Eye drops with the letter L. Proven antibacterial and antiallergic eye drops for children

Eye drops are used in ophthalmic practice for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the anterior segment of the eye, outer membranes and eyelids. Such funds can provide different action on the eyes, they include one or more components.

Immediately before instillation of drops, the vial with the drug should be warmed in the hand to body temperature. The procedure should be carried out in a calm environment, after washing your hands. In order for the drop to hit the right place, the head should be thrown back and the lower eyelid pulled back. To avoid getting hit medicinal solution into the nasal cavity, after instillation, close the eye and press on the inner corner.

An important feature of therapeutic eye preparations is that they quickly penetrate through the outer mucous membrane of the eye into the deeper parts of the visual apparatus. It is not permissible to use such funds on your own. Before starting treatment, it is important to read the instructions.

So, how to drip eyes for various diseases and what kind of eye drops, in general, are there?

Types of eye drops

Consider the list of drugs for the eyes, depending on the pharmacological action:

  • Antimicrobial. They include antibiotics, as well as antiviral, antiseptic and antimycotic drugs;
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antiglaucoma. They are divided into drugs that improve the outflow of eye fluid and inhibit the production of aqueous humor.
  • Drugs that improve tissue metabolism.
  • Antiallergic.
  • Medicines for the treatment of cataracts.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Diagnostic.

The best eye drops can be prescribed by a specialist, as he understands the composition and pharmacological action drug

The best eye drops

Next, let's talk about what are effective means in the fight against various kinds ophthalmic disorders. You can choose the best drops only after a detailed review and comparative analysis.


This group of drugs is used for fatigue and dry eyes. Experts recommend using moisturizers for dry eye syndrome, prolonged stay at the computer, as well as when exposed to adverse environmental factors. Such medicines are sold without a prescription form, so they can be freely purchased at the pharmacy network.

Moisturizing drops do not affect the tissues of the eye, but are artificial tears. Because of this, they have practically no contraindications. Consider the popular products from the group of moisturizing preparations:

  • Vizomitin. The tool has a keratoprotective effect, it fights against age-related changes in the lacrimal fluid, as well as dry eye syndrome. Visomitin has antioxidant activity, due to which the cells of the conjunctiva are normalized, the inflammatory reaction is removed and the composition of the tear film is normalized. Vizomitin is drops from pain, itching, burning and pain in the eyes. This is a unique drug that affects not only the symptoms, but also the very cause of the problem.
  • Systane. Relaxing preparation effectively eliminates dryness, fatigue and irritation of the eyes. Soon after instillation, unpleasant symptoms such as itching, redness, and burning are reduced. When drops fall on the mucous membrane of the eye, they form a film that protects against drying out.
  • Vidisik. The gel has a keratoprotective property. This is a combined remedy, similar in composition to tear fluid. On the surface of the eye, Vidisic forms a delicate film that lubricates and moisturizes. The gel stimulates the healing process.
  • Hilo chest of drawers. These are drops for relaxing the eyes, which are used for dry eye syndrome, after surgical interventions, as well as for a feeling of comfort when wearing contact lenses. Hylo-chest contains hyaluronic acid, it does not contain any preservatives and is approved for use during pregnancy. Hilo-chest of drawers are drops for pain, itching and fatigue in the eyes.

Systane is a well-known eye drops for irritation.

Activating metabolic processes

Experts prescribe such drops to slow down age-related changes and dystrophic processes in the tissues of the visual apparatus, as well as in the treatment of cataracts. The active components included in the composition help to receive more oxygen and nutrients to the eye. Medicines of this group improve microcirculation processes, nutrition of the eye and restore functional activity.

Let's single out the brightest representatives of this group:

  • Quinax. It is often prescribed in the treatment of clouding of the lens - cataracts. Quinax has antioxidant activity and protects the lens from the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Taufon. The remedy is prescribed for dystrophic changes occurring in the organs of vision. Taufon stimulates metabolic and energy processes, and also accelerates the healing process. The tool normalizes intraocular pressure and metabolism.
  • Catalin. It is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes from diabetic and senile cataracts. Catalin normalizes nutrition, metabolic processes in the lens, and also prevents the appearance and development of cataract symptoms.

Taufon are cheap eye drops that activate metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye


Anti-glaucoma drops are prescribed for elevated inside eye pressure. Glaucoma, or hypertension of the eye, is fraught with development atrophic changes in the optic nerve and complete loss of vision. Drugs reduce production intraocular fluid and improve its outflow. Such drops are a good method of non-surgical treatment of glaucoma. The safety of the patient's vision depends on the correctness of their choice.

Let's talk about four well-known antiglaucoma drops:

  • Pilocarpine. The tool narrows the pupil of the eye and reduces increased intraocular pressure. Pilocarpine is also used in the examination of the eye, as well as after surgical interventions. The tool belongs to the group of alkaloids, which is made from the leaves of a plant of the genus Pilocarpus;
  • Betoptik. The drug belongs to the group of selective beta-blockers. Intraocular pressure is reduced by reducing the production of eye fluid. Betoptik selectively affects the receptors of the organs of the visual apparatus. The tool does not affect the size of the pupil and indicators of twilight vision;
  • Fotil. These are combined drops, which include pilocarpine and timolol, a beta-blocker. Fotil causes spasm of accommodation and constriction of the pupil. Within half an hour after instillation, an effect is observed that can last up to fourteen hours;
  • Xalatan. The tool improves the outflow of aqueous humor, preventing the progression of glaucoma.

Eye wash drops

Washing the eyes may be necessary in case of injury, as well as the ingress of a foreign body or aggressive substances. Doctors also recommend the procedure for inflammatory processes. Consider three types of eye drops:

  • Sulfacyl. Belongs to the group of sulfonamides. It has a bacteriostatic effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microflora. This means that under the action of the drug, the active growth and reproduction of pathogens is suspended;
  • Levomycetin. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Getting used to Levomycetin is slow.
  • Albucid. It is an antibiotic with a bacteriostatic effect, which eliminates infectious and inflammatory processes. The active substance has antimicrobial activity and belongs to sulfonamides.

Albucid are antibacterial drops that are used to wash the eyes.


The pupil is the opening in the iris of the eye through which sunlight, refracted hits the retina. Drops to dilate the pupil can be used in two cases:

  • Therapeutic goal. In the treatment of inflammatory processes and during surgical intervention.
  • diagnostic goal. To check the fundus.

Let's review the famous midriatics:

  • Atropine. The tool has a large number of contraindications and is highly toxic. Sometimes the action of Atropine persists for ten days. The drug can cause discomfort and blurred vision for a certain period of time;
  • Midriacil. Approximately twenty minutes after instillation, the remedy begins to act. Therapeutic activity persists for several hours, which means that the functions of the eye are quickly restored. The tool can be used by both adults and children. You can read more about eye drops for children;
  • Irifrin. The tool is used both in medicinal and diagnostic purposes. This is due to the ability of Irifrin to lower intraocular pressure.

Irifrin is used for diagnostic purposes to dilate the pupil


The main task of antiseptics is the disinfection of surfaces. These funds have a wide spectrum of action and therefore bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi are sensitive to them. They are low allergenic and do not have a systemic effect on the body. The drugs help to alleviate the condition with conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis and other inflammatory processes. Antiseptics eliminate redness and prevent the effects of pathogens.

Consider two well-known antiseptics for the treatment of eye diseases:

  • Vitabact. Drops have a wide spectrum antimicrobial action. Pyloxidin is the main active ingredient drug. Vitabact is used for infectious lesions of the anterior parts of the eye: conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, keratitis, blepharitis.
  • Okomistin. Benzyldimethyl is active substance antiseptic drops. Okomistin is prescribed for eye injuries, keratitis, conjunctivitis. It is also used to prevent purulent inflammatory complications.

Okomistin are antiseptic eye and ear drops.


This group of medicines is used for allergic manifestations in the eye area:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • burning;
  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation.

A feature of antiallergic drops is that they only stop the symptoms of allergies, but do not therapeutic effect. Such drugs are prescribed for seasonal conjunctivitis, inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by wearing contact lenses, as well as drug inflammation.

Consider the list of antiallergic drops:

  • Alomid. It is an antihistamine used to stabilize mast cells. After instillation, temporary itching, burning and tingling may occur.
  • Allergodil. The tool has a decongestant and anti-allergic agent. Allergodil is used for seasonal conjunctivitis, as well as year-round inflammation of an allergic nature. It is allowed to use the product after twelve years. Allergodil may cause eye irritation.
  • Opatanol. The active component of the drops is a potent selective antihistamine. Opatanol effectively fights the symptoms of seasonal conjunctivitis: itching, burning, swelling, redness of the mucous membrane.
  • Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid that relieves inflammation and allergic reactions. Hydrocortisone relieves inflammation, irritation, redness, and also reduces the migration of protective cells in the focus inflammatory response.

Allergodil is an antiallergic drug that is used in the form of eye drops and nasal spray.


Such funds are used for swelling and redness of the eye. Such discomfort may be the result of an allergic, inflammatory reaction or irritation. Narrowing of the vessels leads to the fact that swelling and puffiness disappear within just a few minutes. You can use vasoconstrictor drugs strictly according to the doctor's indication and a short time because they can be addictive.

Let's take a closer look at the representatives of the vasoconstrictor group:

  • Octilia. The agent belongs to alpha-adrenergic agonists. Tetrizoline - the active component of Octilia - constricts blood vessels, relieves swelling, stimulates the outflow of intraocular fluid and causes pupil dilation. The remedy relieves unpleasant symptoms of eye irritation: lacrimation, itching, burning, pain;
  • Okumetil. This is a combined anti-inflammatory agent with anti-allergic, antiseptic action. Okumetil relieves swelling and irritation of the eye. After installation, the active ingredient is able to be absorbed into the systemic circulation, which can cause serious side effects from the internal organs;
  • Vizin. The active ingredient is an alpha-adrenergic agonist - tetrizoline. Vizin constricts blood vessels and relieves swelling. Within a minute, the effect of the drug is manifested, which persists for four to eight hours.

Vizin eye drops quickly constrict blood vessels


Antibacterial drugs fight bacterial eye diseases. But it is a bacterial infection that most often causes inflammatory processes. Let's talk about effective antibiotics in the form of drops:

  • Tobrex. The active ingredient of the drug is tobramycin. It is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides. Tobrex is used to treat infectious and inflammatory processes in people of any age, including newborns. Staphylococci, streptococci, Klebsiella, Escherichia and diphtheria coli are sensitive to tobramycin;
  • Digital. The active ingredient is ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones. Capable of summoning adverse reactions in the form of allergic reactions;
  • Phloxal. it antimicrobial drug, to which gram-negative bacteria are most sensitive. Floksal is effective in the treatment of eye stye, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and other diseases.


Antiviral drops are of two types:

  • Virucidal chemotherapy drugs and interferons. These agents destroy the viral infection.
  • Immunomodulators. Strengthen the resistance, or resistance, of the body, making it easier for it to fight pathogens.

Poludan is an effective antiviral agent

Let's talk about four popular antiviral eye drops:

  • Oftan I go. Idoxuridine is the active component of the drug, which is a pyrimidine nucleotide. Its main disadvantage is poor penetration into the cornea and the impossibility of influencing resistant strains of viruses and toxic substances. When instilled with Oftan Idu, itching, burning, pain, swelling may occur;
  • Oftalmoferon. This is a combined remedy that has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. A product based on human recombinant interferon was made. Oftalmoferon also has a local anesthetic and regenerative effect;
  • Aktipol. The tool has not only an antiviral effect, it has an antioxidant, radioprotective and regenerative property. Actipol is quickly absorbed into the tissues of the eye and promotes wound healing, as well as the removal of puffiness;
  • Poludan. Typically, drops are used in the treatment of adenovirus and herpetic lesions of the eye. Poludan also has an immunomodulatory effect. Sometimes the remedy can cause allergic-type side effects.

So, eye drops are effective drugs in the fight against various diseases of the visual apparatus. These funds are divided into different groups depending on the presence of the active component. Used for bacterial infections antibacterial agents, if the ophthalmic disorder is of a viral nature, then specialists prescribe antiviral drops. When fungal disease antimycotic drops are prescribed. And this is not a complete list of all available drugs for the eyes.

Eye drops can be used not only for medicinal purposes, they are also used for prevention and diagnostic study. Be that as it may, medicines for the eyes should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Medications that help the human organs of vision (eyes) get rid of emerging problems. On sale there are combined formulations that can deal with several conditions at the same time; There are eliminating only certain pathologies.

Attention! This article is for reference only. For questions about how to apply and how to treat eye diseases, be sure (!) Contact specialists.

Types of eye drops

Depending on the purpose, they are divided into groups, in which they are presented:

  • antimicrobial:
  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • hormonal:
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiglaucoma:
  • improving the removal of intraocular fluid;
  • inhibiting the production of aqueous humor;
  • combined;
  • antiallergic;
  • used in cataracts;
  • moisturizing;
  • diagnosing.


Designed to combat inflammation of the eyes caused by their infection.


Fight infections that are caused by bacteria that enter the eye and their appendages. Among the frequently occurring diseases that are caused by these microorganisms:

  • dacryocystitis, in which the lacrimal sac becomes inflamed;
  • meiobit - simply called barley;
  • creeping type corneal ulcer, which is characterized by ulcerative lesions of the transparent membrane above the pupil and iris;
  • purulent inflammation that occurs after injuries and operations;
  • blepharitis, characterized by inflammation of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis, in which the mucous membrane becomes inflamed;
  • keratitis, in which inflammation is associated with the cornea;
  • uveitis is an inflammatory condition of the membrane of the eye, made up of blood vessels, etc.

The most widely represented group in the assortment on the market. They are based on different components: antibiotics, sulfonamides.

The former are based on both semi-synthetic and natural substances that kill microorganisms. They have a different chemical nature, in connection with which they distinguish:

  • with aminoglycosides (eg, tobramycin, gentamicin);
  • with chloramphenicol (for example, chloramphenicol);
  • with fluoroquinolones (as an example, levofloxacin, Citromed, ofloxacin).

The use of sulfonamides has been known since more ancient times than antibiotics. Such drugs are still in demand and popular in ophthalmology. As an example, albucid is a well-known and prescribed remedy for improving vision for various problems.


Which antibacterial drugs are most suitable for treating the eyes is determined by the doctor for each specific patient. This usually takes into account:

  • how old he is, what his general condition is, whether he has diseases that are a contraindication;
  • how the patient tolerates the drugs;
  • what specific bacteria caused eye problems;
  • combination with those medications with which he is already being treated;
  • what side effects can accompany;
  • whether medications are suitable for him at a cost;
  • whether the prescribed funds are available in pharmacies located geographically closer to the patient's place of residence.

For an example of restrictions on the appointment of certain solutions of this group can serve complete ban their appointment to children up to one year of age. Aminoglycoside preparations are contraindicated in those who have developed acoustic neuritis; with sulfonamides - who have severe liver problems.


