Siamese cats: education and care. Caring for a Siamese cat When to care for a Siamese cat watch

Care, attention and kindness are the keys to raising Siamese cats. They won't do anything unless they want to. There is no need to demand anything from them, much less force them, otherwise the pet will remember the violence and harbor a grudge for a long time: a proud disposition is the main character trait of a Siamese cat. Affection and respect will help you achieve much greater results: having won the trust and affection of a Siamese, you will receive a loyal and sympathetic friend. Before you get a pet, learn in detail how to care for a Siamese kitten.

Representatives of the Siamese breed are full of energy. They prefer active games and will be happy if you take part in them. But even if you find yourself alone, they won’t get bored - when leaving for a long time, leave your Siamese his favorite toy, or he will find something to do on his own.

Many Siamese cats do not mind a harness or leash with a collar for walks, and they like to explore grassy areas and soft soil in parks and squares.

Smart guys and smart girls

The intelligence of Siamese cats is well developed. Raising a Siamese kitten is not difficult, it is also easy to teach it tricks and commands, it is able to remember many words and respond correctly to them. Siamese are also excellent listeners: during a conversation, they carefully watch the interlocutor, as if pondering his speech, and from time to time they “answer” in their own unique manner - the Siamese voice has a whole palette of different timbres, and they subtly intonate depending on the situation. But in the morning, expressing a desire to eat, they can wake up their owners with a very loud and confident voice. They need to be weaned from such a habit. Do not feed your pet immediately after getting out of bed - do it after your breakfast. Soon the Siamese will get used to this routine and stop being persistent. It’s even better to feed him before leaving the house, then the temporary separation will evoke positive emotions in the cat, and it will more easily tolerate the absence of its owner. Siamese can meow simply from lack of attention - then you should think about whether you are devoting enough time to your pet. No matter how he behaves, you should not punish him, much less use force. On the contrary, as soon as he stops screaming, praise, pet or give him a treat to evoke pleasant associations in his mind.

Easy to care for

Special care for a Siamese cat is not required; in general, it consists of the same procedures as for most other breeds. The fur can be combed with a small round brush or simply with wet hands - in the direction from head to tail: the fallen hair remains on your hands, and Siamese cats really like the procedure itself. About once a month you will have to take comprehensive care of your Siamese cat: bathe it in warm water; as necessary, wipe sensitive ears with a cotton swab, trim nails with a cutter (special nail clipper), remove natural discharge from the corners of the eyes using a cotton swab, and brush your teeth. A Siamese cat should be taught to brush its teeth as early as possible due to the breed's tendency to have dental problems. Under no circumstances should you use regular paste: it may contain substances harmful to animals. Playing with a rubber bone or a special toy with spikes and grooves cleans a cat's teeth well. Once your kitten is older, you should give him solid food: it will also help clean his teeth and ensure proper bite development. Caring for a Siamese cat is not difficult; it is only important to follow a number of recommendations that will help her remain as graceful and beautiful.

The Siamese cat is a proud divine creature with graceful posture, extraordinary color and a unique, slightly spoiled character. The second name of the breed is Thai: it is Thailand, which in the distant past was called Siam, that is considered the birthplace of the cat.

Breed Features

A cat of this breed has bottomlessly blue, but slightly slanted eyes.

The elongated, perfectly proportional body is thin, but unusually strong and muscular. The head has the shape of an inverted triangle with a pronounced dark mask and black ears, set on a long neck.

Particular delight is caused by the bottomlessly blue, slightly slanted, almond-shaped eyes, like those of a true easterner. By the way, the breed is characterized by a defect - strabismus: in this way cats try to correct congenital double vision.

The color is also interesting: the main cream color on the paws, ears and tail turns into chocolate. Unusual coloring is a consequence of uneven melanin production, depending on body temperature: the colder the skin area, the lighter the coat.

Newborn kittens are born completely white, and as they grow older, a characteristic color point appears. With age, the contrast decreases; elderly cats and cats are much darker than young animals.

Siamese are short-haired pets without undercoat, the coat is smooth and silky, spots are not allowed.

Color of Siamese cats

It's time to talk about the rich palette of colors of Thai cats. This type of color, like some other breeds, has the term “point”. Depending on the color of the marks, they are distinguished:

  • blue point - blue;
  • seal point – dark brown;
  • lilay point – lilac;
  • chocolate point – chocolate;
  • red point – red;
  • tabby point - striped or brindle and others.

American felinologists recognize only the first four colors from this list, and prefer to classify the remaining similar cats as completely different oriental colors.

Europeans, in particular the British, classify the Thai breed as 18 shades, including the main American 4 colors.

Personality of the Siamese cat

The Siamese have long been assigned the title of not the most good-natured creatures, capable of cruelly taking revenge on their opponent in case of offense. In fact, this statement is far from the truth. Perhaps the myth arose due to the exaggerated sense of independence of Thai cats: forcing them to do something against their will is quite difficult.

Indeed, cats are characteristic, but not aggressive. In Europe, Thais are often called cat-dog, which is explained by the pet’s devotion to one owner, regardless of the number of family members. By the way, this fact must be taken into account when choosing a breed - the pet requires constant communication, and from long loneliness it becomes depressed, even to the point of emotional mental disorder.

Siamese cats are very inquisitive and, with the proper patience of the owner, are great at learning funny tricks. Curiosity manifests itself in literally everything - kids will happily inspect every corner of the house.

The playfulness of this breed cannot be taken away: they happily chase around the floor any little thing that gets in their way. They actively take part in all household undertakings: be it cooking or cleaning the apartment, and they will definitely try to dictate their own rules.

They quickly adapt to new conditions and easily endure moving. They have a highly developed sense of intuition - they literally foresee the future, which allows them to get away with quite difficult situations.

Siam and man

The Siamese cat recognizes only one owner, for whom she has the most tender feelings.

Representatives of the breed quickly get used to the general daily routine, and are not fools to break it for the sake of their own entertainment.

We repeat: the Siamese cat recognizes one owner; it will not necessarily be the one who feeds or cares for the animal. The pet experiences the most tender feelings and devotion to his favorite, and separation from him is also difficult for him. However, the cat does not consider the owner to be an authority, and in the event of his mistake or betrayal, he will easily turn away from his once beloved and respected friend.

Quite talkative creatures, any action is accompanied by sound design, and the mood of the purr can be determined by the voice. A shout or an innocent clap will be answered with dissatisfaction, which is literally written on the face. These same actions will be avenged when the opportunity arises.

Many people are concerned about the question of how Thai cats treat children? So, there is no place for Siamese cats in a house with crawling babies. These pets are not suitable for the role of a plush toy; if handled carelessly, they can scratch. Also, you should not have other animals: Siamese are very jealous and are not going to tolerate a competitor on their territory.

You can't measure all Siamese with one ruler. Each cat is an individual with its own cockroaches: from the same litter, both a small, furious predator and a creature apathetic to everything can grow. In many ways, character will depend on the person’s upbringing.

Siamese cat: care features

The breed is quite unpretentious and very easy to care for and maintain. To make the wool soft and silky, you do not need any additional equipment. It is enough to stroke your pet with a damp palm once every few days: all the fallen hairs will stick to your hand, all that remains is to wash your hands. , but do not do this too often: excessive contact with detergents will spoil the quality of the coat and lead to baldness.

The rest of the hygiene procedures: brushing teeth, ears, trimming claws - are completely no different from those of other cat breeds. It may take more time to accustom the Siamese, but this is a matter of education.

Breed diseases and defects

One defect has already been mentioned earlier in this article - strabismus. Such kittens are born quite often. By the way, this defect has absolutely no effect on the quality of life, but you will have to forget about prizes at exhibitions. In rare cases, by the age of one year the eyes can return to their normal position and everyone soon forgets about the childhood defect.

The second, not the rarest and not at all dangerous, defect is a “broken” tail. Previously, the presence of knots was considered a characteristic feature of Thais, but today it is a reason for disqualification from exhibition competitions. There is a legend associated with the defect: an eastern princess tied jewelry on the tail of her beloved pet, protecting them from theft, which led to the appearance of an unusual form of the main attribute of cat pride.

Among the most common diseases, it is worth noting problems with the bronchi - Siamese kittens should always be dry and warm. In healthy pets, clear eyesight, the presence of discharge, and the appearance of wheezing indicate the onset of the disease. Genetic diseases include heart defects, kidney defects, and hernias. Breast cancer is more common than in other breeds, which can be avoided by early castration of females.

Despite the presence of breed defects, Siamese cats are confidently considered to be long-livers - with good care and proper feeding, they are quite capable of celebrating their twentieth birthday.

This is what they say about Siamese cats in the program “Cat Alphabet” (TVmir channel):


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Feeding a Siamese cat is not too different from feeding cats of other breeds. However, there are nuances in this issue that the owner must know.

Siamese cats can be capricious when choosing food. Like real gourmets, they meticulously evaluate the quality and composition of food, so the owner’s main task is not only to choose the right diet, but also to please the Siamese’s picky eaters. With food, the cat should receive all the substances it needs.

What to feed a Siamese cat?

The type of feeding for Siamese cats largely depends on the preferences of the pet. You can feed your cat ready-made food, natural food, or choose mixed feeding. Ideally, the cat’s tastes and the owner’s choices coincide, but this does not always happen. Each pet is individual and its food preferences cannot always be predicted.

Feeding with natural products

For Siamese cats, it is important to create the right diet with the optimal ratio of nutrients. And since it is not always possible to please her, the composition of products containing these substances is determined individually. For example, some Siamese do not like rabbit meat, in which case it is replaced with chicken or turkey. There is no need to be lazy when choosing your cat’s food experimentally. It will take a little time, but your pet will be filled with gratitude.

Food is offered in the form of porridge of varying thickness. Such porridge may consist, for example, of raw carrots grated on a vegetable grater, boiled oatmeal and chopped pieces of meat. If the cat chooses pieces of meat from the bowl and refuses to finish the rest, you should change the cereal or add meat that has been twisted in a meat grinder.

With a natural diet, the Siamese cat is given:


It should be lean. Well-suited beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit, etc. Before feeding, it is boiled or scalded and cut into small pieces. Some owners offer Siamese raw meat. In this case, it must be frozen. Meat pieces can be cut and frozen in portions, defrosting immediately before use. Typically, meat makes up 2/3 of the diet.


A very useful component of the diet, which some cats may ignore. For a Siamese cat it will be useful: heart, liver, lung, udder, tripe. Invite your pet to try each of the products, let her choose according to her taste.


Despite the fact that fish is the favorite food of the Siamese cat, it should not be abused. It is enough to include this product in your pet’s diet no more than 2 times a week and instead of meat. Preference should be given to low-fat fish: navaga, cod, flounder, tuna, etc.


Siamese cats can only be given boiled yolk. This is a good source of healthy vitamins.


Oatmeal, corn, rice, and barley are perfect. They are used to cook porridge in water. Cereals in the form of flakes can simply be steamed with boiling water.

Vegetables and greens

It is important not to overdo it with vegetables in the diet of Siamese cats, as this breed does not digest fiber well. In small doses, you can give boiled cabbage, carrots, potatoes, fresh cucumbers, sprouted greens, etc.


Siamese cats are suitable for low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt, sour cream, and butter. It is not recommended to give fresh milk to adult cats.

Like other cats, Siamese should not be given hard chicken and fish bones, fatty meat (pork, duck), smoked, salty and sweet, as well as legumes, spices and salt.

Feeding prepared food

Ready-made industrial food for Siamese cats can be a real salvation if natural feeding does not work out in any way and the cat turns up its nose at cooked food. Also, this type of food is great for those new to caring for and maintaining Siamese.

In ready-made feeds, premium and superpremium quality ( Hills, Purina Pro Plan, Royal Canin, etc.) contains all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements necessary for a cat in an optimal ratio. You need to buy them exclusively in specialized stores. Before paying, you should study the composition and check the expiration date of the product.

You need to select ready-made food taking into account the individual characteristics of the cat: gender, age, physiological state, lifestyle, etc.

It is good if, before purchasing, the animal was accustomed to ready-made food. In this case, it is advisable not to change the brand.

Ready-made food can be wet, dry or in the form of “snacks”. Combining species in one meal is not recommended, as is mixing products from different manufacturers.

If your Siamese cat does not like this or that finished product, you should not rush to abandon this type of feeding. You can offer your pet several types of ready-made food of different brands, perhaps she will like something. First, you should give wet food, and then, at another meal, dry food of the same brand.

Mixed food for Siamese cats

Mixed feeding of Siamese cats is not encouraged by many veterinarians and breeders, since the cat’s gastrointestinal tract has difficulty adapting to different types of food, and this is fraught with digestive problems. This type of nutrition is justified only as an intermediate stage when transferring a cat from one type of food to another.

Feeding pregnant and lactating Siamese cats

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the Siamese cat is switched to special food. Industrial food for pregnant cats is enriched with calcium, vitamins and microelements in optimal proportions. When eating natural foods, the proportion of proteins and carbohydrates increases, special vitamin supplements are also introduced into the diet (only after consultation with a veterinarian!) and treats and delicacies are limited. The pet should be fed at least 3 times a day.

Starting from the fourth week of pregnancy, the cat needs food that contains a lot of protein, so from mid-term until birth the amount of food is increased by about 40-50%. At the same time, you need to make sure that the animal does not overeat, as this can lead to obesity and complications during childbirth.

The next important period is 1-2 weeks before birth. As a rule, the cat’s appetite decreases at this time due to greater pressure on the abdominal cavity, so the pet is fed in small portions, but more often.

During lactation, a cat needs food rich in carbohydrates. Calorie consumption during this period increases 2–3 times. If the cat eats ready-made food, problems with the diet usually do not arise. During this period, some owners offer the nursing cat ready-made kitten food. When feeding natural products, the diet is also adjusted based on the cat’s preferences; the pet should not be limited in food - the amount of food eaten should depend only on the cat’s appetite. When feeding 4 or more kittens, a cat with this diet does not face obesity.

Feeding kittens

The best food for newborn kittens is mother's milk. The baby should receive it until about 2 months of age. If for some reason the mother cannot feed the kitten, it is given special substitute mixtures. A newborn should eat every 2 hours.

From about 6-10 weeks of age (owners have different opinions about the timing of introducing the first complementary foods for Siamese cats), kittens are introduced to the first complementary foods: boiled beef minced through a small meat grinder, boiled fish, homemade cottage cheese, dry yeast.

To prevent your kitten from becoming a picky eater, introduce your baby to a variety of natural foods. If the animal subsequently receives ready-made food, then you can start complementary feeding with special ready-made food for kittens. It is selected based on the age of the kitten.

What to feed a Siamese kitten?

Naturally fed Siamese kittens are given:

Approximate feeding ration for Siamese kittens (per 1 kg of live weight):

1. Raw sea fish (30 gr.), beef liver (5 gr.), boiled oatmeal (4 gr.), vegetable oil (2 gr.), water (4 gr.), dry yeast (0.2 gr. .).

2. Raw beef (20 g), beef liver (10 g), boiled oatmeal (4 g), vegetable oil (0.2 g), water (10 g), dry yeast (0.1 gr.).

3. Raw sea fish (20 gr.), cottage cheese (10 gr.), boiled oatmeal (4 gr.), vegetable oil (0.3 gr.), water (9 gr.), dry yeast (0.2 gr.).

How often to feed a Siamese kitten

The frequency of feeding a baby is directly related to age:
At 2-3 months– about 6 times a day (daily norm? about 150 grams).
At 4-6 months the number of meals is reduced to 4-5, the serving size is increased.
From 6 months to one year kittens are transferred to 3 feedings a day, and then to 2 feedings a day (morning and evening, respectively). Volume of food? as for adult animals.

Rules for feeding a Siamese kitten

The kitten should be fed at the same time in the same place. A precise diet improves the functioning of the digestive organs and has a beneficial effect on the absorption of food. Food is given to the kitten warm, in crushed form. There must be fresh boiled water next to the food.

They have an original and memorable appearance. It is quite difficult to confuse them with representatives of other breeds. These beautiful and graceful creatures come from the East, from the territory of what is now Thailand.

Their ancestors were wild Bengal cats. Throughout history, these cats have not crossed with representatives of European breeds. Light and miniature animals to this day have retained the original features characteristic only of this breed, with the exception, perhaps, of a broken and knotted tail.

There is a legend about this unusual tail. When going for a swim, Siamese princesses hung their jewelry on their cats' tails, which is where creases and knots appeared. In reality, everything is much more prosaic. A crooked tail is a sign of breed degeneration due to inbreeding. As soon as this feature was equated to a flaw in Europe, work began to eliminate it. Now the Siamese's tail is even and straight, as prescribed by the standard.

Description of the breed

The Siamese, which we will talk about in detail today, has a slender and elegant, but at the same time muscular and flexible body of medium size, for a long time they have been a cute fluffy ball.

This oriental beauty has a long slender neck and a medium-sized wedge-shaped head. but they should be a natural extension of the head. The tips of the ears and nose form an equilateral triangle. The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped, with a characteristic rich, deep color. The front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs. The paws are oval and small in size. The tail is long, tapering towards the tip. The coat is short, close to the skin, and shiny. Monocolor color. On the face, on the paws, on the tail with points. The mask on the face is a distinctive feature of the breed.


If you are interested in a Siamese kitten, you need to know what kind of character the representatives of this breed have. Future owners of such a pet should be prepared for the fact that these are independent animals with excellent hunting abilities. All these qualities have given this breed of cats an obstinate disposition.

Siamese differ from their European counterparts in their explosive temperament, due to which these animals are considered extremely stubborn. But such an opinion is nothing more than a prejudice. In fact, these beautiful cats love people very much and become attached to them. But they don’t like to be picked up or squeezed without their desire. But the Siamese kitten needs affection. He is very defenseless, especially in the first days when he is taken away from his mother.

Other pets can make your pet undisguisedly jealous. He will also be wary of strangers. If you are sure that you need a Siamese kitten, you should know and explain to all family members (especially children) that these cats do not allow familiarity - they will immediately show their character, and the offender will be left with scratches and bites.

Adult Siamese cats are not animals that begin to languish with melancholy two hours after the owner leaves. They are quite self-sufficient, although they love to be the center of attention. Therefore, when you return home after work, spend time with your pet - play with it, talk to it, treat it with something tasty. In other words, show him your admiration.

The endless energy that Siamese cats have makes them excellent playmates. It is interesting that they are often the first to take the initiative in this matter, for example, rushing after a ball of wool that no one gave them.

If a Siamese kitten appears in your home, you must be patient. Only in this case will you be able to properly raise your pet. You should not raise your voice at these cats. And if you hit him once, the cat may not forgive you and may not forget the undeserved insult. The reward for your patience will be a properly raised cat - a very sociable, loyal and intelligent companion.


Siamese kittens are born completely white, with pink paw pads and noses. Over time they darken. The animal acquires its final color by the ninth month from birth.

Where to buy a kitten?

I would like to recommend all animal lovers to purchase an animal from specialized nurseries. Today this breed is not rare, it is widespread, there are nurseries in many cities - Moscow, Ryazan, Saratov, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg). A Siamese kitten should receive mother's milk for up to 6 weeks. Therefore, until this time he cannot be taken away from his mother.

Our readers are probably interested in how much Siamese kittens cost. The price for such beauties ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Don’t forget that moving for a kitten of any breed is very stressful, so don’t worry when the baby, upon arriving at his new place of residence, hides under the bed. This is a completely normal reaction. Don’t try to pull him out, just place a bowl of food and clean water and a tray next to his “shelter”. Don't make any noise, let the kitten calm down. Soon he will realize that he is safe. After 2-3 hours, curiosity and hunger will take over, and the kitten will come out of hiding.

It should be noted that Siamese kittens (reviews from owners confirm this) are distinguished by a strong temperament and irrepressible energy. They can play all day long and quickly become attached to people. Be prepared for the fact that this baby will demand the owner’s attention from a very early age, which is why they meow almost constantly. Thus, the baby tells you that he wants to play with you, or he is hungry.


Nature has blessed Siamese cats with excellent health. They live up to 16 years. must be balanced. You should not feed your baby exclusively plant or protein foods. There are a number of foods that you can safely feed your Siamese kitten.

Meat and meat products. Pour boiling water over frozen raw beef before feeding. You should give at least 30 g per day to a two-month-old kitten. You can feed your pet boiled chicken breast every day.

By-products (lungs, kidneys, heart, liver). Can only be given boiled or frozen. Remember: the liver can change the coat color of white individuals to yellowish, so its quantity should be limited.

Chicken yolk feed raw or cooked no more than twice a week.

Quail eggs It is better to give raw, along with protein.

Milk and dairy products. Siamese kittens love liquid porridge with milk. 3-4 times a week give kefir, cottage cheese, which can be mixed with sour cream or yolk.


Since Siamese cats are a short-haired breed, grooming is quite simple. Kittens should be bathed when necessary, for example, if fleas appear. Once a week, both kittens and adult cats need to be combed and their claws trimmed. Your baby should be taught this from the moment he appears in your home.

Install or nail a scratching post to the wall. These babies are very energetic and love to climb on cabinets. Do not let the kitten play with small and shiny objects: caps, tinsel, buttons, tinsel. The baby should have his own toys.

What to name a kitten?

We hope you will agree with us that traditional and familiar nicknames (Kotya, Pusha, Kotofey, Murzik or Vaska) do not correspond to such beauties as Siamese kittens. Boys of this breed are often called:

  • Snow leopard.
  • Kaiser.
  • Marion.

Suitable names for cats include:

  • Buffy.
  • Daisy.
  • Lana.
  • Gina.
  • Sophie.

Orsha secondary school

Scientific project on the topic:

"Rules for caring for Siamese cats"


Nikitin G. I.

1 "G" class

Scientific director

Kozlova N. F.




    Main part

    1. Features of the Siamese cat breed

      Basic cat care rules compared to what I do at home.

      My attitude towards my pet.


    Information sources


Recently our family welcomed a Siamese cat. Therefore, I became interested in how to properly care for Siamese cats. Therefore, the topic of the research work is “Rules for caring for Siamese cats.”

There is a hypothesis that the Siamese cat is unpretentious in care and food. And I really need to make sure whether this is really so. Therefore, the goal of my project is to compare the basic rules of caring for cats with the actions that I perform at home.

To achieve the goal of the project, I allocatedtasks :

Find information about the Siamese cat breed on the Internet, find out what the rules are for caring for them;

Correlate new information about the rules of caring for cats with the actions that I perform at home while caring for an animal;

Release a wall newspaper.

    Main part

    1. Breed Features

« Siamese color." It seems that this phrase says it all, since it is this coat color that makes the cat breed truly unique and recognizable. This coloring is called color point: the body is light, and the limbs, tail, muzzle and ears are dark in color. Cats of this breed have an independent character and a rather obstinate disposition. This fact is the main difference from other cat breeds. The hot temperament of oriental beauties led to the fact that rumors about their excessive aggression and rancor began to grow around the Siamese. There are stories about how Siamese cats take revenge on their owner for any punishment, how jealous and insidious they are, they do not obey and can scratch or bite for no reason.

All these “horror stories” are certainly exaggerated, because Siamese cats are very affectionate to their owners and friendly towards people. The main character trait of the Siamese is affection and just dog-like loyalty. If the owner loves and takes care of the pet, then in return he will receive a lot of affection and tenderness from his furry friend.

Thanks to their independent nature, Siamese cats are great at being left alone. True, upon returning from work, the owner will have to devote time to his pet: play, scratch, treat him with something tasty, since these purrs simply have a painful need for communication.

In addition, you can really play with a Siamese cat! According to experts, these animals quickly learn various tricks and can carry out many commands. They especially love to chase a ball or ball, and also bring an object after it has been thrown.

The owner of the Siamese cat breed must devote a lot of effort to his pet. It is worth remembering that rough treatment, like physical punishment, will not lead to anything good. These cats are touchy and vulnerable, proud and self-confident, and also very loyal and intelligent animals.

    1. Basic cat care rules compared to what I do at home

My cat's name is Fordik. He's 2 years old. Breed: Siamese cat.


Internet sources claim that Siamese cats are unpretentious when it comes to feeding. Everyone eats. And therefore withThe very first rule in caring for a cat is regular nutrition. I feed my cat 2 times a day. In the morning I give them chicken feet and pour clean water, and in the evening, when I come home from school, I give them soup. They really eat everything. My cat's favorite treat is cucumbers. Sometimes, when there are no cucumbers, he eats both zucchini and pumpkin. He doesn't like fish, but loves poultry and animal meat. For some reason he doesn’t eat mice either (he only plays with them when he catches them). Siamese drink a lot, preferring running or settled fresh water. They are picky about their water container. Our cat only drinks water from the dishwasher or from a running tap.We don’t give food from stores; we prefer natural products.Regular and thorough washing of food and drink utensils is just as important for animals as it is for humans. Therefore, I follow this rule every day.

Toilet hygiene

Special containers are suitable for removing excrement and should be placed in convenient places. Our Fordik's litter tray is in the toilet. Timely cleaning of them and removal of feces and urine is the most important prerequisite for preventing odor. At the same time, cats become accustomed to cleanliness. When building a cat "toilet", a person must proceed from the fact that the cat wants to have the same conditions as in nature.That's why I use sawdust as toilet filler.Keeping containers for the “toilet” clean is of great hygienic importance. You need to regularly update the bedding and wash the trough itself with warm water several times a day - these are the most important prerequisites for the cleanliness of the animal itself. Personally, I change the litter only once a day.

Preventive actions

The weapons of Siamese cats are their claws.You should trim them once a month or buy a scratching post.We don't cut our nails and haven't purchased a scratching post.Fordik, grinding down his nails, peels off furniture and walls... That's why our sofa suffered.

About the purity of your bodyThe cat takes care of itself. With enviable regularity, she licks all areas of the body that she can reach with her tongue. However, it is also advisable that the owner brush his pet’s fur daily. My cat won't let me brush him. Therefore, I do not follow this rule for caring for my pet.

Walking. It is necessary to walk the animal regularly. But under no circumstances should you walk a cat unless it has beenvaccinations from infectious diseases and rabies. After the cat can be walked no earlier than 2 weeks, and no earlier than a month after . A cat walking on the street can become infected with such unpleasant diseases as trichophytosis and microsporia from stray animals. To prevent shingles disease, your cat needs to do . Walking your cat correctlyon a harness. You need to accustom your cat to a harness in advance so that it gets used to it not on a walk, but at home. After a walk with the cat, it is advisable to treat the harness with an antiseptic or simply wash it.

If the weather is good outside, I take the cat out into the yard. And then after a certain time I take Fordik home. When walking with my cat, I don’t use harnesses (cat leash), I just let him out into the bushes and leave. We also did not vaccinate him. It turns out that I do not follow the rules for walking an animal.

    1. My attitude towards my pet.

So, we can draw the following conclusion: Fordik is my favorite pet. He's a real family member. Everyone loves and caresses him. Therefore, Fordik often reciprocates our feelings. But when, while playing with him, I go too far, he may well give me change (we have a cat with character - he becomes very angry when he is offended, and can be very kind when he is petted). And then, of course, Fordik wins our fight with the cat.


In conclusion, I would like to note: I do not agree with those who claim that Siamese cats are unpretentious in care and in food. I believe that a person needs enormous patience and hard work in order to maintain an animal according to all the rules. I was convinced of this by my own example when I was caring for my Siamese. Sometimes I really want to go for a walk with my friends after school, but I remember in time - I also need to feed the cat while my mother is at work; and change the tray... And then it was added - Fordika needs to be combed regularly to give smoothness and shine to the coat, which I had not done before until I became acquainted with the basic rules for caring for cats. I also cannot agree that Siamese are not picky eaters. Fordik eats food unusual for cats - vegetables (cucumbers, raw potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini), but he does not like fish. Although fish, according to sources from the Internet, should be a regular dish in a cat’s diet.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs