Prolonged runny nose in adults: causes and treatment. If a prolonged runny nose does not go away: what to do and how to be treated

03.09.2016 46373

Drug rhinitis occurs as a side effect of medications.

It has the following symptoms:

  1. Manifested by transparent discharge from the nose and resembles an allergic reaction.
  2. This causes congestion in the nasal passages.
  3. The mucosa acquires a bright red hue.
  4. There is swelling of the nasal cavity.
  5. The nose is burning and dry.

It often occurs in people with heart and vascular problems.

How to cure an ailment

If a runny nose does not go away in an adult for a long time, then the following procedures are used:

  1. Laser treatment is applied.
  2. Physiotherapy will help cure a long runny nose in an adult.
  3. In difficult cases, an operative method is used.

Allergic rhinitis in the treatment involves the following areas:

  1. Identification and exclusion of the allergen.
  2. The use of antihistamines: loratadine, zyrtec or citrine.

This type of runny nose is treated by an allergist. Rheumatoid rhinitis requires a special approach.

Treat with baths, inhalations or healthy drinks.

If the disease does not go away, then the doctor prescribes washings and antibiotics.

  1. If the body temperature is not elevated, then warming up the legs with mustard baths is used.
  2. Inhalations are carried out with the addition of essential oils or herbal preparations.
  3. It is recommended to instill the nose with juice from natural vegetables.
  4. Hot drinks with an immunostimulating effect are consumed.
  5. Massage of the nasal sinuses is performed.
  6. The doctor prescribes oral medications.

Special treatment is required for pregnant women and for people with chronic diseases.

Folk methods

Treatment of a protracted runny nose in adults with folk remedies involves washing with the following solutions:

  1. Decoctions from the following herbs are effective: calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves.
  2. Washing is performed with a solution of a drop of iodine, 1 teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm water.
  3. When allergic or salt.

A protracted runny nose in an adult can be cured with the help of inhalations from herbal mixtures: oregano, linden or chamomile.

With a cold, drops of natural origin are used. For this, juices are made from Kalanchoe, garlic, or you can treat a runny nose with aloe.

Aloe is applied as follows:

  1. The leaves are washed and wiped dry.
  2. Then they should be wrapped in dark paper and left in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  3. Then the juice is squeezed out.
  4. The juice is used throughout the day and should be at room temperature.
  5. Buried in a few drops, four times a day.

Mummy is used for a cold. For this, 0.4 grams of the substance is taken and diluted in 50 ml of warm water. Bury should be 3 drops. A solution based on peach oil is made from the mummy.

0.1 gram of the substance is diluted with oil in a ratio of 1 to 5.

The advantage of natural remedies is that they do not harm the body and have a minimum of side effects. But do not actively self-medicate. If you are sick, you need to visit a doctor.

Preventive measures are being taken. You should not visit crowded places during periods of epidemics, avoid hypothermia of the legs and colds. At any time of the year, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Other preventive measures include:

  1. Avoidance of irritating allergens: cigarette smoke or spicy food.
  2. Clean your home regularly to avoid dust buildup and dust mites breeding.
  3. Carry out systematic humidification of the room.
  4. Use a variety of herbal washes.

Means for treatment: tablets, drops and spray

To cure a long runny nose in an adult, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of its appearance.

If a viral infection is present in the body, then viferon suppositories, arbidol are used.

During treatment, an adult should use moisturizers. To cleanse the nasal cavity are used: aqualor, aquamaris or salin. Moisturizers are based on sea water.

With abundant discharge from the nose and inflammation, drugs such as coldact, rinza or coldrex are prescribed.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in adults occurs with the help of vasoconstrictor medications.

These sprays or drops contain the following substances:

  1. Xylometazoline is located.
  2. Oxymetazoline in Nasol or Nazivin.
  3. Sanorin contains naphazoline.

The drugs differ in duration of action. Do not use them for more than a week.

For complications, antibiotics are used. Such drugs are used in the form of aerosols. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

The following drugs are distinguished: isofra, bioparox. Antibiotics are not used for viral diseases.

The choice of drug and method of treatment depends on the nature and duration of the common cold.

As you know, cold and flu viruses are not the only cause of a prolonged runny nose. In fact, some of us can treat "rhinitis" (a term used to describe a persistent runny nose) year-round without success. At first, a long runny nose may seem like a benign condition, but when a prolonged runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, and/or itchy nose turns into a daily battle with discomfort, it can be quite unpleasant.

In this article, we will talk about when a runny nose in an adult and a child is considered prolonged, what are the main causes of a constantly stuffy nose and how to treat a long runny nose.

What runny nose is considered long

Colds and flu usually last about 7-10 days. So, if your nose has been running for much longer, it's time to reassess the situation and find out what else might be causing this marathon.

So, if you or your child is suffering from a runny nose that has been going on for more than a week... much less than a month, it's time to get serious about it.

Here are 4 main possible causes of rhinitis:

Runny nose cause #1: Allergies

Today, one of the leading causes of chronic rhinitis is considered to be allergies, or what science so cleverly calls "allergic rhinitis." Up to one-third of adults suffer from this condition, and it can be both seasonal and year-round. Common risk factors for a long runny nose are found in the environment (not food), and include pollen, dust, grass, trees, and animals.

There are two main treatments for chronic runny nose due to allergies. First, long-acting antihistamines such as Loratidine and Cetirizine, which help dry out the sinuses. Second, nasal sprays work to reduce inflammation at the back of the nose and ultimately stop post-nasal runoff down the throat. It helps with chronic sore throat and allergic cough that some people experience due to allergic rhinitis.

Runny nose cause #2: Irritants

Some people get a runny nose due to certain irritants that don't necessarily trigger the same immune response as an allergy. These irritants are often related to the weather (especially dry, cold weather during the winter months), cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption, air pollution, chemical or perfume odors. These irritants affect the tiny blood vessels in the nose and allow fluid to leak out. This phenomenon is called "vasomotor rhinitis" and treatment involves the use of a nasal spray to help close these open blood vessels. Salt solutions are also capable of removing these pesky irritants from the nose. If the culprit is work, smog, or smoke from peat bogs, wear a mask. If your nose "hates" your perfume or your partner's perfume, stop using it.

Runny nose cause #3: Medications

Do you have a constant runny or stuffy nose for no reason at all? Your next logical step is to run to the pharmacy and try some nasal spray, right? Wrong! Some of these over-the-counter drugs can actually cause the opposite effect, in the long run! Your symptoms may not only return, but they return, even worse. Your nose actually becomes addicted to cold drops and sprays and wants more and more. Use saline solutions - it really works and is safer.

There are other medications that can cause a runny or stuffy nose. These include certain blood pressure medications, antipsychotics, antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives, prostate and erectile dysfunction medications.

Runny nose cause #4: Pregnancy

Some women may experience a persistent runny nose during pregnancy. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. Saline solution and some antihistamines can help treat a runny nose during pregnancy, but should be discussed with your OB/GYN. Luckily, the pregnancy-related runny nose goes away within two weeks of giving birth, when you're probably so tired you just stop noticing it..)

In any case, do not let the runny nose go into a chronic stage - do not hesitate to consult a doctor for advice.

Prolonged runny nose in a child

So, your child has had a runny nose for more than a week....maybe more than a month. When do parents need to ring the bells? Do I need to take antibiotics to treat a long runny nose in a child? When and what to take tests and pass diagnostic tests? Of course, there are many questions, but in fact they all come down to the fact that it is necessary to find out the root cause of a runny nose in a child, because, of course, walking with a squelching or clogged nose for more than 7-10 days is not the case.

Clear (serous) mucus from the nose

The easiest diagnosis is when the nasal mucus ("rhinorrhea") is clear. This is 90% of the time due to allergies, but otherwise a prolonged runny nose can be grouped under the term "vasomotor rhinitis", which means "a non-allergic irritant irritates the nose, and regular medications do not help much." Chronic allergic rhinitis ("runny nose" = inflammation of the nose) can usually be controlled (note we do not say "treat a runny nose") with oral and/or nasal medications; when this fails, allergy testing can help identify the offending agent, allowing standard warnings to be triggered.

Discharge from the nose is mucous, mucopurulent

The fun begins when the mucus from the nose is cloudy, colored, viscous. Almost all doctors agree that thick, white nasal mucus indicates that a runny nose is caused by viruses that thrive in schools, nurseries, movie theaters, and other crowded places. (Note that wind, cold weather, and even walking down the street with wet hair and bare feet does not in itself make a child sick.)

What can be said about yellow or green snot? In fact, most doctors call them "purulent drainage," but mucopurulent discharge doesn't necessarily mean anything more than an infection. Viruses and bacteria can cause green or yellow mucus. After a certain number of days of a persistent runny nose, doctors call the condition "sinusitis" or "upper respiratory infections" and prescribe antibiotics to children. How long should these time frames be? It depends on the doctor's decision. Without fever, fever, or any other problems, most doctors recommend that parents wait 3 to 7 days after yellow/green mucus appears before antibiotics are given.

Keep in mind that nasal mucus tends to look darker in the first 2 am, so you don't have to run to the pharmacy at 7 am to get antibiotics. And mucus that goes from cloudy to clear or discolored and back is most likely caused by a virus.

If the color of the snot is not what is useful, how else can sinusitis or rhinitis be diagnosed? Again, colds only last 5 to 7 days. In addition, colds rarely cause body temperature above 37.5 C, so such a low and passing temperature is a good sign of sinusitis (with sinusitis, the temperature is almost always the case, since an indispensable condition for the development of sinusitis is the addition of bacterial flora - usually Haemophilus influenzae or pneumococcus). Sinus infections also tend to cause more sinus pressure than colds: a feeling of pain down the cheeks or above the eyes, especially when moving the head or if you have to listen. With such a runny nose, children may have a mucus sample taken and sent under a microscope to analyze white blood cells, which show the presence of an infection.

How to treat a chronic runny nose in children

While most sinus problems can be treated with antibiotics in 10 days, some chronic infections may require 20 to 30 days of treatment. Nasal decongestants can help clear sinuses; but in fact, antihistamines can make sinusitis worse, as they sometimes make the mucus thicker and harder to clear. Topical decongestants (nose drops and sprays) will help the child feel better, but there is a risk of paying a terrible price for this: excessive use of these products actually leads to the fact that the nasal mucosa is so “sit down” on them that the child will not be able to breathe without their use. So stay away from them as long as possible. The best treatment for a runny nose is with salt water (saline solution): instilling a few drops into the nose, followed by suction.

Is a runny nose contagious?

What is contagious and what is not? It's simple: allergies are not contagious; sinus infections are slightly contagious; a cold or flu is highly contagious. If children have a runny nose of an infectious nature, children can be considered contagious as long as there is a fever or other signs of active infection. If a child has a runny nose that lasts more than two weeks, is clear or slightly cloudy, and has no fever or signs of infection, then it is most likely an allergy that is not contagious.

Prolonged runny nose in adults

A persistent runny nose in adults is not just an uncomfortable condition - the problem can have a significant impact on work and other important daily activities. As we said, there are many possible causes of a persistent runny nose, also known as rhinitis, but for the vast majority of adults, it is not dangerous - just annoying.

First, let's understand how your nose works. In addition to its function of smell, the nose serves to protect the body from potentially harmful substances such as viruses or bacteria, as well as foreign objects such as dust or smoke particles. A runny nose begins when the tissue and blood vessels in the nose react to something in the environment and produce fluid or mucus to protect itself.

Here is what can help cure a persistent runny nose in adults:

  1. Identify and avoid irritants: environmental allergens (pollen, dust, pet dander), odors (perfume), irritant allergens (cigarette smoke) and other causes, including spicy foods, temperature changes, and even strong emotions.
  2. Regular cleaning: Pet dust and dander can build up in the home and cause unpleasant symptoms. Specifically, dust mites are tiny insects that live on carpet fibers, furniture, mattresses, and bedding. While they do not bite humans, dust mites are a very powerful cause of allergies for many people. Humidifiers in the house are an excellent device for the prevention and even treatment of a stuffy nose.
  3. Taking care of your nose: It seems counterintuitive, but dryness in the nose can contribute to reactive overproduction of mucus. To get rid of dryness in the nose, there are options such as saline rinses or nasal lubricants.

If these steps do not produce revolutionary results in a few days, they will allow less use of medications to relieve symptoms.

  1. Inhaled treatments for lingering rhinitis: There are many potentially therapeutic nasal sprays, including inhaled corticosteroids and inhaled antihistamines. The choice of topical therapy depends on your symptoms, other medical conditions, and medications. In general, these drugs are safe, but possible side effects include nasal dryness and irritation, and if used over a long period of time, can cause a paradoxical increase in the recovery of mucus production.
  2. Oral Medications: There is no actual cure for the common cold, but if the common cold is related to allergies, antihistamines such as Reactine, Claritin, or Benadryl are likely to be prescribed by your doctor. If the runny nose is associated with inflammation, anti-inflammatory or decongestant medications may be helpful.

If a persistent runny nose is stubbornly one-sided (only from one nostril), there is blood in the mucus, consult a doctor immediately to rule out more serious causes.

Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this chronic cold article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for consultation with a healthcare professional.

Most adults in the cold season are characterized by such a phenomenon as a prolonged runny nose. When it appears, you can safely talk about the upcoming cold - this is one of the first characteristic signs. Often, rhinitis can occur on its own. Prolonged runny nose is considered to be a rhinitis that does not pass for two weeks. Only a person with strong immunity can bypass an unpleasant ailment. But what to do if a runny nose does not give rest, and the usual medicines do not give the desired results?

If an adult has a runny nose for a long period of time, then this may be due to several reasons:

  1. Accommodations. A sick person should pay attention to the main irritants - the presence of household dust at home. Or an allergic reaction of the body is provoked by a dust mite.
  2. Environmental influence. When working conditions include staying in a poorly ventilated room with a large accumulation of dust, then, therefore, chronic allergic rhinitis may develop.
  3. Often the cause of a prolonged runny nose is a constant stay in a room with very dry air. This mainly happens when the heating season begins.
  4. Autoimmune ailments (psoriasis, Wegener's granulomatosis).

Advice! To eliminate the main provocateur of a runny nose - dry air, which leads to dryness of the nasal mucosa, you should purchase a humidifier.

Otolaryngologists identify another important cause of a constant runny nose - congenital pathologies. As a result, problems begin with the regulation of mucus in the nasopharynx. This phenomenon leads to a curvature of the nasal septum.

Very rarely, a runny nose can be a consequence of hereditary ailments, in particular Kartagener's syndrome. The essence of the disease lies in the problematic functioning of the ciliated valve (it is thanks to it that mucus is removed). In case of violations, stagnant processes are observed, which lead to the accumulation of mucus not only in the nasopharynx, but also in the bronchi. As a result, a prolonged runny nose is accompanied by a cough with expectoration of yellow-green mucus.

medicinal rhinitis

One of the most common symptoms among adults is drug-induced rhinitis. It arises as a result of the unreasonable use of therapy during colds, in particular vasoconstrictor nasal drops. However, drug runny nose can occur as a side effect after using antiviral drugs. Recognizing such rhinitis is very simple, it manifests itself as abundant transparent discharge, reminiscent of a common allergy. Additionally, nasal congestion may be observed.

It is important! Rebound runny nose - this is the name given to prolonged rhinitis, provoked by prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs. A similar result will be observed with overdoses of vasoconstrictor sprays.

Types of rhinitis

Before the patient begins treatment, it is necessary to find out what types of runny nose can be divided into. Two main types have been identified - allergic or, in other words, vasomotor and infectious, resulting from a cold. In both cases, the doctor will conduct an examination to determine the exact cause of persistent rhinitis. You should think about going to the doctor when a runny nose has been observed for more than ten days.

Four main types

Type of rhinitisMain characteristic
AllergicAccording to statistics, it has been established that almost a third of the adult population suffers from allergic manifestations of a seasonal nature. All this is due to environmental problems. The main provocateurs are pollen and flowering plants, animals
VasomotorThis type of rhinitis is very similar to allergic, but the main irritants are the smells of household chemicals, perfumes, and tobacco smoke. There is an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, which leads to an abundant secretion of mucus. Nasal sprays are mainly used as treatment.
medicalUncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drugs leads to a prolonged runny nose. These drugs are often addictive.
During pregnancyDuring the period of bearing a child in the female body, hormonal changes occur, which can manifest itself in the form of a prolonged runny nose. If the excessive secretion of nasal mucus does not cause discomfort, then doctors do not recommend the use of medication. In extreme cases, you can resort to alternative treatment. In general, rhinitis will pass two weeks after delivery.

Note! Protracted rhinitis may occur after treatment with antidepressants, after taking hypertensive drugs and hormonal medications. TOnly an otolaryngologist can establish the exact cause.

How to cure a protracted runny nose quickly and without consequences

General measures include keeping the patient in bed, drinking plenty of fluids and using inhalations. Such measures are effective in the early stages, when rhinitis has not become chronic.

When the disease manifests itself more clearly (nasal congestion, copious mucus discharge) and progresses, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops that can make breathing easier. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the use of combined drugs. When the patient does not get better, antibiotics are mandatory. Their action can be supplemented by washing with special solutions and inhalations.

Therapy for the treatment of a protracted runny nose consists of several areas:

  1. Warming up the lower extremities with mustard baths.
  2. Carrying out herbal inhalations (for the best effect it is necessary to use essential oils).
  3. The use of natural juice for instillation of nasal passages (onion, aloe juice).
  4. Abundant drinking of immuno-strengthening herbal decoctions.
  5. Massage effect on the sinuses.
  6. The use of drug therapy.
  7. The use of physiotherapy.
  8. laser treatment.

Attention! Special care should be taken in the treatment of a protracted runny nose if the patient has chronic ailments. It is also very important to determine the correct therapy during pregnancy.

Medical treatment

To quickly cure protracted rhinitis, its cause should be established. In this case, you can not resort to self-medication, as this can aggravate the clinical picture.

During treatment, the patient must apply moisturizers. For example, in order to cleanse the sinuses, you can purchase drugs such as Aqualor or salin. Such preparations consist of sea water, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nasal mucosa.

If the patient has an abundant discharge of mucus and there is an inflammatory process, then it is recommended to use Coldrex or Koldakt. But, basically, vasoconstrictor drugs are used to eliminate protracted rhinitis, unless the runny nose was provoked by the use of such drugs. The most effective is considered to be Nazivin, Xymelin, Nafazoline. In order not to be addictive, you should not use drops for more than one week.

If a patient has a prolonged runny nose accompanied by complications, then the otolaryngologist selects antibiotics. They are used in the form of aerosols. When the nature of the disease is viral in nature, then antibiotics are contraindicated. Used to treat chronic rhinitis Bioparox And Isofra.

What to do if prolonged allergic rhinitis?

First of all, the patient should visit an allergist and an otolaryngologist to establish the exact root cause of a prolonged runny nose. After this, the patient is assigned a series of studies, according to which the main allergen will be determined.

Antihistamines are the mainstay of treatment for chronic allergic rhinitis. Some of the most effective are Tsetrin And Loratadine. Auxiliary therapy can be the use of inhalations based on herbal preparations and essential oils.

Treatment with folk remedies

The basis of non-traditional treatment of a long runny nose in an adult is washing:

  1. The composition of eucalyptus, chamomile and calendula perfectly counteracts down the drain.
  2. With prolonged rhinitis, an iodine solution is used (a few drops of iodinol and a spoonful of salt are needed for a glass of water).

In parallel, other methods are used:

  1. Herbal inhalations (chamomile, oregano, linden).
  2. Natural drops from plant juice (kalanchoe, aloe, garlic).

Aloe drops

This plant has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it copes well with all types of rhinitis. In order to get rid of an annoying runny nose, you should prepare the simplest nasal drops:

  1. If there is a plant in the house, then its leaves will be required (cut off, washed and wiped dry).
  2. Then the leaves are wrapped in paper and sent for the whole night in the refrigerator.
  3. In the morning, the raw material is taken out and juice is squeezed out of it.
  4. Ready drops are instilled into the sinuses up to four times a day until the unpleasant symptoms go away.

Mummy against a lingering cold

To quickly overcome a chronic runny nose, it is recommended to use drops based on mountain wax. To prepare them, you must perform the following manipulations:

  1. A small amount of mummy (0.5 g is enough) is diluted with warm water (at least 50 ml).
  2. Ready drops to instill twice a day, three drops in each nostril.
  3. You can replace the water with peach oil, then the effect will increase.
  4. Drops are prepared in this case in a ratio of one to five.
  5. They are applied in a similar way.

Solutions for washing the sinuses

Solution typeImageCooking method
Saline For one glass of water, you need to take one spoon of sea salt. Stir the ingredients until completely dissolved and you can begin the procedure.
Herbal (chamomile) Chamomile has an excellent calming and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is excellent even in the treatment of allergic lingering rhinitis. For cooking, you will need pre-steamed chamomile infusion and a spoonful of salt.
Eucalyptus Essential oils are no less effective in combating the common cold. To prepare the solution, you will need to prepare a solution (one teaspoon per glass of water) from eucalyptus essential oil

The advantage of all natural medicines is that they are not capable of harming health and are contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance. However, any method of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Video - How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies

A runny nose is a natural protective reaction of the body to external stimuli or internal factors that provoked it. Usually, rhinitis passes quickly, as soon as the main cause that provoked the pathology is eliminated. Sometimes discharge from the nose is observed for more than usual time. If a chronic runny nose is diagnosed in an adult, it should be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications.

In most cases, a prolonged runny nose in an adult is nothing more than rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. To start therapy, it is important to identify the causes of the onset of the disease. Among them may be:

  • improper treatment;
  • too short a course, unauthorized interruption of therapy;
  • prolonged exposure to the allergen on the human body,;
  • curvature of the nasal septum (congenital or acquired);
  • very dry indoor air;
  • adenoiditis, which is often diagnosed not only in children, but also in adults;
  • the negative effect of the constant use of vasoconstrictors.

If a person has mucus from the nose for a long time, you need to consult a doctor for advice and find out the cause of the discharge. This will make it possible to draw up the correct regimen for taking medications. In most cases, the leading causes of protracted is a chronic bacterial infection in the nasal mucosa and an allergic reaction to an irritant.

If a long runny nose is not treated, the pathology can cause the development of complications, in particular sinusitis. In this case, the sinuses of the nose become inflamed, there is a constant congestion and nasal voice. Therapy this disease lends itself worse than rhinitis.

How to cure a chronic runny nose

Treatment of a protracted runny nose involves the use of medications, and it is also possible to help with physiotherapeutic methods if the pathology is without temperature. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use folk methods, but it must be remembered that it is possible to eliminate a prolonged runny nose with herbal remedies only as an additional therapy, but not the main one. Otherwise, there is a chance to achieve a deterioration in health and provoke complications. Treatment of a runny nose is much more problematic and longer.


The prescription of medications depends entirely on how the cause caused the violation. You can remove the general negative symptoms with vasoconstrictors - Otrivin, Sanorin, Vibrocil, Nazivin, Nazol Advance.

If rhinitis is of a viral nature, drugs for a prolonged runny nose Delufen, Rinofluimucil and Euphorbium compositum will help. Pathology of bacterial origin is eliminated with Isofra and medicines. Both drugs are produced by a French pharmaceutical company.

Polydex contains a powerful complex of antibiotics - dexamethasone, neomycin, polymyxin, and phenylephrine. Isofra is a monocomponent drug and includes only the active ingredient framycetin. Nevertheless, both remedies perfectly help to get rid of the need to carry out the full course, without interrupting when the first improvements occur.

Sinupret and Cinnabsin are excellent homeopathic preparations for combating long-term mucus secretion.

They eliminate puffiness, kill germs and normalize the functioning of the nasal mucosa.

A runny nose of an allergic nature will help eliminate a complex of drugs - these are Edem, Cromohexal, Allergodil, Erius, Loratadin, Tsetrin. Tableted medicines are taken orally, and the nasal passages must be cleaned of accumulated mucus in a timely manner and moisten the mucosa. Safe solutions for washing the nose, which can be used even for children, are Humer, Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Marimer.


With a long separation of mucus in a patient, physiotherapy will help. Doctors prescribe exposure to light therapy devices, UHF as a treatment. Popularity is gaining laser therapy, the positive results of which have not gone unnoticed in protracted rhinitis.

In the treatment of bacterial rhinitis, darsonvalization, electrophoresis, endonasal KUV irradiation will be useful. In viral etiology, therapy with interferon has a good effect, it is possible to use inhalations using a nebulizer.

On average, ten procedures of each type are performed, after which the effect of such treatment is evaluated. Physiotherapy significantly improves the results, activates the recovery processes in the nasal mucosa. For these reasons, it is often prescribed for a disease that does not go away for a long time.

Folk remedies

Therapy of the common cold with folk remedies involves, first of all, medicines that act locally on the mucous membrane. It is recommended to wash the sinuses, because with a prolonged runny nose, it is important to remove mucus from all parts of the nasopharynx. This will be the first step towards getting rid of protracted rhinitis.

For washing, a solution is prepared from calendula, chamomile and eucalyptus oil. Dry ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil are added and infused until completely cooled. Rinse the nose with a liquid at room temperature twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Treatment is carried out until the complete disappearance of signs of rhinitis.

An iodine solution gives an excellent effect. For one glass of warm water, you need a teaspoon of salt and a couple of drops of iodine. After stirring the sodium chloride until completely dissolved, the nose is washed several times a day. Usually, with a protracted pathology, 1-1.5 weeks are enough to get rid of the symptoms.

The famous aloe plant will help eliminate long-term persistent rhinitis. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and will eliminate the secretion of mucus from the nose. It is very easy to prepare the remedy on your own - the most fleshy aloe leaves (at least three years old) are cut closer to the trunk, washed and put in the refrigerator, wrapped in paper. In the morning, the plant is taken out and the juice is squeezed out of it. Using a pipette into the nose, you need to inject a few drops of the drug into both nostrils four times a day until the signs of rhinitis disappear.

Mummy will help to overcome a long runny nose. It is necessary to dilute 0.5 g of the product (this is approximately at the tip of a knife) in a quarter cup of warm water. The resulting liquid is instilled into the nasal passage twice a day, three drops in each nostril. You can enhance the effect of the application by replacing water with peach oil - then the remedy will work faster. In this case, the ratio of ingredients should be 1:5 - one part of the mummy and five oils.

In addition to the options mentioned, remedies such as saline solution, chamomile infusion, eucalyptus essential oil with water will help cure the problem.

With these compounds, it is necessary to wash the sinuses as often as possible.

Possible Complications

Prolonged rhinitis can provoke complications in patients, which manifest themselves primarily in inflammation of the sinuses. Pathology can develop into sinusitis, and if the infection enters the bloodstream, there is a risk of getting sinusitis or sinusitis. Do not forget about the threat of otitis, lymphadenitis and bronchitis.


Prolonged discharge of mucus from the nose is most often a sign of acute rhinitis that has not been fully cured. Therefore, for the prevention of chronic pathologies, it is necessary to pay due attention to such forms of the disease.

As preventive measures, one can mention hardening, observance of hygiene at work and rest, timely treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity, increased immunity, the use of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, especially in the autumn-winter period.

At first glance, a runny nose is a trifle, but if it becomes protracted, then there is no time for jokes. A long runny nose in a child requires special attention, because it can signal a serious illness that requires medical and sometimes surgical treatment.

Causes of a protracted runny nose

As a rule, the cold that provoked the appearance disappears after three days, but it is not so easy to get rid of the common cold - its companion, which has taken on a protracted character.

Prolonged runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, it does not go away for more than a week. Questions about what long-term rhinitis can be associated with and how to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child are of concern to many parents.

Among the main causes of such a pathology are:

  • Disorders in the use of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Weakened immunity, which provoked violations in general health. Due to insufficient resistance of the body to viral infections, re-infection occurs.
  • An allergic reaction is when mucous discharge from the nose is provoked by exposure to a specific irritant.
  • Chronic sinusitis and other types of sinusitis. Such pathologies can most often cause improper treatment of acute inflammatory processes.
  • Increased dryness in the room.
  • Growth of adenoid tissue. Such a pathology makes nasal breathing difficult and is the cause of frequent otitis media and colds.
  • Prolonged runny nose in children may occur due to congenital or acquired as a result of trauma features of the anatomical structure of the nose.

It is easiest to get rid of any disease in the initial stages. Therefore, all catarrhal manifestations should be treated in a timely manner.

Symptoms of the disease

Among the main symptoms of the disease are the following:

  • Discharge from the nose does not pass for more than 10-12 days, they flow with all their might from the nose.
  • Persistent nasal congestion. It is important to know the subtleties of the difference between a long runny nose and an allergic one. If a prolonged runny nose is found in a child, how to treat it, of course, should be decided by the doctor. The specialist must first of all establish the type of pathology and only then choose the treatment of a prolonged runny nose in a child. With a prolonged runny nose, the nose is stuffed up constantly. But when congestion is cyclical and appears mainly at night, in the morning and when leaving the room.
  • There is a decrease in the sense of smell. With the development of a prolonged runny nose in children, the ability to distinguish smells is almost completely lost. Even strong irritants in the form of garlic or onions are not able to cause a reaction.
  • The appearance of thick mucous or purulent discharge. If the infection is bacterial, the discharge should be white or white-green. With an allergic reaction, the discharge is thick and transparent.
  • Due to constant irritation in the nasal cavity, the child develops itching and crusts.
  • The general condition of the patient may worsen. The child becomes lethargic, passive, eats and sleeps poorly. Older children may complain of headaches.

We treat a protracted runny nose without drugs

Modern medicine produces drugs that can get rid of the flow from the nose. However, you can try to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child without the use of drugs.

  1. Inhalations are actively used not only for coughing, but also to eliminate a prolonged runny nose. For the conduct of the treatment procedure, 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, mint and calendula flowers are poured into the teapot. It is necessary to pour the herbal mixture with boiling water and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Cover the kettle with a funnel on top and let the child inhale the steam with both nostrils.
  2. Washing. Treatment of a prolonged runny nose can be accelerated by periodically washing the nose with salted boiled water. There are a lot of such products in pharmacies, including those based on sea salt. However, saline solution is very easy to prepare at home. Thanks to such procedures, it will be possible to clean the sinuses of the child from dust, dirt, mucus.
  3. Burial. Drops based on onion juice help treat a long runny nose in a child with a runny nose. The remedy is easy to prepare: 1 part of onion juice is diluted with 5 parts of water. According to a similar recipe, you can prepare a composition based on aloe juice.
  4. Massage. Those who do not know how to get rid of an unpleasant pathology should adopt the following method.

Two to three times a day, you need to massage the points on both sides of the nose clockwise. During the massage, you can use aromatic oils by rubbing them into these points. A similar procedure should be carried out in children older than 3 years.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

In the event that a child has a prolonged runny nose caused by allergic manifestations that does not go away for a long time, the most important thing in treatment is the elimination of the allergen. But until the main irritant is identified, it is necessary:

  • Every day you need to rinse your nose with a weak saline solution.
  • Large flowers, carpets, soft toys, pillows and blankets, books, pets should be eliminated.
  • The entire apartment should be cleaned. Do wet cleaning twice a day in the child's room.
  • The air in the room must be humidified periodically.
  • Treatment of prolonged allergic rhinitis should be accompanied by a refusal to use any aromatic products and air fresheners. When washing, do not use powder and rinse aid. You should also refrain from using shampoos and shower gel. Use the simplest baby soap without fragrances and dyes.
  • Until the cause of the allergy is clarified, it is forbidden to use citrus fruits, honey, sweets containing dyes, carbonated drinks, chips, crackers, etc. Even if the child does not have allergies, such a diet will help to cleanse the body faster and cope with the consequences of pathology.

We treat a protracted runny nose with the help of folk remedies

Only a specialist is able to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine how to treat the disease. When deciding how to eliminate a pathology in a child, it is best to give preference to treatment with folk remedies.

  • An excellent tool to help eliminate a long runny nose in children is ordinary mustard plasters. They are easy to use: it is enough to moisten them well in warm water and apply them on the back and chest of the patient. Wrap with a woolen scarf or terry towel. Hold for 10-20 minutes. For the first time, it is enough to apply mustard plasters for 3-5 minutes and observe the reaction. If there is a burning sensation, itching, then mustard plasters should be removed and no longer used.
  • You can wash your nose with infusion of chamomile, oak bark, sage, calendula.
  • Take an infusion of anti-cold herbal collection. At the same time, do not forget to gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • The baby's breast can be lubricated with vegetable oil mixed with lavender, cypress, eucalyptus oils.
  • Breathing vapors of garlic and onions is very useful. Their essential oils perfectly eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and treat a long-term runny nose in children well.
  • To alleviate the symptoms of rhinitis, drops prepared from freshly squeezed juice of carrots and beets are capable. And in order to strengthen the baby's immunity, he should be given onion soup (for its preparation, the onion is crushed and sprinkled with sugar).

Folk remedies are a good help in the fight against the incessant runny nose. A protracted runny nose is an insidious pathology, it must be treated. It is impossible to delay the trip to the clinic. It is very important to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner so that you can find the cause and neutralize the pathology at the very beginning.

Having got rid of the pathology, it is important to prevent a relapse, and for this you need to pay special attention to the health of your child.



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