And these plants cause allergies. Allergy to flowers

Flowering plants are a beautiful time, but not for allergy sufferers. Every year there are more and more such people. They perceive trips to the dacha as a heavy duty, from which they cannot get away, considering flowers to be the main culprits of allergies. How to be? Don't plant flowers? Refuse to give? No, you just need to choose those plants that will not cause allergies. The main culprit of allergies is plant pollen. In summer, there are millions of pollen grains in the air, and we breathe them in every day. Most of us do not even notice this, but those who suffer from allergies are waiting for this period with caution. who suffer from allergies. The plants listed above emit especially a lot of pollen. Later, cereals contribute. Cereals, or rather their pollen, causes severe allergies. When mowing the lawn, it rises into the air. In addition, cut grass, which releases coumarin, an irritant, also causes allergies. There is no place for a lawn on a small plot, but what if the plot is larger? In this case, instead of a lawn, it is better to arrange a paved area, fill it with pebbles, or plant ground cover plants, the choice of which is now large. In addition, daisies, sunflowers, marigolds, amaranth, rudbeckia, asters, lavender, aconite, popovnik, lily of the valley, are considered strong allergens, flax, chrysanthemums, hops and others. Among the weeds there are also many such plants (for example, nettle, plantain, yarrow, celandine). Harmless-looking cornflowers that cause tears, runny nose and itching can also be dangerous. And often, among the weeds, they do not look for the culprits of the allergy, attributing its manifestation to garden plants blooming at that time. When touching primroses, redness and itching may appear. Redness can also be caused by the milky juice of dandelion, representatives of the euphorbia family. The choice is theirs A blooming garden can be enjoyed by planting plants that do not cause allergies. Of summers, preference should be given to snapdragon, self-seed poppy, petunias, verbena, pansies and forget-me-nots, that is, those plants whose anthers are hidden inside the flower. From perennials, choose geyhera, bergenia, bellflower, catnip, delphinium, veronica, geranium, bearded iris, phlox, peony, dahlias, periwinkle. Of the shrubs, the choice is to stop at those that are not pollinated by the wind: viburnum, Japanese quince, shadberry, weigel, ornamental fruit, skumpii. The choice of climbing and climbing plants is very limited, we can recommend parthenocissus, eccremocarpus, nasturtium, unscented honeysuckle. We reduce the risk When working on the site, those who suffer from allergies need to follow a few rules. You need to work with gloves and long-sleeved clothes, a scarf. In order not to bring pollen into the house, do not enter there in work clothes. If possible, wash after work, be sure to rinse your hair to reduce the amount of irritating substances that have settled on you. Pollen is most active in the morning. But the second half of the day for work and relaxation in the garden is preferable, especially if it is a cloudy, cool day. But in any case, entrust the work of mowing the lawn, hedges, where a lot of pollen settles, to those family members who are not afraid of allergies. It is important to conduct clinical research to find out which plants cause you allergies, and then it will be easier to choose plants that are safe for you - what is dangerous for some may be harmless to others. And then the summer cottage will be a joy to you. Fragrant banned In addition to dusty plants, allergenic plants include poisonous and fragrant plants, although odor allergies are less common. Therefore, roses, lilies, daffodils, clematis, peonies, petunia, astilba, pelargonium fall under the ban. But here it is important to remember that plants with double flowers smell less than with simple ones, and also that there are odorless varieties, for example, among roses and lilies.

So what are the causes of flower allergies? What exactly causes an allergy to flowers in a person? Doctors say that the main causes of allergy to flowers are particles of pollen penetrating deep into the body, which settle on the nasal mucosa and irritate it. In order for an allergy to flowers to begin in the body, the pollen elements of this flower must have a “permeability factor”, which helps the pollen of flowers to enter the mucous membrane, pass through its epithelial ball and disrupt the protective functions of the upper respiratory tract. People who have allergic reactions to flowers have also been observed in older relatives are usually predisposed to flower allergies.

Allergy to flowers in a person predisposed to this reaction acts according to the reagin mechanism. At the time when pollen enters the human body, immunoglobulins G and E enter into the reaction. The amount of biologically active substances such as histamine, serotonin, bradykinin and others increases in the blood.

What flowers cause allergies?

Most plant species emit a very small amount of pollen, which is not capable of causing an allergic reaction. However, among flowering fodder and meadow grasses, cereals, as well as ornamental house plants, there are a number of items that are the undisputed leaders in the allergic reaction to them. It is worth noting that cereal plants can contribute to the appearance of a cross-allergic reaction to the pollen of other plants.

Of the cereal plants, the most active allergens are: wheat, rye, alfalfa, rice, sugar cane and others.

Cross-reactions can be caused by sunflowers, wormwood, coltsfoot, dandelion, flowering weeds.

The most dangerous flowers that cause allergies are those that belong to the ragweed subspecies - these are daisies, sunflowers and more. Some medicinal plants are also not safe for allergy sufferers, for example, common chamomile, the leaves and flowers of which can cause an allergy attack. Flowers of the amaranth weed species are extremely unsafe for health. Although their flowers are small, they emit an extremely large amount of pollen that can undermine your health.

In addition to the named plants and flowers that cause allergies, it is also worth mentioning wormwood, hops, and nettles. There are also many known cases of allergies to flowers and other plants, which appeared after touching the leaves of cherries or petioles, raspberries, as well as amaranth and garden jasmine.

From flowering trees, pollen most often causes allergies: from coniferous trees - spruce, fir, pine, cypress; also from flowering fruits and berries - apple, cherry, pear; alder, hazel, mimosa, birch, poplar, acacia, plane tree and others have no less strong allergens. If the trees are in a restless, stressful state, that is, they grow near a busy highway, for example, but pollination occurs more intensively, and therefore the concentration of pollen in the air from them increases significantly.

Allergy to flowers appears from plants whose pollen is carried by the wind - nondescript small flowers of these plants cannot attract insects, therefore pollination occurs through the air. Plants whose flowers are large and bright are pollinated by insects and do not cause an allergic reaction.

Indoor flowers that cause allergies

Growing beautiful decorative flowers at home, we rarely think about the fact that they can cause us an allergic reaction, terrible bouts of runny nose, tearing and continuous sneezing. Most often, an allergy to flowers that grow on the windowsill appears due to the spread in the air of essential oils produced by the flowers themselves. The fact is that these essential oils are so light and volatile that they spread extremely quickly indoors. Upon contact with the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, essential oils quickly reach their goal, causing terrible swelling of the mucous membrane and other allergic horrors.

No less mobile and easily penetrating pollen of plants, which contain biologically active substances such as alkaloids (nitrogen-containing organic compounds), saponins (nitrogen-free glycosides of plant origin) and others.

Often, the manifestation of an allergy caused by domestic plants depends solely on the individual tolerance or intolerance of one or another type of secretions produced by the plant.

So, what kind of indoor flowers that cause allergies do we grow at home:

  • Pelargonium ("Geranium"), which belongs to the Geraniaceae family, contains an essential oil in the leaves. A special aroma stands out from them, which is perceived individually by each person - either causes an allergic reaction or delights the sense of smell;
  • ferns in all their many species can be extremely allergenic, because during the breeding season (and they reproduce by spores), the reproductive organs of the plant scatter throughout the room;
  • krinum and eucharis (which belong to the Amaryllis family) during their flowering squander a strong aroma, which is explained by the amount of essential oils contained. When the aroma is released, essential oils are also released, which can cause allergies;
  • the Kutrov family, namely the oleander, cataranthus and alamanda, when the breeding and flowering period approaches, emit a considerable amount of fragrant substances into the environment. Such a release can significantly affect health, causing mild asphyxia, headaches and tachycardia;
  • the Aroid family, which is often represented in the world of domestic plants by dieffenbachia, taro, alocasia, philodendrons, aglaonema and other plants, is dangerous with its juice. Upon contact of the affected leaf with the hands and further rubbing of the juice over the skin, a severe allergic reaction and even damage to the skin and mucous membranes can occur. It is recommended to use gloves and gauze bandages when working with these plants;
  • aristolochia or carcasson have very interesting flowers that contain enough alkaloids to be considered poisonous. These plants are considered medicines, but it is still not recommended to keep such plants at home;
  • spurge (euphorbia), croton (codeum) and akalifa are plants related to Euphorbia. The whitish juice that comes out of a broken stem or leaf can cause an allergy attack in a person who touches it. Usually, contact with these plants should be limited as much as possible and located away. Allergies can be obtained when transplanting plants or when washing leaves;
  • Zhiryanki (Krasula), Kalanchoe, Echeveria and Sedum or Stonecrop belong to plants from the Tolstyankov family. Similar plants are used by many people as components used in traditional medicine recipes. They undoubtedly have a healing effect, however, they can still cause an allergic reaction on the skin, and when taken orally, they can provoke severe swelling of the respiratory system. A similar “healing” effect can please cyclamen, which is capable of inflicting a severe burn of the mucous membrane during its contact with the juice of the plant;
  • agave, on the contrary, cleans the air in the room from undesirable manifestations of microflora, however, its juice, which is usually used in the treatment of lower back diseases and sciatica, can leave burns on the skin;
  • it may not be safe to breed rhododendron at home - during the flowering period, it emits a very stable, strong odor that can be displayed on human health as persistent headaches, sometimes accompanied by skin rashes.

Causes of allergy to flowers

Doctors identify two main causes of allergy to flowering plants:

  1. Pollen that enters the body, settles on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and causes irritation. At the same time, pollen elements must have the so-called "permeability factor", that is, they must pass through the epithelial ball and disrupt the protective functions of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Activation of the reagin mechanism in case of allergies: pollen enters the body and causes a reaction of immunoglobulins E and G, and also increases the amount of serotonin and histamine in the blood.

To understand if there is an allergy to flowers (or rather, their pollen during flowering), it is worth knowing exactly how it manifests itself, that is, the symptoms of an allergic reaction of the body. The most pronounced are:

  • tearing;
  • skin itching;
  • dry cough;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing
  • swelling of the eyelids and nose;
  • conjunctivitis.

In the most severe cases, the symptoms can be more serious, up to Quincke's edema and bronchial asthma. Please note: in some cases, a severe allergic reaction to flowers can cause sensitivity to other common allergens, such as household dust or pet dander. It is important to understand that any allergy, including flowers, is not treated - you can only stop its symptoms with certain medicines and avoid contact with allergens. To accurately determine such substances, you should contact the laboratory for special skin tests (it is recommended to undergo this procedure from November to March, when there are no flowering plants outside). During the manipulation, shallow scratches are made on the skin, on which allergen concentrates are dripped, observing the reaction of the patient's body.

"Unsafe" and forbidden flowers for allergy sufferers

In medicine, about 7,000 species of flowers and about 11,000 species of flowering plants have been recorded, to which a person may be allergic. Moreover, in some countries there are even "floristic maps" showing the periods and territories of flowering of plants that cause allergies. The most famous allergic flowers and plants include:

  1. Cereals (rice, alfalfa, rye, wheat) that can cause cross-allergy to pollen from other plants.
  2. Ambrosia wormwood (weed) - its flowering can cause a very strong allergy: at a concentration of only 25 pollen grains per 1 m³ of atmospheric air, there is a high probability of hay fever (rhinoconjunctivitis) of moderate severity.
  3. Flowers from the Astrov genus - sunflower, dandelions, daisies, coltsfoot, common chamomile (not only its flowers, but also leaves can cause allergies).
  4. Plants with a strong aroma, especially lilies and bird cherry during flowering.
  5. Some indoor plants, due to the spread of essential oils, can also cause allergies - for example, geranium (pelargonium). If geranium essential oils get on the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, an allergic person may experience swelling, itching, and severe coughing spells.

It is worth remembering this list when choosing a bouquet not only for an allergic person, but also for discharge from the hospital - it is especially contraindicated to present strong-smelling plants to a young mother with a baby, which easily provoke an allergic reaction in a baby.

A bouquet that can be presented to an allergic person

Given the increase in the number of allergy sufferers, breeders from around the world have recently been intensively working on the creation of special hypoallergenic flowers for bouquets, without pollen and fragrance. At the moment, there is already one variety of such plants - these are decorative sunflowers called "Cappuccino".

The rest of the flowers, to one degree or another, can cause allergies, but plants without a strong aroma and with a small amount of pollen are less dangerous. Therefore, when choosing certain options, it is worth giving preference to plants in buds or double flowers - for example, carnations.

The following types of flowers practically do not cause allergies:

  • orchid (the description of this flower can take more than one page, because in addition to the relative hypoallergenicity, orchids themselves are very beautiful and sophisticated, with an incredible variety of shades of petals);
  • climbing roses and rosebuds;
  • bougainvillea;
  • petunia;
  • phloxes.

Of course, when choosing a bouquet for an allergic person, it is also important to pay attention to the design of the composition as a whole, that is, the use of greenery. It is worth abandoning the ears (that is, cereals) and ferns - their pollen can cause the recipient to feel unwell.

Allergy to flowers. - What bouquets cause allergies?

In recent years, there has been a trend in developed countries to increase the number of allergic diseases. Allergies are phenomena when the immune system, under the influence of external factors of various nature (allergens), fails and begins to damage the body's own tissues.

Foods can act as an allergen nutrition, household dust, some medicinal substances. Also quite a strong allergen is the pollen of some plants, such as ragweed. In most countries of the world, the use of such plants as landscaping in parks and city squares is strictly prohibited. Allergy to flowers (pollen) is also associated with the seasonality of the onset of symptoms of the disease - in spring or autumn, depending on which flowers an increased sensitivity has occurred.
some decorative flowers, which are used to decorate bouquets, can also cause allergies, so it is worth considering when this condition occurs and from which plants.

Allergy to flowers absolutely anyone can develop, but there are some predisposing factors, judging by which it is possible to say with a high degree of probability that this or that person will develop it. First of all, this is an already existing allergic disease, for example, bronchial asthma, allergy to dust, some foods. Also, this condition can develop in a person who, due to professional activities or other reasons, often comes into contact with flowers or pollen - a seller in a flower shop, a gardener, a lover of indoor plants. In addition, children and people with weakened immune systems are considered more prone to allergies.

Manifestations allergies on flower pollen are characteristic of many other allergic diseases - lacrimation, conjunctivitis, runny nose, sometimes cough. An elevated temperature is extremely rare. In some severe cases, anaphylactic shock may develop.

Of the general differences between safe and suspicious flowers, it can be noted that most often allergies are caused by plants with bright, strongly smelling flowers and inflorescences. On the contrary, more modestly colored flowers with a delicate subtle aroma or odorless almost never provoke the symptoms of this disease, although you cannot be completely sure of this - each person has a different immune system, so we will consider only those flowers that most often cause allergies. Since in our time bouquets are often made from various types of plants, it is most unsafe to combine several allergenic flowers in it at once.

Classically considered dangerous in terms of allergology, such plants like orchids, rue and lilies. Their presence in the bouquet should cause concern in a person prone to allergies. These flowers have a strong aroma, which in itself can cause the development of an attack in a patient suffering from bronchial asthma. Bouquets of these plants in many countries are forbidden to bring to hospitals and hospitals, especially pulmonological or allergological profile. Also in the development of allergies, flowers such as calendula (marigold), jasmine and geranium are noticed. The latter often causes manifestations of the disease in lovers of indoor plants, as it is a very unpretentious and quite beautiful flower and therefore very widespread. The presence of oleander in a bouquet is also dangerous, and in addition to the typical manifestations of allergies (rhinitis, nasal congestion, lacrimation), it can cause so-called contact dermatitis due to the poisonous juice from the stems and leaves. Very often, bouquets are decorated not with flowers, but with oleander branches, so dermatitis occurs even if all the flowers in the bouquet are safe.

Fight allergies diseases It is quite difficult, but possible to stop the manifestations of allergies. Here, the drugs of the first stage are antihistamine drugs - the first (Suprastin, Diazolin), second (Loratadin) and third generations (Aleron). The second and third generation drugs are considered the most effective, in addition, they are devoid of some of the side effects that first generation drugs have (drowsiness, lethargy, decreased reaction rate). Of the general principles of prevention, avoidance of contact with the allergen should be noted, during the flowering period of flowers (spring, summer) it is recommended to keep windows and vents closed, after walking thoroughly clean clothes and shoes from dust. Treatment of severe forms of allergies is carried out in a hospital.

— Return to the table of contents of the section « Pathophysiology.»

poisonous flowers

Indoor flowers allergens

In general, allergic reactions are caused by plants containing volatile essential oils or biologically active substances (alkaloids, saponins).

It is important to consider that the presence or absence of an allergy to a particular plant is an individual phenomenon.. It depends on personal intolerance or tolerance of a person to the secretions of a certain type of flower.

Indoor flowers and plants that cause allergies:

So, when choosing a houseplant, it is important not only to find out about its decorative properties, but also about whether it is dangerous for humans. Which indoor plants and flowers cause you allergies - you can determine with a dermatologist.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a Chinese teaching about the organization of human living space. In it, indoor plants have a special place. It is believed that many plants are able to bring their special energy into a person's home. And it is not always favorable for the people living there. That is why many houseplants that are popular with us cannot be kept at home according to this teaching.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, plants with sharp needles and pointed leaf configuration should not be kept in the house.. These are: cacti, sansevieria, spurge and many others. It is believed that such flowers can sow seeds of discord in the family, which will disrupt the calm course of people's lives.

But if such plants are already present in the house, they should not be thrown away. They just can not be placed close to the place of rest or in children's rooms. Such flowers have a place in the office, as sharp needles and leaves stimulate mental activity.

Does not favor feng shui and climbing plants. It is believed that all these species have a very heavy negative energy, the manifestation of which is unacceptable in people's homes. Many of these plants are called energy vampires that live off other beings and weaken them.

That is why such flowers as ivy, monstera, wax flowers have no place inside the house. But ivy is often planted at the entrance to the house. He protects the home of people and does not let the evil energy of envious people through. And arbors, entwined with ivy, well absorb the negative energy accumulated during the day.

Now you know which houseplants should not be kept at home according to Feng Shui.

Folk omens and superstitions

Consider which plants can not be kept at home according to signs. According to our folk signs, you cannot keep much more plants in the house than according to Feng Shui. Superstition did not bypass not only cacti, sansevieria and various types of ivy, but also palm trees, ficuses, spathiphyllums, hibiscus, callas and even orchids.

Numerous folk signs speak of harm palm trees in the apartment. It cannot be brought into the house, as it attracts misfortune. The owner of the palm tree will certainly suffer great grief.

ficus in many countries it is considered a very useful and comforting plant. But our signs say otherwise. It negatively affects reproductive function. A woman in whose house a ficus grows will not have children.

Per spathiphyllum the name "muzhegon" was firmly fixed. Women or young girls should not start this flower. A flower will not allow you to create a family or destroy an existing one.

True, not everything is clear with this plant. It has another name - "women's happiness." Apparently, for some women, the flower still helps to find family well-being.

Hibiscus considered a dangerous plant that attracts trouble. People believe that the "Chinese rose" blooms shortly before the death of a family member.

callas- unusual and beautiful flowers, but they have long been considered unlucky. They are very often brought to funerals, which is probably why they are called grave flowers and are not recommended to be kept in the house. If calla blooms - wait for the death of a loved one.

BUT orchid became famous as a strong energy vampire. She takes away strength from a person if she is nearby. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep it in the bedroom or in the children's room.

Is there an allergy to indoor plants?

To create the illusion of a connection with nature, in big cities people grow indoor plants at home. They not only decorate the house, but also purify the air that its owners breathe.

Although, it must be emphasized that some of them are houseplants that cause allergies in the human body. Despite the fact that an allergic reaction may not occur in all people, it is most likely a personal predisposition of the human body to a particular flower. There is a certain exact list of indoor flowers that cause allergies.

What are the causes of allergies to home living decor?

Like any living creatures, plants grow, breathe, while releasing various useful and harmful substances that they need to continue their life.
The main cause of allergies to house flowers is their pollen, which is carried in the air during their flowering.

Fans of a green home also need to know that proper care for them should be a very important factor in order not to cause an allergic reaction to plants: if the dust that has settled on them is not collected from the flowers in time, they turn into simple home “dust collectors”. Such a function of them is highly undesirable, since it will harm not only the life of the plant itself, but also cause severe allergies in those present.

Plant researchers claim that even the leaves and trunk of plants can cause allergic reactions. Also, various fertilizers for indoor flowers, which have become very fashionable lately, have become powerful allergens. It must be emphasized that indoor plants can cause an allergic reaction even by their presence in the house.

Symptoms of Allergy to Houseplants

Everyday home life differs little from day to day. But, sometimes there are still changes in personal behavior and the state of one's health. The most common health problems that arise through home comforts are plants. How to determine that you are allergic to indoor flowers?

The green plants of your home can cause you some inconvenience: a dry, irritating cough, frequent discharge from the nose for no apparent reason, the skin begins to itch, and the eyes watery. What is the reason for this unexplained state? It is, of course, your pets that are the reason for all this! Very often, people simply try not to notice such manifestations, either because of indiscretion, or because of unwillingness to get rid of them.

In spite of everything, each person should understand the seriousness of his decision not to pay attention to such his ailments. Cases of neglected allergies from indoor flowers have become frequent, which develops into other pathologies of the human body. Among them, the most common ones should be emphasized:

  • asthma;
  • respiratory allergies.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with the types of the last pathological manifestation of an allergic disease. In nature, there are three types of respiratory allergies, which are characterized by lesions of different parts of the respiratory tract.
The first type of this disease is allergic rhinosinusitis, which, in turn, is divided into three subspecies:

  1. seasonal (hay fever);
  2. pollinosis (provoked forms of an allergic reaction), can occur through the plants themselves, either through the dust they collect, or through their produced pollen;
  3. infectious-allergic, which is a mixed form of the first and second types of rhinosinusitis.

During this allergic reaction, there is burning and itching on the skin, in the nose, sneezing attacks, liquid discharge from the nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa, eyelids, and eyes is possible. As for the general picture of a person’s condition, under the influence of an allergen of indoor plants, he will feel a headache, malaise throughout the body, a desire to sleep, subfebrile temperature and great irritability. It must be emphasized that it is this stage of allergy to indoor plants that precedes the onset of bronchial asthma.

The second type of respiratory allergy is allergic laryngitis, which develops rapidly at night and is characterized by shortness of breath, severe cough, restlessness, and cyanosis of the lips and nose.

The third type of respiratory reactions that are triggered by allergy-causing house flowers is allergic tracheobronchitis. It can be determined by bouts of nocturnal dry cough, which torments a person for a long time.

What houseplants cause allergies?

So how do you protect yourself from malicious roommates? How to choose the right plants that will not turn your life into a constant struggle with allergies, but will please the eye and purify the air in the house?

Flora scientists have proposed a list of plants that they have compiled that have a direct negative effect on the human body.

List of indoor flowers that cause allergies:

  • Geranium, or pelargonium from the Geraniaceae family, contains essential oil in its leaves, which can affect the human immune system in various ways, including causing allergies.
  • Spores of the fern class, flying around the room, are also potential allergens.
  • The stems and leaves of azalea, hydrangea, poinsettia and oleander, dieffenbrachia, cyclamen, kalanchoe and akalifa, katarnthus and alamand, krinum and eucharis turned out to be extremely toxic.

Undoubtedly, photos of indoor plants that cause allergies are so beautiful that it is very difficult to decide not to purchase them. But, health or beauty is your choice, in which you need to take into account all their pros and cons so as not to be a hostage to home flowers!

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Let's see which of the indoor plants can lead to unpleasant consequences: allergies or irritation of a non-allergic nature.

Dangerous for health

Oddly enough, the most evil enemies of an allergic person are not plants at all. What would you think?

Enemy number 1. Ordinary house dust. It settles on the leaves, especially if they are rarely wiped. A dust allergy can be thought of as a plant allergy. In the vast majority of cases, dust allergy is manifested by a runny nose or conjunctivitis. To prevent this, try rubbing the leaves, and if rubbing is difficult or impossible, then bathe the plants in the shower at least once every six months.

Enemy number 2. Tobacco smoke. Of course plants don't smoke. But the components of tobacco smoke can accumulate near smoking places on thick or pubescent leaves. Of course, they will not cause allergies in smokers, but other people may suffer from it. The control measures are the same - periodically wash the plants, and one more thing - quit smoking.

Don't warm the snake

Plants that have flying pollen and a strong odor can cause allergies - in this case, allergic people are provided with a runny nose, asthmatic attacks or conjunctivitis. Some can cause allergies when touched, the symptoms of this are hives, burns. Most often these are those that are covered with glandular hairs.


Remember, even if a plant does not cause allergies, it can still be harmful to indoors. Representatives of this class are often found in bouquets. So, a sprig of wild rosemary or bird cherry can give you a headache for the whole day. If you are not well versed in botany, following the general rule will help - be careful with bouquets of flowers with a strong smell and never put them in the bedroom.

What to give a friend or relative if he is both a flower lover and an allergic person in one person? The good news is that some plants almost never cause allergies. These, for example, include orchids, bromeliads, since there are a lot of them in stores now, and the flowers are very bright and unusual. The pollen of these plants does not dissipate in the air and you can be calm about your own and other people's health.

So feel free to give an allergic person phalaenopsis, vriesia, guzmania, cambria or any other representative of these families. Of the common store options, a terry rose or begonia is perfect. And if you liked some unfamiliar flower?

Remember the rule: mostly pollen causes allergies. If there is no pollen, then there is no allergy. Any double flowers practically do not emit pollen, since additional petals usually lead to the disappearance or a strong decrease in the number of stamens. Therefore, among the two plants, it is better to choose the one that blooms with double flowers.

And the second note: allergies to pollen and dust are much less if the air is humid. Plants usually like it too, so spraying will do double duty, especially during dry winters.

You should also not be panicky afraid of various chemicals intended for treatment from pests and diseases. They usually do not cause allergies. However, remember: they are poisonous. Be sure to follow all necessary personal safety measures.

Name What are the dangers
Pelargonium (geranium) Lots of essential oils that some people have

can trigger asthma attacks
Eucharis, Crinum,

Possible pollen allergy
Gerbera Gives off a lot of pollen, which can cause allergies
Kalanchoe Allergy to both pollen of flowers and plant sap is possible
Oleander, some heathers (rhododendrons) May cause non-allergic headaches
Dieffenbachia, most spurges A caustic sap that causes symptoms of hives when it comes into contact with the hands. Moreover, even the most healthy people suffer from it, and not just allergy sufferers.
Some types of cacti Easily breakable spines that dig into the skin. Getting them out is not a trivial task: very often the tips of the spines break off and inflammation begins, accompanied by severe itching. The most insidious plant in this regard is prickly pear. Its clusters of small and extremely prehensile spines (even given a special name - glochidia) look like fluffy halos and, unknowingly petting them, you are doomed to pull out spines for the next few days. Prickly pear spines are very small, no more than 2 mm in length, and fall off easily, so they can be stumbled upon by accident or even inhaled.

Flowers are all around us. Cultivars are planted in flowerbeds within the city to enhance the appearance of the streets, creating a contrast with the dusty gray asphalt. Wild species grow in fields, in unkempt home gardens, on the edge of the forest - wherever there may be seeds carried by wind currents, as well as birds, insects and animals. It is difficult to imagine a holiday without flower arrangements, and according to existing traditions, it is customary to celebrate the onset of solemn dates by presenting bouquets. In addition, for many people, the contemplation of bright peonies, fragrant roses or field daisies is a way to relax, immerse yourself in pleasant thoughts. However, if an allergy to flowers develops, any contact with them can seriously endanger health. Therefore, it is worth finding out which symptoms are an alarm signal indicating the presence of pathological sensitivity.

The most common flower allergens

There is a truly huge list of plants that can cause intolerance reactions. However, several species can be distinguished from it, which are recognized as the most dangerous due to the fact that they are found literally everywhere. These include:

  1. Lily

    Extremely beautiful, feels comfortable both indoors and in the garden in open space. It is cultivated in almost every corner of the planet, sometimes wild varieties are observed. Valued for its graceful appearance and rich, delicate aroma, which can affect flowers even without direct contact with buds, stems and pollen.

  2. Ambrosia

    Classified as a weed. Unpretentious, grows even in drought conditions, because of the unpleasant bitter taste is not eaten by animals. Its pollen spreads over considerable distances - on average, within a radius of 2 km. Seeds remain viable for up to four decades, which makes the plant practically invulnerable to all quarantine measures.

  3. Pelargonium, geranium

    They are similar to each other, often chosen for breeding at home - on the windowsill, balcony or veranda. They come in a variety of colors, making it easy for owners to add them as an extra touch to any home decor design.

It is worth remembering that absolutely any plant can become the cause of the reaction - it is necessary to focus, first of all, on the sensations of a particular patient who is faced with unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of Allergy

Color intolerance is associated with sensitivity to protein components (proteins) and essential oils, which are contained in:

  • in pollen;
  • in juice;
  • on stems;
  • in the roots.

The patient's immune system reacts to them as a threat and, upon contact, triggers the production of antibodies - special protective compounds that can be detected by laboratory testing. Pollen particles that spread with air currents, settle on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and provoke an inflammatory process are of the greatest importance. When thinking about which flowers you might be allergic to, you need to evaluate a particular plant in accordance with the criteria:

  1. Bright coloring.
  2. Intense, almost suffocating smell.
  3. The presence of wide-opening buds with numerous stamens.

If all of these features are present, most likely, you have a variety that is dangerous for sensitive patients. It "dominates" in the bouquet, is immediately noticeable on the windowsill or in the garden, it smells pleasant, but for some people, even without immunological intolerance, it can cause a headache. Less active as flowers are allergens devoid of a strong aroma of light-colored species.

Sometimes there is also a risk of cross-reactions due to sensitivity to a particular plant:

  • to lilies - onions, garlic, aloe;
  • to ambrosia - on sunflower, dandelion;
  • to wormwood - to dahlias, chamomile.

To check for an allergy to indoor flowers or outdoor species, it is necessary to temporarily interrupt contact with them - an improvement in the condition is considered a reliable indicator of intolerance.

To do this, you can take pots with "suspected" varieties to relatives, give them to neighbors. To avoid contact with plants located on the plot, it is enough to leave for a few days.


The basis of clinical manifestations is an inflammatory process, which is sometimes very similar to an infectious disease. For this reason, a pollen allergy can be mistaken for a common cold. This opinion is confirmed in severe cases, the occurrence of complications associated with damage to the skin and mucous membranes (for example, as a result of scratching).

There are features that are characteristic of allergies to lilies of the valley and other flowers:

  1. Dependence on contact with a provocateur plant.
  2. No admixture of pus in the discharge.
  3. Complaints of severe itching, irritation, swelling in the area of ​​the affected areas.

With infection, the intoxication syndrome still dominates - weakness, headache, decreased tolerance to physical exertion. However, it is worth noting that even this manifestation can be observed in the case of a severe form of sensitivity to plants.

Respiratory disorders

Among them are such symptoms of an allergy to flowers as:

  1. Nasal congestion.
  2. Sneezing, liquid discharge.
  3. Shortness of breath, cough.
  4. Feeling short of breath.

Patients are concerned about the tickling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which also extends to the ears; sometimes the syndrome of conjunctivitis joins, including redness, itching of the eyelids, lacrimation, photophobia. Constant rubbing with a handkerchief and fingers of the nose, eyes leads to skin irritation above the upper lip, microtrauma and the creation of an "entrance gate" for infection. The result can be additional inflammation - for example, in the area of ​​​​the cornea (keratitis). The symptoms described are often accompanied by an asthma attack, which is manifested by a dry cough with wheezing and difficulty exhaling.

Dermatological signs


  • redness, swelling;
  • peeling, rashes (spots, bubbles, blisters);
  • dryness, itching;
  • sometimes pain.

Symptoms of an allergy to indoor flowers and outdoor species occur, as a rule, in close contact with stems, pollen, and sap.

They are characterized by a local lesion - for example, if a person decides to cut daisies without gloves, pathological changes are observed on the palms, hands, fingers from the inside. Generalized disorders are also possible (affecting the entire skin as a whole), they are characteristic of cross-allergy that develops when provoking substances are consumed in food.

Features of the course in children

The child is more sensitive to juice, pollen and the smell of plants. He has delicate skin, which is easily damaged by combing, easily covered with scratches. You should also pay attention to the narrow lumen of the respiratory tract, due to which even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane leads to difficulty in the passage of air flow. In addition, children are curious, out of ignorance they can taste the plant of interest, violate the integrity of the leaves and stems. For this reason, the focus of the lesion is most often located:

  • on the palms;
  • on the brushes;
  • in the nasal cavity, mouth.

Depending on the type of contact, the child may be disturbed by:

  • the appearance of a rash (spots, blisters, nodules, blisters);
  • swelling and itching of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • runny nose, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath.

This is a syndrome characterized by the presence of a combination of signs resembling a picture of an infectious disease. The following symptoms of an allergy to lilies of the valley and other flowers are observed:

  1. General weakness, sweating.
  2. Decreased physical activity.
  3. Nervousness, sleep disturbance.
  4. Lack of appetite.
  5. Headache.
  6. Subfebrile fever (37.1-37.9 ° C).

These manifestations are often supplemented by local pathological changes. If a flower allergen gets on exposed skin, dermatitis (redness, itching, rash) develops, and rhinitis (runny nose) and / or conjunctivitis develops on the mucous membranes.


To find out which flowers a child or an adult can be allergic to and choose the right treatment, it is necessary to use a set of studies. To begin with, you need a survey that allows you to clarify information about the nature of sensitivity, to compile a list of alleged provocateur plants. Inspection of the affected areas and the use of special tests are also required.

They have accuracy and reliability, make it possible to evaluate the results immediately after the study is completed (takes about 30 minutes). They consist in applying selected allergens to the forearm or back, where, with the help of a small puncture, scratch or injection, direct contact with them is ensured. The weight advantage is that the patient does not feel pain or feels minimal discomfort - all manipulations are carried out very carefully, with small tools.

The doctor draws attention to the appearance of:

  • redness (hyperemia);
  • swelling;
  • sensations of itching, irritation;
  • rash element (blister).

Signs of a positive reaction in the presence of sensitivity to colors are noted, on average, after 20 minutes from the moment of contact.

This period may be shortened or somewhat lengthened, however, the appearance of the symptoms named in the list indicates that the patient still has an allergy. Sometimes delayed effects are possible - numbness, swelling and redness of the skin at the site of application of the provocateur, which occur several hours after the test. They keep up to two days.

Laboratory tests

It involves taking a blood sample from a vein to test serum for antibodies. They help to find out the presence of sensitivity to different colors (lily of the valley, etc.) without direct contact with allergens. This makes it possible to diagnose patients suffering from dermatological diseases or having a high risk of anaphylactic shock during a skin test. Analysis has other advantages:

  1. Have no age restrictions.
  2. Allow to check for allergenicity of a large number of plants at the same time.
  3. Can be used to monitor the condition during treatment without the risk of provoking a reaction.

You can plan a diagnostic search under the guidance of an experienced doctor. Discuss in advance with a specialist the use of medications (especially antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids) - they can distort the results.

Many people have heard that a garden or indoor flower can cause allergies. But not everyone knows how to avoid it. There are a number of activities involved:

  • refusal to grow at home, on a personal plot;
  • timely removal of weeds around the perimeter of the dwelling, especially under the windows;
  • notification of relatives, friends that bouquets may pose a threat.

If the intolerance is related to the flowering of seasonal plants, it is worth considering the option of a temporary departure to a safer region. You can also consult with your doctor about the use of barrier preparations (for example, Nazaval based on micronized cellulose), which protect the nasal mucosa from contact with the allergen. A person who is aware of the likelihood of a reaction should always carry an antihistamine recommended by a specialist.

A blooming garden filled with attractive aromas and charming colors is the dream of every city dweller. But the joys of communication with nature are not available for those who suffer from allergic diseases, and after all, every third inhabitant of our planet suffers from plant-induced skin dermatitis and hay fever! They have to contend with considerable trouble caused by pollen, and often completely refuse to visit the garden in spring and summer. If you think over the structure of your garden in time, take into account the state of your health when designing garden ensembles, and timely resort to at least minimal preventive and organizational measures, you can forever forget about continuous sneezing, itching and watery eyes and visit your garden without fear.

The most important thing is to assess in advance, when selecting plants, the degree of allergenicity of each and place them correctly in the garden. The best option is to always have a list of the most allergenic plants on hand, keep a diary where you will note abnormal reactions to contact with plants, and get tested for allergic reactions to the pollen of the main garden crops. Study the dusting calendar of garden plants: in April and May, poplars, willows, hazel, oak, elm and birch are active, in May and June - linden, white Acacia, cereals, nettle, rye, linden, elderberry, sorrel, and until August and September, the main sources of allergens are plantains, mushrooms, fescue and goldenrod. Knowing your body and possible sources of risk is the basis for the correct design of a garden that is safe for an allergic person, but without reinforcement with active actions, simple study will not be enough.

The selection of safe plants must be supplemented with planning and care. The first step is to plan the arrangements in the garden, keeping in mind that direct contact with allergens should be kept to a minimum. Replace the most problematic crops that cause an acute reaction in you or your loved ones with safer species and varieties, and try to plant those plants that you cannot refuse, away from paths and recreation areas, moving them to the middle or to the background flower beds of all types. In addition, do not equip recreation areas, even if we are talking about the simplest corner with a bench, near compost pits, heaps and tanks, or very dense hedges, including sheared ones. It is generally better to replace massive hedges with vines on wooden trellises, which rarely cause allergic reactions (all types of grapes, akebia, rough Eccremocarpus, winged Thunbergia, nasturtium are safe, while from clematis, honeysuckle, hops, morning glory, ivy, wisteria, sweet pea and jasmine it is better to refuse), but compost heaps, even in the far corners, need to be covered.

The main sources of allergens are weeds in the garden. To minimize contact with them, do not leave a single piece of empty space: use decorative mulch, scatter gravel, lay out rocky groups and boldly plant harmless ground covers that will not allow wild grasses to spread and grow.

If you are allergic to at least one of the grasses, lawn cultivation should be abandoned altogether, replacing it with safer and better non-flowering ground covers and creeping crops. The most spectacular alternative to lawns is stony rockeries, flat rock gardens, in which large boulders are arranged in picturesque groups. On flowering lawns, if you can’t refuse them at all, walk only in long trousers and try to use neutral, more delicate flowers. If there is still a lawn, try not to mow it, entrusting this procedure to other people: during mowing, pollen, including other plants, rises into the air.

Some of the most annoying allergenic plants are representatives of trees and shrubs. Even such a beloved and seemingly safe willow, which releases fluffy “seals” and earrings in March, can cause a serious runny nose or provoke asthmatic attacks, therefore, if you are prone to these diseases, it is better to refuse to grow willows. Birch, elderberry, walnut, beech, lilac, dogwood, bean, poplar, maple, privet and hazel are often the source of allergies. Even beautiful roses, garden queens, can be a source of serious complications if you are allergic to their fragrance. But this does not mean at all that roses on the site should be completely abandoned: in order to prevent the disease, it is enough to choose non-aromatic or weak-smelling varieties and be extremely careful when cutting, avoiding pricks with thorns. Japanese quince, meadowsweet, flowering Weigela, aukuba, shadberry, pyracantha, skumpia, kelreuteria, ornamental pears and cherries, viburnum, forsythia, hydrangeas, photinia are considered safe.

If we are talking about familiar flower bed plants, then being afraid of exotics in the first place is far from the right approach. The most dangerous are ancient and long-familiar plants, which often contain highly allergenic substances in pollen. So, one of the most aggressive "sources" of hay fever is a simple and much-loved garden cornflower, an imposing and bright ultramarine representative of the Compositae. In addition to cornflowers, it is better to avoid crops such as aconite, hellebore, asters, chrysanthemums, geleniums, marigold, yarrow, buttercups, all cereals, muzzle, rudbeckia, annual pelargoniums, ageratum, sunflowers, marigolds, foxglove, calendula, daisies and levkoy . Non-allergenic perennials include veronica, peonies, daylilies, soft cuff, St. With the exception of rare anomalies, annuals such as hatma, pansies, lobelia, snapdragons, verbena, balsams, coleus, calceolaria, forget-me-nots, nolan, nemesia, self-seeding poppies and petunias can be safely used in garden design.

Allergy sufferers, especially when it comes to your children, should not forget about organizational issues: people prone to allergic reactions need to work and play in the garden only in clothes with long sleeves and trousers and only in closed shoes. At the same time, you can only walk in such clothes in the garden: if you don’t want pollen to get inside, it’s better not to go into the house in “anti-allergic” clothes. In the garden, for an allergic person, it is imperative to provide free access to clean water: wash your face and wash your hands as often as you can, especially after contact with plants. Work in the garden, including caring for the beds and plants, is possible only with gloves, and it is better to use the equipment with long handles, which reduce contact with the plant. Choose the safest time of the day - noon and a few hours after it (of course, not under the scorching sun and on a cool day), because it is during such periods that the concentration of pollen is the lowest. But before and after heavy rains and especially thunderstorms, try not to leave the house at all. Refrain from any contact with chemicals, including plant protection products.



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