Improper nutrition: how to establish a healthy diet. Diurnal food rhythms

We know that during the holidays we allow ourselves to eat a lot of excess. But sometimes we do not notice everyday overeating in the form of snacks and evening meals while watching TV. But regularly eating something under an interesting movie can earn serious problems with the intestines.

Of course, overeating happens to everyone. Even if most of the time we control our appetite and play sports. If you go beyond the usual diet once, then significant harm to health will not happen.

No need to panic and skip traditional meals, wanting to repair the damage from snacking and overeating. Cheer up and tune in a positive way for a quick recovery of the body.

Read on for five easy tips. They will help you quickly get rid of the effects of excess food and return to the right way of life.

  • Breakfast- it is important to start eating right after weekends or holidays in the morning. This meal should not be heavy, but thorough. Read "What to eat for breakfast with PP". Breakfast not only helps to wake up and speed up metabolism. It helps mentally maintain regularity in meals throughout the day.
  • Dinner- in the middle of the day you can eat soup with vegetable salad. Greens will help you quickly refresh yourself and quench your thirst, thanks to their high liquid content.

  • afternoon tea- this healthy snack will help to cope with the renewed feeling of hunger and keep the metabolism going. Neglecting an afternoon snack can lead to the fact that before dinner you are very hungry and eat too much in the evening.
  • Dinner– cook fish, vegetables and a side dish of whole grains at home. Do not eat processed foods and do not dine in restaurants and cafes where portion sizes are standard. Learn more about what to eat for dinner.

call a friend

We eat daily in the physical plane, but we forget to replenish the supply of spiritual food. Most of the time, we overeat out of boredom or loneliness, not out of hunger. Did you notice that the last meal was caused by these feelings?

It is important to satisfy the need for communication. Call relatives or friends, chat with them.

Physical exercise

When excess weight is already gained, it is necessary to play sports. Overpower yourself and after a few sessions you will feel much better, both physically and mentally. Start with a few minutes of walking or do yoga for weight loss. In the future, physical activity can be increased.


Don't blame yourself for past overeating, just consider them moments of weakness. You yourself must begin to control your diet. Engage in exciting activities: go for walks, ride a bike and read more. During these periods, you will not think about food.

Tune in to a new diet that will lead you to a healthy and happy life.

How and how much food should or can be consumed during the day? This issue is very important for human health. Many women do not know how to build their daily diet correctly.

In Ayurveda - the ancient Hindu doctrine of a healthy life - nutrition throughout the day is coordinated with the rhythms of nature. The ancient sages noticed that during the day three periods are successively replaced, 4 hours each.

The first period is rest (in Hindu "Kapha", which means "Plime"), the second is energy activity ("Pitta", which means "Bile") and the third period is motor activity ("Vata", which means " Wind"). These periods are primarily associated with solar activity.

The period of "Slime" (begins at sunrise) - from 6 to 10 hours. As a rule, the morning is calm. At the physiological level of the body, this affects the rest and heaviness of the body. The "Bile" period lasts from 10 to 14 hours and is characterized by the high position of the sun. At this time, a person experiences the greatest feeling of hunger and the "fire of digestion" is most powerful in the body (by analogy with the sun). The "Wind" period lasts from 14:00 to 18:00. The sun heated the earth, warmed the air. From this, the movement of air masses begins, the wind rises and everything starts to move - trees, grass, water, etc. sway. At the physiological level, this is a period of motor activity, the highest efficiency. Then comes the repetition: from 6 pm to 10 pm - "Slime", from 10 pm to 2 am - "Bile", from 2 am to 6 am - "Wind". It is in this rhythm that the whole world of animals and plants lives. Moreover, such activity is observed in both diurnal and nocturnal animals.

Based on these premises, the sages of Ayurveda give the following recommendations regarding nutrition during the day.

  • Get up during the "Wind" (motor activity) period a little earlier than 6 am (local time) - you will be active all day. If you get up during the period of "Slime" (rest) - you will be inert all day.
  • After getting up, drink a glass of warm protium or spring water. "Wind" enhances the work of our intestines and promotes the evacuation of the contents of the large intestine. This recommendation coincides with the active time of the large intestine from 5 to 7 in the morning. (Additional information will be given on the daily activity of the organs.)

  • Usually from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning there is a slight hunger - eat.
  • During the period of "Bile" (especially from 12 to 14 hours), when the digestive "fire" is strongest, eat the largest meal. Within 2 hours after eating, be in an upright position (sitting or walking).
  • During the end of the "Wind" - the beginning of "Slizi", before sunset (17-20 hours), - a light dinner in the form of fruits, a vegetable dish, a glass of sour milk or a warm decoction of herbs. After that, it is advisable not to eat anything else.
  • Go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00. This is the period of "Slime", sleep creates heaviness and drowsiness in the body.

Such a biorhythmological mode of life is most favorable for the functioning of the human digestive system. Falling asleep, you will not feel bad from the stomach filled at night. A night's sleep will bring you rest and peace of mind. When you wake up, you will feel rested, go to the toilet, and around 9 o'clock in the morning a healthy feeling of hunger will appear.

But if you even moderately ate at night, then the processes of digestion will not allow the body to rest. It will work by digesting and assimilating food in adverse conditions (at night, body temperature drops, which negatively affects digestive enzymes). Such digestion is defective, a lot of toxins are formed. Wake up unrested and, to cheer yourself up, take some kind of stimulant - tea or coffee. You will want to eat only at lunchtime, and then in the evening. So malnutrition weakens and slagging the human body.

To change the way of life, eating habits, it is necessary, firstly, to understand the process of nutrition, digestion and, secondly, to change the stereotype of eating behavior in your mind, to develop and consolidate the necessary character traits.

