Fracture of the distal phalanx of the big toe. At the first symptoms of a broken toe, immediate treatment is necessary.

Constant human movement and significant load on the bone skeleton provoke various injuries in this area. One of these injuries is a fracture thumb legs. You can break it in the most unpredictable situation - either by dropping something on your foot, or by tripping down a step and landing unsuccessfully on your foot. You can simply twist your foot, and as a result, your big toe is broken. Even with a minor blow to the limb, the bones of the finger can suffer and become cracked. And this is not surprising, because the big toe is slightly pushed forward, it is larger than all the others and it is on it that the main load falls, which is why damage most often occurs on this toe.

The big toe is also special in that it has three phalanges, and not two, like the others. This provides him with greater mobility and makes it possible to withstand the load during movement, in a resting position. It contains relatively large blood vessels, nerves and ligamentous apparatus. Usually, when a phalanx is fractured, all these elements suffer damage, a hematoma occurs on the finger, and the foot swells.

Traditionally, the main cause of any fracture, including the big toe, is the impact on the bone of a force greater than the bone tissue can withstand. The human skeleton is vulnerable in young children, when it is not yet strong enough, and in older people, when natural age-related changes, calcium loss, osteoporosis. At this time, a person needs to be especially careful not to damage a limb or break a phalanx. Apart from age factor, there are several other reasons that lead to disruption of the integrity of the bone of the big toe. Among them:

  • A sharp blow against a solid obstacle - a wall, corner, door, etc.
  • Sports injury.
  • Compression injury.
  • Hitting the finger with a heavy object.
  • Excessive foot extension.
  • Tucking the leg.

Damage to healthy bone tissue occur frequently, but occur no less frequently pathological fractures when an injury appears due to the development of tuberculosis, osteoporosis, and neoplasms in the bone.


Fractures of the thumb are divided depending on the nature of the injury, the type of communication of bone fragments, the severity of the injury and many other characteristics. Here are examples of some classifications:

  • Based on the type of connection between the parts, open and closed fractures are distinguished.
  • According to the location of the fragments, it can be with or without displacement.
  • According to the nature of destruction - without fragments, with one or two fragments, and when many fragments remain.
  • By localization - the main phalanx and the nail phalanx of the thumb.

Characteristic symptoms

Features of the symptoms of a fracture of the big toe are that the picture of the disease can be aggravated by damage to the interphalangeal and metatarsal-phalangeal joints. In this case, the symptoms of the disease have their own differences, treatment and rehabilitation after these injuries are more difficult than with a regular fracture. Doctors consider displaced open fractures to be no less serious.

Recognizing the symptoms of a broken big toe can be difficult because minor fractures are often confused with bruises. The victim does not know how to identify a fracture and what to do if the thumb is broken. In this case, the swelling may not be pronounced, the pain is moderate, there is no external damage, the person can even walk. All this creates a picture of relative well-being, and the victim does not go to the doctor, treating the leg with compresses and other methods that are useless in this case. When visiting the clinic, such patients are given an x-ray, which clarifies the situation in the leg - whether there is a crack there or whether there are symptoms of a fracture.

Signs of a thumb fracture are absolute and relative. At relative characteristics(pain, swelling, hematoma), there is no need to categorically say about a fracture, but absolute signs (bone coming out, unnatural position of the toe, impaired sensitivity, crunching when trying to move) definitely allow us to establish that the big toe is damaged.

First aid

After trouble has occurred with the big toe, the victim must be shown to a traumatologist. Before the patient is examined by a doctor, the leg should be elevated and placed under rolled clothing, a blanket or a pillow. This will minimize swelling of the limb. To relieve symptoms of pain, you can put an ice pack in place just below the thumb. With severe pain, it is allowed to take an analgesic - Tempalgin, Analgin, Pentalgin, or anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketorol.

If it is impossible to call ambulance doctors, the patient is taken to the clinic independently. If the fracture of the big toe is open, then the wound in the area of ​​injury is lubricated with hydrogen peroxide or iodine, and a dry bandage of sterile material is applied. The leg is immobilized using available means. A tire can even be made from cardboard folded in several layers, from pencils and other hard objects. A splint is placed on both sides of the leg and bandaged to the foot, fixing the fracture area especially well.

Types of diagnostics

It is possible to diagnose a certain type of thumb fracture, even with erased signs, in medical institution. In this case, the doctor will take two x-rays in frontal and lateral projections in order to examine the injury as best as possible and determine whether there is bone displacement. If necessary, carried out CT scan, allowing to identify intra-articular injuries and soft tissue injuries.

Treatment of injury

Recovery for a displaced fracture correct ratio The bones in the big toe are reduced if the fracture is of a closed type. This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. After the reposition is carried out, the doctor checks the relative position of the bones and the ability of the joint to move freely. This means the bones have found their place right place. Then immobilization is done for a certain period of time - plaster casting according to the “boot” type, when part of the foot is in the plaster. lower third shins.

Non-displaced fractures and cracks in the bone of the thumb can be treated with a splint, but only a doctor can decide whether a cast is needed in each case.

Big toe splint

If the fracture is of an open type, there is significant displacement of the bones and fragments have formed, surgery may be required to stretch the bone using plates, wires, screws, etc. During treatment, the patient is prescribed antibiotics to avoid spread inflammatory process. If there is a fracture on the thumb after a blow nail phalanx and an impressive hematoma formed, and the nail was damaged, then during surgical intervention the doctor removes the nail plate. After the operation, the patient's leg is bandaged, protecting it from the influence of external environment, and also cast the affected limb.

The healing process largely depends on the type and severity of the injury received, so it is difficult to say how long the treatment will take and how long the thumb will stretch. If the victim quickly contacts the clinic, then the likelihood of a successful outcome is much higher. At proper treatment a fracture without bone displacement heals in 3 weeks, but in older people the recovery process can take up to 2 months. After a fracture, patients are additionally prescribed calcium tablets, as well as restorative drugs. cartilage tissue. This will help with the healing of the joint.

After the plaster is removed, rehabilitation is carried out. To the complex necessary activities includes massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy. All these procedures should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since the patient performs most of the exercises at home. Carrying out high-quality rehabilitation procedures significantly speeds up the time of full recovery.

A broken toe is one of the most common injuries and may sometimes require complex treatment and a long rehabilitation period.

The phalanges of the legs are an important part motor system, because together with the foot they reliably support the body and allow it to move freely.

All fingers consist of three bones (the thumb of 2) connected to each other by interphalangeal active joints, which act as a well-functioning mechanism that is used when bending and opening the fingers.

The main causes of injury

It is possible to damage a joint, not only at work or during physical activity, but also at home. The most common causes of fracture include:

  1. jump from a great height;
  2. neglect of safety precautions at work;
  3. sports activities;
  4. falling object or swipe about a solid obstacle.

Regardless of the origin of the injury, timely diagnosis of a fracture will help avoid unpleasant consequences and shorten the recovery period.

Why are the big toes most often injured?

The main difference between the phalanx of the affected toe and the rest is that it has two bones, instead of 3. During movement, the finger is subjected to significant pressure, supporting body weight and protruding slightly forward, making it more likely to be injured.

Swelling and blue discoloration can spread from the main phalanx to the entire leg and adjacent joints, making it difficult to move the foot or step on it. If the thumb is fractured, a cast is applied from the upper 1/3 of the tibia to the phalanx for 5 weeks.

Manifestations of pathology can be absolute and comparative. The latter characteristics only make it possible to assume the presence of a fracture, since they are similar to the signs of a bruise. In the presence of absolute symptoms, there is no doubt about the presence of injury.

Among the relative characteristics are:

  • intense, unbearable pain, swelling;
  • hemorrhage under the dermis or nail;
  • decreased performance of the limb;
  • There is a sharp pain when moving.

The intensity of the manifestation of relative symptoms depends on the location of the pathology. Signs of a fracture are pronounced when the thumb is damaged.

Video of a broken toe

In the video you can see the main symptoms when the little toe is broken.

What are the differences between the two types of damage?

The signs of a severe bruise are similar to the symptoms of a fracture, so injury can only be identified if there are absolute indicators:

  • at the site of damage, mobility is of a peculiar nature;
  • when pressed, a crunching sound is heard, appearing due to the friction of bone fragments;
  • abnormal position of the foot.

Only if there is an intense characteristic of the injury can it be said that the patient actually has a fracture.

Depending on the origin of the pathology, fractures are divided into several categories:

  • damage traumatic nature– mechanical injury to a healthy bone;
  • pathological - violation of the normal strength of the phalanges, their weakening due to concomitant pathology: osteoporosis, neoplasms, tuberculosis.

At the first signs of symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and timely treatment.

