Chronic gardnerellosis. Treatment of gardnerellosis in women and men

Gardnerella are microorganisms that are present in a woman’s vagina. In a favorable environment, they multiply quickly, while contributing to the suppression and destruction of lactic acid bacteria and, as a result, the development of the disease - gardnerellosis. This pathology men are not diagnosed, but complications may develop, for example, urethritis, if a man leads sex life with a woman whose vaginal microflora is disturbed. How to treat gardnerellosis is determined by the doctor. As a rule, this means following a diet and taking certain medications.

Proper nutrition

Gardnerellosis in women requires complex therapy. Diet is important, adherence to which will help increase the protective function of the immune system and influence the normalization of microflora in the vagina and intestines. Nutrition should be complete. The products must contain all useful microelements, vitamins and minerals (fats, carbohydrates, etc.).

To replenish the missing amount of nutrients in the body, it is important to include daily diet fermented milk products, lean meat, sea fish, any other seafood, fruits and vegetables, cereals, nuts, vegetable oil.

Product processing is steam.

In addition, you can prepare stewed and boiled dishes. Recommended fractional meals: better in small portions, but often throughout the day (up to 6 times).


The attending physician must prescribe medications that will help achieve complete recovery and reduce the risk of developing negative consequences. Despite this, even timely initiation of therapy does not guarantee that relapses will not occur in the future.


Antibacterial drugs are prescribed first and should only be done by a specialist. If self-medicated, it can cause quite dangerous consequences, for example, the addition of other, no less serious diseases.

The semisynthetic antibiotic Clindamycin is actively used in the treatment of gardnerellosis. Despite his high efficiency, the drug has one significant drawback - the release form. The medicine is a solution for injection and, since the disease does not require therapy with exposure to inpatient conditions, manipulation can be difficult. Not every family has a doctor, so you often have to hire a doctor for an additional fee.

Vilprafen tablets are used for intolerance to drugs from other groups

Another remedy is Ornidazole, which is also popular among specialists. The drug belongs to the group of nitroimidazoles. Ornidazole is not prescribed to women who are in interesting position(first trimester). In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the medicine can be used, but with extreme caution and under the supervision of a specialist.

Vilprafen tablets are included in the group macrolide antibiotics. The drug is effective if the disease occurs at an advanced stage and is accompanied by other associated infections. The dosage and frequency of administration are determined taking into account the stage of the disease, what infections have occurred, and the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drug.

The antibiotic Unidox can also be used in sick women who have individual intolerance drugs included in other groups (itself belongs to the group of tetracyclines). The tablets effectively destroy pathogenic microorganisms that are in active phase development, but do not have a detrimental effect on those at rest.

The drug Doxycycline has wide range actions and is prescribed for many sexual diseases, including gardnerellosis. The dosage of the drug taken and the frequency of administration will be determined strictly on an individual basis. TO similar drugs Azithromycin can also be included - tablets that will help achieve get well soon and prevent negative consequences.

Other drugs

The symptoms of the disease can only be eliminated with comprehensive treatment. So, together with antibiotics, the use of local antiseptic drugs in the form of suppositories and ointments. These can be candles called Hexicon, Betadine or Depantol. You can use tampons with any antiseptic ointment.

Immunostimulants, for example, Immunal, will help strengthen the immune system

Therapy with antibacterial drugs is accompanied by a decrease in the content of beneficial lactobacilli in the body. For this reason, appropriate drugs are prescribed to restore bacterial balance:

  • probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Acylact, etc.);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes (Vitrum, etc.);
  • immunostimulants (Immunal, etc.);
  • local products containing lactobacilli (Vagilak, etc.);
  • local agents that help improve the state of immunity in the vagina (Kipferon, etc.).

Traditional treatment

At home you can use folk remedies:

  • birch leaves, snake mountaineer, clover, plantain, wormwood, yarrow, dandelion (combine the ingredients in equal volume, after drying and grinding; take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for a day; take the finished infusion orally, 100 ml before meals);
  • geranium, birch leaves, mint, chamomile, thyme, celandine (combine in equal proportions, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave to steep for 24 hours; ready-made product take 100 ml orally 3 times a day);
  • immortelle, cornflower, knotweed, meadowsweet, raspberry leaves, wormwood (take 10 g of the dried mixture, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for a day; take the finished product orally, 100 ml 3 times a day);
  • leaves walnut(Wash 5 leaves, dry, chop, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour; strain the finished product and take 20 ml orally three times a day).

Gardnerella and the disease caused by it can be permanently cured by douching:

  • wintergreen, sweet clover, eucalyptus and mint (mix dried, crushed ingredients, take 30 g of raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water; leave the product overnight, then use the infusion for douching 2 times a day in a volume of 200 ml at a time);
  • coriander, bird cherry, juniper, flaxseed, nettle (mix the dried ingredients, take 50 g of the mixture and pour 500 ml hot water; after infusing for an hour, use the douching product three times a day in a volume of 200 ml at a time);
  • violet herb, chamomile, wormwood, geranium (pour 10 g of the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour; use the finished product for douching 2 times a day in a volume of 200 ml at a time).

Douching with herbal infusions is the most effective therapy at home

How to treat complications in men

According to numerous studies, gardnerellosis in men cannot be true. By its nature, the disease in males is all kinds of inflammatory processes that arise as a result of infection entering the genitals.

