What vitamin is in dates? Harm of dates, contraindications

Hello, my dear readers!

Recently, a nutritionist friend of mine shared with me some information about beneficial features dates. She said she was simply delighted with what she learned.

You know, friends, the information was truly amazing!

It made such a resonance in me that after reading it, I immediately went to the store and bought several boxes of dates of the best quality!

Now, without a twinge of conscience, I sit, crack them, and enjoy life ☺

So I want to tell you what I learned so interesting about these amazing fruits.

From this article you will learn:

Dates and their beneficial properties

Some interesting facts about the beneficial properties of dates

Recent research by scientists has proven that dates are so beneficial for the human body that (I quote):

“Even a single date you eat causes an irreversible healing process in the body!”
How cool, right? You ate just one date, and that’s it - an irreversible process in the body has started, and you no longer have any other chance but to be healthy! How do you like this? ☺

In many countries, these fruits are simply attributed magical properties improve health and prolong human life.
  • They say that in China there are such centenarians whose diet is based exclusively on dates!
  • Many nutritionists offer it as a useful and healthy alternative to the usual and harmful sweets - instead of sweets, cookies, and lollipops.
  • Medical scientists have found that a person experiences strong feeling hunger when there is low sugar in the blood. And, if you eat just two dates, your blood sugar level rises to its normal state, and the feeling of hunger disappears. Moreover, the “normal” blood sugar level then remains for quite a long time!
  • Quite “fresh” Scientific research: One experiment recently ended in which a group of people ate only fresh dates and drank sufficient quantity clean water. Nothing else!
    At the end of this experiment, the data made laboratory tests blood, urine, etc. and other studies of their organisms simply amazed doctors!
    Everything said that these people are really in excellent shape, feel great and are full of energy!
  • Another recent study has proven that dates are much healthier than red and black caviar, the supposed miraculous benefits of which are Lately there is so much talk going on!
    Wow! And I would also add: and much cheaper! ☺

Chemical composition of dates

These wonderful fruits contain 23 types of amino acids that are missing in many other fruits!!!

Among these amino acids are large quantities amino acid tryptophan. We need it for good brain function, to maintain good condition psyche. This is especially important for those who frequent stress, for older people, for those whose work involves significant mental stress.

Tryptophan is also the amino acid of youth! It prevents the aging of body cells.

And thanks to tryptophan, when consuming dates, a person becomes calmer, more peaceful, and more satisfied.
Wonderful tryptophan, isn't it? ☺

  • Dates also contain glutamic acid, which prevents the occurrence of such a very common problem as heartburn, as it neutralizes excess acid in the stomach.
  • And selenium is contained in dates in such significant quantities that it can even suppress the growth of cancer cells!
  • It also wonderfully strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart attacks!
  • The huge amount of sugars in these fruits cannot harm human health, since they favorably “coexist” with vitamin B5, which helps them to be absorbed by the body very quickly! And as a result, a person receives only benefits - this is a quick satisfaction of hunger, restoration physical strength, energy, freshness and speed of thinking, and calmness of nerves.
    I think it's amazing! What do you think, friends? ☺
  • These fruits contain an incredible amount of such important minerals, like magnesium, sulfur, copper, calcium, iron. To cover daily requirement in these elements, you need to eat 10 dates a day.
  • With their sweetness, dates confuse all those who watch their figure and try to lose weight. Due to the large amount of sugars, dates are avoided, preferring other carbohydrates. It turns out that it was in vain!

Calorie content of dates

Despite the high sugar content, it is not so easy to get better from dates.

Therefore, everyone can safely eat it, and not be afraid of ruining their figure!

And here’s what I remembered about the topic of a slim figure. Once upon a time I read that it has long been believed that dates help those who have too much to lose weight and those who have less to gain weight. Here's a note for you, friends! ☺

Both fresh and dried fruits with seeds are suitable for consumption.

It turns out that this is what dates are like! Wonderful, tasty and super-mega-healthy! ☺

Dates are not only very tasty, but also very healthy treat. They contain vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as alimentary fiber(fiber).