Types of fractures of the joints of the foot

Depending on the condition and type of injury, it can be:

  1. Open fracture - the tissues are destroyed by bone fragments, a piece of the phalanx is visible through the damage. Such pathologies are accompanied by slight displacement of bones, tearing of the dermis, blood vessels and muscles.
  2. Closed – the skin has retained its integrity, the bone is not visible.
  3. With a slight displacement - injured phalanges can move to the side, pinching nerve endings, blood vessels or muscle tissue.
  4. No offset.
  5. Multiple fracture - with bone destruction in several or one place.
  6. Crack – with the appearance of a crack in the phalanx.
  7. A comminuted fracture is the appearance of fragments when a whole bone is crushed.

Comminuted fractures are often caused by injury with a blunt small object (hammer or stone).

Diagnosis of a fracture

The leg becomes bluish, swells, and unbearable pain appears when moving the joint. The doctor conducts a survey to clarify how the injury was caused and at the same time conducts a visual inspection of the injury site.

During diagnosis, visual examination is not always able to accurately identify a fracture. To identify the exact picture of the injury, an x-ray is taken in various projections. After that, in the picture you can clearly see the violation of the integrity, the displacement of the bone.

Treatment of toe injuries

The surgeon-traumatologist selects the tactics of complex therapy depending on the nature of the injury. In the absence of adequate treatment, the injury can be accompanied by tetanus, suppuration and other problems. For this, the doctor prescribes preventive vaccinations and antibiotics.

Urgent help

If damage is suspected, the foot and phalanx are fixed in one specific position. A cold bandage is applied to the problem area. With an open wound, the leg is bandaged with a sterile special bandage to prevent infection. Then a small splint is applied and secured securely with a bandage.

Treatment of pathology of the nail phalanx

The injured area is numbed. At a fracture distal bone immobilization of the problem area is carried out. For this purpose, the nail is perforated, blood clots are removed, broken fragments are fixed with a plaster and connected to the phalanges located nearby.

Fractured thumb and middle finger

The therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. If the fracture is with a slight displacement, then a sticky medical plaster is attached to the problem area. Even a minor injury should not be left without proper immobilization, otherwise the bones may not heal properly.

Multiple fracture

A "shoe" of plaster is applied for several weeks. In case of pathology with a shift, a special splint is attached until the bone is completely restored.

Compound fracture with displacement

With a significant shift of the bone, the fragments are manually repositioned until the normal position is restored. After that, plaster is applied, which is left until full recovery(3-4 weeks).

At open damage a trauma surgeon restores the integrity of the phalanx from fragments, fixes the leg, introduces a prophylactic anti-rabies compound and prescribes intensive antibacterial treatment to prevent subsequent infection.

Recovery at home

A minor fracture without displacement can be treated on its own, but it is better to contact a medical institution!

To recover at home you will need:

  • Apply a cold bandage to the problem area to eliminate swelling. The procedure is repeated two days every hour with a duration of 15 minutes.
  • The limb on which the finger was injured should be located above the head to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Take painkillers: Ibuprofen.
  • Immobilize the finger using an elastic bandage, connecting the problem area to the nearby phalanx, placing a cotton swab. Using gauze, fix the position of the fingers.

It is necessary to carry out x-ray examination to determine the nature of the injury and, if necessary, apply a plaster bandage.

Recovery period

After removing the cast, the patient begins rehabilitation: massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy. On full recovery phalanges will take about 2 months.

Exercises after a broken toe

Therapeutic and restorative gymnastics is performed in a lying position:

  • Tighten and straighten your legs (10 times). Breathing is even, pace is calm.
  • Bend and straighten your toes (10 times). Even breathing, slow pace.

The recovery period involves a calm lifestyle, without unnecessary stress. The patient's diet includes foods containing high concentration calcium and protein.

Prophylaxis to prevent fracture

To prevent toe injuries, you must:

  1. wear stable, comfortable shoes;
  2. reduce the consumption of products that contribute to calcium leaching: alcohol, coffee, soda;
  3. consume more food, rich in calcium;
  4. be more careful.

Toe injuries are sometimes difficult to distinguish from severe bruises. Only the presence of absolute symptoms can indicate that a fracture actually occurs. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help prevent Negative consequences, including lameness.

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A bone fracture is a fairly serious injury that takes a long time to heal.

IN human body there are more than two hundred bones, any of which is certain situation may not withstand the load and become damaged.

Most often, limbs are at risk of fractures - as the most vulnerable part of the body.

And in particular, most common type of fracture is a toe fracture.

The structure of the finger joint and its functions

Toes are a very important part musculoskeletal system a person, as they, together with the foot, support the weight of the body and give it the opportunity to move, while helping to maintain balance.

Each finger on the hand and foot consists of several bones, which are called phalanges. They are interconnected by movable interphalangeal joints, which allows you to bend and unbend your fingers.

Causes of fractures of the phalanges of the fingers

IN everyday life Sometimes it happens that a toe fracture occurs - in case of a fall, severe injury on hard objects, unsuccessful jumps from a height. It may also be due to twisting of the foot, falling a heavy object on the foot and similar situations of impact on the foot.

A fracture is characterized by damage to the integrity of the bone, and sometimes the skin around it.


Fractures of the toe can be divided into the following types:

  1. Traumatic fracture- arises as a result mechanical impact on the foot, such as a bruise, compression, tucking.
  2. Pathological- occurs as a result of certain diseases that impair the strength of bone tissue and make it too fragile. Such diseases include osteoporosis, bone cancer, dysfunction thyroid gland, tuberculosis, tumor and others.

The second characteristic of a fracture is its type and condition:

  • open– when the integrity of the skin is broken and part of the broken bone can be seen through the wound;
  • closed– which preserves the integrity of soft tissues;
  • with offset– as a result of the force exerted on the finger that caused the injury, the damaged bones are displaced. In this case, pinching of nerves, blood vessels or muscles located nearby may occur.
  • no offset;
  • full– in which the bone breaks into two or more parts;
  • incomplete– a crack forms in the bone tissue;
  • splintered- Occurs when bones are crushed, causing fragments to enter the wound.

Based on location, the fracture can be classified as:

  • on the nail phalanx;
  • on the middle phalanx;
  • on the main phalanx;
  • combined fracture - when two or more phalanges of the fingers were damaged.

Why is the thumb most often broken?

The difference between the thumb and the rest is that it has two phalanges instead of three. At When walking, this toe bears the brunt of supporting a person's weight, and is often more likely to fracture because it protrudes more forward.

Moreover, blueing and swelling can spread from the big toe to the entire foot and adjacent fingers, as a result of which it becomes painful to step on the foot or move it.

For the treatment of a fracture of the big toe, a plaster cast from the upper third of the leg to the toe will be required, which should be worn for about 5 to 6 weeks.

How to identify an injury

Symptoms of a broken toe are divided into: absolute and relative.

Relative signs of injury only allow a preliminary conclusion about the injury. These include:

  • acute pain;
  • swelling of the injured finger;
  • hemorrhage may occur under the nail or skin;
  • there is a dysfunction of the limb;
  • When moving, a sharp pain is felt in the finger.

All these symptoms are more pronounced when the main phalanx of the finger, which is connected to the bones of the foot, is affected.

On the thumb, the hematoma and swelling are more pronounced, while the leg swells and hurts while moving the fingers. A fracture of the II, III, IV and V fingers may be less noticeable, because there is a small load on them. The victim does not even immediately notice the injury and usually goes to the doctor only the next day, when the pain intensifies.

Absolute signs clearly indicate the presence of a fracture. Among them are the following:

  • pathological finger mobility;
  • unnatural position of the limb;
  • crunch of fragments when pressing on the affected area.

Diagnostic methods

If your toe is broken, you should consult a traumatologist. Based on a small survey, identification of relative and absolute signs of a fracture, as well as x-rays he can deliver correct diagnosis.

Even if the finger does not hurt very much at first, it is still better to go to the hospital after getting injured, without putting it off for later.

First aid and treatment procedures

What to do in case of this injury?

If you do not need to see a doctor

In principle, anyone can provide first aid. Firstly, you need immobilize the foot, that is, immobilize it. After taking off your shoes, you need to bandage them sterile bandage damaged limb, if there is a wound there. This is done in order not to introduce an infection there.

Then you need to find any solid object that would act as a splint and bandage it to the foot. You just need to remember that when applying a bandage to a wound, your hands must be clean.

As a result of such actions, the wound will not be re-damaged by bone fragments, and the pain should decrease.

Treatment of fractures depending on their type

When treating a toe fracture, its location must be taken into account:

  1. So, with injury to the nail phalanx finger needs to numb it. If the distal nail phalanx is damaged, bone immobilization is performed. To do this, the nail is perforated, removing the accumulated blood from under it, the broken fragments are fixed with a plaster and attached to the adjacent phalanges. If the subungual hematoma is too large, then the nail must be removed.
  2. Fracture of the middle and main phalanx of the fingers- enough common occurrence, since these fingers are little protected from external influence. Their treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis. If the damage was not displaced, then an adhesive patch is applied to the affected area for about two weeks. Even a small fracture should not be left without immobilization, as it may not heal properly.

At multiple fractures A plaster “shoe” is applied, which must be worn for approximately 2–3 weeks.

If a finger is injured there has been a shift, axial traction is applied to it by the sore finger, or a Cherkes-Zade tire.

If the displacement was large, then manual reduction of fragments bones until their original position is restored, after which, after about 1-2 weeks, gypsum bandage in the form of a "shoe". It must be worn until the wound is completely healed. In this case, working capacity is restored in approximately three to four weeks.

Treatment for a fracture of the big toe (if it is closed and not very large) can be done at home, or you can consult a doctor.

If you have chosen home option treatment, then first of all you need to perform the following actions:

  • Apply to the damaged area cold compress to reduce swelling. This must be done for 10-15 minutes every hour, and repeated one to two days. But at the same time, precautions must be taken to avoid frostbite.
  • The leg on which the toe was broken need to be raised above heart level in order to reduce swelling and soreness.
  • It is also recommended to relieve pain take ibuprofen or another pain reliever recommended by the doctor.
  • To immobilize the sore finger, it is necessary to use elastic bandage make a tourniquet, attaching the damaged area to the adjacent finger and placing cotton wool between them to smooth it out. A tourniquet is secured using gauze.

At open fracture The bone is restored from fragments, the foot is immobilized, an anti-rabies vaccine is administered and antibacterial therapy to avoid the development of secondary infection.

Better yet, without delay, seek treatment at a hospital where you:

  • They will take an x-ray to find out the nature of the fracture. A cast may also be applied.
  • If necessary will eliminate the displacement(when two edges of the finger are not in the right place), or a curvature in which the finger is bent in the wrong direction. Once your finger is in place, your doctor will place a splint on the injured area to keep it immobile until it heals.
  • Sometimes your doctor may advise you wear special supportive shoes, which has a beneficial effect on getting rid of edema.
  • If you have torn your skin during a fracture, you get a tetanus shot to avoid infection.


For about six weeks after the fracture, it is necessary to take care of the injured finger and not overexert it. This implies that long walks, and especially sports, are contraindicated. When walking, look carefully at your feet so as not to touch your sore toe.

The rehabilitation process includes physical procedures, massotherapy And special gymnastics, as well as following the doctor’s recommendations. You need to include foods rich in protein and calcium in your diet.

Preventive measures

To avoid finger fractures, you need to:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes with a stable sole.
  2. Avoid eating foods that remove calcium from your body, responsible for bone strength, like coffee, sweet soda, alcoholic drinks.
  3. It is recommended to consume foods containing calcium. It's not only dairy products, but also beans, peas, apples, apricots, grapes, potatoes, eggs, carrots, cabbage, Rye bread and many others.
  4. Also need be careful in places where a heavy object could fall on your feet, or where there are many objects on the floor that are easy to hit with your feet.

From all of the above, we can conclude that you should not neglect your health, because treatment later will be quite unpleasant and long.

And some injuries can also leave you with a permanent limp, which makes life much more difficult. Therefore, take care of your health in advance.

Video: Taping a toe

Most often, when a person receives a foot injury, a fracture of the big toe occurs. Under the influence of most external factors, the phalanges of the legs can be damaged, which is why the patient comes to the doctor complaining of a fracture or bruise. Let's take a closer look at what are the main causes and symptoms of getting a fracture, as well as how to act if a broken toe is found.

Why does injury occur?

The limb may suffer from a fracture due to heavy objects falling on the leg, the leg being run over by a car wheel, stumbling, injury at work due to compression of the toe on both sides, or being hit by a heavy object.

In case of serious injuries, the patient is diagnosed with flattening of the bone of the big toe.

If a direct force is applied, the finger receives traumatic fracture. If bones break due to osteoporosis, tuberculosis or osteomyelitis, pathological fractures are noted.

In patients who have serious illnesses, a finger can break even due to wearing shoes that are too tight or getting a very minor injury.

Symptoms of injury

At a fracture there are different types symptoms. Absolute symptoms accurately indicate that an injury has occurred that requires immediate treatment.

Relative signs of a fracture:

  • acute pain;
  • the functionality of the limb is impaired;
  • bleeding occurs under the nail;
  • the affected leg swells;
  • When performing any movements with a broken finger, pain occurs.

Symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, since damage to the finger and nail phalanx can also be of any nature.

If the main phalanx, which connects to the bones of the foot, is injured, then the patient feels all the symptoms very strongly. Symptoms of a big toe fracture: the foot immediately swells and becomes cyanotic. Pain occurs due to which the patient cannot stand on his leg.

An open fracture of a finger causes damage to the skin, which can lead to infection in the wound. Often in such a situation the patient has a manifestation obvious signs intoxication of the body.

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise?

If a person received severe bruise, he may feel the same symptoms as with a fracture. Therefore, in order to determine what kind of injury was sustained, for the right start treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

You need to be able to distinguish a bruise from a fracture. A fracture can be identified by the following symptoms- This is an unnatural position of the foot. Also, with a fracture, abnormal mobility of the foot is noted. There is also a sound when pressing, similar to a crunch.

These symptoms indicate that the patient has a fractured toe. It is important to see a doctor if you have injuries. And the sooner this is done, the faster the fracture will heal.

Types of fracture

By type, the fracture of the 1st phalanx of the foot can be:

  • an open fracture, in which tissue and skin are damaged, muscles and epithelial cover are torn by bone fragments. From open wound you can see the affected tissue;
  • a closed fracture is characterized serious damage, but the muscles, ligaments and skin remain intact.

With an open and closed fracture, the patient is given first aid in different ways.

Depending on the damage to the bone, the injury may be displaced or non-displaced.

If the bone is broken into two parts, a complete fracture is diagnosed, and if the bone is not completely broken or just cracked, it is an incomplete fracture.

Based on the presence of bone fragments, the injury can be complicated or without complications.

A fracture of the nail phalanx, phalanx of 1 toe (big) or intra-articular fracture may occur.

If 1 toe suffers when injured, the doctor notes marginal fracture. There are cases when the limb has experienced many blows that provoked damage to all the toes of the foot. In such a situation, treatment and recovery will be lengthy.

Injury diagnosis

Sometimes the fracture does not appear characteristic symptoms, especially if the bone has not moved after the injury or a crack has occurred in the bone. Often in such cases the victim does not go to the doctor for an appointment. He attributes the pain to an ordinary bruised finger, especially if the injury was received for the first time.

When contacting a doctor, a specialist conducts a visual examination of the injured finger, the patient is sent for an x-ray. Based x-ray is put accurate diagnosis and the method of treating the injury is determined.

First aid

If the foot is badly bruised and there is a possibility that a fracture of the proximal phalanx has occurred, it is possible and even necessary to provide the victim with the first medical care, which is as follows:

  1. You need to give a painkiller.
  2. Disinfect the wound surface.
  3. Immobilize the fracture.
  4. Deliver the patient to the hospital.

In case of a fracture, the finger should be fixed in a position in which it does not touch the surrounding objects. Dorsiflex the patient's foot and place emphasis on the heel. It is important to place the foot in a suspended position in order to remove the load from the fingers. The victim should be transported to the hospital with the leg elevated to relieve swelling of the soft tissues and reduce pain.

In case of a fracture, the doctor may advise giving the victim an anesthetic: Analgin, Paracetamol, Pentalgin. Also, an anti-inflammatory drug - Nimesil or Ibuprofen - will not hurt.

If there is a suspicion that a displacement of bone fragments has occurred, the affected finger must be immobilized by fixing it to the splint with a bandage. Instead of a tire, a plank or plate wrapped with two layers of fabric can be used.

To relieve swelling, reduce hematoma and pain, you can apply cold to the foot, for example, an ice pack. Cold is applied to the finger every five minutes for ten minutes. It is important not to overdo it with a cold compress, so as not to frostbite the damaged area.

Features of fracture therapy

Depending on the location of the injury, treatment is carried out in different ways:

  1. In case of injury to the nail phalanx of the finger, it is urgent to anesthetize and immobilize the bone. The doctor removes the nail plate, cleans out the thickened blood, fixes the bone fragments in one position and connects them to the nearby whole fragments. The finger is fixed with a plaster.
  2. In case of a fracture of 1 main phalanx without displacement, the injury is fixed with a plaster and the patient is provided with bed rest. If the patient walks, displacement may occur.
  3. If a person received multiple fractures, the doctor applies a plaster cast. If there is a displacement of bone fragments, it is important to return them to the anatomical position.
  4. To remove severe pain, the victim can be given an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drug.
  5. With an open fracture, it is important to treat the wound with an antiseptic. The patient is given an injection for tetanus, and he also needs to take a course of antibiotics to prevent the inflammatory process.

There are cases when an intra-articular fracture is diagnosed. It is important to perform the operation and fix the bone fragments with special thin needles.

Recovery Features

1 finger of the foot or other phalanges in case of a fracture usually grows together within 1 to 3 months.

It is important during the rehabilitation period not to load the leg and not affect the broken toe. Wear special safety shoes. It is forbidden to stand in one place for a long time, and also to perform physical work during the recovery period after injury.

Include foods rich in calcium and protein in your menu. Try to spend a lot of time in the sun. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe vitamins and minerals in tablets or capsules.

To consolidate the result at the end of rehabilitation, massage and physiotherapy exercises are recommended.

Preventive measures

To prevent a broken finger lower limb, observe simple rules prevention:

  • Be careful in places where a heavy object could fall on your foot;
  • when jogging, watch what you step on so as not to hurt your finger on the stones;
  • eat calcium-fortified foods;
  • do not consume foods and drinks that remove calcium from the body;
  • Before standing on a wet floor, make sure it is non-slip, and only then walk carefully to the desired place.

If a fracture does occur, take a painkiller tablet, fix your foot in a stationary position and consult a doctor.

Now you know why and how a fracture of the thumb of the lower limb manifests itself. The method of treating the fracture, as well as the duration of rehabilitation, depends on how quickly the victim is taken to the hospital after receiving an injury.

A toe fracture involves a violation of the integrity of the bones of the toes. This happens under the influence of external factors, with an intensity exceeding the permissible limits for the bone. The frequency of finger fractures places the injury in third place among other injuries. Practicing traumatologists encounter toe fractures too often.

With absence timely diagnosis and therapies are developing much more serious complications than the primary injury.

Injuries to the bones of the toes are divided into open and closed types based on integrity skin. Anatomically, the toes are flexible and mobile; the vast majority of toe bone injuries are closed character. This becomes an advantage when carrying out treatment; it is less necessary to carry out surgical treatment, which significantly reduces the risk of complications.

Violations of the integrity of bones occur with or without displacement of fragments.

Fractures without displacement are simple, do not require comparison of fragments and maintain the correct physiological location of the bone. Open injuries fractures of bone tissue are usually classified as displaced fractures. Displaced fragments form sharp edges that violate the integrity of the skin.

Fractures of the bones of the toes with displacement are divided into subtypes:

  • Trauma with longitudinal divergence of fragments.
  • Injury with fragments intersecting each other in the longitudinal direction.
  • Fracture with angular or lateral displacement of bone fragments.
  • Damage with wedging of fragments.

How to identify a displaced fracture

Simple closed fracture of the phalanges with displacement of fragments - a rare event in practical traumatology. Occurs with severe trauma, accompanied by bruising and crushing of the ligaments and muscles of the legs. Much more often, when a finger is fractured, two sections of the broken bone overlap each other. This fracture pattern can be explained by the fact that soft tissues The feet have a high degree of elasticity; when injured, they move and pull fragments. Visual shortening of the damaged finger occurs, and later it grows together incorrectly.

In children, a closed fracture of the toes with angular displacement is much more common. The periosteum and bone tissue in children are much softer and more elastic; often a childhood injury is not recognized and is regarded as a bruise. As a result, the finger grows together incorrectly and remains deformed. Often the direction of the traumatic factor is along the axis of the toe, and a fracture is difficult to distinguish from a foot bruise.

The main load is taken by the joint, soft tissue bruises, cartilage deformation and a number of cracks in the joint area occur. A closed fracture is difficult to distinguish from a non-displaced injury. However, when thorough examination When performing an X-ray examination, differences are found. In some cases, it is possible to detect a healed fracture of the toes retrospectively on photographs.

How to determine damage without displacement

Violations of the integrity of bone tissue without displacement of bone fragments are classified as follows:

  1. In the direction of the traumatic impact - transverse and longitudinal.
  2. The nature of the fracture lines is oblique, helical, etc.
  3. According to the mechanism of the traumatic factor - direct and indirect.

In the case of a direct injury, a single fracture line is visible, visible on the image only where force is applied. The formation of secondary fractures is often visible, which occur at a distance from the site of direct impact and are formed under the influence of muscle traction. Mostly, such foot injuries occur in pairs and often grow together incorrectly.

Depending on the number of toe bone fragments formed, the damage can be non-fragmented, single- or multi-fragmented. The first type of bone loss occurs when there is a direct fall on the leg. If the toes are impacted by a blunt, smooth, heavy object, it will cause soft tissue bruising and the formation of one or two bone fragments. If you receive a blow from an uneven object, you get a multi-fragmented injury to the toes, often of a closed nature.

Symptoms of bone integrity disorders

Determining the nature of the injury, the ICD 10 code and the main clinical signs is the primary task in providing care. Questions included in mandatory into specialized programs medical education. Timely recognition of the symptoms of a fracture will allow the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis and code according to ICD 10, and to provide the correct treatment. emergency assistance. It directly depends on how much the bone grows together after damage.

Symptoms of a toe bone injury are similar to signs of injury on other parts of the body. Signs are divided into probable and reliable.

Possible symptoms include:

  1. The appearance of sharp pain at the site of injury.
  2. Hyperemia of the skin and rapidly growing edema. In case of severe swelling, not a continuous plaster cast is applied, but a lateral splint.
  3. The position of the finger becomes forced.
  4. The temperature of the soft tissues at the site of destruction increases.
  5. Free movements in the joint are significantly impeded or absent altogether.
  6. If you tap on the tip of your finger, a sharp sharp pain develops.

With an injury to the toes, the pain is always tolerable. This allows you to distinguish it from damage in the rest of the leg. When pain syndrome so pronounced that it causes loss of consciousness in the victim. Damage to the toes practically does not lead to similar violations. The pain in these cases is caused by two pathogenetic mechanisms: directly to acute period after a blow or fall on the toes, the periosteum, which has a high degree of innervation, hurts. Gradually, a dull, aching or bursting pain begins to develop at the site of the lesion. Its origin is associated with an increase in swelling of injured tissues due to impaired blood flow and signs of the inflammatory process.

If a soft tissue bruise, a rupture of the periosteum, and the integrity of the bones are damaged, in response to pain and vascular spasm, inflammatory mediators - serotonin, bradykinins - are released into the blood, causing the development of clinical signs inflammation. Biologically active substances cause atony of small vessels at the site of injury, provoke fluid effusion from the vascular bed into the intercellular space of the soft tissues of the leg.

If you gently tap the top of a broken finger in the direction of the axis, the action will respond with sharp pain at the site of injury. The sign is fundamental for recognizing fractures. Proper conduct diagnostic procedure will allow you to accurately determine whether a soft tissue injury has occurred or whether bones have been damaged. A fracture is characterized by pain exclusively at the site where the integrity of the bone tissue is broken. A bruise with such tapping does not appear in any way.

However, when carrying out the described diagnostics, it is important to remember: if displacement of fragments or an impacted type of injury is suspected, the procedure is strictly prohibited, as it can worsen the condition and increase the displacement of fragments.

Reliable symptoms

Signs that reliably indicate the presence of bone damage that is not similar to other injuries include:

  1. Palpation reveals the presence of a broken bone fragment.
  2. The broken finger is shortened.
  3. There is bone mobility in uncharacteristic places.
  4. Visually the bone is deformed.
  5. By palpation it is possible to determine the crepitus of the fragments.

Feeling the damaged areas of the foot should be done with extreme caution. You need to carefully move your fingers along the damaged bone, pressing lightly, to understand how many fragments there are. This is done one by one on surfaces that can be touched. It is easier to conduct research in areas where the bone is shallow and easily accessible to inspection and palpation.

If the finger is positioned incorrectly and is shortened compared to what is symmetrical on healthy leg, most often this becomes evidence of the longitudinal movement of broken fragments.

Pathological mobility of fragments is determined simultaneously with the presence of friction and deformation of the bone axis. First, it is necessary to conduct a visual assessment of the injured leg and compare it with the healthy one. Then the distal fragment is carefully taken, the proximal fragment is fixed motionless. If, during an attempt to deviate the distal fragment from the normal physiological axis, the action can be performed, we can talk about existing pathological mobility. When checking, a crunching sound is detected by ear.

Conduct research to detect reliable signs is not always advisable; the procedures cause severe pain to the victim. Symptoms can be identified by visual inspection or undirected movement of the patient.

What research is being done

Often, a finger injury remains unrecognized during a visual examination. Minor painful sensations lead to the fact that the patient does not suspect a fracture and does not consult a doctor, as a result of which a closed fracture heals incorrectly.

For a reliable diagnosis it is necessary to carry out X-ray examination feet in several projections. Based on the image, the doctor will be able to determine the nature of the injury, understand how many fragments there are and guess how long it will take for the damage to heal.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs