What is the cure for the common cold for children. List of children's nasal drops for the treatment of the common cold

A common problem in childhood is a runny nose. Its constant occurrence is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the nasal passages in young children. Then the question arises before the parents - how to help the child, what drops to give children from the common cold. It is important that they are effective and safe.

Nasal passages in children are wide and short. This helps to settle on the mucous membrane of microorganisms and the frequent development of a runny nose.

A runny nose is not an independent disease, but a symptom that most often accompanies acute respiratory diseases.

It develops gradually - there are several stages of its formation:

  • Short initial stage, lasting up to eight hours. During it, there is a burning sensation and itching in the nose, often sneezing.
  • The next stage is called catarrhal. Its duration is 3-4 days. During it, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs - edema is formed. Breathing through the nasal passages is difficult and abundant light discharge is formed.
  • The last stage does not always appear. The runny nose may end in the catarrhal stage, or it may pass into the stage of bacterial discharge. It appears as a result of the addition of microbial flora. The nature of the secretions changes - they become thick, green-yellow in color. Crusts form in the nose.

The condition of the sinuses with a runny nose

How to treat a runny nose

For the treatment of a runny nose in a child, different drugs are used. First of all, their choice depends on the cause of the disease - allergies, viruses, bacteria.

For each age, their drugs are allowed. All drugs have indications and contraindications - this is also taken into account when choosing a treatment.

What groups of nasal drops are prescribed for the treatment of a disease in young children:

  • means for washing on the basis of sea water;
  • means with vasoconstrictor action;
  • antibiotic drops;
  • antiallergic agents;
  • children's drops from the common cold with a thinning effect.

Each type of drops should be used for the corresponding symptoms.

Drops and sprays for washing the nose

They are used to treat difficult nasal breathing, in the presence of a light, abundant discharge. It is used as a prophylactic during epidemics of viral infections and flowering trees.

  • . Spray from the common cold for children with sea salt. There are several spray options with different salt concentrations - saline and hypertonic solutions. There are also jet pressure variations - soft shower, normal jet and strong jet. The spray is used for nasal congestion and strong discharge.
  • "Aquamaris". It also contains sea salt in various concentrations. Available in two dosage forms - a spray for a cold for children and drops in the nose. May be used to treat difficulty breathing and runny nose.

These are the most famous drugs. There are others, the composition and action of which is similar - "Physiomer", "Linaqua".

Approved for use by a child from birth - in the form of drops, a spray can be used from three months.

Spray from the common cold "Aqualor" is used for strong overlays

The child has no contraindications to the use of these sprays, they can be used for a long time without the effect of addiction.

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays

When the runny nose passes into the second stage and mucosal edema begins to develop, the use of good vasoconstrictors is required. Their effect is based on spasm of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the swelling decreases.

  • "Nazivin". This medicine is made in the form of drops and spray. It is prescribed for the treatment of severe difficulty in nasal breathing and with watery discharge. There are three age dosages of drops - from birth to a year; from one year to six years; for children over six years of age.
  • "Nazol". A drug of similar action. For children, it is available in the form of drops. There are two age dosages - for a child up to a year and for children after a year. Can be used for congestion and copious discharge from the nose.

In addition to these vasoconstrictors, there are others with a similar effect - Xymelin, Otrivin.

Can be used for treatment in children from birth. Contraindications are atrophic rhinitis and glaucoma, as well as individual intolerance to the drug.

Drops and sprays with a vasoconstrictive effect should not be given to children for more than three days. Otherwise, addiction to the drug and dryness of the mucosa develop.

Antibacterial agents

Drops with this action are assigned to the third stage of the common cold, when the microbial flora joins.

  • "Polydex". This drug is multicomponent, contains two antibiotics - a vasoconstrictor component and a corticosteroid. The agent is active against many microorganisms that cause purulent rhinitis. It is used for acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • "Isofra". Contains one antibiotic. Available in the form of drops. It is indicated for acute inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity.
  • "Miramistin. An antiseptic solution widely used to treat inflammatory processes, including those in the nasal cavity. Miramistin is used in children from birth.

"Polydex" is used for acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis

Drugs are prescribed for children from the age of two. Contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, glaucoma.

A cheaper Russian-made antimicrobial drug is Albucid for the common cold in children. Its other name - according to the active substance - "Sulfacyl sodium". It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. It is similar to Miramistin. It is used in children from birth. Contraindication is only individual intolerance to the drug.

Dioxidine is an antimicrobial drug that can be used in babies only after consulting a specialist. A solution of Dioxidine is instilled into the nose with purulent rhinitis.

Antiallergic drugs

Sometimes a runny nose in a child occurs due to an allergic reaction of the body to plant pollen, animal hair, house dust. In this case, the use of drops with antiallergic action is required.

  • "Vibrocil". The product contains antihistamine and vasoconstrictor components. It is used for persistent rhinitis, mainly of an allergic nature. Approved for use by children from birth.
  • "Tizin Allergy" - a nasal spray containing an anti-allergic component. It is used for seasonal allergic rhinitis. Can be used in children from six years of age.

Contraindications to the treatment of "Vibrocil" are allergies to the components of the drug and glaucoma. For "Tizina Alergi" contraindications are age less than six years, allergy to the drug, glaucoma.

"Vibrocil" is used for persistent rhinitis, mainly of an allergic nature

Drops with liquefying effect

Discharge from the nose is sometimes thick, makes nasal breathing difficult, and crusts form on the mucosa. In such a case, it is necessary to use drugs that can thin and remove a thick secret from the nose.

"Rinofluimucil". Spray containing acetylcysteine ​​- a substance that thins thick mucus. It is indicated for rhinitis, accompanied by a thick discharge, as well as sinusitis.

The drug can be used in children from three years of age. Contraindicated in high allergies, glaucoma, thyrotoxicosis.

Homeopathic preparations

Homeopathic remedies can also be used to treat the common cold. Homeopathic therapy is individual, it does not give one hundred percent effect.

Homeopathic remedies that can be used in a child:

  • Corizalia (tablets).
  • "Edas-160" - nasal drops containing thuja extract.

The drugs are approved for use in children from birth, provided that there is no individual intolerance.

herbal remedies

To facilitate nasal breathing, eliminate congestion in a child, herbal preparations are used.

  • Ointment "Pinosol". It contains oils of pine, eucalyptus, menthol. It is prescribed for persistent rhinitis in children.
  • Kalanchoe - the juice of this plant is often used in folk medicine. Kalanchoe juice is used to treat obstructed nasal breathing in children from two years of age. It is instilled into the nose, starting with a few drops, because Kalanchoe juice causes an allergic reaction or a burn of the mucous membrane.

The choice of drug for a cold depends on the cause of its occurrence. The age and allergic predisposition of the baby should also be taken into account when choosing a means of therapy.


Increased secretion of mucus from the nose in children occurs more often than in adults, and proceeds in a more severe form. Protracted rhinitis eventually spreads to the lungs, bronchi, develops inflammation of the ear (otitis media). For this reason, it is necessary to quickly treat a runny nose in children at home, which is carried out both with medication and folk recipes. To avoid complications, the child needs to remove the swelling of the mucous membrane and return normal breathing through the nose.

What is a runny nose in children

The main symptom of childhood rhinitis is the intense production of nasal mucus, which in itself is not dangerous to health. It traps dust particles, moisturizes the inhaled air, and has antiseptic and protective properties. However, with an infectious or viral disease, the amount of mucus increases several times, because the body begins to intensively produce a muconasal secret in order to remove pathological microorganisms from the nasopharynx. As a result, the baby suffers from a profuse runny nose.

How to cure

In most cases, the treatment of a runny nose in a child occurs at home. If a cold occurs with complications, then hospitalization may be required. Urgent medical care is required for a baby or preschooler if he has:

  • body temperature above 39.5°C;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory failure;
  • convulsions;
  • purulent discharge in the nose.

There are several treatments available to relieve the symptoms of a runny nose. The first thing to do is to clear the nasal passages of mucus with a disinfectant solution. For this, saline solutions are used, based on sea salt, Miramistin, Furacilin. Further, the method of treating a runny nose is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis, depending on the cause that caused the pathology.

Preparations for the treatment of the common cold in children

To treat the common cold in children quickly, different groups and forms of drugs are used. For children under 6 years of age, medicines are used in the form of drops, and for adolescents - a spray. After diagnosis, doctors prescribe treatment with one or more of the following drug groups:

  • vasoconstrictor, after which the swelling of the nasal mucosa disappears, breathing is restored;
  • hormonal, with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-allergic activity;
  • antiseptic, used to destroy viruses and fungi with bacterial rhinitis;
  • antiviral, which are designed to destroy the virus that enters the body;
  • immunomodulatory, which must be used at the beginning of the disease in order to avoid taking antiseptics and antibacterial agents;
  • homeopathic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect in acute rhinitis;
  • antihistamines, which are prescribed for allergic rhinitis.


Among children's therapeutic drops for intranasal administration, there are antibacterial drugs, vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, and oil-based drugs for nourishing and softening the mucosa. Most Popular:

  1. Sanorin. Drops have a rapid vasoconstrictive effect. Treatment of the common cold in children with Sanorin is prescribed from the age of two. Dosage: from 2-6 years old - 1 drop 2-3 times / day in each nostril, from 6 to 15 years old - 2 drops 3 times / day. Drops are applied for 3 days. Prolonged use leads to reactive congestion of the nasal mucosa and to chronic congestion.
  2. Nazol Advance. Combined drug used to treat acute rhinitis of various etiologies. Before use, it is recommended to clean the nasal passages with saline, then drip 2 doses into each passage 2 times / day. Course duration - no more than 3 days. Incorrect use may cause headache, nausea, fatigue.

Furacilin nose drops for children

If a runny nose develops during a cold, then this indicates the active reproduction of bacteria in the nasal cavity. Furacilin-adrenaline drops will help the child's body get rid of an unpleasant condition. As the name implies, the composition of the drug contains two components. Furacilin is an excellent antiseptic, which is used even with purulent sinusitis.

Adrenaline quickly constricts blood vessels, which helps to facilitate breathing through the nose. In pediatric practice, this drug is prescribed in a minimum concentration: 2-3 drops are instilled into each nasal passage, no more than 3 times / day. The duration of application is 3 days. If during this period the symptoms of a runny nose have not disappeared, a full course of treatment with drops is prescribed, but not more than 7 days.

Nasal sprays

Prolonged and profuse discharge from the nose is quickly eliminated by nasal sprays. When irrigating the nasopharynx, the particles of the medicine even reach the internal sinuses, and the design of the vial eliminates overdose and the development of adverse reactions. The most popular drugs for children:

  1. Snoop. It has a vasoconstrictive effect, quickly and effectively relieves swelling of the mucosa. The spray is intended for the treatment of children from 2 years. Assign 1 injection 2-3 times / day, lasting no more than 7 days. Do not use Snoop for atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Vibrocil. A combined remedy that is prescribed for bacterial, viral or allergic rhinitis. The vasoconstrictive effect is weakly expressed. It has antihistamine, decongestant. anti-inflammatory action. Assign to children after 6 years of 1-2 injections 3-4 times / day for 7 days. If used incorrectly, allergic reactions and drug-induced rhinitis may develop.


An effective home method for treating a runny nose is inhalation of steam (inhalation with a nebulizer or herbal decoctions). Therapy is indicated for children who have developed rhinitis against the background of ARVI or a cold. If the runny nose is allergic in nature, then inhalation with decoctions or other means will not help. In any case, this method of treatment should be agreed with the doctor. What is inhalation for? With this procedure, you can:

  • clear the nasal cavity of secretions;
  • moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • deliver antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs to the focus of inflammation.


With prolonged mucous discharge from the nose, with any complex treatment, rinses of the nasal cavity with saline are prescribed. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The benefit of rinsing is that sodium chloride is close in concentration to blood serum in composition, so the child's body does not regard it as a foreign element. Salt solution induces ciliated epithelial cells to an active immune response. Rinsing is indicated not only for the treatment of the common cold, but also for the preventive cleaning of the nose of infants.

How to warm up the nose at home

If a virus has become the cause of rhinitis in a child, then the use of vasoconstrictor drugs and warm compresses will be an effective treatment. A boiled chicken egg, heated salt, rye cake can serve as a nasal warmer. All these products are wrapped in a warm cloth and applied to the sinuses. Compresses should be done at night, as it is possible to keep warm longer by wrapping your son or daughter tightly and putting him to bed.

How to treat a runny nose

Snot at the initial stage of the disease (if rhinitis is not accompanied by fever) can be removed by washing the nose with saline. Good results give folk remedies for the common cold for children. A mixture of aloe juice with a solution of honey (1: 1 with water) has excellent antiseptic properties. The tool is used for incipient rhinitis of various etiologies. To prepare it, you need to place an aloe leaf in the refrigerator overnight, then squeeze the juice with a grater. An aqueous solution of honey should be mixed with juice 1: 1 and instilled into each nasal passage 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Treatment of a chronic runny nose in children

To relieve the symptoms of sinusitis or chronic rhinitis, antiseptics and rinsing the nose with saline solutions will help. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses will be removed by vasoconstrictor drops and inhalations of mucolytics (mucus thinners). With purulent rhinitis, it is necessary:

  • conduct systemic antibiotic therapy (Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin);
  • apply local anti-inflammatory drugs (Pinosol, Hydrocortisone);
  • resort to physiotherapy (UHF, SMV).

How to treat bacterial rhinitis

The treatment regimen is based on the elimination of pathogenic bacteria, therefore, it includes cleaning the nasal cavity, increasing immunity, restoring mucosal tissues and preventive measures to prevent relapses. Medicines for external use are widely used in the form of ointments, sprays, drops in combination with folk methods. Excellent results were recorded when washing the nose with a decoction of sage and chamomile. To eliminate a bacterial infection, a complex administration of drops is recommended: Vibrocil, after 5 minutes Miramistin, after 5 minutes Isofra.

Treatment of a runny nose in children with folk remedies quickly

In the treatment of rhinitis, eucalyptus essential oil is perfect as an adjuvant. You can use it in several ways: dilute it with water 1: 4 and rinse the child's nose three times / day or instill nasal passages 4 times / day. No less effective for prolonged rhinitis is onion juice diluted with water (3 drops per 5 ml). 2 drops should be instilled into each nostril 2-3 times a day. Diluted with water 1:1, Kalanchoe juice also gives a quick healing effect to remove excess mucus from the nose. It must be instilled with a runny nose at any stage 2-3 times / day.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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If you treat a runny nose, then it goes away in 7 days. If a runny nose is not treated, it goes away within a week. Everyone heard it. But such an opinion is erroneous. Many let the situation take its course, but a runny nose needs to be treated. Sleepless nights, lack of appetite, headache, sneezing, dryness and sensitivity of the nasal mucosa are the most harmless manifestations of acute rhinitis. In the absence of treatment, complications are possible: otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and the transition of the common cold into a chronic form.

Most often, the appearance of a runny nose is promoted by viruses, bacteria, hypothermia. Itching in the nasopharynx, frequent sneezing, headache - when these symptoms appear, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Combined drugs

They contain several components. The drops may include an antibiotic. They are intended for the treatment of rhinitis of a bacterial nature. The drug "Polydex" contains an antibiotic that quickly heals the infection. There is also an anti-allergic component - dexamethasone. It relieves swelling of the mucosa. When choosing the best remedy for a cold, it is worth considering this medicine.

Some drops, in addition to the vasoconstrictor component, contain an anti-allergic substance. They help with the preparations "Vibrocil", "Sanorin-analergin" well relieve swelling of the nose with allergies. "Vibrocil" in drops can be used for children from 1 year old. In addition, you can use this remedy for a cold during pregnancy.

Many drops contain a vasoconstrictor and sea water. They prevent dryness and relieve swelling. The drug "Snoop" in the adult and children's form of release softens the mucous well and eliminates nasal congestion.

Antibacterial drugs

Preparations such as Bioparox, Isofra contain powerful antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor. With sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and prolonged rhinitis, this is the most effective remedy for the common cold. With the onset of the disease, the use of these drugs is unjustified. The advantage of these funds is that they are not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the side effects inherent in antibiotics are not characteristic of them.


The good thing is that they have no side effects. They act with a cold at any stage. The main rule of homeopathy says: "You must not deviate from the instructions." If you skip the time of instillation and do not observe the multiplicity, homeopathy will not help. The preparations "Edas-131", "Delufen", "Euphorbium-compositum" will relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and increase immunity. Safe and effective drops are suitable for adults and children. In complex therapy, recovery is significantly accelerated. Treated with homeopathy for a long time. It has a cumulative effect and does not heal on the first day.

Nebulizer - a modern solution for the treatment of the common cold

Using a nebulizer with a cold is very convenient. This is an ultrasonic device with which inhalations are carried out.

Treatment of a runny nose with a nebulizer cannot be compared with the use of pills and tablets that travel a long way through the body until they reach the diseased organ. Such drugs, unlike inhalers, often leave an unfavorable mark in the form of a variety of side effects.

Folk remedies

Runny nose is the most common disease. Many people get sick of them. A runny nose can appear several times a year. Therefore, many folk recipes have been invented. Here are examples of some of them:

1. Fir and eucalyptus oil. A few drops of essential oil are dripped into vegetable oil (about 25 ml). Drip in the nose in the morning and at night. Such a mixture instantly facilitates breathing, has a bactericidal effect, softens the mucous membrane and relieves swelling.

2. Beetroot juice relieves inflammation and swelling. Drip it several times a day or make tampons (for 10 minutes). A weak solution of beetroot juice can be dripped to babies for a cold.

3. Honey drops. Dilute honey with water in equal proportions. Slightly heated and dripped up to 6 times a day. Do not use if you are allergic to this product. Honey is a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

4. Aloe juice boosts immunity and reduces inflammation. Can be dripped in pure form. Can be diluted with vegetable oil.

5. Kalanchoe juice is an irritant. When it is instilled, an intensive separation of mucus begins, swelling quickly passes and inflammation is removed.

Washing the nose at home

In the hospital, in the ENT departments, there is a special device for washing the nose. It creates pressure and flushes the nose with the drug, flushing out pus and mucus. A similar procedure can be carried out at home. Washing the nose brings relief to the patient and helps to cure a runny nose. The drug solution is collected in a container and inhaled through the nose, spit out the solution through the mouth. The procedure is carried out in the morning and at night.

How to prepare a solution

  • In one glass of slightly salty water, pour a teaspoon of tincture of eucalyptus or calendula. The solution has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
  • 2 filter bags of chamomile or sage are brewed with a glass of boiling water. When the solution becomes slightly warm, rinse the nose. The solution has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • 3 drops of iodine in a glass of warm water. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of iodine treat the common cold well. Not recommended for purulent sinusitis.
  • You can rinse your nose with a simple saline solution. This procedure thins the mucus and relieves swelling from the nasal mucosa.

After washing, all drugs will be better absorbed. The effect of vasoconstrictor, combined and homeopathic drops increases several times.

From the common cold, infusions of herbs that are drunk inside help. You can mix raspberries, oregano grass, birch leaf and coltsfoot. Brew the mixture and drink several times a day. Linden flowers and chamomile help with a runny nose. Herbs will help cure runny nose and colds. Rosehip and mountain ash will increase immunity and speed up recovery.

Treatment of any disease should begin with a consultation with a specialist. Not all patients can use drops. Vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated for many people. With sinusitis, therapy without antibiotics is most often ineffective. Drops may not help people with a deviated septum. All these nuances are taken into account by the doctor.

A prolonged runny nose can give many serious complications. Inadequate therapy can make the disease chronic. Runny nose is a disease that should be treated. We have presented you many options for his therapy. It is up to you to choose the most effective remedy for a cold, and it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


In young children, a runny nose is quite common. A stuffy nose prevents the baby from breathing normally, and it is also normal for the baby to eat. The child becomes capricious, restless, may not sleep well, lose weight, sometimes there is an increase in temperature,. And, of course, parents really want to help their child. But pharmacies now have a very large number of various cold medicines for young children, and it is very difficult to figure out which one is good. So let's try to do it together.

Runny nose and stages of its development

A runny nose, or rhinitis in medical terms, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Most often, this disease is not independent, but is a symptom of some other disease, such as influenza, measles, adenovirus infection and other ARVI diseases. Most often, a runny nose develops within 7-10 days or more, it all depends on the disease that provoked it. The drug is available in the form of nasal drops and spray. Children under one year of age are not recommended to use the spray. As a way out, you can use.

Rhinitis has three stages of development:

  • reflex- develops very quickly, passes within a few hours. The vessels narrow, the nasal mucosa turns pale sharply. During this period, there is burning and dryness in the nasal cavity, frequent sneezing;
  • catarrhal- vasodilation occurs, the mucous membrane is redder and the nasal concha swells. This stage lasts 2-3 days. During this period, there is difficulty breathing, abundant transparent watery discharge, lacrimation, stuffy ears, decreased sense of smell;
  • The third stage begins if it joins bacterial inflammation. During this period, there is an improvement in the general condition: the sense of smell improves, breathing is restored. The discharge from the nose becomes thicker and greenish or yellowish in color.

Medications for children under 5 years of age

Aqua Maris

192 rubles, spray - 176 rubles

This drug is made on the basis of water from the Adriatic Sea. It contains unique trace elements (sodium, magnesium, calcium ions, etc.), which contribute to the effective treatment of the common cold and cold.

Main testimony for the use of this drug are:

For treatment, Aqua Maris is instilled in adults and children 2-5 times a day, 2 drops in each nasal passage. Duration of treatment this drug 2 to 3 weeks It all depends on the severity of the disease.

For prevention the drug should be instilled 1-2 drops 1-2 times a day.

Aqua Maris can be used from the first day of life. For newborns, it is used for hygienic purposes to moisten the nasal cavity. The drug has no side effects, except for individual intolerance to some components.

Parent feedback:


Oh, a wonderful remedy ... Droplets for babies are ideal, and you can drip as much as you like without harming your health, rather, on the contrary, it improves immunity .. we just eliminate a runny nose, we don’t have to use anything potentially dangerous.


For my family, Aqua Maris nasal spray has helped a lot. We move very often, because of this, the child suffers. After all, climate change contributes to the fact that the daughter began a constant runny nose, health problems. Thanks to this nasal spray, my daughter tolerates a sharp change in climate much better. She is not tormented by a clogged nose, it is hard for her to breathe.

Aqualor baby

Approximate cost in pharmacies: drops - 118 rubles, spray - 324 rubles.

The vials contain sterile isotonic sea water. The drug prevents the development of nasopharyngeal infection and its spread to the inner ear. Aqualor baby helps to improve the breathing of the baby during feeding. The drug is recommended to be used for daily hygiene purposes.

Medical testimony for the use of the drug Aqualor baby:

  • Comprehensive treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS;
  • Comprehensive treatment and prevention of ENT diseases;
  • Acute, allergic and chronic rhinitis;
  • Daily hygiene of the nasal cavity.

This drug can be used from the first days of life. For hygiene and prevention, children and adults need to do 2-4 washes daily. More if necessary.

There are no contraindications for use. A side effect is individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.

Parent feedback:


Aqualor started using when the child was six months old. Now we are already a year and a half, I don’t know a better remedy for a cold. Aqualor baby is just drops, not drops, it is sea water for washing the nose.


Aqualor is the best we've tried to clean baby's nose. Before that, it was impossible to rinse well, but then Aqualor baby was advised, literally several times - and there didn’t seem to be any nozzles!

Nazol baby

Approximate cost in pharmacies: drops - 129 rubles.

Nazol baby is a local vasoconstrictor. The main constituent is phenylephrine hydrochloride. Auxiliary components benzalkonium chloride 50%, polyethylene glycol, disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (disodium edetate), sodium phosphate disubstituted glycerol, potassium phosphate monosubstituted, purified water.

Medical testimony for application:

  • Flu and other colds;
  • Allergic diseases.

This drug must be used intranasally .

Dosage :

Children under one year - 1 drop every 6 hours;

Children from 1 to 6 - 1-2 drops every 6 hours;

Adults and children over 6 years old - 3-4 drops every 6 hours.

The drug has side effects: dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance, tremor, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, pallor, sweating.

For children under one year of age, the drug must be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Remember, self-medication can harm your child's health!

Sometimes it is very difficult to find nose drops for a child, especially if he is only 1 or 2 years old. Not all medicines are suitable for the treatment of rhinitis in young children, and this must be taken into account when buying a drug. For the treatment of chronic rhinitis in children, a strong remedy is needed. Sometimes you will have to combine several drugs at the same time.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Runny nose prevents children from leading a full life. For kids, such a deviation becomes a real apocalypse, a cough appears. To facilitate nasal breathing in children, parents have to resort to medication. Vasoconstrictor drops are an indispensable assistant during a cold. Thanks to them, nasal breathing is normalized.

A runny nose and cough can occur not only due to a cold, but also as a result of an allergic reaction, a violation of the microflora of the mucosa due to the penetration of a fungus, virus or bacteria.

All vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold for children from a year or more (even for adults) are addictive. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for more than 5 days. Such drops will not cure the disease itself, but will only narrow the vessels, as a result of which nasal breathing will resume. But time will pass and the symptoms will appear again.

Rules for the treatment of the common cold

Remedies for the common cold for children should be combined and only then there will be a positive result.

Consider the best vasoconstrictor children's nasal drops for babies 1-2 years old.

  1. Naphthyzin. The use of this drug can become dangerous if the dosage is exceeded. One drop is instilled into the nasal passage 2 times a day. If a spray is used, then one injection is sufficient. A doctor's prescription is a must. It is inexpensive, so everyone can afford these drops. It has a quick effect, but it will take a little time before all the symptoms return again.
  2. Rhinorus. It can only be used by children who are already 2 years old. The composition includes eucalyptus oil, which eliminates the inflammatory process, swelling goes away, breathing through the nose is facilitated. The expected effect lasts about 8-10 hours. Drop by drop into each nostril no more than twice a day.
  3. Sanorin. In case of overdose, intoxication may occur. To treat a runny nose in children can only be a drug in the form of a solution. Buried drop by drop in each move no more than three times a day. It is undesirable to use more than three days.
  4. Xylen. Doctors and pediatricians often prescribe this drug, as it is effective and fast-acting. Can be used from birth. One or two drops in each stroke twice a day. The price of this tool is low, no more than 80 rubles.
  5. Galazolin. You can use from two years 1 drop twice a day. At this age, it is allowed to use only a solution, a gel-like agent after three years.
  6. Nazol Baby. Stops the swelling of the nasal membranes, it becomes easier for the baby to breathe. From a year drip one drop 3-4 times a day. At 2 years, 1-2 drops four times a day.
    Any of the above means can give side effects, in the form of swelling of the sinuses, irritation of the mucous membranes, tachycardia, burning and itching, vomiting and nausea. Headaches also occur, sleep is disturbed, the baby can become restless and capricious. So that the child's well-being does not worsen, you can not self-medicate.

Children's drops to apply as directed by a doctor


To get rid of mucus and snot, antihistamine nasal drops are prescribed. For children, selection occurs according to age and present symptoms. Be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of each baby.

Sneezing, copious mucous discharge from the sinuses, mucosal itching and nasal congestion may occur due to allergies. To remove this kind of discomfort, you need to choose the right drops for the nose.

Among the effective antiallergic drugs that are instilled into the nose, the following are popular:

  • Vibrocil. It can be used from 1 to 2 years only after consultation with your doctor. One drop twice or thrice a day.
  • Zyrtec. For the treatment of children 1-2 years old, 2.5 mg is prescribed 2 times a day. This is 5 drops.
  • Kromoheksal. You can use, starting from the age of two, 1 drop 2-3 times a day. It is not expensive.
  • Lecrolin. Can be used by children from two years of age. 1 drop twice a day. The price is 60-80 rubles.
    All of the above drugs contribute to the relief of symptoms. If the drug is in aerosol form, then the sprayer is removed, a pipette is taken and the solution itself is dripped into the nasal passages of the child. Spray spray is prohibited. Since there is a risk of developing otitis media.

There are other remedies, but they can only be used to treat older children. If the doctor considers that it is possible to use the drug, and the risk of side effects is minimal, then a certain dosage will be prescribed, which should not be exceeded in any case.

With an overdose of antihistamine drops, you may experience:

  • soreness in the stomach;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pale skin;
  • dry mouth, etc.

If any deviations occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hormonal remedies

Such nasal drops for a child are prescribed only by a doctor. These anti-inflammatory drops also have immunosuppressive and desensitizing effects, have anti-shock and anti-toxic properties.

What is better to drip into the nose of a child with a runny nose The most harmless is Nasonex in drip form, it can be instilled in children from two years old.

Antibacterial drugs for children

All other glucocorticosteroids are designed for older children, but if necessary, the doctor may prescribe one of them, for example:

  • Flixonase;
  • Avamis;
  • Nazarel;
  • Baconase;
  • Nasobek, etc.

Combined drugs

Combined drugs will effectively cope with nasal congestion and inflammation, quickly relieve a runny nose. Suitable for children over 1 year old:

  • Pinosol;
  • Sanorin;

Use should be strictly according to the instructions after consulting with your doctor.

Saline solutions

Our grandmothers also washed the nose of babies with saline solutions from birth. Salt was added to boiled water and the baby's nose was instilled with this solution. Now there are modern effective remedies for the common cold, in which there is sea salt.

Aqua Maris

To treat a runny nose in a child, buy Aqua Maris. It contains purified sea water, as well as elements of sodium, calcium and magnesium. The drug will help with allergic, acute and chronic rhinitis. It can be used even for infants for preventive purposes and to moisturize the mucous membranes. Supplied as drops and spray. Spray is allowed from two years, but no more than two injections into each nostril three times a day. In the form of drops, you can use it from birth and older, the dosage is the same.

Aqualor Baby

A good remedy for a cold for children 1-2 years old is Aqualor Baby. It is also based on sea water. There are also elements of sodium, selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, etc. Eliminates inflammation of the nasal mucosa. You can use spray and drops. To prevent otitis, it is advisable to choose a drip form, instill the nose 3-4 times a day, two drops in each nostril.

Otrivin Baby

Successfully used in babies Otrivin Baby. This remedy contains only a saline solution (physiological), which helps to moisturize the mucous membranes. After irrigation, the child's immunity increases, nasal congestion and dryness go away. It is used both for treatment and for prevention. Indicated for daily use for hygiene purposes and to prevent drying of the mucous membranes in the autumn-winter period (during the heating season). 3-4 drops as needed.


From the age of 4 you can use Dolphin and Quicks. You can bury your nose with normal saline through a pipette. Also, no one forbids the use of an old recipe - table salt and boiled water.


What to drip into the nose of a child with a runny nose, which was provoked by a virus Here, antiviral drugs will come into play. These include:

  • Interferon. Ready-made solution is sold in vials or ampoules. If you purchased ampoules, then the composition must be diluted with boiled water. 1 drop three times a day.
  • Nazoferon. Drip into the nose 3-4 times a day, 2 drops.
  • Grippoferon. 3 times 1 injection. May cause an allergic reaction. Do not use if an allergic reaction occurs.
  • Derinat. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to instill 2-3 times 1 drop. With an already present disease, 4-5 times a day.

The dosage must be strictly observed, otherwise serious consequences are possible.

If there is hypersensitivity to the drug, then its use should be discontinued.


Oil nose drops for children

To eliminate inflammation, swelling, moisturizing the mucosa, oil drops are shown in the nose. For children 1-2 years old, pediatricians usually prescribe sea buckthorn, peach, olive or fir oil. It is instilled with a pipette into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. If we talk about special nasal drops, then Pinosol is suitable. An oily solution of Chlorophyllipt is often prescribed.


Effective baby drops that moisturize the mucous membranes are drops based on sea water. Such funds thin the nasal mucus, as a result of which the child can fully breathe. After that, the baby sleeps better and eats better. The same drops eliminate nasal infections, remove symptoms associated with allergies. The safest means for the age of 1-2 years have already been listed above. It is allowed to use Aqua Marisa, Aqua Laura Baby, Otrivin Baby, saline solution and self-prepared saline solution.

Antibacterial agents

How to dry the snot to a child with a bacterial rhinitis Here you need to purchase an antibacterial drug. If rhinitis is prolonged, more than a week, then this is definitely a bacterial etiology. In this case, mucus of yellow or green color, thick consistency will come out of the nose. Recommended nasal drops from 1 year, such as Pinosol, Isofra and Protargol. How to dry the snot in a child from the age of two. The use of Polydex and Bioparox is already allowed.

How to bury your nose in children

These antibiotics should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Drop Rating

We present to your attention a list of nasal drops for children from 1 year to 2 years.

  1. Zyrtec.
  2. Interferon.
  3. Pinosol.
  4. Grippferon.
  5. Aqua Maris.
  6. Aqua Lor Baby.
  7. Sanorin.
  8. Nazol Baby.

The drops presented above can treat a runny nose in children and not be afraid of the consequences. Unless of course you do not exceed the dosage and take into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

No matter how small the side effects are, you should not continue to use the drops, otherwise anaphylactic shock may occur, which in the most severe cases leads to death.

If the discharge from the nose does not stop, but only intensifies, then perhaps this drug is not suitable in a particular case. It will be appropriate to replace the funds with another one.




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