Postpartum cystitis in women: causes, first symptoms and treatment. Prohibited drugs for treatment

If a woman develops cystitis after childbirth, she needs to urgently contact a gynecologist, because delaying treatment leads to dangerous complications and consequences. Treatment of the disease is complex and requires a competent selection of medications, the dosage of which is determined by the doctor. What are the causes of the development of the disease and symptoms, how to treat cystitis during lactation and what medications can be taken during such a period?

A number of factors can trigger inflammation Bladder in a woman in labor.

Causes of cystitis after childbirth

Cystitis with breastfeeding develops due to the following pathologies:

  • Injury to the bladder and urinary ducts. During childbirth, the bladder is compressed, especially as the fetal head moves along the birth canal. If the child is large, there is great danger injury genitourinary organs, and if damaged, wounds and scratches become infected, resulting in the development of cystitis.
  • Insufficient blood supply to the tissues of the bladder as a result of compression of the blood vessels. Blood stops circulating normally in this area, stagnation occurs and an infectious complication develops.
  • Inflammation during catheter insertion as a result of hypothermia. After caesarean section To stop bleeding in the uterus, a heating pad with ice is placed on the woman’s abdominal cavity. Cold compress constricts blood vessels, which reduces blood loss. But severe hypothermia provokes the development of cystitis, especially when a woman has a catheter installed. Inflammation develops at the site of resection and joins bacterial complication, cystitis develops.
  • Hormonal changes reduce the immunity of the mother who gave birth, and as a result, worsening chronic diseases, pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate the body and cause infectious diseases.
  • If the mother who gave birth does not take good care of personal hygiene, this also leads to the development of inflammation of the organs. genitourinary system with the addition of a bacterial complication.

Symptoms of the disease

Cystitis in a woman who has given birth is manifested by painful urination, frequent urges, temperature fluctuations, weakness.

Cystitis in a nursing mother manifests itself with characteristic symptoms, which should promptly seek medical attention. medical care. During lactation, it is important to choose adequate treatment, since illiterate therapy causes complications, and failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations will negatively affect the child’s health. With cystitis, the following symptoms develop:

  • felt when urinating sharp pain and burning of the genitourinary organs;
  • the urge to urinate increases, but when going to the toilet the volume of urine is insignificant;
  • the temperature jumps to 38 degrees or more;
  • weakness, drowsiness, and deterioration in general health are felt.


During lactation with improper and untimely treatment inflammation develops dangerous consequences. Pathogenic microflora rapidly multiplies in the affected organ, as a result of which the infection affects nearby organs, such as the kidneys, through the bloodstream. This provokes new inflammation and the development of pyelonephritis. Breastfeeding women experience a sharp rise in temperature, chills and fever, a painful sensation in the lower back, and due to intoxication, women experience nausea, weakness, dizziness, and loss of appetite.


Cystitis with breastfeeding It is important to diagnose in time. This dangerous disease characterized by specific symptoms, the manifestation of which the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. But to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, especially when the young mother is on breastfeeding, it is necessary to undergo laboratory and instrumental tests.

Laboratory research

A laboratory diagnostic method allows you to detect inflammation in the body, determine and identify the pathogen in order to select the right medicine. To do this, a nursing mother needs to take general analysis blood, which in the presence of inflammation will show an increase in the number of red blood cells and white blood cells. A urine test and bacterial culture will make it possible to determine the pathogenic microorganism that provoked the disease. Thanks to a urine test, the doctor will determine the sensitivity of the infection to the antibiotic, which is important when selecting an antibiotic.

Complex forms of cystitis require hardware examination of the bladder.

Instrumental research

Acute cystitis with hepatitis B is diagnosed using ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity. During the procedure, the doctor uses a cystoscope device. This is a long tube, the end of which is equipped with a micro-video camera, which allows the doctor to examine the tissue of the bladder and urethra and identify inflammation. But this is a traumatic procedure and cystoscopy is severe inflammation contraindicated. Therefore, doctors usually rely on the results laboratory research. Treatment of cystitis is not complete without antibiotic therapy and auxiliary traditional medicine.

