Calorie burning table for various physical. Calorie consumption in various activities

To have a slim figure, it is not enough just to go on a diet, because without physical activity, the accumulated calories are spent very slowly and inefficiently. The calorie burning table for various physical activities will help you to coordinate when choosing what is best to do.

An active lifestyle helps the body get rid of excess calories in a short time, which means it makes it possible to quickly lose weight. In this article, we will tell you what burns calories best and how to quickly lose weight without resorting to debilitating diets. And you can control the energy consumption and the work of the body with the help of special fitness bracelets with a heart rate monitor and an alarm clock.

How many calories are burned during exercise

Calories are the energy received by the body in the process of eating. Excess calories are converted into fat mass, which makes the figure fat and shapeless. You can get rid of fat accumulations with the help of various physical activities, which are not only able to remove extra pounds, but also make the figure slim and toned. What burns calories the best, without harming the body, consider in stages.

  • Running or walking on a treadmill, a stepper can remove about 300-400 calories per hour of exercise. The exlator simulator, which imitates walking up the stairs, has also proven itself well. But this type of exercise involves only the lower muscles of the body, while the upper ones remain inactive, which means they do not train.
  • Cycling helps burn approximately 300-500 cal / hour, everything will depend on the intensity of pedaling. But for very complete and unprepared people, this burden may seem excessive and unbearable. In addition, this sport has a number of contraindications.
  • Aerobics can remove up to 500 calories from the body in an hour. The rhythmic pace of classes contributes to weight loss and the transformation of the figure as a whole. But diseases of the back, joints, diseases of the cardiovascular system are quite weighty arguments against this type of weight loss. In this case, water aerobics is recommended.
  • Water aerobics is the same aerobics, but in the pool. You can burn over 600 calories in an hour of exercise, which is the equivalent of skiing fast. The advantages of this type of exercise include the ease of performing exercises, which is ensured by a decrease in body weight in water. With regular exercise, there is a dynamic burning of fat reserves, the skin is tightened and becomes elastic. It has practically no contraindications and is recommended even for pregnant women. The calorie consumption table proves the high efficiency of water aerobics in the pool.
  • Swimming is the perfect sport for weight loss. Since water creates greater resistance, weight loss occurs with greater intensity. So, for an hour of simple floundering in the water, you can throw off up to 300 calories, and doing breaststroke or butterfly can get rid of 700 calories. In addition, swimming increases stamina, tightens the skin and creates an anti-cellulite massage.

If the goal is to lose weight, then the table of calorie consumption during physical activity will help you clearly understand which sport should be preferred. When choosing, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the body, contraindications and training loads. It is advisable to record daily calorie consumption, which will allow you to create the perfect combination of physical activity and calorie foods. If the ratio is correct, then the extra pounds will begin to melt before our eyes.

Table of calorie consumption during physical activity

Kind of activity

Consumption of kilocalories per hour

per 1 kg of weight

per 50 kg weight

per 60 kg of weight

per 70 kg weight

per 80 kg of weight


Swimming (0.5 km/h)
Slow breaststroke
Swimming (2.5 km/h)
Slow swimming crawl
Swimming fast crawl
Aqua aerobics
Water skiing
Water polo
Cycling (9 km.h)
Cycling (15 km/h)
Cycling (20 km/h)
Roller skating
Downhill skiing
Ice-skating race
Figure skating
Rowing (4 km/h)
Canoeing (4 km/h)
static yoga
Ashtanga yoga
Gymnastics (easy)
Medium Intensity Charging
Gymnastics (energetic)
jumping rope
Strength training on simulators
Elliptical Trainer
Field hockey
Badminton (at a strenuous pace)
Table tennis (doubles)
Badminton (at a moderate pace)
Race walking
Running (8 km/h)
Running (16 km/h)
cross country running
Running up and down stairs
Running up the stairs


ballet lessons
high intensity dancing
Dancing modern
disco dancing
ballroom dancing
Low intensity dancing
Slow dancing (waltz, tango)
slow walking
Hiking (4 km/h)
Walking (at a speed of 5.8 km / h)
Walking, 7.2 km/h
Walking uphill (15% grade, 3.8 km/h)
Walking with the dog
Machine control
Driving a scooter or motorcycle


Playing with children sitting
Feeding and dressing the baby
Bathing a child
Carrying small children
Playing with children with walking and running
Games with a child (moderate activity)
Games with a child (high activity)
Walking with children in the park


window washing
Glass and mirror cleaning
Vacuuming carpets
Cooking food
Ironing (standing)
washing dishes
Easy cleaning
Plumbing cleaning


Standing guitar playing
Sitting guitar playing
Piano playing
The work of a wood cutter
The work of a bricklayer
Chopping firewood
Work as a massage therapist
The work of a carpenter or metalworker
Shoemaker's work
The work of a bookbinder
Hair Styling
Hand sewing
Reading aloud
Computer work
Fast typing on the keyboard
Office work
Classroom lesson, lesson
Sex (active)
Sitting at rest
Eating while standing
Personal hygiene
Taking a shower
Conversation while eating
Dressing and undressing, fitting

I'm not a big fan of running. Perhaps in vain. Undoubtedly, running has a positive effect on the general condition of the body and physical fitness, helps to avoid stress and develops endurance. And all thanks to a pair of sneakers and a free track. And of course, running burns calories. At an average speed of 10 km/h, the average marathon runner burns about 10 calories per minute. This is not enough. And if your speed is higher, then the calories burned will be even more! But if running is not your element, then you definitely don’t need to be upset! There are exercises that will do much more for your appearance!

Meet the top three great exercises that shape your figure and burn calories better than running!


This is one of the most rewarding exercises that has incredible effects on the whole body, and that's because you have to use the whole body, provided that the exercise is performed correctly. One of the benefits of the exercise is the acceleration of blood circulation, as well as effective training of the abdominal muscles. And not only the press! The exercise perfectly engages the muscles of the core, thighs, buttocks, calves and muscles of the shoulder girdle, and this in turn provides additional calorie burning. A few sets of 50 reps while watching TV is all you need.

Execution technique

  • Starting position - emphasis on the palms and socks (bar, as for push-ups). The body is parallel to the floor. Hands - perpendicular to the floor: the shoulder and elbow joints, as well as the wrists, are clearly lined up one under the other. Elbows slightly bent (don't lock your arms at the elbows). Don't arch your back. The abdomen is drawn in.
  • Make sure that the abdominal muscles are in tension throughout the entire exercise.
  • In the plank position, check that the pelvis is twisted “under you, down” (this way you will eliminate tension in the lower back); straighten your shoulders, keep them as far away from your ears as possible; head, neck - continuation of the spine.
  • As you exhale, pull your knee up to your chest.
  • On an inhale, return to the starting position.
  • Change legs one by one. The pelvis does not rise during movement, keep it as in a static plank. Breathe calmly, evenly, do not stop or hold your breath. Breathing depends on the pace of the exercise.

After a few of these approaches, you will definitely burn all the calories that you ate for breakfast today, and maybe some lunch calories too! But doing the "climber" for a minute or two is a real test! So combine this exercise with others such as army jumping jacks, lunges and burpees and you can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes!

Of course, these are average numbers. The lower your weight, the fewer calories you can lose by exercising. For example, if you "climber" for a minute, then you can burn 8 calories if your weight is 57 kg., 10 calories if 70 kg. and 12 calories - if your weight is 84 kg.

There are many ways to simplify and complicate this exercise. I advise, one way or another, to use all the options, since they are too different in terms of dynamics and load.

  1. Climber step. We pull our knees to the chest one by one (with and without touching the floor).
  2. Jump climber. Change legs with a jump. In the final position (near the chest) (with and without touching the floor)
  3. Climber on the run. P imagine that we are running up. In the final position (near the chest), fixation is minimal.
  4. Diagonal climber. Here we can either walk or jump. The knee is pulled to the opposite elbow. The load is more shifted to the oblique abdominal muscles.
  5. Climber "Crocodile" ("Reptile"). It is performed with a step or a jump, with or without setting the foot on the floor. The knee is extended to the side.
  6. High jump climber. Starting position: one leg is extended forward for a deep lunge. Next, change legs with a high jump. Accordingly, the second leg rises into a deep lunge. Ideally, the leg is next to the palm.


This exercise can only evoke two feelings: either you love it or you hate it! You can love burpee because it really gives results, does not require additional equipment and can be done anywhere! And to hate - because it is just deadly heavy!

The burpee combines the squat, push-up and jump into successive movements that are performed at a fast pace. This exercise is included in the training programs for persons who are required to have high physical performance: firefighters, special forces, professional athletes of individual and team sports. This is because almost every muscle in our body is involved in burpee!

Burpee is a multi-joint exercise that involves several muscle groups at once. The most loaded muscles are the legs (hamstrings, glutes and calves), and the load also falls on the pectoral muscles, triceps and shoulders. The muscles of the press are involved. There are practically no muscles that would not be affected by burpees.

Classic burpee technique

  1. Perform a squat, rest your palms in front of you.
  2. Throw your legs back, taking an emphasis lying down.
  3. Push up.
  4. Immediately after the push-up, bring your legs under you, returning to the squat position.
  5. Jump up from a sitting position, straightening your whole body and clap your hands above your head.

This is one "burpee" or "burpee". The exercise is performed at the fastest pace, with maximum intensity and the inclusion of all possible muscles.

Burpees have many benefits.

  • strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
  • development of core muscle strength - 29 muscle pairs located in the pelvis, abdomen and lower back form the core necessary to maintain the balance of the human body; (Read more in the article)
  • burning a large number of calories during the exercise (this factor depends on the number of repetitions, speed of execution and your current weight)
  • acceleration of metabolism for the whole day, that is, the benefits of the exercise persist even after you have finished training;
  • development of flexibility;
  • development of coordination/balance and endurance;
  • "pumping" the cardiovascular system, improving the functioning of the heart and lungs;

There are different options for adapting the exercise. It can be made easier and more difficult. Beginners can skip push-ups and stay in plank position, or skip jumping. You can increase the intensity of the burpee by adding a forward or side jump between reps. Some use weights and dumbbells and even pull up between reps!

To incorporate burpees into your workout, try doing a few free-pace sets. After the first couple of sets, be ready to increase your movement speed. For optimal results, try to do at the maximum pace. Ideally, if you do 100 burpees. The result will be visible in a week.

Here are some ways to use the burpee in your workout: do 100 reps as fast as you can, or see how many reps you can do in 10 minutes. You can also try doing the so-called pyramid from 20 to 1: do 20 burpees, rest for a couple of seconds, do 19 repetitions and rest again. Keep doing 1 less rep until you get to 1 rep. These options are a real challenge and are more suitable for those who have already gained good physical fitness.

If you are just starting out, then alternate burpees with other exercises.

Even a few sets of 10 burpees per set will make your heart race and noticeably speed up your breathing, your legs will feel like lead, your hands will shake and you will feel that your muscles have become stronger. Do them regularly and you will see how your physical form is rapidly improving.

Again, this is a full body exercise, which means that you will use every muscle in your body, which means you will burn more calories in less time.

It is estimated that, on average, a 82 kg man burns 1.43 calories per 1 burpee. If you do at least 7 per minute, then the figure doubles. But you need to strive for 10 burpees per minute, i.e. to 14.3 calories per minute. Why? 10 reps at high speed can fire up your metabolism just like a full 30-second sprint on a bike, making the burpee a killer cardio exercise.


Squats are considered one of the most effective exercises for weight loss, since they are the basic movements of the human body. William Lorman, a professor at Stanford University, in his Compilation of Manuals for the Observation of Physical Activity, gives some very interesting data. For example, a person weighing 62 kg loses about 43 kcal while doing just 100 squats.

Squatting can be divided into two stages. While squatting down, to maintain balance, all the muscles of the body are tensed. The power phase occurs during the lifting of the body up. There are several types of squats, which differ in the type of difficulty, load and method of execution. The effectiveness of different types of squats is almost the same, so for weight loss, you can use any exercise you like. However, one of the most intense and effective types of squat is the jump squat!

The squat is a full-body exercise that also requires no extra equipment and does a great job of working the leg and core muscles through alternating contraction and stretching of the muscles. A classic plyometric exercise, during which there is a powerful jump up from the squat. A so-called explosive load is created, that is, a quick effort is made in a short time period, which develops muscle strength and increases their volume. With this exercise, the quadriceps, large and soleus muscles of the buttocks, as well as the adductors of the thighs, calf muscles, are involved, the additional load goes to the muscles that hold the spine, hamstrings, lower back muscles, and the press.

Execution technique

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back. You can cross your arms in front of you at chest level.
  • The squat is done on the inhale. Get down to parallel with the floor. You can go a little lower, the main thing is to follow your feelings.
  • On the exhale, tighten the muscles of the core and abruptly, due to the movement of the hips, jump up as high as possible. It is necessary to make a powerful jump up, pushing off with full feet. Try to jump as high as possible, your hips should "spring" as much as possible.
  • After your feet have completely touched the floor, go back into a squat. Repeat jumping out of the squat for as long as necessary.

It is especially important to control the landing: try to stand on the floor with both feet at the same time. You should land on slightly bent legs (as softly as possible) and immediately go back to the next squat. It is advisable to use soft and comfortable sports shoes designed for such training, ideally with a shock-absorbing sole that can effectively absorb shocks. It is also better to choose a surface for classes, focusing on a softer surface (respectively, concrete or asphalt surfaces are not the best options).

For those involved in strength sports, the squat is the main exercise that allows you to develop strength and muscle mass in the body. Properly performed squats help strengthen the back and form the correct posture. Squats stimulate normal blood circulation in the pelvic area, as a result, metabolism is accelerated. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs, and this makes a person more active and mobile.

With the help of squats, you can get rid of the "breeches" on the hips and generally improve the shape of the buttocks. Squats speed up metabolism, train breathing, increase the rate of breakdown of fat cells. As a result, calories are burned, the figure becomes more slender and fit, and the gait is lighter, softer and more attractive. For maximum effect, the jump squat can be performed in the form of the Tabata protocol * (read more in the article). This 4-minute magic set burns the most calories during and after your workout. Participants in one study who did 8 rounds of full jump squats—20 seconds of hard work alternating with 10 seconds of rest—burned 13.4 calories per minute and doubled their metabolic rate after training for at least 30 minutes.

Beginners should practice stationary squats. Once you have mastered the squat technique, you can add small jumps while concentrating on the landing mechanism (see above). Later, the exercise can be complicated by using additional equipment. For example, jump on a step or a box.

Stationary Squat Technique

A good effect is possible only with the right technique! In addition, the correct technique is the key to a safe workout! Therefore, try to focus on your movements as much as possible. So, if you are new to sports, you don’t need to immediately squat deeply, touching the floor with your buttocks, for starters, just stop at the mark when the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the knee joint is bent at a right angle. The weight of the body is transferred to the heels. At the same time, the back should be kept straight, slightly tilted forward, the stomach should be pulled in. Before performing the exercise, the legs must be placed shoulder-width apart, knees apart, socks apart. In this case, the hands can be in three positions: stretched forward, folded into a castle in front of the chest, or holding dumbbells.

It is necessary to squat smoothly, gently, without jerks, no need to rush, control the movement. Like any exercise, squats need to be done in sets. For example, three sets of 10 reps. When performing this exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the feet are completely in contact with the floor, neither the heels nor the toes can be torn off the floor. It should be remembered that too many repetitions in a small period of time can put too much stress on the knee joints. Also remember that after training, you need to cool down and stretch the target muscles. In this case, the hamstrings, buttocks, and quadriceps.

You can find options for using these magical exercises in your workout on the YA young&active channel:

Here you can assemble your workout yourself or use ready-made playlists:

Attention! Lack of warm-up and cool-down can increase the risk of injury during exercise. Therefore, be sure to include a warm-up before an intense workout to prepare the body for the load, and after a workout, a hitch to restore breathing, relax and relieve muscle tension.

*If you are a beginner or have concerns about your health, please consult your physician before beginning any intense interval training.

Burning calories through physical activity is part of a weight loss program, but movement can bring different results, so it's a good idea to find out which exercises will be the most effective. In addition, overweight people calculate in advance the number of kcal that they need to get rid of per day, which makes it useful to have a table with exact values.

daily calorie requirement

The average value required for a person at rest is 1600 kcal per day. However, with the manifestation of any activity, this amount should be increased by 500-1000 units, depending on the intensity of the pastime. If you are overweight, you need to cut calories without taking into account this factor, that is, the norm will still remain at the level of 1600-2500 kilocalories per day, even for a person weighing more than 90 kg.

When calculating individual needs, the type of activity must be taken into account. If a person is involved in heavy physical work, then his body may require more energy. Accordingly, the daily norm will increase by another ~ 500-700 units, since additional kilocalories will be burned during the activity.

General Rules for Burning Calories

To lose weight, you need to burn 20% of the kilocalories of the daily allowance with exercise, that is, if the latter is 1600 units, then you need to spend 320 kcal through physical activity. At the same time, you should choose the most comfortable methods of losing weight to the detriment of the most effective ones, if they are unloved: cyclic loads or intense exercises will give the desired result only if you have enthusiasm and a desire to follow a constant training schedule.

In addition, you need to follow a diet, do not exceed the allowable calorie content and do not eat junk food, including fast food and alcohol, as they lead to overeating and the development of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

There are also simple rules that make the process more efficient:

  1. The duration of training should be from 30 to 60 minutes with repetitions at least 3 times a week. This is due to the need to deplete the internal resources of the body, so that in order to replenish energy, it needs the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, since in calm time it uses glucose reserves.
  2. Calorie burning exercises don't have to be exhausting. The body requires a large amount of oxygen for proper energy consumption, so you should not allow shortness of breath with profuse sweating. Thus, a long, but weak load, will achieve the best effect.

Outdoor activities are more energy-intensive for the body, i.e. jogging, cycling or skiing will be preferable to exercising in the gym. However, the calories burned need to be partially replenished so as not to bring the body into a state of exhaustion, so if more than the daily energy requirement was consumed during exercise, you should eat. The diet should be based on the usual needs, because a sharp change in the daily menu leads to inevitable breakdowns.

Burning table for various exercises

When compiling an exercise program, you should use the calorie burning table for various physical activities. It is difficult to take into account all types of activity, so the most popular ones will be given.

Type of activity Consumption kcal/hour
jumping rope 400-700
A set of exercises from push-ups, squats and lifting weights up to 2 kg 300-500
horizontal bar 200-350
Plank with a load 600-800
A slow dance 200-350
Active dances 300-500
static yoga 200-400
Fast bike ride 440-540
Jogging 500-600
Running up the stairs 700-900
skiing 600-950
Skating 550-700
Snowboarding 600-800
Swimming 400-600
Horseback riding 180-300
Stretching 90-250
Gymnastic exercises 150-520
Strength training on simulators 250-450
Aqua aerobics 380-600
Race walking 290-470
Hiking 160-270
power yoga 300-480
Elliptical Trainer 370-590
Struggle 800-1200
Mountaineering 330-520
Pilates 320-470
Aerobics 260-400

Energy consumption depends, among other things, on the initial weight of a person, since it creates an additional burden on the body. Thus, the easier it is to lose weight, the fewer calories will be expended during physical activity. And vice versa, since the body of a large person requires more nutrients to maintain life.

To calculate the required calories, you should use an online calculator or use a fitness tracker. The latter option is convenient due to the presence of built-in tables and recommendations for physical activity. In addition, the programs approximately take into account the peculiarities of the metabolism of a person who is losing weight, which increases the effectiveness of training.

While working with a barbell, dumbbells or on a simulator, you burn accumulated calories. But this is not the end of the process. During training, the metabolism picks up speed and maintains this acceleration for some time after leaving the gym. It turns out that during rest immediately after training, the process burning calories(calorie expenditure) continues.

The founder of the idea of ​​energy consumption for muscle work B.C. Farfel singled out four power zones (in the future, the works of other authors only developed and supplemented them). An analysis of the works of various researchers related to energy consumption makes it possible to identify five zones of approximate energy consumption when performing various types of physical exercises by children with a duration of 80-90 minutes.

Calorie consumption table for women weighing 50.0-60.0 kg:

1 zone - "very low" loads 290-390 kcal,

2 zone - "low" loads 390-485 kcal,

3 zone - "medium" loads 485-590 kcal,

4 zone - "high" loads 590-710 kcal,

5 zone - "very high" loads 720-890 kcal.

Calorie consumption table for men weighing 65.0-75.0 kg:

1 zone - "very low" loads 390-495 kcal,

2 zone - "low" load 500-610 kcal,

3 zone - "medium" loads 615-725 kcal,

4 zone - "high" loads 725-840 kcal,

5 zone - "very high" loads 840-1060 kcal.

The calorie consumption table will help you calculate your energy costs:

motor activity

Energy costs

calorie expenditure during exercise

Cyclic exercises

Walking walking (70-80 steps per minute)

9.0-10.0 km/h

11.0-13.0 km/h


9.0-10.0 km/h

11.0-13.0 km/h



Cyclic sprint exercises

Running at top speed

Running exercises

Game exercises



Outdoor games

Table tennis



martial arts


Speed-strength exercises

Throwing exercises

jumping exercises

Coordination exercises of varying complexity

morning exercises

General developmental exercises (easy)

General developmental exercises (vigorously)

Aerobic gymnastics (low intensity)

Aerobic gymnastics (high intensity)


AT presented table the approximate consumption of energy expended by athletes when performing various physical exercises is given. She will help you with ease calculate calorie consumption any of your workouts. The table was developed by R.I. Kupchinov based on the results obtained by various researchers. In literary sources, energy costs are given in other units of calculation:

in the SI system 1 kcal = = 4.1868 J;

1 MET (metabolic unit) = 3.5 kcal.

The benchmark for a quality load for "gym regulars" is considered to be such a load that allows spend in one session(80-90 min) approximately 600-700 kcal. Such a minimum can be quite fulfilled with the approximate amount of funds used in the classroom with the intensity of the load:

  • 30% of the time (from the time of the entire lesson) with a heart rate (HR) - 100-120 beats / min or 110-125 kcal;
  • 50% - at 130-160 bpm or 330-385 kcal;
  • 20% - at 160-180 bpm or 160-190 kcal.

Athletes have 720-840 kcal, respectively:

  • 215-250 kcal,
  • 360-420 kcal,
  • 145-170 kcal.

Now that you know how to keep track of your energy expenditure, feel free to finish your protein shakes and go to the gym to swing! And don't forget about

Math in PE class? Why not? There are usually no problems with counting the calories received - most products have an energy value, if not, then the calorie table will help you. But to find out how many calories we burn during physical exertion is not easy. Energy consumption is directly related to the type of activity, its pace and duration, and the physical condition of a person. In addition, calories are spent on the functioning of our body, on habitual activities such as chores around the house or keeping the body in a certain position. But there are also various types of professional activities - a builder or loader burns much more calories than a person working in an office.

A slender figure always attracts the attention of others

Sports training is a separate issue. How many calories are burned doing squats, push-ups, or barbell lifts? How many calories does swimming or running require? Expenses depend on the type of load - aerobic or strength, on the sports training of a person, on body weight, height and gender, on the intensity of training, on the conscientiousness of the coach ... In general, everything is complicated. But we will try to figure it out.

Energy for the body

We spend calories not only on movement and some actions. There is such a thing as basal metabolism. Our body uses energy to:

  • the work of internal organs (breathing, heart contractions, blood circulation, blinking, etc.);
  • chemical processes occurring in cells (production of hormones, breakdown of food, creation of new cells);
  • heat exchange (maintaining body temperature);
  • muscle action (even when we lie still, some part of the muscles works necessarily);
  • thinking (the brain requires quite a lot of energy, and the more intense we think, the more calories we need).

Every second, our body expends energy on life processes that continuously take place in it.

It is generally accepted that in an hour the human body burns about one kilocalorie (thousand calories) for basic functions. In order not to be confused further: one calorie (in physics) refers to the energy required to heat 1 gram of water by 1 ° C. This is a very small volume, therefore, for convenience, they are counted in kilocalories (otherwise they will turn out to be too long and cumbersome numbers), but they are sometimes called simply calories.

Without taking into account additional physical activity, a person burns (only for basic metabolism) 1 kilocalorie per kilogram of weight. It is more difficult for women (as usual), their basal metabolism is lower by 10 - 15%, that is, on average, a woman burns 1500 kcal per day, and a man can burn 1700 kcal per day.

We consider expenses

A general idea of ​​​​the number of calories that are burned every day is given by the following table (physical activity was delicately called a lifestyle):

Age (years) Calculation formula Lifestyle
18 — 30 Your weight x 6.7 + 487 sedentary moderately active active very active
31 — 60 Your weight x 4 + 829 x 1.3 x 1.5 x 1.6 x 1.9

Lifestyle activity is assessed by the following parameters:

  • sedentary - work in the office, lack of physical activity;
  • moderately active - training in the gym 2 - 3 times a week (yes, this is just moderate!);
  • active - hard physical labor or training 4-5 times a week;
  • very active - sports every day, the profession is connected with movement (not in transport, but on foot).

The amount of energy consumed depends on the type of activity and sports

Approximately to find out how many calories are spent every day on normal activities (excluding physical exertion during sports), consumption tables will help. They provide data on how many calories can be burned during routine activities: dressing, cooking, dusting, eating (this also costs money, you have to move your jaws and bring weights to your mouth!), ironing, watching your favorite series, having sex, etc.

From the consumption tables, you can find out that a woman weighing 68 kg spends (kcal / hour) on:

Cooking 80 bed cleaning 130
dressing 30 ironing standing/sitting 35/45
dusting 80 sedentary work 75
food (meaning the process of eating food) 30 sitting in front of the TV 30
standing in line 40 walking 150/235
sex active/passive 150/75 chores in the garden 132

If the weight is below 68 kg, then for every 9 kg the costs are reduced by 13%, and with a body weight of more than 68 for every 9 kg, the consumption increases by 12%. A little confused in the calculations? No problem. All data is rather conditional. They give only a general idea of ​​the expenditure of forces in a particular activity.

A little more specific figures for energy consumption per kilogram of weight per hour:

dream 0,83 reading aloud 1,5
lying down rest (not sleep) 1,1 handwash 3
sewing 1,8 window washing 3,6
washing 1,8 reading 1,2
sweeping 2,4 garden chores 2,5/6
piano playing 2,4 sedentary work 1,7

Do not forget, these figures must be multiplied by body weight and duration of action.

If you believe the compilers of such tables, then it is quite possible to burn up to 4.7 kcal per hour per kilogram for general cleaning, and as much as 5.3 kcal when playing with a child! All calculations are quite approximate, too many nuances need to be taken into account in order to calculate the exact number of calories burned for different types of work. But in order to navigate the topic, these tables are quite enough.

Calories for professional activities

The situation is a little more complicated with the calculation of calories spent on various types of professional activities. For example, a person who builds a house is called a builder. But it is one thing to lay bricks or engage in installation, and quite another to lead a team and work with drawings and documents. But both activities relate to construction.

There are tables describing the calorie expenditure for all kinds of activities. From them it becomes clear that the hardest hit are steelworkers and people working with heavy hand tools. They spend 8.5 kcal per kilogram. The easiest thing for a bartender is 0.0439 kcal per kilogram (apparently, the nervous costs of communicating with not very adequate people are not taken into account).

The intensity of energy consumption depends on the chosen profession

Some idea of ​​the physical activity for various professions can be obtained from the following table (kilocalories per hour per kilogram of body weight):

a carpenter 0,062 truck driver 2,1 office worker 1,24
miner 6,36 police officer 2,63 clerk 1,86
builder 5,82 actor 3,18 computer work 1,44
fireman 12,66 schoolboy/student 1,86 heavy equipment operator 2,6
forester 8,54 masseur 4,2 horse care 6,4
mason 7,38 coach 4,2 steelmaker 8,5

What is the difference between the activities of a clerk and an office worker, why using a computer burns fewer calories than shifting papers is very difficult to understand. Why a truck driver burns fewer calories than an actor or a police officer is unknown. Do not forget that the figures given here are very arbitrary, accurate calculations are impossible, and are not needed.

Training with calculation

Sports loads are divided into aerobic (fitness, aerobics) and power. Each type of activity has its own advantages. Aerobic movements (running, dancing, swimming, cycling, skiing, rowing) make the lungs and heart work harder. The body receives more oxygen, which is needed to burn calories. Regular swimming burns at least 200 calories per hour, because the body has to expend energy not only on movement, but also on maintaining temperature balance.

Swimming in a pool or pond is a way to burn extra calories

Aerobic training is the best approach for beginners in sports. Over time, you can add push-ups (first from a wall or elevation, then from the floor), squats or a load on the press. It is worth moving on to strength exercises a little later, when the muscles get stronger. Weight-bearing exercises help to increase muscle mass, which often leads to an increase in body weight. This is a double-edged sword - on the one hand, the larger and stronger the muscles, the more calories they allow you to burn, but, on the other hand, muscles are heavier than fat. The following table will help you make a choice (costs per hour):

It is impossible to accurately determine how many calories are burned when doing crunches, jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, or boxing. The result depends on the person's age, height and weight, and gender. In addition, the load may be intense or not very intense, sports training is excellent or mediocre. All these factors will affect the final result.

  • pumping the press, you can burn from 4 to 8 kcal per minute;
  • jumping rope in 15 minutes will “eat” 170/205 kcal;
  • the number of calories burned by swimming can reach up to 550 per hour (pool, not a natural body of water);
  • dancing will burn 200/300 kcal per hour;
  • yoga (depending on intensity) - 260/400.

To calculate how many calories are burned while squatting, you need to accurately time the workout, and then multiply the weight by the time in minutes and a factor of 0.095. For example, a person weighing 70 kg will burn 99.75 kcal in 15 minutes. This type of physical activity involves the largest muscles in our body, which means that the amount of energy that can be burned also increases.

Even regular squats will help in the fight against extra pounds.

Push-ups are a fairly common exercise. But even here, not everything is simple, a lot depends on how you spend calories. You can do push-ups from the elevation, from the floor, from the wall, from the knees or classically (flat back and legs). Trainers say that a few minutes of push-ups a day (from the floor) are enough to keep fit. In this exercise, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and abs are included in the action. Push-ups can be done regardless of gender (but men like it more than women).

Each of these push-up variations burns a different number of calories. There is an opinion that the expenditure of forces for one push-up is comparable to squatting, i.e., approximately 1 kcal / hour per kilogram of weight. And this despite the fact that we perform the exercise with full dedication, according to all the rules.

To help those who wish to bring a mathematical base to their workouts, special programs have been created that take into account the age, height and gender of a person, the duration and intensity of physical activity. We select the desired exercise or action from the menu and find out how many calories we could burn per day.

Whether we count calorie consumption according to tables or, armed with a computer, use a program, we should not take the results obtained as the ultimate truth. These are landmarks, road signs leading us in the right direction. Calories will not burn themselves, you will have to move, pushing laziness and self-pity into the farthest corner. The main conclusion was made by one wise ancient Greek (Aristotle) ​​long before us: movement is life! And active movement is a long and happy life!



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