Colpitis reasons for its appearance. According to the flow: acute, subacute and chronic colpitis

Colpitis is a pathological condition based on the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by pronounced discharge that has a sharp, bad smell, and swelling of the mucous membrane.

This disease is caused by various infectious agents: mycoplasma, candida, chlamydia, streptococcus, ureaplasmosis, herpetic infection.

Untimely treatment of colpitis symptoms in women can lead to inflammation spreading to the uterus and ovarian appendages, which leads to the development of endometritis, cervical dysplasia or infertility.

Types of pathology

The forms of the disease differ in the underlying causes that provoked the development of inflammation. Each type of pathology has its own manifestations and treatment methods.

Types of colpitis:

1. An increase in the number of candida in the vagina causes candidal colpitis. Signs include: itching, cheesy discharge. Routes of infection: weakened immune system, sexual contact. For treatment, local therapy and antimycotic agents are used.

2. Trichomonas provoke the development of trichomonas colpitis. Routes of infection: household items, sexual intercourse. Symptoms: thick, foamy discharge, have an unpleasant odor, purulent inclusions are possible. An effective remedy Treatment of this type of colpitis is the drug “Metronidazole” (pictured), it is combined with local therapy.

  1. A decrease in estrogen synthesis leads to the development of atrophic colpitis. Pain occurs during sex, followed by a burning sensation in the genital area. IN therapeutic purposes use hormone replacement therapy.

Provoking factors

There are a number of factors that can trigger the development of this disease:

  • a large number of sexual partners, neglect of contraception (condoms);
  • poor quality underwear;
  • non-compliance with rules intimate hygiene;
  • genital injuries (thermal, mechanical, chemical) – long-term use intrauterine device, ruptures during childbirth, rough sexual intercourse;
  • diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism;
  • chemo or radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms;
  • abortion;
  • allergic manifestations, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • estrogen deficiency in the body;
  • hormonal surges;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • HIV, decreased immunity;
  • taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones;
  • measles, scarlet fever.

Manifestations of the disease

Colpitis can be divided into specific and nonspecific. By specific colpitis it is necessary to understand inflammation provoked by an STI; its signs are bleeding and swelling of the vaginal walls. Nonspecific colpitis is caused by bacterial flora (staphylococci, coli, streptococci). Signs: purulent and mucous discharge from the vagina. The acute course of the disease is characterized by:

  • purulent discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general deterioration of condition;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • pain syndrome during and after sexual intercourse.

Photos of symptoms of colpitis in women can be viewed on the Internet. In pregnant women, this disease is often provoked by ureaplasma or mycoplasma. They can cause miscarriage or provoke infection of the fetus during labor.

Senile and atrophic colpitis very often develops against the background of a decrease in the hormonal functionality of the ovaries and a decrease in mucus production in the vagina.


Before carrying out any treatment for colpitis, based on symptoms and photos, you should mandatory pass the full examination and pass necessary tests to clarify exact reasons, which provoked the development of pathology. All this is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, taking into account age, type of colpitis, general state woman's health. Causal treatment is mainly used.

The following drugs are used to treat colpitis:

  • Ketoconazole cream is used for a course of about 5 days;
  • treatment of colpitis symptoms is carried out vaginal suppositories"Nystatin" (pictured);

  • Ampicillin tablets and Cephalexin capsules are used for a weekly course;
  • Diflucan tablets are taken once;
  • Treatment with Metronidazole in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories is carried out for at least 10 days.

For local treatment For colpitis in women, antiseptics and disinfectant solutions are used. Douching with soda, potassium permanganate, boric acid is carried out for at least 15 days.

The main thing in treatment is the elimination of the provoking factor, as well as concomitant diseases. At diabetes mellitus it is necessary to control blood glucose levels; V childhood, when colpitis is provoked by measles or scarlet fever, it is carried out antibacterial therapy.

When the provoking factor is eliminated, the prognosis for the treatment of colpitis is usually always favorable.

  • It is advisable to carry out therapy for both sexual partners, since the asymptomatic course pathological condition may provoke the development of the disease in the future;
  • it is necessary to maintain careful intimate hygiene using antiseptics;
  • if a child is sick, you should wash him after each urination and defecation, and also make sure that he does not scratch his private parts;
  • laundry should be washed with anti-allergenic agents that do not contain unnecessary additives;
  • you need to follow a diet (consume large amounts of fermented milk products, avoid eating spicy and salty foods), it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages.

Recovery period and pregnancy

After recovery, it is necessary to restore the natural biocenosis of the vagina, for which the following is used:

  • "Bifikol", "Vagilak";
  • "Atsilak";
  • "Labilact".

After colpitis during pregnancy, a woman is more susceptible various pathologies than usual. This is caused by significant hormonal changes and weakening of the immune system. In such a situation, treatment should be strictly supervised by a doctor. Very complex process is the selection of medications. But treatment must be carried out, since the pathology threatens the health of not only the woman, but also the child, who can become infected when passing through the birth canal.

Often, for colpitis in women, it is recommended antibacterial treatment(see photo), physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Pimafucin, Vagotil, and Terzhinan may be prescribed. Considered priority local therapy, Not threatening for a child.

Unconventional treatment

Folk remedies for the treatment of colpitis bring the desired result when combined with drug therapy. Douching with herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties is very often used. Trichomonas colpitis is treated with tampons with wild garlic pulp.

  1. Take 2 parts each of coltsfoot, thyme, calamus root, 1 part each of nettle, buckthorn, St. John's wort. Pour 450-500 milliliters of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink ½ glass 3 times a day.
  2. Make a chamomile decoction, cool and strain. Douching in the morning and evening for 14 days.
  3. Mix wild mallow, chamomile, pedunculate oak bark and sage. Pour 1 liter of boiling water. Use the strained solution to douche and moisten tampons in it.
  4. Take medicinal rosemary, yarrow, medicinal sage and pedunculate oak bark in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. Pour in 3 liters of water and boil. Douche morning and evening.

One of the main places among all ailments that affect genital area women and cause in most cases violations reproductive function female body, are occupied by inflammatory diseases. Such pathologies provoke menstrual and sexual dysfunction, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, tumors, endometriosis. What is colpitis? We will discuss the symptoms and treatment, as well as the causes of this pathology, in this article.

Description of the disease

What is colpitis? With this disease, the mucous membrane of the vagina and the part of the cervix located in the vagina become inflamed, while the mucous membrane swells and heavy discharge occurs. This condition develops as a result various diseases, namely: candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis(gardnerellosis), genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and other infections.

In addition, colpitis can be caused by streptococci, gonococci, and E. coli, which can penetrate the vagina not only from environment, but also with blood flow from foci of inflammation located in the woman’s body. With untimely and inadequate treatment of colpitis, there is a risk of the disease spreading to the cervical canal, the uterus itself, its appendages, which very often provokes pathologies such as endometritis, infertility, and cervical erosion. Infections that cause inflammatory processes, a woman can also become infected through sexual contact.

Why does the disease colpitis occur?

We will consider the symptoms and treatment of this pathology below, but for now we will find out what provokes the development of the disease.

During sexual intercourse, various microbes can enter the vagina. This does not pose any particular danger, the body healthy woman able to clean the vagina on its own. However, colpitis (the doctor will show you a photo of the affected organs) can occur against the background of the following predisposing factors:

  • weakening of ovarian function;
  • common ailments various organs and systems;
  • various anomalies of the reproductive system (displacement of the genital organs, wide gaping of the genital slit, prolapse of the vaginal walls, etc.);
  • failure to comply with the basic rules of both personal hygiene and sexual hygiene;
  • disturbances in the vaginal mucosa due to improper and frequent douching;
  • application antiseptic drugs, irrational use of contraceptives;
  • vaginal injuries (mechanical, chemical, thermal).

Such factors significantly reduce the body’s protective-adaptive reaction in the fight against various infectious diseases. When decreasing protective functions microbes multiply very quickly and penetrate tissues.

How does colpitis manifest itself?

