Drugs with anabolic activity. Steroid anabolic drugs

Anabolic agents(anabolica; Greek anabolē rise) - drugs that stimulate protein synthesis in the body.

By chemical structure anabolic agents subdivided into steroidal and non-steroidal. To steroid anabolic agents(anabolic steroids) include methandrostenolone, methylandrostenediol, retabolil, silabolii and phenobolin, which differ mainly in the duration of action. Long-acting drugs are phenobolin (7-15 days), retabolil (7-21 days) and silabolin (10-14 days). Short duration (12-24 h) possess methandrostenolone and methylandrostenediol. By chemical structure and action anabolic agents of this group are similar to androgenic hormones, but unlike them, they have much less pronounced androgenic activity. To nonsteroidal anabolic agents refers to potassium orotate. Properties of non-steroidal anabolic agents also has riboxin.

Steroid anabolic agents, stimulating protein synthesis in the body, cause nitrogen retention in it, reduce the concentration of urea in the urine, increase the content of total protein in the blood serum. In addition, they contribute to the retention of potassium, sulfur, phosphorus in the body, enhance the fixation of calcium in bone tissue. At the same time, steroid anabolic agents enhance the growth of bones in length without affecting the differentiation of the skeleton. Steroid anabolic agents increase the level of somatotropic hormone in the blood serum against the background of its insufficiency, somewhat reduce the function of the thyroid gland. In therapeutic doses, they do not affect the production of ACTH and adrenal hormones. Steroid anabolic agents stimulate b-cells of the pancreatic islets and increase the level of endogenous insulin, which leads to inhibition of glycogen breakdown. The mobilizing effect of steroid anabolic agents on fat metabolism leads to an increase in the concentration of free fatty acids and ketone bodies, a decrease in the level of cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood. Overall action anabolic agents manifested by an increase in body weight, acceleration of bone calcification in osteoporosis and regeneration processes, improvement in kidney and liver function.

The main indications for the use of steroid anabolic agents are cachexia; inhibition of regenerative processes after severe injuries, burns and operations; infectious diseases accompanied by protein loss; osteoporosis; delayed callus formation after fractures or plastic surgery on the bones. Steroid anabolic agents also used to correct protein metabolism disorders during long-term glucocorticoid therapy and after radiation therapy. Besides, anabolic agents This group is used in the recovery period after myocardial infarction and sometimes in the complex therapy of coronary heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic kidney diseases accompanied by protein loss and azotemia, diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. In neurology, steroid anabolic agents include in the complex therapy of myopathies, progressive muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and in endocrinology - in the treatment of chronic adrenal insufficiency, toxic goiter, steroid diabetes, diencephalic-pituitary insufficiency and pituitary dwarfism. In ophthalmic practice, anabolic steroids are mainly used for progressive myopia and retinal degeneration. Sometimes steroid anabolic agents used for anorexia and growth retardation in children.

Steroid A. With. are usually prescribed in courses lasting 1-2 months. with breaks between individual courses of 1-2 months. In geriatric practice, steroid anabolic agents are used in reduced doses, and repeated courses of treatment are carried out no earlier than after 3-4 months. During treatment anabolic means the patient should receive with food the necessary amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals.

Steroid anabolic agents contraindicated in prostate cancer, breast cancer and other hormone-dependent tumors, acute and chronic prostatitis, acute liver disease, pregnancy, lactation. Relative contraindications are chronic insufficiency of the liver and kidneys.

When using steroid anabolic agents possible dyspeptic disorders, transient jaundice due to cholestasis and the formation of bile clots in the hepatic ducts, edema, excessive calcium deposition in bone tissue. In women, steroid anabolic agents in therapeutic doses cause a progesterone-like effect; with prolonged use of large doses of these drugs, menstrual irregularities, signs of masculinization are possible. These side effects disappear after the drugs are discontinued or their doses are reduced. In patients with diabetes mellitus on the background of the use of steroid anabolic agents there may be a decrease in the need for insulin, and therefore in such patients it is necessary to check glucose tolerance.

The anabolic effect of potassium orotate is due to the fact that orotic acid, which is one of the precursors of pyrimidine nucleotides, stimulates the synthesis of nucleic acids that are involved in protein synthesis. Potassium orotate is used for violations of protein metabolism and as a general stimulant of metabolism. It is usually used in the complex therapy of liver diseases (except for cirrhosis), myocardial dystrophy, progressive muscular dystrophy, alimentary dystrophy and alimentary infectious dystrophy in children, as well as to improve anabolic processes during increased physical exertion. Side effects of the drug are manifested by dyspeptic disorders and allergic dermatosis.

Main anabolic agents, their doses, methods of application, forms of release, storage conditions are given below.

Potassium orotate(Kalii orotas) is prescribed orally for adults at 0.5 G 3 times a day, children - at the rate of 0.01-0.02 G for 1 kg body weight per day (in 3 divided doses). Release form: tablets of 0.1 and 0.5 G. Storage: list B; in a dry, dark place.

Methandrostenolone(Methandrostenolonum; synonym: dianabol, nerobol, etc.) is prescribed inside for adults at 0.005 G 1-2 times a day; children - in the following daily doses: up to 2 years - 0.05-0.1 mg/kg, from 2 to 5 years - 0.001-0.002 G, from 6 to 14 years old - 0.003-0.005 G. The daily dose is given in 2 divided doses. Release form: tablets of 0.001 and 0.005 G. Storage: list B; in a dry, dark place.

Methylandrostenediol(Methylandrostendiolum; synonym: methandriol, novandrol, etc.) is prescribed orally and under the tongue for adults at 0.025-0.05 G per day, children and patients with growth retardation - at the rate of 1-1.5 mg/kg, but not more than 0.05 G per day. Release form: tablets of 0.01 and 0.025 G for sublingual application. Storage: list B; in a dry, dark place.

Retabolil(Retabolil; synonym: nandrolone decanoate, etc.) is administered intramuscularly to adults at 0.025-0.05 G once in 2-3 weeks. (per course up to 10 injections); children - 1 time in 4 weeks. in the following doses: with a body weight of 10 kg - 0,005 G, 10 to 20 kg - 0,0075 G, from 20 to 30 kg - 0,01 G, from 30 to 40 kg - 0,015 G, from 40 to 50 kg - 0,02 G, above 50 kg - 0,025 G. Release form: ampoules 1 ml 5% solution in oil. Storage: list B; in a place protected from light.

Silabolin(Silabolinum) is administered intramuscularly to adults at the rate of 1.5 mg/kg at 1 month, children - no more than 1 mg/kg at 1 month The monthly dose is administered in equal parts after 1-2 weeks. Release form: 1 ml ampoules of 2.5% or 5% solution in oil. Storage: list B; in a place protected from light.

Phenobolin(Phenobolinum, synonym: durabolin, nandrolone phenylpropionate, nerobolil, turabolil, turinabol, etc.) are administered intramuscularly to adults at 0.025-0.05 G 1 time in 7-10 days, children - at the rate of 1 mg/kg at 1 month 1 / 4 - 1 / 3 doses administered every 7-10 days). Release form: ampoules 1 ml 1% and 2.5% solution in oil. Storage: list B; in a place protected from light.

Bibliography: Zarubina N.A. Anabolic steroids, their main properties and clinical applications, Sov. honey., No. 5, p. 83, 1982, bibliogr.; Seifulla R.D., Ankundinova I.A. and Portugalov S.N. Side effects of anabolic steroids, Pharm. and Toxicol., t. 51, No. 1, p. 104, 1988, bibliogr.




This book has been compiled as a reference book. The author made an attempt to systematize and classify pharmacological and non-pharmacological agents with anabolic activity, as well as give advice on their use.

It seems likely that the range of medical indications for the use of anabolic steroids will constantly expand, since anabolic agents, due to their general tonic and biostimulating effect, can have a beneficial effect in the treatment of almost any disease. Also noteworthy is the ability of anabolics to increase life expectancy and cause a rejuvenation reaction in the body.

By virtue of the foregoing, it becomes clear how widely anabolic agents can be used under conditions of their correct use, excluding side effects.

The concept of the term "Anabolic agents"
Classification of anabolic drugs.

The word "anabolics" comes from the word "anabolism", which means "synthesis". Anabolic agents are a whole group of the most diverse in structure and origin of agents that are able to enhance the processes of protein synthesis in the body. Life is a way of existence of protein bodies, hence it is clear how widely anabolic agents can be used, provided that they are completely or relatively harmless.

Classification of anabolics.

Hormones Male sex hormones are androgens. pituitary hormones.
    somatotropic hormone. Gonadotropic hormone.
hypothalamic hormones.
    Somatotropin-releasing hormone Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (decapeptide)
The pancreatic hormone is insulin. Antihormones Antiestrogens
    Clomiphene citrate. Tamoxifen.
Synthetic hormonally active drugs Anabolic steroid
    Methandrostenolone. Phenobolin. Silabolin. Methylandrostenediol. Retabolil. Oxymetholone. Halotestin. Nelivar. Ethylestrenol. Stanozolol. Primobolan. Norboleton. Bolasterone. Oxymesterone. Chlortestosterone acetate. Oxandrol.
vitamins calcium pantothenate. carnitine chloride. Vitamin K. (Vitamin PP). Vitamin U. A nicotinic acid. Coenzymes Flavinat. Cobamamide. Vitamin-like substances Methyluracil. Potassium orotate. Phosphaden. Riboxin. Choline chloride. . Nootropics. Piracetam (Nootropil). Pantogam. Psychoenergizers Acephen. Antihypoxants Sodium oxybutyrate. Herbal preparations with anabolic action Plant anabolics-adaptogens.
    Leuzea safflower. Aralia Manchurskaya. Ginseng. The lure is high. Rhodiola rosea (golden root). Eleutherococcus prickly. Lemongrass Chinese. Sterculia vulgaris.
bee products
Apilak (royal jelly) pollen Crystalline amino acids (L-forms) Glutamic acid. Histidine. Aspartic acid. Methionine. Actoprotectors Bemitil.


Sex hormones determine the sexual development of the body and form primary and secondary sexual characteristics. In the female body, female sex hormones - estrogens - predominate, and in the male - male sex hormones - androgens. The female body contains a small amount of androgens, and the male body contains a small amount of estrogen.

In 1895, Saechi first described the relationship between muscle mass and the action of male sex hormones - androgens. In 1935, Kochacian and Murlin discovered that the male sex hormone testosterone stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the accumulation of protein in the body.

Currently, the following are used in medical practice: testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate, methyltestosterone, etc. All these drugs have high androgenic activity and cannot be used for anabolic purposes. They are used according to strict medical indications in cases of underdevelopment of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. In fairness, it should be noted that before the spread of synthetic anabolic steroids, male sex hormones for anabolic purposes were used very widely. The only limitation of their use was that against the background of chronic administration of androgens from the outside, the production of their own androgens gradually faded away.

At present, however, it has been found that the weakening of one's own production of androgens can be avoided by prescribing short-acting androgens (4-6 hours) every other day. With this treatment regimen, sex hormones can be used for many years without the development of a withdrawal syndrome after stopping treatment.


In the 50s. for the first time chemical derivatives of male sex hormones - androgens were synthesized. Initially, the task was to synthesize drugs in which the androgenic effect would be the weakest, and the anabolic - the ability to stimulate protein synthesis - the strongest.

Currently, a number of anabolic steroids (AS) have been created, which are derivatives of testosterone (the most active male sex hormone) and substances close to it.

To understand the mechanisms of therapeutic and side effects of anabolic steroids, it is necessary to clearly understand their chemical structure and the relationship of activity with the structure.

As you can see, all anabolic steroids are based on a tetracyclic hydrocarbon having a methyl radical - CH3 in position 13, sometimes in position 10, 1, 7. The presence of a radical of different lengths in position 17 is very important.

Retabolil has the longest duration of action, having the longest radical in position 17: - O-C=O-CH2-(CH2)8-CH3

The anabolic effect after a single injection of retabolil persists for 3 months. On the 2nd place in terms of duration of action is phenobolin, which has a shorter radical in position 17. Its anabolic effect after a single injection lasts up to 14 days.

The direct relationship between the length of the radical and the duration of action is explained by the fact that with its lengthening, the solubility in lipids increases. He (radical) binds to the lipids of the body and forms a depot in the subcutaneous fat.

The presence of a methyl radical - CH3 in position 17 gives anabolic steroids hepatotoxic properties. Therefore, drugs such as methandrostenolone, having a methyl radical in position 17, must be used in conjunction with drugs that improve liver function.

Anabolic steroids are the most active class of compounds of all known anabolic agents. When used correctly, they give a significant increase in body weight and increase muscle strength. The increase in body weight is achieved not only due to muscle tissue, but also due to an increase in the mass of internal organs - the liver, heart, kidneys, etc., which, however, is less pronounced than the growth of muscle mass.

The ability to assimilate protein by the body sharply increases. If normally an adult needs from 70 to 100 g of protein per day, then against the background of the use of AS, the need for protein can increase up to 300 g per day. Hence the obvious need to increase the proportion of protein in the diet during treatment with anabolics. The proportion of fats and carbohydrates should be reduced accordingly. Against the background of a low-protein diet, anabolic steroids are inactive. It is very important to note that increasing the dose of anabolic steroids above the generally accepted one gives only a slight increase in the anabolic effect, while the side effects increase dramatically. Therefore, in order to achieve a great effect, it makes sense to give preference to such a treatment regimen when anabolics are administered for a longer time, but in normal doses. A shorter application of large doses is already less effective.

With a severe overdose of anabolic steroids, a catabolic effect can develop with an increase in the rate of breakdown of muscle proteins and the development of nitrogen deficiency. This is due to two reasons: firstly, an excess of anabolic steroids can increase thyroid function, which causes a negative nitrogen balance due to a sharp increase in protein oxidation processes as a result of energy deficiency; secondly, an excess of anabolic steroids can be converted in the liver into estrogens, which inhibit anabolic reactions in men.

In view of the foregoing, long-term administration of low doses of AS is more preferable than short-term administration of large ones. In addition to nitrogen retention in the body, anabolics contribute to the retention of sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, etc. ions, which can cause swelling in case of an overdose of the drug.

The anabolic activity of a particular drug is determined in relation to the anabolic activity of testosterone, which is taken as a unit. Similarly expressed androgenic activity in relation to the androgenic activity of testosterone. The ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity is called the anabolic index. From this it is clear that the most valuable is the drug that has the highest anabolic index (AI), as an indicator of the greatest predominance of anabolic activity over androgenic.

AI \u003d (Anabolic activity) / (Androgenic activity)

The table below shows the anabolic and androgenic activity of various drugs according to different authors, where testosterone is used as a standard.




















The effect of anabolic steroids on protein metabolism is primarily associated with the effect on the genetic apparatus of the cell. Anabolic steroids penetrate there through cell membranes directly into the cell nucleus and block the protein synthesis depressor gene. As a result, there is an increase in protein synthesis in the cell.

Both the synthesis of matrix proteins and the synthesis of RNA and DNA are enhanced. In addition, the permeability of cell membranes for amino acids, microelements and carbohydrates increases. Increases the rate of glycogen synthesis. As a result of the use of AS, there is an increase in the activity of the pentose phosphate cycle, where parts of protein molecules are synthesized from carbohydrates. AS improve carbohydrate metabolism, enhance the action of insulin, reduce blood sugar. Noteworthy is the ability of AS to potentiate the action of endogenous somatotropin (growth hormone).

The property of AS to improve lipid metabolism was revealed. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. A number of experiments revealed the reverse development of atherosclerotic plaques of vessels as a result of the use of AS. In old animals against the background of AS, signs of rejuvenation appear. In young individuals, AS contribute to increased growth and weight gain, however, it should be taken into account that this accelerates the maturation of the skeleton and premature closure of growth zones occurs. this particularity of anabolics is used to treat constitutional tallness.

A very difficult question is the effect of AS on the liver. All researchers note an increase in protein synthesis in the liver as a result of the use of AS. For this purpose, AS are prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver. In this case, they give a pronounced therapeutic effect, while any other therapy is moloeffective. However, 5% of patients treated with AS develop jaundice, which resolves after discontinuation of the drug. This jaundice is the result of cholestatic hepatitis. The peculiarity of this hepatitis is that with it there is no pronounced damage to liver cells.

Practitioners note the appearance of minor pain in the liver in almost 70% of patients receiving AS. Such pains are caused by stagnation of bile in the bile ducts and quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drugs. It seems appropriate in the treatment of AS to simultaneously prescribe drugs that protect the liver from toxic effects. Legalon (Carsil) and Essentiale have the highest activity among such preparations.

Since the AU, having a methyl radical - CH3 in position 17 have increased hepatotoxicity, they must be administered with caution. Tableted preparations must be administered not inside, but under the tongue, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the portal system of the liver. For the same purpose, you can prescribe drugs rectally, in the form of microclysters. The effectiveness of AS increases with the simultaneous use of multivitamin preparations.

The range of indications for prescribing AS is quite wide: severe surgical injuries and fractures, postoperative condition, severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a decrease in its digestive and protein-synthetic function; acute and chronic heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes mellitus, adrenal disease, dwarfism, tuberculosis, anemia, decreased immunity, exhaustion of the nervous system, aging, extensive burns, kidney disease, breast cancer, severe myopia and some other diseases.

A contraindication for the appointment of AS is the presence of malignant tumors (increased tumor growth), inflammatory diseases of the gonads, prostate adenoma in men, virilization phenomena in women. A separate discussion deserves the use of AS in sports. AUs belong to the category of doping and their use in the competitive period is strictly prohibited. Some authors, however, allow the use of AS in the intercompetitive period, in the period of rehabilitation after injuries. Treatment of AS should be carried out under strict medical supervision and against the background of hepatoprotective drugs. AS women are generally contraindicated, with the exception of cases of treatment of breast cancer and severe postoperative conditions (according to vital indications). The use of AS in women causes coarsening of the voice, facial hair growth, etc.

The duration of treatment is determined strictly individually and depends on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition. The minimum treatment period is 1 month. Maximum - 6 months. In the treatment of dwarfism (pituitary dwarfism), anabolic steroids may be prescribed continuously for up to 2 years. The assertions of sports journalists (but not scientists of pharmacology) that anabolic steroids negatively affect the sexual function of men should be recognized as without any basis. On the contrary, AS causes an increase in sexual desire with a simultaneous improvement in the morphological state of the gonads (provided that the dosage is not exceeded to such an extent that excess AS is converted into estrogens in the liver). Retabolil, for example, at a dose of 50 mg per week, is included in many treatment regimens for male impotence.

Drugs used in Russia:

Retabolil. 19-Nor-testosterone-17b-decanoate.
Synonyms: Nandrolone Decanoate, Deca-Durabolin, Turinabol-Depot, Nortestosteronedecanoate, etc.
Release form: 1 ml ampoules of 5% solution (50 mg) in peach oil. It is administered intramuscularly in 1 ml from 1 time in 3 days to 1 time per month. After a single injection, the effect lasts up to 3 months. The anabolic effect of retabolil is 10 times stronger than that of testosterone. Of all the anabolic steroid compounds, retabolil is the least toxic.

Phenobolin. 17b-Oxy-19-Nor-4-Androvten-3-He-17b-Phenyl-Propionate
Synonyms: Nerobolil, Turinobol, Durabolin, Nandrolone-phenylpropionate, etc.
Release form: Ampoules of 1 ml of 1% and 2.5% solution (10 and 25 mg) in peach (nerobolil) or olive (phenobolin) oil. It is administered intramuscularly at 25-50 mg 1 time in 3 days or 1 time in two weeks. After a single injection, the effect lasts up to 14 days.

Silabolin. Estren-4-ol-17b-one-3 trimethylsilyl ether.
Release form: 1 ml ampoules of 2.5% or 5% solution in olive oil (25 or 50 mg). It is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 25-50 mg with a frequency of 1 time in 3 days to 1 time in 2 weeks. After a single injection, the effect lasts up to 14 days.

Methandrostenolone. 17a-Methylandrostadiene-1,4-ol-17b-one-3.
Synonyms: Nerobol, Dianobol, Methandinone, etc.
Release form: 5 mg tablets. Taken under the tongue 1 to 10 tablets per day. It has hepatotoxic properties.

Methylandrostenedione. 17a-Methylandrosten-5-diol-3b, 17b.
Synonyms: Methandriol, Methasterone, etc.
Release form: tablets of 10 and 25 mg. Taken under the tongue up to 10 mg per day. They have a stronger androgenic effect compared to other anabolic steroids that have in Russia, as well as a fairly strong hepatotoxic effect.


Pituitary hormones are hormones secreted by the pituitary gland - a special outgrowth at the base of the brain resembling a cherry. For anabolic purposes, somatotropic and gonadotropic hormones are used.

1. Somatotropic hormone. Somatotropic hormone (SG) is a growth hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, which was first isolated in 1944. It is a polypeptide consisting of 191 amino acids. The main effect of SG is the stimulation of protein synthesis in the body, due to which its growth effect is carried out. Unlike sex hormones, SG enhances the growth of the skeleton, but does not accelerate the rate of ossification of the growth zones. Its introduction to animals is accompanied by enhanced growth, resulting in the appearance of large individuals. The growth of a person depends on the activity of his SH, which is determined by hereditary factors.

Until recently, SG was used only for the treatment of pituitary dwarfism, a disease characterized by a small growth of patients due to a deficiency of their own SG. Currently, not unsuccessful attempts are being made to use exogenous SG for anabolic purposes and for the treatment of constitutional short stature. As an anabolic agent, SG is used for severe fractures, extensive burns and other diseases in which anabolics are indicated.
Difficulties in the use of SG are associated primarily with its high cost and scarcity, since it is obtained from the pituitary glands of dead people (SG of animals in humans is not effective). Recently, in a number of countries, the production of biosynthetic SG - "mstiopalsomatotropin" has begun, as a result of which the drug has become cheaper and more accessible.

The main side effect of the drug is diabetogenic effect. The drug can cause the development of diabetes in persons with a hereditary predisposition to it. Therefore, somatotropin treatment is carried out under strict control of blood sugar. With an increase in fasting glucose levels, treatment is immediately stopped. The diabetogenic action of SG is of a complex nature and depends mainly on the following points: 1) Switching insulin from carbohydrate to protein metabolism. 2) Strengthening the breakdown of insulin in the liver under the action of the enzyme insulinase. 3) Decreased absorption of glucose by tissues with a one-day increase in their absorption of amino acids. The enhancement of protein synthesis is achieved by enhancing the synthesis of DNA, RNA and increasing the rate of incorporation of amino acids into matrix synthesis.

Against the background of the use of SG, there is a significant increase in muscle mass and thickening of the bone. Strengthening of protein synthesis also occurs in the heart, liver, kidneys, which has a positive effect on their work. In addition to the proteinanabolic action, somatotropin increases the consumption of sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, etc. The introduction of SG is accompanied by an increase in fat oxidation in the body with a general decrease in the content of adipose tissue and cholesterol.

In Russia, human somatotropin is produced, obtained from cadaveric pituitary glands - "Human Somatotropin for Injection" in the form of a sterile powder, which is dissolved in water for injection before use. One vial contains 2 or 4 units of the drug. Enter intramuscularly at 2-4 IU 2 times a week. Courses of treatment last from one month for severe burns and prolonged debilitating diseases to 2 years for pituitary dwarfism. It should be noted that 6 months after the start of administration, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced due to the formation of antibodies in the body that bind the drug. Since 1984, biosynthetic somatotropin called "Somatogen" has been produced in experimental batches in Russia.

The use of somatotropin is contraindicated in malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus and hereditary predisposition to it. In addition to the introduction of somatotropin from the outside, in medical practice, drugs of various structure are used to enhance the body's synthesis of its own SG. Long-term courses of treatment for SH are indicated mainly for dwarfism and constitutional short stature, when ossification of the growth zones of the skeleton has not yet occurred. With an already formed skeleton, long-term use of SG can lead to a disproportionate increase in individual parts of the body - hands, feet, nose, tongue, superciliary arches, ears, lower jaw - in which growth zones do not close throughout life. Therefore, it is desirable to prescribe SG for an anabolic purpose in short courses of one month with breaks of at least 2 months.

2. Gonadotropic hormone. Gonadotropic hormone (GH) or gonadotropin is secreted by cells of the anterior pituitary gland. (Strictly speaking, there are two hormones - follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) - which are glycoproteins and are combined under the common name "Gonadotropic hormone" in commercial drugs.). The development and functioning of the gonads depends on GG. Under the influence of GG, the reproduction and maturation of germ cells occurs, and in women also the mammary glands. When GH is introduced into the body from the outside, the morphological and functional state of the gonads improves, sexual activity increases. In medicine, GH is used to treat cryptorchidism (impaired development of the testicles in men), anovulation (impaired formation of the corpus luteum and cessation of menstruation) in women. A good result is the use of GG for male impotence.

The anabolic effect of GG is associated with its effect on the sex glands, which carry out the synthesis of androgens. Many authors recommend GH for increasing muscle mass and improving performance in sports in men, since GH is not doping. GG has a beneficial effect in liver diseases (cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis), coronary heart disease and some other diseases.

GG is produced in the form of the drug Chorionic Gonadotropin,<который получают из мочи беременных женщин. В одной амп0, 2000, 3000 ЕД. Вводят препарат внутримышечно взрослым в дозах от 1500 до 3000 ЕД 1 раз в три дня. Длительность курсов лечения от 1 до 2-х месяцев. Между курсами делают перерывы не менее одного месяца, чтобы предупредить образование антител к препарату и привыкание организма. Всего проводят до шести курсов лечения.
GG is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the genital area and malignant tumors. Its side effects are associated with a sharp increase in the activity of the gonads, which can be expressed in a sharp increase in sexual desire, increased growth of beards and mustaches, vegetation on the body, and the appearance of acne. (To prevent acne, lipotropic agents are prescribed: cobamamide, lipocaine, choline chloride, Vit B6 in combination with calcium pantothenate, etc.). It should be taken into account that with non-ossified growth zones in young people, GH accelerates their closure, which leads to premature cessation of body growth in length. Therefore, for children, GG is prescribed strictly for medical reasons in short courses in doses adequate to age.


Hypothalamic hormones are secreted by the hypothalamus - a part of the midbrain, on which the activity of the pituitary gland and the release of pituitary hormones largely depend. Each pituitary hormone is under the control of a specific releasing factor of the hypothalamus, which enhances the synthesis and release of this hormone. For example: the synthesis of somatotropic hormone is enhanced by somatotropin-releasing factor; the synthesis of gonadotropin is enhanced by the gonadotropin-ylizing factor, etc.

Inhibition of the synthesis of any pituitary hormone depends on a hypothalamic factor called a statin. For example: somatostatin inhibits the synthesis of somatotropic hormone, gonadostatin inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone, etc. The use of somatotropin-releasing factor, which enhances the synthesis of somatotropin, has not yet entered into medical practice. SG - releasing factor is currently used only for diagnostic purposes. At the same time, gonadotropin-releasing factor, obtained synthetically in 1971, has already found application in the treatment of impotence and underdevelopment of primary and secondary male sexual characteristics, as well as for anabolic purposes and in the treatment of liver diseases.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the form of a dosage form was named decapeptide, (Pyro-Glu-His-Tri-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2). Produced in a number of developed countries in the form of powder in ampoules. It is introduced into the body by instillation into the nasal mucosa. Virtually does not cause allergies.

The widespread use of hypothalamic hormones is a matter of the near future and opens up very attractive prospects. The side effects of hypothalamic hormones are similar to those with a sharp increase in the activity of the corresponding peripheral glands, but it should be recognized that their action is, of course, milder and more physiological than the action of pituitary and peripheral hormones introduced into the body from the outside.<


Insulin is a peptide hormone. Secreted by b-cells of the islet apparatus of the pancreas. It has the strongest anabolic effect. Enhances the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Promotes the penetration of amino acids, fatty acids and glucose into the cell. Inhibits the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules. Increases glycogen stores in muscles and liver. Lowers blood sugar by increasing glucose uptake by tissues. Improves energy metabolism, reduces excessive oxidation of energy substrates and increases their recovery.

If you introduce a sufficiently large dose of insulin into the body from the outside, there is a strong decrease in blood sugar and a protective reaction occurs - an increase in the release of somatotropic hormone, which contributes to a rise in blood sugar levels. In some cases, the level of somatotropic hormone can increase by 5-7 times. It also leads to a sharp increase in anabolism. Insulin in small doses is used as an anabolic agent for general malnutrition and large underweight, with long-term debilitating diseases, the initial stages of liver cirrhosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines, tuberculosis, etc. Since insulin is not a doping drug, it can be recommended in sports practice as a drug for building both muscle mass and total body weight. Unlike anabolic steroids, which give an increase in "clean" muscle mass, insulin also promotes the synthesis of adipose tissue, which must be taken into account when conducting insulin therapy.

A fairly large number of insulin preparations are produced in Russia. Short-acting drugs (no more than 6 hours): insulin for injection, suinsulin, whale insulin, etc.; as well as long-acting insulin preparations, the effect of which lasts more than 6 hours. For anabolic purposes, only short-acting drugs are used. The activity of the drug is expressed in units. One vial contains 40 or 80 IU.

The drug is administered 1 time per day according to a certain scheme. On the 1st day - 4 units, on the 2nd day -8 units, etc. 4 units are added every day. You can increase the dose every other day. The maximum dose is 20-40 IU. The duration of treatment is up to 2 months. Courses of treatment with insulin can be carried out 2 times a year. Treatment with insulin has its own characteristics. After the introduction of the drug after 1-5 minutes. hypoglycemia begins - a decrease in blood sugar levels. There is weakness, sometimes palpitations, trembling in the legs. 15-20 minutes after the introduction of insulin to stop hypoglycemia, you need to drink sweet tea and eat some starchy product, otherwise you may lose consciousness as a result of hypoglycemia, which then turns into a severe coma and requires urgent medical attention - intravenous glucose. Since the action of conventional non-prolonged insulin preparations lasts at least 6 hours, all this time it is necessary to have something sweet ready and, when the first signs of hypoglycemia appear, take food. The intake of carbohydrate food should not reach such quantities that stop hypoglycemia completely, otherwise the release of somatotropin will stop. You need to learn how to vary the intake of carbohydrate foods so that you still feel mild (!) Hypoglycemia without the risk of going into a hypoglycemic coma.

In general, the diet, as in the treatment with anabolic steroids, should contain a sufficient amount of complete animal proteins. Therefore, for the relief of hypoglycemia, it is more rational to take not pure carbohydrates in the form of sugar and jam, but a protein-carbohydrate mixture such as baby food "Baby". Due to the above features, insulin treatment is a very difficult task with the risk of complications and should be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.

A positive feature of insulin is that, being a strong anabolic agent, it can be used in both men and women without causing a virilizing effect. (The virilizing effect - the effect of androgens - increased hair growth on the face and body, coarsening of the voice, etc.) Insulin practically does not cause side effects, except for rare cases of allergies. Obese people should not use insulin.


An increase in the activity of sex hormones is possible not only due to the strengthening of the work of the glands producing them, but also due to the weakening of the work<желез, тормозящих их продукцию.

In the male body, in addition to male sex hormones, androgens, a certain amount of female sex hormones, estrogen, is produced. Androgen production predominates, but it can become even stronger if the action of estrogens, which weaken the androgenic effects, is blocked. Strengthening the production of androgens leads, respectively, to an increase in anabolic processes in the body, an increase in efficiency and muscle strength. The importance of suppressing estrogenic influences in the male body becomes clearer when one considers that estrogens block the effects of growth hormone and deplete the reserves of growth hormone in the pituitary gland. To reduce the effect of estrogen on the body, estrogen receptor blockers are used, which reduce the susceptibility of cells to estrogens. The end result is an increase in the effects of androgens.

The following antiestrogenic drugs are produced in Russia.

1. Clomiphene citrate. 1-Chloro-2-para(2-diethylaminoethoxy)-phenyl-1,2-diphenylethylene citrate. Synonyms: Clostilbegit, chloranifen, ardomone, clomid, etc. Release form: 10 mg tablets. Take 1-2 times a day, 10 mg. The course of treatment is from 1 to 4 months.

2. Tamoxifen. 2-[para-(Diphenyl-l-butenyl)-phenoxy]-N,N-dimethylethylamine. Synonyms: Zitazonium, Nolvadex, etc. Release form: 10 mg tablets. Assign from 10 to 20 mg 2 times a day. Course of treatment: 1-4 months.

In medicine, both drugs are used to treat breast cancer in women and impotence in men, because in addition to the direct antiestrogenic effect, both drugs have the ability to stimulate the synthesis of endogenous gonadotropins with a subsequent effect on the sex glands (which causes mainly the anabolic effect of antiestrogens).

The negative side of antiestrogenic drugs is a large number of side effects. Clomiphene citrate can cause nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, allergies, blood clots in blood vessels, blurred vision.

When using tamoxifen, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, skin rash, development of blood clots and changes in the retina of the eyes (at high doses) may occur. Both can cause testicular pain in men through overstimulation. In women, antiestrogens are generally contraindicated except in cases of breast cancer and treatment of anovulation.<


This chapter discusses vitamin preparations that stand out among other vitamins for their anabolic effect. In terms of anabolic activity, vitamins, of course, are inferior to such "big" anabolics as anabolic steroids and insulin, but at the same time they practically do not give side effects and can be used for quite a long time, which distinguishes them from other drugs.

1. Calcium pantothenate. Calcium salt of D-(+) - pantothenic acid.
Calcium pantothenate (PC) has a powerful anabolic effect. Surpasses all other vitamin preparations in anabolic action.
Significantly reduces basal metabolism, which leads to a rapid increase in total body weight, as a result of a decrease in the proportion of oxidizable proteins. The level of sugar in the blood decreases, which contributes to the release of somatotropic hormone. The synthesis of acetylcholine increases, which enhances the tone of the parasipathic nervous system, which contributes to an increase in the strength of the neuromuscular apparatus.

PC enhances the synthesis of steroid hormones and hemoglobin. PC is a drug of "economy action", because it makes the work of the body more economical. Significantly increases overall endurance and load tolerance. PC is involved in the most important reactions of energy transfer and phosphorus compounds. PC improves liver function and helps to eliminate toxins, alcohol, poisons, and medicinal substances from the body. Pantothenate has pronounced radioprotective properties, the release of radioactive substances from the body increases by 2 times.

In medicine, it is used as a detoxifying, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and general tonic. It has a strong anti-stress effect. PC enhances the absorption of potassium ions from the intestine, which, along with increased synthesis of acetylcholine, plays an important role in the process of enhancing muscle contraction. It is produced in tablets of 0.1 g. Daily doses are from 0.4 to 2 g. PC is recommended during the period of maximum training loads and during the competitive period, as an anti-stress agent, primarily for people with increased anxiety.

The sedative (calming) effect of PC is enhanced when administered together with vitamin U in equal amounts. The presence of two methyl radicals (-CH3) gives the drug lipotropic properties and the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels.

2. Carnitine chloride
. D, L-N-(1-Carboxy-2-hydroxypropyl)-trimethylammonium chloride.
Carnitine chloride (CC) has a significant anabolic effect. The anabolic effect of the drug is less pronounced than that of PC. CC reduces basal metabolism, as a result of which the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules slows down. Causes a state of mild inhibition in the central nervous system. Increases the secretion of digestive juices - gastric and intestinal, and also enhances their digestive action, resulting in improved absorption of food.

CH promotes the penetration of fatty acids through mitochondrial membranes. This mechanism underlies the increase in endurance under the action of CH. In addition, CH contributes to the breakdown of fatty acids. The fat-mobilizing effect of CH is also partly associated with the presence of three labile methyl groups. The ability of CH to "burn" adipose tissue is used to reduce excess weight and "dry" the muscles.

Carnitine contributes to the elimination of post-exercise acidosis and, as a result, the restoration of working capacity after prolonged debilitating physical exertion. CH increases glycogen stores in the liver and muscles, contributes to its more economical use.

Release form: 20% solution in vials of 100 ml. Take 1-2 teaspoons two to three times a day. In medical practice, it is mainly used as a non-hormonal anabolic agent for underweight children. In adults, it is used for chronic gastritis with low acidity. It is also a valuable tool for weight loss, as it "burns" adipose tissue without affecting muscle tissue. Effective in liver disease, thyrotoxicosis, coronary heart disease, neurasthenia.

3. Vitamin U
. (d, L-2-amino-4-(dimethylsulfonium)butyric acid chloride.
Vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium chloride) is a derivative of methionine, an essential amino acid. Therefore, the drug can be considered not only as a vitamin, but also as a crystalline amino acid. Vitamin U improves digestion, normalizes the acid-forming function of the stomach: increased acidity decreases, and low acidity increases. A valuable property of vitamin U is the presence of labile methyl groups that can easily be included in the exchange, due to which fat-mobilizing and lipolytic effects are achieved. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Recently, data have appeared on the effectiveness of vitamin U in endogenous depressions (depressed mood) that cannot be treated with psychotropic drugs. Vitamin U may be recommended as a mild anabolic for individuals with gastrointestinal disorders; for people with low mood; as well as a means of preventing fatty liver when using drugs such as insulin and nicotinic acid on the background of a high-calorie diet.

Release form: tablets of 50 mg. Daily dose: 100 to 600 mg per day.

4. Vitamin K (Vikasol).
2,3-Dihydro-2-methyl-1,4-sodium photoquinone-2sulfonate.
Vitamin K is a derivative of naphthoquinone. For a long time, vitamin K was used only as a means of increasing blood clotting by increasing the formation of prothrombin in the liver.

In recent years, its anabolic effect has been discovered: increased protein synthesis in the liver and muscles, healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers, and wound healing effect. Under the influence of vitamin K, collagen synthesis is enhanced, which gives strength to the ligaments and skin. It is possible that the ability to increase blood coagulation is based on increased synthesis of short-lived liver proteins, where prothrombin is synthesized. Vitamin K greatly enhances the functional activity of muscle tissue. As a result of the use of vitamin K, the activity of eosinophilic cells of the pituitary gland, which secrete somatotropic hormone, increases. In some cases, there is an increase in the number of hormone-producing cells. Vitamin K significantly improves bioenergetics by improving oxidative phosphorization, ATP and creatine phosphate synthesis in muscles.

In Russia, water-soluble vitamin K is produced under the name Vikasol. Release form: 15 mg tablets. The drug is prescribed at 15-30 mg per day for 4 days. This is followed by a break of 3 days, after which the drug can be resumed. Long-term continuous use of the drug is undesirable due to an excessive increase in blood clotting. For the same reason, during treatment with vikasol, it is necessary to control the time of blood clotting so that there is no danger of blood clots in the vessels.

In medicine, vikasol is used in the treatment of a wide variety of bleeding and increased bleeding, for the treatment of liver diseases, for stomach and duodenal ulcers (especially bleeding), uterine bleeding, etc. The drug is contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting and thromboembolism.

5. Nicotinic acid. (Vitamin PP)
. Pyridinecarboxylic-3 acid.
Nicotinic acid, introduced into the body in sufficiently large doses, improves redox reactions, shifting the balance towards recovery processes. Vitamin PP enhances the effects of endogenous insulin with its inherent anabolic action. Under the influence of nicotinic acid in the body, the content of serotonin increases, which is a mediator of the parasympathetic nervous system and increases the permeability of cells for amino acids and energy substrates. Nicotinic acid increases the acidity of gastric juice and its digestive capacity, thereby improving the digestibility of food. At the same time, the rate of peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract also increases and appetite increases. Vitamin PP is a part of enzyme systems that, to one degree or another, take part in the metabolism of all other vitamins, so the introduction of nicotinic acid significantly improves the overall vitamin balance of the body.

The anabolic effect of nicotinic acid is manifested in doses several times greater than those used in conventional medical practice. If nicotinic acid is usually prescribed in doses of 50 to 300 mg per day, then in order to enhance anabolism, it is prescribed up to 3-9 g per day. Such large doses can have significant side effects, so treatment with nicotinic acid should be carried out with caution. Nicotinic acid depletes the body of methyl radicals, as a result of which fatty liver may occur. To prevent this from happening, along with nicotinic acid, it is necessary to prescribe lipotropic agents - methionine, vitamin U, choline chloride. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of cottage cheese.

At the beginning of treatment with nicotinic acid, immediately after the administration (intake) of the drug, there is a sharp expansion of the skin vessels with redness, which lasts 10-20 minutes after administration. This reaction is especially pronounced when injected. Due to the strong expansion of blood vessels in persons prone to hypotension, pressure can drop sharply, so after the injection they need to rest in a supine position for 15-20 minutes.

Release form of the drug: tablets of nicotinic acid, 50 mg. Ampoules of 1 ml of 1% solution: 10 mg per ampoule. The scheme of application of nicotinic acid depends on the form of release. Taking tablets begins with 100 mg per day and continues for several days until the body adapts and the reaction of reddening of the skin disappears. After that, the dose is increased by 100 mg per day and left at this level until the disappearance of the vascular reaction. Thus, the dose is adjusted to 3 g per day. Injections of nicotinic acid begin with 1 ml of 10% solution once a day and continue to be administered daily until the disappearance of the vascular reaction. After the disappearance of the reaction of vasodilation, increase the dose by 1 ml, etc. The maximum dose is 15 ml of 1% solution. All injections are carried out once a day.

Such large doses of nicotinic acid significantly reduce blood cholesterol and, taking into account the vasodilating effect, are prescribed in the treatment of atherosclerosis, endarteritis obliterans and other vascular diseases. High doses of nicotinic acid lead to hypertrophy of the adrenal glands and significantly increase exercise tolerance. The course of treatment with nicotinic acid can last up to 2-3 months, after which a break is necessary.

Contraindications for the use of nicotinic acid are peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, increased acidity of gastric juice, fatty liver. In these diseases, treatment with nicotinic acid can cause an exacerbation reaction.<


A coenzyme is a derivative of a vitamin, the active form into which vitamins are converted when they enter the body. In some cases, the pharmacological effect of a coenzyme introduced into the body from the outside differs from the pharmacological effect of a vitamin. So, for example, vitamins B2 and B12 do not have anabolic activity as such, and their coenzymes - flavinate and cobamamide have a pronounced anabolic activity.

1. Flavinate. P "- ​​(Riboflavin-5") - P2 (adenosine-5") diphosphate disodium salt.
A derivative of riboflavin (vitamin B2). Flavinate, or flavin adenine nucleotide, forms enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of amino acids, lipids and carbohydrates. Flavinate has an anabolic effect, improves the course of redox processes, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, enhances hemoglobin synthesis, improves vision. For a growing organism, flavinate is an indispensable growth factor. Flavinat contributes to the most complete breakdown of carbohydrates and increases the energy supply of the body during hard physical work. In medical practice, flavinate is used in the treatment of dystrophic processes, diseases of the retina and glaucoma, in chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines, in some skin diseases, etc.

Release form: in ampoules of 3 ml. Each ampoule contains 0.002 g of the drug. It is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.002 g once a day. Courses of treatment can last from 10 to 40 days. Breaks between courses of treatment for at least one month.

2. Cobamamide. Coa-[a-(5,6-dimethylbenzimidazolyl)] - Cob-adenazylcobamide.
Cobamamide is a derivative of vitamin B12, in contrast to which it has significant anabolic activity. The anabolic effect of cobamamide is associated with an increase in cell division processes and is especially pronounced in relation to rapidly dividing cells, such as cells of the bone nucleus. The pharmacological effects of cobamamide are largely associated with the presence of labile methyl groups in its molecule, which can participate in synthetic processes, enhance cholesterol breakdown and fat mobilization.

Under the influence of cobamamide, the processes of synthesis of choline and endogenous carnitine are activated in the body. The anabolic effect of cobamamide in children is more pronounced than in adults and is expressed in faster growth and faster weight gain.

In medicine, cobamamide is used to treat various kinds of anemia, diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines. Of particular note is the fact that the anabolic effect of cobamamide is realized through its interactions with folic acid, therefore, along with cobamamide, it is necessary to take folic acid in tablets of 0.001 g. Enter 1 time per day, 0.5-1 mg / m, previously dissolved in 1 ml of solvent. As a rule, there are no side effects with the use of cobamamide. Only occasionally, with the use of large doses, there is an allergy and mild disturbances in night sleep, which quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug or a decrease in its dose.


The term "vitamin-like substances" refers to compounds whose activity is manifested in small doses, comparable to the doses of vitamins, but still significantly higher than the doses of the latter. All of them have a slight anabolic effect. But the small anabolic activity is compensated by the relative harmlessness and low toxicity. Vitamin-like substances can be taken for a very long time as additional means of basic therapy with "large" anabolics.

1. Methyluracil
. 2,4-Dioxo-6-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine.
Being a derivative of pyrimidine, methyluracil can serve as a supplier of starting material for the synthesis of nucleic acids, thereby enhancing protein synthesis in the body. It should be noted that methyluracil has the strongest anabolic and anti-catabolic effect in relation to the gastrointestinal tract, and the overall anabolic effect of the drug is largely due to improved intestinal trophism and increased digestive processes.

In medicine, methyluracil is prescribed mainly to accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers, chronic gastritis, liver disease and reduced immunity. A characteristic feature of methyluracil is the ability to increase the content of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the blood, as well as to have a slight anti-inflammatory effect in chronic inflammatory diseases.

Methyluracil has some fat-mobilizing effect, under its influence the content of fatty acids in the blood decreases. Perhaps this is due to the presence of a labile methyl group. The cosmetic effect of methyluracil deserves attention. When used in large enough doses, the skin becomes juicy and elastic. Release form of the drug: tablets of 0.5 g. Daily doses from 2 to 9 g / day. When prescribing methyluracil, edema may occur with an increase in pressure as a result of water and salt retention in the body, which disappear after a decrease in the dose of the drug. Methyluracil is contraindicated in malignant diseases of the bone marrow and the blood system.

2. Potassium orotate
. Potassium salt of uracil-4-carboxylic (orthic) acid
Like methyluracil, potassium orotate is one of the precursors of pyrimidine nucleotides that are part of nucleic acids that are involved in the synthesis of protein molecules. Unlike metaluracil, which is degraded in the liver (only its individual fragments are included in the nucleotides), orotic acid is included in the entire pyrimidine nucleotides. Because of this, it has a stronger anabolic effect than methyluracil. Indications for the appointment of potassium orotate in medicine are heart disease, increased physical activity, chronic inflammatory diseases.

Unlike methyluracil, which has a fat-mobilizing effect, potassium orotate, on the contrary, promotes the synthesis of fats and can cause liver obesity, up to the development of its fatty degeneration (fatty degeneration of the liver with an excess of orotic acid can be prevented or reversed by adding vitamin E, choline, adenine.), which must be considered when prescribing the drug.

Release form: tablets of 0.5 g. Daily doses: from 0.5 to 1.5 g per day. Side effects with the use of potassium orotate practically do not occur, with the exception of rare cases of allergies.

3. Phosfaden
. Adenosine-5"-monophosphoric acid.
Phosphaden is a fragment of adenosine triphosphoric acid - ATP. Phosphaden stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, enhances redox processes, serves as an energy supplier for protein-synthetic processes in the body. The drug has a pronounced vasodilating effect, lowers blood pressure. Being a derivative of purine, phosphaden can serve as a starting material for the synthesis of nucleic acids. Phosphaden lowers blood levels of lipids, fatty acids and b-lipoproteins. A feature of the drug is its pronounced therapeutic effect in relation to liver diseases, as well as the ability to improve the energy metabolism of cells. There is a pronounced detoxification effect of phosphaden in lead poisoning.

In medicine, phosphaden is used for lead poisoning, acute intermittent porphyria, coronary heart disease, and liver diseases. Release form: tablets of 0.025 and 0.05 g, 2% injection solution. (Daily doses of the drug when taken orally 0.1-0.2 g / day. V / m is administered 2 ml of 2% solution 2 times a day. Treatment courses are carried out for a long time, and caution is necessary in patients with gout (may increase blood uric acid levels).

4. Riboxin.
Like phosphaden, riboxin is a purine derivative and can be considered as a precursor of ATP. Unlike phosphaden, it does not have an energy-rich phosphorus bond, therefore it is less effective as an anabolic and energy agent. It is used for the same purpose and for the same indications as phosphaden.

Release form: 0.2 g coated tablets. Ampoules of 10 ml of 2% solution for intravenous administration. Daily doses when taken orally from 0.6 to 2.4 g. In the first days, take 0.6 g / day, then gradually increase the dose to 2 g / day. When administered intravenously, 10 ml per day is first administered, then the total amount of the drug is adjusted to 20 ml 2 times a day.

5. Choline chloride
. (2-hydroxyethyl) - trimethylammonium chloride.
Choline chloride (XX) is a precursor of acetylcholine and can serve as a starting material for its synthesis. Therefore, the introduction of choline chloride into the body leads to a sharp increase in the activity of cholinergic structures, which leads to an increase in neuromuscular conduction, an increase in muscle strength, an increase in intestinal motility, and an increase in anabolic processes in the body. The special value of choline chloride lies in the fact that it is part of the phospholipid lecithin, which reduces cholesterol in the body and prevents the development of atherosclerotic processes. Choline prevents and cures fatty degeneration of the liver of various etiologies due to the high content of labile methyl groups, improves kidney and thymus function. XX is involved in the construction of cell membranes and the formation of sheaths of nerve trunks. XX improves memory, increases productivity of thinking and learning. XX is used for hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, atherosclerosis, in the treatment of alcoholism as a general tonic.

Release form: 20% solution for oral administration, powder. Ampoules with 20% solution of 10 ml. For intravenous administration, dilute to 1% solution. Inside the drug is taken 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3-5 times a day. Intravenously administered by drip up to 300 ml of 1% solution. The course of treatment lasts from 7 days to a month. Side effects are observed, as a rule, only with rapid intravenous administration and manifest themselves in the form of a sensation of heat and nausea, a decrease in pressure (due to a sharp expansion of blood vessels).<


"Noos" - thinking. Nootropic drugs are a whole group of compounds used to improve the processes of memory, attention, logical thinking, increase mental performance and strength of basic nervous processes. Some drugs from the group of nootropics have a pronounced anabolic effect and increase physical performance.

1. Piracetam (nootropil).
2-Oxo-1 - pyrrolidinylacetamide
Piracetam was invented in Belgium in 1963. With this drug, the era of nootropics began, which have their effect on the nervous system not by suppressing some reactions, but by a total improvement in all metabolic and plastic processes in the central nervous system. Piracetam improves memory, mental performance, higher mental activity, concentration, etc. Piracetam enhances the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in the body, which ultimately leads to a powerful increase in anabolism not only in the cells of the nervous system, but also in skeletal muscle fibers , liver cells, etc. As a result of increased protein synthesis, the course of regenerative and adaptive reactions of the body is accelerated, and physical performance is increased. The energy potential of cells increases due to increased ATP synthesis and their resistance to various adverse factors increases: intoxication, oxygen starvation, high temperatures, etc. The synthesis of phospholipids, which take part in the formation of cellular memorans and normalize cholesterol metabolism, is accelerated. Piracetam has a beneficial effect on the structure of mitochondria - the main energy subunits of the cell, which underlies a significant increase in endurance and aerobic performance.

In medicine, the drug is prescribed to restore neuropsychic activity and performance after traumatic brain injuries, strokes, intoxication, neuropsychic breakdowns, etc. The drug is not only low toxic, but in therapeutic doses it has a detoxifying effect, helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body . Piracetam is quite effective in depression, accompanied by lethargy, apathy, decreased mood and performance.

Release form: capsules of 0.4 g of piracetam; tablets of 0.2 g; 5 ml ampoules of 20% solution. In acute cases (traumatic brain injury, stroke, etc.), it is administered intramuscularly and intravenously starting from 4 g / day, and by adding 2 g / day, the dose is gradually adjusted to 10 g / day. For planned therapy, piracetam is prescribed orally starting from 1.2 g per day and, if necessary, the dose is adjusted to 3.2 g per day. The drug is not recommended to be taken in the evening, because it can cause sleep disturbance. The course of treatment can last from several days to a year and depends on the indications. Side effects of the drug are practically absent.

2. Pantogam.
Calcium salt D-(+)-a, y, dioxy-b-b-dimethylbutyryl-aminobutyric acid.
Pantogam (P) is a derivative of pantothenic and gamma-aminobutyric acids. The pharmacological properties of pantogam are a symbiosis of the effects of pantothenic and gamma-aminobutyric acids (gamma-aminobutyric acid is an inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system). Pantogam sharply lowers basal metabolism, causes a significant increase in body weight, increases the synthesis of acetylcholine and, as a result, muscle strength. Under the influence of pantogam, energy metabolism improves, mitochondria increase in size, and overall endurance increases.

Pantonam enhances the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces the body's need for oxygen and energy substrates. P enhances the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein, increases the content of steroids in the body. In terms of anabolic action, pantogam is superior to pantothenic acid, possessing, in addition to anabolic, also anticonvulsant and hypotensive properties.

In medicine, it is used for the same indications as piracetam, as well as in the treatment of convulsive seizures. Release form: tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g. Single dose 0.5-1 g. Daily dose 1.5-3 g. The course of treatment is from 1 to 6 months.


Psychoenergizers are a relatively new group of medicinal substances. All drugs in this group are able to increase the strength and mobility of nervous processes, mental and physical performance. In Russia, only one drug of this group is produced.

1. Acephen (Centrophenoxin). b-Dimethylaminoethyl ester of para-chloro-phenoxy-acetic acid hydrochloride.
Acephene was discovered during the development of plant growth stimulants. At the heart of the anabolic and psychostimulant action of acephene is its ability to increase the content of choline in the brain and peripheral nerve structures, which leads to an increase in the activity of cholinergic structures. At the same time, the speed of conducting a nerve impulse along the nerve trunks increases, and the synthesis of acetylcholine increases. Acephene has a highly beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, enhancing the synthesis of phospholipids in the brain, nerve cell membranes and liver. This mechanism underlies the significant improvement in memory with the use of acephene. Acephen reduces the content of lipofuscin in the brain cells, which is the "ageing pigment", thereby providing a "rejuvenating" effect on the central nervous system.

Release form: tablets of 0.1 g, coated with a yellow shell. Vials with 0.25 g of the drug. Assign inside of 0.1-0.3 g from 3 to 5 times a day. Intramuscularly appoint 0.25 g per injection 1-3 times a day. Courses of treatment with acephen can last up to 3 months or more. Side effects, as a rule, do not happen.<


Antihypoxants are a class of compounds that increase the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency. Of this group of drugs, sodium oxybutyrate attracts attention as a drug with a significant anabolic effect.

1. Sodium hydroxybutyrate.
Sodium salt of y-hydroxybutyric acid
Sodium oxybutyrate is an exceptionally strong antihypoxic agent that protects the body from oxygen starvation in a rarefied atmosphere, during high physical exertion, in severe vascular diseases and damage to the respiratory apparatus. The antihypoxic properties of oxybutyrate are associated with its ability to activate the oxygen-free oxidation of energy substrates and reduce the body's need for oxygen. In addition, sodium oxybutyrate itself is able to break down with the formation of energy stored in the form of ATP. Thanks to all these properties, sodium oxybutyrate is by far the most effective means for developing endurance.

The anabolic effect of hydroxybutyrate is expressed in enhancing the synthetic processes in the body and slowing down the processes of catabolism. As a result of chronic administration of sodium oxybutyrate, the content of somatotropic hormone and cortisol in the blood increases significantly, and the content of lactic acid decreases significantly. Under the action of oxybutyrate, hypertrophy of mitochondria and muscle fibers occurs, the amount of glycogen in the muscles and in the liver increases.

Sodium oxybutyrate has a pronounced adaptive and anti-stress effect, in small doses it causes slight lethargy with elements of euphoria, in medium doses - sleep, and in large doses - anesthesia. Oxybutyrate is a powerful tool for non-specific adaptation to all extreme exposures.

In medicine, sodium oxybutyrate is used as a sedative, anticonvulsant, anesthetic, and as a sleeping pill. In resuscitation practice, oxybutyrate is widely used as a means of increasing nonspecific adaptation and survival of severely ill patients.

Release form: powder, 10 mg ampoules 20% solution; 5°/o syrup in vials; 66.3% solution in vials. Inside sodium oxybutyrate for course use is prescribed 0.75-1.5 g 3 times a day. As a sleeping pill up to 2 g per reception. In severe hypoxic conditions, it is administered intravenously at a dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight. To obtain induction anesthesia, up to 120 mg / kg is administered. As a side effect of the drug, a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood can be noted, which necessitates an appropriate correction of the diet and, in some cases, the intake of potassium salts.<


Some crystalline amino acids have a marked anabolic effect and are used both in isolation and in mixtures. Only the L-forms of amino acids have the ability to be included in the exchange. D-forms are not only not included in the exchange, but can also have a toxic effect. In medical practice, only L-forms are used.

1. Glutamic acid (GA). 2-Aminoglutaric acid
Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid and takes a very important part in nitrogen metabolism, since the bulk of non-essential amino acids pass through the stage of transformation into glutamic and aspartic acids in metabolic reactions. In other words, HA is an important starting material for amino acid synthesis in the body. Glutamic acid neutralizes ammonia, which, in combination with HA, forms glutamine, which is used for synthetic processes. HA stimulates oxidative processes, improves protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improves the energy supply of brain functions. HA promotes an increase in the level of endogenous aminobutyric acid, whose effects are similar to those of hydroxybutyrate. The introduction of HA reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in the blood, eliminating post-exercise acidosis and increasing endurance. HA plays the role of a neurotransmitter in the spinal cord, facilitating the transmission of nerve excitation at synapses. HA promotes the synthesis of acetylcholine and ATP, as well as the transfer of potassium ions through cell membranes, which enhances the processes of muscle contraction.

The introduction of HA improves higher nervous activity, improves mood and activity. Glutamic acid has a pronounced detoxifying effect in a variety of poisonings. In medicine, HA is used for diseases of the nervous system and for poisoning.

Release form: tablets of 0.25 g. Daily doses from 1.5 to 10 g. Side effects are very rare and are expressed as insomnia, agitation, vomiting. After discontinuation of the drug quickly pass. The course of treatment can be long - up to 12 months or more. GC is contraindicated in febrile conditions. In Russia, it is produced in its pure form, as well as in the form of potassium and magnesium salts.

2. Aspartic acid.
Potassium aspartate + magnesium aspartate.
Compose the combined preparation "Panangin", each tablet of which contains 0.158 g of potassium asparaginate and 0.14 g of magnesium asparaginate. A similar preparation called "Asparkam" contains 0.175 potassium and magnesium aspartate. Panangin is also available in 10 ml ampoules. Aspartic acid takes an active part in amino acid metabolism, being the starting material for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids in the body. Aspartate increases the permeability of cell membranes for potassium and magnesium, which increases the activity of synthetic processes in cells and facilitates the process of muscle contraction. In the experiment, a mixture of potassium and magnesium salts of aspartic acid significantly increases overall endurance and activates anabolic processes in the muscles.

In medical practice, Panangin and Asparkam are used for cardiac arrhythmias and coronary insufficiency. When taken orally, 2-4 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day. In case of acute disorders, the solution of Panangin is administered intravenously, having previously dissolved 1 ampoule of the drug in 30 ml of the solvent. The drug is contraindicated with an increase in the level of potassium in the blood and with renal failure (both acute and chronic).

3. Histidine.
Histidine is an essential amino acid. When introduced into the body, it causes a significant increase in the secretion of somatotropic hormone. Histidine takes an active part in the synthesis of carnosine - a nitrogenous extractive substance of muscles, improves nitrogen balance. Histidine improves liver function, increases gastric secretion and intestinal motility. Histidine improves immunity and weakens the impact on the body of extreme factors, normalizes the heart rhythm. In medicine, it is used for peptic ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis, decreased immunity and atherosclerosis.

Release form of histidine: 4% solution of histidine hydrochloride in ampoules of 5 ml for intramuscular injection. Appoints / m every day for 5 ml for 30 days. After a break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

4. Methionine.
D, L-b-Amino-y-methylthiobutyric acid.
Methionine is an essential amino acid. Being the owner of a highly mobile methyl group (-CH3), methionine takes part in the synthesis of choline and phospholipids, participates in the formation and metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, and stimulates the release of somatotropic hormone. Methionine helps to maintain the nitrogen balance of the body, enhances the synthesis of steroid hormones, protects adrenaline from oxidation, neutralizes many toxic products. Methionine somewhat reduces the function of the thyroid gland, prevents the use of protein as an energy substrate.

When introduced into the body, methionine reduces the amount of neutral fat in the liver and lowers blood cholesterol. In medicine, methionine is used in diseases of the liver and pancreas, as well as in cases of poisoning, with protein deficiency and dystrophy. Methionine is contraindicated in severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, because in these cases, on the contrary, it is able to enhance the formation of toxic metabolic products.

Release form: tablets of 0.25 g. Take orally 0.5-1.5 g 3-4 times a day for 0.5-1 hour before meals.<

with anabolic action.

Herbal preparations have, as a rule, a weak anabolic effect, however, in terms of their performance-enhancing properties, they can surpass many synthetic preparations. Plant anabolics have practically no toxicity, are well tolerated, and have very few contraindications. They can be used both independently and with other anabolic agents to mutually potentiate their action. The most important feature of the action of plant anabolics (RA) is their ability to increase the activity of the body's own anabolic systems by potentiating the action of insulin, somatotropic and gonadotropic hormones. This is achieved by increasing the activity of the synthesis of cAMP, cGMP and other mediators that increase the sensitivity of cells to the body's own hormones. cAMP, for example, increases the sensitivity of target cells to the action of endogenous somatotropin and insulin, enhancing the effects of the latter. All RAs can be conditionally divided into two large groups: RA-adaptagens and RAs with hypoglycemic action.

RA-adaptogens are called so because, in addition to anabolic action, they have the ability to increase the body's resistance to a variety of adverse factors: physical exertion, hypoxia, toxins, radioactive and electromagnetic radiation, etc.

1. RA - adaptogens.

1) Leuzea safflower-like (maral root).
The plant grows in the Altai mountains, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in Central Asia. Leuzea contains phytoecdysones - polyhydroxylated steroid compounds with pronounced anabolic activity. The introduction of Leuzea extract into the body enhances protein-synthetic processes, promotes the accumulation of protein in the muscles, liver, heart and kidneys. Significantly increases physical endurance and mental performance. With prolonged use of Leuzea, a gradual expansion of the vascular bed occurs and, as a result, general blood circulation improves. The heart rate slows down, which is associated both with an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system and with an increase in the power of the heart muscle.

A distinctive feature of Leuzea is the ability to improve the composition of peripheral blood by enhancing mitotic activity in bone marrow cells. In the blood, the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin increases. Increases immunity. Leuzea is produced in the form of an alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of leuzea, 40 ml in vials. Take 1 time per day in the morning at a dose of 20 drops to 1 teaspoon.

Ecdysterone (Ratibol). It is a steroid compound isolated from Leuzea safflower. It has a pronounced anabolic and tonic effect. Release form: 5 mg tablets. It is taken orally 5-10 mg 3 times a day.

2) Rhodiola rosea (Golden root).

Rhodiola rosea grows in Altai, Sayan Mountains, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The pharmacological effects of the golden root are due to the presence of substances such as rhodosin and rhodiolyside. In some countries they are produced in pure form. A distinctive feature of the golden root is the most powerful effect in relation to muscle tissue. Increased muscle strength and strength endurance. The activity of the contractile proteins actin and myosin increases. The size of mitochondria increases.

Release form: alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola rosea in bottles of 30 ml. Take 1 time per day in the morning in doses of 5 drops to 1 teaspoon.

3) Aralia Manchurian.

A distinctive feature of Aralia is the ability to cause quite noticeable hypoglycemia (reduction of blood sugar), exceeding in magnitude the hypoglycemia caused by other RA-adaptogens. Since hypoglycemia in this case is accompanied by the release of somatotropic hormone, taking Aralia Manchurian causes a significant overall anabolic effect with a strong increase in appetite and weight gain. The pharmacological effects of Aralia are due to the presence of a special kind of glycosides-aralosides A, B, C, etc.

Release form: alcohol tincture from the roots of Manchurian aralia in 50 ml bottles. Take 1 time per day in the morning from 5 to 15 drops.

Saparal. The sum of ammonium bases of salts of triterpene glycosides (aralosides), obtained from the roots of Manchurian aralia. Unlike tincture, Aralia does not have such a strong hypoglycemic and anabolic effect. The property of the drug to excite the nervous system is more pronounced than that of aralia tincture. Great for improving overall performance. Release form: tablets of 50 mg. Take 1-2 times a day, 1-2 tablets.

4) Eleutherococcus prickly.

Eleutherococcus senticosus contains a sum of glycosides - eleutherosides. Eleutherosides increase performance and enhance protein synthesis. The synthesis of carbohydrates also increases. Fat synthesis is inhibited. The oxidation of fatty acids increases during physical work. A feature of Eleutherococcus is its ability to improve color vision and liver function. Eleutherococcus is produced in the form of an alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of 50 ml. Take from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon once a day in the morning.

5) Ginseng.

Ginseng root contains glycosides - panaxosides, which cause its hypoglycemic and anabolic effect. In terms of anabolic activity, ginseng is approximately equal to eleutherococcus and, like eleutherococcus, has the ability to potentiate the action of endogenous insulin. Available in the form of an alcoholic tincture. Take 10-50 drops 1 time per day in the morning.

6) Schisandra Chinese.

Distributed in Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. The main pharmacological effects of lemongrass are due to the content of a crystalline substance - schizandrin. The characteristic features of magnolia vine are a significant increase in efficiency, an improvement in mood, and an increase in visual acuity. All these effects are due to the ability of lemongrass to improve nerve conduction, sensitivity of nerve cells and enhance excitation processes in the central nervous system. Release form: alcohol tincture of 50 ml in vials. Take 10-25 drops 1 time per day (in the morning).

7) The lure is high.

Grows in the Far East. Contains saponins, alkaloids and glycosides. It has a tonic and mild anabolic effect. In terms of the effectiveness of the general strengthening action, it is similar to ginseng. Produced in the form of an alcohol tincture of 50 ml. Take 30-60 drops 1 time per day.

8) Sterculia sycamore.

Like eleutherococcus and ginseng, it stimulates performance and anabolic processes. Release form: alcohol tincture from plants in bottles of 25 ml. Take 10-40 drops 1 time per day. It should be noted that the anabolic effect of RA-adaptogens is realized only against the background of the training effect, so they need to be used against the background of adequate physical activity. Since all of the above drugs have the properties to enhance the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, it is very important to be able to observe their correct dosage, as well as to take the drug correctly during the day.

When prescribing RA-adaptogens, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics of daily biorhythms, and then it will be possible to strengthen (synchronize) the latter. At the same time, improper administration of drugs can cause a violation of daily biorhythms (desynchronization). As a guideline, it is necessary to take the daily excretion of catecholamines (catecholamines are biogenic substances that enhance the processes of excitation in the central nervous system and anabolic processes of inhibition), which increases in the morning and reaches a maximum in the first half of the day.

Based on the fact that all RA-anabolics have the ability to increase the synthesis of catecholamines (CH), they must be prescribed strictly 1 time per day in the morning so that the increase in the synthesis of CH synthesis fits into the morning rise. The physiological increase in the daytime rise in CH leads to the same physiological increase in the nighttime fall in CH, as a result of which, in individuals taking RA according to the recommendation, higher working capacity during the day and deeper sleep at night are observed. It is necessary to know that small doses of RA can have an effect on the central nervous system that is directly opposite to large doses. If large doses enhance the processes of excitation and give a surge of motor and intellectual activity, slight excitement during the day and sound sleep at night, then small doses, on the contrary, cause lethargy, activity limitation, constant drowsiness, etc. For example: a single dose in the morning 10 drops of an alcoholic extract eleutherococcus causes severe lethargy during the day (this feature of RA-adaptogens is used to treat neuroses, functional disorders of the central nervous system, etc.), but taking the same eleutherococcus at a dose of 25 drops gives a strong activating effect. Alcoholic extract of Rhodiola rosea causes lethargy at a dose of 2-5 drops, and activation at a dose of 10 drops or more. Aralia Manchurian causes inhibition in doses up to 6 drops, and a sharp activation from 7 drops and above.

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that each organism, due to the characteristics of the nervous system, reacts to treatment individually. There are people who, in order to obtain a stimulating effect, have to take RA not in drops, but in teaspoons or sometimes even tablespoons. And at the same time, one often sees patients in whom only a few drops of a particular drug cause persistent insomnia. All doses given both in this manual and in other pharmacological reference books are highly arbitrary. Dose selection should be carried out individually, adding or subtracting a few drops of the drug every day. At the same time, their own well-being is constantly monitored.

Small doses for a given subject will cause lethargy, medium - activity in the first half of the day and sleepiness in the second, large - activity throughout the day and sound sleep at night, excessive doses will cause insomnia. By constantly monitoring your well-being throughout the day, you can choose the right doses of RA.

RA-adaptogens, in addition to anabolic and ergotropic effects (ergotropic - increasing performance), have a number of unique properties: they increase the body's resistance to radiation exposure, cold, heat, lack of oxygen, stress factors, etc. RA-adaptogens are a replaceable non-specific general tonic. Significantly increase life expectancy. It should be remembered that all RA-adaptogens, when their dose is overestimated, can cause persistent insomnia, excitation of the nervous system, palpitations, etc., therefore, the issue of dosage should be approached very carefully, constantly monitoring well-being.

Hello everyone, the “ABC of Bodybuilding” is in touch! I have said more than once that I am against novice athletes, bodybuilders (especially non-competitive ones) used some kind of chemistry belonging to the class of anabolic agents to increase their strength indicators and muscle mass. I’ll even say more: I think that everyone who cares not for a momentary, but for a “long-term” result can well do without them. I am talking about what is commonly called "natural anabolics". Today we will consider only the main points, namely: what it is and what classes exist. In addition, we will learn about the most powerful natural anabolics that provide high-quality muscle growth, i.e. Let's talk about food.

So, everyone is assembled, and we begin ...

What are anabolics: an introduction to theory

It is very important at the initial stage of bodybuilding to protect beginners from any rash decisions towards the use of various chemical “growth accelerators”. Often, it is the beginners who are tempted to somehow spur their muscles to faster growth, and here they (to some extent) can be understood, because they come to the gym, and everyone around is already such “seasoned” pitching, and you are on their background is somehow lost.

And then involuntarily all sorts of thoughts begin to creep into my head, such as: “something is wrong here”, “some kind of set-up”, “maybe I don’t know something?”. And, often, it turns out that they do not know everything - what is it, how it should be, that there is some kind of exercise technique and so on. So, the easiest way out of the situation is the use of “pharma”. However, I assure you, dear reader, you can do without them. To do this, you just need to know from which side to approach this issue. So, let's go to deal with our chemistry :).

In general, according to science, anabolic drugs are drugs / substances that stimulate protein synthesis in the body. (some drugs from sports pharmacology can be seen at the link). In other words, these are substances that contribute to the accelerated formation and renewal of the structural parts of cells, tissues, muscles. They also contribute to the fixation of calcium in the bones, which is manifested in an increase in the mass of skeletal muscles. If we consider this definition somewhat broader, then anabolics are everything that helps the body grow. Therefore, cottage cheese and eggs can also be attributed to the latter, because they help to shift the nitrogen balance in a positive direction, which means they contribute to growth.


Nitrogen balance is the difference between the amount of nitrogen ingested with food and excreted from it. (usually in the form of salts and urea).

When it comes to bodybuilding, everyone understands that anabolics are prohibited (by law) drugs that lead to an increase in strength and muscle performance by affecting the body and accelerating the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones. (with energy storage).

Types of anabolics

Anabolics are divided into:

  • steroid (androgenic) - the most powerful class of doping;
  • nonsteroidal.

In general, the following can be distinguished 5 main groups of dopings:

  1. anabolic steroid;
  2. a growth hormone;
  3. insulin;
  4. anti side effects;
  5. “drying” preparations - for drawing muscles.


Methane is the most famous anabolic steroid

Very often, athletes-chemists use an explosive mixture from the combination of several drugs for maximum effect. In this case, the synergy effect is triggered, and the indicators increase much better. A positive functional effect on the body of anabolics is manifested in: 1) a sharp increase in appetite (you can say that he becomes "wolf") 2) accelerating recovery processes 3) increasing endurance and performance (become like a walking energizer) 4) an increase in body weight 5) a decrease in body fat 6) an increase in blood filling of blood vessels. It is worth saying that side effects can easily (once and for all) cross out the short-term effect of the use of this kind of doping.

In general, the topic of anabolics (in terms of process chemistry) is the subject of discussion for a number of articles. Yes, although they are dangerous for the body, it is necessary to know what and how it flows there and what conclusions should be drawn, and therefore, it is worth highlighting this issue, and in great detail. For now, we will focus on natural methods, and here we should remember the basic rule - for the predominance of processes (anabolism) over their destruction (catabolism), it is enough to use anabolic agents of natural origin, as well as some techniques that increase the hormonal background of the body.

So let's take a closer look...

Natural anabolics: TOP 10 products

We all have our own “food basket” that we consume every day. For the most part, most athletes, bodybuilders try to adhere to the principle laid down in. However, in addition to the "basic" products in the diet of athletes, you can find products that have a high biological value and a good anabolic effect.

These products include…

Natural anabolics in drinks

In addition to promoting weight loss, it also restores bone structure (joints), cleanses the liver, promotes active absorption of fats and prevents the risk of cardiovascular disease. And all this thanks to the active substance (boiflavonoid) - EGCG. It should be understood that no matter how useful the product is, there is the most preferred dosage for the body.

Dosage : One medium cup (250 ml) will provide your body with 200 mg EGCG. Up to a day can be consumed 3 such cups ( 500-750 ml) .


Yes, yes, despite the fact that coffee is a very controversial product in terms of health benefits, it can be classified as a "natural anabolic". Many say that it has a negative effect on the heart. However, for bodybuilders, this is a very valuable drink, because. in addition to increasing efficiency, it has a thermogenic effect (“melts” them) for fats. drinking coffee for 1 hour before training, you lower the “sensitivity threshold” of your muscles, i.e. you can train harder.

Dosage : To be consumed 1-2 medium cups of brewed coffee. On average you will get 100-200 mg caffeine per day. Here the main emphasis is on what is cooked by ourselves. If the coffee is instant (in sachets no more than 80-90 mg caffeine), then it is better not to drink this drink.


Real yogurt is a product made by adding certain types of bacteria to milk. It is they who convert lactose into lactic acid and make yogurt sour and thick. Also, these live cultures allow you to maintain an anabolic state in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, by restoring your microflora. Yogurt promotes better and faster digestion of protein. In addition, he himself is a source of milk protein and calcium, which also has a positive effect on muscle growth. Therefore, we boldly attribute it to the category of "natural anabolics".

Dosage: This fermented milk product can be consumed at any time of the day, except for the period - before and immediately after training. IN 100 gr. product often contains 100-130 kcal, protein 5-7 gr, carbohydrates - 15 gr, fat 4 gr, calcium - up to 500 mg, glutamine - more 1 gr. Of course, look at the release date and shelf life, because every minute there are less and less biologically active bacteria, which means that the anabolic properties of the product are “melting before our eyes”.

Natural anabolics in vegetables


Reduces the degree of participation of estrogen in the process of fat accumulation and enhances the anabolic effect of testosterone.

Dosage : Can be eaten 1-2 cups of fresh or boiled broccoli, and then you are guaranteed to get more 90 mg vitamin C or more 45 mg calcium.


Remember, there used to be a cartoon about Popeye the Sailor, who constantly “cracked” spinach and was strong? So, all this is not without reason, because it contains a lot of glutamine - an amino acid that promotes muscle growth and increased immunity. Spinach also makes your muscles stronger thanks to octacosanol. Because spinach is basically 90% water, it must be consumed in sufficient quantities and fresh.

Dosage : Eat at a time (2-3 once a week) before 300 gr. spinach leaves, thus you provide yourself 22 kcal, 1g. glutamine, 3 gr. squirrel, 5 gr. fiber, 280 mg calcium, 70 mg of vitamin C. It is better not to include spinach in your diet before training.


Reduces estrogen levels, speeds up the digestion process and prevents the body from accumulating fat. Antioxidant - apigenin (included in parsley) protects DNA cells from oxidation, thus keeping muscle and skin cells healthy.

Dosage: Use both in a salad and separately - in its pure form, in an amount 2-3 beam, 1-2 once a week, thus you provide yourself 10 mg apegenin.

Dosage: It is worth saying that it is better to use not tomatoes, but derivatives from them: sauces, pastes, juices, etc., because lycopene is more active in them. One glass of tomato juice contains up to 25 mg of lycopene, while the average tomato has only 3 mg. In general, you need to eat up to 5 tomatoes.

lettuce onion

It acquired its pungent odor due to the sulfur-containing components in its composition. Onions contain such a useful component as APDS - it increases the secretion of insulin. It is best to use it (oddly enough) with a protein-carbohydrate drink, after a workout, as it will help the body to better absorb all the necessary substances.

Dosage: A small bulb of lettuce (purple) onion after training. An omelette made from 6-7 egg whites, seasoned with onions and tomatoes. Ah, I'm already drooling :).


Did you know that citrus (particularly pomelo, grapefruit) help burn in the abdomen, so if you are working on the abdominal muscles, eat more of them. Grapefruit reduces the blood levels of insulin and glucose, this is due to the content of soluble pectin fibers in it. They prevent the entry of carbohydrates into the blood, which leads to a decrease in insulin levels.

Dosage: Consume 1 whole grapefruit (2 times a day), because it contains all 30 kcal, 2 gr fiber, 20 grams of carbohydrates and 90 grams of vitamin C. Do not consume during 2 hours after training.


It is rare for any of the athletes to find such fish as herring in the diet. I don’t know, maybe the Soviet film is to blame for everything, in which the main character said: “What a disgusting thing your aspic fish is ..” (meaning a herring under a fur coat). It is worth knowing that this fish contains the largest (among currently known products) amount of creatine. He, in turn, is one of the most important nutritional and energy components of the muscles. It not only allows you to increase them in volume, but also increases the intensity of the workout itself. In addition, it accelerates the delivery of nutrients to the muscles, which ultimately has a positive effect on the process of their growth and recovery.

Dosage : 200-250 gr herring (behind 1-2 hours before training) provide your body 17 gr. squirrel, 11 g fat, 3 gr leucine (stimulates muscle growth) And 2 gr. creatine.

In fact, this was the last product in the top 10 best in muscle building, you can say that these natural anabolic agents will make your muscles “swell” in the truest sense of the word.


In conclusion, I would like to say that for some reason many bodybuilders forget about natural products in bodybuilding and give preference to the notorious chemistry, forgetting that there are natural anabolics that nature has given us. And this, in my opinion, is short-sighted. So, my dear, include a couple of these products in your diet, and your muscles will definitely thank you!

That's all, I'm glad that you spent this time on the pages of the project “”, come and see you again!

PS. If you have questions, wishes, additions and other miscellaneous, comments are waiting for them.

Sex hormones determine the sexual development of the body and form primary and secondary sexual characteristics.

In the female body, female sex hormones - estrogens - predominate, and in the male - male sex hormones - androgens. The female body contains a small amount of androgens, and the male body contains a small amount of estrogen.

In 1895, Saechi first described the relationship between muscle mass and the action of male sex hormones - androgens.

In 1935, Kochacian and Murlin discovered that the male sex hormone testosterone stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the accumulation of protein in the body.

Currently, the following are used in medical practice: testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate, methyltestosterone, etc. All these drugs have high androgenic activity and cannot be used for anabolic purposes. They are used according to strict medical indications in cases of underdevelopment of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. In fairness, it should be noted that before the spread of synthetic anabolic steroids, male sex hormones for anabolic purposes were used very widely. The only limitation of their use was that against the background of chronic administration of androgens from the outside, the production of their own androgens gradually faded away.

At present, however, it has been found that the weakening of one's own production of androgens can be avoided by prescribing short-acting androgens (4-6 hours) every other day. With this treatment regimen, sex hormones can be used for many years without the development of a withdrawal syndrome after stopping treatment.

III. Anabolic steroid.

In the 50s. for the first time chemical derivatives of male sex hormones - androgens were synthesized. Initially, the task was to synthesize drugs in which the androgenic effect would be the weakest, and the anabolic - the ability to stimulate protein synthesis - the strongest.

Currently, a number of anabolic steroids (AS) have been created, which are derivatives of testosterone (the most active male sex hormone) and substances close to it.

Anabolic steroids are the most active class of compounds of all known anabolic agents. When used correctly, they give a significant increase in body weight and increase muscle strength.

The increase in body weight is achieved not only due to muscle tissue, but also due to an increase in the mass of internal organs - the liver, heart, kidneys, etc. which, however, is less pronounced than the growth of muscle mass.

The ability to assimilate protein by the body sharply increases. If normally an adult needs from 70 to 100 g of protein per day, then against the background of the use of AS, the need for protein can increase up to 300 g per day. Hence the obvious need to increase the proportion of protein in the diet during treatment with anabolics. The proportion of fats and carbohydrates should be reduced accordingly. Against the background of a low-protein diet, anabolic steroids are inactive.

It is very important to note that increasing the dose of anabolic steroids above the generally accepted one gives only a slight increase in the anabolic effect, while the side effects increase dramatically. Therefore, in order to achieve a great effect, it makes sense to give preference to such a treatment regimen when anabolics are administered for a longer time, but in normal doses. A shorter application of large doses is already less effective.

With a severe overdose of anabolic steroids, a catabolic effect can develop with an increase in the rate of breakdown of muscle proteins and the development of nitrogen deficiency.

This is due to two reasons: firstly, an excess of anabolic steroids can increase thyroid function, which causes a negative nitrogen balance due to a sharp increase in protein oxidation processes as a result of energy deficiency; secondly, an excess of anabolic steroids can be converted in the liver into estrogens, which inhibit anabolic reactions in men.

In view of the foregoing, long-term administration of low doses of AS is more preferable than short-term administration of large ones.

In addition to nitrogen retention in the body, anabolics contribute to the retention of sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, etc. ions, which can cause swelling in case of an overdose of the drug. The anabolic activity of a particular drug is determined in relation to the anabolic activity of testosterone, which is taken as a unit. Similarly expressed androgenic activity in relation to the androgenic activity of testosterone.

The ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity is called the anabolic index. From this it is clear that the most valuable is the drug that has the highest anabolic index (AI), as an indicator of the greatest predominance of anabolic activity over androgenic.

AI \u003d (Anabolic activity) / (Androgenic activity)

Since the AU, having a methyl radical -CH 3 in position 17 have increased hepatotoxicity, they must be administered with caution. Tableted preparations must be administered not inside, but under the tongue, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the portal system of the liver. For the same purpose, you can prescribe drugs rectally, in the form of microclysters.

The effectiveness of AS increases with the simultaneous use of multivitamin preparations.

The range of indications for prescribing AS is quite wide: severe surgical injuries and fractures, postoperative condition, severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a decrease in its digestive and protein-synthetic function; acute and chronic heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes mellitus, adrenal disease, dwarfism, tuberculosis, anemia, decreased immunity, exhaustion of the nervous system, aging, extensive burns, kidney disease, breast cancer, severe myopia and some other diseases.

A contraindication for the appointment of AS is the presence of malignant tumors (increased tumor growth), inflammatory diseases of the gonads, prostate adenoma in men, virilization phenomena in women.

A separate discussion deserves the use of AS in sports. AUs belong to the category of doping and their use in the competitive period is strictly prohibited. Some authors, however, allow the use of AS in the intercompetitive period, in the period of rehabilitation after injuries. Treatment of AS should take place under strict medical supervision and against the background. AS women are generally contraindicated, with the exception of cases of treatment of breast cancer and severe postoperative conditions (according to vital indications). The use of AS in women causes coarsening of the voice, growth of facial hair, etc.

The duration of treatment is determined strictly individually and depends on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition. The minimum treatment period is 1 month. Maximum - 6 months. In the treatment of dwarfism (pituitary dwarfism), anabolic steroids may be prescribed continuously for up to 2 years.

The assertions of sports journalists (but not scientists of pharmacology) that anabolic steroids negatively affect the sexual function of men should be recognized as without any basis. On the contrary, AS causes an increase in sexual desire with a simultaneous improvement in the morphological state of the gonads (provided that the dosage is not exceeded to such an extent that excess AS is converted into estrogens in the liver). Retabolil, for example, at a dose of 50 mg per week, is included in many treatment regimens for male impotence.

Drugs used in Russia:

Synonyms: Nandrolone Decanoate, Deca-Durabolin, Turinabol_Depo, Nortestosteronedecanoate, etc.

Release form: 1 ml ampoules of 5% solution (50 mg) in peach oil.

It is administered intramuscularly in 1 ml from 1 time in 3 days to 1 time per month.

After a single injection, the effect lasts up to 3 months. The anabolic effect of retabolil is 10 times stronger than that of testosterone. Of all the anabolic steroid compounds, retabolil is the least toxic.


Synonyms: Nerobolil, Turinobol, Durabolin, Nandrolone-phenylpropionate, etc.

Release form: Ampoules of 1 ml of 1% and 2.5% solution (10 and 25 mg) in peach (nerobolil) or olive (phenobolin) oil.

It is administered intramuscularly at 25-50 mg 1 time in 3 days or 1 time in two weeks.

After a single injection, the effect lasts up to 14 days.

Estren-4-ol-17b-one-3 trimethylsilyl ether.

Release form: 1 ml ampoules of 2.5% or 5% solution in olive oil (25 or 50 mg).

It is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 25-59 mg with a frequency of 1 time in 3 days to 1 time in 2 weeks.

After a single injection, the effect lasts up to 14 days.


Synonyms: Nerobol, Dianobol, Methandinone, etc.

Release form: 5 mg tablets.

Taken under the tongue 1 to 10 tablets per day.

It has hepatotoxic properties.

17a-Methylandrosten-5-diol-3b, 17b.

Synonyms: Methandriol, Methasterone, etc.

Release form: tablets of 10 and 25 mg.

Taken under the tongue up to 10 mg per day. They have a stronger androgenic effect compared to other anabolic steroids that have in Russia, as well as a fairly strong hepatotoxic effect.

IV. pituitary hormones

Pituitary hormones are hormones secreted by the pituitary gland - a special outgrowth at the base of the brain resembling a cherry. For anabolic purposes, somatotropic and gonadotropic hormones are used.

1. Somatotropic hormone

Somatotropic hormone (SG) is a growth hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, which was first isolated in 1944. It is a polypeptide consisting of 191 amino acids. The main effect of SG is the stimulation of protein synthesis in the body, due to which its growth effect is carried out. Unlike sex hormones, SG enhances the growth of the skeleton, but does not accelerate the rate of ossification of the growth zones. Its introduction to animals is accompanied by enhanced growth, resulting in the appearance of large individuals. The growth of a person depends on the activity of his SH, which is determined by hereditary factors.

Until recently, SG was used only for the treatment of pituitary dwarfism, a disease characterized by a small growth of patients due to a deficiency of their own SG. Currently, not unsuccessful attempts are being made to use exogenous SG for anabolic purposes and for the treatment of constitutional short stature. As an anabolic agent, SG is used for severe fractures, extensive burns and other diseases in which anabolics are indicated.

Difficulties in the use of SG are associated primarily with its high cost and scarcity, tk. get it from the pituitary glands of dead people (SG of animals in humans is not effective). Recently, in a number of countries, the production of biosynthetic SG - "methionyl somatotropin" has begun, as a result of which the drug has become cheaper and more accessible.

The main side effect of the drug is diabetogenic effect. The drug can cause the development of diabetes in persons with a hereditary predisposition to it. Therefore, somatotropin treatment is carried out under strict control of blood sugar. With an increase in fasting glucose levels, treatment is immediately stopped. The diabetogenic action of SG is of a complex nature and depends mainly on the following points: 1) Switching insulin from carbohydrate to protein metabolism. 2) Strengthening the breakdown of insulin in the liver under the action of the enzyme insulinase. 3) Decreased absorption of glucose by tissues with a one-day increase in their absorption of amino acids. The enhancement of protein synthesis is achieved by enhancing the synthesis of DNA, RNA and increasing the rate of incorporation of amino acids into matrix synthesis.

Against the background of the use of SG, there is a significant increase in muscle mass and thickening of the bone. Strengthening of protein synthesis also occurs in the heart, liver, kidneys, which has a positive effect on their work. In addition to the proteinanabolic action, somatotropin increases the consumption of sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, etc. ions. The introduction of SG is accompanied by an increase in the oxidation of fats in the body with a general decrease in the content of adipose tissue and cholesterol.

In Russia, human somatotropin is produced, obtained from cadaveric pituitary glands - "Human Somatotropin for Injection" in the form of a sterile powder, which is dissolved in water for injection before use. One vial contains 2 or 4 units of the drug. Enter intramuscularly at 2-4 IU 2 times a week. Courses of treatment last from one month for severe burns and prolonged debilitating diseases to 2 years for pituitary dwarfism. It should be noted that 6 months after the start of administration, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced due to the formation of antibodies in the body that bind the drug. Since 1984, biosynthetic somatotropin called "Somatogen" has been produced in experimental batches in Russia.

The use of somatotropin is contraindicated in malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus and hereditary predisposition to it. In addition to the introduction of somatotropin from the outside, in medical practice, drugs of various structure are used to enhance the body's synthesis of its own SG. Long-term courses of treatment for SH are indicated mainly for dwarfism and constitutional short stature, when ossification of the growth zones of the skeleton has not yet occurred. With an already formed skeleton, long-term use of SG can lead to a disproportionate increase in individual parts of the body - hands, feet, nose, tongue, superciliary arches, ears, lower jaw - in which growth zones do not close throughout life. Therefore, it is desirable to prescribe SG for an anabolic purpose in short courses of one month with breaks of at least 2 months.

2. Gonadotropic hormone

Gonadotropic hormone (GH) or gonadotropin is secreted by cells of the anterior pituitary gland. (Strictly speaking, there are two hormones - follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) - which are glycoproteins and are combined under the common name "Gonadotropic hormone" in commercial drugs.). The development and functioning of the gonads depends on GG. Under the influence of GG, the reproduction and maturation of germ cells occurs, and in women also the mammary glands. When GH is introduced into the body from the outside, the morphological and functional state of the gonads improves, sexual activity increases. In medicine, GH is used to treat cryptorchidism (impaired development of the testicles in men), anovulation (impaired formation of the corpus luteum and cessation of menstruation) in women. A good result is the use of GG for male impotence.

The anabolic effect of GG is associated with its effect on the sex glands, which carry out the synthesis of androgens. Many authors recommend GH for increasing muscle mass and improving performance in sports in men, since GH is not doping. GG has a beneficial effect in liver diseases (cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis), coronary heart disease and some other diseases.

GG is produced in the form of the drug Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is obtained from the urine of pregnant women. One ampoule of the drug contains 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 IU. The drug is administered intramuscularly to adults in doses from 1500 to 3000 IU once every three days. The duration of treatment courses is from 1 to 2 months. Between courses take breaks of at least one month to prevent the formation of antibodies to the drug and addiction of the body. In total, up to six courses of treatment are carried out.

GG is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the genital area and malignant tumors. Its side effects are associated with a sharp increase in the activity of the gonads, which can be expressed in a sharp increase in sexual desire, increased growth of beards and mustaches, vegetation on the body, and the appearance of acne. (To prevent acne, lipotropic agents are prescribed: cobamamide, lipocaine, choline chloride, Vit B6 in combination with calcium pantothenate, etc.). It should be taken into account that with non-ossified growth zones in young people, GH accelerates their closure, which leads to premature cessation of body growth in length. Therefore, for children, GG is prescribed strictly for medical reasons in short courses in doses adequate to age.

V. Hypothalmic hormones.

Hypothalamic hormones are secreted by the hypothalamus - a part of the midbrain, on which the activity of the pituitary gland and the release of pituitary hormones largely depend.

Each pituitary hormone is under the control of a specific releasing factor of the hypothalamus, which enhances the synthesis and release of this hormone.

For example: the synthesis of somatotropic hormone is enhanced by somatotropin-releasing factor; gonadotropin synthesis is enhanced by gonadotropin-releasing factor, etc. Inhibition of the synthesis of any pituitary hormone depends on a hypothalamic factor called a statin. For example: somatostatin inhibits the synthesis of somatotropic hormone, gonadostatin inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone, etc. The use of somatotropin-releasing factor, which enhances the synthesis of somatotropin, has not yet entered into medical practice. SG - releasing factor is currently used only for diagnostic purposes.

At the same time, gonadotropin-releasing factor, obtained synthetically in 1971, has already found application in the treatment of impotence and underdevelopment of primary and secondary male sexual characteristics, as well as for anabolic purposes and in the treatment of liver diseases.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the form of a dosage form was called decapeptide, (Pyro-Glu-His-Tri-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH 2). Produced in a number of developed countries in the form of powder in ampoules. It is introduced into the body by instillation into the nasal mucosa. Virtually does not cause allergies.

The widespread use of hypothalamic hormones is a matter of the near future and opens up very attractive prospects. The side effects of hypothalamic hormones are similar to those with a sharp increase in the activity of the corresponding peripheral glands, but it should be recognized that their action is, of course, milder and more physiological than the action of pituitary and peripheral hormones introduced into the body from the outside.

VI. Insulin.

Insulin is a peptide hormone. Secreted by b-cells of the islet apparatus of the pancreas. It has the strongest anabolic effect. Enhances the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Promotes the penetration of amino acids, fatty acids and glucose into the cell.

Inhibits the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules. Increases glycogen stores in muscles and liver. Lowers blood sugar by increasing glucose uptake by tissues. Improves energy metabolism, reduces excessive oxidation of energy substrates and increases their recovery.

If you introduce a sufficiently large dose of insulin into the body from the outside, there is a strong decrease in blood sugar and a protective reaction occurs - an increase in the release of somatotropic hormone, which contributes to a rise in blood sugar levels. In some cases, the level of somatotropic hormone can increase by 5-7 times. It also leads to a sharp increase in anabolism.

Insulin in small doses is used as an anabolic agent for general malnutrition and severe weight loss, for long-term debilitating diseases, the initial stages of liver cirrhosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines, tuberculosis, etc.

Since insulin is not a doping drug, it can be recommended in sports practice as a drug for building both muscle mass and overall body weight. Unlike anabolic steroids, which give an increase in "clean" muscle mass, insulin also promotes the synthesis of adipose tissue, which must be taken into account when conducting insulin therapy.

A fairly large number of insulin preparations are produced in Russia. Short-acting drugs (no more than 6 hours): insulin for injection, suinsulin, whale insulin, etc.; as well as long-acting insulin preparations, the effect of which lasts more than 6 hours.

For anabolic purposes, only short-acting drugs are used. The activity of the drug is expressed in units. One vial contains 40 or 80 IU. The drug is administered 1 time per day according to a certain scheme.

On the 1st day - 4 units, on the 2nd day -8 units, etc. every day add 4 units. You can increase the dose every other day. The maximum dose is 20-40 IU. The duration of treatment is up to 2 months. Courses of treatment with insulin can be carried out 2 times a year.

Treatment with insulin has its own characteristics. After the introduction of the drug after 1-5 minutes. hypoglycemia begins - a decrease in blood sugar levels. There is weakness, sometimes palpitations, trembling in the legs. 15-20 minutes after the introduction of insulin to stop hypoglycemia, you need to drink sweet tea and eat some starchy product, otherwise you may lose consciousness as a result of hypoglycemia, which then turns into a severe coma and requires urgent medical attention - intravenous glucose.

Since the action of conventional non-prolonged insulin preparations lasts at least 6 hours, all this time it is necessary to have something sweet ready and, when the first signs of hypoglycemia appear, take food. The intake of carbohydrate food should not reach such quantities that stop hypoglycemia completely, otherwise the release of somatotropin will stop. You need to learn how to vary the consumption of carbohydrate foods so that you still feel mild (!) Hypoglycemia without the risk of going into a hypoglycemic coma. In general, the diet, as in the treatment with anabolic steroids, should contain a sufficient amount of complete animal proteins. Therefore, for the relief of hypoglycemia, it is more rational to take not pure carbohydrates in the form of sugar and jam, but a protein-carbohydrate mixture such as baby food "Baby".

Due to the above features, insulin treatment is a very difficult task with the risk of complications and should be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.

A positive feature of insulin is that, being a strong anabolic agent, it can be used in both men and women without causing a virilizing effect. (The virilizing effect - the effect of androgens - increased hair growth on the face and body, coarsening of the voice, etc.) Insulin practically does not cause side effects, with the exception of rare cases of allergies. Obese people should not use insulin

VII. Antihormonal drugs

An increase in the activity of sex hormones is possible not only due to the strengthening of the work of the glands that produce them, but also due to the weakening of the work of the glands that inhibit their production. In the male body, in addition to male sex hormones, androgens, a certain amount of female sex hormones, estrogen, is produced. Androgen production predominates, but it can become even stronger if the action of estrogens, which weaken the androgenic effects, is blocked. Strengthening the production of androgens leads, respectively, to an increase in anabolic processes in the body, an increase in efficiency and muscle strength. The importance of suppressing estrogenic influences in the male body becomes clearer when one considers that estrogens block the effects of growth hormone and deplete the reserves of growth hormone in the pituitary gland.

To reduce the effect of estrogen on the body, estrogen receptor blockers are used, which reduce the susceptibility of cells to estrogens. The end result is an increase in the effects of androgens.

The following antiestrogenic drugs are produced in Russia.

1-Chloro-2-para(2-diethylaminoethoxy)-phenyl-1,2-diphenylethylene citrate.

Synonyms: Clostilbegit, chloranifene, ardomone, clomid, etc.

Release form: tablets of 10 mg.

Take 1-2 times a day, 10 mg.

The course of treatment is from 1 to 4 months.


Synonyms: Zitazonium, Nolvadex, etc.

Release form: tablets of 10 mg. Assign from 10 to 20 mg 2 times a day.

Course of treatment: 1-4 months.

In medicine, both drugs are used to treat breast cancer in women and impotence in men, because. in addition to the direct antiestrogenic action, both drugs have the ability to stimulate the synthesis of endogenous gonadotropins with a subsequent effect on the sex glands (which mainly determines the anabolic effect of antiestrogens).

The negative side of antiestrogenic drugs is a large number of side effects. Clomiphene citrate can cause nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, allergies, blood clots in the vessels, visual impairment. When using tamoxifen, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, skin rash, development of blood clots and changes in the retina of the eyes (at high doses) may occur. Both can cause testicular pain in men through overstimulation. In women, antiestrogens are generally contraindicated except in cases of breast cancer and treatment of anovulation.

VIII. vitamins

This chapter discusses vitamin preparations that stand out among other vitamins for their anabolic effect.

In terms of anabolic activity, vitamins, of course, are inferior to such "big" anabolics as anabolic steroids and insulin, but at the same time they practically do not give side effects and can be used for quite a long time, which distinguishes them from other drugs.

Calcium salt of D-(+) - pantothenic acid. Calcium pantothenate (PC) has a powerful anabolic effect. It surpasses all other vitamin preparations in anabolic action.

Significantly reduces basal metabolism, which leads to a rapid increase in total body weight, as a result of a decrease in the proportion of oxidizable proteins. The level of sugar in the blood decreases, which contributes to the release of somatotropic hormone. The synthesis of acetylcholine increases, which enhances the tone of the parasipathic nervous system, which contributes to an increase in the strength of the neuromuscular apparatus.

PC enhances the synthesis of steroid hormones and hemoglobin. PC is a drug of "economy action", tk. makes the body work more economically. Significantly increases overall endurance and load tolerance.

PC is involved in the most important reactions of energy transfer and phosphorus compounds. PC improves liver function and helps to eliminate toxins, alcohol, poisons, and medicinal substances from the body. Pantothenate has pronounced radioprotective properties, the release of radioactive substances from the body increases by 2 times.

In medicine, it is used as a detoxifying, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and general tonic. It has a strong anti-stress effect. PC enhances the absorption of potassium ions from the intestine, which, along with increased synthesis of acetylcholine, plays an important role in the process of enhancing muscle contraction. It is produced in tablets of 0.1 g. Daily doses are from 0.4 to 2 g. PC is recommended during the period of maximum training loads and during the competitive period, as an anti-stress agent, primarily for people with increased anxiety.

The sedative (calming) effect of PC is enhanced when administered together with vitamin U in equal amounts.

The presence of two methyl radicals (-CH3) gives the drug lipotropic properties and the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels.

D,L-N-(1-Carboxy-2-hydroxypropyl)-trimethylammonium chloride

Carnitine chloride (CC) has a significant anabolic effect. The anabolic effect of the drug is less pronounced than that of PC. CC reduces basal metabolism, as a result of which the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules slows down. Causes a state of mild inhibition in the central nervous system. Increases the secretion of digestive juices - gastric and intestinal, and also enhances their digestive action, resulting in improved absorption of food.

CH promotes the penetration of fatty acids through mitochondrial membranes. This mechanism underlies the increase in endurance under the action of CH. In addition, CH contributes to the breakdown of fatty acids. The fat-mobilizing effect of CH is also partly associated with the presence of three labile methyl groups.

The ability of CH to "burn" adipose tissue is used to reduce excess weight and "dry" the muscles. Carnitine contributes to the elimination of post-exercise acidosis and, as a result, the restoration of working capacity after prolonged debilitating physical exertion.

CH increases glycogen stores in the liver and muscles, contributes to its more economical use.

Release form: 20% solution in vials of 100 ml.

Take 1-2 teaspoons two to three times a day.

In medical practice, it is mainly used as a non-hormonal anabolic agent for underweight children. In adults, it is used for chronic gastritis with low acidity. It is also a valuable tool for weight loss, as it "burns" adipose tissue without affecting muscle tissue. Effective in liver disease, thyrotoxicosis, coronary heart disease, neurasthenia.

(d,L-2-amino-4-(dimethylsulfonium)butyric acid chloride.

Vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium chloride) is a derivative of methionine, an essential amino acid. Therefore, the drug can be considered not only as a vitamin, but also as a crystalline amino acid.

Vitamin U improves digestion, normalizes the acid-forming function of the stomach: increased acidity decreases, and low acidity increases. A valuable property of vitamin U is the presence of labile methyl groups that can easily be included in the exchange, due to which fat-mobilizing and lipolytic effects are achieved. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

Recently, data have appeared on the effectiveness of vitamin U in endogenous depressions (depressed mood), not amenable to treatment with psychotropic drugs.

Vitamin U may be recommended as a mild anabolic for individuals with gastrointestinal disorders; for people with low mood; as well as a means of preventing fatty liver when using drugs such as insulin and nicotinic acid against a high-calorie diet.

Release form: tablets of 50 mg. Daily dose: 100 to 600 mg per day.

2,3-Dihydro-2-methyl-1,4-sodium photoquinone-2sulfonate

Vitamin K is a derivative of naphthoquinone. For a long time, vitamin K was used only as a means of increasing blood clotting by increasing the formation of prothrombin in the liver.

In recent years, its anabolic effect has been discovered: increased protein synthesis in the liver and muscles, healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers, and wound healing effect.

Under the influence of vitamin K, collagen synthesis is enhanced, which gives strength to the ligaments and skin. It is possible that the ability to increase blood coagulation is based on increased synthesis of short-lived liver proteins, where prothrombin is synthesized.

Vitamin K greatly enhances the functional activity of muscle tissue. As a result of the use of vitamin K, the activity of eosinophilic cells of the pituitary gland, which secrete somatotropic hormone, increases. In some cases, there is an increase in the number of hormone-producing cells.

Vitamin K significantly improves bioenergetics by improving oxidative phosphorization, ATP and creatine phosphate synthesis in muscles. In Russia, water-soluble vitamin K is produced under the name Vikasol.

Release form: 15 mg tablets.

The drug is prescribed at 15-30 mg per day for 4 days. This is followed by a break of 3 days, after which the drug can be resumed. Long-term continuous use of the drug is undesirable due to an excessive increase in blood clotting. For the same reason, during treatment with vikasol, it is necessary to control the time of blood clotting so that there is no danger of blood clots in the vessels. In medicine, vikasol is used in the treatment of a wide variety of bleeding and increased bleeding, for the treatment of liver diseases, for stomach and duodenal ulcers (especially bleeding), uterine bleeding, etc.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with increased blood clotting and thromboembolism.

Pyridinecarboxylic-3 acid.

Nicotinic acid, introduced into the body in sufficiently large doses, improves redox reactions, shifting the balance towards recovery processes.

Vitamin PP enhances the effects of endogenous insulin with its inherent anabolic action.

Under the influence of nicotinic acid in the body, the content of serotonin increases, which is a mediator of the parasympathetic nervous system and increases the permeability of cells for amino acids and energy substrates.

Nicotinic acid increases the acidity of gastric juice and its digestive capacity, thereby improving the digestibility of food. At the same time, the rate of peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract also increases and appetite increases.

Vitamin PP is a part of enzyme systems that, to one degree or another, take part in the metabolism of all other vitamins, so the introduction of nicotinic acid significantly improves the overall vitamin balance of the body.

The anabolic effect of nicotinic acid is manifested in doses several times greater than those used in conventional medical practice. If nicotinic acid is usually prescribed in doses of 50 to 300 mg per day, then in order to enhance anabolism, it is prescribed up to 3-9 g per day.

Such large doses can have significant side effects, so treatment with nicotinic acid should be carried out with caution. Nicotinic acid depletes the body of methyl radicals, as a result of which fatty liver may occur. To prevent this from happening, along with nicotinic acid, it is necessary to prescribe lipotropic agents - methionine, vitamin U, choline chloride. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of cottage cheese.

At the beginning of treatment with nicotinic acid, immediately after the administration (intake) of the drug, there is a sharp expansion of the skin vessels with redness, which lasts 10-20 minutes after administration. This reaction is especially pronounced when injected. Due to the strong expansion of blood vessels in persons prone to hypotension, pressure can drop sharply, so after the injection they need to rest in a supine position for 15-20 minutes.

Release form of the drug: tablets of nicotinic acid, 50 mg.

Ampoules of 1 ml of 1% solution: 10 mg per ampoule.

The scheme of application of nicotinic acid depends on the form of release. Taking tablets begins with 100 mg per day and continues for several days until the body adapts and the reaction of reddening of the skin disappears. After that, the dose is increased by 100 mg per day and left at this level until the disappearance of the vascular reaction. Thus, the dose is adjusted to 3 g per day.

Injections of nicotinic acid begin with 1 ml of 10% solution once a day and continue to be administered daily until the disappearance of the vascular reaction. After the disappearance of the reaction of vasodilation, increase the dose by 1 ml, etc. The maximum dose is 15 ml of 1% solution. All injections are carried out once a day. Such large doses of nicotinic acid significantly reduce blood cholesterol and, taking into account the vasodilating effect, are prescribed in the treatment of atherosclerosis, endarteritis obliterans and other vascular diseases.

High doses of nicotinic acid lead to hypertrophy of the adrenal glands and significantly increase exercise tolerance. The course of treatment with nicotinic acid can last up to 2-3 months, after which a break is necessary.

Contraindications for the use of nicotinic acid are peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, increased acidity of gastric juice, fatty liver. In these diseases, treatment with nicotinic acid can cause an exacerbation reaction.

IX. Coenzymes.

coenzyme- this is a derivative of a vitamin, the active form into which vitamins are converted when they enter the body. In some cases, the pharmacological effect of a coenzyme introduced into the body from the outside differs from the pharmacological effect of a vitamin. So, for example, vitamins B2 and B12 do not have anabolic activity as such, and their coenzymes - flavinate and cobamamide have a pronounced anabolic activity.

P "- ​​(Riboflavin-5") -P2 (adenosine-5") diphosphate disodium salt.

A derivative of riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Flavinate, or flavin adenine nucleotide, forms enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of amino acids, lipids and carbohydrates. Flavinate has an anabolic effect, improves the course of redox processes, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, enhances hemoglobin synthesis, improves vision. For a growing organism, flavinate is an indispensable growth factor. Flavinat contributes to the most complete breakdown of carbohydrates and increases the energy supply of the body during hard physical work. In medical practice, flavinate is used in the treatment of dystrophic processes, diseases of the retina and glaucoma, in chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines, in some skin diseases, etc.

Release form: in ampoules of 3 ml. Each ampoule contains 0.002 g of the drug.

It is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.002 g once a day.

Courses of treatment can last from 10 to 40 days. Breaks between courses of treatment for at least one month.


Cobamamide is a derivative of vitamin B12, in contrast to which it has significant anabolic activity. The anabolic effect of cobamamide is associated with an increase in cell division processes and is especially pronounced in relation to rapidly dividing cells, such as cells of the bone nucleus.

The pharmacological effects of cobamamide are largely associated with the presence of labile methyl groups in its molecule, which can participate in synthetic processes, enhance cholesterol breakdown and fat mobilization.

Under the influence of cobamamide, the processes of synthesis of choline and endogenous carnitine are activated in the body. The anabolic effect of cobamamide in children is more pronounced than in adults and is expressed in faster growth and faster weight gain.

In medicine, cobamamide is used to treat various kinds of anemia, diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines. Of particular note is the fact that the anabolic effect of cobamamide is realized through its interactions with folic acid, therefore, along with cobamamide, it is necessary to take folic acid in tablets of 0.001 g.

Form of release of cobamamide: ampoules of 0.5 and 1 mg of dry matter. Enter 1 time per day, 0.5-1 mg / m, previously dissolved in 1 ml of solvent.

As a rule, there are no side effects with the use of cobamamide. Only occasionally, with the use of large doses, there is an allergy and mild disturbances in night sleep, which quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug or a decrease in its dose.

X. Vitamin-like substances

The term "vitamin-like substances" refers to compounds whose activity is manifested in small doses, comparable to the doses of vitamins, but still significantly higher than the doses of the latter.

All of them have a slight anabolic effect. But the small anabolic activity is compensated by the relative harmlessness and low toxicity. Vitamin-like substances can be taken for a very long time as additional means of basic therapy with "large" anabolics.


Being a derivative of pyrimidine, methyluracil can serve as a supplier of starting material for the synthesis of nucleic acids, thereby enhancing protein synthesis in the body. It should be noted that methyluracil has the strongest anabolic and anti-catabolic effect in relation to the gastrointestinal tract, and the overall anabolic effect of the drug is largely due to improved intestinal trophism and increased digestive processes.

In medicine, methyluracil is prescribed mainly to accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers, chronic gastritis, liver disease and reduced immunity. A characteristic feature of methyluracil is the ability to increase the content of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the blood, as well as to have a slight anti-inflammatory effect in chronic inflammatory diseases.

Methyluracil has some fat-mobilizing effect, under its influence the content of fatty acids in the blood decreases. Perhaps this is due to the presence of a labile methyl group. The cosmetic effect of methyluracil deserves attention. When used in large enough doses, the skin becomes juicy and elastic.

Release form of the drug: tablets of 0.5 g. Daily doses from 2 to 9 g / day.

When prescribing methyluracil, edema may occur with an increase in pressure as a result of water and salt retention in the body, which disappear after a decrease in the dose of the drug. Methyluracil is contraindicated in malignant diseases of the bone marrow and the blood system.

Potassium salt of uracil-4-carboxylic (orthic) acid

Like methyluracil, potassium orotate is one of the precursors of pyrimidine nucleotides that are part of nucleic acids that are involved in the synthesis of protein molecules.

Unlike metaluracil, which is degraded in the liver (only its individual fragments are included in the nucleotides), orotic acid is included in the entire pyrimidine nucleotides. Because of this, it has a stronger anabolic effect than methyluracil.

Indications for the appointment of potassium orotate in medicine are heart disease, increased physical activity, chronic inflammatory diseases.

Unlike methyluracil, which has a fat-mobilizing effect, potassium orotate, on the contrary, promotes the synthesis of fats and can cause liver obesity, up to the development of its fatty degeneration (fatty degeneration of the liver with an excess of orotic acid can be prevented or reversed by adding vitamin E, choline, adenine.), which must be considered when prescribing the drug.

Release form: tablets of 0.5 g.

Daily doses: 0.5 to 1.5 g per day.

Side effects with the use of potassium orotate practically do not occur, with the exception of rare cases of allergies.

Adenosine-5"-monophosphoric acid.

Phosphaden is a fragment of adenosine triphosphoric acid - ATP.

Phosphaden stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, enhances redox processes, serves as an energy supplier for protein-synthetic processes in the body.

The drug has a pronounced vasodilating effect, lowers blood pressure.

Being a derivative of purine, phosphaden can serve as a starting material for the synthesis of nucleic acids. Phosphaden lowers blood levels of lipids, fatty acids and b-lipoproteins. A feature of the drug is its pronounced therapeutic effect in relation to liver diseases, as well as the ability to improve the energy metabolism of cells.

There is a pronounced detoxification effect of phosphaden in lead poisoning.

In medicine, phosphaden is used for lead poisoning, acute intermittent porphyria, coronary heart disease, and liver diseases.

Release form: tablets of 0.025 and 0.05 g, 2% injection solution.

(Daily doses of the drug when taken orally 0.1-0.2 g / day. V / m is administered 2 ml of 2% solution 2 times a day.

Courses of treatment are carried out for a long time, while caution is necessary in patients with gout (the level of uric acid in the blood may increase).


Like phosphaden, riboxin is a purine derivative and can be considered as a precursor of ATP. Unlike phosphaden, it does not have an energy-rich phosphorus bond, therefore it is less effective as an anabolic and energy agent. It is used for the same purpose and for the same indications as phosphaden.

Release form: 0.2 g coated tablets. Ampoules of 10 ml of 2% solution for intravenous administration.

Daily doses when taken orally from 0.6 to 2.4 g. In the first days, take 0.6 g / day, then gradually increase the dose to 2 g / day.

When administered intravenously, 10 ml per day is first administered, then the total amount of the drug is adjusted to 20 ml 2 times a day.

(2-hydroxyethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride

Choline chloride (XX) is a precursor of acetylcholine and can serve as a starting material for its synthesis. Therefore, the introduction of choline chloride into the body leads to a sharp increase in the activity of cholinergic structures, which leads to an increase in neuromuscular conduction, an increase in muscle strength, an increase in intestinal motility, and an increase in anabolic processes in the body.

The special value of choline chloride lies in the fact that it is part of the phospholipid lecithin, which reduces cholesterol in the body and prevents the development of atherosclerotic processes.

Choline prevents and cures fatty degeneration of the liver of various etiologies due to the high content of labile methyl groups, improves kidney and thymus function. XX is involved in the construction of cell membranes and the formation of sheaths of nerve trunks. XX improves memory, increases productivity of thinking and learning. XX is used for hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, atherosclerosis, in the treatment of alcoholism as a general tonic.

Release form: 20% solution for oral administration, powder. Ampoules with 20% solution of 10 ml. For intravenous administration, dilute to 1% solution.

Inside the drug is taken 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3-5 times a day. Intravenously administered by drip up to 300 ml of 1% solution. The course of treatment lasts from 7 days to a month.

Side effects are observed, as a rule, only with rapid intravenous administration and manifest themselves in the form of a sensation of heat and nausea, a decrease in pressure (due to a sharp expansion of blood vessels).

XI. Nootropics

"Noos" - thinking. Nootropic drugs are a whole group of compounds used to improve the processes of memory, attention, logical thinking, increase mental performance and strength of basic nervous processes. Some drugs from the group of nootropics have a pronounced anabolic effect and increase physical performance.


Piracetam was invented in Belgium in 1963. With this drug, the era of nootropics began, which have their effect on the nervous system not by suppressing some reactions, but by a total improvement in all metabolic and plastic processes in the central nervous system.

Piracetam improves memory, mental performance, higher mental activity, concentration, etc.

Piracetam enhances the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in the body, which ultimately leads to a powerful increase in anabolism not only in the cells of the nervous system, but also in skeletal muscle fibers, liver cells, etc. As a result of increased protein synthesis, the course of regenerative and adaptive reactions of the body is accelerated, and physical performance is increased.

The energy potential of cells increases due to increased ATP synthesis and their resistance to various adverse factors increases: intoxication, oxygen starvation, high temperatures, etc. The synthesis of phospholipids, which take part in the formation of cellular memorans and normalize cholesterol metabolism, is accelerated.

Piracetam has a beneficial effect on the structure of mitochondria - the main energy subunits of the cell, which underlies a significant increase in endurance and aerobic performance.

In medicine, the drug is prescribed to restore neuropsychic activity and performance after traumatic brain injuries, strokes, intoxications, neuropsychic breakdowns, etc. The drug is not only low-toxic, but in therapeutic doses it has a detoxifying effect, promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body. Piracetam is quite effective in depression, accompanied by lethargy, apathy, decreased mood and performance.

Release form: capsules of 0.4 g of piracetam; tablets of 0.2 g; 5 ml ampoules of 20% solution.

In acute cases (craniocerebral injury; stroke, etc.), it is administered intramuscularly and intravenously starting from 4 g / day, and by adding 2 g / day, the dose is gradually adjusted to 10 g / day.

For planned therapy, piracetam is prescribed orally starting from 1.2 g per day and, if necessary, the dose is adjusted to 3.2 g per day.

The course of treatment can last from several days to a year and depends on the indications. Side effects of the drug are practically absent.

Calcium salt D-(+)-a,y, dioxy-b-b-dimethylbutyryl-aminobutyric acid Pantogam (P) is a derivative of pantothenic and gamma-aminobutyric acids.

The pharmacological properties of pantogam are a symbiosis of the effects of pantothenic and gamma-aminobutyric acids (gamma-aminobutyric acid is an inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system).

Pantogam sharply lowers basal metabolism, causes a significant increase in body weight, increases the synthesis of acetylcholine and, as a result, muscle strength. Under the influence of pantogam, energy metabolism improves, mitochondria increase in size, and overall endurance increases.

Pantonam enhances the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces the body's need for oxygen and energy substrates. Pantogam enhances the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein, increases the content of steroids in the body.

In terms of anabolic action, pantogam is superior to pantothenic acid, possessing, in addition to anabolic, also anticonvulsant and hypotensive properties. In medicine, it is used for the same indications as piracetam, as well as in the treatment of convulsive seizures.

Release form: tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g.

Single dose 0.5-1 g. Daily dose 1.5-3 g.

The course of treatment is from 1 to 6 months.

XII. Psychoenergizers.

Psychoenergizers are a relatively new group of medicinal substances. All drugs in this group are able to increase the strength and mobility of nervous processes, mental and physical performance. In Russia, only one drug of this group is produced.

b-Dimethylaminoethyl ester of para-chloro-phenoxy-acetic acid hydrochloride.

Acephene was discovered during the development of plant growth stimulants. At the heart of the anabolic and psychostimulant action of acephene is its ability to increase the content of choline in the brain and peripheral nerve structures, which leads to an increase in the activity of cholinergic structures. At the same time, the speed of conducting a nerve impulse along the nerve trunks increases, and the synthesis of acetylcholine increases. Acephene has a highly beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, enhancing the synthesis of phospholipids in the brain, nerve cell membranes and liver. This mechanism underlies the significant improvement in memory with the use of acephene. Acephen reduces the content of lipofuscin in the brain cells, which is the "ageing pigment", thereby providing a "rejuvenating" effect on the central nervous system.

Release form: tablets of 0.1 g, coated with a yellow shell. Vials with 0.25 g of the drug. Assign inside of 0.1-0.3 g from 3 to 5 times a day. Intramuscularly appoint 0.25 g per injection 1-3 times a day. Courses of treatment with acephen can last up to 3 months or more. Side effects, as a rule, do not happen.

XIII. Antihypoxants

Antihypoxants are a class of compounds that increase the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency. Of this group of drugs, sodium oxybutyrate attracts attention as a drug with a significant anabolic effect.

Sodium salt of y-hydroxybutyric acid

Sodium oxybutyrate is an exceptionally strong antihypoxic agent that protects the body from oxygen starvation in a rarefied atmosphere, during high physical exertion, in severe vascular diseases and damage to the respiratory apparatus. The antihypoxic properties of oxybutyrate are associated with its ability to activate the oxygen-free oxidation of energy substrates and reduce the body's need for oxygen. In addition, sodium oxybutyrate itself is able to break down with the formation of energy stored in the form of ATP. Thanks to all these properties, sodium oxybutyrate is by far the most effective means for developing endurance.

The anabolic effect of hydroxybutyrate is expressed in enhancing the synthetic processes in the body and slowing down the processes of catabolism. As a result of chronic administration of sodium oxybutyrate, the content of somatotropic hormone and cortisol in the blood increases significantly, and the content of lactic acid decreases significantly. Under the action of oxybutyrate, hypertrophy of mitochondria and muscle fibers occurs, the amount of glycogen in the muscles and in the liver increases.

Sodium oxybutyrate has a pronounced adaptive and anti-stress effect, in small doses it causes slight lethargy with elements of euphoria, in medium doses - sleep, and in large doses - anesthesia. Oxybutyrate is a powerful tool for non-specific adaptation to all extreme exposures.

In medicine, sodium oxybutyrate is used as a sedative, anticonvulsant, anesthetic, and as a sleeping pill. In resuscitation practice, oxybutyrate is widely used as a means of increasing nonspecific adaptation and survival of severely ill patients.

Release form: powder, 10 mg ampoules 20% solution; 5°/o syrup in vials; 66.3% solution in vials. Inside sodium oxybutyrate for course use is prescribed 0.75-1.5 g 3 times a day. As a sleeping pill up to 2 g per reception. In severe hypoxic conditions, it is administered intravenously at a dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight. To obtain induction anesthesia, up to 120 mg / kg is administered. As a side effect of the drug, a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood can be noted, which necessitates an appropriate correction of the diet and, in some cases, the intake of potassium salts.

XIV. Crystalline amino acids

Some crystalline amino acids have a marked anabolic effect and are used both in isolation and in mixtures. Only the L-forms of amino acids have the ability to be included in the exchange. D-forms are not only not included in the exchange, but can also have a toxic effect. In medical practice, only L-forms are used.

Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid and takes a very important part in nitrogen metabolism, because. the bulk of non-essential amino acids passes through the stage of transformation into glutamic and aspartic acids in metabolic reactions. In other words, HA is an important starting material for amino acid synthesis in the body. Glutamic acid neutralizes ammonia, which, in combination with HA, forms glutamine, which is used for synthetic processes. HA stimulates oxidative processes, improves protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improves the energy supply of brain functions. HA promotes an increase in the level of endogenous aminobutyric acid, whose effects are similar to those of hydroxybutyrate. The introduction of HA reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in the blood, eliminating post-exercise acidosis and increasing endurance. HA plays the role of a neurotransmitter in the spinal cord, facilitating the transmission of nerve excitation at synapses. HA promotes the synthesis of acetylcholine and ATP, as well as the transfer of potassium ions through cell membranes, which enhances the processes of muscle contraction.

The introduction of HA improves higher nervous activity, improves mood and activity. Glutamic acid has a pronounced detoxifying effect in a variety of poisonings. In medicine, HA is used for diseases of the nervous system and for poisoning.

Release form: tablets of 0.25 g. Daily doses from 1.5 to 10 g. Side effects are very rare and are expressed as insomnia, agitation, vomiting. After discontinuation of the drug quickly pass. The course of treatment can be long - up to 12 months or more. GC is contraindicated in febrile conditions. In Russia, it is produced in its pure form, as well as in the form of potassium and magnesium salts.

Potassium aspartate + magnesium aspartate.

Compose the combined preparation "Panangin", each tablet of which contains 0.158 g of potassium asparaginate and 0.14 g of magnesium asparaginate. A similar preparation called "Asparkam" contains 0.175 potassium and magnesium aspartate. Panangin is also available in 10 ml ampoules. Aspartic acid takes an active part in amino acid metabolism, being the starting material for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids in the body. Aspartate increases the permeability of cell membranes for potassium and magnesium, which increases the activity of synthetic processes in cells and facilitates the process of muscle contraction. In the experiment, a mixture of potassium and magnesium salts of aspartic acid significantly increases overall endurance and activates anabolic processes in the muscles.

In medical practice, Panangin and Asparkam are used for cardiac arrhythmias and coronary insufficiency. When taken orally, 2-4 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day. In case of acute disorders, the solution of Panangin is administered intravenously, having previously dissolved 1 ampoule of the drug in 30 ml of the solvent. The drug is contraindicated with an increase in the level of potassium in the blood and with renal failure (both acute and chronic).

Histidine is an essential amino acid. When introduced into the body, it causes a significant increase in the secretion of somatotropic hormone. Histidine takes an active part in the synthesis of carnosine - a nitrogenous extractive substance of muscles, improves nitrogen balance. Histidine improves liver function, increases gastric secretion and intestinal motility. Histidine improves immunity and weakens the impact on the body of extreme factors, normalizes the heart rhythm. In medicine, it is used for peptic ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis, decreased immunity and atherosclerosis.

Release form of histidine: 4% solution of histidine hydrochloride in ampoules of 5 ml for intramuscular injection. Appoints / m every day for 5 ml for 30 days. After a break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Methionine is an essential amino acid. Being the owner of a highly mobile methyl group (-CH3), methionine takes part in the synthesis of choline and phospholipids, participates in the formation and metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, and stimulates the release of somatotropic hormone. Methionine helps to maintain the nitrogen balance of the body, enhances the synthesis of steroid hormones, prevents adrenaline from oxidizing, neutralizes many toxic products. Methionine somewhat reduces the function of the thyroid gland, prevents the use of protein as an energy substrate.

When introduced into the body, methionine reduces the amount of neutral fat in the liver and lowers blood cholesterol. In medicine, methionine is used in diseases of the liver and pancreas, as well as in cases of poisoning, with protein deficiency and dystrophy. Methionine is contraindicated in severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, tk. in these cases, on the contrary, it is able to enhance the formation of toxic metabolic products.

Release form: tablets of 0.25 g. Take orally 0.5-1.5 g 3-4 times a day for 0.5-1 hour before meals.

XV. Herbal preparations with anabolic action

Herbal preparations have, as a rule, a weak anabolic effect, however, in terms of their performance-enhancing properties, they can surpass many synthetic preparations. Plant anabolics have practically no toxicity, are well tolerated, and have very few contraindications. They can be used both independently and with other anabolic agents to mutually potentiate their action. The most important feature of the action of plant anabolics (RA) is their ability to increase the activity of the body's own anabolic systems by potentiating the action of insulin, somatotropic and gonadotropic hormones. This is achieved by increasing the activity of the synthesis of cAMP, cGMP and other mediators that increase the sensitivity of cells to the body's own hormones. cAMP, for example, increases the sensitivity of target cells to the action of endogenous somatotropin and insulin, enhancing the effects of the latter. All RAs can be conditionally divided into two large groups: RA-adaptagens and RAs with hypoglycemic action.

RA-adaptogens are called so because, in addition to anabolic action, they have the ability to increase the body's resistance to a variety of adverse factors: physical exertion, hypoxia, toxins, radioactive and electromagnetic radiation, etc.

1. RA - adaptogens.

1) Leuzea safflower (maral root)

The plant grows in the Altai mountains, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in Central Asia. Leuzea contains phytoecdysones - polyhydroxylated steroid compounds with pronounced anabolic activity. The introduction of Leuzea extract into the body enhances protein-synthetic processes, promotes the accumulation of protein in the muscles, liver, heart and kidneys. Significantly increases physical endurance and mental performance. With prolonged use of Leuzea, a gradual expansion of the vascular bed occurs and, as a result, general blood circulation improves. The heart rate slows down, which is associated both with an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system and with an increase in the power of the heart muscle.

A distinctive feature of Leuzea is the ability to improve the composition of peripheral blood by enhancing mitotic activity in bone marrow cells. In the blood, the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin increases. Increases immunity. Leuzea is produced in the form of an alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of leuzea, 40 ml in vials. Take 1 time per day in the morning at a dose of 20 drops to 1 teaspoon.

Ecdysterone (Ratibol). It is a steroid compound isolated from Leuzea safflower. It has a pronounced anabolic and tonic effect. Release form: 5 mg tablets. It is taken orally 5-10 mg 3 times a day.

Rhodiola rosea grows in Altai, Sayan Mountains, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The pharmacological effects of the golden root are due to the presence of substances such as rhodosin and rhodiolyside. In some countries they are produced in pure form. A distinctive feature of the golden root is the most powerful effect in relation to muscle tissue. Increased muscle strength and strength endurance. The activity of the contractile proteins actin and myosin increases. The size of mitochondria increases.

Release form: alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of Rhodiola rosea in bottles of 30 ml. Take 1 time per day in the morning in doses of 5 drops to 1 teaspoon.

A distinctive feature of Aralia is the ability to cause quite noticeable hypoglycemia (reduction of blood sugar), exceeding in magnitude the hypoglycemia caused by other RA-adaptogens. Since hypoglycemia in this case is accompanied by the release of somatotropic hormone, taking Aralia Manchurian causes a significant overall anabolic effect with a strong increase in appetite and weight gain. The pharmacological effects of Aralia are due to the presence of a special kind of glycosides-aralosides A, B, C, etc.

Release form: alcohol tincture from the roots of Manchurian aralia in 50 ml bottles. Take 1 time per day in the morning from 5 to 15 drops.

Saparal. The sum of ammonium bases of salts of triterpene glycosides (aralosides), obtained from the roots of Manchurian aralia. Unlike tincture, Aralia does not have such a strong hypoglycemic and anabolic effect. The property of the drug to excite the nervous system is more pronounced than that of aralia tincture. Great for improving overall performance. Release form: tablets of 50 mg. Take 1-2 times a day, 1-2 tablets.

Eleutherococcus senticosus contains a sum of glycosides - eleutherosides. Eleutherosides increase performance and enhance protein synthesis. The synthesis of carbohydrates also increases. Fat synthesis is inhibited. The oxidation of fatty acids increases during physical work. A feature of Eleutherococcus is its ability to improve color vision and liver function. Eleutherococcus is produced in the form of an alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots of 50 ml. Take from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon once a day in the morning.

Ginseng root contains glycosides - panaxosides, which cause its hypoglycemic and anabolic effect. In terms of anabolic activity, ginseng is approximately equal to eleutherococcus and, like eleutherococcus, has the ability to potentiate the action of endogenous insulin. Available in the form of an alcoholic tincture. Take 10-50 drops 1 time per day in the morning.

Distributed in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. The main pharmacological effects of lemongrass are due to the content of a crystalline substance - schizandrin. The characteristic features of magnolia vine are a significant increase in efficiency, an improvement in mood, and an increase in visual acuity. All these effects are due to the ability of lemongrass to improve nerve conduction, sensitivity of nerve cells and enhance excitation processes in the central nervous system. Release form: alcohol tincture of 50 ml in vials. Take 10-25 drops 1 time per day (in the morning).

Grows in the Far East. Contains saponins, alkaloids and glycosides. It has a tonic and mild anabolic effect. In terms of the effectiveness of the general strengthening action, it is similar to ginseng. Produced in the form of an alcohol tincture of 50 ml. Take 30-60 drops 1 time per day.

Like eleutherococcus and ginseng, it stimulates performance and anabolic processes. Release form: alcohol tincture from plants in bottles of 25 ml. Take 10-40 drops 1 time per day. It should be noted that the anabolic effect of RA-adaptogens is realized only against the background of the training effect, so they need to be used against the background of adequate physical activity. Since all of the above drugs have the properties to enhance the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, it is very important to be able to observe their correct dosage, as well as to take the drug correctly during the day.

When prescribing RA-adaptogens, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics of daily biorhythms, and then it will be possible to strengthen (synchronize) the latter. At the same time, improper administration of drugs can cause a violation of daily biorhythms (desynchronization). As a guideline, it is necessary to take the daily excretion of catecholamines (catecholamines are biogenic substances that enhance the processes of excitation in the central nervous system and anabolic processes of inhibition), which increases in the morning and reaches a maximum in the first half of the day.

Based on the fact that all RA-anabolics have the ability to increase the synthesis of catecholamines (CH), they must be prescribed strictly 1 time per day in the morning so that the increase in the synthesis of CH synthesis fits into the morning rise. The physiological increase in the daytime rise in CH leads to the same physiological increase in the nighttime fall in CH, as a result of which, in individuals taking RA according to the recommendation, higher working capacity during the day and deeper sleep at night are observed. It is necessary to know that small doses of RA can have an effect on the central nervous system that is directly opposite to large doses. If large doses intensify the processes of excitation and give a surge of motor and intellectual activity, slight excitement during the day and sound sleep at night, then small doses, on the contrary, cause lethargy, limitation of activity, constant drowsiness, etc. For example: a single dose of 10 drops of Eleutherococcus alcohol extract in the morning causes severe lethargy during the day (this feature of RA-adaptogens is used to treat neuroses, functional disorders of the central nervous system, etc.), but taking the same Eleutherococcus at a dose of 25 drops gives a strong activating effect . Alcoholic extract of Rhodiola rosea causes lethargy at a dose of 2-5 drops, and activation at a dose of 10 drops or more. Aralia Manchurian causes inhibition in doses up to 6 drops, and a sharp activation from 7 drops and above.

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that each organism, due to the characteristics of the nervous system, reacts to treatment individually. There are people who, in order to obtain a stimulating effect, have to take RA not in drops, but in teaspoons or sometimes even tablespoons. And at the same time, one often sees patients in whom only a few drops of a particular drug cause persistent insomnia. All doses given both in this manual and in other pharmacological reference books are highly arbitrary. Dose selection should be carried out individually, adding or subtracting a few drops of the drug every day. At the same time, their own well-being is constantly monitored.

Small doses for a given subject will cause lethargy, medium - activity in the first half of the day and sleepiness in the second, large - activity throughout the day and sound sleep at night, excessive doses will cause insomnia. By constantly monitoring your well-being throughout the day, you can choose the right doses of RA.

RA-adaptogens, in addition to anabolic and ergotropic effects (ergotropic - increasing efficiency), have a number of unique properties: they increase the body's resistance to radiation exposure, cold, heat, lack of oxygen, stress factors, etc. RA-adaptogens are a replaceable non-specific general tonic. Significantly increase life expectancy. It should be remembered that all RA-adaptogens, when their dose is overestimated, can cause persistent insomnia, excitation of the nervous system, palpitations, etc., therefore, the issue of dosage should be approached very carefully, constantly monitoring well-being.

XVI. bee products

The bee products that will be discussed in this chapter have moderate anabolic activity, but they are practically harmless and have no contraindications, except for rare cases of allergies.

It is the secret of the uterine glands of worker bees and serves as food for the larvae of the future queen. Since 1953, purposeful studies of the properties of royal jelly have been carried out in animal experiments, and since 1955 in humans. It was found that royal jelly is useful as a tonic for emaciated and weakened patients after serious illnesses, as well as for aging. In such patients, appetite appears, weight increases, they become vigorous and cheerful.

Apilac (A) has anabolic, general tonic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bactericidal, antiviral effects. The anabolic effect of apilac is much stronger than the anabolic effect of methyluracil. Increases immunity, mental and physical performance. Apilac dilates the vessels of the heart, brain, etc. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Reduces high blood pressure and increases low blood pressure. Improves mood, sometimes causes euphoria. It enhances the synthesis of acetylcholine, which leads to increased muscle strength, and at the same time increases the synthesis of adrenaline in the adrenal glands, which contributes to the development of endurance.

Under the action of apilac, there is a significant increase in sexual function in men, which serves as the basis for prescribing it for impotence. Stimulation of the gonads is associated with an effect on some centers of the hypothalamus. Apilac also proved to be quite good in the treatment of menopausal disorders in women. Apilac has the strongest effect on children. Children taking apilac gain weight very quickly, their development is accelerated. They become cheerful and mobile. Apilac has antitumor activity, the nature of which has not yet been fully elucidated. It is believed that 10-hydroxyA-decenoic acid contained in apilac has antitumor activity. Royal jelly improves lipid metabolism, significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels.

In Russia, apilac tablets are produced - a preparation made from dried royal jelly. One tablet contains 10 mg of the active ingredient. Taking pills strictly 1 time per day in the morning. Since apilac is destroyed in the stomach, it is taken under the tongue, where it is absorbed, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage is strictly individual. Like other central nervous system stimulants, apilac in small doses can cause lethargy and drowsiness, in medium doses - an increase in tone during the day and sound sleep at night, in excessive doses - insomnia and arousal. It should be noted that the stimulating effect of apilac is not accompanied by the appearance of anxiety and fearfulness, on the contrary, the shift in behavioral reactions goes towards the appearance of such character traits as aggressiveness and combativeness.

For some, the tonic dose is 20 tablets taken in the morning under the tongue, while for others no more than 1 tablet. Royal jelly enhances the mineralocorticoid function of the adrenal glands, resulting in tissues becoming more elastic. Regardless of the dose used, apilac has a strong anti-stress effect. The following preparations of royal jelly are produced abroad: apiserum (France), apifortil (Germany), longivex (Canada), lacapnis (Bulgaria), epirginol, phytadon, melcalcin (Romania). It should be noted that fresh royal jelly is more effective than dried royal jelly. In Romania, chewing gum "Apigum" is produced. It contains pollen, honey, apilac, propolis, extracts from medicinal plants. Royal jelly preparations should not be used in diseases of the adrenal glands and acute infectious diseases.

Flower pollen is a concentrate of male reproductive cells of flowering plants. Therefore, a specific property of pollen is the presence of the activity of sex hormones. Such hormone-like activity determines the presence of a powerful anabolic effect in pollen. In addition, it is a concentrate of amino acids and hormone-like peptides. Pollen contains growth factors that have a regenerating effect. The value of flower pollen lies in the fact that it does not give addiction and side effects, it can be used for a very long time. Pollen is recommended by some of the world's leading scientists for the prevention of declining performance and aging. The pollen diet restores lost strength and promotes detoxification. It is used for anemia, lethargy, weakness, emaciation, prostatitis, impotence. As a result of the use of flower pollen, the amount of glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscles increases, and blood fluidity slightly increases.

In Sweden, a specific preparation of flower pollen for athletes is produced - Politabs-sport. Recommended for weightlifting and to speed up recovery in other sports. According to French scientists, flower pollen accelerates the growth and weight gain in children, increases their appetite. Pollen never causes allergies and the formation of antibodies in the body. In Russia, pollen tablets weighing 0.4 g are produced under the name "Cernilton". It is used 2 tablets 3 times a day before meals under the tongue. Flower pollen is also produced in granules. The minimum daily dose should be 2.5 g. It is impossible to take flower pollen inside because it is destroyed by digestive juices in the stomach, therefore it is taken only under the tongue, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

XVII. Actoprotectors

Actoprotectors (A) are a whole group of synthetic drugs that prevent the development of fatigue and increase efficiency. The direct anabolic effect of actoprotectors on muscle tissue is weakly expressed, however, they have a strong indirect effect, since they allow a sharp increase in loads, which give a direct anabolic effect. Under the action of actoprotectors, the glycogen content in the muscles, liver and heart increases. The efficiency of tissue respiration increases. Actoprotectors, thus, are anabolics of indirect action.

In addition, by slightly reducing the level of sugar in the blood, actoprotectors to some extent contribute to an increase in the secretion of somatotropin. Actoprotectors improve memory, endurance, adaptation to lack of oxygen, increase resistance to cold and heat. A are compounds of economizing action, contributing to the implementation of a certain amount of work at minimal cost. And they reduce the rate of working breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, the rate of synthesis of short-lived proteins responsible for the urgent adaptation of the body is accelerated in the liver. In recent years, dozens of actoprotectors have been synthesized. All of them can be divided into 2 large groups: guanylthiourea derivatives and 2-mercantobenzimidazole derivatives.

So far, only one drug from the group of 2-mercantobenzimidazole derivatives, bemitil, has entered into wide clinical practice.

Available in tablets of 100 mg. From 2 to 4 tablets per day are prescribed. Since the drug has the ability to accumulate in the body, it can be taken no more than 6 days in a row, after which a 3-day break is taken, etc. Bemitil significantly increases overall endurance and body weight. Its effect is stronger, the higher the physical load. The increase in working capacity under the action of bemityl can reach 200%, especially when working in conditions of lack of oxygen. Bemitil increases resistance to high temperatures.

XVIII. Digestive enzymes

At high physical loads, the body requires a sufficiently high influx of plastic and energy material from the outside. The digestive apparatus, unfortunately, does not always cope with the task assigned to it. Insufficient digestion capacity of the gastrointestinal tract can serve as a factor limiting the increase in muscle mass and performance due to relative protein and vitamin deficiency. Combined preparations containing digestive enzymes are used to correct digestive processes. Taking these drugs significantly improves digestion and promotes weight gain. Digestive enzymes can be taken alone or in combination with other anabolic agents.

Contains three digestive enzymes: Lipase, which breaks down fatty acids; Amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates; A protease that breaks down proteins. Festal also contains bile acids, which improve the digestion of fats, stimulate the biliary and bile-forming function of the liver, and increase the permeability of cell membranes. Hemicellulose, also present in the preparation, improves the mother function of the stomach and intestines, binds toxic waste products of intestinal bacteria. Festal should be recognized as one of the most successful enzyme combination preparations that improve digestion.

Release form: dragee. 1 dragee contains: Lipases - 6.000 IU. Hemicelluloses - 0.050 g. Amylases - 4.500 ME. Bile components - 0.025 g. Proteases - 300 IU. Festal is taken 1-3 tablets, during or immediately after a meal. The number of doses of the drug depends on the number of meals.


Combined preparation containing: Lipase - 100 IU. Protease - 12.500 IU. Amylase -12.500 units. Release form: dragee. Assign 1-3 tablets before meals.

In addition to festal and pancreatin, there are other combined preparations containing digestive enzymes, but they should be recognized as less successful in composition and therefore less effective. In medical practice, digestive enzymes are used in persons with insufficient gastric secretion, with insufficient pancreatic function, with digestive disorders, atrophic gastritis, chronic colitis, and eating disorders. For persons with increased gastric secretion (with increased acidity), digestive enzymes are contraindicated, as they can aggravate disorders associated with increased aggressiveness of gastric juice.

Strengthening the synthesis of proteins and the emergence of new structural units both in the internal organs and in the muscles requires a sufficient influx of building material from the outside. Such a building material for the human body is food containing proteins. It is believed that the average person engaged in light physical work should receive from 70 to 100 g of protein per day, 70% of which should be animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products). In people involved in athletic gymnastics and other sports that require an increase in muscle mass, as well as in patients recovering from serious illnesses, the need for protein is significantly increased and ranges from 120 to 150 g of protein per day. At present, it has been irrefutably proven that vegetable proteins, even those containing the necessary set of amino acids, are absorbed very poorly, so it is better not to take them into account. Poor digestion of vegetable protein is caused by several reasons:

  1. Thick cell walls of plant cells, often resistant to the action of digestive juices.
  2. Difficulties in adequately crushing plant foods.
  3. The presence of inhibitors of digestive enzymes in some plants, such as legumes.
  4. Difficulties in the breakdown of vegetable proteins to amino acids (even animal proteins are not broken down by about 1/3. Some of the undigested proteins are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood unchanged).

A high protein diet is itself anabolic. This is due to the fact that the intake of concentrated protein foods, such as meat, causes an increase in the level of somatotropic and gonadotropic hormones, as well as insulin. In order to stimulate the release of endogenous anabolic hormones, a diet with a protein content that significantly exceeds the daily requirement of the body is used. The daily dose of protein can reach up to 200 g.

As you can see, protein food, in addition to the plastic function - providing building material for the protein structures of the body, also has a specific dynamic effect - the ability to enhance the release of endogenous hormones - anabolics. The following products have the strongest specific dynamic properties in descending order: poultry meat, lean veal, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, lean fish.

It is precisely because of its specific dynamic action that meat is an indispensable product. It should be noted that an increase in the proportion of protein in the daily diet should be accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the proportion of fats (primarily) and carbohydrates. Fats and carbohydrates impair digestion processes, reduce the proportion of proteins broken down to amino acids and reduce (up to complete disappearance) the specific dynamic effect of protein foods. Carbohydrates, for example, inhibit the release of growth hormone. To a lesser extent, this applies to fats. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for the use of protein and non-protein products at different times of the day in different meals (separate meals).

For example: 1st breakfast - boiled meat. Snack - vegetables. 2nd breakfast - fruit. Dinner - eggs (6 yolks) Lunch - bird.

Compliance with the principles of separate nutrition will not only preserve the specific dynamic effect of protein foods, but also reduce intestinal intoxication, since when the products are consumed separately, the processes of protein decay and fermentation of carbohydrates in the intestine are sharply reduced (and with sufficient chewing, they completely disappear). Against the background of the use of anabolic drugs, the daily protein intake should be increased even more. For example: when using anabolic steroids (if their dose is not excessive), a sharply positive nitrogen balance occurs and the required daily dose of protein can reach up to 300 g. a lot of fat. The same applies to the use of insulin, which causes the growth of not only muscle, but also adipose tissue. The exclusion of animal fats from the diet reduces the amount of fat synthesized in the body under the action of insulin. Many leading athletes in Western countries completely refuse to use sugar and any sweet products, rightly believing that the less sugar a person eats, the easier it is for him to have working glycemia in training and the stronger the release of somatotropic hormone.

Statements that a person cannot absorb more than 30 g of protein per meal are meaningless, since the number of meals per day, the time the food bolus is in the stomach, the time of protein digestion and its specific dynamic action are not taken into account. A high-protein diet has long been proven effective (taking into account the above points) for intensive training that requires muscle building, as well as for recovery from long-term debilitating diseases. A diet that is necessary to remove fat from the body without compromising muscle mass deserves special mention. In such a diet, an increase in the proportion of protein is combined with the complete exclusion of animal fats (lard, butter, sour cream, fatty meat, etc.), as well as sugar and starchy food.

From protein products, only lean meat and fish are used as sources of complete protein. Meat also contains a fairly large amount of carnitine, which promotes the breakdown and utilization of fatty acids. Carbohydrates are supplied to the body in the form of unsweetened fruits and non-starchy vegetables. Potatoes and cereals are excluded. Fruits should be consumed as acidic as possible, since the organic acids contained in them (malic, citric, succinic, etc.) have a highly beneficial effect on the body's energy and contribute to more intensive fat burning. First courses are excluded. It is difficult to follow such a diet only for the 1st week, then the body adapts and the need for animal fats, sweets and starches will completely disappear, as if all these products do not exist in the world.

This diet is highly effective in obese individuals and in individuals involved in athletic gymnastics during the "drying" of the muscles in the competitive period. The loss of adipose tissue can reach 500 g per day. Carbohydrate deficiency never occurs with such a diet, since glucose synthesis actively proceeds using subcutaneous and internal fat as the initial substrate. The effectiveness of the diet is even more enhanced when combined with the intake of carnitine.

The necessary use of multivitamin preparations is no longer in doubt. Even the most complete and varied diet cannot provide a person with the necessary complex of vitamins. Many foods also contain antivitamins along with vitamins. Apples, for example, along with extracellularly located ascorbic acid contain intracellularly located ascorbinase (an enzyme that destroys ascorbic acid). When chewing apples, ascorbinase comes into contact with ascorbic acid (cell destruction) and as a result, 70% of ascorbic acid is neutralized.

In Russia, a fairly large number of multivitamin preparations are produced, the best of which today should be recognized as aerovit, dekamevit, undevit, gendevit, kvadevit, glutamevit. If possible, you should purchase such multivitamin preparations as Supradin (Switzerland) and Unicap M (USA).

Preference should be given to dosage forms in the form of dragees, when vitamins are layered on top of each other. As a result of the use of dragee forms, all vitamins are absorbed in turn, and in addition, each vitamin is absorbed in a certain section of the gastrointestinal tract as the dragee progresses. This is absolutely necessary because many vitamins neutralize each other or compete at the site of absorption. For example, vitamin B12 has the ability to destroy all other B vitamins, etc. Given the above, one can understand why multivitamin powders and tablets, where the vitamins are simply mixed, do not have such a strong effect as pills, where the vitamins are layered on top of each other.

XX. Physiological stimulants of general anabolism

There are many physiological states that stimulate anabolism and their judicious use can be of great help both in sports and in the treatment of various diseases.

One of the most powerful means of enhancing the processes of anabolism is running. During running, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, which is a physiological stimulator of growth hormone release. An increase in the content of norepinephrine in the blood leads to an increase in the release of gonadotropic hormone. During running, the synthesis of cAMP is greatly enhanced, which increases the sensitivity of cells to somatotropin and insulin.

Running hypoglycemia, in turn, increases the level of growth hormone in the blood. As a result of regular running training, there is a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones in the body, which is caused by an increase in the sensitivity of tissues to thyroid hormones. A decrease in the content of thyroid hormones leads to a slowdown in the processes of protein breakdown and a more economical use of energy resources. Running training is exceptionally effective as an anabolic agent and can be a good addition to pure strength training. The share of running training in the practice of weightlifters is limited by the level of general fatigue, which can affect the main training. Therefore, you need to find a reasonable combination of strength and running training, very carefully increasing the amount of the latter as adaptation develops.

As a rule, weightlifting training ends with a run, which reduces the fatigue of the nervous system caused by strength training. As for the treatment of any diseases, running is an exceptionally strong non-specific general tonic that improves health in any disease. It is believed that daily runs of 5 km or more guarantee a high level of health and compensation for any chronic disease.

2. Intermittent fasting.

Short-term fasting - no more than 24 hours - is a strong stimulator of the release of somatotropic hormone, the level of which remains elevated for some time after the start of nutrition. As a result, on the day following the day of fasting, a small weight loss is completely compensated, and on the next day, supercompensation occurs - the amount of structural proteins of the body slightly exceeds that before fasting.

Short-term fasting, used for anabolic purposes, is carried out without prior bowel cleansing. 1 time in 7 or 10 days. Daily fasting refers to a 24-hour break between two meals. For example: from dinner to dinner, or from breakfast to breakfast. During fasting, in order to muffle the feeling of hunger, you can drink alkaline mineral waters. The first meal after daily fasting should not contain a large amount of protein, otherwise persistent excitation of the nervous system and sleep disturbance develop. The number of certain products in the recovery period, which also lasts 24 hours, is determined empirically. Products are the same as usual, but in reduced quantities.

Adaptation to cold stress promotes protein synthesis in the body and increases muscle strength. It is for this reason that all outstanding weightlifters come from Nordic countries. As a result of adaptation to cold, the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system increases with increased synthesis of acetylcholine, which is the main mediator of the neuromuscular apparatus. At the same time, the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases. The level of cAMP and other mediators of the hormonal signal rises. The content of thyroid hormones decreases due to increased tissue sensitivity to them. All of the above effects lead to increased anabolism. The most important condition for the body's adaptation to cold is the frequency of cold load. Hardening procedures are carried out no more than 1 time per day. The duration of the procedures is strictly limited. The procedure lasts from a few seconds to 3 minutes. Prolonged exposure to cold even of moderate intensity leads to a negative effect on metabolism and the development of catabolic effects. Hardening procedures, as well as running, have proven themselves very well in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, incl. and refractory to conventional drug treatment.

4. Hypoxic respiratory training (HDT).

It is based on a wide variety of exercises aimed at creating conditions in the body of a slight lack of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide. Adaptation to hypoxia (lack of oxygen in tissues) and hypercapnia (excess of CO2 in tissues) is accompanied by an increase in anabolism and a slowdown in catabolism. At the same time, the percentage of fat in the body decreases, and efficiency increases sharply. One of the simplest exercises included in HDT is breath holding, which must be done 3 times a day for 5 delays with a break of 1-3 minutes.

A series of retentions performed after a hard workout reduces fatigue by at least 30%. Of particular note is the reaction of rejuvenation of the body, which occurs after 2 months of HDT. Knowing some patterns of normal physiological reactions in the body can be of great help in training and the use of drugs aimed at enhancing anabolism.

5. Dosed pain effect.

Dosed pain exposure has been used since ancient times as a powerful remedy when all other methods of treatment are ineffective, as well as for religious reasons (self-flagellation). The general mechanism of action of various methods of therapeutic pain exposure is to enhance the synthesis of endorphins, endogenous compounds similar to morphine. In addition to the analgesic and euphoric effects, endorphins are able to stimulate anabolism, delay catabolism, as well as lower blood cholesterol and burn excess fat. In addition, endorphins contribute to the speedy recovery of performance after exhausting physical exertion.

The most common methods of pain effects.

1) Stretching exercises.

The difference between these exercises and conventional stretching exercises is that in this case it is necessary to achieve moderate pain.
2) Multi-needle bed (Kuznetsov's applicator, etc.)
3) Acupuncture with a multi-needle hammer.
4) Treatment of various surfaces of the body with a spark D "Arsonvay.
5) Strong, pressing massage and whipping with a broom in the bath.
It is preferable to use coniferous brooms with hard sharp needles, as well as nettles. The dosage of pain exposure is always selected strictly individually. You need to be very careful to ensure that the impact does not become stressful. As endorphins are released, pain sensitivity becomes dull, which makes it possible to increase the pain load by the end of the session.

XXI. Drugs that improve liver function

The liver performs many vital functions in the body. Blood proteins, as well as part of muscle proteins, are synthesized in the liver. Growth hormone does not act directly on tissues. Under the action of somatotropic hormone in the liver, a special kind of mediators is formed - somatomedins, which are growth factors. In the liver, glucocorticoid hormones are split, which have a catabolic effect, increasing protein breakdown and inhibiting its synthesis.

In a diseased liver, androgens can turn into estrogens, providing a catabolic effect instead of anabolic. From the foregoing, it becomes clear how important it is to maintain a good condition of the liver for the normal course of anabolic processes.

Many anabolics show their toxic effect on the liver. Therefore, when taking any "strong" anabolic agents (this primarily applies to anabolic steroids), 2 conditions must be observed:

1. The initial state of the liver before taking anabolics should be ideal.

2. Simultaneously with taking anabolics, it is necessary to take drugs that improve liver function.

If both of these conditions cannot be met, then hormonal and hormonally active drugs cannot be used (the exception is insulin, which is used for many liver diseases). You will have to make do with vitamins, herbal preparations and bee products. It is also possible to use L-forms of amino acids, actoprotectors and some psychotropic drugs (piracetam, for example, not only does not have a negative effect on the liver, but, on the contrary, has hepatoprotective and detoxifying properties).

In Russia, there are the following drugs that improve liver function:

Synonyms: karsil, silibinin, silymarin, etc.

It is a flavonoid substance isolated from the milk thistle plant.

It has a very strong hepatoprotective effect. Stabilizes the membranes of liver cells and improves intracellular metabolism, improves digestion.

It is used in the treatment of all liver diseases without exception. In the event of a hepatic pain syndrome while taking anabolic steroids, it has the fastest therapeutic effect, which is expressed in the disappearance of pain and jaundice. (Anabolic steroids should of course be discontinued.)

Legalon slightly increases overall endurance, as the liver begins to better break down lactic acid. The drug binds toxic free radicals and reduces inflammatory reactions in the liver. Product form: pills containing 35 mg of the drug. From 3 to 18 pills are prescribed per day, depending on the severity of the process. For prophylactic purposes, simultaneously with anabolic steroids, 4 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day.

2. Silibor

In terms of efficiency, it is somewhat inferior to legalon. Indications and mechanisms of action of the drug are similar to legalon.

Release form: coated tablets of 0.04 g.

Assign 2-6 tons per day.

3. Essentiale. Essentiale is a complex drug. Contains phospholipids that improve the condition of cellular memorans and vitamins - B1, B6, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid.

Along with legalon Essentiale is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of liver diseases. With fatty liver, the effectiveness of Essentiale is especially high. In addition to improving metabolism in the liver, the drug has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Release form: 5 and 10 ml ampoules for intravenous administration; capsules.

Assign in acute cases (with poisoning) 10-20 ml per day in / in.

With long-term treatment, 2 capsules are prescribed 3 times a day.

4. Flamin.

Dry concentrate of immortelle (cumin) sandy. Contains amount of flavones.

Release form: tablets of 50 mg.

Assign 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals.

Such drugs as Liv-52, holosas, rosano and convaflavin are ineffective. At present, the use of drugs that improve liver function from plants such as tansy, cinnamon rosehip, immortelle, hibinus, parsley, straight chistets, caragana, etc. is at the stage of experimental development.

The following plants have long been used in folk medicine for liver diseases: common barberry, medicinal initial letter, garden sow thistle, common loosestrife, multi-veined volodushka, European bathing suit, common toadflax, semi-dyed navel, etc.

Aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, rowing, etc. have a very good effect on the liver. Their therapeutic effect may exceed the therapeutic effect of drugs (unless, of course, we are talking about an acute, but a chronic disease).


The number of anabolic agents is constantly growing. Using a scientific approach, knowing the general patterns of action of anabolic drugs and some of their particular features, each person can choose for himself the remedy that is most acceptable to him at the moment. This takes into account age, the presence of certain diseases, etc.

When using synthetic drugs with hormonal activity, one should, if possible, foresee their side effects and try to correct them. So, for example, to neutralize the harmful effects of anabolic steroids on the liver tissue, it is necessary to simultaneously prescribe drugs that improve liver function: multivitamins, cobamamide, choline chloride, etc.

It is necessary to use the physiological reactions of anabolism enhancement to the fullest possible extent, which occur during running, hardening, hypoxic respiratory training, short-term fasting (no more than 24 hours), dosed pain exposure, etc. It should be remembered that the same remedy can not only help, but also harm, if it is applied in the wrong place, at the wrong time and in excess. Remember that for a healthy person, the best anabolic remedy is physical training!

Everyone who comes to the gym and works hard, hopes for a return. In bodybuilding, the result is an increase in muscle mass. Stimulate the growth of muscle cells and contribute to an increase in the mass of muscle fibers, special substances synthesized by the endocrine glands. Increase the secretion of anabolic hormones allows a special diet and training.

Anabolic and catabolic hormones

Hormones are called chemicals that have the property of inducing. They are produced by the cells of any living organism to influence the processes in the cells of all parts of the body.

According to their properties, hormones are divided into two groups: anabolic and catabolic. The hormone, which has an anabolic effect, allows you to build muscle mass, and catabolic - break down the fat layer. Some hormones can be attributed to both groups, for example, growth hormone.

Anabolic hormones are divided into three large groups:

  • amino acid derivatives (eg adrenaline or tyrosine);
  • steroid hormones (progestins, estrogens, testosterone, cortisone);
  • peptide hormones (insulin).

Anabolic hormones

They are called chemicals that are produced by the endocrine glands, and the growth of muscle tissue depends on them. These biologically active substances are divided into two groups: steroids and polypeptide, or protein (for example, growth hormone or insulin).

To increase the level of these hormones in the blood, special training programs have been developed. How do they work? During intense physical exertion, the protein breaks down, in response, the body produces the lost protein. Due to this reaction, muscle mass increases. If the growth process slows down, you need to stimulate the synthesis of substances such as anabolic hormones. The list of such hormones includes insulin, somatotropin, testosterone and others.


Insulin is an anabolic hormone produced by the pancreas. The substance helps to assimilate glucose and useful fatty acids. By letting glucose into the cell, insulin stimulates the synthesis of glycogen, and by letting in fatty acids, it receives its own human fats, which the joints need. Insulin skips amino acids to start intracellular protein synthesis. So it is insulin that is rightfully considered the main anabolic hormone.

However, lack of physical activity, eating a lot of carbohydrates, and, as a result, being overweight increase insulin production. And since the hormone is involved in the body will gradually accumulate fat.

Exceeding the dose of insulin can be deadly, as there is a risk of hypoglycemia. For an overdose to occur, at least a full insulin syringe must be injected, and 100 IU is considered the smallest lethal dose. But even lethal doses of insulin do not cause death if glucose enters the body in a timely manner.

Substances that stimulate insulin synthesis

Banaba leaf extract contains an acid that increases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. You can enhance the effect of the supplement when taken together with ginseng. In medicine, banaba leaf extract is used in the treatment of diabetes. Take the substance immediately after intense physical activity, along with protein and carbohydrates (35-50 mg of the extract at a time).

Gymnema sylvestre plant extract has long been used to treat diabetes. The substance increases the amount of insulin produced, but does not deplete the gland responsible for its production. Take the extract slowly, in small sips for half an hour after training. It is more effective to take hymnem sylvestre together with proteins and carbohydrates (400-500 mg).

Under the influence of alpha lipoic acid (ALA), the uptake of glucose by the muscles improves. Acid is taken immediately after exercise at 600-1000 mg. When you include animal and vegetable proteins in your diet, there is an increase in the production of a protein that has an anabolic effect. It is also effective to take essential amino acids dissolved in water (at least 20 g) during training.

A growth hormone

Growth hormone (other names: GH, somatotropic HGH, somatotropin, somatropin) is called a polypeptide hormone with an anabolic effect, it is synthesized by the anterior pituitary gland. Thanks to this biologically active substance, the body begins to actively use fat reserves, converting them into muscle relief.

The effectiveness of growth hormone decreases with age: it is maximal in early childhood and minimal in the elderly. Growth hormone production usually rises at night, about an hour after falling asleep.

Growth began to be used in sports after medicine. Despite the ban, sales of the chemical have increased.

The main reason for the popularity of somatropin is the practical absence of side effects and its high efficiency in the formation of relief, due to the ability to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and the ability to accumulate fluid in muscle cells. In addition to the high cost of the drug, the disadvantages include the fact that taking this hormone does not lead to an increase in strength indicators, does not increase productivity and endurance. Growth hormone stimulates a slight muscle gain (about 2 kg).

Substances that increase the production of growth hormone

Alpha-glyceryl-forforyl-choline (alpha-GPC) actively stimulates the production of its own GH in the body. In medicine, this supplement is used primarily for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Take 60-90 minutes before training, 600 mg of alpha-GPC.

Another compound is arginine and lysine. Substances stimulate the immediate production and release of growth hormone into the blood. Take a pharmacological agent in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon before lunch and at bedtime (1.5-3 mg of each substance).

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid that is involved in the transmission of nerve signals. Usually drugs, the list of active ingredients of which include gamma-aminobutyric acid, are used in medical practice for the treatment of dementia. In sports, GABA is taken in significantly increased doses. Shows the use of amino acids on an empty stomach an hour before bedtime or before training for 3-5 g.

Increases the secretion of growth hormone and melatonin, which is taken an hour before physical activity, 5 mg each.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are a group of pharmacological drugs that mimic the action of male sex hormones. The latter include, for example, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

Unlike peptide hormones, anabolic steroids easily penetrate the cell, where they start the process of formation of new protein molecules. Due to this, there is a significant muscle gain (7 kg per month), an increase in strength, performance and endurance. However, in addition to anabolic effects, there is a significant percentage of androgenic ones: baldness, increased hair growth on the face and body, masculinization - the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics in women, virilization - an excess of male hormones in women, testicular atrophy, prostate hypertrophy.


Testosterone is the main hormone in the male body. The substance affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the volume of muscle mass, sexual desire, self-confidence and the degree of aggression. A synthetic analogue of testosterone is officially banned in Russia, however, some substances and exotic plants can stimulate the production of their own testosterone in sufficient quantities.

The biologically active substance has a number of side effects, but if you do not abuse synthetic testosterone and do not exceed the recommended dose, you will not have to face them. Even excessive doses rarely lead to irreversible processes in the body. The media has exaggerated the dangers of taking substances such as anabolic hormones.

Drugs that stimulate the production of testosterone

Increases testosterone levels damiana - a shrub from the Turner family. The preparation of the same name contains an extract of the leaves of the plant. The pharmacological agent stimulates the production of its own anabolic hormones in the body and blocks the synthesis of estrogens, unlike medicinal analogues, which increase the production of the latter. With an overdose, there is an almost narcotic euphoria and a significant increase in libido. Take the substance half an hour - an hour before the first meal, as well as before physical activity and sleep (50 - 500 mg each).

Another drug - "Forskolin" - contains an extract of an Indian plant called coleus forskolia. By influencing the production of its own anabolic hormones in the male body, the pharmacological agent stimulates the natural production of testosterone. Take "Forskolin" twice a day, 250 mg.

A strong antioxidant containing the natural pigment astaxanthin, which gives color to aquarium fish - "Astaxanthin". The substance is used in conjunction with saw palmetto, which includes fruits. When these substances are taken at the same time, natural testosterone is produced in the body. Take the drug once a day as part of astaxanthin + saw palmetto (500-1000 mg of each component).

Anabolic hormones are produced naturally under the following conditions: a full eight-hour sleep, proper nutrition and maintaining the water-salt balance of the body. Training should not exceed an hour of intense exercise.



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