Purpose - to disinfect the skin, hands of surgeons, kill pathogens on mucous membranes, in wounds, in burns, on operating tables. The widest scope of action - they are able to cope with bacteria, most viruses, protozoa, various fungi.

Preparations with antiseptic properties rarely cause allergies and are suitable for almost all patients with rare exceptions. As a rule, in ophthalmology apply:

  • with conjunctivitis;
  • with inflammation of the cornea, eyelids (for example, with blepharitis, barley);
  • with keratitis;
  • as a preventive measure to exclude complications that may develop after injury to the eyes or operations on them.

Of the antiseptics, the most famous and in demand are Okomistin and Vitabact, which are solutions of miramistin and picloxidine, respectively.

Since they are prescribed locally, they can be used by adults and children, pregnant and lactating women; they, if necessary, are appointed even to newborns. An exception to the appointment may be excessive sensitivity to such medications or reactions to them of an allergic type.


They are represented on the market by two groups with different mechanisms of action on viruses. Both are big:

  • one of them is based on chemotherapeutic virucidal drugs that kill viruses;
  • the second includes interferons that can deal with viruses of an immune nature, as well as immunomodulators that help the body fight viruses.

The first includes the medication Oftan Idu, which is idoxuridine. It is suitable for children, adults with an infectious effect on the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes with herpes. Oftan is tolerated by most patients. Contraindications include only their individual intolerance. When using idoxuridine, side effects may occur - they are expressed in burning, headache, lacrimation, eyelid spasm, accompanied by pain, photophobia.

Oftan Idu should be used with caution by pregnant women. It cannot be used in situations where the patient is already using glucocorticoid drugs. In addition, its use adversely affects the healing rate of corneal damage resulting from the action of viruses.


These are low molecular weight proteins. Drugs are "native" to the body, because they are produced by its own cells. Their activity is aimed at fighting viruses, tumors; interferons contribute to an increase in immunity in humans.

Interferons in ophthalmic practice treat inflammatory processes affecting the choroid that develop in the cornea of ​​the eye. The reasons for this process are the action of adenoviruses, infection with herpes viruses, including the herpes zoster type.

Although interferons are considered natural to the body, they are not suitable for all patients. Among those who are contraindicated, in particular, those who have kidney damage, who have liver problems or are diagnosed with hematopoietic insufficiency.

Interferons are dangerous during pregnancy, feeding the baby, as they can affect their development and create problems with their health.


The direction of action is to "stimulate" the body to work on improving its defense systems. As a result, immunomodulators activate cellular immunity, help produce antibodies that can cope with viruses.

In ophthalmology, the most famous of the immunomodulators are represented by Poludan and Aktipol, which are composed of, respectively, a mixture of polyadenylic and polyuridylic acids and aminobenzoic acid. They are usually prescribed in case of damage to the organs of vision, which are caused by adenoviruses and herpes.

Immunomodulators are contraindicated in women when carrying a fetus, when breastfeeding babies. Dangerous for people suffering from autoimmune diseases. Not assigned to those who have serious problems with kidneys and liver.


The fungus affects the eyes quite rarely. When this happens, the lacrimal gland and / or the cornea, the conjunctiva membrane are involved in the process. The cause of the condition is mainly the weakening of the body, patients whose treatment occurs with the use of anti-inflammatory steroid drugs. Diseases are professional, more often among agricultural workers.

Treat fungal infections special preparations, including substances that kill pathogens. They are taken inside. At the same time, Vitabact is prescribed, which is associated by many people as an antifungal agent, although they are real antiseptics.


A special group, also called steroids. They have a rather pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, since their action occurs at the cell level. They are also distinguished by a high degree of penetration - after entering the eye, they quickly find themselves not only in their tissues, but also in the lens.

Steroid products should be used with caution. Their elimination of inflammation is nothing more than suppression at the cellular level immune system organism, and this can result in adverse problems for a person. That's why hormonal preparations more are prescribed for those who have inflammation of the allergic and autoimmune type. They help to cope with the problem of rejection, which can occur during corneal transplantation.

In part, the problem of the “harmfulness” of hormonal medications for the eyes is solved by their combined representatives, the composition of which is combined from antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory steroid agents.

The most popular combined drug today is Sofradex. Maxitrol is close in demand, the composition of which is represented by dexamethasone and antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B. Especially if eye problems are caused intestinal bacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Among the drugs prescribed are Dexon (neomycin + dexamethasone), Dexagentamicin (aminoglycoside gentamicin + dexamethasone).

Usually combined are used for certain indications:

  • if any bacterial inflammation affecting the eyelids, cornea, conjunctiva; but only in cases where epithelial lesions are not observed;
  • with iridocyclitis - damage to the eye inflammatory nature with localization in its anterior chamber, which is represented by the iris and ciliary body.

In addition, they are used in preventive measures after eye injury or surgery on them.


Against inflammation of the non-steroidal type, such as paracetamol, analgin, aspirin, are known to many and they respond positively to them. These medicines help fight toothache and headache, relieve inflammation, and get rid of fever.

In ophthalmology, there are also such drugs, and among them the most famous are Diclofenac and Indocollir, which have the same effect, but different active ingredients.

Indocollir, as well as Diclofenac, are prescribed by doctors:

  • to relieve pain and inflammation in the presence of conjunctivitis in the eyes, which developed in the absence of infection;
  • to suppress the reaction of the eye, which is expressed in a decrease in the size of the pupil, which is typical when performing surgical interventions on them;
  • to prevent manifestations of cystic maculopathy, which can occur after operations associated with glaucoma and cataracts, etc.

In spite of wide application Diclofenac and Indocollir also have a restriction on use:

  • gastrointestinal ulcer during exacerbation;
  • non-perception of aspirin, bronchial asthma, the presence of nasal polyposis;
  • problems with hematopoiesis with unexplained causes;
  • high sensitivity to medications.
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • women during pregnancy, as they affect the blood circulation in the fetus and in the newborn. Their application is possible only when assessing all possible consequences;
  • patients suffering from bronchial asthma;
  • elderly people with a diagnosis of heart failure, arterial hypertension.

Taking Indocollir and Diclofenac may:

  • manifest problems with the gastrointestinal tract, expressed as stool disorders, flatulence, nausea, pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting;
  • lead to sleep problems, irritability, dizziness, weakness, headache.

Of the side effects that are possible when using, rarely, but observed:

  • intra-ear noise;
  • redness of the conjunctiva, the presence of itching in it; the cornea may become inflamed, pressure in the eyes may increase, double in them; blurry vision of objects is possible;
  • paresthesia - a sensation described by patients as crawling on the skin;
  • tremor, mental disorders, convulsions;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • problems with the kidneys, up to their edema.

Given the many restrictions and side effects, Indocollir, Diclofenac are prescribed for a period of 1 ... 2 weeks.


Two groups:

  • cholinomimetics, the use of which leads to a decrease in intraocular pressure;
  • analogues of prostaglandin F2α, which improve the output of intraocular fluid.

Improving the drainage of intraocular fluid

Cholinomimetics are substances that affect the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system through its receptors. If they are used constantly, then this affects the functioning of internal organs. For example, there may be a slowdown in the heartbeat, a contraction of smooth muscle: in relation to the eyes - the circular muscle of the iris, the ciliary muscle.

Due to their properties, cholinomimetics in ophthalmology narrow, if necessary, the size of the pupils, increase the output of intraocular fluid in glaucoma. Of the known in this group - Pilocarpine. It is used periodically when it is necessary to remove the symptoms characteristic of an acute attack of glaucoma; can be used continuously as a means of stabilizing intraocular pressure in some safe indication.

They begin to act no later than in half an hour, and end in 4 ... 6 hours. They are able to reduce intraocular pressure up to 15% ... 20%.

Cholinomimetics have limitations in their use. They are contraindicated:

  • if there are inflammatory processes covering the ciliary body, the iris;
  • with pupillary block, which may occur due to fusion of the iris or dislocation affecting the vitreous body and lens;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with increased sensitivity to the substances that make up the composition.

The use of cholinomimetics may be accompanied by side effects that disappear after the drug is discontinued no later than 7 hours. The following states are expressed:

  • in a significant decrease in the pupil and, as a result, the field of view;
  • in an unstable pulse, in pressure surges;
  • in the deterioration of distant vision, especially at dusk and at night;
  • in pulmonary edema, in spasms in the bronchi;
  • in pains at the top of the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation;
  • a problem with the excretion of urine;
  • in pain in the superciliary part of the head;
  • in allergic manifestations.

Cholinomimetics can sometimes provoke an acceleration of cataract formation, the development of conjunctivitis, and lead to corneal damage. You need to know this and change medicines in a timely manner.

A group of analogues of prostaglandin F2α, which include the prescribed Travatan and Xalatan, helps to drain intraocular fluid, which contributes to a decrease in intraocular pressure.

Long-acting drugs, they are instilled only once a day. The body gets used to them over time, so they change every 2 years. They can cause unpleasant side effects that disappear as soon as the drugs are discontinued. In particular, a condition may occur in which:

  • heartbeat slows down;
  • begins to change unpredictably arterial pressure;
  • there are pains in the area of ​​​​the heart;
  • there is pigmentation of the iris, eyelids;
  • mood decreases;
  • headache appears;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood increases;
  • there is redness of the conjunctiva, rashes on the eyelids;
  • sand in the eye is felt;
  • stuffy nose;
  • exacerbated chronic infections, etc.
  • during pregnancy, while breastfeeding;
  • with secondary post-inflammatory glaucoma;
  • if the patient:
  • there were problems with the vascular membrane of the eye of an inflammatory nature;
  • an operation was performed to restore the lens in the region of the posterior capsule after its damage;
  • if the patient's body does not tolerate the drug.

Inhibiting the production of aqueous humor

Beta blockers. Thanks to them, there is less fluid inside the eyeball. Lower intraocular pressure by a quarter. The latter makes drugs among the most used in the fight against glaucoma.

More often, Timolol is used to combat glaucoma, and Betoptik is a little less common. Moreover, the latter can be used even for people who suffer from bronchial asthma or other obstructive pulmonary pathologies.

Both tools have restrictions on use; they can cause some unpleasant conditions. In such a list:

  • bronchial asthma and other similar problems of a chronic nature in the lungs;
  • dystrophic changes spread to the cornea;
  • the presence of heart rhythm disturbances, in particular, with atrioventricular blockade, sinus bradycardia;
  • the period of pregnancy in women, breastfeeding;
  • heart failure;
  • the patient has diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, myasthenia gravis.

If used for a long time, they can lead to:

  • to the distortion of the heart rate, respiratory rate;
  • to acute respiratory failure;
  • to bronchospasm;
  • to weakness;
  • to dizziness;
  • to sleep disturbance;
  • to urticaria;
  • to a decrease in sexual desire;
  • to tearing;
  • to painful spasm of the eyelids;
  • to edema of the conjunctiva of an allergic nature.
  • In addition to beta-blockers, there are medications related to carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - to eye antiglaucoma drops (for example, Trusopt). They have a slightly different principle of action, but they also help to reduce the reproduction of intraocular fluid.

    The advantages of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors over those described above is that patients do not get used to them. Therefore, they can be used for a long time without fear that the effectiveness of the drug will decrease.

    Trusopt has fewer contraindications, but they are present. Among them:

    • Addison's disease;
    • acute kidney failure, diabetes mellitus;
    • "Poverty" of blood for potassium, calcium.

    Do not use before the age of 18, during pregnancy. In the latter case, when prescribing it, the ratio of the risk to the fetus and the expected benefit to the woman is assessed. If there is a need to use Trusopt during lactation, then the best option would be to stop breastfeeding and start artificial feeding.

    Among unpleasant phenomena that are observed and developed as a result of long-term use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors:

    • inflammation of the iris, ciliary body;
    • development of leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolysis of erythrocytes;
    • weight loss, urge to vomit, nausea, decreased desire to eat;
    • decrease in sexual desire;
    • rashes on the skin, their redness;
    • taste disorder, etc.


    The emergence of solutions in which ingredients from various antiglaucoma groups are present occurred due to the need to make them more effective and reduce the number of side effects.

    For example, Fotil is able to lower the pressure inside the eyes by a third of the original. What can be achieved by other means is simply impossible. True, it has a greater number of contraindications, but at the same time, it is better tolerated by patients. These drugs are less addictive.


    Presented in pharmacies by several groups:

    • membrane stabilizing;
    • means of blocking histamine receptors;
    • from conjunctivitis of an allergic nature with vasoconstrictive properties.

    Among membrane stabilizing agents, Lecrolin and Ketatifen are more often purchased by patients. In them, the active substance is represented, respectively, by cromoglycic acid and ketatifen.

    Allergic conjunctivitis of various nature is eliminated:

    • seasonal;
    • hyperpapillary, resulting from irritation upper eyelid postoperative sutures, prostheses and other bodies;
    • medicinal.

    They are not used: up to 4 years of age; if the patient has excessive sensitivity to them.

    Membrane-stabilizing anti-allergic drugs can be dangerous for the gestating fetus by pregnant women. The most vulnerable trimesters are the first and last.

    Lekrolin and Ketatifen from funds that are problem-free for patients. Side effects during their use are minimal and are expressed:

    • burning in the eyes;
    • temporary blurred vision;
    • rarely, joint pain can occur, rash on the skin.

    From the group of medications that work by blocking histamine receptors, Allergodil and Opatanol appear. In the former, the active substance is represented by azelastine, in the latter, by olopatadine. In features - the ability to fight not only with allergic conjunctivitis, but also to show excellent results in the complex treatment of keratoconjunctivitis, as well as conjunctivitis of chlamydial, viral, bacterial types.

    Opatanol should not be taken at all:

    • children;
    • during pregnancy, women who are breastfeeding;
    • with angle-closure glaucoma;
    • when taking medications that are monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

    The same ban applies to Allergodil.

    In any case, you need to remember that substances act on the body as sleeping pills, tranquilizers, alcohol. Caution should not be neglected if the patient:

    • age has not reached 18 years;
    • there are diseases of bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer, prostate adenoma, arterial hypertension, hyperthyroidism.

    Reception rules - in the morning, in the evening one at a time. In this case, the procedure may be accompanied by:

    • manifestation of sleep disturbances, lethargy, poor coordination of movements, increased fatigue;
    • palpitations, increased blood pressure values;
    • loose stools, lack of desire to eat, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

    With conjunctivitis of an allergic nature, vasoconstrictor solutions help. Their action is explained by the effect on blood vessels. The latter, narrowing, lead to the disappearance of the edema of the conjunctiva, its redness. Good, if necessary, to eliminate irritation of the conjunctiva, which can be caused by contact lenses, cosmetics, chlorinated water, smog, cigarette smoke, dust.

    The most popular is Vizin. They allow you to remove unpleasant conditions almost instantly and last up to 4 ... 8 hours. However, they cannot be categorically used:

    • pregnant and lactating women;
    • with angle-closure glaucoma;
    • with coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension;
    • with diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytosis, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

    Reception of Vizin can lead to:

    • to a decrease in the patient's performance, to the occurrence of a headache;
    • palpitations, increased blood pressure;
    • to an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood;
    • to an increase in pressure within the eye.

    Used for cataracts

    They help only in the early stages of the disease. They inhibit the development of pathology, can postpone surgery for a long time.

    Of the well-known and more commonly used drugs for the treatment of cataracts are Quinax and Oftan Katahrom.

    The former affect metabolic processes. Due to their action, protein opaque compounds are absorbed, due to which the level of transparency of the lens decreases. In addition, it prevents the oxidation of the lens tissue. Quinax can treat any type of cataract.

    Katahrom composite; they are made up of biologically active substances: adenosine, nicotinamide and cytochrome C. They help flush out toxins from the lens, participate in the nutrition of the cornea. In addition, they regulate the oxidation and restoration of eye tissues, protect their cells from the attack of aggressive radicals. The treatment is long.

    Anticatarrhal solutions have practically no contraindications. They are not suitable only for people who have allergic reactions to the substances included in them.


    This group is essentially artificial tears. They are neutral to eye tissues, have a minimum of contraindications and are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Their main task is not to let the eyes dry out, that is, not to lose their natural protection against infection, fatigue.

    Especially useful for those who work in air-conditioned rooms, "communicate" for a long time with a computer. Acquired to combat the states of Hilo Chest of drawers or Systane. Both agents are aqueous inert solutions, tear fluid substitutes; contribute to an increase in the viscosity of the tear film, its thickness.

    Systein and Hilo Chest of drawers can be used by almost everyone. Exceptions - individual intolerance, presence in the tissues of the eyes infectious and inflammatory processes that are chronic. Of the side effects, blurred vision is observed, but it is temporary.


    They are used in ophthalmology during surgical interventions. For example, in operations when it is necessary to artificially expand the pupil, to remove some natural reaction of the organ of vision.

    Buying eye drops in a pharmacy

    Prices vary greatly, so there is always the question of how to save money and not buy a fake.

    Buying a generic drug will help solve the problem - an analogue of the original medication, which has the same active ingredient as the original, but a different name. They often cost less, sometimes significantly.

    The quality of the analogue is different - to be at the level of the original, or worse than it. It depends on the company that produces generics and the level of technology for their production.

    For information:

    • usually the quality of drugs produced by Japan, the USA, Western European countries should not cause concern;
    • when buying drugs manufactured in China, India, in other countries of the East Asian region, you need to be on your guard and carefully get acquainted with the composition and reviews on them.

    The choice of generics is simple. The Internet will come to your aid, more specifically the sites of pharmacies located in it. However, their purchase is recommended to be made only (!) After appropriate consultations with an ophthalmologist. For analogues, even having an original active substance in their composition, may have other indications and limitations, which only a specialist knows about.

    If you still decide to buy an analogue on your own, pay attention to the substance that is indicated in it as active. Usually it is written at the beginning of the list of substances that make up the composition. May be bolded or listed as the active ingredient.

    Description of eye drops


    Levomycetin is one of the most popular among patients. They treat a wide range of eye diseases. They are prescribed for those who have inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis), the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), the cornea (keratitis). Naturally, in cases where the bacteria that cause inflammation are sensitive to the drug.

    Usually the course of treatment with Levomycetin does not exceed 10 days. It is instilled into the eyes every day 2 ... 4 p., The volume is one drop. If the course needs to be extended, constant monitoring of the state of blood elements at the cellular level is performed.

    Levomycetin is not recommended for children under 4 years of age. In his absolute contraindications pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is necessary to store the drug at a temperature of 8 ° С ... 15 ° С, out of the reach of children. A closed bottle can be stored for up to 2 years, an open one - a maximum of a month.


    Tobrex is a third-generation drug - the closest relatives are streptomycin and gentamicin. It belongs to aminoglycoside antibiotics, therefore it has a narrow spectrum of action. It is not used for allergic or fungal conjunctivitis.

    Among the diseases of the eye, which are treated with Tobrex: inflammation of the lacrimal gland (dacryocystitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis), cornea (keratitis), choroid (uveitis). Effective in the prevention of purulent complications that may occur after surgery or injury.

    The course of treatment with Tobrex is determined by the instruction in 2 weeks. Instillation daily, 1 ... 2 drops, at least 3 times. They have a negative effect on the kidneys, which is a warning for their appointment to elderly patients.

    The storage conditions of Tobrex are typical - a cool, inaccessible place for children (usually the refrigerator door). An open bottle retains its properties for up to a month.

    Taufon (Taurine)

    Taurine is an amino acid found in human body. Sold in a 4% solution in different (5, 10 ml) glass or plastic bottles. Its main purpose is the fight against the pathology of the lens - cataracts.

    Also effective in the treatment of:

    • injuries and dystrophic processes in the cornea;
    • glaucoma;
    • retinal receptors responsible for the perception of visual objects.

    Taufon is used for various conditions in different ways. For example, radiation, traumatic, diabetic and senile cataracts are treated for a month, instilling 2 ... 4 r. daily 1..2 cap. For dystrophies and injuries, the doses are the same, but the course is reduced to a month. With open-angle glaucoma, Taurine is used in conjunction with Timolol and is applied half an hour before instillation of the latter.

    Taufon storage conditions: temperature up to 25°C. Direct hit is excluded. sun rays. Shelf life in a polyethylene container is 3 g, in a glass container - 4 g. An open bottle is suitable for 2 weeks.


    • when there are dystrophic processes affecting the cornea, retina, its choroid;
    • in case of complications caused by diabetes mellitus, myopia;
    • in measures that exclude hemorrhages that occur inside the eyeball, under the conjunctiva and in their treatment;
    • as protection of the cornea when using contact lenses;
    • with inflammation of the cornea;
    • with retinal burns of various nature;
    • to prevent possible complications after eye surgery.

    The usual appointment of Emoksipin - 2..3 p. per day for 1 ... 2 drops. The course can be short (3 days) and very long (180 days) - the doctor sets. Sometimes courses are prescribed a month long with a repetition per year of 2 ... 3 r.

    The drug, due to the lack of knowledge, can not be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age and women during pregnancy and lactation.

    Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid)

    Sulfacyl (old name Albucid) is an antimicrobial drug belonging to the group of sulfonamides. It is used only locally against a wide variety of microorganisms. It is the remedy that doctors attribute, starting to treat the eyes for such lesions:

    • inflammation of the eyelids, their glands (barley, blepharitis);
    • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis);
    • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis);
    • blennorrhea that occurs when infected with gonococcal flora;
    • creeping ulcer that develops on the cornea.

    Albucid can not be used in case of renal failure, serious liver damage. Contraindicated in those who are allergic to the drug, to diuretics, sulfonylurea derivatives. It is not prescribed for those who have reached the age of 65, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

    Dosage - 1 ... 3 drops with a frequency of 4 ... 6 p. daily. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor.

    Sulfacyl is a potent drug. The place of its storage should not be accessible to children, animals. Saving temperatures – 6°С…15°С. An open vial is used up to 4 weeks.

    Tsipromed (Tsiprolet)

    Tsipromed is a solution of the latest antibiotic. They can be used not only for the eyes, but also for instillation into the ears. Able to help deal with the most difficult cases purulent infection. They are contraindicated in children under one year of age, pregnant women and those who breastfeed after birth.

    Ciprolet is used in different ways - it depends on the pathology. For example, a bacterial ulcer of the cornea is treated by instillation of the drug every half an hour, 1 ... 2 drops. within 6 hours. after waking up. Then 2 days in an hour. The next 5 days - after 2 hours and then 4 p. in a day. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks.

    Store Tsiprolet away from sunlight, placing in a place with a temperature of up to 25 ° C. If the bottle is opened, after 28 days. cannot be applied.

    How to apply eye drops

    • before use, carefully read the instructions that are mandatory for the drug; it will help you open the vial correctly and quickly, tell you, for example, whether you need to shake it before use, and a lot of other useful information;
    • before use, warm the solution by holding it in your hand for about 5 minutes;
    • always wash your hands before instillation;
    • the process requires a calm environment;
    • it is best to apply sitting in front of a mirror;
    • the instillation itself is done as follows: the head is thrown back a little; with a free hand, pull the lower eyelid down a little; at the same time, a small “pocket” is formed between it and the eyeball; move the direction of gaze up, keeping the tip of a dropper or pipette in sight; instill how many drops are prescribed inside the "pocket" formed by the lower eyelid; close the eye, with the finger of the hand easily press the lower eyelid in the corner (near the nose); this prevents the medicine from getting inside the nose through the nasolacrimal canal; you need to keep pale on the eyelid for 2 ... 3 minutes;
    • another medicine can be dripped into the eye only after 15–20 minutes. after the previous one.


    It is necessary to store strictly according to the instructions in which there is a corresponding section. From general rules storage:

    • cannot be placed in the freezer; the best place to save them - a shelf on the refrigerator doors;
    • it is necessary to ensure that they are not interested in children who can take the solution for any drink;
    • open medicines can be used for a maximum of 28 days.


    May cause allergic reactions in those patients for whom the substances included in their composition are allergens. They can be expressed:

    • in the appearance of swelling of the conjunctiva, its redness;
    • in painful spasm of the eyelids;
    • intraocular pain, pain;
    • constant flow of tears;
    • in swelling of the tissues located near the eye.

    Allergies can also appear common features. A runny nose may appear, a stuffy nose, and urticaria may spread all over the body. Of its most severe manifestations are attacks of bronchial asthma, the onset of anaphylaxis.

    In case of allergic reactions, stop using immediately. To relieve symptoms, an anti-allergy solution, for example, allergodil, is instilled into the affected eye. Inside you need to enter the antihistamine medication loratadine. If symptoms persist, call an ambulance.

    Use during pregnancy, lactation

    During such periods, it is better for women not to use such medicines. If they cannot be abandoned, then the question of using the drug is decided by the doctor, taking into account its benefits for the woman and possible harm. developing fetus or a newborn baby who feeds on mother's milk.

Dear friends, hello!

Today's conversation will be devoted to eye drops.

Many of you have been asking me for this for a long time.

In my opinion, on this topic you need to know the following:

  1. Symptoms of the main eye sores in order to competently advise the buyer.
  2. Types of eye drops: when, what and for what it is used.
  3. What can be recommended without a doctor at the most common problems with eyes?
  4. What questions should the buyer ask in order not to make a mistake with the choice?
  5. What information should be given to him with a drug from this group?

We are not ophthalmologists, after all!

As you remember, ARVI is caused by various types of viruses. Some of them like to settle in the nasal mucosa, causing rhinitis, others - in the bronchi, causing bronchitis, pneumonia, and some have chosen the mucous membrane of the eye for themselves. For example, adenovirus.

How to recognize adenovirus conjunctivitis?

The discharge from the eye with this ARVI is not abundant, light, the eyelashes do not stick together in the morning, the eye is red, the eyelids are slightly swollen. The process begins in one eye, but after a few days it moves to the other.

And most importantly: as a rule, there are other symptoms of a cold. This, tickling, etc.

Oftalmoferon- a drug based on interferon. It has an antiviral effect, increases local immunity. The composition contains diphenhydramine, so Oftalmoferon also provides an anti-inflammatory effect. Can be pregnant, lactating (preferably prescribed by a doctor), children from birth.

Aktipol. The active substance is aminobenzoic acid.

The drug is an interferon inducer, has an antioxidant effect and, in addition, accelerates the regeneration of the cornea.

Therefore, it is also used after minor eye injuries, to improve the tolerance of contact lenses and reduce the time to get used to them.

In this case, it is instilled in the morning before putting on contact lenses and in the evening after they have been removed.

But if there is a viral infection, it is better not to wear lenses during treatment. However, as with any other infectious eye disease.

And something else important: Aktipol is not used with sulfonamides, i.e. with the same Albucid.

Often a viral infection is complicated by a bacterial one, so don't be surprised if you see both an antiviral and an antibacterial drug in a doctor's prescription.

Poludan- lyophilisate for the preparation of eye drops. It is also an interferon inducer. Pretty old drug. It is inconvenient primarily because the powder must be dissolved in 2 ml of water for injection before use. The finished solution can be stored for no more than 7 days.

Antiallergic eye drops

How to recognize allergic conjunctivitis?

It's pretty easy to recognize him.

The main symptom is itching, moreover, terrible, which appears in a certain season during the flowering period of some plants.

True, there is a year-round allergic conjunctivitis to dust, pet hair, fish food. And sometimes it appears on a new mascara or a new washing powder that have not been used before.

As a result of constant scratching, the eyes become red, and the feeling of sand in the eyes does not leave.

Other symptoms help to confirm that this is ALLERGIC conjunctivitis: runny nose, itchy skin, incessant sneezing.

Antiallergic eye remedies are divided into several groups:

First group. Mast cell membrane stabilizers, from which histamine is released during an allergic reaction, is the main culprit in all allergy symptoms.

This group includes: Lekrolin, Hi-krom, Kromoheksal eye drops. I already once wrote that these drugs are more prophylactic than therapeutic. They work if you start using them in advance.

They are prescribed to children, as a rule, from the age of 4. and lactating are contraindicated in the 1st trimester, and in the second and third, if necessary, they can be prescribed by a doctor.

Second group. Blockers of H1-histamine receptors.

These are Allergodil and Opatanol.

Allergodil(azelastin) - children from 4 years old, pregnant women in the 1st trimester and lactating are contraindicated.

Opatanol(olopatadin, rec.) not only blocks H1-histamine receptors, but also stabilizes mast cell membranes, which means it is more effective than Allergodil.

Children - from 3 years old, pregnant and lactating women are not recommended.

Third group. Combined funds.

Okumetil. Contains zinc sulfate, diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine) - 10 mg and naphazoline. It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-edema effect.

And thanks to the vasoconstrictor effect of naphazoline, it quickly removes the redness of the eyes.

It would seem that this is what you need!

But remember that the vasoconstrictor component gives a lot of side effects, and thanks to it, the drug has many contraindications, including coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, arterial, angle-closure glaucoma, prostate adenoma. So it is better not to recommend it to the elderly. And be sure to ask questions to the buyer for contraindications.

Children from 2 years old. Pregnant, lactating is contraindicated.

Polinadim. It contains diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine) - 1 mg and naphazoline.

As you can see, the dosage of diphenhydramine, unlike that in Okumetil, is significantly lower, so the anti-allergic effect is weaker.

He has all the same contraindications and side effects as Okumetil.

Fourth group.

Hormonal preparations.

If these topical anti-allergic agents are ineffective, the DOCTOR turns on the heavy artillery: Dexamethasone eye drops or hydrocortisone eye ointment.

