What to do if your cat has stones in the bladder. What to do if your cat has kidney stones and how to treat the disease

Cats, like people, can develop urolithiasis (KSD) with all the ensuing consequences. Urolithiasis disease(urolithiasis) is a disease of the urinary tract caused by a disorder of protein and mineral metabolism in organism. The disease can negate a pet’s quality of life and even kill it. Therefore, its manifestations must be dealt with as soon as they are noticed.

With urolithiasis, stones and sand form in the kidneys, which cause discomfort and pain in the kidneys and ureters.

Rocks and sand can be different types. In 80% of cases, cats have phosphate stones. Also often found are oxalates - salts of calcium and oxalic acid. Oxalates are more common in older animals. Rarely, but cats also have other types of stones.

Who is susceptible to urolithiasis

All cats can get urolithiasis (12% of pets suffer from it), but some are more prone to it, and some less. One of the risk conditions is castration in cats, unlike cats in which the presence or absence of ovaries does not affect this.

However, castration itself does not affect this in any way. The connection is indirect. Urolithiasis is promoted by reduced physical activity against the background of overeating, resulting in excess weight. Castrati are susceptible to this. Therefore, in order to prevent ICD, a castrated animal must not be overfed and forced to move.

The general conditions that contribute to the occurrence of urolithiasis are:

  • male gender (in cats the disease develops 5 times more often than in cats);
  • unbalanced diet using salty foods and an excess of proteins in it;
  • feeding with cheap factory food;
  • insufficient fluid intake (as a result, the urine becomes too concentrated and sand forms in it);
  • drinking water Low quality saturated with lime salts;
  • physical inactivity and excess weight;
  • lack of vitamin A (it strengthens epithelial cells genitourinary system);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • overheating of the animal’s body (urine becomes more concentrated and sand forms);
  • hormonal imbalance (the level of calcium in the blood, which affects the formation of stones, is regulated by parathyroid hormones);
  • dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, chronic gastroenteritis and colitis (these diseases change acid-base balance organism);
  • deliberate retention of urination by a cat due to reluctance to go into a dirty litter box (this is why it is so important to clean the toilet on time).

In addition, some breeds are more prone to urolithiasis than others. At risk are British, Scottish, Persian, Himalayan, Burmese and Siamese cats, as well as Maine Coons.

Symptoms of urolithiasis

How does urolithiasis manifest itself in Scottish cats? Every good cat owner should pay attention to various little things in the pet’s behavior, as well as how he goes to the toilet. Reasons to worry are the following:

  • the cat (cat) screams and meows in the tray - it’s obvious that he’s feeling bad;
  • the cat began to walk past the litter box, although everything was fine before;
  • blood appeared in the urine (sand or stone damaged the mucous membrane);
  • the cat does not go to the toilet for days (this may indicate a blockage of the urinary tract);
  • frequent urination in small portions;
  • the animal intensively licks the genitals;
  • lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting (in severe cases);
  • increase and decrease in animal weight;
  • bloated belly;
  • tense posture when urinating.

Often, urolithiasis in Scottish cats and other breeds passes without visible symptoms. But this does not mean that the cat does not feel the problem. He may be uncomfortable, but the ancient cat instinct dictates that you should not show your illness - then other predators may consider you weak and want to kill you. Of course, there are no dangerous predators near your cat, but instinct is instinct.

Owners may not notice that the animal is sick for years. As a result, the disease takes on terrible forms. The logical conclusion is an overflow of the bladder with the impossibility of emptying. As a result, intoxication of the body with its own urine develops, the animal behaves apathetically, it may vomit, and the body temperature quickly drops to 35-36°C. After two or three days, if left untreated, death occurs as a result of poisoning or rupture of the bladder.

First aid

Urolithiasis is not only dangerous to health, it is also painful. Therefore, as soon as the owner notices its signs in the pet, he can provide first aid and relieve the attack. This can be easily done using a warm heating pad, which is placed on the animal's stomach and perineum. You can’t put pressure on your stomach - just gently put a heating pad on it. Heat relieves spasms of the urinary tract - and the pain calms down.

After providing first aid, you need to go to a veterinarian who can make a diagnosis. You can’t delay your visit, because... You can wait for complications.

Diagnosis of urolithiasis

There is an express way to determine the risk level of urolithiasis in a cat. For this purpose, special toilet granules are used, which are poured on top of regular litter. After the cat has peed, you need to look at their color: depending on the color, you can determine the pH of the urine. Based on this, it is concluded that it is necessary to visit a veterinarian.

At the clinic, the veterinarian performs ultrasound, x-rays and a number of tests, after which a diagnosis is made. accurate diagnosis. It is very important to distinguish between urolithiasis and other pathologies of the urinary system. Also, when ICD is diagnosed, you need to find out its causes and the type of stones. Without it further treatment impossible.

Treatment of urolithiasis

The treatment of urolithiasis must be approached comprehensively. First, you need to relieve the symptoms so that the animal does not suffer. Antispasmodics and heat are used for this.

Secondly, you will need to dissolve salts and stones. For this purpose they are used special drugs and herbal medicine. Usually, when fighting urolithiasis, the following drugs are included in the course of treatment: “Stop-cystitis”, “Uro-ursi”, “Urotropin”, “Cystokur”, “Furinide”, “Ipakitine”, “Kantaren”, “Kotervin”, “ Nephrocat", "Renal Advance", "Cyston", "Actovegin". Each medicine should be prescribed in accordance with the symptoms and characteristics of the disease of a particular cat.

Thirdly, the root cause of urolithiasis is determined. If these are genetic pathologies of the urinary tract or the stones are too large to pass on their own, surgery is prescribed. This is the most the right way get rid of stones, but first, if there is a chance of dissolving them, they prescribe conservative treatment, which consists of taking specific medications to dissolve stones, relieve inflammation, and, if there is an infection, prescribe a course of antibiotics.

The animal's menu should be balanced and rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Food of at least premium class is allowed, although natural, properly selected food is better if you can afford it. Mix different feeds or feeds and natural nutrition it is forbidden. Avoid salty and peppery foods. Offer fish no more than 1-2 times a week, and it should be boiled, not smoked or salted.

The house should not be too hot, but not too cold, without drafts. Do not allow the animal to become hypothermic or overheated.

Provide for the cat motor activity. Physical inactivity has a bad effect on general state body and leads to obesity: cats with overweight automatically fall into the risk group for urolithiasis.

Urolithiasis, urolithiasis or urological syndrome are the names of the same common and insidious disease domestic cats. This disease is typical for humans and animals, but it is very difficult, almost impossible, to see the first symptoms of stone deposits or sand in the kidneys and ureters of a cat. At the first sign of urolithiasis in a cat, he should be immediately taken to a veterinarian.

The disease is associated with metabolic disorders in the cat’s body and is serious pathology. If you do not pay due attention to the problem, then you can lose your beloved pet. Most often, castrated male kittens get sick, but animals without this operation also get sick.

Urolithiasis disease


When a cat gets sick, it appears chronic pathology, leading to the formation salt deposits in the form of fine sand and kidney stones, bladder and output channels. For some time, no symptoms of the disease are observed, but later the stone increases in size and begins to put pressure on the walls of the organ. It happens that under the influence of the weight of the stone leaves its usual place and moves with urine.

Stones small size, moving, cause pain in the cat, large formations clog the urinary canals and cause stagnation of fluid, which leads to poisoning of the body and the animal simply cannot go to the toilet or releases a small amount of urine. Death will not keep you waiting if the owner is inattentive to the pet and does not take emergency measures medical care.

In cats, genitourinary diseases and, in particular, stone formations are less common than in male pets, which is due to the different lumens of the urethra, which in boys are naturally three times smaller.

The main reasons leading to the disease

It should immediately be noted that many factors lead to the occurrence of urolithiasis, which cause abnormalities in the functioning of organs genitourinary area:

Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats

The formation of stones lasts more than one month, sometimes this goes unnoticed until the animal begins to experience discomfort. The first signs of the disease are:

Making a diagnosis from a doctor

Specialist in mandatory interviews the cat's owner and compares Clinical signs illnesses. To determine urolithiasis in cats, a number of research procedures are used:

  • examination of the cat by a veterinarian;
  • ultrasonography;
  • X-ray transillumination;
  • urine and blood tests.

Urine sediment testing is used to determine the type of stones in an animal's ureters. Knowing the composition of the deposit, it is much easier to determine the purpose of treatment, correctly determine therapeutic procedures and preventative care owners for their cat. To fully reveal the chemical composition of the stone, microscopic examination under little, this is determined only approximately mineral composition. To answer this question more completely, carry out modern research using polarized microscopy, x-ray diffraction and other qualitative analytical methods.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Timely help plays a huge role for the animal. In the first hours after the symptoms of the disease are identified, before medical help comes, you need to warm the bottom part cat's abdomen and perineum warm heating pad. It is not recommended to massage or palpate the bladder area to avoid damaging it. The worst thing in this situation is the increasing intoxication of the body and possible rupture Bladder. To avoid this, take the cat to the veterinarian in a timely manner, otherwise the animal may die. On emergency appeal to the doctor only 1–2 days left.

The veterinarian will conduct an examination, prescribe an x-ray and ultrasound to determine the size of the stones, put a catheter for the animal to drain fluid, and give an anesthetic injection.

Conservative treatment method

Treatment procedures of this plan are used when initial stage disease and its moderate severity. Actions are aimed at removing inflammatory process and decrease pain in cats. In addition, treatment with medications aims to prevent relapses and subsequent complications of the disease. In the ureters fluid stagnation is eliminated, muscle spasms are relieved, inflammation in the pelvic organs due to intoxication is reduced.

Treatment in a conservative way based on the use of sedative and antispasmodic medications (baralgin, atropine, etc.), antibiotics are prescribed and homeopathic medicines. At severe pain inject a lumbar anesthetic block and apply dry heat on the cat's bladder area. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to relieve inflammation. disinfectants, for example, urosulfan, metronidazole, furadonin.

To promote the destruction and removal of formations, cystone, uradon are prescribed to relieve spasms smooth muscle They give injections of no-shpa and analgin. Prescribed to dislodge grains of sand and stones novocaine solution into the urethra and artificially try to dislodge the stone. To make it easier, wash the bladder with sodium chloride solution in combination with antibiotics.

Surgical method

Most often this method is used in advanced condition of moderate severity and with almost complete blockage of the lumen of the ureter. Violation of the outflow of urine leads to renal transformation and painful attacks of pyelonephritis with acute and subacute course. In this case, it is difficult to talk about cure without surgery.

There are two methods of intervention - urethrotomy and cystotomy. The first method is to install a catheter to create an additional lumen to the exit of the formations. The end of the canal is set to the depth before the beginning of the obstruction area. The animal must be treated under anesthesia. After the release of sand and stones, the lumen of the urethra is treated with antiseptics.

Second method of cystostomy involves surgical removal of stones, This complex operation in the abdominal cavity. It becomes the only salvation for the animal if the size of the stones exceeds the diameter of the cat’s urethral outlet. After the operation, the cat’s fluid outflow is restored, but treatment is required antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Further prevention against relapse of the disease

Lifetime preventive actions must always be present in the everyday life of a cat. Unfortunately, urolithiasis cannot be cured completely, even by a carefully performed operation or conservative method treatment does not exclude the occurrence of relapses. The subsequent life of the pet proceeds in combination with the following activities:

  • the correct diet includes medicinal dry mixtures designed for categories of cats with urolithiasis, or the owner chooses for his pet natural products, which are approved for use by veterinary clinic specialists;
  • the cat’s weight is regulated with the help of herbal therapy, diuretics, the animal ideally does not exceed 4–4.5 kg;
  • To relieve thirst, the cat receives only settled or filtered fresh drinking water;
  • the cat leads active image life, cats, especially neutered ones, receive a portion of games and movements to remove stagnation in the pelvic area;
  • animal after medical complex or surgical intervention mandatory once a year control studies Ultrasound, x-ray and urine test;
  • if signs of relapse of the disease appear, the cat must immediately undergo medical examination;
  • After suffering and treating an illness, a cat undergoes regular consultations and examinations with a veterinarian.

Diet of cats after treatment

The diet is prescribed a little earlier, even when the doctor begins to treat the cat. But after returning home the animal should eat right. When examining stones, the doctor identifies their chemical composition and, depending on this, determines foods for the cat’s diet. The animal's nutrition is aimed at recovery water-salt metabolism substances in the body and maintaining homeostasis:

  • if there is an oxalate disorder in the body, then the diet helps maintain acidity in the urine at a level of 6.8–7.2 R.-N;
  • if the disorder is of struvite type, then nutrition is aimed at restoring the volume, density and level of pH in the urine; the cat’s food does not contain a large amount of minerals.

Natural products included in a cat's diet are carefully developed by experts in the field of animal nutrition. It is mandatory to take vitamins A and B. Oxalate urolithiasis requires inclusion in the formulation boiled eggs, white beets, carrots. Struvite disorders will not occur if your pet eats boiled meat, cheese, rice and cottage cheese. It is better to prepare all dishes for cats before serving.

For any type of disorder in the cat’s body exclude fish, sausages, pork, canned food, chicken, caviar from the diet. It is not recommended to give to your pet a large number of protein, cook food from low-fat, non-acidic, unsweetened and non-spicy foods.

Only those mixtures that have a recommendation for use in cats with urolithiasis. This special feed, in which there is a balance of minerals and vitamins in quantities acceptable for this category of animals. It is prohibited to use cheap mixtures of the economical series. To increase the intake of fluid into the body of a cat that drinks little, dry food is recommended. soak or eat wet canned food.

Together with the pet, the owner tries to defeat the insidious and dangerous disease. You should carefully monitor the cat’s behavior so that at the slightest suspicion of urolithiasis, immediately provide the animal with a qualified veterinary care.

It is generally accepted that only old, neutered cats suffer from kidney and bladder stones. Yes, the frequency of these diseases is indeed higher in them, but in practice, uroliths are sometimes found even in very young animals. However, the younger the cat, the higher the likelihood of finding not stones, but sand. It is important to understand that sand in the bladder can be either an independent “disease” or a consequence of the destruction of kidney stones.

Sand in the urinary organs represents insoluble salts formed against the background of (usually) various disorders of water-salt metabolism. Since it is not subject (for obvious reasons) to water and wind erosion, the edges of the grains of sand are broken and sharp. In more than 70% of cases, their size is very heterogeneous.

Are kidney stones and sand in the bladder related? Oddly enough, there is no direct connection. If there is, it is not at all necessary that sand will appear in the bladder. The same thing - when there are already “foreign impurities” in the organ cavity, they do not mean at all that there will be stones in the kidneys.

We have already said that in such cases there can be only one relationship - it happens that there is sand in the bladder indirectly indicates destruction kidney stones . But all these pathologies are directly related to diseases of the genitourinary system. The fact is that both stones and sand are very injure the delicate mucous membranes of organs. Because of this, inflammation develops quickly, and the likelihood of developing pathogenic microflora is much higher. Why might sand appear in the bladder of cats?

Today there are several theories that explain this phenomenon. The most common is the theory of crystalline deposition. It suggests that certain substances in the urine rise to levels where they begin to precipitate (a supersaturated solution). As a rule, this happens due to improper feeding, but sometimes the root of all troubles lies in existing pathologies of the bladder or. In addition, the saturation of urine with salts directly depends on the quantity and quality of water the animal receives. It is known that in regions with excessively high dH, people suffer from urolithiasis several times more often. Their pets too. So the reasons for the phenomenon are quite common.

Read also: Catarrhal conjunctivitis in cats: symptoms, treatment and prevention

So, from In oversaturated urine, crystals of insoluble salts begin to “fall out”. Their sharp edges scratch and irritate the wall of the bladder, causing the latter to secrete mucus several times faster (for protection). Gradually, the smallest crystals stick together and grains of sand are formed.

If medical care is not provided to the animal, gradually stones are formed. However, it is not always the case that uroliths appear: either the owners still pay attention to the pet’s suffering and take it to the veterinarian, or it dies from painful shock/secondary infection.

How long does it take for sand to form? Everything depends on him chemical nature and nutritional characteristics of the animal - in in rare cases The process takes a couple of weeks, but more often it takes a month or two. In addition, the rate of sand accumulation is variable. Again, they depend on the keeping of the cat, its diet, the presence/absence of testes (whether the animal was neutered or not), etc.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of the presence of sand do not differ in variety: it appears in the urine blood, pet with large difficulty urinating, and the process gives him the strongest pain. appears in urine due to the fact that sharp grains of sand rubbing against the wall of the bladder literally tear both the mucous membrane itself and other layers. No less dangerous dysuria(when no urine is released at all, or a couple of drops come out in an hour). It can start from inflammation and swelling of the walls of the bladder (or urethra).

In addition, with urolithiasis, severe spasms are not uncommon, due to which the ureters are completely compressed, as a result of which the animal cannot urinate. Interestingly, this pathology is noticed in animals much faster than when compared with humans. And the reason is simple - cats cannot get enough of painkillers, and therefore the clinical picture manifests itself clearly and very characteristically.

Read also: Everything you need to know about vitamin deficiency in cats: causes, manifestations and a list of products by vitamin group

However, urethral obstruction is more often caused by accumulations of sand that simply block the lumen of the organ. This process is extremely painful. Most often, blockage of the urethra is observed in cats (due to the structural features of the male genitourinary system).

The danger of this pathology is not even the terrible pain experienced by the cat. The bladder, of course, can greatly increase in volume, but its safety margin is far from unlimited. If you don’t “break through the blockage”, then will end with his breakup. As a rule, in such cases the animal dies from painful shock and internal bleeding. Sand in the bladder of a cat about to become a mother is especially dangerous: due to the enlarged uterus, there is space in abdominal cavity practically none remains, the bladder is severely pinched, as a result of which the uroliths present in it cause serious damage to the body.


When making a diagnosis, you should always keep in mind that inflammatory diseases bladder in cats (giving the same clinical picture) are much more common, and therefore they need to be distinguished from urolithiasis. For this, various diagnostic methods, available in a well-equipped veterinary clinic.

It is quite easy to assume that the bladder is obstructed by sand, since the swollen organ can be easily felt during palpation. The problem is that sand cannot be detected this way; even large stones cannot always be noticed with simple palpation (unless it is a very experienced professional).

It is for this reason that to detect foreign bodies enjoy radiography or ultrasound examination of the organ. When painful urination, blood in the urine, or any other urinary problems, it is important to have your pet's bladder checked immediately using any of these methods. But here, too, not everything is so simple.

In some cases, the mineral composition of the formations is such that both ultrasound and X-rays, so the doctor does not physically see them. The solution is simple - special contrast agents are injected into the animal’s bladder through a catheter, “illuminating” stones and sand when the organ is X-rayed.

A well-groomed and properly fed cat that is under constant monitoring veterinarian, usually healthy. But just like humans and all other living beings, cats are susceptible various diseases. Of course, give comprehensive information about everyone cat diseases impossible, but cat owners need to know the main signs, features of the manifestation and treatment of at least the most common diseases in this type of animal.

From 1 to 13.5% of cats suffer from urolithiasis. This is one of the diseases of cats, which is characterized by very significant differences in views on the etiology and causes of occurrence. Urolithiasis is one of the most common pathologies observed in cats, accompanied by the formation of sand and stones in the bladder (not in the kidneys!). Because of anatomical features cats suffer from this disease much more often than cats. The disease usually first appears between the ages of 2 and 6 years.

Historical reference

People first started talking about urolithiasis in the 70s of the twentieth century. In 1973 a group of researchers proposed viral cause origin of urolithiasis. The role was assigned to calicivirus and herpesvirus infections of cats. This assumption has not been confirmed in numerous other studies. In the 70s, they began to admit that the use of dry food or mixing them could lead to urolithiasis. Scientists have proven that this is not so, although it has been established important role magnesium salts in the occurrence of urolithiasis.

It has now been established that insufficient water intake in the cat’s body and increased value Urine pH contributes to the formation of uroliths and the occurrence of urolithiasis.

Evolutionarily, cats have a weakened sense of thirst. Cats originated from Africa wild cat, and they have retained the body’s ability to produce high concentrations of urine, which, accordingly, can contribute to the formation of stones - struvites (the main uroliths in urolithiasis).

Urine and its role in the cat's body

Urine plays a fundamental role in the life of cats. Its main role is to remove residual waste products from the body and toxins that accumulate in the bloodstream. Urea (hence its name) and other products, such as uric acid, creatinine, sodium, and oxalates, are excreted in the urine. In addition, urine plays a role in maintaining homeostasis by regulating the excretion of water and minerals. Urine, produced in the kidneys as a result of filtering blood through the nephrons, flows down two ureters and accumulates in the bladder. When the animal feels the urge to urinate, urine is expelled through the urethra.

Unlike humans, cats have a bone in their penis. In case of urolithiasis, the bone of the penis serves as an obstacle to the removal of stones, and most often it is in this place that a blockage occurs urethra.


By and large, scientists still have not reliably determined what may be the cause of urolithiasis in cats. It is assumed that in most cases education urinary stones is caused by a violation of water-salt metabolism as a result of improper, monotonous feeding and vitamin deficiencies. There is also an opinion that constant feeding with dry commercial food is one of the leading factors that leads to the formation of stones. And, often when examining animals, owners admit that they mostly, and often constantly, feed their pets with just such food. And, the latter are usually supersaturated with phosphates ( bone meal), the main substances contributing to the onset of the disease.

In addition to monotonous and improper feeding of concentrated feeds, it is worth highlighting other reasons that can directly or indirectly influence the formation of kidney stones and urinary tract:

  • microorganisms – staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus and others;
  • prolonged stagnation of urine - as a result, alkalization occurs, salt precipitation and the formation of stones;
  • medications, namely their uncontrolled and too frequent use;
  • polyhypovitaminosis – insufficient intake of vitamins into the body;
  • individual characteristics of the cat’s body;
  • climatic conditions (according to the same scientists, in Russia, for example, the disease most often occurs in the North Caucasus, the Urals, the Don, and the Volga. This is due to the characteristics of the soil, vegetation and water composition);
  • dysfunction endocrine organsthyroid gland, gonads, etc.;
  • small diameter of the urethra, especially for castrated cats;
  • inflammatory processes in renal pelvis, urinary tract, bladder.


The manifestation of the disease directly depends on where the urinary stones are located, as well as on their size, the nature of the surface and mobility. The main signs of urolithiasis in cats include:

  • pain when urinating, which is manifested by the animal’s anxiety when visiting the toilet, tense posture, as well as plaintive sounds;
  • frequent urination;
  • hematuria, that is, the appearance of blood in the urine, while the urine turns red;
  • colic, which may be constant or manifest sudden attacks(you can tell about colic by the cat’s restlessness, darting around the room and meowing).

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that in case of blockage of the urinary tract with urinary stones, the disease may be accompanied by stagnation of urine. Sometimes an animal can die from uremia (poisoning of the body with products of stagnant urine). The number of stones can vary from one to several hundred. Stones injure the mucous membrane, resulting in inflammation that can cause diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and purulent urethritis. If the disease process is complicated by pyelitis or pyelonephritis, that is, inflammation of the kidneys, then signs characteristic of these diseases may appear:

  • temperature increase;
  • weakness, depression, which may give way to anxiety;
  • the appearance of pus in the urine, while it becomes cloudy and has an unpleasant odor.

If your cat has noticed at least one of the signs listed above, then it is advisable to contact a veterinarian. It is not possible to make a diagnosis yourself at home. IN veterinary clinic It is necessary to accurately describe the signs that were noticed, and also talk in detail about feeding. You will also need to submit your cat's urine to a laboratory. In some cases, they may suggest doing an ultrasound or x-ray.

The laboratory usually determines the presence of salt crystals in the urine uric acid, epithelium of the renal pelvis, urinary cylinders. Based on laboratory data, ultrasound (X-ray) results, they put final diagnosis for urolithiasis in a cat. However, urinary tract disease does not always indicate the presence of stones; they may have different reasons and differ for dogs and cats.
Diseases lower section urinary tract, in essence, can be explained by the following factors:

  1. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) infectious origin: When a large number of bacteria are found in the urine. Infectious cystitis is quite rare in cats.
  2. Idiopathic cystitis: common in cats, among which it accounts for more than 60 percent of urinary tract diseases. Many factors are involved in the development of this disease, such as stress, living conditions (presence of several cats in the house, keeping them exclusively indoors, etc.). Surprisingly, nutrition plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of this disease.
  3. Urinary stones (calculi), which in animals usually form in the bladder, and not in the kidneys, as in humans. Diet plays a major role in preventing relapses of this disease.
  4. Tumors.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to pass clinical analysis urine and only after its results, draw appropriate conclusions.

What is a urinary stone

Urinary stones themselves are formed from crystals present in the bladder. These same crystals, even if they do not form stones, can nevertheless cause clinical signs of urinary tract disease or even obstruct the flow of urine, which poses a threat to the animal's life.

Crystals form when the urine is saturated with minerals as a result of metabolic or feeding disorders, which can create favorable conditions for the formation of urinary stones. Most people are mistaken in believing that dry food contributes to the formation of urinary stones. After all, when correct selection high quality food, it helps protect the urinary tract.

Types of stones

Struvite stones: the most common are formed from phosphate, ammonium and magnesium ions. Often formed in dogs with any urinary tract infections, which complicates the course of the disease. In this case, both problems need to be treated simultaneously.

Calcium Oxalate Stones: also common in both dogs and cats.

Ammonium urate stones: are much less common and often accompany liver diseases.

Cystine stones: the most rare of all listed.

Stones can be of different sizes, single or multiple, of one or more types at the same time. For appointment proper treatment It is very important to determine the type of stones. Therefore, if your pet has had a stone removed surgically, take it for analysis, according to the results of which veterinarian will be able to select the appropriate treatment for the animal. Treatment will likely include antibiotics to combat possible infection bladder, anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation of the urinary tract, or drugs that change the pH composition of urine. With idiopathic cystitis, pheromones can enter, which will help the animal cope with stress.

Struvite stones can be dissolved by following special diets. Typically, such a diet contains a higher percentage of sodium, but its amount is safe for the health of the animal, which stimulates thirst and fluid intake, and therefore leads to the formation of less concentrated urine. In addition, the composition of such nutrition reduces the concentration of minerals in the urine and acidifies it. Cystine and ammonium urate stones can also be dissolved, but this requires a completely different diet that alkalinizes the urine. Calcium oxalate stones are insoluble. This means they will have to be removed surgically under anesthesia.

Urinary stones in cats can reach one centimeter in diameter. They are not formed under the influence of food, but food can reveal their presence.

Predisposition to disease

The breeds most commonly affected by oxalate build-up include:

  • Burmese;
  • Persian;
  • Russian blue;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Siamese

The concentration of urea in the animal’s urine directly depends on the protein content in the animal’s diet. Excessive content protein in cat food (beef - 16.7%, chicken - 19%, fish - 18.5%, cottage cheese - 16.7%), with impaired purine metabolism (the final product purine metabolism is uric acid), leads to the development of uric acid urolithiasis in cats. A decrease in protein content has positive influence, as it helps to reduce the amount of substrate favorable for growth pathogenic bacteria. Lactic acid diet and vegetarian diet contribute to the development of alkaline urolithiasis

The risk of developing urolithiasis in cats is higher:

  • with permanent home maintenance;
  • after castration, sterilization;
  • at overweight bodies;
  • with improper feeding;
  • in cats (cats suffer from urolithiasis much more often than cats);
  • in adult animals (struvite stones most often form in cats under 4 years of age, the peak formation of oxalate stones occurs between 10-15 years).

Prevention and treatment

Prevention comes down to improving the conditions for feeding and watering the cat. You definitely need to take care of varied feeding. Try to avoid giving monotonous food and drinking hard water. Introduce vitamins into your pet's diet. Don't forget about periodic walks. You can also sometimes have your urine tested in a laboratory, where the sediment can be examined to identify the disease in the early stages.

Used to treat urolithiasis in cats symptomatic treatment, it is advisable to use painkillers and antispasmodics.

In rare cases, urethral sounding or even surgical removal of urinary stones may be necessary.

Commonly used next diagram treatment:

  • To relieve inflammation, it is recommended to use antibiotic therapy;
  • It might not be a bad idea to give it to a cat medicinal herbs: decoction of bearberry leaves, parsley root;
  • use of disinfectants urinary system medications (furadonin, urosulfan, metronidazole);
  • for destruction, removal of stones, sand - uradon, cystone are prescribed internally;
  • relieving spasms, eliminating pain, colic - for this, no-shpu, analgin, baralgin or any other antispasmodic agents are administered intramuscularly;
  • displacement of the stone - usually a solution of novocaine is injected into the urethra and after a while they try to displace the stone into the bladder (this manipulation is carried out if the cat has a blockage of the urethra with urinary stones);
  • flushing the bladder with anti-inflammatory drugs (solution sodium chloride with an antibiotic).

Diet therapy

Struvite stones, can be dissolved using special diets from Royal Canin. and Hills. This diet contains more sodium (in a safe amount for the cat), which stimulates thirst and therefore water consumption, which ultimately leads to the production of more dilute urine. Also given food reduces the concentration of minerals (magnesium and phosphorus) in the urine and acidifies it.

For struvite stones, it is necessary to exclude:

  • products with high content calcium compounds;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • egg (yolk);
  • curdled milk.
  • boiled beef;
  • veal;
  • egg (white);
  • carrot;
  • oatmeal (in small quantities);
  • liver, cabbage, fish (eel, pike).

In use dietary rations it is necessary to take into account some nuances. The acidifying effect of feed on urine can be either excessive or insufficient. Therefore, repeated urine tests are required during treatment. All medicinal feed have contraindications, therefore, before giving them to your pets, you should consult a veterinarian. Manufacturers of cat food do not recommend combining ready-made dry or canned food with natural (homemade) food. Never mix in a cat's feeding bowl. ready-made food with porridge or other products. The cat should always have access to fresh, clean water (preferably filtered).

Uric acid and cystine stones can also be dissolved. To dissolve them it is used special diet from Royal Canin or Hills, which alkalinizes the urine.

Unfortunately, calcium oxalate stones, insoluble. Therefore, they will have to be removed surgically under general anesthesia.

At oxalate stones The diet should limit the intake of:

  • oxalic acid;
  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • food, rich in calcium(milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.).

It is necessary that the following products be present in the diet:

  • beet;
  • cauliflower;
  • peas, legumes;
  • boiled meat;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables.

IN as a last resort cystomy is performed. This is a surgical opening of the bladder cavity to remove stones. Such measures are taken if the stones reach a size that does not allow extraction using less radical methods.

During the treatment of urolithiasis, it is also necessary to correct and maintain normal work all systems of the body, namely: intensively combat intoxication and replenish the loss of blood and fluid, monitor the function of the kidneys and heart, and prevent the animal from hypothermia. This entire complex of problems is solved competently infusion therapy(droppers) in combination with additional research urine, blood and cardiac function.

The appearance of kidney stones in cats is caused by a disorder metabolic processes in the body and the presence of inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system. At the same time, the failure of metabolic processes is often a congenital phenomenon.

Details about the appearance of kidney stones in cats

The disease is called nephrolithiasis. Most often, this pathology manifests itself in males.

Nephrolithiasis is a disease that causes kidney stones.

Acquired disease does not depend on the age of the pet , but cats that live in the city are most susceptible. By chemical composition formations are divided into urates and phosphates. Often there is blockage of the urinary tract, the presence of sand and salts in the bladder.

IN last years The tendency of the disease to be affected is growing. The disease occurs in acute and chronic forms.

Provoking factors

A factor in the onset of the disease may be the lack of a properly varied diet.

To date, experts cannot accurately determine the causes of this disease.

Often deposits are formed due to the delayed dissolution of minerals, which the kidneys, having processed, secrete out. The accumulation of such waste leads to the formation of crystals, and then larger deposits.

Additional factors for the development of the disease in cats

An overdose of medications can cause illness in a cat.

As a result of this, a failure of water and salt balance in the animal's body. Among other things, there are other factors that allow the disease to occur:

  • presence of microorganisms – streptococcus;
  • salt sediment due to alkalization, as a result of stagnant urine processes;
  • regular overdose of medications;
  • lack of a complex of vitamins necessary for;
  • congenital predisposition;
  • climate features;
  • failure in the endocrine system;
  • narrowing of the urinary tract as a result of sterilization or congenital feature anatomical structure;
  • inflammation in the renal pelvis or organs of the genitourinary system.

Kidney stones

The appearance of uroliths does not occur immediately. It is important to observe the animal and focus on any alarming symptoms.

Symptoms of kidney stones in cats

The main signs of pathology are associated with urination disorders.

  1. The cat urinates frequently and experiences severe pain.
  2. Urine comes out in small portions and contains various impurities.
  3. Most often, blood impurities can be observed in your pet’s urine - small veins, clots, or simply inclusions.
  4. The liquid becomes almost completely red.
  5. Bright severe symptoms directly depend on the location of the stones and their size.
  6. The animal experiences sharp pain While visiting the tray, he meows pitifully, arches his back, and is nervous.
  7. It happens for a long time spends on the tray, but never empties.
  8. Breathing is rapid, intermittent.
  9. The appetite completely disappears, the cat is depressed, lethargic, cannot be handled and does not allow touching the belly.
  10. The bladder is often full, due to the inability to properly get rid of excess fluid.
  11. With strong attempts, it is possible that in itself it is fraught with even greater complications.
  12. Prolonged stagnation of urine leads to severe intoxication of the body.

When sick, a cat can spend a long time on the tray, but will not empty itself.


An ultrasound of internal organs can make an accurate diagnosis of the presence of kidney stones.

An accurate diagnosis depends on the collection of information and specific clinical examinations.

Held blood test general analysis , which makes it possible to identify inflammatory processes.

A biochemical blood test for this pathology will reveal an electrolyte imbalance.

  • with this pathology, it will reveal an electrolyte imbalance.
  • will detect blood impurities, establish the level of leukocytes, protein, bacteria and crystals.
  • Urea culture is carried out, which will allow you to find out what type of infection is present and establish the level of sensitivity to a specific antibiotic.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to conduct contrast radiography, which will indicate the location of the formations.
  • In parallel, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity should be performed to assess the condition of the kidneys, bladder, and will also confirm or deny the presence of phosphates or urates, their quantity and size.

Treatment of kidney stones

If the examination reveals kidney stones, then treatment must begin with a diet.

First of all, the sick animal should be put on a diet that excludes the consumption of dry food.

Appointed drugs that help dissolve stones. The use of antibiotic therapy is indicated to eliminate infections in the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. Intravenous infusion recommended physiological solutions to replenish lost fluid, to eliminate vomiting, if any, and to restore appetite.

Acceptable assignment hemostatic drugs if there was blood in the urine. Antispasmodics and analgesics to eliminate pain syndrome and spasms. If it is impossible to achieve results with conventional therapy, in advanced cases, resort to surgical removal nephrolites.

If there is blood in the urine, it is permissible to prescribe hemostatic drugs.

Herbal medicine is a good help in the treatment of kidney stones.

Is it acceptable to give to a cat? fresh parsley juice – a quarter of a teaspoon approximately three times a day. You can also give your cat an infusion of parsley seeds in the same doses. Good recommendations lingonberry infusion, which is given to the cat in a dosage of two teaspoons after each feeding.

Helps with nephrolithiasis strawberry or carrot juice – one teaspoon on an empty stomach. Pumpkin steamed with honey helps absorb useful microelements and medications, promotes rapid absorption of drugs.

Surgical intervention (18+)

What to do for prevention?

To prevent relapses, you should not feed the animal raw fish and meat, exclude canned food from the diet.

Access to fresh and clean water should be free. It is advisable to teach people to eat from infancy. dairy products. Special attention should be given to sterilized cats, since they are most at risk of developing nephrolites due to metabolic disorders.



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