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. Most a common symptom inflammation of the vagina are discharge. At the same time they have unusual color(yellow, greenish) and a very strong unpleasant odor, reminiscent of fish. Over time, vaginal discharge intensifies, its consistency changes, it becomes thick or resembles a gel. For example, if vaginitis is caused by gonorrhea, white-yellow thick discharge, similar to cream, with a disgusting smell of fish. If the genitals are affected by Trichomonas, a green-yellow foamy discharge appears and the woman will feel severe discomfort lower abdomen. With coccal vaginitis, profuse yellow-white discharge with a very unpleasant odor is observed. Fungal infection vagina is characterized curdled discharge resembling white flakes. With gardnerella vaginitis they are abundant and transparent. In addition, this disease may cause general symptoms: increased fatigue, pain throughout the body, burning and itching in internal area genital organs, increased body temperature, pain in the kidneys and bladder, weakness, swelling and redness of the external genital organs develops, and a purulent coating also appears on them.
  2. Itching and burning of the genitals are inconsistent signs colpitis, but quite characteristic of sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea). At the beginning of the disease, such symptoms pass quickly and are therefore ignored. But in the chronic form of the disease they become stable. Unfortunately, quite often women delay visiting a doctor until the illness begins to interfere with sexual activity. During sexual intercourse, the pain is felt very strongly, its duration is reduced, and it is almost impossible to get pleasure. In addition, the unpleasant odor will be constantly present, regardless of taking a shower, so treatment is necessary.
  3. Discomfort and pain when urinating. Such signs are usually a consequence improper treatment cystitis, resulting in inflammation bladder. This is most often due to self-medication and reluctance to see a doctor.

Colpitis acute

Symptoms of this disease appear suddenly. Acute colpitis is characterized by pain, itching, burning in the vaginal area, mucopurulent or purulent heavy discharge with an admixture of ichor, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, in some cases itching and burning when urinating. Upon examination, the mucous membrane looks red and swollen, and begins to bleed even with the slightest impact. The inflammatory process can spread to the cervix and external genitalia.

Colpitis chronic

There are often cases when, even with acute colpitis, a woman does not consult a doctor, but self-medicates. This can be very dangerous, the infection will lie dormant for some time, and the disease will develop into chronic form, in which the inflammatory process will proceed sluggishly, periodically exacerbating. Chronic colpitis can lead to the spread of inflammation to other organs: ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes.

Colpitis in postmenopause

Women over 55-60 years of age may develop cyanide colpitis (or atrophic colpitis). The disease occurs during menopause, when the content of sex hormones in the blood decreases, resulting in atrophic changes(drying) of the vaginal mucosa, this is due to weakening of the ovarian activity. Lactobacilli, which are the main component of the vaginal microflora, disappear and, as a result, non-pathogenic flora is activated in the vagina.

Senile colpitis has following symptoms: vaginal bleeding and dryness, pain, itching of the genitals, discomfort during sexual intercourse, purulent discharge streaked with blood.

Colpitis in girls

What is colpitis and what are its causes in childhood? Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa in girls is called vaginitis. Quite often it is accompanied by vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia). Bacterial infection or allergic reaction the body can provoke colpitis. The symptoms of the disease in this case are scanty discharge of a purulent-mucosal nature. Basically, the inflammatory process occurs in a chronic form; acute vulvovaginitis can be provoked by acute infectious viral diseases or penetration foreign body in the vagina.

Colpitis during pregnancy

During this period, it is not the colpitis itself that is dangerous, but its consequences. An ascending infection may occur, which is not only dangerous for the development of the fetus, but also poses a threat to the baby during childbirth. Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa during pregnancy is the cause of miscarriage, infection of the fetus or infection amniotic fluid. All this can lead to various complications.

If colpitis has become chronic, the pain becomes less pronounced. At acute form With the disease, a woman is worried not only by pain, but also by fairly copious cloudy discharge.

Treatment of colpitis during pregnancy should be priority. Most local medications used in the treatment of this disease are safe during pregnancy, but before using them, you must consult a specialist.

Diagnosis of colpitis

We found out what colpitis is. But it is important to make a correct diagnosis, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on this.

In order to put correct diagnosis, the gynecologist must interview the patient, examine and conduct laboratory tests. If a woman has colpitis (a woman’s photo of the disease can be found in medical magazines and compared with her symptoms), the specialist will immediately pay attention to the swelling and redness of the vaginal mucosa. When touched, the mucous membrane often bleeds, and a large amount of purulent discharge is found in the vagina itself.

Fungal colpitis can be identified by its characteristic white plaque on the red mucous membrane of the vagina. An attempt to remove it provokes bleeding of the mucous membrane.

Before treating the vagina with any medicine, it is necessary to take tests from urethra, vagina and cervix to clarify the type of pathogen.

Treatment of colpitis

First of all, you need to get rid of the pathogen of this disease. At the same time, certain measures are also taken to restore the vaginal microflora. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi can cause infection. Medicine selected depending on the pathogen. Treatment of the disease must be approached comprehensively, therapeutic measures include the following:

  • the causative agent of infection is treated with the help of antibiotics (medicines to which the causative agent has been shown to be most sensitive are used);
  • carry out a blood test, if a decrease in immunity is detected, carry out restorative therapy;
  • To wash the genitals, special solutions are used, and vaginal douching agents that have an antimicrobial effect;
  • adhere to a certain diet: exclude from the diet fatty, spicy, salty food, alcohol, but a woman should consume fermented milk and dairy products, fruits, and vegetables in sufficient quantities.

During treatment, it is mandatory to periodically carry out laboratory test discharge. Control smear in women childbearing age taken on the 5th day of the cycle, in girls and women after 60 years - at the end of the course of treatment.

Treatment of such a disease as age-related colpitis is based on replacement hormone therapy, since the disease develops in postmenopausal women, when the content of sex hormones in the blood is minimal.

Therapy is carried out using two methods:

  • locally (vaginally) - in the form of tablets and suppositories;
  • systemically - with injections and tablets (taken orally).

The treatment regimen for chronic colpitis is determined by the reasons that provoked this pathology. Not only antibacterial, but also anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy will be required.

As auxiliary treatment Local therapy is used, which includes:

  1. Treatment with drugs.
  2. Douching, rinsing.
  3. Treatment with tampons and suppositories or tablets (in the vagina). The drug "Metronidazole" (suppositories) for colpitis is one of the most effective. Medicines such as Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Clindamycin, Tetracycline, Cefixime, Ceftriaxone are also used.
  4. Physiotherapy.

If antibiotics are used for treatment, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor how to normalize the vaginal microflora. The specialist will recommend you a specific diet and special supplements that can quickly replenish beneficial bacteria microflora. Most popular means is the medication “Linex”, take it after meals 3 times a day. The drug "Bifidumbacterin" is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, so using it you can quickly achieve a positive result.

During the treatment period, it is strongly recommended to completely avoid sexual intercourse in order to prevent repeated illness. Also, with colpitis, lubricant is produced in insufficient quantities, and the walls of the vagina are damaged, so during sex the woman will experience pain.

Alternative medicine

Folk remedies will also help cure colpitis. Reviews about this treatment method are positive. But good effect can only be achieved if the use medicinal herbs combined with drug treatment.

The most effective recipes:

  1. Chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons) are poured into a liter of water and boiled for at least 15 minutes. Afterwards, the decoction should be cooled, strained through gauze and used for douching 2 times a day for 14 days (you can prepare a decoction of calendula in the same way).
  2. Take 2 parts coltsfoot, 1 part stinging nettle, 1 part St. John's wort, 2 parts common thyme, 2 parts calamus rhizome, 1 part brittle buckthorn bark. Mix all ingredients. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos and pour boiling water (2 cups). Leave to infuse overnight, strain and consume half a glass 3 times a day.
  3. Combine 25 g of chamomile inflorescences, 10 g of wild mallow flowers, 15 g of leaves medicinal sage, 10 g pedunculate oak bark. Pour a liter of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Use for vaginal tampons and douching.
  4. Pour dry leaves of coltsfoot (50 g) with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain. Use the resulting infusion for douching (you can also prepare a decoction of blackberries).
  5. Combine 20 g of yarrow, 20 g of sage, 40 g of pedunculate oak bark, 20 g of rosemary. Pour the mixture with water (3 l) and boil. Use for douching 3 times a day.
  6. Mix equal amounts of sweet clover and centaury herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. Take the medicine orally 2 times a day, 100 ml.
  7. If the cause of vaginal inflammation is trichomoniasis, pathogenic fungi and various bacterial infections, a propolis solution (3%) is used for treatment, which is pre-mixed with ethyl alcohol(96%). The product is used once a day. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Preventive actions

Prevention of colpitis mainly consists of eliminating the conditions under which pathogens can penetrate the vaginal mucosa.

