How to teach yourself to eat the right portions. Proper (healthy) nutrition (PP) - “What is proper nutrition for me? How to keep myself in shape? You can’t break the diet!”

Hi all! This review will not contain miraculous transformations and stories about how I lost 20,40,150 kg. There will be no impositions and recommendations. This is just my story.

"You are what you eat." These great words were written by Hippocrates over two thousand years ago.

Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

What's happened proper nutrition? This is a varied, fresh food in moderate amounts, which we eat with pleasure. Proper nutrition is certain and constant hours of eating.

Why did I start eating right and what is right nutrition for me?

It's no secret that we live in a world whose ecology leaves much to be desired. Now is the age of high technology and often food is not a product grown by someone, but a substance stuffed with chemicals and produced somewhere in the laboratory .. With TV screens, bright bottles, bags and boxes with screaming names look at us from posters on the streets. On every corner, more and more new fast food restaurants are opening, and not necessarily fast ones)) There are a lot of dubious cafes, canteens, pancakes, pasties ... Everyone wants to feed and drink us. Moreover, we don’t even need to go anywhere, everyone will bring to our home, to work, to the tent. And for separate fee they will also feed you and poison you with jokes (I exaggerate, of course, but who knows) Modern housewives don’t even need to strain. prepared food and relax all day with a TV series. Beauty!!!

It’s only after a while that you begin to notice that after eating, the stomach hurts, that the nails exfoliate, the teeth crumble, and overweight or vice versa, the necessary ones disappear, shortness of breath appears, vision shrinks, the skin becomes like a frog pug (green, pimply and wrinkled) Something is wrong! We run to the hospital, get a prescription, then a pharmacy, a bag of pills and vitamins. And now we are happy to eat handfuls of pills, eat sandwiches with sausage and drink Coca-Cola. (Well, or milk pasteurized and normalized in terms of fat content, which is essentially the same Same)

What way did I find for myself - I cook everything myself (as much as possible), carefully choose products and food manufacturers. But even this does not exclude the possibility of harmful substances entering our body. But it significantly reduces it. After all, even if you move to the village and start to lead our farm, it won’t save us in the end. Well, we’ll grow potatoes, carrots, etc. Well, we’ll get chickens, ducks ... You can goats or a cow. They feel good, they graze in the fields, eat grass, give a clean product, but on You can’t keep animals on grass alone, you’ll have to buy grain (we won’t sow a field of wheat, for example), and grain, as you know, is treated with chemicals both during growth and after assembly. One way or another, the chemistry will get into our body.

But let's not talk about sad things, we must be positive. And back to the topic of the review!

So, I started cooking for myself and my family. That was the first step.

The next point is to understand what you can eat and what should be limited or even excluded as much as possible.

Naturally, it is necessary to completely exclude super unhealthy fast food. (Soda, chips, crackers, hamburgers, lollipops and other chemicals)

Eliminate alcohol (well, the body does not need it in any form, neither 50 grams of wine, nor 5 grams of vodka)

The basis of proper nutrition is the mode! I have been following the regime for many years and have taught my children to follow the regime. We wake up and go to bed at the same time, and we also eat by the hour (+-15 minutes). With this, there is no need for snacks, so the main food is completely digestible. We have 4 meals a day. This is breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

Everyone talks about the need to drink a lot of water. This is true! But not everyone can force themselves to drink water. Thanks to the regime, you can accustom yourself to this. I always drink 250 ml half an hour before meals warm water. Those. every day I drink 1 liter of water. Sometimes this figure is more, but never less. Since I don’t drive much active image life, that's enough for me.

Everyone knows this saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy."

breakfast for me important trick food! Although earlier it was limited to a cup of coffee. I eat according to the regime. And I started getting up early. 6:00 is my usual rise. (both on a weekday and on a weekend). these half an hour I cook breakfast. What do I eat for breakfast

The best breakfast is porridge. On milk, or on water - this is a matter of taste (well, or perhaps someone is lactose intolerant, or someone is on a diet) I alternate like this: porridge day, day 2 soft-boiled eggs. Tea I don’t drink at all. Instead of tea, I brew chamomile for myself and add 1 teaspoon of honey. I drink coffee once or twice a week (not instant, but freshly ground and brewed)

Such a breakfast energizes and allows you not to feel hungry until lunch.

Lunch. There is such a statement: "Who does not eat soup, he will earn a stomach ulcer." It is incorrect! Soup, like any other liquid, drunk immediately before or during a meal, dilutes the gastric juice, which makes it difficult and slows down digestion. soup!. I just eat soup at lunchtime. I don’t have the first, second and compote.

Afternoon snack time! For an afternoon snack, I can afford both sweets and pastries ((but everything is only cooked with my own hands! No shop baking)

I use the cottage cheese that I prepared myself. I use the whey left after cooking for pancakes. I use different flour, I often make a mixture (wheat + rice, wheat + oatmeal or corn) source of vitamins.

In a house where there are children, it is impossible to do without sweets, so I try to make them myself. But I am constantly looking for new recipes

I think greens are a must.

Salads - optional source of vitamins also a great start to any meal

There are salads that become a wonderful side dish for meat.

Sometimes I allow myself to cook a slightly harmful product (due to great content vinegar)

Oils. We are very afraid of fats, but we need them. Moreover, both vegetable and animal. I add butter to pastries, some desserts, porridge. I season salads with vegetable oils, sometimes I just drink a teaspoon (in the winter months)

I also don't use commercial sauces. I learned how to make mayonnaise myself a long time ago, since my husband refuses to eat some food without mayonnaise)) Ketchup is also made simply with fresh tomatoes.

Cereals help diversify the menu. Of the favorites - buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, bulgur

The turn has come to dinner. We have dinner at 19:00 and there are an infinite number of dinner options.

Rational nutrition is perceived by many as something unattainable, as an illusion created and disseminated by nutritionists .. However, in some cases, to make a revolution in their views on own diet it is simply necessary .. Most often this is caused not so much by the need to reset excess weight, How many various diseases, the course of which can be complicated by the consumption of non-recommended products .. The habit of eating right in these cases becomes vital ..

But how can you form it if the work schedule is limited free time, culinary mediocrity and ordinary laziness do not disappear from our lives? ..

Of course, this task is not easy, but it is still solvable.

To begin with, it is worth getting acquainted with two lists - useful and harmful products.. They can be obtained from a doctor, found in medical reference books or on specialized Internet resources .. Then you have to arm yourself cookbook and mark recipes in it that correspond to the concept of "proper nutrition".. All these actions can be timed to coincide with your "motivational rise" - the state that every person experiences when fired up by some idea.. Keep in mind that it will not last long, therefore it is necessary to have time during this period to lay the foundation for your future good habits..

It is also important to make sure that the kitchen becomes cozier and more attractive. dietary products such as zucchini or low-fat cottage cheese .. Here you can act both drastically (make repairs and buy new furniture) and quite economically (purchase bright accessories - an apron, towels, mittens, original hot coasters, etc.) ..

After determining the basis for the home menu, it is worth thinking about eating at work.. As a rule, during the weekday we are deprived of the opportunity to have a full lunch.. Even food in the dining room is not able to replace homemade food.. In addition, it is rarely fresh and even less often - usefulness .. In this case, a mini-fridge and a microwave stove in the office will be a salvation (quite often they are already in the workplace, but you can organize colleagues and buy equipment in a pool). take it with you.. However, this slight inconvenience will pay off good health, to which rational and regular meals..

Efforts on oneself (including compliance with prohibitions on certain products) you will have to do only a few weeks .. After some time, you will feel that you no longer want the cherished chocolate or barbecue, which you used to dream about quite often .. This means that the body is used to the new diet, and you have become not only a winner over his weaknesses, but also a person who claims to be a long-liver ..


It's no secret to anyone that healthy lifestyle life and proper diet help to become more beautiful, improve health and improve the quality of life of any person. Here are some simple but effective advice on nutrition, which will allow you to achieve all of the above.


Never skip breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day and gives you energy for the whole day.


Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This habit will keep you hydrated. In addition, water helps correct distribution nutrients throughout the body. If you live in a hot climate, you need to increase your water intake even more.


Choose light snacks that will give you an extra boost of energy throughout the day. If you are trying to lose weight, it is better to give preference to vegetables and fruits.


Try not to skip not only breakfast, but also lunch. Many people are too busy in the middle of the day and often forget or do not have time to eat lunch, which leads to overeating in the evening. evening time. Skipping lunch lowers your blood sugar levels, makes you tired faster and loses focus. To prevent this from happening, enjoy a light lunch.


Try eating dinner a little earlier than usual. Late dinner complicates the digestion of food and interferes with sound sleep. Moreover, after a late dinner, you can feel full even in the morning. To allow your digestive system to function properly, eat at least three hours before you go to bed.

And in addition to the above, we offer 5 recipes for proper healthy eating. Do not miss interesting video below!

This fast technique Distractions have a significant impact on appetite and stress-induced snack cravings. You only need to press your finger on your forehead for 30 seconds. “When we feel stressed, food is one of the most quick ways feel relieved. It acts as a sedative,” says Jessica Ortner, author of The Emotional Freedom Technique for Weight Loss and Body Confidence. Therefore, a stress relief technique based on the use of biologically active substances helps to reduce hunger. active points on the human body.

J. Ortner "The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence: A Woman's Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less, and Loving More", Hay House, May 13, 2014.

The smell of fresh fruit

The smell of fruit will help to deceive the desire to buy the most high-calorie dessert in a restaurant. According to a study by French psychologists published in the journal Appetite, subjects who inhaled the aroma of a pear or melon for 15 minutes later chose a low-calorie fruit dessert over chocolate (unlike participants in the experiment, who did not smell the fruit before making a choice). ).

M. Gaillet-Torrent et al. "Impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on subsequent food choices", Appetite Journal, January 2014.

Good things come in small packages

You don't have to eat a whole bar to fight the urge to eat chocolate (or other forbidden sweets). Brian Wansink*, author of Slim By Design** and director of the Cornish Food and Brand Lab, reported this after his research. In his opinion, one or two small pieces can satisfy the desire to eat sweetness and will not affect the diet.

“Most of those who could be satisfied with one quarter of their serving, eat the whole thing - to the point of excessive satiety,” says Brian. The trick to his method is to eat only a small part and keep the rest out of sight. After 15 minutes, there will be no trace of the desire to eat everything else ***.

The "principle of a small piece" works not only with sweets, but also with main dishes. Try to finely chop large pieces and separate large portions high-calorie food Take a cue from restaurants. By the way, cutting into small pieces is effective way self-deception: it seems that there is more food on the plate than it actually is.

* B. Wansink, P. Chandon “Slim by Design: Redirecting the Accidental Drivers of Mindless Overating”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, March 2014. ** B. Wansink “Slim by Design. Mindless Eating Solutions For Everyday Life", Harper Collins Publishers, September 2014.*** R. Grumman Bender, "7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Trick Yourself Into Eating Healthier", Yahoo Health, November 2014.

Refusal to advertise food

Sh. Luo et al. "Abdominal fat is associated with a greater brain reward response to high-calorie food cues in Hispanic women", Obesity (Silver Spring), May 2013.

Pure water

Drinking water isn't just for filling your stomach. The choice of drink also affects the choice of dish: for example, with soda, most people drink fatty foods rather than a light salad. And if you choose water, you are likely to prefer vegetables and low-calorie foods.

R. Grumman Bender "7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Trick Yourself Into Eating Healthier", Yahoo Health, November 2014.

How to teach yourself to eat right.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are inseparable. The food we take ensures constant renewal, development of cells and tissues of the body, and is a source of energy. Food is a source of substances from which hormones, enzymes and other regulators are synthesized. metabolic processes. Metabolism is completely dependent on the nature of nutrition. The composition of food, its quantity and properties determine physical development and growth, morbidity, work capacity, life expectancy and neuropsychiatric status. With food, our body should receive sufficient, but not excessive, amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, trace elements, vitamins and minerals in the right proportions.

It's no secret that dieting is all about controlling what, when, and how much you eat. Therein lies the difficulty: our diet is a sequence of habits. Snacking on the run or before dinner, we do not think about why we do this, but mindlessly follow the once established ritual. Such nutrition is a rough "refueling" for the body and carries a great threat to health - from digestive problems and overweight to stress and disruption of life harmony.

It is necessary to develop a habit of thoughtful attitude to nutrition, to learn to listen to your body. Our body itself knows what it needs, and our task is to learn to recognize its signals. "Conscious Eating" is very similar to meditation, where one allows one's thoughts to freely come and go without judging or thinking about them. Instead of succumbing to any whim of the stomach, or, conversely, completely disregarding the body, you just need to listen carefully to yourself.

Lack of awareness interferes with eating right, nutritionists say. In order for the effect to be lasting, you do not need to immediately rush to break your habits. Start slowly, trying to avoid common mistakes, then work on your personal weaknesses. And all the while, take good care of yourself.

Over time, you will not only improve your nutrition, but also notice significant changes in your lifestyle. A thoughtful attitude to food can change your life for the better.

Give up the most bad habit - eat quickly. During the day, there is only one opportunity to interrupt the frantic working rhythm - lunch. The habit of eating quickly gradually destroys health digestive system and leads directly to overeating. Moreover, it deprives you of pleasure. We have forgotten how pleasant food is for all our senses - its smell, sight, taste, we simply sweep it off the plate.

It should become a new habit - to eat slowly and with taste. Give yourself a vow of awareness - for a week, at the first and last piece of each dish, stop and feel its taste, smell and feel. Most likely, you will remember your “vow” only half the time. But even this is a good start.

It is very difficult to be mindful of food when you are distracted. Try at least sometimes to eat in a calm environment: without a TV, without a computer, without checking mail or climbing the Internet, without running to answer the phone every time. Do everything in advance, turn off your gadgets and sit quietly and enjoy your meal.

If this is difficult for you, start with one quiet meal a day.

Second bad habit- put large portions on a plate. According to research, it is not carbohydrates and fats that are to blame for the obesity epidemic, but huge portions of food. Few people pay attention to its quantity. We all eat a lot. The modern obsession with size encourages overeating. Plates are now being released bigger size than before. A simple visualization will help you understand how much food you need: 100 g of protein food is a fist-sized serving, a serving of cereals or starchy vegetables is the size of a palm. leafy greens can be eaten without restriction, as long as it was cooked with very little oil.

The second new habit is better less, but better. A conscious attitude to food includes not only controlling its weight and volume, but also increasing its aesthetic appeal. In Japan, it is customary to beautifully arrange food on a plate so that you can enjoy its view. In Chinese and Thai cuisine, it is customary to emphasize each of the ingredients without clogging the taste of one with the other. So experts advise paying attention to the color of each ingredient, its texture, saturation, as well as visually highlight the components of the dish when cooking. The purpose of all this is to develop a sense of beauty and harmony. Instead of just putting a mountain of food on the plates at home, take care of its beautiful and proper serving. As a result, you will naturally and effortlessly come to correct size servings.

The third bad habit is sweet every day. It is customary to end any meal with a sweet dessert, although our body does not need it at all. It has become a habit, and more than that, an addiction. When we don't get sweets, we feel like we're missing something. Sweet food overloads our taste buds and dulls our senses. Therefore, it is more difficult for us to determine what our body really asks for.

The Third New Habit - Forming right taste. Experts advise to wait 20 minutes after eating and only then decide whether you want dessert or not. Even if you want to, ask yourself, maybe just a few pieces will be enough for you, and not a whole serving? So you will destroy the usual pattern and at the same time you will not feel deprived of the most delicious.

Another way: try to rethink what a dessert is. Let your taste buds taste healthy sweets. One of the best desserts is pieces of apples and pears lightly sprinkled with cinnamon. It's a beautiful dish, perfect for finishing off lunch or dinner, and the sugar is just right.

The fourth bad habit is erratic eating. A pre-dinner snack can ruin the enjoyment of the best meal in the world. So why are we doing this? The answer is simple - we are too hungry to wait. Going without food for a long time lowers blood sugar, which encourages us to eat more.

Just remember, our body begins to feel hungry 1-4 hours after eating, even the most satisfying and balanced. Therefore, if you last ate at lunch, then when you come home, you most likely cannot resist and have a snack. You need to be ready for such a development of events. Eat something healthy in the afternoon (celery, such as almond butter toast or yogurt), and preliminary work for dinner, do it in the morning (cut vegetables or boil rice), in the evening you will spend less time cooking. It is also useful to learn to recognize the symptoms of hunger: the already known burning sensation in the stomach, slight dizziness, dry mouth, lump in the throat. These sensations are similar to those that we feel in a state of stress and anxiety. They make us eat without thinking.

The fourth new habit is to think ahead and prepare. Your goal is to stop eating like a zombie, to get rid of the state in which you eat "on the machine", without feelings. Very useful to lead food diary, it will immediately show you what, how much and when you eat. The most important thing is to think about it and draw conclusions. If you realize that you don’t usually want to eat dinner because you are used to having a snack before dinner, you will have the opportunity to change this next time and do right choice. The fifth bad habit is to go to bed immediately after eating. If you go to bed immediately after eating, this will lead to a weakening of all processes in the body. Sleep does not contribute to the absorption of food.

The fifth new habit is not to sleep immediately after eating. You can sleep after eating in an hour or an hour and a half. Evening walks will help you relax after labor day, get charged positive emotions, even if you are very tired, you can just sit on a bench and breathe in fresh air.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk. Dairy products very well absorbed and favorably affect digestion

Healthy balanced diet improves mood, well-being and prolongs youth, allows you to lead a long, interesting and active life.

You need to understand for yourself a simple truth: healthy eating- this is not a temporary diet to improve health, it is a way of life, thanks to which the body is constantly provided with the necessary useful substances and enzymes.

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