When a strong man comes. “when a strong man comes” “What to serve? What to bring? What can I change in myself for your sake?”

What happens when a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman’s life?

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman’s life. And it’s easy to feel it even with your back, a woman’s body fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick, the whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly awakens in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and maybe for the first time in her body consciously sounds: “I want a child from this man.”

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her on a hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...

Next to him she may feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but on the contrary makes her smile at herself and realize how nice it is to be weak sometimes.

Next to him, she doesn’t want to argue, prove, compare her intellect with him, for the first time in her life she wants to obey!

The woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the power of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly it may be absolutely not her type, not the same level of intelligence, not the same level of spiritual development, completely different... perhaps not even beautiful, but simply strong, courageous and decisive, next to whom her heart awakens to love.

And then (after a day / week / year of meeting him) most women make the same mistake: they start to adapt to these men, serve, try to please him... they stick to him!

Completely, to the very ears! And then the questions begin: “What did I do wrong?”, “Darling, what didn’t you like?”, “Darling, is everything okay?” etc.

“What to serve? What to bring? What can I change in myself for your sake?”

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured, and she tries to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because losing is incredibly scary...

If you look deeper, she doesn’t even need him, but the state of awakened nature that she feels, which overwhelms her.
Maybe for the first time in her entire life, and only next to him, she felt like a woman!
How can you let this go?

And then hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, to fit in, to deserve... which alienates the man more and more.
And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in a woman’s life and leave to show her how not yet ready she is for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a maid, but a woman who can be filled and with whose love he can be filled!

After he leaves, pain remains, the unbearable pain of returning to another reality, where you no longer feel 100% like a woman, where those strong hands and confident gaze are no longer there, where you cannot relax and feel...

Now the woman is doing everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it is better to live your whole life with pain, which moves you forward and develops, than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain means you have been given MORE of some energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding their reserve, women simply try to remove this energy from their lives, not realizing that by doing this they are harming their development.

Some women are trying to win back these men through fasting, prayers and austerities, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all austerities, fasts and rituals act simply like magic. A woman without powerful, revealed energy will need to perform austerities for several months in order to attract him again even for a day. But then he will leave again, because the lesson has not been completed...

I won’t even write about love spells, because the fate of those women who try to master a man through magic is terrible!

Other women try to cut it off from themselves, and go to energy specialists and healers to be cleansed of this connection that does not leave the head, heart and uterus... Which does not want to leave.

But it will be incredibly difficult to cut off this man from yourself, it will be he who dreams, appears in a crowd of people, it will seem that he is about to appear somewhere, come out from somewhere, every phone call and every SMS will make the woman shudder with anticipation...

It is such a man who brings the most powerful lesson of love and development into a woman’s life.

Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, how feminine she is, how much strength she has...

He teaches her to live in harmony with her nature, and he also lets her see and feel how much love she has!

After all, it is his woman who begins to love from the very first days of their communication... It is for him that she has not passion, not infatuation, but love, and she feels it with her whole being...

And that's why it hurts so much when he leaves.

If there was or is such a man in your life, then you are lucky and unlucky at the same time.

You are lucky because few people in life encounter true love, but you were given the gift of loving deeply, truly, with all your heart, with all your feminine being, with every cell of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her!

This love continues to live in you all your life, it fills your life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman remembers with love and gratitude the experience that she had with this man, then automatically on a subtle level she is harmonized, her energy is leveled, she remembers her femininity, her nature...

And if you make up your mind, gain courage and begin to reveal yourself, allow, expand your boundaries, if you come to terms with the loss of this man, but at the same time remain happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

No luck because with this man you will be put through the most severe stress, with him you will be pulled out to a completely different level of feeling life.

And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.

Every time you become attached to it, it will be taken away from you.

You will be inexorably taught to live happily and freely without attachment.

You will be taught emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But the happiness that you will experience from this relationship cannot be compared with any other experiences in life, the love that will fill your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

This man teaches you how to be a woman!

He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to maintain it.

