Lost sense of smell with a runny nose and taste sensations. Loss of smell with a cold - what to do? Appeal to traditional medicine

How to restore the sense of smell? Exist various options overcome this deviation. The treatment process will depend on the cause of the disease. In most cases, it will be possible to achieve a positive result on your own at home, using effective folk remedies, but consultation with your doctor is required.

The reasons for the loss of smell can be different. A person may swell the mucous membrane covering nasal septum. This is due to the defeat of the body with an acute respiratory viral infection. Other factors:

  • sinusitis;
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • nasal polyps.

Anosmia is sometimes caused by negative changes in the mucous membrane, provided that the olfactory cilia are immersed in the secret.

Violations appear with the destruction of the neuroepithelium responsible for the sense of smell. This is due to the progression acute infections viral nature. Other factors are associated with the inhalation of chemicals that have a toxic effect.

In the absence of smell in some patients, the disease can be triggered by a cranial injury, in which a fracture of the very base is observed. cranial fossa(front). The causes are tumors of a different nature, neurosurgical manipulations, the use of drugs neurotoxic action, congenital diseases such as Kallmann's syndrome.

The violation is often provoked by damage to the receptors that are located in the organs responsible for smell, in the pathways. This change is a complication of many diseases. The problem is associated with poisoning with toxic substances. These include: nicotine, morphine, atropine.

Deviation can acquire a stable form. It is called hyposmia. Such a transformation is caused by nasal polyps, tumors of a malignant or benign nature, and a deviated nasal septum.

During the diagnosis, it is possible to establish the factors that provoke the problem:

  1. The olfactory pathways are not sufficiently developed.
  2. Due to bruises, blows, due to a fall on the occipital region of the head, as a result of which the bulbs and olfactory pathways are destroyed.
  3. Inflammatory processes affecting the sinuses of the ethmoid bone.
  4. Inflammation associated with the soft adjacent cerebral surface, surrounding areas.
  5. Tumors are median, other volumetric formations.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Negative transformations associated with the aging process of the body.
  8. Exposure to toxins (meth acrylate, cadmium, acrylate).
  9. Parkinson's disease.
  10. Dementia with Lewy bodies.
  11. Alzheimer's disease.

If you need to return a normal sense of smell after a runny nose, it is enough to turn to traditional medicine recipes that have been tested and give positive results. Doing at home special exercise, which is associated with variable relaxation and tension of the nasal wings.

Performing such a manipulation, you must strictly adhere to the established methodology. The tension time should not exceed the relaxation period. Manipulation is performed during the day, several times are enough. Exercise is done every day until there is a noticeable improvement and the normal state is restored.

Parallel treatment of colds, loss of smell with a runny nose and restoration of the sense of smell can be carried out by washing.

For the procedure of washing out mucus from the sinuses, along with the infection, salt water is used.

To prepare the solution, you need 200 ml boiled water dilute 1 tsp. sea ​​salt. You can use table salt. During the manipulation, it is necessary to close one of the nostrils with a finger, and slowly draw in salt water with the other. The procedure is carried out carefully, without haste. This therapy is ideal for patients in childhood, it effectively copes with the lack of smell. A few drops of iodine are added to 200 ml of the solution.

It will be possible to restore normal sense of smell thanks to the use of essential oil. It is necessary to pour water into an enameled container (200 ml will be needed), then it must be boiled. 3 tablespoons are added to the resulting liquid. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 5 drops of essential oil. For these purposes, use lemon balm, mint or lavender oil. The resulting therapeutic composition is ready for inhalation.

Above the container, you need to lower your head and inhale the steam through your nose. A positive result can be achieved by performing the procedure within 2-3 days. So the patient not only gets rid of the problem that has arisen, but also treats rhinitis. Inhalations should not be stopped as soon as the condition improves. Be sure to carry out additional 1-2 manipulations to consolidate the effect.

If there is no sense of smell, aroma lamps should be used. They need to be combined with various essential oils. Suitable oils are lavender, orange, mint, rosemary, lemon balm, tangerine. Oils that evaporate can be easily inhaled, so the action happens at a rapid pace.

Before starting a therapeutic effect, you need to consult a doctor. Some essential oils can trigger allergies in people.

You can perfectly restore your sense of smell and get rid of progressive rhinitis with freshly squeezed lemon juice or cyclamen. It is allowed to use the tool in several ways. Juice should be instilled with a pipette 4 times a day. Another option is to draw in the juice through the nostrils. It is necessary to be treated every day without passes. The therapeutic course is 2-3 days.

With a cold, menthol oil is characterized by a high degree of effectiveness. It is instilled into each of the nasal passages. It is possible to significantly increase the level of effectiveness and accelerate the moment of onset of positive changes thanks to lubrication outer side nose.

In practice, a high benefit from the treatment of rhinitis with propolis has been proven. It is easy to make an ointment for lubricating the nasal passages from it at home. For this you need:

  • propolis (1 tsp);
  • butter (3 tsp);
  • olive oil (3 tsp).

These ingredients are placed in a convenient container and thoroughly mixed in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency of the composition is achieved. It is permissible to use cotton swabs for restorative purposes. They are dipped in ointments and placed in nasal cavity. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. Such a therapeutic event should be carried out 2 times a day.

If the sense of smell is lost, the patient will be able to return it at no extra cost. You will need sugar beet juice and natural honey. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice dilute not big amount liquid honey, the components are thoroughly mixed.

The composition is used for instillation into the nasal cavity. It is necessary to be treated until a significant improvement in the condition occurs. To achieve the effect as soon as possible, the number of procedures is increased to 5. If necessary, you can use cotton pads or small pieces of cotton, which, together with the product, are placed in the nostrils for 10-15 minutes.

After a runny nose, it is often used for restorative purposes. fresh celandine from which the juice is squeezed. It must be instilled in both nostrils, a few drops. The time interval between procedures can be 2 hours.

Help get rid of anosmia garlic juice. He renders positive action when there was a loss of smell with a cold. Juice must be diluted in water. For this, 10 servings of water are taken for 1 serving of juice. Cotton swabs are impregnated with the composition. They are injected into each of the nasal passages for 15 minutes. The number of procedures is 2-3 per day. To feel the smell again and overcome rhinitis allows the bactericidal action of garlic.

Whether a decrease in smell has occurred, a person will be able to check on his own. To do this, you need to inhale the aroma of any soap. If there are no problems, then the person feels it well. If there is no smell, then it cannot be felt. The development of hypoxia is indicated by the inability to smell the vinegar smell. varying degrees fortresses.

If you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor who will be able to promptly provide help you need, preventing the development of deterioration. Correct diagnosis causes of negative changes is important for patients at any age. The method and features of therapy will depend on this.

In some cases, it is possible to cope with the deviation with folk remedies. good recipe- a mixture of carefully washed river sand and table salt. The ingredients are taken in the same amount. The resulting mass is laid out in a pan, then the container is placed on the stove.

First, the mixture is dried, then its temperature is brought to 50°C. After that, you need to pour the composition into a specially prepared fabric bag, which is then tied. The filled bag is applied to the bridge of the nose (20 minutes). The therapeutic course consists of 9 procedures. They can be done every day or with a break of 1 day.

Restoring normal breathing and the perception of smells and tastes in the following way: a coin (you can take 5 kopecks) is smeared with natural liquid honey, applied to the middle of the bridge of the nose. So that the coin does not fall and does not move, it is fixed with an adhesive plaster.

It is best to use an old copper coin. The procedure should be performed daily, its duration is half an hour. In most cases, a full recovery will require at least 15 treatments.

It will be possible to restore health thanks to a small aluminum plate. It must be thoroughly rinsed, then wiped dry and glued with a plaster to the bridge of the nose. It is better to perform such a manipulation before going to bed in order to leave the plate with all night. Overcome the problem and achieve recovery olfactory function Really after performance of 3 procedures.

After the flu, you can use the following mixture:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 drops;
  • cologne - 10 drops.

Water must be preheated to a temperature of 50°C. After that, juice is added to it and mixed thoroughly. The resulting composition should be soaked with a piece of gauze or cotton fabric. It is applied to the entire nasal surface. The procedure takes approximately 6 minutes. Duration treatment course- 10 procedures that are performed every day without gaps.

After influenza, when self-treating, patients can use vietnamese balm « Golden Star". The closed container with the agent must be left under direct sunbeams for 2-3 hours. Thus, the heating of the composition is achieved. After that, it must be rubbed into the nasal back and into middle part forehead. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to perform 7-10 procedures daily.

When hypoxia appeared, it is necessary to do warming up with a blue lamp. If there is no such device at home, it is allowed to use a conventional desktop electrical appliance, the main thing is that the power of the light bulb is 40 watts. The patient must wear Sunglasses. The lampshade is removed from the lamp. The head should be tilted back. This will allow light to enter the nasal cavity. The optimal distance from the nose to the lamp is a length of 25 cm.

If a person does not smell, quartz will help. A small piece of quartz should be placed in a glass vessel, such as a jar, and left in a sunny place for 3 hours so that the stone warms up well. The stone must be placed on the nose. Treatment session should last for 20 minutes. We must ensure that the stone does not move. To do this, it is additionally fixed or fixed, held with fingers.

Not in all cases, it is possible to cope with the disease without the qualified help of specialists. This may apply to older people or situations associated with serious pathological processes. In a medical institution, the loss of smell and taste, provoked by diseases of the mucous surface, is treated through special measures. Among them are the following:

  1. Elimination of factors of exogenous and endogenous origin, which not only cause, but also support pathology.
  2. The use of a complex of specially selected drugs in each individual case, which relieve rhinitis.
  3. Carrying out physiotherapy.
  4. Implementation of physiotherapy.
  5. Surgical intervention in the body, if there are indications for this or an emergency.

The most important thing is that the treatment of ENT diseases is painless. It is possible to achieve positive results due to the correct impact on the totality of all links of pathogenesis. Due to this effect, patients begin to feel positive changes in the process of nasal breathing, the olfactory function is gradually restored.

If you carry out washing, irrigation of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses with the use of specially selected medicines, there is an optimal cleansing of the nasal passages. All pus is removed from the mucous membranes of the nose, sinuses, toxic substances causative agents of allergic reactions. It is possible to fully restore the drainage properties.

Be sure to combine the entire set of necessary sanitizing procedures with a course of immunomodulatory therapy. It is selected individually for each person. Normalization of the functioning of the immune system allows you to achieve a complete recovery in a short time. At the same time, the treatment process is simplified, since the body itself can fight the causative agent of the disease.

If a comprehensive and timely therapy, it will be possible not only to restore the function, but also to ensure a stable, long-term remission.

When the sense of smell disappears, it is considered a rather difficult problem. Consultation with a specialist is needed in order to accurately understand the causes and eliminate the likelihood of complications.

To restore the ability of nasal breathing, the nasal cavity is sanitized. After that, the doctor prescribes therapy for the paranasal sinuses. Based on the severity of the disease, a drug effect on the body or the use of gentle surgical methods treatment.

When deterioration in olfactory function is associated with respiratory disease, recommended conservative treatment. It consists of the mechanical removal of obstructions in the nasal cavity that do not allow air to pass freely.

Often, a positive effect can be achieved only after the treatment of the underlying disease. When there are polyps, they can only be removed surgically. Allergies are treated with symptomatic medicines.

Sometimes anosmia is caused organic lesions central nervous system, injuries, viruses, infections in children. The prognosis in most cases is unfavorable. With a traumatic illness, a persistent character is usually observed. Normalization or a significant improvement in the current situation is achieved only in 10% of patients from the total number.

Irreversible processes cannot be treated. This is due to age characteristics. If damaged olfactory nerves, methods effective elimination there are no conversions.

When faced with the violation in question, it is best to apply for qualified help straightaway. Based on the examination and the results obtained, the doctor will help determine the most appropriate course of action. It is important not to harm your own health and not provoke complications by self-medication.

With the help of smell, a person perceives aromas and feels the taste of food consumed. There are cases when, with nasal congestion during the period of illness and some time after it, this feeling and the ability to distinguish smells disappear.

Loss of smell with colds - normal phenomenon due to symptomatic manifestations of the disease. Do not panic if this deviation occurs in the nose. To understand why this happens, it is necessary to have information about the causes of the pathological process.

The culprit for the disappearance of taste perceptions is the formation of edema of the mucous membrane of the organ with the development adverse effects, including changes in the functioning of certain parts of the nervous system.

On the inner nasal surface there is a zone of sensitive cells that have the ability to capture aroma and then transport information to the brain. There, a detailed analysis takes place, as a result of which the smell acquires its characteristic direction and name.

The resulting runny nose with regular accumulation of mucus significantly reduces the performance of nerve receptors, blocking the penetration of molecules into the areas responsible for smell. In such cases, treatment should be aimed at reducing the level of swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as at eliminating the main clinical signs diseases.

Behind taste sensations Responsible are receptors located on the surface of the tongue, which do not change their functions during colds. But due to their inextricable connection with the organ of smell, there is a loss of sensitivity in this area.

This is due to the fact that in the case of insufficient information about the smell of food, the brain is not able to fully produce a qualitative analysis of taste nuances, while at the same time accurately distinguishing between deeply expressed elements:

  • bitter;
  • sweet;
  • sour;
  • salty.

Attention! With the disappearance of the ability to smell, a person loses the ability to distinguish the taste of products.

When to Worry

To avoid neglect pathological processes, as well as the formation various complications you need to know about the features of the process associated with loss of sensitivity to aromas:

  1. If the sense of smell is absent during a cold or viral disease, accompanied by a runny nose, you should not worry. By doing all the necessary medical recommendations, the perception of smells will return, a few days after the cure.
  2. If nasal congestion occurs against the background of the development of an allergic reaction, the period for restoring the normal activity of the receptors increases.
  3. If the sense of smell is lost in the case of vasomotor rhinitis, which is formed when a person has a curvature of the nasal septum or polyps, surgical intervention will be required to eliminate the source that provokes edema.
  4. With sinusitis, aromatic and taste sensations may also be lost. After completing an effective therapeutic course to get rid of the disease, washing the nasal passages with saline several times a day, the perception of smells usually returns.

Attention! When, after recovery, lost functions do not resume, it is necessary to seek help from medical institution for a medical consultation and a full examination.

Therapeutic actions aimed at regaining lost functions consist of several stages.

Identification and elimination of the source of the disease

Basically, there are several main causes of the formation of a runny nose:

  • viral rhinitis - an average of 55% of all cases of rhinitis, suggests symptomatic therapy in the form of warming up and the use of antiviral drugs;
  • a runny nose of a bacterial nature - in addition to physiotherapy, it involves the use of antibiotics;
  • allergic manifestation - treatment consists in taking antihistamines.

Attention! Vasoconstrictor drops relieve nasal congestion, but do not therapeutic effect. Due to the large number side effects, and also because of the rapid addiction, these drugs are recommended for use for up to seven days.

Clearing the nasal cavity of mucus

The next step on the way to regaining the sense of smell is to rinse the nasal mucosa with a solution prepared from 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in 200 ml of warm boiled water. The implementation of the purification manipulation is carried out as follows:

  • fill the syringe with the prepared liquid;
  • bending over the washbasin, turn your head to the side;
  • place the tip of the device in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone nostril;
  • pressing the syringe, rinse the cavity, while the solution should flow out of the other nasal passage.

The irrigation procedure should be done up to 4 times a day.

  • Aquamaris;
  • Rizosin;
  • No-Sol;
  • Aqualor;
  • Humer.

Relief of breathing

In order to reduce the congestion of the nasal passages and speed up the process of restoring the olfactory receptors, it is recommended that certain conditions be met:

  1. Taking before going to bed hot bath or soul. Steam has a positive effect on the condition of the nasal cavity, providing a moisturizing and cleansing effect, helping to get rid of mucus. At the same time, hypothermia should be avoided after taking the procedures.
  2. Keeping normal humidity in the rooms. For this, special humidifiers are used. You can use the home method by placing wet towels or sheets in the room.
  3. Drink regularly while warm. It is necessary to consume hot drinks as often as possible throughout the day. Tea with the addition of lemon or raspberry jam is especially useful, as well as broth from low-fat varieties meat.

There are many various recipes used to treat colds, resulting in a restoration of the sensitivity to taste and smell. The most effective of them are:

  1. Oil inhalation. To carry out the procedure at home, it is necessary to pour 1 glass of purified water into the container, lemon juice in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons, mint or lavender oil. After boiling, keep the liquid on low heat for 1-2 minutes. The resulting medicine should be used once a day in a warm form for inhalation through the nose alternately one and the other nostril. The therapeutic course is 12-15 days.
  2. Propolis. A mixture is prepared, consisting of 1 part of propolis, 3 parts of butter, 3 parts sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Cotton wool, twisted into turundas, soaked in medicine, placed in both nostrils for 10 minutes. Manipulation is recommended to be performed twice a day.
  3. cabbage juice. 1 drop of squeezed juice from fresh leaves of the plant should be instilled into the nose three times a day. The condition in which patients do not smell smells improves significantly after 10-15 treatments.
  4. Garlic or onion juice. Garlic liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, onion - 1:50. In the absence of an allergic reaction to honey, a few drops of a liquid natural beekeeping product can be added to the solution.
  5. Milk with sage herb. Has a positive effect on sinusitis various origins, enhances immunity. To prepare the product, it is recommended to heat 200 ml of milk, without bringing to a boil, combine with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry raw sage. Insist for 10-15 minutes. After that, strain the remedy and take it orally in small portions throughout the day.
  6. Potato inhalation. Boiled potatoes in their skins. Without draining the liquid, a container with potatoes is used to inhale vapors for 5-10 minutes. Procedures are performed daily for 7-10 days.
  7. Gymnastics and facial massage. Conducting sessions helps to improve blood supply, as a result of which the blood in the nose area begins to circulate faster, gradually resuming sensitivity to aroma receptors.

Loss of smell and taste is not a particular danger to human health. But this applies only to cases that are a complication. colds or manifestations of allergies. If the sensitivity of taste and smell does not return for a long time, it is worth visiting an otolaryngologist to determine the source of the pathological deviation and prescribe an effective treatment for the problem.

All sense organs are important in the human body. After all, when they stop working, our life loses its usefulness and comfort. Often the common cold ends with a loss of smell: smells are not felt, taste is lost. So what to do for people who are faced with this situation - how to restore the sense of smell with a runny nose?


With a runny nose, the access of air to the olfactory receptors is closed. This means that air particles that carry aromas can hardly penetrate these places due to snot, resulting in a loss of smell and taste.

Particularly susceptible to this condition are people who suffer from chronic runny nose, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. Adenoids, polyps, allergies, nasal septal defects and neoplasms in the nasal cavity significantly worsen the situation.

Decreased sense of smell always occurs in the second phase of the common cold with a viral infection, when itching of the nose and sneezing are replaced by copious liquid secretions and congestion. This happens for two reasons:

  1. Allocations envelop the walls of the nose, preventing air from entering them.
  2. Some viruses block the work of receptors.


If a week after the cold, the condition worsened, the temperature began to rise, the sense of smell and taste disappeared, persistent nasal congestion and headaches appeared, the disease may have been complicated by sinusitis (sinusitis). Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. The mucous membrane of the sinuses swells, the secret stagnates and turns into pus.

The microorganisms that cause sinusitis destroy the epithelium, so the signals of taste and smell simply stop coming to the brain. This is what causes the loss of smell.

Overdose of nasal drops

Vasoconstrictor drops can be dripped no more than 4-6 hours later and no more than 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment for most drugs is 3 days. But it is not uncommon for people to abuse these medicines and bury them often and a lot.

With prolonged and frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs, the muscular layer of the nasal vessels ceases to function independently, the nutrition of the vessel wall is disrupted.

It is also possible to overdry the nasal mucosa by the irrational use of astringent drops - Collargol and Protargol.


The sense of smell may disappear temporarily for a while allergic rhinitis. This happens due to edema and an abundance of liquid secretions, which do not allow air to come into contact with the olfactory receptors.

If the sense of smell disappeared due to allergies, then first of all you need to get rid of it with the help of antihistamines and hormonal drugs.

Hormonal disorders

It is not scary if the sense of smell disappeared during pregnancy (against the background of vasomotor rhinitis), menstruation, after taking oral contraceptives. The reason for this is hormonal changes, after which everything returns to normal.

Anatomical changes in the nasal cavity

The reason for the loss of smell can be changes in the nasal cavity, accompanied by secretions:

  • polyps;
  • adenoids;
  • large curvature of the nasal septum;
  • tumors;
  • turbinate hypertrophy.

To restore the sense of smell, you need to get rid of the listed anatomical defects. It is possible that this is only possible with the help of an operation.

Poisons and chemicals

The sense of smell and taste disappears in people working in the production of toxic substances and in contact with paint and varnish products, oil products, vapors of various acids, etc. This condition, called anosmia, or complete loss of scent perception, may or may not be accompanied by a runny nose.

In addition, active and passive smokers also often complain that they have lost their sense of smell. Receptors can die completely, and it can be almost impossible to restore their original functions.


To get rid of this scourge, you need to eliminate the runny nose and establish an outflow of mucus from the nasal cavity.

First of all, you need to limit yourself to the use of nasal drops. Instead, it is better to resemble physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, UV nose and pharynx, bioptron. At urgent need to improve breathing, you need to accustom yourself to use saline solutions, which well help to eliminate the symptoms and causes of the disease. The minerals they contain natural ingredients significantly improve the functioning of the nasal mucosa.

  1. You need to do gymnastics every day - ten minutes to tense and relax the muscles of the nose. Keep your nose tense for at least a minute.
  2. Massage the wings of the nose.
  3. If the sense of smell is lost, and there is a loss of taste, you need to do warming up. It is recommended to warm the nose with a blue lamp; in its absence, you can use an ordinary student lamp. Heating is carried out at a distance of 25 cm, heat for 10 minutes, once a day for a week.
  4. Rinse the nose daily with pharmaceutical saline solutions - Delphi, Aquamaris, Humer.
  5. You can drip oil drops Pinosol into your nose.

Attention! For treatment it is forbidden to use vasoconstrictor drops, sprays and combined drops containing a vasoconstrictor component (Polydex, Vibrocil).

Folk ways

  • It is necessary to do steam inhalations over water with the addition of lemon juice, lavender and mint oil. Do them daily, the number of procedures is 10. For inhalation, you can prepare a decoction of sage, calendula, nettle or mint, with the addition of fresh garlic juice. You need to cover your head with a blanket and breathe over the steam for 15 minutes.
  • Insert cotton swabs moistened with honey into the nose for 20 minutes.
  • If the sense of smell is gone, you can breathe over the smoke from burning wormwood, garlic or onion husks.
  • To return the taste will help inhalation of pungent odors: horseradish, onion, mustard.
  • Good for inhaling vapors menthol oil or balm "Star".
  • Make hot foot baths with the addition of mustard, eucalyptus, pepper. They improve blood circulation, effectively cope with a runny nose and congestion, drive away a cold, especially if you take hot baths before bedtime.


So that you do not lose your sense of smell and taste, you need to take care of your health and follow the following recommendations:

  • do not delay the treatment of a runny nose and colds;
  • during an epidemic of viral diseases, rinse the nose with saline solutions, decoctions of chamomile, calendula;
  • avoid contact with allergens if an allergy is diagnosed;
  • take care of strengthening the immune system;
  • when working with harmful substances use protective masks and respirators;
  • observe safety rules when playing sports.

Loss of smell after a runny nose is not always and not for everyone. It is not normal and requires treatment. Therefore, if the sense of smell disappeared and did not recover a couple of months after recovery, then it is not recommended to hesitate - you need to go to the ENT doctor.

With a cold pathogenic microorganisms inhabit the nasal mucosa, provoking inflammatory processes, causing swelling, significantly increasing mucous secretions. These factors act as blockers of olfactory and taste receptors. A person ceases to smell, and considers the taste of dishes insipid.

Why does the sense of smell and taste disappear with a runny nose?

The most common factors that have a negative impact on the susceptibility to smells, tastes include the following problems:
  • Virus infection. Itchy sensations are first accompanied by sneezing, then are replaced by congestion and unpleasant discharge.
  • Rhinitis, sinusitis. The course of a common cold turns into a complex form, noting sharp deterioration health, a jump in temperature indicators, the appearance of a headache, loss of taste and olfactory abilities.
  • Nasal preparations. Overdose, overuse of medications vasoconstrictor action damages the nasal mucosa, making it impossible to smell.
  • Sharp irritants. contact between the nasal mucosa and oral cavity with some products (garlic, onion, coffee, vinegar, alcohol) can temporarily deprive the sense of smell, and block taste receptors, respectively.
  • Allergy. The formation of puffiness copious discharge appear due to, which sometimes leads to a loss of olfactory properties. It is necessary to isolate the allergen quickly, as well as taking antihistamines by doctor's prescription.
  • Hormonal disbalance. The elimination of taste, olfactory characteristics is due to menstruation, the use of oral contraception, pregnancy. Hormonal disorders are temporary, and soon problems with the nose will be solved.
  • Exposure to chemicals, poisons. Contact with certain substances (aerosols, cleaning products) provokes not only a runny nose, but also leads to olfactory dysfunction. Under the gun are all smokers (active, passive). The performance of their receptors is reduced due to cigarette smoke entering the nasal mucosa.
  • nose anatomy. Structural changes, polyps, adenoids, inflammation, curvature of the septum - flaws that affect the sensitivity to odors in the direction of its significant reduction. The problem is solved by surgery.
Olfactory disorders have several degrees:
  • Hyposmia. Partial loss of olfactory ability. It is due to poor sensation of substances with pungent odor and lack of perception to not pronounced odors.
  • Anosmia. Complete absence smell. Zero perception of smells due to a stroke and the presence of serious infectious diseases.
  • Cacosmia. The development of an illusory sense of smell, when normal smells seem unpleasant.
  • Hyperosmia. Psychical deviations contribute to the formation of a heightened sense of smell.

Olfactory distortions take away comfort, causing depression, lethargy, irritability, and other negative states.

Loss of smell. Why is this happening? (video)

How does loss of smell occur? Influence of the common cold on loss of sensation. Why do people lose the ability to smell?

How to restore the sense of smell and taste with a cold

Restoration of gustatory and olfactory functions is carried out through complex therapy which includes the following points:
  • Sanation. Elimination of the causes of difficulty breathing by washing the nasal cavity with silver-based solutions ("Collargol", "Protargol").
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. While maintaining the edema, the drugs "Naftizin", "Nafazolin", "Tizin", "Galazolin" are prescribed.
  • Immunocorrection. To eliminate recurrent conditions, medications are used that normalize work protective functions body ("Kagocel", "Imudon", "Likopid", homeopathic remedies).
  • Endonasal blocks. Carrying out injections with novocaine and a suspension of "Hydrocortisone", as well as ingestion of tablets with an extract of motherwort, valerian, bromine.
  • Physiotherapy. It includes the following activities: UHF, UVR, darsonvalization, electrophoresis using "Dimedrol", magnetotherapy, laser therapy, inhalations based on drugs "Dimexide" and "Hydrocortisone".
  • Surgical intervention. Permanent nasal congestion, as well as swelling due to anatomical problems, the presence of adenoids and polyps, is eliminated through surgery.

An effective treatment aimed at normalizing the functioning of the olfactory and taste receptors is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

How to restore the sense of smell (video)

How to restore the sense of smell after a cold. , its duration. Precautions and course of treatment.

Folk methods of treatment

You can restore the loss of sensitivity due to a runny nose at home using the following folk methods:


It is performed by evenly inhaling the vapors that form over a pot of healing broth. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 5-7 minutes, and is based on the following components:

  • Potato. Boil a few fruits (peelings).
  • Essential oils. Add 5-7 drops of extract (eucalyptus, lavender, basil) to 1 liter of boiling water and mix evenly.
  • Herbal infusions. 3 art. l. raw materials (chamomile, calendula) pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  • Lemon. Add 10 drops of citrus juice and a couple of drops of essential oil to hot water. Use once with forced breaths.

Therapeutic tampons (turundas)

For a 5-15-minute insertion into the nose before going to bed, cone-shaped tubes (bandage wicks) made of cotton wool are used, soaked in the following healing solutions:

  • liquid / melted honey is mixed in equal proportions with butter;
  • propolis with water (oil) in a ratio of 1 to 1;
  • mummy and olive oil of the same volume;
  • diluted (individually);
  • proportional mixture of water and .

For instillation, self-prepared solutions from natural ingredients are used:

  • menthol oil mixed with the same amount camphor oil, apply within a week, 3 drops per nostril twice a day;
  • extract juice from celandine and bury their nose three times a day, 2 drops per nostril, if there is no allergic reaction;
  • freshly squeezed beetroot juice is mixed with a small amount of linden honey and applied three times a day, 2-5 drops per nostril (used in pediatrics);
  • grate the horseradish root, add 10 times the volume of water to the gruel, strain and use up to 3 times a day, 2 drops.
Washing. To prepare the solution, you need 10 g of sea salt, 4 drops of iodine and half a glass warm water. Achieve complete dissolution of all ingredients by shaking / stirring. Use a 2 ml syringe to flush the sinuses.

Balm "Asterisk". The procedure involves delicate lubrication of the septa and wings of the nose, frontal and maxillary sinuses. Course duration - 5 days.

In the absence of smells and tastes, the world seems dull, monotonous and boring. Despite the fact that the smell and taste can not be compared with such important organs senses, like sight and hearing, it is very, very difficult to live without smell. You can't smell your favorite coffee aroma in the morning, don't worry if you suddenly smell burning, and don't appreciate your friend's new perfume. Without taste, life is even worse - do you like monotonous food, devoid of any flavors?!

It is possible to return the sense of smell and taste, but first you need to decide, as a result of which you can lose these important and much-needed sense organs.

Why is the sense of smell and taste lost?

In the nose, a person has an olfactory cavity, the surface of which differs from the mucous membrane. This cavity contains a huge number of receptors that send information to the brain about various odors. The brain, after processing this information, remembers and binds the smell to a specific event. We all know how fresh strawberries or oranges smell. Sometimes the smell can be associated with something unpleasant - all this is painstaking work of the brain. However, sometimes extraneous odors simply cannot get through to the olfactory cavity due to mucosal edema - that is, the smell simply does not move. There are several reasons that lead to loss of smell and taste, consider the main ones.

  1. The most common and common cause is a runny nose. This is especially true if rhinitis is not treated for a long time. The virus enters the mucous membrane, due to which mucus begins to be produced, swelling appears. At viral infection the body loses taste sensations.
  2. Injuries, fractures and curvature of the nasal septum also do not allow the smell to penetrate inside.
  3. Various growths, polyps, tumors also close the passage to the olfactory cavity.
  4. Sometimes the loss of taste and smell is due to an allergic reaction. When dust, plant pollen, animal hair and other allergens enter the nose, the mucous membrane also begins to produce mucus and swell.
  5. Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammations in the nasal appendages, as well as chronic forms These diseases often lead to loss of taste and olfactory qualities.
  6. Often loss of smell occurs due to overdose vasoconstrictor drops. Everyone knows that these drugs are aimed at alleviating the patient's condition, but do not have medicinal properties. You can use such drops no more than 3-4 times a day, they can not be used for more than 5 days, otherwise addiction occurs. With the constant use of vasoconstrictor drops, the vessels atrophy, they cannot contract and decompress on their own, their nutrition is disturbed, which leads to a loss of smell.
  7. Sometimes loss of smell and taste can occur due to hormonal changes in a woman's body. This is often observed during pregnancy, after the start of taking new oral contraceptives, during menstruation.
  8. If your work involves the constant inhalation of poisons, chemicals, smells of paint and varnish products, the sense of smell may suffer from this.
  9. Smokers often complain about the lack of smells and tastes, who slowly kill their receptors year after year. It is often impossible to restore the ability to capture odors.

Surely you know the approximate cause of the loss of smell and taste. If you stop feeling smells and tastes suddenly, for no apparent reason, you need to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

how to get rid of a cold at home

How to get your sense of smell and taste back

If you are not ready to put up with the current state of affairs, you need to try to return your feelings in order to enjoy the aromas of the world around you again.

  1. Treatment. First you need to remove the swelling of the mucosa, and for this you need to eliminate the very cause of the common cold. If the runny nose is allergic, take antihistamines, for a cold, start taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Use vasoconstrictor drops, but not if you have been dependent on them for a long time.
  2. Gymnastics. Very effective gymnastics for the nose. It improves blood circulation in the nasal cavity, which allows the receptors to become more active. Try to open the wings of the nose, while straining the muscles. Hold this position for a minute, repeat the exercise several times.
  3. Massage. Massage the wings of the nose with your fingers several times a day. This promotes a rush of blood, improves the functioning of receptors.
  4. warming up. You can heat the nasal cavity with an ultraviolet lamp, and if it is not available, use a regular lamp. Aim the light and heat beams at your nose so that the lamp is 25 cm away from your face. Warming up should be daily for a week.
  5. Inhalations. It is very effective to breathe hot air, which disinfects the nasal cavity from the inside, hitting the virus. If you add essential oils of mint and eucalyptus to the liquid for inhalation, this will help you immediately get rid of the swelling of the mucosa. To restore the ability to capture odors and tastes, the following composition for inhalation can be made. Prepare a decoction of calendula, add lemon juice, mint essential oil and a little cumin to it. Inhale the vapors of the prepared decoction - they are very useful both for restoring the sense of smell and against the common cold itself.
  6. Washing. It is very effective against the common cold and to restore the taste buds. Rinse the nose with salt water using a small teapot - insert the spout into one nostril so that the liquid comes out of the second nostril. If such a procedure is beyond your power, drip medicines based on sea ​​water- Aquamaris, Delphi, Humer.
  7. Drops. If you feel that the mucosa is dry, use nasal drops based on medicinal oils, for example, Pinosol.

Don't forget about the quality of the air in the room you are in. It is very important that the air in the room is humid and the nasal mucosa does not dry out.

how to cure a runny nose in a child folk remedies

Folk remedies to restore smell and taste with a cold

  1. Prepare small swabs from cotton wool, which need to be moistened with honey and placed in the nose. Honey has antiseptic properties, it will help restore the work of receptors.
  2. The sharp smell of horseradish, onion, mustard and garlic will help restore the sense of smell. Inhale these aromas as often as possible.
  3. You can restore the ability to capture odors with the help of smoke. Burn a sprig of wormwood, onion or garlic husks and inhale the smoke. Very soon you will be able to enjoy foreign smells and tastes again.
  4. Apply a little eucalyptus oil or "Asterisk" balm on the chest or clothes so that menthol vapors constantly get into the nasal passages.
  5. Melt a small amount lamb fat and mix it with diluted mummy. Take a cotton swab and soak it in the prepared composition. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with this remedy - it is very effective against the common cold and colds.
  6. You can restore the ability to smell and taste by warming the feet. Prepare the following solution - in hot water (45-50 degrees), add a tablespoon of salt, the same amount of soda and two teaspoons of mustard. Dip your feet in the prepared composition up to the ankles. Soak your feet in water for at least 10 minutes, then wipe your feet dry. Lubricate the feet with iodine and put on cotton socks, and woolen ones on top. The procedure is usually done at night. In the morning you will forget about a runny nose and all related problems.
  7. Propolis is very useful product that can cure many diseases. Propolis tincture can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy. Pieces of propolis must be poured with alcohol and kept in a dark, cool place for at least a week, shaking occasionally. Soak cotton balls in the prepared tincture and place them in the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes. Within a week you will be able to enjoy your favorite scents.

These simple rules help you quickly and safely get rid of a cold.

After the runny nose is completely cured, the sense of smell and taste can be restored within 7-10 days. If smells and taste sensations have not returned to your life after the indicated time, a more serious failure may have occurred in the body. In this case, you need to contact a specialist. Take care of your health and do not run a cold, so as not to suffer from a dull and monotonous world.

how to treat a runny nose in the chest

Video: 3 reasons for loss of smell

During the cold season, when defensive forces human body, the number of colds and flu is increasing dramatically. All of them are inevitably accompanied by a runny nose, which may be accompanied by a loss of smell and taste.

Many people are concerned about how to return the sense of smell and taste, what needs to be done for this.

Why does the sense of smell disappear?

The loss of the ability to distinguish between smells and taste with a runny nose is an absolutely natural consequence of the disease itself, so there is nothing to worry about. The reason for the loss of smell is the swelling of the nasal mucosa and the resulting disruption of the receptors. On the mucous surface of the nose there is a zone of smell. It consists of very sensitive nerve receptor cells that pick up smell and transmit information about it to the brain. In the brain, the received data is analyzed, correlated with the available information, and as a result, the smell receives an image and a name.

With a runny nose, the mucous membrane swells, the nose is stuffy, mucus constantly accumulates in the cavity - all this quickly reduces the work of receptor cells and prevents aromatic molecules from entering the olfactory zone. As a result, the ability to distinguish odors is greatly reduced.

If you have lost your sense of smell with a runny nose, do not be afraid - this is a natural and reversible process. Its treatment consists in reducing the mucosal edema and eliminating the underlying disease.

Why does the taste disappear?

The receptors of the tongue are responsible for the taste, which remain normal during a runny nose. However, loss of smell is very often accompanied by loss of taste. This is due to the fact that complex flavor combinations are inextricably linked with their aromatic component.

In the absence of data on the smell of the product, the brain cannot fully analyze the subtle flavors of complex dishes, although it still accurately identifies simple and bright ones - sweet, salty, bitter, sour. Therefore, without smelling, a person cannot get the usual pleasure from food.

Diseases that cause swelling of the nasal mucosa

Various diseases can cause edema, but in order to effectively eliminate it, you need to find the cause. Only an otolaryngologist can do this and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Diseases in which the nose is blocked:

  • hypothermia;
  • viral infections;
  • allergy;
  • polyps, adenoids;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.

Clinical picture

According to statistics, the common cold is the most common disease of the upper respiratory tract. It manifests itself in the form of copious discharge, which appears as a result of acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Such acute inflammation serves as a response to hypothermia or the introduction of the influenza virus, which provoke the activation of conditionally pathogenic flora.

This flora is constantly in the nasal cavity and if the body is weakened, it begins to multiply rapidly in the presence of adverse factors. Violent coryza affects both nostrils at once or alternately, causing loss of smell and part of taste. The elimination of swelling and the release of mucus from the nose will lead to a gradual return of these feelings.

When to sound the alarm

When the sense of smell disappears against the background of a severe runny nose with a cold or flu, you should not worry, it is enough to accurately follow all the doctor's prescriptions. The ability to distinguish smells and taste will return within 3-5 days after recovery.

If the reason was allergic edema, it may take a little more time. Vasomotor rhinitis, which occurs against the background of polyps or a curvature of the nasal septum, will not go away on its own, in this case it will be necessary surgical intervention to eliminate the cause of edema. Often the sense of smell is absent after sinusitis. In this case, if appropriate treatment has been carried out and inflammation has been eliminated, they will help saline washings nose to be done 4 times a day.

If there is no discharge from the nose for a long time, breathing has recovered, but after a runny nose, the sense of smell has disappeared, you should definitely contact an otolaryngologist.

You should not choose the treatment yourself, because there are many reasons for the absence of odors and only a specialist can find yours. While the diagnosis and examination are being carried out, you can use traditional medicine recipes that will not cause harm and help restore your sense of smell and taste.

Traditional treatment

For the treatment of the common cold, otolaryngologists use several groups of drugs:

  1. vasoconstrictor drops and spray;
  2. moisturizing solutions;
  3. antibacterial drugs;
  4. antihistamines in the form of drops, spray or tablets.

Your attending physician will tell you how to restore the sense of smell with a runny nose for you. To do this, the first step is to remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

In the treatment of a runny nose caused by a cold, SARS, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis vasoconstrictor drops or spray are always prescribed:

  • "Tizin";
  • "Afrin";
  • "Nazol";
  • "Vibrocil";
  • "Xymelin";
  • "Pinosol";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Oxymetazoline".

Their choice is huge, and the mechanism of action is identical - after their application, the mucosal edema quickly disappears, the formation of mucus decreases, and the nasal breathing and the ability to smell.

Along with vasoconstrictor sprays, doctors prescribe irrigation of the nasal passages with moisturizing saline solutions:

  • "Aqua Maris";
  • "Salin";
  • "Morenasal";
  • "Physiomer";
  • "Quicks".

Which facilitate the separation of mucus, improve the mobility of cilia, normalize the functioning of receptors and help restore smell and taste. If you don't want to buy finished product in a pharmacy, a similar remedy can be prepared at home by dissolving 2 tsp. sea ​​salt in 1 liter of boiled water. The water should be warm, the resulting solution must be filtered through cheesecloth to collect undissolved salt crystals.

In the treatment of sinusitis, combined antibacterial drugs are widely used:

  • "Polydex";
  • "Isofra".

Which, in addition to the vasoconstrictor action, have an anti-inflammatory effect due to the antibiotics included in their composition.

For removal allergic component which often accompanies rhinitis various etiologies, in complex therapy include antihistamines in the form of tablets:

  • "Claritin";
  • "Loratadin";
  • "Koldakt";
  • "Orinol";
  • "Tsetrin";
  • "Zodak".

In the form of nasal drops and spray:

  • "Sanorin-Analergin";
  • "Rinofluimucil";
  • "Flixonase";
  • "Nasonex".

Traditional medicine recipes

For their recipes that help restore smell and taste, traditional medicine uses only natural ingredients:

  • herbs;
  • garlic;
  • beets;
  • propolis;
  • essential oils.

She suggests doing inhalations to restore the sense of smell, using drops, ointments and many other, sometimes unexpected, methods of treatment.

Below are some of the simplest and most common recipes:

  1. Hot inhalations. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of boiled water. fresh lemon juice and 2 drops of essential oil. The best thing suitable oil eucalyptus, mint, lavender or lemon balm. Mix well. You can cover your head with a thick towel and inhale the steam alternately with each nostril for 7-10 minutes. If you feel that the steam is too hot, you need to let the water cool down a little so as not to burn the mucous membrane. No need to do too deep sighs to keep your head from spinning. Hot inhalation treatment can be carried out for 7-10 days.
  2. Ointment with propolis. To prepare it for 1 tsp. propolis you need to add 3 tsp. olive oil and just as much butter. If there is no olive oil, it can be replaced with corn, linseed, peach, sunflower. The mixture must be heated in a water bath and mixed thoroughly. The finished ointment is applied to gauze or cotton turundas and placed in both nasal passages for 20 minutes. The procedure can be done in the morning and evening for 5-7 days.
  3. Beet honey drops. Raw beet juice and honey are mixed in equal parts. The resulting mixture is instilled 3 times a day, 2-4 drops. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

With a runny nose, pathogenic microorganisms inhabit the nasal mucosa, provoking inflammatory processes, causing swelling, significantly increasing mucous secretions. These factors act as blockers of olfactory and taste receptors. A person ceases to smell, and considers the taste of dishes insipid.

Why does the sense of smell and taste disappear with a runny nose?

The most common factors that have a negative impact on the susceptibility to smells, tastes include the following problems:

  • Virus infection. Itchy sensations are first accompanied by sneezing, then are replaced by congestion and unpleasant discharge.
  • Rhinitis, sinusitis. The course of a common cold turns into a complex form, marked by a sharp deterioration in health, a jump in temperature indicators, the appearance of a headache, and a loss of taste and smell abilities.
  • Nasal preparations. Overdose, excessive use of vasoconstrictor drugs damages the nasal mucosa, making it impossible to smell.
  • Sharp irritants. Contact of the nasal and oral mucosa with certain foods (garlic, onions, coffee, vinegar, alcohol) can temporarily deprive the sense of smell, and block taste receptors, respectively.
  • Allergy. The formation of puffiness, copious discharge appear due to an allergic rhinitis, which sometimes leads to a loss of olfactory properties. It is necessary to isolate the allergen quickly, as well as taking antihistamines as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Hormonal disbalance. The elimination of taste, olfactory characteristics is due to menstruation, the use of oral contraception, and pregnancy. Hormonal disturbances are temporary, and soon problems with the nose will be solved.
  • Exposure to chemicals, poisons. Contact with certain substances (aerosols, cleaning products) provokes not only a runny nose, but also leads to olfactory dysfunction. Under the gun are all smokers (active, passive). The performance of their receptors is reduced due to cigarette smoke entering the nasal mucosa.
  • nose anatomy. Structural changes, polyps, adenoids, inflammation, curvature of the septum are flaws that affect the sensitivity to odors in the direction of its significant reduction. The problem is solved by surgery.

Olfactory disorders have several degrees:

  • Hyposmia. Partial loss of olfactory ability. It is caused by a poor sensation of substances with a pungent odor and a lack of perception of not pronounced odors.
  • Anosmia. Complete lack of smell. Zero perception of smells due to a stroke and the presence of serious infectious diseases.
  • Cacosmia. The development of an illusory sense of smell, when normal smells seem unpleasant.
  • Hyperosmia. Mental deviations contribute to the formation of a heightened sense of smell.

Olfactory distortions take away comfort, causing depression, lethargy, irritability, and other negative states.

Loss of smell. Why is this happening? (video)

How does loss of smell occur? Influence of the common cold on loss of sensation. Why do people lose the ability to smell?

How to restore the sense of smell and taste with a cold

Restoration of gustatory and olfactory functions is carried out through complex therapy, which includes the following points:

  • Sanation. Elimination of the causes of difficulty breathing by washing the nasal cavity with silver-based solutions (Collargol, Protargol).
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. While maintaining the edema, the drugs "Naftizin", "Nafazolin", "Tizin", "Galazolin" are prescribed.
  • Immunocorrection. To eliminate recurrent conditions, medicines are used that normalize the work of the protective functions of the body (Kagocel, Imudon, Likopid, homeopathic remedies).
  • Endonasal blocks. Carrying out injections with novocaine and a suspension of "Hydrocortisone", as well as ingestion of tablets with an extract of motherwort, valerian, bromine.
  • Physiotherapy. It includes the following activities: UHF, UVR, darsonvalization, electrophoresis using Dimedrol, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, inhalations based on Dimexide and Hydrocortisone preparations.
  • Surgical intervention. Permanent nasal congestion, as well as swelling due to anatomical problems, the presence of adenoids and polyps, is eliminated through surgery.

An effective treatment aimed at normalizing the functioning of the olfactory and taste receptors is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

How to restore the sense of smell (video)

How to restore the sense of smell after a cold.

The inhalation procedure

Its duration. Precautions and course of treatment.

Folk methods of treatment

You can restore the loss of sensitivity due to a runny nose at home using the following folk methods:

Inhalation It is performed by evenly inhaling the vapors that form over a pot of healing broth. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 5-7 minutes, and is based on the following components:

  • Potato. Boil a few fruits (peelings).
  • Essential oils. Add 5-7 drops of extract (eucalyptus, lavender, basil) to 1 liter of boiling water and mix evenly.
  • Herbal infusions. 3 art. l. raw materials (chamomile, calendula) pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  • Lemon. Add 10 drops of citrus juice and a couple of drops of essential oil to hot water. Use once with forced breaths.

Therapeutic tampons (turundas) For a 5-15-minute insertion into the nose before going to bed, cone-shaped tubes (bandage wicks) made of cotton wool are used, soaked in the following healing solutions:

  • liquid / melted honey is mixed in equal proportions with butter;
  • propolis with water (oil) in a ratio of 1 to 1;
  • mummy and olive oil of the same volume;
  • diluted aloe juice (individually);
  • proportional mixture of water and Kalanchoe.

Drops For instillation, self-prepared solutions from natural ingredients are used:

  • mix menthol oil with the same amount of camphor oil, apply 3 drops per nostril twice a day for a week;
  • extract juice from celandine and bury their nose three times a day, 2 drops per nostril, if there is no allergic reaction;
  • freshly squeezed beetroot juice is mixed with a small amount of linden honey and applied three times a day, 2-5 drops per nostril (used in pediatrics);
  • grate the horseradish root, add 10 times the volume of water to the gruel, strain and use up to 3 times a day, 2 drops.

Washing. To prepare the solution, you need 10 g of sea salt, 4 drops of iodine and half a glass of warm water. Achieve complete dissolution of all ingredients by shaking / stirring. Use a 2 ml syringe to flush the sinuses.

Balm "Asterisk". The procedure involves delicate lubrication of the septa and wings of the nose, frontal and maxillary sinuses. Course duration - 5 days.

The effectiveness of traditional methods depends on individual features organism and the absence of contraindications.


The following tips will help you avoid or prevent the development of olfactory dysfunction:

  • Timely treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • Carrying out regular hygiene procedures with a chronic cold, using herbal infusions and saline solutions.
  • Minimize contact with allergens.
  • strengthening protective properties organism.
  • Reception healthy food, minerals, vitamins.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Use of gauze bandages, respirators in contact with chemicals.
  • Massage procedures in the nose area using essential oils.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Walks in the forest, outdoors.

The loss of the ability to taste and smell causes great discomfort. Help fight disease medications, inhalation, special drops and folk medicine. Systematized therapy with integrated approach will restore olfactory properties in the shortest possible time, and preventive measures will help to avoid problems in the future. 0 comments

The ability to perceive smells and tastes allows a person to feel the fullness of life, enjoy pleasant aromas and avoid bad-smelling things. Often, a common cold becomes the cause of the development of olfactory disorders. This condition brings tangible discomfort, can last for several days and much longer. If the sense of smell is lost during a runny nose, the lost function can be restored quite quickly. For this, various effective ways recommended by conventional and alternative medicine.

Why do you lose your sense of smell and taste when you have a cold?

Anosmia is the complete or partial loss of the ability to smell. If similar phenomenon occurs with a runny nose, there should be no reason for excitement - in this case, this process is natural. Most often, it is easily reversible, since in most patients the condition returns to normal after the swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases and the root cause of the development of the disorder is eliminated.

During a cold and the appearance of a severe runny nose, the following processes occur, leading to the disappearance of smell:

  • the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity (neuroepithelium containing cilia sensitive to odors) swells;
  • its structure changes;
  • weakens the sensitivity of the receptors of the nasal passages.

A condition in which the nose breathes but does not smell, often accompanied by a large accumulation of mucus, poor sleep quality, increased irritability.

Pathology occurs in two main forms - hyposmia and anosmia. In the first case negative phenomenon is temporary, the sensitivity is partially lost and gradually normalizes with minimal external influence. The development of anosmia is fraught with a complete loss of susceptibility to smells and tastes, which can turn into more severe consequences and requires a professional approach to treatment.

Most often, after a runny nose, a full-fledged sense of smell returns after 5-7 days. Under adverse circumstances, the defect can remain forever - as an unpleasant consequence of the disease.

Causes of loss of smell

The most common reason for the temporary loss of olfactory sensations in most people is untimely and poor-quality treatment of the common cold. With rhinitis, there is also a weakening or complete disappearance of taste sensations, for which the receptors covering the body of the tongue are responsible. Colds and runny nose do not affect them normal functioning, and the loss of taste is naturally associated with the lack of smell.

Lack of smell makes it impossible to fully enjoy the taste of food. If a person does not smell food, the brain is not able to analyze in detail the various flavors of various dishes. At the same time, he retains the ability to determine sweet, salty, etc.

In addition to a runny nose, causes of loss of smell include:

  1. Viral infections that also cause itchy sensations in the nasal cavity, sneezing, nasal congestion, profuse mucous discharge.
  2. Processes of an infectious-inflammatory nature occurring in the nasopharynx.
  3. Sinusitis, after which there is often a loss of taste and olfactory function.
  4. Uncontrolled use of drugs intended for nasal use. An overdose of such drugs can damage the nasal mucosa and deprive it of the ability to perceive even strong odors.
  5. Irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa by substances with pronounced taste and aroma (alcohol, garlic, hot spices) or substances of chemical origin.
  6. Allergic reactions causing severe swelling and copious discharge from the nose.
  7. Hormonal failure that develops against the background of menstruation, the use of oral contraceptives, during the period of bearing a child.
  8. Anatomical features of the structure of the nasal cavity, the presence of polyps or adenoids in it.

A common cause of loss of smell is regular smoking (both active and passive). The full functioning of the nasal receptors is reduced as a result of constant irritation of the mucous membrane with tobacco smoke.

How to get your sense of smell back

In order to normalize the lost taste sensations and the ability to distinguish aromas, the following is used:

  • drug therapy;
  • physical procedures;
  • treatment using folk remedies;
  • surgical intervention.

To effectively combat the disease, first of all, it will be necessary to eliminate the runny nose and mucus that accumulates in the nasal cavity. To do this, doctors recommend resorting to the following methods:

  1. Washing with saline solutions and preparations containing silver (in children this procedure must be carried out under the supervision of adults and taking into account age features). For irrigation of the nose, pharmacy products Quicks, Salin, Physiomer, Morenazal, Aqua Maris, etc. are used.
  2. The use of nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect (Tizina, Xylometazoline, Naphazoline). Similar drugs can be used for no more than 7 days, since prolonged instillation can lead to the opposite effect.
  3. The use of sprays that help eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the amount of discharge from the nose, restore full breathing and restore the function of taste buds. For this purpose, Vibrocil, Afrin, Otrivin, Xymelin, Oxymetazoline are shown.
  4. The appointment of immunocorrectors (with frequent relapses). Imudon or Echinacea purpurea tincture help to increase the body's defenses.
  5. Sedative therapy with the ingestion of valerian, motherwort preparations, which help to improve overall well-being, facilitate falling asleep and relieve irritation.

To return the patient's sense of smell and taste with a runny nose, a specialist can prescribe endonasal injections (introduction of hormone-containing drugs into the foci of pathology development).

After the end of the therapeutic course, effective physical procedures are prescribed to consolidate the results of treatment and accelerate the recovery of the body. Many patients are shown the passage of phonophoresis, ultraviolet radiation of the throat and nose, electrophoresis, and nasal massage. At home, with a runny nose, warming up with a blue lamp can be performed, however, such sessions must be coordinated with a specialist.

Independent use of pharmaceutical preparations to restore the sense of smell in case of a cold is unacceptable. Any treatment for anosmia should be discussed in detail with your doctor.

Help of traditional medicine in restoring taste and smell

Traditional medicine is able to offer various ways to restore a weakened sense of smell and taste perception in normal home conditions. A good effect with a weakened sense of smell can be obtained by performing inhalations, applications, instillations and foot baths.

Inhalations with natural ingredients

If vegetable oils have not been used before, the first step is to test for sensitivity. A small amount of the product is applied to the elbow and the skin reaction is expected. In its absence, the remedy can be fearlessly used.

Starting the procedure, it is necessary to add the following components to a small amount of water:

  • lemon juice;
  • lavender oil;
  • peppermint oil.

Inhalations are carried out during the exacerbation of the common cold and after its reduction. For sessions, a steam inhaler or a wide enamel pan can be used. In the second case, you need to cover your head with a towel. Adults will need to inhale steam for at least 3 minutes, children over 3 years of age need 1 minute. The water temperature should reach 30-40 degrees.

Sessions can be held up to 3 times a day. Also, decoctions of calendula, sage, freshly squeezed garlic juice can be used for inhalation treatment of impaired sense of smell.

Instillation of herbal remedies for a cold

Celandine juice helps to quickly and effectively restore the sense of smell, taste sensations. The pure product is not suitable for the preparation of nasal drops - it will need to be diluted with pure boiled water in equal proportions and instill the resulting remedy into each nostril (3-4 drops). The procedure is recommended to be carried out 3 to 5 times a day.

Expressed therapeutic effect with a deterioration in the sense of smell, they are able to provide natural combined drops. Honey and fresh beetroot juice are mixed in equal quantities. The resulting mixture is injected into the nasal passages three times throughout the day (2 drops in childhood and 4 for adults). The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.

Applications and foot baths to improve the sense of smell

For applications, an ointment with propolis is effective. It is prepared as follows - combine a small amount bee product with two types of oils (olive + butter). Flaxseed, corn or sunflower are also suitable. The mixture is heated with a water bath, after which all components are thoroughly mixed. Turundas with a ready-made composition applied to them are placed in both nostrils for 20 minutes. The procedure must be repeated in the morning and evening time for 5-7 days. And after a runny nose, the sense of smell will return in 7-8 days

To restore the sense of smell with a runny nose, you can use natural liquid honey. For this purpose, gauze turundas soaked in bee product are inserted into the nostrils for 20 minutes.

If, with a cold and a runny nose, the sense of smell and taste, expressed positive result provide foot baths. For their preparation, various components are used - mustard, eucalyptus tincture or pepper. These products are added in small quantities to a container of clean hot water. The procedure allows not only to restore lost functions, but also improves blood circulation, eliminates nasal congestion, and speeds up recovery.

If the sense of smell and taste are lost during a cold, then the weakened sense of smell will benefit from the inhalation of sharp aromas (onions, horseradish), menthol oil vapors, smoke obtained by burning garlic peel loved by many generations pharmaceutical preparation"Star".

When loss of smell becomes a reason for surgery

Surgical treatment may be indicated if there is no runny nose and nasal discharge, breathing is restored, but the sense of smell and taste perception have not returned to normal.

A radical method of eliminating anosmia is resorted to if, during the examination of the patient's nasal cavity, polyps or cystic formations. Surgery is also indicated for a deviated nasal septum.

In case of appearance in the nose malignant tumors, in addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are used, after which the chances of full recovery sense of smell is greatly increased.

Prevention of deterioration of smell after a cold

To avoid loss of smell and taste, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Treat rhinitis and colds initial stage development.
  2. During the period of rising incidence, rinse the nose with saline solutions, chamomile, eucalyptus decoction.
  3. Regularly conduct aromatherapy sessions with therapeutic essential oils.
  4. Practice moderate exercise.
  5. Include natural foods fortified with zinc and vitamin A in your daily diet.
  6. After suffering ARVI or influenza, harden and strengthen the body's immune system.

With a runny nose, vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose should be used after receiving a doctor's prescription, in full accordance with the attached instructions.

Any violation of the sense of smell may indicate the development of pathology in the organs of the central nervous system, impaired blood supply to the brain. If there is a weakening or loss of the ability to distinguish between smells and tastes, not accompanied by a deterioration in nasal breathing, an immediate visit to the doctor and a medical examination will be required.



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