Adaptogenic agents. Adaptogenic substances of mineral origin

Ecology of consciousness: Health. Plant adaptogens are natural substances that help a person adapt to stress.

Plants - helpers of the immune system

Plant adaptogens are natural substances that affect the human body and help adapt to stress. They are known as substances that restore and protect the body.

They may not have a specific action, but theyhelp the body respond to any negative impact or stress, normalizing physiological functions.

Plant adaptogens increase resistance to the effects of long-term stress. This also applies to various diseases, for example, chronic diseases, mental problems, obesity and more.

Most adaptogens are tonic substances; they strengthen immune system and raise general health person.

By the 1960s, adaptogens had become so popular that they had become their own area of ​​biomedical research. Just two decades later, Russian scientists have published more than 1,500 clinical and pharmacological studies of adaptogenic herbs.

Scientists around the world have demonstrated similar results, but research continues today, leaving no doubt that plant adaptogens have a major impact on human physiology.

Some ofpositive effects of adaptogenic herbs : increased physical and mental stamina, decreased incidence of illness, increased resistance to chemical carcinogens, protection from radiation exposure, improved immune system functions, good mood and weight normalization.

What are adaptogens plant origin?

They are relatively safe and are characterizedgeneralized impact on the whole body, and not on individual organs or painful conditions. Plant adaptogens lead to physical and mental well-being and equip the body with the necessary strength to combat stress and other difficult situations. Adaptogenic herbs are plants that are used as anti-aging and tonic tonics. They have been known since ancient herbal medicine systems different cultures Worldwide. These herbs were often used by warriors, athletes and travelers.

Our bodies have specific homeostatic mechanisms that regulate everything from body temperature to blood glucose levels.

When glucose levels rise after eating, the hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas, pushes glucose from the blood into the muscles to bring levels back to normal. When blood glucose levels are low, it is replenished through the reverse mechanism. In addition, the hypothalamus in the brain controls body temperature, releases additional energy to warm up the body and activates the sweat glands to cool the body when needed.

Adaptogenic herbs mimic our body's natural homeostatic system, allowing the body to adapt to physical and mental stress, including stress due to emotional problems in life, busy work schedules, stressful family life, extreme heat and cold, debilitating diseases and injuries.

Plant adaptogens are known to influence:

  • Production of stress hormone;
  • Nervous system and neurotransmitters;
  • The body's immune system;
  • Inflammatory reactions of the body;
  • Glucose metabolism;
  • Energy production and release.

Of all medicinal plants, known to man, only some recognize them as adaptogens, because according to the definition, these herbs should promote general increase health with a special emphasis on stress reduction and they should have high level security.

This term was introduced in 1947 by Russian pharmacologist and toxicologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Lazarev. He defined "adaptogens" as agents that help the body counteract any adverse effects of a physical, chemical or biological stressor by inducing nonspecific resistance.

How do adaptogens work?

The exact mechanism of action of adaptogenic herbs is not yet fully understood. They are believed to have positive effects on the thyroid, thymus and adrenal glands, as well as modulate the immune system and neuromuscular pathways.

Many modern doctors western medicine The effectiveness of herbal medicine is often questioned. But anyone who has ever experienced a lighter stomach after mint tea or excessive mental alertness after a cup of strong coffee has no doubt about the potential of herbal remedies.

For reference: A large number of allopathic drugs, including the analgesic aspirin and L-dopa, used to treat Parkinson's disease, were originally derived from plants.

The main differences between herbal drugs and the drug molecules isolated from them are their mode of action and potential.

Individual molecules have precise and well-defined actions, but they often give serious consequences and harm the body. They are used for treatment only certain diseases. This is because such medicines do not have other natural substances present in the same herb that neutralize the possible negative effects.

Use herbal adaptogens with caution!

Herbs have a generalized and holistic effect on the entire body, thanks to various active molecules that work synergistically.

This is not to say that herbal medicines are free of side effects. They are very powerful, and the body can react to their substances in different ways. Plant adaptogens can be takenonly in accordance with the dosage,prescribed by a qualified herbalist.

Herbal adaptogens are recognized as safe and effective. But for the children younger age, Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming any medicinal herbs, including adaptogens, without discussing with their doctor.

Let's take a closer look at some powerful plant adaptogens.

The best herbal adaptogens:

1. Ginseng

Asian ginseng is the best known adaptogen and the most powerful of the 11 different varieties of ginseng. It has a light, forked root, a relatively long stem and oval-shaped green leaves.

American ginseng should not be used in medicinal purposes until he is six years old. It is quite an expensive purchase and due to overharvesting it is already endangered in the wild. Siberian ginseng has similar properties, but most studies focus on Asian ginseng.

What are the benefits of Asian ginseng?

  • It improves heart function, lowers cholesterol levels, and its antihypertensive effect protects against heart failure. It prevents many heart diseases.
  • Reduces the risk of stroke. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of ginseng prevent neuronal death during stroke.
  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction. In 2008, South Korea proved that ginseng helps treat erectile dysfunction. He raises sexual activity and increases sperm production.
  • Increased mental abilities. One study in medical center in Maryland shows that Asian ginseng improves performance on measures such as mental arithmetic, concentration and memory.
  • Decline colds. Ginseng is known to stimulate the immune system, so those who take it usually get sick less often, and if they do get sick, they get better faster.

To prove this, we present the results of one experiment. Participants who took 400 mg of ginseng per day for 4 months during flu season reported a reduction in the number of colds and milder symptoms. Of the ginseng group, 10% reported having two or more colds during the winter, compared with 23% of the placebo group. Additionally, the cold lasted about 11 days in the ginseng group and 16.5 days in the placebo group.

2. Ashwagandha

It is a very powerful herb in Ayurvedic treatment and is also known as Indian ginseng. IN oriental medicine it has been used for over a thousand years.

Some benefits of Ashwagandha:

  • Improves mood, relieves anxiety by reducing cortisol levels;
  • Prevents cancer;
  • Increases sexual attraction;
  • Supports female body during menopause;
  • Improves memory.

One 2012 study found that menopausal women experienced significant improvement common symptoms such as irritability, restlessness and hot flashes.

Ashwagandha is good for the brain because it contains antioxidants that destroy free radicals.

Antioxidants such as vitamin E, C and beta-carotene can cleanse the body of free radicals with the progression of Alzheimer's disease. But ashwagandha is more effective at oxidizing lipids than commercial antioxidants.

3. Holy Basil

Tulsi is one of the most powerful herbs in India, it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 3000 years. In addition to its traditional use as a tonic, Indian folk medicine recommends tulsi tea as an expectorant for bronchitis and to relieve vomiting and other stomach upsets.

Modern herbalists use tulsi primarily for treatments of the nervous system, including enhancing memory, recovery from head injuries, and treating depression. The immune-boosting properties of tulsi are useful for treating allergies.

Holy basil is used as a tonic, antioxidant, antiviral, carminative, diuretic and expectorant.

Tulsi is a member of the mint family. In addition to its calming properties, it has other benefits:

  • Acne treatment. Tulsi is commonly used for skin care, especially in the treatment of acne. In 2006, the International Journal of Cosmetic Science published the results of a study that evaluated the effectiveness of three different types of basil oils from Thailand.

After testing, antimicrobial properties were discovered, thanks to which the 3% concentrated essential oil Tulsi has been found to be the most effective against acne-causing bacteria.

The researchers noted that the main compound in this oil is eugenol, an active ingredient also found in clove oil, which cures many skin diseases.

  • Cancer prevention. Holy basil has the potential to prevent cancer as it contains significant immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory compounds. They protect vitally important organs, relieve pain, stress and fever and make the body less susceptible to development cancer cells.

The phytochemicals in this adaptogen are known to prevent oral, liver, skin, and lung cancers, increase antioxidant activity, induce cancer cell death, and prevent the growth of blood vessels, which promotes cell growth while stopping metastases.

  • Regulates sugar levels. Tulsi – natural remedy from diabetes. Numerous studies have confirmed that it reduces and maintains normal blood sugar levels.

For example, basil extract reduced sugar levels by more than 36% in normal rats and by 18% in diabetic rats.

  • Reduced cortisol levels. The hypoglycemic effect of tulsi is due to its ability to regulate cortisol levels. This stress hormone is the main cause of a surprising number of cases of diabetes, obesity, decreased... immune function. It negatively affects density bone tissue, damages memory and learning abilities.

4. Rhodiola

Plant adaptogens are able to dissolve excess cortisol in the blood. Rhodiola is no exception; it also has a calming effect. It is used by athletes, military personnel and even astronauts.

The active phytochemical salisdroside makes Rhodiola very effective for relieving anxiety and cope with the signs premature aging. It restores sleep after stressful events, protects the liver from toxins and improves memory.

5. Eleutherococcus

Siberian ginseng cannot be considered true ginseng. This shrub grows in China and Russia. Chinese healers highly value it because it has adaptogenic properties and has a strong reputation as an energy booster.

The University of Iowa conducted a study involving patients suffering from chronic fatigue. After taking eleutherococcus for two months, participants reported being much more active.

Other proven benefits of Siberian ginseng:

  • powerful antiviral effect;
  • support heart health;
  • decreased levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • normalization of heart rhythms.

Many herbalists prescribe Eleutherococcus to relieve chronic stress and stress-related conditions. Equally suitable for both men and women, especially older people.

Eleutherococcus is an excellent adaptogen for athletes because it increases endurance, reduces recovery time and protects the immune system during exercise.

Butin large doses such side effects are possible: headache, drowsiness and insomnia and anxiety. Those who suffer from fever or hypertension, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers, should avoid Siberian ginseng.

6. Reishi

This is not a plant, but a mushroom, which is also called the “mushroom of immortality” because it promotes longevity. Reishi mushroom - edible type medicinal fungus, which has been known for its various healing abilities for thousands of years. It is extremely anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity, and helps combat fatigue, heart disease, respiratory problems and liver disease.

Numerous studies have proven its ability to enhance immunity. It increases the release of natural killer cells that kill in the body Various types mutated cells, and also prevents the formation of internal blood clots.

Reishi mushroom able to treat:

  • diabetes;
  • painful infections;
  • symptoms food allergies;
  • digestive disorders such as leaky gut syndrome;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • anxiety and depression;
  • stops the growth of tumors;
  • fights HIV and hepatitis viruses.

7. Schisandra or Schisandra chinensis

IN Chinese medicine Schisandra berries are considered unique because have all five tastes: spicy, salty, bitter, sweet and sour. Although few people know about it, Schisandra chinensis is a powerful herbal adaptogen, as it has a stabilizing effect on the entire body.

It improves the functioning of the liver and adrenal glands, physical and mental performance, protects against oxidative stress, increases cellular energy, raising nitric oxide levels in the body.

Schizandra has outstanding abilities to detoxify the liver and even treat chronic hepatitis. Since hair, skin and eyes are a reflection of liver health, schizandra is also an excellent choice for body beauty.

The strong antioxidant properties of Schisandra rejuvenate the skin by protecting the lipid membrane in skin cells from oxidative damage, which is visually manifested in the reduction of wrinkles, strengthening of joints and healthy tissues.

Other benefits include treatment of pneumonia, gastrointestinal diseases, stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis and reduction of allergic reactions.

8. Moringa oleifera

The most useful part tree - nutritious and tasty pods. But the rest of the tree, from bark to roots, also has medicinal properties. Moringa seed oil is the secret ingredient in many high-quality anti-aging creams. But dried and crushed moringa leaves are used as herbal adaptogens.

They treat digestion high pressure, reduce inflammation and regulate blood sugar levels. The leaves are recommended to be eaten by nursing mothers to enhance lactation, and by children to get rid of intestinal worms.

9. Peruvian maca

Peruvian ginseng root is similar to a turnip. It is an adaptogen from the highlands of Peru, which is where its name comes from. However, it is far from being related to ginseng. Peruvian maca - biennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the cruciferous vegetable family, like turnips, mustard, and cabbage.

The Incas believed that maca root gave courage and strength to warriors, and also increased libido.

Maca root has been a staple of Andean cuisine for over thousands of years, making Peruvian ginseng safe to consume. It is usually fried or boiled before consumption. Flour from the root is used to bake bread and pancakes. The leaves are eaten as vegetables.

In stores, Maca Peruviana is usually available in powder form, which athletes consume to increase endurance, relieve stress, and improve mood. A plant hormones help reduce PMS symptoms and other problems that arise during menopause.

10. Astragalus

This is one of the types of low-growing legumes. Astragalus membranaceus is the most popular, it stimulates the immune system response, regulates sugar levels and blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.

In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. It is commonly used for asthma and upper respiratory tract infections.

11. Licorice root

Liquorice is a herbaceous plant from the legume family. Licorice root is a well-known natural sweetener and flavoring agent.

The plant grows in both Europe and Asia. Various ancient cultures from around the world used licorice in their traditional medicine systems.

The root has a calming effect and relieves sore throat and stomach pain. It is considered quite safe. Currently, licorice root is recommended for liver diseases, syndrome chronic fatigue, as well as autoimmune diseases.

Of course, these are not all plant adaptogens; they also include milk thistle, rosemary, aloe vera, gotu kola, bacopa, amla, cordyceps and others. published

In winter, when we are weakened by colds, hypothermia and stress, it’s time to help our body. Many people want to take some kind of maintenance medications during this period, but they are injected - to prescribe chemotherapy you need to visit a doctor, and many people do not like it, but in herbal preparations Few people understand. So the “uninsured” walk around. Meanwhile, the desired means of support are available. These are adaptogens. Pharmacist Vitaly Shevchenko and herbalist Boris Skachko spoke about what these medications are and how they should be taken.


Although these medicines are of plant origin, do not be misled by the idea that drinking all kinds of “herbs” is completely harmless. You can take adaptogens only in cases where the immune system is truly weakened - for example, when you feel like you are getting sick, with severe fatigue, after past illness(especially if you have taken antibiotics). They are also useful for acclimatization when flying from one climate zone to another. Good results these medications are also given in sports practice - before training (for better results) and after them (for speedy recovery). But for prevention, when the immune system is normal, these medications cannot be taken, as they can only harm the body, causing overexcitation, insomnia and, ultimately, fatigue.


Firstly, for an adaptogen to work, a single dose is often not enough: the effect will be no stronger than a cup of tea and will only last a few hours. But if you take it constantly, then by the end of the first week a person will already feel inspired constantly. Therefore, when starting to take an adaptogen, always go through full course. By the way, do not be afraid that such a rise will then be followed by a strong fall and a period of exhaustion, as happens after the use of certain doping drugs: in contrast to them, adaptogens act much softer and more natural. They provide an additional flow of energy by mobilizing the body's resources, without forcing it to work in a "forced" mode.

Secondly, you need to take adaptogens only in the first half of the day and 30 minutes before. before meals.
If you drink it in the evening, you may have a sleepless night.

AND, thirdly, despite the general similarity in action (they all tone), each adaptogen has its own characteristics: one helps more with colds, the other clears the head, etc. Therefore, in order to figure out which plant is best for you, consult a doctor, pharmacist, or look at our table.



ACTION. Medium strength adaptogen. Tones the entire body, relieves fatigue, increases appetite, and also reduces blood sugar, which is why it is useful for people suffering from diabetes.

HOW TO USE. Ginseng tincture is taken 15-25 drops 3 times a day, dissolved in water with a small amount baking soda. The course of admission is 10-15 days.

Rhodiola rosea

ACTION. In terms of tonic effect, it is the most powerful adaptogen. In addition, it increases muscle strength and endurance. As an auxiliary drug helps with impotence.

HOW TO USE. 5-10 drops 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Course - 1-2 weeks.


ACTION. Medium strength adaptogen. Protects against stress, perfectly removes toxins from the body, helps to endure stuffiness, and restores well after physical activity. Increases blood pressure, which is why it is indicated for hypotensive patients.

HOW TO USE. 30-40 drops 1-2 times a day for 30-40 minutes. Course - 2-3 weeks.

Schisandra chinensis

ACTION. Tones the entire body with medium strength, and most strongly - nervous system, increases brain performance, clarifies thoughts. In addition, it increases acidity gastric juice, therefore contraindicated for gastritis with increased acidity and ulcer.

HOW TO USE. 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.


ACTION. Tones less than others, but has anabolic activity, i.e. increases protein formation in the body (increases protective forces body and improves muscle tone). Moreover, unlike most other anabolic steroids, it is harmless to the liver.

HOW TO USE. 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. Course - 1 month.


ACTION. It most strongly tones the immune system. Better than all other adaptogens, it helps with colds, flu, various inflammations, because has antiviral and antimicrobial effect.

HOW TO USE. 10-30 drops 1-2 times a day. In addition to the liquid form, echinacea is often available in tablets - then to select the dosage, look at the annotation. The course of admission is 10-14 days.

Adaptogens should not be used for:

Increased nervous excitability, insomnia;


Myocardial infarction;


Fever (except Echinacea).


To see how adaptogens work, try a simple experiment. Take any text (for example, a newspaper) and a clock. Time one minute and find during it, for example, all combinations of the letters “RA” or “PO” encountered. Then count the number of letters passed from the beginning of the sheet (on average you will get a couple of hundred) and the number of mistakes made. Then take a single dose of tincture of ginseng or lemongrass, and after 1 hour repeat the experiment, with a different text. Proof of the action of adaptogens will be an improvement in results (about 2 times).

Text: Dmitry Gutsalo

Adaptogenic (general tonic) agents have a low-specific effect on the functions of the central nervous system, endocrine regulation, metabolic processes and increase the body’s adaptability to unfavorable conditions of physical, chemical and biological nature.
Indications for the use of adaptogenic drugs: increased fatigue, stress, anorexia, prevention of acclimatization and colds, as well as to speed up the recovery process after undergoing acute phase diseases, hypofunction of the gonads.
Adaptogens shown for quick recovery strength, when changing climatic and time zones, when working related to daily mental and nervous overload, during heavy physical activity. IN medical practice they are applied as restoratives with asthenia, frequent illness, during the period of convalescence after illness, with low blood pressure, general lethargy, drowsiness, narcolepsy, . Adaptogens increase the body's resistance to industrial pollution and exhaust gases and provide passive environmental protection.

Adaptogens are classified according to their origin:
Plant adaptogens: ginseng root, eleutherococcus extract, schisandra fruits, aralia tincture (saparal), zamanikha tincture, Rhodiola rosea extract, angelica root, Leuzea liquid extract, sterculia tincture.
Animal adaptogens: reindeer antlers (cigapan, pantocrine, rantarin), bee waste products (apilak, propolis, etc.);
Synthetic adaptogens: citrulline, trekrezan.
Other adaptogens: pollen,

Adaptogens have wide range pharmacodynamics. The main pharmacological effects of drugs in this group include:
increasing resistance to stress (stress-protective);
increasing mental, physical performance and brain endurance;
increased concentration;
normalization of sleep;
reduction of chronic fatigue;
stimulation of the antioxidant system;
increasing the activity of the immune system and the body's resistance to infections;
normalization of activities of cardio-vascular system, blood pressure and blood clotting;
optimization of all types of metabolism, and, above all, carbohydrate;
normalization of cellular balance;
activation of detoxification mechanisms;
optimization of the use of all physiological resources of the body;
increased potency and libido;
slowing down the aging process.

Most of the drugs in this group are of plant origin (native or in the form of pure active ingredients) and are used mainly in the form of alcoholic extracts and tinctures. They are well tolerated, suitable for long-term use, and have a mild complex impact on the body.

The action of adaptogens, the compensating effect, is multifaceted.
Firstly, they directly increase the body's capabilities by increasing its energy capabilities.
Secondly, accelerate recovery after heavy physical and emotional stress, increase the body’s resistance to oxygen starvation, enhance the removal of “fatigue toxins” (milk and pyruvic acids), accelerate the normalization of blood pH after stressors.
Third, increase the activity of the central nervous system, and they do this not due to psychostimulation and subsequent exhaustion, but as a result of activation of energy and plastic metabolism.
In addition, adaptogens increase the sensitivity of tissue cells to their own hormones, as a result of which the regulation of metabolic processes becomes more accurate and faster. The most noticeable positive effect of adaptogens is observed in cases of insufficiency of the pancreas and gonads.

These drugs stimulate the dynamics nervous processes, increase the level of nonspecific immune response, the body’s resistance to adverse factors environment, performance and mental stability. This allows you to soften the shock load on the body in the alarm phase and extend the adaptation phase to long-term influence factors for the necessary, possibly unlimited, time.

The mechanism of action of adaptogens is still not fully understood. It is known that it is caused by a weakening of biochemical and functional changes during stress reactions and activation of adaptive synthesis of RNA and proteins, leading to improved energy metabolism and recovery processes.

Key link in the organization protective actions The body is the central nervous system. Presumably, the main way adaptogens act on the body is their tonic effect on the central nervous system and, through it, on all other systems, organs and tissues of the body.

A number of studies have obtained data indicating a direct effect of adaptogens on neurotransmitter structures of the brain, in particular, gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA). GABA plays a significant role in the adaptive reactions of the brain. The GABAergic inhibitory system protects nerve cells from excessive exhaustion and limits overexcitation of the body's stress-activating systems, in particular, excessive activation of the pituitary-adrenal system and lipid peroxidation. Perhaps adaptogens reduce the tension of the general stress syndrome and eliminate the stage of exhaustion not due to GABAergic mechanisms, but by including other links in the chain of protective and adaptive processes of the body, preventing undesirable changes in the levels of amino acids and, especially, GABA.

Adaptogens have the ability to regulate the state of the central nervous system. Minimum therapeutic doses of adaptogens cause general relaxation, some lethargy, and decreased excitability. Medium doses have a moderate stimulating effect, creating a feeling of vivacity, a surge of energy, and emotional uplift. Excessively high doses can cause overexcitation, irritability, insomnia, and aggressiveness.

Almost all adaptogens of plant origin contain substances similar in structure to sex hormones. Therefore, the influence of adaptogens on body functions is similar to hormonal, and their use in conjunction with certain hormonal drugs, for example, with hydrocortisone, is accompanied by summative synergism and an increase in the body’s resistance to severe stress, even in the stage of exhaustion.

Adaptogens have a differentiated effect on individual parts of adaptive reactions. In this regard, they can be divided into three groups:
Having a predominantly neurotropic effect (schizandra lignins, some Araliaceae glycosides).
Having a predominantly antioxidant effect (flavonoids, aurones, catechins, tannins, adaptogens of animal origin - pantocrine, rantarine).
Mixed-action preparations (araliaceae glycosides, Rhodiola rosea, etc.).

Each of the adaptogens has its own mechanism of action and has a certain specificity of action. Adaptogens of the first group predominantly stimulate the development of urgent adaptation, the second - long-term. The third group is more universal in the nature of the effects caused, however, it is inferior to the first in terms of influence on urgent adaptation. Since different adaptogens have various mechanisms action, to enhance the pharmacological effect, it is recommended to combine and alternate adaptogenic drugs.

Adaptogens promote full restoration body and increase resistance to stress. Their value lies in the completely balanced content of a complex of biologically diverse active substances, for which nature took millions of years. The most powerful adaptogens are Leuzea, Eleutherococcus and ginseng; they are somewhat inferior to Schisandra and Aralia.

One of the most famous adaptogens is. Ginseng preparations contain a complex of triterpene glycosides - panaxosides and have antidepressant, cardiotonic, hypoglycemic, hemostatic effects, are effective in sexual asthenia, and can prevent inflammatory reactions, weaken the effect of many toxic substances, increase appetite, and increase body weight. Ginseng is characterized by seasonal action; it is most effective in autumn and winter.

Aralia Manchurian significantly increases physical performance, mental performance, increases appetite, increases body weight, and has anti-atherosclerotic and antispasmodic effects. Its hypoglycemic effect is superior to all adaptogens.
Saparal contains a complex of the main active ingredients of aralia - aralosides A, B and C. Effective for periodontal disease.

Propolis due to high content active ingredients increases the body's ability to adapt to extreme conditions and stress. Thanks to the presence of the flavonoid acacetin, it normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, relieves fatigue, and activates metabolic processes in cells.

(golden root) has an anti-stress effect, effectively prevents the negative effects of catecholamines on the heart, and normalizes heart rate. Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase. The pharmacological effects of Rhodiola are due to the presence of two main active ingredients - rhodosin and rhodioliside.

Angelica sinensis normalizes hormonal function in women; it is called “female ginseng” because of its specific effect on the female body.

Active complex consists of triterpene saponins - echinoxosides, flavonoid glycosides, coumarins, resinous substances. Zamanikha preparations are inferior in activity to ginseng preparations. Zamanika tincture is used for asthenia, depressive states, hypotension, including in pregnant women, postpartum women pathological childbirth, during menopause.

Eleutherococcus contains a sum of eleutherosides that have the ability to increase permeability cell membranes for glucose. It has stronger antitoxic, radioprotective, antihypoxic and antistress effects than ginseng. The peculiarity of Eleutherococcus lies in its ability to improve color vision and liver function.

Sterculia platanofolia has an effect similar to that of Eleutherococcus senticosus.

Basic pharmacological effects due to the content of schisandrin. Schisandra, stronger than other adaptogens, enhances excitation processes in the central nervous system, which helps to increase performance, improve mood, and improve visual acuity.

Contains phytoecdysones - polyhydroxylated steroid compounds with pronounced anabolic activity. A feature of Leuzea is also the ability to improve the composition peripheral blood by enhancing mitotic activity in bone marrow cells.

Pantocrine obtained from the unossified antlers of deer and deer, it normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, increases arterial pressure, relieves fatigue. Effective for hypotension and sexual asthenia.

Active ingredient citrulline is an amino acid that takes part in the urea metabolism cycle and helps normalize metabolism.

It is advisable to use adaptogens in older people; it is not for nothing that they are called drugs that prolong youth. They enhance the effect of drugs used to treat cardiovascular diseases, anemia, diabetes mellitus. Adaptogens improve sleep and mood. During fatigue and heavy physical exertion, they increase performance by 1.5–2 times.

All of them have low toxicity, physiological properties, and the absence of significant side effects when rational use. Adaptogens combine well with vitamins and other medicines and can be used in complex therapy. They weaken the effect of drugs, and enhance the activity of central nervous system stimulants, for example, caffeine.

Adaptogens have a wide range of therapeutic action, therefore even exceeding them many times therapeutic doses does not cause significant complications. However, there are certain restrictions when using drugs in this group. It is advisable to take them once a day - in the morning, as this corresponds to normal biorhythms human body. Adaptogens increase body temperature, so they are used with caution in hot weather.

Doses of drugs that cause inhibitory reactions are used for injuries, poisoning, acute colds and inflammatory diseases, when the central nervous system is overexcited, i.e., in cases where it is necessary to soften the active reaction of the body. Small doses of adaptogens enhance anabolic processes and slow down catabolism, so they are used to gain muscle and total body weight. Doses that cause activation are used in cases of decreased immunity, in long-term sluggish and chronic inflammatory diseases, in aging of the body, in the development malignant tumors, with excessive inhibition and decreased performance, i.e., in cases where it is necessary to intensify the body's responses. But a person’s reaction to each specific adaptogen is individual, so the recommended dosages are very conditional. For children under 16 years of age, drugs in this group are used only as specifically prescribed by a doctor, since they accelerate puberty. Adaptogens are contraindicated in cases of delirium (“delirium tremens”), increased excitability, hypertension, myocardial infarction, fever, infectious diseases in the acute stage.

It is rational to use drugs in this group prophylactically. In some countries, adaptogens are added to sports nutrition, confectionery(chocolate, candies), soft drinks, chewing gum, etc. Adaptogens are used especially widely in Japan. Perhaps this can explain the highest life expectancy in the world for the Japanese.

In many countries, a new direction of pharmacology is now actively developing - stimulant therapy. His goal is to create medicines that do not cure, but preserve and improve health. Thus, adaptogens can be considered as pharmacological drugs a special class - drugs not only for patients suffering from any diseases, but also for healthy people. Today they are becoming increasingly popular among herbal medicine enthusiasts and supporters active image life.

E. G. Shchekina, Ph.D. Sc., S. M. Drogovoz, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, NUPh

Adaptogens are medicinal substances of plant or animal origin, which have clearly defined general tonic properties and help the body to properly prepare (adapt) to physical and stress loads, as well as minimize bad influence external factors: changes in weather and climate, changes in time zones and biorhythms, changes in geomagnetic conditions, increased mental stress.

It is believed that adaptogens, a list of drugs that can often be found in the media, are primarily intended for athletes. Indeed, redundant physical exercise and biorhythm/climate change is an integral part big sport. At the same time, many people confuse the concepts of “doping” and “adaptogen”.

The whole purpose of doping is to maximally “squeeze” the body’s capabilities in order to achieve a short-term, often victorious breakthrough. At the same time, physical exhaustion of the athlete’s body requires a long and painstaking recovery process. In the case of adaptogens, a different mechanism works: taking the drug begins in advance, bringing the athlete to the desired start period in in the best possible shape with the ability to quickly and harmoniously restore all the body’s resources.

Let's look at the most popular plant and animal adaptogens today.

Ginseng. An excellent drug for increasing the overall tone of the body. Personally, I took it only because of one side effect - ginseng stimulates appetite quite well, which is very important when gaining weight. Just a couple of tablets during breakfast and a couple at lunch provide constant feeling hunger during the day. Eating becomes easy and stress-free. This is especially valuable for thin people who find it difficult to eat several times a day.

Hawthorn extract. Saturates the blood with vitamin C, improves coronary circulation. Hawthorn has a diuretic effect, which is good during the period of weight loss and drying.

Wheat germ extract. An excellent general strengthening multivitamin that stimulates muscle activity and the function of the sex glands, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, which is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

Eleutherococcus extract. Reduces muscle fatigue and increases endurance. Activates metabolism and accelerates the nervous system well. Therefore, it is better not to take it at night.

Viburnum extract. It has a healing effect, helps cope with various wounds, swelling and irritation. In addition, the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of this adaptogen are highly valued.

Rowan extract. The pectins contained in it inhibit the fermentation process in the intestines and facilitate digestion. Rowan is an excellent antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory and vascular strengthening effects.

Leuzea extract. It has anabolic properties and stimulates muscle growth. Reduces physical and mental fatigue. Promotes the accumulation of glycogen in muscles and the removal of lactic acid from them.

Lecithin. Used by the body not only as transport nutrients, but also as a building material for renewing damaged cells. Lecithin is obtained from soybean or sunflower oil.

Pantolex. Bioactive animal adaptogen containing donated blood Altai deer. One of the most effective means to improve performance and prepare the body for heavy physical activity. It has more than 20 years of successful history of use in high performance sports, and has also received recognition as an effective immunomodulator. Available in instant form for internal use.

Royal bee jelly - generally recognized and famous drug with a rich set of microminerals with bactericidal and antiviral effects. Taking this drug is especially indicated for a sthenic or depressive states, syndrome chronic fatigue, a sharp decrease in mental and physical performance.

This list can be significantly expanded by large quantity food bioactive formulas, which include the above-mentioned plants and substances as the main active active substance in combination with other useful and necessary supplements for our body.

In this article we will tell you what adaptogens are, their effectiveness and use in sports, and give a list of the most effective and popular adaptogens.

What are adaptogens?

The term "adaptogens" has been used since 1947. It was introduced by the Russian scientist N.V. Lazarev, who conducted research on the effects on the body unfavorable factors. Adaptogens are substances that improve the body's adaptation and have a tonic effect.

The peculiarity of these drugs is that they are all of natural origin. Natural substances, which help the body endure stress and high physical activity, activate the immune system and improve metabolism.

The effectiveness of plant adaptogens

The effectiveness of plant adaptogens has been proven both by time and science. They really do positive influence on the body through its effect on the nervous, immune and endocrine system. Here are the main ones positive effects from taking adaptogens:

  • Increased performance and muscle endurance
  • Reduced recovery time after strenuous exercise
  • Improved tolerance to long-term training and competitions
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Increased protein synthesis
  • Acceleration of glycogen accumulation
  • Increasing the body's adaptive capabilities (to heat, cold, stress, time zone changes, etc.)
  • Activation of the immune system and acceleration of recovery

The effects of some adaptogens are similar to caffeine. They also invigorate, improve mood and mental performance, but adaptogens do not have the same side effects as caffeine.

Adaptogens in sports

The most effective and proven adaptogens in sports: ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola, Aralia and Leuzea.

Plant adaptogens are not doping and are actively used in sports, especially in sports that require great endurance. Use adaptogens better courses, mainly during periods of heavy training. This will help support your weakened immune system and avoid overtraining.

Adaptogens - list of drugs

Adaptogens are supplements of natural origin. But even this fact does not allow them to be taken without consulting a doctor! Only medical specialist can competently assess the indications for taking medications, prescribe the optimal drug and its dosage.

We have compiled a list of the most effective and popular adaptogens.

Ginseng root

Recipes from red ginseng root were used in the army of ancient China. Ginseng stimulates the nervous system and mental activity, has a tonic effect, and helps strengthen the immune system. Improves oxygen saturation of tissues, normalizes high blood pressure, indicated for asthma.

Contraindications: sleep disorders, high blood pressure, acute infections.

In case of overdose, it can cause tachycardia and sleep disturbances.


The root of this plant began to be used in medicine many centuries ago. Modern medicine recommends this drug for hypertensive patients, as well as people who experience constant psycho-emotional stress, feelings of fear and apathy. Ashwagandha has a calming effect, helps cope with stress, improves memory, boosts immunity, and has a healing effect in case of problems thyroid gland. In addition, it actively fights the stress hormone cortisol.

Increases hemoglobin and testosterone, improves male sexual function.

Contraindications for taking ashwagandha include pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, and taking other sedatives. Not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to nightshades.

Available in the form of tablets, capsules and tinctures. Use according to the instructions for the drug.


Leuzea is used in folk medicine of Altai. General strengthening preparation of plant origin. It has a tonic property and is used for fatigue and disorders of the nervous system.

Effects important for athletes: increased muscle power and endurance, increased hemoglobin, tolerance to extreme weather conditions.

Positively affects blood supply to the brain, concentration and mental abilities.

Contraindicated in case of increased nervous excitability.


Eleutherococcus is a woody shrub that grows in the mountains of northeast Asia; many centuries ago it was used as the main remedy for colds. Currently, it is the most used adaptogen.

It is used by workers in difficult climatic conditions, astronauts, sailors, military personnel, and athletes from various sports.

The fruits of Eleutherococcus increase endurance, muscle strength, improve brain performance, and strengthen the immune system. In Europe, this drug has long been used for chronic fatigue or for recovery from various diseases. He rarely calls side effects, but can sometimes provoke arrhythmia in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Available in the form of tablets, capsules and tinctures. Use according to the instructions for the drug.

In case of overdose, tachycardia, anxiety, headache, and drowsiness may occur. It is not recommended to use Eleutherococcus before bedtime. Also, its use requires regular monitoring of blood pressure.

Rhodiola rosea

Improves memory and mental performance. Taking Rhodiola enhances the production of serotonin and increases the amount of dopamine in the brain, which affects mental activity. In addition, Rhodiola controls cortisol levels, therefore it is considered an antidepressant. Its other advantages include a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

In terms of efficiency and positive action Rhodiola is similar to Eleutherococcus. Can be used as a replacement.

Available in the form of tablets, capsules and tinctures. Use according to the instructions for the drug.


Improves protein synthesis, increases the permeability of cell membranes. It also increases appetite and is recommended during carbohydrate loading during the competitive period.

Otherwise it is very similar to ginseng. In terms of action and efficiency it is in no way inferior to it and can be used as an analogue.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs