The dog has black feces with a stinky odor. Weakness, dark feces, vomiting in an angry dog

Monitoring the quality of a pet's feces is the responsibility of any owner. The dog does not have the opportunity to complain that her stomach hurts, or she does not feel well, so it is extremely important to constantly monitor the quality of her four-legged friend's bowel movements in order to be able to help him in time.

What is dog poop?

Normal dog feces

Proper dog feces- Moist but firm. It doesn't have a very strong smell.

However, dogs that eat dry food normally produce slightly different feces. In principle, it is similar to normal, but there is a lot of it. Often more than the dog ate food. This is especially noticeable in dogs of decorative breeds. The dog can poop as much as it is not clear how it turned out in it.

This “polypotassium” is due to the fact that dry food contains a lot of vegetable fiber, as well as other carbohydrates that are not natural food for predators. And dogs are carnivores. And therefore them.

In addition, dry food is enriched with ingredients such as soy, rice, and beets. And so-called "carbohydrate-free foods" usually include potatoes and peas.

It is obvious that all these components of food in dogs are not digested at all and come out. Therefore, a dog on dry food produces significantly more feces than a dog on natural meat.

Those dogs that eat natural food with a very high calcium content (the food contains a lot of bones) produce little stool and it has a light color, sometimes almost white, color. The feces are usually hard, slightly odorous. Often the animal has a tendency to.

All types of dog poop presented are normal. The reason for the concern of the owners are signs of diarrhea.

Below are non-types of dog stools that, if they do not disappear within a day, require seeking veterinary help.

Types of pathological dog feces

  1. Soft stool without blood and mucus

It usually occurs when the food is changed or when the dog is overfed with handouts from the table.

In most cases, no treatment is required. But if it persists for several days, it may indicate an infection in the intestines, usually Giardialamblia.

  1. yellow liquid stool

Associated with the consumption of food too fatty for the dog. Again, it often occurs when a dog is pampered with handouts of fatty snacks. Or they give fatty cottage cheese (more than 5% fat) and butter.

If it does not go away within a few days, it requires a visit to the veterinarian, as it indicates the development of pancreatitis in the animal, which can threaten his life.

  1. black chair

It can occur while taking certain medications, as well as when transferring a dog from dry food to natural or canned food, when the dog begins to walk noticeably less often and less. But in the case of transferring the dog to natural feeding, the stool is not completely black, it is just very dark.

Along with such harmless black stools, black dog stools can be a sign of the presence of bleeding in the animal's gastrointestinal tract, the reason for which can be anything from the wrong food to cancer.

Therefore, if the black stool is not associated with the transfer of the dog to natural food or medication, it always requires a quick visit to the doctor.

  1. Extremely loose stools (with water)

Always open bleeding from the colon, anus, or anal glands. Associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract with inedible objects, ulcers and tumors.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

Since diarrhea can be a reflection of a variety of health problems in an animal, it would be logical to list these problems. Diarrhea in a dog may be due to:

The main thing to remember is that a dog is also a "human".

And just as any of us from time to time have digestive problems that do not require the intervention of specialists for their treatment, dogs have similar problems in the same way.

Therefore, if you know the cause of your pet's diarrhea, for example, it is a change in food, stress, or overfed with a festive dinner, you do not need to run to the veterinarian.

But in cases where loose stools in a dog occur more than 1-3 times, contacting a veterinarian is mandatory.

As for puppies and older dogs, then medical attention may be required even after a single liquid bowel movement, since dehydration occurs very quickly in the "old and small".

There is no need to look at the behavior of the dog. Even if she is not yet showing signs of illness, she is seriously ill.

dog diarrhea treatment at home

If your pet behaves normally, shows no signs of illness, except for one or two loose stools, you just need to isolate him from food for 12 hours. But at the same time give to drink.

After 12 hours, if everything is fine, you need to feed the boiled turkey (not chicken and not beef). You can not add any porridge to turkey meat. But you can put a little boiled pumpkin.

No more than 2-3 small meals per day.

It is also very good to introduce dogs into the diet during and after treatment.

