Violent headache over right eye. What to do with forehead pain? Viral and infectious pathologies

Headache is a common phenomenon and therefore scares a little. Analgesics, ibuprofen, in most cases, put an end to the torment. But if the eyebrow above the eye hurts with or without pressure, this can alert. And it should be noted, not in vain. Often in this way the body signals serious problems.

There are ducts and sinuses in the cranium, and a large number of them are concentrated in the eye area, between and above them. The conclusion about the cause of pain can be made at the place of its occurrence.

Diseases are divided into:

  • pathologies of a neurological nature;
  • infectious pathologies.

The latter can also be divided into diseases of the central nervous system and ENT organs. In the first case, we are talking about meningitis and encephalitis, the second group includes sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others.

From what disease caused it, the pain can be different - acute, dull, constant, paroxysmal, manifested when pressed, and so on. In addition to diseases, the cause of pain can be a traumatic effect.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of pain:

  • Meningitis and encephalitis have similar symptoms: high fever, stiff neck, body aches. As soon as the body temperature jumped up sharply, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Migraine- a disease that has a genetic predisposition that is inherited. According to patients diagnosed with this disease, pain in the eyebrow area is the first sign of an attack, along with lethargy, yawning, drowsiness, and weakness. Its further manifestations are the appearance of severe prolonged pain, spreading in the area from one or both eyebrows through the temples to the back of the head. Subsequently, the whole head is covered with pain; it is so sharp and unbearable that a person can both feel sick and vomit.
  • Vascular cervical disease. Its essence is that the walls of the cervical vessels are overgrown with plaques of cholesterol, so oxygen does not enter the head well, as the blood circulation slows down. Due to chronic hypoxia, damage to hearing and vision occurs - their sharpness decreases, and after that painful sensations appear around the eyes.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses of the face, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, develop due to the fact that various harmful bacteria appear in the body. Inflammation of the mucosa results in pain that is concentrated both above and below the eyebrow, as well as in part of the undereyes. The pain differs from other types in that it intensifies when pressed. In some cases, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature, loss of smell, the appearance of a fear of light.
  • Head injury. This is a very dangerous type of injury, because it is the front part that is “stuffed” with a large number of sinuses and ducts. As a rule, facial injuries are accompanied by severe bleeding, because blood vessels are concentrated here in large numbers. If it was not possible to avoid infection in the wound area, it is very easy for her to reach the central nervous system. It is extremely important to properly provide first aid to a patient who has received such an injury before the doctor arrives: stop bleeding, wash the wound (if possible, disinfecting it), bandage it.
  • Pinched nerve in the neck. This happens when the work of the muscles of the neck is disrupted. Pain in the superciliary arches, referred from the occipital region. The pain is as strong as in a migraine attack, but its direction is the opposite - from the back of the head to the eyebrows.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. As a rule, patients with experience are aware of the presence of hypertension. By itself, it will not pass, only in the case of its benign nature.
  • Another disease is trigeminal neuralgia. If it is present, pain above the eye in the eyebrow area can appear and disappear over several years. Treatment in this situation does not help, an MRI of the head is necessary to exclude the possibility of oncology.

There are also cases when pain in the eyebrow area is not pathological. They are a consequence of how a person lives:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • smoking - vasospasm and, as a result, hypoxia;
  • incorrectly compiled food menu, excess fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • mental strain;
  • long and constant activity at the computer monitor.


Pain in the eyebrow or orbit is one of a significant number of symptoms. This may be the main or side manifestation of the disease.

With pain around the eye or eyebrow, symptoms such as:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, runny nose;
  • fear of light;
  • swelling of one or both eyelids;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness, sometimes reaching vomiting;
  • eye hemorrhage;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • loss of control over your body.

Doctors and diagnostics

The first doctor to contact if the area of ​​​​the eyebrow or eye hurts is a therapist. He gives direction for examination and consultations of other doctors. This may be an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist or surgeon (traumatologist). In case of a facial injury, the infectious disease specialist also necessarily examines it.

A certain number of examinations will definitely be carried out: a blood test is taken, an x-ray of the nasal sinuses is taken. The ophthalmologist will examine the patient's fundus, the otolaryngologist, if necessary, will take a sample of the nasal mucosa, possibly probing his sinuses. In a situation where the doctor suspects the presence of meningitis, a cerebrospinal puncture will be taken. You may need a CT scan (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance therapy) of the head, and the neurologist will refer you to an EEG (electroencephalogram).


Only a doctor can cure the disease, after an accurate diagnosis is made. Self-medicating with these symptoms can be very dangerous. The maximum that can be done to the patient, if the pain is very severe, is to take an anesthetic drug that does not require a doctor's prescription - any ibuprofen - containing medicine.

If the patient knows that the cause of the pain lies in the vasospasm, it is necessary to drink an antispasmodic - Spazmalgon, Novigan, Pentalgin-N, Tempalgin.

When it comes to cold or hot compresses, you need to be extremely careful. If it is sinusitis, any warming up can aggravate the disease; if the cause of the pain is a stiff nerve, a cold compress can make it worse.

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor who made the diagnosis. If the pain above the eyebrow is associated with diseases of the ENT organs, the otolaryngologist will treat. With getting rid of the identified disease, the disturbing pain will also pass. The same applies to other diseases.


Before talking about preventive measures, it is still necessary to establish the reason for the occurrence of these symptoms. As soon as the doctor has made a diagnosis, and the patient has been treated, you can direct your efforts to prevent such diseases in the future.

If this is not possible, for example, a migraine is diagnosed, which, as you know, cannot be cured, you need to carefully monitor the approach of an attack. As soon as the first signs appear (and every person suffering from migraines will accurately recognize their appearance), you need to ensure peace and quiet, take the painkiller prescribed by the doctor, and try to stop the attack. This is especially true for people whose attacks are accompanied by the so-called "aura" - visual flashes and intolerance to light and sound.

Prevention of colds at all times was hardening, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle - quitting smoking, walking in the fresh air - both hiking and skiing, playing sports, eating healthy balanced food. In addition, knowing your predisposition to colds, it is better - again after consulting a doctor - before the start of the SARS and flu season, drink a course of vitamins that increase the level of immunity. It is very useful to include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C - lemon, cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips.


When writing the article, the therapist used the following materials:
  • Neurodentistry: facial neuroanatomy, facial pain [Text]: textbook for students of dental and medical faculties / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, compiled by Kalinin V. A. [et al.]. - Samara: Etching, 2017. - 58 p. ISBN 978-5-473-01138-8
  • Classification of headaches, cranial neuralgia and facial pain and diagnostic criteria for the main types of headache: [Trans. from English] / Classification. com. Headache Intern. islands for headaches; [Scientific ed. and ed. foreword A. A. Shutov]. - Perm: ALGOS-press, 1997. - 92 p. ISBN 5-88493-017-8: B. c.
  • Korotkikh, Nikolai Grigorievich Clinic, diagnosis, treatment of facial pain / N. G. Korotkikh, I. N. Lesnikova. - Voronezh: New Look, 2008. - 128 p. ISBN 978-5-93737-037-2
  • Batishcheva, Elena I. Facial and oral pains [Text]: teaching aid / E. I. Batishcheva, A. A. Kopytov, A. V. Tsimbalistov; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State National Research University". - Belgorod: NRU "BelGU", 2016. - 61 p. ISBN 978-5-9571-2211-1
  • Pain syndromes in neurological practice / ed. A. M. Veyna. M. : MEDpress-inform, 2001. 368 p.
  • Tovazhnyanskaya, E. L. Trigeminal neuralgia: modern aspects of complex therapy / E. L. Tovazhnyanskaya // International neurological journal. 2010. No. 3 (33). pp. 141–145.
  • Stagnieva, Irina Veniaminovna Clinical manifestation and immunopathogenesis of facial pain in diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses: Abstract of the thesis. ... doctors of medical sciences: 14.01.03, 03.14.09 / Stagnieva Irina Veniaminovna; [Place of protection: St. Petersburg. scientific research in-t ear, throat, nose and speech]. - Rostov-on-Don, 2016. - 50 p.

If a common headache rarely causes alertness or bewilderment, then if the localization of pain is unusual, any person may have questions. Here, for example, if for several days in a row or periodically the eyebrow hurts, or the area around it. What should be done in this case and what can such a strange arrangement of painful sensations mean? Today we want to try these questions.

Why does the eyebrow hurt - possible causes

If you have a headache in the area of ​​​​the eyebrow or feel pain when you press on the eyebrow, this phenomenon may have several reasons.

The most likely of them is an inflammatory process in the sinuses, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. With these diseases, pain is often concentrated in the area of ​​​​the eyebrow. This is especially likely if you have recently had the flu or acute respiratory infections. Pain in this case can be very different - from mild discomfort to almost unbearable pain, especially when tilting the head. If you not only have a sore eyebrow, but also have nasal congestion, chills, fever, then you definitely need to get a consultation with an otolaryngologist.

But pain in the eyebrow area can also be felt for another reason - the initial stage of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, one of the processes of which passes just in this place. In this case, the pain is of a shooting character, it appears suddenly and also suddenly disappears several times during the day. Or you may feel pain when you touch your eyebrow, followed by a short cut. You may need to consult a neurologist.

Another possible cause is a migraine. At the same time, throbbing pain is felt not only in the eyebrow area, but also in the orbit, in the temple and even in the back of the head. During an attack, you may feel weak, nauseous, and the pain may be aggravated by bright light or a strong smell. However, migraine sufferers rarely question the nature of their headache.

If your eyebrow hurts, while you feel discomfort, bursting sensations in the back of your head and temples, while the pain is permanent, you should definitely consult a doctor, because this may be a sign of the development of meningitis or encephalitis.

If the eyebrow hurts - what to do

If pain in the eyebrow area is regular or progressive, you should definitely consult a doctor. Already at least in order to exclude the possibility of some dangerous diseases.

In order to treat a headache, first of all, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and establish the exact cause of its occurrence, its etiology. After that, the therapist determines to which specialist the patient should be referred for further treatment. If your eyebrow hurts because of one of the varieties of sinusitis, then the treatment will take place at the otolaryngologist, but if it's all about neuralgia, then you need to be treated by a specialist of the appropriate profile. Usually, the treatment is complex, where, along with drug therapy, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy or other procedures.

Alternative methods of treating headaches can also be useful, but only as an aid. If your eyebrow is constantly sore, symptomatic treatment can only worsen the situation.

If the eyebrow hurts - what medicines to take

As you already understood, drug therapy should be prescribed by your doctor, depending on the etiology of your disease. However, it happens that the headache becomes unbearable, meanwhile, there are still a few days left before the visit to the doctor. What can be done in this case?

To relieve headaches, you can take non-steroidal drugs, which will not only reduce the intensity of pain, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect at the same time. These are tools such as

  • Analgin, Analgin-ultra, Baralgin;
  • Aspirin, Upsarin Upsa, Walsh-asalgin
  • Ibuprofen, Dolgit, Ibufen, Mig, Nurofen;
  • Paracetamol, Panadol, Kalpol, Cefekon, Efferalgan;
  • Nimesulide, Nise, Nimesil, Nimulide.

The big advantage of these drugs is that they have practically no side effects, while at the same time they are highly effective. Additionally, you can take one of the drugs that have an antispasmodic effect, for example, No-shpu.

If a headache in the eyebrow area is caused by a violation in the work of blood vessels, then the greatest effect in its elimination can be achieved by taking one of the caffeine-containing drugs.

