pH balance of the body. Alkaline diet: normalize the acid-base balance

According to clinical studies, all organs of a modern person are subject to increased acidity. The idea of ​​the benefits of alkalizing, picked up by many, does not boil down to the only obvious way with the use of soda.

Alkalinization of the body will be more effective if you change your eating habits and add alkaline foods to your diet.

pH balance in the body. Everyone has heard of a neutral pH level. However, biochemical processes occur in the body with other indicators. The normal pH level falls in the range of 7.37-7.44. pH values ​​below this indicate acidification of the organs, a high value indicates alkalization.

Most often, acidification of the body is observed. Factors such as unhealthy diet, strenuous exercise, daily stress and a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to lowering the pH level.

This leads to a drop in immunity, since an alkaline environment is necessary for the normal functioning of organs. Foods that alkalize the body have a healing effect.

Every hour, the organs of the oral cavity are exposed to an increased action of acidity, which saliva has. At the same time, the subcutaneous fat layer has a more alkaline reaction, which contributes to the formation of acne with the aggressive action of bacteria.

Our kidneys suffer from oxidative processes that lead to the formation of stones and inflammation of these organs. However, excessive alkalinization also favors the formation of kidney stones, since in this case too little uric and oxalic acid is supplied.

The relationship between oxidation and alkalization reactions in the body of a healthy person is traced. Therefore, any effect on the acid-base balance should be cautious. A gradual change in the diet in general and eating habits in particular will allow the alkalization of each organ.

Table of acid-base balance, visually displaying the value of ph for human health.

Let's figure out what kind of food provokes acidification of internal organs, and what will help improve them and have an alkalizing effect on the body.

Foods that increase acidity

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle also suffer from excessive acidification of the body. Even such healthy food as buckwheat can harm internal organs.

The acid-base balance is affected by both the nutrients contained in the product and its taste characteristics. All this causes either alkalization or an acid reaction in different organs.

Almost all the usual ingredients in dishes make up the general list of acidifying foods:

  • any meat and fish;
  • cereals (with the exception of millet and wild rice);
  • eggs;
  • almost all cereals;
  • flour products;
  • sugar, sugar substitutes and all sweet products (with the exception of natural honey);
  • beans;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol, coffee and tea;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • canned food, including fruit, vegetable and juices;
  • dairy products (with the exception of goat milk).

Many of these foods greatly affect the acid-base balance, shifting it towards acidity. Alkaline foods can neutralize the effect of some of them. Acidifying food is characterized by a high content of sulfur-containing amino acids, as well as organic acids.

Their complete removal from the diet is not required, and this is impossible to do. First of all, you will need to avoid highly processed delicacies, sugary drinks, fatty foods, and also increase the content of alkalizing foods in the diet.

Alkaline Products

The most effective alkaline product is lemon. The citric acid contained in it is processed in the digestive tract, so that its salts enter the blood stream. Due to this, an alkalization reaction occurs in the body.

Active alkalizing products also include:

  • greenery;
  • fresh vegetables and root crops (with the exception of potatoes);
  • rapeseed and linseed oil;
  • juices from squeezed vegetables;
  • melons, watermelons, zucchini and pumpkin;
  • some fruits: bananas, peaches, watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit;
  • figs, dates and sweet berries;
  • all products from soy and goat milk;
  • sprouted, but not boiled oats;
  • bran.

Alkalinizing food, as a rule, includes magnesium and potassium salts or elements that contribute to their full assimilation.

The amount of such products in human nutrition should reach 65-70% of the daily diet. In this case, the alkaline component will increase without harm to the body.

How to carry out alkalization correctly

The acid-base balance of the body shifts towards a decrease in pH-level if acidifying foods predominate in the diet. In severe cases, specialist advice may be required to restore health. It is necessary to adhere to certain rules in order to carry out a gradual alkalization of all organs.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Pay attention to the quality of the water you drink: it is better if it is purified and not boiled. A large amount of liquid will help alkalinize effectively, flushing the gastrointestinal tract and preparing it for the process.

Start your morning by drinking a glass of water with lemon juice. To do this, pour two glasses of warm water over lemon or lime slices in the evening. Drinking an acidified liquid will help stimulate the alkaline reaction and remove excess acidification.

(Video: how to alkalize with garlic and lemon)

Can you make cucumber water?

To do this, peel one medium-sized cucumber, cut into slices, pour two liters of water and leave for an hour. Water can be topped up as it is used, providing the whole family with an alkalizing drink throughout the day.

Active alkalization of the body contributes to celery and its juice

Use to make vegetable juices in combination with other vegetables. Celery consumption should be limited with low stomach acid and pregnancy.

alkalizing products

Remember food groups that effectively alkalize organs and use in meals along with meat and cereals to reduce their oxidizing effect on the body. The antioxidant and alkaline properties of vegetables are better preserved if they are subjected to minimal cooking and added to the diet fresh.

Instead of sugar

The acidifying effect of sugar can be avoided by using raw honey or natural stevia instead. Replace pastry sweets with nuts, fruits, or dates.

Movement and sports

The acid-base balance of the body is well restored by physical exercises. The type of exercise also matters. Give preference not to power loads, but to aerobic ones - yoga, swimming, dancing, fitness, cycling and walking actively alkalize.


The normal functioning of the whole organism is hindered by daily stresses, nervous experiences and emotions that are not splashed out. At the same time, alkalization processes in the organs slow down, toxins and acid breakdown products are excreted worse. Nervous shocks accelerate a person's breathing, resulting in an oversaturation of oxygen. It also affects the acid-base balance.

Breath and air

Use various breathing practices and meditations, or seek psychological help to reduce the body's response to stress and calm the nervous system.


(Video: alkalization with water - 3 ways)

Thus, an effective alkaline program that will heal the body must include everything from changing eating habits to vigorous exercise and strengthening the nervous system.

In some cases, the violations are very strong and shift the pH of the arterial blood to life-threatening values ​​for the patient (below 7.1 or above 7.6). How dangerous the deviation of blood pH from the norm is largely determined by the general condition of the patient. If the physician believes that the patient has a clinically significant acid-base imbalance, it is necessary to logically analyze its causes in order to find the right approaches to eliminate this disorder.

  • Step 1. pH measurement allows you to clarify whether the patient has acidemia or alkalemia. An analysis of the concentration of bicarbonate () in plasma and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO 2) allows you to establish the origin of this disorder - metabolic or respiratory (respiratory).
  • Step 2. Assessment of compensatory or secondary shifts in and PCO 2 to determine the state of the disease - simple or mixed.
  • Step 3. Calculation of the serum anion gap (ARC) to assess the degree of increase in the concentration of organic anions in it (for example, lactate). When adding the magnitude of the increase in ARS (DARS is potential HCO 3 -) and the total amount of CO 2 in serum (obCO 2), we get an indicator whose value indicates the likelihood of latent metabolic alkalosis.
  • Step 4. Determination of the cause of the acid-base imbalance based on the assessment of the clinical situation and the results of laboratory tests.
  • Step 5. Therapy of the disease that caused the violation of acid-base balance. Treatment should be continued as long as deviations in blood pH are potentially dangerous for the patient in an acute or chronic way (for example, acidosis can cause bone damage).

Acidosis = pH-Wert value<7,35 (=increase in hydrogen ion concentration):

  • Respiratory acidosis due to decreased CO2 excretion from the lungs (CO2 retention) due to:
    • airway obliteration,
    • hypoventilation (eg, due to sedatives, muscle relaxants),
    • improper fitting of the respirator,
  • central respiratory disorders (sedatives, traumatic brain injury, stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, intracranial pressure, etc.),
  • respiratory injuries (for example, fracture of several adjacent ribs, pneumothorax),
    • neurological/neuromuscular diseases (eg, Guillain-Barré syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, critical illness polyneuropathy),
    • lung diseases (pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, acute respiratory failure syndrome),
    • cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Metabolic acidosis:
    • as a result of an increase in the concentration of acids due to
    • kidney failure
    • diabetic ketoacidosis
    • hungry ketoacidosis
    • alcoholic ketoacidosis or alcohol poisoning
    • lactic acidosis
    • salicylic acid poisoning
    • methanol poisoning
    • as a result of loss of bicarbonate due to
    • diarrhea
    • drainage of pancreatic juice/small intestine
    • renal tubular acidosis
    • as a result of a decrease in bicarbonate concentration by dilution with the introduction of infusion solutions without bicarbonate (normovolemic infusions = refilling of the extracellular space after losses; hypervolemic infusions = increase in extracellular space).

Forms and causes of alkalosis

Most often, the cause of an acid-base imbalance becomes apparent during the collection of anamnesis, clinical examination, or study of the patient's medical history. Sometimes, however, to clarify the hidden and "blurred" causes of the development of deviations in the acid-base balance, a thorough diagnostic examination of the patient is necessary.

Alkalosis = pH value >7.45(= drop in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood):

  • Respiratory alkalosis due to loss of carbon dioxide during forced expiration (improper respirator placement, fear, stress, pain, compensatory hyperventilation in anemia or hypoxia, drugs)
  • Metabolic alkalosis as a consequence of the loss of acids as a result of:
    • vomiting
    • reflux through a stomach tube
    • diuretic therapy
    • severe hypokalemia
    • uncontrolled buffering acidosis
    • acidosis therapy
  • Mixed (respiratory and metabolic) disorders

Identification of the main types of acid-base balance deviations

If there is reason to suspect that this patient has acid-base balance disorders, the main markers of such a disorder should be measured in him - blood pH, PCO 2 and in serum.

Chemistry and physiology of acid-base balance

Cells, tissues and organs function best at an ECF pH of about 7.4. Inside cells, the pH value can vary in different parts of the cytoplasm and depends on the activity of organelles and the overall activity of cellular metabolism, but on average it is close to 7.0. The pH value of the HCF is determined by the state of the available buffer systems, i.e. the presence of such molecules that bind or release H + during pH shifts, keeping this indicator close to 7.4. Thus, buffer substances prevent sudden shifts in pH even with increasing or decreasing concentrations of acids and alkalis.

The pH value of the blood is a mathematical expression of the degree of its acidification or the concentration of H + in it. Knowing the pH value, one can easily calculate the concentration of H + in mol / l. A-priory:

pH \u003d -lg, from where [H + ] \u003d 10 -pH.

The concentration of H + ([H + ]) is usually expressed in hmol/l [(1 nmol=10 -9 mol)]. At pH = 7.0 [H + ] will be 100 nmol/l, and at pH = 7.4 - 40 nmol/l. In the pH range from 7.26 to 7.45, [H + ] can be calculated with sufficient accuracy by the formula: [H + ] = 80 decimal digits of the pH indicator. For example, at pH \u003d 7.32 [H + ] \u003d 80 - 32 \u003d 48 (nmol / l). pH measurements should be carried out at a temperature of 36.6 °C with a high electrical resistance glass electrode.

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood (PCO 2) reflects the state of the respiratory (respiratory) component of the acid-base balance regulation system. The level of PCO 2 in the blood is determined by the respiratory system. The CO 2 dissolved in the blood plasma is in equilibrium with the H 2 CO 3 present there. PCO 2 in blood can be measured using a pH meter electrode from pH shifts due to diffusion of CO 2 from the sample into the buffer solution.

HCO 3 - - a component of the metabolic part of the acid-base balance regulation system. This anion in the buffer pair acts as a base, binding H + . controlled by the state of the buffering properties of blood plasma, metabolic activity and kidneys. The concentration of H 2 CO 2 in the blood can be calculated, knowing its pH and PCO 2 in it, according to the Henderson-Hasselbach equation. This indicator, although it is determined by calculation, is no less important than total CO 2 (which, however, is also calculated).

The equation of acid-base balance allows you to determine the state of the acid-base balance in the ECF, to identify the presence of deviations in it, the nature of these deviations and the presence of a simple or mixed disorder:

pH = (Constant) x (- PCO 2).

It follows from the above equation that the pH value depends on the ratio and PCO 2 . Thus, all violations of the acid-base balance result from a shift in one of these values ​​or both at once. The shift in pH causes a change in the chemical composition of the buffer systems, softening the change in pH. With metabolic disorders, the function of the respiratory organs changes compensatory, and with diseases of the respiratory organs, the functions of the kidneys.

As a result, a new equilibrium point is reached with a new stationary pH value and with new values ​​of and PCO 2 .

Measurement of indicators of acid-base balance

Assessment of acid-base balance is usually based on the study of arterial blood. However, venous blood can also be examined, having previously oxygenated it. Blood is taken from an artery or vein on the forearm, trying to prevent it from mixing with air. Although experimental data show that indicators of acid-base balance in venous blood correlate better with those in the cytoplasm of cells and the state of organ functions, it is easier to determine these indicators in arterial blood. In addition, arterial blood values ​​are easier to interpret when assessing the metabolic status of organs and their functions. It should be remembered that with insufficient perfusion of tissues (for example, with cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing or with deep shock), tissue acidosis develops, which primarily affects the acid-base balance of arterial blood.

Calculation based on pH and PCO 2 values. Normally, in arterial blood it is 1-3 mmol/l lower than in venous blood. When calculating the value, [H + ] is preliminarily determined on the basis of pH. For the calculation, a simplified version of the Henderson equation is used:

24 x (PCO 2 ÷ [H + ]).

Determining the type of acid-base imbalance

To determine the type of acid-base balance disorder, first of all, they find out in which direction the main indicators of this balance are shifted relative to the accepted norm (pH = 7.4; PCO 2 = 40 mm Hg; = 24 mmol / l). At pH<7,4 диагностируют ацидемию, если рН >7.4 - alkalemia. Next, they find out what initially deviated from the norm - or PCO 2. With a simple shift in the acid-base balance, the compensating factor shifts in the same direction as the factor that caused the imbalance.

  1. An example of a simple acid-base imbalance. Analysis of arterial blood found that its pH = 7.55; = 18 mmol/l; PCO 2 = 21 mmHg
    • Step 1. The pH value is above normal. So there is alkalemia. It may be due to an increase (in metabolic alkalosis) or a fall in PCO 2 (in respiratory alkalosis).
    • Step 2 is below normal and cannot be responsible for the increase in pH.
    • Step 3. The value of PCO 2 is below normal. It is this indicator that determines the increase in pH. Therefore, there is a respiratory alkalosis.
    • Step 4. shifted to the same side as PCO 2. Therefore, there is a simple respiratory alkalosis.
  2. An example of deviation of the acid-base balance of the mixed type. In an arterial blood sample, pH = 7.55; = 30 mmol/l; PCO 2 = 35 mmHg
    • Step 1. The pH value is above normal. So there is alkalemia.
    • Step 2 is above normal and may be responsible for the increase in pH.
    • Step 3. The PCO 2 value is below normal and can also determine the increase in pH.
    • Step 4. Both determinants of acid-base balance are shifted, but in different directions. Therefore, there is a mixed respiratory-metabolic alkalosis. However, the metabolic component is the main one (Δ = = 6/24 = 25%; and ΔPCO 2 = 5/40 = 12.5%).

Symptoms and signs

Often non-specific symptoms with confusion and impaired consciousness, general weakness.

  • Acidosis.
  • Alkalosis: increased excitability of the nervous system, such as tetany (tonic convulsions), heart rhythm disturbances, arterial hypotension.

Usually, the clinical symptoms in a patient are determined by the disease that caused the acid-base imbalance. Signs of acid-base imbalance that attract the attention of a doctor: coma, seizures, CHF, shock, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure. With all these pathologies, there are shifts in PCO 2 and in blood plasma. With a strong shift in the pH of the blood, the violation of the acid-base balance manifests itself directly. With severe alkalemia, increased excitability of the myocardium and skeletal muscles develops, and severe acidemia is accompanied by inhibition of the performance of the heart and a drop in the tone of the blood vessels. Although strong shifts in blood pH show signs of CNS dysfunction early enough, they are not caused directly by changes in pH, but by changes in plasma osmolality and PCO 2 in it.

Laboratory diagnostics

Respiratory disorders are expressed primarily by a change in PCO 2 , and metabolic disorders - by a change in the excess of buffer bases and standard bicarbonate.

To assess the acid-base balance, at least the following parameters must be determined: pH, ра СO 2 , HCO 3 - , BE, sodium, chloride.

Laboratory research. In a patient with excessive accumulation or insufficient fluid in the body, it is necessary to determine the electrolyte composition of the serum. If at the same time shifts in obCO 2 are detected, this may indicate a violation of the acid-base balance. In addition, changes in APC and serum K + concentration indicate such an imbalance.

Shifts in total CO 2. By analysis, total CO 2 can be estimated in venous blood serum. With the introduction of acid into the serum, HCO 3 - decomposes with the release of CO 2 . In addition, CO 2 is already present in the serum in dissolved form and is released from other carbonates and carbonic acid. CO 2 released during diffusion in the buffer solution causes a shift in its pH. From the magnitude of this shift, the total CO2 in serum can be calculated in mmol/l. In serum from venous blood, total CO 2 is usually 1-3 mmol / l more than in serum from arterial blood (in venous blood, PCO 2 and are higher). On average, obCO 2 is 26-27 mmol/l. Values ​​of this indicator less than 24 and more than 30 mmol/l are a direct indication of a clinically significant violation of acid-base balance. However, violations of this mixed-type equilibrium can also be observed without shifts in total CO 2 .

Based on the concentrations of Na + , Cl - and obCO 2 in venous serum, one can calculate APC value.

ARS = - (s). Potassium balance and acid-base balance are related to each other at the level of K + uptake by cells, transport of ions in the renal tubules and their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, shifts in [K + ]s should indicate to the clinician the possible violations of the acid-base balance in this patient.

Differential diagnosis of simple and mixed nature of acid-base balance disorders

In case of a violation resulting from a change in the concentration of one of the components of the HCO 3 - /PCO 2 buffer pair (recall that PCO 2 reflects the concentration of H 2 CO 3), the other component will also change in the same direction due to the physiological response of the body. The shift is aimed at mitigating the change in pH and is of a compensatory nature. It should be noted that the mechanisms triggering such a shift can be activated not only by a change in pH. Sometimes it is their activity that keeps the pH at abnormal values. Thus, sometimes pH shift compensation is itself part of the pathogenesis of acid-base imbalance. For example, in metabolic acidosis, a drop in PCO 2 causes the kidneys to weaken the reabsorption of HCO 3 - . It should also be borne in mind that compensatory mechanisms never return blood pH to normal, since the normalization of this indicator causes their complete inactivation.

Steps to Identify the Simple Pattern of Acid-Base Disorder. After identifying the nature of the violation of the acid-base balance, it should be established how effectively it is compensated.

  1. Determine in which direction relative to the norm are shifted and PCO 2 . If both components of the buffer pair are changed in the water direction, there is most likely a simple deviation in the acid-base balance. If their displacements are multidirectional, the deviation is mixed.
  2. Compare the amplitudes of the initial and compensatory shifts in the determinants of the acid-base balance. During shifts of metabolic origin, PCO 2 is primarily displaced, and compensatory - PCO 2 . With shifts of respiratory origin, the situation is reversed. In case of violations of the acid-base balance of respiratory origin, compensation is carried out in two phases. During the acute phase, it changes only slightly in tissue fluids. During the chronic phase (developing within 24 hours of the initial pH disturbance), the kidneys change substantially throughout the body. If the nature of the compensatory shift in the determinants of the acid-base balance does not correspond to what one would expect, the imbalance is of a mixed nature. With metabolic acidosis causing a drop of 10 mmol/l, it can be expected that, due to hyperventilation, PCO 2 will soon fall by 10-15 mmHg. and will be 25-30 mm Hg. Another technique allows one to estimate the magnitude of the pH shift, which should be with the existing primary shift in the equilibrium determinants. For example, a 10 mmol/L drop should result in a 0.1 drop in pH (to 7.3).
  3. To determine the value of APC in order to identify a hidden violation of acid-base balance. An increase in APC by more than 8 mEq/l, to a value of more than 17 mEq/l, indicates the presence of metabolic acidosis due to the accumulation of organic acids. Summing up the value of DARS and the measured value of obCO 2 , it is possible to determine the theoretically possible maximum of obCO 2 . If this indicator is more than 30 mmol / l, then there is a metabolic alkalosis.

Examples of practical application of the considered principles.

  1. The primary event in metabolic acidosis is a fall, the compensatory shift is a decrease in PCO 2 . PCO 2 decreases due to irritation of special CNS receptors by a reduced pH value and stimulation of hyperventilation of the lungs, leading to increased excretion of CO 2 with exhaled air. When falling from 24 to 10 mmol / l (up to 14 mmol / l), PCO 2 should fall 1.0-1.5 times stronger - to a level of 25-30 mm Hg. (40 - 10 = 30; 40 - 15 = 25).
  2. The primary event in metabolic alkalosis is an increase in . The respiratory system responds with the development of hypoventilation to an increase in pH. As a result, the rate of CO 2 excretion decreases, and PCO 2 in the blood increases. With an increase of 16 mmol / l (from 24 to 40), PCO 2 should increase 0.25-1 times stronger - by 4-16 mm Hg. to the level of 44-56 mm Hg. (40 + 4 = = 44; 40 + 16 = 56). The hypoventilatory respiratory response, however, is limited by the body's ability to tolerate hypoxemia resulting from hypoventilation.
  3. The primary event in respiratory acidosis is an increase in PCO 2 . During the acute phase of the compensatory response (the first 24 hours after the development of the pH shift), compensation is carried out due to the production of buffer compounds. increases, but not more than up to 30 mmol / l. During the chronic phase of the compensatory response, there is a delay and generation of HCO 3 - in the kidneys, preventing the pH from falling below 7.2 even in severe respiratory acidosis.
  4. The primary event in respiratory alkalosis is a fall in PCO 2 . In the acute phase of the compensatory response, compensation is carried out due to the release of H + from the cells. In the future, after a few hours, an increase in the excretion of HCO 3 - by the kidneys develops. As a result, VKZh falls.

Influence of respiratory response on metabolic disorders. The kidneys respond to a shift in PCO 2 rather than a change in pH. With a decrease in PCO 2, an increase in the excretion of HCO 3 - occurs, and with an increase in PCO 2, its weakening occurs. Thus, any decrease in chronic metabolic acidosis lasting several days is caused by a compensatory fall in PCO 2 and is not directly related to the processes that initiated the development of metabolic acidosis. Similarly, an increase in PCO 2 in chronic metabolic alkalosis leads to hyperbicarbonatemia.

Examples of mixed acid-base balance shifts. There are 4 types of deviations of the acid-base balance of a mixed nature. Type 2 is the most significant, as they can lead to a very strong shift in blood pH from the norm. These include metabolic-respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. The two remaining types of mixed deviations are not so dangerous, since in their presence the pH value of the blood changes slightly or remains within the normal range. However, their presence should be regarded as a sign of disease. Types of mixed deviations, in which deviations of three types are combined at once, are usually called triple deviations. They are also known in clinical practice. The value of ARS and in such cases allows to identify metabolic acidosis and alkalosis. Very unpleasant triple deviations, in which there are respiratory disorders.

  1. Metabolic-respiratory acidosis. This pathology can develop in a patient with emphysema (and chronic respiratory acidosis) when he develops diarrhea (development of metabolic acidosis). It should be noted how much acidemia is caused by a drop in the concentration of CO3 2- .
  2. Metabolic alkalosis against the background of respiratory acidosis. When diuretics were used in the patient with emphysema discussed above to weaken the formation of cor pulmonale, the level of blood bicarbonates increased from 40 to 48 mmol / l. The result was a blood pH of 7.4 despite a PCO 2 value of 80 mm Hg. Some clinicians, however, believe that in patients with CO 2 retention due to respiratory failure, it is better not to normalize blood pH, but to leave this indicator slightly below normal to stimulate lung ventilation.
  3. Triple deviations of acid-base balance. The most common abnormality of this type is a combination of metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, and respiratory alkalosis. For example, a patient with metabolic alkalosis (=32 mmol/l) developed sepsis due to gastric lavage through a nasogastric tube, resulting in both metabolic acidosis (due to excess production of lactic acid) and respiratory alkalosis (due to intoxication-related increased body temperature and hyperventilation). It should be noted that the combination of metabolic and respiratory alkalosis will cause only a slight change in the APC value. Acidosis caused by an excess of lactate in the blood (as a consequence of septic shock) leads to a drop from 32 to 24 mmol / l. At the same time, APC also increased. It became equal to 33 mEq / l, indicating acidosis due to an excess of organic anions. The shift of ARS (DARS) was 26 (35 - 9) mEq/L. The sum of DARS and total CO2 was 35 mmol/L, i.e. it has not changed in comparison with the situation before the development of sepsis and its consequences and still indicates metabolic alkalosis. The presence of respiratory alkalosis is evidenced by high pH and low PCO 2 . In addition, the patient had clear signs of endotoxemic hyperventilation of the lungs.

Treatment of disorders of the acid-base balance

Respiratory changes are compensated metabolically, but are subject to respiratory therapy.

Metabolic disturbances are compensated respiratory, but are subject to metabolic therapy. The violation is considered compensated if the pH value is again in the range of 7.35-7.45. This also means that the normal pH should not be equal to the normal acid-base balance.

Specific therapy is aimed, first of all, at eliminating the cause and restoring sufficient function of the cardiovascular system in case of its violation (for example, hypovolemia, shock, sepsis).

Problems with acidosis:

  • In acidosis, hyperkalemia often develops, which, however, is eliminated during the treatment of acidosis (attention: danger of hypokalemia!)
  • The reaction of vascular muscles to the action of catecholamines decreases, as well as myocardial contractility.
  • With severe acidosis, there is a risk of reducing blood flow to the kidneys; in combination with hypotension and/or volume deficiency, this can lead to anuria/renal failure.

Problems with alkalosis:

  • There is a danger of hypokalemia due to the movement of potassium from the extracellular space into the cell.
  • Relative calcium deficiency can lead to tetany.

Actions when

Respiratory acidosis:

  • improving alveolar ventilation, such as increasing minute volume (inspiratory volume and ventilation rate)
  • sometimes optimization of the installation of a respirator, humidification of the inhaled air
  • respiratory therapy, patient position (e.g. semi-sitting, upper limb support), vibration
  • secretolysis/bronchodilators (sputum suction)
  • pain relief for hypoventilation due to pain

Metabolic acidosis:

  • with acidosis due to a kidney condition (for example, acute renal failure) → improve kidney function by taking fluids, diuretics, canceling or reducing the dosage of nephrotoxic substances; with severe renal acidosis (pH< 7,1) → решение о заместительной почечной терапии;
  • with diabetic ketoacidosis → in the foreground a slow decrease in blood sugar (insulin in combination with potassium replacement);
  • with threatening acidosis with a pH value< 7,2 и отсутствием вариантов быстрого устранения причины → назначают буферные вещества (бикарбонат натрия 4,2% или 8,4%, внимание: ввиду высокой осмолярности вводят через ЦБК!); однако предпосылкой для буферизации является достаточность дыхания, поскольку образующийся СО 2 должен выдыхаться (HCO 3 - +Н + ->H 2 O + CO 2);

Calculation of the need for sodium bicarbonate: NaHCO 3 in mmol / l \u003d negative excess of the buffer base (mmol / l) x body weight (kg) x 0.3

Alternative: trisbuffer/trometamol solution (e.g. for hypernatremia), dosage: trometamol requirement in mmol = negative buffer base excess x body weight (kg) x 0.3 (maximum daily dose of 5 mmol/kg body weight). Attention: respiratory depression, transient hyperkalemia, paravasate can lead to severe tissue necrosis - administration through the CVC. Contraindication: significant renal failure (oliguria/anuria) and hyperkalemia.

→ Timely control of the gas composition of the blood (for example, after replacing half the dose) to prevent alkalosis!

For respiratory alkalosis:

  • optimization of artificial respiration settings (decrease in respiratory rate and/or tidal volume);
  • with hyperventilation (stress, fear, pain), calm the patient, eliminate the provoking factor, according to indications, sedation, analgesia;
  • increase in dead space (reverse inhalation of exhaled air);

For metabolic alkalosis:

  • vomiting/reflux therapy;
  • fluid supply with isotonic NaCl solution;
  • for elevated bicarbonate levels, acetazolamide (Diamox; leads to increased excretion of bicarbonate through the kidneys);
  • sometimes taking salicylic acid (dose: acid requirement in mmol = positive excess of buffer base x 0.3 x kg body weight) or arginine chloride solution (attention: sometimes increased intracellular alkalosis);
  • alkalosis during diuretic therapy and hypokalemia: if possible, reduce the dose, potassium replacement.

Regulation of acid-base balance under conditions of therapeutic hypothermia

Normothermia is the basis of various biochemical and biophysical processes in the human body. With therapeutic hypothermia (targeted decrease in body temperature<36°С) могут возникнуть - в зависимости от абсолютного понижения температуры - различные побочные эффекты в содержании электролитов, в процессах свертывания крови, кислотно-щелочном балансе и газовом составе крови.

So at low temperatures, despite the same concentration of gases, the partial pressure indicators decrease, therefore, when interpreting the analysis of the gas composition of the blood, this must be taken into account or compensated for in the calculations.

Under conditions of hypothermia, the dissociation of bases and acids decreases, as a result of which (with the CO 2 remaining the same), the concentration of hydrogen ions decreases accordingly and the pH increases.

Basically there are two strategies:

  • Baseline maintenance, in which uncorrected values ​​are maintained during hypothermia in the normal range
  • A "pH-stat" type adjustment in which the measured values ​​(which are usually calculated from a body temperature of 37°C) are corrected based on the actual body temperature.

It is impossible to conduct blood gas analyzes with and without temperature correction at the same time!

Provided that the pH of the arterial blood is 7.40 with CO 2 equal to 40 mm Hg. Art. and BE equal to 0 mmol / l, temperature-corrected measurement of pCO 2 and the corresponding pH at a constantly maintained normal level of CO 2 concentration at the end of expiration (the norm for P et CO 2 40 ± 5 mmHg) is recommended to be considered sufficient for control artificial respiration settings in clinical practice.

Metabolism is diagnosed by a temperature-independent excess of bases. Temperature-corrected pH determination can serve to differentiate between acidosis and alkalosis.

Violations of acid-base balance are always a sign of the primary disease that causes these disorders. Therefore, the goal of treatment should be to eliminate the disease-cause that caused the violation of acid-base balance.

  • Step 1. Elimination of violation of the volume of ECF and electrolyte deficiency.
  • Step 2. Specific therapy to eliminate the disease that caused the acid-base imbalance.
  • Step 3. Influence either on or on PCO 2 in cases where the deviation of the pH of the blood can affect the functions of organs (at pH<7,1 или >7,6).

Treatment of acid-base disorders of mixed types

  1. metabolic and respiratory acidosis. The most urgent measure is the use of artificially controlled ventilation of the lungs. The introduction of alkalis is not recommended. The cause of the metabolic acidosis should then be identified and eliminated.
  2. In metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis, blood pH is usually higher than normal. The use of acetazolamide (every day or every other day) allows you to keep this indicator in the range of 7.35-7.4, which is enough to prevent respiratory depression.
  3. Metabolic and respiratory alkalosis can lead to significant alkalinization of the ECF and the development of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Urgently, the patient is given intravenous morphine or a benzodiazepine, after which the patient is intubated and transferred to mechanical ventilation.

pH value and its influence on the quality of drinking water.

What is pH?

pH("potentia hydrogeni" - the strength of hydrogen, or "pondus hydrogenii" - the weight of hydrogen) is a unit of measurement of the activity of hydrogen ions in any substance, quantitatively expressing its acidity.

This term appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in Denmark. The pH index was introduced by the Danish chemist Soren Petr Lauritz Sorensen (1868-1939), although his predecessors also have statements about a certain “power of water”.

Hydrogen activity is defined as the negative decimal logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions, expressed in moles per liter:

pH = -log

For simplicity and convenience, pH was introduced in the calculations. pH is determined by the quantitative ratio of H+ and OH- ions in water, which are formed during the dissociation of water. It is customary to measure the pH level on a 14-digit scale.

If the water has a reduced content of free hydrogen ions (pH greater than 7) compared to hydroxide ions [OH-], then the water will have alkaline reaction, and with an increased content of H + ions (pH less than 7) - acid reaction. In perfectly pure distilled water, these ions will balance each other.

acid environment: >
neutral environment: =
alkaline environment: >

When the concentrations of both types of ions in a solution are the same, the solution is said to be neutral. In neutral water, the pH is 7.

When various chemicals are dissolved in water, this balance changes, which leads to a change in the pH value. When acid is added to water, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, and the concentration of hydroxide ions decreases accordingly, when alkali is added, on the contrary, the content of hydroxide ions increases, and the concentration of hydrogen ions decreases.

The pH indicator reflects the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the environment, while "acidity" and "alkalinity" characterize the quantitative content of substances in water that can neutralize alkalis and acids, respectively. As an analogy, we can give an example with temperature, which characterizes the degree of heating of a substance, but not the amount of heat. By dipping our hand into the water, we can tell whether the water is cool or warm, but at the same time we will not be able to determine how much heat is in it (i.e., relatively speaking, how long this water will cool down).

pH is considered one of the most important indicators of drinking water quality. It shows the acid-base balance and influences how chemical and biological processes will proceed. Depending on the pH value, the rate of chemical reactions, the degree of corrosiveness of water, the toxicity of pollutants, etc. can change. Our well-being, mood and health directly depend on the acid-base balance of the environment of our body.

Modern man lives in a polluted environment. Many people buy and consume food made from semi-finished products. In addition, almost every person is exposed to stress on a daily basis. All this affects the acid-base balance of the body's environment, shifting it towards acids. Tea, coffee, beer, carbonated drinks lower the pH in the body.

It is believed that an acidic environment is one of the main causes of cell destruction and tissue damage, the development of diseases and the aging process, and the growth of pathogens. In an acidic environment, building material does not reach the cells, the membrane is destroyed.

Outwardly, the state of the acid-base balance of a person's blood can be judged by the color of his conjunctiva in the corners of his eyes. With an optimal acid-base balance, the color of the conjunctiva is bright pink, but if a person has an increased alkalinity of the blood, the conjunctiva acquires a dark pink color, and with an increase in acidity, the color of the conjunctiva becomes pale pink. Moreover, the color of the conjunctiva changes already 80 seconds after the use of substances that affect the acid-base balance.

The body regulates the pH of internal fluids, maintaining the values ​​at a certain level. The acid-base balance of the body is a certain ratio of acids and alkalis that contributes to its normal functioning. Acid-base balance depends on maintaining relatively constant proportions between intercellular and intracellular waters in the tissues of the body. If the acid-base balance of fluids in the body is not constantly maintained, normal functioning and the preservation of life will be impossible. Therefore, it is important to control what you consume.

Acid-base balance is our indicator of health. The more acidic we are, the sooner we age and the more we get sick. For the normal functioning of all internal organs, the pH level in the body must be alkaline, in the range from 7 to 9.

The pH inside our body is not always the same - some parts are more alkaline and some are more acidic. The body regulates and maintains pH homeostasis only in certain cases, such as blood pH. The pH level of the kidneys and other organs, the acid-base balance of which is not regulated by the body, is affected by the food and drinks that we consume.

blood pH

The blood pH level is maintained by the body in the range of 7.35-7.45. The normal pH of human blood is 7.4-7.45. Even a slight deviation in this indicator affects the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. If the pH of the blood rises to 7.5, it carries 75% more oxygen. With a decrease in blood pH to 7.3, it is already difficult for a person to get out of bed. At 7.29, he can fall into a coma, if the blood pH drops below 7.1, the person dies.

Blood pH must be maintained in a healthy range, so the body uses organs and tissues to keep it constant. As a consequence, the pH level of the blood does not change due to the consumption of alkaline or acidic water, but the tissues and organs of the body used to adjust the pH of the blood change their pH.

kidney pH

The pH parameter of the kidneys is influenced by water, food, and metabolic processes in the body. Acidic foods (such as meats, dairy, etc.) and drinks (sweetened sodas, alcoholic beverages, coffee, etc.) lead to low pH levels in the kidneys because the body excretes excess acidity through urine. The lower the pH of the urine, the harder it is for the kidneys to work. Therefore, the acid load on the kidneys from such foods and drinks is called the potential acid-renal load.

The use of alkaline water benefits the kidneys - there is an increase in the pH level of the urine, the acid load on the body is reduced. Increasing the pH of the urine raises the pH of the body as a whole and rids the kidneys of acidic toxins.

stomach pH

An empty stomach contains no more than a teaspoon of stomach acid produced in the last meal. The stomach produces acid as needed when eating food. The stomach does not release acid when a person drinks water.

It is very helpful to drink water on an empty stomach. The pH increases at the same time to the level of 5-6. An increased pH will have a mild antacid effect and lead to an increase in beneficial probiotics (beneficial bacteria). Increasing the pH of the stomach raises the pH of the body, which leads to healthy digestion and relief from the symptoms of indigestion.

subcutaneous fat pH

The fatty tissues of the body have an acidic pH because excess acids are deposited in them. The body has to store acid in fatty tissues when it cannot be removed or neutralized in other ways. Therefore, the shift in the pH of the body to the acid side is one of the factors of excess weight.

The positive effect of alkaline water on body weight is that alkaline water helps to remove excess acid from the tissues, as it helps the kidneys to work more efficiently. This helps to control weight, since the amount of acid that the body must "store" is greatly reduced. Alkaline water also enhances the results of a healthy diet and exercise by helping the body deal with the excess acid produced by fatty tissue during weight loss.


Bones have an alkaline pH as they are mostly made up of calcium. Their pH is constant, but if the blood needs pH adjustment, calcium is taken from the bones.

The benefit that alkaline water brings to the bones is to protect them by reducing the amount of acid that the body has to deal with. Studies have shown that drinking alkaline water reduces bone resorption - osteoporosis.

liver pH

The liver has a slightly alkaline pH, which is affected by both food and drink. Sugar and alcohol must be broken down in the liver, and this leads to excess acid.

The benefits of alkaline water for the liver are the presence of antioxidants in such water; it has been found that alkaline water enhances the work of two antioxidants located in the liver, which contribute to more effective blood purification.

body pH and alkaline water

Alkaline water allows the parts of the body that maintain the pH of the blood to work more efficiently. Increasing the pH level in the parts of the body responsible for maintaining blood pH will help these organs stay healthy and function efficiently.

Between meals, you can help your body balance its pH by drinking alkaline water. Even a small increase in pH can have a huge impact on health.

According to research by Japanese scientists, the pH of drinking water, which is in the range of 7-8, increases the life expectancy of the population by 20-30%.

Depending on the pH level, water can be divided into several groups:

strongly acidic waters< 3
acidic waters 3 - 5
slightly acidic waters 5 - 6.5
neutral waters 6.5 – 7.5
slightly alkaline waters 7.5 - 8.5
alkaline waters 8.5 - 9.5
highly alkaline waters > 9.5

Typically, the pH level of drinking tap water is within the range at which it does not directly affect the consumer quality of water. In river waters pH is usually within 6.5-8.5, in atmospheric precipitation 4.6-6.1, in swamps 5.5-6.0, in sea waters 7.9-8.3.

WHO does not offer any medically recommended value for pH. It is known that at low pH, water is highly corrosive, and at high levels (pH>11), water acquires a characteristic soapiness, an unpleasant odor, and can cause eye and skin irritation. That is why for drinking and domestic water, the pH level in the range from 6 to 9 is considered optimal.

Examples of pH values


electrolyte in lead batteries <1.0


Gastric juice 1,0-2,0
Lemon juice 2.5±0.5
Lemonade, Cola 2,5
Apple juice 3.5±1.0
Beer 4,5
Coffee 5,0
Shampoo 5,5
Tea 5,5
Skin of a healthy person ~6,5
Saliva 6,35-6,85
Milk 6,6-6,9
Distilled water 7,0


Blood 7,36-7,44


Sea water 8,0
Soap (fatty) for hands 9,0-10,0
Ammonia 11,5
Bleach (bleach) 12,5
soda solution 13,5

Interesting to know: The German biochemist OTTO WARBURG, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931, proved that the lack of oxygen (an acidic pH<7.0) в тканях приводит к изменению нормальных клеток в злокачественные.

The scientist found that cancer cells lose their ability to develop in an environment saturated with free oxygen with a pH value of 7.5 and higher! This means that when the fluids in the body become acidic, the development of cancer is stimulated.

His followers in the 60s of the last century proved that any pathogenic flora loses its ability to multiply at pH = 7.5 and above, and our immune system can easily cope with any aggressors!

To preserve and maintain health, we need proper alkaline water (pH=7.5 and above). This will allow you to better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids, since the main living environments have a slightly alkaline reaction.

Already in a neutral biological environment, the body can have an amazing ability to heal itself.

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The acid-base balance of the body shows the relative ratio of acid and alkali in the body. The pH value is also called the potential of hydrogen.

How to restore the acid-base balance in the body? What features can be identified? What to do with low / high acidity? Answers to these and more questions can be found below.

The blood of a healthy person under normal conditions has a slightly alkaline potential of 7.365. If the patient has a deviation up or down, then doctors diagnose the development of symptoms of various diseases. An upward shift is an alkaline environment, and a downward shift is an acidic environment.

The acid-base balance of the body changes under the influence of various factors. Achieving optimal pH balance is a difficult and time-consuming process, but the right lifestyle and good habits significantly speed up all processes.

If the human body begins to acidify, then the cells are gradually deprived of part of the nutrients and oxygen.

The body tries to maintain balance by compensating for alkaline components.

If the necessary mineral compounds for subsequent compensation are not observed in the human diet, then an active accumulation of acid in adipose tissue begins.

If there is an active accumulation of acid in the knee area, then arthrosis begins to develop.

In the case of an acid imbalance in humans, there is reduced energy production in individual cells, which block the restoration of cellular structures.

In the case of an increase in acidity, heavy metal intoxication is observed, which accelerates the growth of tumor neoplasms.

When the BSC is disturbed, the body's susceptibility to infections coming from outside increases. The patient feels unwell, activity decreases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.

You can find out about the presence of an imbalance by the symptoms, which manifest themselves in the form of problems with body weight and diseases.

If the balance is disturbed, then the reason is frequent stress, the body's immune response to incoming pathogens. The determining factor that occurs most often is malnutrition.

For each person, physical activity and the amount of fluid drunk throughout the day play an important role. Intense exercise or a sedentary lifestyle only lead to the activation of the oxidative process. The lymphatic system does not work at full capacity, and therefore toxins are removed more slowly.

The problem of a “Western” person is that the basis of his diet is made up of those products that only lead to acidification of the body: sweet and carbonated drinks, meat, coffee, alcohol, and some medications.

According to many patients, the level of alkaline balance can be restored with the right diet and lifestyle. But following these rules will not be enough.

The problem is that the overwhelming majority of people's bodies are already oxidized, and therefore a sharp transition to an alkaline diet will not help much. Acid deposits cannot be removed in this way.

Ways to normalize the acid-base balance

The best option is a complete cleansing of the entire body, which will lead to balance. It can be carried out both at home and in specialized institutions.

Despite what was said above, a diet with a lot of vegetables and fruits will lead to a gradual normalization of the state of the whole organism. A healthy diet will help the body replenish the necessary reserves, which will be aimed at improving the quality of the skin, reducing allergic manifestations and increasing mental clarity.

It is best to check the balance level before starting any procedures. After the optimum level is reached, the body begins to strive to maintain optimal weight and proportions. After the elimination of the acidic environment in the body, the need for the formation of adipose tissue immediately disappears.

The remaining fat in the future is simply burned by the body, being spent on current needs. According to established data, the optimal diet should consist of 80% alkaline-forming components and 20% acid-forming. To restore health, the proportion shifts in the right direction.

Correction can be started at home, gradually adding foods that contain natural “alkali” to the diet: greens, green beans, herbs, vegetables, spices, etc. The patient should pay attention to the fact that the mechanism of action of food products and the degree of their oxidation and alkalization vary . Despite the fact that lemons are acidic foods, after digestion, they saturate the body with alkalis.

At first glance, it may seem that citruses have an acidifying effect, but in fact the opposite effect is achieved. Meat, which is based on alkalis, after digestion, gives only an acidic residue in the body. As a rule, products that are of animal origin have an oxidizing effect.

The easiest way to use at home is a mixture of water and lemon juice. Starting the morning with such a drink, you can count on the corresponding effect. Baking soda can alkalize the body, and there are a number of unpleasant side effects that limit its use. Soda, which is used for baking, contains aluminum in its composition, which eventually begins to accumulate in the body. The risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases is high.

Aluminum that enters the body cannot be excreted from the body on its own. In case of an overdose, problems with acidity increase. Before starting use, you must seek the help of your doctor.

How to determine the pH level of products?

Determining the current pH level will not take much time.

It is enough to use special test strips. There are special tables that help the patient determine the acidity and alkalinity of certain foods.

Based on the data obtained, the patient makes an idea of ​​what is possible and what is better to refrain from. The higher the indicator with a positive sign, the more alkaline the food, and the lower the indicator, the worse for the patient's body.

By understanding how to determine the current level, appropriate dietary prescriptions can be made. Proper adjustment and compliance with the above standards will significantly improve the current condition of the patient.

Knowing how to restore the acid-base balance, the patient should not abuse the time, but begin to influence the body. Before using this or that remedy, you should seek the help of your doctor. A correct diagnosis is the key to a speedy recovery.

Due to the high acidity in the body, many health problems can occur. It destroys and negatively affects many vital systems. As a result, a person becomes more susceptible to disease. In any organism, in addition to acids, there are also alkaline substances. They are also involved in metabolic processes. But the increased content of alkali also leads to disruption of the body systems.

Our article is devoted to the acid-base balance of the body. We will tell you what happens when it is violated, what consequences this can lead to. And how can you restore normal performance.

What is the acid-base balance of the body?

pH is a measure of the ratio of acid to base. Its value depends on the proportion between positively and negatively charged ions. Some form an acidic environment, others - alkaline. The acid-base balance of the body is the balance between acid and alkali (otherwise it is briefly called pH). With the right ratio, it is constantly maintained at a stable level and has a very narrow range: 7.26-7.45. And even a small change in the pH level leads to serious illness.

Why does acidity increase in the body?

When the concentration of positively charged ions rises in the body, an "acidification" of the environment occurs, or an acid shift. This can be due to lack of water, consumption of acidic foods, or improper diet.

How the Body Works in Acid Shift

Acid-base balance - what is it? Simply put, it is the balance between acid and alkali (which are found in the human body). When the balance is disturbed, the content of acid or alkali rises.

With the "acidification" of the environment, the body begins to resist this. To reduce the concentration of acid, it begins to retain water. And this negatively affects the metabolism. As a result, the body wears out quickly, and the skin becomes dry. Oxygen is transferred to tissues and organs in insufficient quantities. Minerals are poorly absorbed by the body. It spends too much energy to neutralize excess acids, as a result, biochemical reactions are disrupted.

What is the danger of pH imbalance?

Violation of the acid-base balance in the body can lead to serious illness. Hemoglobin decreases, osteoporosis occurs. A person has fatigue, insomnia, irritability. Mental activity may be impaired. Bones become brittle due to lack of calcium. It is taken by the body to neutralize excess acid. The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, immunity decreases. A person may have problems with vision (farsightedness, cataracts), oncology and a number of other diseases.


Acidosis is a state of high acidity. If the diagnosis is not detected in time, then the harm done to the body for months and years is almost imperceptible. But in the end, acidosis leads to serious diseases, so the acid-base balance of a person must be maintained in balance.

What can acidosis lead to?

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • vasospasm;
  • decrease in oxygen in the blood;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes
  • diseases of the bladder and kidneys;
  • the formation of stones;
  • digestive problems;
  • weakening of the smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • oncogenesis;
  • fragility of bones;
  • the appearance of joint and muscle pain;
  • vision problems.

Most experts believe that increased acidity in the body is associated with excessive consumption of certain foods. For example, dairy and meat. And from the lack of greens, vegetables and fruits.

How to determine the acid-base balance of the body (pH)?

Urine or saliva test strips can be used to determine the acid-base balance. Doctors measure pH with a blood test.

Urine pH tests show the body's absorption of minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium). They are called "acid dampeners" and regulate acidity. If the latter is elevated, then the body begins to use the listed minerals to neutralize it. This regulates the level of acid.

Saliva pH tests show the activity of stomach and liver enzymes. If the acidity is increased not only in urine, but also in saliva, then it is called double.

The results of blood pH tests are very important. The acid-base balance of the body should be within the range of 7.36-7.42. Even a small shift often leads to severe pathologies.

How is the acid-base balance of the body maintained?

Accumulate the necessary nutrients and minerals, and then properly absorb them, the body can only with acid-base balance. The assimilation of useful substances occurs at different pH values ​​(for example, iodine at 6.3-6.6, and iron from 6.0 to 7.0). The body uses hydrochloric acid to break down food.

For the process of vital activity of all organs, acid and alkali are necessary (the latter is formed 20 times less). Therefore, to achieve a balance between them, excess acid must be neutralized and excreted constantly. To maintain balance, the body uses the buffer, respiratory and excretory systems.

Symptoms of disturbed acid-base balance in the body

It is possible to determine whether the acid-base balance is disturbed even without test strips. Symptoms in this case can be different:

  • General condition: lack of energy, constant fatigue and weakness, low immunity. Chills often occur. The body feels cold inside, and the body temperature is low.

  • Frequent headaches appear, the skin of the face turns pale, the eyes become inflamed.
  • Sour eructation, gastritis begins. There are pains and cramps in the abdomen. Ulcers form in the stomach. If the acid-base balance of the body is disturbed, the smell from the mouth goes stale.
  • Increased sweating, eczema, irritation and acne, dry skin.
  • Spasms and convulsions, rheumatic pains appear in the legs.
  • Low blood pressure, anemia, tachycardia.
  • Nervousness, irritability, depression.
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system and anal fissures.
  • Frequent colds, runny nose, bronchitis.
  • Nails thin, brittle, exfoliating. They have grooves and white spots.
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  • The roots of the teeth are exposed, the gums become very sensitive.

Ways to solve the problem

How to restore the acid-base balance of the body? To do this, first of all, it is necessary to remove excess slag. Make it a rule to do daily exercises. After exercise, it is best to take a contrast shower. Or replace it with any water procedures.

Several times a day, let the skin breathe fresh air, and as much as possible. Don't overeat. Exclude alcohol and tobacco. Pay special attention to proper nutrition. Every day drink up to three liters of clean cold water. You can use infusions of raspberries, rose hips and black currants.

What foods should be consumed?

How to restore the acid-base balance? Products should definitely not be acidic, many people think. But this is not quite the right opinion. For example, oranges and tomatoes increase the alkaline factor. And lemon and apple cider vinegar alkalize the body. Any citrus fruits, despite their acidic nature, are not oxidizers.

To maintain a normal body pH, experts recommend including in the diet (preferably daily or at least three to four times a week) fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of potassium. Perfectly increase alkali and a variety of vegetable salads. Especially if you add avocados to them and fill them with olive oil only.

It must be remembered that during heat treatment, vegetables lose a lot of nutrients. When frying and stewing, they change their alkaline environment to an acidifying one. Therefore, it is preferable to eat vegetables raw. The same goes for fruits and berries. Of the cereals, wild rice, millet and amaranth are very useful.

Meat and pasteurized milk can be replaced with other products, including nuts, seeds, goat's milk and cheese. From fruits and berries, mangoes, watermelons, papaya, blueberries and apples are ideal for restoring the acid-base balance. It's good to eat some raisins every day. Instead of artificial sweeteners, you can use natural honey and stevia. Green tea and decoctions of various herbs are very useful. The latter are sold in abundance in pharmacies and have practically no contraindications for use. You can buy and brew daily, especially since they are not so expensive.

Products that must be present in the weekly diet are mandatory:

  • Root crops: radishes, carrots, horseradish, beets, rutabaga and turnips.
  • All kinds of cabbage.
  • The greens are mostly spinach. Then - tops of beets, turnips and chard.
  • Garlic.
  • Red capsicum.
  • Lemons.

What foods upset the body's pH balance?

Often the acid-base balance is disturbed in fast food lovers. As well as admirers of carbonated drinks (lemonade, Coca-Cola, Fanta and others). They contain a very large amount of citric acid. And it should not enter the body in such quantities. This only reinforces his "acidification". In addition, all carbonated drinks remove the much-needed calcium from the body.

For lovers of carbonated drinks, immunity first decreases, then the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions. Further, negative changes are fixed at the cellular level. In addition, thirst enhancers and taste stimulants are added to carbonated drinks. As a result, such water will not quench your thirst, and due to the high acidity, more fluid is excreted from the body than it receives.

Meat, grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined and dairy products create acidity in the body. Therefore, they should be consumed only in small quantities.

White flour and all products made from it often cause acidosis. Therefore, it is best to include pasta and bread products in the diet as little as possible. Plums, cranberries and blackberries are considered “acidifying” organisms.

What you need to know for proper nutrition

In the human body, acids are produced in a much larger volume than alkalis. Therefore, it is necessary to include more foods that contain the latter in high quantities in the diet. The body, in turn, tries all the time to neutralize or remove excess acid. Thus, you can independently maintain the acid-base balance of the body.

Foods that contain large amounts of acid are not harmful. But be sure to add more alkali-containing ones to the diet to maintain a normal pH balance. It is best to arrange a fasting day once a week.

Foods that increase acidity in the body contain a lot of protein. Mainly:

  • all legumes;
  • fish;
  • dairy and meat products;
  • asparagus;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • artichokes;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee.

Foods that increase alkalinity:

  • nuts;
  • leaf salad;
  • any greens;
  • herbal decoctions and tea;
  • egg yolks;
  • potato.

How does the body react to "acidifying" foods?

First of all, the kidneys react to the products that “acidify” the body. They try to modify the metabolism in order to get rid of high acidity. The body begins to take magnesium and calcium from the bones for alkalization. Muscles try to produce as much ammonia as possible. It is a very strong alkalizing agent. As a result, almost 150 different diseases can occur due to a lack of calcium in the body.

What percentage of acid and alkali should be in the diet?

For a normal balance of pH in the body, it must be maintained independently, following the diet. To do this, the diet should contain products that form alkali (60%) and acid-forming (40%).

But if the acid-base balance is already disturbed and it needs to be restored, then in this case the percentage should be somewhat different. Products containing alkali (80%) should prevail, and only 20% of acidic products are allowed.



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