Harvesting viburnum for the winter, the best recipes. Viburnum rubbed with sugar

Kalina has been known in Rus' since ancient times. Its fruits, flowers and young twigs were used for medicinal purposes and for various pagan rituals - conspiracies, love spells, etc. There was even a belief that viburnum is able to console women's grief. The girls hugged the tree and shared their most intimate experiences with it.

Currently, viburnum is widely used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and drinks - as a filling for open pies, as the basis of berry sauce, it makes excellent compotes, liqueurs and wines.

Kalina in folk medicine

In its composition, all parts of viburnum contain a large amount of vitamin C (1.5-2 times more than in lemon). In folk medicine, viburnum is used as follows:

  • the bark helps to get rid of bleeding gums, and also relieves spasms;
  • leaves are used for skin diseases and as a hemostatic agent;
  • flowers in a short time help to cope with a high temperature, restore a voice hoarse due to illness;
  • even the bones have pronounced beneficial properties - anti-sclerotic, antioxidant, diaphoretic, slag-removing.

Well, berries combine all the above advantages. Therefore, you should not eat them in large quantities - an overdose of vitamin C is no better than its lack (allergies, rashes may appear). You should also know that viburnum should not be abused by people with gout, increased blood clotting, hypertension and pregnant women.

In order for viburnum not only to retain its taste, but also most of the useful vitamins and minerals, it is better to make blanks based on it without heat treatment. One of the best preservatives for this berry is sugar.

A feature of viburnum is a characteristic bitter taste. If you like it, pick viburnum according to its ripeness - in September, and if you want to pick berries without bitterness, wait until the first frosts first.

Kalina with sugar for the winter

According to this recipe, my grandmother prepared viburnum, it is the simplest and does not require cooking. We need viburnum and granulated sugar, taken in a ratio of 1 to 1, and clean glass jars of the required volume.

The existing viburnum must be carefully sorted out and washed in a colander under running tap water. After that, the berries need to be given time to dry thoroughly. To do this, they are scattered in a thin layer on a well-absorbing evenly bedded fabric. Paper towels will help speed up the process.

At the bottom of a glass jar, a 1.5 cm layer of granulated sugar is poured. Next comes a berry layer of similar thickness. After it, the jar is gently shaken so that the number of voids in the filled part becomes minimal. Next, the container, alternately alternating layers, is filled to the top. There must be a layer of granulated sugar on top.

Shake the jar again, then add sugar, if necessary, and tightly close the workpiece with a nylon lid. In this form, viburnum can be stored for a long time in the basement or refrigerator.

Viburnum mashed with sugar without cooking

To prepare this blank, viburnum and granulated sugar are taken in equal proportions. The sorted and washed berries are poured with boiling water for 2 minutes. After this time, the water is drained, and the softened berries are rubbed through a sieve. The resulting mass is mixed with sugar, laid out in glass jars and closed with lids.

The first 2-3 days, the blanks are kept warm so that the sugar dissolves better. Then the jars are taken to the basement or put in the refrigerator.

Using the recipes above, you will get excellent winter preparations with the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements useful for the body. For colds and flu, this remedy is simply irreplaceable!

What do we associate autumn with? With bright yellow foliage and scarlet clusters of viburnum. The fruits of this plant ripen somewhere in the middle of the autumn period, but they are harvested only after the first frost. Before frost, the berries have a slightly bitter taste, and after frost bites them, the bitterness goes away. If you harvested before frost, then before cooking, put the berries in the freezer for a short time, the bitterness will go away and a pleasant sweetish aftertaste will appear.

You can often see these useful berries in winter, they blush so wonderfully under a snow-white cover. People leave a little viburnum especially for the birds, so that they have something to eat in the cold season. But many people ignore this berry, believing that it does not smell very pleasant. And absolutely in vain. If you know how much benefit this plant brings, then you will certainly start harvesting berries, and pureed viburnum with sugar will forever settle in your refrigerator.

Kalina with sugar for the winter (without cooking)

Most modern hostesses are trying to make such preparations for the winter, in which the maximum amount of benefit will be preserved. Our today's recipe is especially relevant, we are harvesting viburnum berries, ground with sugar for the winter. In this embodiment, viburnum will fully retain all its properties.

It is not necessary to say much about the fact that viburnum is very useful, it will be an excellent tool for prevention during the period of colds. But also on the basis of viburnum, you can make very tasty teas and warming drinks by adding, for example, lemon, orange zest, dry mint leaves or lemon balm. So, if you are interested, join us, we will replenish the bins with a few jars of vitamin blanks.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Kalina - 350 g;
  • Sugar - 350 g.

How to cook grated viburnum with sugar for the winter

In early autumn, viburnum is sold in almost all markets. Well, if this berry grows in your garden, even better. Actually, we start by cutting off a bush with a viburnum, or we buy a viburnum in the market. The average beam weighs approximately 350 grams, it is enough for a 250 ml jar. In general, since the viburnum will be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator, it is better to choose jars of a small volume so that the contents can be used in one to two weeks. We rinse the selected branches of viburnum under cool water, lay them out on a kitchen towel, give time to dry a little.

Now we are starting to cut off the branches, viburnum berries can be cut with scissors, or you can cut them off with your hands, any appearance of the berries will suit us, because we will still crush them. Chopped berries can be frozen if you have a lot of viburnum. You can also make viburnum juice or compote.

We return to our recipe. We shift the tattered viburnum into a deep container. We take any press that will be convenient to knead the berries. We carefully begin to knead the viburnum, the juice from bursting berries scatters very quickly, so we work without fanaticism. We try to squeeze the juice out of all the berries as much as possible.

We measure out 2/3 of the granulated sugar. Pour sugar into a container with mint viburnum. We leave the rest of the sugar aside, we will need it a little later.

We mix the viburnum and granulated sugar, we try to make sure that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Although we will not roll up jars with viburnum, we will still take care of sterility, this will be our guarantee of longer storage of the workpiece. As mentioned above, it is very good if you have small jars. We wash all the jars of soda, sterilize, and also process the lids. We shift the viburnum into clean jars, leaving a little space for the remaining sugar and future juice.

Pour in the remaining sugar.

We throw a lid on the neck of the jar, tighten it, send it to the refrigerator shelf or to the cellar, to the balcony, whichever is more convenient for you.

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Kalina with sugar for the winter through a meat grinder

The recipe for this preparation is simple:

  1. Carefully sort out viburnum berries, free them from twigs.
  2. Put in a colander and rinse well under running water, then let the berries drain and dry slightly.
  3. Install a fine grate on the meat grinder and scroll the viburnum through it.
  4. Combine the resulting mass with granulated sugar in equal proportions, mix thoroughly.
  5. Prepare pasteurized dry glass jars, place viburnum with sugar in them, without filling 1-1.5 cm to the very top.
  6. In each jar, sprinkle the surface of viburnum a little more with sugar and close with a tight nylon lid.
  7. Send for storage in the refrigerator.

How else can you cook viburnum with sugar for the winter?

  • If you think that the contact of viburnum berries with the metal parts of the meat grinder is not very useful, you can grind it by hand. Place in a deep bowl and pound with a kitchen wooden pusher.
  • In the case when you want to get pitted and skinless viburnum, wipe it through a fine plastic sieve. But remember that both the skin and the bones contain an incredible proportion of useful substances, it is not without reason that the viburnum bone resembles a human heart in shape. Throwing them away is a crime.
  • Instead of a meat grinder, you can use a blender to prepare such a workpiece.
  • And what a delicious blank it will turn out if you give it a little citrus notes. For 1 liter of the resulting sweet viburnum mass, add half an orange scrolled through a meat grinder (along with the zest). Stir, arrange in jars and send to the refrigerator.
Viburnum juice without boiling

An excellent solution would be viburnum juice without heat treatment, after all, with any exposure to elevated temperatures, the beneficial properties are partially lost.

For the preparation of juice, the proportions will be different: for 1 kg of viburnum, 200 g of granulated sugar will be required.

Grind the berries in a bowl with a crush, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. On the gauze fabric, you should only have bones and skins left, and all the pulp will seep into the bowl. Add granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and let stand for a while so that the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Then mix well again, pour into hot jars, roll up the lids and store in the cellar. If you have a place to store such juice in the refrigerator, you can close the jars with nylon lids.

To speed up the process of preparing viburnum according to this recipe, you can squeeze the juice through a juicer.

What is useful viburnum?

Useful properties of viburnum with sugar can be listed endlessly. Its berries are rich in tannins, vitamins A and C, pectins, which will effectively cleanse the intestines of harmful substances accumulated there. The phytoncides that are part of the fruit do an excellent job with microbes. Berries also contain copper, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and even some iodine. Both fruits and leaves are a source of formic, acetic, valeric and oleic acids.

It is even difficult to name an organ in the human body that viburnum would not have its beneficial effect on:

  1. Its main benefit is in the treatment and prevention of respiratory and colds. It perfectly dilutes sputum, will help in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, it helps well with a strong chronic cough.
  2. Any doctor, along with medications, will definitely prescribe viburnum for the treatment of throat and sore throats.
  3. Healing red berries will help get rid of pain in the heart, will help expand blood vessels, eliminate constant headaches and hypertension.
  4. Kalina will help cleanse the liver and improve blood composition, get rid of small stones in the gallbladder and bladder (it is a good choleretic agent).
  5. Viburnum is especially useful for disorders of the digestive tract. Here, many diseases are subject to her: stomach pains and ulcers, gastritis with low acidity and indigestion, constipation and loose stools, duodenal ulcers and hemorrhoids.
  6. It is useful to take viburnum for nervous overstrain and overwork.
  7. You can apply such a remedy for the treatment of skin diseases: eczema and pustules, boils, sores and wounds.
  8. Kalina is a good prevention of cancer.

Viburnum contraindications

Harvesting viburnum for the winter with sugar is not suitable for people who suffer from hypotension. It lowers the pressure, thereby can be harmful in this case.

Women during pregnancy should consult their doctor before taking this remedy.

If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, do not take viburnum with sugar. It is also necessary to abandon this useful berry for people suffering from diseases such as arthritis, gout, urolithiasis and kidney disease.

If a person has increased blood clotting and there is a tendency to thrombosis, viburnum is contraindicated.

Kalina is very useful for the child's body, but still, doctors recommend not giving it to babies under two years old. After the onset of this age, still do not self-medicate, but be sure to consult a pediatrician.

How to take and how to store?

Since our viburnum was prepared with sugar for the winter without cooking, it can only be stored in the refrigerator. It is believed that its shelf life is 90 days, but believe many years and numerous experience, it perfectly retains its properties almost until the summer.

Make it a rule to start every morning with a teaspoon of the prepared mixture, washed down with 1 glass of warm boiled water. You can dilute the mass in water and drink. If you do this every day, then you will not be afraid of any of the above diseases.

In case of colds, viral diseases, bronchitis, constantly make tea from viburnum mass and drink as much as possible.

You can replace sugar in the above recipes with honey, it will turn out even healthier.

Nature has endowed us with a wonderful natural cure for many diseases. You just have to harvest and make preparations. Don't miss this opportunity to give your body maximum health!

Not many people know about the benefits of red viburnum berries, which contain many essential trace elements and vitamins to maintain health. The fruits have a strengthening effect, improve the work of the heart, soothe with neuroses. There are many recipes for making viburnum for the winter: jams, tinctures, preserves, compotes, syrups, jellies. A decoction of fruits helps with hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, colds, hemorrhoids, bronchial asthma, and restores metabolism.

Tincture of viburnum for the winter

This tincture is a cold jam. When the berries come into contact with sugar, a syrup is obtained. With this method, almost all useful substances are preserved.


  • red viburnum on branches - 1200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g.


  1. Prepare jars, sterilize in advance.
  2. Spread berries in layers.
  3. Sprinkle each layer with sugar.
  4. The last layer of berries should not reach 2 centimeters to the edge of the container.
  5. Cover the rest of the space with sugar.
  6. Scald the lids with boiling water, screw on.
  7. Put in the cold.
  8. After two weeks, the tincture will be ready. Consume without heating. Can be mixed with cold water or eaten with a spoon. In this case, vitamins are preserved.

jam recipe

Viburnum jam is an easy preparation, but the taste and useful properties of jam remain at a high level. It is correct to collect the viburnum immediately after the first frost, thanks to which it becomes sweet.


  • melissa - 25 g;
  • viburnum - 420 g;
  • sugar - 840 g;
  • mint - 25 g;
  • ginger - half a teaspoon;
  • thyme - 25 g.


  1. For cooking, you need to choose only whole berries. Use damaged fruits for compote or freeze.
  2. Grind the berries with a blender. Sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Chop fresh herbs.
  4. Sprinkle with ginger, stir.
  5. Boil the mass for a minute, place on cheesecloth, squeeze.
  6. Mix greens with berries.
  7. It turned out raw jam, which must be placed in jars and covered with lids. Keep refrigerated.

Harvesting viburnum in sugar without cooking

If you pick berries before frost, they will be bitter. Therefore, you should wait for the first frosts, then harvesting viburnum for the winter will turn out delicious.


  • viburnum - 750 g;
  • sugar - 750 g.


  1. When berries are weighed, the net weight of the viburnum, without branches and debris, should be taken into account. Leave only strong, beautiful berries.
  2. Rinse. Place in a colander to drain liquid.
  3. Transfer to a bowl, grind. Pour the norm of sugar, combine the components.
  4. Set aside for an hour, stir.
  5. Sterilize the container.
  6. Lay out the berry mass.
  7. Seal with lids.

With honey

Kalina with honey is a very healthy delicacy. If you want to get your daily intake of vitamin C, it is enough to consume 35 g of this sweet mass every day.


  • honey - 300 g;
  • viburnum berries - 600 g.


  1. Remove the berries from the branches, remove the damaged fruits. Rinse, dry, use a paper towel or napkins to speed up the process.
  2. Crush the berries in any convenient way, rub the mass through a sieve, remove flat bones.
  3. Measure the amount of the resulting mass, pour in the same amount of honey. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  4. Put the finished composition in pre-pasteurized jars.
  5. Store in a cold place.

In late autumn, viburnum bushes are visible from a great distance, and all thanks to bright red berries. This is an incredibly valuable product that has been used in folk medicine for centuries. In spring, people harvest the bark of the plant, at the beginning of summer they collect flower inflorescences, but with the advent of the first frost, you can start picking amber berries.

There are several ways to harvest viburnum fruits for the winter, and they are all very simple. This:
drying (clusters are hung in a secluded place where they gradually dry out);
freezing (berries are separated, stacked in portions in bags and stored in the freezer);
grinding with sugar (berries prepared in this way are put into jars and stored in the refrigerator).

This article describes in detail the subtleties of harvesting viburnum for the winter, so that this natural gift not only helps maintain immunity throughout the cold season, but also pleases with an unusual, pleasant sweet and sour taste?

Kalina without cooking


  • viburnum- 1 glass
  • Sugar- 1 glass
  • Viburnum berries are taken in the same ratio with sugar. For example, if you managed to collect 1 glass of berries and you want to grind them, then there should be exactly the same amount of granulated sugar. That is 1 glass. The ratio of viburnum juice (without cake) to sugar is 2:3, that is, for every 500 grams of pureed viburnum, 750 grams of sugar will be required.

    How to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking

    1 . Separate all the berries from the stalks and rinse them thoroughly with water. To get rid of small debris, it is better to put the berries in a deep bowl and fill the container to the top with water. They will all sink to the bottom, and dry leaves, sticks and bugs will float to the surface. Pour out the dirty water and wash the fruits again.

    2. Now the berries need to be crushed. For this purpose, you can use a pusher used in the preparation of mashed potatoes, or gauze.

    Add sugar to crushed berries, stir until completely dissolved.

    4. Viburnum berries are obtained in their own juice. Divide the mixture into small jars and store in the refrigerator.

    Pitted viburnum with sugar, recipe for the winter

    If you want to get a pure syrup, without stones and peel, then at the stage of pressing the berries you need to squeeze the juice. To do this, put the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the liquid. The remaining cake can be used for alcohol tinctures. It turns out juice without seeds and peel. Mix it with sugar and pour into a clean, dry jar.

    Store the blanks in a cool room, refrigerator or cabinet so that they are not exposed to sunlight.

    Kalina goes well with many fruits, both growing in the middle lane and exotic ones. A rather interesting taste (while retaining all the benefits) is obtained if oranges are added to the grated viburnum. To do this, mix the mass prepared according to the above recipe with unpeeled representatives of the citrus family chopped and then crushed in a blender. The number of oranges depends on the initial weight of viburnum: 1 orange per 750-1000 g of berries.

    An amazing shrub with clusters of red berries is viburnum. The fruits of this plant are a real storehouse of useful substances: from a huge amount of a wide variety of vitamins, to antioxidants and radionuclides.

    Our ancestors actively used viburnum to treat various diseases. Their list is no less large than the list of useful substances. Kalina helps with infections, asthma, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. By the way, not only bitter viburnum berries were used for medical purposes, but also flowers, leaves and even the bark of this shrub.

    You can make tea from berries in their own juice, and sweet syrup is great for pies, pancakes and other pastries.
    Kalina contains vitamins A, C, E, K, P, it has a lot of iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, it is rich in useful acids (valeric, formic, acetic, linoleic, butyric and others). There is in this plant such a valuable substance as viburnin glycoside, as well as many resins and essential oils, tannins and pectin are present.
    People with low blood pressure, diseases of the circulatory system, kidney diseases and pregnant women should not abuse viburnum.

    Collection and preparation of viburnum

    Kalina is recommended to be harvested in late autumn, as soon as the first frosts begin. The fact is that the berries have a pronounced bitter taste, which disappears from exposure to cold. Berries should be picked in dry weather. At the same time, the clusters must be cut off as a whole, and not the fruits themselves.
    Of course, not all viburnum berries should be left for storage or sent for processing:

    First, they must be fresh;
    secondly, you should not harvest unripe or overripe berries;
    thirdly, crumpled and rotten fruits must be immediately discarded.

    After picking the berries should be prepared. They must be separated from the branches (if necessary), remove the stalks, leaves and other debris. Then the fruits must be carefully washed and dried. Now they are ready for processing or storage.

    Freezing and drying viburnum

    Kalina is stored quite well. In the old days, bunches were simply hung in the basement or cellar. In a modern apartment, you can do it easier: put the bunches in a saucepan and refrigerate. So they will retain all their properties for up to six months. Even longer, viburnum is stored in frozen form. To do this, just put the fruits in sealed bags and send them to the freezer. Only berries can be packaged, carefully removing them from the branches. But you can freeze whole bunches by putting them in containers.

    If there are a lot of berries, then the following technology can be used to save space. A portion of viburnum is poured into a bag, and then the bag is placed in a rectangular container and sent to the freezer. When the fruits are frozen, you need to remove the resulting briquette from the container. Such berry "bricks" can be folded into the freezer more compactly. However, the freezing process in this case will take a little longer.

    The optimum temperature for freezing viburnum is from -18 to -23 ° C. It is under such conditions that the process occurs quite quickly, which means that the berries retain their beneficial properties. In addition, this temperature allows you to store viburnum for 8-12 months.

    It is worth recalling that it is necessary to lay out the berries in bags or containers in such a way that after removing from the refrigerator, all the contents are immediately used. The fact is that it is not worth re-freezing the viburnum.

    Kalina is also stored well in dried form. Whole bunches can be dried by hanging somewhere in the shade. You can also use the oven. Then the berries should be washed, laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and sent to the oven, heated to a temperature of 60 ° C. In this case, the oven door must remain ajar.

    Dried berries should be transferred to a glass jar or cloth bags and stored in a dry, well-ventilated area. In this form, viburnum can be consumed until the harvest of a new crop.

    From frozen or dried berries, you can cook a lot of delicious, and most importantly, healthy, desserts and drinks. However, it is no less effective to harvest viburnum in the form of conservation.

    Viburnum juice for the winter

    Juice from viburnum berries was made by our ancestors. It should be noted that the method of its preparation is somewhat different from the standard.

    First you need to squeeze out all the juices from the prepared berries. This can be done either with a juicer, or through gauze folded in half. However, the juicing process does not end there. The resulting cake should be put in a saucepan, pour water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat.

    The finished broth should be filtered and mixed with the previously obtained juice. Then add sugar to taste and heat to a temperature of 85-90°C. It remains to pour the juice into jars or bottles and cork with boiled lids.

    In a cool place, viburnum juice can be stored for a long time. In a city apartment, for this purpose, you can use a refrigerator, and in a private house - a cellar.
    The juice obtained in this way is quite concentrated, incl. it is not recommended to use it in its pure form. It is better to pre-dilute the vitamin drink with plain water.

    Additional advice. Instead of sugar in viburnum juice, you can add a natural preservative - honey. This will not only increase the shelf life of the finished product, but also give it new taste.

    As for the amount of honey, then each housewife should start from her own taste. The ratio of 100-150 g of bee product for each liter of juice is considered optimal. But this is only a recommendation.

    Viburnum syrup, harvesting for the winter

    Approximately according to the same principle as juice, you can prepare viburnum syrup. To do this, rinse the berries, put them in a saucepan and pour water. It is advisable to prepare the syrup in an enamel bowl. Pour enough water so that it slightly covers the berries.

    Put the pan with berries on a slow fire and cook until the berries become soft. After that, the berries should be thoroughly crushed. The resulting mixture must be filtered through a dense gauze into a clean bowl. The pulp should be carefully squeezed out. Leave the finished juice for 3 hours so that all the sediment sinks to the bottom.

    After this time, the liquid must be carefully drained into a clean saucepan and add sugar. The amount of sugar should exceed the amount of juice obtained by 1.5 times (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of juice). Place the saucepan over low heat and heat, stirring constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved. You can add a little vanillin to the finished syrup. This will greatly improve the taste of the product.

    The resulting syrup can be poured into jars and rolled up with lids. Store it in the same way as juice in a cool place.

    Winter viburnum jam

    There are a lot of options for making viburnum jam. However, the method is considered optimal if it allows minimizing the heat treatment of berries, i.e. without cooking. This will keep the maximum amount of useful substances in viburnum. This method of making jam has already been described above under the heading "Viburnum rubbed with sugar."

    If we talk about classic jam, then it is best to use the option below.
    So, to make jam from viburnum berries, you need to take:
    viburnum (berries) - 1 kg;
    granulated sugar - 0.8 kg;
    water - 400 ml.

    Place viburnum berries in a heat-resistant bowl, pour 200 ml of water and place in an oven preheated to 180°C. The time of such processing should be such that the berries become completely soft.

    While the viburnum is undergoing primary heat treatment, you can start preparing the syrup. To do this, pour all the sugar into the pan, pour 200 ml of water and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    When both components of the jam (berries and syrup) are ready, they need to be mixed and boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes. At the same time, it is impossible to move away from the stove, since the mixture must be stirred all the time.

    After that, the semi-finished product should be removed from the stove and let it brew for 6 hours. Then you need to put the pan back on the fire and bring the jam to readiness, stirring it constantly and periodically removing the resulting foam.

    The finished jam should be immediately poured into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

    An unusual taste of viburnum jam can be given by adding the juice of 1 lemon and a bag of vanilla sugar to the finished product.

    Viburnum jam with apples

    You can also add various fruits to the classic viburnum jam, for example: apples. A similar delicacy is made as follows.
    Grind viburnum berries in a blender or just knead. Then transfer the resulting mass into a colander lined with a double layer of gauze, and squeeze out all the juice from it. The cake remaining after this procedure will no longer be needed, incl. you need to squeeze as hard as possible.

    Peel the apples from the core, cut into thin slices and place in a saucepan. Top the apple slices with sugar and cook over low heat until all the sugar has dissolved. The result should be a kind of applesauce. After that, you need to remove the dishes from the fire and let the finished semi-finished product cool down.

    Then pour the resulting viburnum juice into the puree and put the pan on the fire again. As soon as the mixture boils, the jam is ready. It remains to pour it into banks.
    The most delicious such jam is obtained if you take the ingredients in the following proportions:
    viburnum (berries) - 1 kg;
    apples - 2.5 kg;
    sugar - 2.5 kg.

    Viburnum jam with pumpkin

    In addition to fruits, vegetables can also be added to viburnum jam. True, not any. An excellent option is the combination of viburnum with pumpkin. For such preservation you will need to take:
    viburnum (berries) - 1 kg;
    pumpkin - 1 kg;
    sugar - 1.5 kg.

    Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and boil in a small amount of water. When the vegetables become soft, you need to throw them in a colander, and then chop in a blender or knead well.

    Rub viburnum through a sieve and mix with pumpkin. Add sugar there. The resulting mixture should be allowed to stand for a couple of hours, and then cook over low heat for about 40 minutes. All this time, the jam should be stirred regularly and the foam removed.

    About indications and contraindications

    In conclusion, a few words about the indications and contraindications for the use of viburnum. After all, everything is good in moderation.

    So, at the very beginning it was already said that viburnum is an excellent supplier of numerous useful substances to the body. Among them: iron, iodine, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. In addition, it contains very important acids for humans: valeric, formic, citric, ascorbic. And, of course, vitamins: A, K, P, E and, of course, C. It is thanks to the latter that viburnum perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps to get rid of numerous acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

    However, experts recommend using viburnum for other diseases, for example:
    gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
    circulatory system (atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, hypertension);
    central nervous system (headaches, neurosis, periodic tantrums);
    oral cavity (stomatitis, bleeding gums);
    skin (dermatitis, furunculosis, adolescent rashes);
    gynecological (inflammation of the ovaries, erosion, cystitis).

    However, viburnum should not be considered a panacea for all diseases. For some people, it is highly recommended not to take it. Let's start with allergic reactions. Due to individual intolerance or overdose, viburnum can cause an unpleasant rash. Do not use these berries and people with the following ailments:
    low pressure;
    increased blood clotting;
    increased acidity of the stomach;
    joint pain.
    Of course, even in the presence of the above diseases, you can drink tea with viburnum jam, but only in acceptable quantities. The main thing is not to abuse.
    Well, the rest of the citizens of viburnum will only benefit. Especially in winter.



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