Drops for conjunctivitis in cats. Conjunctivitis in cats - types, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease

Owners of different breeds of cats have to deal with conjunctivitis, and cats and kittens also suffer from this problem. Do not forget that any information, including that presented in this article and relating to feline conjunctivitis, will be for informational purposes only, because the correct treatment is prescribed only by an experienced veterinarian in this matter and after a preliminary examination of the animal and passing the necessary tests to determine the degree of development of the eye disease at the cat's.

You should not treat your pet negligently, because he will need your support in treating this problem, therefore, after reading the information collected in this and other articles on this site, you need to visit a veterinarian.

Conjunctivitis in cats: causes, symptoms, how long it lasts, what it looks like, how it manifests itself

Everyone knows what conjunctivitis is, but not everyone knows that inflammation of the conjunctiva (simply sour eyes) is most often a concomitant symptom of other diseases than an independent disease.
The causes of conjunctivitis in a cat can be:
- injuries, bruises or foreign bodies;
- irritation of the eye mucosa with chemicals or their vapors;
— infectious diseases or invasion;
— pathogenic microorganisms;
- inflammation of the skin areas adjacent to the eyes.

Conjunctivitis can occur in acute, chronic, purulent or follicular form. In the acute stage, mucous secretions collect in the corners of the animal’s eyes, which, when dry, stick the eyelids together and the cat cannot open the affected eye. If no measures are taken, the acute stage of conjunctivitis will become chronic. The eyes of cats at this stage of the disease are constantly watery, the skin of the eyelids looks inflamed, and often, due to purulent crusts, it is devoid of hair.

Purulent conjunctivitis usually affects not one, but both eyes. The animal looks depressed, its temperature rises, the inflammatory process makes the eyes puffy, the eyeball becomes red, and the purulent discharge is yellow and foul-smelling.

Follicular conjunctivitis causes a cloudy film of a dirty grayish color to appear on the eyes and the animal is at risk of blindness.

How to treat conjunctivitis in a cat, it can be transmitted to other cats

You can begin to treat conjunctivitis in a cat only after identifying the cause of its occurrence, and this can only be done in a veterinary laboratory.
Based on the identified type of microorganisms, the most optimal drug will be selected - ointment, drops or antibiotic injections.
In all cases, it is additionally required to rinse with antiseptic solutions.

Some types of conjunctivitis are transmitted from a sick cat not only to other cats, but also pose a danger to humans.

Conjunctivitis in a pregnant British cat, what to do?

Conjunctivitis from a pregnant British cat can be transmitted to kittens, so it is advisable to get rid of the disease before giving birth. Since conjunctivitis can have different origins (viral or bacterial), the approaches to its treatment will also differ. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult with professionals at a veterinary clinic.

How to treat conjunctivitis in a cat: medicine, drops, folk remedies, albucid, antibiotics

The most common folk remedy for treating conjunctivitis is washing the eyes with chamomile infusion or brewing black tea.

Veterinarians' opinions about albucid are divided - some consider it contraindicated for animals, others confirm its effectiveness. If this drug was prescribed by a doctor, then you should rely on his professionalism, strictly observing the recommended dosage, since the concentration of albucid intended for humans will be too high for cats.

Treating conjunctivitis in a cat at home with tea

In folk medicine, it is recommended to treat conjunctivitis in a cat at home with tea. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of black tea into a glass of boiling water and let the solution brew well. Then, in the tea leaves cooled to room temperature, moisten a cotton swab and wipe the sour eye with it (to prevent the infection from spreading, you need to take a new swab each time). If the inflammation affects only one eye, both eyes still need such treatment.

Is conjunctivitis in a cat contagious to people? Is it dangerous for humans?

Conjunctivitis in a cat also poses a threat to humans, therefore, when treating an animal, you must strictly observe sanitary standards - treat your pet’s eyes with gloves, or wash your hands both before and after contact with the patient.

Conjunctivitis in a cat with calcivirosis, consequences

Conjunctivitis can be a symptom of calcivirus in a cat. Calcivirosis is a disease transmitted virally through contact of a healthy animal with a sick one, affecting all age categories - from kittens to adult or elderly cats.
The disease is considered quite serious, and if measures are not taken in time, there is a high probability of the animal’s death.

Allergic conjunctivitis in a cat

Allergic conjunctivitis in a cat occurs after contact with an allergen. At the same time, at the beginning of the disease, the animal begins to experience intense lacrimation, which over time develops into inflammation of the conjunctiva with the release of pus. For successful treatment, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the allergen that caused this reaction in the body and treat the animal with antihistamines and eye drops.

Viral conjunctivitis in a cat

Viral conjunctivitis in animals occurs in many diseases caused by bacteria or viruses. In this case, the cat’s eyes have a swollen appearance, become very watery, and then, instead of tears, pus begins to ooze from the conjunctiva. Presumably, for viral conjunctivitis, cats are prescribed immunostimulants, antibiotics and antiseptic drugs - ointments or eye drops.

Treatment of purulent conjunctivitis in cats

Purulent conjunctivitis in cats occurs with an increase in body temperature, the mucous membrane of the eyes becomes red and swollen, and the purulent discharge itself has a dirty yellow tint and a foul odor.

Treatment of purulent conjunctivitis is prescribed by a doctor based on laboratory tests. Before visiting the clinic, you can alleviate the cat’s condition in a traditional way - by washing its eyes with warm, strong tea or chamomile infusion.

Infectious conjunctivitis in a cat

Infectious conjunctivitis accompanies many different diseases, so getting rid of one of the symptoms will not lead to a cure for the animal as a whole. Self-medicating can only worsen your cat’s already weakened health. Leave it to professional veterinarians to treat your animal. Before going to the clinic, a sick cat can wash its eyes with special lotions such as “Rosinka” or “Diamond Eyes”.

Chronic conjunctivitis in a cat

Conjunctivitis in a cat can be an independent disease or a symptom of another disease. Only veterinarians can understand these nuances. Therefore, before the disease has become chronic, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis and direct all efforts to cure the identified disease.

In case of chronic conjunctivitis, especially during an exacerbation, it is usually recommended to wash the eyes with chamomile decoction 2-3 times a day and apply eye ointment behind the eyelid.

How can you treat conjunctivitis in cats and Persian cats, how long to treat

To treat conjunctivitis in cats, completely different drugs can be prescribed in each specific case, since there is no single panacea for this disease. One animal may benefit from drops and ointments, while another will require injections.
Cats of the Persian breed, due to the peculiarities of the structure of their muzzle, need eye care more than others, so they need to wipe their eyes with special products every day, or even several times a day.

If you suspect conjunctivitis, it is advisable to immediately contact a specialist and not self-medicate.

Shiny fur, a snow-white row of teeth, and beautiful eyes of a pet indicate that its owner is a very caring and responsible person. Nevertheless, sometimes troubles happen with pets - conjunctivitis is a rather serious problem that requires a lot of attention and prompt action. How to treat conjunctivitis in a cat?

What to do when your pet’s eyes are “running”? Each owner must monitor the health of their pet - balanced nutrition and appropriate care, vaccinations and so on. And of course, monitor the health of the eyes - vision for a cat is of no small importance.

The conjunctiva in a cat is a thin mucous membrane that covers both the surface of the eye and the lining, inner surface of the eyelid. It is on it that the tear ducts are located, preventing the eye from drying out, protecting it when foreign, small bodies enter.

Popularly, this phenomenon is simply called souring of the eyes. This phenomenon is not uncommon, quite common and unpleasant, causing very serious consequences for the cat’s health. As an independent problem, it is very rare; more often it is a consequence of another disease, injury or some pathology. The main thing is not to hesitate and show the animal to the veterinarian.

Reasons for the development of conjunctivitis in furry cats

If treatment is prescribed without establishing the exact cause of the disease, it can become chronic and recur periodically in the form of relapses. Gradually, the disease can spread to the iris and the entire eye, which in the worst case scenario causes decreased vision.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

There is a certain number of symptoms that relate to conjunctivitis of any kind. This:

  1. increased lacrimation;
  2. the animal constantly washes itself to clean its eyelids;
  3. there are different types of discharge;
  4. in the morning your pet's eyes become numb;
  5. the cornea is covered with a cloudy film;
  6. The pet is afraid of light and often squints.

Diagnostic measures

The cat doctor examines the furry cats and prescribes a series of tests. In this way, the causes that contribute to the appearance of conjunctivitis in cats are determined. A biochemical analysis will probably be taken; in addition, samples of discharge from the conjunctiva will be studied.

During diagnosis, the veterinarian visually determines the nature of the discharge, which helps determine the root cause of the pathology. The allocations are as follows:

  • serous discharge usually accompanies a viral infection;
  • mucous type - for allergies;
  • purulent appearance - bacterial infection.

It is very necessary to do tests for chlamydial conjunctivitis. Chlamydia is treated exclusively with antimicrobial drugs.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

It is important to treat a cat for this pathology in strict accordance with all doctor’s prescriptions. After the diagnosis is made, medications will be prescribed that will get rid of the source of the disease, as well as symptomatic treatment.

Drug therapy

This type of treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnosis. Curing conjunctivitis in a cat is not so difficult if you approach the problem responsibly. It is necessary to treat not one eye, but both at once. Principles of conjunctivitis therapy;

  • anesthesia;
  • antibiotics;
  • washing;
  • corticosteroids;
  • drops and ointments.

But purulent, chlamydia, follicular conjunctivitis requires the use of antimicrobial drugs. If the doctor finds out that conjunctivitis is a consequence of another pathology, then it is better to immediately remove this problem.

Eye wash

One of the most common treatments for conjunctivitis in pets is washing with herbal decoctions. To do this, you can take calendula and chamomile. The broth should be neither cold nor hot. Optimally, a lukewarm liquid, close in temperature to the cat’s body temperature, that is, 38-39 degrees. You can also use a popular remedy - strongly brewed and strained tea (of course, without sugar and cooled).

Veterinarians strongly advise rinsing the furry dog’s eyes with a solution of furatsilin at the rate of one gram per five liters of warm water. However, in a smaller volume, calculating the correct concentration will be difficult. Potassium permanganate is not recommended for treatment - it dries out the mucous membrane and can cause burns.

Ointments for conjunctivitis

Treatment of conjunctivitis must continue with the help of a special ointment. When rinsing is done, ointment should be applied to the eyes. For this purpose, it is recommended to buy tetracycline or erythromycin ointment at a veterinary or regular pharmacy (only for the eyes). The ointment should be applied not with your fingers, but with an adapted glass rod, which must be doused with boiling water before use. The place where the ointment is applied is under the eyelid. Cats often resist this treatment, so you can apply some ointment to the lower eyelid. When the cat blinks, it will be evenly distributed in the right place.


Drops for conjunctivitis are another effective option for treating cats with conjunctivitis. Like any other medicine, they should be used after washing the eyelids (dosage - 2-3 drops every 3-4 hours). Although using drops is much more convenient, they can leak quite quickly. In any case, before using eye drops, you should consult a veterinarian about which remedy is best for your fluffy, and not self-medicate. During the treatment process, animal owners should be patient, then their efforts will certainly be crowned with success.

Treatment with antihistamines

It is permissible to use various traditional methods for therapy, but after the approval of a doctor and not instead of prescribed medications.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine at home uses medicinal plants in its recipes. The most commonly used is chamomile, and almond oil is no less popular. Medicines are also made from eyebright, and even from tea leaves.

This little list goes on. Every owner who cares about the health of their pet has more than one recipe that will help their pet cope with the disease. It is advisable to treat conjunctivitis in a cat at home after consulting a doctor. This is a must.

Based on the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes a course of therapy for the cat, which includes: ointments, drops, injections, or a whole range of medications. The choice of medications and dosage are determined taking into account the severity of conjunctivitis. Usually, the doctor prescribes:

  • furatsilin solution;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • A decoction made from medicinal chamomile is used as a sedative.

If the disease of eye conjunctivitis in kittens is at an early stage, the development of the course of therapy includes drugs including antibiotics:

  • Levomycetin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Sofradex.

Preventive measures

Conjunctivitis is a highly contagious pathology. However, the occurrence of conjunctivitis can be prevented if certain preventive measures are followed.

If the painful process has affected the eye, you will need to use novocaine or hydrocortisone. Silver-based drops are highly effective. If the disease has become severe, intramuscular injections will be required.

Conjunctivitis of any kind is quite contagious; it poses a danger not only to animals, but also to humans. Looks disgusting in the photo. Therefore, after treating an animal, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap; the risk of infection is very high and everyone around you is exposed to it.

If you follow simple rules, you can quickly and easily cure this disease in cats. In this case, it is necessary to observe hygiene rules and take various preventive measures. Any cat can get sick, purebred or not. Persian and British breeds are most often affected by conjunctivitis. They should be closely monitored and at the first sign contact a veterinary clinic. Severe conjunctivitis in your kitten is very contagious to others.

Everyone around you is susceptible to infection. For this reason, the pet must be temporarily isolated. Carry out procedures only with gloves; after contact with the animal, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

The cat's eyes began to water and swell, and if they do not open at all, then the cat has conjunctivitis. What to do and what treatment to use?


Why adult cats and kittens may develop conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis in cats is an eye disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane; if not treated correctly, serious consequences can occur, including blindness. There are several types of this disease in cats, as well as the causes of each of them:

The kitten has acute conjunctivitis with slight discharge

Treatment of any type of conjunctivitis can be done at home if you know the exact cause, otherwise the wrong medications can lead to serious complications and even blindness.

Symptoms of the disease

Conjunctivitis is divided into several types according to the severity of the disease. Let's characterize each of them:

Allergic conjunctivitis, tears flow heavily.

How to cure fluffies

The kitten must be treated as soon as symptoms are noticed. The first step is to clean the eye; for this, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate are used. Kittens are washed, just like people, using well-moistened cotton swabs; it is important that pieces of cotton do not get into the eye.

Further treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor to determine the necessary medications. Typically, conjunctivitis is treated with antibacterial ointment and special eye drops; in more severe cases, antibiotics in the form of ointments or injections and local painkillers are used.

For any conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe ointment and drops for treatment. How to put drops in a cat’s eye, and how to spread it at home:

No matter how hard the kittens struggle or scratch, the procedure must be done the prescribed number of times, otherwise the treatment will be in vain. Let your kittens not get sick, treat them and let them get well soon.

Conjunctivitis develops when the transparent membrane of the sclera of the eyeball and the inner surface of the eyelid, the conjunctiva, become inflamed. The disease is provoked by external and internal irritants. In the first case, local inflammation begins, in the second, conjunctivitis becomes a symptom of fungal, viral and bacterial infections, helminthiasis.

When the immune system is weakened, inflammation spreads from neighboring skin tissues. Conjunctivitis of infectious etiology is transmitted to other animals; feline strains of the pathogen are not dangerous for humans.

Forms and symptoms of conjunctivitis

Regardless of the provoking factors, the disease begins in the same way. The cat becomes restless: hides from the light, covers and rubs its eyes. On examination, swelling of the eyelid, redness of the sclera, increased lacrimation, and mucous transparent discharge are noticed.

Subsequent symptoms depend on the severity and type of conjunctivitis:

  • Catarrhal . This species is considered more harmless than the others; inflammation begins due to the spread of streptococci and staphylococci in the conjunctival sac. With proper therapy, the disease is limited to initial symptoms and is treated within a week.
  • Purulent . This form occurs due to improper or careless treatment of catarrhal conjunctivitis. Eye discharge becomes thick, cloudy, and yellow-green in color. The eyelid becomes crusty, the skin around the eyes becomes wet and inflamed, and hair falls out. The animal becomes apathetic, eats worse, and does not open its eyelids. Without treatment, the cat’s vision decreases, complications begin: panophthalmitis, keratitis
  • Follicular . Inflammation spreads to the lymphatic follicles of the third eyelid. The cat constantly squints and blinks. The eyes are covered with a cloudy film, purulent exudate is released. Inflamed follicles look like red bumps, and the eyelid turns outward. In severe cases, the pet develops photophobia and does not crawl out of the dark corners of apartments.
  • Parenchymatous . The inflammatory process affects the conjunctiva and subconjunctival tissue, pus accumulates under the epithelium. The mucous tissues thicken, become covered with abscesses, and change color from bright red to brown. The exudate dries, forms crusts, and bleeding begins when it is removed. If left untreated, the parenchymal form ends in blindness.
  • Allergic . This type is accompanied by profuse lacrimation, which irritates the conjunctiva. Further manifestations depend on the intensity of inflammation: from small accumulations of pus in the corners of the eyes to thick discharge mixed with blood.

In the acute course, the disease begins suddenly, the symptoms are pronounced. Untreated conjunctivitis becomes chronic. Clinical signs are smoothed out, but under unfavorable conditions they worsen again, making it more difficult to cope with the disease.

Methods of treating the disease

First aid is to cleanse the eyes of mucus, crusts, and pus. For this, use a decoction of calendula, chamomile or a solution of furatsilin: a tablet in a glass of water. Cotton fibers irritate the mucous membrane, so they take a bandage and need a separate swab for each eye. The rinsing liquid is brought to body temperature. Potassium permanganate and boric acid are unsafe to use. The animal will get burned if the dosage is incorrect or the grains of powder do not completely dissolve.

The pet is then taken to the veterinary clinic. The doctor determines the cause and type of inflammation based on a survey, external examination and the nature of the discharge. For unclear reasons, laboratory tests are performed. Cytological analysis of scrapings from the conjunctiva identifies the pathogen. Bacteriological examination of a smear detects pathogenic microbes and determines their sensitivity to antibiotics. Additionally, biochemical and clinical blood tests are prescribed.

When pathogens and helminths are identified, treatment is aimed at eliminating them. At the same time, a treatment regimen for ocular inflammation is drawn up.

In the initial stage, external agents are prescribed:

  • Antibiotic ointments put behind the lower eyelid 4 times a day. The product is applied with a glass rod with a round end and kept in boiling water before use.
  • Eye drops apply up to 8 times a day.

Medicines are applied to both eyes, even if one is inflamed; before use, discharge and crusts are removed with antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, the following groups of medications are prescribed:

  • Injections drugs with antibiotics are used to treat purulent, parenchymal, follicular conjunctivitis. Due to side effects, antibiotics are used under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  • Solutions to reduce irritation and pain.
  • Antihistamines will be needed for allergic conjunctivitis. Human medications are used for cats, so only a veterinarian can correctly calculate the dosage.
  • Immunostimulants are prescribed to strengthen the body's resistance.

Specific drugs are indicated in the table:

The doctor selects medications based on laboratory tests and the severity of the disease; independent actions will harm the pet. After the acute stage, it is useful to treat the mucous membranes with Solcoseryl eye gel. The medicine accelerates the recovery of the conjunctiva after inflammation. If no results are noticed, then diagnostic studies are carried out again and the treatment regimen is changed.

Traditional methods

Medicinal plants help at an early stage with catarrhal or allergic forms.

For this, decoctions and juices are prepared:

  • Medicinal chamomile. A bag or teaspoon of dry collection is poured with a mug of water and boiled for 7 minutes. After cooling, leave for an hour and use for rinsing.
  • Dill branches . The greens are crushed, the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth, a swab is moistened, and lotions are made.
  • Aloe . The juice is squeezed out of freshly cut leaves and added to cooled boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The solution is washed and dropped into the eyes.
  • Rose hip . A tablespoon of fruit is crushed, boiled for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water, and left for half an hour. The decoction is used to remove pus and mucus.
  • Plantain . 10 g of seeds are infused for 30 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water, filtered. After cooling, rub the eyes with the infusion.
  • Almond oil is applied to the mucous membranes, 2-3 drops.

Folk remedies do not replace medications; they are used in addition to medications to reduce swelling and pain.
In the initial phase, you can cope with conjunctivitis in a week; advanced forms will take time and are loaded with serious complications.

Conjunctivitis is a disease with quite serious consequences. A timely visit to a veterinarian for an examination will help you avoid complications, but not self-medication.

There are the following types of disease, depending on the degree of complication of symptoms:

  1. Catarrhal.
  2. Purulent.
  3. Phlegmonous.
  4. Follicular.
  5. Allergic.
  6. Bacterial.
  7. Purulent.
  8. Parenchymatous.

The following types of disease progression are distinguished: acute, subacute and chronic.

Acute form Pet eye disease manifests itself with sudden redness and watery eyes.

Subacute form characterized by less noticeable redness of the eyes and mild lacrimation.

The most dangerous and invisible is the chronic form, since there are no obvious signs and the disease proceeds unnoticed.


Conjunctivitis occurs not only in kittens, but also in adults, regardless of immunity, as it is spread by a virus. But the course of the disease and its intensive treatment takes longer in exhausted and elderly pets. Acidity of the eyes is common in cats due to irritants:

  • mechanical - bodies in the eyeball of foreign origin, dust, specks;
  • radiation - irradiation of the retina with ultraviolet rays;
  • chemical - penetration of vapors of toxic substances into the animal’s eye;
  • allergens - characteristic of each pet individually (possible due to infection with worms).

Common symptoms of conjunctivitis in kittens are: redness of the eyelids, swelling, lacrimation. To treat such a disease, it is necessary to know the type of conjunctivitis, which is characterized by a number of symptoms characteristic of them.

With catarrhal conjunctivitis, the most quickly curable and less dangerous type of this disease, thick and cloudy lacrimation of the pet, redness of the eyes, slight swelling of the eyelid, hair loss in places of irritated skin, are observed. clumping of cilia due to mucous secretions. Body temperature is within 37.1–38.0 °C, but when accompanied by other inflammatory processes, an unexpected increase in temperature is possible.

The next type of conjunctivitis in a cat is a consequence of untreated catarrhal type of eye disease - purulent. Purulent conjunctiva in cats is characterized by the accumulation of mucus and its transformation into purulent formations. Consequently, the main symptom is the discharge of a large amount of pus from the pet’s eye. In the morning you can find a cat around the eyes dried crusts yellowish-green color.

It is possible to observe the phenomenon when the damaged eye is squinted or completely closed. The pet may have a weakened state of the body, complete lack of appetite, increased body temperature, painful sensations around the eyeball. It is purulent inflammation of the eyelid that in most cases indicates the presence of a serious infectious disease. Delayed contact with a veterinarian and prolonged treatment, threatens the pet with blindness.

Phlegmonous conjunctivitis is demonstrated by the discharge of pus from the eyes, as well as the entire conjunctiva under the epithelial layer. This type of conjunctivitis is much more difficult to treat.

The most severe type of disease is follicular. Inherent signs: bulging of the pet’s eyelid outward, thereby covering the eye, narrowing of the eyes, fear of light, purulent discharge, endless closing of the eyes, the appearance of a dirty gray film on the conjunctiva. Special treatment is necessary, since the follicular type of conjunctivitis often becomes chronic.


It is easy to cure conjunctivitis in a cat. Both eyes are subject to treatment, regardless of the presence of the disease in one eye, and veterinarian supervision is strictly necessary.

For each type of conjunctivitis, it is necessary to wash the pet’s eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin. To treat catarrhal conjunctivitis, antibiotic-based eye drops and ointments (tetracycline and chloramphenicol) are used.

In practice, veterinarians advise drops“Albucid”, “Maxitrol”, “Iris”, “Kolbiotsin” with regular use up to 8 times a day. They were the ones who presented the best results in the therapy process. Eye ointments work well: “Erythromycin” and “Tetracycline” up to 4 times a day. In cases of complications, the veterinarian prescribes injections Dexamethasone every 4 days to reduce inflammation.

For follicular conjunctivitis, therapy is best carried out in a clinical setting. After spending eye anesthesia, cleaning of follicles begins from the third eyelid. It is possible to repeat the procedure, but at the discretion of the veterinarian.

For viral and bacterial diseases, eye treatment begins with eliminating the main infection. Effective drops considered: “Interferon”, “Kolbiotsin”, “Tsipromed” up to 4 times a day.

When purulent, phlegmonous and follicular conjunctivitis cannot be treated locally, intramuscular injections of antibiotics are prescribed. Their introduction is mandatory, since with ongoing types of disease there is no way to recover. After using antibiotics, cats need vitamins and immunostimulating drugs.

When the cause of conjunctivitis is allergy, it is necessary find an allergen and treat with antihistamines. In cases where the development of eye disease was caused by fleas or lice, you should purchase products designed to remove pests from the pharmacy. It is necessary to follow the dosage so as not to harm the pet.

During treatment, before and after eye treatments your beloved pet, you should wash your hands with soap. This disease is contagious and dangerous both for other pets and for humans.


To avoid conjunctivitis infecting your beloved pets, you must adhere to the measures given below.

  1. Maintaining the animal's immunity.
  2. Avoiding drafts and hypothermia of the pet.
  3. Preventive visits to the veterinarian, testing.
  4. Annual vaccination and deworming.
  5. Comb the animal very carefully so that hair does not get into the eyes.
  6. Limit the animal's contact with stray and unkempt cats.
  7. Compliance hygiene pet and its accessories.
  8. Daily wet cleaning of the premises, but not in the presence of a pet.
  9. Finding household chemicals on the top shelves.

Folk remedies

No less effective in relation to drugs from the pharmacy are folk remedies. Of course, they generally do not treat the disease, but only relieve its severity, thereby making life easier for the pet. Effective folk remedies are applicable only in the early stages diseases. These remedies usually include: chamomile, tea leaves, almond oil. It is safer to wipe the animal’s eyes with a piece of bandage, since the cotton wool may leave fibers that will complicate the course of the disease. These infusions are good to use as compresses for your pet.

It is also important to systematically rinse around eyes pet clusters are brownish in color. Ignoring the current rule may lead to the development of dermatitis. The animal will begin to pick at its eyes more often, thereby causing more infection.

Has a very high ability to reduce pain and relieve swelling almond oil. It can be used together with other drugs. You should drip 2-3 drops throughout the day. Calendula infusion is characterized by the same properties.

Let's take a closer look at one of the folk remedies - tea leaves. Take 1 tablespoon of black tea per glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and leave. After that, after the tea has cooled to room temperature, a cotton swab is moistened and both eyes of the animal are wiped, regardless of the fact that there is only one affected eye. Each tampon can only be used once.

With the knowledge given in this article, you can help your pet in a timely and correct manner, which is most important in relation to our smaller brothers. It is imperative that when carrying out procedures on your own, you must remain calm and quiet so as not to frighten or frighten the animal. Open all containers with medications carefully and with safe objects. The cotton swab must be moistened carefully, without spilling the contents on household items, the floor or other surface.




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