How to treat gardnerella and whether it should be done is determined in each case individually. In most cases, therapy is given to both sexual partners. Otherwise you can call various complications(prostatitis, kidney inflammation or Bladder etc.), which will require other specific therapy. Sometimes treatment of pathology in men is not carried out, which can be explained by the peculiarity of the structure genitourinary system and rapid self-washing of bacteria from the body.

When bright severe symptoms the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs in tablet form (Doxycycline, etc.). To support normal condition immune system and restore normal microflora, you need to take medications such as Bifilakt, Hilak, Laktovit or others.

During the period of treatment of the disease, both women and men must refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse, using barrier contraception (condoms). After completing the course of treatment, follow-up examinations are prescribed and, if necessary, therapy is extended.

Gardnerellosis is an acute inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system in men and women, associated with vaginal gardnerella. The causative agent is the anaerobic bacterium Gardnerella, which is part of the vaginal microflora (less than 1% of living microorganisms). Changes in the composition of microflora cause the development of candidiasis, gardnerellosis and other inflammatory diseases reproductive system women.

The bacterium belongs to facultative anaerobes and is capable of rapidly multiplying and destroying normal flora in the vagina. The microorganism is resistant to standard antibiotics, which complicates therapy when the disease occurs.

Gardnerellosis is common among women who have multiple sexual partners. The disease is sexually transmitted, as men are carriers infectious infection. The contact and household mechanism of spread is unlikely.


Symptoms of gardnerellosis

Symptoms in women

Half of the patients diagnosed with gardnerellosis clinical picture there is no disease. However, being carriers, these women become sources of infection for men and also pose a danger to their own newborn children.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • copious white or yellowish vaginal discharge;
  • unpleasant smell of discharge and in the vagina (reminiscent of rotten fish);
  • subjective sensations in the vagina (itching and burning);
  • burning during or immediately after urination.

Unlike thrush ( vaginal candidiasis) discharge from gardnerellosis is not similar to a cheesy coating. There are also no pronounced discomfort during sex or after it.

Symptoms in men

Men infected by women are asymptomatic carriers of the disease and do not even suspect that they have gardnerellosis. This is due to the fact that the microorganism infects epithelial cells flat type, which are present in the vagina but are in short supply in men.

Gardnerellosis in men occurs when there is a strong decrease in immunity. The disease manifests itself with typical signs of urethritis:

  • discomfort when urinating;
  • phenomena inflammatory in nature(swelling and hyperemia);
  • discharge from the urethra;
  • itching and burning in the urethra.

These signs are weakly expressed and fully manifest themselves in the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Sometimes men develop prostatitis - inflammation prostate gland or balanoposthitis - inflammation of the glans penis and both layers foreskin. However, even such variants of pathology are characterized by scanty and sluggish symptoms.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

The treatment regimen for gardnerellosis includes two stages:

At the first stage, the excessive amount of Gardnerella in the genital tract is destroyed. Therefore, the main drugs at the beginning of treatment are the specific antibiotics metronidazole and clindamycy, which are prescribed for local application in the form of gels, ointments or vaginal tablets for 7-10 days.

Treatment of pregnant women with antibiotics is different: in the first trimester, therapy is carried out with ampicillin, and in the second - with metronidazole. Clindamycin should not be prescribed to pregnant women due to toxic influence for the fruit. Treatment should not be delayed until the baby is born, as the infection provokes premature birth and complications in the health of mother and child.

After destruction pathogenic bacteria, at the second stage of treatment, the normal vaginal microflora, which was damaged due to antibiotic therapy, is restored. For this purpose, vaginal suppositories containing lactobacilli are prescribed:

  • Acylact;
  • Lactonorm;
  • Lactobacterin.

Sometimes it is possible oral administration drugs. To achieve results, it is recommended to follow a diet. During treatment, exclude from the diet:

  • spicy and fried foods;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet.

In addition, more is added to the diet fermented milk products containing lactobacilli: yoghurts and kefir.

Sometimes, against the background of bacterial vaginosis, women develop intestinal dysbiosis. For the purpose of prevention, a course of probiotics is prescribed:

  • Linux;
  • Enterozermina;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

It is also useful to prescribe immunomodulators, since the disease often occurs against a background of weakened immunity. As a rule, natural-based preparations are used (for example, echinacea).

During treatment, sexual contact is prohibited. Pledge effective treatment gardnerellosis - examination of the sexual partner to prevent reinfection.

The effectiveness of therapy is monitored 10 days after the start, and if necessary, medications are adjusted.

Folk remedies for the treatment of gardnerellosis

At home, gardnerellosis can be treated with herbs and plants. Medicines are easy to prepare with positive results folk treatment appear quickly.

Here are six popular recipes folk remedies treatment of gardnerellosis:

  • Mix 100 g of chamomile with 100 g of sage and the same amount of calendula. Pour 300 g of the collection into 2 liters of water and boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Cool the prepared liquid and use it for douching. For one douching procedure - at least 100 ml of healing liquid.
  • 100 g dry pharmaceutical chamomile steam in 1 liter of hot water, set aside for 60 minutes, strain and use for irrigation. The product will help destroy harmful bacteria and strengthen the body.
  • After gardnerellosis occurs, it is recommended to do douching using oak bark - pour 200 g of raw material into 1 liter of boiling water, cook over medium heat for half an hour and strain. Each time for douching, use 1 glass of this drug. Do at least 2 such procedures during the day.
  • Mix 50 g of elecampane root with the same amount of wormwood herb, licorice roots and raspberry leaves. Steam 100 g of the collection in 1 liter of boiling water and set aside for 9 hours. Use the resulting consistency for douching twice a day.
  • IN the same amount mix crushed bergenia root with clover flowers; eucalyptus leaves; tansy flowers; bearberry leaves; wintergreen grass; coltsfoot leaves; mint herb and jasmine herb. Pour 2 tablespoons of the crushed mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and set aside overnight. You need to drink this remedy half a glass three times a day before meals.
  • To strengthen the body and saturate it with useful microelements for bacterial vaginosis, calendula tea is recommended. Pour 100 g of calendula into 1 liter of boiling water and wait until the liquid cools. You can drink this tea warm throughout the day. Positive results usually appear quickly.

Causes of gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis occurs when the composition of the vaginal microflora changes. The number of beneficial microorganisms (lactobacillus) inhabiting this organ decreases, and the number of conditionally pathogenic, pathogenic bacteria increases. Both internal and external reasons can cause such an imbalance.

Internal reasons

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • reduced immunity;
  • chronic fatigue, overwork, stress;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary area;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

External reasons

  • Not proper nutrition;
  • taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • use of scented hygiene products;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • frequent change sexual partners;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • venereal diseases.

The disease is transmitted from a sick mother to a child, usually a girl at the time of birth, but a similar diagnosis is not given to newborn children. To prevent the onset of symptoms of the disease, the baby is prescribed drug therapy.

The likelihood of contracting gardnerellosis increases in women who are sexually active, often change partners and ignore barrier species contraception. Natural balance microflora is also disrupted due to frequent use vaginal products and birth control pills.

Complications of gardnerellosis

In most patients, gardnerellosis does not lead to complications and goes away quickly after a course of antibiotic treatment. But sometimes the disease has dangerous consequences. Untreated or chronic gardnerellosis causes:

  • endometritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Gardnerellosis causes complications during pregnancy, including:

  • premature rupture of membranes;
  • premature birth;
  • chorioamnionitis;
  • postpartum endometritis.

In addition, gardnerellosis increases the risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Diagnosis of gardnerellosis

To diagnose gardnerellosis in women, they use laboratory research discharge and desquamated cells of the vaginal mucosa. The presence of the disease is indicated by an increase in the acidity of the vaginal environment above 4.5 pH, a positive amine test confirming increased amount anaerobic bacteria, as well as detection of microorganisms Gardnerella vaginalis in desquamated vaginal epithelial cells.

The presence of a pathogenic bacterium in itself is not a symptom of gardnerellosis, since small amounts of the pathogenic microorganism are allowed in a healthy person.

An informative method for the quantitative determination of gardnerellosis in women is PCR technology (polymer chain reaction), which is also used in the diagnosis of gardnerellosis in men for the analysis of urine, semen, scrapings of the urogenital tract and prostate secretions. PCR sensitivity is up to 100%.

Differential diagnosis

I differentiate gardnerellosis from other diseases of the genitourinary system, with similar symptoms:

Forecast and prevention of gardnerellosis

If treatment for gardnerellosis is started on time, the vaginal microflora is restored in 2-4 weeks. If gardnerellosis is not treated, the risk increases:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • infertility;
  • premature birth;
  • complications during pregnancy.

Prevention of gardnerellosis implies the absence of stress, hypothermia, douching, and healthy sleep, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, wearing cotton underwear, using a condom during casual sex. You should periodically be examined by a gynecologist to determine the state of the vaginal microflora, and if a disorder occurs, correct it with a course of treatment.

Preventive measures against gardnerellosis include:

  • having one sexual partner;
  • refusal to use intrauterine devices;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes in the genital tract;
  • use of antibiotics for strict indications with subsequent correction of dysbacteriosis;
  • exception too early start sexual life.

Questions and answers on the topic "Gardnerellosis"

Hello. My husband was diagnosed with gardnerella and ureaplasma parvum by PCR. The doctor said Gardnerella does not need to be treated, but ureaplasma can be treated (although parvum is not dangerous) But if we are planning children, it is better to treat it. They prescribed the antibiotic Unidox Solutab for 10 days for him and me and Linex according to the scheme. Question: Do I need to get tested for gardnerella? As I understand it, women must treat it. I haven't started taking antibiotics yet.

This is necessary to prevent reinfection, and is mandatory when planning pregnancy.

Hello. I was diagnosed with heart disease, but no treatment was prescribed. Can I treat myself and what medications should I start with?

Hello! Self-medication is dangerous to health. Medicines can only be prescribed by the attending physician. For what reason were you not prescribed treatment? Ask your doctor this question or change him.

Good afternoon I completed a course of treatment for Gardnerellosis (I took metrodinazole 2*2 times a day for 10 days, installations in the canal, injections with transfusion into the buttocks). The course ended on Monday 14 August. The next day there was a PCR test, I did it for all STDs just in case. Gardnerellosis showed positive result, all others are negative. The doctor told me to get tested in 2 weeks. Today is Friday and I feel the symptoms that appeared before and during treatment (discomfort in the head area, sometimes slight redness, and most importantly, frequent urge to urinate. The question is: should I wait for a control test in 2 weeks and hope that the symptoms will go away? Or insist on continuing treatment only with other drugs, taking into account that not even a week has passed since taking metrodinazole. Thank you in advance!

Hello! Treatment of gardnerellosis is considered complete when symptoms disappear and laboratory criteria normalize. You need to draw the attention of your doctor to the persistence (return) of complaints.

Hello! If the infection is not detected in time, what complications can occur?

Hello! Read about the consequences of untreated gardnerellosis in the section.

Hello! I am 50 years old and I was diagnosed with Gardnerellosis, the doctor prescribed me Lavomax tablets and Viferon rectal suppositories. It’s already been 10 days taking medications, and the symptoms do not disappear. I don’t know what to do.

Hello! The treatment regimen for gardnerella includes two stages: at the first stage, the excessive amount of gardnerella in the genital tract is destroyed. Therefore, the main drugs at the beginning of treatment are specific antibiotics metronidazole and clindamycin, which are prescribed for topical use in the form of gels, ointments or vaginal tablets for 7-10 days. After the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, in the second stage of treatment, the normal microflora of the vagina is restored. Vaginal suppositories with lactobacilli are prescribed. Report ineffective treatment to your doctor.

Hello! Gardnerella was first discovered at 20 weeks of pregnancy, and treatment began after birth. No other diseases were detected, my husband was checked, he is clean! During these six months, the following medications were prescribed to me: metronidazole, polygynex, dalacin, vaginorm-s, polyoxidonium, salvagin. They told me not to use panty liners as they can also cause gardnerella. I don’t have any odor, and the discharge doesn’t particularly bother me. It’s just that, according to analyses, there are more of them now, already 11.6. Now they have prescribed metronidazole again, only once for 2 years. How long should I take the test to see if there is a result? Can this nasty thing be cured at all?

Hello! You probably already know everything about gardnerella. This is a sign of bacterial vaginosis. They are not sexually transmitted infections. The cause of Gardnerella is changes in the vaginal microbiocenosis against the background of gastrointestinal diseases, unreasonable admission antibiotics, douching. The basis of bakvaginosis is a decrease in immunity. You were given a standard treatment regimen. Examination of the husband is not relevant. I advise you to check the condition of your intestines and pay attention to your digestion. Donate blood for glucose, and if necessary, you will have to exclude the presence of helminths. That is, everything that can provoke bakvaginosis. During the examination, local intimate hygiene products (tantum rose, epigen intimate), interferon preparations with antioxidants C, E(Viferon), as well as probiotics (Bion-3).

Hello! My girlfriend was diagnosed with gardnerellosis. As a result, I was prescribed the following treatment: clarithromycin 500 once a day (10 days), metronidazole twice a day (10 days), bifiform 2 capsules twice a day. I did not undergo examination. Doubts arise about the correctness of the prescribed tablets. Are there too many antibiotics? male body, if they write everywhere that this infection does not linger in men and is washed out naturally?

Hello! You are absolutely right, you do not need to undergo treatment.

In the treatment of gardnerellosis, several types of therapy are used, general and local. At general treatment The gynecologist prescribes antibiotics and other drugs that reduce the number of gardnerella in the vaginal microflora. Such drugs include trichopolum and metronidazole. Treatment with these drugs lasts one week. It is also important to carry out local treatment with baths, suppositories and douches. Usually, treatment of the vagina with a solution of miramistin or the same metronidazole in a gel, betadine in suppositories and douching with a soda solution or chamomile are prescribed. Local treatment is slightly longer and lasts ten days.

During treatment this disease Vitamins and immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed to increase the body's protective functions. It is useful to take medications that normalize the vaginal microflora, for example, containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Before treatment, it is very important to take tests to determine the degree of vaginal dysbacteriosis, as well as the presence of other bacteria in the microflora, since gardenerellez often appears when not only gardnerellosis, but also other bacteria are present in the body. Also, if these bacteria are found in a woman's smear, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for both herself and her partner. A man can simply be a carrier of gardnerella, which, if ingested by a woman during unprotected sex, can cause inflammation.

During treatment, it is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse or use a condom to avoid infection of the partner and re-infection.

Gardnerellosis appears in connection with the bacterium gardnerella, which is not a pathogenic flora, so this disease is not venereal. In small quantities this bacterium contained in the microflora of any woman. This bacterium is activated in women who often change partners and during unprotected sex, if the hygiene of using sex toys is not observed.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis also occurs after the use of some vaginal tablets and suppositories such as Polygynax and Betadine, when using local contraceptives, when douching, which is a common causative agent of the disease, and also when taking antibiotics. All these means lead to the fact that the natural microflora of the vagina changes and the number of gardnerella and other bacteria in its composition increases. These bacteria also become active if a woman has suffered severe stress, if she has a reduced immune system or impaired hormonal background.

Scientists still do not agree on whether this disease is a sexually transmitted disease or not. The fact that this disease can be found not only in women, but sometimes in men, may indicate that gardnerellosis is sexually transmitted. True, in relation to men, the term "gardenerellosis" is not applicable, since it means vaginal dysbacteriosis, which only women have.

According to statistics, today every fifth woman has this disease. childbearing age. Pregnancy, childbirth, puberty can also provoke this disease.

Gardnerellosis can only be diagnosed in a laboratory. The following methods are used for this:

Measuring the acid-base balance of vaginal discharge
- microscopy of a vaginal smear
- amino test
- identification of the main cells.

What indicators can indicate the presence of this disease?
First, it is the identification of key cells (cells on which pathogenic bacteria are located). Secondly, this is vaginal discharge with unpleasant smell spoiled fish. Thirdly, if the acid-base balance is higher than normal, this indicates an inflammatory process in the vagina, most likely caused by gardnerella. And fourthly, during the amino test, a few drops are added to the smear special drug: If there is a fishy smell, this indicates the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the smear.

The doctor makes a diagnosis if at least 3 signs of the disease are present. Very often, the detection of key cells with gardnerella does not indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

Gardnerella is always considered with other bacteria, since this bacterium is present in the body of every woman in any case, albeit in smaller quantities.

Antibiotics are used to treat this disease. Local treatments are also recommended to balance the level of bacteria in the vagina. After treatment, the smell and discomfort should disappear, the smear readings should normalize, and the discharge should disappear. Tests are carried out 7 days after the end of treatment. If necessary, the woman’s partner is also treated, as he may be a carrier of pathogenic bacteria.

Gardnerellosis in pregnant women is not as rare as we would like. Pregnancy stimulates natural changes in a woman's body, which can cause increased activity gardnerella, found in small quantities in the body of every woman. A woman's hormonal levels change and decrease protective functions body, thereby provoking the pathogenic bacterium to activity.
Also, a woman could become infected with this infection from a male carrier even before pregnancy, which could cause an exacerbation of the disease.

This disease does not pose any problem for the unborn child. If a pregnant woman has gardnerella in her smear, there is nothing to worry about, and there is no point in going for an abortion. These bacteria do not come into contact with the fetus in any way, so it cannot become infected. If an infection occurs during childbirth, it disappears without a trace in the newborn, since these bacteria themselves cannot cause inflammatory processes.

What is unpleasant about this disease in pregnant women is that inflammation of the vagina may begin, since the causative bacteria always travels in pairs with other bacteria. To prevent this from happening, a pregnant woman should undergo monthly smear tests in order to begin treatment in time if the need arises.

The main task of a gynecologist when detecting gardnerella in a pregnant woman is not treatment, but to prevent an increase in the number of these bacteria and the onset of the inflammatory process. If a woman has an exacerbation of the disease before giving birth, then local treatment is carried out and special training to childbirth. Thorough treatment of the disease is carried out after childbirth.

Gardnerellosis is a disease during which disorders occur in the genitourinary system in both women and men. The causative agent of this disease is considered to be an aerobic pathogenic microorganism. Considered in medicine female disease It is called a little differently, namely bacterial vaginosis. But in each individual case, this disease develops differently, affecting various organs of the reproductive system. We will tell you more about this disease below.

Gardnerella is a small microorganism. This organism is constantly in female vagina and genitourinary organs. Therefore, the detection of gardnerella in a smear is not considered an indicator for diagnosing gardnerellosis. As a rule, a diagnosis can be made in cases where clinical symptoms.

Gardnerella begins to actively develop after a person goes down local immunity . Typically this happens in the following cases:

  • In the presence of a concomitant infectious disease
  • During and after taking antibacterial drugs
  • After taking medications that lower a person’s immunity, for example, glucocorticosteroids
  • With frequent changes of sexual partners
  • For diabetes
  • If a person is very fond of sweets

Gardnerella can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. But the disease can develop only after a failure of dysbiosis occurs in the reproductive tract and when it is lost beneficial microflora, which loses its own protective function.

Symptoms in women:

Approximately 1/4 of all girls and women are considered carriers of this disease. At the same time, the disease itself may not develop in them, since these carriers have an ideal strength of the immune system.

The remaining part of women experience certain clinical symptoms. The main ones are:

  • Periodic discharge from the vagina watery discharge having a grayish-white color
  • This discharge has an unpleasant odor that often smells like rotten fish.

  • During the examination, the doctor may notice how these secretions are distributed in an even layer over the entire surface of the vagina

Gardnerella very often provokes the occurrence of other infectious diseases. These bacteria cause endometritis that develops after childbirth or after an abortion.

Symptoms in men:

The disease is characterized by slightly different symptoms than in women. Bacteria often cause chronic urethritis or chronic prostatitis.

Sometimes these microorganisms can cause balanoposthitis. All these forms of manifestation of the disease have certain symptoms.

  • The discharge has an unpleasant fishy odor
  • The discharge itself is viscous and sticky
  • Head male organ becomes very sensitive, it acquires a reddish tint

With a pronounced failure of the immune system, the disease will certainly begin to progress. It can even lead to damage to the genitourinary system.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women and men

If carried out timely diagnosis and qualified therapy, there is a chance for complete recovery and preventing complications from occurring. It is possible that a relapse may occur after treatment.

Thanks to therapy, it is possible to eliminate all the causes of the disease and its symptoms. Plus, you can normalize the state of a woman’s vaginal microflora.

