Winter swimming: benefits and harms to the body. Winter swimming: opinions "for" and "against"

Debunking myths about walruses

Due to the fact that erroneous ideas about “walruses” have taken root in the minds of many, some are engaged in winter swimming incorrectly. Therefore, before diving into the ice hole with your head, you need to fill in some gaps in knowledge.

Many believe that walruses are not prone to colds, drink strong drinks before classes, and always plunge into the hole entirely. In fact, such people do not get sick due to intensive hardening and, as a result, excellent immunity. Alcohol negatively affects the thermoregulation of the body, so it is absolutely contraindicated before winter swimming. And diving headlong into the hole is not recommended for beginners due to the special sensitivity to hypothermia of the vessels of the head.

Contrary to popular belief, the walrus figure is in excellent shape due to their general physical fitness, and not due to hardening. As a rule, such people monitor their health. exercise and eat right.

Another myth is that winter swimming is possible only in severe frost. However, in order to successfully engage in winter swimming, you can go to the reservoirs already at a positive temperature of four to eight degrees. Winter swimming can also be practiced in the summer, provided that cold springs beat in the pond.

How to start ice swimming

In order to start winter swimming, you need to be a real "ace" in pouring cold water. Simply put, winter swimming is the next step after hardening. As with hardening, you need to warm the body exclusively with soft drinks (for example, decoction or tea), and also monitor the warming of your legs. It is also worth going through the "intermediate stage" from hardening to winter swimming by swimming in a natural reservoir or river in the warm summer season. With the onset of autumn, the water will begin to cool, but you can still continue to swim. Thus, by winter, the body will adapt to winter swimming in natural conditions.

Do not forget about physical exercises before diving: jumping, squats, etc. This will help to warm up and disperse oxygen through the veins and cells of the whole body. Having emerged from the hole, you need to move a little and wipe the body dry. If, after winter swimming procedures, a person feels intense trembling in the body, penetrating the body, then the body is not yet ready and classes should be stopped immediately. In addition, beginners should not practice winter swimming more than three times a week.

Main contraindications

Winter swimming is absolutely contraindicated for people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, who have had a heart attack or stroke. Restrictions also apply to people suffering from kidney, liver and other chronic ailments. Due to a sharp temperature drop, vasospasm occurs, which can provoke not only muscle cramps, but also a heart attack. Winter swimming should be forgotten for people with allergies to cold in all manifestations (itching, redness, etc.), pulmonary insufficiency and tuberculosis. In addition, acute gynecological diseases (cystitis, candidiasis, etc.) can serve as an obstacle to classes. So before you start winter swimming, you should consult a doctor.

Despite the apparent difficulties, winter swimming helps to gain not only health and strength of mind, but also arouse great interest among friends and acquaintances. Be healthy!

Hardening - many people associate this word with willpower, endurance and health. At least once in a lifetime, but every person on Earth thought about the benefits of this method of healing. “What is it like to be in a forty-degree frost in icy water from an ice hole?”, “Maybe I should try to become a walrus?” - questions asked by a person who cares about his health.

If you haven't come to a consensus, we'll help you figure out if hardening is worth trying.

It would seem, what can surprise a person of the XXI century? However, for many, one sentence “swimming in freezing cold water” causes chills and goosebumps. In the era of convenience and comfort, a person reluctantly crawls out from under the blanket, refusing tea and films. But our ancestors found winter swimming an exciting and fun pastime. As an absolute opposite, later in Rus' they began to create the first baths, which were built along the banks of rivers and reservoirs: from freezing water to a hot bathhouse and vice versa.

Although representatives of science and medicine have not determined the effect of winter swimming on the human body, they advise: when deciding to plunge into ice water, carefully prepare yourself first. Your motto should be: "Do no harm, but increase health." You can swim in cold water without any preparation, but don't expect your body to thank you for a brave act.

Would you like to stand in a row of "walruses"? Then get yourself checked out first. People with heart problems should unconditionally put an end to winter swimming. The same should be done for those suffering from asthma and hypertension. Diseases of the thyroid gland and lungs are not compatible with extreme hardening.

So, the medical examination is passed - you are healthy. Where do young "walruses" start? As in any other business, before plunging into frosty water with your whole body, start with elementary douches, gradually lowering the temperature. When you feel strong enough and resistant to low temperatures, go to the river.

When diving for the first time, find an insurer. To secure the process, make the hole as convenient as possible for diving and returning from it. The first dive should not last more than 10-20 seconds. It's great if you find yourself an experienced like-minded person who, at the right time, will tell you and help you get comfortable in a new hobby for you.

Speaking about the negative impact of winter swimming on the human body, stress is mentioned as a synonym for the word "harm". Stress has a negative effect on health: exhaustion of the nervous system, leading to many other diseases. We will not deny this fact - we will only clarify: the definition of stress includes a prolonged state of tension, for example, at work, in personal life.

Winter swimming is a short-term, minor stress. According to some experts, stress will help wake up a dormant immune system, get rid of excess weight and insomnia, get a boost of vivacity and energy, perk up and increase life expectancy.

Like any physical activity, swimming in an ice hole causes our body to produce endorphins - the hormones responsible for happiness. It is worth noting that "walruses", nicknamed by some people as adrenaline junkies, get sick much less often than other people (including those who lead a healthy lifestyle).

According to winter swimming enthusiasts, they perceive the process of diving into ice water not as a hobby, but as a whole system with a philosophical bias. It is known that not all people can afford winter swimming: not only because of health problems, but also because of laziness or weakness of character.

When you come to the walrus meeting on a cold winter day, you will not meet a single weak person. Hardening is called more than a sport: it completely changes people, makes them look at the world, the environment and themselves differently. By joining the ice swimmers, you will learn discipline and responsibility that is significantly different from the definitions of words that we are used to in everyday life.

We can safely say: among the people reading the article there is at least one lover to take a steam bath, and then plunge into the snow or cold water. Of course, such procedures also apply to the types of hardening. So remember: a preliminary consultation with a doctor will help prevent emergencies. In everything you need to know the measure!

Warm up in the steam room, lie down for a couple of seconds in the snow or dive into the water and get out, you should not play with your health. After completing the procedure, return to the bath and warm up. Do not abuse the broom: you should be aware that activities carried out in the steam room require no less preparation than immersion in ice water.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

If you began to feel chronic fatigue, attacks of bad mood overcome more and more often, and the slightest virus can “lay down” you with a temperature ... Then you just need to harden! About how to decide on this step, we will tell in the material.

Also baths - but air. First stage.

It's best to start with a run. This is the easiest way for beginners to temper.

Daily jogging - in light clothing in the morning park - is the best stimulant for metabolism. But remember: the time for taking such “baths” is no more than 30 minutes.

If you don’t like running or it’s contraindicated for medical reasons, then you can chill at home: ventilate the room and do exercises in such a cool air.

Such training strengthens muscles, normalizes metabolism and gives additional strength to your body.

Contrasting overlay. Second phase.

It sounds threatening, you will agree, but you should not be afraid. It will not be difficult at all, because you need to get used to this procedure gradually. The first two weeks, as usual,

Coming to the gym, newcomers, due to their inexperience, make many mistakes. Of course, there is a fitness instructor in the gym who will show a series of exercises and correct the errors that have appeared. However, we will tell you in this article what exercises you need to do, how many approaches.

By following all diets and proper nutrition regimens correctly, you still will not be able to achieve an increase in muscle mass. In order to achieve a certain result, there are only two options: go to a sports club or work out at home. Of course, a fitness instructor will select the necessary set of exercises and tell you about the diet. However, in this article we will offer you a way to build mass based on several exercises.

Consider in this article how you can build muscle at home. The main hindrance to studying at home is our laziness. However, if you overcome it and start exercising at least an hour a day, after a couple of weeks you will notice results. And be sure to give yourself at least one day off.

By definition from reference books on physiology, there are three main body types. Z knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can change your body, while quickly picking up only the right sets of exercises or diets. However, on the Internet there is a certain scatter of concepts and terms for determining the type of physique - we will try to eliminate this.

The article will consider exercises that allow you to pump up important muscles - the lower press. These exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym. This instruction is intended for those people who want to pump up a beautiful press quickly, while devoting only about ten minutes a day.

This article will talk about a beautiful male figure, namely, with regard to wide shoulders. Consider exercises to keep your muscles in good shape. They can be done at home or in the gym.

"Step, second, third - and suddenly an icy cold compresses the whole body. But after a couple of seconds, the abyss under the solar plexus responds with scarlet hot fire. The flame grows, fills every cell, then slowly goes out, giving way to a thousand small needles. Immediately you feel renewed, as if wings are growing behind your back ... ". Such are the feelings of a person who has plunged into an ice hole, experienced walruses assure that you will not get these emotions anywhere else. Meanwhile, disputes about the benefits and harms of the winter procedure have not subsided so far.

Clean water for sickness

Hardening with cold water or, as the people say, "winter swimming" is associated in Rus' with one of the most revered church holidays, Epiphany, which falls on the most severe January frosts. On this day, believers went to the nearest reservoirs to fill the vessels with holy water, and the most daring dipped into the hole in order to be cleansed of sins. For a long time, winter swimming was associated with the baptismal tradition. And only in the 19th century, the Bavarian priest Sebastian Kneipe in the book “My Hydrotherapy” called bathing in cold water hydrotherapy.

In his work, he told how long he suffered from frequent respiratory diseases, and only by plunging into the cold waters of the Danube, he was able to get rid of the disease. After analyzing the therapeutic effect of cold water, Kneipe concluded that walking barefoot in dew, snow, wet stones and bathing in cold water are the best ways to treat various diseases from hypertension to headaches. The modern theory and practice of winter swimming originate from his works. It is believed that adherents of cold baths have good immunity, they do not get sick with the flu, are resistant to stress and are able to maintain a clear mind and lead an active lifestyle until old age.

There are alternative methods of cold hardening, for example, cryotherapy, the essence of which is as follows: a person is placed in a special chamber (cryosauna), liquid nitrogen is let into it, the temperature drops to a maximum of 120-140 ° C, while the person does not feel any discomfort and pain, but the effect is no less than from staying in cold water. Cryotherapy has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Liquid nitrogen relieves muscle spasm, strengthens the immune system. The short-term effect of cold on the human body not only heals, but also makes it attractive; this is a medically proven hardening procedure that makes the skin more elastic, and therefore younger.

Temperance is the mother of health

Why doesn't winter swimming cause severe colds? When immersed in cold water, adrenaline (stress hormone) is released, which is responsible for adapting to extreme conditions. It reduces pain sensitivity, increases heart rate, improves blood supply to internal organs and the brain, activates the immune system, and starts the production of heat.

Keep in mind that "walruses" are immersed in water for only 1-2 minutes, during which they not only do not experience cold, but also feel internal heat. If the winter swimming procedure is extended, then after 10 minutes a person will deplete thermal resources, dangerous hypothermia will set in.

Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water

Doctors say that all folk methods require health, patience and time, and these are the values ​​that a modern city dweller, as a rule, does not have. Unfortunately, there are not so many avid walruses: most remember the “healing” property of water only at Epiphany. And after swimming, dozens of people turn to doctors, many because of a sharp jump in blood pressure, and not only.

After all, if a person has been training only chewing muscles all his life, and at Epiphany he runs to dive into an ice hole, this can have disastrous consequences. You can't just come and dive into the hole, where prostatitis, impotence, infertility, and sometimes instant death lie in wait for an unprepared person. Chronic urological diseases are also exacerbated.

Therefore, before starting winter swimming, be sure to consult a doctor. First of all, this applies to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, broncho-pulmonary diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland and the genitourinary system. Even for healthy people, such hardening can become dangerous due to vasospasm, convulsions and excessive heat loss of the body.

The water is cold, the body is vigorous

Each of us reacts differently to both high and low temperatures. This is due to the state of the endocrine system. How a person will feel after swimming in the hole, you can check at home. The temperature in the hole is from +4 to -2 degrees, if you try to pour water of this temperature at home, then this, at least, will give a preliminary understanding of how a person will react to water already in harsher conditions. Goosebumps, cyanosis, a feeling of chills are an unfavorable reaction of the body.

The process must be gradual and systematic. If you plan to harden, it is better to start in the summer and gradually reduce the water temperature. If for some time you have to stop the hardening procedure, then you need to start almost from scratch, since the conditioned reflex activity is lost.

It is important to tune in positively: only in this case you can get real pleasure from the procedures. Hardening leads to the production of endorphins, hormones of pleasure that affect the feeling of vitality and optimism, which is why hardened people are not afraid not only of winter colds, but also of life's troubles.

Ice water causes a strong shake-up of the body, activating the nervous, hormonal, and immune systems. Thermoregulation changes - heat production increases, skin vessels spasm, as a result, heat transfer decreases. Endorphins are released into the blood, activating brain cells, there is a slight euphoria, a surge of strength and vigor. “To swim in an ice hole, you need to be healthy,” says Elena LEBEDEVA, a therapist. - For an unprepared beginner, such an extreme can not only not add health, but also exacerbate chronic diseases, especially the kidneys, genitals, ear, throat, and burrow. It is strictly forbidden to dive into an ice hole in case of heart disease, hypertension during an exacerbation, cerebrovascular accident, epilepsy. Therefore, before “signing up” to the walrus club, consult a doctor.”


Inveterate walruses claim that ice water is healing - it is worth plunging into the hole, all ailments will be removed as if by hand. “It is not necessary to attribute miraculous properties to winter swimming,” says otolaryngologist Alexander ZAKHAROV. - This is not a cure, but a prevention. By winter swimming regularly, you will get sick less: the body reacts to stress with a surge of adrenaline, which triggers processes for the active production of immune bodies. But, having decided to strengthen your health, do not rush into the hole on the move. Prepare the body: start by rubbing the body with snow, dousing with water with a gradual decrease in degrees. Pour warm water into one basin, cold water into the other and alternately dip your feet in them. The feet have a number of nerve endings associated with internal organs. Cold water reduces the activity of the organs, hot - excites. Such stimulation normalizes their work.”

Doctors categorically forbid children to swim in the cold! Their thermoregulation system has not yet been fully formed, frostbite can occur very quickly. The consequences of such bathing are serious: the child can get pneumonia, meningitis.


After a couple of months of hardening, you can plunge into the hole. But even here there are subtleties:

    For the first baths, choose the weather with a thaw and no wind, or windless days with a temperature not lower than -5°C. Have a hearty lunch two hours before diving - when you find yourself in cold water, the body will quickly begin to spend all resources on heating

    Do not drink to warm alcohol - alcohol contributes to rapid hypothermia and gives an extra load on the heart. Better eat a piece of bacon with a slice of black bread and a clove of garlic

    Prepare a place for swimming in advance: the hole should have a wooden ladder with comfortable steps and strong railings; next to the font there should be a warm locker room

    Your clothes and shoes should be easy and quick to put on and take off. Choose clothes without hooks and buttons, shoes without laces

    Warm up, run, or warm up before swimming. Make sure that the body before entering the water has a normal temperature. If you are hot, let your body cool down; if you feel chilly, increase the intensity of the warm-up

    Enter the water not gradually, but immediately dip up to the chest or neck. You should not dive with your head - a spasm of cerebral vessels may occur

    You can stay in the water for 3-5 seconds for beginners, up to 1 minute for experienced walruses. You can not stand still - actively move, swim

    After leaving the water, quickly rub yourself with a terry towel and change into dry warm clothes. Take a rug with you - it is comfortable to stand on it while changing clothes

  • After that, drink sweet hot tea, do a warming workout.

Important! You can swim in the hole no more than every other day, since it takes at least a day to restore a number of physiological functions. It is better to plunge into the hole 1-3 times a week.

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cold soulsChapter 6. Contraindications

Winter swimming

Surely you have witnessed so-called "walruses" swimming in cold water more than once. Perhaps you yourself are not averse to trying such an extreme, but not without attractive method of hardening, especially if you have already mastered all the previous methods.

Winter swimming is probably the last of the stages of hardening. And as you know, hardening can bring many benefits. Basically, the beneficial effect of hardening increases the body's resistance to various external influences.

Take water procedures in the fresh air in winter should be in accordance with the basic principles of hardening.

First, these principles include gradualness. Beginners hardening procedures should not abuse their duration. The temperature of water or air should not be threatening to the health of an untrained person. The time of procedures should be increased gradually, and the temperature affecting the person should be gradually reduced.

Secondly, it is necessary to be systematic and not to take breaks in hardening, even for a short time. If the hardening procedures are interrupted, the process will have to be restarted.

The third prerequisite for all, without exception, tempering procedures is an individual approach. It is necessary to pay great attention to the state of health at the beginning of the procedures. An individual approach must be maintained at all times. Depending on this important principle, all the others are modified. That is, depending on the physical condition of a person, the duration of procedures, the effects of temperature, and the form of hardening vary.

The last principle is the integrated use of all existing forms of hardening. This dramatically increases their effectiveness.

So why does winter swimming have a huge number of fans? And why do many people not take this type of hardening seriously? At first glance, this is a very difficult question, but if you think a little, everything will fall into place.

Winter swimming must be taken seriously. If a person has never come into contact with hardening and suddenly decided to join the walrus society, he needs to go through a whole series of previous procedures and exercises. Before you become a full-fledged walrus, you should thoroughly prepare. Otherwise, the newly minted "walrus" may pay for his impatience and thoughtlessness of actions.

It should be noted that some people have such good health that they can easily plunge into the hole without long preliminary preparations, but there are only a few of them. Due to these circumstances, those who wish to join the numerous ranks of winter swimming enthusiasts will have to go through the entire hardening cycle.

So why is winter swimming useful and what processes in our body does it affect?

There are cases when people who found themselves in ice water stopped breathing, their heart was barely audible, blood pressure dropped to zero, and body temperature dropped twice as low as normal. But despite all these deadly factors, people managed to be saved. As you know, the human brain cannot be without oxygen even for 5 minutes, and in the cases described, people were in a state of inhalation much longer than this critical time.

What happened to them? How did they manage to survive? Due to a sharp drop in body temperature in their bodies, chemical reactions slowed down sharply. At the same time, as a result, it slowed down. The cells' need for oxygen was sharply reduced, so the brain did not suffer from its lack.

As you know, as the temperature rises, the rate of chemical reactions increases, which means that the metabolism accelerates. When the temperature drops, the rate of chemical reactions decreases and, consequently, the metabolism decreases.

How can such information be useful? Let's use the following example. The rate of chemical reactions in small animals is much faster than in larger ones. Small animals lose more heat, and body temperature is mainly maintained through metabolism. Therefore, in order to maintain a constant temperature at the proper level, small animals involuntarily have to increase the metabolic rate. Along with the metabolism, reactions that affect the processes associated with aging and cell decay increase. This drastically shortens their lifespan. Indeed, it has been observed that large animals live longer than their small counterparts.

The reduction in heat transfer can be easily changed. To do this, you just need to use some adaptive abilities. Medicine knows that heat transfer decreases with narrowing of blood vessels. This can be achieved with the help of hardening procedures.

As you know, you can be hardened by the sun, air and water.

Systematic dousing and bathing in cold water are huge stimulating procedures. The effect becomes an order of magnitude higher if physical exercises are added to bathing. A distinctive feature of winter swimming is the ability to achieve the greatest result.

Such effects of cold have a noticeable effect on the central nervous system, they are able to relieve any fatigue, charge with vivacity and excellent mood for a long time.

In addition to reducing heat transfer, vasoconstriction of the skin causes blood to move from the peripheral part to the internal organs and brain. Thus, the latter receive additional nutrients and oxygen. After vasoconstriction, the second stage begins - vasodilation. This process is accompanied by a feeling of warmth, cheerfulness, muscle activity occurs. Thus, the blood vessels experience, as it were, gymnastic exercises, and with them the entire cardiovascular system undergoes gymnastics.

Such conditional gymnastic exercises for the cardiovascular system as a whole and for small vessels separately cause an abundant supply of reserve blood masses.

Ice water can have an active effect on the diaphragm. As a result, ventilation of the lungs increases, and breathing becomes easier and deeper. Intensive breathing, in turn, increases the amount of hemoglobin, leukocytes and erythrocytes in the blood. From this we can conclude that hardening can have an important effect not only on the metabolism and oxidative processes of the body, but on sexual potency, and on the nervous system as a whole.

Along with such positive and important actions, hardening with ice water, first of all, affects the body's thermoregulation system. If you have been doing such procedures for quite a long time, you will not care about any frosts, and you will simply forget about colds. The protective functions of the body will be so strengthened that you will no longer be threatened by many cruel modern diseases.

Do not forget that too long exposure to cold on the body should be avoided in every possible way. Otherwise, a persistent narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin begins, as a result, heat loss increases, and the loss compensation is insufficient. There is a decrease in body temperature, and this is undesirable. Based on such considerations, it should be remembered that when hardening with cold water, the dosage of cold loads should be strictly observed.

For healthy people, the following cold hardening times are acceptable. At a water temperature of 7-9 °C, the duration of bathing should be 45-60 seconds, at a water temperature of 3-5 °C - no more than 30-40 seconds, at a water temperature of 0-1 °C, bathing 20-30 seconds.

Cold loads are calculated in such a way that in all listed cases their same values ​​remain. Moreover, the numerical value of the load is chosen in such a way that it is easily tolerated by healthy people and without any stress.

People who are weakened after an illness should resort to winter swimming strictly after preliminary hardening procedures. And even such procedures should be dosed.

Swimming in the winter season in open water is truly magnificent in terms of accompanying sensations and the most valuable of all health-improving procedures. Remember that it just needs to be done systematically - at least twice a week. At the time of the adoption of procedures, you must be on the move. Motor activity not only eliminates chills, but also perfectly massages the skin, has a slight effect on muscle tissue, subcutaneous capillaries and nerve endings. After taking the procedure, you should wipe your head dry, do self-massage, or take a massage, and finally dry off and quickly get dressed.

If you suddenly experience an unpleasant feeling of cold or chills, immediately perform warm-up motor exercises. These may include short runs, vigorous walking and a variety of gymnastic complexes. If the application of such measures is not enough, use a hot drink. As a drink, tea is the best option.

Winter swimming, in addition to the strongest hardening, has physiotherapeutic and physioprophylactic effects. But the inept use of its basic principles can lead to undesirable, and in some cases even very serious negative consequences. Because of this, the preparation for winter swimming should be given great attention.

Psychological training should become a special article of preparation. It is necessary to remove self-doubt, because not every person can easily plunge into the hole. To do this, you need to have great willpower and a strong tempered character. Overcoming the cold barrier from the psychological side plays a very important role. It is even possible that this role far exceeds the physical influences of ice water.

Many people cannot overcome this barrier, and if you are one of them, we hope that in the end you will find the strength in yourself and do something that you will later become proud of.

A person who overcomes the fear of ice water is charged with great self-confidence. Having overcome an obstacle of this kind, he thinks about his capabilities and draws some conclusions in a favorable direction.

Since ancient times, winter swimming has been especially revered in Rus'. It has repeatedly caused surprise and admiration of foreigners who witnessed such spectacles. There are many cases when our compatriots amazed overseas people with their abilities.

Such a hardening method was developed and widely known only in the recent past. Before that, prosperous Europe could not even imagine that swimming in ice water under certain conditions is not only safe for health, but also useful.

The fact is known when, having occupied Paris, our troops began to feast and celebrate the successful completion of the military campaign. The soldiers were allowed to have fun as they please (of course, within reasonable limits), which they successfully took advantage of. There was no limit to the fun and celebration on the occasion of the victory, the Russians did everything they were used to in their homeland.

The inhabitants of the glorious French city saw a lot in their lifetime, they saw a lot that day for the first time, but they could not even imagine what they witnessed in the end.

According to the old Russian custom, the soldiers cut down many baths, flooded them to the glory and began to wait for the right hour. This already interested the French, because most of them saw Russian baths for the first time. When the baths were in full readiness, and the soldiers at full desire, the park gained full speed. Then, before the eyes of the French spectator, inexperienced with such spectacles, the most mysterious and incomprehensible things began to happen: naked people ran out of the baths and rushed into the Seine with all their might.

The weather was cold and the water in the river was icy, but this did not stop the bathers, but only added vigor and enthusiasm to them. More than once or twice, the amazed French witnessed such a spectacle, and over time they got used to and even began to praise the fortitude and good health of Russian soldiers, and the rumor about the amazing abilities of the Russian man spread far beyond France.

We hope this story will give you the courage and desire to join the team called "walruses". But just never forget that you should start swimming in ice water under the supervision of an experienced specialist, after you have consulted with your doctor.

Often, people involved in winter swimming unite in numerous groups and conduct classes with the whole huge team. In extreme cases, you must be under the vigilant supervision of an instructor. But before proceeding with the procedures, get acquainted with all the subtleties and distinctive features of this type of hardening.

First, consult a doctor. Secondly, make a firm and irrevocable decision to start the procedures. After that, proceed to the preparatory hardening.

If you have never resorted to hardening procedures, you will have to make a lot of effort. However, they will pay off in full.

The first step is wiping and dousing. Consideration of these issues in this chapter has been given sufficient attention, so we will not return to them again.

If you made the decision to transform into a "walrus" in the summer, you should start preparing immediately. If the winter period is in the yard, do not despair, all the preliminary stages can be successfully completed at home.

After completing the entire complex of rubbing and dousing, proceed to winter swimming. The chapter shows the time spent by a person in water of a certain temperature. You can completely trust this. But still, for the first time, limit yourself to half the allotted time. Gradually bring the time spent in water to the required value.

Becoming a "walrus", you will feel that life begins anew. There will be no limit to your emotions, and the body will acquire such a margin of safety that various diseases will be bypassed.

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cold soulsChapter 6. Contraindications



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