If you want to be with him, then you don’t need to learn how to scrub a house and cook food, you don’t need to learn to be worthy of him in your mind!
It is necessary to reveal love and a sense of drive from life, happiness from within.
You just need to become a woman in the full sense of the word, real, feeling, emotional and able to let go.
And when you can calmly refuse him, but at the same time maintain love in your heart and joy from life, when you can be with him and not lose your head from euphoria, be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!
Then life will bring you together again.

With other men it will be easier, simpler, but with this it will be difficult, sometimes painful, but you will live, feel life and you will be filled with love.

If there was such a man in your life:

  • Learn to be grateful to him, because it is these men who lead us to knowledge, to teachers, to God! Even through pain, but now we understand that it’s worth it, right?
  • Don't think about it and don't try to forget, just cultivate yourself and your strength.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and your relationship with him will either move to a new level or stop bothering you!

Why do we fall for such men?

Because they are strong in a masculine way, they are realized in their nature, and this makes them incredibly attractive.

But the same process happens with a woman: when she opens up in her nature, when she comprehends her depth, when she has learned to love and maintain freedom, then she becomes magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, but builds relationships according to the principle of energetic equality.

Nowadays, most women are driven by the desire to own a man, but this will not work with a strong man, just as with a strong woman. In general, energetically strong people cannot be owned; you can only interact with them on the principle of merging energies.

Therefore, give up the desire to possess this man, thank him for what he has discovered in you!

No matter what man you live with now, no matter who surrounds you, still, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens it in you, be filled with it!

Even if you are already married and your heart still flutters for another man, do not throw away love.
Just don't focus on the man, take the feelings he gave you and share with your spouse.

We enter into relationships not because of people, but because of their energy and the states that we experience next to them.

Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!

Fate sends us different people, we strive to find happiness with each of them, but we are disappointed and do not understand what was wrong, why the circumstances turned out so that, with all the bright prospects, you suddenly part. Time passes, and sometimes quite a lot, before you realize that this lesson, which was sent by fate, has been learned. That the way it happened is an inevitable option, and there are only attempts to argue with fate, to predict it, that is, not to go through this lesson, but to burden theory with practice, but one way or another, it will happen anyway. Something important will leave your life along with the person who brought it. And then, someday, you will understand that it was supposed to be so, understand why and ... agree.

The life of even a very self-sufficient woman blossoms and becomes even brighter when the same man comes into her life. All free women want to meet their man, one with whom everything will be different, with whom everything will be fine, right? Most believe that the meeting prepared by fate looks like this: “Something inside me will click. I will feel it..."

You probably think so too...

But the sad news is that it clicks hard, covers, sticks and blows the roof only when a karmic man came to you to work out. It’s so clicking here that you can’t pass by. And it immediately seems that it is he ... I feel ... But for 95% of women, after such clicks, it turns out that this is not HE, but just bad karma, which only hurts later!

How to understand that the very man that you need has come into your life, with whom you will develop and reveal yourself as a woman?

Let's start with the fact that no matter what men come into our lives, they are not random, necessary and very useful, but they come with different goals.

Conventionally, they can be divided into three large groups to make it clear.

First group - Male teachers

They come to teach us something and remain in our lives exactly until the lesson is completed. They can be all sorts of things: good, evil, married, blowing your mind, breaking your personal boundaries, humiliating you or endlessly making you feel sorry for you, etc.

They will teach you feminine qualities, self-worth, self-confidence, protecting your boundaries, and how to properly build relationships with men.

It may be one man, or it may be several with the same lesson. If a woman is stubborn, then such a man is given to her as a husband or simply for a very long time. But as soon as she comes out of her script and takes the necessary lesson, this man leaves her life, and all the conditions are created for them to separate. After all, now another man should come into her life and, most likely, not for lessons, but for a normal life.

The second group - karmic debtors

Sometimes men come into a woman's life with whom she has a karmic debt. And in such relationships, either she gives a lot because she owes it, or the man invests a lot of emotions, feelings, experiences or even money in her, but the woman has no love, no tenderness, no warmth for him. Sometimes you know how it is, it’s impossible for people to even separate if they haven’t given each other something, they are kept together so that they finally fill each other up and let go.

