they can simply excise a piece with a scalpel. Otherwise, they may make an incision or perform an operation.

For example, in the case of a neoplasm in the uterus, using a special device, they penetrate the organ and take a sample of the endometrium. According to the degree of atypicality, one can observe whether it is cancer or endometrial hyperplasia. The tissue sample is placed in a special test tube in a sterile environment.

Next, in the laboratory, the section is impregnated with paraffin. After that, it can be stored for a long time. Before examining the material under a microscope, you need to make a microtomy - that is, make a small cut in order to conveniently examine it under a microscope.

After that, it is covered with glass, and it can be stored in this way under any conditions. The histological glass can be taken away and kept at home. This is often done by patients so that they can contact other clinics.

NOTE! Histological slides can only be stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

Histology in gynecology

Gives a clear picture when making a diagnosis. If a woman complains of heavy bleeding or pain in the area of ​​​​the ovary, then the doctor may take a tissue sample during the examination. After the study, you can immediately understand the nature of the disease and the presence of a precancerous or oncological disease in the cervix of the endometrium.

Diagnostic procedure

Often, in all cases of oncology, the same studies are carried out. We will try to explain how important histology is.

  1. A possible patient comes to the doctor with complaints or it may be a scheduled examination.
  2. The doctor performs palpation, examination and interviews the patient.
  3. If there is a suspicion of cancer, then he is sent to take tests - a general and biochemical analysis of blood and feces.
  4. If there are deviations in the analyzes, the patient is referred to an oncologist.
  5. X-rays, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are done.
  6. If the patient has clear symptoms, then the diagnosis of a specific organ begins.
  7. In the case of the presence of a pronounced tumor, a fence is made.
  8. And already here they carry out a biopsy and send a piece of tissue for histology.
  9. Then a CT or MRI can be done. This is necessary to determine the degree of invasion - how much a cancerous tumor affects healthy nearby cells and tissues.

Only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor builds a final diagnosis and comes up with a strategy to deal with the disease.

When an analysis is prescribed for histology in gynecology, what it is, many patients are interested. Some are afraid of this name, but it does not pose any threat to the female body. The presented type of diagnostics has been used for a long time and during this period of time has managed to prove itself. How is a histological examination performed? What can moles signal? What are the features of the analysis being carried out?

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What is a histological examination

Histology is a branch of science that deals with the study of tissue. After the invention of the microscope, the study of cellular structures took a new stage. In order to be able to study the structure and properties of many tissues, the materials were subjected to preliminary processing. Many women are concerned about the question of how histology is related to gynecology. The study is carried out by taking a smear from the cervix and its canal. It is best to observe a strict frequency of visits - 2 times a year. The resulting preparation will be used in a cytological study. Within a few days in the micropreparation itself tissues begin to appear, characterized by certain properties: shape, structure, size. Decryption allows you to identify potential deviations. In the case of determining atypical cells, we can talk about the primary stage of development of the oncological process. Histology of individual tissues helps to establish an accurate clinical picture. In this case, the material for research is taken through a biopsy. Doctors pinch off a small piece of tissue from the affected organ and begin to conduct further research.

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Biopsy of the cervix

In case of problems with the cervix, a number of similar procedures are performed. Histology is appropriate in the following cases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • dysplasia;
  • ongoing inflammatory processes;
  • moles, warts, etc.

Main stages

The above method of research has long been used in gynecology. It is one of the final stages of a comprehensive examination, after which an accurate clinical picture is established and an appropriate diagnosis is made. The main advantages of the presented method:

  1. The uterine tissue is analyzed directly, in contrast to the ultrasound or X-ray method.
  2. The study of the taken area begins immediately after the fence. A special dye is used, which allows you to tint the desired parts.

The results of the analysis can be known within 1 day. In order for the clinical picture to become complete, it is necessary to use a biopsy. Taking of operational material can be made on the same day. Histology is considered to be a universal method for the diagnostic study of problems associated with the female reproductive system. It allows you to prevent the problem at the initial stage of development.

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Biopsy of the cervix with erosion

The study becomes in demand in case of a missed pregnancy, an ongoing pathological process, infection, warts, moles, etc. When the days count, this method should be used. It is distinguished by its effectiveness and can be used to accurately display pathological processes that may look different: neoplasms, moles that can develop into malignant tumors, warts. It is possible to form a complete clinical picture and, on its basis, build an effective treatment. A study (biopsy) can be prescribed when the surface of the cervix is ​​curved and, as a result, the formation of atypical vessels begins.

The world of living beings has been of interest to scientists from all over the world for many decades. Moreover, numerous laboratory studies have made a significant step in the given direction, have facilitated the fate of mankind. Histology accelerates the diagnosis, helps to prescribe adequate treatment.

