Butterfly dentures and important nuances of prosthetics with their help. The best way to restore a tooth

This type of dental restoration is a good alternative to standard dental prosthetics. Microprosthetics is aimed at reconstructing damaged chewing rows. The impact on neighboring teeth is minimal or completely absent.

Today, several types of microprosthetics are used, each of which is designed to eliminate small defects.

Pros and cons of microdental prosthetics in dentistry - how is it different from dental prosthetics?

The considered method of restoring the dentition has a number of positive aspects:

  • Preservation of adjacent teeth during restoration. Often they are not affected at all or the impact on them is minimal.
  • High-quality restoration of aesthetics and functionality of teeth. Patients are able to chew food without difficulty.
  • Full identity to the manufactured casts. This makes microprostheses high-quality products.
  • Inability to distinguish dentures from regular teeth by color.
  • A good option for correcting front teeth.
  • Long service life. Veneers can last 20 years or more, tooth inlays can last about 11 years, but fiberglass bridges should be replaced every 5-6 years. These terms may change, either decreasing or increasing.

This manipulation also has its disadvantages:

  1. Several sessions are required to obtain the final result.
  2. The cost of the procedure in question is an order of magnitude higher than the price for conventional dental filling.

Video: Microdental prosthetics technique using ceramic inlays

Types of microdental prosthetics today

Today, microprosthetics is represented by the following varieties:


These products are attached to the outer surface of the tooth crown in order to protect it and provide an aesthetic smile.

There are a number of contraindications to this type of microprosthetics: teeth grinding, a predisposition to abrasion of enamel, contact sports, and malocclusion.

Those who have bad habits of biting their nails or cracking seeds should not install veneers either - they will not stick.

Due to the absence of discomfort when wearing, patients do not need time to get used to the installed microprostheses.

Problems that can be solved through the use of veneers:

  • Correction of the shape and color of teeth. The material from which the structures in question are produced is almost identical in structure and color to natural teeth.
  • The need to protect teeth from the harmful effects of coffee, tobacco smoke, and drinks with dyes. The surface of veneers, due to its properties, does not change its color.
  • Elimination of unsightly gaps between teeth and other defects with minimal grinding of the tooth enamel of the damaged crown part.
  • Teeth whitening in cases where professional bleaches are not able to cope with their task. The enamel of your natural teeth is not damaged.

2. Microprosthetics using inlays

Indicated for large destructions of predominantly lateral teeth.

These products are special seals that differ from light seals in their strength and longer service life.

There are restorative and stump inlays:

  1. The first type is used when it is necessary to restore the color and shape of a tooth.
  2. The stump structures are approached for the purpose of carrying out restoration work regarding the crown.

The main materials used in the manufacture of inlays are:

  • Composites. The differences between composite and conventional fillings are minimal.
  • Ceramics. Zirconium dioxide inlays are distinguished by their aesthetic qualities and reliability. Although the price for them will be appropriate. In practice, pressed ceramic products are also used.
  • Metal ceramics. Cheaper and lower quality than the previous version of microprosthetics.
  • Metals. Relevant in cases where it is necessary to restore teeth that are not included in the smile line.

3. Microprosthetics using pins

Relevant for significant damage to the coronal part of the tooth, provided that its root is preserved.

A thin rod is installed in the root canal, where the prosthesis is subsequently attached, which in its shape and color should correspond to healthy teeth.

4. Adhesive microprosthetics - it is also called microprosthetics using fiberglass

This type of reconstruction is used for patients who have hypersensitivity to metal products.

Using this method, you can restore 1-2 damaged teeth during one visit to the dentist. The structure is attached to the adjacent healthy teeth, on which the doctor first makes shallow incisions, after which a fiberglass beam is attached using special adhesives.

The positive thing about all this is that there is no need for healthy teeth, and the patient ultimately receives an aesthetic, lightweight structure.