On this, we will probably end today's educational program. You need to "digest" everything properly. And to make this process more fun, I suggest you as a homework:

  1. write a list of questions to ask a buyer who comes to you for advice about a reddened eye.
  2. make an algorithm of recommendations depending on his answers.

Can you handle it? Write your answers below the article in the comment box.

Your homework we will discuss at the beginning of the next conversation.

And that's all for today.

How did you like this article, friends? Is everything clear? What questions do you have? What can you add based on your experience?

Write, do not be shy!

Until the next meeting on the blog ""!

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

P.S. Anticipating your questions, I promise that I will make a cheat sheet on this topic when we analyze all types of eye drops, and send it to everyone who is subscribed to my mailing list.

P.P.S. If you are unable to subscribe to the newsletter, then here you will find detailed instructions, how to do it.

The human eye is a unique information-optical analyzer that converts light pulses of different frequencies and intensities into electrical signals that transmit a visual picture of the surrounding world to the brain. The sharpness and clarity of vision and the performance of the eye largely depend on the state of the fluids that fill the eyeball inside and wash the cornea from the outside. The eye is the most “liquid” organ of our body, water in the eye is at least 95%.

The most serious "internal" pathology of the organ of vision, associated with the state of the fluid filling it, is excessive intraocular pressure (glaucoma), leading to atrophy without timely treatment. optic nerve and irreversible blindness. Violation of the functions of the lacrimal glands and lack of moisture leads to diseases of the outer parts of the eye - eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea. These diseases seem to be less serious, but if they are not treated, then eventually the constant eye strain and inflammation can move to the inside of the eye and also cause a significant deterioration in vision or even its complete loss. Not to mention the fact that red eyes and inflamed eyelids do not paint either adults or children.

What is dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye is the most common man-made pathology of vision that has rapidly spread around the world along with computers, mobile gadgets, game consoles, as well as wearing contact lenses. E: if before it was possible to spoil your eyesight by intensive reading, writing or working at poor lighting With small items or details, today every third inhabitant of the planet regularly uses a computer, which is much more harmful than reading and writing combined. Firstly, the eyes near the monitor are exposed to constant electromagnetic radiation (only reflected light comes from the pages of the book). Secondly, the display of a desktop computer or laptop is much larger than a regular book page (both in centimeters and in pixels). Thirdly, the image on the display is not static, the eyes are forced to perform more work. At the same time, a person blinks much less often, which means that less often the lacrimal secret enters the cornea of ​​​​the eye, enveloping it with a protective tear film. The result is obvious - the lacrimal glands simply do not physically have time to produce a sufficient amount of washer fluid, and tens of millions of people around the world need to buy inexpensive moisturizing eye drops that allow them to maintain their performance during intensive computer work.

Infections and inflammation

Dry eyes not only reduce visual acuity, but also contribute to the development of infections. The fact is that the tear has bactericidal properties and protects the eye from microbes, fungi and viruses. If there is not enough tear fluid, the pathogens of blepharitis, conjunctivitis and other diseases are instantly activated and cause serious vision problems. From the eyes, the causative agents of the disease can move with the bloodstream to other points in the body and cause new foci of infection there.

contact lens problem

When wearing contact lenses, a slightly different situation arises. The plastic lens replaces glasses and is very convenient from a functional and cosmetic point of view. However, for the delicate tissues of the eye, it is a foreign body and inevitably causes friction. For the time being, the secret of the lacrimal glands neutralizes this friction, but then the tears run out and it becomes necessary to apply moisturizing eye drops. Wearing lenses without a moisturizing liquid will very soon become painful and simply painful, can lead to corneal injury and inflammation of the surrounding tissues. In the narrow space between the lens and the cornea, pathogenic microorganisms multiply very well, which exacerbates the inflammatory process.

Climate and dry eyes

Another one possible problem dry eyes - sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Discomfort appears when moving from a cold room to a warm one, from a stuffy corridor to a room equipped with air conditioning. Burning in the eyes and sand under the eyelids can be felt by tourists who flew in December to rest in a hot country. In such cases, doctors also recommend instilling drops for dry eyes until the unpleasant phenomena pass.

Professional indications

Preparations for creating a tear film will also be useful for representatives of professions associated with work with increased dustiness (builders, road builders, carpenters, plasterers), workers in hot shops, truck drivers (although the latter should not drip drops during the flight, but on vacation).

You can read more about the causes, symptoms, and consequences of dry eye in our previous article.

Drops for dry eyes

The principle of action of drops from dry eyes is simple - they compensate for the lack of natural tears as a natural lubricant and partly as a bactericidal agent. Pharmaceutical companies strive to create universal products that would be suitable for people who wear contact lenses, and for those who work intensively on the computer and in hazardous industries or travel a lot, changing climatic zones.

When choosing drops from a dry eye, you need to consider several factors:

  • manufacturer rating;
  • composition and possible contraindications;
  • bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug (or its absence);
  • drop price.

Be sure to check the expiration date of the medicine. For drops made on the basis of distilled water, without the use of preservatives, it cannot be large! And eye drops with preservatives are simply not made!

You should not go to extremes, choosing drops "cheaper" or according to the principle "the more expensive, the better." It is best to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist who will help take into account comorbidities, talk about possible allergic reactions, recommend optimal course treatment and the order of application of drops for the prevention of dry eye.

Composition of drops for dry eyes

The composition of most drugs, in addition to distilled water, includes three components:

In addition, manufacturers add various natural and synthetic additives, vitamins, microelements to the drops, designed to improve the condition of the eyes and activate metabolic processes.

Some drops contain components that are not recommended for dry eyes in children, as well as in pregnant and lactating women. On the packaging of such drugs must be an appropriate warning.

List of drugs

The list of moisturizing eye drops, the most popular in Russia, includes the following drugs:

  • Vizin;
  • Vizomitin;
  • Innox;
  • Oksial;
  • Systane-Ultra;
  • Tears are natural;
  • Hilo chest of drawers.

The cost of drops directly depends on the promotion trademark, the composition of the drug and the spectrum therapeutic effect. Inexpensive moisturizing eye drops can be bought for 150-300 rubles. The maximum price leaves 700-800 rubles, in this case the drug combines a moisturizing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator or vasoconstrictor effect. The leaders of the rating are Vizin and Oksial.

Many-sided Vizin

Vizin - sparing universal drops from dry eyes for all occasions. Designed for daily preventive use. Vizin classic has a vasoconstrictive and anti-edematous effect. The active substance is tetrizoline hydrochloride, an adrenomimetic amine, which effectively reduces the tension of the walls of blood vessels.

According to statistics, every second owner of contact lenses uses Vizin. The drug has no special antimicrobial properties. The price of a classic bottle of 15 ml starts from 300 rubles. More expensive anti-allergic Vizin is also produced in 4 ml bottles and Vizin Pure tear in bottles with a dispenser (pipette) and in ampoules.

Pure tear - drops designed exclusively to combat dry eyes and their redness (conjunctival hyperemia). The active substance of the drops is a plant polysaccharide, which makes the solution almost identical to the natural tear fluid. Thanks to the forces of surface tension, Pure Tear envelops the conjunctiva and protects it from adverse environmental factors and overwork.

Vizin Allergy is intended to relieve eye irritation resulting from an allergic reaction (for example, to plant pollen). The main active ingredient is levocabastine hydrochloride, which has a pronounced antihistamine effect.

Vizomitin is an analogue of Vizin

Vizomitin is a keratoprotector similar to Vizin, in addition to cases of dry eye syndrome, it is also prescribed for inflammatory eye diseases and cataracts as an additional therapeutic agent that protects eye tissues. Begins to act 5-7 minutes after instillation (1-2 drops per eye). The price of Vizomitin is much higher than the cost of Vizin. Release form - a bottle of 5 ml, it costs in pharmacies from 615 rubles.

Cornflower drops

Innoxa ("cornflower blue drops") is a natural hypoallergenic herbal preparation made in France. The box, vial and ophthalmic solution itself have a very pretty blue color. It has a soothing, moisturizing and mild anti-inflammatory effect, it helps well with irritation from contact lenses. Works immediately after instillation. A sterile bottle with a capacity of 10 ml costs from 550 rubles.

Oksial is the leader of eye drops based on hyaluronic acid

Oksial is a pharmacological agent for the eyes based on hyaluronic acid. In addition to it, the ophthalmic solution contains boric acid, salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium), as well as a polymer keratoprotector and preservative Oxide patented by the manufacturer.

Hyaluronic acid is an organic substance that is produced by the human body itself and has a powerful regenerative effect on the skin and mucous membranes. The drug relieves dryness, relieves redness and irritation, has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, restores corneal cells, and helps with minor hemorrhages. Produced in bottles of 10 ml, which cost from 400 rubles.

Polymer preparation Systein-Ultra

Systein-Ultra is a complex polymer preparation for the eyes with anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and anti-allergic effects. It is recommended to take it with you on a trip in case of allergic reactions and the appearance of dry eye syndrome with climate change.

As part of the drug, there is no traditional hyaluronic acid for eye drops. Instead, propylene and polyethylene glycol, hydroxypropyl guar, boric acid, and alkali metal salts, which create a very weak electrolyte in the lacrimal fluid, fight against dryness and redness of the eyes. Organic polymers create a stable tear film.

Systein-Ultra is sold in single ampoules of 0.7 ml, bottles of 3 and 15 ml. An ampoule costs 130-150 rubles, a small bottle - from 200 rubles, a large bottle - 550-600 rubles.

Tear natural

A natural tear is almost a complete analogue of a human tear. Gently moisturizes dry corneal tissues, has no contraindications. It can be prescribed for babies and expectant mothers. It does not have an anti-inflammatory effect, the remedy is purely prophylactic. A solution of 15 ml costs from 300 rubles, so the drug is cheaper than Vizin Pure Tear.

Hilo chest of drawers

Chilo chest of drawers is not related to furniture, the name is associated with a convenient container for storing and applying drops. Between the container and the dispenser there is a valve that prevents accidental spillage of the contents. Convenience in English is a commodity, hence the name. By the way, Hilo-chest is the only drug that is not limited in expiration dates and should not be stored in the refrigerator, like all other drops for dry eyes. Thanks to the valve, microbes from the outside do not penetrate into the container and the solution does not deteriorate over time.

The main active ingredient is the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid. In addition, the drops contain a small amount of tricarboxylic hydroxy acid and alcohols.

The drug has universal action and is especially recommended for anyone who wears contact lenses for many hours in a row. The price of a container with a capacity of 15 ml is from 450 rubles, which is very profitable, since the design of the bottle allows you to use it extremely economically, without losing a single drop of the drug with proper instillation.

How to drip into the eyes?

For many patients who experience dry eyes due to wearing lenses or as a result of hard work at the computer, this problem is quite serious, especially at first.

The basic rules for this manipulation, as well as typical mistakes Beginners can learn from this video:

Eye drops are a personal care product and should not be shared with other people. The pipette should be periodically disinfected with an alcohol wipe or hydrogen peroxide. Before instillation, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

Eye drops have a relatively short shelf life (unless it's a Hilo chest of drawers that has an airtight bottle with a one-way pass valve). In order for bacteria to multiply as slowly as possible in the solution, the vial should be stored in the refrigerator. But cold drops should not be instilled into the eyes either - there may be a negative effect from the temperature difference. Therefore, the best option is to use disposable ampoules with a pipette, although such dosage form the highest price is obtained in terms of the volume of drops.

Inexpensive moisturizing eye drops, the list of which is presented above, are primarily prophylactic agents that are used at the initial stage of dry eye syndrome and related ophthalmic disorders. If the redness and irritation of the eyes is not paid attention to, not treated and dealt with their causes, the disease can become more serious, requiring treatment under the supervision of a doctor and using more expensive procedures and drugs.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. Need expert advice

Types of eye drops

By appointment, modern eye drops are divided into the following groups:
  1. Antimicrobial eye drops used to fight various kinds of infection. This is perhaps the largest pharmacological group, which in turn is divided into several subgroups. So, in accordance with the most common types of infections, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal eye drops are isolated, and by the nature of the active substance - antibiotics, chemotherapeutic drugs and antiseptics.
  2. Anti-inflammatory eye drops are intended for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of the organ of vision and its appendages infectious nature. This group, in turn, is subdivided into steroidal anti-inflammatory drops (hormonal anti-inflammatory drops) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops. Both those and others can consist of several components that expand their spectrum of action.
  3. Eye drops used for the treatment of glaucoma, which is a persistent increase in intraocular pressure, leading to severe consequences up to irreparable loss of vision. According to the mechanism of action, drugs intended to reduce intraocular pressure are divided into two large groups: drugs that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, and drugs that reduce its production.
  4. Antiallergic eye drops intended for the treatment and prevention of allergic reactions. The principle of action of these drugs is to suppress the triggering of the inflammatory reaction at the cellular level (membrane-stabilizing antiallergic agents) or to block the receptors for histamine, the main mediator of inflammatory allergic reactions (histamine receptor blockers). In addition, anti-allergic eye drops include vasoconstrictor drugs. local action that relieve such symptoms of allergic inflammation as swelling and hyperemia (redness) and significantly reduce soreness.
  5. Eye drops used with cataract.
  6. Moisturizing eye drops or "artificial tears".
  7. Diagnostic eye drops and eye drops used during surgery.

Antimicrobial eye drops (drops for inflammation of the eyes of an infectious nature)

Antibacterial eye drops (eye drops for dacryocystitis, styes, bacterial blepharitis, conjunctivitis, etc.)

Antibacterial eye drops are medications designed to fight bacterial infections of the eyes and their appendages.

It is bacteria that, as a rule, become the culprits of such fairly common diseases as dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac), meiobitis (barley), creeping ulcer cornea ( ulcerative lesion transparent membrane covering the iris and pupil), and also cause post-traumatic and post-operative purulent inflammatory processes.

In addition, bacteria are often the causative agents of blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), uveitis (inflammation of the choroid), and other acute and chronic infections of the eye.

Therefore, it is not surprising that antibacterial drugs are the largest pharmacological subgroup of antimicrobial eye drops. By the nature of the active substance, antibacterial eye drops, in turn, are divided into eye drops with antibiotics and eye drops with sulfanilamide preparations.

Eye drops with antibiotics are drugs that contain compounds of natural or semi-synthetic origin as an active ingredient that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

In the case of antibiotics, medicine uses the natural properties of some living organisms to produce substances that suppress competitive microflora.

As you know, the first antibiotics were obtained from a culture of yeast fungi. Since then, scientists have learned not only to use natural antibiotics obtained from various microorganisms, but also to synthesize their improved analogues.

By chemical nature, antibiotics, in turn, are divided into groups - rows, so that antibacterial agents from the same row have similar properties.

In ophthalmic practice, eye drops with antibiotics of various groups are widely used, in particular:

  • aminoglycosides (eye drops tobramycin (Dilaterol, Tobrex), eye drops gentamicin);
  • chloramphenicol eye drops (chloramphenicol (levomycetin));
  • fluoroquinolones (Tsipromed eye drops (Ciprofloxacin, Tsiprolet, Cifran, Ciloxan), ofloxacin eye drops (Floxal eye drops), levofloxacin eye drops (Signicef ​​eye drops)).
Eye drops, the active ingredient of which are sulfanilamide preparations, were introduced into ophthalmic practice much earlier and still retain their popularity.

The most popular drugs in this group include the well-known eye drops albucid (eye drops sulfacyl sodium, sulfacyl soluble, sulfacetamide, etc.).

Which antibacterial eye drops are best?

Antibacterial eye drops are selected individually, while the doctor focuses on the following factors:

  • the age and general condition of the patient (the absence of contraindications to the appointment of the active substance of the eye drops);
  • the expected tolerability of the drug;
  • spectrum antibacterial action eye drops;
  • presumed resistance of microflora to antibacterial drugs;
  • compatibility of the drug with the medications taken by the patient;
  • possible side effects when using eye drops;
  • the availability of the drug for the patient (the price of eye drops, the availability of the drug in nearby pharmacies).
Despite the fact that modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of antibacterial drugs, the choice of eye drops can be significantly narrowed if there are contraindications for age or health reasons. For example, many antibacterial eye drops are not prescribed to children in the first year of life, severe liver damage can become an obstacle to the appointment of sulfonamides, neuritis of the auditory nerve is a contraindication to the appointment of antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group, which are characterized by ototoxicity, etc.

Often, doctors refuse the drug due to the incompatibility of the active substance of the eye drops with other drugs that the patient is forced to use for concomitant diseases. For example, the combination of levomycetin eye drops with acid-reducing gastric juice cimetidine increases the risk of developing aplastic anemia, so it is more rational to choose another drug.

In addition, physicians consider the possibility individual intolerance active ingredient in eye drops. So, for example, albucid eye drops are not prescribed to patients who have experienced pathological reactions when using other sulfa drugs.

If there are no contraindications, when choosing antibacterial eye drops, the expected sensitivity of the infection to the drug is taken into account. So, for example, if there is reason to suspect that the infectious process is caused by a microflora that is insensitive to many antibiotics, then it is better to prescribe the latest drug with a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, to which resistance has not yet developed in many strains of microorganisms.

If the choice is wide enough, pay attention to the likelihood of developing unpleasant side effects (some drugs cause pain and burning in the eyes more often than others), the cost of eye drops and their availability for the patient (availability in nearby pharmacies).

Antiseptic eye drops. Vitabact and Okomistin (miramistin) - eye drops from infection for adults and newborns

Antiseptic preparations have been used in scientific medicine for almost two centuries. Their task, in accordance with the name, is the disinfection of surfaces (skin, mucous membranes, wounds, burns, surgeon's hands, operating table etc.).

Therefore, all antiseptics have the widest spectrum of action - they are active against bacteria, protozoa, fungi and many viruses. These substances are low allergenic, do not have a systemic effect and, therefore, have few contraindications from general condition organism. However, the local aggressiveness of antiseptics significantly narrows the range of their application.

In ophthalmic practice, indications for the use of antiseptics are:

  • inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis, barley);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis);
  • prevention of posttraumatic and postoperative complications.
Vitabact antiseptic eye drops, which are a 0.05% solution of picloxidine and Okomistin (0.01% solution of miramistin), are widely used.

Since the drugs have an exclusively local effect, they can be used by both adults, including pregnant and lactating mothers, and children, including newborns. The only contraindication to the appointment of antiseptic eye drops is hypersensitivity or allergic reactions.

In cases where the instillation of Vitabact or Okomistin eye drops causes unusually sharp pain, lacrimation, painful spasm of the eyelids, or, even worse, swelling of the tissues surrounding the eyes begins, you should stop the drug as unsuitable for your body.

Antiviral eye drops for adults and children. Virucidal eye drops Oftan Idu

According to the mechanism of action, all antiviral eye drops can be divided into two large groups: virucidal chemotherapeutic drugs (chemicals that destroy the virus), interferons (substances that kill the virus of an immune nature) and immunomodulators (drugs that help the body provide adequate resistance to a viral infection).

To virucidal chemotherapy drugs local application include idoxuridine eye drops (Oftan Idu eye drops) used in adults and children for herpes infection of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes.

Oftan Idu eye drops have practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the drug. However, unpleasant side effects often occur in the form of a headache and a pronounced local reaction (burning, lacrimation, photophobia, painful spasm of the eyelids).

Oftan Ida eye drops are not prescribed together with glucocorticoid drugs, and during pregnancy they try to use only in cases where the expected benefit from the drops outweighs the risk of adverse effects on the fetus.

It should also be taken into account that virucidal agents are antimetabolites and significantly slow down the healing process of corneal defects left by the virus.

Antiviral eye drops from the group of interferons. Oftalmoferon - the most effective antiviral eye drops for adults and children

Interferons are natural low molecular weight proteins produced by cells that have antiviral, immunostimulatory and antitumor activity.

In ophthalmic practice, interferons are used to treat inflammation of the conjunctiva, cornea, and choroid caused by adenoviruses, herpes viruses, and herpes zoster.

So, interferon is part of the combined preparation eye drops oftalmoferon, the active ingredients of which are also the antiallergic agent diphenhydramine, the antiseptic boric acid and the polymer base, which acts as an "artificial tear".

Despite the "naturalness" of the action, interferons have their own contraindications. In particular, ophthalmoferon eye drops cannot be used in severe diseases. of cardio-vascular system, with lesions of the liver and kidneys, with insufficient hematopoiesis (leukocytopenia, thrombocytopenia), thyroid diseases and mental illnesses.

In addition, interferons may have adverse effect on the fetus and baby, therefore, ophthalmoferon eye drops are not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

As a rule, oftalmoferon is well tolerated, but adverse side effects are also possible from a flu-like syndrome (headache, chills, fever, weakness, body aches) to convulsions and hallucinations. It should be noted that all of these symptoms completely disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Antiviral eye drops from the group of interferon inducers. Eye drops Aktipol and Poludan

Mechanism antiviral action interferon inducers is to stimulate the body's natural defenses, leading to the activation of cellular immunity and increased production of antibodies against viral agents.

In ophthalmic practice, interferon inducers are represented by eye drops Poludan (polyadenylic and polyuridylic acid) and Aktipol (aminobenzoic acid), which are prescribed for lesions of the organ of vision caused by adenovirus and herpetic infection.

Antiviral eye drops from the group of interferon inducers should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of severe violations from the liver and kidneys. Since Aktipol eye drops and

Poludan are direct immunostimulants, they are contraindicated in patients with autoimmune diseases.

When using Aktipol and Poludan eye drops, the following side effects may occur:

  • fever, joint pain;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • oppression of hematopoiesis (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia);
  • allergic reactions.
In case of poor tolerance, it is recommended to cancel the drug to normalize the state of the body.

Antifungal eye drops

Fungal lesions eyes are relatively rare. As a rule, a fungal infection affects the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva, the cornea and / or the lacrimal gland. This kind of pathology most often occurs in debilitated patients, in patients who take steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time, as well as in the presence of occupational hazards (agricultural workers, etc.).

With fungal eye infections, fungicidal (antifungal) drugs are taken orally, and as local treatment, as a rule, Vitabact antiseptic eye drops are prescribed, which are often called antifungal agents on the net.

Hormonal eye drops are anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Sofradex, Maxitrol, Tobradex - popular combined anti-inflammatory antimicrobial eye drops

Hormonal (steroid) eye drops have a particularly strong anti-inflammatory effect, as they suppress the development of the inflammation process at the cellular level. These drugs, even with conventional instillation, penetrate into all tissues of the eye, including the lens.

However, it should be borne in mind that inflammation itself is defensive reaction body in response to damage, and suppression of the body's immune forces at the cellular level can have an adverse effect.

Therefore, hormonal anti-inflammatory eye drops are mainly used in inflammatory processes of allergic and autoimmune origin, to suppress the rejection reaction after a cornea transplant operation, to prevent the growth of connective tissue and the formation of a thorn after injuries, burns, etc.

However, today widespread received combined eye drops, the composition of which includes both hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and substances with antimicrobial action.

Sofradex eye drops, which are a combination of the steroidal anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone with two topical antibiotics, neomycin and gramicidin C, are the most popular among combined preparations.

Gramicidin C is interesting because it was the first antibiotic discovered by Soviet scientists. Over time, it was supplanted by new drugs that could be used not only locally, but also inside. Gramicidin was remembered when it became clear that the resistance of microorganisms to this agent, unlike other antibiotics, develops extremely slowly.

Sofradex eye drops are a good combination because topical antibiotics complement and reinforce each other, providing the widest possible spectrum of antimicrobial action, and dexamethasone prevents the occurrence of allergies to antibiotics and has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving swelling and relieving pain.

Also very popular are the combined eye drops of maxitrol, which are a combination of dexamethasone with the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B (this drug is especially active in relation to the so-called intestinal group bacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and tobradex, which is a combination of dexamethasone with the aminoglycoside antibiotic tobramycin.

Dexon eye drops (dexamethasone and neomycin) and dex-gentamicin (dexamethasone and the antibiotic aminoglycoside gentamicin) are in less demand.

Indications for the use of combined eye drops are:

  • bacterial inflammatory lesions eyelids, conjunctiva and cornea in cases where they did not cause epithelial defects (hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs prevent rapid healing);
  • iridocyclitis (inflammatory lesions of the so-called anterior chamber of the eye - the iris and ciliary body);
  • prevention of inflammatory complications after injuries and operations on the organ of vision.
General contraindication a fungal, viral or tuberculosis eye infection is suspected, since in such cases the hormonal component of the eye drops can cause serious damage. Thus, these drugs should be recommended by an ophthalmologist who is able to establish the cause of the inflammatory process.

Since the combined eye drops contain a steroid component, they are tried not to be prescribed to children and pregnant women.

The course of treatment with such drugs should be limited (maximum 10-14 days), since with longer use, dexamethasone can provoke such serious complications as steroid cataract (clouding of the lens), steroid glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), accession of a fungal infection.

Eye drops for pain and inflammation of the eyes from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Pain-relieving eye drops diclofenac and Indocollir (indomethacin) for eye injury and after cataract surgery

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely known among a grateful population thanks to drugs such as aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid), analgin (baralgin), paracetamol (Efferalgan), etc. These drugs eliminate pain (headache, toothache, joint pain, etc.), relieve the inflammatory reaction, eliminate fever.

In ophthalmic practice, the most popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are diclofenac eye drops (the active ingredient is diclofenac sodium) and Indocollir (the active ingredient is indomethacin), which is prescribed in the following cases:

  • for elimination pain syndrome and inflammatory reaction in conjunctivitis of non-infectious nature;
  • suppression of miosis (pupil constriction reaction) during operations on the organ of vision;
  • prevention of postoperative complications after surgical interventions for glaucoma and cataract removal (prevention of the development of cystic maculopathy);
  • treatment and prevention of post-traumatic and post-operative inflammation of the choroid.
Anesthetic eye drops diclofenac and Indocollir have the following contraindications:
  • ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • aspirin triad (aspirin intolerance, bronchial asthma, nasal polyposis);
  • violations of the hematopoietic function of unknown origin;
For women during pregnancy and lactation, these drugs are prescribed with great care, since they can cause circulatory disorders in the fetus and infant.

In addition, they try not to prescribe diclofenac and Indocollir eye drops to children under 6 years of age, patients with bronchial asthma and elderly people suffering from arterial hypertension and heart failure.

To possible side effects Diclofenac and Indocollir eye drops include:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, stool disorders, flatulence, rarely - ulcerative erosive lesions);
  • disorders of the nervous system (headache, dizziness, weakness, irritability, insomnia).
Rare side effects include:
  • crawling sensation on the skin (paresthesia), tinnitus;
  • blurry objects, double vision, inflammation of the cornea, increased intraocular pressure, itching and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • violation of hematopoiesis;
  • mental disorders, convulsions, tremor;
  • impaired renal function with the appearance of edema.
In order to avoid the development of adverse side effects, drugs are recommended to be taken as prescribed by a doctor for no more than 5-14 days.

Eye drops for glaucoma (from eye pressure), which improve the outflow of intraocular fluid.

Pilocarpine - popular eye drops to reduce eye pressure from the group of cholinomimetics

Cholinomimetics are substances that stimulate the receptors of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. Systemic exposure to these drugs results in whole line changes in the work of internal organs: the heartbeat slows down (up to cardiac arrest), the secretion of the glands of the nasopharynx, bronchi and gastrointestinal tract increases, there is a contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchial tree, stomach, intestines, Bladder, bile ducts and the gallbladder, the circular muscle of the iris and the ciliary muscle of the eye.

In ophthalmic practice, cholinomimetics are used topically to narrow the pupil and improve the outflow of intraocular fluid in glaucoma. The most popular drug from this group are pilocarpine eye drops, which are used both occasionally for relief acute attacks glaucoma, and constantly to maintain intraocular pressure at an acceptable level.

The effect of pilocarpine eye drops appears after 20-30 minutes and persists for 4-6 hours, while intraocular pressure decreases by 15-20% of the original.

Contraindications to the use of pilocarpine eye drops are:

  • inflammatory processes in the iris and ciliary body;
  • pupillary block (violation of the outflow of aqueous humor that occurs during adhesions of the iris, dislocation of the lens and vitreous body);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
Side effects with the use of pilocarpine eye drops most often occur during the relief of an attack of glaucoma and include:
  • severe constriction of the pupil, accompanied by a narrowing of the visual fields;
  • deterioration in distance vision (induced myopia) most often manifests itself in the dark 15 minutes after instillation, reaches a maximum after an hour and lasts about two hours;
  • lability of pressure and pulse;
  • bronchospasm, pulmonary edema;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • pain in the upper abdomen, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • headache, especially in the superciliary region (more common in young patients, over time, this reaction to the drug, as a rule, decreases);
  • allergic reactions.
Systemic effects appearing at a toxic dose disappear completely after 7 hours. With a strong toxic effect, an antagonist, atropine, is prescribed. With allergies, a drug replacement is indicated.
With prolonged use, accelerated cataract formation is sometimes observed, conjunctivitis and corneal damage may develop. In such cases, eye drops are also replaced.

Xalatan (Glauprost) and Travatan (Travoprost) - eye drops that reduce eye pressure, from the group of prostaglandin F2α analogues

Eye drops from the group of analogues of prostaglandin F2α promote the outflow of intraocular fluid by acting on prostaglandin receptors.

Today, two drugs from this group are in great demand on the ophthalmopharmacological market - eye drops Xalatan (Glauprost) and Travatan (Travoprost).

These medications effectively reduce intraocular pressure and are indicated for long-term use. It is very convenient that the effect of the drugs lasts for a long time, so that eye drops are taken only once a day (at night).

Xalatan (Glauprost) and Travatan (Travoprost) are used on the recommendation of a doctor, while the first two weeks of admission must be under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, since paradoxical reactions to the drug are possible.

The hypotensive effect develops gradually over two weeks. In order to avoid addiction to the drug, it is advisable to replace the eye drops after two years.

Contraindications to the appointment of eye drops from the group of analogues of prostaglandin F2α are the following conditions:

  • secondary post-inflammatory glaucoma;
  • transferred inflammatory diseases choroid of the eye;
  • undergone surgery associated with damage to the posterior lens capsule;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
Eye drops Xalatan (Glauprost) and Travatan (Travoprost) can cause the following unpleasant, but reversible side effects when the drug is discontinued:
  • slow heartbeat, lability of blood pressure, pain in the heart area;
  • pigmentation of the eyelids and iris, increased growth of eyelashes;
  • headache, decreased mood;
  • dry mouth, vomiting, nausea, increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • nasal congestion, joint pain, exacerbation of chronic infections;
  • redness of the conjunctiva, a feeling of sand in the eye, the appearance of a rash on the eyelids.

Antiglaucoma eye drops that inhibit aqueous humor production

Timolol (okumed) and Betoptik (betaxolol) - eye drops for glaucoma from the group of beta-blockers

Beta-blockers reduce the amount of aqueous humor inside the eye by blocking receptors that activate its production. These drugs work most effectively, reducing intraocular pressure by 25% below baseline, so they are first-line drugs in the treatment of glaucoma.

Contraindications to the local appointment of beta-blockers are the following conditions:

  • dystrophic processes in the cornea;
  • chronic obstructive processes in the lungs (including bronchial asthma);
  • heart rhythm disturbances, accompanied by a decrease in heart rate (sinus bradycardia, atrioventricular block);
  • heart failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Timolol (okumed) and Betoptic (betaxolol) are the most popular drugs from this group. At the same time, Betoptik eye drops are selective beta-blockers that can be used by people with bronchial asthma and other obstructive pulmonary pathologies.

With caution, both drugs are prescribed in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation (only in cases where the intended benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, it is better to transfer the child to artificial feeding during lactation);
  • diabetes mellitus (the action of drugs can eliminate the symptoms of acute hypoglycemia (tachycardia, agitation), and a delay in emergency care is fraught with the development coma);
  • thyrotoxicosis (in such patients, beta-blockers should be discontinued gradually so as not to provoke a crisis; in addition, the side effect of eye drops (slow heartbeats) can eliminate the tachycardia characteristic of thyrotoxicosis and the patient will not receive necessary assistance);
  • myasthenia gravis (a number of side effects of eye drops (double vision, weakness) can be confused with symptoms muscle weakness;
  • surgical interventions (drugs should be canceled two days before surgery).
  • With prolonged use, antiglaucoma eye drops Timolol (Ocumed) and Betoptik (Betaxolol) can cause the following side effects:
  • heart rhythm disturbances with a tendency to bradycardia up to the development of heart failure;
  • respiratory rhythm disorders, bronchospasm, acute respiratory failure;
  • dizziness, depression, sleep disturbances, goosebumps (paresthesia), weakness;
  • vomiting, stool disorders (diarrhea);
  • decrease in potency;
  • hives;
  • allergic swelling of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, painful spasm of the eyelids.
The full effect of Timolol (okumed) and Betoptik (betaxolol) eye drops appears only after 10-14 days. Anti-glaucoma eye drops should be replaced every two to three years to avoid addiction.

Trusopt (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide) - antiglaucoma eye drops from the group of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors block the enzyme of the same name in the ciliary (ciliary) body and thus reduce the production of aqueous humor. A significant advantage of this group of drugs is the lack of addiction to them, so that with prolonged use, the effectiveness of the antiglaucoma action does not decrease.

The most popular eye drops from this group are Trusopt (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide). This drug is taken three times a day (when combined with other antiglaucoma drugs - twice a day).

Contraindications to the appointment of Trusopt eye drops (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide) are the following conditions:

  • acute renal failure;
  • Addison's disease (hypofunction of the adrenal glands);
  • reduced concentration of calcium and potassium in the blood plasma;
  • diabetes.
With prolonged use of drugs from the group of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, the following side effects may develop:
  • pain and burning when instilling the drug, lacrimation, photophobia, redness of the conjunctiva, transient myopia;
  • inflammatory processes in the iris and ciliary body;
  • pathological processes in the cornea;
  • leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolysis of erythrocytes;
  • education urinary stones;
  • decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, weight loss;
  • skin rash and itching, redness of the skin;
  • decreased libido;
  • taste disorder.
During pregnancy, these drugs should be prescribed only in cases where the expected benefit of eye drops outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. In the case of lactation, the child should be transferred to artificial feeding.

Also, with great care, Trusopt (Dorzopt, Dorzolamide) eye drops should be prescribed to children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Often, intolerance to the drug is observed in patients with individual sensitivity to sulfonamides, which should be taken into account when prescribing.

Fotil - combined eye drops for eye pressure

Creation of combined drugs combining antiglaucoma drugs different groups, allowed to significantly increase the effectiveness of lowering intraocular pressure, avoiding adverse side effects.

So, for example, the most popular combination drug Fotil eye drops, which is a combination of pilocarpine with timolol, can reduce intraocular pressure by 32% of the original.
Of course, with this combination, the number of contraindications also increases. However, as experience shows, combined preparations, as a rule, are better tolerated (by reducing the dose of each individual therapeutic substance).

In addition, Fotil eye drops develop tolerance much more slowly than drops containing a single active ingredient.

Allergy eye drops for adults and children. List of the most popular drugs

Antiallergic eye drops from the group of membrane stabilizing agents. Eye drops Lekrolin (Kromoheksal) and ketatifen (Zaditen)

The principle of action of antiallergic eye drops from the group of membrane-stabilizing agents is to prevent the release of inflammatory mediators from the so-called mast cells by stabilizing their membranes. In addition, membrane-stabilizing drugs inhibit the migration of leukocytes to the focus of allergic inflammation.

The most popular ophthalmic preparations from this group are eye drops Lecrolin (Kromoheksal) with the active ingredient cromoglycic acid and eye drops ketatifen (zaditen), the active ingredient of which is ketatifen.

These drugs are indicated for use in allergic conjunctivitis of the most varied nature. In particular, with the following pathologies:

  • seasonal conjunctivitis;
  • hyperpapillary conjunctivitis caused by irritation of the conjunctiva of the upper eyelid with various foreign bodies (postoperative sutures, prostheses, etc.);
  • conjunctivitis associated with wearing contact lenses;
  • medicinal conjunctivitis.
Eye drops Lekrolin (Kromoheksal) and ketatifen (zaditen) have the following contraindications:
  • age up to 4 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
These drugs are used with caution during pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimesters.
As a rule, eye drops Lekrolin (Kromoheksal) and ketatifen (Zaditen) are well tolerated, among the side effects can only be called a burning sensation in the eyes and temporary blurred vision immediately after instillation. Less common are joint pain and skin rash, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Eye drops against allergies from the group of histamine receptor blockers. Antihistamine eye drops Allergodil (azelastine) and Opatanol (olopatadine)

The principle of action of antiallergic drugs from the group of histamine receptor blockers is to prevent the binding of the main mediator of allergic inflammation of histamine to special receptors. As a result, there is a blockade of the cascade of reactions that give rise to the development of allergic inflammation.

Today, the most popular drugs from this group in ophthalmology are Allergodil eye drops (the active ingredient is azelastine) and Opatanol eye drops (the active ingredient is olopatadine). It should be noted that last drug has double action- blocks histamine receptors and stabilizes mast cell membranes. This feature has led to the increased popularity of Opatanol eye drops.

In addition to the treatment and prevention of allergic conjunctivitis, eye drops from the group of histamine receptor blockers are widely used in the complex therapy of bacterial, viral and chlamydial conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis (joint inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea).

Absolute contraindications to taking Allergodil and Opatanol eye drops are:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age (under 4 years for Opatanol eye drops and under 6 years for Allergodil eye drops);
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • taking drugs from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
It should be remembered that taking histamine receptor blockers potentiates the sedative (calming) effect of sleeping pills, tranquilizers and alcohol.

Allergodil and Opatanol eye drops are prescribed with caution to children under 18 years of age (contributes to the development of hyperactivity, hallucinations and even seizures in susceptible individuals), as well as to patients with the following pathologies:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and / or stenotic narrowing of the digestive tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hyperthyroidism.
The drugs are taken one drop twice a day, while the following side effects are possible:
  • lethargy, fatigue, sleep disturbances, poor coordination of movements;
  • bitterness in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea.

Eye vasoconstrictor drops from allergic conjunctivitis. The best eye drops for redness of the eyes Vizin (Montevizin, VizOptik)

Anti-allergic eye drops with a vasoconstrictive action are local adrenomimetics, that is, they act like adrenaline on the vessels at the site of application.

Due to vasoconstriction, such unpleasant allergy symptoms as swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the conjunctiva are eliminated. Eye drops from the group of vasoconstrictors are used not only for allergic conjunctivitis, but also to eliminate irritation of the sensitive conjunctiva of the eyes caused by various adverse factors (cigarette smoke, dust, smog, chlorinated water, cosmetics, contact lenses, etc.).
The most popular eye drops for redness of the eyes are the drug Vizin (Montevizin, VizOptik), the effect of which begins to appear within a few minutes after instillation and lasts 4-8 hours.

Vizin eye drops are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease);
  • endocrine pathologies (pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland).
Side effects of Vizin eye drops include:
  • headache, decreased performance;
  • increased blood pressure, palpitations;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • increased intraocular pressure, pupil dilation, irritation of the conjunctiva, decreased vision, with prolonged use, persistent conjunctival hyperemia and dry eye syndrome may develop.

Eye drops for cataract Quinax (azapentacene) and Oftan Katahrom

A cataract is a clouding of the eye's natural lens, the lens. In the majority of cases, this pathology has an age-related character and is associated with a hereditary predisposition to premature aging of the main part of the optical system of the eye.

It should be noted that today the main method of cataract treatment is surgery to remove the affected lens. Therapeutic treatment is used only in the early stages, when the patient has relatively satisfactory vision and does not agree to the operation.

Cataract eye drops can significantly slow down the pathological process and postpone the need for an operation that is unacceptable for the patient for years or even decades.

Quinax eye drops belong to a group of substances that regulate metabolic processes. By activating proteolytic enzymes, the drug promotes the resorption of opaque protein complexes and restores the transparency of the lens. In addition, the active substance of Quinax eye drops protects the sulfhydryl groups of the lens tissues from oxidation.

Quinax eye drops are taken for all types of cataracts, instilled 2 drops 3 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, the drug is intended for long-term use.

Oftan Katahrom eye drops are a mixture of active biologically active substances, such as:

  • cytochrome C - activates the processes of cellular respiration, normalizes intracellular metabolic processes, protects cellular elements from aggressive radicals;
  • nicotinamide - regulates redox processes, increases the ability of tissues to regenerate;
  • adenosine - nourishes the lens of the eye and the cornea, promotes the leaching of toxic substances from the transparent environment of the eye, improves the exchange of aqueous humor.
Take Oftan Katahrom eye drops for a long time, 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of anti-cataract eye drops, with the exception of allergic reactions to the components of the drugs, which are not common.

Moisturizing eye drops for tired eyes. Eye drops "from the computer" Sistane, Hilo Chest (Hilozar Chest)

Unlike drugs from other groups, moisturizing eye drops do not affect the tissues of the organ of vision, but are "artificial tears", so they have a small number of contraindications and are bought at the pharmacy on their own without a doctor's recommendation.

It should be noted that the tear film, protecting the eye from drying out, performs the most important protective function. With a lack of tear fluid, the nutrition of the tissues of the eye is disrupted, susceptibility to infection increases, and fatigue develops faster.

Adverse environmental factors, occupational hazards office workers (in particular, staying in an air-conditioned room and working at a computer for a long time) have an extremely adverse effect on the work of the lacrimal glands.

Therefore, many people use moisturizing drops to treat and prevent eye fatigue. Today, among the most popular are eye drops Sistane and Hilo Chest, which are inert aqueous solutions. These drugs are able to replace the tear fluid, increase the thickness of the tear film and tear viscosity.

It should be noted that, despite the "naturalness", eye drops Systane and Hilo Komod can cause temporary blurred vision immediately after instillation and withdrawal syndrome with prolonged use.

Contraindications to the use of moisturizing drops are individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and the presence of acute or chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the organ of vision.

Eye drops Systane and Hylo Chest can be instilled without removing contact lenses. However, you should not drip them at the same time as other eye drops, since the "artificial tear" will slow down the absorption of other drugs.

If you decide to buy eye drops in a pharmacy. Composition of eye drops. Analogs and generics. How to choose the cheapest eye drops

If you decide to buy eye drops in a pharmacy, then, of course, you are interested in getting a quality drug at the lowest price. This is where knowledge about analogues (generics) of eye drops comes in handy.

Full analogues, synonyms or generics are drugs that have the same active substance, but different names. Quite often, the cost of analogues is very different, so you can buy a synonymous drug several times cheaper.

Do analogues differ in quality? This is a difficult question. It all depends on the manufacturer: how the cleaning process goes chemical substances whether all necessary technological requirements are met, etc.

It is believed that Japan, the United States and developed European countries produce the highest quality drugs, while the quality of medicines from China, India and other East Asian countries is much lower.

You can pick up an analogue on the Internet by going to the sites of pharmacies. But you should be careful, because some sellers call analogues not generics, but medicines with different active ingredients belonging to the same pharmacological group.

Meanwhile, doctors strongly do not recommend changing the prescribed drug to another drug of similar action without consulting a specialist. Since even medicines of the same group often have different indications and contraindications.

In order not to be deceived, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the drug: active ingredients are always written first in the list and, as a rule, are highlighted in bold or indicated by the words “active ingredients”.

You can see analogues of the most popular eye drops and their prices at the end of our article.

How to properly administer eye drops

Before instillation of the eyes, carefully read the instructions: there may be very useful instructions for you (for example, how to open a dropper vial, whether to shake the vial before use, etc.).
Immediately before instillation, the eye drops should be warmed to body temperature (hold the vial in your hand).

It is necessary to instill eye drops in a calm environment, after washing your hands and sitting comfortably in front of a mirror.

In order for the drop to hit the right place, you need to tilt your head back and slightly pull the lower eyelid down, leaving a small “pocket”.

Immediately before instillation, look up, without losing sight of the tip of the dropper bottle or pipette, and drip the required number of drops into the conjunctival cavity (into the formed "pocket").
So that the medicine does not run into nasal cavity through the nasolacrimal canal, close your eye and lightly press the lower eyelid with your finger at the inner corner of the eye (near the nose).