If pain appears above the right eye in the forehead, this may indicate the development of a number of different pathologies.

The nature of the pain above the eyes can be sharp, pressing and pulsating. Headache can occur periodically or torment a person constantly, accompanied by other symptoms. Trying to cure pain in the forehead and eyes on your own is not worth it, since only a doctor can establish the true causes of this pathological process.

Another very common factor that causes this symptom is migraine. Pain in this disease occurs very sharply and can last for a long time, up to several days.

At the very beginning of the attack, the pain affects only the forehead, as it progresses, spreading to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyes. Very often, with such a pathological process, other symptoms are observed, such as dizziness, nausea, and in the most severe cases, vomiting may occur. After that, the patient feels severe fatigue and increased irritability.

Localization of headaches in the eye area

Pain above the left eye may appear as a result of infringement of the occipital nerve. Such a pathological process usually occurs after severe stress or prolonged depression.

This is due to the fact that during nervous tension, the muscles of the neck become excessively tense, which leads to compression of the nerve. At the initial stage, the headache appears in the back of the head, and then begins to radiate to the frontal part.

Pain in the head is observed during the infringement of the cervical vessels. In this case, their lumen narrows, which leads to a decrease in the amount of blood flowing to the brain cells. Other symptoms may also occur, such as dizziness, memory impairment, visual and hearing impairment.

The main types of headache

In some cases, a person faints and sleep is disturbed.

If the pain is of neuralgic origin, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • noise in ears;
  • narrowing of the visual fields;
  • difficulty in the motor function of the pupil;
  • damage to the optic nerve;
  • the appearance of hemorrhages in the retina of the eye;
  • pain when pressed in the area of ​​some arteries.

A pain symptom in the forehead can occur in women due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. This usually occurs during pregnancy and during the onset of the menstrual cycle.

At the same time, the sensations are similar to those that develop during the inflammatory process, however, with a hormonal imbalance, there is no runny nose. Frequent pains of strong intensity appear during puberty. In addition, such a phenomenon may be a sign of an approaching menopause.

Poisoning of the body can also be accompanied by pain in the head. The most common form of intoxication is a hangover. Another reason for this phenomenon may be the abuse of spices and seasonings.

Pain in the forehead on the left or right is often the result of a traumatic brain injury. In this case, the damage can be either superficial (a bruise of the soft tissues above the eyebrow), or a more severe degree, accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure.

The most common diseases that cause this symptom are:

  • diseases of viral or infectious origin;
  • neuralgic process of the trigeminal nerve;
  • pathology of ENT organs;
  • meningitis.

How to relieve eye strain?


If pain sensations of uncertain etiology appear, it is necessary to consult a therapist. The doctor will conduct a survey and initial examination of the patient. Depending on the results of such an examination, he directs the patient to the appropriate specialist.

In some cases, additional diagnostic methods may be required:

  • general or biochemical blood test;
  • brain tomography;
  • heart cardiogram.

Such research methods help to most accurately establish the clinical picture.

Often a factor that provokes the appearance of pain in the frontal region is the ingress of a foreign object into the eye. In this case, it is enough to simply eliminate it, but it is not recommended to do it yourself, since you can damage the retina of the eye.

Diagnosis of pathologies of the eye

Depending on the presence of any additional headache symptoms, the therapist may refer the patient to the following specialists:

  1. An otolaryngologist is a specialist who examines all ENT organs, most often with the help of x-rays. If the picture shows areas of blackout, this indicates the development of an inflammatory process, accompanied by the formation of pus.
  2. Dermatologist - a doctor examines the condition of the skin. To do this, a smear is taken under the skin and under the eyelid.
  3. Neurologist - most often this specialist deals with the treatment of headaches. Usually, to make a diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to examine the patient and study the complaints.

In some cases, cardiologists, infectious disease specialists, allergists can deal with treatment. Conclusions about the method of therapy are made after carrying out all the necessary diagnostic measures.

Methods of treatment

Depending on the cause and intensity of the pain, the doctor prescribes certain medications that can reduce the symptom or eliminate it for a while. However, painkillers cannot completely get rid of the problem.

If the pain is of low intensity, you can use medications made on the basis of drotaverine (No-Shpa). Such a substance allows for some time to relieve vascular and muscle spasms.

Pain that occurs as a result of a minor head injury, hormonal imbalance, or increased blood pressure can be eliminated with analgesics (Nimesulide, Analgin, Nise).

To eliminate a symptom caused by a violation of vascular activity or intoxication of the body, it is recommended to use drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Upsarin Upsa). This substance helps to relieve vascular spasm and reduce pain.

Eye exercises

In the case of an infectious or viral origin of pain, it is better to give preference to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen and Nurofen.

If there is a strong pain syndrome, you should use complex drugs, such as Sedalgin, Pentalgin.

To alleviate the condition, you can massage the eyebrows and forehead and take sedatives and vitamin and mineral complexes.

Complications and prevention

The presence of the most dangerous symptoms, which usually indicate an organic type of brain damage, requires immediate medical attention. These signs include:

  • the appearance of the first attacks of pain after 50 years;
  • attacks occur mainly in the morning;
  • when the position of the head changes, the nature of the pain sensations changes;
  • there are symptoms of neuralgic disorders (vomiting, fever, bleeding from the nasal cavity);
  • the appearance of pain of an unusual nature.

cluster syndrome

To prevent pain attacks in the forehead, it is recommended to periodically perform simple exercises. Such gymnastics can be done in the process of work, thus organizing small breaks.

The most effective are the following exercises:

  • circular rotation of the eyes up and down;
  • rapid blinking;
  • shifting gaze from a near object to a distant one;
  • bringing the eyes to the side of the bridge of the nose and back.

To prevent pathological processes that provoke headaches, it is recommended to give up bad habits, regularly perform simple physical exercises, eat a balanced diet, sleep at least 8 hours a day and avoid stressful situations. If any abnormalities in the body's functioning appear, it is imperative to consult a doctor in order to prevent the occurrence of more serious health problems.

Migraine treatment

Regardless of the causes and intensity, headaches are a serious pathological condition that significantly impairs a person's life. Especially dangerous is the transition of the pain syndrome into a chronic form.

Therefore, when such symptoms appear, seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment, preventing the disease from taking a chronic form.


A headache in the eyebrow area can have hundreds of causes - from overwork to a malignant tumor. An eyebrow twitches, too, not from perfect well-being. However, unpleasant symptoms can be classified into groups for a more successful search for treatment. That is what we will talk about next.

Headaches, depending on the nature of sensations and location, can tell a lot about your body.

Attention, toxic substances

So, let's start with perhaps the most common household cause - poisoning with toxic compounds. No, no, you should not remember all the horror films in which toxic waste turned people into mutants.

Compounds of this kind in small concentrations sit comfortably on your bathroom shelf, for example, in the form of washing powder. Dyes for fabrics, plastics and even children's toys fall into the same category.

How often do you look at the composition when purchasing products? Never? But the price of such negligence is your health.

The only advice in this situation would be an attentive attitude to the quality of the purchased goods. Refuse to buy products and things with a strong aroma, even if at first it seems pleasant to you.

No less depressing is the situation with the composition of food products. Repeated studies have proven that nitrites, nitrates, monosodium glutamate and tyramine are the main culprits of headaches, allergies and poisoning.

ENT knows why the head hurts

Photo-instruction that clearly demonstrates changes in the sinuses with sinusitis

Frontitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis ... This list can be continued for a long time, but all these diseases are well known to otolaryngologists.

In most cases, in addition to the headache, the temperature rises and nasal discharge appears:

  1. Sinusitis- a fairly common disease that can be recognized by pain around the eyes, in the forehead and temples, elevated body temperature and purulent discharge from the nose.
  2. Frontit. Increased pain occurs in the morning, during the day it subsides. This process is explained by the outflow and filling of the frontal sinuses with purulent contents.
  3. Ethmoiditis or inflammation of the ethmoid sinus. The disease often chooses preschool children as its victims, as well as adults with a very weak immune system. Pain in the superciliary region occurs in the morning and may be accompanied by signs of general intoxication.
  4. In the autumn-winter period, many have to deal with colds, flu and SARS. In most cases, these diseases begin with a headache that occurs in the area of ​​the temples, forehead and around the eyes, later symptoms of the presence of the virus appear.

Meningitis is characterized by dislocated pain and requires immediate hospitalization.

  1. Encephalitis and meningitis differ in the localization of pain in the same place. Neurological symptoms and loss of consciousness may be observed.

Quite rare diseases - fevers Rift, Germiston, Dengue, Ilesha, Marituba, Ithaca, Kathu are carried by mosquitoes and ticks from southern countries and choose their victims among tourists. They have quite serious consequences and require an urgent appeal to an infectious disease specialist.

Don't mess with the nervous system

Some other diseases associated with pain and loss of eyebrows:

  1. Beam, cluster pain in the area of ​​the eyebrows are throbbing pain, accompanied by redness of the eyes and tearing. Suddenly appearing and also suddenly disappearing, they can have a different intensity, sometimes they acquire such strength that they do not allow you to fall asleep.

The nature of such pains is unknown to medicine, but among the provoking factors include drinking, smoking and a sharp change in climate. Often exacerbation occurs in the autumn-spring period.

  1. Neuralgia of the optic or trigeminal nerve. Localization of pain takes place along the course of the trigeminal nerve, most often it is a sharp, shooting, stabbing sensation that occurs when touched or a sharp temperature drop.

Migraine is a disease that is “getting younger” and is increasingly observed at the age of 23-35 years

  1. Migraine- a disease that every tenth inhabitant of the planet has to fight. Severe throbbing pain begins in the temporal zone, gradually spreads to the orbit and forehead, most often manifests itself on one side.

In addition to a headache, migraine can be recognized by tinnitus, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and the appearance of goosebumps before the eyes.

Trauma and osteochondrosis

Bruises and concussions

Loss of consciousness after a bruise is the first sign of a concussion

A slight bruise can give temporary pain, but when it comes to a concussion, qualified help is required. A concussion can be recognized by vomiting, nausea, decreased visual acuity, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. The only correct action is to immediately contact an ambulance.

Treat osteochondrosis

Does your head hurt above your right eyebrow, is it difficult to lean forward, and when you turn your neck do you hear a crunch? You will probably have to deal with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine over the past ten years has become one of the most common diseases that affect residents of megacities.

In this case, the head hurts in the region of the right eyebrow due to pinching and squeezing of the roots of the spinal cord. The pain is described as pressing, aching, pulling, shooting. In addition, there is a violation of coordination of movement, tinnitus and dizziness.

Intracranial pressure

Note! In search of an answer to the question of why the right eyebrow hurts, it is important to exclude diseases such as astigmatism, optic neuritis, conjunctivitis, and uveitis.

Remember to rest

Often we undermine our own health with our own hands, forgetting that the body needs a full-fledged systematic rest.

Unfortunately, modern man has an extremely unbalanced regime of work and rest. Constant sitting in a sitting position leads to tension in the muscles of the neck, which, in turn, is the cause of pain spreading from the neck to the temples, forehead, eyes. Pressing sensations may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

Note! Similar symptoms accompany prolonged stressful situations and short-term intense nervous tension.


Now you know that “it hurts above the right eyebrow” is far from a harmless symptom that requires clarification of the cause and treatment.

You can find answers to your questions in the video in this article, in addition, our experts are always ready to give advice in the comments.

Headache above the right eye: causes and treatment

Do you often have headaches above your right eye? There can be several reasons for the occurrence of such an unpleasant symptom - from banal emotional overwork to the formation of a tumor in the brain. Making an accurate diagnosis will allow you to immediately begin effective treatment. If discomfort in the forehead area appears regularly, and does not disappear even after taking an analgesic, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Pain in the head above the right eye - a sign of poisoning

Often a headache above the eyes due to the ingestion of harmful toxic substances. Such dangerous compounds can be found in low-quality cosmetics or washing powder. You can get poisoned by substances contained in the dye for fabric or plastic.

When the body is intoxicated, the head hurts above the right eye.

To get rid of a painful symptom, it is enough to identify a dangerous substance and refuse to use a low-quality product. Over time, the discomfort in the forehead will disappear without any additional treatment.

ENT diseases - the main cause of discomfort in the forehead

Unpleasant sensations over the right or left eye occur in patients with sinusitis or sinusitis. These dangerous diseases affect the sinuses of the forehead and nose. The main reasons for the development of such pathologies can be considered:

  • Frequent colds;
  • Chronic runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • Allergy;
  • Influenza and other infectious diseases.

Pain over the right eye with frontal sinusitis most often occurs in the morning. The discomfort can be very strong, almost unbearable. After a thorough cleaning of the sinuses, the soreness decreases slightly, but then returns again. Additionally, swelling of the eyes and skin in the forehead area, impaired sense of smell, fear of bright light may form.

Pain in the forehead occurs with sinusitis

It is necessary to treat such a disease under the strict supervision of a doctor. Most often, doctors prescribe medications, antibiotics, inhalations, warming up. If conservative treatment does not give the desired result and the patient's condition only worsens, surgery may be necessary.

Consequences of traumatic brain injury

Patients with traumatic brain injury often have a headache above the eyes. Even a minor blow can lead to profuse bleeding, as there are many blood vessels under the skin in the eyebrow area. An infection easily penetrates into such a wound, which leads to pain over the right eye. Infection must be treated, as harmful microorganisms can penetrate deeper, up to the brain.

Pain after an injury in the forehead can be a symptom of a concussion. Preventive measures will help avoid the dangerous consequences of injury.

  • If you have received a small bruise without cutting the skin, be sure to apply cold to the damaged area.
  • An open wound needs, first of all, to be disinfected, to stop the bleeding. To do this, use iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

Pain above the right eye after a fall or blow does not go away? Are you feeling nauseous and dizzy? Call an ambulance immediately, as these symptoms may be signs of a concussion or a severe head injury. The treatment of such a pathology is carried out by a surgeon, traumatologist or neurologist.

Diseases of the nervous system

Do you often have a headache above the eyes in the forehead area, and is there a predisposition to the development of diseases of the nervous system? Then be sure to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic examination.

Dizziness and pain above the eyes - a sign of a concussion

Unpleasant sensations can occur with such pathologies:

  • Trigeminal neuralgia. Pain is localized in the face. They are very sharp, stabbing, often occur when touching or changing the temperature regime.
  • Migraine. A very common neurological disease. The pain occurs in the temples, and gradually passes to the forehead, eyes. Additionally, there may be noise in the head, dizziness, general weakness.

In neurological diseases, the pain is sharp and throbbing, occurs in attacks. The patient may have reddened eyes.

Acclimatization and addiction to alcohol can be the cause of a neurological disease.

How to quickly get rid of a headache?

You can get rid of a headache with the help of a conventional analgesic. However, in order to forget about seizures forever, it is necessary to eliminate not the symptom, but the cause of its occurrence. A suitable treatment can only be selected by a professional doctor, after careful preliminary treatment.

Most often, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, antibiotics. Any drug can have serious contraindications. You need to take the tablets only in the dosage recommended by the doctor, after making sure that there is no allergic reaction to them.

Why does the right side of my head hurt?

Everyone. perhaps. knows firsthand. what is a headache. Today, about 40 types of pain in the head region have been identified in medicine. and they all differ in duration. character. flow frequency. In any case, this disease should be treated. by contacting a competent specialist. To understand. which doctor you should visit. It is enough just to observe your body.
According to statistics, the right side of the head hurts most often. Pain is localized in the forehead area. Why is this happening. Consider the most common causes.

This disease occurs frequently. I. as a rule. only one half of the forehead hurts (right or left). The incidence of this disease is varied. from several times a day to several times a year. It is characterized by a sharp throbbing pain in the region of one of the temples. extending to the forehead area. The pain may radiate to the eye or ear. In addition, there may be a fear of light or dizziness.
There is one interesting variety of this disease - migraine with aura. It is characterized by the occurrence of a neurological disorder (hallucinations, blurred vision) a couple of hours before the onset of pain.
As a result of numerous studies of this disease, scientists have come to the conclusion. that it is an illness. inherited in most cases. Other causes of its occurrence have not yet been found. There is no specific treatment for it. Antidepressants are often used. analgesics. Some patients resort to massage in the temples. what in their opinion is the most effective and at the same time relaxing remedy.

Cervical osteochondrosis

This disease mainly affects people. over 35 years old. Why this happens is not difficult to understand. They do not follow the rules of a healthy diet and adhere to a sedentary lifestyle. That is the name of the disease. because it affects the intervertebral discs of the cervical region. The main symptom is a sore forehead. the pain in which is especially aggravated when turning the head to the side. Unpleasant sensations can be given to the ear.
You can eliminate pain in such a situation with the help of massage or warming ointments. With severe pain, it is recommended to take a horizontal position.

cluster pain

Cluster in translation means "intermediate segment". Cluster headaches occur over a period of time. Only one part of the head is affected by pain. They can be of different types. shooting. cutting. bursting. The pain comes on suddenly and presses on the right or left eye or ear. extending to the forehead area. In most cases, men are affected.
Sometimes the pain is so unbearable. that pierces the eye. from which tears flow. Sometimes, during illness, it can lay the ears and nose. The pain may radiate to the forehead. neck. faces.
This type of pain cannot be cured by medication. Numerous studies by scientists have not shown. What causes cluster pain? The only thing. what was installed. the provoking factor for their occurrence is the use of alcohol, even in small quantities. That's why. if you are susceptible to such a disease. you should not drink alcohol.

Sharp pain can occur as a result of any trauma to the skull. including the invisible ones. As a result, they arise. vomit. loss of coordination. sharp pain in the right hemisphere of the head. Your forehead may hurt. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, feeling unwell and losing sleep can be the result of a long-standing head injury.
In addition, as a result of injury, an internal hematoma may occur. Gradually, as the hematoma grows, intracranial pressure increases. As a result, some symptoms appear. convulsions. vomit. pressure drop. sluggish and confused mind. shooting pain in the temporal side of the head in the right side of the forehead. Painful sensations may be subject to one ear. In some situations, surgery may be necessary.

There are many types of brain tumors today. All of them differ in their size. However. their symptoms are basically the same. shooting or blunt. severe pain on the right side. radiating to the forehead and right or left eye or ear. manifested most often in the morning and aggravated during a period of stress. Besides. additional signs of the disease are. dizziness. disturbed mind. in some cases it comes to seizures of epilepsy.
The tumor is a rather dangerous disease. threatening the patient's life. However. today there are many ways. with which you can fight the disease. chemotherapy. radiosurgery, etc. If you suspect that you have it in your body. get tested immediately.


The main signs of concussion are. dizziness. vomit. throbbing pain in temple and forehead. great weakness and sore ear. watery eyes. A serious concussion is characterized by long-term pain (for several days). Mild concussion is characterized by pain. lasting only a few hours. The patient's condition worsens with sudden movements.
Symptoms of a concussion may vary depending on the age of the victim. In small children. usually. pale skin. The elderly and older children often experience loss of consciousness. Most often, all these manifestations of the disease disappear within three days. Some patients notice an improvement in their condition after one day.
Treating a concussion is easy. It is enough just to observe bed rest and apply ice to the affected part of the head. If the pain is unbearable. take a pain reliever.

Costen's syndrome

The disease is differentiated into well-known arthrosis and arthritis. It is a deformity of the temporomandibular joint. The symptoms of the disease are as follows. increased salivation or vice versa dry mouth. sore forehead on one side of the head. in the ear. gives to the eye. sinuses. there is a burning sensation on the tongue. The disease can be treated by prosthetics or bite correction.

Pain behind right ear

Causes of pain behind the ear. complications after its inflammation or otitis media. If these diseases were not treated or were not fully treated. then a purulent accumulation may form in the ear. which can cause forehead pain on the right. You can get rid of it with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania

Serious illness. expressed in daily pain in the fronto-orbital region. Usually. only one side of the head is affected. Attacks of piercing pain occur throughout the day. This can hurt the eyes. As a result, he blushes. narrows. sunken eyeball. At the same time, it stuffs up the nose. breathing becomes difficult and lacrimation begins. Mostly women suffer from this disease. men are much less susceptible to it.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Often the head hurts because of the tooth. This is characterized by a sharp shooting pain in forehead. Severely inflamed tonsils. acute sore throat in the oral cavity can also lead to pain in the head. In such cases, the first step is to cure the disease.

Diseases of the organs of vision

Pain on the one hand can also be a manifestation of diseases of the organs of vision. iritis uveitis, etc. One half of the head can hurt with sinusitis. Then the pain moves to the forehead. cheeks and other parts of the face. Severe stuffing of the nose. from which purulent masses are released. The pain begins to give in the eye. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in hypertension

Often, with an increase in pressure, dull headaches are observed behind the right of the forehead. Painful sensations begin to manifest themselves in the morning. when one half of the head is just bursting with pain. Sometimes it can give into the eye. Characteristically. that during physical or mental stress. they only get stronger. You can get rid of such pain only with the help of drugs. reducing pressure. If you are prone to hypertension, some drinks should be excluded from your diet. alcohol. coffee. energy.
The above are just the main reasons. that cause headaches. In addition to them, there are many more.

The most important rule in the treatment of headaches of various origins is to rest more. Usually. Loads only make it worse. So lie down more. walk outdoors. Walking is very helpful. Also, during the rest, all irritants should be excluded. music. TV. unpleasant. pungent odors. If the pain is very strong, you can take painkillers.
If you experience a headache on the right side, you should immediately consult a specialist. After all, only he can correctly establish its causes. Sometimes herbal teas help in such cases. having a relaxing effect (chamomile, motherwort, mint). They can replace the usual black tea and coffee.
Massage helps to relax. It's better to start from the right place. being the source of pain. and then massage the whole head for 10 minutes. However. Do not forget. in the presence of injuries and tumors, this type of treatment is prohibited.
If a severe headache is accompanied by nausea. vomiting. contact a specialist immediately. Since such manifestations can be signs of hemorrhage or stroke.


Considering all the above causes of diseases. a conclusion should be drawn. that all of them are basically acquired. that is, they can be avoided. A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the prevention of headaches. Try to follow the daily routine. sleep 6-8 hours a day. don't overwork. walk outdoors. Yoga classes can help you manage stress. Spend as much time outdoors as possible. If you are not prescribed bed rest. then during the next attack of pain, you should walk.
Some people often suffer from headaches. and they don't understand. why is this happening. Statistically, the main reason is stress. Approximately half of all patients suffer from pain precisely because of it. Therefore, try not to be nervous and not overwork and be sure to adhere to all of the above rules.

Why headaches appear with vegetative vascular dystonia

Headache, its causes and how to deal with it

Headache and vomiting in an adult: causes, treatment, prevention

Why does the eyebrow above the eye hurt

Headache is familiar to everyone. From time to time, any of us have whiskey, nape, crown, frontal part. These manifestations have already become habitual and rarely cause particular concern. But why does the eyebrow above the eye hurt? Pain in the superciliary arches occurs quite rarely, therefore, when they appear, many people panic and try to establish the causes of such unusual discomfort.

Why does my eyebrow hurt

The superciliary ridges are part of the frontal lobe of the skull. In this area there are many small vessels, which, when narrowed and expanded, can lead to pain in the eyebrow area. The main causes contributing to the development of pain syndrome include:

  • migraine;
  • trauma;
  • sinusitis;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • flu, cold;
  • frontitis;
  • neurological diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intraocular pressure.

Each of these factors has its own symptoms and etiology, so below we will consider them in more detail.

The scourge of our time, which more often affects the female half of humanity, is a migraine. Genetic factors play an important role in its appearance, and the disease is transmitted mainly through the female line. A characteristic symptom of migraine is severe throbbing pain in one half of the head, which is accompanied by photophobia, aversion to loud sounds, nausea, irritability, dizziness. Often, when attacks occur, a person has pain above the eye under the eyebrow, and also disturbs the eyeball itself and the nearby temple.

Even minor bruises in the eyebrow area can lead to dissection, swelling and pain. Injuries can occur when falling, hitting, or hitting heavy objects in the superciliary arch. With strong impacts, bleeding is likely to occur, which is associated with a large number of vessels in this place.

Often the pain syndrome occurs with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which in medicine is called sinusitis. In addition to discomfort in the eyebrows, the following symptoms are characteristic of the disease:

  • pain in the bridge of the nose and eyeball;
  • the occurrence of pulling pain when bending the torso;
  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • fever, chills.

The main source of sinusitis is a viral or bacterial infection, although it sometimes develops as a response to an allergic reaction.

Intracranial pressure

Another reason why the eyebrow hurts is intracranial pressure, and the characteristic symptoms can occur both with increased and decreased types.

  • With an increase in pressure, a person feels pain in the forehead and temples. Its culprits are hypertension, kidney disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, overwork.
  • With a decrease in pressure, the pain syndrome has a girdle character, and more often manifests itself in the morning or when taking a vertical position. The causes of the pathology are fatigue, vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis, intoxication, vascular and heart diseases.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous for your health.

The arches on which the eyebrows are located are part of the frontal lobe of the head. If there is pain above the eye in the eyebrow area, this is a serious symptom of a number of diseases.

In the region of the superciliary arches and the frontal lobe of the skull, there are many vessels, including meningeal ones. When they expand or narrow during some diseases, the head hurts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyes.

The main cause of any headache, regardless of its location, are neuralgic diseases and disorders.

Among other disorders, the leader due to the occurrence of frequent and prolonged pain in the eyebrow area is migraine. Migraine pain appears very sharply, the attack is quite long - the pain can torment a person from several hours to several days. During the onset of an attack, the problem is localized in the forehead area, and then reaches the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyes. Migraine pain is often accompanied by severe nausea, turning into vomiting. Over time, a person begins to feel severe fatigue and irritation.

The feeling that the eyebrow hurts can occur when the occipital nerve is pinched. Pain can be felt in the forehead, eyes and temples. Severe stress or depression leads to infringement of the nerve. During a nervous and emotional upheaval, the neck muscles overstrain and severely compress the nerve. Initially, the pathology occurs in the back of the head, and then spreads to the forehead and eyebrows.

Headache above the eyebrows and with infringement of the vessels of the neck. The vessels become narrower, the blood that is transmitted to the brain is less. Thus, oxygen starvation occurs. It is expressed by the following symptoms: pain in the forehead and above the eyebrows, deterioration of vision and hearing, impaired memory and mental activity. The person may experience frequent fainting and trouble sleeping.

With neuralgic pain, patients may experience the following symptoms: tinnitus and vision changes, damage to the optic nerve and disruption of the normal movement of the pupil, pain when pressing some arteries in the forehead and temples, the occurrence of hemorrhages in the retina.

Pathology above the eyebrow in women appears with sharp hormonal surges that occur during pregnancy and the onset of the menstrual cycle. The pain can be similar to the pain of inflammation, only with a hormonal surge there is no runny nose. Severe and frequent headaches occur during puberty and are one of the symptoms of approaching menopause.

The forehead hurts with intoxication of the body, the most common form of which is a hangover. The reason can also be the frequent consumption of spicy and highly seasoned foods.

Pain in the eyebrow area occurs with various traumatic brain injuries. This can be either a minor injury or dissection of the eyebrow itself, or a serious craniocerebral injury, in which strong intracranial pressure occurs.

Diseases in which this pathology occurs in the region of the eyebrows, forehead, between the eyes:

  • various infectious diseases, including influenza and SARS;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • diseases of ENT organs - sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • meningitis, etc.

Eyebrow injury can occur when falling, hitting and getting a foreign object. There are many blood vessels in the eyebrow area, so there is quite a lot of bleeding in case of injury.

Severe pain in the eyebrow area after an injury indicates severe injury and infection in the wound. In the absence of medical care and examination, the infection can penetrate deeper and affect nearby tissues, including the brain.

If there is no dissection and bleeding in the eyebrow area after the injury, but pain is present, this indicates a serious injury, increased intracranial pressure and concussion. The pain is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, disorientation in space, dizziness.

To avoid serious consequences during the dissection of the eyebrow and head injury, it is necessary to provide the victim with the following assistance:

  • with a closed injury: apply a wet towel or ice pack to the injury site;
  • with an open injury: try to stop the bleeding, treat the edges of the wound with iodine or hydrogen peroxide;
  • ask the victim about the presence of headaches, dizziness and nausea;
  • call an ambulance;
  • before her arrival, keep up a conversation with the victim, ask him about his well-being.

For any head injury, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding and severe headache, it is urgent to contact a surgeon and a neurologist for a detailed examination and treatment.

Inflammation of the frontal sinuses always causes severe pain in the area above the eyebrows and between the eyes. The disease affects not only the frontal sinus, but also the sinuses.

The cause of sinusitis, like sinusitis, is a prolonged runny nose with allergies and colds. Frontal sinusitis is also a complication of SARS, influenza and other infectious diseases. The disease is more severe than sinusitis and sinusitis.

The main symptom of frontitis is a severe headache in the area above the eyebrows and in the forehead. The pain is most intense in the morning. At this time, it becomes unbearable. The pain subsides only after the sinuses are cleared, and eventually resumes. Along with the pain, there is severe swelling above the eye and in the area of ​​the affected frontal sinus.

During frontitis, severe photophobia and a violation of smell are added to the pain in the forehead and eyebrows. If inflammation is a complication of a cold, a person's temperature rises, the color of the forehead above the eyebrows changes, the pain can increase significantly, especially when pressed in the area between the eyes.

You can relieve a headache with frontal sinusitis by constantly washing the sinuses in order to get rid of mucus and pus. To do this, you can use Naphthyzinum for adults and a solution of sea salt for the treatment of children.

If there is no temperature, the pain syndrome will help to reduce inhalation with special aerosols with antibiotics and heating with blue lamps.

In most cases, conservative treatment helps to cope, in others surgical intervention is necessary. In this case, the eyebrow is cut down to the inner corner of the eye.

Treatment of this pathology must begin with determining the cause of its occurrence.

If the attacks of pain are very frequent and severe, analgesics (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will help to cope with them.

Depending on the cause and intensity of the pathology, drugs can relieve pain or relieve it for a certain period, but it is impossible to completely cope with the cause of the problem in this way.

With minor pains that interfere with normal life, you can use drugs that contain drotaverin (No-shpa). This substance helps to relieve vasospasm, which is the primary cause of pain.

Pain in the forehead, which appear with a slight injury, increased pressure, menstruation, is stopped with drugs based on metamizole sodium (Baralgin, Analgin) and nimesulide (Nimulid, Nise).

When the head hurts, the whole world seems to cease to exist, or rather, it begins to annoy in every possible way. The origin of pain is different, since various reasons can provoke it. Consider the nature of the origin of pain in the region of the superciliary arches. If you suffer from such symptoms, if pressure in this part of the head increases, then this is an occasion to urgently consult a doctor.

What can such pain above the eyebrow indicate? The fact that one of the diseases such as rhinitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis is progressing. What are the features of these diseases, and how can you get rid of them? The most common and common runny nose can cause these troubles. The fact is that the mucus and the pathogenic bacteria in it flow into the part of the nasolabial canal, and there they cause inflammatory processes. The body begins to fight them, so it reacts with an increase in body temperature.

The course of the disease can be divided into two phases. One is acute and the other is chronic. When the first one begins, a person experiences a very severe headache, with pressure on the frontal lobes, these sensations are transmitted to the eyes. Body temperature can rise up to 40 degrees. A distinctive feature of these diseases is that mucus and pus are systematically released from the nasal cavity. Tearing and swelling of the eyelids can be added to the above symptoms - this is an indicator that bacteria have reached the eyes. In the chronic phase, pain occurs with a certain frequency, but discharge from the nasal cavity is still observed. At the same time, you can notice that the superciliary arches have become somewhat swollen. The disease does not go away by itself, you will definitely need to consult a specialist.

Why does pain occur in the region of the superciliary arch

Now consider why there is pain in the region of the superciliary arches with rhinitis. This disease is popularly called an untreated runny nose, resulting in an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. Pathogenic microbes enter the frontal sinuses and cause pain with their activity. As in the first case, it is urgent to seek medical help. Please note that drinking in large quantities is mandatory. But lowering the temperature drugs can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation.

The main cause of sinusitis are viruses that penetrate the nasal cavity into the blood. This may be caused by:

  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • adenoids;
  • allergic diseases;
  • improper treatment of SARS and rhinitis.

With nasal congestion, there may not always be discharge. This is due to the fact that the outflow of mucus from the sinuses is difficult. Be sure to raise the temperature. The patient feels weak, loses appetite, complains of headache.

Also, discomfort in the eyebrow area can be caused by other reasons: for example, excessive fatigue. And if in the case of sinusitis, rhinitis or frontal sinusitis, the intervention of a doctor is necessary, then when the body is overworked, it is enough to lead a correct lifestyle and allow yourself to get enough sleep and rest. If you ignore such a signal about the help of your body, then it is completely unknown what such a negligent attitude can turn out to be for the owner.

Methods of treatment

There are only two treatment options. The first includes taking medications and washing the nasal cavity, and the second is surgical intervention. But in most cases, the problem is fixed in the first way. The turn can reach the operation only in the case when the disease turns out to be very prolonged. So value your time.

It should be noted that during the period of treatment, it will be better for you to give up the use of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, as well as spicy and fatty foods. The body will need additional strength in order to fight the disease, so you should not overwork it, but it is better to lead a measured, sparing lifestyle for this time. If you do not follow the doctor's instructions, then you risk not only prolonging the period of your illness, but also getting additional complications, for example, losing your sense of smell or getting problems with your nerves. In the case of a negligent attitude to their health, a person can achieve the fact that he will develop meningitis, and this is already threatening with a fatal outcome.

Summing up

Our body is a well-oiled mechanism that, in case of malfunctions that it cannot cope with on its own, signals us. He does this with the help of pain signals of various strengths, it all depends on the complexity of the problem he is facing. You just need to pay attention to such signals. While the problem is at an early stage, it is easy to fix it, but when the situation is launched, it can be completely problematic to maintain control over it. Take care of your health.



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