The following rules must be adhered to:

  • promptly treat gynecological diseases that weaken the activity of the ovaries;
  • strengthen the immune system ( protective forces organism);
  • avoid perfume additives in intimate hygiene sprays and bath foams;
  • do not use contraceptive gels if they contain spermicides, they provoke changes in the internal microflora of the vagina;
  • change underwear daily and do not use pads made of artificial materials (such an environment promotes rapid development microorganisms);
  • choose spacious, comfortable clothes and underwear made from natural materials;
  • always carry contraception (condoms) with you so that you can protect yourself if you are not sure about your partner;
  • find out which medications you are allergic to; some contraceptive medications contain allergens that may cause Negative influence on the genitals;
  • Visit a gynecologist regularly, especially if you find the slightest signs of a gynecological disease or feel discomfort, because any disease is easier to cure in the early stages.

None of us are immune from diseases. But with adequate and timely treatment any ailment can be eliminated. What is colpitis and how to treat it correctly, you learned from this article. Follow the above recommendations and stay healthy!

Unpleasant female disease colpitis is a type of frequent gynecological diseases which often affects adult women reproductive age. At normal conditions the acidic environment of the vagina kills pathogenic microbes. However, during unprotected sexual intercourse, or during a period of weakening of the body due to various somatic infectious diseases, a predisposition to the development of colpitis occurs. We will tell you more about what colpitis is, the symptoms and treatment of the disease in this article.

What is colpitis in women and the causes of its occurrence?

Colpitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Its occurrence is caused by microorganisms. In order for the disease to begin to progress, the vaginal microflora must be suppressed. Factors that are responsible for this include:

Symptoms of colpitis in women

With colpitis, women complain of specific vaginal discharge, which differs from normal in smell, color and quantity. The discharge may be stretchy, viscous and cloudy. If there is pus in the vaginal mucous secretions, yellowish color, and in the presence of erythrocytes - a sanguineous appearance. Also, the discharge may have an unpleasant fishy odor and an admixture of gas bubbles, which makes it foamy. Such discharge is typical for Trichomonas colpitis. Curdish appearance and White color discharges are typical for mycotic lesions of the vagina.

The vaginal discharge described above is accompanied by itching, redness and swelling of the external genitalia. Sex becomes painful. Often the disease is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and back, as well as dysuric disorders. When the vaginal walls are deeply affected by the disease, women may experience an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels.

At the slightest sign If colpitis appears, you must immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo diagnostic testing to determine the stage of the disease. It is very important not to let the disease develop chronic stage, which is accompanied by discharge from the genital tract in the absence discomfort and itching in the vaginal area. This degree of the disease is prone to recurrence and differs in the duration of its course, and in the future can lead to erosion of the cervix - details!

Diagnosis of colpitis

The diagnosis of the presence of this disease is made on the basis of patient complaints, anamnesis, clinical picture and results initial examination. Assembled carefully anamnesis allows us to determine the nature vaginal discharge. In addition to the assessment appearance secretions, litmus paper is also used to determine the pH level.

Examination of the vagina can be carried out using vaginal speculums, which can be used to detect inflammation or atrophic changes that have occurred in the vaginal epithelium. More detailed information the degree of development of the disease is reported after microscopic examination native smears and bacteriological study of vaginal discharge with culture of vaginal contents.

Colpitis - how to treat?

Treatment of colpitis begins with the fight against its pathogens (antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal drugs), restoration normal microflora in the vagina, strengthening the immune system, diet and physiotherapy.

During the treatment of colpitis, it is recommended to follow a diet that excludes smoked, salted, spicy dishes. The diet should contain more dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Also, during treatment, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, which, due to additional trauma to the vaginal walls, may delay recovery. In addition, do not forget about the hygiene of the external genitalia, as well as the daily change of underwear.

The process of treating colpitis is carried out using combination drugs, which are effective against fungal and bacterial infections and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Such medications are usually applied topically in the form of vaginal tablets. The most common medications in this group are Terzhinan and Vokadin.

A drug Terzhinan has antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. These vaginal tablets need to be soaked in water for 20-30 seconds before being inserted into the vagina. During treatment, the tablets are administered one piece per day for 10 days at night. In some cases, treatment can last up to 20 days.

A drug Vokadin also presented vaginal tablets, which must be inserted deep into the vagina. In the acute form of the disease, one tablet is administered twice a day for 7 days. For chronic colpitis, tablets are taken once a day for 2 weeks.

It should be remembered that antibacterial therapy suppresses the microflora in the vagina, as a result of which, after taking drugs against colpitis, medications are recommended that restore the level of lactobacilli in the vagina. This could be the drug Linex and vaginal suppositories Bifidumbacteria.


Treatment of this disease with folk recipes and herbs will only be effective when combined with drug treatment.

If you are interested in the topic of Herbal Medicine, then visit a special section on our website:

Alternative treatment for colpitis involves the use of douching herbal decoctions, which have wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. These include:

  1. Chamomile decoction: to prepare it, you need to boil 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers for 15 minutes. Then the broth should be cooled, strained and used for douching 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  2. Calendula decoction: you need to pour 2 tablespoons of calendula with a glass of boiling water and boil them for 15 minutes. Next, cool the broth, strain and use for douching 2 times a day for 1 week.
  3. You need to take 2 parts of coltsfoot leaf, 1 part of stinging nettle leaf, 1 part of St. John's wort herb, 2 parts of common thyme herb, 1 part of buckthorn bark, 2 parts of calamus rhizome. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water in a thermos. The infusion should be left overnight, and in the morning, strain and take half a glass 3 times a day.
  4. For vaginal tampons and douching, a decoction of 25 g of chamomile, 10 g of wild mallow flowers, 15 g of medicinal sage leaves, 10 g of pedunculate oak bark is useful. This mixture should be poured with a liter of boiling water and left to steep, then drained and used as directed.

In contact with

(vaginitis) - an inflammatory process in the vagina due to infection, metabolic, endocrine disorders, injuries. Signs of the disease include excessive leucorrhoea, itching, pain in the vagina and lower abdomen. The neglect of the inflammatory process in the vagina can lead to fusion of its walls, the rise of infection and the development of inflammatory diseases uterus and appendages, cervical erosion and, as a consequence, - ectopic pregnancy or infertility. The main diagnosis of colpitis includes colposcopy and bacteriological examination.

Due to unpleasant painful sensations is decreasing sexual activity women, desire is suppressed intimacy. Also, swelling and soreness of the vaginal walls makes internal examination with the help of speculum impossible.

When similar symptoms consultation with a gynecologist is necessary for examination and accurate diagnosis. Treatment of vaginitis initial stage more effective and helps avoid complications. In severe cases, inflammatory processes can affect the internal genital organs (uterus, appendages) and cause endometritis, cervical erosion, and lead to infertility.

Diagnosis of colpitis

Colpitis can be diagnosed by examining the vagina and cervix using mirrors. At acute course vaginitis, the folds of the vaginal mucosa are loose, brightly colored, very thickened and swollen, covered with a coating of serous or purulent films. When touching and scraping the plaque, the vaginal walls are damaged and may bleed. In severe cases, erosion of the mucosal epithelium is observed. At chronic course colpitis, mucosal defects are poorly expressed, discharge is insignificant.

Prevention of vulvovaginitis in girls consists, first of all, in adequate hygiene procedures, general health activities, treatment of outbreaks chronic infection. As a rule, when proper treatment colpitis does not pose a serious threat to the patient’s health. However, ignoring colpitis, self-medication and non-compliance with preventive measures can seriously negatively affect reproductive health women.

Unfortunately, most of the fair sex have experienced what colpitis is. In women, this disease remains one of the most common pathologies.

According to statistics, every 3rd girl currently suffers from one of the forms of colpitis, often without even knowing it. According to evidence from other sources, there are no longer any women left who have not suffered from this disease at least once in their lives.

Colpitis is very insidious disease, which can affect all systems of the body. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, colpitis will cause not only infertility and inflammation of the appendages, but also damage to the cervix and inflammation of the rectum.

In order to avoid such dire consequences, in this article we will take a closer look at the symptoms and treatment in women folk remedies colpitis.

Colpitis. What is this?

Colpitis, vaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. As a rule, middle-aged women suffer from this disease. The culprits of colpitis can be microbes, viruses and fungi of the genus Candida.

Treatment of colpitis is prescribed depending on the type of its causative agent and is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microorganisms and normalization of healthy microflora of the vaginal mucosa. Colpitis therapy is carried out by none other than a gynecologist.

Colpitis - diagnosis and treatment

How is this disease transmitted? Some believe that colpitis is sexually transmitted. However, this is not quite true.

There is a possibility that only the infection that caused it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, but this may not happen (non-specific infection).