Chemical composition and nutritional value of dates



About the benefits of dates

The high carbohydrate content of dates determines their high nutritional value. As you know, carbohydrates promote the absorption of proteins and fats, and also play an important role in the implementation normal function nervous and muscle tissues. Carbohydrates are also part of DNA and RNA, which transmit genetic information and synthesize the body’s own proteins, without which the processes of growth and development are impossible. Moreover, carbohydrates in dates are represented mainly by sugars or simple carbohydrates - glucose and fructose. Main advantage simple carbohydrates– they are well absorbed, quickly converted into the energy necessary to provide biological processes, occurring in the body. Sugars entering the blood almost immediately activate the activity of the brain. Here's Why Dates Are Great for Replenishing vitality during fatigue, physical or mental stress.

Dates contain significant amount potassium This macronutrient has beneficial influence on the tone of human muscles, including the heart muscle, so its intake into the body is especially important for people susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. In addition, potassium is directly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, as well as the synthesis of certain proteins, and has positive influence on the activity of a number of enzymes necessary for normal life body. Potassium intake into the body is also necessary in case of dehydration, for example, due to acute intestinal infection when a significant amount of fluid is removed from the body. In this case, decoctions based on dry dates are usually used.

The dietary fiber contained in dates has a positive effect on intestinal function. As is known, they do not split digestive enzymes, however, are “staple food” beneficial microflora our intestines. In other words, dietary fiber can be called a natural prebiotic. Also, dietary fiber normalizes intestinal motility, helps cleanse the body of cholesterol and toxic substances, which is especially important when hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Dates during pregnancy

These fruits contain folic acid (vitamin B 9), so they are recommended for women to eat on the eve and in the first trimester of pregnancy, since folic acid significantly reduces the risk of developing birth defects future child. In addition, there is information that dates contain small amounts of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for labor and lactation. Therefore, pregnant women, shortly before giving birth, are also advised to consume several dates daily.

Uses of dates

Dates are good not only as dried fruits. They are included in many dishes. So, you can make an excellent compote or jelly from dates. A kind of date honey is also prepared from the fruits of the date palm, which retains all its beneficial properties well. long time. Dates are also used as a filling for pies, pancakes and cheesecakes. An excellent dessert would be dates stuffed with nuts and cottage cheese.


Dates are very healthy and tasty fruits. However, there are some categories of people who should consume this fruit with great caution. As mentioned above, dates contain a large amount of simple carbohydrates, presented in the form of sugars. They almost immediately enter the bloodstream, which provokes a fairly sharp increase in glucose levels. Therefore, dates are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes or those who are overweight.

Dates, the edible fruit of the date palm, are a common food item and are widely available as dried fruit. For industrial cultivation, certain varieties of date palm are used.

Dates are highly valued in Islam: the Prophet Muhammad himself loved these fruits, and they are mentioned 29 times in the Koran. Saint Onuphrius also ate dates.

Dates are believed to contain everything necessary substances For a person, you can live for several years by eating only dates and water. The leaves of date palms in Southern Europe are used during worship on Palm Sunday.

Palm wine "tari" is prepared from the leaves of the Indian species Phoenix silvestris.

Useful properties of dates

Dates contain 60-65% carbohydrates - the highest percentage compared to other fruits, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, protein, oil are also present ; 23 different types of amino acids that are not found in most other fruits.

According to its nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties Dates are considered to be cereals. They are useful for adults, children, and pregnant women. Fresh dates are added to many dishes - fruit salads, buns, homemade cookies, pies and cakes. Dates are used to produce date honey, sugar, and alcoholic date juice, and palm flour is produced from the heartwood of the tree. Fresh dates keep well in the refrigerator. Date sugar is much healthier for the body than cane or beet sugar. If you put dried dates temporarily in hot milk, their taste improves, and when filled with butter, nuts, almonds or thick cream, the content of proteins and proteins necessary for the human body increases.

Arabs make a paste from dates that can be stored all year round. Date fruits are also used to prepare compotes, muesli, jelly and all kinds of confectionery, are a great dessert. They can be turned into flour to produce a type of honey. After fermentation, they produce a pleasant drink. It should be said that dates do not contain cholesterol at all. Dates are very beneficial for digestion, they have a cleansing effect on the digestive system. Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov recommended consuming dates when intestinal disorders. Since sun-dried dates have a sticky surface and can become contaminated with contaminants and bacteria, they should not be left out in the open air for long and should be washed before use.