What is histology

This is the science of tissues, which allows timely detection of a progressive pathological process even at the cellular level. Careful analysis of this biological material reveals cancer cells, structural mutations through microscopy. With the help of special equipment, foreign bodies and their detailed characteristics are determined with maximum accuracy. This is especially important in light of the upcoming study, as the patient's chances of making a full recovery only increase.

What does histology study

Tissues are those important body structures from which the functionality of an organic resource begins. Answering the main question of what is the object of study in the field of histology, it is necessary to focus on this biological material invisible to the layman. For scientists, tissues are a storehouse of useful information that can be used to judge the viability of the organism as a whole, its weaknesses, and future pathologies. The prevailing diagnosis will be made accurately, and the disease can be treated with drugs (conservatively) already at an early stage.

What shows

This science deals with the microscopic study of intracellular structures. The main areas are five types of cells, including epithelial, nervous, connective muscle tissue, blood. The results of histology help to determine the presence of a pathological process and make a final diagnosis. In gynecology, this is a real chance to determine oncological diseases and the causes of pathological pregnancy. With a timely response to the problem, a woman is waiting for surgical measures, curettage with a favorable clinical outcome.

If you are interested in histology - what is it, the specialist will tell you. He will tell you what this invasive laboratory study shows. So, from the decoding of the analysis by histology, we can determine:

  • inflammatory process;
  • violation of systemic circulation;
  • the fact of internal hemorrhages, the presence of thrombosis;
  • the presence of cancer cells;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms and their parameters;
  • metastases of neighboring organs.


Laboratory research can be done exclusively in a hospital with modern equipment, like a biopsy. In modern medicine, this is a reliable diagnostic method that determines pathology at the cellular level. Histological analysis examines the biological material, which are particles of the epithelial layer of internal organs, systems. It is carried out simultaneously with a biopsy, which just involves taking a bunch of living cells for further research.

What is histology in gynecology

Such a procedure is often performed in modern gynecology, is a reliable method for diagnosing extensive pathologies of the uterus and its appendages, and timely detects inflammatory and infectious processes of the cervix. Women who are faced with the problem of a missed pregnancy or early miscarriage know well what histology is in gynecology. This laboratory test helps to determine the cause of the pathology of the reproductive system.

Histology of the uterus

This morphological analysis determines the structure of cells, therefore, it immediately notices their mutations against the background of oncological diseases. In order for the histology of the endometrium to help determine the final diagnosis, the doctor insists on preparatory measures. An integrated approach to the problem increases the information content of laboratory research, helps to start intensive drug therapy sooner. Here are the prerequisites before going for a biopsy:

  1. For two weeks, exclude from the diet nutritional supplements that you had a chance to buy in an online store or pharmacy.
  2. For 3-5 days, refrain from sexual contact, strengthen the observance of intimate hygiene of the genital organs.
  3. Be sure to perform a general blood test, a study for the presence of genital infections, a bacteriological smear.
  4. Laboratory research should be carried out before planned menstruation, another period of the menstrual cycle for diagnosis is excluded.
  5. It is important to discuss the intake of any medications with a specialist in advance, since bleeding can be provoked during a laboratory test.

After a frozen pregnancy

If the fetus died in the second trimester, the doctor performs an urgent curettage of the uterine cavity, followed by a histological examination. This is extremely important in order to timely determine the cause of a missed pregnancy, to prevent its recurrence. If properly treated, there is every chance to experience the joy of motherhood. Histology during a missed pregnancy studies the tissues of a dead embryo in order to determine in conclusion the causes of miscarriage. This:

  • viral and infectious processes;
  • hormonal imbalance in the female body;
  • diabetes;
  • genital infections;
  • anomalies in the structure of the uterus.

After scraping

The study itself involves the removal of part of the epithelium of the uterus. An operation is performed before menstruation in order to reduce blood loss, speed up the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. Biological material is taken for histological analysis after scraping. First of all, it is placed in a special solution to prevent cell decay. Then they are treated with paraffin and, already in a hardened form, a small cut is made. Then stained in color, examines under a microscope. In this way, healthy cells can be distinguished from cancerous modifications.

Histology of the stomach

If the doctor suspects malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient will have to perform a histology of the stomach, for example. The resulting decoding gives an idea not only about the presence of an oncological disease, but also directly about the neoplasm itself. Histology of the stomach determines the size of the focus of pathology, cellular composition, the presence of metastases. This is an informative study, so doctors perceive a positive answer about the presence of cancer as a final diagnosis. For clarification, in addition to histology, hysteroscopy may be required. Find out more about how the operation works.