Video: Algorithm for adhesive microprosthetics

5. Microprosthesis “butterfly”

Often this technique is used in relation to teenagers, when it is necessary to temporarily replace fallen milk teeth.

It can also be used by patients while waiting for a permanent prosthesis.

This device is removable and can be used to hide defects on 1-2 teeth.

Indications for microdental prosthetics – are there any contraindications?

The manipulation in question can be prescribed for the following conditions:

  1. Prevention of over-abrasion of tooth enamel.
  2. Minimizing the consequences caused by periodontal diseases.
  3. The patient’s desire to improve the aesthetics of a smile: straighten the dentition, make teeth white, etc.
  4. Damage to teeth that is carious or non-carious in nature. If the dental crown is completely destroyed, the doctor may decide on the need for a procedure to install pins.

Microprosthetics cannot be prescribed in the following situations:

  • Bruxism.
  • Inability to ensure complete dryness of the tooth surface.
  • Some errors in bite.
  • The presence of an aggressive carious process.
  • Limited amount of tooth enamel.
  • Periodontal pathologies.
  • Unsanitary oral cavity.

In general, only after a complete examination of the patient does the doctor make a decision on the advisability of installing microprostheses.

Technique for performing microdental prosthetics - stages of the procedure, video

The manipulation in question often takes place in two stages.

At the first visit, the dentist performs the following procedures:

  1. Professional treatment of teeth susceptible to decay.
  2. Elimination of caries (if any).
  3. Formation of a cavity in a tooth.
  4. Taking an impression for further production of a microprosthesis. For such purposes, a hardening paste is used, which is applied using a special spoon. The doctor takes two impressions - from the upper and lower jaws. One impression is necessary to replace a damaged tooth, the second is necessary to adequately adjust the product to the opposite side of the dentition.
  5. Closing a tooth cavity with a temporary filling. This is necessary to protect the cavity from contamination. On average, it takes 10-14 days to produce a microprosthesis.

After the impression is formed, it is sent to the laboratory where a microprosthesis is made. Nowadays, computer technology is often used for such purposes.

During the second visit The dentist checks that the microprosthesis received from the laboratory matches the color of the patient’s teeth. The shape of the product is also tested.

If there are no comments regarding the design from the patient, the manufactured structure is installed. Composite cements are used as an adhesive, which ensures high-quality fastening of the product.

Prices for different types of microdental prosthetics in Russian clinics

The cost of the type of dental restoration in question will be determined by several factors:

  • The medical institution where the treatment will take place, as well as the reputation of the dentist.
  • The size of the defect that needs to be eliminated.
  • The type of materials that are used for a particular microprosthesis.
  • The volume of work that should be performed for high-quality restoration of the dentition.

Microprosthetics is the restoration of missing or damaged teeth with extensive defects. This technology can become an alternative to traditional methods of prosthetics in the absence of a tooth. In contrast, microprosthetics allows you to restore the dentition in a more gentle way without damaging healthy teeth nearby. Thus, aesthetic results and chewing function are quickly ensured without numerous visits to a specialist.

Adhesive microprosthetics

When it comes to the most affordable solution to the problem of a missing tooth, we talk about adhesive microprosthetics. Adhesive bonding is a technology that helps fill the dentition by attaching an artificial tooth to two adjacent ones. In design, this method is reminiscent of a bridge prosthesis, but it differs significantly from this type of prosthetics. When using a bridge, an artificial tooth is fixed to the crowns of adjacent teeth. They have to be sacrificed, since the supporting teeth become pulpless and become lifeless.

Articles on the topic

Which crowns are better?

Dental prosthetics is the most popular way to correct dental defects. Among patients, the most acceptable are metal-ceramic and zirconium crowns, which meet all the requirements of convenience, reliability and aesthetics.

Service life of a metal-ceramic crown

Due to their affordable price, metal-ceramic crowns are in great demand. They are durable and quite aesthetic, and with proper care their service life will be as long as possible.

Contraindications for dental prosthetics

Before undergoing dental prosthetics, familiarize yourself with the available contraindications. Sometimes, in order to install crowns or dentures, it is necessary to carry out dental preparation of the oral cavity and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Temporary removable dentures

Temporary removable dentures are still actively used in dentistry. They are divided into several groups and are used when it is impossible to use fixed prosthetics.

Composite Tabs

Composite inlays are made from high-quality filling material. Their cost is acceptable for many patients. Unlike fillings, which quickly stain, wear out and fall out, a composite inlay is much more durable and comfortable.

We place zirconium dioxide crowns

New dental methods of prosthetics greatly facilitate the dentist’s work and improve the patient’s quality of life. One of the best options for solving aesthetic problems are zirconium crowns.

Nylon prosthetics - a new word in prosthetics

Dental prosthetics with nylon dentures is a compromise between aesthetics and reliability. Nylon prostheses are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, although they have some disadvantages that you should know about before using this prosthetic technique.

Jaw in a glass? Forget it!

Removable prosthetics is an outdated and unpromising method of correcting dental defects. Metal-ceramic and metal-free ceramic crowns offer endless possibilities for dental excellence.

Ceramic crowns

Metal-free ceramic crowns allow you to achieve highly aesthetic prosthetics. Unlike metal-ceramics, they are no different from natural teeth, although they are considered less durable.


Adhesive bridge prosthetics using French technologies using modern European materials. You will not feel pain and will not notice how the installation of the prosthesis has been completed.

Removable dentures

Removable dentures are dentures that can be removed temporarily (usually at night). As a rule, they require special care, without which they begin to emit an unpleasant odor and change color, which negatively affects their aesthetic properties.

Zirconium abutments

Zirconium abutments are in great demand in modern dentistry. The use of zirconium dioxide for the production of structures that are used in dental prosthetics solves many problems, including aesthetic ones.

Temporary cement for fixing crowns

Temporary crown luting cement is used to place a temporary crown if an unexpected reaction may occur from a living tooth. The dentist is able to adjust the final properties of the permanent prosthesis, taking into account the peculiarities of the patient’s adaptation to the temporary dental structure.

Temporary crowns for front teeth

Temporary crowns on the front teeth are actively used in prosthetics. Making a prosthesis can take more than one week, and during this time patients cannot walk around with unsightly ground teeth. Temporary structures preserve the aesthetics of teeth and allow you to feel comfortable during the intermediate stage of prosthetics.

Temporary crown for implant

A temporary crown is installed on the implant immediately after implantation of the artificial root. And this helps the gums take the desired shape, form a beautiful relief, restore the chewing load and increase the patient’s comfort during communication.

Plastic for making temporary crowns

Plastic for the manufacture of temporary crowns is used in the intermediate period of prosthetics, when the patient is waiting for permanent crowns and bridges. The materials used can be of either low or high quality. The better the temporary plastic crown, the more comfortable it will be for the patient to get used to permanent artificial teeth.

Installation of ataments in dentistry

The installation of abutments in dentistry is most often carried out after the artificial root has fused with the patient’s bone tissue. After screwing in the abutment and final healing of the tissues, you can begin the final stage of prosthetics.

Locking fastening of clasp and bridge prostheses

The locking fastening of clasp and bridge prostheses reliably fixes prosthetic structures, removes excess load from the teeth and ensures stable aesthetics of the smile. Today, dentists have the opportunity to select individual micro-locks that suit each specific clinical case.

What types of dental injuries are there?

Even the most calm people living a measured life run the risk of getting hurt or injured. We need to talk separately about children - their love of movement and restlessness are often the cause of various types of damage. Moreover, not only children’s knees are injured; teeth are often the object of impact. Dental injuries will be discussed below.