Dangerous properties of dates

People suffering from allergic diseases should treat dates with caution. Also, patients with diabetes should exclude dates from their diet, since these fruits have a high glycemic index, which indicates a food's potential effect on sugar levels.

This means that eating dates can cause a spike in blood sugar.

Those who suffer from ulcers and certain intestinal diseases are advised to consume this fruit with caution. There is probably no need to completely give up dates. You just need to limit their number, and first consult with your doctor.

Dates are also harmful to the body with fructose intolerance, since each cup of these fruits contains 29 g of this monosaccharide. Fructose intolerance means that the body cannot digest it properly, which means you may experience gas, diarrhea, and bloating after eating dates.

Another thing to keep in mind is dirty or low-quality fruit. When purchasing, check for mold on the fruit. Wash your dates before eating. hot water. In this case, this fruit will bring you a lot of benefits.

Keep in mind that if you purchase ready-dried dates, they may be treated with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide. These are toxic compounds with which dried fruits are processed. Thanks to this, they do not deteriorate for a long time and retain their color. Once in our body, these substances can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tube, which leads to various inflammations, and when long-term use- to an ulcer.

It is also important to know how much of this fruit you can eat per day. To a person with normal rhythm life is not advised to eat more than 10 dates, and for those whose work is related to hard work and athletes, the number of dates can be increased to 20-25.

As with other foods, overuse of dates is not recommended. Yes, it can cause severe headache. In addition, large consumption of these dried fruits has a detrimental effect on the condition of the teeth. Since these fruits are very sweet, they can cause tooth decay.

Dates are an oriental sweetness, a real storehouse of vitamins and necessary for the body microelements. IN warm countries A unique date palm grows, producing aromatic, tart-sweet fruits that are extremely beneficial for humans. The beneficial properties of dates were discovered by people in ancient times. Going on a long journey, residents of eastern and southern countries they certainly took with them a supply of these nutritious and tasty dried fruits.

Just 17 minutes of reading and we will learn about the benefits of dates for men and women, the components contained in this product, and contraindications for consuming this delicacy.

Benefits of dates

Let's look at some of the beneficial properties of dates:

  • Dates should definitely be consumed by people suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system. These dried fruits will also help with abnormally low or high blood pressure.
  • The immune-modifying and immune-strengthening properties of dates are well known. The fruits actively fight viruses, bacteria, alleviate the condition of colds, bronchial asthma, improve blood composition.
  • Men suffering from sexual dysfunction should consume dates to overcome this unpleasant condition. Dried fruits increase sexual desire, treat impotence.
  • Due to the presence of a large amount of fiber, dates are an ideal remedy for gastrointestinal diseases.
  • People with nervous diseases susceptible to depression and stressful conditions, you should definitely eat dates. The introduction of these dried fruits into the diet relieves insomnia.
  • For women, dates help increase libido, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Constant constipation? By regularly consuming dates, you can forget about this unpleasant condition forever and significantly improve the functioning of your stomach and intestines.
  • Dates saturate the body with energy and increase performance indicators.
  • For anemia, dried fruits act easily and effectively due to their effect on blood composition.
  • Useful qualities of unconditional dates. Regular consumption of dates improves vision and prevents cataracts and conjunctivitis.
  • Dates can protect the body from malignant tumors.

General Benefits of Dates

The date palm fruit harvest begins in October and continues until January. Only during this period of time can you purchase fresh dates. In spring and summer, only dried fruits are sold. However, this does not play a significant role: a dried date retains all its beneficial properties, in addition, it is stored much longer.

The calorie content of dried dates is high - 282 Kcal per hundred grams of product. This amount of dried fruit contains:

  • Proteins – 2.7%.
  • Fats – 0.6%.
  • Fiber – 9%.
  • Saccharins – 65%.

In terms of beneficial properties and nutritional qualities, dates can be safely recognized as the most healthy product. Dates are dried in natural conditions, in the sun, they are not treated sugar syrup. Even a small amount of fruits will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

Eastern Bedouin wanderers making long journeys through the desert made dates their main product. Dates give strength, energy, they do not need to be washed.

Date palm berries are the perfect evening snack, light and satisfying. Of course, after eating dates, you should definitely brush your teeth.

Dates - Fruit of Paradise mentioned in the Quran

What does date contain?

Representatives of both alternative and official medicine speak about the benefits of dates. Scientists conducted a study of these fruits, identifying many unique elements in their structure.


  • Vitamin A contained in dates - natural component, preventing acid and putrefactive processes in the human body.
  • Vitamin B1 improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes acidity gastric juice, increases its production. Eating dates helps get rid of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Vitamin B2 – essential substance for the liver, it is this component that is “responsible” for the composition of the blood and the formation of red blood cells in it.
  • Vitamin B5 regulates metabolic processes in the body and, if necessary, increases and decreases the absorption of nutrients.
  • Vitamin B6 is a great helper for nervous system.
  • Vitamin PP is a natural activator of bone marrow cells.


  • Magnesium. The most important element that is an integral part metabolic processes in the human body. Magnesium regulates carbohydrate metabolism, increases the strength of mucous membranes, normalizes blood supply to the cardiovascular system, and strengthens bones.
  • Calcium. Main element bone tissue. In addition, calcium strengthens the nervous system and regulates blood thickness.
  • Sodium. A component that improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Sodium, penetrating into cellular protein, rids cells of excess moisture.
  • Phosphorus. Natural regulator of brain and nerve function. Cleanses the kidneys and liver, improves the functioning of these organs, and participates in all vital functions. important processes in the human body.
  • Iron. Construction material muscle tissue, is part of hemoglobin. Iron also helps reduce oxidative processes in the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Carbohydrates. Due to the breakdown of these substances in the gastrointestinal tract, a person receives the main amount of energy necessary for life.
  • Fats. They nourish the brain, increase its activity, penetrate the nervous tissues, strengthening and nourishing them. In addition, fats are a kind of energy capsules of natural origin.
  • Squirrels. Without protein, a person risks developing dystrophy, because this component is a building material for muscles.
  • Cellulose. Essential Component, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract, removing toxins and toxic substances from the body.

Dates for pregnant women

Adepts traditional medicine They recommend the following recipe for treating male diseases using dates. Pour ten ripened date palm fruits goat milk. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours. To enhance the effect, add a little cardamom and natural honey to the milk-date composition. Mix the ingredients and use the product internally daily in small quantities.

Experienced healers claim that this natural preparation will help cleanse the body of toxins, increase the quality and quantity of sperm, and increase potency. This technique is especially suitable for couples who are unable to have offspring. Eating dates greatly increases the chances of successful conception.

If planned big celebration and a feast with big amount alcoholic drinks, you must definitely eat a certain amount of dates before it. Dried fruits reduce harmful effects alcohol, prevent intoxication of the body. It is recommended to use dates to neutralize alcohol following diagram: pour about 10 dates into one liter boiled water, leave on the windowsill for about 24 hours. We eat the fruits and drink the infusion.

How to choose dates

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of dates, but one must take into account that only high-quality fruits will have a positive effect on the body. You need to choose dried fruits as carefully as possible, paying attention to every detail. First of all, we study the “appearance” of the date.

Unfortunately, manufacturers sometimes treat date palm fruits with chemicals, such as sulfur dioxide. Processed dates last longer beautiful view. However, fruits coated with dioxide lose their beneficial properties and even become dangerous to humans. The chemical component negatively affects the stomach, irritates the mucous membranes and can even cause peptic ulcers.

You should buy dates from certified retail outlets, from trusted sellers. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the color of the fruit. High-quality, naturally ripened dates have a rich dark color and smooth skin with rare cracks. If there are many cracks, we can conclude that the dates are old. Of course, such a product has not lost its beneficial properties, but the taste is unlikely to correspond to the ideal.

Some consumers complain about the presence of seeds in dry dates: in their opinion, manufacturers could remove the seeds, reducing the weight of the product. However, without a pit, a date will cease to be a date, because the seed constantly feeds the pulp with useful substances.

Proper use of dates

The product is intended for direct consumption. It is best to drink dates with milk or green tea. The fruits are traditionally used as dessert fruits, they are added to cakes, pastries, pies and salads.

You need to know that uncontrolled consumption of dates can be harmful to health. For an adult, the norm is ten to fifteen fruits daily. For children, 4-5 pieces are enough. in a day. For athletes or people experiencing significant physical exercise, the norm can be doubled.

Each person's body reacts to dates in its own way. For some, the product will be extremely useful, for others it will not bring much benefit. However, taste and nutritional quality dates allow us to call them the most important part of the diet of modern man.

How to store dates

A separate topic is storing dried dates. It is best to place the fruits in vacuum packages or in glass jars covered with nylon lids. Storage temperature is room temperature. If these conditions are met, dates can be stored for up to 7 months. Longer storage of palm fruits is also possible. To do this, just place the dates in the freezer: in this case, they will not lose their beneficial qualities for five years.

Dates are natural capsules in which health is hidden. Ancient eastern sages advised people of all ages to consume these fruits. At serious illnesses Dates strengthen the body and allow it to fight illness more effectively.

The storage conditions for dates should not be violated. For example, dried fruits do not like direct sunlight and under their influence they harden.

In addition, you should not keep dried fruits near heat sources: radiators, stoves or ovens. Dates without packaging will dry out fairly quickly. Wet dates store very poorly and quickly turn sour.

The ideal conditions for dates are a dry, dark and cool place. Dates that have gone through a press and pasteurization procedure last longer than loose ones, but they also need to be placed in packaging - a bag or box.

Treatment with dates

These unique fruits can be called legendary: dates are constantly mentioned in ancient Greek, Middle Eastern and American folklore. Books and scientific treatises are written about the benefits of this product. It is impossible not to mention the taste of sugar fruits.

In the East, dates began to be included in the diet in ancient times. Experienced healers recommended these fruits to people who experienced serious illnesses. Dried fruits quickly restored a person’s strength and allowed him to overcome the consequences of the disease.

The date is unique in the presence of fluorine - a rare component for natural products, natural origin. Fluoride has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, protecting them from caries. In addition, dates contain a large amount of selenium, a generally recognized preventative against cancer. The calorie content of dates is low; eating this dried fruit will not cause excess weight or obesity. By replacing all sweets with dates, a person will protect himself from fat deposits on the hips and stomach.

The effect of dried dates on cardiovascular and immune system person. Regular use of fruits for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes will improve the condition of the stomach and normalize the balance of acids and alkalis in the body.

Adding dates to your diet is a great way to quickly overcome the consequences of operations and diseases of internal organs. A person suffering from anemia will soon feel an improvement; dates will also bring relief from pulmonary diseases.

Harmful microorganisms are very afraid of the components contained in dates. Antioxidants attack bacteria, seek out and remove free radicals from the body. Exactly free radicalsmain reason aging of the human body. These dangerous particles destroy DNA chains, disrupting general structure cells.

Dried fruits neutralize toxic effects bacterial flora, suppress the proliferation of microbes. Vitamin A contained in dates is one of the the best means to improve vision.

Eating a couple of dates before the main meal significantly improves our appetite. The fruits are excellent anthelmintic action: A few dates on an empty stomach - and the worms will leave the body.

Modern medicine recommends the use of dates for overwork, physical and moral stress, colds, insufficient blood density, nervous and mental illness. Fruits are great for various violations at work digestive system. Date enzymes are incorporated into intestinal microflora, normalizing and restoring it.

The unique properties of dried fruits help overcome emotional fatigue, which is especially useful for women. Dates will lift your spirits and allow you to look at life from a more positive angle. Date decoctions and tinctures are an excellent way to treat headaches, constipation, and blockage of blood vessels.

Treatment with dates according to the sunnah

Very recent discoveries by modern scientists have shocked the scientific community. It turned out that there is a product on earth with which you can maintain health and vitality for a long time. Moreover, the use of this product is (peace and blessings of the Almighty Creator) and this product turned out to be dates! During the month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world eat dates and break their fast with them. This dried fruit is much healthier than black or red caviar. The word "dates" is mentioned more than 20 times in the Quran.

Amazing date fruits

For whom are dates contraindicated?

The benefits of dates are multifaceted, but this unique product also has contraindications that everyone should know about.

  • Diabetics are prohibited from eating dates, as the fruit contains a large amount of sucrose. People suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases should also avoid these dried fruits. The fiber of dates is quite coarse and tough - a sick stomach is simply not able to digest it to a state convenient for passage through the intestines. As a result, a person may experience discomfort and even pain.
  • Dates may be harmful for patients with migraines or urolithiasis. It is better for patients to exclude or minimize the consumption of fruits.
  • Huge reserves of sugar in the product cannot but have a negative impact on the teeth: the enamel becomes covered with plaque, which over time leads to caries. After eating dates, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.

Of course useful qualities dates are much larger possible harm from them, but still do not forget about contraindications.

How are date pits used?

It turns out that not only the pulp is used, but also date seeds, which contain a whole mineral and vitamin complex. The beneficial properties of seeds were discovered in ancient times.

But how to use the seeds? There are several fairly simple ways:

  • Decoction of date seeds. We put a few handfuls in a container, cook on fire, then let it sit. The product helps tremendously with urolithiasis, other diseases of the urinary system.
  • The seeds can be crushed into powder, resulting in an excellent adhesive that will once and for all relieve diarrhea and diarrhea.
  • By preparing tea leaves from date seeds and using it instead of tea, you can relieve swelling and improve vision. The brew is excellent prophylactic from conjunctivitis.
  • All forms medicines from date seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect, they relieve ulcers, open wounds and ulcers.

Preparations based on date seeds are used not only by folk medicine, but also by traditional medicine.

Dates in cosmetology

Extra pounds have become a nightmare for millions of women around the world. Fighting them is exhausting, depriving you of strength and health. Every lady wants to look fit and youthful. Main enemy women in the fight against overweight– it’s her own appetite. It's very difficult to give up usual diet, reduce consumption of sweets and baked goods.

Dates will be a woman’s faithful assistant in the fight against fat deposits. This - unique product, combining low calorie content and nutritional value. With regular and moderate consumption of dates and at the same time giving up sweets, a woman will quickly lose up to 5 kg. excess weight.

Oil produced from date kernels is widely used in cosmetology. Anti-aging creams are prepared from this product and added to skin scrubs. The oil is actively used in the massage industry; it gives the skin softness and a pleasant, healthy color.

Is it possible to grow a date tree yourself?

Travelers to the Middle East and North African countries have probably noticed date palms. These are large, spreading trees up to 15 meters high with a thick trunk that has practically no branches. At the top of the date palm grows about 50 large hard leaves.

People began cultivating these trees back in ancient times. The goal has always been purely practical - to obtain incredibly healthy and tasty fruits with a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

A palm tree grown at home will be small in height and, most importantly, it will never bear fruit.

Having buried several date seeds in a pot of soil, after a while you can easily see one or two sprouts: the germination rate of the seeds is very high. In order for the sprout to emerge faster, the seeds need to be placed in a thermos with clean water with a small amount of sodium humate.

Treatment with dates: recipes

Recipes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases using dates.

Dates for increased gas formation in the stomach and intestines


  • Pressed dates – 100 gr.
  • Ground black cumin – 20 gr.

Mash the date pulp in a mortar, add cumin, eat the mixture on an empty stomach with water or milk.

Dates to enhance eyelash growth


  • Pressed dates – 20 gr.

Burn the dates in a dry frying pan and grind them into powder. Use the resulting “mascara” to line your eyes at night.

Pain in the colon

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Dates – 7 pcs.
  • Senna oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Blackmint decoction – 100 ml.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. spoon.

We consume honey on an empty stomach, eating it with pressed dates. On the same day, before going to bed, we consume the oil, washing it down with blackmint decoction.

Dates for dystrophy

To overcome destructive thinness, you need to boil several dates in rice water and drink the resulting product daily before meals, one glass.

Dates for impotence, anemia and loss of strength


  • Fresh dates – 10 pcs.
  • Ginger – 1 tsp.
  • Cardamom – 1/8 tsp.
  • Saffron – 1/8 tsp.

Place the dates in a one-liter jar and add spices. We close the container with a tight lid and send it to a warm place for at least 15 days. After the dates are soaked in the spicy infusion, we eat one fruit every morning.

Dates for migraines

Migraine is an extremely unpleasant condition in which a person’s head “splits” from pain. Healing procedures should start with a cervical massage and spinal region. In addition, you will need medical supplies homeopathic action: They are prescribed by a doctor.

Every day the patient needs to drink a certain amount of green tea, which reduces blood pressure. We eat about 80 grams of dates every day. We combine treatment with daily intake of a small amount (about 20 ml) of horsetail decoction.

Dates for hemorrhoids

Regular consumption of dates in combination with natural honey will relieve hemorrhoidal symptoms.

Dates for nervous diseases

Stress and nervous diseases have long become the scourge of our time. Date palm fruits are an excellent helper for similar ailments. The patient does not need to perform complex procedures to feel improvement - just eat a certain amount of dates every day. It is best to drink the fruits with goat's milk.

Dates for exhaustion of the body

The human body under heavy loads or chronic diseases may be exhausted to the limit. In this situation, it is necessary to strengthen the diet with high-quality and high-calorie foods. For example, dates and peanuts.

Dates to thin phlegm

Pulmonary diseases, bronchitis and tuberculosis can lead to severe consequences for the body. To get rid of these scourges, you need to send to natural honey a certain amount of date pulp and use this remedy daily with milk or tea.

Dates for cancer

Mix the fruits with natural honey, black cumin and kist. The ratio of ingredients is approximately 1 to 1. We use the product in small quantities daily to maintain strength and fight cancer cells.

General strengthening agent

Bad weather, stress, fatigue - all these factors lead to accumulating fatigue, which is very difficult to get rid of. A unique tonic based on dates will help.

We take equal proportions of camel hay, dates, cumin, ginger, natural honey, myroblan and cinnamon. Mix the ingredients and send to low heat. We wait until the honey melts, then pour the resulting mixture with coconut milk. We prepare jam, which we use daily with tea.

Video: hadiths about dates

What do the hadiths say about this fruit? Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqas (radiallahu ‘anhu) is reported to have said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say:

“Whoever eats seven dry ‘ajwa dates in the morning will not be harmed that day by either poison or witchcraft (until nightfall).” (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, also advised opening the fast with dates, and if they are not available, then with water, since water cleanses the body.

It was narrated from Aisha (radiallahu ‘anha) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Verily, in 'ajwa al-'Aliyy there is a cure. And, truly, it is the antidote at the beginning of dawn.” (Sahih Muslim)

Doctor of Science, Professor Mehmet Altan in his book “Dates - Healing Fruits from the Desert” talks about the benefits of this amazing fruit. For anyone interested, I think it will be possible to find it on the Internet to download or read the book online.


Dates have accompanied people for thousands of years. In Muslim practice, the consumption of these fruits is considered sunnah; they are mentioned in the Koran and Hadith. Dried fruits have a number of beneficial properties:

  • They give a person strength.
  • Increases the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses.
  • Improves blood quality.
  • Nourishes brain cells.
  • Treat great amount diseases.
  • Allows you to get enough of a small amount of healthy food.
  • They have an excellent fat burning effect.
  • Nourishes the skin, relieves dermatological diseases.
  • Makes hair strong and healthy.

This is a natural, tasty product that can be consumed by both adults and children. However, as with any other product, moderation must be observed. Correct usage eating dates is a guarantee of longevity, health and beauty.

Dates are a healthy and tasty product. These fruits are eaten and used for treatment various diseases. Studies have proven that by eating only the fruits of the date palm, called the phoenix, and water for several years, a person will not suffer from a deficiency of vital important elements, vitamins. What diseases will these exotic fruits help cure? Who are dates contraindicated for?

Composition and beneficial properties of dates

Dates are sometimes called the “bread of the desert,” the “berries of life,” because they have high nutritional value and can satisfy human energy needs. These fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and other substances beneficial to humans. The peculiarity of this fruit is that it contains no water. The calorie content of 100 g of date palm fruit is 277 kcal. Dates contain:

  • 80% carbohydrates, the main part of which are sucrose, glucose, fructose;
  • mineral complex of 15 elements, including sulfur, copper, phosphorus, zinc, boron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron;
  • more than 20 amino acids;
  • vitamins C, A, B6, B2, B, PP, E;
  • 0.5% fat;
  • 6% proteins.

Dates can have an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial effect. Dried date palm fruits contain all the vitamins and nutrients found in fresh ones. They are used for food in the same way as raisins or prunes. From fresh fruits they make salad, juice, sugar, flour, fry, boil, bake cakes, rolls. Regular consumption of dates has the following positive effects on the body:

  • cleanses of toxins and impurities;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • increases endurance;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieving tension after stress;
  • improves the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • normalizes intestinal function, relieving constipation;
  • gives vitality, acting as an energy stimulant;
  • reduces the risk of heart disease;
  • improves appetite;
  • rejuvenates.

Rules for using dates for medicinal purposes

Regular inclusion of date fruits in the diet will help cure or prevent the development of various diseases. The unique composition of these fruits, rich in nutrients, has a healing effect on many body systems. Their use will improve your health and benefit:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with weakened immunity (normalize acid balance organism);
  • with anemia;
  • for depression (due to great content carbohydrates will help lift your mood);
  • with impotence;
  • at poor eyesight;
  • with high blood pressure.

There are many recipes for preparing healing mixtures with dates. For medicinal purposes and food, choose only high-quality exotic products. Dried fruits are often treated with harmful sulfur dioxide to give them a shiny and appetizing appearance. Dates sprinkled with this substance will not be beneficial. Buy fruits from trusted outlets and choose those that have natural look without a beautiful shine. Dates are used like this:

  • A decoction of these fruits will help relieve constipation. To prepare it, take 5 fruits and add a liter of water. Boil it a little, like compote. Drink the resulting decoction on an empty stomach.
  • For anemia or constant fatigue This remedy will help. A jar (1 l) is filled with 10 fresh fruits, cover them with 1 pinch of saffron, 1/8 tsp. cardamom, 1 tsp. fresh ginger. Keep the container with fruits and spices in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Then every day you need to eat 1 fruit from the jar.
  • For the treatment of diseases of the nervous system (stroke, facial nerve) eat fruits ground in a meat grinder and combined with milk/ghee.
  • To normalize blood pressure in hypertension, consume 50-100 g of fruit on an empty stomach for 3 weeks. Then they take a break for 10 days, and then repeat the course.
  • Strengthen immunity the following means: combine an equal amount of ground pressed date palm fruits, ginger, cinnamon, camel hay, black cumin, honey and heat without bringing to a boil. Then pour in coconut milk so that the mixture is as thick as jam. Use as jam.
  • For weight loss, date palm fruits are used instead of sweets, but in minimum quantities. There are diets based on these fruits. For example, there is a 10-day weight loss system, its essence is that for 4 days you are allowed to eat only dates, drink water, green tea no added sugar. On the 5th day, the diet is replenished with apples and oranges. In subsequent days of the diet, other fruits are gradually added to the menu.

What are the benefits of fruits during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman needs the required amount to enter her body. useful substances. Eating dates (daily norm no more than 5 pieces) during pregnancy will have a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and developing baby. These exotic fruits are useful for women during the period of waiting for a child. the following reasons:

  • They prevent the development of anemia because they contain a lot of iron.
  • Prevent constipation.
  • Eating dates helps prevent miscarriages premature birth.
  • Improve labor activity.
  • Contribute to rapid recovery strength after childbirth.
  • Improve quality mother's milk, have a positive effect on its production.

Daily intake of dates for adults and children

Although these fruits are beneficial in many ways, you should not eat too much of them. For an ordinary person, the dose of these fruits is no more than 10 pieces. per day, and for an athlete the daily norm will be 2 times greater. Children are allowed to eat dates from the age of 2 years. In this case, dried fruits are thoroughly washed. Daily dose these exotic fruits for children depends on their age and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Harm of dates and contraindications

Before including the exotic fruits of the phoenix palm tree in your diet, you need to know the benefits and harms of dates. Who doesn't benefit from eating these fruits? They will cause harm diabetes mellitus because they can increase blood glucose levels. Dates are also contraindicated for cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers, problems with the liver, pancreas, because they contain large quantities of coarse fiber in fiber.

These fruits are not suitable for food for people who suffer from fructose intolerance. If you are allergic to dates, it is not recommended to eat them. After eating the fruits, you should rinse your mouth and brush your teeth to prevent the development of caries. It is not recommended to combine the consumption of dates and oranges or other citrus fruits. Phoenix palm fruits should not be eaten later than 2 hours before bedtime. Eating these exotic fruits in large quantities leads to headaches.

Where to buy and how much the fruits cost

Dates are sold by weight or in packages. You can buy them in a store, at the market or online. The price of fruit depends on the country of origin and the quality of the product. Tunisian and Iranian dates are often found on sale. Dried fruits can be sold with or without seeds. This fact also affects the cost. average price date palm fruits range from 80 to 350 rubles per kilogram.



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