Fat treatment. How to use visceral cough oil for children

Kira Stoletova

Pig fat is used by humans for cooking and as the basis for many medicinal preparations. Fat is a source of a large number of calories and in its pure form is used to quickly replenish energy. In addition, the sebaceous layer from a thoroughbred pig has high palatability.

Lard is often used to lubricate molds before baking, so that pastry products do not burn. Many housewives are wondering how to melt pork fat at home. To do this, you need to acquire a good greasy layer and follow the rules for rendering the product.

Useful properties of fat for the body

Many people are wondering if interior pork fat is useful, what are its special properties. It all depends on the correct dosage.

Melted internal pork fat in large quantities is dangerous to humans. It is a heavy product that is difficult to digest and is not suitable for people with weak stomachs.

However, as a food additive, it is often used for first and second courses. The composition of lard includes a large number of useful substances. Among them are vitamin A and linoleic acids. Also, this product is characterized by a low cholesterol content compared to other fats of animal origin. The internal intake of lard helps to speed up metabolism and improve the functioning of all body systems.

The presence of arachidonic acid also explains the benefits of fat, since this component is part of human heart cells. Thus, lard supports the work of the heart muscle and improves the production of hormones.

The biological activity of pork fat is 5 times higher than that of fats of other origin. Due to this, the product is quickly broken down and speeds up the metabolism. One of the important positive qualities of fat is that when melted, the product does not lose its beneficial properties, unlike the fat of cows or sheep.

Useful properties of lard

Lard benefits the body due to its healing properties. The internal use of this product helps to get rid of diseases such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • dystrophy.

External use of lard is suitable for the treatment of colds. To do this, do compresses on the throat and chest. From coughing, the internal application of pork fat on the inflamed surface of the throat also helps. Before this, lard is recommended to be mixed with honey.

The benefits of interior pork fat

Interior pork fat is used to treat joints. In folk medicine, it is recommended to lubricate sick parts of the body with them at night. From above, the limb is wrapped with a dense, damp cloth at room temperature.

In case of malfunction of the musculoskeletal system, lard is mixed with salt and applied externally to the injured area. A warm bandage should be applied on top.

A mixture of pork fat and fried onion is used in folk medicine to treat burns. Crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are also added to the ointment. The damaged area of ​​the skin is lubricated for several days without bandaging. Acetylsalicylic acid prevents infection, onion is a strong antibacterial agent, and lard protects the skin from scarring.

Interior pork fat in folk medicine

In folk medicine, there is also a recipe for an ointment for the treatment of eczema. For the medicine, the following ingredients are used:

  • 2 tbsp. l. lard;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 100 g nightshade;
  • 1 liter of celandine juice.

All components must be mixed and left for three days. Affected skin should be lubricated for a week.

Separately, the use of pork fat in the cosmetic industry should be mentioned. On the basis of lard and various types of oxidizing agents, natural soap is made. It can also be cooked at home, using copper, zinc and salts of heavy metals as oxidizing agents.

Regular use of pork fat in small amounts during cooking will improve immunity and help remove many harmful toxins from the body.

Contraindications to the use of pork fat

First of all, the wrong dosage of the product, and not the rendered pork fat itself, can cause great harm. Despite the low percentage of cholesterol, it is not recommended to use lard for daily cooking. This can hamper the digestive process and disrupt the functioning of the body. Contraindications also apply to the constant daily use of the product.

Drain pork fat

HA Pork fat slows down the aging process and can be used in medicines

How to Burn Inner Pork Fat

However, in many countries it is not customary to render lard before consumption. More often, the fatty layer is only salted, after which it is kept in places with a low temperature, so many harmful bacteria remain inside the adipose tissue. To protect yourself, you should smoke the product before salting: this will help get rid of most microorganisms.

With the help of scientific research, scientists have proven that rendered pork fat can cause poor brain cells. Since lard is not broken down by normal gastric juice, the body uses glucose to process the product. The consequences are a constant feeling of hunger and reduced brain activity.