Pathology of hard dental tissues in orthopedics

According to the principle of the origin of the pathology, they are divided into lesions of carious and non-carious origin, including both congenital and acquired phenomena. Dental caries is a disease that appears on the teeth after their eruption, and is expressed in demineralization, softening of dental tissue and the subsequent formation of a defect, expressed in the form of a pathological cavity.

Dental orthopedics. Which prosthesis to choose

Today, dentistry uses several types of prostheses attached to both the upper and lower jaws, and when choosing a method and type, they take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his state of health and, in particular, the bone tissue of the jaw. The process of installing removable dentures does not involve taking into account the condition of the bone tissue. How to decide on the choice of prosthesis?

Modern microdental prosthetics makes it possible to preserve dental units or several adjacent teeth that have been practically destroyed. This is done by using a single prosthesis made of ceramic or composite type material. The latter may be smaller in size and made of cement. Thanks to this type of work, the original appearance of the tooth and its function are restored.

This is an innovative direction in the field of dental services. The main goal of the operation is to preserve a hopelessly damaged tooth and restore its functionality and improve its appearance.

Microprosthetics differs from other procedures:

  1. Recovery method. The reconstruction work is carried out in a gentle way; during the process of microprosthetics, the teeth that are located nearby are not affected.
  2. The structures are made according to individual casts. Their service life is longer than that of crowns or fillings.
  3. Microprosthetics are used to obtain an ideal tooth appearance. Due to this, it is popular in aesthetic dentistry. This type of surgery allows the client to get perfect teeth.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Aspects of indications for the procedure and contraindications can be considered using the table below.

Types of microprosthetics

Dental microprosthetics of a missing tooth is currently performed using 4 types of operations.

The procedure could be:

  • adhesive;
  • using ;
  • using ;
  • with the installation of pins.

The first method makes it possible to replace several missing teeth at once. To carry out such work, dentists use fiberglass as the main material. The product is characterized by increased strength, which makes it possible to create prosthetic bridges with a long service life.

Anna Losyakova


Important! The material allows you to install the bridge already on the second visit to the clinic.

The bar is connected to adjacent units using an adhesive, while the teeth that are connected are not affected. This type of prosthetics is suitable for those who are allergic to component materials or to individual parts of the prosthesis made of metal, while the cost of the material will be an order of magnitude lower than other methods of dental restoration, but the strength of the structure remains at the highest level.

Restoration using onlays (veneers) allows you to improve the appearance of your teeth by correcting their shape and color. Thin plates that are placed on the enamel hide areas of abrasion and darkened enamel. The material protects the coating of teeth, preventing the influence of tea, cigarette smoke and coffee on the surface. The procedure allows clients to remove gaps located between teeth.

The use of inlays means placing fillings in the damaged cavity, which are created in laboratories. Treatment materials are distinguished by their durability and aesthetics; they do not negatively affect the functionality of the jaw.

The procedure using pins is indicated in cases where the dental crown has been completely destroyed, but the root remains intact. During the operation, the pin is placed in the root. Based on it, a new crown is created. This newest technique allows you to correct the problem of a damaged area without turning adjacent units.

Stages of prosthetics

The process of treatment, manufacturing of the structure and its installation takes several stages. Most often, the patient requires several visits to the clinic.

At the first visit, the specialist treats the affected area, removes dead tissue and creates a special cavity, which will later be closed with an inlay. After the cavity is formed, a paste is applied to each jaw, which takes the shape of the jaw and the missing area, it hardens and forms an impression, on the basis of which a microprosthesis will be made.

An impression is made of each jaw, even if there is no damage on one of them. Both sides are needed in order to accurately adjust the microprosthesis to the shape of the dentition and ensure full chewing function. The client’s impression and shade of enamel are transferred to specialists to produce the final structure.

Anna Losyakova


Important! To produce a high-quality prosthesis, a period of 1 to 2 weeks is required.

During the second visit, the conformity of the manufactured microprosthesis is checked according to shape and shade, and it will be installed in the place that was prepared earlier.

The same algorithm of actions is used in the manufacture of pins, veneers and temporary dentures.