What is histology in oncology

Before ordering such a laboratory study at a tangible price, it is necessary to understand whether it is required in a particular clinical picture. If this is a suspicion of malignant tumors, the answer is definitely yes. Cytology and histology are the basis of complex diagnostics, since such studies detect cancer cells already at an early stage of their formation. Decoding helps to quickly start treatment, to ensure a sustainable therapeutic effect.


All patients are interested in how much histology costs. The cost of the study depends on the alleged focus of the pathology, the city of residence of the patient, the clinic and the reputation of the specialist who conducts this laboratory study. The price for histology is different, for example, in the provinces it starts from 2,000 rubles, in the capital - from 3,000 rubles and more. The difference is not always noticeable, so it is better to rely not on the criterion of “inexpensive”, but on the professionalism of a specialist.

With the help of this study, it is possible to determine the causes of infertility or miscarriage, adjust the prescribed therapy, study the dynamics of the growth of the malignant process, and determine the scope of future operations.

How is a histology done in gynecology? Biomaterial sampling most often occurs directly during surgery, whether it is curettage of the uterine cavity or removal of cysts, tumors,. The surgeon or doctor will excise the required amount of tissue or send the removed sample in its entirety.

The histology of the endometrium of the uterus is made after curettage, so part of the removed epithelium is taken into a container with a special solution. Material for examination of the ovaries is removed by puncture of the abdominal cavity with a long needle. To analyze the histology of the cervix, it is necessary to “pinch off” a piece of the organ in the place where the tissues differ in appearance from healthy ones.

After the resulting biomaterial is treated with paraffin so that it hardens, and the thinnest sections are made from it with a special tool. The laboratory assistant then stains the sections with dyes and places them between slides for further examination under a microscope.

If the doctor needs an urgent result, then the laboratory assistant first freezes the biomaterial, and then slices it thinly. Such a study is carried out within a few hours, but has less reliability than a "traditional" study.

It is resorted to in situations where the surgeon during the operation needs to determine the extent of the intervention, for example, to remove the organ or not. Usually, 5-12 days are allotted for the manufacture of the drug and further analysis.


When the histology of the uterine polyp is assigned, the preparatory measures are directly related to the upcoming operation. If puncture or forceps are supposed, then the patient must fulfill a number of conditions:

  • refrain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days;
  • refuse to take drugs and dietary supplements, ointments, suppositories,;
  • pass the vagina, a general blood test;
  • perform a blood test for the presence of genital infections.

A biopsy or scraping from the uterine cavity for histology should be carried out in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Biomaterial sampling procedures take place under anesthesia, so the patient does not experience pronounced pain. Further rehabilitation is not required. It is only recommended to limit the intensity of physical activity and avoid heavy lifting.


Histology is mandatory in case of miscarriage or miscarriage. The study helps to determine the causes that led to the pathological condition, as well as to predict the further tactics of introducing the patient.

Doctors often order a histological examination for conditions such as:

  • long;
  • causeless;
  • (violation of tissue keratinization);
  • pathological changes on the surface or inside organs;
  • neoplasms of any nature;
  • unfavorable course of pregnancy.

Any other abnormalities diagnosed at the time may be the reason for histology.


Deciphering the result of histology after curettage of the uterus is carried out only by a gynecologist, since a simple layman cannot understand medical terms.

The response form received usually contains the patient's personal data (name, address, date of birth), a description of the type of material taken, and the place and date of its removal. These lines are filled in by the doctor when sending tissues for examination.

This is followed by a column indicating the method of analysis, for example, urgent histology or routine. It also lists the solutions that stained the biomaterial. The informational content of the obtained sample is necessarily noted, which depends on the qualifications of the specialist who performed the tissue sampling and the correct transportation of the biopsy.

In the third paragraph, the results of the study are described and a conclusion is made. It is in these lines that you can see a lot of terms in Latin. The laboratory assistant, examining the sections under a microscope, indicates in detail the morphological structure of the tissues, lists the identified deviations from the norm. Because of this, patients mistakenly think that a large amount of text in the result indicates the presence of pathological processes.

If the conclusion contains the phrase "the endometrium is normal, corresponds to the phase of proliferation (secretion or menstruation)", then this means that the uterine mucosa is normal and no changes or diseases have been detected.

Signs of an inflammatory process in the uterus (endometritis) are:

  • accumulation of fluid between the cells of the stroma;
  • a large number of leukocytes;
  • definition of microorganisms.

In chronic endometritis, histology results show traces of mitosis in the epithelium and a significant accumulation of plasma cells.

Women preparing for a histological examination in gynecology should not be afraid of the prescribed procedure. Diagnostic examination is very informative, safe and inexpensive. It is not advisable to decipher the results obtained on your own in order to prevent misinterpretation of medical terms.



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs