What remedies are suitable for treating prostate adenoma at home? Prostate adenoma in men: treatment with folk remedies at home.

Prostate adenoma is insidious in that the tumor can grow for a long time, sometimes 10 years, imperceptibly for a person to grow, slowly worsening the quality of life, in particular, making it difficult to urinate. Shame, laziness, lack of knowledge or simply a frivolous attitude to the gradual deterioration in the process of urination lead to the fact that a man postpones the diagnosis and treatment of prostate adenoma for a long time. As a result, the likelihood be on the operating table, or become disabled, and in the absence of the possibility of obtaining emergency medical care, even die as a result of acute urinary retention.

biophysicist, full member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences Fedorov V.A.

prostate adenoma is benign a tumor of the prostate gland or scientifically - benign prostatic hyperplasia (abbreviated as BPH). The disease begins to be detected in 20% of men under 40, at the age of 50-60 years - in 40%, at the age of 61-70 - in 70% of men, and after 70 years - in 80% (Berry, 1994).

It is necessary to immediately clarify that a benign tumor of the prostate gland cannot degenerate into a malignant one, that is, into cancer, as they grow from different parts of the prostate gland. Adenoma is the growth of small periurethral (submucosal) glands of the central zone surrounding the urethra, and prostate cancer develops from large glands located on the periphery, away from the center.

Symptoms of urinary incontinence

Although the disease is called "benign", it manifests itself as a significant deterioration in the quality of life:

  • there is a need to urinate at night, and more than once, which leads to sleep disturbance and general overwork;
  • increased daytime urination (normal frequency no more than every 2 hours during the day);
  • there is no feeling of complete emptying of the bladder;
  • difficulty urinating: you need to make extra efforts, urinate in several doses;
  • sharp and uncontrollable urge to urinate.

Difficulties in urination are caused by the fact that the tumor, and to a greater extent severe swelling developing in the prostate (especially with 1 and 2 degrees of BPH), compress the urethra. At the same time, efforts to “push out” urine are not enough to completely empty the bladder. Due to residual urine in the bladder, there are repeated frequent urges to empty. This explains the increased frequency of urination, both day and night. Pain when urinating not typical.

The brightness of the manifestation of the above symptoms does not depend on the size of the tumor itself (it can be large, and the quality of life does not decrease significantly). This is often related to the direction of tumor growth. In this regard, it is very important for men after 40 to regularly visit a urologist, especially with changes in the process of urination, and take preventive measures (for example,). In the early stages of BPH, there is still a high probability of a positive result from conservative treatment. without surgery.

There are 3 stages of BPH:

Symptoms and signs

Stage 1 (compensated)

The tone of the muscles of the bladder is still sufficient to push the urine through the narrowed channel, but you have to make an effort.

There is no residual urine.

Patients may notice:

  • the act of urination does not begin immediately;
  • the volume of urine excreted at a time decreases;
  • weakening of the pressure of the urine stream,
  • increased frequency of urges during the day, including sudden (imperative);
  • increased urge at night (nocturia), first 1 time per night, then 2-3 times and more often.

This stage can be quite long: 10 years or more and depends on the initial state of the organism.


At this stage:

  • residual urine is detected (there is no feeling of complete emptying of the bladder);
  • the muscle tone of the bladder is weakened, but it still allows urine to be pushed through the narrowed channel, while significant tension in the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm is required;
  • urination is intermittent, carried out in several stages with periods of rest;
  • patients do not feel complete emptying of the bladder at the end of the process;
  • the first signs associated with impaired kidney function appear (thirst, feeling of dryness and bitterness in the mouth).


The resources of the muscular wall of the bladder are completely depleted, the bladder looks like a stretched bag of urine, which is squeezed out only drop by drop. At this stage, such dangerous complications as chronic renal failure, urolithiasis, etc. are almost inevitably detected. There is a high probability of acute urinary retention. In the absence of medical care, the patient may die.

An international classification is also used with an assessment according to the IPSS* scale:

1. Minor stage - 0-7 points.

2. Moderate stage - 8-19 points.

3. Expressed stage - 20-35 points.

*IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) - an international system for the total assessment of prostate diseases ().

You can send the completed application form to the address to receive advice on the possibility of using a non-surgical method for the treatment of prostate adenoma and the selection of an apparatus in your case.

An important condition for the effective treatment of prostate adenoma

Under effective and gentle treatment prostate adenoma refers to the removal of edema in the tumor area, slowing down and stopping the growth of the tumor, as a result of which urination is restored and the quality of life improves.

Reducing the frequency of urination and strengthening the jet is achieved primarily due to edema removal in this area. If the problem of urination was caused only by a tumor, then no drug therapy and physiotherapy () would ever improve urination without surgery. However treatment without surgery is possible!

Edema is usually the body's reaction to an excess of dead cells in that area. Obviously, dead cells begin to accumulate for 2 main reasons:

  1. The nutrition and protection of each cell deteriorates, they begin to die faster. With age, there are often problems with the blood supply to the pelvic organs, hormonal imbalance is observed (less and less hormones are produced that are necessary to maintain health and youth: testosterone, melatonin, vasopressin).
  2. The body does not have time to remove dead cells in a timely manner. Dead cells are excreted through the lymphatic vessels, however existing resources of the lymphatic system are no longer enough in order to utilize the increased number of dead cells and completely cleanse the tissues.

In addition, the remains of dead cells (especially their protein components) are the "building material" for tumor growth. One of the reasons for the development of edema is the body's attempt to prevent the growth of tumor tissue, but thereby the edema also leads to clamping of the urethra ("". Vasiliev A.E., Kovelenov A.Yu., Ryabchuk F.N., Fedorov V.A. , 2004).

Conclusion: an important condition for the successful treatment of adenoma - increased lymph flow(lymphatic drainage), which would cleanse the tissues of excess dead cells. This solves two problems at the same time: removal of edema in the prostate gland, slowing down and cessation of tumor growth.

Treatment of prostate adenoma without surgery

Currently, conservative (non-surgical) treatment of prostate adenoma is provided by medicine in 2 ways, as well as their combination.

1. Drug therapy

Medical treatment consists of taking:

The failure rate of drug therapy reaches 30%, and the effectiveness, respectively, is 70%.

The mechanism of action of drugs from each group is different: alpha-1-blockers help facilitate the process of urination, and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors help to inhibit the tumor growth process. The course of treatment lasts at least 6 months, usually a year or more, to get a pronounced effect. After some time, the symptoms of the disease may reappear, and then there is the need for a second course of treatment: this situation may persist until the end of the patient's life.

Possible individual intolerance to the components that make up the drugs. When accepting these funds, it is possible side effects, which is also associated both with the specifics of the mechanism of action of drugs, and with the characteristics of a particular organism. Medications, by their very nature, forcibly change the body's priorities, leading to additional stress on the liver, kidneys, circulatory system, digestive system, and so on.

As indicated in the Russian clinical guidelines for moderate and severe symptoms of BPH (impaired urination), drugs are prescribed simultaneously from both groups. In this case, the minimum treatment budget for a year can be about 15,600 rubles.

2. Vibroacoustic therapy (phonation)

This physiotherapy treatment has no side effects can afford avoid surgery and improve the patient's condition without drugs.

Phonation can also be used in combination with drug therapy. Sound microvibration improves the transport and metabolic processes in tissues, and thereby facilitates the delivery of the drug to the right place, that is, increases the effectiveness of drug therapy.

However, in accordance with long-term observations, the use of only The Vitafon device is usually enough to significantly improve the quality of life and relieve swelling.

When conservative treatment (or drug therapy) does not help, surgery remains if the general health of the patient allows surgery. Sometimes in elderly people, surgical treatment is not possible due to the presence of severe comorbidities, repeated myocardial infarctions, heart failure, strokes, etc. In this case, as indicated in, it is indicated. This type of physiotherapy, in any case, will create conditions so that the process of urination does not worsen further.

The operation is indicated in the following cases:

  • Prostate adenoma in stage 3, when the patient is unable to urinate on his own due to atony (weakened and stretched bladder muscles).
  • Patients with a pronounced decrease in the quality of life (regardless of the size of the tumor), assessed on the IPSS scale - 20–35 points.
  • Patients in whom the first manifestation of the disease was acute urinary retention in 60% of cases are forced to operate within a year after the detection of BPH.

At the moment, preference is given to this type of operation as transurethral resection(TUR) when a special device is inserted through the urethra resectoscope and the tumor is removed without incision of the bladder. Another type of surgery without an incision in the bladder is laser vaporization when a special device is inserted into the urethra and the laser “evaporates” the tumor in layers. Both with TUR and with laser vaporization, there is a risk that some part of the tumor will not be removed: in this case, a recurrence is possible and then a second operation may be prescribed.

For large tumors, adenectomy(cavitary operation), when an incision is made on the anterior abdominal wall (or access is through the perineum), the bladder is opened and the tumor is removed.

Despite the fact that during the operation the tumor itself is removed, the quality of life of the patient may remain unsatisfactory. Often retained frequent urination, incontinence, presence of residual urine(according to statistics in 10% of patients), and complications and consequences may also occur:

  • bleeding;
  • joining the infection;
  • impossibility of independent urination and lifelong use of a catheter;
  • retrograde ejaculation (sperm is thrown into the bladder during intercourse)
  • impotence;
  • sclerosis of the neck of the bladder;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the urethra (stricture).

In order to speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of postoperative complications, it is recommended to perform phonation both at the stage of preparation for the operation and at the stage of rehabilitation. As shown, the use of phonation with the Vitafon device after TUR allows reduce the frequency of urination, completely get rid of residual urine, reduce the size of the prostate gland by removing postoperative edema. Phonation was originally used in traumatology and the treatment of postoperative sutures and showed its high efficiency in accelerating healing.

Phoning in this case is carried out according to. The catheter is not an obstacle for phonation.

Thus, the operation must be carried out strictly according to the doctor's indications. If there are no clear indications for surgery, microvibration makes sense, similar to biological microvibrations. For more than 25 years of use, more than 2 million people have not had a single case of a negative side effect.

On the contrary, the expansion of the list of diseases that can be successfully treated with the help of Vitafon devices occurred precisely due to the identification of side effects. positive effects:

The effectiveness of the treatment of these diseases is confirmed, which For more than 25 years, there are already over 100.

In addition to research, there is also medical practice, which also confirms the high efficiency of the new method of physiotherapy, as evidenced by

Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor that appears, develops in the prostate gland. As the neoplasm grows, the urethra is compressed. The disease requires mandatory, timely treatment in order to avoid serious complications. For example, there is no guarantee that a benign tumor will not take on a malignant course.

What gives rise to the growth of neoplasms, the causes of the development of adenoma, doctors cannot yet say for sure. But it is known that this process can be influenced by the age of a man, the level of androgens in his blood, as well as chronic fatigue, regular stress and sexual dysfunction. If the main symptoms of the disease appear: weakness, the smell of urine when breathing, nighttime urges, a sluggish stream of urine, pain or urinary retention, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Today we will find out how to treat prostate adenoma at home, what medications to take for this disease. However, remember that only a doctor can prescribe effective drug treatment. Well, folk remedies are used only in addition to the main treatment.

How to treat prostate adenoma, drugs:

Modern medicine has effective methods for the treatment of prostate adenoma. There are two main areas of treatment: medical and surgical. One of the latest developed treatment methods is prostate thermotherapy. However, in the early stages of the disease, in the presence of moderate symptoms, drug therapy is usually carried out.

Medical treatment

To date, many drugs are available for the treatment of this disease. The doctor selects medicines individually for each patient, taking into account many indicators and individual characteristics.

The usual, average treatment regimen involves the use of such drugs:

Hormonal drugs (estrogens) - reduce the effect of androgens, inhibit the growth of adenoma. This group of drugs includes: gonadotropic releasing hormone: Sinarel. Progestogens are used: Oxyprogesterone capronate, Megais. The semi-synthetic estrogen Sinestrol may be prescribed.

Alpha-blockers - designed to improve the condition, restore the vessels of the prostate gland, activate the blood supply to this organ. Treatment is usually prescribed with small dosages, gradually increasing. Medications: Terazosin, Tamsulosin, Doxazosin, Alfuzosin.

Blockers of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase - do not allow testosterone to go into its active form. Assign individually for each patient. Take a long time.

Phytopreparations - reduce the intensity of symptoms, reduce the growth of tumor cells. Tykveol, Koprivit, Speman are usually prescribed.

Also in the treatment are used:

Polyene antibiotics
- Anticancer drugs: Depostat, Supre-fact, Zoladex, Flutamide.
- Antiparkinsonian drugs: Bromocriptine.
- Antimicrobial agents: uroantiseptics, finasteride, polypeptides.
- Pipemidic acid and homeopathic remedies.

Treatment at home

Pound 30 g of fresh garlic to a gruel, transfer to a cup. Add half a liter of boiling water to the garlic. Close the lid, keep warm. Leave for 2-3 hours. Then take the strained infusion 1-2 times a day, a quarter cup before meals.

Treatment of prostate adenoma at home is usually not complete without bee deadness and propolis. In general, these bee products are considered a powerful, very effective antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory natural remedy.

To prepare the medicine, place in a saucepan 1 tbsp. l. subpestilence. Add half a liter of water. Cook over very low heat for 2 hours. Cool, strain. Now add 1 tbsp. l. 30% propolis tincture. Add the same amount of honey. Mix well. Take a sip before meals. Store on the shelf of the refrigerator.

For the treatment of adenoma, rectal suppositories are used, which can be prepared independently at home: pour 3 tbsp. l. quality rye flour. Also add 1 tbsp. l of raw egg and honey stirred until smooth. Prepare a dense dough from these ingredients. Blind candles (1 cm thick), put in the freezer. Every day, after a bowel movement, insert such a candle into the rectum.

Pour an equal amount of dried birch leaves and dried green onions (feathers) into a bowl. Grind the mixture to a powder state. Pour 60 g of powder into a bowl. Pour half a liter of boiling water. Insulate, leave where it is warmer for 1 hour. It is recommended to drink the strained infusion, divided into three equal doses (morning, afternoon, evening).

When treating this disease, remember that folk remedies alone will not be enough. For a complete, adequate treatment, be sure to combine them with taking medications prescribed by your doctor. This is especially true for advanced forms of adenoma. Be healthy!

aspen bark

In folk medicine, there is one of the simplest and most effective recipes. However, one must not miss the moment in order to collect all the components in a timely manner to implement the recipe. You will need aspen bark harvested at the end of April. During this period, the buds on the tree have not yet blossomed, but the movement of juice is clearly manifested. So, we collect the bark with a thickness of 3-5 mm.

At home, you can use the oven to dry it or put it in the shade for a few days. After a while, a slightly withered bark in the amount of 100 g must be crushed and put in a half-liter jar, while pouring 200 g of vodka. Make sure the bark is completely submerged in the liquid. Then close the jar with a tight lid and hide the resulting infusion for a couple of weeks in a dark place.

After 2 weeks, you can start taking the drug, after draining the liquid. The daily course consists of three doses of 20 drops of the solution, diluted with 1/4 cup of water, on an empty stomach. The general course of treatment lasts 2 months.

Pumpkin seeds in the fight against prostate adenoma

It is worth noting that the consumption of pumpkin seeds is not only a pleasant experience, but also very beneficial for men's health. The thing is that the content of zinc prevails in the seeds, the replenishment of which is necessary for men at any age.

Traditional medicine has retained another effective recipe. It is required to pass 500 g of raw pumpkin seeds through a meat grinder and mix them with 200 g of honey. The resulting consistency must be thoroughly mixed and a lot of balls are molded from a homogeneous mass, each the size of a small candy. Store finished balls in the refrigerator.

Half an hour before meals, it must be absorbed for 2-3 minutes. The positive effect will not be long in coming if only raw pumpkin seeds are used in cooking and you do not just swallow the ball.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with propolis

Propolis extract is the most powerful remedy and occupies a worthy place not only in folk medicine, but is also recognized by science as a powerful antispasmodic ingredient and anti-inflammatory agent for many diseases. Symptoms of prostatitis noticeably weaken and completely disappear.

Propolis extract is obtained in the process of evaporation. It is enough to take 40 g of the extract and evaporate it in 200 ml of alcohol. From the extract obtained, 0.1 g is taken, mixed with 2 g of cocoa butter and used to form a suppository for injection into the rectum, preferably at night. Treatment course - 1 month. Repeat the course in 4-6 weeks.


No less effective is the intake of juice from elderberries. It is enough to take one tablespoon of juice before breakfast. However, do not forget to drink a glass of clean water 10 minutes before taking the juice. The course of treatment is 10 days.


The whole recipe is to brew needle shells. Best suited chestnut, which ripens in the first days of September. The fruits become characteristically brown. The most ripe of them are collected and peeled. The peel is carefully crushed.

As needed, take 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture and poured with boiled water (0.6 liters). The procedure must be done in the evening, in order to strain the infusion in the morning and put it in a water bath so that evaporation takes place up to 200 g.

The finished substrate is stored in the refrigerator and consumed on an empty stomach, 30 drops. It is recommended to repeat the course after 2 months. The total number of repetitions is not more than 3.

hazel branches

A decoction of hazel branches is useful for inhalation. You will need to take a few deciduous hazel branches and lower them into boiling water. The broth should be left on the fire for 20 minutes, and then let it brew until a characteristic red-brown hue is formed.

The resulting liquid should be poured into a bowl with wide edges and inhaled. For the best effect, you should stock up on fresh hazel branches. One decoction can be used 2-3 times.


In folk medicine, parsley has found wide application, the use of which not only effectively relieves the symptoms of inflammation, but is also a source of increasing male strength.

It is necessary to take parsley juice for 1 tbsp. spoon a day before meals. By the way, crushed parsley seeds can be brewed and made into infusions. You need to boil 4 tbsp. spoons in 200 ml of water for 15 minutes and then cool. The resulting decoction is taken in 1 tbsp. spoon up to 6 times a day.

All about the symptoms and signs of a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland is written here.

This information about the treatment of prostate adenoma at home cannot act as a complete treatment and completely replace the methods of official therapy. Consultation with a specialist is required.

Despite its prevalence, prostatic hyperplasia remains an “inconvenient” disease, a pathology that men are embarrassed to talk about. Not surprisingly, in 70% of cases, patients seek help from a doctor at a stage when pathological changes have passed an early stage.

If we turn to statistics, the request for the treatment of prostate adenoma at home is administered several thousand times daily, which indicates a reluctance to visit specialized medical institutions.

In fact, there is a possibility, without resorting to some, to improve the well-being of a patient with a benign neoplasm in the prostate gland.

Is it possible to treat prostatic hyperplasia at home?

It is possible to completely cure a benign tumor of the prostate only with the help of drug therapy and, but it will be possible to achieve some improvements in the patient's well-being at home.

They are mainly aimed at preventing the disease, reducing the likelihood of complications, strengthening the immune system and the body's own forces aimed at combating the disease.

Rehabilitation after removal of prostate adenoma also cannot do without home therapies. The restoration of erectile function, the functioning of the urinary tract and the provision of normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs largely depend on the patient himself: physiotherapy, changes in eating habits.

Treatment of adenoma at home begins only after a full examination by the attending physician. Avoid visiting a specialized medical institution will not work.

In what situation is it better not to self-medicate

Methods and methods of treating prostate adenoma at home are not aimed at combating pathology, but at preventing the disease. Most of the applied methods are aimed at the catalyst, the cause of the inflammatory process.

Any home alternative methods of therapy are prohibited in the following cases:

  • The etiology of the disease is not clear - a benign tissue proliferation lends itself well enough to alternative therapy. In the case of malignant formation, some methods of treatment provoke the rapid progress of oncology and lead to a significant deterioration in the patient's well-being.
  • Acute period - an inflammatory process caused by an infectious infection, it is forbidden to treat at home. First aid, the appointment of a course of antibiotics and other drugs is done exclusively in the urological center, by the surgeon.
  • Late stages of the disease - home therapies are good at preventing the disease, relieve symptoms at the beginning of stage 1 hyperplasia and are used in recovery after surgery. At the stage of exacerbation or chronic course of adenoma, folk methods are used with extreme caution, only after consultation with a urologist.
The first sign indicating the need to seek qualified help: fever. Purulent and bloody discharge in the urine, which has risen sharply to 39-40 ° or stays at 37-38 ° for several days for no apparent reason, should alert.

What helps at home with prostate adenoma?

After receiving qualified help and advice, home treatment for prostate adenoma begins. Before starting therapy, the patient must have a good understanding of the etiology of the disease. Prostate adenoma occurs in patients over 50 years of age who are in the following risk group:
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Lack of regular sexual relations.
  • Overweight or obesity.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse.
The action of all tinctures and medicinal herbal preparations is aimed at overcoming the consequences caused by the factors listed above. Although the complete elimination of benign prostatic hyperplasia with the help of folk remedies alone is unlikely, regular use leads to an improvement in well-being.

stigmas of corn

One of the most effective home remedies is the use of corn stigmas. The plant is so effective that it is included in the course of drug therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

The benefits of using a decoction of corn stigmas are enormous:

  • The decoction normalizes blood sugar, helps in the fight against excess weight.
  • It has mild diuretic properties. When exposed, it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder, which often occurs when taking medications.
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • Purifies the blood and has a beneficial relaxing effect on muscle structures and tissues.
Corn silk is used as a decoction, tincture and liquid extract.

Apple vinegar

The experience of home treatment shows that another effective folk remedy is apple cider vinegar. This is a natural product made from apples.

The composition of vinegar includes about 20 minerals and trace elements necessary for the health of the patient. Take apple cider vinegar after diluting it with water.

Regular intake of apple cider vinegar has the following effects on the patient's body:

  • Improves digestion and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Helps in the fight against obesity and overweight.
  • Prevents aging of the body and internal organs.
  • Stimulates the work of the human immune system, enhances resistance to infectious agents.
  • Reduces the likelihood of converting a benign tumor into oncology.
  • Improves blood circulation, promotes recovery in case of ischemic tissue damage.

Regular intake of apple cider vinegar improves the overall well-being of the patient, helps to cope with irritability and stress arising from the discomfort caused by the disease.

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of zinc, an element necessary to maintain "male strength". It is believed that the regular intake of fresh (not fried) seeds leads to improved potency and strengthens the immune system. It has a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system of a person.

In Chinese medicine, pumpkin seeds are prescribed as a prophylaxis for prostate adenoma. Seeds are consumed with sugar-free green tea, another remedy that reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Seeds absorb both useful and harmful trace elements from the soil. To prevent adenoma, it is recommended to buy pumpkin seeds from friends or grow them yourself.

Tomatoes and BPH

Tomatoes help to fight BPH effectively. Tomatoes contain the active substance lycopene, which has anti-inflammatory properties and has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system.

A recent study showed that regular consumption of tomatoes (lycopene is found only in red-colored tomatoes) reduces pressure on the bladder and reduces the number of night trips to the toilet by more than 30%.

Home physiotherapy for prostate hyperplasia

As an additional measure that improves the well-being of the patient, various procedures are prescribed. Good results were shown by the use of therapeutic baths and special devices that affect the structure of tissues.

The use of physiotherapy is due to the need to relax and calm the patient, relieve stress and irritability, which impede normal recovery. Additional benefit: stabilization of the human immune system and normalization of tissue function.

Therapeutic baths

Another option for effective treatment of prostate adenoma at home is the adoption of therapeutic baths. This method is contraindicated during the inflammatory process and is carried out only after the permission of the attending physician.

For procedures, water heated to a body temperature of 37-39 ° is used. The patient sits in the bath for 12-16 minutes. For a healing effect, compounds or flavored oils from medicinal herbs are added to the water. Suitable St. John's wort, chamomile, lavender, needles. In sanatoriums, the patient is offered a course of radon baths, which also have a beneficial effect.

Use of appliances

There are several devices that have a therapeutic effect on tissues. The essence of the device of almost every device is as follows. With the help of radio waves, micro-oscillations of tissues are created. The frequency amplitude is constantly changing from 20 to 18000 Hz.

The beneficial effect is due to the stimulation of blood circulation and the improvement of conductivity in the lymphatic vessels. After a few minutes of the procedure, spasms are relieved, pain is reduced, and the immune system is activated.

Several Russian devices were widely used: Vitafon, Mavit, Electron. Ease of use lies in its small size, which allows you to take devices with you on vacation, when moving.

The use of devices is prohibited in neoplasms, as well as in the inflammatory process. Therapy is carried out exclusively at the stage of remission.

Gymnastics or exercises for home treatment of BPH

One of the main causes of prostate adenoma is congestion in the pelvic area, due to insufficient patient mobility. Physiotherapy is necessarily prescribed to all patients who are in remission and not exacerbating the inflammatory process.

Physical exercises at home are not only desirable, in fact, they are included in the course of mandatory restorative therapy prescribed by the attending urologist. Often, the main exercises are prescribed by a urologist or a physiotherapist.

Massage of prostate adenoma at home

In sanatoriums and dispensaries, patients with a diagnosis of prostate adenoma are often prescribed massage. The intensity and duration of manipulations is assessed by a specialist after a digital examination of the prostate. If necessary, you can massage prostate adenoma at home without resorting to the services of a specialist.

For self-massage, several types of massagers have been developed. Some have only an indirect effect on the prostate, others directly massage the gland. The patient can use rectal vibration massagers, hydromassage, rollers and elastic rings.

If a decision is made to self-massage the prostate gland, you should receive instructions from your doctor regarding the correct manipulation. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention immediately.

Kegel exercises

Initially, Kegel exercises were recommended and intended exclusively for women. The good results of improving the functioning of the genitourinary system led to the fact that men began to recommend classes.

Exercises are aimed at strengthening the pubococcygeal muscle, which increases potency and leads to a significant improvement in well-being in chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Exercise treatment is indicated not only for patients who have been diagnosed with adenoma, but also for those who are at risk:

  • Office workers.
  • Programmers.
  • Drivers and all men with a sedentary job.

Prevention and prevention of the development of prostate adenoma is the best method of therapy. The results of the exercises will not appear immediately, it will take patience and perseverance.

Treatment of BPH at home does not abolish drug therapy and the need for observation by a specialist, but contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient. Each method has contraindications. Therefore, before use, you will need to consult your urologist.

Non-traditional methods of treating the disease have always been used at all times. Many men resort to treatment of adenoma at home folk means. Of course, it is important to consider the stage of the disease. If this is the initial stage, then folk methods will serve as an auxiliary factor in the treatment by medication.

Characteristics and signs of the disease

An adenoma is an overgrowth of prostate tissue. At the same time, such neoplasms are able to block the urinary canal and inevitably surgery. Contributes to the development of the disease low testosterone levels and high levels of estrogen. More often men after 40 years suffer.


  • frequent bowel movements of urine and pain at this time;
  • the urine stream is sluggish and the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Rules for therapy at home

Certainly, home treatment for prostate adenoma plays a supporting role and can not do without drugs. When using folk remedies, you should try what the reaction of the body will be. After taking, observe for 15 minutes. If there is a feeling of disgust or an allergy, then it is better to refuse this type of treatment and consult a doctor. In most cases, the cause of adenoma can be an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking alcohol, stress, and an unbalanced diet. It is necessary to reconsider the lifestyle, and make adjustments. Give up bad habits, strengthen immunity. Folk remedies are suitable for this: propolis, walnuts, onion peel, medicinal herbs, garlic, lemon. They will not only help to cope with the disease, but also replenish the body with minerals and vitamins.

Treatment of adenoma with home remedies

At the initial stage of prostate enlargement, the following products can be used for treatment: pumpkin and seeds, walnuts, propolis, onion peel, garlic and lemons.


This orange product is a rich storehouse of vitamins and minerals. A fresh and squeezed drink made from pumpkin pulp should be drunk every day in the norm of one glass. You can add 1 tsp. honey. Pumpkin seeds are recommended to eat only raw, you can not fry. Grind seeds with peel in a coffee grinder. Use 0.5 tsp. powder with water.


Only fresh nuts are used, last year's fruits are not suitable. Grind 1 tbsp. nuts with pumpkin seeds and mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. This delicacy is drunk with tea three times a day. Effective alcohol tinctures are made from partitions for treatment.

Onion and peel

The product replenishes the body with vitamin C, eliminates the inflammatory process and helps to restore the function of the prostate gland. One onion is cut finely, mixed with 1 tbsp. honey and consumed at night. The duration of treatment is 2 months.

Another decoction is made from onion peel: 100 g of cleanings are washed and poured into 0.5 liters of drinking water. Then cook on low heat for 7 minutes. Let the mixture stand for about an hour and filter. Use 0.5 cup three times a day for 5 days, 5 days of respite and continue treatment again.

beeswax and propolis

Beeswax has antibacterial properties, improves immunity and eliminates inflammation. Candles are made on the basis of beeswax for insertion into the anus. Propolis should be consumed daily.

Lemon with garlic

How to cure prostate adenoma at home with garlic and lemons? Grind 12 medium lemons and 200 g of garlic. The composition must stand for 24 days. Use 1 tsp. before bedtime. The duration of treatment is 21 days, followed by a 7-day break.

Medicinal herbs

There are a large number of ways how to treat prostate adenoma at home with the help of medicinal plants. A popular plant in the treatment of adenoma is celandine.

To prepare the medicine 1 tbsp. dry leaves pour 250 hot liquid. The mixture is infused for 2 hours, and then filtered. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day for 30 days.

Medicinal fee

An equal portion of the following plants is taken and mixed:

  • hawthorn and hazel flowers,
  • shandra herbs and willow root,
  • golden rod and bedstraw,
  • sparrow.

To 1 tbsp. l. collection, 0.5 liters of hot water is poured, and the mixture languishes in a bowl over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then let it brew for 30 minutes, filter and use the prepared broth for 4 times. The duration of therapy is 30 days.

This infusion helps with urination and prevents further growth of the prostate gland.

Preventive measures

First of all, foods that accumulate liquid should be avoided in food. Exclude from the diet of salting and smoking.

Do physical exercises that will promote blood flow to the pelvic area.

Give up bad habits of smoking and alcohol.



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