Lactobacilli inhabit the natural flora of the vaginal mucosa and protect it from the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, which enter there mainly during sexual intercourse.

The acidic environment of the vaginal mucosa is a reliable obstacle to the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms.

By various reasons The number of lactobacilli can fluctuate from normal to alarmingly low, leading to the proliferation of inflammatory microbes.

The main culprits of colpitis:

  • disorders endocrine system, hormonal disbalance;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • weak the immune system body;
  • neglect of the basic rules of hygiene;
  • diseases of the genital area: endometriosis, adnexitis, fibroids. They greatly weaken the microflora of the vaginal mucosa, thereby causing inflammation;
  • sexually transmitted diseases. Colpitis does not develop in men, but they can become the culprit for the appearance of this disease in women;
  • mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa. For the most part, they appear as a result of frequent sexual intercourse, during childbirth, in very in rare cases and vibrators can provoke the occurrence of colpitis;
  • allergic reactions to ointments, special suppositories for the vagina or contraceptives.

In order to determine colpitis in women, it is necessary to consider the features of the manifestation of this disease and its inherent symptoms.

You can detect the presence of this disease in the body by observing the following manifestations:

Varieties of colpitis

  1. Atrophic (age-related) colpitis. The disease is diagnosed in cases where the main cause of inflammation in the vagina is a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body. IN more In most cases, this disease occurs in women after menopause, when, due to a decrease in estrogen levels, the vagina loses protection against infections.
  2. Candidiasis (yeast) colpitis. This is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa that occurs after infection by yeast-like fungi. In most cases, candidal colpitis is diagnosed together with damage to the vulvar mucosa. This disease affects women of reproductive age. IN elevated zone risk for pregnant women.
  3. Trichomonas colpitis. This is a common sexually transmitted disease. In many cases, Trichomonas colpitis in women occurs along with inflammation of the cervix and urethra. This disease takes on a chronic form and only appears during periods of exacerbation.

Colpitis during pregnancy: consequences for the child

Is it possible to get pregnant with colpitis? Conception during colpitis is possible, but experts do not advise planning a pregnancy during this period, since this disease can lead to complications during pregnancy and there is a danger of infecting the fetus.

Colpitis appears during pregnancy in large quantity women, from 70 to 80%. In this case, the disease can manifest itself in different stages pregnancy, however, the most dangerous time for the development of vaginitis is the final stage, before the birth itself.

Since colpitis is dangerous for both the fetus and the mother, it is very important to diagnose and completely cure it during pregnancy.

So, during pregnancy, colpitis can be dangerous:

A doctor must diagnose the disease. After necessary tests, a course of treatment is prescribed, which will include drugs that support the immune system.

How to treat colpitis in women? The complex of treatment for colpitis must be individual in each specific case.

When a diagnosis of colpitis is made, treatment of the disease will depend on the characteristics of the female body. It is important for both the patient and her sexual partner to be examined.

For the treatment of colpitis, anti-inflammatory drugs and etiotropic drugs are prescribed. Antibacterial drugs They find themselves powerless against colpitis due to the fact that the causative agents of the disease tolerate the effects of antibiotics quite easily.

In exceptional cases, antibiotic treatment can still be used, but then antibiotics are used only topically (as solutions and emulsions) and for a short period of time. The doctor must also diagnose diseases that accompany colpitis and prescribe a course of treatment for them.

Is it possible to have sex with colpitis? Doctors note that for full recovery for colpitis it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse. Let us remind you that during this period it is better for both partners to undergo treatment.

Quite often, doctors suggest using traditional methods in the treatment (depending on the degree of disease progression) of colpitis, but mostly they recommend complex treatment.

For colpitis, the following is prescribed: hydrogen peroxide for lubricating the vaginal walls, douching, tampons with prednisolone ointment, fish oil, Vishnevsky ointment.

Herbalists advise using herbal antibiotics and poisonous plants, decoctions of which work well against harmful microorganisms, provoking the disease.

They also relieve inflammatory processes well, cleanse the blood, and have a restorative effect on the microflora in the vagina.

Therapy for colpitis usually involves eliminating the causative agents of colpitis using antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal drugs and restoring the natural state of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa.

Treatment methods such as strengthening the immune system, physiotherapy, diets are also used.. When treating nonspecific colpitis, drugs against fungal and bacterial infections, giving an anti-inflammatory effect.

