How to treat bleeding. Uterine bleeding - how to stop? Uterine bleeding of various etiologies

Uterine bleeding should be understood as the discharge of blood from the uterine cavity. They are distinguished from menstruation by the intensity, volume, duration of blood loss, as well as regularity.

Causes of uterine bleeding.
Uterine bleeding occurs due to a malfunction of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system, which regulates ovarian function, these are the so-called dysfunctional bleedings. Violation of the process of production of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, which affect the maturation of the follicle and ovulation, leads to disturbances in folliculogenesis and menstrual function. Moreover, the follicle in the ovary does not mature or matures without ovulation, but. which means it is not formed corpus luteum. As a result, estrogens (hyperestrogenia) affect the uterus, since the production of progesterone stops, its cycle is disrupted. Hyperplasia occurs (when the endometrium grows too much), and further rejection of the endometrium, which is accompanied by uterine bleeding, which is profuse and prolonged.

It is important to note that hyperestrogenism in dysfunctional uterine bleeding greatly increases the risk of developing adenocarcinoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, diseases of the uterus and appendages, and breast cancer.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is divided into ovulatory, that is, associated with menstruation (deviations in the volume and duration of blood loss during menstruation), and anovulatory - observed between menstruation and occurring after a delay or less than 21 days after last menstrual period. Ovarian dysfunction often provokes the development of infertility, miscarriage. Turning to the doctor in time, namely immediately after the appearance menstrual disorders, you will avoid dangerous consequences in future.

The causes of uterine bleeding can also be diseases of the uterus and appendages, in particular fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, various tumors benign and malignant nature. In very rare cases diseases that are not associated with the work of the genital organs, in particular diseases of the liver, blood, violation of its coagulability, can contribute to the development of uterine bleeding). In this case, in addition to uterine bleeding, patients note other types of bleeding (nasal, bleeding gums, severe blood loss during minor cuts and so on.). Such bleeding is classified as organic, that is, associated with the political science of the genital organs or systemic diseases.

Uterine bleeding (profuse) can also occur with hypothyroidism (hyperthyroidism) or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Uterine bleeding is also noted as a complication of pregnancy and childbirth. Prolonged bleeding from the uterus can be observed with anemia.

You should also highlight iatrogenic bleeding observed due to the use of intrauterine contraceptives, the use of non-hormonal and hormonal contraceptives, drugs that help thin the blood.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding.
The main manifestation of this pathological condition is the discharge of blood from the vulva. From normal menstruation uterine bleeding is distinguished by:

  • Increased blood loss (normal up to 40-80 ml, pathology - over 80 ml). A woman can notice a pathology if she needs more frequent shift hygiene product(every half an hour to one and a half).
  • Increased bleeding time (over seven days).
  • Menstrual disorders associated with a decrease or increase in its interval.
  • The occurrence of bleeding after sexual contact.
  • Observed uterine bleeding in the postmenopausal period, after the cessation of menstruation.
From here it can be noted the following symptoms uterine bleeding:
  • Menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea) - excessive and prolonged menstruation, while maintaining their regularity (21-35 days).
  • Metrorrhagia - low-intensity spotting in the middle of the cycle.
  • Menometrorrhagia - prolonged bleeding of an irregular nature.
  • Polymenorrhea is a violation of the cycle, expressed in too frequent bleeding(less than 21 days). As a rule, prolonged and intense blood loss in this pathology provokes the development of iron deficiency anemia ( low maintenance hemoglobin in the blood), in which frequent symptoms are dizziness, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath.

Types of uterine bleeding.

Uterine bleeding in the neonatal period.
Occur, as a rule, in the first week of life and are of a meager bloody nature. Their appearance is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. They pass quickly and on their own, usually no treatment is needed.

Uterine bleeding of the first decade (before puberty).
They are observed very rarely and are explained by the presence of ovarian tumors, which can produce elevated level sex hormones (so-called hormonally active tumors). As a result, false puberty.

Juvenile uterine bleeding.
As a rule, they occur in the period of puberty of girls (from 12 to 18 years). The main cause that causes bleeding in this period is ovarian dysfunction. The causes of such failures can be psychological trauma, infections in a chronic form, excessive physical exercise, frequent cases incidence of SARS, Not proper nutrition. In addition, such a factor as seasonality plays an important role here. Winter and spring are the periods in which bleeding is most common, while, as a rule, they are anovulatory, that is, when ovulation does not occur. Very rarely, but such cases occur when tuberculous lesions of the genital organs, blood clotting disorders, tumors of the ovaries, cervix and body of the uterus can provoke bleeding. Prolonged and severe uterine bleeding during this period provokes the development of anemia. Treatment of girls during this period is carried out only in stationary conditions.

If bleeding occurs, be sure to call an ambulance, and at this time the girl must be provided with complete rest and bed rest. She should take a hemostatic drug (this may be aminocaproic acid, Dicinon, Vikasol (one tablet), for lower part belly put a cold heating pad. In stationary conditions, treatment is symptomatic. Hemostatic drugs are mainly used, drugs whose action is aimed at contracting the uterus (Oxytocin). If this is not enough, appoint hormonal preparations to stop bleeding.

Curettage with this kind of bleeding is not performed, with the exception of severe and life-threatening bleeding, which even hormonal treatment. In order to prevent the development of rebleeding, vitamin therapy, iron preparations, as well as some physiotherapy procedures, acupuncture are prescribed.

After the bleeding has been stopped, specialists prescribe estrogen-progestogen drugs, the purpose of which is to restore the normal menstrual cycle. During the recovery period special role play physical exercise, balanced diet, treatment of existing chronic infections.

Bleeding in the reproductive period (age from 18 to 45 years).
During this period, there can be a lot of reasons for the development of uterine bleeding. Dysfunctional factors mainly affect the production of sex hormones due to abortions, endocrine diseases (obesity, diabetes, etc.) and infectious nature, severe stress, various intoxications and taking certain medications. Bleeding of a dysfunctional nature can be observed at absolutely any age, from puberty to the menopausal period.

Often, dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs during childbearing, in particular in the early stages of pregnancy, this is most often due to the threat of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy (there are pains in the lower abdomen, delayed menstruation and usual signs pregnancy), and in the later stages this condition occurs due to placenta previa or hydatidiform mole. At the first sign of bleeding during pregnancy, no matter how long, you need to go to the doctor. In the early stages, with timely treatment and appropriate therapy, pregnancy can be saved, but in the later stages, there is often a need for curettage.

At the end of the second and beginning of the third trimesters of gestation, bleeding can be life-threatening for both the mother and the baby, so a quick call to a specialist plays a huge role here. Often, bleeding occurs against the background of placenta previa (when the entrance to the uterus is partially or completely blocked), placental abruption, and also in case of uterine rupture. In these situations, bleeding can be internal and external, therefore, it requires emergency operation caesarean section. The fair sex, who are at risk of developing such conditions, should be regularly observed by specialists. In progress labor activity the occurrence of bleeding (mainly due to placental abruption, atony or hypotension of the uterus) is especially dangerous because it is accompanied by large amounts of blood loss.

After delivery, the main causes of bleeding are:

  • poor uterine tone and its weak ability to contract;
  • not completely released parts of the membranes;
  • blood clotting disorder.
In the childbearing period, uterine diseases can also provoke uterine bleeding: fibroids, endometriosis, tumors different nature, chronic inflammation (endometritis), hormone-dependent ovarian tumors.

Uterine bleeding in menopause.
IN menopausal periods such conditions develop as a result of a violation of the production of hormones or against the background of diseases of the genital organs. Since during this period in the body occur hormonal changes, then the bleeding is frequent however, it is important to consult a doctor as they may be a precursor to malignant or benign neoplasms. This is especially true for the postmenopausal period. Remember, a timely visit to the doctor (at the first symptoms and manifestations) is the key to the success of further treatment.

For accurate diagnosis, separate diagnostic curettage canal of the cervix and body of the uterus, after which it is prescribed histological examination scraping to determine the cause of the bleeding. With dysfunctional uterine bleeding, optimal therapy with hormonal drugs is prescribed.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding.
Such bleeding develops against the background hormonal disorders. It is the hormones that are responsible for the normal menstrual cycle, as they maintain a balance between estrogen and progesterone. If everything is good, then menstruation always begins at the right time and is not plentiful. In case of violation hormonal balance a strong growth of the endometrium begins, against the background of which its rejection occurs in parts, and the result is breakthrough bleeding. Hormonal disruptions are most often observed in girls in adolescence and in menopausal women.

Breakthrough bleeding can occur when taking hormonal oral contraceptives, which is explained by adaptation to the drug used. In this situation, you should consult your doctor about changing the dose used. If the increase in dosage does not stop the bleeding or it becomes more abundant, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs. In addition, such conditions can develop against the background of damage to the walls of the uterus by an intrauterine contraceptive (IUD). In this situation, the woman is shown removal intrauterine device.

At the first suspicion of uterine bleeding, you should seek help. Very good if a woman leads menstrual calendar, noting in it the intensity, duration and nature of bleeding. This calendar will help the doctor in the future in diagnosing and prescribing optimal therapy. For the purpose of diagnosis, tests of smears from the cervix for cancer, tests for the presence of uterine bleeding are carried out. Mandatory passage ultrasound, as well as measuring the inner layer of the endometrium (its thickness). also do general analysis blood, “hormones”. If a woman is overweight or when her age approaches menopause, a biopsy of the inner layer of the uterus is taken (a small fragment of the endometrium is plucked off and examined under a microscope). Accurate diagnosis is of paramount importance for the appointment of further optimal therapy.

Treatment of uterine bleeding.
Therapy of such conditions has four main goals: stopping bleeding, replenishing blood loss, eliminating the root cause and prevention. I note that uterine bleeding of any nature is treated in stationary conditions. The methods used for this take into account the age of the patient, the cause of bleeding, and the severity of the condition.

The main method of stopping bleeding is surgical diagnostic curettage, which also makes it possible to find out the cause of their appearance. The use of hormone therapy is another method of stopping bleeding. For these purposes, mainly estrogenic or combined oral contraceptives, among them Marvelon, Mercilon, etc. For symptomatic treatment hemostatic drugs are used to reduce the uterus, iron preparations (with a low level of hemoglobin) or blood components, vitamins and vascular strengthening drugs (Ascorutin, Folic acid, vitamins C, B6, B12). After the uterine bleeding has been stopped, preventive actions.
In case of dysfunction hormone therapy combined oral contraceptives or preparations based on gestagens, or a hormonal intrauterine device is installed. If intrauterine pathologies were detected during the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies.
For the treatment of uterine bleeding, traditional medicine methods can be used, only first you should consult a doctor and identify their cause. To stop uterine bleeding, decoctions and extracts based on raspberry leaves, yarrow, nettle, burnet, shepherd's bag and so on. Here are some recipes:

Yarrow infusion: Purchase a box of yarrow herb from the pharmacy. Take two teaspoons of dry herbs in a glass of boiling water, cover the bowl with liquid and soak for an hour, then strain. Ready infusion to drink four times a day (before meals), the dosage is 50 ml or 1/4 cup.

Decoction of yarrow: pour the herb in the amount of one tablespoon with a faceted glass of boiling water, then simmer for ten minutes from the moment of boiling. Then cool the broth, strain and you can drink. Do this before meals three times a day for 1/3 cup. It shows its hemostatic efficacy, both in internal and external uterine bleeding.

Shepherd's purse herb infusion: a tablespoon of finished herbs (in dry form, purchased at a pharmacy), pour a glass of boiling water, wrap it carefully and wait an hour. Then, after insisting the mixture, strain it and you can take the infusion in a tablespoon. This should be done three times a day before meals.

Infusion of nettle dioecious: pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, hold on low heat for ten minutes, then cool and strain. Take also a tablespoon four times a day before meals. As a preventive measure for the development of uterine bleeding, you can take an extract of this plant, it is easy to find in a pharmacy. The dosage is as follows: 30-40 drops half an hour before meals, dilute the drops with water (1/4 cup).

Pour the peel of six large oranges with one and a half liters of water, cook over low heat until the liquid is reduced to 500 ml. After that, drain the broth, take four teaspoons three times during the day.

Prevention of uterine bleeding.
most the best prevention systematic visits to a gynecologist are considered (at least once a year), full course treatment of existing ailments in terms of the genital area, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and daily routine, regular sex life, and with one partner (permanent), healthy lifestyle life and boost the immune system.

Uterine bleeding is profuse bleeding from the uterine cavity. In most cases, this pathology due to failure hormonal functions V female body. Uterine bleeding is serious threat for a woman's health, they are fraught with numerous complications, and in some situations can even cause death.

The main cause of bleeding is considered to be a disorder in the production of female sex hormones. In addition, there are many factors that can provoke bleeding from the uterus. These include:

  1. Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  2. thrombocytopenia.
  3. Pathologies that develop during pregnancy.
  4. Traumatic injuries of the genital organs.
  5. Pathological processes in the uterus, as well as its appendages.
  6. Various gynecological diseases.
  7. The presence of tumor neoplasms, both benign and oncological.
  8. Complications arising after childbirth.
  9. Pathology of the liver.
  10. Endocrine diseases.
  11. Miscarriage.
  12. The use of intrauterine contraceptives
  13. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
  14. Endometriosis.
  15. Changes in climatic conditions.
  16. Frequent stressful situations.
  17. Tuberculosis of the genital organs.
  18. hypovitaminosis,
  19. Disorders of the adrenal cortex
  20. Pathology of the thyroid gland.
  21. Availability inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.


A characteristic feature of this pathology is considered to be abundant bleeding, lasting more than a week. In addition, uterine bleeding is characterized by the presence of such symptoms:

  1. Hypotension.
  2. General weakening of the body.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. The presence of blood clots in the discharge.
  5. Sanitary napkins should be changed every hour or more.
  6. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  7. development of anemia.
  8. Paleness of the skin.
  9. Tachycardia.
  10. Slow pulse.
  11. Loss of consciousness.

How to remove bleeding from menstruation?

Uterine bleeding differs from typical menstruation in a number of characteristic ways. These include the following factors:

  1. A significant increase in the volume of allocated blood (over eighty milliliters per day).
  2. Passion for the duration of the discharge (menorrhagia).
  3. Bleeding is observed in the intermenstrual period (polymenorrhea).
  4. Bleeding also occurs during menopause, which is not typical for menstruation.
  5. Metrorrhagia, characterized by failures in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, is also a pathological manifestation.
  6. If any of the above symptoms are present, we are talking about uterine bleeding.

More on the topic: Vaginal cyst: is it congenital or traumatic?


The presented pathology may differ in a number of signs due to the causes of occurrence, as well as some concomitant factors. The classification distinguishes the following varieties:

  1. Dysfunctional bleeding is a pathology that occurs due to a violation of the ovulation process, as well as the activity of the organs responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. Most often observed in women aged thirty to forty years.
  2. Obstetric bleeding usually occurs during pregnancy, during the birth process, as well as the early postpartum period. This type bleeding is considered one of the most dangerous, as it is distinguished by suddenness and intensity. In fifteen percent of cases, in the absence timely assistance, obstetric bleeding can lead to the death of a woman.
  3. Organic bleeding occurs due to various anomalies of the female genital organs, as well as in the presence of system species diseases.
  4. Iatrogenic bleeding. Their appearance leads to prolonged and uncontrolled use. hormonal contraceptives, as well as incorrect installation of an ectopic device.
  5. Menopausal bleeding - occur during menopause, as a result of hormonal failure in the body.
  6. Juvenile bleeding occurs mainly in adolescent girls during puberty.
  7. Diffuse bleeding occurs due to nodular adenomyosis of the uterus and associated changes in the myometrium.


In case of suspicion, it is necessary, without delay, to contact a specialist - gynecologists and undergo a comprehensive examination. This is necessary in order to accurately establish the causes of this manifestation, as well as eliminate provoking factors. Diagnosis is also necessary because the presence of pathology in the form of spotting out of the uterus could be a sign enough serious illnesses in need of immediate treatment.

For uterine bleeding, the following diagnostic procedures are used:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Studies of smears from the cervix (in case of suspected cancer).
  3. Ultrasonography.
  4. Biopsy - taking suspicious tissue for further research.
  5. Blood chemistry.
  6. Analyzes for the content of hormones.
  7. Curettage of the cervical canal and the walls of the uterine cavity for histological examination. This procedure, among other things, is characterized by a therapeutic effect, since blood clots are removed during scraping, as well as defective epidermis.

How to stop bleeding?

In case of uterine bleeding, an ambulance should be called immediately. And before the doctors arrive, everything possible should be done to alleviate the condition of the woman. Remember that not only health, but also the life of the patient depends on timely and competently provided first aid. So, in order to stop severe uterine bleeding on your own, you must do the following:

  1. Give the victim hemostatic drugs (Etamzilat, Dicyon, etc.).
  2. After the medicine is taken, the patient should be laid down, and a pillow should be placed under her legs.
  3. It is recommended to apply a heating pad with ice or just something cold to the lower abdomen.
  4. With a sharp fall blood pressure, let the patient drink sweet hot tea.

Uterine bleeding occurs in women different ages. They can be a sign of a gynecological disease and extragenital pathology, open during a threatened miscarriage or when interrupted ectopic pregnancy. Is dangerous state, which requires emergency care, so you first need to think about how to stop uterine bleeding.

Causes of uterine bleeding

The causes of uterine bleeding are various factors. It also depends on the age indicators, as in different periods life, the factors provoking the development of bleeding are diverse.

Common causes of uterine bleeding are:

  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland- in the presence of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, the likelihood of symptoms of uterine bleeding increases.
  • Hormonal disruptions. Most common cause bleeding in women young age and after 40. When hormones are normal, progesterone and estrogen are in optimal balance, blood loss during menstruation is often negligible. If a violation occurs, uterine bleeding occurs.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system. When the level of platelets decreases, as well as during blood disease, there is a risk of bleeding.
  • Myoma of the uterus. Especially heavy bleeding begins with an internal myoma, then the only way out is surgery.
  • Adenomyosis. A disease in which there is a fusion of the internal and muscle layers uterus, menstruation during the disease is painful, prolonged and strong, as the menstruating area increases significantly.
  • polyps. They are benign formations, often found in women of childbearing age. When there are many and large sizes they must be removed, as they are the cause of bleeding of the uterus and pain during menstruation.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, premature detachment of the placenta. Similar consequences during pregnancy have become quite common. During any spotting during pregnancy, a woman should call doctors without delay, as bleeding threatens the health of the baby and mother.
  • Malignant formations bodies genitourinary system. The most serious cause of probable bleeding, regardless of the location of the tumor, during any bleeding, cancer must first be ruled out.
  • Breakthrough bleeding of the uterus. The reason is directly related to the use of intrauterine contraceptives. In particular, the likelihood of bleeding increases if contraceptives and anticoagulants are taken at the same time. There are minor, at the beginning of the use of contraceptives.

When is uterine bleeding considered normal?

  1. Physiological uterine bleeding is considered only menstruation. They last from 3 to 5 days, the interval between the old and new cycles is 21-35 days. The total blood loss in the process reaches 50-80 ml. If it is higher than the specified norm, then there is a risk that Iron-deficiency anemia.

    Menses should flow without pain. They start at 11-15 years old. The function lasts throughout reproductive period, stopping at the time of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. ending menstrual function around the age of 45-55 years.

  2. Bloody issues in the middle of menstruation are considered as the norm. They are due to sharp fluctuations in the amount of hormones during ovulation, leading to an increase in the permeability of the walls of the vessels of the uterus. But in certain situations the occurrence of such discharge in the middle of the cycle indicates the manifestation of hormonal disorders or that inflammation of the uterus has begun, therefore, with the initial appearance of characteristic discharge, you should consult a specialist to exclude this disease.
  3. Another almost normal view vaginal discharge that is not associated with menstruation is implantation bleeding, which appears on the 7th day after conception. The reason is the introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall, in which there is a partial destruction of the structure of the mucous membrane of the uterus, which leads to the appearance of insignificant secretions.

Types of pathological uterine bleeding

Experts divide these bleeding into a large number of varieties.

But there are some that are more common than others:

  • For acyclic it is characteristic that it occurs in the middle of menstrual cycles. It is caused by symptoms such as fibroids, cysts, endometriosis of the uterus and other pathologies. If it happens constantly, you should consult your doctor.
  • Juvenile bleeding. Characteristic at the beginning of puberty. They are caused by a number of circumstances, for example, constant illnesses, high physical activity, inadequate diet. Depending on the blood loss, they lead to anemia of varying severity.
  • Profuse uterine bleeding dangerous enough when it is accompanied by pain. In such a situation, the amount of blood loss varies. The causes can be abortion, and vaginal infections, and the use of hormonal drugs.
  • Anovulatory bleeding characteristic of women who have menopause and adolescents who are going through puberty. It is due to the fact that the maturation of the follicles and the production of progesterone are disturbed when there is no ovulation. If left untreated, it provokes the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs when the ovaries fail to function. It differs in that it appears when the menstrual cycle was absent for a long period, and blood loss is strong enough.
  • Hypotonic bleeding occurs due to a weak tone of the myometrium, after an abortion. Often happens after childbirth.
  • Sometimes women may experience bleeding clots from the uterus. Experts characterize their occurrence by the fact that the uterus undergoes certain anomalies during intrauterine development. Because the blood stagnates inside, forming clots.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

main feature similar pathology is vaginal discharge.

Bleeding of the uterus is characterized by such features:

  1. The number of withdrawals is increasing. During uterine bleeding, the concentration of blood loss increases and is more than 80 ml.
  2. Increased duration of bleeding. Lasts over a week.
  3. Disruptions in the regularity of discharge - menstruation lasts approximately 21-35 days. A deviation from this norm indicates bleeding.
  4. Bleeding after intercourse.
  5. Bleeding in postmenopause.

There are such signs of uterine bleeding:

  • menorrhagia- excessive and prolonged menstruation (more than a week), their regularity does not change.
  • metrorrhagia- non-permanent discharge. They appear to a greater extent in the middle of the cycle and do not differ in great intensity.
  • Menometrorrhagia- prolonged and intermittent bleeding.
  • Polymenorrhea- menstruation that occurs more often than after 21 days.

In addition to the above, due to large blood loss, hallmark similar symptoms are iron deficiency anemia. It is accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, pale skin.


Bleeding of the uterus is characterized by the ability to increase and not stop for a long period of time and they are difficult to stop.

Therefore, depending on the type of bleeding, the following complications can be dangerous:

  • Moderate but persistent bleeding can cause anemia of varying severity. Occurs if the loss content reaches 80 ml. In this condition, there is no direct threat to health, but it is worth paying attention to it.
  • Severe blood loss caused by one-time profuse bleeding, which is difficult to stop. In the vast majority of cases, surgery is needed to replenish blood and remove the uterus.
  • The risk of subsequent development of the disease. It talks about small blood loss, which is not emphasized. At the same time, insignificant blood loss leads to profuse bleeding, or to the fact that the disease that provoked it will go into a serious stage.
  • Bleeding of the uterus during pregnancy or in women who are under postpartum period, is quite dangerous and consists in the fact that there is big risk conversion to state of shock. intensity and heaviness given state due to the fact that the uterus cannot contract properly and stop the bleeding itself.

First aid for bleeding

Emergency care for bleeding is to immediately call an ambulance. In particular, this is important when a woman is pregnant, her blood loss is strong, her condition worsens significantly. In such a situation, every minute counts. When it is not possible to call doctors, you should take the patient to the hospital on your own.

Any bleeding of the uterus is a significant threat to life, so the actions must be appropriate.

It is forbidden during dysfunctional bleeding to apply a hot or warm heating pad to the abdomen, douching, taking bath procedures, and using drugs that help reduce the uterus.

On her own, at home before the arrival of doctors, a woman should carry out the following manipulations:

How to stop bleeding?

When the ambulance arrives, its actions are as follows:

  1. In the abdomen, you need to put a bubble where ice is contained.
  2. When severe bleeding begins, the woman should be carried to the car on a stretcher.
  3. Hospitalize the patient with subsequent transfer to a doctor.
  4. Introduction of the solution magnesium sulfate if there is a risk of miscarriage. If spontaneous abortion, calcium chloride and ascorbic acid are introduced into the woman's body, which is diluted with glucose.

Hormonal drugs are Jeannine, Regulon, etc. On the first day, an increased dose is given, then one tablet less, reaching up to 1 pc. There are cases when gestogens are used, but they are used only if there is no severe anemia.

Sometimes drugs are used that stop the blood, for example, Dicinon, Vikasol, Ascorutin, Aminocaproic acid.

There are situations when a surgical operation is necessary, for example, curettage of the uterus (it is enough effective method cessation of bleeding), cryodestruction (a method where there are no warnings), laser removal endometrium (used in women who do not plan further pregnancy).


It would be good to start drug treatment, in a complex using conventional and harmless means:

  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid great way acts on the vessels, guaranteeing the stop of bleeding in any place. However this remedy can only be used with proper dosage: you need to use quite impressive doses - at least 1 g of the drug per day.
  • Vikasol. Medical preparation, which should be used 1 tablet 3 times a day, helps stop the bleeding of the uterus with the help of vitamin K, which has an excellent effect on blood clotting.
  • Dicynon. Effectively stops bleeding, the drug has a good effect on the vascular and coagulation system while taking 3-4 tablets per day.

In many cases complex use folk recipes and medications helps to reduce the abundance of blood loss or completely stop bleeding of the uterus.

Folk remedies

How folk remedies for the treatment of uterine bleeding, decoctions and extracts of yarrow, water pepper, shepherd's purse, nettle, raspberry leaves and other plants are used.

The most famous recipes:

The use of folk recipes is allowed only after learning the recommendations of a specialist, since uterine bleeding is considered a symptom of various diseases, often quite dangerous. Therefore, it is important to identify the source similar condition and start therapy as soon as possible.

What should not be done when bleeding occurs?

Bleeding of the uterus dangerous signal about failures in the female body. And you should respond appropriately to it. First you need to wait for an ambulance or find out the recommendations of a specialist.

Only a specialist can properly assess the condition, since there are great amount factors that can provoke uterine bleeding and only clinical practice makes it possible to fully consider the problem.

Prohibited during bleeding:

  • Apply a warm heating pad to the body;
  • Perform douching;
  • Bathe in a warm bath;
  • Use medications that reduce the uterus, without the recommendation of a specialist.


  • Activities that strengthen the body: proper work and rest regime, competent nutrition, lack of stress and negative emotions.
  • Use the first time 1-2 monthly anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • For the first time 1-2 monthly use of funds that stop the blood.
  • hormone therapy. The approximate duration of therapy is from 3 months to six months. Weak efficiency similar treatment indicates an incorrectly diagnosed cause of bleeding or an incorrect selection of the agent or its dosage, susceptibility, early termination of therapy.
  • Complex of vitamins: vitamin C 1 gr. per day starting from the 16th day of the cycle, for 10 days; folic acid 1 tab. per day from the 5th day of the cycle for 10 days; tocopherol acetate for 2 months, multivitamin and mineral remedies that contain iron and zinc.
  • Facilities that calm and stabilize the nervous system.
  • Beneficial Enough affect the body physical education, fitness, swimming, jogging, yoga, dancing.

Uterine bleeding, unlike menstruation, is characterized by irregularity, variable duration and intensity.

Bloody discharge from the uterus can appear at any age: from birth to menopause. If in the first weeks of life they do not pose a danger, then at another time you should immediately contact qualified specialist. Treatment at home with the use of folk remedies, herbs is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Uterine bleeding: what is it?

Uterine bleeding is the discharge of blood from the uterine cavity. This phenomenon may be a sign various diseases, the most complex of which can lead to death.


The causes of bleeding from the uterus are divided into four large groups:

  1. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Diseases of the uterus and its appendages.
  3. Hormonal imbalance.
  4. Extragenital (not related to the sexual sphere) diseases.

Complications of pregnancy and childbirth:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • embryonic pathologies and other conditions in which a miscarriage occurs;
  • regressing (frozen) pregnancy;
  • scarring of the cervical canal (bleeding occurs during labor during labor);
  • placenta previa (the placenta partially or completely blocks the entrance to the uterus);
  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • injuries of the vagina, uterus, vulva during childbirth;
  • infringement, delay of placenta;
  • complications after caesarean section;
  • trophoblastic disease;
  • decidual polyp.

Diseases of the uterus and its appendages:

  • uterine injury;
  • benign (uterine fibroids, polyps) and malignant (fibromyoma) tumors of the uterus;
  • tumors and ovarian cysts;
  • rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • endometriosis and adenomyosis;
  • endometritis;
  • vaginitis, cervicitis, (bleeding in this pathology is taken for uterine, although the discharge blood is coming from the tissues of the vagina and cervix, but not from her body);
  • endometrial hyperplasia and others.

Hormonal imbalance

For this reason, bleeding occurs:

  • in the neonatal period;
  • in the first decade of life;
  • juvenile;
  • in menopause;
  • DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding).

Extragenital diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • sepsis, measles, typhoid fever, influenza;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system (hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, von Willebrand disease, etc.).

In addition, there is a group of iatrogenic bleeding from the uterus associated with the use of hormonal oral contraceptives(incorrect selection of drugs or intolerance to COCs); using drugs that thin the blood; with the installation of an intrauterine device.


Signs that distinguish uterine bleeding from normal menstruation:

  • blood loss over 80 ml;
  • duration more than 7 days;
  • intervals are more than 35 or less than 21 days;
  • occur after sexual contact or during menopause;
  • appear outside the period of the expected menstruation;
  • are accompanied by a significant deterioration in the condition (possibly the development of anemia).

During the neonatal period

Bleeding from the uterus in infant girls usually occurs in the first week, has a small amount and is of a short duration. They are caused by a sharp change in the hormonal background, do not require treatment. This phenomenon is called the sexual crisis of newborns and is accompanied by a slight increase in the mammary glands in both girls and boys. After a few days, the symptoms of a sexual crisis disappear spontaneously.

In the first decade

Bleeding from the uterus in the first ten years of life is rare. They are caused, as a rule, by tumors of the ovaries, which are able to actively produce sex hormones. This condition may be mistaken for puberty.

In puberty

Allocations that occur at the age of 12-18 years are called juvenile. They are often seasonal (winter, spring) and are anovulatory, that is, they occur in the absence of ovulation.

Juvenile bleeding occurs most often due to ovarian dysfunction.

Predisposing factors are:

  • chronic infections;
  • tumors of the uterus, ovaries;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • physical exercise;
  • psychological trauma;
  • improper nutrition.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital. As a preventive measure, physiotherapy, acupuncture, proper nutrition, hardening, treatment chronic diseases. With malformations of the genital organs, surgical treatment is indicated.

Bleeding from the uterus early term may appear with spontaneous miscarriage, termination of an ectopic pregnancy. Pain, delayed menstruation - symptoms characteristic of both cases, blood color - from scarlet in miscarriage to dark with clots in ectopic pregnancy. In the event of a miscarriage, prompt medical attention can save the pregnancy. With an ectopic pregnancy, the removal of the fetal egg is performed. Shown is the excision of the fallopian tube at its rupture.

On late term the causes of discharge may be placental abruption, placenta previa, rupture of the uterus along the scar. These bleedings, which are dangerous for both the mother and the fetus, can be external and internal, require an emergency operation (caesarean section).

Bleeding during labor occurs as a result of presentation, placental abruption; after childbirth - due to a decrease in the contractility and tone of the uterus (including after a cesarean section, when a scar appears on the uterus), poor blood clotting, the presence of residual placenta in the uterus.

In the climacteric

The menstrual cycle during menopause can change, as ovulation becomes intermittent, and this is normal. Abnormal discharge is considered to be clotted, profuse, prolonged, or occurring between periods.

During this period, bleeding is a consequence hormonal adjustment organism, and can also be a sign of benign and malignant formations. To diagnose the disease, a scraping of material from the body and cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bdone, sent for histology. Depending on the result of this study, a treatment regimen is selected.

This type of bleeding is most common among women of all ages: from puberty to menopause.

Dysfunctional bleeding occurs due to:

  • inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, appendages;
  • termination of pregnancy;
  • obesity;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • climate change.

All these negative factors disrupt the production of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. The synthesis of gonadotropic pituitary hormones (LH and FSH), which regulate the activity of the ovaries, decreases.

Depending on the nature of the violations, there are:

  1. Ovulatory dysfunctional bleeding - occurs during menstruation, manifests itself in an increase in the duration of discharge, a change in the volume of blood lost.
  2. - occurs after a delay (then it is called discirculatory) or earlier than the 21st day after the end of the previous menstruation.

Breakthrough bleeding

They can occur when using hormonal contraceptives.

If the discharge is not abundant, then the dose of the drug is temporarily increased. At copious secretions required additional examination to detect possible diseases.

Breakthrough bleeding also occurs when using an intrauterine device, which must then be removed.

Atonic bleeding

It develops in the postpartum period against the background of zero uterine tone, when it is completely absent. contractility. To stop bleeding allow such means:

  • clamping of the artery (suture and clamps on the cervix);
  • ligation of vessels (Tsitsishvili method).

If these methods are ineffective, and if the blood loss is more than 1200 ml, the uterus is removed.

Hypotonic bleeding

Unlike atonic, this type of discharge is characterized not by zero, but by low tone myometrium, while contractions can be rare spontaneous. To restore the motor function of the uterus, they carry out:

  • removal of the remnants of the fetal egg, placenta;
  • uterine massage;
  • drugs are administered that stimulate uterine contractions: Pituitrin, Oxytocin;
  • put an ice pack on the stomach;
  • irritate the uterus with ether.

In the absence of effect, drugs are used that stop atonic bleeding.

Acyclic bleeding

This term refers to any bleeding that occurs without connection with menstrual cycle. These secretions occur at different intervals, have a different volume (from spotting to abundant), they contain or lack clots, etc. Menopausal women mistake them for renewed menstruation. Acyclic bleeding may be due to:

  • incomplete abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

When acyclic bleeding occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Clots are formed as a result of stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity. The reasons for this stagnation can be:

  • congenital anomalies;
  • hormonal abnormalities;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • postpartum complications;
  • tumors.

The presence of clots, profuse acyclic bleeding, severe pain are signs various diseases. Accurate Diagnosis can only be given by a doctor.

Diagnostic principles

To search for the cause of uterine bleeding, the following methods are used:

  • blood test for hCG (to detect pregnancy);
  • screening for STIs;
  • coagulogram (assessment of the blood coagulation system);
  • general and biochemical analyzes blood;
  • determination of the level of sex hormones;
  • assessment of thyroid function;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • CT or MRI (as indicated).

First aid: how to stop uterine bleeding?

The first thing to do when uterine bleeding occurs is to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is forbidden to take a bath, douche, apply a warm heating pad. You can help a woman in the following ways:

  1. Lay on your back with your feet elevated to keep the blood supply to the brain.
  2. Put cold on the stomach to constrict the blood vessels.
  3. Drink to replenish fluid loss.
  4. IN emergency cases apply a hemostatic agent in the minimum dosage (Vikasol, Dicinon, calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid).


Stopping uterine bleeding involves the use of different methods:

  • Surgical:
    • curettage and subsequent histological examination of the endometrium (with juvenile bleeding used only in case of ineffectiveness of other methods and in case of a threat to life);
    • cryodestruction - stop bleeding with the use of liquid nitrogen;
    • ablation (removal of the endometrium by laser or other method, childbearing function not saved).
  • Hormonal hemostasis - treatment with large doses of contraceptives or other hormonal agents.
  • Preparations that reduce the uterus (Oxytocin, Hyfotocin, Pituitrin).
  • Vitamins, vasoconstrictors (Ascorutin, folic acid, B6, B12, C).
  • Hemostatic drugs (Vikasol, Dicinon, Etamzilat, aminocaproic acid, calcium preparations).
  • Iron supplements (for anemia).

As a prophylaxis, hormones are prescribed or an intrauterine hormone-producing Mirena spiral is installed, and the identified diseases are treated.

Algorithm for the treatment of uterine bleeding in adolescents and women different ages presented in the table:

Folk remedies

On the recommendation of a doctor, folk remedies, herbal treatment can be used to prevent bleeding from the uterus. Each infusion given in the examples must be insisted, cooled and filtered before use. You should not use folk remedies when profuse bleeding, the presence of tumors, suspected miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

PlantCookingApplication (per day)
yarrow2 tsp, 250 ml boiling waterA quarter cup before meals four times
Horsetail2 tsp, 250 ml boiling waterTablespoon after two hours
stinging nettle1 st. l., 250 ml of boiling water, heat for 10 minutes, without boilingA tablespoon four times
Highlander4 tsp, 250 ml boiling waterA tablespoon for 25-30 minutes. before meals three times
Shepherd's bag1 st. l., 250 ml of boiling waterOne tablespoon before meals four times
water pepper1 st. l., 250 ml of boiling waterThree tablespoons
viburnum bark1 st. l., 250 ml of boiling water, heat for 10 minutes.Two tablespoons four times

Possible consequences

Uterine bleeding is a sign of various pathological conditions, including deadly ones. Even minor bleeding without pain lead to anemia, are a sign of progression hidden diseases. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of the pathology and choose a course of treatment in accordance with age and general condition the patient's health.

Bleeding appears when the integrity of the vessels is violated. It can be both external, when blood enters from the wound to the surface of the skin, and internal, when it flows into the body. The main causes of this pathological condition are injuries, as well as diseases. various bodies(, malignant tumor) or bleeding disorders ().

Types and causes

With rapid blood loss, the amount of blood circulating in the body decreases. At the same time, the supply of oxygen to tissues, especially the brain, kidneys and liver, suffers. If blood loss is not so significant, but continues for a long time (for example, during or heavy menstruation), a person occurs. The most dangerous blood loss in children and elderly people.

The consequences of blood loss also depend on the size of the injured vessel. When small arteries and capillaries are injured, blood clots quickly form in them, and the outflow of blood stops on its own. If a large artery is damaged, the blood stream is very strong, which within a few minutes can cause the death of the victim.

When damaged different vessels one of the following forms of bleeding occurs:

  • capillary;
  • venous;
  • mixed;
  • arterial.

Capillary bleeding is not intense, blood is released over the entire surface of the injury. When venous, it forms a uniform stream of cherry color. An arterial wound is manifested by a strong rushing stream of scarlet blood, pulsing in accordance with the contractions of the heart. At mixed damage signs of both arterial and venous blood loss are visible.

The discharge of blood from the mouth may accompany the following processes:

  • bleeding from the lungs with or tuberculosis (scarlet foaming blood);
  • gastric bleeding with an ulcer or or esophagus (vomiting blood or clots, often similar to coffee grounds).

Blood during urination is a sign of diseases of the urinary system.

Internal bleeding can be assumed based on the deterioration of the victim's well-being. When blood accumulates in abdominal cavity there is a frequent weak pulse, pallor, thirst, drowsiness, fainting. complements these signs with bleeding into the pleural cavity. With the accumulation of blood in the skull, there are signs of compression of the brain - loss of consciousness, respiratory failure, and others.

First aid

If the bleeding from the wound does not stop, you should immediately consult a doctor. The same applies to cases of trauma to the abdomen, chest or head, when damage to organs inside the body is not ruled out.

external bleeding

For minor bleeding small wound on the limbs must be applied sterile dressing from cotton wool and gauze in several layers. From above it should be well fixed with a bandage or adhesive plaster. However, care must be taken that the bandage does not pinch intact vessels, and the limb below the bandage does not turn blue.

With heavy bleeding from arterial vessel the bandage won't stop him. You need to try to find a point above the wound where the arterial pulse is felt, and press it with force with your fingers or fist. The flow of blood almost completely stops.

However, even the strongest person will not be able to squeeze the artery for more than 15 minutes. That is why immediately after pressing the vessel, you should look for other ways to help the victim. For this, a hemostatic tourniquet is used. It can be replaced with improvised means - a tie, a scarf, and so on, but not with wire. Such strips of fabric are tightened with some hard object, such as a stick, and the twist is strengthened with a separate bandage.

If the leg is damaged below the knee, the tourniquet is applied to the thigh, if the arm is injured below the elbow - at the level of the upper or lower part of the shoulder. A tourniquet is not applied to the middle of the shoulder, since nerves pass close under the skin here. They can be easily injured.

The limb is wrapped in a soft cloth or clothing without folds. The tourniquet is brought under the limb, taken by the end and middle and stretched, after which it is wrapped around the thigh or shoulder until the bleeding stops. Turnover should gradually weaken. They need to be done next to each other so that the fabric between them is not infringed. The harness should not be overtightened.

A note is placed under it, indicating the hour and minute when the tourniquet was applied. It can remain on the human body in a warm room for up to 2 hours, and in winter - no more than an hour and a half. If the victim has not yet been taken to the hospital, it is necessary to temporarily loosen the tension. The first assistant presses the artery above the injury site, and the second one slowly loosens the tourniquet for 5 minutes, after which it is applied again above the previous place, but as close as possible to the source of blood loss.

To stop bleeding in case of injuries of the limbs is sometimes obtained with their increased flexion. When a hand or forearm is injured, a roller of cotton wool and gauze or fabric is placed in the elbow bend, the limb is bent and the shoulder and forearm are pulled together using a bandage or belt. If the shoulder is damaged in the upper part or the area under the collarbone, both hands are brought behind the back and pulled together by the elbows. In case of injuries of the foot and lower leg, the roller is placed under the knee, the limb is bent and the thigh and lower leg are pulled together. Finally, in case of damage to the thigh, the roller is placed in the groin area, the thigh is bent and pulled to the body.

The injured limb is lifted and urgently seek medical help.

Other types of bleeding

When blood appears from respiratory tract, vagina, oral cavity must be called immediately ambulance. These conditions can threaten the life of the sick person. First aid measures:

  • bleeding from the lungs and hemoptysis: seat the patient reclining, place a heating pad on the chest with cold water or ice, advise not to move or talk;
  • gastric bleeding: complete rest, cold on the abdomen;
  • : rest, drink plenty of water.
  • seat the patient reclining;
  • insert into the nostrils gauze swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide;
  • put a handkerchief moistened with water on the bridge of the nose;
  • if ineffective, you can apply cold to the back of the head.

You can’t tilt your head back, because in this case, blood can enter the throat, giving the impression of stopping the bleeding.

If home measures are ineffective, an ambulance should be called.

After stopping the discharge of blood from the nose, the sick person needs rest. He is not recommended to make sharp inclinations, there is hot food, blow your nose. In case of recurring bleeding, you should consult a doctor, as they often accompany serious illnesses internal organs or blood system.

Which doctor to contact

With the development of bleeding, it is necessary to urgently contact a surgeon, since it is possible to stop blood loss only after treatment and suturing of the wound or surgery on internal organs. At prolonged bleeding consultation may be needed profile specialist: pulmonologist, ENT doctor, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, proctologist, urologist or oncologist.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky talks about emergency care for nosebleeds:



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