The second meal - at noon from 12-13 to 13-14 o'clock - should be when feeling very hungry and consist of vegetables (salad or stew) or first courses (especially in the dry and cold season). Next - whole porridge, nuts, soup or bread from sprouted grains, potatoes, etc. (you can eat meat food, but not more than "2-3 times a week).

The third meal - no later than 17-18 hours - should consist of only one dish. It can be: seasonal fruits (soaked dried fruits), some vegetable dish (preferably fresh or properly cooked), sour milk. You can limit yourself to drinking freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or an infusion of herbs with honey.

The daily amount of food should not exceed 1-1.5 kg. Remember that the food you eat must be converted into your internal environment, and the digestive system has a limited capacity in this regard. Excess food "extinguishes the digestive fire", depresses energy, disrupts the acid-base balance and slagging the body.

The fact that you consume a normal amount of food per day is confirmed by a small feeling of hunger that persists throughout the day. This is a kind of life on the verge of hunger, lightness and vigor of the body.

Nutrition should be separate: eat protein foods in one meal, and starchy foods in another.

Of course, there may be other options, depending on traditions and habits, but this one is the best, and you will see for yourself.

Food. Slimness through food

If you have a weight problem, you don't have to count calories. It is enough to rearrange the diet in such a way that the metabolism and weight return to normal.

To provide billions of cells with energy and building material, the body requires 45 different nutrients. He cannot do without any of them, because each performs its own special task, and only together they can have a full effect. These substances include carbohydrates, fats and proteins, ballast substances and a large group of vitamins and mineral compounds are also added here.

Carbohydrates quickly and optimally supply energy not only to the muscles, but also to the nervous system and some organs - such as the brain, blood cells and kidneys, you cannot do without them. Who, out of fear of being overweight, tries to avoid them, does nothing good for the body. Scientists have found that serotonin, the messenger substance of the brain, is produced more when we consume more carbohydrates. And it improves mood and improves tone!

A good half of all calories, in accordance with today's ideas, should come to us from carbohydrates - however, much depends on the type of carbohydrates.

Early morning energy providers: fruits, milk, yogurt and whole grain bread. By the way: balanced nutrition is the surest means of maintaining harmony and vitality.

Sugar, starch and cellulose belong to this group of nutrients. The last two should be preferred. They are found in grains, vegetables, legumes, potatoes and fruits. These products in their "natural form" have other advantages: a complete set of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, experts speak in this case of a high "nutritional density" - that is, a favorable ratio between the content of calories and nutrients - vitamins and mineral compounds. The situation is quite different with products of thorough processing of grain and sugar beets - that is, those containing a lot of sugar or starch. Cakes, sweets, chocolate, drinks such as lemonade give little, except for empty calories that are deposited in the body in the form of body fat.

Ballast substances, most of which belong to the carbohydrate group, although they are not used by the body, they perform important functions. They swell in the intestines, cause its peristalsis and ensure the regularity of its emptying. This has a positive effect on the silhouette. Ballast substances also have a positive effect on the regulation of satiety and hunger. Therefore: eat whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits. They are rich in ballast substances.

Protein (protein) is an important building material for cells. It is also involved in vital metabolic processes as an integral part of enzymes and hormones. Protein is found in animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, but also in plant products such as legumes and whole grains. Best of all, the body absorbs those proteins that are closest to it in structure. From this point of view, it is preferable to eat not any one food, but a combination of them: potatoes with milk or eggs, grains with legumes, or milk with grains.

Fats provide the most energy, about 9 kilocalories per gram. So you should try to avoid fatty foods. But a certain amount of fat is vital for the body, fat is a building material for cell membranes, for hormones, it is also a carrier of vitamins A, D and E. Vegetable fats (oils, margarines) supply vital complex unsaturated fatty acids. But still, those 40% of fat calories that on average fall on our plate are a bit too much. It is better to refuse about a third of them. This is not always easy, because fats are primarily flavor carriers, they have long dainted and pampered us, and in addition, they are found in such irreplaceable products as cheese, sausage, sauces, pastries, sweets and meat. In its pure form, fats are found only in lard, butter, margarine and vegetable oils. By reducing your fat intake, you will reduce the intake of calories in the body much more significantly than undereating carbohydrates or proteins. By the way, there is one more reason not to get involved in fats. Fat-rich animal products also contain cholesterol, and this negatively affects the arteries. Finally, alcohol is not a vital nutrient. It supplies only empty calories.

They are needed in the smallest quantities, but they are of great importance for growth and life. Because they are involved in all key metabolic processes, for example, in blood formation, in the production of hormones, for the immune system; some of them protect health, others are important for the skin, hair and mucous membranes. Thus, vitamins support not only health, but also beauty.

With food, 13 different vitamins must be supplied to the body. Since no product contains all the vitamins at once, a balanced and varied diet is very important, in which the freshness of the products is essential. Who often resorts to snacking on the go or constantly warms up food, easily slides into a vitamin deficiency. This is especially true for those who, out of fear of gaining weight, reduce their calorie intake for a long time. Because if you "eat little and not what you need, then you have little chance ||. to receive vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. In addition, you will also lack those vitamins that have a cosmetic effect, but not from the outside, but from the inside, making you shine and radiate.Pregnant and lactating women need more vitamins, smokers especially need vitamin C and carotenoids, and women taking birth control pills are often deficient in B-group vitamins, foli- eva acid, vitamin C and E. Stress and chronic alcoholism increase the need for vitamins.

The latest research shows that vitamins are responsible not only for an uninterrupted metabolism, but also protect health. First of all, this applies to vitamins E, C and beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. These so-called antioxidants block the action of especially negative oxygen radicals that destroy cells. Since radicals weaken the skin and hair, it is very important to take enough antioxidants. They are found in yellow-red and green vegetables, fruits and vegetable oil. Despite all the benefits of vitamins, you should still not thoughtlessly pounce on vitamin preparations, trying to compensate for this malnutrition. Healthy food should come first. Because food, unlike medicines, gives the body the most important nutrients (vitamins, ballast, mineral compounds, the so-called secondary plant substances) in their entirety. So, for example, rosehip contains, along with vitamin C, also bioflavonoids, which contribute to the absorption of vitamin C. And, in addition, also mineral and ballast substances. Pure vitamin C powder lacks these benefits. In exceptional cases, taking vitamin preparations makes sense, but you should check with your doctor about this. Just as vitamins are useful in small amounts, they can be harmful in large doses. Through food, such an overdose is excluded. (But, for example, it is better for pregnant women not to eat the liver: vitamin A is contained in it in such quantities that it can adversely affect the child).

Vitamins do not tolerate long transportation, long storage, or high temperatures without damage. They don't even last long in the fridge. That's why:

Minerals are a building material. For example, iron - for blood, calcium and phosphorus - for bones, fluorine - for teeth. However, they are also involved in many metabolic processes - such as magnesium in muscle contraction, potassium and sodium in the regulation of water metabolism. They are an integral part of hormones - like iodine in the secretion of the thyroid gland.

The most important suppliers of minerals are milk and dairy products, meat, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, legumes and fish. Salt buy iodized. With regard to minerals, the rule is also true: it is better to get them through a healthy and varied diet than individually in the form of medicines.

Most of the calories your body needs should come from carbohydrates (50 to 55 percent), 10 to 15 percent from protein, and the rest (25 to 30 percent) from fat. At the same time, make sure that you have vitamins, minerals, and ballast substances in sufficient quantities on your table. Whenever you eat, you should combine two of the following food groups:

    Potatoes, whole rice, whole grain baked goods, legumes, or whole grain pasta.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Low-fat milk or dairy products, lean meats, lean fish.

    Nuts, sprouts or seeds.

    Salads, raw food.

In addition, avoid solid fats and margarine, favor vegetable oils. And more drinking, if possible calorie-free - like mineral water.

Food in its natural form - those that go to food without additional processing. But chemicals in the soil, trees and tubers, as well as harmful substances from the air and rainwater, leave their marks on natural products. However, vegetables and fruits grown under control, meat with a special keeping of animals are guaranteed against the use of mineral fertilizers, as well as injections of hormonal agents and anabolics. The natural growth of plants and animals is not only good for its environmental safety, these products taste better. When buying, follow the quality of the products on the labels! Since 1993, the "Bio" label has stood for the environmentally friendly production of the product.

Salt and sugar: that's what affects the figure and mood

Salt is necessary for the body for proper water exchange. 5 grams of salt per day would be enough for this, but in reality each of us consumes at least twice as much. Salt is found in many foods, especially prepared meals, canned food, frozen food, sausage, cheese and bread, and pickles. Excess salt can lead to a dangerous increase in blood pressure. And because salt binds water, it makes you fatter. Sugar appears not only under this name, but also in the form of all kinds of "...oses": sucrose, fructose, maltose, dextrose, glucose. It's found in foods where you shouldn't expect it: in bouillon cubes, in medicines, in breakfast cereals, and in ketchup. Artificial honey is also nothing but sugar. What makes sugar dangerous is the fact that it quickly raises insulin levels (insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar). But then it falls off just as quickly. An increase in the level quickly causes a feeling of satiety, and a decrease causes hunger and an unbridled appetite. Consequence: you have to eat more often and, if possible, something sweet. With complex carbohydrates - such as starch or foods rich in dietary fiber - everything is different. They raise insulin levels more slowly.

It is not the number of calories that determines a healthy diet, but the value of the nutrients that are contained in the products.

Now light products have become popular - and this has become noticeable in their growing turnover - light products. They are often considered healthy, low-calorie and good for the figure. But this is a mistake, fat-free sausage, despite the decrease in fat levels, continues to be what it is: a product high in animal fats. And light drinks should not automatically be classified as healthy foods just because they use a sugar substitute. Despite the reduced calorie content, they remain what they are: drinks containing empty calories. Natural light foods - such as vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products - in contrast, are rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is very difficult to determine the exact need for calories, because it depends not only on size and weight, but also on loads, on gender, and on many other factors. Even food digestion theory seems to recognize that energy requirements vary widely among people. You can focus on the control figures of the German Nutrition Society. For women aged 19 to 25, this figure is 2200 kcal per day. With increasing age, it decreases and from 25 to 50 years is 2000 kcal. Pregnant and lactating women require more. The easiest way to find out if you're consuming extra calories is to weigh yourself once a week.

If you eat wrong for years and gain excess weight, this can have a bad effect on metabolism and lead to improper functioning of the brain center of satiety and hunger.

The only way out of this vicious circle is to rebuild the diet in such a way as to restore the correct metabolism. Specifically, this means the following: more complex carbohydrates in the form of whole grains, vegetables and fruits, low-fat milk and dairy products, fish, less meat and fat.

Nutrition of this kind has a regulating effect on the center of satiety and hunger and on blood sugar levels. Attacks of hunger and the need for sweets are weakening.

    Instead of radically replacing unhealthy foods with healthy ones, alternate, for example, white buns with whole grain bread, and bake potatoes instead of frying them in oil.

    Important: never eat the "forbidden" with a bad conscience, it gives rise to self-disappointment and undermines the "moral of nutrition." If you eat wisely and indulge yourself in something delicious on occasion, it will not harm your health.

    Here's the comforting thing: gustatory nerves are trainable. Someday you will forget to dream about those foods that made you sluggish and fat, you will get used to wanting everything that makes you healthy and beautiful.

The concept of "ideal weight" is outdated these days. Experts insist on the “weight” of feeling good.” This allows you to be both healthier and more beautiful.

Former prescriptions for dimensions and weights have been crossed out in recent years. What used to be considered overweight is now not only normal, but sometimes desirable. Physicians and nutritionists have come to such a revision of their views as a result of many years of observation. Contrary to their own expectations, they found that just people with some excess weight have better vital signs. Since then, they have somewhat relaxed the belt and said goodbye to the concept of “ideal weight”. Previously, it was 15 percent below the "norm" for women, and 10 percent for men. Now, in retrospect, we can say that the requirement of "ideal weight" in the sixties infected the world with a mania for harmony, which is only now gradually subsiding. But even now, some more - especially women - continue to torture themselves with diets and suffer in fitness studios until they drop, in order to get closer to their ideal figure and ideal weight to the nearest gram and millimeter. The result is well known: many became sick rather than slim.

The number of excess kilograms says little. In this case, height, age and body constitution are of decisive importance. Reasonable Ratio Gives "Body Weight Index"

The concept of "normal weight" today, as before, can be a starting point. It is calculated (according to the method of the French doctor Pierre Paul Brock) according to the formula: height minus 100. Women with a height of seventy meters can weigh 70 kg. But this formula also has a catch. She gives reasonable figures only for average height. Very tall or very small women under this formula either weigh too much or not enough.

The most reliable figures are given by the "body weight index". It is calculated as follows: they take height (in meters) squared, for women with a height of seventy meters, this will be 1.7x1.7 \u003d 2.89. Now divide the available weight (let's say 70 kg) by the empirical number (2.89). This gives approximately 24. Any number between 19 and 26 will indicate normal weight. Numbers from 26 to 30 indicate excess weight, over 30 indicate obesity, this is already a medical indication to start losing weight. Numbers below 19 are a warning about underweight with health risks.

The third way to estimate your weight is to measure your body in centimetres. The circumference of the chest is measured at the level of the nipples after a deep breath and again after an exhalation. The average value is multiplied with height, the product is divided by 240. Example: the average chest circumference is 100 cm, multiplied by the height of 170 cm = 17,000, divided by 240 = 70.8 kg. Thus, 71 kg - the weight is quite normal. But, as already mentioned, these figures are obtained from rough control numbers. You can decrease or increase them by 20 percent. But still, from time to time you need to conduct a medical examination. If you have other health risk factors, such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure, or fat metabolism disorders, you will need to reduce your weight.

Meanwhile, it has long been proven that a moderate, stable excess weight is much more tolerable for the body and soul than a number of even the most reasonable attempts to get rid of its excess. Because constant jumps in weight up and down (“Jojo effect”) overstrain the cardiovascular system and metabolism. The fat layer on the hips and on the sides is still less dangerous from the point of view of health than fat - as it happens in men - concentrated on the stomach.

Therefore, many doctors insist on the concept of "feeling good weight" instead of the usual "normal" weight. There are no exact measurements for this new verbal formation, but it means the weight at which a person feels good, which guarantees him high performance and the greatest likelihood of staying healthy. And - importantly - the weight that can be maintained for a long time without jumps and without special efforts.

The question of why some people remain slim all their lives without difficulty, while others have to constantly struggle with extra pounds, has not yet been finally clarified. What is undeniable today is that genes play a key role in this. They are responsible for the fact that some people digest and use more food, others have less, they also affect the biological “weight category”, the so-called Set point - the weight that the body easily holds. The influence of genes may be greater than hitherto thought. But malnutrition, gluttony and lack of movement also play a big role. It is possible that in women, unbalanced hormone levels are responsible for excess weight, because the hormone estrogen binds water in tissues. It makes a woman fatter and heavier.

The fact that two women of the same height and weight have different figures is due to the very different distribution of fat and muscle mass. For women, the proportion of fat in weight is considered normal at 20-25 percent, for men - at 15-18 percent (it increases with age). This fat fraction can be measured on the hips or on the shoulders with a special collet device or using infrared light. Most fitness studios have such devices at their disposal, as do sports doctors. The higher the proportion of muscle, the lower the proportion of fat and vice versa. True, the scales do not distinguish the difference, because both fat and muscle fibers weigh about the same. But the muscles optically make the figure more slender and toned. Because of this, it is worth reducing the proportion of fat and strengthening muscles through movement and sports.

Three cleansing days a month will support your health and figure, because the body will lose half a kilogram a day. Many physicians (still) recommend regular detoxification of the body as the ideal remedy for the so-called diseases of civilization. Their arguments are as follows: malnutrition, excess stress, excess poisons - in the environment and in the means of pleasure - and lack of movement overload the metabolism so much that it can no longer cope with cleaning. Consequence: intermediate and final metabolic products not removed from the body are deposited in the intercellular spaces of organs, in the connective tissue and on the walls of blood vessels, threatening health. This slag theory is disputed among experts, especially after unsuccessful attempts to detect traces of these slags with modern instruments. Since the concept of "slags" is only figurative and is intended rather for amateurs, experts prefer to talk about the "over-acidification" of the body ("Acidosis"). Most people, according to these traditional medicine specialists, are poisoned. This means that they have a healthy balance between the base and acids.

One of the main causes of this disorder is malnutrition. Excess acids produced in this case cannot be completely excreted from the body and are deposited in the connective tissues. Acid-forming foods - as a rule, protein-rich animal products - meat, fish, eggs. In the same way, only weaker, solid fats act. Isolated carbohydrates in the form of white flour and sugar and derivative products from them are also added here. Products that form a so-called base that can neutralize acids are capable of protecting against peroxidation. As a rule, these are products containing a lot of minerals. These include vegetables, salads, potatoes, herbs, fruits, and raw milk. Whoever eats enough of these foods can protect themselves from acidification. With age and under the influence of stress, the risk of acidification increases. As a result, diseases such as migraine, rheumatism, indigestion and even cancer appear.

Just eat some apples all day long. Or one carrot. Or one rice. This is not a diet, but a kind of short fast, exceptionally favorable for the body and soul.

No matter how you evaluate this theory, it nutritional advice gives good results. Lots of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and low-fat milk, and to top it off, a small amount of protein-rich lean meats, is by any means a better way to eat than sumptuous, empty-calorie meals. But not only food cause acidification. Some folk medicine experts blame the so-called free radicals. More precisely, their excess. These highly aggressive particles destroy cell membranes. They occur under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, certain substances from exhaust gases and from other environmental poisons, and possibly from certain medications. This leads to metabolic disorders. At the same time, the vital functions of billions of cells are blocked, which can no longer receive sufficient nutrition and regularly be released from waste.

Classical doctors dispute these theories. Some experts have introduced the concept of "internal pollution", which is very close to "slag". These "pollutions" weaken the immune system and make the body susceptible to serious diseases - such as arteriosclerosis, gout, rheumatism - and up to a heart attack. In milder cases, they simply feel tired, lethargic, irritable, joyless, distracted, headaches appear and weight is added. But not only doctors recommending fasting notice the relationship between acidification and excess weight, because excess acid retains water in the body. A "contaminated" body often experiences bouts of hunger.

Regular fasting days - for example, with juices, sauerkraut, carrots, fruits, potatoes or rice - will help to avoid acidification, or at least contain it. It would be ideal to arrange one fasting day a week or once a month for three days. One unloading week a year, according to experts, is necessary as a minimum. But it must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

How to do it

    The whole day (or two or three) eat only fruit or only carrots or sauerkraut.

    You can refuse solid food. Instead, drink up to two liters of fruit or vegetable juice, plus more water or herbal tea. Fruit juices are best diluted 1:1 with mineral water. With a sensitive stomach, mix one or two tablespoons of ground flaxseed into the liquid.

    On rice days, up to 150 grams of whole rice (weighed raw) is allowed. Soak rice in double the amount of water. Do not salt or sugar. If desired, you can brighten up the food with a small amount of fruits (apples) or vegetables (tomatoes).

    The most important thing on such fasting days is drinking: you need to drink at least two or three liters of liquid (water or herbal tea), otherwise there will be nothing to remove the released “slags” from the body, and this will make you not healthy and fresh, but lethargic and tired.

Fasting has nothing to do with diets, and fasting is not at all for the sake of harmony. Fasting is a general cleaning of the body and soul

It is very important to drink plenty of water during fasting. At least two liters of fluid per day. Mineral water, herbal or fruit teas, diluted juices from fruits and vegetables are optimal (no salt or sugar)

Whoever fasts refuses solid food for a certain time and drinks at least two liters of liquid per day. Or is it weak teas - herbal, flower, fruit, medicinal - or mineral water, unsalted vegetable juice, vegetable broth or diluted fruit juice without sugar. The feeling of hunger disappears, as a rule, on the third day, because the body begins to consume its reserves.

“The disease disappears, health increases,” says the “father” of the treatment posts, Dr. Otto Buchinger. He is also convinced that fasting is in many cases much more effective than medical remedies, especially for chronic diseases (migraine, rheumatism) or for allergic and skin diseases (scaly, neurodermatitis), also with high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels. Fasting will help you get rid of extra pounds and at the same time have a wonderful effect on the skin - for many this would be a very pleasant "side" effect.

Despite all these obvious results, treatment by fasting is still very doubtful for some. Reason: during fasting, muscle protein decomposes. To prevent this decomposition, many physicians introduce two to three tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese per day into the fasting treatment plan.

Fasting is a big burden for the body. Many organs work at the limit of their strength, especially cleansing ones - the liver, kidneys and skin. To cleanse the intestines, they drink Glauber's or bitter salt dissolved in water (a full tablespoon per a quarter liter of warm water). To this you need to add one or two washings per week with an enema (a liter of warm water). Many "fasters" experience - at least in the first days of the restructuring of the body - fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy. And ten days later, a crisis sets in: the head hurts, the body breaks, the mood drops to the very bottom. These are the classic symptoms that show that the treatment is working. After a day or two, the physical and mental state noticeably goes uphill.

Most "fasters" dream intensely and often solve their problems due to this. Solutions are found on their own. The spirit and mind are more open to everything new and more easily part with the old. Fasting often leads to a different way of life - one that is healthier and more conscious. Giving up alcohol or smoking while fasting is easier than ever, and many have been able to break these bad habits for good.

The most productive period is three weeks. But such a course of treatment must be taken in a special clinic, even if you already have your own experience of fasting. Beginners, even if they fast for a short time, should take a leave of absence from work for these days, and courses of treatment lasting one week should be under medical supervision (outpatient or in the clinic). Before posting, you need to be examined and consulted. It is impossible to fast in passing, not for long, and from time to time. Fasting requires serious entry, with a preparatory day where only fruits or vegetables are eaten. Even more important is the exit from the post: one apple. This is followed by at least three recovery days, when they eat only raw food, fruits, vegetables, salad, cottage cheese, jacket potatoes, varenets and small amounts of whole grain bread. Meat can be eaten no earlier than on the fifth day. And salt for another ten days only in scanty quantities, as well as sugar.

If you love potatoes and are afraid that you can’t do a real fast, you can arrange a week-long potato fast. Potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrates. The abundance of potassium will provide an intensive withdrawal of water, low calorie content (about 70 kcal per 100 g) will ensure you lose weight about two kilograms per week.

    Eat only potatoes grown without the use of chemicals. Rinse it well and cook in uniform. Add some cumin to the water.

    At lunch and dinner, mash up three or four unpeeled potatoes and lightly flavor with vegetable oil. Do not salt! Dried herbs can be added to taste.

    For breakfast, have a glass of curdled milk or low-fat yogurt without fruit additives, adding a tablespoon of unground flaxseed to it. During potato fasts, you also need to drink a lot: at least two liters a day. Herbal tea is the best.

The best diet is the one that teaches you to eat right for a long time to be slim and healthy.

The reverse side of weight loss courses is known: in most cases, the kilograms shed with difficulty come back and almost faster than they left. The reason is this: the metabolism quickly adapts to a low-calorie program and knows how to get by with a little. When the diet is over, he still needs time to rebuild - if he manages to rebuild back at all. So with each subsequent diet, the probability of never returning to the original state increases. Consequence: hitherto normal portions of food with a new economical metabolism become redundant, and excess calories go straight to body fat. The second fatal flaw of radical diets: with rapid weight loss, muscle protein decomposes, and with a new weight gain, it is replaced by pure fat. But muscle mass also affects energy consumption: if it decreases, then energy metabolism also decreases.

If you want to lose weight, you need to understand the following: the only diet that can really help you is a diet that will change your attitude to food - and for life. But this takes time. Unfortunately, this effect of "learning" of the body does not always occur even with long-term diets. Below we provide a selection of popular diets for comparison.

    Principle: Eat whatever you want, but count calories. After counting to a thousand, do not eat more that day. At the same time, there are no prohibitions or recommendations, and in a week you will lose two kilograms.

    Disadvantages: there is a danger of not getting vital substances if you eat something “not right”. Even for professional experts, it is difficult to make a plan for 1000 kcal so as not to miss something important. Therefore, they recommend raising the daily energy intake to 1200-1500 kcal so that the danger of malnutrition is not so great.

    Learning effect: bad, it could only be good if you eat according to a plan verified by experts.

Hollywood diet

    Principle: Enzyme-rich fruits such as pineapple and papaya should stimulate the intestines and speed up the breakdown of fat. In the first week, you need to eat exclusively tropical fruits, in the second week, carbohydrate and protein foods are added. But all these three food groups are eaten strictly separately, otherwise

    According to the theory, the intestinal enzymes activated by each of these groups mutually neutralize each other. In the first week, you can lose up to three kilograms, then from half to one kilogram. This diet allegedly helped dozens of movie stars get rid of those extra hated pounds. It is doubtful, however, that enzymes actually speed up bowel activity and burn fat. So far, studies have not yielded any results. What is the only positive here: an abundant supply of vitamins and minerals to the body (at least in the first week) from foods with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    The form for life method

    Principle: the main thing here is not the number of calories, but the separate consumption of carbohydrates and proteins. According to the theory, the human body cannot absorb both at the same time. Consequence: "undigested" is deposited in the fat layer. Californian nutrition experts Harvey and Marilyn Diamond developed their nutrition plan. They divide the day into three parts. At the beginning of the day, you can only eat fruits and drink fruit juices, at lunch you need to eat food rich in proteins, along with salad and vegetables, and in the evening - only carbohydrates in the form of legumes, rice, potatoes, pasta - again with vegetables.

The "form for life" method is disputed by experts, since it has not received scientific evidence. It is believed that no deficiency phenomena occur, because the body receives all the necessary products. Those who managed to get rid of excess weight using this method explain this by the fact that all products individually are much less tasty than in combinations, and do not cause appetite. Dumplings without meat, cheese without bread, spaghetti without Bologna sauce can only be eaten with force.

    Principle: All food is taken in the form of powders diluted in water or milk. Depending on the product, you can eat three to five servings per day. There is no doubt that in this case all the necessary substances enter the body, because the powders are formulated according to the prescriptions of the diet and meet the standards of need. Despite this, nutrition experts are concerned about this method: this diet does not develop a new reaction to food in the body and a new relationship with it, besides, it is expensive and gets bored very quickly.

    Learning effect: none.

    Principle: you can eat everything, but only half. This method has great advantages: instant hunger can be satisfied at any time, you don’t have to deny yourself anything, and you don’t have to radically rearrange your habits and the contents of your grocery basket. This method can be practiced everywhere. Theoretically, it could be a good long-term therapy. But this is theoretical. In practice, the situation is as follows: overweight people not only eat too much - they often eat the wrong thing. And it may turn out that the most necessary substances, which they lacked before, will now receive half as much. In this case, it would be better to eat not half, but twice as much - at least in terms of vitamins and minerals (see pp. 94-95). But this would require detailed knowledge of healthy eating.

    Learning effect: none.

    Principle: eat not only less, but what you need. This training program organizes self-help groups that are found in any major city. Members of these groups meet regularly for experience sharing, weigh-ins and individual consultations. When joining such a group, an entrance fee is paid and subsequently - membership fees.

    Such strict self-discipline helps to organize proper nutrition, the method is relatively simple and can be carried out in the most everyday conditions. At the same time, it is not recommended to lose more than one kilogram per week, and it makes sense to join such a society with an excess of weight of at least five kilograms.

    Learning effect: good.

How to improve digestion if you are worried about belching, constipation or diarrhea, bloating and pain in different parts of the abdomen.

First you need to identify the reasons that interfere with good digestion.

If complaints of indigestion are permanent, it is necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist. Perhaps you have not just functional disorders, but have already developed gastritis, enterocolitis or other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

If all the problems are connected only with the fact that you do not eat right, urgently remove everything that is harmful from your diet and improve digestion!

Gradually change the composition of products, for example, replace fatty meat with lean poultry or fish. Eat more dairy products. Baking, i.e. replace harmful simple carbohydrates with complex ones - fruits, vegetables. They do not require the participation of insulin in the processing of food, contain a lot of healthy dietary fiber and clean the intestines well.

What are the causes of digestive disorders

Caries and gum disease.

The process of digestion of food begins in the mouth. The food bolus must be thoroughly chewed, moistened with saliva, treated with enzymes.

If a person has bad teeth, bleeding gums, inflammation of the mucous membranes or periodontal disease, this is very bad for digestion. Some people have a bad habit of eating very quickly. They will not have time to chew food, as they immediately swallow it.

What does this lead to? To the fact that insufficiently processed food will enter the stomach, then into the intestines, where the efforts of digestive juices will be spent not on digesting food, but on splitting it. And what does not have time to digest, will begin to ferment and rot.

Power supply errors.

  • Many do not take into account the speed of digestion of foods, so the sequence of eating food is wrong. For example, for many people, fruit is a dessert to be eaten after dinner. In fact, an apple eaten at the end of a meal will only begin to be digested in the small intestine. Because it is there that the enzymes for digesting carbohydrates are located. And before that, the eaten apple will lie and turn sour, wait for its turn until the meat food is digested under the action of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach.
  • It is bad for digestion when food is too hot or too cold.
  • Thick foods are not processed enough by enzymes. That is why it is desirable to have soup or borscht on your menu. But you should not drink food with water during lunch, because the acidity will decrease and the meat will be poorly digested in the stomach.
  • Excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods also contributes to poor digestion.
  • During the day, the main meal should be in the morning and afternoon hours. In the evening, you need to reduce the amount of food, and in no case do not open the refrigerator at night. At night, all digestive processes must end in the intestines and the body must rest.

Physical inactivity.

If you like to take a nap and lie on the couch after dinner and generally move little, this is also very bad. The muscles of the intestinal walls relax, motility and movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tube decreases. The mass of food stagnates, putrefactive processes intensify.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis. The bacterial flora in the large intestine is especially noticeably disturbed under the action of antibiotics. For normal digestion, the composition of the microflora is of great importance. There will be no good bifidus and lactobacilli in the intestines - there will be no healthy intestines.

Photo: What interferes with well-established digestion:

Stress. Any manifestations of neurosis adversely affect digestion. You will lose your appetite, you will stop watching what you eat. You will begin to seize stress with chocolates, useless crackers and cookies. causes increased intestinal motility and food will be poorly digested. Spasms of the gallbladder, esophagus, and large intestine may occur. All this makes the process of digestion very difficult.

Friends! What is the conclusion? You can have an absolutely healthy intestine, but if you are careless about food hygiene, you will first earn yourself digestive problems, which will gradually turn into persistent organic diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

What are the symptoms of digestive disorders

Belching, hiccups, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, pain, bloating and rumbling in the stomach, constipation and diarrhea - this is the gentleman's set that anyone who neglects the rules of digestion can get hold of.

What foods promote good digestion

  • A variety of cereals: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, rice;
  • Lactic acid products: milk, kefir, sour cream, cheese. But unglazed curds, dairy desserts and yoghurts;
  • Eggs of chicken and quail;
  • Poultry meat, lean beef, but not sausages, sausages and sausages;
  • Sea and river fish. If you want to enjoy salted trout or salmon, salt the fish yourself. Honestly, it will be more useful - no paint, no preservatives;
  • Vegetable oil (various types), butter, but not margarine;
  • Fruits, vegetables, berries - no restrictions (for most people);
  • All food is consumed boiled or stewed, but not fried or smoked. Fruits and vegetable salads - raw;
  • Don't forget about water. At least two liters of pure water should be in your diet per day.

Of course, I didn't list everything. The main thing is to exclude from food all semi-finished products, cuts, flour and confectionery. Food should be simple, not too high in calories.

Observe food hygiene! Three meals a day and two small snacks with fruits, nuts, natural juices. If you still sometimes experience symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, constipation, then do not neglect them. They shouldn't be! This is UNHEALTH! Urgently establish nutrition, go in for physical education and sports, support yourself psychologically.

Otherwise, heartburn will gradually turn into gastritis and ulcers, bloating into enzymatic deficiency and chronic pancreatitis. Do you need it? In practice, constant digestive problems are PRE-ILLNESS!

Therefore, I want to emphasize again - watch your diet and the sensations that you experience during and after eating. To improve digestion and prevent the development of chronic diseases, use time-tested folk recipes.

From heartburn, sunflower or olive oil, potato juice, peppermint, centaury grass, flax seeds will successfully help.

Sunflower or olive oil you should drink in the amount of a tablespoon as soon as you feel the first signs of heartburn. But no more than one or two spoons a day.

Dry mint leaves brew daily in a mug of boiling water and drink as tea several times a day. Take this drink from two weeks to a month. You will feel permanent relief.

potato juice very well extinguishes high acidity. Only it must be freshly prepared and you need to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach in an amount of 100 ml. You can have breakfast after an hour. It is necessary to treat not from case to case, but daily for 10 days.

But crushed egg shell I would still not recommend taking it. Of course, the shell is alkaline and neutralizes acid, but it is impossible to specify the exact amount of shell. Excess calcium is harmful to the body, it is poorly absorbed from the shell, causes constipation, and forms calcifications.

centaury herb in the amount of a tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused in a thermos in the evening. In the morning it is filtered and consumed on an empty stomach, 30 ml before meals.

In the amount of a teaspoon, pour boiled cold water (250 ml) and insist for several hours. Mucus is formed. The seeds are filtered and the liquid is drunk twice a day, always before meals. To improve digestion, it is advisable to undergo treatment for at least two weeks.

From bloating and flatulence in the stomach, you can help yourself with dill seeds, coriander, chamomile flowers with oregano, bitter wormwood, dandelion root.

Dill you need to put more often in all dishes when preparing food. You can also make very healthy water from seeds. Take two teaspoons of seeds (crushed) in two cups of boiling water, infuse for a quarter of an hour and drink half a cup three times half an hour before meals.

coriander seeds have no less pronounced carminative properties. Take a teaspoon of crushed seeds in a glass of boiling water, insist and filter. You need to drink three times a day before meals, dividing the volume of liquid into three parts.

A mixture of dry chamomile flowers and oregano herb (equal parts) take in the amount of two teaspoons, add a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour to strain. You need to drink before meals (30 minutes) for a third of a glass.

Wormwood perfectly soothes the intestines. It is necessary to take dry grass in the amount of a teaspoon and add two cups of boiling water, insist, strain and add honey to taste. Take also before meals (30 minutes) a third of a glass. This recipe is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Dandelion root first you need to grind and take at the rate of two teaspoons per glass of cold water, previously boiled. Insist in the evening. Reception to start in the morning, 50 ml before meals. At least 3 - 4 times a day. This great recipe will help not only with bloating, but will improve liver function, normalize stools and improve metabolism.

From which the infusion is made, it helps digestion well, protecting the mucous membranes from inflammation, improving intestinal motility, and treating constipation. Take 2 tablespoons of dry leaves and half a liter of boiling water, put in a thermos and leave for several hours. Then drink half a cup before meals several times a day.

Remedies such as bran, senna leaf with prunes, vegetable salads, vegetable oils, beets, aloe juice can help with constipation.

Sold in grocery departments, in a pharmacy. Steam a tablespoon in boiling water and add a little to each meal throughout the day. You can take a glass of kefir and add a teaspoon of bran to it, give them the opportunity to swell and eat them before going to bed.

Senna leaf with dried fruits. Take figs, dried apricots, prunes and honey in equal proportions (100 g each). Pass through a meat grinder and add olive oil (50 ml). In a pharmacy, buy a senna leaf and grind 30 gr in a coffee grinder. plants. Also add to the mixture and mix well. Take a tablespoon before bed. Great remedy for constipation.

Salad from chopped raw carrots, beets, celery root, apple, parsley, dill, seasoned with olive oil and lemon, include in your menu daily.

Olive, sunflower or linseed oil drink a tablespoon half an hour before breakfast with lemon water. Duration of reception depends on individual reactions of the person. For some, this remedy will help quickly, for another - you need to take a month or more.

Boiled beets, or juice should also be included in the diet if digestion is required. Do not forget that beetroot juice must be kept in the refrigerator for 2 hours before drinking it. It is better to use it in a mixture with carrot juice (1:1).

Aloe juice will help not only soften the feces, but also cure the intestinal mucosa from inflammation, improve the production of enzymes and metabolism in general. If you have this plant in your house, be sure to use the following recipe.

Keep a few leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for two weeks, which will enhance the biostimulating properties of aloe. Then squeeze the juice and take two teaspoons of it, mixing to taste with honey three times a day. The course lasts 10 days.

How to improve digestion? The answer is clear: eat right, use traditional medicine and move more. Keep your bowels free of symptoms such as heartburn, belching, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. If these symptoms become persistent, consult a gastroenterologist for a consultation. Do not miss the beginning of serious diseases of the stomach and intestines.

We know that during the holidays we allow ourselves to eat a lot of excess. But sometimes we do not notice everyday overeating in the form of snacks and evening meals while watching TV. But regularly eating something under an interesting movie can earn serious problems with the intestines.

Of course, overeating happens to everyone. Even if most of the time we control our appetite and play sports. If you go beyond the usual diet once, then significant harm to health will not happen.

No need to panic and skip traditional meals, wanting to repair the damage from snacking and overeating. Cheer up and tune in a positive way for a quick recovery of the body.

Read on for five easy tips. They will help you quickly get rid of the effects of excess food and return to the right way of life.

  • Breakfast- it is important to start eating right after weekends or holidays in the morning. This meal should not be heavy, but thorough. Read "". Breakfast not only helps to wake up and. It helps mentally maintain regularity in meals throughout the day.
  • Dinner- in the middle of the day you can eat soup with vegetable salad. Greens will help you quickly refresh yourself and quench your thirst, thanks to their high liquid content.

  • afternoon tea- this healthy snack will help to cope with the renewed feeling of hunger and keep the metabolism going. Neglecting an afternoon snack can lead to the fact that before dinner you are very hungry and eat too much in the evening.
  • Dinner– cook fish, vegetables and a side dish of whole grains at home. Do not eat processed foods and do not dine in restaurants and cafes where portion sizes are standard. Learn more about what to eat for dinner.

call a friend

We eat daily in the physical plane, but we forget to replenish the supply of spiritual food. Most of the time, we overeat out of boredom or loneliness, not out of hunger. Did you notice that the last meal was caused by these feelings?

It is important to satisfy the need for communication. Call relatives or friends, chat with them.

Physical exercise

When excess weight is already gained, it is necessary to play sports. Overpower yourself and after a few sessions you will feel much better, both physically and mentally. Start with a few minutes or get busy. In the future, physical activity can be increased.


Don't blame yourself for past overeating, just consider them moments of weakness. You yourself must begin to control your diet. Engage in exciting activities: go for walks, ride a bike and read more. During these periods, you will not think about food.

Tune in to a new diet that will lead you to a healthy and happy life.



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