Cystitis during breastfeeding can be successfully treated with cephalosporin antibiotics. They are little concentrated in breast milk, but can cause allergic reactions in the baby, so you need to carefully monitor the baby and stop feeding if a reaction occurs. Pills penicillin group prescribed for damage to the body by E. coli; drugs from the macrolide group are indicated for the development of chlamydia and microplasmas in organs. For the treatment of cystitis during lactation, the doctor prescribes the drug "Monural". The medicine is used only 1 time, it is convenient when breastfeeding. The drugs Canephron in tablets and vaginal suppositories with antiseptic.

Painful urination, manifested by pain and spasms when going to the toilet, often accompanies a woman during the postpartum period. More than 80% of women in labor experience such difficulties, since the first weeks after the birth of a child are not only a physical, but also a serious psychological test. What does a young mother need to do so that the joy of motherhood is not overshadowed by discomfort and difficulties when trying to relieve a natural need?

Pain when urinating may vary and have different characteristics. However, if they are permanent and do not go away within a month, then a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. Forethought will help avoid complications and significantly speed up the woman’s recovery process.

It would be inappropriate to take this problem lightly. The inability to properly cope with one’s natural needs can cause not only further dysfunction urethra, but also lead to neuroses, which will have an even stronger impact on the postpartum crisis period.

Frequent urge

After childbirth, a woman’s body accumulates a large number of fluid that should come out during the first two weeks naturally. If frequent trips to the toilet are simultaneously accompanied by painful sensations at the beginning and end of urination, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the bladder. Also, if you often want to go to the toilet, but the amount of urine is catastrophically small and the expected relief does not occur, then this may indicate dysfunction of the urethra.

Unpleasant pain when going to the toilet

A burning sensation during urination almost always indicates a problem with unhealed stitches. Injured skin reacts extremely sensitively to even a small amount of urine that gets on the wounds and abrasions that appear on the genitals after childbirth. To avoid strong burning sensation Doctors recommend that at first you relieve yourself little by little in the shower, in order to immediately get rid of the remaining urine by washing your face. warm water.

Cystitis after childbirth

Cystitis is one of the most common problems that explain why it hurts to pee after childbirth. Cystitis is an infectious disease that can be caused not only by a number of bacteria, but also by the birth itself. The advancement of the fetus leads not only to injury to the walls of the uterus, but also to impaired blood circulation to the pelvic area, which can subsequently cause acute form diseases. The first days after childbirth should be under strict medical supervision. The thing is that at first there may be no urge to urinate at all, which requires the insertion of a catheter, which will allow timely emptying of the bladder and avoid its inflammation.


Not only inflammatory processes resulting from childbirth can cause discomfort, but also the following reasons:

  • reflex spasm of the urethra;
  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • negative effects of drugs or anesthesia;
  • emotional depression;
  • psychological discomfort caused by reluctance to use a bedpan after childbirth;
  • change hormonal levels;
  • heavy blood loss causing a decrease in protective properties body;
  • the presence of infection during labor.

If you have a problem with painful urination, then you should pay attention to the type of pain and other additional symptoms who accompany her. So, with an infectious disease of the bladder, a woman feels full and desire urinate, but the amount of urine released is minimal and contains blood impurities. In this case, pain, burning and tingling sensations can appear regardless of the process of urination and accompany the woman even during rest.

Infection can occur due to various reasons, among which may be:

  • poor clotting;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • heavy blood loss after childbirth;
  • infection caused by a catheter;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • remnants of the placenta;
  • long and difficult labor.

However, pathogenic microorganisms that are always present in the human body, but manifest themselves during periods of decreased immune resistance, which subsequently provokes the development of inflammation, can also cause problems with urination in a woman in labor.

Pain when urinating after caesarean section

If writing hurts after childbirth, especially if you had to undergo a caesarean section, then it is likely that the problem is not only psycho-emotional discomfort and fatigue. The pain that appears after a cesarean section may be continuous and accompanied by severe pain, spasms and pulsations. It can be painful to write after a caesarean section in the following cases:

  • medications used during surgery;
  • unprofessional catheter installation;
  • inflammation.

Incorrect catheter placement after childbirth is the most common cause, provoking painful sensations women in labor when going to the toilet. After the catheter is removed, the pain may persist for some time, but within a few days it goes away without a trace. additional treatment. If pain prevents you from exercising normally everyday affairs, then you can consult a doctor, he will prescribe suitable painkillers.

Inflammation less often causes pain when trying to go to the toilet in small quantities. An infection in the urinary tract leads to the development of the following symptoms:

  • cloudy urine;
  • temperature increase;
  • burning when urinating;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • aching pain in the lower back;
  • tingling in the ovaries.

If the above symptoms are present, a young mother should visit her gynecologist. Often, a woman is prescribed antibiotics and is recommended to perform a short list of exercises that will help get rid of lower back pain and serve as a prevention of further problems with the toilet.

What not to do?

When it is painful for a woman to pee after giving birth, she should under no circumstances do the following:

  • drink diuretics;
  • sitting on the toilet for a long time, as this can provoke the development of hemorrhoids;
  • wash yourself with untested solutions and substances;
  • self-prescribe painkillers;
  • lift weights;
  • be indiscriminate in the selection of personal hygiene products.

How to restore bladder function

In the first days after childbirth, a woman should monitor her urination no less than the normal well-being of the child. So, the main task is the need to empty your bladder as often as possible in order to eliminate any possibility of inflammation. This precaution perfectly stimulates uterine contractions and protects the urinary tract from possible infections.

For full recovery functioning of the bladder and eliminating pain during urination, follow these recommendations:

  • if it hurts you to move, then do not stand up to go to the toilet on purpose, but use a bed designed for these needs. The vessel should be preheated to avoid hypothermia;
  • do not tolerate it, even if you are afraid to go to the toilet. At a minimum, a woman should visit the toilet every 2 hours;
  • if the pain is not severe, then force yourself to walk more. This will stimulate correct work Bladder;
  • do not limit yourself in the amount of fluid you consume, but, on the contrary, try to drink more;
  • sit on a non-strict diet for some time, which will exclude foods that can irritate the bladder - coffee, soda;
  • do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs.

The main task of a woman in labor during the postpartum period is to restore normal functioning of the bladder. To do this, it is necessary not only to maintain rest, but also to take vitamin complex, if necessary. As the pain begins to gradually go away, the woman can begin to engage in minor activities. physical training. This approach will eliminate problems with urination and, at the same time, bowel movements.

The fear present when urinating after childbirth is quite natural. Reluctance to experience sharp pain sometimes forces young mothers to endure until the last. To alleviate this condition in the first days, women are advised to go to the toilet and immediately wash themselves with warm water. The murmur of water will reflexively cause a natural urge and eliminate unpleasant sensations.

When to go to the doctor?

The symptoms of burning and pain do not always disappear without a trace in the first weeks after childbirth. Quite often the pain subsides for a while and then returns with new strength. Many women begin to self-medicate, resorting to old methods of traditional medicine, which will not significantly harm their health, but will not be able to fully help if there is an infection in the body.

You should seek help from your doctor in the following cases:

  • the pain does not disappear for a long time;
  • the temperature stays within 37.3-37.5 degrees and does not subside;
  • even if you comply hygiene standards dark-colored mucus with an unpleasant odor is released from the vagina;
  • When the bladder is full, minor pain in the lower back appears.

Continuous painful sensations may indicate the presence of an infectious disease such as pyelonephritis. Treatment of the disease can be carried out without problems in parallel with feeding the child without compromising his health and well-being. The woman returns to normal health after 1-1.5 months

Most women at least once in their lives have experienced such sensations as suddenly appearing frequent painful urination and pain in the bladder area. These are the most typical symptoms acute cystitis- an infectious-inflammatory process in the wall of the bladder (mainly in the mucous membrane) - one of the most common urological diseases.

The causative agents of the disease are most often coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus and other representatives of opportunistic flora (bacteria that exhibit their pathogenic properties only when exposed to provoking factors). Cystitis associated with ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas and fungi of the genus Candida often occurs.

Cystitis occurs much more often in women than in men. The main reason lies in the characteristics of the female genitourinary tract: the short urethra (about 5 cm), the close anatomical location of the vagina and anus to the external opening of the urethra (urethra) create favorable conditions for the spread of opportunistic microflora into the lumen of the urethra and bladder. IN postpartum period the likelihood of cystitis increases. The reason for this is the following circumstances:

  • During childbirth, the movement of the fetus through the birth canal leads to impaired blood circulation in the bladder and pelvis, which is an additional predisposing factor in the occurrence of acute cystitis.
  • According to the rules of childbirth, immediately after the birth of a child, a catheter is inserted into the bladder of all women, since a full bladder interferes with the contraction of the uterus; catheterization can facilitate the penetration of the pathogen into the bladder.
  • In the first few days after birth, there may be no urge to urinate as a result of compression of the nerve endings that innervate the bladder during childbirth. In view of this, a woman in labor is recommended to empty her bladder every 2 hours. If a young mother forgets about this, a large amount of urine accumulates, which is also a predisposing factor for bladder inflammation.
  • Traditionally, the occurrence and exacerbation of cystitis is associated with hypothermia. Indeed, hypothermia causes a decrease in the body’s resistance to disease, especially the local immune response, as a result of which the infection actively multiplies and enters the bladder, causing inflammatory reaction. Hypothermia may be helped by using an ice pack during the postpartum period. However, I would like to note that the use of an ice pack, which stimulates uterine contractions after childbirth, as well as catheterization of the bladder, are necessary measures prevention of such a serious complication as postpartum hemorrhage due to insufficient contraction of the uterus. If you follow all the preventive measures discussed below, these necessary medical measures will not lead to cystitis.
  • Immediately after childbirth, significant hormonal changes occur in the body of a young mother (hormones that support pregnancy disappear), which affects the condition immune system, local defense mechanisms and is a predisposing factor for the development of cystitis.
  • During childbirth, blood loss is observed to a greater or lesser extent, which also reduces protective forces body.
  • Another of the main factors predisposing to the occurrence of cystitis after childbirth is the presence of infection in the vagina during pregnancy, ignoring recommendations for the treatment of infections. Normally, a woman’s vagina is inhabited by microflora. It is based on the so-called lactobacilli, or Dederlein bacilli; there are also a small number of bifidobacteria and some other microorganisms. All these microorganisms are in ecological balance, their numbers are strictly controlled by each other, and they do not allow any other microorganism to appear in the vagina. Influenced various factors This balance may be disrupted. Even a successful pregnancy can be considered a factor leading to changes in this balance - vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis).

How does cystitis manifest?

Inflammation of the bladder is manifested primarily by increased urination. At the same time, the woman constantly has a strong urge to visit the toilet, which does not correspond to the amount of urine released. Often a woman notices pain at the end of urination, sometimes blood appears in the urine. Quite often, pain (burning sensation, stinging) can accompany the entire act of urination. In this case, they talk about the occurrence of urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. With acute cystitis, pain appears in the lower abdomen. Due to the appearance of an unbearable urge to urinate, false urinary incontinence may occur - a condition in which a woman feels the urge, but does not have time to run to the toilet. This condition is reversible and goes away after the disease is cured.

Complications of cystitis

Under unfavorable conditions, the course of cystitis can become more complicated. In this case, pathogens enter the kidney, which leads to the development of acute pyelonephritis - nonspecific infectious inflammation collecting system and renal parenchyma. Microorganisms can enter the kidney in two ways:

  1. through blood vessels (hematogenous route);
  2. with the development/presence of vesicoureteral reflux - backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter, kidney - upward path infection (so-called reflux-pyelonephritis).

Characteristic manifestations of acute pyelonephritis are a sudden increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees and above, accompanied by “stunning” chills. Patients often complain of pain in lumbar region, nausea, vomiting. It is important to remember that acute pyelonephritis is an emergency pathology and a direct indication for hospitalization. Therefore, even with a single episode of an increase in body temperature to the specified numbers with chills occurring against the background of symptoms of acute cystitis, especially in the postpartum period, it is necessary to be hospitalized in a hospital for emergency reasons.


In the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of acute cystitis does not cause difficulties, since the symptoms of the disease are very specific. However, to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a urine test, which will reveal increased amount leukocytes and possible detection of red blood cells. To prescribe the correct antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to do a microbiological analysis of urine, which allows you to identify the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular antibiotic (urine is placed on a special nutrient medium, where the microorganisms that cause cystitis grow, then the sensitivity of the microbes to antibiotics is examined). As instrumental methods of examination for acute cystitis, ultrasound examination and cystoscopy can be used (a study during which the bladder and urethra are examined with the help of a special device - a cystoscope). However, most often the examination is limited to the study of laboratory test data.

It is very important that during the examination, a woman suffering from cystitis undergoes tests to assess the state of the vaginal microflora and the presence of sexually transmitted infections.


Antibacterial drugs and uroseptics are traditionally used to treat cystitis. The doctor will select a drug whose use does not exclude breastfeeding.

Also applies local therapy, consisting of instillations, i.e. in the introduction into the bladder of special solutions containing various medicinal substances that have an antimicrobial effect.

In parallel, treatment of bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections is carried out.

To prevent repeated episodes of acute cystitis, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to visit a urologist and gynecologist and carry out the prescribed treatment in full.

Prevention of cystitis

  • Hypothermia should be avoided; to do this, dress appropriately for the weather when walking with your baby.
  • Even during pregnancy, or better yet, before it, care should be taken to treat chronic inflammatory diseases: chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth, etc., since sources of chronic infection provoke the occurrence of foci of inflammation in other organs, including the bladder.
  • During, or better yet before, pregnancy, it is necessary to treat bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Wash yourself after every urination and bowel movement. If this is not possible, when going to the toilet, wipe only with movements from front to back and never vice versa.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the stool is regular and there is no constipation, since constipation also predisposes to cystitis due to poor circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Change sanitary pads every 2 hours.
  • Watch your diet: after giving birth, you should not eat anything hot, sour, fried, spicy, salty, pickled, not to mention alcohol. This condition is not only the prevention of cystitis, but also an essential component of successful breastfeeding.

For the development of any inflammation, a combination of two is necessary important factors– pathogen and reduction of local protection. In the postpartum period, there are favorable factors for the development of cystitis and urethritis. The fetus in the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which leads to impaired blood supply. Long-term blood stagnation - favorable condition for the reproduction of microorganisms.

Each organism is individual. The birth process Each woman has a unique course. The principles of therapy described below folk remedies, preventive procedures better to comply. Even in the absence clinical manifestations Inflammation of the bladder in a woman cannot be ruled out.

According to statistics, cystitis is provoked by bacterial flora - streptococcus, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, chlamydia, E. coli, ureaplasma, trichomonas. The close location of the urinary canal to the anus and vagina in women creates opportunities for upward penetration of pathogens to the urinary organs. During childbirth, not only bacteria are introduced, but also fungi of the genus Candida, causing the inflammatory process independently or joining other pathogens.

It worsens in the postpartum period chronic process. It takes a long time to eliminate, but only after the baby is born. The task when a relapse occurs is to suppress the activity of inflammation.

Pathogenesis of cystitis in women in the postpartum period

Bladder inflammation occurs more often in women than in men. In addition to the close location of the urethra to the genitals and anus, a predisposing factor in the nosology is a wide and short urethra, through which bacteria easily rise upward. The damaged wall and erosions become inflamed before the microorganisms rise higher. In this situation, urethritis first develops, and after some time cystitis.

In the postpartum period, additional prerequisites for the disease are created:

  1. Stagnation of urine due to compression of the bladder by the fetus;
  2. Persistent narrowing (with artificial labor stimulation);
  3. Perestroika hormonal system reduces local immune defense;
  4. Bacterial vaginosis is an imbalance between physiological and pathological flora.

In professional gynecological clinics women in the postpartum period are prescribed urinary catheter, through which urine is drained - instillation. The procedure prevents stagnant changes.

Compression nerve endings, innervating the pelvic organs, when the child passes through the birth canal, leads to the fact that the woman does not urinate for several hours, despite the constant urge. To prevent subsequent congestion, the postpartum woman needs to go to the toilet at least every 2 hours. If this requirement is not met, a lot of urine accumulates in the bladder, leading not only to cystitis, but also to urolithiasis.

In almost all women, after the birth of a baby, the immune system is weakened, which is an excellent reason for attacks by various viruses and bacteria. They start to "cling" infectious diseases. Quite often, cystitis is diagnosed in a nursing mother. Let's look at how to cope with this disease during this period.

What is the disease

During the development of this disease, inflammation of the walls of the bladder occurs, which is provoked various viruses and bacteria. They are always present in the normal state, but weakened immunity gives them a reason to feel like they are the master of the situation, and an intensive reproduction process begins, which leads to the development of cystitis after childbirth.

Typically, such provocateurs are enterobacteria, saprophytic staphylococci and E. coli. Less commonly, the causative agents are mycoplasmas, chlamydia or fungi.

Reasons for the development of cystitis

There are several reasons why cystitis may develop after childbirth:

  • Getting injured in the process labor activity. The risk especially increases if, during pregnancy, the bladder long time was in an unnatural position.
  • Circulatory disorders in blood vessels, going to the bladder due to strong compression during childbirth.
  • To improve the outflow of urine, catheterization of the bladder is often done, which can provoke inflammation due to the ingress of bacterial microflora.
  • Hypothermia after childbirth. It can occur due to the fault of an ice pack, which is placed on the stomach of almost all women in labor to enhance uterine contractions after childbirth.
  • Violation immune defense, since the body directs all its forces to bearing and giving birth to a baby.
  • Non-compliance

Manifestation of the disease

Cystitis has symptoms that are difficult to confuse with another disease. Here are the signs that should make mommy see a doctor:

  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Pain in the bladder area.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • General weakness.
  • Involuntary urge to go to the toilet at any time of the day.

If a woman gets tested, they will show increased content leukocytes and high ESR. Red blood cells, bacteria and protein molecules also appear in the urine. This is how cystitis is diagnosed. Treatment will be more effective if the causative agents of the disease are determined by urine analysis.

Treatment of cystitis during breastfeeding

It is very important to deliver on time correct diagnosis and begin treatment to prevent the inflammatory process from developing further. Women always have a question: “How to treat cystitis in a nursing mother?” There are several areas of therapy:

  1. Drug treatment. The most difficult thing is to decide on the choice of medications, since many medications are not allowed to be taken during breastfeeding.
  2. Therapy with herbal preparations.
  3. Treatment with folk remedies.
  4. Diet therapy.

The effect will be much better if the treatment is approached comprehensively. Let's consider each type of treatment separately and in more detail.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs

If it manifests itself clearly, you should start taking antibacterial drugs. You simply cannot do without antibiotics, but first you need to identify the causative agent of the disease. To do this, tests must be taken, bacteriological culture urine.

Every mother should remember that drug therapy should be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor and for at least 3-4 days. If the course is not completed to the end, then the symptoms of a disease such as cystitis in women will only weaken, and the treatment will have to be repeated again after a while.

  1. Without fear of drug penetration into breast milk when treating cystitis in a nursing mother, only drugs from penicillin series or cephalosporins. These include Cephalexin and Cefazolin.
  2. Medicines from the sulfonamide group, for example, Bactrim, Co-trimoxazole, easily pass into breast milk, so it is better to stop feeding during therapy or find other means.
  3. During lactation, it is strictly forbidden to take Nevigramon or Nitroxoline.
  4. You will have to stop feeding during therapy if the doctor prescribes drugs from the group of nitrofurans (Monural) or macrolides (Erythromycin). The dosage is at least 3 grams per day once.
  5. “Amoxiclav” is the one during breastfeeding that practically does not penetrate into breast milk, therefore it is often prescribed to nursing mothers. In addition, it copes well with most pathogenic microorganisms. But the woman should monitor the baby’s reaction: sometimes there is an allergy to the drug. Then you will have to interrupt the treatment. The course of therapy should not be less than 5 days.

The disease can be considered defeated only after urine and blood counts return to normal. And this is possible in case complete passage course of therapy. If stopped prematurely, the disease may progress to the chronic stage.

Prohibited drugs for treatment

If a woman does not want to stop breastfeeding during the period of treatment, she should know that there are drugs that are strictly prohibited during this period. They, penetrating into milk, can affect the baby toxic effects. These may include the following medications:

  • "Nolitsin."
  • "Furagin".
  • "Palin."
  • "Tsifran".

That is why, when visiting a doctor, it is necessary to inform that you are on this moment breastfeed your baby.

for treatment

To increase the effectiveness of therapy, medication can be supplemented with herbal medicines. They are made from plant materials, so they pose virtually no danger to mom and her baby.

"Fitolysin" also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and an aseptic effect. Herbal preparations not only relieve inflammation, but also reduce pain, restore normal work excretory system.

Despite the fact that herbal medicines are most often harmless, it is still recommended to take them with the permission of a doctor. They help flush out bacteria and toxins from urinary tract, so recovery occurs much faster. Please note that they must be taken for at least 3 weeks.

Local therapy

If a woman is diagnosed with cystitis, treatment during breastfeeding - local - will not be superfluous. Good help provide instillation into the bladder. Medicines, which get inside, have a therapeutic therapeutic effect, but do not spread through the blood throughout the body, which means they do not penetrate into breast milk.

For such therapy, “Protargol” and “Collargol” are often used. Many doctors are confident: if cystitis occurs in women (we discussed the symptoms and treatment in detail), this method will be the most effective and safe for the mother and her baby.

Diet during cystitis

If you have been diagnosed with cystitis, you will have to not only use medication, but also reconsider your diet. Here are some recommendations that will help you cope with the disease faster:

  1. Eliminate or significantly reduce salt intake. It retains fluid, which means it will increase the inflammatory process and swelling of the bladder.
  2. It is worth limiting the consumption of smoked foods, spicy and fried foods.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages.
  4. It is recommended to include more in the diet plant food, for example, greens, vegetables, lingonberries, watermelons.

What a nursing mother can eat with cystitis, and what it is better to avoid, should be told by the doctor. If you do not adhere to the above recommendations, the disease will become your companion for a long time, and the more difficult it will be to get rid of it.

Drinking regime

For any inflammatory process organs of the urinary system, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids. Cystitis during lactation is no exception. If you drink a lot of water or other liquid, urination occurs more often, pathogenic microflora is washed out, and recovery occurs faster. Here are some recommendations for maintaining a drinking regime:

  1. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks. Sugar is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms, so to get rid of the disease you will have to exclude it.
  2. To prevent irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, it is necessary to reduce or better yet stop drinking coffee and strong tea, and also avoid spices and herbs.
  3. The minimum liquid that a woman should drink per day is 1.5-2 liters.
  4. A very good help in therapy is the use of fruit drinks, for example, cranberry and lingonberry. They are excellent aseptic agents and have a diuretic effect. It’s just advisable not to drink store-bought fruit drinks: they contain preservatives and other chemical substances. There is nothing difficult about making such a drink yourself. To do this, you need to mash or chop 150 grams of berries, squeeze out the juice, and pour 600 ml of water into the cake and bring to a boil. After cooling healing drink ready to eat.

Traditional medicine against cystitis

Traditional methods of therapy are a good help for drug treatment. They are, as a rule, completely safe for mother and child, so they can be used safely. Here are some of them:

  1. The red-hot red brick must be placed in a bucket and a few drops of birch tar should be dripped onto it. Sit on top and wrap yourself well, sit until you feel warm. Then you need to go to bed. Several such procedures will be required.
  2. Chamomile is great for cystitis. It has a mild diuretic, aseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The decoction can be taken without fear after childbirth; it is safe for the baby and mother.
  3. Sage infusion is often recommended, but mothers need to remember that it can negatively affect lactation.
  4. From others medicinal plants Most often, St. John's wort, lingonberry, bearberry, and yarrow are used to treat cystitis. You can prepare a collection of several herbs and use it in the fight against the disease.

Whatever folk remedy a nursing mother chooses, be it chamomile for cystitis or bearberry, it is imperative to consult a doctor.


If after childbirth the disease “hits” a woman once, then where is the guarantee that cystitis will not happen again? We have looked at treatment for breastfeeding; all that remains is to focus on the prevention of this pathology.

  1. It is necessary to drink as much fluid as possible.
  2. Do not hold back the urge to go to the toilet.
  3. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Reduce your consumption of sweets.

Quite often, nursing mothers cite being busy and do not rush to see a doctor at the first sign of cystitis. They begin to take medications on their own and be treated with folk remedies. But sometimes they forget that even seemingly harmless herbal remedies and herbal preparations can harm their baby. But a child needs a healthy mother, so don’t neglect going to the clinic. Take care of yourself and be healthy!



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