  • Next therapeutic stage treatment - restoration of microflora in the vagina. A few days after the antimicrobial treatment ends, the patient is prescribed eubiotics.
  • Since the treatment is considered complex, it is strictly forbidden to exclude at least one of the possible stages.

The therapeutic course itself is monitored using laboratories and research. It will end after absolutely all symptoms are eliminated, the patient stops complaining, and his tests show normal values.

Treatment of the disease in men requires integrated approach. During it, measures are taken that destroy the pathogen and enhance the immune system at the same time.

This disease needs immediate treatment, requiring preventive measures of a medical and household nature.

Gardnerellosis treatment: drugs

The main treatment for gardnerellosis is usually carried out with the help of medications that contain the active substance metronidazole. The drug can be used topically (gels, suppositories) or orally (using tablets).

  • Due to their own effect against strong anaerobic microorganisms, the most effective drugs are considered the following means: "Metronidazole" and "Klion".
  • In addition, doctors often prescribe medications that contain doxycycline, clindamitacin, levofloxacin, and azithromycin.
  • Since antibiotics can often cause fungal infections, then to prevent them it is necessary to use the following medications: “Flucostat”, “Pimafucin”.
  • It is recommended that during treatment women use medications that normalize vaginal microflora. Eg, "Vagilak" or "Acilact".

Treatment of pregnant women is practically no different from treatment of ordinary representatives of the fair half. But still there are small differences. For example, metronidazole should not be used in the first three months of pregnancy. In addition, it is advisable to use drugs that have local action, but not orally.

You should know that the immune system a person cannot comprehensively fight the disease. Therefore, there is every chance of contracting this disease even during treatment. That is why doctors advise using condoms during therapy or generally abstaining from sex for a while. intimacy.

If a condom breaks during sexual intercourse, you need to perform careful hygiene and use local antiseptic, for example, “Miramistin”.

Gardnerellosis: suppositories for treatment

Gardnerellosis occurs in women, usually in the following cases:

  • after prolonged use of medications, antibiotics
  • after frequent douching
  • and also among those representatives who use spermicides

Such situations greatly disrupt the vaginal microflora and spread pathogenic bacteria in it. Very often, when going to the doctor with a complaint of itching and heavy discharge, women describe medications they have already used during treatment for thrush. After all, the symptoms of this disease are very similar to the symptoms of gardnerellosis. However, this disease is more common than candidiasis. And their treatment is different.

During treatment, it is mainly used special tablets. But there are also candles that contain the same components.

The right dose and time treatment period Such medications are prescribed only by the attending physician. You should never carry out treatment yourself. There are situations when after the first course the patient is not completely cured. If this happens, the doctor prescribes repeat course. At the same time, he corrects it.

The most common suppositories that are prescribed during treatment of the disease are:

  • "Metronidazole suppositories"
  • "Metrovagin"

During therapy, it is important to consider the following point: these drugs cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages.

Chronic gardnerellosis: treatment

Chronic gardnerellosisinfectious disease, which does not carry with it inflammatory changes, but develops the development of dysbiosis in the vagina. This disease is considered to be the result of a decrease in the number of Dederlein rods. It also develops due to pathogenic microbes.

Chronic gardnerellosis in a woman can develop for several reasons:

  • The patient does not take care of her own health
  • She does not visit a gynecologist in a timely manner
  • A patient hides complaints during a doctor's visit
  • The disease develops and becomes chronic form due to improper treatment
  • Due to non-compliance with doctor's advice
  • The woman’s sexual partner is not involved in treatment

During the treatment of a chronic form of the disease, a combination of several drug options and their administration are used.

  • Systemic treatment: the medicine is taken intravenously or through the mouth
  • Local treatment: creams or gels containing metronidazole, as well as suppositories are used

After graduation treatment course A smear is taken from the patient to assess the effectiveness of re-therapy. If during such treatment you strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, take it correctly. medications, then the course itself will be no more than 7 days. The doctor may also prescribe an immunomodulator and vitamins that will strengthen the protective qualities of the human body.

Gardnerellosis: treatment with folk remedies

This disease can be cured at home with medicinal herbs and plants. Medicines are very easy to prepare. After them, a positive result appears quite quickly. If you are affected by this problem, you can use one of our recipes.

First recipe.

  • Medicinal chamomile – 200 g
  • Sage – 200 g
  • Calendula – 200 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Fill them with water (2 l). Boil over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes
  • Cool the finished composition
  • Use a douche

Second recipe. For this recipe, stock up on the following ingredients:

Cooking process:

  • Steam chamomile in boiling water
  • Set the mixture aside for about an hour.
  • Strain
  • Use for douching

Recipe three:

  • If you have gardnerella, try using oak bark
  • To do this, take 100 g of raw material, pour boiling water (500 ml) over it.
  • Boil the mixture for about 30 minutes, then strain
  • For douching, take 250 ml of product.
  • Douche with it 2 times a day

Recipe four. For this recipe, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Elecampane root – 50 g
  • Wormwood – 30 g
  • Licorice roots – 30 g
  • Raspberry leaves – 30 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Steam them with boiling water (1 l)
  • Leave for 9 hours
  • Use the resulting composition for douching 2 times a day.

Recipe five. If you want to strengthen your own body and saturate it useful substances, we advise you to use this recipe:

  • Take calendula (50 g)
  • Fill it with boiling water (500 ml)
  • Set the mixture aside until it cools completely
  • Drink warm tea throughout the day

Recipe six. For this recipe, stock up on a pinch of these ingredients:

  • Chopped bergenia root
  • Clover flowers
  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • Tansy flowers
  • Bearberry leaves
  • Wintergreen
  • Coltsfoot leaves
  • Mint
  • Yasnotka

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Take 1 tbsp of the composition, pour boiling water (500 ml)
  • Drink the resulting remedy every day, 1 tbsp. before meals 3 times

Treatment of gardnerellosis with metronidazole

Usually, during the treatment of gardnerellosis, doctors prescribe metronidazole to patients, since this drug is considered the best and most effective. This medicine exists for local use(candles or vaginal tablets), and for systemic (tablets or capsules plus suppositories).

If treatment with metronidazole is not carried out on time, then the number of lactobacilli begins to actively decrease. As a result, microorganisms multiply rapidly.

During illness, it usually occurs severe itching in the genital area and an unpleasant burning sensation. This disease can also cause pain during intimacy.

  • Metronidazole gel is used for local treatment. The drug must be administered during inner part vagina. Administration is carried out over approximately 5 days, 2 times a day.
  • Metronidazole tablets are suitable for systemic treatment of the disease. The medicine, 0.5 g, is administered orally for at least 7 days, 2 times a day. Please note that you should not drink alcoholic beverages at all while taking the pills.

If we talk about side effects, then, as a rule, there are very few of them during intravaginal use than during systemic use. You should know and understand that no drug provides a complete guarantee of the absence of relapse. Therefore, it is advisable not to refuse preventive visits to your doctor.

Treatment of gardnerellosis during pregnancy

After a disease has been detected in a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes therapy for her. Typically, this is a gentle treatment when compared with treatment non-pregnant woman. Gardnerellosis cannot be completely eliminated during pregnancy, since the disease can only be cured with antibiotics. And as we know, such medications are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Consequently, therapeutic measures against this disease are reduced to the use local procedures. Complete treatment diseases in the vagina occur only after the woman has given birth to a child.

The main task of the doctor in such an interesting period is the following: he carefully monitors the number of microorganisms in female body to prevent the unexpected appearance of an inflammatory process. During a regular examination for this disease, the doctor examines the woman in a gynecological chair a couple of times a month.

When such an examination is carried out, the woman undergoes flora tests in advance, plus bacterial culture. If signs of inflammation are detected, she is prescribed a certain medicine for local purposes, for example, douching, suppositories, and so on. If the disease is detected a couple of weeks before birth, a special preparatory process is carried out.

As a rule, treatment is divided into stages.

  • The first stage - the doctor prescribes antimicrobial drugs that eliminate negative microflora
  • The second stage - the fermented milk environment of the vagina is restored

Basically, gardnerellosis in pregnant women disappears after the preventive measures, cleansing microflora, and douching. This, of course, is possible, but only if the disease arose during pregnancy or in the absence of its complications.

Based on all of the above, we can say with confidence that a disease such as gardnerellosis can be stopped in almost all cases. The main thing here is timely detection of this disease and preventing it from becoming chronic. Numerous reviews of women who have suffered from a similar illness indicate that modern methods Treatments are very effective if you follow all the instructions of your doctor. Take care of yourself!

Video: Treatment of gardnerellosis in women

vaginal dysbiosis, associated with a sharp quantitative and qualitative disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina, a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and reproduction opportunistic microorganisms, including gardnerella. Characterized by the appearance of abundant vaginal discharge grayish in color with an unpleasant odor. Untreated bacterial vaginosis increases the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the female genital area and miscarriage.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis has a course somewhat similar to other inflammatory diseases of the genitals in women. With gardnerellosis, there are: discharge from the vagina (grayish-white, homogeneous, pasty, with an unpleasant "fishy" odor); burning, itching, discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse. Gardnerellosis is accompanied by inflammatory changes in the vagina, urethra and cervix. When using intrauterine devices, after menstruation, abortion and childbirth, gardnerellosis can be complicated by endometritis, inflammation of the uterine appendages. Gardnerellosis adversely affects pregnancy: premature births are more common, children are born weakened, premature, infection of the fetus during childbirth is possible.

The presence of gardnerella in the urogenital tract of men, in most cases, does not manifest itself in any way, occasionally causes a sluggish inflammatory process with signs of urethritis. Then they may appear small discharge from the urethra (serous-purulent, grayish in color with a "fishy" smell), discomfort during urination. Possible complications in the form of prostatitis, inflammation of the testicles and appendages, the development of infertility.

Causes of gardnerellosis

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) occurs as an imbalance in the composition of the natural microflora of the vagina, when “non-physiological” types of microorganisms, primarily gardnerella, begin to dominate. Disrupt normal microflora genitourinary organs can be external and internal factors.

Among external factors, causing the development of gardnerellosis, predominate:

  • unfavorable environment;
  • recent and frequent change of sexual partner;
  • poor nutrition, diets lacking lactic acid products;
  • use of antibiotics (including suppositories, ointments);
  • application contraception (vaginal suppositories containing 9-nonoxynol, condoms with spermicidal lubricant, hormonal preparations);
  • usage hygiene products(pads, tampons, perfumed products intimate hygiene) and frequent douching;
  • wearing underwear and clothes made of synthetic materials that fit tightly to the figure.

TO internal factors that cause gardnerellosis include:

  • endocrine disorders and changes (including pregnancy);
  • decrease in level immune protection, immunodeficiency states;
  • emotional and physical fatigue, stress;
  • chronic diseases, imbalance of the microflora of the intestinal and genitourinary tract.

Development of gardnerellosis

Normally in the vagina adult woman More than 15 types of microorganisms are detected. Acidophilic lactobacilli predominate, the smaller part is bifidobacteria (10%), peptostreptococci (~ 5%). Lactoflora, thanks to lactic acid, maintains the acidic environment of the genital mucosa, which performs local protective and immune functions.

Anaerobic bacteria (mobiluncus, bacteroides, gardnerella, etc.), genital mycoplasmas, trichomonas, and candida are found in small quantities in the vagina of women. A sharp increase in the number of these microorganisms disrupts the microbiological balance, vaginal dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis occurs. It is characterized by a decrease in the amount of Doderlein microflora (lactobacteria) and a predominance of opportunistic species. More often than others, women with bacterial vaginosis are diagnosed with vaginal gardnerella, which is the main, although not the only, cause of these disorders. Therefore, the condition of bacterial vaginosis is called gardnerellosis.

In addition to gardnerella, the number of other bacteria increases (coccal species, trichomonas, mycoplasmas, mobiluncus, yeast-like fungi). The role of Gardnerella in the development of bacterial vaginosis is that it creates a favorable background for the proliferation of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. The vaginal environment becomes alkalized, gardnerella metabolic products aggravate the resulting disorders of the mucous membrane, and a basis for the penetration of other infections arises. Therefore, gardnerellosis contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

Diagnosis of gardnerellosis

To confirm the diagnosis of gardnerellosis, vaginal smears are taken from the woman during a consultation with a gynecologist. In the diagnosis of gardnerellosis, it is not so much the presence of gardnerella that matters, but rather their number and the ratio of microorganisms in the vaginal secretion. Gardnerella is present in the vaginal flora of most healthy women without the development of dysbacteriosis. The diagnosis of gardnerellosis is established on the basis of:

  • patient complaints and clinical manifestations(presence of homogeneous pasty grayish-white discharge);
  • increased pH of vaginal secretions (> 4.5);
  • the presence of “key” cells in microscopy of smears from the vagina and urethra (“key cells” are epithelial cells covered with small rods (gardnerella) - important sign gardnerellosis);
  • amine test

With gardnerellosis, during their life activity, gardnerella and anaerobic microorganisms produce volatile amines (putrescine, triethylamine, cadaverine), which, when decomposed, give an unpleasant “fishy” odor. The basis for diagnosing gardnerellosis is the detection of at least three of these criteria. It is also necessary to be examined for the presence of intestinal dysbiosis, which can provoke the development of bacterial vaginosis, and to treat it. This will reduce the risk of relapse of gardnerellosis.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

Early and accurate diagnosis gardnerellosis allows for timely treatment. The treatment methods used by modern gynecology allow the patient to recover and avoid the development of complications, but do not guarantee the absence of relapses of the disease in the future. Therapeutic treatment gardnerellosis should eliminate the causes and manifestations of the disease and create conditions for the normalization of the microflora of the genital organs.

At the first stage of treatment of gardnerellosis, women are prescribed clindamycin and metronidazole (orally and intravaginally): clindamycin phosphate - capsules and vaginal cream(2%); Metronidazole – tablets and gel (0.75%). To avoid the development of vaginal candidiasis when treating gardnerellosis, clotrimoxazole (cream) is prescribed. When managing pregnancy in women suffering from gardnerellosis, treatment begins in the second trimester of pregnancy with the same drugs (orally and locally as prescribed by a doctor). In the first trimester oral administration metronidazole and clindamycin are unacceptable.

Treatment of gardnerellosis is carried out under the control of clinical and laboratory tests, and is considered complete when complaints, symptoms disappear and laboratory criteria normalize. During treatment of gardnerellosis, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse without a condom, give up alcoholic beverages, and not use pads for “every” day, or tight synthetic underwear. The second stage of treatment for gardnerellosis includes the use orally and locally of drugs containing lacto- and bifidumbacteria, vitamins, and immunostimulants.

The need for examination and treatment of male sexual partners of women with gardnerellosis remains controversial. Relapses of gardnerellosis in women can occur after treatment of both sexual partners. Nevertheless, in case of persistent and recurrent cases of gardnerellosis, it is advisable to carry out such treatment in representatives of the stronger sex.

Prevention of gardnerellosis

Preventive measures aimed at eliminating the causes of bacterial vaginosis will help to avoid the development of gardnerellosis and its relapses. The widespread and dangerous consequences of gardnerellosis require not only immediate treatment of the disease, but also regular household and medical prevention. Women are recommended:

  • have a regular sexual partner and exclude casual sex;
  • use a barrier method of contraception (condom), minimize the use of local contraceptives;
  • do not use vaginal antibacterial suppositories and tablets frequently and without supervision;
  • use vaccination to create local immunity;
  • observe general and intimate hygiene.


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