Diseases in which pork fat is contraindicated

Abundant consumption of interior pork fat can cause serious damage to the cardiovascular system. Products with heavy splitting increase the load on all internal organs.

There are a number of contraindications for use by people suffering from chronic diseases, such as:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Rendering pork fat

Before drowning interior pork fat, you should choose the right tallow layer. Poor-quality or old fat when heated has an unpleasant aroma and a yellow color. The use of such lard in cooking can lead to poisoning. A good sebaceous layer has the following external characteristics:

  • the skin should be soft, without unpleasant odors;
  • white color of the pulp;
  • fat should not have a sour smell;
  • fat should be checked for density with a toothpick: it will enter a good greasy layer like butter;
  • the thickness of the product should not be more than 15 cm;
  • the presence of a layer of meat of a gray-red color.

At the time of purchase, it is not recommended to try raw lard: this can cause poisoning or serious infections. You should also ask the seller about the breed of the pig. With meat species of artiodactyls, the tallow layer is of poor quality.

How to choose lard for melting

A good option for melting is wild boar lard. It is better to take such fat from the hands of hunters. This product is not allowed to be eaten raw. The medical value of fat from a wild boar is much higher than from a farm pig. Such lard is used for medicinal purposes, and not for cooking.

To melt fat at home, you should choose a metal container of the appropriate volume. Before you melt the fat, you need to ignite the dishes on both sides. The melting procedure looks like this:

  1. Salo is washed in boiled water and dried with paper.
  2. Fat is cut into pieces and placed in a container.
  3. Lard is melted until cracklings appear, which must be removed.
  4. The resulting mass is cooled and placed in the refrigerator.

In order not to render pork fat excessively, it is necessary to monitor the color of the cracklings: they should have a yellowish or slightly pronounced flesh color. Lard can be stored for 18 months at a low temperature.


Rendered pork fat is used for cooking and medicinal purposes. Depending on the dosage, lard can cause both benefit and harm to the human body. To properly melt the fat, you should carefully choose the source product.

Pork fat cough is an old proven cough remedy for colds and bronchitis. The use of pork visceral fat gives quick relief and the cough disappears in a few days. Most importantly, pork fat is a natural remedy and, as a rule, does not give side effects and does not cause addiction and allergies. How to take it correctly for the treatment of cough in children and adults, read this article.

Pig fat is melted lard or lard. For treatment, it is better to use visceral fat, not lard. Interior fat is not only pork, but also other animals and birds. Such fat is located inside the body and is located along the internal organs, for example, the kidneys or intestines.
In its structure, interior differs from lard: it has a grayish-white color and is more loose, due to which it easily crumbles. When this fat is melted, pork fat is obtained, which can be used for treatment, cooking.

Useful properties of interior pork fat
For many years we have been convinced that pork fat, and animal fat in general, is harmful to our body. But recently, the attitude to this issue has changed dramatically, and now many nutritionists and doctors claim, and scientists confirm by research, that animal fat is not at all harmful. On the contrary, it is very helpful.
According to its composition, animal fat is very close to vegetable fats, i.e. vegetable oils, according to the content of essential fatty acids. They also contain oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic acids, which are united under one general concept of vitamin F.
In addition, pork fat contains a unique and very useful archidonic acid for the body. This acid is absent in vegetable oils, and it is an important component of the heart muscle, is involved in metabolic processes, and the hormonal and immune systems need it. It is archidonic acid that prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
Contained in fat and fat-soluble vitamins: vitamin A, E, D, carotene.

Pig fat cough recipes
In folk medicine, pork fat has been used for many centuries as a remedy for many ailments. They prepared ointments with it, applied it inside, for rubbing. The use of interior pork fat is not limited to the treatment of coughs. It is an excellent remedy for exhaustion of the body, for the treatment of heel spurs, weeping eczema, tuberculosis and many other diseases.

The use of pork fat for colds and coughs externally
From temperature. At a temperature of pork fat, you need to rub the soles of your feet and put on warm woolen socks made of sheep's wool. This procedure can be done at night or during the day, wearing socks for two, three hours.
For colds with cough. For grinding, mix pork fat with fir oil. To do this, melt two tablespoons of fat in a water bath, remove and cool to 40 degrees. Add three or four drops of fir essential oil. Stir and rub the chest, calves, throat with this composition in a warm form.

With vodka. Melt two tablespoons of fat and, having cooled slightly, add two tablespoons of vodka. Rub the chest and wrap it up, putting a folded terry towel on the chest and put on warm underwear. Better to do at night.
The compress warms well and there is profuse sweating. Therefore, it is imperative to change your nightwear so that it is dry.
Do not use for children and those allergic to alcohol.
With a runny nose. Heat a small piece of unsalted lard in a pan for no more than one minute. then wrap it in a bandage or gauze and attach it to the nose in the sinuses. Hold for a few minutes until the fat cools down. The procedure is best done at night before going to bed.

For ear pain. With a cold, there is often a shooting pain in the ear. To soothe such pain, melt pork fat in a water bath and moisten a cotton swab.

Lay this tampon in the sore ear, without pushing it deep, and tie it with a woolen handkerchief or scarf.

Internal use of pork fat for cough
With a strong cough, you need to eat half a teaspoon of pork fat.
Milk with fat. Heat the cow's milk well, almost to a boil, and add a teaspoon of lard. drink the whole glass at once in small sips. It is better to take natural homemade cow's milk.
Tea with milk and fat. Brew green tea by pouring one teaspoon of tea into a glass of boiling milk. Cover with a lid or saucer and let steep for 4 minutes.
Then add a teaspoon of pork interior fat and leave for another three, four minutes.
After insisting, strain and pour a pinch of ground black pepper into the broth. Drink in small sips before bed.

Tea warms up well, so if you sweat heavily, you will need to change your underwear to dry.
Young children can be given such a remedy without pepper and in the absence of an allergy to milk.
Pork fat for bronchitis. Bronchitis is often a complication of coughing after a cold. For the treatment of protracted bronchitis, prepare an infusion of marshmallow root with internal pork fat.
To do this, pour 0.5 tablespoon of marshmallow root into 400 ml of hot water and put in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then insist and strain.
Add two tablespoons of melted pork fat to the infusion. drink 3 times a day for 0.5 tablespoons. Warm up before taking.

With pneumonia. Prepare tea from raspberry leaves, mint and lemon zest. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 300 ml of boiling water and heat on the stove for a minute. Let cool slightly and strain.

Add 70 grams (1 tablespoon - 15 grams) of internal pork fat to the strained broth. take the remedy in a warm form in a teaspoon.
Take a tablespoon of each ingredient: pork fat, butter, sugar, honey and cocoa. Melt butter and fat in a water bath. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Transfer to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator.
Before taking, boil a glass of milk and add a tablespoon of the prepared drug.
This mixture is also good for coughs and bronchitis.
With tuberculosis. Mix 70 grams of melted lard with one third of a glass of decoction of linden flowers. Add two tablespoons of honey. Take one tablespoon daily.

Traditional healers also recommend eating lard daily.
For the prevention of colds. Traditional medicine recommends taking pork fat with a decoction of rose hips. To prepare, brew a tablespoon of rose hips in a thermos with 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour.
Add a tablespoon of melted fat and half a tablespoon of honey to the broth. Drink hot.

Today, a lot of medicines are sold for coughing. But the old proven products are in no way inferior in their effectiveness to many pharmacy products. After all, fat has long been used in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis. And not just pork. Goose, badger, bear are still used in treatment. But unlike these fats, pork is more affordable and not expensive. And to melt it you need to spend only an hour of your time.

Cough is a symptom of many diseases. It appears with bronchitis, colds, tuberculosis, pneumonia and other diseases. When coughing, our body tries to get rid of unnecessary mucus that has accumulated in the airways. When treating the underlying disease, we must not forget about coughing.

There are many ways to help the body cope with the disease, including folk ones. But in any case, the underlying disease requires treatment, and to help the body cope with the accompanying symptoms, they can be removed without medication.

Recognizing the types of cough

Cough causes a lot of diseases. And yes, he is very different. In order to effectively deal with malaise, one must clearly understand what kind of treatment one or another of its manifestations requires.

There is an unproductive and a productive cough.

  • When unproductive, hoarse sounds appear, sputum is very viscous and its discharge is difficult, bronchial patency is often disturbed. The primary task is to help in the removal and liquefaction of sputum.
  • With productive, sputum comes off easily, there is a lot of it and you need to help the body cope with it. Cough can be constant, short-term, episodic and paroxysmal. Allocate its acute and chronic forms.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies is widely used in medical practice.

Folk practice successfully fights cough with colds, allergies, chronic cough. But in any case, along with folk recipes, it is necessary to take antimicrobial, rotovirus and other drugs aimed at treating the underlying disease.

Cough treatment with folk remedies


At least once in a lifetime, everyone was advised to treat a cough with folk remedies. So, onions are a good expectorant.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take 250 grams of peeled onion, chop it. Pour 200 grams of sugar, chopped onion, half a liter of water into the pan. Boil everything on very low heat for 3 hours. After the temperature of the product drops to 35 degrees, add a spoonful of honey. Pour everything into a bottle and refrigerate. It is necessary to drink the remedy after meals up to 6 times a day.

You can also prepare another decoction based on onions.

Cut one large onion into small pieces. Sprinkle everything with sugar. It is best to do this in the evening so that the medicine is ready in the morning. During the day, you need to drink the juice that has formed and eat the whole onion. The disease will recede. You can repeat this treatment for several days.

Cook in a glass of milk two heads of onions, cut into small pieces. Leave everything for 4 hours to infuse. You need to drink a tablespoon every three to four hours.


Porridge based on ripe bananas is effective against cough.

Thoroughly grind two very ripe bananas into a porridge. Put the mass in a saucepan, add some water and sugar. Boil. This sweet treat is good for dry cough.


In the treatment of cough with folk remedies, black radish is widely used. Take a black radish and cut out some of its flesh to make a hollow. Put some honey in it. After a few hours, juice will collect in the hole, and then you should drink it for coughing.

If honey is contraindicated, then on the basis of black radish, you can prepare a cough remedy with sugar. Cut the black radish into very thin slices and sprinkle them with sugar. The resulting juice, take a spoonful every hour.

For children allergic to honey, a black radish remedy with sugar is prepared. To obtain medicinal juice, the radish is cut into cubes, sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven. The resulting liquid is drunk before each meal.

An adult should be given 2 tablespoons before each meal and in the evening before bedtime, and children should be given 2 teaspoons in the same way.

poppy milk

Poppy milk relieves attacks of nocturnal cough. This remedy should not be given to children and pregnant women. To obtain it, you need to take 3 full tablespoons of poppy seeds, pour a small amount of hot water and grind them thoroughly. The ground seeds are added with a glass of boiling water and insist. Strain, drink a little before going to bed.

Burnt sugar

Delicious children's cough treatment with burnt sugar. To get such a candy, take a spoonful of sugar and hold it over a fire until a dark brown color forms. The mixture can be left in a spoon, or you can pour it into a saucer with milk. Sweet candy is sucked until completely dissolved. Eat up to 5 sweets per day.


Fresh carrot juice with honey treats well. It is necessary to take such a remedy one spoonful up to 6 times a day. It is very useful to take it to children with severe cough.

Fat and fat against cough

Compress of honey and fat. Take honey and goat fat in equal proportions, mix. The ointment is applied in a thin layer on the skin of the chest, insulated and kept for up to 30 minutes. Adults can put a compress at night.

In the absence of goat fat, you can make an ointment based on pork interior fat. In equal proportions, mix honey, fat and vodka. The resulting ointment is applied to the skin of the chest, back, rubbed on the shins and feet. It is good to put on socks and warm pajamas for the night. The ointment does not need to be washed off.

Can be rubbed with goose fat. Such rubbing makes you sweat, recovery comes faster. But never use compresses and rubbing in patients with fever. This can raise the temperature even higher, fraught with consequences.

Salt for coughs: take goose or pork fat and add a few drops of turpentine, or even better fir oil, to it. Rub this composition on the chest and back, apply plastic wrap and wrap yourself well in a woolen scarf. The bandage can be kept on all night, it warms gently, deeply, and the cough passes quickly. Children like this procedure much more than mustard plasters, and it helps just as well!

mustard plasters

You can put a mustard plaster of mashed potatoes. To prepare it, boil mashed potatoes, add a few drops of iodine, a spoonful of vegetable oil to it, fold it into gauze or a thin cloth, put it on the chest area and wrap it with a scarf or put the patient under the covers. It is necessary to keep such a compress until the mixture cools down.

Like rubbing, compresses should not be used at a temperature.


In equal proportions, mix aloe juice, honey and butter. Take one tablespoon 6 times a day. Should not be taken by pregnant women.


It is good to inhale with potato vapors. To do this, boil the potatoes in their uniforms. Put the patient's head under the blanket, put the pan and breathe steam under the blanket. For adults, such inhalations are carried out up to 15 minutes, for children, depending on age, from 3 to 10 minutes.

Honey with onion for cough

Well helps honey with onions for coughing, mix grated onions, apples, honey taken in equal parts. Take one tablespoon three times a day.

Cabbage with cough honey

I want to recommend a very simple and completely painless recipe - cabbage with honey for cough and acute bronchitis. Take two large leaves of white cabbage, dip them in boiling water and, smeared with honey, apply on the chest and back. Wrap yourself in a warm, soft woolen shawl or scarf and go to bed. In the morning you will feel that the cough has become softer and the sputum is coming out well.

Herbal preparations

A decoction of herbs and roots helps in the fight against severe cough. To treat a cough with folk remedies, you need to drink herbal teas and decoctions from thyme, plantain leaves, blackcurrant berries, nettles, marshmallow, needles.

Take teas instead of warm drinks. Children are advised to brew not strong, for adults the concentration of tea may be stronger. In any case, one must be sure that the patient is not allergic to one or another component of tea. Drinking plenty of warm fluids speeds up the healing process. In tea, if desired, add lemon, sugar, honey.

It is good to take decoctions of thyme, marshmallow, nettle, coltsfoot, sage. They help to expel mucus. To obtain them, grass or plant roots are boiled and infused in a thermos or wrapped in a saucepan.


You need to take 80 grams of marshmallow root, 50 grams of licorice root, 40 grams of coltsfoot leaves, 30 grams of fennel seeds. All ingredients are placed in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Insist for 12 hours. Take a quarter cup after each meal.

Well helps in the treatment of cough decoction of herbs. 20 grams of coltsfoot leaves, 15 grams of plantain leaves, 15 grams of licorice root are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about an hour. Take half a glass before meals.

A decoction of wild rosemary, birch, oregano, nettle herbs. 2 parts of birch leaves, 1 part of crushed oregano, 1 part of a mixture of nettle leaves and birch buds pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Wrap the pot with the mixture or pour it into a thermos. Leave for about an hour. Drink a decoction of a third cup before meals.

When taking any infusions or teas, consult your doctor about the advisability of taking them. Any treatment should not harm and aggravate the situation. Ignorance of the actions of herbs can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. Particular care should be taken when treating infants and toddlers with herbs.

It is good for patients to offer milk porridge, mashed potatoes, grated black radish salad. Be sure to drink plenty of warm water. It can be tea, warm water with honey, grape juice, warm milk, dried fruit compotes. To saturate the body with vitamins, it is useful to take lemon grated with sugar. There are oranges, apples, black currants.

Foods that irritate the throat should be avoided. These include sweet candies, spicy foods, smoked meats, soda and drinks.

There are a large number of diseases that provoke the appearance of cough. For treatment, doctors recommend the use of medications. In addition to medicines, traditional medicine is used. It is possible to alleviate well-being by using lard for coughing.

Useful properties of fat for colds

Fat is formed inside any animal. If the dense consistency of fat has an unpleasant odor that differs from normal, then it is forbidden to use it for treatment.

The following useful properties of the product are distinguished:

  • Contains minerals and vitamins.
  • Arachidonic acid is one of the components.
  • Does not lose nutrients when exposed to heat treatment.
  • Easily combines with components of various consistencies.

Effectively shows the effect of badger and bear fat. Pork fat has less useful qualities. But before use, the patient should be checked for contraindications.

Product variety

There are some types of fat suitable for use in the healing process. Traditional medicine uses the fat layer of several animals.

badger fat- It is used as an effect both on the external skin, and for internal use. It has antiseptic qualities and anti-inflammatory action. Quickly neutralizes spastic expectoration in tuberculosis or pneumonia.

- has the ability to thin sputum, effectively softens the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, as well as the larynx and pharynx. Stimulates an increase in human immune defenses.

It should not be taken by people suffering from stomach ulcers, with diseases of the urinary system, with gastritis and atherosclerosis of the cerebral type. Other patients are advised to strictly adhere to the dosage indicated by the attending physician.

It is forbidden to use the drug on its own. It is imperative to consult a doctor. It is forbidden to take orally or use for external treatment at a rate exceeding the permissible dosage.

Preparation of pork fat

The fatty layer for the manufacture of lard for coughing is obtained by slaughtering pigs. The component necessary for treatment is removed when cutting the animal from the intestines. Therefore, fat has such a specific smell. The separated lard is rolled up and placed in a container, in which, with the help of heat treatment, the fatty layer is transformed into melted lard.

For melting fat, use an oven or gas stove. The process is carried out on low heat. After complete dissolution, the fat acquires a uniform consistency. The last part is poured into prepared dishes and cooled.

The resulting substance is popularly known as lard. Melting fat allows you to prepare the fat in the proper form for treatment and contributes to its long-term storage in a closed form.

Melted fat loses its unpleasant odor, acquiring a light, unobtrusive aroma. If the cooled lard continues to deplete a pungent odor, then such fat should not be used for treatment, it is initially of poor quality.

The great advantage of lard is that the medicinal qualities of the product are superior to various fats in their biological activity. The main feature of fat is the absence of loss of useful qualities and properties that have a positive effect on cough in humans.

Cough recipes using lard

In folk medicine, the use of pork fat for coughs is common. Many prescriptions have been developed for treatment with animal medicines. But before use, you need to consult a doctor and find out the optimal dosage for the effect on eliminating cough.

Rubbing feet

The procedure is applied to small patients and adults. The procedure is performed at night. The product is rubbed with massage movements into the surface of the feet, warm woolen socks are put on top. The process is carried out over several days in a row.

A mixture of fat and honey

This compound eliminates cough. The consistency should be prepared from the same volume of fresh liquid honey and melted lard. The essence is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. A simple method of preparing the ointment contributes to an effective result. After preparing the required components, the ointment is rubbed into the chest, and the back area is also rubbed.

A plastic bag should be placed on top of the rubbed surface and tied with a woolen scarf. This will enhance the therapeutic warming effect. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed.

Milk with cough fat

A mixture of milk with fat has increased healing properties against coughs. For treatment, it is necessary to subject the milk to heat treatment, heating it to the optimum state and introducing 1 dessert spoon of baked lard into it. Stir thoroughly until the product is completely dissolved. Take orally 2 times a day, in small sips.

Delicious cough mix

For cooking, 100 gr. butter and 200 gr. melted fat and, liquid or pre-melted. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, two tbsp is introduced into the batch. l. . After that, the resulting substance is added to the heated milk in 1 tsp. and drink in the morning and evening. The tool is perfect for the treatment of young children who do not want to use bitter medicine.

Consistency with cough vodka

Connection requires 50 gr. lard and 2 tbsp. l. vodka. The mixture is required to rub the patient into the chest area with the help of massage movements. After the procedure, wrap the patient in a warm blanket. In this state, a person must spend at least two hours.

A small amount of fat can eliminate an annoying cough. Remove spasmodic attacks of bronchial cough and eliminate the consequences of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug helps to restore immunity after an illness. But you should not exceed the dosage, because of the risk of provoking side effects.

Thus, pork interior fat contributes to the rapid elimination of cough. The main thing is to properly prepare the drug, without losing its beneficial properties. Thanks to various recipes, you can quickly get rid of what has appeared.

There are chemical compounds, many preparations containing natural ingredients. These are extracts from vegetable raw materials in combination with preservatives, flavors, stabilizers. Such a drug can hardly be called natural. But this is a production requirement. Various substances are used to preserve and preserve properties.

Very often, an allergic reaction develops to these drugs. Viruses and bacteria have developed resistance to various drugs, so many drugs do not help. Increasingly, people are turning to ancient, tried and tested remedies that our grandparents were treated with.

One such proven remedy is cough lard. This ancient method of treatment was used by almost all the peoples inhabiting Russia. Previously, they were treated only with natural ingredients, without poisoning the body with chemicals.

Salt is the fat that lines the internal organs. It is more tender and soft in texture, unlike regular lard. Interior fat is used in overheated form, that is, after heat treatment. This is a pure product that only benefits in moderation.

How to cook lard

The internal fat of the pig is placed in a pan. You need to pour a little water on the bottom so that the fat does not burn. It is necessary to heat on a small fire. After melting, the resulting fat is poured into a clean, steam-sterilized container. It could be a glass jar. Fat slowly cools and turns into a homogeneous light mass with a slight odor.

If the color of the fat is dark with an unpleasant odor, it means that it is of poor quality or has expired. This product cannot be used. A rancid smell, a heterogeneous structure is also spoiled fat that cannot be used. If you doubt the quality, it is better not to use it at all. Animal natural products quickly lose their properties. Store a jar of lard in the refrigerator.

It is better to melt again before use. The required amount is taken from the jar and heated in a water bath in order to avoid burning and the formation of harmful substances. In no case should you salt, because of this, interior fat loses its healing properties.

Types of lard

The lard is used not only by pigs, but also by bears, badgers, and dogs. This is a potent biological substance that even treated tuberculosis. Pork fat is not characterized by such pronounced properties, but it is more environmentally friendly, does not have a sharp specific smell. Fat from wild animals can be dangerous in terms of various diseases, so it is not recommended for children to give it. Can only be used externally.

Medicinal properties of interior fat

  1. This is a biologically active product with a general strengthening effect.
  1. It contains fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, K, which are involved in all types of metabolism.
  2. Regulates cholesterol metabolism.
  3. There is a lot of arachidonic acid in lard, which is involved in the metabolic processes of the brain and myocardium.
  4. Fats are the building blocks for hormones.
  5. Anti-inflammatory action.


It is not recommended to give to children under 3 years of age due to imperfect digestion. In children of this age, the digestive system is quite poor in enzymes. They digest only light milk fats. Therefore, animal fats are limited. When applied, there may be loose stools, flatulence, anxiety of the child. Even large children are given with great care, mainly used externally.

In adults, it is used with caution in diseases of the digestive system, liver, pancreas, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders. Limited in obese people.

The use of lard for coughing

The beneficial effect of lard on coughing has been noticed for a very long time.

With an old, persistent cough, especially with pneumonia or bronchitis, badger fat, goose fat are used.

Bear fat is used for dry, painful coughs. In addition, bear fat is a powerful immunostimulant.

In children's practice, it is better to use goat or mutton fat. It is also melted and used externally or internally. These species are less aggressive and easier to digest.

The most popular pork fat is used for all types of coughs.

How to use lard for cough

In pediatric practice, the use of nutritive fat is not welcomed by pediatricians. In particular, Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against the use. There were cases of the use of lard in infants, after which the temperature increased in children, the stool was disturbed. This is a very tender age, where it is easier to harm than help. For this reason, the treatment of young children is the lot of pediatricians.

You can not rub fat on a patient with a fever. This will further worsen the patient's condition, because the fat can no longer be removed from the skin, it will continue to be absorbed.



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