Child 2 years transparent snot. Snot in a child: treatment of all types of rhinitis

Many mothers ask the same question: “If snot flows like water in a child, how to treat it and whether it should be done. Or maybe you should just wait until they pass by themselves? Alas, there is no clear answer. It all depends on the set different reasons: age, environmental conditions, individual characteristics baby.

Only a pediatrician who monitors the health and development of your child can absolutely answer this question. We will only indicate here the main reasons why a child's nose usually flows, the treatment of which is effective by one method or another.

Main reasons

Watery clear discharge from the nose is the body's reaction to adverse environmental conditions, exposure to external or internal stimuli, entry into the nasopharynx pathogenic microorganisms. And this means that not always, when liquid snot appeared in a child, treatment should be started immediately. First you need to assess the situation, observe other symptoms and try to understand what provoked them.

All the main causes can be divided into three large groups: infectious, non-infectious, allergic. The table below lists the main causes associated with a particular group, as well as their main symptoms:

infectious Non-infectious allergic
  • Teeth are being cut at the baby;
  • a sharp temperature drop;
  • too dry air in the room;
  • improper handling when cleansing the nose;
  • application vasoconstrictor drops;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes;
  • features of the structure of the nose.
  • Taking inappropriate medications;
  • the presence of an allergen in environment;
  • accumulation of substances causing allergies in organism;
  • direct contact with the allergen.
  • Fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • redness of the throat;
  • perspiration or cough;
  • pain or discomfort when swallowing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lack of interest in games;
  • headache, dizziness.
  • Redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • noticeable swelling;
  • the formation of bags under the eyes;
  • uneven skin color;
  • possible blisters or rashes on the skin;
  • sore throat;
  • labored breathing.

When a child's snot pours like water, what to treat depends on the cause of their appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to establish it, since symptoms from two or all three may be present at the same time. different groups. For example, due to hypothermia, snot flowed from a baby, vasoconstrictor drops were dripped into his nose, and an allergy began to them.

We emphasize that these are only the main and very generalized symptoms, based on which accurate diagnosis you can't do it on your own! That is why, when liquid snot appeared in a child, what to treat, only a pediatrician or an allergist should decide.

Wrongly chosen treatment can delay the time, the disease will move to a new stage. And in case allergic cause- enhance its manifestations.

The best medicines

We dwelled in such detail on the reasons why liquid transparent snot appears in a child, precisely because the method of treatment that will be most effective directly depends on them. The course of therapy in the event that the disease is infectious nature must be prescribed by a physician. Usually it includes several groups of drugs at once:

Some parents choose to treat their child homeopathic preparations. For colds, SARS and even flu, they help quite well if the child has a good immune system. But with serious infections, refusing antibiotics can lead to complications.

Folk remedies

If only recently appeared liquid snot in a child, what is the alternative treatment? You can refer to verified grandmother's methods". At the initial stage of a cold, SARS and flu, they have an excellent therapeutic effect. But with serious infections and severe allergies they can't cope. So again it all comes down to accurate diagnosis. When you are sure that there is no serious threat to health, here are some time-tested remedies:

As you can see, if liquid snot has flowed from a child, how to treat it - the choice is huge. More experienced moms already know what is best for their children and which of the methods of treatment - traditional or folk.

Those who cannot yet rely on their experience or are not sure of the diagnosis should not experiment with the health of their own child. You need to visit a doctor and prescribe the right treatment.

Many parents in real life often faced with the problem of children's runny nose. Snot in most cases indicate the onset of acute respiratory infections or are a sign of allergies. How to treat transparent snot The child has? We will talk about this in this article.

general information

As you know, young children often get sick. This is due to the unformed to the end immune system, which is not able to provide full protection of the body from external factors. Each disease requires timely treatment. But you should not panic ahead of time when the first symptoms occur.

Discharge from the nose is considered in most cases a sign of illness, but sometimes it is an independent disorder. Transparent can appear at any age. Before raising the question of necessary treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of the common cold.

Allergic reaction

Occurs against the background of an allergic reaction. may be the only sign or be associated with coughing. Usually, an allergy develops to a specific irritant that the child inhales through the nose. It can be plant pollen, pet hair, dust, fumes from washing powder.

To find out why a child has transparent snot, how to treat an allergy, you will need the help of a pediatrician or narrow specialist. A comprehensive blood test allows you to identify the source of secretion. Specific treatment in this case is not required. It is enough to remove the allergen and take the drugs prescribed by the doctor to reduce the body's tolerance to its action.


The child's body is exposed to a variety of viruses. ARI or SARS are classic diseases that are diagnosed in young patients. Symptoms usually begin with general weakness And constant fatigue. Parents often perceive the first symptoms of the disease as simple overwork.

At the next stage, transparent snot appears in the child. 2 years is just the age when a baby is usually diagnosed with ARVI or ARI for the first time. Parents should be especially careful and monitor the temperature. Literally within a few hours, it can reach critical levels.

Transparent snot in children with a common cold does not flow constantly, as happens with allergies. They resemble a mucous colorless secret. After some time, the symptoms described above are accompanied by a sore throat, a feeling of perspiration. The snot changes its color and becomes yellowish.

Colds respond well to drug therapy. The course of treatment is prescribed on an individual basis, based on the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant symptoms.


Dacryocystitis is a pathology in which inflammation occurs, which could not “exit” through the conjunctiva of the eye, flows down through special passages through the nose. With this pathology, the child's eyes "sour". Main Feature dacryocystitis is the appearance of absolutely transparent, like water, discharge from the nose. The child becomes restless, cannot fall asleep on his own and refuses to eat.

The treatment of this pathology is quite simple - it is necessary to remove the wrong septum at the outlet of the lacrimal sac. Therapy does not require serious surgical intervention and absolutely safe.

Transparent snot in newborns

In addition to the reasons listed above, mucous discharge in infants can be due to the following reasons:

  • physiological runny nose;
  • response to teething.

In the first case, transparent ones appear against the background of the adaptation of the nasal mucosa to new living conditions. It is very easy to distinguish a pathology from a serious illness. The appearance of mucous secretion is not accompanied by fever or cough. The child eats and sleeps well, his breathing is relatively calm. Physiological runny nose does not require specific treatment. Parents should constantly monitor the hygiene of the nasal cavity of the newborn. To do this, the nose can be washed with saline or special drops, the main component of which is sea water.

Also liquid can appear during teething. The blood supply in the gums and nasopharynx is inextricably linked. When blood flow to the gums increases, a similar pattern is observed in the nasal cavity. As a result, the child begins to runny nose. It is not advisable to deal with such a phenomenon; you just need to wait out the time.

Stages of development of the common cold in children

A runny nose, like any other pathology, is the result of several sequential processes. Initially, there is swelling and swelling of the nasal mucosa. This stage can last from several hours to 2-3 days. Then there is an intensive production of a transparent secret and its flow down the pharynx. The final stage is the dissemination inflammatory process to other organs.

Already at the first stage, many parents note that the child has a stuffy nose, transparent snot, and breathing is difficult. Adults in this case switch to mouth breathing, and babies still do not know how. Therefore, newborns often give up the breast and refuse the bottle during feeding.

What to do if a child has clear snot?

When mucous discharge from the nose appears, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of a runny nose and prescribe treatment.

Parents, in turn, at home in addition to applying drug therapy should create the most favorable conditions for the rapid recovery of the child. Particular attention should be paid to the mode and proper nutrition little patient. With a cold, there is no need to adhere to special diet, but it is recommended to add foods rich in vitamins to the diet. If the baby refuses to eat, do not force feed him. However, it is necessary to supplement the child, because it leaves the body along with snot a large number of liquids.

How to treat transparent snot in a child, the pediatrician at the reception should also tell. Usually therapy is complex. It includes the use of vasoconstrictor drops, moisturizing and anti-infective medicines.

Subject to all doctor's prescriptions, clear snot in children disappears within seven days. If a runny nose cannot be overcome for a long time, most likely, the reason for its appearance is determined incorrectly. This usually happens when parents try, based on their own experience, to deal with ailments in the baby.

How to treat transparent snot in a child?

Treatment of the common cold in young patients usually involves the use of the following medications:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs ("Nazol Baby", "Nazivin for children"). They're in as soon as possible relieve puffiness, facilitate breathing and reduce the amount of secretions. Such products should be used very carefully, having previously studied the instructions. Most drugs can be instilled no more than 3 times a day, choosing the minimum dosage.
  2. Moisturizers ("Aquamaris", "Otrivin Baby"). The mucous membrane of the nose with a runny nose constantly dries up. To moisturize it, children are prescribed drops based on saline or sea ​​water. These drugs are absolutely safe for young patients, so there can be no overdose. At severe runny nose drops are recommended to be used every three hours.
  3. Antiviral drugs ("Grippferon", "Interferon"). They are especially effective when used after drops. Before use, you must read the instructions and strictly follow the recommended dosage.

If the child has clear snot and cough, more serious treatment. In any case, make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy, taking into account individual characteristics. child's body only a doctor can. Parents should not rely on own experience and self-medicate.

Help of traditional medicine

Recipes of folk healers help in the treatment of many diseases. Such a problem as transparent snot in a child is no exception.

  1. Treatment with mustard. This is very effective method get rid of the cold. It is necessary to attach mustard plasters to the legs and put on warm socks. This allows you to warm up your feet and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Beet juice. This vegetable has proven itself in the treatment of the common cold. beetroot juice folk healers advised to rinse nasal cavity several times a day. Positive result, as a rule, is noticeable after several procedures.
  3. Clear snot in children can be cured with warming. For this, they are used boiled eggs, salt or potatoes. Any of listed products should be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the sinuses.

Before starting the treatment of rhinitis in children using funds traditional medicine It is important to consult with your pediatrician. It should be noted that such therapy cannot be considered the only option for dealing with liquid discharge. It is best used as an adjunct to medical treatment.


Runny nose in children is quite a serious problem. Many parents are not even alarmed by the incessant transparent snot for a month in a child, they are not in a hurry to see a doctor. Postponing a visit to the pediatrician is not worth it. Lack of timely treatment can lead to complications. Be healthy!

When excess mucus appears in the nose of a child, parents panic and try to pick up a quick and suitable treatment. In fact, treatment is not always required and depends on the cause of the runny nose.

When a person is completely healthy, the amount of mucus produced is imperceptible. Most of it goes to moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nose, and the rest absorbs dust, microbes and other extra particles. dried crusts and excess fluid most people clean up by blowing their nose. If the snot is produced more than normal, then they flow from the nasal cavity or clog the nasal passages.

To the main reasons why small child snot flow, include:

  • Infection of the body with a viral or bacterial infection. Often, infectious diseases begin with a runny nose, so the body tries to neutralize the focus of inflammation. In the first 2-3 days, snot flows like water, and then becomes viscous and acquires a green tint.
  • Allergic reaction is a common reason why increased output mucosal secretion. The allergen, penetrating into the nasal cavity, provokes inflammation, which causes the body to cleanse itself. In addition, allergies can be recognized by frequent desire scratching in the nose, sneezing and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes (conjunctivitis). Allergies can be caused by plant pollen, animal dander, dust, etc.
  • Reaction to stimuli. Snot like water in a small child can occur after a long stay in a smoky room, as well as where there is a high concentration of chemicals and various fragrances in the air. Most often, such a runny nose is accompanied by headaches.
  • The use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Long-term use such drugs are addictive vessels. In the future, they lose the ability to function independently and produce an excessive amount of mucus.
  • Injuries. When there are scratches on inner surface nasal cavity, mucus envelops the damaged area. This prevents infection of the wound.
  • Incorrect shape of the nasal septum. Such a pathology interferes with the normal production of mucus, and therefore an increase in its amount is possible.

To establish the exact cause, consultation with an ENT doctor is necessary. Additional examinations may be carried out if necessary.

Is it possible to identify the cause at home?

In order to stop the snot in a child, it is necessary to identify the cause of this condition. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. On your own, you can only guess why snot is pouring. For this, attention should be paid to general well-being and the color of the highlights.

  • Clear slime considered normal in the first 2 months of a baby's life. This is due to the child getting used to the environment. Also, snot in a stream in a small child is possible during teething, and after the tooth passes through the gum, they usually disappear as suddenly as they appeared. Light mucus may indicate an allergy.
  • Green mucus is a sign of an infectious disease or sinusitis. This shade is due to the content of dead pathogenic microorganisms in it. Self-medication in this case is not worth it. You need to see a doctor immediately.
  • White snot in a child may be due to illness, allergies, the presence of diseased teeth, pathologies of the septum, or inflamed adenoids. To establish a specific cause, you should visit a pediatrician.
  • Yellow snot characterizes the period of recovery of the baby or the addition of an additional focus of inflammation. If there are not too many snots and they do not make breathing difficult, then you don’t have to worry.
  • Slime with blood streaks without additional unpleasant symptoms indicates a close location of the vessels. When blown out, they do not withstand pressure and break. If this happens frequently, check the humidity in the room. Dry air has a bad effect on the mucous membranes of the child.

What to do if a child has snot in a stream due to an allergy

If snot pours like water from a child due to an allergy, then try to get rid of the allergen immediately. Lay hypoallergenic linen, do wet cleaning in the apartment more often and, if possible, clean flowering plants. By removing the allergen, you get rid of liquid snot.

In the event that there are objects and substances that cause backlash organism, the following therapy is prescribed:

  • vasoconstrictor drops to relieve nasal congestion (Dlyanos, Xymelin, Naphthyzin);
  • antihistamines (Fenistil, Diazolin, Zirtek);
  • washing the nose with saline solutions to remove the allergen from the nasal cavity (Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin);
  • ASIT is a therapy aimed at eliminating hypersensitivity to a specific allergen.

What to do if a child's snot flows in a stream due to a cold

All medical reference books when answering the question of how to treat catarrhal runny nose, recommend warm plentiful drink. viral disease it is not necessary to treat with medicines. Antiviral drugs are of questionable effectiveness and best case aimed at relieving symptoms. Only the liquid contributes to the removal of the virus from the body. At 3-5 years old, a child should drink at least a liter. Offer what you like best - juices, compotes, tea, if only enough was drunk.

The spread of viruses occurs only in dry and hot air, so ensure that it has normal humidity. Turn on a humidifier or hang up wet clothes. This stops the further spread of the infection. Humid air, plenty of fluids and airing are all you need for a common cold.

If the child is experiencing severe discomfort from the symptoms of a cold and at elevated temperatures, you can use - Nurofen, Ibufen, Kalpol. They should be used no more than 3 times a day and only for a short period.

At severe congestion nose, vasoconstrictor drugs (Protorgol, Isofra) can alleviate the condition. They should be selected according to the age of the baby. Treatment should last no more than 5 days.

How to stop snot stream with the help of traditional medicine?

With a runny nose, it is not necessary to urgently run to the pharmacy and buy strong medicines. Folk recipes affect the mucous membranes of the child more gently and not only get rid of abundant mucus, but also have a restorative effect on the body as a whole.

Nasal drops

It is very easy to make homemade nasal drops. by the most effective recipes are:

  • Aloe and sea buckthorn. Take 1 tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil and mix it with 0.5 teaspoon of aloe juice. The resulting composition must be instilled 3 drops in each nostril in the morning and evening
  • Kalanchoe and honey. The combination of these ingredients helps make the snot more liquid. 1 st. a spoonful of juice from Kalanchoe leaves should be mixed with 1 tsp. honey. It is necessary to instill 2 drops 2 times a day.
  • Bay leaf. Pour 10 bay leaves with a glass of boiling water and add a tablespoon of honey. Let it brew for 2 hours and instill the resulting liquid into the nose in the morning and evening.

Solutions for flushing

Rinsing is enough effective procedure with a runny nose. Doctors often recommend it even as a preventive measure. In order to rinse the nose of the child, you need to slightly tilt his head to the side and slowly introduce desired solution into the nose so that the liquid flows out of the other nostril, and does not enter the throat. This procedure is carried out immediately for both nostrils. The best solutions are:

  • Salt. In a glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of table or sea ​​salt. Carry out rinsing in the event of severe nasal congestion.
  • Chamomile. Decoction of this healing herb helps relieve swelling and eliminate itching and sneezing. 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers must be brewed in 250 ml of liquid and let it brew for 2 hours.
  • Sage. Sage decoction eliminates bacteria. 15 grams of grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Wash with the resulting solution 2 times a day.

Important! Do not use a syringe when washing the nose of children, as under strong pressure the solution can damage the delicate mucous membrane of the child.

Contraindications and warnings

Treatment must be beneficial. If possible, consult a pediatrician, it is better than treating the child yourself. To avoid harm, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not carry out inhalations and warming up at elevated body temperature.
  • Do not use medications in the form of sprays for the treatment of children under 2 years of age.
  • Always read the instructions for use of medicines carefully.
  • Don't put onions or garlic in your nose. This can damage the delicate mucous membrane.
  • Do not take antibiotics unless directed by a pediatrician.
  • Do not use vasoconstrictor drops for longer than 5 days.

sneezing - This is a reflex reaction of the body to an irritant entering the mucous membranes of the nose. Together with mucus (in other words, snot), sneezing creates a barrier to microbes, viruses and bacteria entering the body.

Phenomena such as runny nose and sneezing can appear in a small child for a variety of reasons and cause him great anxiety. Nasal congestion interferes normal sleep baby, at infants nutritional problems may arise. Prolonged runny nose can cause ear infections and other more serious conditions.

What can cause a runny nose?

As a rule, we associate the appearance of transparent snot with the onset of a disease, for example, SARS or acute respiratory infections. The second common reason that a child has snot is an allergy. A number of other less frequent, but possible phenomena causing mucus separation. Let's consider them in more detail.

Allergic reaction

If the child sneezes and transparent snot flows, and there are no symptoms indicating a cold, for example, redness of the throat or cough, then an allergy may develop.

Today the children allergic reaction a fairly common phenomenon, and if we react immediately to the appearance of hives or itching, then we may not pay due attention to sneezing, but in vain.

In young children, allergies are more often recorded in summer or late spring during the flowering period of plants, but can also be caused by ordinary house dust or animal fur. Other symptoms may appear that make it possible to identify the allergic nature of the common cold, such as redness of the eyelids, rash or itching.

If the child sneezes constantly without visible reasons should be tested for allergies. Today, the most common method is a blood test, unlike previously accepted skin tests, this analysis can be carried out even for very young children, it is quite informative and accurate.

  • more often, to make wet cleaning in the room;
  • limit contact with plush toys and fluffy bedspreads;
  • do not use blankets and pillows with natural filler;
  • wash the child's nose with saline or sea water;
  • if necessary, purchase an air purifier.

You should be careful about the presence of allergies. Conduct an examination and timely treatment, because, as a result of a neglected disease, a child may develop bronchial asthma.


Most often, sneezing is clear sign colds. In infants, a cold can be a consequence of hypothermia; after three years, viral and infectious diseases are more likely.

When a child begins to get sick, as a rule, transparent snot can be observed, so the body is trying to get rid of pathogenic microbes in the nasal cavity.

Strong immunity can defeat the disease in the initial stage and everything will be limited to a few days of runny nose and sneezing, if the body is weakened by something, then the disease can develop further. The temperature may rise or other symptoms of SARS may appear.

The main difficulty with a runny nose and that he cannot get rid of snot on his own, which means that there is a high risk that the infection will spread further throughout the body. The structure of the nasopharynx in a baby is such that a runny nose very quickly causes inflammation of the ear; therefore, if the nose is blocked, it is recommended to slightly tilt the mattress in the crib so that the mucus flows down the throat. And in the children's first aid kit, you must have a special children's suction (aspirator) with interchangeable tips.

Nasal congestion and sneezing can progress to more serious conditions without treatment. The infection will go down to the bronchi and the lungs must be started to fight it immediately.

How the common cold develops in several stages:

On the first - special symptoms is not observed, the baby simply feels discomfort in the nose and throat and therefore may be more capricious than usual. At the second stage, transparent snot appears, breathing is difficult and this can interfere with feedings. On final stage the separated mucus becomes viscous and opaque, breathing becomes easier - this means that the baby is on the road to recovery. The runny nose usually stops within a week of the onset of symptoms.

Reaction to external stimuli

Another reason that the child often sneezes may be the reaction of the body of the newborn to factors external environment. Since adaptation to the outside world has not yet occurred, the baby may have a runny nose with various irritants familiar to adults - smells, dry air, in some cases, food that is inappropriate for age, for example, too spicy or spicy.

A similar condition may also be accompanied by headache, anxiety and uncharacteristic weakness. Too much light can also cause sneezing.

congenital features

If in the first 2-3 months of life the child sneezes and transparent snot flows, this may be due to the congenital narrowness of the nasal passages. Over time, the structure of the nasal septum will change and the symptoms will disappear, but until then it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the nose, if necessary, clean the nasal passages from the resulting hard crusts.

Prevention of children's cold

In order to be less likely to face the problem of why the child often sneezes and his nose is stuffy, it is necessary to be attentive to the daily routine and nutrition of the baby:

  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Make sure that the child is dressed according to the weather;
  • To develop immunity, try to support breastfeeding for at least 3-4 months, ideally six months. Even if the food is mixed (partially breast milk partially milk formulas) it will still give the baby immune defense for the first time;
  • Pay close attention to the composition of the child's diet or, if he is on breastfeeding, then to yours. The kid should get enough nutrients and protein;
  • Support children's immunity: brew chamomile tea or prepare a rosehip decoction for newborns born in winter period it is recommended to give vitamin D, try hardening. This does not mean that you need to run with your child to swim in the hole or ice water. Main principle hardening - gradual.

Treatment and preventive measures

If, and transparent snot appeared, and within 2-3 days the condition did not improve, then the help of a doctor is necessary to diagnose the condition and prescribe treatment. For infants in the first year of life, the choice of drugs is extremely limited and it is not worth prescribing them yourself.

As a self-treatment, you can perform nasal hygiene with cotton turundas and vaseline oil, use an aspirator to remove mucus and hard crusts. The rest of the measures should be applicable only as prescribed by a doctor.

To kid older than a year you can wash your nose with saline or sea water, it is better if the drug is with a capillary dispenser - the baby still does not know how to blow his nose and the sprayer can only worsen the situation.

As prescribed by a doctor for a runny nose, it is usually recommended:

  • Rinse your nose, now you can find it in pharmacies various drugs for washing, the most popular "Aqualor baby" and, for children over 6 years old, you can try to use "Dolphin", but not all children will calmly endure the procedure.
  • age appropriate. Up to 3 years it is better to use only drops! Clear snot is often caused by dryness of the nasal mucosa, and oil-based drops moisturize well.
  • Please note that to use vasoconstrictor drugs no more than 5-7 days! Prolonged use may cause addiction or the opposite effect!
  • With severe congestion, at bedtime, you can give the child antihistamine This will make breathing easier and allow him to sleep peacefully at night. But only on the recommendation of a doctor!
  • The child should drink enough fluids, chamomile tea can be recommended as a natural antiseptic.
  • If the runny nose dragged on, a temperature appeared and the snot changed color to green or yellow - this alarm bell! You should definitely consult a doctor and most likely you will be prescribed sprays and drops containing an antibiotic, for example, "Isofra".

What can you do yourself

It is not worth self-medicating and using various inhalations, warming up or herbal decoctions in relation to the baby without a doctor's prescription! By doing this, you can cause serious harm to the condition of the baby!

At an older age (5-6 years), inhalations on herbs or oils can be used as home remedies. It is advisable to purchase the simplest inhaler (a plastic container and something like a respirator). This method is especially recommended for thick snot.

There are also means for rubbing on herbs or patches (Doctor MOM, Nozzle and others) they are more effective for diseases accompanied by a cough, but you can also rub a child with a runny nose. Or prepare a warming composition on your own, based on heated ( NOT HOT!) vegetable oil or interior fat with the addition of essential oils (the most common are eucalyptus, fir or lavender oil).

It is advisable to coordinate all these measures with the attending physician, since they may have contraindications, and if used incorrectly, you can seriously worsen the condition of the child, the consequences can be very different, from allergies to sinusitis.

  • Carry out frequent wet cleaning, wiping all surfaces where dust and harmful microorganisms can settle;
  • Ventilate the baby's room more often, oxygenated air is good for the baby's health and reduces the concentration of bacteria in the room. If there are no contraindications during illness, try to spend more time outdoors;
  • If an air conditioner is installed in the room, control the air flow - it should not fall directly on it and be sure to clean the device;
  • Pay attention to the humidity in the nursery, this is especially important in winter, when heating systems dry out the air, which provokes excessive drying and irritation of the mucous membrane -. To saturate the air with moisture, you can purchase a humidifier, or simply cover the batteries with a damp cloth.

Sneezing and runny nose - the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky:

If a child sneezes and transparent snot flows, do not panic - the reason may be a momentary irritant, and after a while the sneezing will pass. You should be worried if a runny nose lasts more than a day or other symptoms have appeared. anxiety symptoms. It is necessary to consult a doctor and adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen.

Treatment of snot in a child preschool age- a headache for many moms and dads. And this is due not so much to the complexity of this process, but to the features of the age stage. Preschool children do not always understand the meaning of the manipulations carried out by parents.

At the same time, any children's runny nose should not be ignored, otherwise there will be more serious problems with health. Sometimes the most harmless runny nose develops into a serious infection affecting various organs and body systems.

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    Causes of a child's runny nose

    Methods for treating snot in children vary. It all depends on the factor that provoked the discharge from the nose. Sometimes there is not one, but several reasons. Among them are:

    1. 1. Infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi. The most common runny nose, provoked by the development of a virus in the body.
    2. 2. Allergic factor. Allergies are often childhood caused by plant pollen, pet dander and various food products. This reason dangerous because, if left untreated, it causes the development of bronchial asthma.
    3. 3. Hypersensitivity to the action of a variety of external and internal stimuli, for example: tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, hormonal imbalance.
    4. 4. The use of certain medications. With the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops, addiction occurs, as a result of which the ability of the vessels to function fully is impaired.
    5. 5. Injury, hit foreign body. Help in this case will be provided only by an ENT doctor.
    6. 6. The presence of adenoids. This is revealed by characteristic snoring, a change in voice.
    7. 7. Curvature of the nasal septum. It can be caused by an anatomical disorder in the development of the bone forming the nose.

    Stages of development of the disease

    Nasal discharge in children in the presence of infection goes through 3 stages of development:

    • Stage 1 lasts up to 2 days. During this time, complaints of tickling in the nasal cavity can be heard from the child. The temperature is usually within normal limits. The first stage is pretty easy to skip. But it is she who is important for the rapid elimination of a developing disease.
    • Stage 2 lasts an average of 4-5 days. At this time they appear copious discharge from the nasal cavity. nasal breathing difficult, olfactory and taste sensations. The child is naughty, complains about Bad mood, weakness.
    • Stage 3 is characterized by the transition clear secretions from the nose to yellow or green. The change in color of the secreted mucus is due to the appearance of killed microflora in it. At this stage, general well-being improves, nasal congestion disappears. However, treatment should be continued to prevent complications.

    Necessary actions for parents

    The appearance of snot in a child requires mandatory consultation pediatrician. He will determine the cause of nasal discharge and draw up a treatment regimen. It varies somewhat, depending on the provoking factor. The actions of parents in the event of a runny nose associated with viral infection, in a preschool child include the following activities:

    1. 1. Cleansing the nasal passages through the use of saline solutions. You can buy them at your local pharmacy or make your own. For self-preparation, you need 1 tsp. salt, preferably sea salt, dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water.
    2. 2. Use of drops with a vasoconstrictive effect. It is necessary to remember the time limit: such drugs are used for no more than 5 days.
    3. 3. The use of antibacterial drops, especially when green snot appears.
    4. 4. Application herbal oils. More often used special drops based on plants or berries.
    5. 5. Compliance bed rest especially at elevated temperatures.
    6. 6. Raise defensive forces organism through ingestion fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

    Usually when timely treatment such activities help to improve the condition of the child and get rid of discharge from the nose. However, in some cases, these actions are not enough and you should definitely visit a pediatrician. These situations include:

    Help of pharmaceutical products

    The appearance of green snot - alarm signal to which parents should look Special attention. Such discharge requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. Usually the specialist prescribes a series pharmaceutical preparations.These include:

    1. 1. Vasoconstrictor drops that allow you to quickly remove the swelling of the mucous membrane. Among them received most widespread: Nazivin, Nazol Baby.
    2. 2. Finished saline solutions: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Salin. They help to get rid of mucus that has accumulated in the nasal passages. They have no contraindications, they can be used from birth.
    3. 3. Antiseptic solutions for washing the nasal passages, for example, Furacilin solution, which is used after the child reaches 3 years of age.
    4. 4. Antibiotics, predominantly local action only on doctor's orders.
    5. 5. Homeopathic remedies that relieve swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa: Sinupret, Sinuforte.
    6. 6. Antihistamines that help restore nasal breathing.


    In situations where children's snot appears too often (with weakened immunity, visiting kindergarten), methods of traditional medicine are effective:

    1. 1. Hot foot baths. To do this, before going to bed, the legs are warmed up in hot water with the addition of a small amount mustard powder. After the procedure, the child is put on warm socks. The procedure is repeated for 3-4 days.
    2. 2. Tea with raspberries, lemon, cranberries and currants. This vitamin blend promotes good perspiration and accelerates recovery.
    3. 3. Instillation into the nasal passages of beetroot or carrot juice. The tool is effective when green snot appears.
    4. 4. Instillation into the nose kalanchoe juice will help with stage 2 snot, when the discharge from the nose is thick, viscous. plant extract promotes frequent sneezing, even if they just lubricate the nasal passages.
    5. 5. Carrying out inhalations using fir oil and lavender oils. If inhalation is difficult, then you can make hot foot baths with the addition of these funds. It must be remembered that warming up the legs is shown only when normal temperature. Even a slight increase is a contraindication to this procedure.
    6. 6. Washing the nose with a mixture of 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. water. The procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a day with a pipette.
    7. 7. Warming up the sinuses with bags of warm wheat porridge or salt. This procedure is carried out in the absence of sinusitis, otherwise complications may develop.
    8. 8. Instillation of sea buckthorn oil. You can simply lubricate a cotton flagellum with it and lubricate the nasal passages.
    9. 9. Lubrication of the nose with a mixture olive oil and garlic. First, the oil in the amount of 50 g is heated in a water bath. Then a slurry of garlic cloves is added to it. The resulting mixture is infused for 2 days. The resulting juice is moistened with a cotton swab and the nasal passages are treated. This remedy is not only curative, but also preventive, allowing to avoid the development of a runny nose in the cold season.

    What prevents getting rid of rhinitis in a baby?

    Sometimes, despite the efforts of adults, a runny nose in a child drags on, it becomes problematic to cure him simple ways. Tormented child, tormented parents sleepless nights- all this only exacerbates the situation. There are 2 main causes of lingering snot:

    • accession of a bacterial infection;
    • allergic nature of the discharge.

    Option 1 develops with improper treatment runny nose or lack of timely therapy. If there is uncertainty about the effectiveness self help child, it is better to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will correctly diagnose, which will help save time and the health of the baby.

    At allergic rhinitis discharge will disturb the child until the allergen is excluded from his life. In this case, reactions can also be on pet hair, and some food products. Common allergens include:

    1. 1. A microscopic mite that lives in carpets, pillows, toys. Increased humidity in the room contributes to its reproduction.
    2. 2. Wool of dogs and cats, feather and down covering of birds.
    3. 3. Mold.

    In order to get rid of allergies and its consequences, you must:

    • visit an allergist - a specialist who detects allergens and treats allergies.
    • conduct general cleaning living quarters;
    • regularly ventilate the room and wet cleaning.

    Prevention measures

    In order to prevent the appearance of snot in a child, it is necessary to remember about simple methods prevention:



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