Most popular medicines in this group are "Terzhinan" and "Vocadine".

Suppositories are an effective remedy for colpitis.. The suppositories “Terzhinan”, “Pimafucin”, “Klion-D100”, “Vokadin”, which have anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, have proven themselves well.

For colpitis, which is accompanied by chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis, Genferon suppositories are used, which must be combined with tablets: Fluconazole or Metronidazole.

Use suppositories for colpitis strictly as prescribed by your doctor..

How to treat colpitis at home? It should be noted that in the treatment of such a disease one should combine the use traditional methods with medications prescribed by a doctor.

Douching with chamomile and decoctions of other herbs with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects has proven to be an excellent home remedy for the treatment of colpitis.

It is necessary to remember that what for more therapeutic effect all means used medicinal baths and douching should be done lying down.

Chamomile. How to prepare a chamomile decoction for douching? This is very simple to do; you need to boil two tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences in a liter of water for 15 minutes. The resulting broth should be cooled and filtered thoroughly.

Chamomile douching procedures should be carried out 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks. In exactly the same way, you can prepare a decoction of calendula, which is also known for its pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Celandine. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. pre-crushed celandine herb and brew a glass of boiling water, it is recommended to leave for no more than 20 minutes, then strain.

Add half a glass of broth to a liter warm water and use when douching.

If you want to cleanse the blood, add 1 tablespoon of infusion to a glass clean water and take orally 30 minutes before meals.

In the first stages, the infusion should be taken only once a day, then, if no undesirable symptoms are observed, increase the intake to 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons in half a glass of water.

Basically, treatment with celandine decoction is 10 days, 3 courses each, with a 10-day break between them.

Since celandine is quite poisonous plant, before starting treatment, it is recommended to first consult with a doctor and in the future it is better to carry out treatment under his supervision.

Herbal infusions. Colpitis can be perfectly treated with a collection of medicinal herbs, which includes St. John's wort, calendula, celandine and chamomile (take all herbs in equal proportions).

For 2 tablespoons of the mixture you will need 1 cup of boiling water, cover the dishes with a napkin and wait half an hour.

Combine the resulting decoction with two glasses of water, do the douching procedure twice, morning and evening, and at night insert a tampon into the vagina, after moistening it in the decoction.

Ginger. To prepare a medicine for colpitis, you need to grind 150 g of ginger roots and add 0.8 liters of high-quality vodka. Ginger should be infused for at least two weeks in a dark glass container, avoiding sunlight.

The course of treatment with ginger tincture depends on the characteristics of your body, so your doctor should determine it.

Immortelle. Infusion of immortelle is also effective for colpitis. It is also quite simple to prepare: pour 20 g of dry immortelle herb into half a liter of boiling water.

Insist medicine you need one hour, strain it thoroughly and then you can begin the douching procedure.

Blueberry. Dried blueberry leaves are also widely used for douching. For cooking medicinal decoction you will need 2 teaspoons of blueberry leaves and a glass of boiling water.

The product can be infused for only half an hour. It is recommended to carry out douching procedures in the morning and evening.

Eucalyptus. Famous for its antiseptic properties and eucalyptus. To prepare a medicinal decoction, take 5 tablespoons of dried eucalyptus, pour 5 cups of boiling water over them and leave for half an hour.

After straining healing decoction ready for use.

Honey. One of the most common remedies for the treatment of colpitis is honey. Needless to say about his wonderful medicinal properties, due to which it is able to kill pathogens of colpitis. It is best to use thyme or linden honey for treatment.

All the above home remedies are very effective. However, it can be noted that positive results are observed only in those women who have undergone complex treatment: this includes not only timely adoption medicinal infusions, especially antiviral ones, regular douching, but also the improvement of the health of the sexual partner.

When can you see positive results? Noticeable improvement usually occurs after the first course of therapy (usually lasts 10 days). Then all signs of colpitis disappear, vaginal discharge stop.

Gradually, the microflora and vaginal mucosa are restored, general health the patient improves significantly.

Properly prepared herbal infusions, regular observation by a doctor and patience help get rid of colpitis of all types.

However, the most important thing in treatment is compliance with all the rules of personal hygiene and healthy image life, then you can not only cure colpitis, but also avoid it possible appearance further.



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