Service life of microprostheses

The main advantage of microprosthetics is that each element for the operation is manufactured in a separate laboratory; such procedures cannot be carried out in the oral cavity.

Thanks to special conditions, the finished material is provided with polymerization, strength and lightness (if the question is the manufacture of a bridge). Using microprosthetics, it is possible to ensure a lower percentage of damage to the tooth tissue that is being restored, and this affects the service life.

So, what is microdental prosthetics? This is a modern procedure that makes it possible to solve the problem of missing or damaged teeth in just a few visits. By agreeing to such a restoration operation, the client receives prostheses with a high level of strength and durability. Despite the fact that the cost of such a service differs from the usual ones, the price will be justified over time.

Microprosthetics allows you to very quickly and efficiently eliminate various problems and return not only functionality to the dentition, but also an aesthetic appearance.

What is microprosthetics?

This is a collective term that combines small structures used to restore individual teeth. This includes the following structures: veneers, inlays, adhesive prostheses, butterfly microprostheses, etc. The use of microprosthetic techniques is advisable if the tooth is severely damaged, and it is not possible to achieve the desired effect using therapeutic dentistry methods. Microprosthetics are also widely used in aesthetic dentistry when it is necessary to improve the appearance of a healthy tooth.

What types of microdental prosthetics are there?

These are metal and ceramic inlays, onlays (therapeutic and orthopedic veneers), adhesive bridges, removable small-volume “butterfly” dentures. Microprostheses are made in a dental laboratory, therefore they are distinguished by high precision of fit, and their shape and color are completely identical to the patient’s natural teeth.

When is prosthetics using ceramic inlays used?

They are used in situations where it is no longer possible to reconstruct a tooth using conventional filling. Prosthetics with inlays is indicated if it is necessary to fill a large carious cavity, restore the structure and chewing function of the tooth, and increase the height of the crown.

What is better - restoring a tooth with a ceramic inlay or a filling?

Tab recovery is more reliable. Compared to a filling, such a microprosthesis is characterized by much greater strength, stable aesthetics (ceramic inlays do not lose their original color and shine for many years) and better fixation on the tooth.

When is prosthetics using veneers used?

When it is necessary to eliminate minor cosmetic defects: wide gaps between teeth (trema and diastema), darkening of the enamel (as a result of fluorosis, after treatment with tetracycline, etc.), cracks and chips, wedge-shaped defect, distortion of the shape or abrasion of the tooth surface, the presence of old unaesthetic fillings in the smile area.

What is better: therapeutic or ceramic veneers?

Dental porcelain veneers are stronger and more durable. Unlike composite restorations, they do not wear off, are not affected by food coloring, and are not prone to marginal defects. In addition, the absolutely smooth surface of ceramic veneers does not allow plaque to accumulate, which cannot be said about therapeutic composite veneers.

When is adhesive prosthetics used?

When there are minor defects in the dentition, for example, one or two teeth are missing. Adhesive prosthetics are used if grinding of adjacent teeth or implantation is contraindicated or impractical.

Adhesive prosthetics and bridges: pros and cons.

The main advantage of an adhesive prosthesis is that there is no need to grind the supporting teeth. The disadvantages of adhesive prostheses include insufficient reliability and a relatively short service life. Therefore, this type of prosthetics is considered temporary and is most often used when it is not possible to install a conventional bridge.

What are the quality criteria for microdental prosthetics?

The quality of this service depends directly on the qualifications of the orthopedist and dental technician. Properly manufactured and installed microprostheses have an anatomical shape that exactly matches the shape of the patient’s teeth, and are also characterized by stable color and marginal fit.

What is the cost of microdental prosthetics?

The cost of microprosthetics is determined by the type of prosthesis and the amount of work to be done. The prices of our clinic can be found in the price list. To find out exactly how much treatment will cost you, sign up for a consultation by clicking on the “Submit Request” button.



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