How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the room. How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes, tobacco in the apartment

27 May, 2014 - 19:29

Not nice smell tobacco can turn even the most comfortable home room into a kind of nightclub. A few tips on what to do to return the apartment to its former freshness.

Since June 1, anti-tobacco legislation has been tightened in Russia. The smoking ban will extend not only to restaurants, cafes, trains long distance, but also for housing - in particular hostels. The smell of cigarettes can be a real headache for smokers. And if you want to sell an apartment, then it will be very difficult to do this if everything in the house smells of cigarettes. A smoky house is more like a night bar than a cozy home.

WITH real problem people who managed to rent an apartment, the former tenants of which smoked in every room, may also encounter.

How to get rid of the suffocating smell of cigarettes that accompanies you everywhere and irritates even the most heavy smokers? Here are some tips to help you get rid of bad breath for a long time:

  1. Open the window and turn on the fan. Ventilation is the first step in eliminating odor. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to radically change the situation. This method is suitable if guests come to you and smoke.
  2. Soak a towel in vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water) and hang it in the room where you smoked for several hours. The procedure of such "vinegar" airing can be repeated for several days.
  3. If the previous method did not help and the apartment still smells of tobacco, place cups all over the apartment with the same vinegar solution. Cat litter or baking soda can also absorb odors.
  4. The next step in getting rid of the smell is steam cleaning the furniture upholstery with special deodorizers. But for this it is better to hire specialists from cleaning services - the professional equipment they use is expensive.
  5. General cleaning in the apartment will help to solve the problem of unpleasant smell. All moisture-resistant surfaces should be cleaned: including ceilings, walls, window sills, floors, windows, etc. It is also worth adding a little vinegar to the washing water - it removes the smell well tobacco smoke. If there is washable wallpaper or paint on the walls, they also need to be washed. Do not forget about the drawers of tables and cabinets.
  6. Don't forget to clean your blinds. Soak bathroom blinds using any detergent, wipe them thoroughly, and then hang them to dry.
  7. Buy new curtains or dry-clean old ones that are soaked through with smoke.
  8. Change light bulbs in the apartment. Old light bulbs, which give off a lot of heat, can collect all the unpleasant odors around them.
  9. Wash windows. Dirty windows heat up faster, helping bad odors fill your entire home.
  10. If a lot of books were stored in the room where they smoked, they probably absorbed the smell of tobacco smoke, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of it. To make the unpleasant smell disappear, books can be put away in a closed cabinet or left on the balcony for a long (about a week) period.
  11. Use a dry, rough sponge to clean ceiling tiles, lampshades, and other items that can absorb odors.
  12. Excellent remedy to maintain a comfortable smell in smoky rooms - purchase an air freshener. Modern fragrances work on the basis of cold, not hot (unlike aroma lamps), evaporation. Modern humidifiers can also solve the problem of unpleasant odors.
  13. If there is no time for a big cleaning of the room, and expensive air purifiers can hurt the household budget, then you can think of folk remedies. For example, you can pour freshly ground coffee into bowls and vases, arrange them around the house, leave for two weeks, then replace the coffee with fresh coffee. This procedure can be repeated several times until one day it turns out that the smell of tobacco smoke has disappeared forever.

Many smokers do not think about how much physical and aesthetic inconvenience they bring to others. And the reason is not only the presence of clouds of smoke enveloping them and its quantity. Some are irritated not so much by the process of smoking the interlocutor, but by the unpleasant smell of cigarettes from the mouth of the smoker. And the latter gets used to the musty aroma and does not realize that his breath forces people to keep a distance of half a meter, or even more.

Why Smokers Get Bad Breath

The persistence of the smell of cigarettes is amazing and is the result of the following physiological processes:

  1. Smoking causes disease oral cavity, gums, teeth and a violation of the digestive process, which leads to the appearance of an odor.
  2. In the process of smoking, smoke settles in the mouth on the teeth, tongue, and mucous membranes, which retain cigarette tar, tobacco, and nicotine. As a result, nothing can quickly remove harmful particles.
  3. Dry mouth in every person causes bad breath, so moisturizing is required, even in terms of disinfection. The smoker dries out faster, but drinking water does not solve the problem.
  4. Constant smoking changes the composition of saliva and acidity, disrupting its functional abilities. Lovers tobacco products with experience, it has a cloudy yellowish tint and a specific smell, which contributes to the development of dysbacteriosis.

How to get rid of cigarette smell in your mouth

The primary advice given by people without bad habits and recommended by medicine is to stop smoking forever. Indeed, a simple tool, effective and without much investment. But not everyone is able to use it. Non-smokers won't understand, but smokers will sympathize. Yes, and the smell from the mouth will not disappear for a long time after quitting smoking.

Partially solve the problem elementary means hygiene: you should not only brush your teeth and tongue, but also inner part cheeks This procedure must be carried out twice a day, and carefully brushing each area with a toothbrush. Flossing beforehand will make the task easier and enhance the effect of the toothpaste. And it is better to scrape off the plaque from the tongue, which will help get rid of bacteria. The pharmacy sells special scrapers for this purpose, but you can limit yourself to a regular spoon.

Special rinses (preferably mint) or breath freshening sprays will help to kill the smell for a while. When buying this product, read the instructions, given that the alcohol components lead to gum irritation. And the presence of thymol will not only refresh, but also have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action, will destroy viruses and microbes.

Bay or mint leaves will help temporarily kill the tobacco smell. You can prepare a decoction for rinsing from several mint leaves, boiled for one hour. After chewing coffee beans or drinking a cup of coffee, you can change bad breath for a pleasant aroma.

Do not forget about moisturizing the mouth, but give preference to mineral or regular clean water, strongly brewed green and black tea. Avoid sugary carbonated drinks as they will only encourage bacteria to grow.

Fresh vegetables and fruits provide positive impact on the mucous membrane, temporarily neutralize the cigarette smell and at the same time disinfect the oral cavity:

  • parsley and dill;
  • apples;
  • oranges or a few drops of orange oil;
  • needles of any tree;
  • seeds;
  • cumin, ginger, nutmeg and other spices.

Keep with you at all times chewing gum with a strong refreshing taste (menthol, mint) or anti-tobacco option. When chewing, saliva is released to prevent dryness and washes away the smell of nicotine along with bacteria. This is the easiest way to get rid of nicotine breath.

IN pharmacy network sold effective drugs, killing cigarette breath for about an hour - for example, the result is instant after taking Anti-Policeman lollipops. They, like chewing gum, can become a pocket ambulance.

Some smokers cover up the smell of cigarettes with onions and garlic. Indeed, the specific properties of these products outlast even cigarette flavors. But the problem is not solved in this way for those present nearby. It is not known which breath is better to put up with.

And it would be nice to visit a dentist for professional cleaning tobacco consequences. The specialist will determine and decide existing problems with teeth resulting from smoking; they can also act as one of the sources of an unpleasant odor.

Simple rules for smokers

Pick up light flavored cigarettes (with the exception of menthol) or reduce their daily intake. This will improve your well-being and have a pleasant effect on communicating with non-smokers, but the problem itself and its consequences will not be solved. The presence of menthol exacerbates the toxicity of the elements that are included in cigarettes. Light tobacco is more harmful than black tobacco, as preservatives and dyes are used in its production. Therefore, preference should be given to dark varieties.

Cigarette smell from the mouth is sometimes easier to eliminate than the same smell from clothes, hair, hands, from a smoky room, car interior. Therefore, the problem should be solved in a complex, choosing the most effective way for you. And whenever possible, do it immediately after smoking a cigarette, before the tobacco smoke has soaked you and others present. Such a simple precaution will somewhat mitigate the sharpness of the smell from the oral cavity.

And if you try to limit the number of smoke breaks, then breathing will become easier and better. Adopt a few simple rules:

  • plan daily allowance, take a certain amount of cigarettes;
  • refrain from smoking on the eve of social events;
  • lighting up again, think about the family budget.

Constant attention to breath odor can prevent many various diseases including diseases of the teeth and gums.

Video: how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth

If your family has smoking people or you yourself are not averse to smoking a cigarette or two after a hard day's work, then you probably tried to figure out how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes. And if in the summer you can get by with the usual ventilation and slight humidification of the air in the room, what to do in winter period? In addition, the tobacco smell is firmly eaten into clothes, upholstered furniture, etc. How to effectively deal with the problem of unpleasant odor?

How to get rid of the smell of tobacco? No need to buy right away store funds. First, try applying folk products, those that will always be in your home:

  • shampoo. Do you want to quickly remove the unpleasant smell of tobacco from the carpet? Then mix 3-4 tbsp. l. shampoo with 2 tsp. soda. Apply the resulting solution to the surface and rub thoroughly so that soap suds appear. Rinse the carpet afterwards clean water to remove detergent residue and dry;
  • orange and coffee. Here you don’t need to cook anything, just put the orange peel in neat plates and arrange around the apartment. Thus, you will ensure that the room has a pleasant smell of citrus fruits, and also add some interesting touches to your interior. The same can be done with whole coffee beans, but not with ground or instant coffee. Put a few vases with coffee beans, and a pleasant smell will soar in the room;
  • perfume. You can also get rid of the tobacco aroma with the help of perfumes. No need to spray your favorite perfumes in the air, as you will waste expensive liquid without lasting effect. It is better to apply a small amount of perfume to a cold lamp in a lamp or chandelier. When the light turns on, you will immediately feel how the room smells like your perfumes. Remember that in no case should you spray perfume on a hot lamp, because it can simply burst;
  • aromatic oil. How to remove the smell of tobacco using this tool? You can get rid of it by applying oil in combination with sea salt. Apply a few drops of fragrance to a handful sea ​​salt(having previously poured it into a small plate or vase) and put it in the living room. To heighten the effect, prepare several of these aromatic mixtures at once;
  • soap bar. It is not difficult to prepare a solution from this tool. Add to the shavings a large number of baking soda both water and the mixture can be safely used in the process of wet cleaning. Thus, a pleasant, unobtrusive smell will settle in the apartment for a long time. If you need to quickly remove the smell of tobacco smoke from clothes, soft toys or furniture covers, soak them in this solution;
  • soda. A small amount of it can simply be scattered indoors and left overnight. In the morning, walk on the carpets with a vacuum cleaner, and the unpleasant tobacco smell will disappear. Undoubtedly, this method unlikely to show high efficiency the first time. It is possible that you will have to re-treat the floors. However, in general, baking soda is one of the best indoor odor removers;
  • rice. Interestingly, the smell of burning is perfectly removed with rice. This grain acts like a sponge. It is poured into a container and placed in the apartment. After some time, pour fresh rice into a bowl;
  • bleach. Of course, fragrances this remedy does not exude, so at first glance it may not seem so optimal way smoke odor control, such as perfume or orange peel. But in general, bleach quite intensively removes any stench, including the smell of nicotine;
  • wet towels. This method is rather one-time than regularly used, but it all depends on your preferences. Let's say a smoking company has just left your apartment and you urgently need to remove the odors. electronic cigarette and not only. Wet terry towels and hang them in the room. When they are completely dry, machine wash them.

There are many tools at hand, with which you will quickly learn how to quickly get rid of the smell of cigarettes. However, if your home is constantly smoking, take care to purchase a special air freshener that absorbs tobacco smoke.

Video "How to permanently get rid of the smell of tobacco"

From the video you will learn how to overcome the smell of tobacco in the house.

Vinegar to absorb odor

How to remove the smell of cigarettes with vinegar? It is best to use it not in pure form, but as a key component in solution. To do this, mix a glass apple cider vinegar with half a glass of water. Treat hard surfaces with the resulting composition: tables, shelves, bedside tables, cabinets. If you wish, you can even walk with a sponge dipped in vinegar solution on the wallpaper in the room, but do it very carefully.

Do not forget to ventilate the room well after the end of the vinegar procedure in order to completely remove the sharp aroma of the vinegar itself from it. The stench from tobacco or an electronic cigarette will go away quickly enough.

House cleaning with chemicals

How to eliminate the smell of tobacco chemicals? Modern market represents a whole variety of products that eliminate tobacco stench. However, you can prepare an effective chemical mixture for the complete removal of unpleasant odors using the following components:

In what proportions are the ingredients mixed? Half a cup of ammonia is mixed with a quarter cup of vinegar and soda. Data concentration chemical substances must be diluted with three liters of water and mixed thoroughly. Use the resulting solution to clean floors and other surfaces saturated with the smell of tobacco. Such a tool is quite effective, but be prepared for the fact that you will need to clean it 2-3 times.

Special products for quick odor removal

How to remove the smell of cigarettes if there is no desire to prepare homemade solutions or if you have already tried something from an impressive list, but were not satisfied with the result? Alternatively, use the popular modern methods tobacco flavor cleaning:

Removal of stench left in the house after smoking is possible. At the same time, you can choose both global and expensive methods, and give preference to budget options.

If people in your house smoke constantly and for a long time, conventional methods cleaning and application aromatics is indispensable here. By this time, the smell of tobacco must have thoroughly ingrained into various surfaces and it is incredibly difficult to remove it completely.

You may need to take drastic comprehensive measures: replace the curtains or take them to a dry cleaner, soak the blinds in solutions with detergents, replace the light bulbs (and you need to do this regularly if they smoke in the house), as they exude in a hot form characteristic odor cigarettes.

Pay special attention to books, because tobacco stench is probably absorbed into the paper. Leave the books on the balcony for at least a week to fully ventilate. Only by comprehensively clearing the room of the remnants of a cigarette smell, you will be able to evaluate the result. However, it is much better to simply not smoke in the house than to subsequently try to figure out how to get cigarette odors out of the room.

Even dry tobacco leaves contain a variety of resins, and therefore the smell of tobacco is one of the most persistent. It is enough to smoke once in the apartment so that things, furniture and walls are saturated with smoke. If a smoker lives in the house, then the question of how to remove the smell of cigarettes will be raised regularly.

If the household does not have the habit of regularly smoking in the apartment, and the guests who came smoked, the problem is solved simply. The easiest way is to open windows and doors to create a draft in a smoky room. It will be possible to breathe normally in half an hour.

In the cold season or in the heat, the smell will not just disappear. A damp towel moistened with a weak vinegar solution or plain water will help speed up the process. To eliminate tobacco flavors in the kitchen, you can use the oven: just bake the meat with garlic and spices.

Tobacco amber actively absorbs itself and carpets. If the carpet is smoky, you can remove the persistent smell with soda: you need to sprinkle it on the surface and leave it for one hour. After this time, collect the remaining powder with a vacuum cleaner. Wet cleaning in a smoky room will only hurt: a wet cloth will absorb more unpleasant odors.

How to secure an apartment

If someone from the family smokes in the apartment all the time, it makes sense to try to protect the home from the appearance of persistent tobacco odors. It is possible to provide clean air for others through the use of special devices.

    Smokeless ashtrays with an ionizer, equipped with fans and a special filter to "catch" the smoke.

    An air washer that removes any foreign odors, purifies and humidifies the air.

    Ionizer with cold evaporation, which injects pleasant aromas into the air and disperses them with a built-in fan.

    Air conditioner with additional cleaning functions.

Such devices for the removal of tobacco smoke are especially recommended for those in whose homes children or asthmatics live. Passive smoking harms all household members who acutely smell a lit cigarette.

If the residents of the apartment are not worried about the harm of smoking, but only the remaining fume, you can get rid of it by masking it with stronger and more pleasant aromas. If you don’t want to spend money on a draper or absorber in every room, simple folk remedies are used that smell stronger than tobacco.


Natural coffee beans are a strong flavoring agent that can quickly hide the cigarette smell. You should not expect such a result from ground coffee. To "update" the apartment, you need to place vases with grains around the perimeter of the room. Every two weeks the coffee needs to be refreshed.

Essential oil

Essential oils not only smell pleasant, but also have a tonic or calming effect, depending on which plant is chosen. You can buy a special aroma lamp or apply a small amount of oil on an electric light bulb. Under the influence of heat, the smell intensifies. Be careful: not only the surrounding air will smell, but also any fabrics in the room.


Ordinary rice absorbs well not only water, but also various odors. In the problem room, you need to put several wide cups filled with cereals. You need to update the content at least once a week. After use, the grains will have to be thrown away: they are filled harmful substances from cigarette smoke.


The peel of citrus fruits is high in essential oils and effectively suppresses cigarette smell. Over time, the effect weakens, so you need to renew the flavor every few days. If desired, a container with orange or lemon peel can be not only a kind of freshener, but also an element of decor.

Cleaning hard surfaces

Because of a large number resin caustic tobacco amber settles on any surface. The smoker himself may not notice this, but a person with a good sense of smell can easily identify an apartment in which they regularly smoke.

To get rid of traces of tobacco on the floor, tables and ceramic tiles, it is necessary to carry out a thorough wet cleaning. Cleaning products can be purchased from the housekeeping department or you can make your own. Home solutions smell worse, but they are not inferior in terms of effectiveness to professional chemistry.

    Vinegar (apple or table) and water in proportions 1:1. Skirting boards, panels, floors, tables, mirrors, cabinets can be treated with this liquid. It is also suitable for washable wallpaper, which must first be vacuumed.

    A quarter cup table vinegar and baking soda, half a cup ammonia solution and three liters of water. The solution is ideal not only for ceramic tiles, but also suitable for cleaning lacquered or polished furniture.

When cleaning bookcases, you should also pay attention to the books and magazines themselves: the paper will also smell strongly of tobacco. It is better to take them out to the balcony in order to properly ventilate.

Textile products absorb any surrounding aromas and keep them for a long time. To finally get rid of cigarette traces, you will have to clean all upholstered furniture and carpets.

It is necessary to wash:

  • blankets;
  • bedspreads;
  • clothes;
  • bed sheets;
  • tablecloths;
  • curtains.

Feather pillows and outerwear must be dry-cleaned. If this is not possible, it is advisable to purchase new ones.

In order not to smell carpets and rugs, they must be thoroughly cleaned. You may have to do this more than once. The fastest way to cope with the task is a washing vacuum cleaner, “filled” with flavored shampoo. If there is no such equipment in the house, cleaning is carried out manually.

Textile flooring should be washed in all rooms, even if they have not been smoked in: tobacco smoke spreads throughout the apartment. The carpets are vacuumed beforehand to remove all small debris. After that, according to the instructions, the cleaning agent is diluted (Vanish is well suited). The foam is spread with a mop or sponge, after drying it is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

In winter, carpets can be cleaned with freshly fallen snow: traces of tobacco will disappear, it will smell clean and fresh.

The best way to protect an apartment from tobacco amber is to quit bad habit Once and for all. Or at least stop smoking in the rooms. You can indulge in this bad deed in the toilet (if there is good ventilation), on the balcony or next to the kitchen hood. Filling an apartment with unpleasant odors is easier than getting rid of them.

In order not to smell of tobacco yourself, you should try analogues of familiar cigarettes. They have been replaced electronic devices different power. The effect of smoking will remain, and flavored liquids for vaporizers do not leave behind any long-lasting loops.

The unpleasant smell of tobacco can turn even the most comfortable home room into a kind of nightclub. A few tips on what to do to return the apartment to its former freshness.

Photo: Depositphotos/lucidwaters

Since June 1, anti-tobacco legislation has been tightened in Russia. The smoking ban will apply not only to restaurants, cafes, long-distance trains, but also to housing - in particular hostels. The smell of cigarettes can be a real headache for smokers. And if you want to sell an apartment, then it will be very difficult to do this if everything in the house smells of cigarettes. A smoky house is more like a night bar than a cozy home.

A real problem can also be faced by people who managed to rent an apartment, the former tenants of which smoked in every room.

How to get rid of the suffocating smell of cigarettes that accompanies you everywhere and irritates even the most heavy smokers? Here are some tips to help you get rid of bad breath for a long time:

  1. Open the window and turn on the fan. Ventilation is the first step in eliminating odor. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to radically change the situation. This method is suitable if guests come to you and smoke.
  2. Soak a towel in vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water) and hang it in the room where you smoked for several hours. The procedure of such "vinegar" airing can be repeated for several days.
  3. If the previous method did not help and the apartment still smells of tobacco, place cups all over the apartment with the same vinegar solution. Cat litter or baking soda can also absorb odors.
  4. The next step in getting rid of the smell is steam cleaning the furniture upholstery with special deodorizers. But for this it is better to hire specialists from cleaning services - the professional equipment they use is expensive.
  5. General cleaning in the apartment will help to solve the problem of unpleasant smell. All moisture-resistant surfaces should be cleaned: including ceilings, walls, window sills, floors, windows, etc. It is also worth adding a little vinegar to the washing water - it removes the smell of tobacco smoke well. If there is washable wallpaper or paint on the walls, they also need to be washed. Do not forget about the drawers of tables and cabinets.
  6. Don't forget to clean your blinds. Soak the blinds in the bathroom using any detergent, wipe them thoroughly, and then hang them to dry.
  7. Buy new curtains or dry-clean old ones that are soaked through with smoke.
  8. Change light bulbs in the apartment. Old light bulbs, which give off a lot of heat, can collect all the unpleasant odors around them.
  9. Wash windows. Dirty windows heat up faster, helping bad odors fill your entire home.
  10. If a lot of books were stored in the room where they smoked, they probably absorbed the smell of tobacco smoke, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of it. In order for the unpleasant smell to disappear, books can be put in a closed cabinet or left on the balcony for a long (about a week) period.
  11. Use a dry, rough sponge to clean ceiling tiles, lampshades, and other items that can absorb odors.
  12. An excellent way to maintain a comfortable smell in smoky rooms is to buy an air freshener. Modern fragrances work on the basis of cold, not hot (unlike aroma lamps), evaporation. Modern humidifiers can also solve the problem of unpleasant odors.
  13. If there is no time for a big cleaning of the room, and expensive air purifiers can damage the home budget, then you can think of folk remedies. For example, you can pour freshly ground coffee into bowls and vases, arrange them around the house, leave for two weeks, then replace the coffee with fresh coffee. This procedure can be repeated several times until one day it turns out that the smell of tobacco smoke has disappeared forever.


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