Food to lift you up. How to gain weight quickly: examples of menus, foods and exercises

Eating certain foods that contain the necessary set of vitamins and microelements can help increase a man's sexual performance. The human diet should be widely represented in the so-called reproduction vitamins, which include A, E and representatives of group B, known for their ability to improve the passage of nerve impulses. It is important to eat as much food as possible that has an energizing effect on the body.

Among the range of products, the most effective are fish and seafood, in particular mackerel, flounder, oysters, as well as vegetables, especially. Tested by experience beneficial effect on the potency of rennet (camel stomach). The way in which these products are consumed also matters, so many will find this information interesting.

1. Camel stomach (rennet)

Camel stomach deservedly takes 1st place as the best product for increasing potency! Its effect is no worse than Viagra, and is not at all harmful to the body. The only drawback is that this product is not easy to get.

Camel stomach has been helping men get erections for hundreds of years. To that powerful tool nomadic peoples of the East resorted: Mongols, Bedouins and many others, to improve potency and prolong life, so among them there are frequent cases of children being born to people even over 50 years old.

So strong healing effect capable of rendering the stomach dried in a special way. It is recommended to take it immediately before sexual intercourse or half an hour before it. The effect will appear immediately; to achieve it, it is enough to take 3 g of the product, this is a piece no larger than a pea.

A special dish is prepared from rennet alcohol tincture in the following way: take half a liter of vodka and pour it over 100g of dried camel stomach. The product is infused for 2 weeks in shaded and cool conditions.

Oysters are another product that ranks 2nd in the ranking, known for its stimulating effect on the male genital organ and is classified as an aphrodisiac. The benefits of shellfish are due to the high content of organic zinc in their composition, as well as rare amino acids, which can activate the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone, and increase the number of sperm. In addition, oysters contain dopamine, a substance that increases libido.

Scientists have determined that the concentration of amino acids and zinc in the body of mollusks is highest in the spring, when these marine inhabitants are actively breeding. Therefore, oysters caught at this time of year are most suitable for increasing potency.

With a certain therapeutic purpose This product is recommended to be consumed raw, since heat treatment can lead to the loss of a significant part useful substances. Lemon juice, which is sprinkled on oysters before eating, will help improve the taste of the dish.

But you shouldn’t resort to this remedy too often, since Chinese and European scientists have proven that constant consumption of shellfish is harmful to health and even reproductive function due to excess mercury content. According to other studies, raw oysters often carry the bacterium Vibrio Vulnificus, which can cause numerous diseases, the most harmless of which can be considered. Health risks increase if a person has liver disease or wounds on the surface of the skin. People suffering from immune disorders, diabetes, low acidity If you are taking corticosteroids, you should also avoid eating raw shellfish.

An alternative way to increase potency with the help of oysters and, at the same time, not harm your health, are baths, one-third filled with oysters, filled with hot water. Even after lying for an hour in this composition, an improvement is noted. sexual function. After 5 sessions you can forget about impotence.

Flounder is not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy fish, known for its special effect on the functioning of the male reproductive organ, which is explained by its high content of vitamins A, B and E, amino acids, microelements, especially zinc. Flounder is rich in complete and balanced protein, which, due to the lower content of connective tissue, is much better absorbed by the human body. This fish also contains other active substances, which have a positive effect on overall health, thereby increasing potency.

For the most complete preservation beneficial properties Flounder should be steamed, stewed or boiled. The product should be brought to readiness and heat treatment should be stopped.

Flounder thanks to its dietary properties suitable for general use. The only exception is people with individual intolerance this product. Only in salted and dried form, it should not be eaten by patients with cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Boiled mackerel

Due to the abundance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in its composition, which are involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone, it has a beneficial effect on the sexual health of men and even on the reproductive qualities of women. At frequent use This product, when boiled, increases potency and increases sperm production. Phosphorus, which is part of mackerel, is responsible for the quality of the latter. significant quantities. Iodine provides the presence sexual desire, and protein is a building material for sperm.

Be sure to include this delicious product in your diet and you will be surprised by the results!

5. Turnip

Turnip rightfully occupies the TOP rating of the best products that improve potency! This vegetable is rich in vitamins, microelements and substances that have a general strengthening effect and have a beneficial effect on sexual performance, promoting the release of testosterone.

Garden turnip seeds can stimulate sexual desire and increase potency. The same effect can be achieved by adding boiled vegetables to meat dishes.

You can prepare a special healing mixture based on boiled grated turnips, mixed with grated carrots in a 1:1 ratio and supplemented with a teaspoon of honey. Ready product It is recommended to take a third of a glass three times a day. The effect will not be long in coming.

Here's another recipe: Boil large turnips in half a liter of cow's milk, then grate and mix with the liquid in which they were cooked. To enhance therapeutic effects means you can add 100 g of honey. The final product is taken four times a day in an amount of 50 g.

Contraindications: People with exacerbation of inflammatory bowel diseases, central nervous system diseases, etc. will have to stop eating turnips.

What else is useful for men for potency?

There are many other products that can improve sexual health men. Including items from this list in your diet will help you solve erection problems without resorting to medications.


It is not for nothing that this product is considered original male product, it is also an effective aphrodisiac. This is a high-energy food that promotes the production of the hormone thyroxine. The action of this substance is aimed at intensifying oxidative reactions in cells and maintaining hormonal excitability nerve centers. The abundance of microelements and nutrients makes meat an indispensable component of nutrition for problems with potency.

Greatest benefit The difference is between red lean meat such as horse meat, beef and lamb and dietary meat - rabbit, turkey, chicken products, as well as frog legs.

Among the more exotic products of this group, it is worth noting rooster scallops, ram and bull testicles fried with onions, pheasant and thrush meat. Eastern men are confident in the effectiveness of dog meat seasoned with turtle blood and vegetable oil.

Meat dishes are ideally steamed or stewed. Eat with plenty of greens and vegetables, but potatoes are not the best side dish in this case.

It is important to consider that too often including a large amount of meat in the diet can have the opposite effect: the body devotes all its energy to digesting this product, which causes sexual activity and ability to be greatly reduced.


It is much more harmless than meat, is easily digestible and can help restore sexual function. It is recommended to eat fish dishes at least twice a week; the iodine and phosphorus they contain will affect the increase and maintenance sexual activity. Among the methods of preparing such food, preference should be given to boiling and steaming. When choosing between river and sea products, you should choose the latter, it is richer in nutrients. For medicinal purposes, not only the fish fillet itself is used, but also caviar, in which the concentration of vitamins and microelements is much greater.


With daily consumption of nuts, potency increases. They contain a large number of vitamin E, B, and are also rich in zinc and magnesium, that is, precisely those substances that have a healing effect on reproductive system. In addition, nuts contain arginine, which activates the production of nitric oxide, a substance necessary for erection.

To treat potency problems, various nuts are included in the daily diet: hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, and others. Each of them has unique composition and properties, but have equally beneficial effects on the body.

Maximum benefit gives the consumption of raw foods. Mixtures of several types of nuts, as well as their combination with honey, are even more effective. Achieve high results Combining nuts with dried fruits or fresh bananas, apples, etc. will help. A good alternative is to cook various meats and fish dishes with the addition of nuts, this will transform the taste of the dish and make it even more healthy.

In terms of the quality of its composition, pine nuts are in many ways superior to other products from this group. It improves health and improves the functioning of the sexual organ. It is recommended to eat it raw; sometimes you can treat yourself to roasted nuts (slightly fried), which are much tastier, but retain their nutritional properties.

Nutmeg is an excellent remedy for sexual weakness. For getting therapeutic effect it should be eaten daily. But this spice cannot be consumed in large quantities; it is enough to add the powder from it little by little to dishes. You can dilute a pinch nutmeg in water and drink the resulting drink. The daily dose should not exceed a third of a teaspoon. Failure to comply with the dosage can result in serious poisoning and even death.


Seafood has proven itself good aphrodisiacs. Among them special attention and crayfish, shrimp, squid, and mussels deserve a place in a man’s diet. They improve potency and promote sperm regeneration. This is due to the high content in seafood products zinc and selenium. The meat of stingrays and sharks contains specific stimulating substances that have a particularly beneficial effect on libido levels.

When preparing seafood, you need to choose those methods that most fully preserve the original composition of nutrients. Some items from this list can be consumed raw or after minimal heat treatment.

Vegetables can also have an effect on sexual desire. They are eaten as a main dish or added as a side dish to the previously listed foods to increase the healing effect.

Among the most prominent representatives This group deserves attention from all types of onions, carrots, beets, lettuce, celery, radishes, peppers, etc. They enrich the body essential vitamins, which increase potency, affect hormonal levels, and increase libido. Including the listed vegetables in daily menu raw and cooked will improve overall health and sexual function in particular.

For those who want to increase muscle mass, it will be useful to know which foods can help with this.

Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of muscles, so it is important that your diet contains adequate amounts of these compounds. But the menu should also include products with various vitamins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. They are necessary for proper metabolism and the functioning of all organs and systems.

Nuts are a key food for anyone who dreams of biceps and abs of steel. This is a rich source vegetable proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium, copper and zinc, magnesium, folic acid, fiber and antioxidants.

In addition, peanuts, cashews, walnuts and almonds increase testosterone levels in the body. At the same time, they are healthier and safer than sports supplements.

Whole grains for a wholesome nature

Cereals are rich complex carbohydrates, charging the body with energy during long workouts. In addition to carbohydrates, whole grains contain all kinds of vitamins, dietary fiber, essential fatty acid and minerals.

Be sure to include oatmeal, barley and brown rice in your diet.

Almost magical flaxseed

Small, oval shape Flax seeds are considered one of the best plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids that people need muscle tissue for proper growth and development. They also contain a lot of fiber and special compounds with high antioxidant activity - lignans, which ensure health and longevity.

Flaxseed is added to porridges, muesli and lactic acid products, and in the ground state - to fruit and vegetable smoothies. You can also prepare healthy flaxseed porridge for breakfast, but due to its specific consistency, not everyone likes it: the seeds secrete a lot of mucus.

Chicken eggs with a secret

Chicken eggs are very popular among sports fans, because they are an excellent source of protein with a complex of essential amino acids.

But few people know that this trivial product can become even better. Some farmers add laying hens to the feed flax-seed and vitamin E. The content of fatty acids in eggs increases 6 times, and vitamin E – 8 times.

A couple of these eggs for breakfast won't hurt.

Fish oil instead of “rejuvenating” apples

Good old fish oil can also provide the building blocks for your muscles. This product is familiar to everyone kindergarten, not only helps increase muscle mass, but also prevents muscle weakness in older people.

To achieve noticeable results, fish oil intake must be regular.

Beans are the secret of bodybuilders

Legumes are a good source of soluble fiber, important component The diet of athletes and bodybuilders is rich in protein and carbohydrates.

Love bean and lentil stew. Regular consumption of these foods helps maintain stable blood sugar and energy levels.

Vegetables from the Allium family for a chiseled body

Garlic, onions and green onions - all these vegetables belong to the onion family (alliums). To increase muscle mass, you need to eat them raw.

Vegetables contain sulfur compounds and the flavonoid quercetin, which are important for normal functioning musculoskeletal system.

Another pleasant bonus: adding onions and garlic to your diet will protect you from unexpected flu and will not allow you to miss your next workout.

Mollusks help us build and live

In the doors of these sea ​​creatures hidden are real treasures in the form of minerals and vitamins, including those intended for building muscles.

And oysters are generous with protein, iron, copper, selenium and B vitamins (vitamin B12 is especially important for us).

A pleasant bonus for lovers of shellfish: they have aphrodisiac properties, that is, they increase male strength.

Yogurt for pampered athletes

Most people associate yogurt with fragile representatives of the fair sex, who prefer a healthy but meager diet in order to maintain their figure.

Men need this product too. It normalizes digestion, accelerates metabolism and promotes vital activity beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The question is, what does this have to do with muscle building? It's simple: good digestion and high-speed metabolism ensure a high degree of nutrient absorption.

For a sports diet, choose low-fat fruit yogurt without sweeteners.

Salmon and company

Salmon also helps you gain muscle mass. This fish is high in amino acids and omega-3 acids, which the body uses to build cell membranes. It is extremely important for athletes to adhere to a diet with high percentage fatty acids, because it helps to recover faster after grueling workouts.

Salmon and other sea ​​fish Can also be used for weight loss. Moreover, when the right approach You will not lose muscle mass, but fat tissue.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

How to gain a few kilograms? After such a statement, be sure that they will look at you with misunderstanding. After all, many girls sit on strict diets and visit the gym to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters, and they will never understand how you can want to gain weight. However, there are people who suffer from lack of weight, and because of this they even develop complexes.

So, if you belong to the category of people who want to gain the coveted number of kilograms, then today’s article is just for you. Today we will help you create daily ration nutrition, and determine a list of foods that contribute to weight gain.

Let's first figure out what foods help increase weight.

White bread and buns

White bread and fresh buns will easily help you gain extra centimeters on your waist. They are baked from white flour and therefore have great nutritional value.

Boiled and smoked sausages, frankfurters and wieners

Sausages, sausages and other deli meats are popular products that should be in your diet. They contain pork skin, natural fat and lard - the content of these ingredients in listed products ranges from 25 to 35%.


Hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts are a favorite treat for many. All nuts are very healthy, as they contain vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vegetable proteins. But the main thing is that nuts contain a lot of fat, so they are classified as high-calorie foods.


In addition to the fact that dairy products are healthy, they also have a high percentage of fat content, which in turn contributes to weight gain. For example, sour cream contains 25-40% fat.

If you safely consume dairy products, then drink milk with honey at night. This will not only help add calories to your daily diet, but will also serve as an excellent natural sleep aid.


Hard and processed cheeses are always nice to eat with bread in the morning. In addition, modern cheeses, and especially imported ones, have a fat content of about 45-50%. So, to acquire the desired forms, cheeses should be included in the diet.


The percentage of fat content in lean and regular pork exceeds 30%, and in fatty beef it is 25-30%. Therefore, to gain weight, consume these types of meat.

Vegetable oils and fats

If you think that vegetable oil may be low-fat, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, all types of oils: butter, refined, vegetable, etc. contain almost 100% fat. To gain weight, nutritionists recommend combining raw nuts with coconut oil. For example, prepare desserts based on dried fruits, nuts and coconut oil.


No one can resist ice cream, cookies and cake. And in our time, these are simply culinary masterpieces that are oversaturated with sugar and fats. Therefore, consuming them regularly will help you gain calories and gain weight.

We have given you a small list of foods that promote weight gain. By adding them to your diet, you can easily gain the pounds you need.

However, it is important not only to eat these foods, but also to combine them correctly, since an excess of any nutrients can negatively affect the functioning of the body.

It is also important to observe 5-6 meals a day, at regular intervals, and not allow feelings of hunger to appear. And if you are hungry, then immediately have something to eat.

Diet for weight gain

Now let's look at what the daily diet of a person who wants to gain weight might be. First, we note that before each meal, stimulate your appetite by drinking vegetable or fruit juice, and then proceed directly to the meal.


You can't skip breakfast! Prepare a portion oatmeal with nuts and honey, or fat cottage cheese with dried fruits. Eat a sandwich with butter and cheese, and wash it down with two cups of cocoa.


Drink 200 grams of yogurt or fruit juice with a sausage sandwich.


Lunch must be complete, so start it with a salad to “stimulate” your appetite. Then eat a thick, rich vegetable or meat soup. For the second course, prepare a large portion of meat or fish with mashed potatoes or pasta seasoned with butter. Finish your meal with a sweet dessert and a cup of coffee with cream.

Afternoon snack

Between lunch and dinner, you should have a snack of cottage cheese with sour cream, or full-fat yogurt or coffee with cream. You can also prepare any vegetable salad. The main thing is not to overdo it, because by dinner you should have a good appetite.


Dinner should be satisfying at the same time, but not too heavy on the stomach: sleeping on a full stomach is still a pleasure. We recommend having an omelette with tomatoes and ham for dinner. Also suitable vegetable salads or various kinds porridge. Feel free to eat white bread. Wash down with half a liter of high-fat milk.

Late dinner

Before going to bed, it would be a good idea to eat a pear or an apple. Also, throughout the day, if you feel a sudden feeling of hunger, you can have an additional snack. fresh fruit, nuts or seeds.

In conclusion, I would like to note that we should not forget about in the right way life. To ensure that the weight you gain is evenly and beautifully distributed throughout your body, it is advisable to visit the gym. But you need to engage in a bodybuilding program, and this applies not only to males. Let us remind you once again: if you have made every effort, but your weight does not increase, it means serious reason consult a doctor!

Always be irresistible!

Question It has important for a man. After all, all food consumed by a person is different in its composition, content of microelements, vitamins, and nutrients.

Food has a direct impact on the functioning of the body, in particular on male sexual potency.

Knowing what and what can cause harm makes it possible to choose the right menu, preserve and increase male strength.

What do you need to eat for potency?

An important component of a complete men's nutrition– microelements necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, spermatogenesis, normal erectile function:

  • proteins,
  • phosphorus,
  • cholesterol,
  • calcium,
  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • potassium,
  • amino acids,


An important product on men's menus is meat. It serves as a testosterone level regulator. Meat products the main and irreplaceable building material of all cells of the body. Any meat is healthy, the main thing is that it is fresh and not fatty. Suitable varieties include:

  • pork,
  • beef,
  • rabbit meat,
  • mutton.

In order for a man to successfully perform his functions, including in bed, he needs physical forces And strong psyche. Animal protein is an essential source of vital energy.

It's better to eat meat that comes from famous manufacturer or farm. If production is improper, hormones that are added to the feed during fattening accumulate in the muscles of animals. The use of such a product will lead to hormonal imbalance.

Sex therapists advise men to eat poultry:

  • turkeys,
  • ducks,
  • goose.

Red meat is especially beneficial.

An exotic product - cockscombs - is considered a delicacy that has a positive effect on potency.

Fish and seafood

Fish dishes improve potency.

For potency they eat, for example, flounder. Thanks to the wonderful taste qualities and containing a large amount of iodine, this fish has an incomparable stimulating effect.

Will give a similar result mackerel, tuna, salmon. Tuna meat stimulates work prostate gland, enhances the secretory function of the gonads.

All seafood rich in Omega-3 fatty amino acids are suitable for stimulating sexual desire.

  1. salmon and sturgeon caviar,
  2. shrimps,
  3. mussels,
  4. crayfish,
  5. scallops.

Due to the action of Omega 3, the work of the glands is enhanced internal secretion, testosterone levels in the blood increase. Which in turn increases sexual desire (libido) and prolongs sexual intercourse.

Milk and dairy products

Fermented milk products are indispensable in the menu to increase potency:

  1. yoghurts,
  2. kefir,
  3. Ryazhenka

Due to the presence of bifidobacteria in their composition, they improve peristalsis (movement) gastrointestinal tract, help remove toxins and waste from the body.

For potency, they eat foods that replenish a man’s body with calcium, namely various varieties cheese, cottage cheese.

Considering the importance of healthy cholesterol for vascular health, it is desirable to have it in the menu. butter.

“Koumiss is a fermented milk drink made from mare’s milk. Contains vitamins, enzymes, lactic acid. Has a healing effect on the male genital area, improves the quality of erection."

Recipe for kumiss with honey for potency:

  • 200g kumiss
  • 30g natural bee honey
  • Mix thoroughly, take half a glass 2 times a day.
  • Duration of treatment: 10 days

Nuts and seeds

Nuts, seeds, and various grains contain a storehouse of useful components: phosphorus, zinc, selenium.

Various types of nuts are beneficial:

  1. hazelnut,
  2. pistachios,

From the seeds you need to eat:

  1. sunflower seeds,
  2. pumpkins,
  3. sesame seed,
  4. carrot seed.


For good potency you need to eat vegetable protein, which is found in legumes:

  1. beans,
  2. peas,
  3. lentils.

In their composition sufficient quantity B vitamins. Vitamins of this group directly act on hematopoietic system, contractility blood vessels, but the successful functioning of the male reproductive system depends on the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Fruits and vegetables

For good potency, you must include in your diet:

  1. pears,
  2. apples,
  1. bananas

A healthy and strong heart is the key to a healthy life sex life. In addition to serotonin, bananas contain a large amount of potassium, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Pomegranate is great for strengthening the blood vessels of the heart and cardiac muscle. Its composition is high in antioxidant polyphenols.

Exotic fruits:

  1. avocado,
  2. papaya,
  3. lychee,
  4. pineapples,
  5. figs,
  6. dates.

The citrus fruits we know are also useful for male potency:

  1. oranges,
  2. tangerines,
  3. limes,
  4. lemons.

An important condition for receiving from honey recipe the maximum effect is the naturalness of the product.

Honey-nut mixture – increases potency, helps regulate spermatogenesis.

Chop 300g walnuts (not roasted), add 10g ground sesame seeds, 400g natural bee honey, mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture for 12 hours. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning, before meals

What to eat for potency: aphrodisiacs and serotonin that increase desire

Aphrodisiac substances help increase blood flow, increase body tone, and awaken sensuality. Contains these unique substances in aromatic herbs:

  1. mint,
  2. cilantro,
  3. parsley,
  4. tarragon.

They are found in spicy and fiery foods:

  1. onion,
  2. pepper,

Aphrodisiacs can also be found in non-traditional products: truffles and morels - exotic varieties of mushrooms.

Coffee and chocolate

According to psychologists, sexual attraction and potency directly depend on the psychological state of a man, the well-being of the nervous system, mood, self-esteem and self-awareness.

Foods that increase your mood and calm your nerves produce serotonin, which is considered the hormone of happiness. Need to eat:

  1. dark dark chocolate,
  2. black sweet coffee,
  3. rhubarb.

Coffee with chocolate is a great way to increase arousal and potency. Activates libido, stimulating nervous system. Increases the amount of endorphins in the blood, promoting a feeling of attraction between partners.

  • Chocolate 70%, 20g
  • Ground coffee, 20g
  • Sugar, 10g

Brew coffee with sugar, melt chocolate in a water bath. Place the chocolate in a warmed cup, add coffee and mix thoroughly. Enjoy!

Alcohol for potency - pros and cons

The most controversial product for increasing potency and libido is alcohol.

  • On the one hand, a small amount drunk by a man immediately before sexual intercourse will increase blood supply to the genitals and can be recommended to quickly improve potency.
  • On the other hand, alcohol is addictive, and without it a man will mistakenly feel his inadequacy, leading to impotence (erectile dysfunction).

Using alcoholic drinks in order to stimulate potency, you need to remember: copious doses of strong drinks have the opposite effect!

Natural grape wine, rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, is beneficial.

Proper nutrition to increase potency

The positive effect of increasing potency will occur only if the diet is completely balanced.

Overeating reduces potency, and a hungry man may have no potency at all.

It is important to consider the time of day you eat.

For breakfast you can afford large quantity food. During breakfast and lunch, meals should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The evening meal is dominated by carbohydrates; the volume of food should not be large. Overeating at night does not contribute to sexual performance and increased sexual desire; in this case, blood will rush to the stomach, and the energy necessary for sexual intercourse will be spent on digesting food.

What not to eat for potency: foods that reduce male potency

Not all foods are good to eat to increase potency.

A sexually active man should limit:

  1. . It contains phytoestrogens - analogues of female sex hormones, an excess of which in a man will inevitably lead to a decrease in potency. And in cases of drink abuse - to impotence.
  2. Soybeans has a similar effect, as it inhibits the production of male sex hormones.
  3. Abuse baking from yeast dough and bread also has a depressing effect on testosterone production, due to the presence of sugar and yeast in the dough. Black and yeast-free bread is harmless.
  4. Excess quantity salt in cans, provokes a rise blood pressure disrupting blood circulation in the genitals.
  5. Because of great content fat, salt, sugar fast food leads to obesity, against the background of which occurs hormonal disbalance and decreased potency.

It is not without reason that the words “potential” and “potency” are similar in sound. A man with good sexual potency always has greater potential. Being satisfied in his sexual life, feeling confident as a man, he will definitely achieve good results in work and business.

Accelerated pace of life, negative ecological situation, regular stress can undermine the health of even the most strong man. Unfavorable factors influence the potency of representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Helps you avoid problems in the sexual sphere proper nutrition. Useful products for potency and active image life will help a man forget forever about problems in the intimate sphere that directly affect the physical and mental health.

What is potency

Since ancient times, male strength has been valued for the ability to continue one's lineage. Today the word "potency" has a broader meaning. It is important for a modern man not only to become a father, but also to satisfy a woman sexually. In sexology good potency has the following characteristics:

  • the ability to satisfy a partner and receive satisfaction;
  • duration of sexual contact;
  • rate of appearance of erectile function;
  • ability to ejaculate;
  • sperm quality.

What to eat to increase potency

Decreased erectile function not only creates problems in the intimate sphere, but also affects male pride. However, nature took care of this problem by offering food healthy foods to increase potency in men. The list is extensive. To do sex life complete, it is necessary to introduce into the diet foods that contain vitamins groups B, E, A, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc. When consumed daily, testosterone production increases, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening male power.

Products that increase potency

Proper food for male potency - these are not necessarily difficult to prepare dishes. Habitual vegetables and fruits can enhance libido. Don't forget about the benefits of bee honey. Daily use it in small quantities, especially in combination with other products, will enhance the production of hormones that have a positive effect on potency. It is worth paying attention to seasonings. A man's sexual activity will increase if he is fed foods seasoned with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and ginger. Let's take a closer look at natural aphrodisiacs that increase male strength.


If you answer the question, what products are good for male potency, we must first mention fruits. To prevent sexual impotence, it is recommended to eat bananas daily, which are called “the fruits of passion and sensuality.” A couple of yellow fruits a day will help restore body tone and give a boost of sexual energy. Bananas are classified as aphrodisiacs that enhance potency. Daily diet men should be supplemented with such fruits as:

  • oranges, lemons, which promote the production of the hormone testosterone;
  • apricots, which easily cope with low libido;
  • avocado, which contains folic acid, which promotes long-lasting erections.


Nutritionists advise consuming fermented milk products to increase potency. Sour cream, curdled milk, cream and cheese are excellent helpers in the fight against sexual dysfunction in men. Due to the presence of essential amino acids and vitamins, goat milk has an effect on male libido. This remedy has been tested for centuries. Goat milk Egyptian pharaohs and Roman generals took it before bed. To enhance the results, it is recommended to drink two glasses daily. pure form.


Vegetables such as garlic, carrots, and turnips stimulate sexual energy. They promote blood circulation and rejuvenation of the body. Garlic works like a rejuvenating apple from fairy tales: it increases potency and invigorates. The rich composition of the vegetable contains vitamins D, C, B, essential oils, beneficial microelements and unsaturated fatty acids. For sexual desire, you need to include fresh turnips in your diet. If you combine it with grated fresh carrots, the root vegetable can save a man from diseases genitourinary system in just one month of daily use.


Natural aphrodisiacs are known to enhance and prolong sexual desire. These include nuts - essential products for increasing potency, which should definitely be included in every man’s daily menu. They control the strength of sexual activity, regulate the mechanisms of ejaculation, erection, and arousal. Just 50 grams of nuts per day will allow a man to live a full sex life. Helps improve sexual activity:

  • walnuts;
  • almond;
  • cashew nuts;
  • pistachios;
  • peanut;
  • hazelnut.


Celery, spinach, cilantro and parsley are especially useful for improving potency. They are rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Parsley contains apigenin, which inhibits the action female hormone estrogen, which negatively affects potency. Celery is rich in zinc, and this important microelement is responsible for the synthesis of testosterone, providing positive influence not only on erectile function, but also on reproductive function men. For potency, it is better to eat greens raw, because heat treatment the amount of nutrients decreases.

The best products for potency

No less important are food products for increasing potency in men of animal origin. Exclusively plant food does not provide enough energy. Fish and meat dishes should also be in a man’s diet. Saturation of the body nutrients need to be distributed according to the time of day. So, to increase libido, you need to eat foods rich in carbohydrates for breakfast. It is better to eat protein foods for lunch, and light plant foods for dinner. Nutritious food, aimed at enhancing male potency, is impossible without including vitamin and mineral complexes in the diet.


In a man’s diet, he needs not only plant proteins, but also animal proteins. Meat is a product that is the main element that creates tissue. It contains microelements, vitamins, and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, iron and others) necessary for men's health. The most best choice There will be low-fat varieties: rabbit, chicken. This meat is highly digestible and contains low level bad cholesterol, therefore it is recommended to be used in many therapeutic diets.

camel stomach

In the East, camel stomach ranks first among products that increase potency. This is deserved, since the effect is no worse than Viagra, and is not harmful to the body at all. Dried camel stomach according to a special recipe has a strong healing effect on sexual functions. For potency, it is recommended to consume this product immediately before sexual intercourse. To instantly increase libido, you need to eat only 3 grams of camel stomach (a piece about the size of a small pea).


The best seafood Oysters are considered to be able to increase libido. Shellfish are known to have a stimulating effect on male organ, because they contain dopamine, a substance that can increase the production of sex hormones. The most suitable oysters for men are those caught in the spring. Scientists have determined that at this time of year the concentration of zinc and amino acids in mollusks is very high, as they actively reproduce.

In protein raw eggs quail contains much more protein than chicken, so they are more beneficial for male body. The presence of interferon, which protects the prostate gland from inflammation, helps to increase sexual stamina and improve sexual desire. It is advisable to eat raw quail eggs, because scrambled eggs are already a product that has been subjected to heat treatment, and therefore have lost a significant part of their beneficial substances.

If you regularly drink motley testicles (for 3-4 months), the orgasm will become sharper and brighter, and the time will be reduced. recovery period between sexual contacts. However, it should be remembered that this is an allergenic product, so there is no need to abuse it. To avoid allergies, it is recommended to make drinks from lemon juice(15 g), quail eggs(3 pcs.), honey (15 g), cognac (20 g) and mineral water(100 ml). It is useful to drink this cocktail for potency 2-3 times a week for 3 months.

Products for fast acting potency

  1. Mackerel. Contains easily digestible protein. Mackerel contains iodine, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. Regular inclusion of this fish in the diet guarantees improved erectile function in men.
  2. Flounder. It is famous not only for its amazing taste, but also for its quick effect on erection. Steamed flounder is considered the healthiest. When salted and dried, fish loses half of its beneficial properties.
  3. Mussels. Like oysters, they are rich in microelements beneficial for male strength. Thanks to high content Protein and zinc consumption of shellfish promotes rapid erection and improves sperm quality.

Recipes for male potency

The simplest dish to increase potency is nuts with honey. This combination of products will serve as an excellent dessert for every day. Eating nuts with honey every day after eating your main meal will help solve sexual problems within a month. To prepare dessert, you just need to mix the ingredients in equal parts. Another dish useful for potency is sheep eggs. This is a favorite delicacy of the male population of the Caucasus. Eggs are easy to prepare - just fry them with onions. olive oil within 15 minutes, and the treat is ready.

Ginseng tincture will help increase testosterone production. It's not difficult to prepare. Grind the root, then add vodka or alcohol to it (1:20). Then place the mixture in a dark place and let it brew for 2 weeks. Afterwards, you need to take 25 drops of the infusion for a month before meals. The drink will help not only increase sperm count, but also normalize psychological condition, which is also important for men's health.

What to give up

Increases potency not only by the presence in the diet the right products, but also refusal of harmful ones. It is recommended not to include in the menu products that negatively affect men's health:

  • fatty meats;
  • canned fish;
  • butter, margarine;
  • liver paste;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • bakery;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • fast food;
  • caffeine;
  • alcohol.




2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs