Diseases of goldfish and their treatment. Non-contagious diseases of goldfish and methods for their treatment

Fish, like other living creatures, often get sick. And then they need health care. Consider the main diseases of fish.

Fungal diseases of fish

This category of ailments includes clouding of the scales caused by ciliary infusoria "Cyclochete small". Among the symptoms of the disease is the defeat of many areas on the body of the fish. If you direct rays of light at the pet, the damage will look rough.

Another common fish disease is scabies. Causes of illness include vigorous activity bacteria, and it, in turn, arises due to an excess artificial feed. They point to scabies white slime on the body of the animal, the faded scales of the fish and the fact that she is constantly trying to itch.

The next fungal disease is ringworm. Any freshwater fish can suffer from it. The fungus is actively spreading due to the pet’s poor immunity, and, in addition, with injuries and improper care behind him. Ringworm is indicated by small formations in the form of white threads on the entire body of the fish. Over time, the disease can spread to the muscles, and then to internal organs. That is why fish treatment should be started in a timely manner.

Diseases due to care errors

If your fish has raised scales and the whole body is swollen, then most likely it has dropsy. The cause of the disease is the spread of harmful bacteria in the pet's blood. The disease may occur when toxic poisoning if the owner accidentally brought a substance harmful to fish into the water. In addition to the main symptoms, there are others: an increase in the eyes and abdomen of the fish, as well as a lack of control over the curves of the spine and tail.

Just like humans, goldfish suffer from colds because of jumps temperature. This ailment will be indicated by the active exfoliation of some areas of the skin.

Goldfish often have inflammation of the stomach due to low-quality feed or overeating. You need to sound the alarm if the animal does not move much, its abdomen has increased, the anus has reddened, and bloody thread-like excrement has appeared.

What causes diseases in goldfish?

Most often, fish get sick due to improper feeding, namely, due to the abundance of various larvae in the feed. This type Complementary foods are useful, but only in limited quantities. For example, a cyclops can attack fry and destroy them, although it is food for them. Leeches and swimmers should not be allowed into the aquarium at all.

Upon detection strange behavior immediately isolate the fish and observe for a while. Try to determine by the symptoms what disease she may have. However, in any case, urgently need to contact veterinary clinic"AVIS". Only a professional can supply accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

When isolating a sick fish, be sure to empty the container with contaminated water, but do not throw away the soil. It is enough to wash hot water, and thoroughly clean the walls of the infected aquarium with salt.

Isolation of sick fish

For isolation, a special aquarium is used, the size of which should be about 50 liters. It is better not to give food to a sick fish, with the exception of the treatment of malnourished ones. extreme pets. The supply of oxygen to the water must be carried out in a larger quantity than usual.

It often happens that already when buying gold fish infected. Therefore, when choosing an animal, consider a number of factors. The color of the fish should be bright, and the behavior should be active. The scales of healthy animals shine, the fish eats well, its dorsal fin is located vertically.

When a sick fish enters the aquarium-isolator, it is necessary to clearly monitor the degree of purity of the water. Every three days, the water needs to be changed, and in the absence of treatment results, prepare special baths for the fish. For them, you need to take 1 gram of potassium permanganate and 100 grams of water. The resulting solution is used to bathe the fish twice a day for 15 minutes.

How to treat goldfish and avoid recurrence?

In addition to the manganese baths described above, salt baths have proven themselves well. Lapis solution, on the contrary, is better not to use because of too high concentration. With inflammation of the stomach, it is recommended to include fresh-frozen food in the diet of the fish, for example, bloodworms and daphnia. However, before using them, you need to heat the food.

Concerning preventive measures, then it is best to use running water for the aquarium, give the fish live and vegetable food and avoid sudden changes in water temperature. AT difficult cases be sure to ask the advice of the specialists of the AVIS clinic.

I'm trying to grow large goldfish, I buy in the market from different sellers. Everything was fine, but then I bought more, and then they all died. Since February, she has raised new ones, they have semolina. It seems to have cured, although the couple died. Two people died a week ago visible reasons. Now I observe that the golden tail has begun to delaminate, although the general condition is normal. What is fin rot?

How many fish do you have? 100 liters is 3 or 4 maximum scrofula. If there are a lot of them, problems and illnesses naturally begin. Not enough space, lots of fish. Very hard to maintain good quality water and hence all the problems. In aquarium bacterial infection. Treat the entire aquarium.

Aquarium 32 liters, launched 2 months ago. It contains 2 goldfish (5 cm), 2 catfish (3 cm) and 2 pink zebrafish. I feed dry food once a day. AT last week one of the goldfish is lying on the bottom, swimming in jerks, as if she was being carried away by the current from the filter. And today I noticed that her scales were raised. And the second golden one does not lie at the bottom, but also swims in jerks and some kind of white bubble has appeared near its tail.

Goldfish have a bacterial infection and are similar to dropsy. It can be caused by poor water quality and poor living conditions. Buy antibacterial agent(for example, Baktopur) and begin to treat according to the instructions for the drug. It is advisable to deposit the fish in a separate container with enhanced aeration. But why dig through the whole aquarium if the rest feel good. 35 liters is not enough for 2 gold. For 1 scrofula you need 30, and for a couple at least 50 liters, plus neighbors.

Aquarium 20 liters, 8 goldfish. When buying, they told me that this is a normal amount. Fish 2-3 cm long. I feed frozen worms.

I'm afraid that you have been deceived meanly... One goldfish needs at least 30 liters of water. The arithmetic is simple.

Also, they should be fed frozen worms no more than twice a week, otherwise they will earn fatty liver. The basis of the diet should be plant foods.

Today I bought goldfish, but I have an aquarium of 25 liters. When should I change the aquarium if I have 3 small fish?

The sooner you change, the bigger the fish will grow. Tighten - pestilence and disease will begin.

Fish, like any living creature, are prone to disease. Timely diagnosis of diseases aquarium fish greatly facilitates their treatment, since most diseases can be suppressed by early stage.

At aquarium fish diseases are divided into:

Non-infectious diseases of aquarium fish

Chlorine poisoning

The causes of the disease can be chemical factors(exposure to chlorine). The main symptoms are shortness of breath, the gills are covered with mucus and their color becomes lighter. The fish are restless, rushing about and trying to jump out of the pool. Over time, they become lethargic, do not react to anything and quickly die.

To prevent similar disease the level of chlorine in the water must be constantly checked. If there are signs of ailments in the fish, then they must be urgently transplanted into clean water.

lack of oxygen

Fish are restless, swimming near the surface and taking in oxygen. One of the signs of lack of air is the behavior of snails, which also rise to the surface. With a lack of oxygen in aquarium fish, immunity is weakened, infertility, suffocation occurs, loss of appetite, which leads to death.

Aeration equipment must be installed in the aquarium. Periodically check the filter, aerator and oxygen circulation.

non-compliance temperature regime

Occurs when there is an increase or low temperature in aquarium. If the temperature is higher than necessary, then the fish behave too actively. They gather at the surface of the water due to lack of oxygen. As a result, they have oxygen starvation and exhaustion.

Too much low temperature manifests itself in the slow movements of fish, which are constantly at the bottom almost motionless. Long stay in cold water leads to colds and possible death. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature controller and thermometer when changing water.

A wide temperature range is well tolerated by some species: neon, goldfish, guppies and others.

Alkaline disease (acidosis, alkalosis)

The disease is promoted by increased (alkalosis) or decreased (acidosis) alkali content in water. With alkalosis, the behavior of aquarium fish becomes active, the gills and fins spread out, the color brightens. Mucus appears on the gills.

Signs of acidosis: fish become shy, less active and mobile. They can swim belly up or sideways. Alkaline disease mainly affects fish species that are adversely affected by the change acid-base balance(guppies, goldfish, neons, swordtails). It can cause splitting of the fins, leading to death.

Treatment consists in gradually changing the level of alkali in the aquarium, it is brought to a neutral value. If the change in balance was sharp, then the fish must be transplanted into clean water and the alkalinity level should be balanced.

Fish obesity

The disease occurs as a result of the excess fat content of feed by 3 percent in herbivorous fish and 5 percent in carnivorous ones. When overfeeding, monotonous diet or malnutrition symptoms of obesity may also appear.

As a result of the disease, internal organs (liver, mesentery, kidneys) are affected. The fish becomes lethargic, its sides are rounded, infertility occurs, which leads to death.

To prevent obesity, it is necessary to give different kinds feed, fat feed with great content squirrel, ballast substances and for prevention do not feed a couple of days. The size of the aquarium should allow the fish to actively swim.

gas embolism

It manifests itself if the volume of oxygen is exceeded, there is a clogging of blood vessels in fish, a violation of blood circulation. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor them and the condition of the aquarium. The behavior of the fish is restless, they begin to swim on their side, the gill covers are motionless.

The appearance of small air bubbles on the walls, plants and soil indicates the onset of the disease. Bubbles can be on the fish itself and affect the internal organs. If they accumulate in blood vessels, then an embolism occurs and the fish dies.

In this case, they check how the air circulates and the presence of excess plants, which contribute to the release of an excessive amount of oxygen and soil pollution.

Infectious diseases of aquarium fish


With this disease in aquarium fish, a change in appearance occurs - the skin color becomes lighter or whiter. The fish begin to swim on the surface. The causative agent is the bacterium Pseudomonas dermoalba, which can get into an aquarium with plants or infected fish.

To treat the disease, the fish is placed in a container in which a solution of chloramphenicol is diluted. The soil and water in the aquarium are disinfected.

Fin rot

The most common disease in aquarium fish. Appears as a result of damage to the fins due to Bad quality water or bites from other fish. The fins are deformed, reduced in size, become a lighter shade. May accompany bacterial disease, while the body is covered with ulcers, the abdomen is swollen. The disease is caused by bacteria of the Pseudomonas group.

Treatment: low-quality water should be changed, the aquarium and plants should be disinfected. Sick fish are deposited in a container with a solution of chloramphenicol. It is better not to keep fish that are incompatible in behavior. So, swordtails are incompatible with aggressive big fish etc.


The disease affects mainly viviparous species of aquarium fish: swordtails, labyrinths, gourami. Their behavior changes - orientation is lost, there is a violation of appetite, they become lethargic, apathetic. In some species, abscesses, ulcers appear on the body, bulging eyes occur, others go blind, their skin is covered with black dots, bones may protrude.

Cure is possible at an early stage of the disease, for which copper sulfate, tripoflavin, monocycline are used.

Neon disease (Plystiphorosis)

The causative agent of the disease is the amoeboid sporozoan. Symptoms of the disease: movements become spasmodic, fish rise to the surface of the aquarium, the position of the body is upside down. Coordination is disturbed, loss of appetite is observed, skin color fades. The fish keeps apart, avoids flocks. Representatives of carp species (barbs, neons, goldfish, etc.) are susceptible to diseases.

Neon disease is almost impossible to treat, so it is necessary to destroy diseased fish and thoroughly clean the aquarium.

There is also pseudoneon disease, which is treated with a solution of baktopur (1 tablet per 50 liters of water).

Hexamitosis (hole disease)

The causative agent of the disease intestinal flagellate affects the intestines and gallbladder. The carriers are sick fish, sometimes the cause is poor-quality water. Symptoms: loss of appetite, discoloration, the fish keeps solitary, the appearance of mucous secretions.

The disease can be cured in the early stages. To treat aquarium fish, you need to slowly raise the water temperature to 33-35 degrees or dilute metronidazole in a container (250 mg per 10 liters of water).

peptic ulcer

The disease is caused by bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) that enter the aquarium with food or from sick fish. The symptoms of the disease are dark spots on the skin of the fish, they gradually turn into ulcers. Bulging eyes are observed, the abdomen increases, the scales are affected, appetite disappears, the infection penetrates the body.

Necessary timely treatment, for which streptocide is used (1 tablet per 10 liters of water) or potassium permanganate.

Invasive diseases of aquarium fish


One of the most dangerous and serious illnesses aquarium fish, affects their entire body and is not treatable. Symptoms: fish swim on their side, bloody and whitish bumps appear on the body. Diseases are predominantly cypriniform species of fish (neons, goldfish and others).


Transmitted with contaminated feed, plants or soil. Symptoms of the disease: fish rub against the ground, stones, a light coating appears on the skin. The gills become lighter, covered with mucus, the fish loses its appetite, its breathing is more frequent.

Treatment of aquarium fish is best done in the early stages. Sick fish are deposited in a container with high temperature water (31 degrees), where methylene or table salt(20 g per 10 l).


The causative agent of the disease is the flagellate Costia necatris, which enters the aquarium with plants, feed and soil. The skin of a sick fish is covered with mucus, the affected areas gradually decompose. The color on the gills changes, the fins stick together. The fish periodically rises to the surface and swallows air.

To treat the disease, the water in the aquarium is heated to 32-34 degrees or the fish are settled in a container with a solution of methylene salt.

If not completely, then at least partially prevent diseases of goldfish in the following way: If possible, buy fish only in specialized stores where they try to sell healthy fish. When you bring new fish home, quarantine them for at least a week. If during this time the signs of the disease of goldfish do not appear, you can release them in community aquarium. When feeding live food to fish, make sure that it is caught in ecologically clean waters, and be sure to disinfect it, for example, in methylene blue.
Constantly observe the behavior of the fish. In case of deviation from the norm, seek help from specialists, for example, at a pet store.
If you already have some experience in the treatment of diseases of goldfish, keep the most necessary preparations for their treatment in your first-aid kit. Beginning aquarists are advised to have Baktopur Direct on hand, which helps with almost all fungal diseases.
Do not start treatment without consulting with specialists.
For a long time for the treatment of fish used human drugs. It is strongly advised to use special fish medicines adapted for aquariums for treatment. Most of them do not harm aquarium invertebrates, so they do not need to be removed from the aquarium while goldfish are sick.

But the main diseases and methods of dealing with them:

Dermatomycosis is a fungal disease. It occurs in the body of a fish that has already weakened as a result of some kind of illness, injury or bad conditions content. The signs of this disease are as follows: on certain parts of the body, fins and gills of the fish, white thin threads appear - hyphae - which grow perpendicularly from its body. If during this period measures are not taken to eliminate the cause of the disease, then the fungus will quickly develop and will look like a cotton-like coating. The hyphae of the fungus twine around the cells of the skin and gills, growing into the muscles and internal organs. The fish becomes inactive and falls to the bottom.

Sometimes goldfish get sick viral infection, which is called "fish pox". This ailment is characterized by white, pinkish, and sometimes gray waxy tumors that appear on the skin and fins. This disease, in principle, is not dangerous, although, of course, it greatly spoils appearance your pets. And, unfortunately, there are no effective drugs against it.

Dropsy in goldfish causes scales to rise and the body to swell.

It arises from the crayfish plague bacillus, which multiplies in the blood, and leads to a general infection. Infection occurs through the skin, wounds, broken scales. The disease at an early stage can be stopped by transferring a sick fish to running water and bathing it in a solution of potassium permanganate every other day for 15 minutes. Although sometimes the fish dies before the scales can rise.

Inflammation of the stomach

(gasteroenteritis) occurs in goldfish if they are overfed with food Low quality, and also if for a long time give dried daphnia, gammarus and bloodworms, which are poorly absorbed by the body and cause inflammation gastrointestinal tract fish. The lack or absence of plant foods also contributes to inflammatory processes.


Symptoms: external growths on the body of the fish, an increase individual sections body. They are rarely transmitted from fish to fish. Treatment: effective way treatment has not yet been found. But tumors are easy to confuse with another, similar in terms of observed signs, disease - swelling of the kidneys. With it, the fish's stomach swells unnaturally (not to be confused with a female with caviar during the breeding season). This disease is infectious, always leads to lethal outcome because no effective treatment has yet been found.

Therefore, if such symptoms are found in a fish, it must be isolated from the rest. As long as she continues to actively eat, she can be left alone. With a strong deterioration in her well-being, it is better to kill a sick fish, interrupting her torment.
As a conclusion, I urge you not to diagnose the disease of goldfish on your own, and, moreover, do not start treatment without the advice of experienced aquarists until you learn to independently and correctly determine the disease of goldfish, at least according to the express diagnostic table.

Friends, unfortunately, the format of the site does not yet allow you to quickly answer your questions. We have prepared another article, a fish died, which should help you understand the reasons for the abnormal behavior of your pets.

Causes of diseases

Sources and causes of non-communicable diseases are

  • injury,
  • improper feeding,
  • impact of any external factors(for example, the cessation of aqua filtration due to filter failure or violation of the temperature regime of the aquatic environment).

By the way, under the condition of sharp changes in its temperature, the inhabitants of the aquarium world can catch a cold, like people. But in them it manifests itself in the form of partial exfoliation of fish skin.

Turnover treatment

It is necessary to lower the water level in the hospital aquarium to 5 cm, heat it up to +26 degrees (cold-blooded goldfish), provide enhanced aeration of the aqua. Feed bloodworms, daphnia, but not dry. In no case nor granules and large flakes. As a rule, the disease disappears in 2-3 days.


When overfeeding, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the water in the isolator, add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to it (to wash the fish stomach), do not give food for 4-5 days, and carry out a daily 10% water change.

Dropsy treatment

Unfortunately, these measures do not always contribute to the cure, and dropsy often leads to death.

Treatment for injuries and scabies

Scabies and injuries are treated in the following way. The patient is placed for 3 days in a container with cool water (not higher than +18 degrees). Ordinary table salt (20 g of salt per liter) is added to the aqua. saline solution needs to be changed daily. Along with this, you can spend a 10-minute bath in weak solution potassium permanganate.

Treatment of infectious diseases

In the event of any infectious disease (at least in one individual), it is necessary to completely change the water in the aquarium, thoroughly rinse the soil, interior decor elements.

Oodiniasis (or velvet disease) usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. As such a drug, ichthyopathologists recommend bicillin-5. The medicine must be dissolved in the following dosage: 10,000 units of the drug (the number of medicinal units is indicated in the instructions for use) per 1 liter of water.

The insulator must be shaded, since bicillin-5 quickly loses its activity in bright light.

The fish is placed in the solution for 15-20 hours. After the cure, you should keep it in quarantine for 5-6 days, observe, feed it with normal food. Then, provided there are no signs of illness, you can release the pet into a common aquarium.

Fin rot cured by local application 1% solution of gentian violet. They rub the affected areas of the fins, preventing the medicine from getting into the gills and eyes. The procedure must be repeated daily until the disease has passed.

In principle, antibiotics can be used to treat contagious diseases in golds. But few of the avid aquarists dare to use them.

Very often, the diagnosis of a diseased fish can only be established after laboratory research. In the case, it is better to immediately contact an ichthyologist or other specialists.

Non-communicable diseases aquarium goldfish can be caused wrong conditions maintenance, improper feeding, exposure to chemicals, mechanical damage(injuries). Having established the cause of the disease, any aquarist can timely eliminate the factors that caused it and thereby cure their fish.

Non-contagious diseases of goldfish can be acute or chronic. To the most common non-communicable diseases relate:

1. Gas embolism (overabundance of oxygen).

Symptoms: vesicles on the body, lethargy or restless behavior, slowing down of the movements of the operculum.

Treatment (prevention): eliminate excess oxygen.

2. Asphyxia (lack of oxygen).

Symptoms: fish at the surface of the water swallow air for a long time, loss of appetite, bulging gills, growth retardation.

Treatment (prevention): water change (30% of the volume of the aquarium), increased aeration, water cooling, reduction in the number of fish, removal of organic matter from the bottom.

3. Hypothermia or overheating.

Symptoms: when hypothermia - lethargy, fish lie at the bottom, loss of appetite; when overheated: rapid breathing, fish swallow air on the surface of the water.

They are classified as cold water fish. Do not allow overheating or severe hypothermia of water. Temperature fluctuations can cause temperature shock, leading to the death of fish.

4. Stress.

Symptoms: lying on the bottom, shyness, erratic movements, secretion of mucus, pressing the fins, loss of appetite, nervousness.

Treatment (prevention): eliminate the factors that caused stress.

5. Alkalosis (too alkaline environment) and acidosis (too acidic environment).

Symptoms of alkalosis: anxiety, lack of coordination, mucus secretion, convulsions, scratching on stones and decor, clouding of the cornea.

Symptoms of acidosis: the excited state of the fish becomes depressed over time, slowing down the movements of the gill covers, loss of coordination, mucus secretion.

Treatment (prevention): set the pH value and change the water.

6. Poisoning with nitrates, ammonia and nitrites.

Symptoms of nitrate poisoning: lethargy, scratching on stones, twitching of fins.

Symptoms of ammonia poisoning: excitability, acceleration of the movements of the gill covers, red streaks on the fins, hemorrhage in the eyes.

Symptoms of nitrite poisoning are convulsions, accelerated movements of the gill covers, twitching of the fins.

Treatment (prevention): change the water and create normal conditions maintenance (moderate feeding, live plants, biofiltration, soil cleaning, aeration).

7. Overfeeding.

Goldfish are voracious, but they should not be overfed. They can get obese or gastrointestinal inflammation leading to the death of the fish.

Symptoms: stiffness, inflammation anus, a significant increase in the abdomen, slimy red excrement (with air bubbles), "changeling" (the fish loses balance, is pushed to the surface of the water, swims on its side, belly up or upside down).

Treatment (prevention): moderate feeding, varied diet, soaking dry food before feeding, fasting day. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is treated by fasting for 3-7 days.

8. Injuries.

Symptoms: wounds on the body and eyes, fin rupture, loss of scales, abrasions.

Treatment (prevention): isolation of fish, treatment of fish with drugs designed to accelerate tissue regeneration and prevent the emergence of fungi (methylene blue).

It is in our power to prevent non-contagious diseases of goldfish by creating the most optimal conditions for their content.



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