It is enough to hold your finger for 2-3 minutes - and you're done. If necessary, you can go to the other eye.
If it is necessary to instill another drug, then you should wait at least 15-20 minutes to medicinal substance completely absorbed into the mucous membrane of the eye.

The same period of time must be waited before putting on contact lenses.

Eye drops for children. Instructions: how to drip eye drops for children up to a year and older

Before instillation of eyes, the child should prepare everything you need:
  • read the instructions carefully;
  • Wash the hands;
  • put cotton balls or swabs on a sterile surface;
  • if necessary, prepare a cup (or two) with warm tea leaves;
  • if the preparation is not equipped with a special dropper, prepare a sterile pipette (pour boiling water over it);
  • warm the eye drops in your hand or in a cup of warm water.
Set the child up for the procedure so that he is not afraid of your actions and your excitement. If the baby's age allows, experienced parents try to this manipulation in a playful way.
For children under one year old, it is better to instill drops during sleep. Of course, the child will wake up during the procedure, but there will be much less screams and tears.

To drip the eye of a small child, you should lay it on the back. Older children can endure this procedure while sitting on a chair.

If the eyelashes of the child are glued with pus, you must first rinse the eyes with warm tea. At the same time, a cotton swab dipped in tea is carried out from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one (from the temple to the nose). For each eye, you must use a separate swab and a separate cup with tea leaves.

First, a healthy or less affected eye is instilled. Do not worry too much if a drop falls on a closed eye, it will penetrate when the child opens his eyes.

Ask your child to close both eyes, then pull thumb lower eyelid down, and drip the required number of drops into the formed crease.

Allergy from eye drops

Allergy from eye drops, as a rule, develops within an hour after instillation. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:
  • swelling and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • lacrimation;
  • pain and pain in the eye;
  • painful spasm of the eyelids;
  • swelling of the tissues surrounding the eyes.
Allergy from eye drops can be manifested not only by local, but also by general reactions (runny nose and / or nasal congestion, rashes on the body in the form of urticaria, in severe cases, an attack of bronchial asthma or even anaphylactic shock).

If signs of an allergic reaction to eye drops appear, the drug is canceled. Anti-allergic drops (lecrolin or allergodil) are instilled into the affected eye, and the antihistamine loratadine is additionally taken orally.

With severe allergic inflammation, the doctor may prescribe hormonal anti-inflammatory eye drops. In the event of a rapidly developing allergic reaction, an ambulance should be called.

Is it possible to rely on reviews when choosing eye drops for children and adults

Reviews on the sites can be trusted no more than the reviews of girlfriends. The doctor prescribes eye drops purely individually, focusing on an accurately diagnosed diagnosis, the characteristics of the course of the pathological process, the general condition of the patient, his age, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

So the latest effective drops that helped some of the users of the World Wide Web can only bring you harm.

In addition, all reviews carry an element of subjectivity. Some patient may believe that eye drops helped him, while the doctor will say that, judging by the diagnosis, it was a placebo effect (self-hypnosis).
There may be a reverse situation: negative reviews about eye drops are often left by patients who do not comply with all the rules of treatment (insufficient course duration, inaccurate intake, non-compliance with the rules for the complexity of treatment, etc.).

You should be especially careful about reviews of children's eye drops. Read the instructions carefully and in no case use drops that are contraindicated for the baby by age, even if the reviews say that they help very young children a lot, and there are no adverse effects.

Is it possible to drip eye drops into the nose of a child?

All medications should be taken after reading the instructions, which indicate the acceptable methods of administration and possible dosing regimens.

All prescriptions and digital data of the instruction were confirmed in due time by the results clinical research who proved that this pathology can be cured in this way.

So, for example, there are anti-allergic drops "for the eyes and for the nose" Allergonaf, which, according to the instructions, can be instilled into the nose of children over 6 years old with a runny nose of allergic or viral origin.
But if the instructions indicate that this drug is "eye drops", then it should be used strictly for its intended purpose. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to yourself or your loved ones.

Storage of eye drops

Eye drops are stored in accordance with the instructions. The general rule is to store the drug in the doors of the refrigerator (but not in the freezer) - here the prescription “keep in a cool place, sheltered from direct sunlight” is best observed.

However, in families with small children, this storage can be a problem, as most eye drops are poisonous to the child. Therefore, saving eye drops in the refrigerator, you will have to make sure that no one drinks them.

It should also be remembered that the shelf life of an open vial of eye drops for most drugs is no more than 28 days.

The list of eye drops that are most popular

According to Yandex queries, we have compiled the TOP-8 most popular eye drops. Among them were the following drugs:
  • eye drops chloramphenicol;
  • eye drops Tobrex;
  • eye drops Taufon;
  • eye drops Emoksipin;
  • eye drops Albucid;
  • eye drops Tsipromed;
  • eye drops Dexamethasone;
  • eye drops Irifrin.
We have tried to answer the most frequently asked questions about these, really very effective, modern drugs.

Best eye drops: time-tested broad-spectrum antibiotic levomycetin (chloramphenicol eye drops)

Eye drops chloramphenicol application: "for conjunctivitis" or "for inflammation"
Levomycetin eye drops are leading in searches on Yandex, which indicates their particular popularity among patients. Meanwhile, the requests themselves suggest that many people do not know about the purpose of this rather serious drug.

Levomycetin eye drops are indicated for use in infectious and inflammatory eye diseases, such as:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea - a membrane, in the form of a dial, covering the iris and pupil).

However, this drug is used only in cases where the pathological process is caused by antibiotic-sensitive microorganisms.

Levomycetin (chloramphenicol) is a synthetic analogue of the antibiotic produced by the microorganism Streptomyces venezuelae and has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity.

It is able to inhibit the growth of many bacteria (including those against which sulfonamides, streptomycin, and penicillin antibiotics are powerless), and is effective against some large viruses (for example, against the trachoma virus, which causes severe eye damage).

In cases where the infectious process is caused by a microorganism insensitive to levomycetin, for example, a small virus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, this drug will be absolutely useless.

Moreover, with fungal conjunctivitis, as well as inflammation of an allergic nature, levomycetin eye drops can cause significant harm.

It should be noted that inflammatory processes in the eye can be caused by many reasons. So, conjunctivitis can be the result of eye strain with farsightedness or the result pathological processes in the eyeball (tumor, glaucoma) or in other organs.

Therefore, if signs of conjunctivitis or other inflammatory processes of the organ of vision appear, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Levomycetin eye drops instructions

Levomycetin eye drops are instilled into the conjunctival cavity one drop 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed ten days.

In cases where a longer use of the drug is necessary, the condition should be monitored every 3 days. cellular elements blood (general blood test), since chloramphenicol inhibits hematopoietic function.

In addition, with prolonged use of eye drops of chloramphenicol, observation by a dentist is necessary, since bleeding of the gums, the occurrence of sores in the mouth and the development of inflammatory processes are possible.

Levomycetin is prescribed with caution to patients with liver and kidney diseases, which are accompanied by a pronounced insufficiency of their function. In such cases, you should regularly examine the blood for the concentration of the antibiotic in the plasma.

Eye drops of chloramphenicol for children: is the instruction different? What side effects are possible when using this drug in children and adults

Levomycetin eye drops for children from four months to two years are prescribed with great care, only in cases where there is no adequate replacement, and the expected benefit of the drug outweighs the risk of developing unpleasant side effects.

The dose of admission is determined by the doctor, based on the age of the child, the severity of the infectious process and the general health of the small patient.

Side effects of the drug levomycetin are as follows:

  • from the nervous system: impaired consciousness up to loss of orientation in place, time and one's own personality, with prolonged use, the development of pathology of peripheral nerves, including optic neuritis with the threat of loss of vision, is possible;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system: decrease in hemoglobin; less often - a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes; in persons with a genetic predisposition, irreversible aplastic anemia (irreversible oppression of hematopoiesis) may develop;
  • lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract: formation of ulcers in oral cavity, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating;
  • violation excretory function kidney;
  • local allergic reactions(allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva).
In children, due to the immaturity of the liver, age-related features of the hematopoietic and excretory systems, side effects of levomycetin develop more often than in adults.

However, with short-term use of the drug (up to 7-10 days) serious violations from the nervous system, hematopoiesis and kidneys are extremely rare. If signs of damage to the gastrointestinal tract or local allergic reactions appear, the drug is canceled.

Levomycetin eye drops: storage and shelf life

Levomycetin eye drops are available in dark glass containers. The drug should be stored in a dark, cool place inaccessible to children (storage temperature 8-15 degrees Celsius).

Under normal storage conditions, the shelf life of levomycetin eye drops is 24 months, but an open vial should not be stored for more than one month.

Do chloramphenicol AKOS eye drops help with barley?

Barley- acute purulent inflammation of the glands of the eyelid, which is most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus or other microflora sensitive to levomycetin.

So the use of eye drops with the antibiotic chloramphenicol in this case is fully justified.
However, it should be borne in mind that barley often accompanies diseases such as diabetes mellitus, serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other conditions accompanied by hypovitaminosis and immunodeficiency.

Therefore, it is advisable to be examined by an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and dermatologist. Doctors also advise patients with barley to take a vitamin-rich dietary supplement Brewer's Yeast.

Can levomycetin DIA eye drops be used for newborns?

No. The antibiotic chloramphenicol is enough toxic substance, capable of causing the so-called gray neonatal syndrome in infants up to four months. This pathology associated with the physiological immaturity of the liver, leading to a violation of the detoxification of the antibiotic and its accumulation in the body.

In mild cases, the gray syndrome of newborns is manifested by gastrointestinal disorders (bloating, diarrhea, vomiting), and in severe cases, severe respiratory disorders, which are accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and cyanosis of the skin (hence the name of the pathology).

Can levomycetin 0 25 eye drops be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Levomycetin crosses the placental barrier and can have a negative effect on the fetus, so pregnancy is a contraindication for prescribing all drugs containing this antibiotic.
The drug is contraindicated in breastfeeding, as it enters the milk and can poison the baby's body.

What is the difference between Levomycetin Dia and Levomycetin AKOS eye drops? The instruction is almost the same, the price is comparable. Checked the reviews - no difference.

Nothing surprising. Eye drops Levomycetin Dia and eye drops Levomycetin AKOS are synonyms used by different companies to name the same drug.

Question answer

A child has a runny nose for a long time after SARS. A friend advised to instill levomycetin eye drops into the nose from the “green snot”, which helped her child a lot in a similar situation. I read some of the reviews on the forum. Moms say that the mucous membrane of the nose and ear is no more delicate than the mucous membrane of the eyes, so chloramphenicol eye drops can be instilled in children in the nose and ear.

First of all, it should be noted that any medicinal product must be used according to the instructions. If the instructions say "eye drops" - this means that the drug is intended exclusively for the eyes.

If chloramphenicol eye drops could be instilled into the nose or ear, this would certainly be indicated in the instructions for use of the drug.

In your case, you need to contact an otorhinolaryngologist to find out the cause of purulent discharge from the nose and start adequate treatment.

I decided to buy levomycetin eye drops, but the instructions for use do not contain information about interactions with other drugs. I am a seriously ill person and have to constantly take medication, how compatible are Levomycetin 0.25 eye drops with other drugs?

It is better to take levomycetin 0.25 eye drops on the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist doctor, who should be informed in advance about all the medicines you are taking.

So, for example, if you are anemic and take iron supplements, folic acid and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12), then these drugs will reduce the effect of chloramphenicol eye drops. Antibiotics erythromycin and lincosamides (lincomycin, clindamycin) also show antagonism to chloramphenicol.

But antibacterial agents from the group of sulfonamides (etazol, norsulfazol, sulfadimezin, sulfadimethoxin, sulfalene, etc.) and aminoglycoside antibiotics (streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, amikacin, etc.) potentiate toxic effects the active substance of eye drops is chloramphenicol and therefore are not jointly prescribed.

Levomycetin eye drops are strictly contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer who constantly use the acid-reducing agent cimetidine, as well as in patients who have undergone a course of cytostatic therapy. In such cases, the use of chloramphenicol is fraught with the development of aplastic anemia.

The combined use of levomycetin eye drops with medical substances containing barbiturates (for example, hypnotic phenobarbital, Valocordin "heart" drops) leads to an increase in the sedative (calming) effect of barbiturates and weakening therapeutic effect chloramphenicol.

Eye drops Tobrex (tobramycin): instructions, price, reviews

In what cases does Tobrex eye drops help against eye inflammation and conjunctivitis?

The active substance of Tobrex eye drops is a third-generation aminoglycoside - tobramycin. It is a close relative of the more well-known aminoglycoside antibiotics - streptomycin (first generation aminoglycosides) and gentamicin (second generation).

It should be noted that streptomycin was one of the first antibiotics discovered by mankind (more precisely, the second after penicillin). At the dawn of the antibiotic era, powerful antimicrobials were often prescribed indiscriminately, as a result, doctors rather quickly faced the problem of the emergence of strains of pathogens resistant to antibiotic therapy.

Scientists were forced to constantly synthesize new generations of aminoglycosides. Thus, the second-generation antibiotic gentamicin acts on many strains of microbes resistant to streptomycin, and tobramycin, which is the newest antibiotic, also acts on strains resistant to gentamicin.

However, like other aminoglycoside antibiotics, tobramycin is not an antibiotic. a wide range action and is powerless against many types of bacterial flora, as well as against viruses and protozoa.

In addition, like all antibiotics, Tobrex is contraindicated in allergic and fungal conjunctivitis, and is absolutely useless in the so-called secondary inflammatory processes associated with the pathology of the organ of vision or with general diseases of the body.

Therefore, an ophthalmologist should prescribe Tobrex eye drops after a pre-established diagnosis.

Eye drops Tobrex: instructions for use

Medical indications: Tobrex eye drops are intended for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory eye lesions caused by bacterial flora sensitive to aminoglycosides (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal gland), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), uveitis (inflammation of the vascular membrane of the eye)).

In addition, Tobrex is widely used in ophthalmic practice for the prevention of postoperative and post-traumatic purulent complications.

Contraindications to the use of eye drops Tobrex:

  • idiosyncrasy (hypersensitivity to the drug);
  • inflammation of the auditory nerve;
  • gross violations of kidney function;
  • myasthenia gravis (severe muscle damage caused by autoimmune aggression).
Dosing regimen: Tobrex eye drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac 1-2 drops 3 times a day. In case of an acute, pronounced infectious process, Tobrex can be instilled every hour, gradually reducing the frequency of drug administration, focusing on the condition of the more severely affected eye. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.

Possible negative side effects of Tobrex eye drops:

  • Nephrotoxicity. With sufficiently long-term use, Tobrex negatively affects kidney function, which is manifested by such symptoms of kidney failure as headache, nausea and vomiting. Such disturbances are usually completely reversible.
  • Vestibular disorders and damage to the organ of hearing are manifested by dizziness, loss of balance, hearing loss.
  • Local reactions. Burning in the eye, lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eyelids.
Interaction of Tobrex eye drops with others medicines:

The combination of Tobrex eye drops with other antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group, as well as with the antibiotic vancomycin, mutually enhances nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity (detrimental effect on the auditory nerve). In addition, with such an unfavorable combination, there is a risk of developing disorders mineral metabolism and hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells).

The general toxicity of the active substance of Tobrex eye drops increases when combined with antibiotics from the cephalosporin group, antibiotics polymyxin B and colistin, as well as in combination with the diuretic furosemide.

Antibiotics erythromycin and levomycetin are pharmacologically incompatible with tobramycin, therefore these antimicrobial agents are not used together with Tobrex eye drops.

In addition, Tobrex eye drops are not prescribed together with anesthetics and neuromuscular blockers, since tobramycin potentiates the effects of the latter by inhibiting neuromuscular transmission.

At severe infections combinations of tobramycin or other aminoglycosides with sulfonamides (etazol, sodium sulfacyl, sulfadimethoxin, etc.), fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, etc.) and fusidic acid are used. Therefore, if necessary, Tobrex eye drops can be successfully combined with the above antimicrobial agents.

Special instructions. The elderly or senile age of the patient requires caution when prescribing Tobrex eye drops, since with the aging of the body there is a physiological decrease in kidney function.

Storage conditions and shelf life. Tobrex eye drops are stored in a dark, cool place out of the reach of children and animals. An open bottle should not be stored for more than one month.

How much does it cost to buy Tobrex children's eye drops?

Tobrex eye drops are produced without age differences, for children they use the same form of release as for adults: a 5 ml bottle containing a 0.3% solution of the antibiotic tobramycin.

Is there a separate instruction for the use of Tobrex eye drops in children?

children younger age Tobrex eye drops are prescribed with caution due to the pronounced toxic effect of the drug on the kidneys and auditory nerve.

There is no separate instruction for the use of Tobrex for children. The dosage regimen and the duration of the course of taking the drug determines pediatric ophthalmologist, focusing on the age of the child, the presence of concomitant diseases and the severity of the infectious process.

Are Tobrex eye drops available for newborns?

Such a dosage form as "Tobrex Eye Drops for Newborns" does not exist. "Adult" Tobrex to newborns, that is, children of the first four weeks of life, they try not to prescribe, in view of high risk the development of extremely unpleasant complications.

Can Tobrex 2X eye drops be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

No. All preparations containing tobramycin are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

What are the analogues of the medical preparation eye drops Tobrex? Is the price of similar drugs very different?

Analogues of the medical preparation Tobrex include eye drops:

  • Tobrex 2x;
  • Tobropt;
  • Tobracin ADS;
  • Tobramycin Gobbi;
  • Bramitob;
  • Dilaterol;
  • Brulamycin;
  • Nebtsin.
All of these drugs are based on the same active ingredient - tobramycin. The price of drugs containing this antibiotic is on average about 300 rubles. Price fluctuations depend on both the manufacturer and the distributor.

The most popular are Tobrex and Tobrex 2X eye drops. The drug Tobrex 2X contains xanthone gum as an auxiliary substance, which allows you to maintain the concentration of tobramycin in the conjunctiva for a longer period. Unlike Tobrex, Tobrex 2X is not a liquid, but a viscous substance - a gel, this is due precisely to the above-mentioned effect.

Patient reviews of Tobrex eye drops (brief analysis)

Most reviews about Tobrex eye drops are positive, patients note a quick effect (cleansing the eye of pus, eliminating pain and inflammation). This is not surprising, since the antibiotic tobramycin belongs to bactericidal drugs, which, unlike bacteriostatic agents, not only inhibit the growth of microorganisms, but completely destroy them.

Negative reviews are mainly represented by complaints of allergic reactions (swelling of the eyelids, nasal congestion, lacrimation, burning in the eyes) following the administration of the drug.

Many reviews indicate the uncontrolled use of the drug without the advice of a doctor, which is absolutely unacceptable. One patient complained that Tobrex did not help him in combination with sodium sulfacyl and ophthalmoferon. Alas, this is a sad result of the uncontrolled use of antimicrobial agents.

The doctor prescribed a standard combination that works against most bacteria and many viruses, and now he will puzzle over what to prescribe to a patient to destroy a persistent chronic infection that has developed “immunity” to antimicrobial agents.

Eye drops Taufon (taurine): instructions, analogues, price, reviews

Eye drops Taufon (taurine): composition

Taufon eye drops are a 4% solution of the amino acid taurine, produced in glass or polyethylene bottles of 5 and 10 ml. In addition, the drug is sold in special 1 ml tubes convenient for instillation (10 dropper tubes in one package).

The amino acid taurine, the active ingredient in Taufon eye drops, is a natural component of the human body. At the same time, the predominant majority of taurine is synthesized from the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine, and a small part comes from food products.

It should be noted that in animal tissues, taurine is contained in fairly low concentrations - mainly in bile. At one time, this amino acid was isolated from the bile of a bull, in honor of which it got its name ( taurus means bull in Latin).

In the human body, taurine is also part of bile acids that play an important role in the digestion process. In addition, taurine has a beneficial effect on intracellular metabolism, helping to restore damaged cell membranes, and inhibits pathological impulses in the nervous tissue, preventing convulsive seizures.

Eye drops Taufon (taurine) as a cure for cataracts and not only

The use of taurine in medicine is mainly due to its beneficial effect on the tissues of the organ of vision. With local subconjunctival administration, taurine has the following effects:

  • reparative (promotes the restoration of damaged cells);
  • metabolic (improves metabolism in the tissues of the eye);
  • anti-cataract (protects the lens of the eye from clouding).
In ophthalmic practice, Taufon (Taurine) eye drops are used for the following pathologies:
  • pathology of the cornea (trauma, dystrophic processes);
  • pathology of the lens (cataract);
  • glaucoma (a decrease in intraocular pressure occurs mainly due to the improvement of metabolic processes in the affected eye, so taufon is used in combination with other drugs in this pathology);
  • damage to the retinal receptors that perceive visual objects.
Eye drops Taufon (taurine): contraindications

The only contraindication to the use of Taufon (taurine) eye drops is individual sensitivity to the drug. A pathological reaction to the drug is manifested by burning in the eye, lacrimation, redness and swelling of the eye immediately after using eye drops.

Analogues of the medical preparation eye drops Taufon: instructions, price and reviews

The most popular eye drops, the active ingredient of which is the amino acid taurine, are known by the following names:

  • Taufon;
  • Taufon AKOS;
  • Taurine;
  • Taurine DIA;
  • Taurine AKOS.
At one time, the price of all the above drugs was almost identical (around 12-22 rubles for a 5 ml bottle).

Then, for unknown reasons (evil tongues talk about the desire of manufacturers to cash in on the “promoted” brand), the Taufon drug has risen many times in price, so that its cost today reaches 180 rubles for one 10 ml bottle.

While the full analogue of Taurine or Taurine-dia can be purchased for only 12 rubles (5 ml). The price of a pack of Taurine dropper tubes is much higher (about 75 rubles for a pack of 10 1 ml tubes), but here you have to pay for the ease of use of the drug.

Instructions for use of all analogues of Taufon eye drops are identical, the number of positive and negative reviews is also quite comparable.

The use of the drug eye drops Taufon (Taurine). Brief instruction

Dosage regimen and duration of treatment courses:

  • For senile, diabetic, traumatic and radiation cataracts, Taufon eye drops are used 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day. Three-month courses of treatment are carried out with an interval of one month.
  • For injuries and dystrophies of the cornea, the drug is prescribed in the same dose. The course of treatment is one month.
  • With dystrophic processes in the retina, Taufon is instilled once a day for 10 days. Courses are held twice a year.
  • Open-angle glaucoma is treated in combination with timolol. At the same time, Taufon is instilled 1-2 drops twice a day half an hour before taking timolol.
Storage rules. Taufon eye drops are stored in a place protected from open sunlight at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is 3 (polyethylene containers) or 4 years (glass containers). An open vial should be used within two weeks.

Eye drops Taufon (Taurine) for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers

The active substance of Taufon eye drops crosses the placenta and into breast milk. Unfortunately, today medicine does not have enough reliable data on the effect of taurine on the course of pregnancy and fetal development. There is also no data on the effect of Taufon eye drops on the children's body.

Therefore, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 18, should take Taufon eye drops only in cases where the possible benefits of using drops significantly outweigh the risks of using an insufficiently studied drug.

Reviews of patients about the medical preparation Taufon (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine AKOS)

Among the patient reviews about eye drops Taufon prevail positive ratings. The disadvantages of the drug most often include an overpriced price and a short shelf life of the drug after opening the package.

Some patients complain of pain and burning in the eye immediately after instillation of the drug. There were no reviews indicating serious allergic reactions that required the withdrawal of Taufon eye drops.

As the analysis of the reviews showed, many patients use Taufon and its analogues (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine AKOS) as a means of increasing the tolerance of contact lenses, relieving fatigue after prolonged work at the computer and improving vision.

It should be noted that taurine optimizes metabolic and energy processes in the cells of the eyeball, increases the ability of tissues to recover. However, the use of the drug must be combined with other rules for the prevention of pathology of the organ of vision (computer hygiene, professional selection of contact lenses and proper care for them).

It is by no means necessary to expect improvement in vision after taking Taufon eye drops in case of serious eye pathology. So if you notice a clear decrease in vision, it is best not to self-diagnose eye fatigue, but to seek help from a specialist.

Reviews of doctors about the medical preparation Taufon (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine AKOS)

Reviews of doctors about the medical drug Taufon indicate that the drug, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients and does not cause complaints.

Taufon eye drops (Taurine, Taurine Dia, Taurine Akos) in ophthalmic practice are most often prescribed as an adjuvant in a complex of other therapeutic measures and, according to experts, contribute to the overall result.

As for the treatment of cataracts, here the opinions of professionals are divided. Many ophthalmologists believe that Taufon eye drops, as well as other medications intended for the conservative treatment of this pathology, are not capable of having a serious effect and are only psychological preparation to the operation.

Other doctors defend the opposite point of view and argue that although Taufon eye drops are not able to completely heal from cataracts, they can significantly slow down the process, postponing the need for surgery on long years or even decades.

Question answer

I had reddening of the eyes, at first I thought that it was high blood pressure (I am hypertensive), but the redness did not go away even with the normalization of blood pressure. A friend said that she had the same from fatigue, and advised me to buy Taufon eye drops. The instruction confirmed my belief that these are vitamin drops, because there are practically no contraindications. But it does not indicate how to take Taufon eye drops in my case.

In your particular case, Taufon eye drops are unlikely to help, contact an ophthalmologist to find out the cause of prolonged eye hyperemia. This symptom occurs in many serious pathologies- both local (inflammation of the conjunctiva, farsightedness, myopia, increased intraocular pressure, etc.), and general (diabetes mellitus, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, Sjögren's syndrome, etc.), so it is better to seek qualified help.

My daughter, 7 years old, has a pronounced degree of myopia, the doctor recommended buying Taufon eye drops and conducting a monthly course of treatment. I bought Taurine Dia in a pharmacy (I was told that it is the same thing, but the price is several times lower). However, the instructions for the drug states that Taufon eye drops are not prescribed for children under 18 years of age. What does it mean?

Data on the effect of the active substance of Taufon eye drops on developing organism a child today is not enough to judge its complete safety.

Therefore, Taufon eye drops are prescribed to children in cases where the drug is able to bring tangible benefits that exceed the risk of using an insufficiently studied drug.

It should be noted that Taufon eye drops with myopia can have positive impact only in the case when they are prescribed in a complex of other therapeutic measures (gymnastics for the eyes, limiting the load on vision, treatment courses of drugs that relieve spasm of the ciliary muscle, twice a year hardware treatment in a hospital or clinic).

Emoksipin eye drops and their analogues. Instructions for use, price, reviews

What is included in the medical preparation eye drops Emoksipin

Eye drops Emoksipin, like most medicines, consists of active and excipients.

The active substance of the drug, providing all of its healing properties, is a 1% solution of methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride ( international name methylethylpyridinol).

Methylethylpyridinol belongs to the category of so-called antioxidants - substances that protect cellular structures from aggressive oxidative radicals formed during vital processes.

When injected into the conjunctival cavity, the active substance of Emoxipin eye drops has the following effects:

  • antioxidant;
  • angioprotective (protects the walls of blood vessels from damage);
  • antihypoxic (increases the resistance of tissues to a lack of oxygen);
  • antiplatelet (prevents agglutination of erythrocytes in capillaries);
  • retinoprotective (protects the retina from pathological effects).
Where are Emoxipin eye drops used?

Eye drops Emoksipin have the following indications for use:

  • dystrophic processes in the cornea, choroid and in the retina of the eye;
  • "eye" complications of diabetes;
  • treatment and prevention of hemorrhages under the conjunctiva and inside the eyeball;
  • complications of myopia;
  • protection of the cornea when using contact lenses;
  • treatment and prevention of retinal burns when exposed to high intensity light (laser and sunburn, laser coagulation);
  • inflammation and corneal cornea;
  • prevention of complications during surgical interventions on the organ of vision
Eye drops Emoksipin: contraindications

The drug is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug.

Brief instructions for the use of eye drops Emoksipin

Dosing regimen: Eye drops Emoksipin appoint 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by an ophthalmologist, focusing on the type of pathology and the severity of damage to the organ of vision (ranging from 3 to 180 days).

If necessary, conduct monthly courses of treatment with Emoxipin 2-3 times a year.

Side effects of Emoxipin eye drops: itching, burning or cramping may occur immediately after instillation of the drug. Local allergic reactions (redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and bridge of the nose, lacrimation, nasal congestion) are extremely rare.

Additional instructions: Emoxipin eye drops should not be mixed with other drugs.
If it is necessary to use several types of eye drops at the same time, Emoxipin is instilled last, after waiting for the time necessary for the absorption of the previous drug (at least 15 minutes).

Are Emoxipin eye drops prescribed to children, women during pregnancy and lactation

Emoxipan eye drops are not prescribed for children under 18 years of age, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation, since there are no reliable clinical data confirming its safety for these categories of patients.
It should be borne in mind that, being absorbed through the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva into the blood, emoxipin can have a systemic effect, in particular, reduce blood pressure, inhibit the ability of blood to coagulate, etc.

If you need to buy Emoxipin eye drops: price and analogues

The most common complete analogues (generics) of Emoxipin eye drops are the following drugs:

  • Emoxy Optic
  • Emoxybel
  • Methylethylpyridonol-Escom
  • Emoxipin-Akos
It should be noted that full analogues that have the same active ingredient, and, therefore, have the same effect, differ greatly in cost - the price range is from 17 to 198 rubles.

At the same time, the price depends not only on the name of the analogue, but also on the manufacturer, distributor and seller.



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