As soon as the necessary exchange of energy (karma, money, time, feelings) has taken place, they are also separated.

I had a client who had a good relationship with her husband, they lived well together, giving a lot to each other, he filled her with self-confidence, and she gave him support and female protection. And one fine evening they came home from work, sat down opposite each other and saw that, you know, nothing was holding them together anymore, only gratitude for the warm years together remained. And nothing more... They broke up, six months later they both had couples, in which they began to develop very powerfully, and now they communicate as families and still remain very good friends, they relax together. It happens, but this is the best option.

But basically what happens is that a woman becomes obsessed with some man who often doesn’t feel anything for her, and she begins to love him, pray for him, do practices, invest a ton of energy in him, thinking that this is him. And she cannot do anything with what she constantly gives, either physically or energetically.

And in these relationships, you just need to step back and send love to this person, continuing to live your life, and not think that this is it.

And the third group of men - men for life

This is the group we need. Men for life are those who fill us, who give us something, who reveal us, with whom we need to live, build a family, and develop. We are now talking about a good option for the development and revelation of a woman in her nature.

Sometimes a woman needs to go through two previous groups in order to mature for such a man.

We women very often develop immature relationships with men simply because we do not agree to go through our lessons and wait for the necessary moment in our lives when what we need comes. And then the woman either agrees to any man, or lives in her illusions and expectations of the prince.
It is important to understand that a worthy man will come when you have been at least a little polished as a woman, either by practice or by good upbringing.

Relationships with a “man for life” can also be complex and unclear, but there are several factors by which you can understand that this man is really needed in your life now and that a relationship with him will bring you good.

This does not mean that this will be a relationship for the rest of your life, but it definitely shows that this man is clearly not a random visitor to your life.

How to understand that your man?

Successful women who live with worthy men say that there was no click, there was no inspiration from heaven: “Oh God, it’s him!”, It wasn’t even a crazy crush. It was a gradual relationship, in which there was no wildness, haste, madness and everything that is shown in the films.

There is the first signal that makes it clear whether you even need this man. And that signal is security.

You will feel safe next to your man. This is the base and the basis, without this it is not worth going further. Your man may have an ordinary build and not have Kung Fu skills, but next to him you will feel protected, you will know that if something happens, he will not hurt you. Moreover, the man himself may belong to some dangerous profession, but when you are next to him, you will stop thinking about your safety, because he will take it upon himself. This is inherent in our feminine instincts, we are looking for a strong person so that he can protect our children, so that we are not afraid to give birth, so that if something happens, we have a back to hide behind.

This is the essence of all women - security.

Many men are offended when women are taken advantage of by their money, power and position in society, but there is nothing condemnable about this, this is a common psychological overcompensation. A woman is simply looking for security, and since she cannot rely on a man, then she at least seeks refuge in money, because money is also a power that can protect.

So, if you have a man, feel and answer yourself honestly, do you feel safe with him? When there is a sense of security, a woman can relax, and when she relaxes, her best feminine qualities are revealed in her: perky, feminine spontaneity, sweet smile, carefree girlish joy. Surely everyone has experienced this at least once.

This man will reveal the feminine qualities in you, or better said, your best feminine qualities will reveal themselves.

When the “right” man is nearby, you will want to cook, dress nicely, and take care of yourself. Natural feminine qualities will begin to awaken in you, the desire to serve, to be soft, gentle. Without any additional knowledge, you will want to give him a massage, pick him up from work, even if you were previously a daring woman who is her own boss. This all happens so spontaneously and naturally, with deep inner desire, that many women simply cease to recognize themselves. They discover something in themselves that, it seemed, had never existed before. What we learn in trainings can be activated on its own without any knowledge if your man is next to you.

You will look better.

Yes, that’s right... You will want beautiful clothes, a million trinkets in the form of jewelry and good creams, but it won’t even be about taking care of yourself. It will be in your condition, and perhaps after one of the nights with him you will walk around the city a little shaggy, not having time to put on makeup and put on a royal marafet, but you will have a warm smile and an amazingly radiant look, and you will be the most beautiful woman in the world. earth at this moment. They will turn around and shut up after you.

If in a relationship with a man you lose the desire to take care of yourself, you want to put on sweatpants, tie a bun and eat everything, saying “I relaxed next to him” - this is a very alarming sign, it will not lead to any good. Sometimes such situations are useful, and you can be relaxed and vulnerable in front of a man, but if you always want this, it means that the man does not trigger the necessary states in you. This can be achieved, of course, through independent efforts, but we are talking about a good option, and when it is good, such things happen automatically for us.

Your injuries will heal.

If a man is “yours,” then he will be able to rewrite your energy matrix of past relationships, filling your inner space with his energy. And it will seem to you that there was no relationship at all before him, you will remember everything, but it will seem that it happened in a past life. Energy dependence, traces, attachments from one man are treated with love and acceptance of another man. I saw this in my energy practice. Not only the love of women works wonders, the love of men is also capable of much. In addition, you will have the strength for internal transformation, and this will launch the processes of forgiveness and letting go in you, and perhaps you will have the strength to forgive and let go of a huge number of grievances in your life, because now you do not need this burden and want to fill the internal state is a state of grace, gratitude and warmth.

You will begin to love yourself more.

When a man is ready to give to a woman, to love her, to invest in her, then after a while, when her mental rehabilitation takes place, she will begin to see herself with different eyes, she will see herself as valuable, beautiful, significant, and most importantly loved, and her self-esteem will begin to grow, the woman will reveal herself in a new stunning light.

Brad Pitt's statement to support this point:

“It all started with my wife’s illness. She started having problems at work and in her personal life, which made her very often nervous. Worries about her failures and problems with her children also affected her health. She has changed a lot in appearance - thin (40 kg at 35 years old!), haggard. Her eyes were almost always wet, everyone irritated her. The joy was gone from her life.

Health problems manifested themselves in headaches, heart pain, and pinched nerves in the back and ribs. She had constant insomnia, she was tired and did not get enough sleep. All this shook our relationship.
She began to neglect her appearance, slouched, and bags began to appear under her eyes. She also began to refuse filming and roles offered to her.

My hope was lost and I was considering divorce. However, after a while I decided to change something. And in fact, I thought, I have the most wonderful woman in the world. She is the ideal of many men and women, but she is next to me. I fall asleep next to her, hug her shoulders...

And I decided not to postpone the case indefinitely. He began to give flowers, lavish compliments, kisses... He made unexpected gifts, surprises, everything was for her sake. He talked about her all the time, praising her so that everyone could hear.
And everything worked out! She began to bloom like a flower. She became prettier, gained pleasant roundness, stopped worrying, and her love for me became even greater. Before, I had no idea that she was capable of loving so much! After that, I realized that a woman is a mirror of a man. If you love her to madness, then she will become him. And I didn’t even know that she could love like that!”

WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES. What happens when a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman’s life?

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman’s life. And it’s easy to feel it even with your back, a woman’s body fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life...Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick, the whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly awakens in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and maybe for the first time in her body consciously sounds: “I want a child from this man.”

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her on a hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...Next to him she may feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but on the contrary makes her smile at herself and realize how nice it is to be weak sometimes.

WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES: Next to him, she doesn’t want to argue, prove, compare her intellect with him, for the first time in her life she wants to obey!

The woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the power of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly it may be absolutely not her type, not the same level of intelligence, not the same level of spiritual development, completely different... perhaps not even beautiful, but simply strong, courageous and decisive, next to whom her heart awakens to love.

And then (after a day / week / year of meeting him) most women make the same mistake: they start to adapt to these men, serve, try to please him... they stick to him!

Completely, to the very ears! And then the questions begin: “What did I do wrong?”, “Darling, what didn’t you like?”, “Darling, is everything okay?” etc.

“What to serve? What to bring? What can I change in myself for your sake?”

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured, and she tries to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because losing is incredibly scary...

If you look deeper, she doesn’t even need him, but the state of awakened nature that she feels, which overwhelms her.
Maybe for the first time in her entire life, and only next to him, she felt like a woman!
How can you let this go?

And then hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, to fit in, to deserve... which alienates the man more and more.
And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in a woman’s life and leave to show her how not yet ready she is for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a maid, but a woman who can be filled and with whose love he can be filled!

After he leaves, pain remains, the unbearable pain of returning to another reality, where you no longer feel 100% like a woman, where those strong hands and confident gaze are no longer there, where you cannot relax and feel...

Now the woman is doing everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it is better to live your whole life with pain, which moves you forward and develops, than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain means you have been given MORE of some energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding their reserve, women simply try to remove this energy from their lives, not realizing that by doing this they are harming their development.

Some women are trying to win back these men through fasting, prayers and austerities, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all austerities, fasts and rituals act simply like magic. A woman without powerful, revealed energy will need to perform austerities for several months in order to attract him again even for a day. But then he will leave again, because the lesson has not been completed...

I won’t even write about love spells, because the fate of those women who try to master a man through magic is terrible!

Other women try to cut it off from themselves, and go to energy specialists and healers to be cleansed of this connection that does not leave the head, heart and uterus... Which does not want to leave.

But it will be incredibly difficult to cut off this man from yourself, it will be he who dreams, appears in a crowd of people, it will seem that he is about to appear somewhere, come out from somewhere, every phone call and every SMS will make the woman shudder with anticipation...

It is such a man who brings the most powerful lesson of love and development into a woman’s life.Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, how feminine she is, how much strength she has...

He teaches her to live in harmony with her nature, and he also lets her see and feel how much love she has!After all, it is his woman who begins to love from the very first days of their communication... It is for him that she has not passion, not infatuation, but love, and she feels it with her whole being...

And that's why it hurts so much when he leaves.

If there was or is such a man in your life, then you are lucky and unlucky at the same time.

You are lucky because few people in life encounter true love, but you were given the gift of loving deeply, truly, with all your heart, with all your feminine being, with every cell of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her!

This love continues to live in you all your life, it fills your life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman remembers with love and gratitude the experience that she had with this man, then automatically on a subtle level she is harmonized, her energy is leveled, she remembers her femininity, her nature...

And if you make up your mind, gain courage and begin to reveal yourself, allow, expand your boundaries, if you come to terms with the loss of this man, but at the same time remain happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

No luck because with this man you will be put through the most severe stress, with him you will be pulled out to a completely different level of feeling life.

And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.Every time you become attached to it, it will be taken away from you.

You will be inexorably taught to live happily and freely without attachment.You will be taught emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But the happiness that you will experience from this relationship cannot be compared with any other experiences in life, the love that will fill your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES: This man teaches you to be a woman!

He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to maintain it.

If you want to be with him, then you don’t need to learn how to scrub a house and cook food, you don’t need to learn to be worthy of him in your mind!
It is necessary to reveal love and a sense of drive from life, happiness from within.
You just need to become a woman in the full sense of the word, real, feeling, emotional and able to let go.
And when you can calmly refuse him, but at the same time maintain love in your heart and joy from life, when you can be with him and not lose your head from euphoria, be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!
Then life will bring you together again.

With other men it will be easier, simpler, but with this it will be difficult, sometimes painful, but you will live, feel life and you will be filled with love.

If there was such a man in your life:

  • Learn to be grateful to him, because it is these men who lead us to knowledge, to teachers, to God! Even through pain, but now we understand that it’s worth it, right?
  • Don't think about it and don't try to forget, just cultivate yourself and your strength.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and your relationship with him will either move to a new level or stop bothering you!

Why do we fall for such men?

Because they are strong in a masculine way, they are realized in their nature, and this makes them incredibly attractive.

But the same process happens with a woman: when she opens up in her nature, when she comprehends her depth, when she has learned to love and maintain freedom, then she becomes magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, but builds relationships according to the principle of energetic equality.

Nowadays, most women are driven by the desire to own a man, but this will not work with a strong man, just as with a strong woman. In general, energetically strong people cannot be owned; you can only interact with them on the principle of merging energies.

Therefore, give up the desire to possess this man, thank him for what he has discovered in you!

No matter what man you live with now, no matter who surrounds you, still, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens it in you, be filled with it!

Even if you are already married and your heart still flutters for another man, do not throw away love.
Just don't focus on the man, take the feelings he gave you and share with your spouse.

We enter into relationships not because of people, but because of their energy and the states that we experience next to them.Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest! Now you know what happens WHEN A STRONG MAN COMES.

Even for a self-sufficient woman, life blossoms and becomes even brighter when “that” man comes into her life. All single women want to meet their man - one with whom everything will be different, with whom everything will be fine, right?

However, most of us don’t even have an idea of ​​what “the one” means. Often during consultations they say:

I am dating him, but it seems to me that this is not my thing. Look at the horoscope, when will the one, mine, come?

How will you know that it will be yours? What will happen? - I ask.

Most popular answer:

Something inside me will click. I'll feel it.

You probably think so too? The sad news is that it clicks, covers, sticks and blows the roof away only when a karmic man comes to you for detention. It’s so clicking here that you can’t pass by. And it immediately seems that it’s “he”... “I feel...” But for 95% of women, after such clicks, it turns out that it’s not “he”, but only bad karma, which only hurts later!

How can you understand that the very man who you need has come into your life, with whom you will develop and open up as a woman?

Why did this man come?

Let's start with the fact that no matter what men come into our lives, they are not random, they are necessary and very useful, but they come with different goals. Conventionally, they can be divided into three large groups.

Male teachers

They come to teach us something and remain in our lives until the lesson is completed.

They can be all sorts of things: good, evil, married, blowing your mind, breaking personal boundaries, humiliating you or endlessly making you feel sorry for you, etc. They will teach you feminine qualities, self-worth, self-confidence, protecting your boundaries, and how to properly build relationships with men. It may be one man, or it may be several with the same lesson.

If a woman is stubborn, then such a man is given to her as a husband or for a very long time. But as soon as she comes out of her script and takes the necessary lesson, this man leaves her life: all the conditions are created for them to separate. Now another man should come to her and, most likely, not for lessons, but for a normal life.

Karmic debtors

Sometimes men come into a woman's life with whom she has a karmic debt. And in such relationships, either she gives a lot because she owes it, or the man invests a lot of emotions, feelings, experiences or even money in her, but the woman has no love, no tenderness, no warmth for him.

Sometimes, you know how it happens: it’s even impossible for people to disperse if they haven’t given something to each other, they are kept together so that they finally fill each other up and let go. As soon as the necessary exchange of energy (karma, money, time, feelings) has taken place, they are also separated.

One of my clients had a good relationship with her husband, they lived well together, giving a lot to each other, he filled her with faith in herself, and she gave him rear and female protection. And one fine evening they came home from work, sat opposite each other ... and saw that - that's it, nothing holds them together anymore, only gratitude for the warm years together remained. And nothing more…

Six months after the breakup, everyone had a couple, a powerful development began, and now they communicate with their families, still remaining good friends, relaxing together. It happens, but this is the best option.

Most often, a woman gets stuck on some man who doesn’t even feel anything for her, and she begins to love him, pray for him, do practices, put a ton of energy into him, thinking that this is him.

And it cannot do anything with what it constantly gives - either physically or energetically. In this relationship, you need to step back and send love to this person, continuing to live your life, and not think that this is “it”. How to do this is a separate topic, if it's interesting, we'll talk about it in another article 😉

Men for life

They fill us, they give us something, they reveal us. These are the people you need to live with, build a family, and develop. We are now talking about a good option for revealing a woman in her nature. But sometimes you need to go through the previous two groups in order to mature for such a man.

We women often develop immature relationships with men only because we do not agree to go through our lessons and wait for the necessary moment in our lives when the necessary comes. And then the woman either agrees to any man, or lives in her illusions and expectations of the prince.

A worthy man will come when you have been at least a little polished as a woman, either by practice or by good upbringing.

Relationships with a man for life can also be difficult, but there are several factors by which you can understand: this man is really needed now and a relationship with him will bring benefits. And this does not mean that they will be there for the rest of their lives, but it definitely indicates: this man is clearly not a random visitor.

How to understand that a man is yours

The experience of women realized in their nature, living with worthy men, shows: there was no click, there was no insight from heaven “Oh God, it’s him!” - and it wasn’t crazy love either. It was a gradual relationship, in which there was no wildness, haste, madness and everything that is shown in the films.

You will feel safe next to your man.

The first signal that makes it clear whether you need this man: security. This is the base and basis, without which you should not go further. Your man may have an average build and not have kungfu skills, but next to him you will feel protected, you will know: if something happens, he will not let you offend.

I repeat: this will not be some exemplary man from a noble family, a knight of the 21st century - alas, no. Moreover, the man himself may belong to some dangerous profession. But when you are near him, you will stop thinking about your safety, because he will take it upon himself.

It would seem, what danger could threaten us? Why be so dramatic? We don't live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where you have to sleep with a rifle under your pillow. But you can’t get away from this - it’s inherent in our feminine instincts: we are looking for a strong person so that he can protect our children, so that we are not afraid to give birth, so that if something happens, we have a back to hide behind. This is the essence of all women - security.

Many men are offended when women are fooled by their money, power and position in society, but if you look at it, there is nothing reprehensible about this - this is ordinary psychological overcompensation. A woman is simply looking for security, and when she cannot rely on a man, she seeks refuge at least in money, because money is also a power that can protect.

If you have a man, feel and answer yourself honestly: do you feel safe with him?

When there is a sense of security, a woman can relax. And when she relaxes, her best feminine qualities are revealed in her: provocativeness, feminine spontaneity, slight sillyness, sweet smile, carefree girlish joy 🙂 Each of us has lived it at least once.

This man will bring out the feminine qualities in you

Or better said: your best feminine qualities will reveal themselves.

When the “right” man is nearby, you will want to cook, dress beautifully, take care of yourself. Natural feminine qualities will begin to awaken in you, the desire to serve, to be soft, gentle. Without any additional knowledge, you will want to give him a massage, meet him from work, even if before that you were a daring woman who is her own head. It all happens so spontaneously and naturally, with a deep inner desire, that many women do not recognize themselves. They discover something in themselves that, it seemed, had never existed before. What you learn at trainings can turn on by itself without any knowledge if your man is next to you. By the way, the same thing often happens with men.

The film about Princess Diana vividly shows how a woman changes when a loving man comes into her life. I especially like the moment: she comes to his bachelor's apartment, where there is a wild mess, dirty dishes, garbage on the floor ... She looks at all this, takes off her coat and, rolling up her sleeves, begins to wash his apartment with love and warmth in her eyes. Not just a woman from a family where it is customary, you understand, she is a princess, a privileged person at the royal court, cleaning a small room somewhere on the outskirts of the city. These are our natural feminine instincts and normal innate feminine qualities.

Answer yourself: with the advent of a man in your life, how did your femininity blossom? Have you become softer, gentler? Do you have a desire to take care of a man like a woman?

You will look better

You will want beautiful clothes, sexy lingerie, a million trinkets in the form of jewelry and good creams, but it will not even be about taking care of yourself - but about your condition. Perhaps after one of the nights with him you will walk around the city a little shaggy, without having time to put on makeup and put on a royal marafet, but you will have a warm smile and a stunningly radiant look, and you will be the most beautiful woman on earth at that moment. People will turn around and fall silent after you :)

If in a relationship with a man you lose the desire to take care of yourself, you want to put on sweatpants, tie a bun and eat everything, like, “I relaxed next to him,” this is a very alarming sign. Sometimes such situations are useful, and you can be relaxed and vulnerable in front of a man, but if you always want this, it means that the man does not trigger the necessary states in you. This can be achieved, of course, through independent efforts, but we are talking about a good option in which all this happens by itself. Without any effort, without practice "must-enjoy-every-day"))

You will want to become better, acquire new qualities, new skills.

This doesn't mean you will deserve his love or approval. And this is not to become a good girl. Such a man will awaken in you the energy and strength for internal transformation, and you will want to study intimate practices and techniques for communicating with a man, patchworking pillows, decorating curtains, and much more.

Your injuries will be healed

You will have the strength for internal transformation, and this will launch the processes of forgiveness and letting go in you. Perhaps you will have the strength to forgive and let go of a huge number of grievances in your life, because you will no longer need this burden and want to fill yourself only with a state of grace, gratitude and warmth.

All the consequences of telegony can be removed by a worthy man who loves a woman and is ready to take care of her.

If a man is “yours,” then he will be able to rewrite your energy matrix of past relationships, filling your inner space with his energy. And it will seem to you that there was no relationship at all before him: you will remember everything, but as if it happened in a past life. Energy dependence, traces, attachments from one man are treated with love and acceptance of another man. I saw this in my energy practice. Not only the love of women works wonders - the love of men is also capable of many things.

You will begin to love yourself more

When a man is ready to give to a woman, love her, invest in her, then after a while, when her mental rehabilitation takes place, she will begin to see herself with different eyes: valuable, beautiful, significant, and most importantly, loved, and her self-esteem will begin to grow, the woman will open up in a stunning new light. Remember Brad Pitt's saying that a woman is a man's mirror?

Your sex is more than just sex...

These are not just body movements, not just physical exercises - this is a strong energetic and emotional exchange that you feel not only in the uterus, but also in the heart.

This does not mean that intimacy with him will bring fantastic orgasms and you will die of pleasure. It doesn't even mean that your man will be an amazing lover. Whatever the technical nature of your sexual act, after it you will feel good, you will feel fulfilled and feminine, your head will completely turn off. And technology, as they say, is a learned matter, and it doesn’t take long to learn 😉

In a relationship where partners feel each other, passion, relaxedness, trust, recognition of desires comes over time and gradually, each time increasing and revealing a new side. This happens even with men: when he likes a woman very much and has strong feelings, he cannot immediately allow himself all the sexual pleasures that he would do with a woman he only needs as a sexual partner. When a man falls in love or falls in love, he treats the woman with reverence. And when a woman feels respect and desire for a man and sees him as a man, she opens up gradually and may even be shy at first, no matter how experienced a lover she is.

Don't put too much emphasis on how he is technically in bed - pay attention to how you feel after being intimate with him. This is really important.

The next two points seem to me to be key, especially serious and indicative if you want to connect your life with the man who is next to you.

Are you ready to follow him

Not because of wisdom, not because it’s right, not because it’s a healthy hierarchy, not because it’s what a woman is supposed to do. And because you want this, you trust him and are ready to follow him to the ends of the earth.

If your man's path is questionable, if you judge him, if you don't trust him, then this relationship will not give you deep transformation. A woman rediscovers herself by completely trusting a man. Then she reveals enormous strength, incredible resources of feminine power and magic.

And the last point, the most important and serious:

You want to have a child with him

Not because it’s time, or age has come, or you think it would be logical, or to please him... No. You want it from within, without explanation or reason, without any prerequisites. You want to have a child with this man, and this thought makes you happy.

You may even understand that now is not an ideal moment, that you need to “get back on your feet” (and many other mental excuses). And yet, looking at this man, you want to continue his family, feed, love and kiss his children every day...

What kind of relationship do you have?

The components mentioned above do not always go together, but often stem from one another, gradually.

Think about your current relationships. What kind of man is next to you? Is this a male teacher for you? Karma man? Or does it still fill you with strength?

It is so important to allow yourself to reach a fulfilling relationship by completing your lessons and paying off your debts. When communicating with a man, always pay attention to how you feel next to him, what is happening inside you, what sensations he gives rise to in you.

And remember: warmth, security, inspiration by a man’s ideas, calmness - these are good resource emotions that can bring good development in the future. But wild passion, a storm of emotions, terrible attraction and craving, euphoria from meetings - do not end well.

Love comes quietly, it begins like a small candle light in our heart, gradually growing and warming not only the whole body, but also the people around us, and the entire universe.

Don’t expect “clicks” next to a man - look for security and tranquility, a feeling of lightness and naturalness. This is the foundation of a strong relationship.

I wish you to be ready for a fulfilling relationship! May this article give you the strength to overcome your lessons, pay off your debts, and open yourself to relationships that grow into love, respect, and trust!



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