The duration of the diet is 72 hours from the onset of the disease. During this time, the stool should return to normal. If it doesn't get better, you need to go to the doctor! Even if the animal behaves normally.

When treating diarrhea in a dog at home, when the exact diagnosis is not known, you should not give your pet any medications.

The exception is activated charcoal. But this is only if you know for sure that your dog was poisoned by something stale. For example, you yourself ate something bad and shared it with her.

In this case, you can distribute an activated charcoal tablet in water and let the dog drink. If she doesn’t drink, then you can try to squirt it into her mouth with a syringe.

The digestive system is very vulnerable in both humans and dogs. Her health largely depends on proper nutrition and care for the animal. She is one of the first to react to the lack of healthy food, the occurrence of a serious illness, and various symptoms immediately appear. For example, a pet refuses to eat, and on a walk he may have black feces. What diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur in a quadruped?

black feces

Black stool is a very alarming symptom that indicates that there is blood in the dog's feces. It can be either liquid or very dense, but one thing is clear - some serious pathological process has begun in the pet's body. A visit to the veterinarian is required.

Black feces usually inform the owner of the dog that the animal is bleeding in the internal organs. As a rule, dark feces indicate that blood is oozing somewhere above the colon, if you move through the digestive system. It is possible that the internal organs of the dog have some kind of damage, although in fact there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of black feces.

Symptoms and Causes

Normally, the dog's feces are quite dense, but not hard, colored brown in various shades. The presence of bright red or dark, almost black discharge in it may be the result of various diseases. Why do they appear?


The correct treatment for black feces can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after establishing its cause. All of the above diseases require a special approach, and one method of therapy cannot be chosen here. One thing is clear - you should immediately rush to the veterinarian, after remembering when the animal was vaccinated, whether deworming was carried out and what the dog ate.


Enterocolitis is a combination of inflammatory processes that develop in the small and large intestines. It can be both chronic and acute.

Symptoms and Causes

Very often, enterocolitis occurs as a result of an infection, poisoning, ingestion of a foreign body, or helminthic invasion. Older animals or puppies are most susceptible to the development of pathology - often the disease can kill them within a couple of weeks. Often the cause is a change in food, so it is recommended to change the animal's diet gradually, over 1-2 weeks.

The main symptom of enterocolitis is loose stools, which are periodically replaced by constipation. After some time, mucus appears in the feces, and then blood (black feces). Also, the dog experiences pain in the abdomen, bloating, she is sick and often shakes. Another characteristic sign of enterocolitis is a loud grumbling in the abdomen, especially during palpation.

In chronic enterocolitis, the dog quickly loses weight, becomes lethargic. In acute cases, she is very worried about the area near the anus - the animal constantly licks this place, crawls on the floor.


You should not treat the disease yourself - you should definitely go to the veterinarian urgently. The fact is that enterocolitis is very similar in symptoms to other diseases. This is the plague, enteritis, leptospirosis and others. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

The main therapeutic measures are as follows:

  • strict diet, a couple of days the animal is generally better not to feed. You can only give rice water and water;
  • cleansing the stomach and intestines with castor oil;
  • with severe dehydration, the veterinarian will put droppers;
  • depending on the cause of enterocolitis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, prescribe a drug against helminths, but in any case, prescribe an anti-inflammatory;
  • also, the dog is often prescribed antispasmodics, vitamin complexes, enzymes. After treatment of enterocolitis and stabilization of the dog's condition, it should be fed medicated feed for a long time. If the animal is on a natural diet, then it is important to carefully monitor each ingredient it eats.


Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. In no case should this disease be ignored, and it will not work - its symptoms are quite bright. The video talks about gastroenteritis.

Symptoms and Causes

The reasons for the development of gastroenteritis can be different: viruses, poisoning, food allergies, bacteria, stress and serious experiences. And if a dog has had this disease at least once before, then there is a high risk that it will develop a predisposition to it. Like enterocolitis, it can develop after a change in food.

Gastroenteritis is always accompanied by nausea, vomiting and increasingly frequent loose stools, sometimes black. The dog does not want to eat, weakens, her temperature rises, colic begins. Vomit comes out with traces of bile, mucus, and sometimes blood. Salivation is noted.

