Scottish cat sheds a lot - what to do. The cat sheds a lot

There are many legends associated with wool about Scottish cats. Some even call them hypoallergenic, although this is not true. Some people think that if they buy a short-haired beauty, then there will be no problems with shedding at all. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

MOLTING - the process of changing the coat of an animal, caused by various reasons. Shedding occurs not only in animals with fur, but also in birds and even insects.

Do Scottish cats shed?

Scottish cats shed. Moreover, the Scottish Fold cat sheds no less and no more than a straight-eared cat: this does not depend on the shape of the ears. Semi-longhaired varieties of the Scottish Highland Fold breed And In terms of the amount of shedding hair, Highland Straights are similar to Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights, only Scottish Folds have short hair and therefore fly around the apartment, while Highlands have longer and heavier hair, which is why it often hangs on furniture and clothing, but does not fly or climb in face.

An experienced cat breeder buys clothes that match the color of his cat's fur.

Who sheds more?

Often readers of the MURKOTIKI website ask who sheds more - a Siberian, Persian or Scottish cat? That is, they compare Scottish cats with longhaired breeds.

If we talk about Scottish Straights and Scottish Folds, that is, Scottish shorthair cats, they shed less noticeably, because their hair is shorter. XIsland Straits and Highland Folds, that is, Scottish semi-longhair cats, also shed less than Persians and other long-haired cats, but more than Scottish cats.

Baby shedding, or When Scottish kittens change their fur

Does your Scottish cat have a lot of fur the first time? Perhaps this is the so-called baby molt. When do Scottish kittens' coats change from baby to adult? The first molt occurs when cats are 5-6 months old, give or take. At this age, within 1-2 months, the Scottish cat’s fur is growing so much that it seems as if there will be no end to this problem.

The molting period of a Scottish kitten will end, but it can smoothly transition into a calmer phase, the duration of which sometimes reaches a year.During this period, the teenager must gradually change the primary, soft fur given to him from birth with adult, coarser, denser and more contrastingly colored fur. At the end of the baby's molt, the fur becomes more beautiful, and the pattern required by the color appears in all its glory.

Seasonal shedding of Scottish cats

During seasonal molting, a cat's coat and upper epidermis partially change. Seasonal molting is designed to adapt the animal to changing temperature conditions. Roughly speaking, by the summer cats shed excess hair and grow thinner ones for better heat transfer, and in the winter they gain a denser and thicker coat.

Seasonal molting of cats occurs in the spring, closer to the beginning of summer, and in the fall, with the approach of the first cold weather. It all depends on the latitude where you live: if summer comes earlier for you, then molting will happen earlier, if winter comes later, then molting will happen later. And vice versa.

In addition, pets that do not go outside at all may not feel changes in the weather - then seasonal molting will be practically eliminated or, on the contrary, will be constantly present. Although the cat reacts more not even to temperature, but to changes in daylight hours, that is, it recognizes the approach of summer or winter by the time of sunrise and sunset.

Why does a Scottish cat shed a lot?

There are times when shedding is stronger than it should be, which threatens a deterioration in the quality of the coat and health and the torment of the owners, who will literally drown in the hair. The fact that shedding is excessive is indicated by the rapid deterioration of the coat and the formation of areas of baldness.

Before you begin to act, you need to find out the reason for the abnormally heavy shedding. To do this, you need to consult with a veterinarian, who may find some kind of disease in your pet.

The most common cause of severe shedding is poor nutrition, which lacks vitamins, microelements and fatty acids. To eliminate this problem, just read the information on how to properly balance the diet of a Scottish cat, and include vitamin complexes with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in the diet.

However, it also happens that a cat receives all the vitamins, acids and microelements, but they are simply not absorbed. Most often this occurs due to hormonal imbalance, which, in turn, can be caused by cysts and tumors, poor functioning of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands. In this case, a veterinarian should take care of the treatment.

Other Causes of Hair Loss

If your cat suddenly begins to shed outside of adolescence or on the eve of summer and winter, this means that she has other reasons for shedding her hair that need to be found out and corrected.

If a cat sheds its fur during pregnancy or lactation, this means that it lacks certain vitamins and microelements that need to be replenished with the help of vitamin complexes and food regulation.

In addition, a cat may shed its fur due to stress caused by moving to a new home, the death of a family member, or the arrival of a new pet or child. There may be other reasons for worry.

The reason is the aforementioned lack of fatty acids, vitamins and microelements, which can provoke not only increased seasonal shedding, but also shedding of fur when it is not supposed to.

Perhaps your pet's hair loss is caused by allergies or leukemia.

In any case, the diagnosis must be made by a veterinarian, since your treatment can only cause harm.

What to do?

In order for the family to successfully cope with any type of molting, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge. If the shedding is abnormal, you should contact your veterinarian. If the shedding is childish or seasonal, there is no need to worry and you just need to take some measures.

Firstly, during shedding, the cat actively licks fur, which accumulates in the stomach and intestines and can clog it. A clear sign of the presence of such a problem is deterioration of appetite and lack of stool. To prevent this, you need to provide your pet with access to fresh grass, which should be planted on the windowsill. It will help regurgitate accumulated fur. In addition, purchase special treats or food that contain substances that help remove hair.

Also, when a Scottish cat sheds, it needs to be brushed not 1-2 times a week, as usual, but every day. But ordinary brushes and combs are powerless here, as they cannot cope with combing out large amounts of fur.The most effective tools for combing wool are a brush glove and a furminator. These devices are simple, but extremely effective: in literally 1-2 doses you can comb out everything that has accumulated on a cat during 2 months of shedding, and if you use them from the very beginning, then the problem as such will almost not be felt.

We consider buying a paw to be the most rational option, since it costs only a couple of dollars (unlike a Furminator for 40 dollars), but it works no less, and sometimes even more effectively. In addition, many fakes have been created for the Furminator and you can stumble upon them, but they are ineffective. And the paw is such a simple and cheap invention that there is simply no point in counterfeiting it.

Bathing is also a very effective way to remove dead hairs and stimulate new growth. While bathing, massage your skin with shampoo: most of the dead hair will be removed with the water. But bathing does not replace the use of the furminator and paw, but only complements it.

During molting, you will have to take intensive care of the apartment: regularly shake out blankets, vacuum and sweep, remove fur from objects using a sticky roller.

The article was checked and approved by felinologist instructor, breeder and owner of the Scottish cattery Real cats (Belarus) Irina Kazak. She has been involved in the Scottish breed for more than 5 years and has accumulated significant experience in the field of breeding and selection, which she actively shares with the Internet audience.

Pet owners are often puzzled by the problem of pet shedding, which bothers not only the person, but also the pet itself.

Often, when asked “Why does a British cat shed?” there is a fair answer - the period of shedding has begun, which for this breed happens twice a year, specifically in autumn and spring.

The duration may vary, but the approximate time is a month. During this period, it is necessary to comb out the hair so that it does not litter the space of the house and does not get into the cat’s stomach.

Pay attention to how your pet behaves during shedding, because there may be cases when hair loss is a symptom of a disease or other disorder. Monitor the change in behavior, whether the pet is itching, whether there is any irritation on the skin and other warning factors.

To avoid uncontrolled molting, you should follow a number of rules:

  • the temperature in the room should be relatively constant; sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed; a pet, like a person, does not adapt well to external and internal changes;
  • avoiding stressful situations that are dangerous to the cat’s mental and physical health;
  • Maintain the coat by regularly bathing with cat shampoo, and use anti-matting lotions and sprays;
  • An important aspect is combing, it is worth choosing the right comb, it should have frequent teeth. The choice is between metal (possible electrification of wool) and wooden combs (can catch hairs when combing), there are also plastic ones (roll wool);
  • A balanced diet is what determines the internal and external health of a pet.

Watch a video on how to deal with shedding in cats.

The main reasons why a British cat sheds a lot

Molting can be caused by various reasons. Let's look at the most common ones:

  1. Allergies caused by various reasons: household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics, new dry food, dust, pollen from flowering plants.
  2. Lack of vitamins. With a lack of vitamins, the entire body suffers, including hair becoming fragile and prone to loss. It is necessary to include dietary supplements in the diet, which can be purchased in specialized stores or at a veterinary clinic. This is the main reason why the British cat sheds heavily in winter, because it is at this time of year that the lack of vitamins is especially noticeable.
  3. Postpartum period. Pregnancy takes a lot of energy out of a cat. All nutrients and vitamins are given to the fetus; if their reserves are not replenished in time, this will affect the cat’s health, because she will not have enough such vitamins.
  4. Stress, which can be caused by past illnesses and surgeries, moving, or the arrival of a new pet in the house.
  5. Fungal diseases. You should pay special attention if your pet itches a lot, hair falls out from certain areas, where redness and inflammation are also noted. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist, since the infection can spread to humans.
  6. Unbalanced diet. For any pet, a balanced diet containing essential nutrients is important. It is strictly forbidden to feed your cat food from your table, because it largely contains salt and other seasonings, to which a response may occur in the form of allergies, indigestion, and others. This may be the reason why the British cat sheds heavily all year round.
  7. Hormonal disruption, which can occur due to pregnancy and lactation, as well as due to the age of the pet or concomitant diseases.

The main reasons why the British cat sheds heavily, as well as representatives of other breeds, are listed. These factors must be taken into account and avoided.

Read about how to remove fleas from a cat. And also about why a cat yells in the apartment for no reason.

Why does the British cat shed a lot and where to go?

In addition to the previously mentioned reasons, there are others that only particularly whimsical pets react to:

  • unsuitable hygiene products (shampoo, comb, sprays);
  • dry skin and consequently hair loss. This is possible if the pet often sits near the radiator or the owner, after washing the animal, dries its fur with a hairdryer. This may also be the reason why a British cat sheds a lot;
  • Frequent combing and washing, which weakens the hair and begins to fall out. Try to rearrange the plan in such a way as to minimize the negative impact on the coat; perhaps you should start taking vitamins or use sprays and lotions against hair loss;
  • taking medications. Due to the disease and the prescription of drug treatment, a reaction such as severe molting is possible. After taking the pills, it is necessary to normalize the pet’s diet, protect it from stress, and the condition will improve.

If your pet's shedding is natural, but exceeds your expectations, then you can choose the treatment yourself. In cases where excessive hair loss is caused by other factors unknown to you or illness, you should immediately contact a specialist for help.

Only a veterinarian can diagnose a pet and prescribe the necessary treatment. In any case, the best solution would be to contact a veterinary clinic for advice; this can be done by phone. In this way, the owner can be confident that the treatment is being carried out correctly or will be informed that there is no reason for such treatment.

Do not forget about preventive measures, because it is easier to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to neutralize it.

Why does a British cat shed, and what to do, we discussed in this article. Be careful, monitor the health of your pet, comb, bathe and feed the cat on time, because he, like a person, needs affection and care, and may not take care of himself fully enough.

Causes and solutions to problems: season

A fluffy little ball brings a lot of happiness and no less trouble. One of the constant headaches for a clean housewife is shedding in cats. In normal times, if a pet loses fur, it is only a little. During the molting period, some cats are able to cover their apartment furnishings with down.

When do kittens start moulting?

Cats start shedding early. At about the age of six months, kittens begin to gradually change not only the structure, but the color of their fur. The duration of the first moult varies. Sometimes at least 6 months. During this time, the kitten sheds baby fluff, growing dense guard hairs. In point and multi-colored cats, the markings appear brighter. The appearance becomes complete.

You need to combat molting in a comprehensive manner. To begin with, support the kittens with vitamins and enhanced nutrition. In addition, this is a good opportunity to accustom your pet to hygiene procedures: combing and bathing. And simply smoothing your fur coat with a damp hand will not only be pleasant, but also useful.

Don't miss this moment: how well you take care of your kitten will determine the appearance of an adult cat in the future.

Why and how cats shed

Subsequently, molting will become regular. For cats, this is a natural process of preparing for the change of season. Ideally, a cat sheds twice a year:

  • before the cold weather begins. Reducing daylight hours and a significant decrease in temperatures include protective mechanisms that involve a change in wardrobe. Cats are rapidly growing a new coat that can protect them from frost. For example, the British grow a powerful, dense undercoat, which is much thicker than the summer one;
  • before the onset of heat. Rising temperatures make it necessary to prepare for the summer heat. “Winter” fur, having served its purpose, is no longer needed. Therefore, a lightweight version is growing.

Cats that have free range react most strongly to the change of seasons. Their bodies are exposed to natural weather conditions and are sensitive to the changing seasons.

Cats living in an apartment without walking, despite the lack of seasonality in the home climate, also shed. Only the time of this process is not strictly tied to the environment. Depending on the breed, cats shed 1-2 times a year.

It should be borne in mind that in mature, uncastrated cats, shedding can begin at any time as a reaction to certain changes in physiology. This is how the body will react to hormonal changes during estrus or after kittens are weaned from mother's milk. This is not a reason to panic, you just need to provide your cat with improved nutrition and vitamins.

How long does seasonal molting last?

If you are scared by your kitten's long first molt, don't worry. This is due to complex processes of physiological maturation. Shedding in cats that can be called adults goes back to normal. On average it lasts a couple of months a year. Once in the spring, and again at the end of autumn. There may be minor time shifts in the schedule.

Usually short-haired pets fit into the schedule and timing of shedding. It’s more difficult with the fluffier ones. Persians or Maine Coons, after shedding their guard hairs, take a long time to get rid of the undercoat. They definitely won't be able to do it without your help. If you don't help them with their struggle, the consequences can be serious. From local tangles to completely matted fur.

Sometimes shedding in cats occurs unplanned or does not stop for a long time.

Reasons for intense year-round shedding

Considering that shedding in cats is a natural physiological process, it is important to understand when it goes beyond the normal. If fur falls out intensively for more than a month, especially out of season, and without objective prerequisites, this is a reason to think about the reasons for what is happening.

Usually a cat sheds a lot:

  1. During illness. It doesn't matter if there is an internal disease or the cause is on the surface of the body, shedding in cats is an indicator of health. In normal condition, fluff does not fly in different directions. Moreover, you can suspect anything: from banal vitamin deficiency or allergies to serious diseases of internal organs. Only specialists will carry out competent diagnostics. You should not self-medicate, as you will only make the problems worse.
  2. Unsuitable care products. If health is not suspicious: tests are normal, behavior is active, and shedding does not stop, this is a reason to change the shampoo, at a minimum. Ideally, change all cosmetics for the cat. You may be using the wrong brush. Pay attention to what accessories are recommended by breeders and veterinarians for each specific breed separately for everyday care and for the molting period.
  3. Errors in feeding. Often the reasons for year-round molting are in the food. Natural food must be prepared according to special recipes that provide an ideal balance of nutrients. Be sure to supplement with vitamin supplements a couple of times a year. Ready-made food, even the most expensive and high-quality, is also not a guarantee of peace of mind. One ingredient that is individually unacceptable to your cat and shedding is guaranteed all year round. Choose carefully. Preferably, with control through analysis.
  4. Stress. Among cats there are phlegmatic cats that hardly react to changes in the external environment. But there are cats for whom even your daily trips to work become the real end of the world. Jealousy, lack of attention, loud noises, unfamiliar smells - this world is fraught with many dangers and possible causes for stress for cats. If diseases are excluded, feeding and accessories are checked to the smallest detail, go to the veterinarian for a sedative.

Sometimes a cat sheds heavily in winter, especially if it constantly lives within four walls. Among the reasons: dry air and too high a temperature. How to fight? Humidifiers. Open containers of water that evaporate moisture help a lot. For example, an aquarium. Again, fun for the cat.

Methods for reducing fur during shedding

When a cat sheds, you will need a whole arsenal of tools to fight it:

  1. Complete balanced nutrition.
  2. Supplements and vitamins. Particular emphasis on amino acids. Along with veterinary supplements, you can give an egg yolk and be sure to leave the sprouted grass. For long-haired dogs, it makes sense to buy a paste to remove lumps from the digestive system.
  3. Give the cat a bath. With water and subsequent combing, the lion's share of dead hairs is eliminated.
  4. Combing. Cats with short fur without a lot of undercoat will get by with a regular brush a couple of times a week. For furry cats or cats with thick undercoat, you may have to resort to a furminator.

Are there any non-shedding cat breeds?

The desire to have a cat with a flowing coat can be realized without the exhausting struggle with shedding if you have the opportunity to have a Burmese, American Curl, Somali or Turkish Angora.

Shorthaired Siamese, Abyssinians, Burmese, Bengals, Singaporeans, Egyptian Mau or Bombay cats will cause minimal problems.

There is a completely exotic solution to the shedding problem: rexes and sphinxes. These cats definitely do not shed in the traditional sense of the word.

Choose a cat with the prospect of spending at least 10 years side by side with her, and with a successful combination of circumstances, as many as 20. The shedding of Persians, Britons, Siberians or Maine Coons has made them not the most popular among lovers of order and cleanliness in the house. No amount of care or improved nutrition can prevent their marks from appearing in the most inappropriate places.

At the age of about six months, the kitten's fur is completely replaced by that of an adult. Molting can last up to two months. The soft baby fur is replaced by a coarser permanent one. The pattern on the wool becomes brighter and more saturated. During this period, the animal especially needs proper balanced nutrition. A well-groomed and healthy kitten will shed faster, and the new coat will be better.

Normally, a cat sheds twice a year. With the arrival of spring, a light summer coat gives way to a thick winter coat. Fluffy cats can continue to shed all summer, freeing themselves from excess undercoat; by autumn this process stops. Short-haired cats shed hair equally in spring and fall. Seasonal molting can last from several weeks to two months. To speed up the process, the animal needs to be combed.

- Why do British cats shed?

Cats typically shed twice a year.
If a cat sheds all year round, then the cat has health problems:
1. Worms.
2. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Problems with the pancreas.
4. Liver problems.
5. The cat is in constant stress (it is very afraid of something or someone, it is often subjected to manipulations that it does not like).
6. Problems with the anal sinuses.
7. Lack of vitamins.

Your actions:
1. Give anthelmintic drugs
2. Submit feces for clinical analysis.
3. Donate blood for biochemical analysis.
4. Remove sources of stress
5. Empty the anal sinuses
6. Introduce a complex of vitamins into the cat’s diet
7. Show the cat to the doctor.

- Why do the British’s eyes water (run)?

Excessive tear production from the eye occurs in cats for several reasons:
1. Helminthic infestation. There are worms that spend one of the stages of their development in the lacrimal sac of the eye.
2. Allergic reaction to a component of the external environment.
3. Eye irritation, such as from tobacco smoke.

Your actions:
1. Stop smoking in front of your cat.
2. Check what your cat may be allergic to.
3. Test feces for the presence of worms.
4. Show the cat to the doctor.

- Why is the British cat thin?

- Why are British cats evil?

Cats are most likely to become aggressive when they become distressed.
1. Stress develops with severe pain, with forced contact with a person. The owner often takes the cat in his arms and strokes it often. Children often forcefully touch a cat.
2. New circumstances in the cat’s life. The cat was moved to a new apartment, taken away from the dacha, and a new family member appeared in the family.
3. Stress also develops in chronic diseases associated with pain.

Your actions:
Be sure to contact a zoopsychologist.

- Why does the British cat bite?

Cats bite in several cases:
1. Kittens up to 5 months They bite due to the hunting instinct, which is genetically inherent in cats. The need to bite in kittens subsides by the age of six months. This is especially true for their owners. The hunting instinct of adult healthy cats does not extend to people.
2. Adult cats They bite a person when they are under severe chronic stress.

Your actions:
1. Keep the kitten healthy and energetic

In most families, cats are their favorite animals, as they are very unpretentious animals that are independent and affectionate. Often, cat owners are faced with the unpleasant appearance of cat fur on their clothes, and first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the loss of your pet’s fur, because the condition of the fur coat is an indicator of health.

Main causes of hair loss

Seasonal molt

Beginning cat owners often panic when their cat begins her first seasonal shedding. This usually occurs in spring and autumn. The behavior does not change, the cat is playful, the eyes are healthy and shiny, the nose is moist.

If the cat lives in an apartment with central heating, then the duration of molting increases by several months. More vitamins and essential microelements should be added to the animal’s diet. Brush your pet's hair more often, this will reduce hair loss and unpleasant hair contamination of clothes.

Poor nutrition and hormonal imbalances

Cats have a very delicate digestive system. Many owners love to feed their pet from their table, and then are surprised by the cat’s health problems. Human food flavored with spices, flavorings and salt is contraindicated for cats, as it causes severe hair loss - dermatitis. Excessive hair loss occurs. The cat's appetite worsens, it becomes lethargic and inactive.

If this problem occurs, you should put the cat on a diet: low-fat fish, kidneys, liver, cottage cheese. Give milk twice a week as independent nutrition. Vitamins containing biotin, B vitamins, antiallergic (tavegil or suprastin) and anthelmintic drugs are needed.

Hormonal disorders are also caused by special drops or tablets against the sexual desire of cats. Such drugs have a negative effect on the body and lead to diseases of the pet’s internal organs.

Dermatitis also occurs due to a cat’s reaction to a variety of synthetic substances, for example, to the product the owner uses to clean furniture, aerosols - air fresheners, or even to indoor plants.


If the fur begins to fall out in clumps, and round pink bald spots appear on the skin of cats, then you should think about the manifestation of the disease lichen. This disease is caused by a species of microscopic fungus. Ringworm is a highly contagious disease that also affects humans.

You should definitely contact a veterinarian so that the doctor can confirm the disease and select a medicine for treatment. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Only a specialist can determine the type of fungus, because there is a different medicine for each type! The apartment must be disinfected and cat litter destroyed.

Skin mite infestation

A cat can also become infected with skin mites. Hair loss is severe on the face, behind the ears and on the paws, and ulcers appear on the skin. The pet may even go bald.

You should definitely consult a doctor. After all, treatment takes place with toxic drugs and only a specialist can choose them correctly. Skin mites are not dangerous to humans. But the apartment should still be disinfected, and it is advisable to burn the cat’s bedding.

Weakening after an illness

If your cat has been ill with any disease, then the immune system decreases and the hair begins to fall out. It is necessary to purchase special B vitamins for your pet and choose the right diet for the active development of the cat.

Nervous stress

Cats are very smart animals. They perceive current events very sensitively and can easily go into a stressful state. The reason may be moving to another place, for example, to the country in the summer. Death of the owner or any animal. The appearance of a new pet.

The cat's reaction to stress is manifested by hair loss, the cat spends more time washing itself. You should visit a doctor to really make sure that your cat is stressed and not sick.

The best way to relieve stress is simple affection, which needs to be given much more time. Medicines with a calming effect prescribed by a doctor will help.

Cats fighting on the street

When your cat has the opportunity to walk outside and when returning home he constantly has torn out pieces of fur, then you should pay attention to his communication with other animals. If they are not friendly and behave very rudely towards each other, then you should stop letting the cat out for walks in the yard. This can result not only in loss of fur, but also lead to some kind of injury.

Old age

As a cat ages, it begins to lack vitamins and essential minerals. All this is reflected in the fur; it begins to fall out in large areas.

It is necessary to include more varied foods in the diet:

  • meat,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits.

It is worth mixing vitamins and nutritional supplements into food. There are various medicated foods on sale that will quickly help rid your cat of hair loss.

Preventing hair loss in cats

Hygiene procedures

Caring for a cat's fur involves daily brushing. It is advisable to teach this from childhood, then it becomes a pleasant procedure for your pet. Combing cleanses the fur of dirt and hairs that have already fallen out. This is a kind of skin massage that improves blood circulation.

Cats love to be brushed. There are special shampoos for sale for short-haired and long-haired cats. They allow the coat to become silky and well-groomed, saturating the coat with all the necessary enzymes.

Proper nutrition

Organize your pet the right diet, add age-appropriate vitamins and mineral supplements to a varied diet. Do not overfeed older cats.

Veterinarian examinations and vaccinations

Be sure to vaccinate your cat against various skin diseases. A veterinarian will select preventative vaccines for you; they are individual for each cat.

Take care of your pet, feed it properly and brush it regularly, and your beloved cat will delight you with its health and beautiful fur coat!

It’s worth starting with the fact that the molting process is a natural physiological manifestation in the life of a pet. Almost everyone is susceptible to seasonality. Pets can shed at any time of the year; other cats only change their hair coat.

How to deal with a kitten shedding?

In fact, it is not worth fighting with cat shedding, since you can lose in an unequal struggle with the animal’s body. Shedding is not always caused by natural processes.

The easiest way to try to prevent shedding is by paying attention to your pet.

The conditions under which you are kept are very important. Under no circumstances should there be air in the room. The diet should be thought out in advance, preferably not on your own, but in consultation with a veterinarian.

Insufficient content of Omega-3, Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals in the food can lead to frequent hair loss.

If the diet is balanced, but the kitten continues to shed, you should pay attention to the state of your pet’s endocrine system. Problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal changes and disruption of the sex glands can lead to the fact that all useful substances are not absorbed. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Stress caused by injuries, moving, loud noises and emotional overload of a small animal can trigger molting.

A kitten should be brushed frequently during shedding. This will prevent the formation of tangles that cause inconvenience to the animal. If the wool is not taken care of properly, then the tangles can only be cut out with scissors. To care for a small pet's fur coat, special metal combs, brush-gloves and grooming loops are used.

Grooming immediately after the shedding period is also very important. Manufacturers offer special air conditioners for this purpose. Products are divided into two types - use during bathing and use outside of water procedures.



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