Stool with gastroenteritis is often bloody, dark, liquid, sometimes with pus and gases. When feeling the abdomen, the dog experiences pain. The mucous membranes gradually brighten, the ears, nose and paws become cold. The heart beats unevenly, intermittently, the pulse is weak.


Treatment of gastroenteritis begins with the abolition of food. Be sure to maintain at least 8 hours of the diet, giving the dog only water. Then the feeding of the animal begins often, but little by little. Those products that do not harm are used - usually boiled rice.

Ideally, a veterinarian should be called to the house, who will prescribe antibiotics and drugs that stimulate the proper functioning of the intestines. If the dog continues to have loose stools, then fixing agents are prescribed. Be sure to ask your doctor for vitamins suitable for gastroenteritis - they will help the dog recover faster.

Volvulus of the stomach

Volvulus of the stomach (intestines) is a very terrible pathology, which in all four-legged owners is unconditionally associated with the death of a dog. Pets of large breeds - Great Danes, Bloodhounds, Rottweilers and others - have a predisposition to its development. Volvulus of the stomach (intestines) requires emergency care within 2 hours, very often the volvulus tends to relapse.

Symptoms and Causes

When the stomach (intestines) is twisted, one of its departments seems to be twisted. Because of this, the blood circulation of the tissues of the internal organs is disturbed, they begin to gradually die off.

The main signs of volvulus of the stomach (intestines) are as follows:

  • tight swollen belly;
  • sharp pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the dog cannot poop. To provoke a volvulus of the stomach (intestines) can be an incorrect feeding regimen (rarely and in large quantities), outdoor games after eating, severe stress. Often the cause of the development of pathology is poor-quality food.


When the stomach (intestines) turns, the bill goes not for hours, but for minutes - you can’t hesitate, you should rush to the veterinarian. The disease is eliminated by surgery. Often, with a stomach twist, a dog can be saved if you do not get confused and have time to deliver it to the clinic.

In order not to have to treat gastritis in dogs and diseases such as gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, you just need to follow a few preventive rules. They will also help to avoid volvulus.

Video "Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs"

In the next video from the channel, you will learn about the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases in dogs and their causes.

An attentive owner always notices the changes that happen to his dog in time. After all, this is the only way to diagnose and cure diseases that the dog cannot talk about in time. The same applies to the pet's stool, its color and character. Sometimes it turns black for some reason. What does it mean? How to respond to the owner and how to help the dog? Let's find out specifically.

Why is the chair black

A change in the color of the stool in an animal to black may be evidence of the content of blood in it. And this is an indicator of most dangerous diseases. That is why it cannot be ignored. Delay in therapy is fraught with serious consequences for the health of your dog.

Black stool is a sign of internal bleeding. The shade of bowel movements will help determine the real cause. If it is red, burgundy, then most likely your pupil is bleeding in the large intestine or in the rectal area. When the cause of bleeding is located higher, for example, in the esophagus, stomach, then the blood will already be in a processed state, which means that the feces will become black. In this case, it will even be harder for the dog to defecate.

What is bloody diarrhea

Often the dog unpleasantly surprises his master with a rare feces of red hues. Such diarrhea is always a sign of danger. Its causes may be the following situations:

  • A plague of carnivores. At the initial stages, this disease develops in the same way as parvovirus enteritis. It can destroy the systems and organs of the dog, including the stomach. Diarrhea as a result of plague infection is burgundy or black in color. And besides it, signs of a dog's disease will be fever, photophobia, pus in the eyes.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. This disease in dogs is often fatal. The virus has attachment to the heart, intestinal cells. It is so strong that it affects these organs quickly, which causes irreversible consequences. And the first "bell" may be just the black color of feces, more often in the form of diarrhea. The stool contains blood clots. Accompanied by an illness and a sharp lethargy of the dog, loss of appetite.
  • Diagnosing and fixing the problem

    To make a correct diagnosis for a dog, you need to know exactly when the last time it was dewormed, with what drug. The veterinarian needs to be informed about the vaccination schedule for the pet, its diet. The specialist must know exactly how long ago the animal's feces changed their natural color and what other signs of an unhealthy condition they have.

    Sometimes the cause of black feces in a puppy can be food poisoning or ingestion of inedible objects. They injure the digestive system and cause bleeding. Its cause in dogs in rare cases is cancer, acute pancreatitis, Addison's disease.

    For accurate diagnosis, in addition to taking an anamnesis, the veterinarian conducts a rectal examination, fecal analysis and ultrasound examination of the animal's abdominal organs. And already according to the results of the above, treatment is prescribed for the dog.

    You do not need to do it yourself, listening to the recommendations of other dog breeders. The same symptoms in different dogs can indicate completely different diseases. It is unlikely that you will help the dog by self-treatment, but after it it will be much more difficult for the veterinarian to help the dog. Therefore, the only right decision when detecting black feces in your pet is to promptly contact a veterinarian.

    Treat your students with respect and understanding. Watch for changes in their behavior. This will help to diagnose and sometimes prevent dangerous diseases in time.

    Every dog ​​owner should be aware that a pet's normal stool is well formed, slightly moist and dark brown in color. Any change in the characteristics of bowel movements is an alarming symptom that requires attention. Especially dangerous is black diarrhea in dogs.

    Of course, a black liquid stool is not always a sign of pathology, the reason for this may be the pet's excessive curiosity or promiscuity in food. But still, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian without fail.

    What causes diarrhea?

    Black diarrhea in a dog can occur for various reasons. But it should be understood that loose stools are already an abnormal phenomenon in itself, and if the bowel movements are still dark, you should not ignore the disease in any case. Black diarrhea is caused by such factors:

    1. The use of activated charcoal. This is an effective tool that helps cleanse the body of toxic and other harmful substances. Its only side effect is the coloring of feces in coal color.
    2. Addiction to "street" food, eating food from garbage cans.
    3. Previous prolonged constipation.

    Also, black diarrhea in a dog is provoked by the following dangerous causes.

    A veterinarian can determine the cause of black diarrhea in a dog, as well as choose the right drug therapy. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment can lead to unpredictable negative consequences.

    Why is self-medication dangerous?

    A veterinarian is in charge of treating black diarrhea in a dog. Before prescribing medication, he will identify the root cause of the disease, conduct a thorough examination. Therapy is selected depending on the root cause and the general condition of the four-legged friend.

    Do not give medication without knowing the cause of black diarrhea in a dog. You should also not give your pet medications that are intended to treat the disorder in humans. Most medicines are a real poison for pets. For example, ibuprofen-based pain relievers have a negative effect on the dog's body. Their use is fraught with serious allergic reactions. Harmful to animals and Aspirin. The use of such medications, especially for a long time, is fraught with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, internal bleeding. Equally dangerous are drugs that have anti-inflammatory, antifungal effects and hormonal drugs.

    The use of any drug for liquid black stools in a dog should be agreed with the doctor. Particular attention should be paid to the dosages of the drugs and the scheme of their administration.

    To improve the condition of the pet and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors prescribe the use of:

    • Sorbents and agents that help protect the intestinal mucosa;
    • rehydration therapy. Helps in the prevention of dehydration, compensation for the loss of electrolytes and restoration of acid-base balance;
    • Anthelmintic formulations (with helminthic invasion);
    • Antibacterial drugs (for intestinal infection or hemorrhagic gastroenteritis).

    You should also keep your four-legged friend on a diet for the first day. Water must be given in unlimited quantities. On the second or third day, the animal should be fed with liquid rice, low-fat cottage cheese, watered with rice water, oak bark or chamomile. Only after the normalization of the stool, the pet is transferred to the usual diet.


    To identify the root cause of black diarrhea in a dog, the doctor will prescribe:

    • stool studies;
    • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • clinical examination;
    • gastroscopy.

    It is after a thorough diagnosis and identification of the root cause of black liquid feces in a dog that a veterinarian selects a treatment. Until the results are obtained, symptomatic therapy is prescribed to alleviate the condition of the animal.

    Prevention measures

    The disorder is easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, you need a little - monitor the condition of the dog, visit the veterinarian every year (prophylactic examination), conduct deworming, feed quality food, treat diseases in a timely manner.

    If the animal has problems with the stool, the feces turn black, you should not risk his health and hesitate to contact the doctor. Timely detection of the disease, a competent approach to therapy is the key to a speedy recovery, excellent health of the pet.

    Every experienced dog owner knows that normally the animal's stool is well formed, slightly moist and dark brown in color. Any abrupt changes in the characteristics of feces are an alarming bell that should not be ignored. The appearance of black diarrhea in a dog does not always indicate the presence of any pathology, it is likely that the cause of this phenomenon was promiscuity in the quantity and quality of food.

    However, it is still not worth neglecting such a symptom, since it is not uncommon for such a disorder to indicate a serious pathological process in the animal's body. To avoid undesirable consequences and to identify a possible disease at an early stage, you should definitely show your pet to the veterinarian.

    Main reasons

    The occurrence of black stools in a dog may be associated with the use of activated charcoal. This is often seen when this drug is given to an animal in an attempt to stop diarrhea. The drug does an excellent job of removing toxins and other substances harmful to the body, but its only “disadvantage” is that it stains the feces black.

    It is also possible that black feces appeared on the background of the use of something inedible by the animal, which contained a large amount of dark dye. In this case, there is no serious cause for concern, but a visit to the veterinarian still does not hurt.

    Another cause of this kind of disorder can be prolonged constipation. Often this condition is accompanied by episodes of vomiting, provoked by severe intoxication of the body. In case of violation of the act of defecation, the feces are pressed, harden and stained in various shades, including black. This condition should not be ignored, since the pet most likely developed pronounced intoxication, plus hardened feces could injure the intestinal mucosa and cause bleeding.

    There are other, more serious, causes of black diarrhea in dogs. These include:

    Only a qualified specialist can determine the true cause of black diarrhea in a dog. Therefore, when such a symptom appears, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and arbitrarily prescribe treatment.


    First of all, it should be remembered that drugs intended for the treatment of people can adversely affect the health of the animal. As a rule, practicing veterinarians warn about this, but breeders do not always listen to medical recommendations.

    Moreover, it is important to know that some animal medicines are a real poison. So, for example, painkillers, the main component of which is ibuprofen, have a detrimental effect on the body of pets, and can lead to the development of serious allergic reactions.

    The same goes for aspirin. Such drugs, especially with prolonged use, provoke the appearance of ulcers on the walls of the intestine, which ultimately threatens with internal bleeding. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and antifungal agents are no less dangerous.

    The use of such medications must be agreed with an experienced specialist, their unauthorized appointment can lead to serious consequences.


    Black feces in dogs is a symptom of many diseases, so experts, as a rule, insist on a series of diagnostic measures to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon.

    Diagnosis usually includes:

    • three types of fecal analysis aimed at identifying infectious agents and protozoa;
    • ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • clinical examination of the pet;
    • gastroscopy.

    Of course, there is no and cannot be a universal remedy for all pathologies that provoke the appearance of black feces. Therefore, the most appropriate treatment is selected only after an accurate diagnosis has been established. Before receiving the results of the tests, the specialist, as a rule, prescribes symptomatic therapy to alleviate the condition of the animal.


    To keep your pet healthy, you need to follow fairly simple rules, which include:

    1. Compliance with all medical recommendations of a veterinarian regarding diet.
    2. Careful monitoring of the general condition of the pet. If you have black diarrhea or blood in the stool, you should definitely consult a specialist.
    3. In case of diarrhea, drugs intended for the treatment of humans should not be given to the animal.
    4. Balanced diet. It is important to avoid eating spoiled food and foreign objects.
    5. It is necessary to check the pet annually for the presence of protozoa and carry out anthelmintic treatment.
    6. In the absence of positive dynamics during treatment, additional diagnostics should be carried out.

    It is better not to risk the health of your pet and not self-medicate, because the illiterate use of drugs can not only not bring positive results, but also significantly aggravate the situation. Therefore, the only correct solution when a characteristic symptom appears is a timely appeal to the attending physician.



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